I lit ionrtl fcr Tar principle the Colonists stood justified ho vel extend to tho lore the world in effecting tueir separation fi,r ilo iroi.le, ihonj.li t t . -. . . 1 i.va..i.lint rit t'sL I PVU U ifnnmin, t-v. ' . - . . rcrle Ihe oppoitunity of accepting it lor from the mot her country. n was upon . i. ...!..!.. f i,n,l il. hnnnr r,f i.iesent-'lhis irincipla that Iho original thirteen .i... nnA.;i;.,n n...i vmi f.ir vour-' n(vouftl ami co-sorei e'en .Slates formed! Wilderness self, declared fo4t on tbe Utb of.'anu- tho Federal compact o! iho old Union in nrv thus ; "I v to Ihe Senator from 1787. It is upon tho same principle that (Jeorgia.and to nil Ihe gentlemen here, if the c Hj.pi d nod co-oveielgn Slates ofour thev will take the pmposiiion of my col- Coiifoduiaoy firmed their new compact al league 1 will vole for it, in. d we will pasi union. v , , . " .,' it, if that will f ive us pence and preserve Tho iden Hint the old I mon oi any In the Union." But yon nrver gave it your ion between sovereign Stales, conoislonlly i.. l. l,i,l iimri-n'fipr .' with this fundamental truth, can 'no sus- Ynu voted iiniloi mil) against Inking up tained by force is preposterous. Jus war the compromise until the day of tho linn I springs from an attempt to do llm prepns mlioutnment. 1 ran well understand the terous thing. Supetior power mny com uneasiness you manifest on tho subject, 1 pel a Union of soiuo sort, tut il would not and why you sought the opei limit v, even be the Uuion of tho old Constitution orol nt this fate da-ie, of making nn effort to our new. U would .be that sort of Union clear the skills of your party of the grave that results from despotism, responsibly that rests upon those who' - Tho subjugation of the people of the prevented an amicable adjuslmeutof the South Fy the people of the Nojtli would sectional eotitrovcrs-y. Ilut.General.you can necessarily involve the destruction of the never escape from it. Jt willstick to you as Constitution, and the overthrow of their the fabled shirt of Neses, as will iho rccol- liberties as well as ours. Tho men or par lection or other emissions and comrcis- tv at the North, to whom you refer, who sions.of whicliMr. Lincoln and his friends furor peace, runs! bo brought to a full real are guiky. Had Mr- Lincoln raised his iznlion of this truth in nil its boilings, be potential voice against secession in le- fore their efforts will result m much pnic cembei. 18C0, after his flections, by sim- tical good. Any peace growing out of a ply declaring his purpoBC, notwhitbstand- union of States established uy force will inj his sectional election to act as I'resi- be as ruinous to them as to us. dent of the whole country and lake thej The action of tho Chicago Convention, Constitution, as defined by the Supremo so fur as its platform of principlia goes, to hold up these principles as the surest ' Personal. We have often said that the Ihe Retell for Lincoln. Presidential Election Pr.i. tai hono Of rcstorinc soundness lo the pullic nominnl oditor of tbe Jacobin oraan of (Lis VA We rflwatfi contended Hint n lnrn TirHKREAS. hrm .t. - . ... . . . . ---- - s ,,., - w III u.. . . mind o iM M ii, as tie brazen aorpeni ,aca j, not the author or tho editorials, portion of (Lo people or the South were washcld up Tor tbe healing ol Israel in tbe ; ., ... . . ,...,.,.. v . .. , XS.!V "MaU thsni. Rf ildernes ",,u ,UB liu " -." wining acu anxious to return to me un- lu eieowrs orth()Tfrill:''0n:i The chiefaid and the encouragement wo 'responsible parly for' the low. dirty per- jon. As long as the Abolitionits are in ITiotoZ'wmtL sn give the peuce partv at the North, is sonal abuse of respectuble citizens anJ power, and none but such as Lincoln's- lame places stwbloh n,. ,8 'WJ . i ,i . ..-...' ... . . , .i . -.i . . . v..,A !,. . . " ""us nifri.t.. mi-Bp t-renv iu neighton tnai weeuiy appeals in iub coi- iern nTCI 0rfered tbem, they are just as ""' ."7. :' "is rrseedi,. 