ll'n 10 n vote 01 mo pcuno as niMruunio . uf Ooarress. Ho know also that Mr. Clemens, of Virginia, on the ITtU of Feb-j r uary , belor that Mate adopted secosMon, . ndcavored, in tho House of Representa tives ut Washington, to oluin a similar arrangement in that body to teat tho ques lijn of compromise before the people, and ;t t's voted doivn by 112 Republicans ..gainst SO Democrats every Republican i.i the llouso voting iu the negative. They would not, they did net dare to trust tl.o people tl legitimate source of pjwer Wn.NtM.AY Mou.nin:::::::Octoueii li. ) THE ISSUE. ! It any person is in doubt as to tlio policy thot will be pursued, should the country suffer tho oiiafortuno of Lincoln's re-election, tho fact of tips withdrawal of Gen. Fremont front the canvass should remove them. Fremont was the candi date cf the tnt-rrd rut cltnn-rieclrd Ab olitionists, such as Wendell rhilips, l.loyd (iari'uon, Fred Douglass, Ac. They quir relled with Lincoln because he refused to . placo himself stpjaro on the Abolition 'lilatfoim. nml nominnted Fremont. This .... .i , ... ..... . ZvSuXZtl DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET. w Ufc Lincoln's letter ,o whom U iho clear sni explicit evidence of Senator ,T,7ivnt may concern, ' in which ho declared to l'ugh, a cotetiiporarvof tha author of the , 1 . . . . v , the world that he would !iten to no prc-p-Addres, in tho Srnato of the U.iiied '1--N. Ci-UM..b 15. Jlcl i.i'.Mi.:s , tk,ns or sf.,,eril,nt ,ljat rot cm states. In tho course of his speech in the, oi iemn; i l ama. ,.?......,,. a. or vitf. ritKsit'KNT, ' toon as tliis declaration w?s matle known i is question 1 Senate, in March, Its til, ho says: ; " The Crittenden proposition lias been endorsed by thealmoit unanimous vole of HON. (JEOIWE II. PENDLETON, diitso Abolitionist bejinu to niatio'uvrc for i lie Legislature ot Kentucky, llhns been i endorsed ly the noble old Ooinmonweulth t of Virginia. It has been petitioned for by , a larger number of the electors of the L'n ited Stales than any proposition that was j ever before Congress. 1 believe in my: heart to-day that it would cairy nti over whelming majority cf the people of my, State, nye, sir, of nearly everv State iu the , Union, I'.eforo the Seuatorr from thn' State of Mississippi left this chamber, 1 hestdoneof thorn, who assumes ut lea?'. 'o be President ol the Southern Ccnf'.-der- J.' nc.y. propose to accept it, nnd maintain the Union, if that, proposition could teeeivo jV the vote it oulit from the other sido of ibe 1 1. House. Therefore, all cf V'our propositions, , 1 Aboi. 1. luiuiit ' efvcu? sxet.dnients, know ing as 1 do, . 1 1 and knowing that the historian write, THE RESULT IN CLEARFIELD, it down at nny time tcforc the tirt of p,v tho cliioial mtuim of the election in or onto. KLKCTOUAIi Xi'CKKT."" sr.NATonu:.. RmcRT I.. JoiissT", t'ambvin, Kirau:t Vavx, 't. loirlm. r.rparsr.MATivi:. 1. W;;i;m t..-vn;liliu its. 7'iitil I.ei.l I. K.lwM It. It. lmV.d I i. I'.otn-rt SwinfkrJ S. K.lwM '. I'unr. 15. Jchn Ahl ). Tl.os. VcCii!bMi'a 11. Honro A. Smith The 19th IU3tnct EDlendid Achieve-' majrhied q. th. 4th in.t.bT tbpr.w' tvtotice u it,, u , , Went. M. Burclifield, r. II. W BmiO., of this pl.ee, I J. Couot,.-Oirg to ths ,r?0'f J w mi..u.ru n.iunorne.Pi turirroiviito. tios ol Ibe low relatlva in ..i;." im2 ... i. Li Tolin. i. Tho following table shows the ninjori ties given in each county.for Congress in At Urritmrg, on Uit 28th of tj.ptem- t'rid lt, tho time flxodforh wlt Mw'l this district, and also the (jain to tho': - Inst SIUi Kat. lirown, .god 84 jcan ud ; wm , il November-whms, arJJT?" r, . .i . r . il 'UUI'lllii i their re-meemblins is FriJ.. n t,: Democrhts over tho vote for Curtin nnd ' Th, crcumilanc pertaining to th. Onsl' M 7o ' f v lu7, t B l,C Woodward last fcdl ; ;mfeI( BnJ a,alh oftUU ong u1, ;,r, of . p. Ccurt "-"rir , ' Woodward last fdl 5 DijfliT. Scofinld. Camei on .... C'J Clearfield - 12.V2 Klk 7 Krio ' 22G4 Forest 5 Jeflerson - - L'n'J Mckean (repotted) lo jWurren (repotted) COO Totrd .... 