Cjt ((tarfielb gRtpnblican , Abating the Slain &. tL?a.'-' jwjl '. t a jji - i --- ' - The Bcllefonte Meetine and its Apostles. trThe Abolition tarty in this county , 1 In our last ko merely noticod lhat the ii growing ny H luai our Jaaftin iscigUbor ii-r- Rot. J. W. Jackson, of Harrisburg, anil "Small by degrees, and beautifully less" ,slst9 in abusing bis own friends, who were the Kov. W. W. Hicks, of lie! tefonte, were A consummation highly gratifying lo-candidates for county offices at tho late to regale their brethren of the black school every real friend of the Union. At the election T Recausa some of ihe Demo in llio latter nlueo on tho eveniiie of Nov. present rate of decrease there will not be cratic candidates received a larger majority (ft V 1st, 1864. SSpecin! nicnticn w.w made oi enough left for seed in eight year from over their competitors than Rigler receiv- fl!!VQS ' Rer. W. W. Hicks, who as the "pre- this time. While the .State has bcend over Schofield, therefore, argues the irei?V ' i, i;n oi.inr " nfiliA vision km in " do. strudilv coin Abolit ion-wnrdi f'Wrfield 'organ. "Biiiler ran behind bis ticket." liver his promised speech, in which ho was county has been steadily increasing her ( Bigler's vote was larger thun that given to to fully set forth tho perfidious Bigler, Democratic strength. How gratifying any other candidate, with .the exception whilo a Senator at Washington in the ear- this must ho to Pulton, Swoope.it Co., of McCullougb, who leads hiin eight votes, ly davs of Secession, and rhow f.om the but imiro especially lo the Lincoln office- and whenever cur neighbor asserts I lint TiTMftpV ATTP WATTrtWAt TTPTTTT Tecords. thai instead of denouncing them holders in our midst. Look at tho Bigler rttu 'behind the bulance of his (ihe Southerners) to their fanes, ho fol- figures: Foil 1'nrsinr.vr, lowed in the footsteps of hi treachorous For Uovernor in 1SG0 tho vote of Clear UiiiN. VJM.Hvl.ih Ii. JMCLLIM.liA, lms(er Jainos Buchanan." Wo hopo ere field county was as follows : o- 1EXXMLVAMA. ' this that the Rev. W. W. Hick has had a Fostor - turun .... :Xovcmber Make Hin Tell Yo l v.. l:. . . . The Kavemuer Election. Jlio lesull ortlie elections in lVnntrl.' If n Aiw.iii;!... ...v. vanitt, Ohio an I Indir.na, as well as the t- Abiahani Lincoln, ak him h? 'Up;)0r cent, town vote in Connecticut eule. ibo country will derive from hi.rJii "'s question that the poliheal tide is running he tells you it will "nut down .T',on- U heavily against tho Administration. j and "restore the Union "aak v ""'otf- All the gain is on the side of the Demo-1 not been done durino t'ho r,.i rT craiic parly, ami now that the current has lie ha had nil n. 5 ' ? ,?ur Jn I fairly set in, it will move with aco-loiated ey he asktd for. he prowled ir,i mp1 'force until the November vote i; tuki.ii.-- wm k with 75,000 men h ,ni ap":llh i lie present is a gooa lime, ItmieU'e, to lie laid us thero .n .i.: """"Us. Wednesday JIokxinq::: roil VlCt PRESIPENT, safe delivery, and that light has come to 2,040 1,755 V . l. vsi... . (juuu iiuic, uicinj'o, iu ua i jiu US lliero W.n ' nriil.;., u. i i ; . e . i. i ll . . i .1 . .. . . iUJIUij wrnn-ii ( whiuihu o: iiitj iirou-miu r- aim una "nobody was hurt " , i fc suit in tho several States when tho Frei- troubles were aimiV.y a "ifmil' a,CUr dential vote i. taken. ' pot," and that the could be .m..' I ho whole number of votes in the elec- most iu"uty days." uu se V ' torsi college (not counting Tennes-oo or .Statu asserted tL n .:-..tre!a7 of I10 GEOUtJE II. PENDLETON, the Gentiles or Ohio. showing up treachery, us he who has com- ELECTORAL TICKET. SEffaTORIAX. Roskkt L. JuassTOR, Cambria, Rich and Vaix, 'biliJelphis. RErilKSIINTATIVE. 3. William Loiiglilin 13. 7'aul I.cldy 2. Edw'd H. HolmboM 3. Edw'd Dunn 4. Thoa. McCulluugn 6. Edw'd T. ies fl. y'bil. B. Gorhard 7. Oeo. G. Lsipor tf. Michael Solitsr 9. 7'atrick Mch'roy 10. 7'hoi. ;. Il'alkcr 1 1. Olirer S. Dimuiick 12. Abrn. 1!. Punuin; 14, 15. IC. 17. 13. 19. 20. It. 22. 23. 