"THE REPUBLICAN. Wednesday,:: xOotobir 19, 1804. ELECTION RETURNS. Oat Jfnr if paid in advance, $1 50 ' " if paid ttithin thi year, 1 7S " " if not paid vitkin tht year, 2 00 I A VF F"M THE TRinXMAfJ Pre.irlAnMoi .J"" CLEARFTP.T.T. rnnvrrv . . . : A br.u ,iyen. rrociamauon. A rjnat. i "' ' t-unimiHionori of Clearfield oounty wil W V. i ' b5ia:M',1:,??"1:- T"n .K5i.ki,J.F morris &co, mku- CONORKSS ( ( THE STATE ALL RIGHT. The official returns from all but a very' Becearia twp. few counties, together with re ported ma-! Boll jorities from the remaining counties, show "Bloom that the State has unmistakably gone for,BogS tho remocrats by from two to three thou. ! I'nullbrd inad majority. This may be relid upon-! KriU'y " When we state that gold hat advanced, 1 Covington " within the Ian ten days, from 190 to 217J, Clearfield bor our readers can form a very correct idea Curwensviilo bor. 20 of the operations of our military force?. jDecatur twp, 135 'Ibtre ss nothing doing at Petersburg. crguwn Report Bays that Grant has removed both I Fox Meade and Warren, for remonstrating .Guard sjjainst the order of Grant to attack tho os,,on nl...l lint 10 Bl Vatr,,A.rr. 1 1. .1 1 : ' " rail l fll that such attack would result in a useless I jj,,,, sacrifice of life. There i also a report jonM that aa attack upon Richmond is to bo'Karlhaus made op the north side of the James. jlvnox Sheridan lfjfullcn buck to tho vicinity (Lawrence of Winchester, or perhaps Harper's Ferry Lumber city bor. 27 afior desolating with the torch the i lorria twp., ontiro vnllsy of tho Shenandoah from' WaKliinjjton Staunton northward to Winchester a ' 1(''" township, ASSEMBLY. C3 pi 50 i rt t .b. foiiowiug puc;t o..7o v , kly o'th, dny unm(d for lbs nurnose of hn a i nd tbo several from tho Tri.;"i a !"2L" 7 .heBr.,nS A'Pi ed. that th. .1. ruin tho Triennial Assessment, in wii. i .'.t0.Wn6hi,P 0f G."l",n 1118 clool house w-umhp, iueuiuii place of ho'din ! elections, on Tn.,l. K ...... ii 71 114 4G 80 141 230 58 78 90 120 58 9 . 38 53 104 17 52 88 C'5 91 245 i distance of over eighty miles and from . ,,.,. ?.,.... ...m.i., I'nion , ... Woodward" oi uui ii-uijr units. ioi n Luro, or 12!) 27 77 92 30 54 80 29 10 20 37 14 142 78 14 40 51 02 37 8 25 1 0 74 31 20 70 28 32 10 41 80 38 '7 GO 113 44 85 143 224 57 78 89 108 30 130 59 9 38 53 104 17 52 80 05 91 237 20 132 27 70 94 35 50 Tor ii, town.bip of OirarJ, ,t ConRrtss Uill ' fM-huo houso un Wednesday Nor lfilli . ror i,ovmgton towiisl..,.. t ,.e houoe of Jocob I Maurep, on Tbup.dajr Koveinb,, nth. Fop Kanhaui lownjl.ip at th. bou.e of It. J ! Hnino on Friday November 18lh Fop ilorri. u ncbip at the bouf, of J. p. Kt!jon X?T.mX. " Uuy ""1J. I. MORRIS it Co. sell best Caliooos t ',uc r,hich .!' .h-ii tvig nn,o,r u Bf'Hllllllta II . . I nn,! .1. .1. " " " '"" f,B"M ttl ! huvo been vottl f.r at Ha t.A.i:.,.. ..i . On th. KlrstTuesJ., neu'afur .ho FlVst W day of Nov.mbep, in th. yoap of our Lord, one tboufand sight hundred ond f.,rtj-, nod on the ame day in every fourth year then-alter, for the purroM of olccliiu; Klcetor. of 1'ie.ideut and TIlElirKOllK, I. Kdwahii Pi.ni.-i' it:i. ei.-in. rl,11E Wr!bfr offers fur ,.in. on M.,nn.l.i.. J Fop Orabam town hip at tb. b'ouso of Jacob ir,.t. , r.clt;ar901"1 c,uu,1,y in pursuance of tbo duty on- .T. YJr'' 7?. C'e? ?f la more or lo'- '' I lor on .Vonday November oi.. Joined on meny UiB Act above referred l ,! 'ru lownrtitp, Olearfleld ountitv, Willi at Ube . (ion r. v....... .. ; . ..... .au.ora igwnBnip at the hof of Jacob l earce on iuoUay Novomber 2"J ' .T . B i"o electors ol He county of i, c V-' """" mrdius ,For lioggs townsbip nt lb! Thou., of AnJr,. 'tuI.Uu,!d r'e4 ' to fop member, of'th. fl?,? "T9 t ' run nn .... " . i ciioiKi nnaruiu v. Tit innn . t tT,.. i ; For no,atP ,o,vn,hip ut Centre School hous. on vp m ii" kr F f .u, th? "'K "f NO- ...u.,,,.j iioyi iuuer i'lin. r iv i . ' uitru, ueinon tne ana all person. J. J, KORRI.S ,t Jj. sell lost Muflius ij to GOcouts per yard. I J. I. MORRI I-Co. sell all wool Dehiues j ot 9i) coiu.s por yard. J. I. MORRIS & Cj. all wool Fbinue.'i al ,0'J cents 1o 1 per yard. J.'I. MORRIS & Co. sell Moil Uoys' cl'Hhiiif; very cHmp. J. I. MORRIS & Ci.nell foots and Shoes at Kiinsalion pi'it-p. J. I, MORRIS A Co. sell Hals Cm nt d particulars aunlv to th i,.,j..,; .. ; i, ti.a'inn i.ii.v ri ii. " ' v...gMBU i-'-' ... J U. I T. If. FORCKY. . J. KLAKK WALTERS. tirbaiuton, Si pt. 9, '64. pd. Farm for An In. supMemenu tberei, U.. tl "nVprocf.,.," - " ?,C"?d' Wilh , fiung Notice to the electors of thecount, of ' k T' '.i:"1e,,bo rremi.e. purchased For Woodward town shir. .1 ih. i t t, hour, of Light o'clock in thoinurninL'. and Sov.n . 5oP'- 1 1' 1SG1- f. Til OS. J. McCULLOUGlI. o'clock iu tho cvrninir ol 1.1:1. 