Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 26, 1864, Image 1

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    l. a - . i , i . aggrsBaa""
ii ii nw n n r 4M iava v a . . u . n
0 i;i f)
D. W. MOOUfi, Editor tuft Proprietor.
TEEMS 50 Per Aaaum, if paid ta adrnnc
1. i ..,. r . ...
'y WW
3j the Citizens s( Pennsylvania :
Oa the other hand, the African race
Im never, anywhere, given any proof or
Hi capacity for a self-sustained civility
lion. Since the tun first shone on tbat
continent it baa remained in the "iame
ti cf menial gloom. Cruel, brutal,
voluptuous, and Indolent by nature,- the
African hat never advanced a single step
bsyemi hie own savage orignat. Slavery
ru ever oeen, ana in inn nour continues to tie
t . i i-.- .i . .. .'
., mrmtl condition throv?hmt every dime hi
. . "
a mam onoortuniUe. if
fdn can niM m i Ann vt. than haia ha.
the inhabitants of Asia or cf K,,..
,A! V. l turi,e'
A'.oae the stores
. j ywwnnfin -
d the Literature and
was once concentrated the Lit erutnrA
Science of the world. Carthago, the rival
of imperial Home in all the arts of civili-
ntiOD, extstea lor many y?ars on the Af-
rirau border, ine baracens. thA mr.ui
. .. . . ....
polished race of their tia. founded and
maintained for centarlea a conn'emuaeru-
pire. bull, for all thi. the African haa ' lha cml powr." It Ims tuj erffded in n(br,J?hter finite of devotwn to their in
anlnued to prowl on lhrou.h hii lnn reign of lawlet-: foicu ih. ; tendeij victim : d t4i wm ld Mih I n it
night of barhafim ; and thus, in all
man probability, !w will continue forever.
Tell ui i not that his want of progreat in
ciiuiuuu ms rrtii 01 ion eaiaDiiaoed -m Biunug U!l KWKi Hia ot otli- 4 uo nuirrui siBieaman wuo tiaa been
bondaga. So, fir cnturiei, wat our own ce t0 '''" our people und cat out theii nominated for tho1 ecnd place on our
rtce bouod to .ih eatth under variout ,!lD8,n6ce-" an iniquitous Conscrifi-1 t'caet. iiat long been conspicuoua in the
modifications of predial vassalage. Put ' ,ton 'aw. fcs distributed ii aet.tti , l-gtoliitive biancu of th Government,
tie white soul expanded, and mounted wnong peojile, backed by tajonelt Kememberiug hu years few men in our
tbove all itsburthena and tramniela, and 8nJ cl,,hd with discretionary powers couutry have ever leuched a higher poii
finally, In this country, reached the full .Ter liherties, if tu.t the lives of our U10" 'n he renpect and conlidei ce cf the
fruition of republican freedom. ;citizens. Jt "ha quart( rd huge armies 11 uUl'c- turn in the preceut 'Jougrees
, We grant tins mental inferiority of lh ' troops amongn u." It has "impOK'd i'Oi!eitea to a greater extent ihc.-a gifis
African (re forbear, in the spirit of ,M.xe lTon u ''hout our cnr.aein." yl o'atory nuJ acuouiplikluueiits of stateg-
iDbneiy, any pbyncal contemplation or
1 1 A . x
utiirj uoea noi give a uominant race lc" iamcrou mr a stronger
the right to couvey him from his own Government, that "our charter may be
Uoigh'ted land to a foreign bondage, even talen away, our most valuable laws abol
tinder the forms of a purchaae from hie Bhed, and the powers o'f the Government
African master. But this natural infer!- !ere(l fucdnmentally." Then e sub-
erity must be considered by the statesman m'' lellovr-cttiaena, are all of tbem fra-
in framine luwa and adontins Onsiiin. lures fairly exhibited of that "kttnM.-or
lion for human ronrnmcnt. In P.nn.
Ijflvsnis we have always aflirraed this
feriority in fur fundamental laws: and
the lame has been done in almost all the
free Stales of the Union gereially ex -
luding the African from the right of
ufTrase. This necessity of duly tegarding
the law of rrces is thus forcibly comment-
d upon by Lamirtine, (a scholar and a
statesman, always in favor cf man's largest
liberty,) in a rrcent work :
im convinced that taea omrn'orm t fie great
. .