24. lluborl Swinofurd J elm Ahl (IcorRO A. Smith T buddoua Hanks 7ugh Montgomery Johti M. lrrino Job. M. TliomptoD Rnifvlaii lirowa James I', l'arr ll'ui. J. Kouoti ll'm. Montsonifry o man is so proficient in tor 1 resident 1 KoaUinc ticuei I 1 ..... i .... j.iwcuiu , milieu treason, una uuuo uiureuuiiipeicut ..... , i, . r ., r , ., , . I or Auditor Ocneri lcG2 I to set forth perfiuy lhan he whom the Devil has dragged from tho Altar to tho! Jj " , Hustings I f Mr. Bigler is to be de.pi.ed , Foraoverno"r 1SC3- for "lolloping in the footsteps of hii , . , . . ' Woodward treacherous muster, James Buchanan, i CTu rl in - .what should men think of tho hypocrite : por cor)grcS8 1S6-1 I1 1114 piubvlj IC i.iJU i lluaira ll luiilii lu iup fooUtcps of his master, Jesus Clirist, and i .. i.. r..i,.. i.:. n in 1.83a 1,702 2.1C7 1,313 2.483 1,531 in us : ticket" at he has dono repeatedly he asert. ibat which is vi.qtialiftJty j'ulu, knowing it to be to. If the aiguiuenlof the J.ilir organ is correct, it enly proves lhat iome of their ' own candidates for coumy offices were so offensive that their own party refused to vote lor tbem- for instance, Jultoid 'California (McCullough's competitor for District At- j Delaware,' torney) received 6 0te3 Uu than were Illinois, . riin tft Schofield : iipJ. while Binier ran Kentucky, lion of McCullough, every man on theiie publican ticket (all citizens of the county, and neighbors of tho Jacobin editors) ran IchUd the vote gi.en to Schofield ! It is .... c- - r- - - . .v ... euilin Ihintf nr, I i Louisiana) is now iwohundred and thirty, whole party reiterated the aM'rti 1 one, of which one. hundred and .ixteen hlui why he failed to accomplish "i ru injum-u in give n uiunr iimjoniy unu jeui. iiueieilsyou Democrats a elect u President. Now, can Gen. Mc- Union men. nsk him wlm n .t "ion sit. Clellan secure one hundred and sixteeu "Constitution stickler" nmi n i votes ? Wo think nav, we are suro, he ers" in 1(0: auk him ivhA ? .V can and will ; and we give the followinL' administration oftlie covemm.,. ' ; eblimates as the basis of tho faith that is tho birth of our Renublir nk i : ' .n , t wai that inscribud unon tlPir r.- " .TATE. CEI!T11! TO VI Tt FOB U CLELLA.t. Minnesota, Total, C 3 10 11 7 - 4 Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Bigler 2.-I0S K,.l'.. .Rot. I a 1 l(t We thus see that whilo the lemocratic thus demonstrated lhat the Republican ! preach the Gospel," that he mny become' vote is increased iu four years. 428 votes. Par,7 of Clearfield think more of slran- i the mouth-piece of demagogues, and the j tho Abolition voto has decreased Ml ma- 6erl lLan they doof their ticighbois. Nor braying defender of Shoddy ites, whose king a net Demociatio gain of Oil" ! Truly 5 tnil u fcu twe'r own rar,y o8" cry is blood I biood ! 1 blood!!! A faith- this i a record that tho distinguished ! makes this the subject of boast and ridi ' ful servant in a bad cause is infinitely pre-; leaders of the Jacolxr.t of this county ouclit , cu'e- H enough that those ge nllq- the "Union as it was, and tlm . . . . . . ... " vuusiiin 11 non auu:" ask ium 0 kim 7 single Democrat that has snid "let v 33 109 slide." or "we want no L'nin, , jiH' 20 siave-noKlers ;" aoJ in10 tell. J 0U u 3 ham Lincoln is in favor of the Union uu him it is tnUc, and ask him why i, l.t ed to compromise our dillicultin. a- .i ... ,.;. nt ll.J lf.,,n .ilLm.U...I ''Tlll isut ttie Administration maypuia torci-, . .-imaf,rn Cam blestop to tho elections in Missouii. Ken-, misbioners at Nmgra l ulls, if lie , lucky, Maryland and Delaware; so it be- ?u ':s.P,i ls m )jvor, of llo t'nion. W comes a question whether there are not '',,ul 11 !3 uls0- . 