Ira feuBU(j 0o in,' Democrat!! I Wo learn that tlm r.inn,!,, f ,-. I . -- - ...uuvu w4 luvuivinu ) '" aerffaa "we" .othorparU oflho State, are! ; mr t7i m 'ioe, . ii so """"(i imposition io lite irienas or; if said viliin (A Mar: 175 Linrnln nnil.!.. 1:1..- it-l. . T r' t . --i I :!,.'.;. on ""'fc imo hub: ill t-usa ui v; 1 AT WHOLESALE ONLY! I OP EVERY DEsrnroTinw it tnn i PBICRS. FOli CASK! ' llediictioH; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT TH3 , inPRICESof FALL 4 WINTER GOODS I McCiellnn'a election, they (the Democrats) ' A ' ' 4 agree to 1HI all Quotas, disnense with eon- ' ' ''- McCLELLAN" k PI-INDLKTOX ELECTORAL TICKET. i THE NEWS. ' agree to fill all ouolaa. disnenaa with mn A severe' Utile wag fought in th She- scription, and leave the Republicana slay! nnilcan va'.Uy, near Slrasburg, on Wed- at home after the 4th of March next, ifj ' ccfdny la'. between the forces of fiheri-! hf Republicans will agtee to act in like (Un and Taily The attack was made by, manner towards the DeraocraU 'in case of ABTLfV APfn? TtDfiDC ! the rebels at early dawu,' resulting in a" Lincoln's re-election. The proposition is ' AlllU 1 iiuUJj JJiiUlD I severe defeat, and lmost route, of the perfectly fair, and we advise Democrats federal forces, driving "them back some everywhere to Vgo in." five or nix miles, with the low of many' , ' ; guns' wagen., ambulances, about ' 2,000 1 , A "Uc Dm'- A pWio discus- .1 1 A Avx v vwutu S il U l AJULIiniNlllirV. fill e. or forces ware immimlil f!n I nx' Monday, at 7 o'clock, be- Wrifihl, who, with- :three other " cener.i S. B Ben,o.v. E,q., of Erie county, -ni-.. -,, .1,.... o !"UUr. 1. J. lSOTBlt. ..... The sovoroiga romeJjr for the Cure of fever axd ague, AXD ALL BILIOUS Dl S EASES! ,Y"- f WV W'j P. K It A T Z E It. A H a tV ry 9rcliant, l,,i,r Tr.w' ront Etreet. Clearfield, Penn'a." ! JJ. ik..p0dna "aving purchased a largn stock since the; Voter. who an Honorable Peace, jewoirjoi snypiutorn or qunliiv and in oot " ,e ufull,D 10 rr'eea it now prepared to , i , ...titj mad. u order. K,tii.tM for offer neat Uftin. in . ' and a Jtasloied Lnion, can only express . ! "U0'1 ft 'lotiro by depositing in the BttWot- Coo mints. Mil .-if.f Anytiyiooi uoods innniifBcturcd, tich m in- f r , i I volitions, etc., at lort notico. r,. lllCllCSl 1 I'Ul. til. ( inn tie. ' vaasing Clerks, with a small capital, can fln.l eon. i I riSrnt! u---i".tiir.-ie.yi-yFt7o Delaines, i 1 no i-roiu io tiie Rctaitcr Is very targb. , A U ho!eide supply can be carried "in a Uhh. . . 4 - .i Jewoirj oi any pattern or qualify and in any " ,c "r-"" fricea u n , ; ; j : ; quantity made to order. sJ-Kntimates for auy ofTer great targnins in -sfi'.ilj.elass of work furnished. jUrl'artMar altj. ,rb , " ' lur; Intitun 7 raUer; and Army VcuUri. i brjx one of the following tickets l-r.KCTORK np French Merinos, ... i, ' About 3 o'clock p. m.. Gen. Sheridan, who was at Win chester the night before, on his return front. WaSliington, came up and restored orcer-and'' organization, when theVebels werejn turttf beat back i confukipn, los This is the true system. The Democra cy would profit by it. It is the on ly means by which ltpublicar.s can be ho't to hear (be truth, anr to. realize tlw mon strous outrag'os that are being"cotiimilte4d A T T E N T I O N '. 