UtrH nf tnen and manners. Man is not so
capable of education as philosopher ima
gine. The influence of fovernment and
fans has lrs power, radically, than i
tuppo.ed, orer the manners and instincts
of any people. While the primitive con
ilitution acd blood of the race have always
their influence. And manifest themselves
thousands of years afterwards in I he ph) s
ical formation and habits of a particular
taiiilv or tribe. Human nature flows in
rivers and streams in the vast ocean of
linmanity j but ill waters mingle but
ilowly-sometimes they never mingle.
, ii,A iM,nn
from tho Lake of Geneva, with its own
taste and color. Here is, indeed, an
abyss of thought and meditation, and at
.3 . , .
tho sama I me a arahd teeret lor Uaalators.
ti Lng as they h ep the spirit of the met in
ttVio ihry succeed; but they fail when they
strive against this natural predisposition :
naton is stronger than thiyare."
Bu.nhytbus enlarge upn a lopvo
which has uuJergone so much, aud well
frequent discussion T Wby-because this
idsa ofwoiking out nejro ejulitu on tho
part of our opponeots is the viry basis of ovr
iresent rouheal slruone. l.ei uo man oe
;..!,. Tl.i. U ,z.ll ii, land n snn
it the present moment between the two
psriiojts- To carryoutthi idea has corns at
tear which is nu diluting the land with rater-
afiiW; For this, tbe t'onttiiuiion ana
the roierved richls of the States and the
i k ,uil iramt.lo.l
SnZ fnor. for this both mre ous an
Hock any monarch In England, hare been
issued by the President, and sought to le
tnforced; for this, Secretary Sesrard't
bout to Lord Lyons -"I can touch my
office bell at any moment, and order to
K nToo f eq n, 'real 17 i
m arrested any ctlutn ol tint country
The extent lo which the party support
ing the President are willing to go in ne
gro affiliation, find a memoiable illustia
tion ia the proposition made by Secretary
Cameron, the first of the several orcu
pants of the placeof Secretary of War I
uDusr x resident j.incom, us ooonj iro-
poiod in bit first and lastauoual comuiu-'of
6iction to free, and then to arm, the
hole black population of tho South, nod
tarn them asrairtit their white maateti in
work of indisfciiininnte butchery I Thi
- . . . a
t.,,1-:r .v ...... i inn nn. urn snnntsn
b tL PrMi.Jpnt when first r-roposed, but
ft hm linen been acted oo in more In-
t.itices than one
W. v.-. ,'.! i,,.rlr at nresent
in power, fellow-citiaens, with tyranny
ad usurpation. We now go further, and
roniyV-rt our belief, that there it a ;
nlAf-A irrlr noweia
asodi of the President ; and if tbeir ad-
should be adopted by the people, in
horttitn thecbaint will be firmly rlv
'Hand oue liberties completely aubvert
The Philadelphia Aw not long
remarked: ' v . '
'Aooiher ptinqiple must certainly be
-waiea in our reoogniieaioro or go
patent. The men who shape the leg
W00 Of thla nniin'H mhan th tr
HZt.'a'jsf remcmlwe tb.t ht w anf
IT SVs Kla' 4Tf-rfi
"eni. ik. ..n..!;. i
. ti : .f P'?. ' lJ concert,
I "' Ti i. i i Am.erKa: ,
. : j .i . . .
"""" "uj n wie ao-
7,7 a aenl with limited inwcrs ;
iWeJiEI '"'.T P ? -
mentovght to U and must to INmhited"
Such dostrlites at these would have met
w:th rebuke, even at the hands of the
elder Adam. , but thcy .,,t.V
Drecursora ct thu.;,n. i
been made in ni.rr L .i7- L. f
dnn.rin ,t .irV.J - U,U8. ,rl'"c"
uoctrinet of the (Jonxtitutinn. T'm vw
in fact. coinuluMied i.f I
. . r vi i uui
and enumerated it, their decla.a-
- - j
iiufi airairiRL ilia Kn.ii.h 1. i
Wn revived u no ft
""rT?ftI violated iu own
ministration has iilf.,iiv i.. M -
p.eH, a.ii .ouht "f.reiext
innovation uuon the eNtal.n.h Ji ... ir.i.