'Jn t?!tt and n" of Ht Journal." We kno, and otdet . b.ls as tho rrigir-aUece.sionist. ijui noon me terms lore- -''K"1 "nurfn na rnn. T1'. . . tOinO dV in vrrr IV,.,..!. . n .7 :cagr Ilatrorm, and 'of elccti K . liter of acceptance, Vies ; Pt of tho unitea Su,t. itwH be no niorewur bo lon they bhould Wo to keep before diem tnenUl principles ana 1 ...Ml ll.rtm ..It.) ... Iw - I...!.,,, i ..,. .with t,nsMiinn n I eninv-. most persons in this community know, themselves. meni ot conslitulional liberty. ' tlie roi-ei nine Hireling who iuu et-is iu shadowed in me i i iii-hc in ini:ii'ii:uin:t icu pinion iiu- iuiuid ,, ow i.ij riniurai insi nets. u-n. wouiu Nan would tiike care of itself and there would v nrf rnr ii ;n .. ,.. ,nnn i, .,. ai.,,i, )rt .T"ER.I0KK'Ir-oAnDpi0t.,n,'.. f , ,, ' 1 11 r i i ' V . I. n. . V.'Tmaeoant''a"ni lM ildhe ed to ( ncunii 01 numy ni'ivu iiinnii carry ir.osi oi 1110 recti ouues. iiiisciaas jmnen on me oy mo Act bov refej, All (pu-Bi ions of boundaries, confedea- thus mado the victims oi ttio nuuice oi 0f Southern people no doubt prefer the 7KVing Nnticc it8ih98" ,,BJP cies, and union or unions, would natural- tlis irresponsible public and privato de- tiiumph of the Hemocracy in the present Clon'raoKl, qunliflcd to vote fot"''''?? ly and e.8ilyad.jMsttliemeelves,a( cording hm(.wM well n for ourself, that for any coniest. Vice President Stephen and a"e;!d AmWy to m(c, lt ,7" 4, to the interest ol parlies, and the exigen- . . , . . , n tmn dmtrirta on TbESDAY, lb saT i cies of the timrs. Herein lies the true thing said of us, or about us. or them, or Qor. Brown, of Georgia, and Mr. Coyce, VEMBER XEXT. then .nil ,her7 la or Ihe balance Of power and tbe liar- about our or their political acts, in a lair 0f soutn Carolina-always conservative TJ.0! " 0 cl,,rk ln the-moming,,? f ilul sj.mioi criticism, men-are amonc the most prominent lea- Tweniv-Sev.n EiUio,. r . :".7 'uir mony of tho Stales. Yours respectfully. Ai.nxANrra II. STErniss. and juf-t and truth 1 wo care not s groat. spun oi jltiiicibui, men-are among No offense will be jerg0 this class. Twenty -Seven EUclori of VmL 'li President of the United Ki.... '.Nr.i Cc tltarfitli Republican. Court, as his cuide, secession would have ; presents.&s 1 navesaiu on anouier oetuaion, Allien in two-thirdsof iheStates now claim-.a ray of light, whicli, under i ronaonce, ing to be cut of the Union j and heosreJutmay prove tho dawn of the day to this least thap-mucU to Ihe Union men of the long and cheerless night ; tho lirst ray of South because or the damage ho had dono light I have seen from the North since tho them by his Springfield ipeoch. Had war began. This cheers the heart, and lo j our parly given h.e -compromise three, wards it I could almost exclaim : "Hail, vote? in tho i Committee of Thirteen, it hoi) "Light, offspring of Heaven, first-born would have defeated secession in Georgia, of the eternal, co-elernnl team. May I and the whole movement would have fall- express thee unblanied.sinceliod isliglil. cn as a consequence. But General, your Indeed, I could have quite so e.xoluun pa'rly, led on by tho radicals, did per.sis- ed, but for the sad lellection tlialnhflh tontlw llin&n tliintfa pnlpn lateil to tuHvenl er it shall brine healing in ils beftm, or amicable settlement : and you nsust an- 'be lost in a dark and ominous eclipse ere swer to the country quenc-'s. Very truly your ob't serv't. . Wm. Dioi.kh AT1H IL. . I taken. Hut this system of vile personal ; Butifyoutke the Simon Ture rebels- bave a. abuse, so much indulged h by this indi- jj10ie wj10 re for senaralion at all hazards ro required to attend and rerrorm'ttf Jf t vidual.not only through the columns or vou finJ t,iem in favor of Unwn to a ffflndU? m a newsimper, but in the hustings, and in man Thev look upon his re-election as mid General Election. """"lii,: ;.he social circle, both at home and abroad, (he only n(cilful for ,he ccomplish JtZTZ tf m r m I t h t.i a tiff Ir.M j IIIIVS I llliIIVHii , Mt'ST CEAf E, 1 . . , iniio uipiicu mm inn mill eieaina if PI " mont of their hopes. 