1 iur 1,, ....... r - hip at the SchPol house ia J.yas- ' i, en't of",h ' r" 1 5 1w'ide" a"J Vice ' p. lay November Mlh, 7 . I Li"! cd M".,c"; Al,J f1""."" O . 1.. ut-ecaria lownsnip at the 10110 of Samuel M ... 1 V . " ' lt;l, o Hiall Smith on Monday November Vb . lm nllP'"il'J nt preceding General Ulcetioa 1 For Knox township at Turkey Hill ichool bou-e iV T"iu"ci ''! ?lU"J KH'o.iii the alike da-'. on Tuesday Nev, mber 2'Jth I t,tf!,1' UDJ h" ",lJcct lu ulikl) L'Cimltie fur neglect For Fcrgur.n township at 'the ho,,., of Joha ' of. d1l'.-V ' ".'"'"'"l.t as they (hull bo liable M1 "regory on Wedn esdnv November ZUth "'i0"",0 1 tl"n- ' I ForJordan township at the publio school in An-' . Tbo elector, 0f die county of Clearfield will' sonvllle on Thursday rjeccLcrl't , take notice that tho said election of Wectora of, For Chest township at the school house nenr Si-1 1 r,?!"l(nt ","J lcj I'i'lent win be hoM ut J0 mon uortiiouirli a on F.-idnv h 1... 1.1 i ' liHTRlCU. ! Brccaria, slack of grain or liny escaped, and many dwellings and villages lmve shared the same fate; tho entire population being Jriven o.'f. This was in obedience to the 1 -fit. " ! oraer 01 wen. urnm. i.ei us near no more complaint of tho depredations of' p;bol invntlers. j No news havo Icon rreeived from Slui'-j tiian lor over three wedvs. If there is sdy truth in accounts published intho'ju Kiciimonu papers, Mirrman is iu I tie j J,opj:?, niost imminent danger. Uood is in Lis i Uradforu, rear, on bis only line of communication ' Brudy, with Chattanooga, with Lis whole army, ; ji'Jj'iijg iiM to be as lnrge as Shemian's; while. Chest", Fortst is operating on the Fedeanl lines 1 Covincton, of communication between NusLvillo and t-leaiiielJ. CLattanooga, and at last nccounts he WBS j)ocal)r ' within a few miles of Nashville. ' Ferguson. Missouri is completely overrun with-' Fox, tho Confederate forces under Oen. l'rice, Oiiard, ivho was, at last dates, in a fair way to ('"fie" i . . , Cirnham, tapturo the btate Capital, intending l Csuliob place the Slate iu the bunds of Ihu Lieut, i Huston, Uovcrnor elocied two years ago alonrj with ; Jordan, Gov. -laskton, who has since died. i Jv11,11'""11. jlvr.ox, "The meeting at Curwensvilla on Mon- 'I.snience, duy evening was one of tho largest und Lumber City, most respectable assemblages of peoplu ! Moiris, that have convened in this county during (N. Washington the present political campaign." Journal, 1'enn, &3rThen, w'.iy did tho nominal editor ,1.nlon' . . . .... , . , " oodwal d, of t ho Journji declare, the second day' Total, Total, 2408 1210 2133 'Sheriff- District Altvrmy. SheiifT-. -Disf.Att'v iiisniiers. Ibiieafier, that "it was the last time Its would cvor go to a political meeting in Cur-vrnsville ?" Was it because the assem blage was "respectable ?" But va submit that it is not quite in accordance with Chesterfield for "a large delegation" to fc-o from ono place to another nnd then call themseltet "respectnble." Uetter let iinebody else do thnt. ! . On.. A number of our ent-erpi ising Beefaria, citizons have formed a company for the j ' purpose of settling the question whether J5m,'J,.j . . . . . i . e i ! r;rti.i . . , or not Loal un n 10 oeiounuia weuiuom.i isnwy, Opciations aro about commencing, with i Bloom, the intention of going to a'deplh sutlicicnt ! "t',lde' to remove all doubts. We ure right glad Conglon, of this. There' is scarcely a doubt buro,,,....! that it will eventually pay, if not iu oil, Curwensvill, in coal, without the oil. Tho work is in j J!eCllt the hands of a couple of gentlemen of ex-. FUbPn' rerience from the oil region of Tennsylva- oiia'rd, nia. Goshen, Xoticb. By a notice in another column i (IjJ,", ' the Return Judges of this county are re- nHBion, quested to mnel on the 28th inet., instead . Jordan, of a day in November, to whicu they aJ-rfJ.'aU!'' journed under soma misapprehension as jIvr'pnc(,t to the requirements of the law. I dumber City, J3Ve hav on uur table "Cnrapaien Song Bjok,'" from Democratio Booksoller, No. 20, Ann St New York. Send and get one. P 9 K j r zL r, 2 ? 2. r E. H O 70 si 71 K) 113 -M 114 2S f-8 24 87 24 llii 3G 14."i 37 23'J 33 244 iiij 4if 10 Ii) 10 M 142 .r.H 140 78 77 7S 78 K) It -SJ 14 111 Sj 110 St 4ii :u .ro 130 04 Li.j 03 f.S 38 I'd 31 10 8 10 8 3ij 21 3'J 21 52 12 53 12 101 0 102 7 17 73 17 71 52 30 53 30 84 2'.1 !7 21 111 25 05 25 'JO 20 'JO 18 241 71 212 71 7 27 28 27 130 31 L!2 al 27 S 27 9 77 40 7(3 41 D4 5 r m 34 T'J 35 SO 50 24 50 20 !402 1200 2170 UV0 i l or New Wn.hnigton in said borough on Satur day Dcoembcr ;id I For lluinstde township at the houso of John I 1 otuiff on Monday December 6th ' Fop Hell towns hip nt the house of Asaph Ellis on luesday December dlh. 'Fur Lumber city at tho public school hou.