19H1 3038 Altbotih Gov. I6IQ gnin, 33 300 51 035 33 2f)S 112 2s8 1710 l'ioi tR lulls fur short of culiarly tad and painful character. About four j months since, in tho tridst of apparent health, 1 bo was strickon down by tha. fearful diieaie, ! ' L . 1 , T. r.. . 1 ijpnoiu tutor, crerj euurt wu ins ie uy ner at- f foctionate parents and attentive ptiyiiclani to re- V ' ,--.WALLAf 0,tl.,:u -W.nUEEM . Clerk. for tho countr of Clrr.;, 1 i of H;,, stort her to health but all iu viu. After lin- Commliiiloners' om-, on Wol,,,, i,.J , '"tit gcring for weeks in pain it was di8irered that da. a 6lh. 27! ') of October, J S . uirectoii that .11 til. fl!ftB.M tlBll terilll.Blv ltffili.All till. IriB.ilill . (II.. C . -v r-" cairn aufli nppar before th board Ppli er, und Iu tb fond hope that tuuro practlicd their iworn Ftatement doUiiin? nam r roUe , r... . , numberof children, with.;. ..uu.v. u, .,ui ui " l"T-" ' thotiiWBl, n nl,i,-t. m.. : . 'AUfek. rulilruillL' health but ererv hone of tlii kind .nlintniont. nml ilmlr ... . . 41 laehm.,,f an election, vet the victory which we. ,, ,h. i without n,. ,-... f . "' 'nc,i have rained in tho district is none the 1 j ...u . .u t ..... 1 children, wU are dependent less decisive nnd gratifying. In the first jd,d ly a large numterof relatives and lympa- In which the reside.,' tnua'aUo"" place, we have goined tie largest mnjori- thisir.g friends wera depositod In tho csmetry whu certifa-ato, sworn to before the bo!ll"ced of the Centr, M. K. Church, on Sabbath, Oct. 1st. T W X? (P-l wo havo cainod iiandsomely over the votoi cast for Gov. Curtin lust fH in every ," 01 ln" .ouns 'ay g01 s miuhoci m o.uiu c raimuntoi and her f4mu. lllw'd T. Ii rtii'. s. Co ii.ud ('.m. It. UolpT Miv-htiel Selt-er 'utriok M Y.vov Thn. IU li'alkor Oliror S. Dimmiik 17. T huddoun Usr, k I.-1. Jfn'h Montgomery 10. .ohr. M. Irvino Jos. M. TlKinpou ''l. Kafic'ai liroivn 2i. Jnnses '. Uarr 2:'.. ll'tn. ,'. Kounts St. I'i'in. Mot. "i;ii:uery Ibe withdiaw.il of their candidate. Its "0- compli.hnient reruoves all doubt as to tho t policy to be pursued by Mr. Lincoln in rf 1,!a rn-i-l ir! ion To find out W bnt .h,t policy is wo need only refer to the couny ;u the t,islrietmaking an 8,gre.!tUst to her death was an eternal gair.. Early in jLffi j Abolition crced--whieh is "nn uneniting I Mr ogninst the tonstitutirn, w,"c" 1 in the Stiite ! ! ! 'they ci-.!rnoteri.e as " cvnr.tit with u, ... vci, . i.. ' - -. restnl, Ueriolf t. be i that the sut,7 eH It is pleasing reflection that tho christian nuwber and ago of her family U trae5"!!,01""' lifeof this oung lady gives a strong assurance is in dootiuilo circutnutancos and her f "f' that to her death was an eternal eain. Early in "l?1 w.ant ! n4 lhni the fasu i0tfUMSU I county iu me uinirici ujunitig un ufivi , , - - applicaUon are just and true. cnteof over 1700-eau:d to shout 40,000 j hfe, " th. .j.et .f wl.g.ou. Imprssslons. F ta- ing tll ; , ... and following tho convictions of her iinnl, lie tainod at the olSoe of the Hoard (,f tt " . m iim stnt ' ' T 1 . . . ... . . . ,!. :.. i , i . ul fce,t er. tu. ol Sin. l'iueauun i mane ana mo witneiw. .nr.... 'sought and found her avior in thjpirioa OcU IV, 1S61. A I .1 -II .1 Il .1 t - uur urClilirn will illUi SCO IIIUI AC UUVO r( mnPA lhnn B;T ,1.- . irnet. I. t 1 1.11 M..l . . t : ileal ti nn-1 aio;'gne wun ne.i, .mu done our slu,ro towards a glorious fl and coosUtont memlcr of tho Mcth. E. odey'H LADY'S ItDOKrTiTTTr- T d.lire.l. in A lllblic ..: :.. . i. .l ' -t ... . i ,- A X ION MAilA7.IK nw Tin? ... .''l!D- ' '. - , iu uiu 7inic niui ii.,,jun. . lnureo -Ull 111 ucr jiinam unu 'uuiii. ib.i,.vih - .1,4. nuilLU L't nddr.ss in pronoe of Mr. Lincoln, that j - -----j, udeavorei adorn the causo of Christ. In ev- S? 'inpltJP ho had -labored for twenty-five years. n.. ticsB .,n,J a Tlr, ,,v.Vy sppropriato .phora f christian labor she plBt, Wood engravinrs oa eve.-. .1J...T"' and no- "jjloried in the arcomplilniint Sai.l'lER. i"n always a ctivo and useful. As a teacher in can intoreM lvlis. Crochet knitting k(.