0,k '"m 'h it vim some other States which will probably vote cv-1" n? nlon u" ihe Democratic ticket. That there are ih; curried sixteen star tl igj in u, such will de seen ly the following list : ; endorsed Helpers s Hook and nraij .TiTMwn,cnw,L..r..o.ADLrvoTHroBa1cLiiLLA,ll.eIV,COT,V dCeJ'' f 'v'"1 B.r0WB- thsi piu tuc uimuii usu iic.a Cnfla! " A LAST WORD. . . . , . , v. wv. ... ..w ... ,M ......... .. i 9 VI tuo UUIWI I .ki 1 I L ferabl 10 a faithlp recrgode in a good l0 be proud of. No men can hold higher men Ml hehinJ their ticket; but it is t-nall have ot addrcssinfj our readers be- ... , , , , , ., , ' . . . . -. ' ! . . , . , . .. . ., , fore thev shall hare acted their part in "e' nn lhouU baJ nen and children ' i,cixj, away from home. In thoir own Ecb worse to be abused for it in tho col- i nf t nD may be amused at a conceited divine, estimation, thev are tho most important I umns of the paper they labor so hard to LAST WOII I) Vo would say to them turning from pulpit pounder to political j geptk'Vuen in tho Stole. Gen. Pulton, in ;usia1n. So as our friend Fulrord that their duty is a plain one. If they expounder, there is yet (or ought lobe) a ,'lisi, luting thcatronBo of the Genera1 i cooceroeJ, he is entitled to our benrtfelt i M"""'. want their country restored to what very different class of persons, who niH'oovernmcnt for his district, secured tho 'JuipfUhy. We know that it was no fault (; Total, it was designed to be by its lramcrs look upon this exhibition of degeneracy, lion's shine fcr Clearfield ccunty. And "i that some republicans preferred t 41. ..... n f 4 4 ..n.. ... i 4 I. 4-.... I . 1 i.f.. . . . . - - ... . ii i ui iiiiut iv 11.UJ3U1H. iiiu iuu iii- wiui nicriiiicuiiou anu tuuuir. -UJ Btitutions, and thoir national liberties, 'kingdom is not of this world " said the to their posterity in the eamo condi- Saviour, " else would my tcrrants Cght." Connecticut, t C Rhode Island, Indiana, - - 13 I West Virginia, Michigan, - -8 Wisconsin, New Hampshire,- 5 Total, STATES CSRTAHI.r fOll LI.ICOL - 4 - 8 - 43 a " lie, a cheat," Massachusetts, Vermont, STATES WUlCIl MAT CO FuB LINCOLN. tion thoy themselves l.aye enjoyed The jacksons nna the Hicks, however, them, they must cast their votes for .f ,.. -n,0.. n nrnnPTT tj Mflpr vt t iy v -.i. ,Brofo very diHcrent opinion. Jhey.like what has he madoof it? Suppose Old I V0,,DC 'or his uemocratic opponent rather Abe hhouM call tho General to an account ! than for him ; and we therefore think it for this extraordinary loss? How would an outrageous i-haine lhat he should be ingfchort of his election will save all Gen. Grant, have determined " to figln ii that true patriots value- in the gov- out on lhis "V" il lalcs ftl1 . ernmcnt of human affairs. I Having succeeded years ago in dividing It is clearly within tlio reach of the lho Chuich, North and South, Iheso crea- Democrats and Conservative mon of turcs aro r.ow prowling around the coun- the General ans-vcr? Wo can imagine the dialogue would bo nbout as follows : General. Why, Master, our men aro in the Army, Lincoln. Not so, General, for my drafts are particularly severe on Democrats, nnd we know many Democrats from your county the State and Union TO ELIXT, try "as wolves in sheep's clothing," not., r omonc the consi-mts. IIIH. But TIIEY 3IUST VOTE calling sinners to repentance, but stirring General. T.ut the republicans volun and not only VOTE, but they must up discord inciting intnrroction glory-'u.crfli. also WORK. If they do, all will bo, ing in civil war-arraying brother against I 1An'cJli. 0h. General, that won't do. Te!LT t lfCVA i n n f:llcnn', Mother-and hurrying thousand, of souls PuiiDg lll0 filst ltt(, moro Vftao. JJXi ZU Uni,rfl'fl,Cj " th(W iU, rre,- " ,hfln ubHcJ volunteered from caLthrou 0iG'l- .y;rTl ''rVHounty. It non't do for you todeny breadth of tho State and nation, wo j!' ra7 n,ajtfr,'al wh.c" " ,as l0,0 10 i U to we. So.uo of them are still in the have every reason to believe. To Church ,0 fin d menialstodoit sdirly wo rK.c-rvice ; somo have returned to their WORK and to VOTE, then, should and we n,e rpally 01 aloss toknow wlie,h-jhoies ; and many are dead. So.General, bo tho watchword of cverv man who er u'e Church or tho party would be most lLero mwi ho sonic other way to account desires an IIOXOIIABLK PEACE benefitted by tho transfer. Ono thing is for t)j0 mik j ih coccanut. and a RESTORED UNION, pure, good uiod w ill feel hanpitr when lliey ' fi metal W 11 iL doi look a norwl flinl t.. . . .. 