-c in B borough on WoJnceduy Hecember 7. iur Pcnn township nt tho houco of W W Amlor- I son on Thursday December 8 iFop t'upwunsvillo nt tbo house of I8aao Hloom on j I nday Decembers For Tike tow n,liip ut tbosamo place on Saturday I December lOUi. 1 or if'Wn.ldp nt the l,ou?o of James Hloom I On Monday December IL'tli For Iirady township lit the bouse of William ecnwem on luesday December llilli For I'nion township at tho house of William F sn, ",P At tbo Houso or S. M. Smith fur Ileccaria twp. At the houso of f'L'i !i Kill fur Hell tp. At tho houso of James Dloom, teuior, for Bloom twp. At the hou'-o of Edward Albert for liopirs tp. At the honpt, of Jan,!, IVurca for llrnafor'l tp. At the bouse of 11. W. Monro for Brady tp. At Ilia bouse of John Young for HurnM le tp. At tbo shoul kouco near Siuiuu Rorabmigli's fir Chest twp. At (bo Court Houso for lbs bxrougb. of Cltar fiold. At the bouse of J. Mauror for Covington twp. At tho house of iauao Bloom, deceased, for Curweiuville borough. At Centro Bcluil-iniiso for Dgcatnr twp. At th o htiiifo of John Ure.iry lormerlv ooe'i piedby 'i'bouijs HobUon .( Uroadwu ) lor Fci-u- tiis ViOM.o'H r,tt.T r.svr.r.T po Scrofula, and Scrofulous Diseaaos. from .wicry EJu, irctl-'.iivmi merchant vf Ox- "I lnvo fold laigo quant of roup S.vnsiri ; Iill.l.A, but never yot mio Ix.tlb- I1UI1 failed 0r 111.! I desired eflti-t and full s:iliHlie!lioii tothimcwlio took I It. As fut-t us our nenplo trv it.tliev iigree llu re li:m 1 I Urn no itivUciuc li';e it be'.ore iu our eouiiiiunily." I j Eruptions, Phnploa, Blotohos, Pustulos, Ul- I ; ccrs, Bores, nnd oJl Diseases of the Skin, j yiwn i.Vr. Unit, strati,,,), llrhtol, Knahnal. ' I only do my duty to you und tUe lmblic, when I add my t!:.;:inv to tint you piiMi .li of tlm me- j ill -in d virtues: ol your ,s us tiAini.i.a. JIv dnnu'li tcr, aired ten, 1 :i 1 an ntlliet jm,' iiuiunr in her i .ii:i, eyes, anil Ii iir lor years, whleli ivc were umlilc to r:no until wo tibd your Kacsai-akii-la. Mio 1i:w I been well for hoiii. niouilii." i J'rom Mr$. Jmin h". UU e, a ice!! -l-nnmi nml mnvh- enreii-.nt hulu i'f Di iinivilli: I '; ( o.. . .. I. I. MORRIS A Co. sell Indies' ooj gtuU' oinwis at Hc-tM.iitoii prires. J. I. MORRIS .I Co. sell Ladle Coals at loss than nny one ee. J. I. MORRIS A C'i. ul! Flonr.Clmp. Fish, B.icon, Salt .c, at very small advunco on oot. J. I. M 'IIRIS .1 Co. keep constantly on hand. Fresh Riiitnr, Kjjjri. Lard. Sweet 1'ot aloes (linsii), Whita t Cod Fish, &, J. 1. MORRIS & Co. sell Cicund Alum Salt at cost, J. I. MORRIS &. Co. tell Rrown Suar nt 20 to S5 cents per pound. J. I. MORRIS & Co. sell Srup Molasses at 1 35 to $1 50 per gallon. J. I. MORRIS i, Co. sell all other kinds o goods at tho loive.-t piv;!!a ra'ca, nnd luy Roards, .Sliinglcs and allolli. r kinds ofprodue.0. Oelolier 5ili. t l).MII.SItATOit'vi Mil li.'"-.-7.i 2. is hereby pit-en tl.nl lelters ora.luiiiiislrntion J (Ian-bier has siim-red for a yenrps.st with a i on U,e ettateol M Alt TIN JI YHTEil. hiei.f I'enn scrolnlous cruiitiim, wliWi was very tpoiilil-some. Uc.winhin ('lenrli. 1.1 , ,,i.. -i i i Notliin- .r....l any - relief until wo tried ro.p ! , Ulh'P Sk.a.,W Uct'""i' ,;iling f A!..-.ui:ii.LA,vlih:!i noon omiilutely cured her." i , , " uiiuersigiicu, nil persun;- in .7., of Vie tn'.Vy known I """." lu e rciuenieu lo iiiske im Voi.l 1'h'trh 3 !'. (lull ihiqi', Mnrnni ty V, )' '' f i .u-..7(ii I, . I!. " i im, i r,i 'Hiijr':ui cri of cmumiM lnediiita payment, and tliose having demands ag:u.i.-t tho tamo will present them uuly aulbeu- Johnsou on Wednesday December I Mi 1 For Fox township al thi house of John I Buiidy I on Thursday December l.ith For Huston township ut tbo bouse of Jesse Wil son on Friday December 16th. For Clua-liel 1 borough at tho Cnniinissiuncrs' of- fiee on Monday December tilth. For Lawrence tlownidiip ut tho lanio plaeo on I Tussilny Dsceuiber 21)th. I An appeal from tbo valuations of 1'ncoiled j Lands will be held at tho Co.iiinlsHoiiors ollicc, , on Tues'luy and Wednesday, tho 27th 2Sthday, ; of December, 1801, al wbioh time nil persons in -lorested iu nat attend as no appeal can be taken 'niter that datu. Hv order of tbo li 'iird of Com missioners. VM. S. BltADLKY, Clerk, j Coiuiiiissi'iiicrs Office, Oct. 1 Otis ISM. RICHARD KOSSOP, foi:i:i(;x and dom kstic uooits Al (he bi.iise . f .1. I, Dundy for Fox t'.vn. At Congress lii'.l sclmol liou-e for tiirard tp. At tho puhlic seliool l.ousc for (lo-hen tup. At (lie lioutc ol Jamil, llubli-rfor liiubai.i tp. At t lie teliool-buL so iu Juiicsviilo lot i.ulicli lj.. At. the l.uiife uf Je.-f; il.-ou for llu.-toii tw; . At tlie scliool !iuu::0 in Auaouiille for Jordan township AF.M. MYRTI'T, lor l.e.:r:tl vcii'l s vrvv lroiililo.:(.inn i il-.m 1 f.. r,.i,l.,...i . , ..VUnU 11 OklUVUVIIli . i. 't hi ui ,:i'--, i.iii(':i reiv riiosi.iiii iv worse ; i iii.ui.i u.