-, tho SabbHh School a member of tho ciafi, ana lorine loiiet, fr,r 0p V of his hibor." Mr. Lincoln never could; li;v. secured the support of these men, ', .SctXE -Curu-eutt-tUe u:d tlie withdrawal of Fremont, except January, s iwo mir-ivo., wr iuoniu.ii-. i.rv,r,y. .,,, . ;-. i,0,vllCre. it v e ' - ' 1.. ii. u....i..: 1 .1.. -"wrar- wor.hip of Ood- , f . LAiis rtr.kli. she riu:!y uaintnined berintegiity to Christ un- rt DIES' FAVORITE Pna v.." . . vMtfl( LAU5, Ti3lAVcc.ui day. an lt;iiJaut upn the public . i nn - 11 .I r in 1 t. i a rlint)i)uir -,. i . i si'- i ... 'will soon tliit tlio Pt rnocrntic mnioritv ept South Carolina. Gcorgn ronH bo is i.CSi-p-eoisely Z-9 over tha rota f.r; no tloitia oi tuts. tiero by her represental ives, mv.l i.:)u:s:- r.OTl,lnol. ;,, 1 st". This is fullv tin lo Ihe: "M,J' w-a-lhose i two great .Suiei-wai.-U at , ; , , nd "when it is least would have broken the whedu tol-l , , , , umncf secession (JMe, r :; ; considered ti.nl our county pare Judge T" ion thfl fni( eoint. on ili nam i Wnnnir . m n l etter vote. I roooi tionateiv. I l,A iIaririn vni.u, nf iLa iati ii.t !).-pl. t , .t . .. Mr. Lit r.-crc.ef;mij- as follows: ,. ,i, flf ,iT llftW ! next four years, as it is whether or not. l0r-'agU)tn .tb;l -., ,..,n,Ue,il., ;.,,,,,,,,., of the we -hull preserve our Constitution as cur iiic I r mnr nn r.-.5.fj hi i n.i-.-i i . .. .. . i - .... - - - -- . , - i Ti. ..if. i r , I 1 . . .. .t..,- ,1 ..... .71...-. . . m , , . . .. ic- li CU iHU IV . ir il IU IUIU Uiu lULUuji-iaiND uuiu- i..ti iipom tlio onfl conuition ti;ai iieso-iui . , , . - : - inoS.uo n oeen aoia to eompots sia u 1 ii- ti , u';" '; i'ui'-7 lam li ine colUir pany 1 aW, w hu have eicaped the trials of this Kone ntu-mpt it. A Cirry out thetr designs. lUae can be, nni i,,',- t- ,r; -riJ ..nj arfl .t ro.t forever. Peace to her m;in- GODEY'S RKCEIPIS for v. i,n.,.i,M.i ti.... .i .' .f the Crittenden rioroMiiou cot id have Ijeen jcas.-ed early iu the session, it would Stale. Several other eour.ties show ti v-iivc saved a":i the Jutes ex pt t-outh heaviei liemocratic gain or n Kepubli Carolina. 1 firmly believe, it would. ; .. .. i,:t. ; ,i, .v.;--ni, r, Centre, Clinton, I.) coming, Tl.e evidence is leyoud i ." .. . . ' , , . , M of a household. These aknc are worth .,. (ii; A.j nj'.(,) do you C that ? pnuUng to a T)- N- 0f tha Uook. "ur" wpnc, ' j Aii j and tatharine Don;ill, agi-d J years, S with diagrams. f7r,i. Y-e-S. , tuunths and St iyt. " -he Lord givtth nnd Drawing Lessons f.-r the Young Aiotk.,., 7. Well, what is il? ! tho Lord t-kclh away. Blotsed bo the name of ul (j,,, .mrij,. ivi ,i i-i en.. '. 'ha Lord. ' ' Original Muii:, worth $j a rear. 0l(i.,. O-n.- W hy, that the likeness of Gen- u Kjlert()Wn( on lll0 Jlh . I,e Roy, son of .,:.,' fpubli.h old, w.,rn-ut la'uiie ; ZltX eral McCI.'.l.in. I'r. Je tier ion and ?aiah Lit, nged 1 year, 7 eribtrs to ti. ley g?t il before the muie t.im ,. . . .. .. . v. j... :....i...u f... i.. i:.., ... .. I Jitt. try cnod. I lift s the man .-. ."""""s pcuaiii;, . . . ; .. - 1 1 . wua viouev. . 1 m going to role for. ow, t.eneral, tio , , . -, . ( ,. . . Fa-hloas fraai M Tho qurstion, tlieiefoie, for the Atueri cin pe.iple lo decide in November next, is ; not so much whether (ien. McClellan or j oln rhall bo Trcsident for tLo' ! fathers made it. This is Vu nue.nion no,v at issue. Let no man ho d. reived. The issue is now made up. With Lin coln's re-election we will have the inaugu ration of tho revolutionary doctrines ol Abolitionim in their mcst horrible form more confciintion3 more taxes more yu'.t sco liikt? (ih thing his J.sckarje ih the (ichimi'i f'nw) Gen. Y-c-s, I see it. i 1 IU!. ,V,:.-Yell, lead it. 1 he General rcadt Now toll me what that is. i 6". Why, it's your discharge after op' three yca.V service .S' .'. A'eiy good, again. I'.ut is it thii'.gs will end. Peace and Union '...!M I n r.iiA.n.l nti.l nn. frrt inif On ilnhi 1 ,, III UVIr'lUirv., ...IVtVM l.VV ........Uk..l Willi the LritUwdpn li'.Otinitir,n una not in accordsn with mv cheriibf,! in!,Ltnre, views, I avowed my reauiness and tager- W-"T ' 0 ; but in neither r.f them had the ceis to secept it in order to save the fjnJ Democracy done as well as in Cleat field iu ion, if we could in;lc upon it. I i-on ' i !.'