THE "REPUCBLIAN." Tefnit ot Hubxrrrtiou. . all adrance, or within tore monins, 91 911 RICHARD LIOSSOP, MUSLINS PELAINKS CORURGS ALPACAS II 00 TiINfiHAMS aid any time within the year, ... 1 74 t paid after expiration f tha year, J Q jiriCCOK MARXRT MRHKT, CtlAnFIILD, rsV4.j Terms of Advertising. 1 Advertisements are inserted iu tho Republican il Ik following rates : I 1 Insertion. J do. i do.i On. square, (10 lines,) $ 6 $ 75 Co squares, (20 lines,) 1 00 1 SO Chreo square., (30 lines,) 1 60 I 00 t months 6 mo t. On. Square, t t 1 12 SO $4 00 Two squares,! 1 1 1 4 00 00 Three squares, 1 1 : 1 J 00 8 00 Kar square., i 1 1 : 00 10 00 Half aoolumn,: 1 1 1 1 B 00 11 00 r. nnlumn. 1 t 1 1 14 00 20 00 Over three week and leu than throe tnoath.JS nj nu nor aauare for each insertion. I Bosiasts notices notexojeding Slines are In- J erted for 12 a year. . rnVsir i 1 ,ii.,.A,.t net marked wltitke number of VfV?'!11 niertlons desired, will be continued until forbid and charted according to tbete term'. ?s FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS - at Hi Hi lit Ssnsrttlon Sensation Sonsntion price jiricea prices prices Just recciv! at MOSSOl'S', 2 00 2 SO 12 mo 17 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 86 00 CHINTZ PRINTS GLOVES CKAVATS SHAWLS RON NETS COI.OKKD I JSL1NS J at at at At hi at at At tensation Sensation flensntion Snsatien Sensation pl'ICt'i prices pi ices p rices prices at MOSSOI'S' Sensation prices Sensation prices Sensation price All to be had at MOSSOl'S. CLE A R F I ELD CO. DIRECTOR Y TIMB OF HOLDING COIRT. 5d Monday In Jtunsry, I Sd Monday In June, at at CURTAINS at TARLE CLOTHS nl Sensation Sensation Senfaiion Sensation Sersiilion prices price 1 prices prices pneea at MOSSOi'S'. Sil Moudar in March, 4th Monday in Sept. ef each year, and coutiiuie two weeks if necessary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFrCESS. Pret't Judgs on . Ssnmel Linn, llcllcfunt. Ai'le Judges Hon. J. D. Thompson, Ctirwensville Jlon. JaniCI A1IOOU1, sorreii, FRINUE at LACE at HOSIERY at 11 IB RON'S at TRIMMINGS) of nil kinds k at Sensation prices in any qimn'ty J , Aiwnvson Land at MOSSOrS'. Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices Sheriff, Edward Perks. I'rctbonotary, D. F. Etxwoiler, Rep. A Roe. Isaiah U. Bargtr, District Att'y, Irsol Test, Treasurer, C. Kratser, Co. Surveyor, II. R. Wright, CemuliiioneriJacob Kuntt, Thos. Dougherty, Atnoi Read, Aadrtor, Charles Worrell, II. Woodward, , E. F. Coutoret, Coroner, J. V . Potter, Clearfield, film nope. Luthersburg. dr. Hills. Clearfield. N.Wash'gton I'ennfield. Lecontcs Mill Cvwoiy fcap'K C. B. Sandford, Cllerfisld. CASSIMKRKS SATTlNEtS TWEEDS J FANS VESTING 3 SHIRTINGS at at at At at at Sensation Sanation Sensation Sensation Sensation Kemation prices prices prices prices price" prices at MOSSOI'V. al sensation prices fnmtttf, DeeearU, Bell, Bloe, Hogg. . Fradford, Brady, LIST OF POST OFFICES. Pott Otfict; I'eitmaittrt, Glen Hope, Vm. S. WrigV.t I'tahville, Theodore eld, , Hrgarty'i X Reads, Snin'l. Hegartv, I Bower, W. McCrarkcn.l Chest, Th.A. M'Ulne. Cush, J. W. Campbell, I Ostend, ll.L.ller.uerson, Forrest, James Bloom, Clearfield Bridge, James Forrest, Woodland, William Albert. Luthersburg, K. 11. Moore, TroiitTille, Chan. Sloppy, Jefferson Line, John Hcbcrlin, CLOTHING sucbl as Coats, Punts, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Hoots, Shoes, lints and Cat's. Now for sale at JXOSSOrS. II A R D W A K V. audi as Saws.nnils Forks, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, anch