Ple of the Government ;' it bus fostered
P"l of encroachment which tends to
"r"a,4,e departments of the
uoverument in one nml ii.niiu. .. 1.., ,
ever tlle 'r'n 'y be. u mil d.apotUui."
l ',a foJered ' the u.jliiiiiv uiriot to
.-w.iu.r, nlml.
hu-,,cnbed bJ lw aeuurend impii.s-
0D?,ent '" due process of law."
j h" verily "created a muliimdeof new
inaiiy,-it chosen and purcha.-ed udvo -
MU. An .. - I -
Government" which our fniefxihoi.. un.
in-'P6"'10 " ,n Supreme Judge of tue
.world," eighty years ago. iledifd 'their
,1V"' "eir tortunes, nd their acred
, bonf" " put aside former.
,w'e jVe lerre poken. lellow-citizens,
J?.ulh dIreseed condition of the coun. ry.
'P.9 mountain of dobt which ha been
P''ed up so recklessly, cannot he lew inati
three thousand millions of dollura. wht n
r'.' f":rly counted. 01 this, i'ennsylva-
mat share will be at least one tHiun uf
!,,c wboI' or $300,OtK..000. The annual
intftrA.t linntl tl.Iu li.... it....... ,..:t.. ... . .
interest upon thi sum (more easily est i-
maiea man paid) will tu about eighteen
millions of dothrs. This, added to the
annual interest of our former debt, make
an eggregate of iniere-t now, aocl hnce'
forth, to le torne by the people of tins
, ... i I
Commonwealth, stated in round num
bers, of twenty millions of dollars ! Wo i
cannot heighteu this picture ot tlie bturn
reality, which an inexorable arithmetical
calculation trivet, borne make even a
deeper debt and a darker pi ot peel of the
,u'u,e- . , ,
. Taxation always falls heaviest upon
labor; it will now crind the toor to the
very earth. And ei the mock phiiati - -
l"ropist ot the day are increasing tue
taxation, and utging cm a sysiem of me.
kilt nft h irtls tiniiA ' i n a iik.i ams.v .r ..i.. .
" t"" '
lie ratine the coiiditioa of the Alrtcan.
will, il carried on much longer, practically
enslave the luboiing white man, and
st.irve his family. And besides this, if
tho foicible abolition of bondage at the
South should succeed, it will cnly be to
bring the whitewoiking men and 'women
ot the Ki rth into competition in the same
paths of labor wiili the Alncau they have
been taxed and bectzaied '.obtinu Lute
uuu fui'tioi i buiuiiksi u. I
i vwed eapiulieie. who has money
'end to the Administration, get. hi
b,ond. "P hush there u no laxahun ; and
' mcieaaed the burdensol the labor-
'-"" '"V"1"'
,PUMue this melancholy train of fact
rewoning. and turn to the more
grateful consideration , of how we can do
iome.hing for the ci,rcc.ion of these
It must le iilain. fe ow-citixeos. that
the only hope that conservative men can
have of saving the country from impend
ing annrchv and ultimate ruin, ia ivy uni
ting with the Democratic pail) the only
1-J Tlul?
character and conservative in it aims;
the only party in the country thai has
ever been able to govern it, lor any lengtu
of time, to the satitfuctioi. nf the people (
at Lrge.
This parly las now presented for the
i imumv; n,c irtiunnj ... men
the most unspotted lives and tsnbleai-
ished reputations every way unassailed
and unasailable, except by the corrupt
and mercenary creaiuies in the pay and
promise Of the existing Adminisliaiiuii.
. , . e. - II fa.l ll
shall not iaue hero to write hit history,
in rrirara 10 uoiirun u. niev eitan. we
That is already engraved on the heart
ana conscitices ot a grateiut peopie. vv e
feel confident, also, that Lis admitted
ability, Integrity, and independence, tho
manly firmness he has alway. exhibited, !
and eecui. , and abovn a. . hi, herom
He stand at the present, at he has al
ways stood, wholly aloof from intrigue.
He ia allied by no ties or contracts with
mercenary adventurers in political- life,
lie trek not lbs office for which be has
been named I but bat all along held "the
along held "tue
i...,. r hi. ... r. rm ti.
Jov.jembarraMment. which trammel the ac.
Jgii-I live and ambitiog. candidate for office.
.' v-n if HafMt.hnuld fall to his lot in this
donlett. fwbicb we cannot believe,) he will
f-Ki-r, ..i,ki K.iiai hnwill r
r"1-, v::rv",z..-;r,
v.- wj: jviv.u n ! i re mnnv....,, ...
nif. ;r . . i .i . l . . . .