1 ho Richmond 1.x- president and Vice Pmldenttm t 7t" nit v, and it is sufficient to mark him ns a ernment. ln its issue of the 17th instant, common nuisance. But the hundredth part . (jast jion,iay weok), it devotes a long ar hat never yet lec toll. A sincere regard for . ,;tj0 l0 yt object, m uiiresting great the feelings of most of his connections (by ...... ... fi,S,',,x 'marriage) in this county, who are of the Wednkshav Monxixii:::::::OcTuiiui 'b. ' ,,.,.,., ' . .;,.,. . HIGHLY IMPORTANT PAPE. oponio. ""EL KCTt ) A L TICK 1 "1'. IIKSATi gfcl!.. Rorbkt T.. Juhnstoh, L'nnitiria, Uicn.iuD Vatx, 'luhdelpliia. rwiirsRSTATivi:. f.ir the sal consa- its uood work be done, depends so uiucn upon the action oi oiners who may noi 10 card it and view it as I do. So at best it ; is but amy, a small and tremulous rny. . enough only to gladden the heart and quicken the hope. . .. . , i- : i ... r.i The prominent ana leiumg men iu mm Vice President Stephen's Address to the Convention seems to have been n desire to People of Georgia. j reach n peaceful adjustment of our present UitlicuhisS and strife, through the medium THE WAY TO rflACE AND UXIOX. an Convention of the States. They pro- 1 poie to suspend hostilities, lo see what The following letter from therebel Vice'can i,a done, if anything, by negotiation of President, lion. Alexander II. Stephens, 1 i0me sort. This is one step in the right giving his views upon tho prospects of direction. To such a Convention of the ... . i ,, 'Slates I should 1-nve no objection, us n peace, was written m answer to a loiter, fuYconrerenca and interchange of addressed to him by several of his fellow-, vjewg between equal and sovereign Toiv citizens of Georgia: !ers, just as the Convention of 1767 was i'Di,mr,icnii Hi .Srai. 22.1. 1S81. 'called a ml aFselllbled. Gentlemen : You will please excuse me '. Th properly ennstitutta ulLoriliei at ; THE LAW. for not answering your letter of the 14th Waakington and-li.chmond the duly eu-; r -.,,... i,ic0Bt rn0 i' , i ..i . r hnr Up.1 rinreentnlives of the two Con- ' i Urillill S I'lLisi, 3" install t sooner, i imve ueen uusem, mr - - - i. nearly a week on a visit to my brother in federac.es of Slates now at war with H0ctl0n He, will be found thofollow- 8parta, v,ho has been out of health for . eocn omer, imgui g.v i ., . r.,v y sometime. Your letter I found here on such a pr.pos.i.cn bond might. result my return home yesterday. The delay of from it. U would be an appeal on both mr reply thus ocoasiowed I regret. - ; ! ron the sword to reason and jus 'mthout furthor explanation or apology lice- All war which do not result in tho allow me now to say to you that no per- extinction or extermination of one side aonlivinscan feel a more ardent dosire or tne otner mu.i oo c.ueu 00..c.,u. ...ic. Uiscussiou or iniemimicu u - ,- i r r.f lJ.nrii;(A biatorv of this filth V I- tl. l,;rnriii nf ihU f-l.isa. n it following places, vizi wreich is already known lo Ibis eommu--w ti,e rficial orjnn of the Richmond Gov- At ibobou.n of Ai'ph ELfv!:t,ri,tn At tbo houss uf James Bloon. Si ' Bloom twp. . U At flie haupe of Edwnrd Aikcrl for W At the house of Jaeol) Penrci f lJt pleasure at wtat the editor conceive, to; J ; ofJoia YS be the favorable prospects of Lincoln s At the nhool bouse near Simon Br.r.u.jV 1 .1 ........ tl.;:;i.. kna l.ilhArln rm. I . mi -.l. !- .. Lbtll Lirn. - '"H""1 n.-1-i'ruini.iinj, ,n.o ..w re-eiection. mo ariicia m emneiy At tbe Court TJouse fo k k' EEMOCBATIC NATIONAL TICKET, strained us from retaliating and exposing: ong forour columns; but the following' fleu. Ur UM or V b,rwi!'"'Cft : . I him in all his horrible ftnd revolting de- extructgi bi ing the opening and closing' At thehonsoof J.Maurerfw VmhfaL rvfim ,v !forrai,yi Ge8ide ll,U'5twoulJ bewith paragraph, are fair specimen, of the cltmU ..s. GE. GLOKlih 1. .MCC LLbhA.X, iT n.fl reluctftnee that we would pollute, .i.u . At Centre sehool-houfe fur D.i,i ' i 0 1ENXSV1.VAMA. I , ,! (T.1 lrin,Inli.i v , r i.. rt . if ' At the houas of Juhn Grerorr hm,,rl uui i , m- mn, i'n i , nun ui..K r rom luo lviuiiiuuim juiuiiuoi.wii i. koh vic k i HK.s,ni,NT. 'ey of our renders, by the r.llhy recital. HON. UEOUWE II. TKNULKTON, It would bring the crimson blush of shame lo every modest cneek, and send a tnriii of inoflablo sorrow, of loathing and con tempt to the heart of every respectable friend bo has in the world. "The work is Persitdance in his bring it forth. t i i t 1 1. 'WiHiain Lough ! in 2. KdwM K. llelinliulJ av Kdw'd '. Dunn 4. Thus. MeCiillough 5. Kdw'd T. " 0. yiiil. S. (loihard 7. (loo. (5. Lviper 8. Mictmrl Si'llior 9. 'ntrii k M( Kroy 10. rhoa. II. Ilalker 1 1. Oliver S. llimuiick 12. Abm. II. Lluiiiiiug 13. 