1 SL't'l'EBBKRS t'BOU FEVER AND AGUE, ETC. ing 4.1 guni (including those captured In :T"'" r".1?! f the morning) and aliout 1,000 prUotera, EJiUtr ort."f,w;efcirV" 7: including Gcu. Ramseur, who was mortal- -" Diar Pm : jvith your I.. .MfiMslrtsl anil tm tiits 'I'l.i. ia POimiwloB. I with to a to the ..... .... I paper that I will tend, by return mail, to all aha . This most wonderful r mclr for thn nrrmii. tHt SUosmnce pi Hie accounts sent to Uie wish it (free); a Rccine. with full dirtin. f.., nent.cureof Fcror and Ar0..P . w, iiM,. northero pres, from which a "great vic tory" is claimed 1 But of course we will gain nothing but victories until after the election. ... There is nothing new from Petersburg or Richmond. The Jliohrnond papers ive accounts of a battle near Richmond about the l3th iBst, which'laited all day," Jn which tbo ' Federals were' repulsed five tiraep.'f "leaving-many dead." ' Thia affair was given to the northern papers aj "a reconnoisance without any important re sults." fcowego. . . Atfuirs in Sherman's artuy are involved in some mystery. Beauregard and flood had united their forces, and were retreat ing southwest, Sherman's main force fol lowing tip. . No details have been received , front: Atlanta for five weeks, while rebel accounts predict its recapture at an early day. : In, Missouri, effnirs continpe to wear the rriost threatening ffpect: ( 4 . Pol3 Ra3singg-Tha Ball ia Motion) The Democrats of Lawrence and the adjoining" tow bain pa' astembled; at the Cross Roads, at Eetiuire W, A. Read's, on Thursday last, and raised a splendid Hick ory rule, opo hundred feet above ground, from which . was" suspended n -beautiful. ling of our country, 'I he arrangements were tnodt capital, nnd everything wont off in the bust tlylo. After the polo was raised, a meeting was crh.inized. on motion of Levi F, Irwin, by leleutin? William. A.-Read as ; Chairman Andrew Brown, JoseplrWatson, C. Krat eor, Patrlgk' Kerns, .lohnAskey; WmA, Illobm, David F.rhard, James Henderson. John A. Thompson, Joseph Moore, and Daniel StraT, Vice Tree'tdmls ; end A. C. Tate, f;evi Rowlcs, and Clatk Brown as Secretaries. AdJioswi were then delivered respect making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that erel 'uio yean ago by one f the most eminent willcfleotualry removein 10 day, Phnplej.Dlotch- Chomisti of America X es Tan, Frockli'S, and all Imuurit'einf ihn Skin I Out of thousands of run. If bm mVvnr hn waving tna tarns soft, dear, smooth and tcauti- iuu . - ' I will also, "mail free to those having Dald Heads, or Dare Faces, simple directions and in- 'onnauon mat will enable them to etart a full growth of Lnxariant Hair. Whiakera. or & Mnm. tache in leas than thirty days. - All applications answored by return mail with, out charge. Kespeclfully your, T1IOS. F. CHAPMAN, Cliomint. Ofl5 3tacp. 631, Broadway, New York. known to fail in clTcc'.ing a radioal cure. A tingle Jlrttle of these drops has cured diseases which liavo Stubbornly Resisted the most Skillful . Medical Talent! , It contains nothing that will injuro the Consti. ttitiun ! It purines the Blood!! It removot Obstructions from tho Liver!!! It promotes the discharge of liilo ! ! ! ! fnMUlTTl'Pa nv rimt vr.r q,, , . .1 " effects a rndual and riermanent Care by re- i lie following gentlemen compose the moving tho cuuso upon whkh' the aguo dc Committees of Vigilance for thet several P"11' ' . , Election Districts of Clearfield county, asl T ir F appointed by the Democratic Standiual . AMY AGUE DROPS, Committee . . G L. REED, Chm'n. T. J. McCullough, Sec'y. Dwai ia Joseph W' Lull, Thos. Groom Hr. R. Dickinson. lltllV?. T. Gilbert, Jacob W.Camp bell, T. A- Magee- lioaas John Miller, ir.. Aaron tlartman. Thomas Beers. liloom Gainer T. Bloom, Wm. Line's. D. W. Chilson. . lirariford John. Torter S. Y. Wilson, Thomas Riley. Brady James C. Barrett. Daniel Rish- el, David lleborling. Burniide l'red'k Shepherd, Daniel Gor man, Wm. King. CAcif-Thos. 1'. Gariley, Jehu Wood. Anthony McUarvey. Covington Y. T. IIe.garly, John Uriel, John 1 ickncu. A . It. t . 