. r.cLiru.unu inai inwewno ia
espoused his cause even from the becin-
ning. acted frotn sympathy with
persecuted, and patriotic man: uced
from principle and love of count;..
. - rrd nr future favors. .No ,,
wl,o l.aa l-en named for the Presid. ,,.-v
desires it leas; noon, certainly. U4
Courted it lea, and Out it an additional
why' he 5SM Vvi lZ 'be
,ra,rA k n.-n.v,i..i...'.i ..
I .h. J . me op..
, -e ..! , ,
' The yarnilied
- - i i i;U iuvii
1 inn comu.iitee of Congie. ; the
nUIUi.i i1Dft... j . . .
' X . u
na drwidml hit pojrtitarity, Ute
a...e.. a.ui .1,... a.a i... . "i.
" i'ei m bUMing bu luilituiy reVnu.
' t on. lMilliirent i,n 11 ;
'every land
nave read the l.bcU upon thU
accomplished soldier, only nh u sicken -
mg sense of their injustice and venality.
In 1 n cmnirv thov 1 lUDd .1..
a - w civnirir
kPtiheof tlieir injustice and venality.
tli is ciunirv iticv liv hnivinii .
! hearta of oui aoidiery and the people at
' !"'(;, only to kindle there a biuader and
- .j -vMinairu iue
wit neat with approbatiou the reaaid
j which they will mete out to a national
- maiiainp, that amply justify the wide pop.
I . . I .... ...J . . I . I I .
ulatiiy add esteem with which he iatvoiv
where regarded in theeeciiun of the Union
that gave him birth, lie, like our Presi
dential candidate, emphatically belongs
to the vofNu hen of .his cuuntiy.
These nominations are essentialy mEta
t ruinatious. 1'hi fact of vouth should
1 ive a iiiicre!. if iir,a,l,ln m it.;.
" the airuggle now at hand. The whole
'ot active' lilts in before ihcru. with all its
pursuit , liops. and enjoyments. Let
i hem weigh well recent and passing events,
and mai'k the rapid coiling of despotic
power ;' lei them resolutely tee to it, that
the wie nn t biieticenl institutions of
their ow.n sure beii.age, and that of their
Finally, felloH'-cilwen of Pennsylvania,
j of all clasc and conditions, it is in your
Iinirm If i II iwrtl t' A ilia tlitu-,1.. u V inl. nnua
iiower to uisaoive the ciowds wttch now
tnreaten to overwhelm ull our brightest
hopes, and biing upon our country a long
nijjJit cf slot in and darkness. Aaainst
the usurjintions and eviln, which ae are
conscious of having but too imperfectly
.k.: t... ... . ...l
depicted, lot us array ourselves in com-
bined strength.
Let our watchwards be Wir (if vie must
have t) for the true, legitimate objects of
such a war. and none other; for teack
the first moment that peace can restore
to us the common heritage of a united
country: for tho imperishable glory of
the old Union and the Constitution unim-
paiied ; wltli sympathy for out 'soldiers in
the Held under their trials and dangers
ready ever to aid and to honor them
which cannot ii'ioiblv be betler done,
than in tivirc our best efforts in endeavor
i" I" so modify the grounds of the slrug-
gle they ure maititaintng as that it shall
appear puiely just before men, and in the
sight ut Gud J
We implore, then, all who love peace
""J order; s'l who wish to see ioduvtry
succeslul and property secure ; all who
are willing to support wine leginliitinn,
1'ublic virtue, and constitutional liberty j
an wnot wimi to ieu pro-perous iiveu
tliemelve", and enjoy m quiet the I run
of their oun indunry : all who widi to
tratiM'tit their porjierty and (he blessing"
of free institutions to their children, we
Implore all thee to unite with us. We
go tor the counity, the wnoi.a country
for Union, LtncRTr, and Law. If a ma-
joriiyof the people will thus be true to
themselves, we ay hop, soon to see our
country resuming wi'h renewed vigor her
glorious career tree. rRo'PEROL-s, and
uappv -the pride of her own citizens. and
the admiration of the world !
lly order of the Democratic Slate Cen
tra! C'oiriiiiiilre.
C. I. WAItD. Chairman.
R. J. Heiipuh.l Secretary.
Deprecation's or RuDEnsts Maryland.
Haiti more. Oct. 18 A letter from Ponies-
v ill, Maryland, says: Medley district
has not less than 2,000 cattle and 100;
raids, while those who came in contact
wi'h the raiders were compelled torin -
tribute their hats shoes and pocket book.