'aul Leidy I 4. Hubert Swinefurd 15. Jihn Ahl Ifl. Oeorg A. Smith fhnddoui l'anki VurIi .MontKoinery Julia M. Irvino Jos. 2. Thompson' Hni'olni ttroHu Jnme l!urr H'm. J. Kounti Il ia. Montgomery 31, nt ready for tho prea career of infamy rill , Nothing else will. To the respectable portion of the Re publican parly of this county, who look upon that paper as their party organ, and as ti e exponent of their principles, we ! would sey that il becomes not their man- liness, nor ihcir character and reputation Jas good citizens and neighbors, to give ; their aid and countenance to n paper whose chief vocation is vituperation and personal slander. They should demand, oithnr that S. J. Bow's name be taken Itregorr ftM,v I trom tao Hicnmonu . ' pied by Thoiuas Robi.on fllroal., w "Some doubt remains as to the pohti- Bon twp. : nn comn'oxion of Pennsylvania. Ihe press of the United States has become so radically mendacious thct it isimposible to put trust in their accounts even orau j event so public and pluin as tho result of an election. Some days may pot elapse ' before certitude is attained. But ween-; . . .1.. r ,.11:...,. teriain strong nope inav mo iiuuiu;aiu Al the honfo of J. I. Punly forFoitn;" At Con(;ren 11H echoul-uousnforOinrfi At tho jiuldic fchool-houseforflinbfjin t At the hnute of Jneob Hnblerfor iriki,1, At the ichool-hoito in JnnesnllifMajJjJi' At the house of Jese M'ilion fr Bw ' At tho ichool-liouse la AnsonTilJe fir Jj ,' township. . f iMiukA.,..vrn Tt Ti.n l i. . t .up u'u ui u. v. nan a V0,10rutfl have done what they seemed at first to, '"u"'i'- , .,, t , have done, and confess a desire that the ! A Tky H.U schol.houfo,KKI i uo uiiuo, u vuiiit At tiro Court Uouie ib tUborouiholCk present result may roreshadow the re-elec-, forUwrcncolp um lion of Abraham Lincoln. For Abraham ( At the imllio echool house for Uilist-. Jjtncotn u the Svu:n b(il auy. i ins comou- borough. At the house formerly occupies brUml' is twn. 11 - At the publio school-houfe fur till bm.i capable of beaiinc arms a the outset oi . "r .norrn iwp. ( il. nonteid : a force sufficient te meet anv Al V.V ?"uno invading, power and defy the possibility of : .ISLrljl.tlbjpW fubjiignlion. I he only dinger lay m the, furl,i,im (p ., difficulty of bringing this forco . into the At the houo of Iano doom, l6catl,!i held. Abraham, JAitcoln removed Iful uijicm-, boroun-or Curwensviiie, lor r-.it lp. . At tbe house ol 1. h. liiobaVer fixrunk At the house of Ihos. llenilmci felJ tu lh the clmracter which he imparted lo the war If the people ot tno Lnitea otaies inir "To r.ovx of moors in tiik Akmv Of Till' UmTTT) STATF.H, r,- OP-Tlll.s CoM.MONWKAI.ru, H1I.V1.1. HE PUKSKST, l : IT 11 K R AKMKD OR I'.NAttMKD, AT ASY chooso to re-elect him, they thereby pronounee 1 ' "" hip. r.n a. ,. h r nrrrnn nr. th!t II. f.. .. ... . i ' all P ------ zoull. recall uring larger uruiio. imi .,. tn,liutlnealuf WrtKisk ree estallahiny the uUepe,utec o the i " 3FS V.. i.l en. ., nr.n.iintniAnl .f Intit ntJ hi B. Swoope shall be deprived of this chan-th0 fit-Id to fight Lincoln than any other, government of tbo I'uitedSmlei.oroftlij'i nel lo gratify bis natural inclination lo irsorthern l ieMiuent, anci ms coniinuanon cr of nuy iucorpor:it'. J ui.'!nci,i.iifiitrimr i i i :,i r ij. n,:.!,!,;,, Tniil iu ollico will inspire every Southern bi east' sioned officer or othe rwi.-c a wtwrfisi ; slander and v.ll.fy his neighbors. l'nl", wilh ,h(J resolvo0 win independeudence ; or n?ont. who i, r shall bs s-pisriJ isfai; they do this, they are not f.eo rrom re-1 u , ftUernalive lo exlerminatiou." ! WWaUve, KiMutivo or. judicial Jef, ini cuiio (r ui mo uuutmciuBpww; i.j . . ; Icorj,orutJl district, and alsollulmetjiiKta, is .IT 1'Aiar J uo Ai!uor oi luicrum . ol toiigrci-.i, or oi iue auie ii?5j.iuih,vi. r..;i.;;;iK Important Papers. Ojr columns this week conlain three highly important documents the conclu- Kevenue Tor the Mil. District givesnoi.ee or soicc: euuan oi " " iUiiajioncr of any inc irpjrulelai.