as Wine, I'randy, G i n, W h iskey, Cognac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Frunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, ic. at senialion price at Mossors'. at senialion prices i at sensation prices ' atMossors'. NEW FIRM. CARLISLE & GO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, L UM HER, SIIINGLES,dC.,dC. rilll.liVMJL'lU;, Centre county, reun'a. Have received and nro just opening ihi lurgut awrtincn( tf Ac lest. CTIEATEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS Bir Irony! Id tki ttflioM of nlr,to milling O DliT GOOD A GROCKKIC8. NOTION'S, HARDWARE axd QUEKiSWARE, Ij :i d i c s' V uvhi Ilootl, Nubias.Soutags, Dalinora) and Hoop Skirts ! HATS & CArS 1 BOOTS & SHOES ! Ready Mada Clothing, of Latest Etylei SCHOOL-BOOKS & STATIONERY 1!;?;, Drug?, Oil, Paints, Putty & Glass! Rice-Flour Farina and Corn-Starch! Still on a Rush ! GREAT EXCITEMENT im GLESf HOPE NEW STORE NEW FIRM. . I DOINTOV, MIOUEfiS k CBAIIAM. , Summer Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! ! BOYNTON. 8IIOWE11S A GKAUAM sue. eessors to Goynton A Showere rehpeotfully aunuunce to the public that they are now open. iug an extensive assortment of SUM ME It GOODS At the old stand In Graham's now building which they offer to sell at actonihinty low prieo, (considering their cost !) fur cafh or approv. ed country produce. Tboir stock of DRY GOODS 'AND 1MIK undersigned, having removed his itere . to the now building opposite the Union House, on Pine street, Ulen lloyo, Clearfield Co. Pa., Is now ofieriiig to tne public Bcrofula and SorofaiouTn? ' from Emerg Kdc,n fell t J, I havo sold lurifo qu,Mlt) ' . BIU.A. but never v. t one hot . Ju ' deilrtil effect and full stiSJ ' iift t. As fwt a. our, U 1 XnJi been no medicine like It beferi i" Z?Z Cl Emptions, Phnplea, Biotoh8, T'i Cora, Boreo, and all Di... '.Vlmii' THE LARGEST AND SELECTED STOCK' GOODS OFFERED PUBLIC AT BEST OF EVER TO THE THIS PLACE; fmfld, N'ew WaLiDgU.n, Js. flallahcr, " liurntido, Patchinville, . East Ridge, CVmS) Kurd, " McGarrey, Weslorer, Ceartleld, Clearfield, -Covlagtoo, Erenchville, " Kartbaus, CurwenivlUe Curweniville, iiecatm, Phi hptburg, M'est Decatur, Osceola Mills, Warron, Little Toby, Letonte'i Mills, liald Hills, Shawsvllle, Grabaintou, Smith's MUU, Madeira, Tyler, Pennfield, Ansonville, Salt Lick, N'ew MUlpcrtV' Kylertown, Morrisdale, Lumber City,1 Grampian 11:11s, Curweuiville, llloomingville, Reckten, Jeffries. This Post Office will do for Chest township, W ill answer for rcrguiuu towuship TtrgTieoa, fox, lnr4, m Coshms flrabaus Cuelioh, Cos too, Jordan, Earth ao Knox, Uorrss, m M r;ke, ii Fulon, Woodward, W. C. Irvln, Jack l', Jacob lioice, G. Toicr, Jr. Wm. McUarvey, S. A. Fsrber, M. A. Krunk. P. A. liauliu, ) J.F.W.Schnnrn I T. W. Flemiug, Centre county, 1 8. Badvbach, T. F. Boalich, ti. William., Jas. MoClellan, C. Mignot, William Carr, A. H. Shaw, T. H.Forcee, A. U. Fox, Chas. J. Pusey, David Tyler. II. Woodward, Elita Chase, U. Heckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thompson, J. C. Ureuncr, 11. W. Fpencer, A. C. Moore, T. II. Fleming, llenj. F. Dule, D. K. Brubiiker, James Lockett, GROCERIES, say") Flour, Ham s, Shouhlers, Su):Rr, Molasses, Coll'ee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Stiirpfl. Candle. I Coal Oil, etc., etc. at ittusntioa prices MEKRELL & BIG LEU Uavejust opanad a laro and . pi en Jut assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. T1IKT hare the best assortment of