1" - o - - - DMOCIJATSVArF"OF DE d'5COVOrlhercftlcbaractcronl'eirI1!,'o, iiken ,;l..zl0. Put 1 assure you that every rVpTTOV i ' " I'. and find tho facility rrith which they are man j hid apoinUd is sound to the CON CEPTION A friend has placed in our hand vupy wi a opet'cn purporting lo do A.nnl, .Ar....inn lift! h f:ml .n jlaTnm ... "il ... . i ujjuiiis vi on i iii wiu ui'u bum wuiimtvM . , oltofp n.dn r.F IUmm .- l w.irj, l.fflc. tie. 'ra onsunaay.and crying Rut (o ni(ll0 R cloftn ibreast of lt yout livered by Congressman Stelhins of lo 91J Al,e on MontJay. kin(1 r a t"'0 New York, which ho received thro' handed business, but it muni be dono. the lObl Oflice, uudor the -frank of 0ld Abrahon mundi tLe jubilee, andthcyc.n no j . . Majesty must remember that tho people of that county aro a little wider awake I 1 1 n net Aft . aw w 1 1 1 1 (Via eomornetuhcrofConm-ess,but was no V. r- V , i", , ,lT'""' ' V- 1 doubt re-mailed at Curwensville. and 7 VX?" "V 'hc7 can D 'ne- iT001. V8r ,'hC'r ey" for 1ttle 'le-. if- 1 iirtprirn i imm nnra rr itvitA Knt ir ia nisaaaross written upon it there n SK.mn t .num. ' f,nf.i;H,i : thusralpably violating the Post office ! lo ,hose wLo prr.rcM , only t0 c 0,12" ThenTneral laws, fiut this is a trifling matter ba nrn ,, "l I-eoln. .So then, General, with these fellows mil fttirl . . . i ... i .i -J - unuumti icni.y ,o Bervo uou auu uie ( 10f8 clllcftholJcrg hnve pcrruitt.l. the This Stebbins was elected lv the ; , , ' awn n'en 1 8"U I people cf your counly to - vFl and tho Democrats, but ho has had the lion- '1,ou,d ,'ect,'V0 ,he conniP'of every hon-rMuIt ig hal lhe uCmotrats have thrib- csty, since making this speech, to ro- i ' " l"an' ,JUty r",y crucn' l"e ''om bled their mi.jority under cur AdminiUra fiign Uis seat in Congress-giving, as lte" u,,u Vu " io open suamo." a his reason, that "a large majority ot y' minister never made a good politician, his constituents disagreed with him which tho P.cv. Mr. Hicks nnddiis dear in opinion. I brother in reg-oism Mill be very apt- to The main purpose of the fpecch is discover before thoy bring their pious cf 10 provo that n National Debt of three forts to n cW. The true miUsternnd Or four thousand millions of dollars i' M,riuiun ..:ri:. i;.:-.i 1 , viiik'wuii j m. iiv NCI'IIUUVim 1UI I 'UlllltUl 4 mum - iiuuivr. jut iuh uifurcs notorielv vn.iuui uai'iiu uny uouy wiui ununs, r.A 4 1 r . - r. . .. ' abused for it, and that by the very fellows vho?e duty it was lo have prevented it. Michigan, - -New 11 impshire, Wcst Virginia, - Rhode Island, Wisoonsin, -Ohio, - - that the Constitution was an "asri.roen. with deith and covenant with hell;" ml liim who it was that prftented .petition j the United Slates Senate for a "diiM0. tiou of the Union," and declared tbii "Union could not remain half sine. .j 12 half free." If he still Ins the impudenct 5 to ask you to vote for Abraham Lincoln :as the man for the times, ask him to r 35 peat the promise and pledges made br I his party to the people in ihecainmi.n of 1SG0, nnd why they were not fulfill, ed. ' - 4 8 -21 51 Total, It will thus be seen that if Lincoln car- 'rie8 the doubtful Republican, as well as the certain Republican State, lie will still i5JGnr Jacolin ueighbor charges us with misrepresenting the news from the ,faU short of tl0 needed 0nehundiei and Artnyk and devotes a whole Ailumn in a sixteen votes. ; labored effort lo make good the charge, j It is certainly demonstrable that the Our news summary is generally very has-," JrcenUge of increase of this fall's ,., . vote in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and lily prepared, nnd that for our raper of (0Li0i M conirRred with la-t year, will week before last arliculnrly so ; but we :give us all lhe Slates in November save deny that we committed a single innccu- those indicated above as being certain for racy even on lhat occasion, in any ininor-: Lincoln. , . ... , ir u Although mail human probability Gen. tant particular, and we defy Swoope, or . McClellu.in lo