1 i . . .. na in uame iinporm, uns Dcen ana is tho great I op specilie for alt niLt.iors niiRiiKi in th p,,. I ul)4i It has no equal. Its popularity in our noblo Ar- ' "11 1 L A DLLrll I A & my ana eisewliere is as univorsal ai in c have been suroaud wonderful. Aa a ; sack, ranu valise, or carpet ba-, and will not be ,liko boons bulky or inconvenient to carry from ' 1 J ? i n'l ! place to place. 3 UOOtl IJlaCli Silk, Remember another thin ! this Bijinf it Strictly honorable ! jtn, i, tc,i f CohurtTS flUft AJnnrnt mtirrprtnntiug or tngvralin,j. Our goods show ti " ft(Cf f bf for themsolres, and prove thomsolvos !! I . ' It is a busino.s in which-an ,,mul,n.l ...t;-:.. I V nn It'll h u-o Umr; ryumilint i gum f;f h wnnaj rneietd, . . nnu au eucuunigiug pront is pocketed at tlio raino time. It is an occupation in which no person jneod be afraid or athnmcd to canvass tho samo , field again and again, for where onco our goods are inirouuceci, a permanent anil ivufiiiHom tie iiianti it created. To Soldiers In the Army, or tho'so' at' home dis abled by the hardships of war, to Clergymen out of health. Teachero, Postiimjlor?, i.r any per.-on who wihes cither local or an netivo oocupation, and cne that brings with it kiir.vt i-ecumaiiv in-. I) ice me. nts, this presents ax orronTi- n v -.,. doni met with. Tnv it! Amu sub foa vuLit- SLLVE8 ! C'ARKFIM.Y SKLECTKD I.0T3 0V JF.'.V F.LHY, comprising our newest styles and most saleable variety uf Uoods, wiH bo tent anywhoro in the Loyal Suites. Wo nro constantly filling orders from persons lenving tho cho!eo of (jnnd wholly with us. To juch wo promise tho bott oxcrei.o of our taste and judgment, nn 1 fnun our long experience can ensure salis'uetinn. Il'e i'l: nn piii in adeamc,- ttato what ttvle an I (pm'.ify of Uoods lyo wanted, and wo will send the saino nnd collect pay by Express at tho end uf '.ho Route. GOLD AXD SILVEmVATCUE.-, (Jood movements and manufactured i:i ilio best manner, of puro material, all warranted nt pricos from $ltf to $?j0 each. Sent anywhere pay eo leetel by Express. Siitisf.ictiii guaranteed ! All Watchks at i'iiist ruic-c.", nnsr ukiko OCR OWX ImI'ORT atios, Cireuturi free by mnK ! S:nd fir then ! ! T. ,t II. UAUGII AX. Jluiinficlureri and Importer), OeU 2, 3m. 7 US lirodivay, Xew York. j Ilobrrt I. Johnston ; Richard Vaux . , William Loiig'hlin Edward II. Itelnibold i Edward P. 1'unn i Thomas MrCulluiigh j Edward T. Hess ; I'l i'ip S. Oerhard ! tUorgo (1. Leipcr : Mithael Sellicr j Patrick McKroy 1 1 h ,ums II. Walker ! Oliver S. lliuiiniek ,T1 I ' MKVESTATIVE, . 'It has proved a gTeat bio sing and paved many a'r .".'",1"'0. ! valuable lite tu thoso miasmatio localities whore lrelS'. bUM they would have been victims to bilious diseases. Tho Chills will not return if these Drops are takeu ! I SG I, KRIE RAILROAD. HIS great lino traverses the Xorlliorn nnd Jnorthwe.-torn counties of nniti Ivuhin. In iiib euy oi j. no, on L.UK0 It has been leaned by tho i'iininJrnni Il.ttf rond Camnnuu, and is onerated bv llieni. Its entire length was opened fr paa.-en-'cr and ne.s, (Jet. 17th. Sot. I 1 1 me of Piitnewtrr J'raint nt Fnnmrinm. Through Mail Train leaves ea.