-m,iiiui mi ii'.iiiiri'N Him nee im e 1 1 1 ill - ' 1 - v. j fi'.i'ole aiilieiion. I tri-d almost every tiling a tfian fP i!i JCUN t LYNN, ) i' mid of liolii advi Land ni".IIcine, but without any -i n" vi ni.n,i I rlief v.'!i:,t.".ei-, until I tookvoui- Svns.uMiiii.M. if 'Vs KM-Kl r artmroi;o I li ln:in:"li:'.lely m.idi! my ta v ivorar, as vim lold me ! J lliic Imlustry. Tho undorsigned ho viug 11 iiii-.il lor a li'ue; l.ni in a fe.v weeks Cie ne lenablishcd a Nursery, on tho r'ik... nlinni Imlf ir.i to f.irm under tlio blotchr ami con- 'way between Clear llol.t n,l I'nr.ve.,. i -ill,. 1, ,,. tin ; T,e -1 until inv 1 ; -e h nn Hiiloolli as unv luidv's d I :i-.n wilboal any H'.-,.ii.toms..f tl....ll1M.V ...t ! ".'"P1"" l". , l,nls" K'li.tsol i ro.t trees, j I kn..iv .'. 1 1','o'iv p rie.-t henlili, mid without ! ( 's''""'lir'l Dwurt.) hveritrocns, t'hrubl.ory, Jlall i Co , f r I'.atlli aus rt M.lil uw.i It to your ..misai'aiiu.i. v.-' I O rapo ines, M.'icseherries, Lawton Blackberry. Errsinolas-aenernl Dcbilitv-Pnririr n, ! Strawberry ar.d Itaspbspp, vines. Also, i'iliei'i.m litaecl. At the hou.se of E, D, township. At the Tuikey f I ill seho.il-lioiiso for Knox tp. At the Court House in the boruiigb o! CIvmlcM , for Ltwrcnee tp. At the public seuuwl-Loiise fj;- Luuibcr City borough. At tlio In use formerly occupied ijy Thos. Kyler for Morris twp. At the public school Lcuto for tlio boiou"h ol New V'nsliington An.! :iso , ill's LI NS !KL.INi;.S 'C'OlU'li'OS ALI'ACAS nt ut nt at Si nsalion Sensation Sensation Sensulion CIXfiUAMS .CHINTZ ; Mi I NTS .fil.OV MS 'CRAVATS I 'SlfAVi'LS ' RONNKTS .rni.unr.l) i MUSLINS Just received at MOSSOl'S a I tit at at ul at at nt Sensation Sensation Sensntion Sensation Sensation At the hotel formerly kept by W. W. lor Pe.in tp. At ibo houso of Dnrio Bloom, ileee.i so 1, in the borough of Cu. ivchm iilc, tor I'iko tup. At t!'0 l.ouso ot D. K. liuibi'kir f..r Vn'oti t t At Hi o hou'O of Thus. Jlcinli r.smi for Wood ward township. Kotica is farther hereby jrivrn, Tint nil persons except Ju.-lices of the J'ta. e, li".-!nn: hold any olliee or n puintu'ei.t of tiusi under the goveriiiuent of the I'nitcil Stales, or of llii State, or of any ii.cnrporiiled district, i.hetbcr n C' Uin.i.s sinned officer ur otherwise, n S'l'iunlinat j ni'icer it ugent, who is or slnill be employed under til Legislatiro, lixccutivo or Juiliidul depaitmgnts oi 0:1s S'l', l.w.f ,,r .1. a r.ilt... 1 .l..l,. J ..r i.,,v ,0 '' l'1 1' j iiieorpiiratod district, nnd also that every nu ul.' r j prices 0 t;,)lrohS ,)r ' ,i0 .Sinu. Legisl'-ituro, cr of t'uu li 11 1 s i ci'iuiiiuii or seloci council id any city, or com prices jirices prices prices From .'I,-, .'ol..'. .r,'.i.. ;,i, Umittan St., Vw York. " Dit. M'i:u. 1 ! ioni fail to r 'move i:ni;timn and .s -r..f ii j Si.rr.' I.y t'.r' vis 'i orintt uveof vniip S 1 l:-.r.i:!i.l.A, nml I Pave in' t now cin e. I an nitiielc ol Mttlriia:t' .i ii-'iih iti.i v.T.h it. No i.llt'i'atii u we 1'1'IWSS eqiia!'! Ill'' -S ,.;, m,,. M, p J'lU',1 to the. pio:;'"i..'i iu. it ell ns t'l t):c p'oil"." Voi'l.. .'... : ;-. ), '. )., ire. i:i. fi. " I ', I v!ii ii:irs. I Ii . I tit.- v lluir Kroip. 1 i o i tnv ri i. iini'ir. ; v. 1:1 ii trti 1 r.-i. .1 nil lie: i'!'l.'!..'ai.'d i'e, melius l.onld r, a.-li, and look linn iln I i df ii ilhira worth ei' ininiel'ici. '1 lie ulcers were :' 1. i I 111 it I'l ' o:Mi v ; n i o'.l , and ill do 'inra ib- i :! lliaf inv iirin iur-1 lie rwsnitai :"1. I li",;.i'i t.il.i i:.' yoiii' i,-.p ;iu.i i. 'lo.ilitwo but- I lies. n:i.l so, ii" ol your I'n.i,.. 'I'i.,;. :io r i!, y ,8V i r I'liri .1 l.'i". 1 I. '.I! U'lW Mi- Well .111(1 1 1 1 II li I II 'j lillj ' !0.1 y, l'' "i:r i" it jini.li:' pi. i.'". my c ise Is ki'i.vn t.'i p.i'. v . b i i.' i:; tins i'...'i'-...::iii; , ::.id excites the ncult-r of T r..i F trab trees, liuinco ut.d curly jearlet l'.hcuWb, lis. Crd rs proni tlv attended to. Address j .1. 1. WRIOIIT, Ci.wcmti. spt. 11 '61. ly MUSKINGUM VALLEY on prices prices i 7.re". .ii-; .W."v), r. f. r Xweti'tfr. ('. H'., ii Ii Mli.ii) mciitber uf tUe Vniiwlitm 'nWi'u- Will. ' I h.ivc used your S His.uui', M i lu inv faintly, fur e,.eieral 'liiitii, and tor oo'iV'iin (.'f lltd, W illi very lieueii. i.d i'eult i, nnd kd eolilMeuco lu coin.at'Udin It lo the iiliii.l-j I." -mm lit M'.ISSOrS' iuisiotiiT of any lncirporatod district, are bylaw St. Anthony's Fir", 1.C30, Gait Iihcum, tofJd lluail, lioro Eye.s. J ', ?;il tiuri l it .'...'. i'. .'. , .','i" rVf ..'.' "r if t: ! 'J'rr'l Jit, n .".. . I i t ,rr-it, 'r:i;i.'i:!ra:iil. I "Our only ciiil.l, nl-oei tlii-ee voum ot r.''e. v.