There is no security for property, but
little tianqniliiy of mind, and constant
nli.nuii.n .f l.i.naa 'I'll A A s.w. . At. -
l'l''-"'" i . i..-vjht..-
ces following from these raids are thai the
merchants will be necessitated either to
iuthu i iruii ih vuimm unr, mu
the farmers to reduce their business to a
mere livelihood."
,di wjlh , Mr c
Th j
to report at Atlanta, instanter, and join
their regiments. The meanness of this
btiinn is irreolaimably outrageous.
Oltio Statesman.
-A.oMier was .hot by the provoat
PUirfl in w.hinrion. on Mondiv last.
r: , .....j .m .j " u.:
pookett. It was found that ho had already
U.n discharged from aervioe.
i3-Somethin 6f a wine out in Ohio
&i nt- ihtw.Jata ic it- i.t vr.-
.,,-., - r.- .- .-.
- -
isx-uov. Hitler's r-. r-
. T atepty to Cea Cameron.
rnii,DLPHU, October 5th, 1864.
jIok Simon tW ;Diar Sir- I have
j.i-.i perused, for the first time, and with
he. utmost eurpriae, to much of your late
h.iura, hi Chairojan of the Republican
Sime Committee at relate in the reiec.
; whi,tl i.w?h.?!!K
. ..ware that the
0 , he Crittden Compromise, and
Hon. C. L
v and, aa Uhairman of our Couimittee. has
already anawered your allegation oon, 1.
atvelyonthe main poiuti, 1 must V.jin-
uuiru w uilHl 4 call
subject a little inorl in dJ.ii
your attention to the
- .M.
I,1.? ""'"""S 10 ,h Treseni sad condition
biliiiw resiini uuon tLo.t who n7
'u, ot',u"V' ",,a 10 ." grave lespons..
or refused to vei t t'1C-e calamitie rb fRir
' . . . l ,c . Iani:,,ei u fHir
and hnnoifll-ilM nrnm pi.!uA um. ......
"The question l,mKe upon the repon-
1 sibilitv of the reiee i,7r n, hi Vvi.."
: u.'.
'Compromise. It was rejected Bv ' wham
' II...'. . - .
Iiricmil'B lO USCS 4U . tl I IS nno.u. n.,.
al Globe of the second session of the Thirty-sixth
Congress, will piuce the resjionsi
bility for tho rejection of that compromise
where it j.iopeily belong-. It will beseen
I that the Crittenden Com'i.romisi
I feated by the aubsiitution i PJ
w,ml h ll0Wn M (, .c, fc
was de-
eot ) of
Ameiulnu nt '
The record shows thai the vote on the mo.
Hon to substitute wast yeas. 25, nays 30.
'J be vote on the adopl.on of the Clark
proportion, taktn directly afterwards, .
was t ) eas 45, nays 23. The presumj.tion
would bp, naturally, that if the Vouth had;
voles enough to lejuct the substitute, it j
would also nave had enough lo reject tho
proposition when olJ'ered independently.
There was a falling oil" in the negative
vote on the preposition, as compared with
that on tho first mo.iou to substitute, of
j?t'C votes. This is accounted for by the
fact that Senators Benjamin and Siidell,
of Louisiana; WLjfall and Hemphill, of
Texas; Iveraon, of Georgia, and Johnson,
of Arkansai six Southern benatorssat in
their seats and refused lo vote. 'IJad these six
Southern men voted ' no the Clark pro
position would have been defeated by a
majority of lour votes, and the 'Jrittenden
Compromise could have been taken up
ami carried by the samo majority, h ap
pears of lecord, then that the Crittenden
Compromise was njectod because six of
me leading benator from the South vir-
tunllj ioiubcu iu luir iui n iimiiun tv
reconsider was carried sumo weeks later,
and a direct vote upon the comj ramise
was taken. Tho pronosition was lost by a
single vote. But one of the six Senators
referred to voted on that occasion, nearly
all of them having withdrawn on the se
cession of their respective States. Hail
they remained to vote for tho compromise
it aould have been adopted.
"Tho chief object in alluding to this
matter is 10 show that when. Wore the
overt act of war was committed, the South
had the election of compromise or vrar,
she, through her highest dignitaries de
liberately cUOjo war."
You must pardon ran for the remark,
that of the versions and perversions of
this item of grave legislative hiitoiy
which have lallen undor my notice, yours
is the most illogical and untruthful. It
looks very like one of your best efforts lo
conceal rather than exhibit the truth.