-lnctWtj that tho "Special Income Asscsenjent jncnpablo of bldins or eicrciiii;, itthu dintr portion or the address or tbe State Lists" for Clearfield county are completed ; i.lBce or .ipuintmesisfJhp;, - i i . tor or Clark of any clecUoa si ttu Mr .ir.Arp.iir Kl.Krilo.N W1TIIIX th:h t oM lTierfi:.lo war nnnn hnnnrnT.Tft ami inal t tom UlO tllSCUSSlOU Or interchange 0. terms than I do. But I really do not see I views in such a Convention, the history as .i.tiTio.. j that it is in mv-power or yours, or ihftt of; well as the truonalure of our institutions' j;0( t (o J(3 t10 duty of all ' i I - ... . lit. I. ,liin if llmktnt oft lnfYnl-Uj.iirh any Dumoer oi persons in our posmon, to , . .. -rtw..., i vcrvw here to nrOtvCt inaugurate any movement thai will aid in I other and towards tho redoml head, t"l omccis icrj wiuie to prouct bringing about a result that weand so ma- would doubtless bo much better under- tho punt)' of tho elective francliHC uy more, desire. I stood generally, than Ihey are now; but I b thc dctoi-nii nod enforcemcnt of all The movement bv our I.esislatureRtits should favor such a proportion only as a J , ., l..vtlin. ,iirilT, last session, at the sutio of tho K.er,! peneeful ccnfcrei.ee, a the Conreula.n of tho Pftfo-gunrJ the luwl.ns thrown ulive, on this subject, was by authority ; 1"" was. 1 should be o po?cd lo leaving lir niIl it. Lot tlio con.scfiiiulH.'Ci of T?!lf:wUte tot-iesouao -c.. le lir,,n tll0 ,ivad 0f tho; tBerve th. ro08l ,frious COl,sideralicn of; presume that the powers that be are ; - timely.judi?ious and in tho riht direction.! delegates might be clothed with powers criminal Nor has it been without results. The or- Jo consult and agree, il Ihey coulJ eanizalion of Hint narlv at Hip. Xnrth irt .souie plan of Adjustment, lo be sul which you refer mny justly be claimed as ! forsubiequcnt inlifioaiion by tbo sover- Jt, is expected of you in tbo coining n. nnrt ol tlie Inula nl it TIipbp. it ii tn eiuu aiaie w join is euecu-n, uuiwio ii Central Committee, tbe letter of Gov. Bioleb lo Gen. Caveeon, and tbe letter of A I ex ax dei II.Stepukss, Vice President of the Southern Con Tederncy each of which nml . m n In. 1111. nn(i(.n Inn l...-a Ion... I ' l" 1 'l II ' ' 4i' . WOH 1 1 1. llm l.'ilh inat tho ten dava end'.nir ves-1 Vlie Hot urn JuJici of lbs rcjpettin fr , ,.! . . . aforesaid are requested lo meetalUwCMlW n-inj. ""j"' ""ivv in (do borough of CleurBeli. on only published in tho Jacobin organ, we ' next after tho mid f-cnrd Tuo'dajtf Co' every man who is Honest and patriotic in going lo exempt Democrats from the pay. ; given under my hand and icsl.sJCt-'' Ihey CO'JIJ. Upon . ' l.i, nnlilii-al altacbments. at the Xortbto.'ome plan of oiyustment, lobe submitted -10 LUAiaillbL W ViWLAflLJl,. be boned, will bn fnllnwed liv ollipr nf a should Ire iiUiitnlorv or binding, and then ruore marked character, if all in both sec- i binding only on such ai sliouia so rauty it cloction, that you will bo fit tho polln, with n list of M tho voters in your rps.eoctivo districts; that you will 'chock ll.o votes ns they go in; tliat you will superintend tlio cunvasa on tho rvound ; early in (ho afternoon, you tions who sincerely deire peace upon cor- 11 becomes tbe people ot lliehouita.as well reel terms will give that movement, thus a the North, to lie q'lito is watehlul aim inaugurated, all the aid in their power, jealous or their rights as Ibeir comaion an- The resolutions or the Georgia Lpgisla-.ceslors were. ; ture, at ils Inst session, upon tbo Subject 'Hie maintenance of liberty in all ag, bpi forth verv clenrlv thoao .rin.-h.lM no- has existed, lus rco.ured not only con-, will SCO that nil the Dcmocialic otes on which olone there can bo permanent slant vigil .nice and jealousy, but it i nro polled, or aro on their M'aj- to the peace between the ditferont sections of often required ! the greatest privations i and ; , bn made this extensive once happy and rwpe.-ous,:su''"fc" nd sacrifices that peoplo or nntl tlintccr cuoii uomaac tut now distracted country. States are over subjected to. Through such to brin out all the vote. Kasy and perfect solutions ofall present an ordeal we ate now passing. Through a, yyQ jiay0 tjl0 yoles to L,08t GroitOE troubles, and those fur more grievous ones ld-o and even severer ordeal our ance. tors e.,t.n n which loom in prospect, and portentious- passed in their struggle for the principle. , Ii. Mctl.M.LA.N, and thus 9-M 0 ll.o nil ly threaten in the coming future, is noth- which it has .devolved upon us lo defend . tion ; r.nd tiion you rests the rcspon ing more than the simple recognition or, and maintain. . Undlitv rf noi I'o'rtniiirr vour rat t in the fundamental principle and truth nn-' - Erl as our sufToring and saci.