. ; eontiini the Senator's declaration I hat i , . ..... . ... ..I illegal arrests and years upon yrai imtnr n,iMil,im,.if ...i, .i r. looKincover iiieiaiiioo returns it I - . ..... .. , :euator ), ii himself, when on the Com- ' ... war. But e ect McCLhI.L A N, nnd all :.snAnt. ' r- ill pa1 lint mnti cf ch ah,s is arA " uii-ii' L't i tni tet ii, was rcaiiy at nil 1 1 mos i iu -i .i.t :iina -uv -rrrt-.-Arirt rn I In 1 ...1.1 1. . 1. . I . ' t li ? IV Wiuoivmi.-u utl mv ,i lllVIIUt.'li irCI0- ILiUUU J 11 W Ulli Jill, llll I lUU'l W It I'll I UK. Uon. I Will go further, and say that Mr.! Trnbliean sttnnehnhts-TV. nri.i fl.eft ooibi was also. OVr'.s, page IJ',11. ! . , t t, . ,v r , . 'pt-servcJ. flow preposterous at this day then, this .GuhcMnJ rcaUlr-the ver' d"tnc,!i '"j1 .... . . - attempt of one of tho leading actor in which C.en. Tatton struggled hardest to I The Result in the State, that evntful dram.i thus to sti'lo con- ' follow up" Pi :i.ra. Our gain in these j science, snd so seek to rescue his co-con-lfOUr districts is l?,or more than half of, Tho 'iC'lA v0' of Bl1 lh C3UnU TrTZ'UllTCCVC the whole county. vote, is not yet published.- lory, and .he desertedand inevitable con-'.. T, t -it - t . Sunicient is knon, however, to show domnation of a betrayed peopl ' The hope the l.eneral n ill give us the boncht ; UII1U nl " K. ' controlling spirit of the Republican pat-' of another week's labor iu that legion-!11 llie Abolition mainly of over lo.UOO ty never meaut peaco-never sought : His abuse of Gen. McCi.em.ax, and his in-1 year lias lieen entirely wiped out. Cit tf .Inr..1 1 ljS.V f "ny l,im r 'I ' suiting attacks upon tho patriotism 0f Uinly no Democrat had any gol reason any form, save upon the one drear and b ,. , .. 1 ' , ., to cxnect a better result. Wo know that devilish condition or turning loose unon ! Dfmfat'c "olJieri, seem lo ted won. o expect a ueu r r kik i onrlandth.ee and a Lalf Son? of ously well for the Democracy. We nny of our best men were .leading .t,U-W afimi.h.rlmno-. .,,). ii. i i . : i all fall, and that some, who were hopeful pretense of freedom, whilo in realiiv. itL-i.i i.: ..i:.i i :-:.w;--,;.;of tho lesult in November, anticitatcd mhurg njr,i: L ol N.turda Mst. ".lUiUiilUI I'lUIIIM Kldk U- ViO i",tlHlLIia - . , , , I aj-rrviiriinrir iRinTfr OT com-1 Uto bbtrtisemtnts. J Great Reduction in Tit ICS of V A LL Si WINTKHG 00 D '. 1 majority as tliat of hist fill. an "honorable discharge," General, h f Of n. Why of roime it is. Jut. .Si?. Then why did you say in jour Fpeech that "no honorably discharged suldier would rete for JlcClellun ?" On. I nev Hut Then Il I- You rro mi lid. .SA. No stammeiing, General, you shan't bo harmed this time, hut be very careful not to repeat that slander. He meuil.er that Unturned Suldiers have feelings as well as other people. The- Vvrlln tlrnj'S j rv2We cut thn following from the Ilar- lt i' Allat(cui't sively that the penjilu of thn South nre .rs. A. T. FtKTArf x a. . jXcw York, the niiilionniro uicrchauU, , j j Ji?r, the only -MuiKiir.e thm hm tiem. Also, Fashions from the celebrated UroJi, 0f New York. ' Ladies' Kunnets. We giie niore of tbenlni j ear th;iu any elber Magminu. In f .vet, OuU dy's Hook CLftbln every lady tu Is her owd U. !' nut-mukcr. JIAKtOX HAItLVSI), nnthorcs! ofAlose" " Hidden Path," ",M.h Silo," " XeaieiU," iU I " Miriam," writes f.T iiod.7 'a-h inun'.h, and U 1 no other ma.aiine. We have also setiaud i'l parative happiness and peace, to find star-' BQCn f own party would stand no X- .1.. .i. 1.1. .. I. . 1 .1 y-i . Eut l.e heeded us not and vtvro vam- -ov, mat, lliey seo tlitir cr- guaranuen tneir rignis unuer 1110 onsli vation, misery nnd death in an inhospi-' such nbusc-il was disgusting and olTen-' 10 roa euo! ",,n out of lIlis nvietion ready to n turn to I ho L nion if the are . A,..- JfniJlrf . iu-i tnuio 1 , ,t,, c... 1. ..!.,... 