1 am right glad, however, that you eem
w.lling to stake tho claims of your party
for continued confidence an 1 aupport, to
some extent, upon their ctl'irts to avert
dissolution and civil war by honorable
concession and settlement, for you there,
by invite full and free inquiry into the
Younay "the question hingeiupon the
responsibility of the rejection of the Crit
tenden Compromise." In a subsequent
pan ol your a I J rein you define the Ques
tion limbed, tobe peace or war, I am
munli iinlt'b'ivl t' you for this coccession.
ii i! e; j.i 1 -Atvl'.r and fairness marked
in a leuiainder of the Address, I should
have had no 'Ccaion to notice it. Mr.
Greeley, und others of your friends have
sought toe.tcape the responsibility by al
leging that the proposed compromise
would not have been effective. But you
have assumed that il would, and you pro
ceed to inquire who defeated it.
You say the proceedings of Congress, rut
recorded on page 409 of the Congressional
Globe for th-ii session. " wi.l place the res
ponsibility for the rejection ot that com
promise where it belong." Bill you have
fallen into grave errors about the vote.
The vote of 26 to 30 was on a motion to
I postpone, and there is no such vote av 45
J lrt 23 but that is not essential as I shall
'BWe the vote cortectly, and itshows that,
0n the motion or Mr. Clark, of New Hamp-
n,,r, ,u .v,in. Uu, hhu.iii.h.
ia.eri certain propositions of his own. ev-
:ry Republican Senator present voted to
trike out the te, and every
southern Senator whi voted on the sub-
jct. and every Democratio Senator from
.1. V... I. ..a... I.. ! . . f.ll.M. .
the Nirth voted to sustain it, as follows
In favoi' ot striking it out, Messrs. A n the
r?, Bker, Bingham. CAMERON. Chand
le'r. Clark, Clark. Collamer. Dixon. Djo-
liltle, Durkee, Fesscnden, Foot, Foster,
Grimes, Hale. Uarlan. King, Seward, Sim
mons, Sumner. Ten Eyck, Trumbull,
Wadd, lt'ilkinton and Wil.on 25,
Against striking out the compromise
nui you proceed to show with seeming
exuuation, that " six Southern &enatrssiH
jf their sea fend refused to vote." and hence,
' iha defeat of the compromise. That it
i hi.. 'LT"Ld .Si
qm--, T
tieentu-nvt jupmunsnamsmmuuir seats
"frTiit il Vm !, hu.,l.?
i h JJ,?" llJi?"t V 5S .X . all
,tbej were against It unitedly, and on ail
occasiont. I
- you n fesnonsib:tny far the
. -
.... . .
mov.d . . 7s tf"r
J. 1 . ua luin u;
which the comorom a fll . H..s it. ti
on your motion was taken not as you say,
some weeks afterwards, but on the 18tb,
two dayt thereafter, and that whilst Mes
srs. Hemphill. Johnson, of Arkansas, and
'h "BOI1.w"T e te.r votes from
wronT.Pnd 'TJV W9
f A !? . fW ,be;f:con'1"t'on.
you, 10 the amazemen of the Senate, to -
ed against ytur own motion to re-consider and
" -.-r.,brf:lh; thecompro-
1 " I'lwvimij 111a JMIB. I lull
it occupied before the Clark amendment,
and so it stood to the close of the session,
ii. inn wi.m iiiBnnn in ii.Miiaiu . i. . . ...... . .
ready at all limes for favorable action. On
this vote, which can be found on page 413
of the 1st volume oS the Globe, Messrs.
Bayard. Bragg. Clingman, Crittenden,
Green, Hunter. Johnson, of Arkansas;
Johnson, of Tennessee ; Kennedy, Mason,
Nicholson, Pes ice. Polk. r)ell. Siulsbu
ry, Sebastian, and Siidell, on the part of
the South, sustained the compromise,
whilst Messrs. Seward, Sumnor, Wade,
yourselfand every other Itejuiblican voted
against il. How preposterous it is then
for you to pretend that the compromise
was finally lost becwe six Southern Sen
ators withheld their votj on one indirect
question, which they helped to reverse
forty-eight hours thereafter. But, Gener
al, if it were a great wrong, in the Cotton
State Senators, against whom vou com
plain so much, to withhold their voles
from the compromise, what are you to sav
for yourselfand the remainder of the Re-
wider of the Re -
publican who voted invariably against it?.