-,M,"lll3 1'Clioimuii- jour 1.111 in on which all Amoiican constitutional lib- ficos hnvo been and are, to which you al- tho good work, u far 3 your purlieu crty is founded, and upon the mainte- lude, they are not el of the like sutler-j,jr jistrjct j3 COtic'Ci ncd. Uanceef 'which alono it can be preserved ing and sucrTucs which our fulhors boro that is, tho sovereignty, tho ultimate,! with patience, courage nd fortitude in btny at Iho iolls all U:iy, ana SCO absolute sovereignty of the States. This the crisis that triod men's .souls, in their that every voto is polled, doc! rino our Legislature announced to tho iliy- These are ihirluon tL.it sustained 1 detcrrainition and tho people at the North and to the world. It, them in their hour of need. 'Iheir illus- J'norM ueiei min.uion, ana mo is the only key-note to pence permanent, , liious and glorious example bids u not bold assertion of your rights as free lasting pc'uce con listen t with the eouri-,' to under esiimato the priceless b- mcn,will make us conottorors. ... r il. . I : 1:1 ....... latin, ll.nv nnl.i'nunil fnr lla ft I. utu I a n It t ' I ly in uio I'uuiiu nun iv, mumiui, v........ - - . j lipi.'fi Thn nlil (nnrpdpi-ntin- trn rnrmo.l nnnii of treasure and blood. lj- J I-i. J this principle. The old Union was after- Great as are tho odds we are struggling wards formed upon this principle No, against, Ihey aro not greater than those league can ever be formed or maintained against which they successfully struggled, between any Stale, North or South, secur- hi point of reverses our condition is not lo ing public liberty upon anv other princi- bo compared to theirs. Should Mobile, pie. " .jSavannuh, "Charlestons Augusta, Macon, Tqe whole fiamework of American 'in-Montgomery, J even letersburg and stitutions, which in so short a time had' .Richmond full, our condition would not won the admiration of the world, and toj then be' worse or less kopeful than theirs iyhich we were Indebted for such an un-l wns in the darkest hour thai rested on paralleled carrer of prosperity. and happi- their fortunes. ness, was formed uponthis principle. All With wisdom on the part of thoso who fio-OMJf prcs9nt troubles sprang from a depar-; control our destiny iu the cabinet aHd 111 ,. 1 tiire fronilhis princinlo, from a violaiioni the field. In husbanding and properly . Vl1 ii. t A. :i r..l i. J!r . ...t. 1 1:.. - ... 1 ,i 11 aoti4M4 tuv, ui yur political Organ-1 n Dluiu6 uui vauuii;vu iuvii Luuiuwiuu, mentof ibis "Special assessment." If so, well. Hut if Democrats are compelled to all controversy as lo where the responsi-j suffer any penally, by reason of failing lo bility lies for the defeat of the Crittenden ' know this requirement of tho Govcrn- Conrpromise. It fastens that responsibili-, nient Assessor, thero may be some dilfcr. ty irrevocably upon the Republ tors and Congressmen in liStlO- hive the acknowledgment of ron-tlten a Senator, and now Chairman ( organ -thlnkinj thereby to compel Dem of the Abolition Committee that 1 Mai.ocrats to subscribe for it. thUseveuth dny of O'.olwr, is Ik' J" our Lord, one thou.mn I oighuundmi:1" ty-fuur ; and of the Itidciieulrne tho Lnitcd Stales the cigtill-Sisllli KDWAKD riiUKS.thoiiff.;; I )L'l!i.lC i:Dt l-Theri ti'.ll X rca to puunc sa.o on its premii'' publican Sena-' ence of opinion ns to whether it isexactlv ,in Myrtcr, kie of Pend towartip. fiO-Gl: and wo' fair! Terhars they adopt this plan to L . ,V!ltunl:T, ' " m J. - ....... the fullowjiijc valuable propr(r, to til; ot uen. Came- mcronso ll.o subscription lift of their 3 hore., 3 cown, 3 hl of ywnr - Compromise had ban adopted, the war woian have nr.F.s avoiufd. This is the nbolo i lot ol Uraw. l:i3 bu.-heli of ot whent, a lot of ern and backnhfit,lpnt(' esse. We notice that tho Colleotor also con- gon, 1 bugy, 1 2-horfe wngon,in .. . . ,. ... anu harncss.fiiimuiir-uiiaanailiteisws1"''. fines his notice to the same medium. ory ,.., with .,,...11, arf When Gen. Cameron acknowledges we;i gentlemen; this is your business 'and kitchen furnstur. ,T B?Jj i this, he acknowledges all thsl ihe Uemc-! not ours ; but remember that it is "a long j'Jock' m' j0,,ii jirss,' crats nave ever ouargeu agaiosv uis pnriy, Bno that has no turn." J - ctiff and for which many Democrats have been ! Put suppose our Coun'.y CommUsioncrs. ! A. FjillM l1 OK W1 censigned to loathsome prisons, ln other ;ond Democratic officers generally, should' pHE subcrilpr offeri fur talc c rrj words, we have Cameron's word