V 07HERAL OEORQE D..U'CLELLA,NT. n curing ndvuntngea won. by the troop i,lor.. Brinto M'Ci.EUAV, wui lorn 'of Tcni.-i--rtec and South Carolina. .. . i a .in i.i i iii.aje num. me uiim-iuuiti irin-H !. -. - - Ml li.w .-"J . . I i if . "IHH-'I - 1 I , , , a 1 i . t 1 . 1- ..!! ima Linn.t ll.l.tll flll.T lit' 1 1 11 Lb.' 1 ntl of Amcitfiiu Iiidei.encience am. oi .iiner- wuio r-u.i ..... ....v ',.1 ' ' i.-an Union, or. the 3d day of December, by madness, and by b.llv-a gull which, -.a--.; , '.i.'.crwtisi.n eimncnt, phycio.an in ilm providence ol God, nothing surely i'co'1 bv the prniaiai," nu conopieu-- uui miaou nun j" to devol.n. tbomisclvM so fully and so firm tingnt or the .date, boiog thirteen regi-, Joseph Kirk Iv in thf tjoclun.atiot'nii.l in tho con- molds of infantry. Hint wtumtssion was Joseph Uveal duct of the victor of Vwt Virginia and oiTcre.l uud accepted on tho .d of April, Jacob Weave "iiraf no. .'.)) his ubi .uea and bit character oven i that i"il.AV of awimpl.idiod men by v' onl tli J tamo if riiiUtdt-lihia ns thu :i;.'tiOliilia ol ph M-Ui.ce oud I Ln3 V.ril.iV art in Aiuc-iici was m.de respuo !r.','.e I ') ;h..tMi: and til Pal is, in Loll- doi :ud :'i LeyUon. No mini's aiioosiry n-L : .....i;i' 01 ma liorcnoo mien n unno the leader of tbo l ciuuauiar campngn. In June, Captain MeCk-Uan re turned to l be United States, unJ was nl lilusl immediately Oltlend to tbrj pObt tit West point, wheio for llnee yenis, I n P-- H-e peculiar importance nf ih.it nrm of' mumcd in command ol llio company ol .'.; ... in vii-niH .if hu dts-.tu-!jrii a.:d tn.r..T. In Jane, lo.j I, Jn 1801 On the lOtli of May. 1HU1. ati.'e cm ever bn again. the lincti"ii won ut the. Academy. Lieutenant McCMlat. "a-. titl.tCix.--3, nulunilly tuvi liiin .t rojvitioiica i.i tlio ojht.iI mih i't I It i p. Scott's inlvin:cu t.i wliicli Ids yours and bn rmilv would not otlir:-wi.-i lum- y Lis DMure, tind :iocrt:n tlin tiu. ontitje.l him. wen bit pn.nioiion tn niDtiKrotii.il llic rann ot nt'conu iiruifnam mhj m tOh .:. of bis u-orllt. In ooii.ri:'s, rfheru the voic- of lite pooplc hn-: i;':''' or no weig'ati'i dcii-':niuiut; t!m ptir -'.kui of thos'' iv ho .no b Md:niijUttr l.e pvertttnfiit, u i;vu-r little to ihu iir:fw of niankiiv! ivlmlitr thoso by whom they too rulfl come of a eour.d u njound stock, ot un honcit find viorm or of a corrupt and tvoaly raoo. T..o wid or the v him o' a prmco uiu!;ej b.jcli im)ui rics 'nwpi." iluooi". Onru j.-iv.-jiod by his t-ovore:gn w i-i in? ir.iinia oi ni.icf, mo tvui ifiniiV"! 'i-fi'U wwi.mnmio Vo tilpei nilt'ii uio o.niiiruoii jn o tlio ivorki, and i-:i ly in iiia ni'M J iu lm l'alliilb-d tif iioin'in.i.i (i. stiny tbi!rioerj ofiho rt; nliip iin:v ot tho Union by joining nu j.i -J i ion :.'( tho o.'i loraiion o) tho i'.ir tvooti'i n ti'i'i it 1 1 tbo Ui'.t Kuor, iinJt'i cmi:iiaiid ol Coloi.ul M.u'cy, iio! d.Hihu r l.aj rii'i'o tn-ut. tin id- tuto. Kiom tin Kfd nvtf nsaod inh I l-Xl- Upou tl t' t 11 f OirnfPid Pi'H'JCr Nni'.'h. and until -M 1:1:11. IKtj, was ic- ctttip.t1i;n, and tectiivcu lus tncvt j. In-nt lirulonant IV r jt.ili.nil mo J inciitoiiotM rindiiol at tho b.ill'.i: o! L'.nili or:n on l.'ic rnli nf Aii'-tl of Urn ni'iio i". T!i" f on nn.ufj in I lli.l S'a'it'ri!'.!- I I' c.-r (it font 1 01 a us of I l.o in.l :.tduon -npi?n in 1:10 .-uivy lovi.i l.ln.1 i,.,::nc in th LiJi.-i Oour,.,, lb. 1' ii' ibo fca'a. o! lli. liultanJ tho umlt..,., tna P".s.m;;.1 bnv.-ry. mil It..- i ' U.xU m ia, i;o Hiiu Jiny ..1 .,i..H.,.,l ...wim-iiiipo. will a! :oli i-d to tho n.-if!Ui!i..o. ol tno J.,,. Jioi.nl i-kiil of 1 1.' Hti ,n-gi;!.-d in mountains, jtou fi.Wiihliin-ion totr try it. tifii. VtibnciaV poition was ti S-iito-jio t 1'i"(i ot lv.l, nd ronni:.ioj -ivii tl!?b.