Hardware that has ever been brought to this county, which they will sell st the most reosouabls pri ces, among which will be found a splendid lot of CUTTLE 11 V, Te which they invite the special attention of the public, embracing heavy Silver-plated Forks, Spoons and Butter knives of the best manufac ture. A lot ef riatoli of the btst pnttern, and other fire-arm). Also a general auortinent uf pistol cartridges all of which will be sold at reasona ble prices. They continue to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, Urass Kettles, Stove pipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed in tbis sec tion of the State. They also have on hand Pittsburgh Plows, among which are Steel Centre Lever Plows. Also, Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plement, Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stoves a general assortment, and of the best r li tems, fur sale at reasonable prices. Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps l'atnis, Uils and arultxes, a general ai.'orttncnt. Glass, putty, Kails, Iron andCnsting of groat variety; in fuct almost every thing wanted by the publio can bo found in their eslublisbmont, and at prices that cannot be beat, Now is the time to purchase, ti you desire any thing in their line of business Uive the m a call and examine their stock, and they feelassurod that you can be accommodated. Remember, their establishment is on Second Street, Clearfield, Pa , whero you can buy goods to the very best advantago. jjrW-Old silver, copper, brass, pewter and old Catingwill be taken in exchange for goods, i May 20, 1863. MERRELL A BIGLER. Always at MOSSOrS', BLACKING ROFES POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS At the stora of RICHARD MOSSUP. MOSSOP Alwnva keeps on hand a lull assortment of nil kinds of goods required for the accommodation of the pul'lie. at sensation jiriees at sensation jirioes at sensation price? at lensution riccs nt sensation prices at sensation jiricet NEW FIRM. HAKTSWICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MARKET Street CLEARFIELD PA KEEP constantly on hand a large and and well selected stock or DR UGS and VJIEMICA LS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH PEIUI'.VEHY Tui LET ARTICLES. CLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO & SEGARS. And ft general assortment of VARI A TIES and Fancy ARTICLES. We respectfully invite a sail, feoling conft dent that we enn supply the wants of all, on terms to their f.itiifiiction. HAKTSWICK 4 Clearfield April 27th ISC.:!, tf COAL-OIL LAMPS WOOIi AND WIL LOW WARE. Trunks if Carpet-Baps ! PIPES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS ! Fish, Salt, and Nails! Flour, Feed ad Provisions ! And all articles usually kept in a first ela.s coentry store all of which will te soia CAKXOT BE "SURPASSED I Cubtomon can there find CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS t MUSLIN'S I DELAISl'-S! LAWN'S . CLOTHS! CAS.S1MERS! VESTINGS LADIES' SHAWLS ! GENTS'SIIAWLS! HATS CAPS ! ROOTS k SHOES ! CARPETS A OIL-CLOTHS! OUR SVOCK OF FANCYGOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS I NOTIONS! NOTIONS llcad-Xcti ! Nock-Tics ! Satchels! Port Monnaics ! Brushes! Photographic Albums ! riPES. TOBACCO A SEGARS ! PERFUMERY OF ALL KIN D3 ! Or anything elso in tho Notion Lino ALSO, IIA11D-WARE ! Queen svare, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS ! All of the besl quality, and selected with special reeard to the trade of Clearfield county. AI F. nOYN'ION, JOSETH SHOWERS, EDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfield, July 27, 1564. 