allure 01 me compromise on six Senators was necessary Ant mMi 1
whodid not vote at all, rather than on byowdE&l
against it. 1 know you pride yourself cu the slaves in the rwr of he UI "
did you not inform thVputlio that withiH by ti.m refe Un'0"' "ld
llZZmf'rYi0' th Cm"i- ln conclus'"'.ro, say "the cl.i.f ob
premise, on the 10 h of January, you, jeel in alluding to this matter ii to sW
11 "u.1" wnrat, ana you know itasiside, would unite with them' I kno
T,..n. . u,uu uu yuur pany iricncsae-; ibis, tor 1 beard them make tho propo-i-feated
the Crittenden Compromise, as you ! lion. You were present, in the Senate
rejection of the comptomise as you con
cede, then you may as well call for the
rocks and the mountains to Pill on you
and hide you from the ind gnation of an
outraged people, now as at any other time,
for the responsibility of the war, with all
its attendant horrors and afflictions, will
be laid at your door by the impartial histo
rian. You filled tho Peace Conference with
impracticable men, for the avowed pur
poie ol deleating thi patriotic and hu
mane purpose for 'which it hsd been call
ed; and when the proceedings of that bo
dy came to the Senate, Mr. Seward moved
lo strike out the entire series of proposi
tions and insert others of his own produc
tion, fur no other purpose, that any on
could perceive, than Icrmanifest bis con
tempi lor every effort at compromise and
adjustment, lie seemed to Imagine him
self equal, in dignity and power, to a con
vention of States, and was, evidently, bo-
side, exulting in the delusion of a sixty
dsy wrangle, and nobody hurt.
I don't mean, by anything I sav. to mil
igate the folly and wickedness of tho se
cessionists in this or any other matter, for'
I denounced their doctrines and coose- i
ouences at the lime in the strongest terms,
I could command; tut Mr. Siidell told
me the only otject of withholding their,
votes was to bring up the crisis - to disco -
ver what was intended on your sido, for
be said, what was very true, that we coull
continue to debate and votedo'.vn amend
ments to the end of the session ; and when
three of the ix voted to reo insider. I taw
no reason io aoiini tne Bincerny ot wnat the basis on whlcu sue invited ine as
hesaid. But I kooiv in addition, that Mr.lsembling of a peace Conference. It was
Hemphill, one of the Senaton who with-' endorsed by the Legislature of Ken
held his vote, was an open advocate of the' tucky i.nd Maryland, and I think by that of Tennesoe also. It was petitioned
In referring to the final vote which was for by a larger number of cititiiens, from
taken on the third of March, you say the all sections of the country and of alt par
proposition was lost by a single vote. How ties, than any proposition ercr before
absurd. It is true one vote more would Congress.
have given il a majority, but it would have I It is nol necesrary to nay present puf
required twelve or fifteen to have given it pose to di cuts the proposition itself, as
two-thirds, the constitutional vote. j you concede to it all the virtue I could
Speaking of tho Cotton States men. you claim hr it, but the reason the Southern
say, ' had they remained and voted for men preferred it to any other of the many
the compromise it would h ive been adopt-: pending propositions, was because it
ed " It Hies one's patience. General, to ' took the common territory from ut der
seriously notice tuch flagrant perversions, the nprratiod of the dogma on which
Tuere i notaman, of either party, who Mr. Lnoln had been elected, excluding
served with you in the Senate at that time tie eho tlert tLe common territory
who will sanction t a, as er: on. Yu unless ihy Icfi slaves behind. Tbo
kuow perfectly well that the Constitution ' Sui rcme Ccurt hsd decided against the
requires a vote of two-third in both hou-' rifcht of Congress, to interdict slavory
ses of Congress to submit arueodmenti for. from the common territory ; but th
the ratification of the Stale, as you also incoming party were pledged to exercise
do, that the vote of every Sanator from the su horny, notwithstanding. Mr. Lin
the South, of whatever party, uniting with co'.n h d repeatedly made known bis de
tbe vote of every Democratic Senator from terminat oa to stand by that position,
the North, it x would still have required The Sojih htld ihattuch a decreeor doc
eight or nine Republican votes to have trine rendered tho Southern Status
passed it by the constitutiaual majority, less than equal in the Union, and that
and at no Republican Senator ever voted ihey could submit to no such bumilta
for it, of declared his intention to do to, tion. One of the great merits of the Crit
with wnat thow of fairness or truth csn teeden propositions was that it waived
you say that it would bava been adopted ' the force of that deoree by an equitable
bad the Southern Senator voted for it f. partition of the territory on the line of 3b
lnolhser words, as tbo Republican Sena-'deg. 50 min North latitude, giving us
tors numbered more than one-third of a about 900.000 iquere Euileaofthe territory.