1 . . 1 wro vain. ov. I lat tliev seo their cr- Guarantiee ineir rints uner tlio uonsti- " J. 1 K li A T 7. Ell, Front Street, Clearfield, Pcnn'a. Having purchased a large stock since the late decline in rices is now prepared te our dd tud l'avurit cntur.bai'.r. jft'er great bargains in i -;. -. , . , . T . . , . fc i icfnvs ol (iini. y H L:e:y h Hook for t)j icic Nine Urcss Good?. r.um hi-h ther-fW b.s n.-vitw.) J 1 Thn fuli .wiu ur toe terms f tas Uii'i . for l-o'. At j't.'-i nt, w will reeeire 11V 1 ciders ' '" f I!"":! rat.s. Pus notiu mil ' 'vo givi-a i!' we ::rs oliiv.l to 0 Jvauce, fiiichtili ' i'ep I u'r n th ; rics of luiPeuer. Ove (I't y, 0:10 y-ir - . 3 W Two enjiiiw, oat -r..-sr . - it Tlirce conies, i.n- r - - t Ik j I'uur eoi.ie, ono yejr - - H DU ! Five cij ios, one jiar, and nn elr e-tj i t" the r.trs.n Ji'i.d.i. t!ia i-lub, uiakiug 1 (is co;.:eS - - - - 14 0 : Kifrlit e.ijiics, ore t.-t. n ! an eiirs c''j ti t!,e "Tson se-.diii the c'.uh, aakiog nino coj.ies - - II vN ! iilcren C'mc, one year, unJ au t x;n j ti Ihe iiTson tvuJin tlio c!ub, 'iuj In c've c. - - 2' '1'. a w il.,,., t-, .,. .f the il'rs club., H ts.i juIiii -i ib.-r. I lio'l'-v'g I.adi's ''i.k r n i Arthur's llnci I Manas'. tie "ill l.e ot, i -ii i t year, itirw.; H't 4 4U. Vl'e havo no c'u'-j Uii an oracr .Mi; (aiine or Newi. n?r. I I'lio uioLe u.il all t: soul at one time fa udv cinK. Richest Prinlcd Goods All-Wool Dclaims, French Merinos, Good Black Silk, Coburgs and Alpacas, IVoolcn Staicls, fAUltCS' Muntlca, It ft . T 1 a . . ! Jltl' IU lUtilli LUt iiesKienn.inioin 11 as tut recently 'o-' tlip reaU,. ror, and that victory will cortsmly croivn tution. This is just wUt D.muoitbIs ate j n ( f,tn,i clared.in very detinue terms, he wi;i l"e re:,u'1 ls n seen. , J ., . , r r . -.r r-t .1 1 ,'lal)lc Jf liOOrfS ... . ' .v.....!, ..... .... . . .nn. .it .la 1., VrttnrMl.. n I ....t:. fl,i it'-l trtr Vli,, l M li.l IH n r, i I nil 1 listen to no proposition of peace which' liut '""o was no tailoring on the pat I .nc.. P ... does not include ibis African millennium, 1 of the Democracy in any part of tho c0lnv iU work with increased energy. Ana w this Moody strifiMvill end. Hut re-elect j Read IJ-Madc Clutkiinr. notwithstanding those plain constitution-' tv jn E0.-e disV;cts a full vole was not 1 ali0 ''n0lC tliat l'15 ,eaJcrl of A ajlition Liucnl n, and wo have unendin? war. The, J n ltPLteSTov lhis -on Cameron at TLuPLK must now chooza which iUcjlMUUllCnj Goods, vene, which he himseir, with Ihe oath of and u few instances a slight loss Bu,. ' thg head of them, as Chairmn ortheir willhave: . office fresh upon his lips, declared he '7.W tained but all these di-trcts will ral'y !Slllt0 Central Committee csiimated their T9 Peace Movement in Georgia-Ste- HO Si Ct' If aiUl lOllOtlf . Wrt and no ,no, to disrcjuJ. ! their fu'll strength in November. Our' njnrity ut from -JO.000 to SO.OjO. pltcn'l Position. I f, ' If wo were locrediltlio ravings of tbe , , , ri.--o u.t . The vote fir l'ontessen in la ,, 1 HaU Imorr. Oct 14. I lat S 011(1 L(IVS , chief advises ofthel-resident, or, at leas' ipI'lenJlJ "J'ty of will thus not; 1 he vote for Congicsaien in t..s set er- Tll0 jj,,,,,, N c ,.,. pf lhc 4,h. ' thosewhoseem to intlupu.-e hitn most ! cnl-v U sustained, but ot least cno hun-' ' Congressional districts, is now taken as inst, state that a letter is houtly expected i ?00c ,nl(l SIlUr fully Sumner, heecher and Thilips-ra-! hed added thereto. Democrats should llie l0-st- This does not f.iirly show the from the rebel Vice Tre.ident Stephens,! i.u tc, i,iu progrcM in tneso latter tlays, that the! keep titWieir organizations. They know al strength of the two parties. Our gains helming Ins position and new upon the' ,...-..- f. n ..T" , .r.n,r.rie,CnJ. u?t Ve ,ncr! they Lave a country. ith the best s vstcm 'rilling io tho strong Democratic Pe M;n;Miouoiv ablating tho public ; U'Cdt C i) U ... mi'.ll Me IOOK HOT If- . " fully for the blessed eale which is to bear! cf llIjCr!y regulated by la;v under the sun, "unt:es, where the Democrats were in no us onaaid in itsoourJe, we hear rothing i t0 save' nnJ 'll(y n,"st work "ocord in idy. dangr of losing any portion of their tii-k-but the loud breath of the tempest; see' Hosts of our conservative clti.