1 I or approved produce. Lumber or shingles, l'hilipsburg, Nov. 18, 13S-tf. Uulklcy's Patent. f1hfliin fnt Cflll ' Lumbfr Dried bj Superheated Steam. KytlVltJt J"' rpJ1K urdorigned respectfully informs the poo- 1 rls of Clearnnld and the ailjuinmg counties thai be has theagsi cyof the above Patent, and will sell Individual, County and Towntbip rights fur its use. The Lumber dried by tbis process is stronger, finishes better, I easier on tools, and icquires less lime in drying than any ether pro cast known and drying 1 inch. lumber perfectly j in 38 hours, and better than many months under I the old system using the same amount of fuel ' per day that a citominun kiln consumes. The cer tificates of a number of resident mechanies, well I known in this community, is amply sufficient to ' ronvirce the most skeptical of its practical utility. I Persons desirous of purchasing rights will address JOUN' L. CUTTLE, July 1, 1S03. Clearfield, fa. ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ills stock has been selected with particular regard to the wants of the people, and embracos DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEZNSWARE, . HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 'STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, . EARTHENWARE, OILS AND PAINTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AND PATTERS ! Together with all other articles necessary to complete the asssortment of a first class eountry store. iTAIl kinds of LUMBER and Country Pro. duce taken in exchange for goods, at tho high est market price. As he is receiving new supplio. of goods weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the public can see nt once that ho will always be prepared to supply any article in the market. JOHN ROBSON. Glen flope, Dee. 33, 1 963. Cora, Bores, and all DUeMe.'ofTlll " I only 1I0 my duty to Vans J K9omi t. r, aged ten. lia.I tin afflicting humw eyes, and hair for vrars. viA .T erne until wo trifd your Sahm;8717' been will fur some months." '""U. I Jh .lfr. Julie E. Met, a etll-hi. tilrtmr it liuly of Denvin ill,. iJ? ""J M I My daugliKT has uff,.rw fur1Jf"'0',iT aerofulous .TUIitlon, Wliirh WM Nothing alTonU any rcllcr umiiC.' R.KArAHti.LA, which soon compleu. Uatr, Murray rf Co., nm,iuL.u fH- "I for sevcnil vr. . - . i hum'tr I11 my fn-e, which tn- wZ."""".! until it dl.tlgurcd my featurC T,M ttl rralilc aniiciloii. 1 tritd .lm.( could of both advii-e and modlcineVtm?.j!,' 1 rr-lli-r whatever, until I took your gV. w: It linmi diiilely made my fnce won. 'IU'' it mlHit for a tune ; hut in a 'iILf '""a skin began to form under ttie Wotthi. ,'" tinned until my face f as smouth uT. ; a id I am without any svmptomiof i!i?""ii I know of. 1 enjoy tH-rled health, S doubt owe It to your'Ariula ' Erysipolna Qoncrdl DebiUt.w. I Blood. . U- from fir. halt. Ravin, Ihntlo ti t I im. ,vi:n, I fedom foil to rcaiinr H Ml frotulm. Snm try the priiS? , hAR.vrAiui.i.A.nnd I have U jSweS?"'' r L. ""I trA .aMa iVii-ilrf flu. limn pUo.1 to 111. proflou as we'll MJ5 AVrtm . E. Mutton, Em.. mi.T' ror ie,u vinnt. 1 naji i.. on my riylit arm, during hM, tfmc I rclebratcd pliyician I eould niwh Jt1i, wvre so bad that the cords Iran., .un, ! I nclnr. ,li-lil..fl tl,., n.u . . .i.. tit j mm mull Unm, I beiran lakinT vour SAitHAi-tpiii . ties, and some of vour I'ii.i t,v. i I Hired me. 1 am now anwi'll'.na "T IWing in a public place, my c1,m , klrowt"J? body in this community, and excites tbe wfcj CoikWw, from lion. Henry Jfoiiro, M. p, p y C. jr., a kadiwj member of the Calniiu 0 used your SARSAwmu.,atW al Mlitu, and for rirm, IT ' benrfleiid remits, anil M JLjlJ, Uiif it to the affli,-t.l ' "s"! mrnt. I have used for general w ltli very commending it to the afflicted," Bt. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt KW utuu uouu, oore JLyes. Vow Ilarrry Sirkltr, Eiq.,tht aUi rij, J. Tiinkhuunork lltmocrat, 'eJvlrik Our ouly child, afiout three inn .J attacked by pimples on li'.s forehead. IkmiJ spread until they formed a loathtonx wfriu sore, which covered his face, and aetulhUa. Ins eyes for some days. A skilful phrunaiaM nitrate of silver and other remedies, wuhwi apparent ctTect. Kor fifteen days wt piiMdii bauds, lest with them he should tesropntttt, trring and corrupt wound which corfnT bsna fare. Having tried every thing tlxnhi hope from, we began giving your SASurum, and applyinir the iodide of potash ioUoaai direct. The sore bcL'tii to heal viiea m id m ..... l. 1...'. BOOKSFOR THE TIMES, rtBLlSHED BT J . AV ALTER & Co. No. I!, City Hatl Square, NEW YOHK. HCSTO. WAIl, OI? NO WAK! a fue sh TrTrival OF Summer Goods AT HJE CHEAP CASH STORE. II. W. SMITH k CO. MERCHANTS, and dealers In i))v floods, Orocerles, Hardware, Qaeensware, and even thin usually keyt by tbe trade. Store on KECOXD Street, below Judge Leenard's, uppo site the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dee. 4, 18(1. I am Just receiving and opening a etrcfully selected stock of fashionablo Spring A Suinmo of almost every description, S3'J?jiTJ?'is21 & ili7sUNX A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of tho newest and latest styles. Also a irrent variety of useful notions. UltY-OOOUS AND NOTIONS. Donnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Hoofs and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Quconsware, Drugs and Medicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCER! E'S , Fis"n, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in H and i barrels, of the best quality, all of which will be soid al ; the lowest cash or ready pay prices. I My old friends and tho public generally, are respoctfully invited to csdl. firy. II. All kinds of .V and approved COCXTltr I'llOVL'VE taken in exchange ftr Goods. - ' ( WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, May 4, 1 SO I. Digraph ilal Memoir of Clement L. illandigham. By hit Brother. ' I A neatly printed pamphlet of fit octavo pages, 1 published July 2ch, 1S6I. Price 24 ret H. ( This is a work of great value end interest, en tirely authentic, and roliabls, and skenld bo ir- culaicd by hundred, of ihouaandt. ALSO, . i Speeches for the Times. By James JV.j Wall, . with a sketch of his Personal ' and Political History. A pamphlet, site and stylo same as nWe. Published to-day. Price 25 cents. The Administration lent Mr. Wall to Fort La fuyette; tbe State of New Jersey to the Senate of tho United Stntcs. This work shows why tie is persecuted by tho enemies and honorod by the I friends of liberty and law. The speeches are re- J plete with the ptwef and energy of political truth. Lot them go everywhere ; fr in this hour of grontest dnngcr and trial the hearts of the people aro turning to the men who have boon right from tho first and at nil times. Thcio and all other works publishel by us aro designed lo counteract the tendencies to political ins nity now so dangerously prevalent. A t'oujnad ngonts wants t immediately- to sell oi r tml.licaliuLs : rrotits liberal, fcend fur a .'Circular.;' Country "dealers ran be surplied through the 1 channels bv which Ihoy receive their Now York 1 rauers. aud at our lowest wholesale price; I lies Companies' commissions being paid by us. ' Every editor, disposed to aid the reuse, is la 1 viled lo insert and notice this advertisemeat, and , Nets ONSETS 1'asbiiinable lionnets, hats rors, I Quods genor . 