honestly elected Presi any other Jacob scribler, to substantiate ,jent 0n the 8lh of November next, still their charge. Your assertion, remember, ' thcie is large margin of doubt, lhat Dem will not pats. They are even worse than ocriili cannot atlbrd to consider the mat- ,t ... .... . c i ter settled. All hands must turn to and the currency jour m.sters have forced R wm jn the lfief lw0 u upon the people. ,That is at a discount of bel-ore ug Democratic speakers must be nearly three hundred per cent.; but your stirringl and conservalivej presses must word will not pass at all in this ooinmu--multiply their issues One earnest and , determined effort will make the assurance 'nflpiilrtrr fli-ltifitv a.irp rfin Ynrlt Wnrl.t ! MR. PENDLETON'S VIEWS. Put theso fellows aro lo be pitied rather t!an blamed. They have so liter- any uoeyeu ine uictation oi ineir masters AS 0110 Ot the Abolition pamphlets' whose policy it is to "lisve no defeats. ' 60 industriously circulated throucli! but all victories ' lhat we dare lav eaoh this county makes a flagrant attack ! Ilsi.sx Fbaucbs, dauitter if oiivj und ilsnr individual member of lhe junta that 'con-' 'U11 tl,is gtcman'B patriotism, wo J SJ 10 in..nths .n;l 9 dsy. v trols the Jacobin organ is ready to swear g'N ? lla? l,h0. following loiter, wonivilf ,Vm, as. Mis , j sV,0Ut i3 rcr.. until he isblackand blue thatwehave had wh'h- y.?Ug,V, b,;,Cf; sufl"',ent t0 ? - . 1)1 CD In LswTnoo township, of consumptlot, October 26th, 1S6, FaAMcrs Maiuk, dioh tcr cf H'ui. J. Lumadue, aged 17 yeari, 0, weep not for thy daughter,- Snstched from tho earth away ; Weep not for bur though it has cut A shade o'er lifo'i young day. Weep not your lovely daughter's f Willi yonder harpy throng ' Of pirita round Ihe Fa:her'i throno, , Who cbsunt tho purc.t (onj. Mourn not, though on this child Much of your lore did roft; Now itrvnger inltuenee draws ynurh-irU To that sweet land uf rat Look on thnt fair ond placid brow, As ca'.iuly there she lbs ; And parents, can you murmur now, Or wish from ilcath she'd rUo. Vour loved and beBiitiful has fled From a dark world of woo ; You would not call her hack again To strive with scones below, t Borne gently on an angel's wing, Her spirit U a t home ; Ko fickneis, pair), or foil discus Within t tut sphere caa come. Safe folded in the Savior's arias, And on his hreust reclined : Tn (III. fmiti llo.w.l. Volli..'. He jou in faiih resigned. W. J. L. In Clearfield, on Monday evening, Sept. IT, "nothing but victories" since tho war commenced 1 confound tho vilest of his accusers i Tho panv admits t mphlet referred to inUirectlv hat McCi.ellax, if elected, Ci, JJtto SUtrlistnunts. the pl Ana tlieroforo roauires no refutation. Tax-payers, at least many of them, know that it will lo impossible for them to pay much longer, oven at present rates, and when you talk of u Btill further increase which must in ovitably follow the re election of Lin coln vou but add in flm; An..; v - v.V n UVVI'llll. I . 1 . . n n I I . A . . lie finds nothing in his com mission to justify him in becoming the lackey for any political organization ; much less tho rcviler of those who have never injured him in any way. Having been called of God to preach His Gospch he finds it not in political 'text-books, or the empty clamoring of fanatics and shy sters, ilis is a hijher ambition. His is a tion. Tho fact is, this is the best evi dence that such men are not fit to hold otlice. They aro a curse lo any party, and that the war is not yet ended enough of llieni will break down any Ad ministration ; and reminds nie of a story. Jlr. Lincoln theu began telling the "Cow story," at which the General began to grow sick at lho stomach, nod begged for do none of it. Now, some how or other, we can't seewoud j0 wcu enough; but thou, in "IXCU To. . oti a?.-Xotice libers- e advantage or this policy. The peo- paso 0f his death which it savs is , "'",r- Ti'ttmnen'arjon ths , . , . 