-ns will et, an 1 did not turn out. This was so troubK ia? ' "ith us in the good work. Their much tho case in such counties as North- loam and surging in its madness and : leret and welfare are the same as ours, r-mpton, Schuylkill, d-c, that a small lo?s ... a Inn, ii a1 I a . L- nnn il.:. i. , , r-.m.t . ... ..... .... :n t . o . iri .nit iirA.t in ci.iK . f lnV.Diil.'i. i r.... . . , -.. .v..., . w inn ,ul1 iimetMi )C -.uuit imi ui ui-, uui iiii win tu ineir( -.-". .iw.. i..nU cum jinn ct'nie ;ur ine peopieoi tno .outu lo ( 0f which will be Su'd at creallv rei'u "The wind and the storm fulfilling bis word '." j fate. Hesecch them, then, to join us in i oouutics as Clair, HuntinJon, Dauphin ,! make kuown to those of tho North, espec- ' , )., n'.'i1 The;emenare mistaken and rnad, or the mighty eflorl lo save from certain Ac wllcro ""8 Abolition leaders made the , '!,1,y ""' l,Mt0 ;rty of that senion, that ,P rrlcc5- . V? . -rifi destruction all that is dear to freemen. ' moid desperate elfirts to rally their forces , 5 t'! l " " . I: f : COUUT SALE. of tbn bliinW mil ...1... .'.'? u', y i VICTORY IS CERTAIN, if everv man 'n order lo defeat the Democratic candi-' !.t (i,n.-ir, ,nrr .,.M n'. vftrii. E Y.TirtU9.c.f.n th. Orpbars Court . .'.,D nineu tiioy .... - , , ; ------- ........ , or l if iirnm j couuIt, tbore nre seekinir to establish in tl,;K ,'n,,i, i who is in favor ef mcsernnc our free in- dates for Conirress and the State Senate, nnleo the i icht of property, and tho ma- tu ruMi.. si. t rws".,:.! lit fill fllilll.fi tin.l i.ll. .1 . ..''.-... . . . , ... . . r. ... i..r'li rt' tl.f. .......tn ... .Inl... . llC u;eaiii,-wiucli a suiuiions unimpaired b ho Uesires the ana wo nnu l no c.'ianco in la tn let contrast of thotr rrores ami 1,0m. f 1 , r. , liarities must disnsl from o . , . ' ,'lln:0" restored under the Constitution as Democracy is greater than in n i'ul mind. b "! t 's, but does his duty from this until the cf thu State , l.'anadi f;i!..-ci-i'icrs m i ti'juai for esih sub .1 : C.'Et! SUj! oca Jt ibi r. A'! ir. . L. A. (iOtiKY, J. K. Cor. 6;h Jt CLi.r;ni:t utt, l'h.laJc!iliii. uvensxearc miml .M .I.s.m,.;- MM,.- . , ..-.. . 1 I thn followitia remarkable statement; IJl'llgS OlKl (irOCCi'lCS, 'Vice-lVetdent Stephens has told gen-' Jlemen in this city that his views incline ' Cdt'pctS Ot. (I OH-clotllS, strongly to an immediate effort for peace1 . by iiet;otiati.in. Mr. Stephens is renre- lTnl,ch,Ll r.,n.l .senled as saying that he thought the time ; v-iwtt, A litllo more than two centuries since' c'0,in r tl,o polls on the Sth of Noverc- these three counties " "7 "un(,, '""si planted a few.er. ho will f.lter when such a prize ! TW'J TIIOCS.VN D t 7, . 0l-',li"reu roiiiis 13 at stake ? along the North American , vi ik.,1 wLole number of (hat lace in tl, fI',.nC. u ,ir,..i.. 1 1 ..... home vote wiil be exfvsed .u.. 4jui,- iu ruDiio aie ai 1 .CAraLi.Li o ciianga in lavor of the " ' u.wu.. SaturJav. tho ltUh Jay cf November I 1 ut- rii iit'iutiu n ui iuuj int ine ew " ' ny portion . n n,m ..f liiol. '. .ra.Mor IU ... n.,.l next, all Ihe follow in; desi-ribed real eiute j::a- showing n clear gain, in 'convened witiitlie Vice President, ntid T"1" Vt'T l10??' V5-U wuaty. 1. 1 . , ii.,,,,. . lute l!io 1 roi'ertv of W iu. 'jr.haai, jr., d'.eeajj i. outities alone, of almost would not be likely to misrepresent, una Hepn'ing at rock cak. (w, Cuuubori ca i,i ,. , ., the story. Mr. Stephens has written a 'to a -hi oak, thence Congressional delegation, by the elter Jr ,tli,ii0 tlioa. an t tha matter will .south 7S doB. st ote, will perhaps stand as it now 'soon be put at rest." south dric. eat U ;yri iiicru uie many who can iiuntiy cie.ni ibo river tlieiie e s-uth CS dc. wt! 1K5 omr.ei the story. Mr. Stephens has written a to a whi'e oak, thence ty ivi t of J.,:;a tinhstu J-3 perches lo a ro.