-js I Steai Works, Curlier f .1I.irt.et nnd Third Wrctts, ZAXilSVILLE, OHIO. Spiisntioi. .,rip.. iucat.al.le of h.d.linir ..,.,,.!,;- ni ih,. ' i'''a'Keaiiy piiiipie, on i.ii lor; ii. ad. llicy rnpiilly Sensation Sensation JlllCI ! time. Ibn eltii-n r.r lll.lioin tlllt'llt ol J .1 I Ol III j tor or Clerk of any election us Common Corn i,iniuiier A u.lilor Connor, ;Com'r. Aud'r. Cor'n' s: s: rn : c , 5 ? LIN MS' at CRASH at CURTAlNis nt A1U.K CLOTHS at al prices wealth. I Tl.. tin).... T..A... r !. ...,:.. .!: .:... AH '.0 be had at MOSSOl'S'. Lforesnid are re.iui-.'ted In i al iloi I'.niri llm.'n Sensation Sciisal ion Sonsiiliou Soiisration Sensation 1 71 im ; 85 ;n:i : IM 40 50 1 If" 81 a Mell:.Mll. ,0Bi ii J.I-. reeks, p,nr)( l'ike, Union, Woodward, . I o : 80 HI i .) ;i:io : 58 : 10 ;'i'.i i 52 101 : 17 : 5.'1 : 88 ; 04 ! 00 i 238 ' 20 :130 ! 25: 77 ; 95: .14 50 SO 71 2'.' 115 25: 80 38 142 30215 10; 40 5'.) 1 70 14 Hi 54dll 5(tt: 33 03!1 37 20 8: re 10 131 53 7 103 74; 17 30: 53 25: 88 24 ; 05 it; in 72:-J''i l 28: 27. 32:l2 t'j 20: 4o! 77 83 04 3IH 35 80; 71 2 111 25 if ' 37 1 4 1 :i5 37 237 38 in' 40 lrt 4' 59 141 78 74 11 SO 55 110 4'J 31 04 137; 35 00 8 10 22 3'J 12 53 7 103 74 17 53 87 05 i 02 241 fKl.Mili al fscrsation iincts: S"l at MUSSt.U'S'. g 'LACS , IIOSIKRY -' RIIU'.oNS 1 0 TRIMMINGS) of all kinds it at Sensation in any (itian'ty ) Always on hand at MOSSOr.S'. prices - in the borough of ClearlicU. on the lir.-t finliiv 1 C.e. prices next alter the said second Tuesday of Ort.ii.u, piicesl'-en and llu-io to do tho.-o things reijuired of i.ii.., i I'" "I ''.V law. . j : LilVB.V under iiivbiunl and scil. at ClcaitVdJ, on Pt at nt Sensat ion Sen sal ion Seusalioii prices 'i ices prices prices this so el. Ui dav nt .t.l.'tobr, in tbo year of cur Lord, 1110 (Iniii-.iiid ciglit hundred and si.-ty-lour ; and of il.c Independence of -" the Coiled Stales tlio eighty-eighth.' SiK.AI. LDW ARD I'TIKRS, Micnil.- u Jllll lt; VHMiL'K There will ho ox o.ed to puldic Mile on l!:e 1 realises of Ma:-- tin Myrter, Into of I'cnd township, on Ntlurdav, Uctoboi'22'1. lM.il, CASSlMF.KI'iS at SATT1N Kl'.S TW LI-OS ,1 LANS VKSTINCS SHIRTINGS at nt nt til at Nmsation jst'iisation Seiisntioii Sensat inn Sensation Sensation 30 25 21 18 74 28' 27 28 125 8; 20 41 75 83' 05 3'.l: 31 70 11 55 40 ! ut MOSSOPb". 0' ; CLOTHING such "O.us Coals, rant?, sl Vests, -l Under Shirts. at sensation prices: l;l Flannel Shirts, "t ! Hoots, Shoes, lLvis and Cups, 20 ' Now tor sale at MOSSOL'S' -''1 II A K I) W A K l'l - - nut.., o...V,i o , ftt 8ensotjon 1 1' o r k s, Knives, 1 3 Siiiihoa llim'ns. I ; LIQUORS, such K as Wine, Lraiidy, 41 ,(i i n, W h ikey, 83 Coenao, etc, etc., 8. FRUITS, such ns sonsation d ices ; tho following valuable properly, to wit : prices i "! ',oru' rows, 3 head of younir cultlo, ! lil ices ' 1 1 ,,CI"1 "f sheep, ahou i) tons of buy, a 1 . . lot ol striov, l.'i 5 bushels of oats, I'i bushels if 1 . I wiio at, a prices it ol corn and Luckivhout, 1 gon, 1 bug;-, I 2-hoise wairon. twin s! prices . und harness, fanning. mill and threshing prmg wa. ds, sleigli iiLicliiiio, 1 together with farming utcmiU and household! and kitchen rurnsturo. rtf-Siic tn emuiuciico ui v.ii 1 iocu, n. in. a'i.u. Aliiu i.l. 1 I Ad's prices at Mossors'. nt sensation prices oeSlit Ji.ill.V l'LYNN A FARM FOR SALF. IMIE subscii'ior cC'crs for .-nle on rrnsoiiublu tborins, a Farm in l'conria loiinslrp, one milo 8outh of Beconria Miils, It coiit iins I'it'ly irA 'rres. wilu 1 rty Acres cleared, a frame Dwelling liout-e, Ftoro-hoii.e, tog jiarn, nun on. er out -I'liiiutiigr, nun a grow ii.g Orchard of thriving trees. Tlio title i iin.li.-pii. table. 1'iT Terms, apply lo tbo undersigned, in Lawrence township, Clearfield county, 1 a, eep2I-3m-pd J. K. RKAl). I'OllllKIILY AT Tilli IP. I.I HFOMB I (II "(lilt V CII A NOF. r lai i: or rt iiNrss. 34 30; 3 ) 30 3 i ... FRUITS, such as I 50 25: 50 20j 54 25 ; Prunes. Kaisins, Ul : Fig-vFiiucits, Ac. I : f- ?' 5-j riPrirrnir cv - Republican Rule tho Country s Jiurn-j it- . n . .1. - S.ll.....: M ...i.tn( nrjt nf l?ti- I n, . . i e unu inn iuiiuwii'8 ;ai.i..-.w . loiai, , u.. oi c. o o riPrirrnir publican Rulo in a late number of the! ,n0ur, Il'a'ms, Sew York WorM, and it is so pctfcolly ,.,",., Iican. I Shoulders, Supar, truthful that no wan cn deny any part' V r 'dar S.n :-With your Molasses, Cotlee, fiu 1 Depuiisaion. I wiih lo say to the readers of your , 'lea, C r a c k e rs, "('''"'' , ,, , minor that I will send, by return mail, to nil who Spices, Cant "They tbo people have Lad fou rye r. .p . e,ip0i wilh fuii directions for Coai 0il, etc, trial of it, Repudlican llulo, and tiud DinkinR B11,i Bpinft , simpio Vegetable Halm, that j that it is bloodshed, bankruptcy, taxation, wm oflectual!y remov;in 10 days, Piinples.Llotch-! .lT icKI NQ t ,!:.. rtin nt. 1 ir- VH....bl. nnj all Tin mi ri t ' os of the okin. . ' . poverty, tiespousin. ii i ' -1 es ), -.-i. ,..