1 , , , C!lB0 "J , i-. ,1 i enato of WM. A. MASOX, lato ..f Curwetl- e certainly are not such fools as to be- Poss ble t he WePrcsident vvou d vilio l.orouih. tiearhei.i com- Va.dMseJ. liove tliii to be the raan and nvnn if Ihpv l,iL-n ln' i.lnra TlieHn fidlnu-a elimihl having boeu rrnntiiJ to lhe uniliriiL'aoJ.illpor- ....iv..i I i l.i :i . ' i,..,J, i,i.i TV... , ... ...: ii ""n indebted to f.iid oflato nro renuircuto ui'U uouiu ue Tiiru, now run mrj lewnciiu uimcisiaiiu uiui, a'uiuui;i .tio uc in- imlneaiao pnvmont. und Ihoso bavin" chiml rh tact tliat icey bave sent to the field ing to trust cither oi tneir cananiates agniit ihe same will prcocut them duly ao'bcau- nnt mnrk Uu. !!, :i: .j nni I'phv iloneo loo , ciuu lor eiueinoui. -that an : Not. 2.ft. II. P..TIIOMPSUS. Kxecutor. Cincinnati. Oct, 18. 1864 - i .i.f!..f. ...i , . Ilnw IT I.. Ivnn I'hi Adetihin. ! r.ir1 ! .: "VJaD"9 ,imcouIr)nM U8i DiSiull have recdved vou letter. In ! TVrJi.r.3.-lUriniI application to th. aievery poiuir i. T i .1,. iW 0.1 ward. Ri.i,i.: - .. . . , . i : v ." ;irrn "irrk0 n"d h!,18 h0,i" CftllinH' BDj h: wiU be erealer re . .. ,.,,..vv luuilliv US 11 HlOClt- cnmbler; the bigger tho debt, and the more bonds in market, the moro money ho makes so that it is not iiard to understand Stcblins. Cer tainly no Democrat can bo thus do-cetved. I..;. il. ., i. il.i;,,, 0.1 fissifinni fisacsi.r oi ine lytn vcii.eriMB Vrt nnhnv.. i, I: i T. ' V. . . - . umtrirt ol rcuus.flvauia. and a iiiceno as ALU- - "j" iuu.;u, uavs oi uie extra session oi mui. i ism, : TTnxtKii i.tvim. i.....n ,.niri .. i. u lying in this way c you please ; we will, in my place in Congress, that 1 would prrper authority, T would inform the eiiiiens af do kI.qI ii, vote for all measures necesary lo cn.wie tiearneiii county that I will attend to '-lailiog m,W. ,aV il,.i ..,! I, S.K :i:... f ....UloCjOVCrnment 10 IliaintlUll US Honor wnenrver iiemrea innnypmoi mecouu- i ' ' ,1 V , Vr V V , ' F . lii'r. '"i Invent duster tOits 1'narg.s moderate. Addre... it bad well nigh ruked hal f the peoide of: tell it as well as out sivice and time acd n... i i. ,ina I M . J. llOtFt-R, - " lint;. A. u li l v viviiw wv. the 10th District! ability will permit, whether the news is cheering or otherwise: bscauie, as the It is not generally known that m "' soiuiers are .Act of Congas wasVSS, the un-.inious. McClellao-whose Ecal Estate Owners, Attend. The Cry of Stop Thief. The, Administration, in order to cover up the infamous frauds by which they carried the election in the State of Indi ana, have raifed the "slop thi,f" cry over the vote or the New York soldiers. It appears that tho New York soldiers are The "Good Times." So little respect havo" the Abolition leaders for tho common intellii'eni-r tlmt they try to make their fl lower- n.iis.m ;uuw "ow lun MtlllM is running, that these are "prosperous times" that The Last Outrage, tho "country is growing rich," and that! On. the 13th October the people of Ma 1 thought that by the adoption of such measures lho faith of the Government was people in the long run,' will have' to "foot $tlASl ly inllnl ; J the bill, it ia but fair lhat they should plies. I never gave a voto which was in- t c;c(J compatiblo Willi this sonliment. All anironriatione. nure nnd siumle. for tho support and ellicieucy of the army! ' t , J)t Jfll) C HP and navy had ray cordial concurrence. IllVl I1 I ICAl I1 (JJC bALL Kurthnus, Clearfield county, Xov. 2, l'Gl. C AUTION'. The public nro horeby caution ed against buj-in 2 or r (.lliiij. or in any wy Idling wilh, a certain liaft uf Tinibir, sow ig in the vroode in Lawreneo township, tatii by lieurge AugliiLbough, a the same is ir.v pro-perty. rsov. 2, ISO i. JOSIAH W. TlIOMl'sUA. IIIK tiboril'or offers for fn'.o on namntbls therm., n lurm in llii nriA InWOiihiP, nn i passed on tho 5th the country is in a "prosperous condition." 'rylnntl voled on the question of the adop-1 was only when they were connected with uiiri . -i ...... . t ! n .m r . n lOLher antl imnrnnnr nrinrmirialions : wnen uuii was uiuuey ao plenty ; ' lliey BSK. I " l ' ue wusuiuiiuu,- ' , ,. , ,.,;, i.