-t, tiicuco ..I nl '' '.Ollia . UC. VH., 1. UtriUt'l lit t Kbl .1 ft u k World did IlOl exceed s ix milli.,-,. I.'-- I .. i .... il!'inl't ti.- ...ti:.... ..... ... J Tl, -. -.... n.t ..,1. : thcuce south 40 del. ea.-t torches to .tone.. land, Scotland and WbIm !.., 8 I u TO,,i" n a district that gave , '".- - r. ,i. ...., h ol d h , ' ed fewer inab!un i I t 'S. J Curlin ' J""'. oelMne '"skc c,ian8 of or "S-nst the ,.0 jbT. "V."' 4 T' ,h" Pennsylvania and Ohio do now MU ast cf. If the conservative men of . IVmocra... c , f' f r 1 'l if .Jn."""r " i,"...' T"1. "3.'' the progress : in North America at this tke district had only krown theirstrencth '1''0 State Senato will now slaDd, Dem- men as Vice l'resident Stephens amitfov- w ihe l.eKiniiiag, containing wuolesonie Celtic in-, ho really believe thev could havo won the 0cl,Ulu Abolition 17. The Democrats ' ernor Hrown to lend themselves in favor ' ItjJ Acres and S Porclies .race. Certainly the thin, wnnl.l 1,,. ll,ive K" 'wo tho Centre, lluntin-; 01 reconstruction upon any terms. h nh so . . iimo iinctuuinc a fusion,) there are at least thirty millions nnd in I lin n-liola tv-nrl.l f r. . .. ... .. .,,, .uu.i'ssmg iiutc : JimcGiiAi'iiic. ''PliE underisiied. buvinjj cumio-ted Pt-t I i ogrnin l.m.ery, in .baw" iior-. iw) door. , i tof the Jtap.-i ,n liou.-o, CI.'urS.M, Ti., u now rea'iy u wan on all in want if My arrancerr.snti are such as (njVlemoto fun.jsh thi fc beautiful roduciiuns i..f fjadrow in; in the hi.'lii t stjlo of tie urt. 1 la vinjf lined "i" 11 ii ii a rinfi icrniiie expciisf, sua tivw to tLe o-mf Tt and f.'tHure of my patrons 1 hcfe.ly ftrict itteaiion to business auiisdcU to please, j D3er:t a libi-rsl i-hare if iiubly raf.or.?e. A iu!l urily if uiit, Uosowead, aii'! other Francf, A.buitu, aLd an n.dlcss varietj if ia.cs aiwayj oa Ln J, Particular atttntioa given to copying all kind if i'i.tjrpj. JEMa'.ractie in tlio nrt of l'liotogrui.liin; irn and ajiarilus furai-hei at city yrke. sep.l-tf II. llRllHlL, Artist. J. t. X0X: . . t w. MlBltlS - - JIS. R. WATS1S JAS. I. .MORRIS Co., riiilljuburg, Pa. HEAP (iUARTKUS FOR CHEAP GOODS IN UU AT VAKI-1'Y. ri Til K tinJi rsi(!ncd, bu ing juft returned trom JL riiilndelpkia with a new nud fjltiiJiJ smirt incut of (jiidd, nre now reiuly to mpvly alt hi msy fnvnr them itli a call with anything in our line, such s PHY GOODS, (i I JO (."KIM ES, HARD wii'P (in.M.'wir IM' .t.rt it.. ...... :i...'.. , . . ,,lv,l.-fc v., , lion. IttHirnnrlAItfitii, .1;.i;A. ,i.r...i:..-' ha vinirt hereon rrei-ln.t t I'lmili I,, .n.i ' ' i ' ZZ.::l?ZZ?lruZwn ."om. MS toil'"" v"- one or two more " . uV",l,,,-l Who Supports Lincola b.m. escor.im. and .eservi nVn, or.":.' Vf ; AM) MOTIONS, ."7o""nrol.0I,le. eubstantially.Swope-I'atton-Cow meetings could havo Ur nmKU" ,tlelia ij- Hall, and one in Josiah H. Grinnell. member of ("on ' 20 acres sold and conveyed by Wm. Urah.m ta ' in great variety, ith a full .ortincnt of Psad CTcrTwher. thn, Z.t?'-'-'13'., e ; lotI) lieI'l- Thoso bull nnd cow stories "10 Lycom,D 3 nml Unioi Strict, defeat- from Iowa, said in his placo in tho Iliuso j H'inJ Ur.'l,,"m; , , . . C,'a' rSiS -stnrran, cf scamp,, C. If. of Keptesentatives !inVu.Va7 ,7f ir. fla. 1' every side ; and at this curren rate .f ' lhe Mcl is visible wherever they wre 'S' hriner' A 11,0 hf.l gerry man- ' wouI;1 Tf a, Id "o by judgni.m bonds on the p-mi... .nVfo . -rv ' !l c ."e"J- fifty aropcated. Darnun, sHou.d lose n ! S,.l. by tho Abolitions of the!wr Sh&iZ f .. ,,8V.' o , WM. URAIIAil, Jr. to iw..i .uiu nuio, n in run on to o il l,,,i: i- . , .. .. i I . ... . I..- ' ' """'i' auiu r t ocd. I h or Jlncon bv iho load or pound, ret urea m: ions ot i,i,-, .... VI tl. 1 ..... I .... .. . I . 1. 13 finlO laneunrr. 1 ' Elvcs n neDClll 10 tlio denizens of thn l-'iro ,csuu- in the Fnmo hich intellectual m't,,rn ..-i Points. 3'he hmisc is leli i. . i : nnu i . . speaking tha exhibiting thasamo inherent nnd ina'lien- inuiu cuaraciericiics 1 Concluded next u a!:. fjr them tho next time he 1 la,i W'ufo. 