1 n aps. SnaKers, niooons, riowors, 1 imuea (.'rape, llonnct bilks and Nunnery ally, cheaper than tho cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S, DR. A. M. HILLS KSIKKS to in rin his pat- fVAl - - run" tbnt profession- L,i. -r.y s--k ( ,iine' n business confines office nil d he will therefore be unablo l - t.f.r...;nn.i sS.Ai-'' accustomed places w thissammer; but may be found st his office on the southwest cor ner of Front end Muin streets at all times, except when notico appears in the town papers to the contrary. J 'C3- tf- NcwWatchand Jewelry Store. ikV V O I ?c5 B 5 j 1 . in ., -.aiv-jL. Q II. I.Al'CIII.lN, having purchased the kj . interest of his lute partner, is now going it BoMnM thoj, ,eU ,0 Tcry chenpfor Cash . .. .1. c 1 .. . Lv. 1. .... 1 Because they keen the bestaoods: The I.csison why Everybody purchase their CLOTH IN O 0 REIZI-NSTEIN BROS. & CO. by them on Second streot, where he is prepared to keep up bis reputntion as a complcto workman by doing all work entrusted to him on short no- .1,. 1 tice, in the best mannor, and on tho most rena me 1 ... T r ... L I. , onaivlo terms, ifciying tne couniy, m 110 mi is a fair trial, and a continuation of the patroas ago heretofore extended. Look out fir the sign of and credited on euy purchase amounting to Un 1 dollars or more. Copies of the pamphlets fur notice are at the service of tho entire editoriul fraternity. New York, Aug. 21. J. W. A CO. JOSEPH R. M'MURRAY A .Ji I) EA LE Ii IN L UMB E II New Washington, Clearfield County, Pa July 1st 1863.-tf Because thoir Clothing is well made A fashionable Because they koep the largest assortment; Because they get New Goods every week ; Bacause they give every one the worth of lis mon'y Becauso thoy take the advantage of nobody; Because they treat thoir customers well ; Because everybody likes to deal with them ; Because they sell cheaper thnn the rest ; Because their Clothine are well sowed A fit well OWARD ASSOCIATION, T.eo.n,. the, ran .r.rrhnrfv , Pni.LAnEt.rniA, re. ! . ... Disessesof the Nervouf, Seminal, l rinary and "" cnnuituiij the first bottle, aud was well when wt bad tuk Hie seconn. 1 lie ciuin s eyeiasncs,wli!diaS out, grew again, and be is now aa h-althT aao tr an anv otlu r. i lie whole nek'hborhaol mtai ,!.. tl.A Mliilrl rtlltut ' 1 Byphilis and Mercurial Dittus, from Ih-. Hiram 5xir, of St. lotiu, Kuyr. " I find your S.uisai-ai.ii.u a mort rfi remedy for the secon'lary sjraptomi of !fm and for syphilitic disease than any othnnpm The proli awiun are iiid litcd toyos foraoatSi Ust medicines we have." from A. J. Venn, .If. P., on mival flraiaf Lawrence,, eho it a prominail aaaif the J.eaitliiture nt .U iMnciuwffi. " Dh. Atkh. My dear bin I ha fiJ it an rxrrllnit rnnedr r SW ImiIIi of the primary and -onJar( 1 tual in somo cjiaes that were too obiuindtjrt to other remedies. 