-ifiv "There's Mr. B he now gets two dollars -fitted by a Convention in which thevn wUh Sduicnrhlm; for i wilVrKe;.. a day, whereas he used to get but one." Abolitionists had a majority. The people the benlit of contractors or speculators,' th fram0 Doling Store.iious.,ji "And," say, another, "as for myself, I of the Stale defeated lhe new Const itu- and tvery attempt lo separate them failed; feffi koow I have handled more money the tion y tt majoi ity of about 2,000. A vote 'wllon lhey wcro made ft "taking horse tab)ei i.-or t'croiH, apply t the undenicnei, lust vonr iUnn t ,111 r i t ' una UVum umnnt, iVin Mon-I.n I ot Bon3e Abolition ScllCIUO, that I was COn- In Lawrence township, Clearfield cosnir, I'J. ast jear than over I did before, and I taken among iho Ma.jlaoc ,eoldifri; elrained rolucUn y t0 vote a insl lho Be,,2I-3ai-i,.J ' J. B. JJE4D. irnnti' At a Ar am i as s. . 1. . l l it i in mo nfinrn I r tv it iiinh aiia.,i,aU...j i "vii wi p'Mtiai uiuuio nuu CUUIU BPy luO .ci hi s ui. t n iiv;u urci un iniiut'U . WUOIO ulll .1 ; i. this, and gavo majority of about 200 in ! But 1 repent, lhat I voted against no i roHtmnLT ir the bellkiostb roi sum ciucs 1 a (round, with their Lfu'dliiifj-Houscs, Ut this sum 81,940,719 33. raisod anmiaUj- beginning with the 1st 1 card." 1 f. c. i. .... . bill which was confined simply to the oh ject of supples for the army and tho navy, ENDLETON. .-luyac muiwns rj aOUan tV . ev"'" "i'l"""1 nnvbn.lir l. .nr.1. K0l,l,.l.l. r, . Th a rtlit Pnn bI i I nl Inn m art ti a r.tAr icinn ' uii xax unon J.amx. .,. t cu ev uur. ocimoui were arresica. ana ' . ... . iruiy.yours. u. ji. i t. ' . i. i...i r T. i.. , man can ucsi raonze me l nsu t to h s un- mr soiuiors vounc out ot uie tate. inel improvements and K"" o--'-' ciuacu in liaiumoro anu ,. , . . , ... , .. .. i -.. co a..u- , . -i.. . .. . veisianuinc wnen no coes lo I m rTfinnp new one aiu. ui course lie new Uonsli- uta unoo.-aauiaer , uci sucn is ute ran. i " ""'"Slu" bdu a iremenuous blow maue i . . 7 . c . i. .. ' t... r.i- ... -i Pennsvlvnjiin'B tl,nM .l,nni iur.....i. n... . or oit goons morciiant to buy the ncces-: i"110" was not in lorce before it was adopt-l ' vacoo.n organ oi uun pi Thi Rum w n k .t, . . ... .! fw'" of hfo for his family, and finds lhat tJ. and il could not be adotded until afcr Penlelly declared that Gen. u,0 is s,iam- --imi;, .,, .,, :ti a , l.i,,i t .1.- Lie Nailed. I'LACB Of BUSl.tKSS. 1 j his tuo dollars will not go half as far as one ' tn0 da? f the election I dollar Used to. fiut thn fnrmnr'. ..l;.,;.,,,1 Isolhini! can be lilainer limn I lii vol fy J-olders, Rontcr-.and andlmanrnhrriSLr!?'; tM M " . acute, for h Administration insist, lhat the sol- ..vlUu0-uuJuuniu more taxes? 1A ra Ml. .. . " . "("' . "".knows that lo create this apparent pros- (lieis vol hI e counted, and that tho If Villi rtn ii.it 4lm,i . i 1 110 re-08'.abIlSlimebL of ihn niwnoioi I ' I - tote 1 r , " .8UI,l,orl: wLicli s beliMfi h. ,,. ,,nn.B ipenty he ha, had a mortgage f,s,cncd,""""on by their votes, adopted j , ,a JVU1 uiuincan3i J4 'upon fif icnann 1 ' The last Act in the Drama. Tour years ago, wo lohl ihe reonlo that tho election of Lincoln would roault ::W1 " o otim . . toes in is took FRIENDS OF THE UNION ! his broad acres lo quite half of their ant oren Mr. Lincoln has publicly con- 1 real worth. Uf this fact ho is reminded 8rntulatcd his Abolition friends of Mary- war and a dissolution of tho Union. was elected, and our prediction verified. We now lell the people that the de feat of Lincoln will STOP TUE WAR, and RESTORE TUE UNION. And we tell them further, that the re election of Lincoln will give ui either per petual war, conscriptiotia, taxation, and Remember that McClelan' platform is M ofleD as tue tax collector makes billftnJ on their "tCC8- lht Union is the one condition rf peace like a " dMoneralle appearance, lt is no relief to him that Voters or rEK.NsrLVASu, which will he gets more for his grain and other pro- Jou have a first class Nation among Na ducU.forMa is mora than ..,ni, u ,vjl'?n under General McClellaw, or Civil Rut look ui iti , ... I, , . , -r impoverisiieci people, heavy taxation with uui iook at Lincoln platform. .Uis.tuyf. It takes but few figurea to convince' alms houses crowded with poor, and asy ontyconditiouorpoaco is the "aWoawmt ' him that when be makes a purchase of ! lum flllef w'"h widows and orphans, un- , tue mcrcliant, out of the proceeds of a sale v, k T i , L,l!imu" uoose ye wmcn ye wm uave. of tho products of his farm, his slock of fTT . 