-'.ward 2:10 P M. " " " " wcstwnr.1 10:1 J A. M. Passenger Cars run through wim'TT change both waysbetweou Philade'nhia and Erie. Ladies1 Mantles,. Furs aiul Bonnets, Staple Dry Goods , Ilea d i-Made Clo th ing, Millinery Goods,' Hosiery and Notion, Hals and Caps, Boots and Siocs, Ilardicarc if QuccnsicarcuXo&tA Drugs and Groceries, Carpels and Oil-clot lis. i Household Goods, All of which will be sold at greatly reduc ed prices. Oct. l'J-tf. 1EI.ICC RAIM1IC. TITHE undejsirned, having completed his Phot- X oarnpu . Ahram T5. Punninj I'aai I.eiily Robert raineford John Ahl (eorgo A. Smith Thnddeus Ranks Hugh Montgomery John M. Irvine Joseph M. Thompson Raa.nlns Brown James P. Barr William Kounti William Montgomery electors: j Robert L. Johnston j liiehnrd Yaux William Louhlln Edward It. HelnibolJ i Edward P. Dunn Thomas McL'ullough fi eorgo U. Leiper Mieh.'el Seltzet Patrick McEvoy Thomas II. Walker Oliver S. Pimmiek Abrnni C. Duniyii; Paul I.eiily Robert SwineforJ John Ahl (ieorge A. Smitli Thaddeus Ranks Hugh Montgomery John M. Irvino Joseph M. Thompson Rnmelns Brown James P. liarr William Knnntj AVillliam Montgomery ELECT011S. (lallery, in thaw's Row. two doors west of Hie Mansion House, Clearfield. Pa., ia now ready to wait on all in want of . My arrangements are such as will enible me to furni-h tliouu beautiful productions of sun draw ing in the highest style of the urt. Having Kited up my rooms at a considerable expense, with a view to tho comfort and pli-nfuro of my patron", ' Michael hcltzer I hopo, by strict attrntion to business nnd a deiire ! Patrick McEvoy to please, to merit a liberal rharo tf public Thomas H. Walker pnt'onnge. A full supply of (Jilt, Rosewood, and : Oliver S. Dimmick oilier frames, Albums, and an cndlcs vai ioli of Robert 1: Johnston Vaux William Louglilin Edward R. JldnJiolJ Edward P. Dunn Thomas McCullough Edward T. Hess Philip S. Gerhard (J eorgo U. Lclper Abram II. Dunning Paul Lctdy Rubort Swineford John Ahl Onfirpe A. Smith Thnddcu Ranks Hugh Montgomery John M. Irvine Joseph U. Thoinpsoa Raaclas Rrown Jau s P. R.irr William Kounti William Montgomory the ABHY AGUE. DROPS Elocant Slecidnir C..r on '. T, s l,.l, I ntvlW ltln wayr between Williamoport and Baltimore, and i At Mffi $ IFlTECStSS. WiUiamsportandPhiiadelphi u I Prtieular attention given to copying all kinds or tnlormation respeeting Passenger bimncss 0f pictnrpg, wo appiy ai me r. r;. uor. lltn isn.l .Mivrkct sts, ELECTORS. Cuarlos Minot. UosUh-J. A. L. Flegal, J. F. Rote, A. B.Shaw, Graham Jaraea Stewart, Lovi Hubler, ! ti i r . ... it t I mi", it, rnwr. . , iveiy ty a m. u. Jiccunosgn, r.sq., u- a-W. J. McCoy, Joseph Fry, John Wallace, tstj , urn. it ra.; uigior, uu Humeri'. Hon. Wm A. AVallace. Tho meeting was. in every respect gratifying and imposing demonstration. VUarJu-U bonvyhJ,. Jt. Merrell, J. C. Whitebill, R. J. Wallace. - ; Quily drives away iVruwW loronyh W. T. Chmbersa, T . vfTTelTT ivn irr t vvt'c-u i Levi Speico, Wm. A Mason. jLiANuLOIt AD A EAKNKSS! Decatur Solonion llamerschley, Joljn asd AVl.ite, Abm Kphn'rt. " ) RESTORES TJUf SYSTEM leryusonll. D. Straw, Josiah Henry, 1 nomas J.ewis. To Its natural huoyancy and animatioa; invignr- J ox Ja. McClellan, N. M. Brockway, jating the body and clearing out overy vestige of j. i. neain. - viseaae preuucoa oy luaiunome miasm. Girard-R: S. Stewart, W, T. McCorkle, BE WISE IN TIME! J ! ANOTHER rOLE RAISING. Tho next day, (Friday,) another, oi rather, two more p"' wero , raised at Judge Bloom's, Jn Bloom towtibbip. A large delegation of the slordy,Deniocrats cf I.aiH rence snd ' Pike met their follow- DeinocraU of "Bloom, Te'ni?,anI EradyJ ' CAo porstn raiding in a Fever and Ayut dutrict thouhl It wiltout a BollU of lite " ARMY AGUE DROPS, JIustoH Samuel Conawayl MartiuTylei lliram Woodward. I And it in strongly recommended to persons trnv- Jordan David