- -.. -: . v,.n,.n KOll'.S , , Tiiiwr at MOSSOl'S' indies, otc at sensation prices prices ', TTAV1SU leased tho l oundry and Mi'cbino I 1 Klmnifti Mili'.biirc. kliown n i II It h' t: 'si Ol'NDUY'," nra I'trpnred lo ninntifartuio and repair Steam Kngilics, sweep nnd trend power Threshing Mnchiiiei, New ll orld and llatbnway Cook Moves, Wagon Spindles, Blows, Bid Cast ings of all kinds t short notice. They alsobnvo both nt Bellefonto nnd Milesburg, a vnriety of Cook and l'ai iur Stores, for soli coal, of Pitts burg manufacture. Cull und no fur j ourselves. i loathsome an. I virulent to . .i.m iit'tuallv minded hi. i eves Iur some ii ays. V skillul physician iipidicd nil !:'i.' ul siHer ii. I other leunilics, without nny ii( li.ir. iit r.To.-t. l or tiftt n days we gu.trdrit I. is hands, let W illi tliem he shoulil tear olieil tlie li'i- nnd eo.TM;'t wound which covered his whole Ihi. i'.or tiicl lvci-v tl'i"7 ( Ise we l.inl anv l.";i.' Iloi;). mi1 lH;;an enin yonr .m:saI'.i;ii.i.a, i.ii I rjiplyin'r the iodide ul i.dftsh lotion, us you io: i . '1 no see bf i. all 10 heal M hen w c had clwn l!i" tlrt liottle. mi'l was well wdc'ii we h.u! liuislnii , Kngincs ti.e s tin I. The child's eyelashes, which lovd caino'i l-inijini 3 on;, ei'ew :i;r,iin, :ei'i i.e i. i.mi as ncauiiy .'.n-i uur cs in v iithcr. Tlie vliolo w.ij;hborhou J " predicted tli.it liie child in list die." Syphilis and Ilcrourial DiEcns". Fron l)r, UtruM .'.' . ',(.. I.viti.i, iliwuri, " I Had your S.u.Mr.unM.A n moio cileetoal rcmeiiv for the decondui'v symptoms of s-nihiiis Hint fur syphilitic di.-i iise lliiui iinycllier we pus-som. i '1 he proiis- ion me hub Mid to jbu lor some of Hie ! In .,t iiiedj.'iiii'M v.'t- have." 7V.iM .I..7. I'n in'i, .17. tl., an eminent jdnisiVoDi rf -.'.'( n. v. .V'.ss., nit', i.i a jiKitiiu'iit ui niiur . Ill . ai'ltittiri' ft' MtliHwllH u ttu. " I'll. Av ill. -My dear .sir: I liavo found vo'ip S.WIS.U'.UUI.I.A Illl'l'X'S'llellt pelili'dy fill' ,v:iiiliiljs, ! boili ol' I in o'liii'i' mid Ht'ioiulm'! iype, luni i lie- j tuai in Home ("ise:, ihat wcio too olistinale lo yiel J In olln r ri'ineili.'s. 1 do not know whal we cnii em. i lo;- w iili inoi-e certainty of bucecss, w hero a power lul iilleraii . c is r"riiired." I .Ve. f7-i.. S'. Win l.iiir,nf Xrn Hnnitiri,-!;. .V..., In.il ilr.-adliii ulcers on his l'";i, cmsiil hv Ull' IlllUSC id inerenry, or nt rruriiit ii-o'o.M', which erew more nnd iii'U'o'ue;,.'niv!ited for years, in spite ol c.ery i , romciiy in-li'ealiiieid that could lu: oppiicd, until Ihr ! p"i"cn ring u-eid' Al i:i:'s S Mi-Ai'.M.n.t.A ri lii ieil j I liliu. I Vw ensi s ("in be found inure Invi'tcrate and ; I ilisiic : l'ig than this, i.ud it touk several dozen bullies to cur; Id'.il. Louccrrhaa, Wliitea, Fomnlo Weakness, j lire .'"iutuIIv pro.Iitcnl by internal ,,;'',. m ft. 1 c.'co.'ioi. nii-l are verv oli' ii cured hv th" alter. dive ! clle.'t of this S lis iA it l l.l, . .-siMile eases r '.pii!',', liini'. viT, in aid of tlie S u: vr.viiil.LA, the skilluj npplic.'itiou of 1 H al remedies. ' Flout Ike f' I! In ant not irhi'hi ?rl,'irntl lr. I Jacob .il'irr'dl, if ( iiicinwiti. I "I luive tiuiii'l ioni-; M.s.M' Aiill.l. v an excelljul idlyriitive iu i'e"se. oi fenialcs. Many esses nf li'i-ri'iilnrity, Is'ticori'lni'il, tiileni-il t le.-niiiou, nnd ! local deliiliiv, nristne; frum I he m rcl'idous illatlie.-iv, , I lime i-lde'l to ii.timl llierc ani Ii .v that (In not, 1 whcii'itselleel is prttpcrly aided by local treatment." : J In ly, vim illiii'i to allnin the. inihlittUimi of her 1 iiifiw , i."rf7es f j " M v ihiimhter mi l myself Imvc.l.ccii cured nf a ; verv ih liilil iting l.ciicorrli'i'a of Innir ttt.iiiillug, I y trtci botlles of your .SAIisACAitll.l.A." I Ithetimntism, Oout. Livrr Complaint, Dya- prp.sia, Heart lJisiasO, Tiournlnia, ; when emis"i liv Scrofula In the fystciii, arc rapidly 1 by tins Lx r. SAi!tArAKM.i.A. lTnTno tt.l.l...l fffi.n.'j. r. ..... ,ni. tl . ; faif.ilies, wo are now turniti? out a Isrgn r.iiiiiboi 'of our improved Portable Kp'am J'-iii . s rr.J I Portable Circular f?.iw Mills, ua"- I f!i;.'h cm I fi ndii.g llii ir way into Peuns I v n ir, I 't: ! . J rul -, ana, ami Illinois. Those nirmi'ly r- -i;;vu'I mei 'in operation arc giving the lucmt -'..i:e sjt.-f- ; l. on. jnero Is now Hardly a Mr.'o oi :'n in the Vnion but that our In ii 'ied p. -nry Always al MOSSOrS. home, and dishonor abroad. It is a loss ' leaving th same soft, ! row PER r,r t, ... ,. r.nn mm tllA huboSS I Ul. f f,i,n.j It I will also man ireo io i coi'.us, and tho protection of tho laws, it ne(iJ or mt9 Flicc,( ,,,, u fifty cents for a yard of calico, and 6ix-ifarm(ltion thut win gble tl tveonta fnr A noucd of Cpfloe. It is a1 riiw.h of Luxariant Hair, Wl State without coals and a table wunoui . Uche in less ihsn thirty anys. I MKWOD . lrr ... .. . 