1 1I0 not know whatftais plov with mori-o'rtaintyofaucceiiiiWiniipi ful 'Iterative U rwiuiml." Mr. Chim. S. Van lii r, f.Vnr BrsasrH''. had dreailful ulw rs on his legs.euieJbfatsa ; of mercurv, or mermritU dilute, which iw ! and muro'nTavntc'd for years, is B"e I remedy or treatment tint uld tieapplW.ta persevering ie of Avkii's Sawamuuis" ' liim. Kew cbhc s can Ix found morettiwl( : distressing than this, and itookrm k bottles to cur: ld:n. ! LeucorrlicDa, Whitos, Female Waba ; aro generally produced by Internal SmMsj.' emitum, nii.l are very ofVn cuM by theaiww efr.'ct of this hAltsAVAitil.l.A. 8oieiiJ however, in aid of the SAmAr.imLU, 1 application of local remedies. ': rwn r.'ie ircMnwn nnd mUZs!' ' p 1. ,r..-..'ir nf fivfinrultL I have found vour ivMHAriim.U a swsr ! slterative in diseases of frnales. W"": ! Irro'-nlnritv., liitenial l!vts i tienfd.-bilitv, ariMii!.' from tliescrofslwM" InveMrl t.'d to it, and tlieri) ars . !lnn'tl, tiT..M Im ,lr.llv.lvailledbTWCaleal A flirty, miif.ii to allot tt prtWfcf1 imrnr, trrifi: ,j. ' Mv dauehter and myelf h verv debilitating I.ciKorrlura of Kmr two bottles of your SAUSArAllUA. 1 Ilheumatism, Oout, Liver Cm pepsia, Heart Disease, mJ 1 k.. c..-.,rt,; in the ivis.-r-' itiii'ii rnumi ui .i ,-;ii... i.i . cured by this xT. S.lKSAPABlU A YER'S CATHARTIC riLLS . . ..... rM IK Viifsoss so manv aivainnK I imrgativos in the market, and thrfw virtui-s arc o iinivwaiij v not lo more tlian to assure tlicpw qimlitv U niaint.ine.l equal t"'", has l,i'( n. and that they may be V .1.. ..11 l,.,i iln.v lnwe everuiin'' l, in, till 111 11 i"; rri'iniri'd l'.v J. t-. T II K B I O B Tbe Cah will when 'be work I" delivered. Clearfield, April 7, 1361. j WA'l'GII be positively expocted S. 11. L. II 11 tl ,i,l ti.1.1 liV -tiSOLD by C. P. WATSOXisflBiPT ?1. r., ..-.J . v 1 lorn. Csf" . lirsTox, v.iean.e u, f. . -a, Fosteii A McGinn, l'hilipsburg; 8.i" therslurg; and by dealers ever J'J'j" THE LITHER8BCRG, CLEARFIELD COUNTY. Tk. Sexunl Systems new and reliable treatment In reports of the Howard Association, sent by mail lo sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLEN HOKOllTON. How. ard Assoc lation, No. 3, South Ninth Street, Phil adelphis, ra. jy20-'64 ly - CHEAP STOVES. THE subscriber la order to accommodate the eitliens of Curwensvllle, and tbe publio generally, has Inst received a lot of COOK, AND PARLOll STOVES, for wood or coal, which be wilt dispose of very cheap fur cash or produce. JOHN D. TDOMPSOK. Kor. 4, 1861--tt ALSO, STOVE PirCL-For sale at the cheap store of John D. Thompson, la Curwensvllle, as 11 ceatsperponad. Not. 11, 1TO8 MANTt.4-4M4 wIsIt st 3. r.VHW? . iXsilional Hotel, MAINE STKEET,' CURMENSYILLE, TA., mmWM. A. MASON. Proprietor. rpilIS loag established and well known HO X TfcL, situated In ths west end of the town, has boenremoddled, enlarged and Improved, and the proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friends, and to tbe travelling public, that be is bow prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tached to the premises, and trusty attendants will always be oa band. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 1662,-lf. DR M. WOODS, PRACTICING Physician, and Examining Sur ireon for Pensions. Office Southwest corner Second end Cherry streets, ClearQeld, Pa, Jaioary tl, KM. 1. WILLIAM SC1I WE Jif. Proprietor. Mav 19, 1863. ly. CTRENIITS HOWE. Justice or the Peace. I For DicATta Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to his care. V. O. Address, Fhilipiburg Ta. AiigJlst 161 j ! NOTICE 4 CAUTION. n A VINO made application to the Assistant Assessor of the 19th Collection District of Pennsylvania, and a License as Auetioooer bar ing been grnnted to me by the proper authority, I would inlorm tbe eitixeos of Clear6eld eounty , that I will attend to "calling tales" whenever desired In any part of the county. Charges , moderate. Address JOHN L. KBAM9, j Dec. 1, lS6J-tf. Clearfleld.Ps, P. 8. Any porson " ealling " sales wlthont a I license It subjeot to a penalty of $(0, which will i be enforced in accordance witb the law, agaiost " persons violating the statute, CARPETING Iograln, Cotton, bemp, 6ulr, Floor OU-cloths, Brooaulle, Door sneu. o. I J. P, KR1TJE. LEVER FLEOAL, Justice of the Teace, Lu thersbtrrg, Clesrfiold coutly Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrtsled to bit care. Luthersburg, April 4, ISM. WATCH & JEWELRY T MIZ undersigned respectfully informs his customers and the Because nobody leaves their atore dissatisfied ; Bocause all who deal with them are sure to cal again, and send their neighbors ; Because they have purchased their Stock at such reduced prioes that they can afford to ADVERTISE I These are a few of the reasons why they sell so cheap. All kinds of Country Produce taken at the highest market prices. KEIZENSTEIN BROS. A CO. x Clearfield, Nor 11, 18(3, 8m. C V. Mct'I.OSKKV, Practical Surveyor, of- O. fers his prefossional services to the people of Clearfield county. Having purchased the In- UNITED STATES 1 HARRISBUKui CWERlYiULTCIIISOK, rnniS Hotel, so well known to I publio of Clearfield county, dition to afford the most cicei c' (. wn!i either for tbe trnnsicnt guesi bo"de':..,..,c K.. nowslln ine "i nueu ciuiv. ienees of and " A FIRST CLASS IlOrl tb. Proprietor.. d.J.e? er expense, time nor !" " -. At m of tbe guests. The ptrpsg 01 ,,.1: public is repectfully eohcited. , Jas. McMurray. tv f Dry Goods. Groceries li J Huinsido, Ta Dee.4, 1362. Lumber,' iu ,. v -1 hit he b.. J.t '" D"ft(' of tht"lkla Thomas Ho... 1 W 0 publio Mnarallw, J b."1J"'t (lee'd, be will be ready to attend to bu.ines. on received from the East, 'Ih, .horte.t notice ; he can be consulted at bis OOO blishmentln OR All A M S I O n .,,h . ,.,,.. Jl.LUW . J - A If ri a m p ......frtarV residence with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur Cloarfiold, Ta, . fine Cm .11, wensville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur ' sa wii.r .1 wensville. 6. F. McCLOSKEY, from a tingle piece to a full sett, which be will ( muv tell at the most reasonable prioee for cash, or in r- " exchange for old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety oa band, at the mi it reasonable price. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and H arrunfed. : 50, Clearfield, May W, 15 for w will be paid by, 1 Vt" n f) 1 1 bicn io "- p. WANTED A I 'T- FLAXSEED lot of A eonrtnuance of patroaage Is solicited, Sept. 19, 18(0. . H. F. NAUOLE. large in exchance for GOODS at the Cheap Store of JUIIS V. THUJil'&ua. Atton.ey net? Curwensvllle, Sept 16, 18(3. CSICAL GOODS Flutes, Violini. Fife., V If 1 T . . r. . T " iiktiuobicsui, rrecouion. aiusio a-aner. 1- Krnui olin Bows, Bridges, Btriogs of the best quality at Bank." M. M'CUjLLOUCH, Atroastr At Law, Cleartl d, Pa. Office on Msrket one door east of the "Clearfield County nay 4, ls4-tf. Office , J B. Mcnally. Esq., t,lKB, Pa Will attend promeiv p.,, joj of Laada, Ac. ---( reasonable lerm.- ! Vfcg J . ... iist'"va c .. it 1 kilt 4 ! piLOTHIMfl-FuU J,, Vf' U panuand rests, "7 Of m OHAWLS-Bracke. O OMbatrw, Ibibet Stella, Silk, Bay State, .11 - 1 : a.: .a i. P. KRATZER'S. DOTS ami ahn. k eomnlote astortmsnt Ladles'. Gentlemen's. Misses', Boys ana ildm'l Boors Sboea a ad Oaiters at 0. p. !iytfwa, thing at la"' Oiiv,