W. Wisp, ThomasSmith, cliing through placos charged with missm. John O. Glasgow. ' ' ' - tat-MwuiLorena Hcrtline, F. AV. lirom ker. Rrobert J. Huyncs. Knox Aaron AVise, John AA'itherow, Georgo Sloss. Lawrence Samuel Clyde, Geo. II. Nail, John Daupherty. Lvmbcr cilf WouhW, AV. Kolley, F. S. Robison, J. F. liilo. , Morris V. .L. Mortell, George Hoover, I mT Rothrock. - 1 Beck, Thomas Hoover, Dale, Branson Davis, Ana lor treght businom of tho Company's Agonts, S. R. Kingston, jr., Cor. Utli and .Market ata., Philadolphia ; J. W. Reynolds' Erie; J. M. Drill, Agont N. C. R. R. Ealiiimrej II. 11. Houston, Geni Freight Ag't, Pbiln.j 11. W. Gwix.r.n, Oen"l Ticket Ajr't, Phila.; Jos. 1. Potts, Gcn'l .Manager, Wjllinmspnrt. , Oct. is, i .sr. i. on rii ax's "court salb. V virtue of an order of tho Orphan's Court i L,- oi uearfl Jld county, thero will ho exposed tu publio tsale at Clearlield on . - . Saturday, tho 10th day of November next, nil the following deseribed real estate situ, nte in Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., lato the property of m. Grnluim, cr., deceased. I f?Inlriirtion in the art of Photographing giren nnd apparatus furnWied nt city prices. sep-i-ll 11. liltlUiii;, Artist. J. i, Monnin . JAS. t w. Monuis - Ir MORRIS $ Co., IMillipsbui, Pa, JAB. H. watsoX . Robert L. Johnston Richard Vaux Williu Ilium Loughlin I Howard R. llelmbold Edward P. Dunn 1 Thomas McCullough Lilward T. JIes Philip S. Gerhard George G. Lcipor Michael Seller .,, , Patrick McEvoy rpilL undersigned, hn.wng just returned trom ! Tnlmll( H. H-lllk,r JL 1 hilauulpl.iu nil a new nnd fpleudid assort- si i ; v c r S. Dimmick luent of Goods, nro now ready lo supply all who j may favor them with a call with anything in our line, lueh as ' ' II I- AT) QUA UTEIW FOR CHEAP GOODS IN GREAT A'ARIETY. Abram R. Dunning Paul Lcidy Robert Swluoford John Aht Georgo Thaddeus Ranks Hugh Montgomery John M. Irvino Jasppli M. Thompson Rassehu Brown James P. liarr William Kounti William .Montgomery Beginning at a rock oak, (now cutuinwei) on! DHY (i'OOI)S. (', IvOl -VMl KS. If AIM). the river thenee south 68 (leg. west D'.S i.rrchea T IM'. nl'PPVuw t imj - yVim Wm. i. John Crowley. Pike William Hugh Mullin. Union Levi Dressier, Jacob Hess, AVm. AVelty. . WooduarJ AV'm. Cliue, James Lulhor, Thomas Mathers, Xtto W'uthinnton burovgh Henry D. Rose) Jacob A. Breth, James Savage, . llclu biicrttstnwnfs." and had agobd time generally The meeting wai organired by appoint ing John II. Rowles President ; Hon. Jas. Bloom, AVm. Bloom, son., Thomas Dough erty, Harrison Tassmore,' Josiah K. Read, G. B. Hoover, and O. C. Passmore Vice Presidents ; and F. McBride and 8. AV. Horn, Secretaries, ... An eloquent and spirited address was delivered by Wni. M. McCullough, Esq., which wos well received. Tho Soldier's' Vote. ' According to the llarrishurg' Telrjraph, of Saturday last, the following is the totul Army vote a received at the State offico in Uarrisburg : ' Abolition 14,371 TN .. A 1 1 A j-'emocrrtio -... . This will show a very different result b ' Rills discounted, . November. Wo? have every .urance't.8' Stk that but very few Democrats, corapara-! Duo from other Runks (ively, voted in October, caring but Utile Rank Notes of other Banks . i . n.l Lcgn' tender Botes, - or nothing about county .tickets ; ni, checks,, -i-that many obstacles were thrown In jleir 0ve.r drafts,. . way, which will not be permitted (AVmW JiS . ." 