for it, ; practice this 'illiberal policy : what them ! ' te?.',a.JVm2D2TuM that tho adoption of the Crittenden Com promise would have averted Ihe war. Big ler proves and lyfhe record that the lie Do Your Part,. Men of wealth men of character iusd nine cnum 01 urcrnri., ..i.". ; t- Acres, with Prty Acrenl' , rJlfrauio Dwelling touts. SM- lll,n on.l nll-r.r nu t -building J. iPf; 0rrharJ of thriving tree,. Tbe .'ox's r ?itteJ'l,nd ihe ancestors of the people in tho great causo of eight CiiuP' llf -tf. y" a iJMJ ili unholy pru-! and liberty fbr which wo are struggling, tifi SWtJ' i rSn'e Ihe-fW.e coul t suffer all those leases and calam- i'l'fif fln vtLrM "1. .1 1 '" 1 . . ma.nie-1 mi's, nii grouwr even, uuu ouu iiiiiujjju anct) "cTf.'jsl uah. JJJ ipui t Jv" friudgatl t h ,veft thelr'pyruu'6slArMr tL'eir,5acrd lit e.riin.tue enu. t,n r At present, however, 1 do not sen, as I ...Vor. LlutcorernmeuUtiJveiiVstiute3 atnona tilted in the outset, that von or I. or anv jV.jjJjepnjfeiiviuji tUUi iyt'powers.rronvtheLriuuibof persons in our posit Urn, can do . tiujueu,. Uk tyo jjvvyviltai, uu lu.vu nucii,j j iiiuuuiaiiuj; uj new solution war on our "ty A)r4iiorimia become destruct , nioVement looking to a peaceful Via nftfinan pnd'4or 1 wli'irh It i formed. Of.tl.'e prcsont strife. The wm j'.'-.itis llberigiiXof iLpooplato alter or ab-1l :r'l is fairly and entirely defensive in its ' Vol6"'.11 BfUnsUtiite. aTujifiqromment.iuharacler. How long U will continue to inna nn '.iinb 'nrinmntp; 1 be thus Wickedly and ffiercilesslv WSced auu orcanuinK its powers ui auca a lorm as gii'i uo um-tuvi. mj,uu tUo peupie or m? , our own State to whonitre owV has with crcut nnnnirufiv nro chti'misi.ilie principles Arn'which a just ' .n.i l.n.i;. ' M nhd LermfVfiEnt neuce ousut to be sou i; lit , i. nmui wiuiuuiHlHlaJl 4IVUIBII ui 1 r " - i -f , !. . . ' U , . , J capable of orgnniziniL iptt. tuaj'ntaining a i and obtained, . 1 he CTfigress 6f the Un--gevernment, not iiulfxiaua.! ,mem,bor9. of , federate Statfs hai, followed with im In- ooiety. I he consent or Ihe goverdeu re-i oorcemeni oi iucso pnncipm. ah gruu fori to the will of the mass of the commu-inndl, and others in our position, thore ily or State in its organized form, and ex- fore, can do on that line at this luue, is to t 'W IlJJUMI . 1 1AM V HMniU tUllWIi . rVCI I LtJ CS1CLI iVe-aaofhKppocM. .'. Georgia, , pl'' end 'VoveruaJjCwUiis annunciation!.' T r . v si I a WVt W MA II tl I t j Chairman Co. Coiumittco. T. J. McCuLi.oitsii, Secretary. CJP If Swooptf dors Ssm. llovifs praying, as well as lying and can thus keep the account balnncod of course nobody ought to complain. Hut it would be ell for Sammy lo inrpuire info this majlfer. Tbo fact is, Swoope never puts pen lo paper without lying, If he does not do it plainly, positively, and literaMy, he does it by implication. Their last issue is a perrect specimen of Swoope'a capacity in this respect.. Wero it not for crowding mil film and nmra tlanfiil pnn.linrt rnllpr 1JUV WliV. MI- ...V. V M Jt I I. . .V.f,.,J . . . . 11 I .!..-!..' IMIIIll va wnn .1 iiniriL 1111111 iiiil rnnkar it I vi'i v. . i- -. publicans could, while Iho Democrats ctuld of iufiuence you must now exert your not, have carried that measure. Are they selves. More is demanded of you than not, tUen, clearly guilty? Out of their merely to go and rote, Work for your own mouths are they condemned. ' property for your liberty for your life! It is a notieeablo fact in regard to this All are staked on the result. Rouse your mntlpr. lhal Gen. Cflmnron bnu nindn no 1 noinl.W lolir In 1im numn itli liim ............ ...... 6 - TTAV1XI lonffd tho Hiieuipi. 10 rriwy i una imvrr. in uiiie urge nim IO join you in electing P1CV.I.F.L- I S horin ftt Mil 1 rrnnrii in winMiii: mc i tabic. I'or Terms apP'y '" ,h In Lswreree townchip, Clea' Jr'.j op2i-am-p.i r"o'a.BiiLY "it 'rue is"i:"u.r fonts roiMw-fll iiAMrrA& Hi ttio rouuuv lesbanr.-kao.si. prrpsred to ' shows that he has bad ample time, lan AND SAVING THE NATION. Eut lot XPUY," re Tho charges, if false, are or too serious a above U, go to the polls earh-; slay thero : T'?a'xtJte Kisw ll.rWjB i .... r . l ! . - .l: .1 r, 1 . . .. . . inreMiuiH ---. ... pn.i.lW- cunracicr .or iiiiu w uisregaru. no is anU, oy your acilVO energies Dy your Cook Move, wsion cpinuit.,.