'li is a most gratifying ieved to bo Abolition. Stkaxcb Covmisg. than seo this country onco more under Democratic rule." msi-isi Iliis earnest advocata of disunion is or- lUlltlilll J-JUIUI; dently suriiorlinc Mr. Lincoln, bocsusa .V.l.V STHKET nnnOKVILLF.. P i. -i'ur Jacobin ripioli. t, t. . : iney am co exact v in sentiment. ' lor account! for thejr late heavy loss in S?n"r t , V- U V ' crjB,:ce I 'J i.addeus Steven,, tho Abolition I I., . 1 Hoccr JJ. fanev diod in h.,in. i.. r-i.-; ..t ii. . .. r ... . lul" cnnty l,v savin" it "is ow ini. Ia M, i --...e.... v..j iuuimu iu ui me vuuiiuiiiet9 oi ways ana Onto and Ixmaxa. The returns rrom' number Tol Mnv,.i.n i i i !! ,.,Ml wcekl fc'eJ bout 8S year. He was Mcaus.in Congress, said on the floor ol the the elections held in ihre ftti. . 1 V: ai'Bl J WLo ''avc diluted apnoinled Chief .Iusi,e i.v r0i,it f Uouse of Keprescntatives: I .... u ... mo army." Uur ncL-i ,nr im,ln.,l,i i , ', . " . ' 'v I Tl.i. ..r r.,u.;--.i. it-: i 1 1 n f no irior iss ii.-f ii. r . i i . . - c v- .1 nnu mn 1 - 1 v - nH it v. ivoswimt i-j u.oW ruw-r UIU. IUU i.t'PUOlICADS U,1l LU rVA rn It,...,... r , . , s.. awj ur oil. L. s 1 . " . I w but Iv reduced maior t os. ,u. ir . .' "ei1 u,0.l IJ. li. M E A X 3 , rRoraiEioR. Oct. 19 ly "D. Ten ccuisctent Teachers to l.ui'h llin It mil v in 11. Ii i n ..tinnl. r... Iltn restoring the Union as it coming wiuler. The board sits at Lutlicrtlurg above. If your ilifi,.i-n-w 1. .1 1 rtasurJ'i ' rumored, will bo nppointcd ' peatel till I hvo become about sick of it. lur uiliuenry u tl)US nc. . ., .,.,. I Thin lTninn nor. r . 1 n 1 1 ;!. m . lut reduced majorities 5-A chemist In I.ivomool I. .1.1 1 C(JUDted for in lueso stricts. rrnv how strychnine by tnislnke nnd killed a mnn,! comejtthat their quotas were not filiod.j tij'Who will hereafter prcsumo to was uod j.y the widow, and compelled to ,nd .that a draft had to be made in each doubt the veracity of Sivoono nr iviion ;of them I ' But how about IW.doT They both promised that Dicer's maio.i- ir, Pfll. , , . ,,, t was, umicr tlio Constitution as it is, is ono on Suiurday the 22d inst., when we hope annli. wr..nae,oi t.ilno, late Secretary of the of the absurdities which I have heard re- cants will aprear. Liberal wages will b given pay her $7"500Jdamiiges. This Union never shall, with mv consent. be restored under tho Constitution as it is-" Mr. Flerens, of course, is handsemely! Oct 19, St. fd. By order of tho IJoard, DAVID UEAMS, Seo'y. ESTKAY. ftO-The property in England liable to iBurn8iJe CUed Lcr 9uoU by Wing a lax ' ty in Clearfield should not exceed flft assessment 1132,000.000,000: In the Uni- of twelve per cent, upon her citizens; yet As they came within twelve hundred wo !. l." oak vll,(.XX),000. Put yoar loss there i. much leu than in either. think their regulation I, ' M Zt a. ! 0f lb8 0thc"- , or truth is'sadly damaged. we h.va as big a debt. supporting Mr. Lincoln, 'and is' using all f!'V'K re'r"liS 1-remUes of the un his energies o reflect the man who unites L fh7K,B'of h E D UL l"w it ha with him in approving tho above "loyal"i whit, faco suppuwd lo bt rWng two years old. sentiment. The owner is Hereby requested to come forward, fiuTThe new Constituliou of Maryland. Kffl.'K!E V! hm was defeated at the recent election. I Oct, 19, 3t. UMKUA IRK. sons difl)ocJ to favor in wilh a call will find 'i ready to supply their wants. .TX-'-We are ulto prepared to Uailo for Shimjlcs, Hoards, and other Lumber at tu best market prices. JAS. I. MORRIS it Co. ""(AR!). -I am bnppy to say to my oU anf y msny kmu cimiudicis, tnai a ua.e ."-i ciiited myself with the above Una, and rill it pleaded to have lueir custom. sepS JAM KS K. WATSON. Clcarlielii Academ)'. D. W. HcCUUDY, A. B. rrincipal. rpilE next Quarter will ejm on Jfond.iy ti J.. 6th of .epiember, lo4 Terms of tuitiool foliowe: I Common Eulieh, comprising (hose branch. I ei not higher Iban Iteadin u.Writing.Arith. I metic, (Jeogrnphy, English Oraimuer sad I Ilistory, per quarter, " '( Higher English, per quarter, ' t..n cro. MrnuaMr. lv All gusslO, 1891.