'Indeed; many.'and those who ought to' , nnd Expenses, . know, are confident tbat McCi-eLLVs will have QUITE THE HALF of the rotes polled in tho Army W'a respsctftilly call attention to our Icstimo rials. Many of our letters attost that hundreds of lives havo been saved In tho aruty by its use. Indeed, so well are its curative quulitics appre ciated in the army, thnt Clio (host successful Sur geons ia the Field and Ilosbitul use it almost exclusively in the diseases for w hich we claim its infallibility. The beet physicians always seite the best mentis to oflect a cure, henco the unt versality of tho , ARMY AGUE DROPS. A . .t,I(A A.. I. I.K I ..... 1 ..t 1 -t... . . I south 78 dee. east fS nerehes to a Post, ttli neo ' A . V U liU.N ."5, south 22 dcg. oast It perches to a whi to oak, i 'n grcat variety, with n full assortment of Fancy thence south JO deg. cu.-t 27 perches to atones, j ' Goods, thence soBth 01 dog. east fill perches td Host.! 7.'.'T) VTniTJ ir n A f'fW . thence north 4 i.erche tu whitaoak. .b.on tl...,.-. I '. J"..J . . ' I Robert L. Johustou by John llanni north 31 de;. ,nX l:il perehe;an,, !," T e,v.crJUlin n" ' ,ar tntt!1 ij Richard Vaux tu a chestnut, thence along tho river ll'j parches i ..u- i . . to tho beginning, eoDtainfaj ' ' r '."..V f ttrc,r.ta ZVf? 'T"'"" " ' F , , , i t. , Feed, I ish or Rueon by the load or pound. Per- Acres atld '2.1 I erellCH, sons disputed to favor us with a call will 2nd hs with about SO acres cleared, with orchard, and . 'J.V to fupply their wants. ' having thereon erected a plank bouse and lo". ; .J," 0 aTe a,f0 rrfj'srcd to tiado for barn, exc(.ting nnd roservjng oat of tho above, Siinilt, 7Wr'fV, (t lid id hit 20 acres sold and conveycdliy Wm. Grulmin to at the test maikot prices. Lucino Graham. I JAS. I, MORRIS & Co Trrhs One-third cash at salo and the balance: in one and two years with interest, to bo secured by judgment bunds on the premise. W in. U HA 11 a iU, dr. dated myselfwith tho above lina.aud will bo pleased to have lheir custom. sep2? JAMES 1'. AVATSON. ELECT'.) U.S. CARD. -1 nm happy U say to my old and many kind customers, 'hat I have nsso- William Loughlin Edward R. llelmbold Edwaid P. Dunn Thomas MeCulloiigh Edward T. Jless Philip S (irrhard - Lumber, 1 (j',:0l'e " ,-c'i'tr Michael Patrick McEvoy Thomas 11. Walker Oliver is. Dimmick Abram R. Dauniug Paul Leidy R ibeit Swiueford John Ahl Georgo A. Smith Thaiblein Ranks Hugh Montgomery Johu M. lit ino Joseph M, Tlioiup.ou Ranselus Brown Jais P. R.irr William Kounk William Montgomery Oct. 19, tds. Adm'r KSTIJAV. TESTIMONIALS: . i . . Yi'o are harry to Tfr to His Excellency A. Lincoln; Hon. McClolInn ( Gen. Fremont, Gen. Burnside ; Gen. Ilanceck; Gen. Kilpatrick; Gen. Rice - Col.Pyo, 95th N Y; Col luick, 17th N Y C; Col Fowler, Uih N Y SM; Major Doremiis, , ,, , . , ... ... .uwjor neiisrvucr, ooiu rn: .iinior 11- V T.lJ' T 'I ? ox, ADC; Major Painsey.M.jorStillwell. Ma- T 7i I t, r . ?! .. Jr Rabcock, Lieut. Wfcelari, Burgeons USA; of Clearrield. Tho ter obtain i ,9 m0, by Jlu R(JV Jlish .u v ,J K 1(; calling at this office and Ucnt.fymg the s,n,o1 Taylor, cw York , Kev II W ieeeh.r, Rev vo K1I Chapin, Brooklyn ; Rev Mr Clicever, Rev jMr Bangs, Acnr York ; llis Honor Mayor Wood, lion M Lalbfioish, lion M V Odell, Brooklyn j lion Mover Gunthcr, Hon Hornee Grcelev, New j Yurk and hundreds of other equally well known $123,034 !H gentlemon, for which seo circulars. . 