1 t. ., n .nn.l W.ITI- .1111..11)1 i . 1 :-, . I. ; ..I . iiibipk ni i All .nn im nni inswfrsu ut .mum tutt.i - , " I IU HI nun iiiwtui "ii .. .,- - i , .1 r. ill hIso mail frco to thoso having BaU .SHOT de directions ana in- ,p, a U thein to start n full CAPS at at at at :it at sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation ISAAC IIAl'PT is a.'.iut for t!ic York, Wyom ing and Columbia Insurance Companies. jy'JO.CI I.y i.AL'iui: ,r. i!i,.Ki:i,v, ; AlloriKV and Couiiscllor :it Law, 1 prices yj a.t,n,i t0 i oininess cntrus'.eo. lo bis prices car0 in Elk nud aJjoinicg counlies nt St. Mary's jirices (llennnger P. O.) si p 2S, 6 mo pd. pi ices prices prices tatter. is ..-.h nt i.ii ur ant llair. w tiisKers, or a .uous- , , , ,. nr n r u 1 Al i isrsiliv um iov . . ..i k. . .. ,. , h.vii.7 c-i.iwv...rf... w. i f. ii. . nu pni'iii' ill a ii'.'ii-u ritui i'iu- oc5 Cmcp. ltospeetfully yours. TII0S. T. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 831, llrondwny, New York. i . . . ., silver half-dollars. It is husbands ana la- out cuarSo hers torn fiom their homes by a provost-, ttarshal'i guar, to fight for tho freedom . ofnero slaves. It " 'ana uil hlm l with tho garb of mourners; tilled with idows, orphans, and cripples. That are the blessings which have resulted from el ecting Mr. Lincoln once; and tho people think onco will suflice. In spitoof tbo !owal exertions made by tbeadministra tioa party ln Pennsylvania, Ihe pubi c aind tends irresistibly in tha direction ln uich it ought to bo carried by llieso t.n , 1. . ..I . l - a Mfln'l Villti- IbotnaT V th" "UL..;" their CU sad cur esteasiy. stock. "oiiaes, ana domestic aitecuons -, iu inc.. .. , 'T0 of security and pride of country. j -jxitAY Cams tresspassing upon the jircin- O esis of tus unuorsigncu, miui J. O .BLACKWLL, WITB fSKO. W. It 13 13 D & CO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbors iu Cloths, Cassimcrcs nnd Rattinets, No. 413 Market street, Nerth side botwesn Fourth and Fifth. 1'lllLiAUtlil'lll A. ed ngninsl buying or nilinc, or in any way , ill ii mcdilling with a certain ipecklcd CP. LY MAUI! Always keeps Oil linnd a lull nlM,,lt8 years oil. now in tbo pmsessi on of Vi m. lassoitment Ot all kinus Ol fioous reipuiuii Thurston, as tho snino belongs to me,. Ind iJ only for the accommodation ol tlio putdic. 1 Nov. 12, 1882. 1VAXTF.I)- ITTCM' : I J to do Family Cooking. Apply to A middle-aged Woman to SMITH. held by said Thurston en loaa. scp 2i jit w. w. wor.i;i:r.r.. Four coiiipelci.t Teach'TS to lirAXTl-.l). s V take ctarce ol the Covinittou To Schools. .KlSlAH W Clearfield. Scptcmbor 21, lHt. JOHN L. CUTTLE, i Attorney at Law and Heal Ilstate Agent, CLKAUriKLD, l'LNN'A. 1 OtVee on Muriel st. Opposite the. Jail, PsPECTFCLLY offers his s rvices in sell-' I Joining counties snd with an exporience of over wcnsville twenty years as a Surveyor, naucrs niaiseu in he can render satisfaction. Fob. '03 If . The coming winter wagoi will befrom J-l'l to $Jj , 'according h) (jinliticiiious. Ity order ( f the Hosrd. J. V;, l'OTTL'K, 8ec. oc5, at I rcneiiviiir, i i. Bint .-aw AH. is aro in use. r i l.ir.e pp.-.i't iirrcs'c- Hacks on t'.-.::-, ' which o r. '.ino tin living -quirks. Wo would rcspn'iiniiy lefi r y.m t.i tho ,'' , inji geutliiiien ni.d tvrti.!r.ni-s ior thu pmini . . ; utility, and pi-iietienl upeii.ot. nf ir 1 . : ; Sleaui Kngir.cs und ."snw Mtllt; i AvnNiiAT.r, Chester Co.. Pa.. Apr!' I. Mkssiis. J. A J. II. rcVAi.i. Heal i m." I Portable llncine and Sac Mill i-t ! of ( a A,- j cr tiro siitisluction. I cheerfully ro. oimoci d i those ill wnnt i f Haw Mills In cie o:i a c I Hcspectfull;-, 11. V N. I ; li ' i II ;j, I.l.NiMAI. Poi::T, CamL ih Co., t n . ! .May I!, 1 :D'.. ) ,T. .t. J. II. I)tAi.i,-(ifit:ciDeu":-Vu'i Mr. 8. lluitlcity as sawyer, we have snive l, m i t Ii t!." Portuliie tieam Mill sent to Co'nlr'n Iron Coni I puny, in nine hours, oigbt llioa. .in I fc t of lo i ' bcr, (two thirds of it Icing rn!.) end Wald checrlully rconiincii 1 your Mill t tuoso in want i ( such. Yen- rcsiee'u!lv, ; .':.a :i'jnr,KLT,. l'er Cuii'bi'ij Ir' 'i Company. Moi'MMiai.b, .tun 1-01. Mkssiis. J. A J. II. Drvsi tVith tlio ,i ... it nnco of Mr. Hardest, v, r rawed, tl'.e lii-t day wo p. t up jrr Kugiiii' snd -saw iill,snvi-n IIi'i'Ilhii t two bun In. I and ffivsK fi it of or.o Inch p;im boards, when evctythiti;; v.ns rew mil b.i.l bc cuuie vi ry rusty l y thr. o w -eks eypon.io in aa i p'.'ti car. We ure well satisfied that tin null will cut fully cno thousand foil of inch iiin bor por hour, with suitable he'p. Vi'o ci'.eerfuily recom iiieud your mills nnd ((iigiues to oi.y in ivm.t, as we are fully tatijtied they i.ro the bo:t uiill ai.d eng ne and mill of the kind wo Hi - nycr seen. Yours truly, Jos. l'.l'.l.N l'l'., Fur llnnrnr. 