7 .. 'goods is not as large as il used to be, whilst IIAUPT & Co., , HAV1XU lensed tho Foundry and Jlset'" Shops t Milc-burg, known as " ORtbN 8 ViU N'nilY ." nra .irrnared to manufatWr sua ftoe has re- ' repair Steam Engine, swoep nnd tread p ' fm I . ..-I.:. - V- lt'.,l.l anil UnthaWlj , lurosoing ,iiucuiuv, iici i.wii-i - -Cook ftovos, Wagon Spindles, Plows, snd ' lugs of all kinds at short notice. 'J hey alsobsrs both at Bellifonta and Mileburg, a variety k 1 Dni,t anil I'.rl.i- Plni f,ir loft COali of rlt"" burg maaufacturo. Call and sco for yourselre. ISAAC HAITI Is agant for th York, Wyass- lies. jv20,-ly rUD,.luu' ?".that nwlaan ia Hill crowing Wanr and - - O O C5 T.tniln aail ' I V. nl,.n,lAMm..l f .1 Ultimate ruin and national Aiaarara nr o' erv" Was th onlv condition of near lar6or. : 0 t t 11 t. ; -i .... 1 . . 7. . ; A " 1 I uim aiso rememoer mat uonerai oic- tyy Tho iicuan ueoiareu "tne union dishonerable peace,' dictated, perhaps, by our nereditary national enemy. Mark the prediction. nnmmla. f T 1 l Clellan declared "the Union was, with Revenue ha. dec Hod ih "s J.v,., rs.i-w hi., the only condilion of peace." Free-, made by farmed Wli.Vf?ob5 mon. which wi vou rhoos t - .11 i..m. . . vttI . ...... ..A.vili, liar rani, invi nTm. Mr ( . , ! " Wilh a deplealed Treasury t fi..No money for Pensions 1 tnyNo money for Widows ; BNo money for Orphans ; w)rNo money for suffering Pennsylva nai'ssons, whom Stanton places at the mercy of the rebels. US"ln Caiiadabuttcr ii ten to twelve Cass was op posed lo McClellao and in favor of Lincoln Tho follqwing briof epistle settles lho mat ter. Detroit. Fihst Ward, Sent 2S, 1861. Dear bir :-I be State o my ftealtu lias , , 4 b in.ur,no. Companies, confancd me lo the house for some. iv20,i monihs, and provents me from accepting; w -.. rrr,';r your invitation lo attend the meeting this , Ai LALKir. J. iu.ak.i.i, evening at the McClellan Club of the Attorney nnd Councilor at v..l ,r.lf ,.r il,!. ' Will attend to all businoss outrustef. ..... - - j - - - - - - opportunity to say that I approve the nomination of Gen. McClellan, and shall vote him at the next Presidential election, if able to attend the pole. - Wishing that idocoss may reward your exertions, I am, dear sir, Respectfully yours, LEWIS CASS. W. S. Biddi.i, Esq. Uii Law to bis cars tn Elk sad adjoining counties at St. M7 (Ceniinger P. 0.) wpj 6boP. For Sale A Fruit Farm. TUB subscriber offers for sal on reson!t terms his KARM situated in Lawrence town ship, abont midway bolweca OUarfteld and t- ....111. Tl nnnlaina ahnnt h acres, with abOSI 6S acres 'thereof cleared, with a Frame DosM snd Frams Barn. Thors are npwaras ' grafted Apple trees in food conditionson Pear trees, with a quantity of Cherry srM'j . ' 11 i..rniin-tlie n I ..,1 All... am. II fruit IherOOD- Eucr Lincoln and we shall have four -hola betni well located. The tiUe-is IndispuW - . a . . . n l.a'.. " . .. .1. ... ...Mrihtir M more years or war witnout a union, nnsi abis. For terms sppiy 10 enuiH hVA Kn dan in lis months and 1 Clearfield. GE0RCJK IllUK- was not done In four years cannot -be ao- Anguit 10. is4.--ir. I I J ( 1 1 , V. .. t. K . A. 1 .A.... vi - ft..... T rrl. Prl uuuiu inpu in luoiurr inrui ui iua iuva- ihiii in uod riuvii v u v. n.'. . . CIIIUS ()V Inrmsri ami U'l . 1. t.. ' r.T - . "I -1 : 7 r. 7 .. .7 .... .... i-S'r"; A:.7j L mrinni tTini r ll i7.k - k IUI..JJ1 iroin our- oeu is per round, ana Hour ?3.e5 lo J3.UU eni aammnireiioo. we must, mereiore, ; Apples, im ir"7,f,'nnATZBR. jnes are all taxable 5 percent, advalotem. fx barrel. Itete for a change. itaa ths-wssi ttbs ssors of I. P. RRAIzsa- 'v