48',tr99 41 I' vriTATF.MF.NT OP TIIE CLKAHFIF.1.U COUNTY H WK, for the month ending ! September 80th, 180t! - CAMU trcrpasaing on the premises of the un-. dcrsigned in Lawrence township, on or a , bout tho 1st of Sept. 1SG1, a RED BULL with a1 . white face supposed to be rising t ?j years old.! i The ownor is noreby req uestod to como forward, ' prove propcity, pay chargei an! tako bau iway, j or he will be sold according to law, 1 Oct. lj, .It. MARTHA IRWIN. ! NOTICK to the Return Judges of Clearfield County. Owing to the er tnei us puMha lioM ol the law relntivo to soldiers voting, in tho paper laid before thoj oaid lit their tci-sion on Friday lost, tho lime fixod for their reassembling was in Notu.ber whereas Iho true time for their re-asscuibling is Friday. October, 2th. at which time juu aro rc'iuested to bo pruscut at the Cturt House in Clearfield. By order of tho President, R.J. WALLACE, G. AV. RU ELM, Oct. 19, :t Clerks. - 4.1,100 O'f 7,721 00 . i 26,101 00 l,0b ST 20' 04 - S25 00 4S5 BJ - . 12 47 $270,023 21 OX. PRICE: 1) OIL Alt PER i uniLiTirs. Cnpitnl Stock paid in (50,000 00 Note' in circulation - , Due Depositors j Due on certif of Deposit, 4!,2S7 00 143,5&i 91 0,267 n 12,.1S 33 815 00 :0,075 87 BOTTLE. WILCOX A CO. Principal Offiep, 181 Water Sr., New York. RKMEXr NOTICF Tho Rord of Relief for the county of Clearfield, will moot at the j Commissioners' ofliee, on Wednesday and Tburs-j day, the 2lh and 27th days or October, lit: I. Xho Board havo directed that ail new appli cants must apptar beforo the Board au 1 produce their sworn statement dotailing name of soldier, regiment aud company; when cn.isted ; the number of children, w ith ago and e.x of ea. h ; the township in whieh they resided nt the time of J. Q. BLACKWLL, ; wirit i EO. W.. 11 EE I ) & CO. j CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in I Cloths, C'lM.iinierca and Saltinct?, ' So. -1-2.1 MarLct street, Xorth side between Fourth and Fifth. PHILADELPHIA, i cCf-Cull and see our sxtcniive f to.-k. Aug. 10, '64. tf. STRAY Cnino tresspassing upon the preui tsis of tho uudi-r.-iatieJ, retidingin Rradford tp., about tbo 2Jth of July last, a RED STEER, , about two years old. .Tho owuer Is requested to ; come forwurJ, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or ho will bo disposed of nccor ding to law. BEN J. KN Eltty ' September 2Sth '61. pd. ' Clearfield AcadciTi)'. ! D. W. McCURDY, A. B- Principal. ; ELECTORS. Robert L, Johnston Riihard Vaux William Loughlin EJward R. llelmbold Edward P. Dunn Thomas McCullough Edward T. Hess Ph ili.) S. Gerhard Georgo G. Loiper Michael Seltzer Patrick Mol.'voy Thomas II. Wuikvr OKver S. Dimmick Ahram 1). Dunaiug Paul Leidy Robert Swineford John Aht George A. Smith Thuddcus Banks Hugh Montgomery John M. Irviiw Joseph M. Tliompson Rassolas Brown Jnmi-s P. I'oirr William KounU William Moul0-oiiury I ELECTORS. f Ml IT K next Quarter will opn on Monday flio L 5th follows: 5th of September, 1801. Terms of tuiiion as enlistment, and their present residence ; and that Common English, comprising lhoe branch- esnot higherthan Beading nnn;,Arith metic, Geography, Englinh Grammer an 1 History, per qunrtcr, - - I she is without the menus of support for herself! '''"'' '"l'"l'. P"- quartor, - "I -1 . JAMES 11. Clearaeld, Oct. Id, '6. $273,923 21 GRAHAM, , . Cathier. THE VICTORY COMPLETE. 1 Tbo r.fTipil mnioritv on the VOto for Con- Duo other Ranks, 1 1 i-.- i. '.! ial.,1 l.i' Due Coraiuonwcaltb, Btessmen at, me iuio c.ccuuu, . , Jutoreal and jjxoh,njef the Patrwt d- Union to oe ow, ' This includes all the districts and all Ihe counties In the State, onjiUIng. the vote nf the aoldiors In the field. To take the several county tickets, the majority! uiargerby several tnousana. ' MAfN STREET, BltOOKVILLE, PA. e know inai aevcrai oi vue more rein less of the Abolition sheet io Pennsylva nia claim a maioritr on the borne vote; but it' is not true. They are only Iollew-.