1 ru Is C "o. Miinxsiiiniii, l'a. Feb. 2!.n 1S4. Mosrs J. A .1. II I'i . vai.i.. i' ac ,s',' : Our portable saw Mill and cn.irine inri,"c 1 last wewk nil sul and right, wo believe and v.. enn siy without meaning any flnttiry ijtehalfof Mr. Ilur lesly Hint ho did himself credit in putting I ho mill up snd suiting the sumo. Ymrteriny, just one week from the tune wo unlo ide.l tne en gine, ho tan il w ith lour. bunds, about tit'Oil feet uf lumber in about eight hours, a pnrloin of the logs were oak and ash. S?u fjr as wn are ablo to judge, we think wo will bj able te isnljcus betlop report afl'-r a whilo. We sio satiTfiod with the Mill and Lngiuo, nnd enu iccoiniaend tlicin lo nuy purson who may debits a fotUbls mill nnd engine. YoUl's, nulling jnil (ill sllcee, KKlis LLOYD 1 CO. For further roferenres we nil) givn ho nanivi i f Jiuucs A I.vsns, Lbtditbiirg, l'a. Mc Irs. llanwny A Co., Lnirobe, Pa. Messrs. Pruuer it Hurley, Tyrone i Adiins, Cnlsn t Co-, Crc'son ; S. Millilien, llollidiiysburg ; ltilsmnn A 'letsor, Aitoonii ; Messrs. Heed A Uro., Tyrone ; W. D.i. worth, jr., Pitisbm-e; S. Rliynes, L-iko City; Follctt k Co., West Ijrienrille ; K.J. Nichols in, i P.ronkvillo ; J. McHon'gnl, Ilmnlock; Csnhria : Iron Works, .lobmtown ; lirenner, 'f rwks Co , Morrisdalc ; Miebnel Johnston, Ane iwn ; M')-Corn-lick t Long, 1'itUburg ; W. fi. Lloyd, Knsns (burg: S. Mlkknitter, Hunting. Ln : S. Wilson, IsS'lIX nr., lining opi'lied for License tjtriittonv.ille ; Dull A Tern, Terrytowu : C.liey- A Y E P. ' 5 CATHAltTIC PILLS .,,..:(... . s.i ninny ;h1mim!.ui S mil' till' nllt'T purgatives in llic l.nirl.'.'t, mid tin ir mpi rinr ii lues mem miii a riil!y known, ilmt wenv't nut do inure tlivi In nsMire the pulilie their ipiulitvis i:i,iinl..itH".l cijti.il to the lM it eier bus lii-eti, nnd that ibry ni.'y be ilrputnlul on to ilo all that llicv have ever done. Prepared ly .L C. AY Lit, M. L., & Co., Lowell, Jlasii., anil sold hy "tt-.t SOLD by C. D. Watsoi nnd IlARiswirn . Hi-stos, I'learlielil ; V,. A. Iran, Curwensviilo ; 1'osTs.ii A Medina, I'liilipsburg ; S. AmoLD, Lu tlicrrburg; nnd l.y dealeis everywhere. rqit. 11, 'CI.1t. LICEXSED "AUCTIONEER. T I ns nn Auctioneer, under the li. 6. Kevcnue , nnl. Is ,t K. A ndrcss, II" rt'tnwn, Cia wfor.1 county ; Laws, rcfpecllully informs His frauds and tho , M. T. Pill a- Ihnins .VcAulcy. Altnona ; A. 1.. publio generally, that ho is always prcpsred to 1 llolli !ny, llollidsysbui g ; M. M. Adams, Ores i Htteoil public sales iu any part of tho county, at son ; W. P. Zeiglir and Joseph S. Hee l, Hun. . . f. . .. . -It ..r -1 I . I j I- r, T7 i T I . .' 1.'. , tuo Siiorlest notice, nnu on mo most rensonan.o , iingunn ; u oi wo.mh nave purcuus-u i iiunui rOrfllC A 1'1'Ull 1 iirill. terms. Ho can be addressed, personally or by , Steam Lojjines snd Por table Circular Saw Al ills mllE subscriber offers f.r silo on pe.isonnhie lelter, nt Lcciiifs Mills, Clearfield county, l'a. ofus. ii vssri'Trru Y otters his s rvices in sen- icrmi mi raaji ninsuiii in lsiioiich "u- i.t-ii iii.:ii.i ..... u, ny, ... . ... . .i.t unu. v. I L J hovimr lands in Clearfield and ad- ship, about midway between Clearfield nnd Cur-, - - , be made of first tin's mntonal j workmanship 1ADIES' Dress l.oods New Styles Alpccsi. t!,0 ,,.; with lliaas Hall Valves in pnmp-.an l J rintJs, Morniiibtipio, Hrnche-MnhaiP, Vnlen-i cheeks, and ti saw from C.OUO to lU.OsJU foit of . : : . iu .FB.III......'."-. - B-...uu j. v Kit Ai 'Ah.it. A WOMAM in rhiisncn. hacominc snrnKcu .!, . "ith of July last, a ni"i " Z" . n.t. ' r, .),.. ....u fn,u ihr.nnih "her son while hi was eatioe, atruek . lUm tws year. old. Th. owner i. requested to a The till, is indimut- icome forwnra, proys prnpe.. y,rj v-. --- '-.v. " ,bl. For terms srpiy kiM and be choked to -death Tb, take 1.1m away, or he will be di.rowl of accor JP&iWs IV 4 U pay of workmen in Englapd ?8 per ding to law. T in gold; here it it err ?S,50 in rrer espembef 29th '. rd I'rnvisions. Ae. Front fclreet sboye the AcaJaiy CleniBsld Pa. I Arnl Cfth 151, It contains about 85'ncres, ritii about l .srs. thereof rlcnrcd. with a Frame lloue' and Frnme llsrn. There are npwnrds of 4uil eia, fcilks, o"l Delaines, rrcnen .vjcriaoi, ving- . u mber pep day (say ten Soars.) t rtJ-unleis soliciteu. licscnptive eirculrrs I lent to all correspondents. Address, UOT1LRT J. WALLACE, Atniitur av Lw J. A J. II. DC VIM Clearfield. !'.. fn",re Itt Sksw'i P.ow, op i Corner Msrkit til l Third Plret. jnit r,pH psite the J'.urnsl oCce. I '. ), It. It. lpi, Zrss t!l, unlo. ier. 1, l?5. f ' tn; 7. Ij grafted Apple trees in good eonditiou some 20 hams, Lawns, just opening nt .Pna Penr trees, with iiuantity of Cherry tress,1 J. 1'. KUATZEP S. CissHleld. Auguit I". 1561.-tf. to the subscriber at GEORGE TUOKN.