full Senate, bow could a vote of two-lhird
be oast againtt tbeir con sen if
tw ..V... is,rn.iitu!lon did not
require a vote of two-third, and the plied your principle to three-fourth oi
Southern Senators, uniting with the the territory acquired by a common Hood
Northern Democratic Senators, bad and treasure, but you were not content,
adonted it of what ervlce could tuch a, But you know we went father and prs
measure hive been ? That would, truly, 1 posed to take a vote of the people for lh.
have been the play of Hamlet with Ham- direction of the member of CvUgrest it.
let Out. It was a compromise and settle- aubuitiini the propositions for the rau
ruaot between the two tectiont, and tbe.iScstion of tbeSUtea. But the Rcpubi;
raJical men of the two sections, which cne-"o'ild toawpt tba taujpT-ami-..
"M tbe South hadtheelec
iidd o Compromise Or war sh llimiioli
' 1 .. u:-u..r.V .. , r 7 l".,18"
her highest dignitaries, deliberately choie
I am again indebted ta you for tho a 1-
mission that the adoption of the compro
mise would have averted But. to
concede the truth of what you alle-a
" b Southern memben pray teU
us what the Republican members, dfd to
! .,ert disolution and war by a j 1st r.nd
V,nnr.l.u ..,.1 . :. " i .
create. When did they vote for the Grit-
i . i xi '
touueu uuiprumitvo, 0f gavocate it, or
any other effective measure. In what
way did they attempt to assuage popular
passion and prejudice If what you
allege against the Southern members l o
true, it only proves what often happened,
thai the radicals of both sections autod in
concert together to prevent concession and
compromise it would only hoiv thaV the
secession members acted as bad as you and
your parly. But how is that ai-gumau t to
avail you in a contest with the Northern
Democracy, whose representatives in
both branches exerted luemselvos to the
utmost to avert dissolution and war, by
proper adjustment, in the same spirit in
which tit Union bad been formed. But'
you know as well as I do that your alle
gation, as against the Southern" members
generally, i unjust. You know that
Messrs. Crittenden, Huntor ami Powell,
of the South, voted for the compromise
ia the committee of thirteen, and I knotv
that Mr. Davis and Mr. Toombs urn.
Wade, auJthoir followers, on the other
every member from the iiouth, including
those from the coltvu Sta'es, (Metiis
linns ana toombs) expressea their rsad,
ness to accept the proposition of my ven
erable friend from Kentucky, a; a fan',
settlement of the controversy , if teuddied
and sustained by the Kepublican p:;i: -hers
Hence the sola responsibility :if ojv
disagreement, and the only ii;. r
the way of amicable adju .t'ner ., 's ..
Uie Republican party. Nov, u..
if these ullegaiioo were untrue fhy u-.i
you not rise in y. lr pluea n-.l
diet them? ' Why waj 11 h-' n Ue; -lican
member of tha Comuii'.lr.j -
teen did so? Why was not t!,e Hap. i
can party promptly vindica'od njrtir.?
these sweeping alle,.ii n.i ? T.t
answer is, ihal no detVnso ce'.I 'l i n
made. Mr. Pugh subsequently 4'ftad
thoSjnate floor, that Mr. Divn !r u i .
him that he was willing to "iuniti!:ii: : -.
Union if that bronosition cmld rec:i v
I the vote it ought to teceive from
otbertideof the clianiber." Why
you neglect to deny that staletuont ...i i
mintaiu thai it was the Rep ublic.sti, ani
not the Southern cuembet who weru
willing to compromise and settle f Mr.
D wis said the same thing in substance
to mo as did Messrs. Hunter, B.-ajrir. Mai-
, lory and others : iodeed, they all seemo i
willing lo accept it from the dominant
party, except lverson, Wigfall, aud
Johnson of Arkansas, and many vt ttietu
were its daily auvocstes. it was en-
jdorsed by the State of Virginia and was
and tbo Koutti about, aiHyjuu, our share
being more than any impartial umpir
could bare awarded u. and il thusap-