-TrASTED-.-Tea oompslenr Teachers "to i .. . r.- a.J I- YV Uach the Brady townahip schools for tho ng the xatnple of Simen Catneroo, andt' nbowJ t& at Luthorsbarg think le lie themsolves into such a belief.' 0u Saturday the 22d Inst, when we hope applt- Even IhA NV. T.,;..,.. .r.A- Alaimlrxr a cant will appear. 1-lberai wagesYwiu ue g.v.u. Hi u m UU1 Mi v. I N. Xnne nmuins without Larln.j our ami children, who aro rlonotirlent wnon hr, A"V niinva Ul llCHIUIIIIjr, I.IIIU II. U ... ..PI. 'J' In which she resides, must also be produced ' whots certificate, sworn to before tho board, must t'ffnuiure on t,t mapper. Languages, per quarter, August 10,1804. - 7 10 DISSOLUTION. pnrtnorth.p heretofore ex feting fcotwefn rratlV 1 t or:n iniir ino nnniirinr m tun nrfoti h n.r .. s .1 . . " ' . tM herself t be ; that the s.a tomment ofiho. 1 h SI P. i. . v ..Don't lot your Druggist put rou off nulIlber and age of her family i true ; that she j '"it 1 with any other remedy. If he docs notUveit ig , destitute circnm.t-.nees and her family in f '!Sl!.j ?".; i. . t , for sale, enclose nifl 24-per mail, snd we will actual want ; and lliat all the fasts set forth In her send yoaons botti oi ino Army-Ague Drops per application are just and true, Robert L. Jehnstos Richard Vaux William Loughlin Edward R. Polinbold Edward P. Dunn Thomas Mcf'u'.lou;;h Edward T. Ross Philip S. G"ihanl Georgo G. Li ipor Michael Sellicr Patrick McEvoy Thomas II. Walker Oliver S. Diuiuiiuk Abram R. Duuuii.g Paul Leidy Kobort Swint.ord John Ahl Gcor"t) A. Sm'tli Tha iuous lletik i Huh Montgomery John M. Irvine Joseph M.T ; mpj m H-sol.-is llrown J in- f P Hair William Knuats Itiliiaui iljn'.oav iy mail, post pafd. : Wilcox & co. 181 AVater5t,ew.York I torms containing tbese rennlsitmns ran be ob tained at the oflico of the Board of Relief, when applb atioa l made an I th witnesses appear. OcUlD, lSf.4.- W. 5. BRADLEY, (7. K..K. V:E A Ix S - -ritorBiiTOR. - f OcU 19 ly 1 . A . 7'Xl.e 2v f.3.:t i , a -I Majority for ud ScktlfrwleeJcvs defeaL it inovnt, alter ciaimiug m whorb week, lurrepders, iL 1, tt. fi. ! J ... J Oil XL. CUTTLE, i Attorney at Law and Heal Instate Affent, Dj CLEARFIELD, PENJi'A. . . . OJficeon Market tt. (fpuiU tU aAiiT, ; -j l l tarttir iim oners bis s rvices in sell X ibg nd buying lands in Clearfield and ad ' joining counties ; and with an experience of over i twenty years as a Surveyor, tatters himself that ;h can reader satisfaction. Feb. '63 tf. i a ' 'J (I MlKTLsW-is great variety at ' ' J. P. KRAZtR-8. The Books and Accounts are ia tho hahJs of Thos. 11. Forcey, for settlement, aud all persons Laving unsettled accounts will pica? eall at once and settle them up, T. II. FORCEY. J. BLAKE WALTER. , Grahamton, Si pt. 8, '64. pd. Farm for Sale. fpHR subscriber otters for sale, oa reasonable I i.m.. ill rren of Land, more or less, Sit uate In Oirard township, Clearfield county, with Thomas McCullough about 40 acres clearea, wnu ouuaiugis, e., erec- j;,Wnr 1 T. Heis ted thereon, being the some premise- parcha'ed philip S. Oerhard bv Smith King from Georgo II. Smitti. For George O. Leiper terms and particulars apply to th andcrsigned Michael Si-Per at Clearfield, P. il'atriek McKvey TUO.S. J. MeCULLOUGH. ! Thomas II. w.,k.r Sept. II, lf6Mf, '' , Oliver . Pimraick ELECTOR')'. Robert L. Johnstoa Richard Yaux William Lnulilin ' Edward R. HelmboM Edward P. Dunn Au-a.n B. Dunning Paul Lei ly Hibtrt SwinofirJ John Ahl Georgo A. Smith Tln '.dcs Banks Hng'i MonlgoT-ery Joan M. Imt.a Joseph M. Tupmptun Rasselas lirown P. Earr Wit! lam Koanta WiiUaia M mtgouery SB "