-- j,,. ... I . . . . . . . i i ..,rl nnlict. charged with deliberate falsehood, and the personal influence by your proud bear- w f ,' "11 lciW'''- i , . . , , DOlll SI jrii-iuii - .l,'11" 'Ktcar mi as an Americas rRKEMAX by your de- cook end rerlor Stores for ,0'Lj SI . I !li . . il . . oiacn nnu uamning euusoi causing trie war in as an America ra.EUAX bv vour do- i. ..i r.rinr " - 1 - - - vuvn m ii ' - fill .I , is nroven uimn his nnrlv and lia dara 1 i..m;.i inn in lr tn ft, .1,1 in A'm r,-. hurir mnnufucture. Cull sbq j - 1 -rf u i uiiuuuni v v vini, ,v .15., , v -.v o not deny either. our cause, aia in stemming the tide of : ISAAC UAl'PT is pe"t foithsTii.! 19 fv. --- 'il. A ptrusal of Mr. SiEpnENsMetter will blood and fanaticiBtu. and restoring peace, ioit nl Columbia InwranM tP". Jfjt; hmiuo!" enir' satisfy all candid men of the truthfulness iinitv. and harmonT .1 r nn.illinr tviilman V IIIIUllll.1 HI VI I1IVIM V IUU MS VSk.VVIUt.W I -- j ( i 1 .1.. . s . ai . .1 . ...... r t w- iu fiirti fA,vs Aflnrnpv and i oun IIHI t . It II A lUllk ID, IIIIIV IU VIL'UllVII VI nit, Aiuri . ..v O " McCeli.a:, on Ihe Chicago platform, will a recent Washington despatch : i KKSTORK THE UNION. This is the! no credits for drafted deserters. nnd nnv.ri.UliP.1 n.nin nf il.;. Many of the tuen recently cl.sltea u'. mH an hnDA run mi . .1? BDUIUKiUM - ' me ...,. , -to say noWiing of the Soutlj mat Iho Democrats are successful, Recently addressed to Vn Uelligence" of Jhi, commu-1 JU6t 80 " " ro" of the rebellion General Fry. who . replied . .;i. w, .n fall to pieces by divWon among Ihepeo- n"ff'1 1. ,r,'"l in and hid them- in view of this fact, inquiries were meddling trj . i v, III" -. . -I,IM ( Ben unpor V. v.) .-.l U'lll I I.) .1. csre in Klk snd sdjoiaintf cous'; U l'IOi.-Tbe Pw' ." "M u ?" j -,i ...uiiut niivinit vi mvn.it M nffitinl ohout yean uiu, - l that drafted -fll and do not ocIumI-. "".7. V.' W.' W. - - ..i k.,rinc or selling, v. Ti.: . n 1In .n. miio t. . uunu nt . in view o tbis act. inuuines worn moailllnir wun a .m . respectability 'wnnltli'ar.d in .. " . .. '.. .... full to nieces bv di-i.ion monff 1ba neo- . men no iau .o r.por,, uuu uo noi aciuai-, . lp2,.3t !-r- nity can sustain a paper so utterly iosho - . , jy enter the service, are not entered on . .vrrnFoor enmpoto" all tho proprieties of lire-so utterly aod Ihere-who are now, and ever will ,he qupUi A gpppiemcntary draft will . W i", -barge ol the shamefully regardless of truth-is beyond remui.n a unit gwnit Abolitionists, be mftae fr any' de6ciency that exists The comin winter w,?cfw"M our comprehension. . . Thi brings the question borne lo the after the present draft is completed. , ..ecording to JMbsP-f Khm.M un I linn lr.mil ftiii r-nilnrv thev , 01 evcry nonu -". , "i- 1 rf. L.-.k,,! would spurn ns as abase demagogue; and P w vW aMlV8U", M ru'e ,n au C"M U9IC"ier' " uo, ' TKrulT' J 11 JOU UP, U uiisjiui; iviioii juui luio nuv, mw lunj vi luunt ,vii auv-v iu. u rQl Ciller " i an (f j . . r.n, .. !..! J '-.1 J It -M nff.rl for t lor uen. iucuLKbLAn; uuui jou are op-.oiuer urau. jusUy, too. A v iKiini tt A mrtn itlhanil sYornllf 11 n . llushini li.sefHh-aUriisburg 7r(in faT.or 0f Liguer uxes, toore conscip-1, l5T1ruTioM.--Twx preachers- a . It.Wp. l "iSinMb.-t IBfreu. "--' et.SaU.Mfav Ja.t.wegivethe following as, u aj Mend,ng wnr ,hen TOte Jckson. of Harrisburg, and a Lev. J.cks, twi aipetime.V-- - , jt,ncolDj TLere Uno-misUing the issue J BeHefonte, are posted 40; adorew a .nd Fr. Ii rilil.. .11 r v . , I 1 . . . . 1111 uiu uiu iv.nowvoming icuuuio - . . those men who Used to cry No Topery " . " rplaoe en Tuosdy next witn sucn sost, ana who ueman.lea an ex- B.-5rwiolll nr,ni0A u.i ir f-nm 01 a ri.;m ,a KA u,a nailed . ' .n. ST' and Frame. Bare.. ".J," Republican. Bteeiipg . at the lsl ..amed W'Viu. . vM Vji A. - . 1. il IB 1 pressed through its legitimate and proper- ,uslain tho lAnaiAn at ll.A narinil nf r.nltiial!nl inn tf) movement already i'naug-' 21 years now belong to tbo Copporbead down t 200 vne ises m.-u witn . e.uaav - w Beth these men'er,p,Tint, .nd other ""ju dMpto. f:wraiSi,, a BUIBe v mockery 1 nmrfrld- If conslitvlej yrgns. Il was' upon this 'utale and to the upmost or our ability, 'orgauiialioTi." , urday. anil nn liuin llClim Rat. PtlKCB Ot PllCB. What ,What a proilHulion or the f?acrcd Desk Ast 10. t!ei.-.