-o'.;on.nv.. ' tture or.ttl iuy,. t.-vi, in o.kii l- i,i 11.9 .. .1 )...-.... . 1 . i-1 . f I ilia olrrnv lor liio o,.j 1 ,o ckill with whiv'ti tin: t.orlhoi u 10.no t t.t? 1 .Vi.bc 000.10. I.'o 11.. I inri Ii.ic ti.s nil lii" ' o- t'i'inir;.-.;it!i'i. iv.iir'n d.iioi aiino.l tl;. r im'.o irmiit- KooKy iiii-l ;i-.i;" try, tl.a'i lakt ' In.1 n bv our tioop I 1 m-.-uu 1 1 aid omm- hidm their enemy, L.nt to lu ivxccuU' t 011 a nuionli'is iv;;iu, over rrky ai .1 -,'ie-cipitoun luulc-piiilif, through a t?i.'ioa n( wiid ravine and la'-jzlf'J forests. D.'..iitd in i;.-'us. In' Hvn'.A Anc: I n 1 r inil 11 1111 v ii. a "ill 1 :l V f fli'utl'l ol Our ii-ni'inil dominion, wiii.di aru hut coimd in (i Icruu of woitl.i on tl. ltp- ot so many a l.i:iiiint or .tor. biH O!n"t witnide rH.iiun vilest ciiilt'i'.-uc?i. all quo lions :nli 1.". ly mro f.rnr. origin uttli tl"' upo-'mlo. ol !. lan raid tho t?rrortt i.J'bU ini:liaii'.y. Lut lor a 10 puMi'', which li'ils lor ::s onina im.ou and power in the vir'.uo of tbo j:?oplo aud of '.iii'tr pul'li'. servants, it run no.'nr benn i.-'-igriiicant t'ec-Jtr.nj?nd-iti.vi of a public ma" to that coofidenc3 ofhuhd lov cit.-.is, iu wbioii a! ioo hu hope oi u,,t.i ; tion ntul of iu!l jcncJ llt-s, that hi faM.v.-s in t'teir t;;uo w;io cituenti of crod I... t.. .it.p ilw.it. .-i.ttilil nil. I lllj.tn- . 1 , in 1 1 1 h 1 1 vj .t 1 . v ............ . - , r , .,., lvlll, ..1 , ,tr 01j,,n rivm;uuan.l 1 tiin-d thcni-knmv tiuir nutios unn iui- v.-nosc au u'.-i -, .... --' . . . . - ,,,..,11. ilm m 1 ... . .. ti n:-.,, n, 1... i..rt...l 1 v a de?Wv n.-torv over tUVlL mindi ot the m.Mt men, it 11 a' myt? r.l.'il i.'M'. ' .inw. v,..Tr .e . ""i ' , 1,., t,,hvta,-.LLi! and ojnlro tni iu Inn wee unn ot tins Hlnmp, Ainiiioan l.ivni'n in on-; i.uih i-' .. , . . IU 113 I.M 1 1 13 .Jtt... 1 lluL I'aornin ilo "eibin'i 1 ne a"'l refer- tyrants ; which has tl.tibuta in me vfins connoioai.v. eoiingor Weaver. (lodftey lI1rlsfeU, the cenerni ! Math Clark povorniiicnt nsBlgnnd tionerul MnClellna jJer. liroincr to tlinooinni.iiid cl t.ho IVparlmi'iit of UU- J. II. l'enlz i oiiiln-aciua tlia Suite oLUUio, Indian- Michairl 8lni" irU in, and Illinois, r.r.h las bt:iUiUaitoi s it l Ciiiriiio.oi I' oar day later he was Com-,n Hotl'imn ,niK-ionrd mnjur-nenoiiil in lb? ri;jfuluriir- i)o,m T,.oullM.Ml inv, whicli lank no no. holds, hiom dn j)jl)if. (jonoy tl ites his eiil'-ani'i! into uctive nervicu in jj urot)lll the present war panics (iulio.vay orNZi.tt, mVi klun is tuf. wmst w.k. (juorw flearbai t Tl.o (ait brn by Genond MoClilltn in Uftorpt) Iviiioli tliH history of the event war lor the Union Win. Uuchatian H nioii-f iniiliar l i tho public. In i-pitoof lliu pif-.i -'.out ell'nts of the udiiiu. igni tion pn-'t a ml of partisan evil n'ttf'i of O-mreii ti) proven the Tunis in repeui to l ti 0 iutA ovouiiains of 13-, an I :o blaok en tli.' rt j'iita. inn uf llio soldii'i" who or a niiZ 'd iind inspiro'l wit'i bi 1111 faith tin ii.i ieiiiv ilro t spint, ilu bravj Army nf t'l Potomac, thrt j ; i. ir snisn h xt al i.ii., il ni' him pi.itco ; ii'i'l Hi.; pop lit.' voie? will ion deal out to hu mulinem, of all lii-.it ishonnl, pilrlllii!, an I truly lovnl in tho land, the duo reward of nil I heir iiia iHituiti m", O.ir task in 1 elation to that brilliant career nliii-h b.m in violory auun.' tli ni unU.iis n Wiisl Vir nia in tin .Sum mer of l-'H, to eiiil in dignified piaienoo let unti na'lii.l tviviio' union'' llio lulls A i on Liwtr Sainnol Ilulon Kobert A. iirt n Anil re v Shnjiarts 10 li'.tf intelligent Ame:iean r.U'iccr w!ju.) , of , h S!j,,,)ni) j,,,, ja Uie mituinii ol ISl)2, 'routi.u- ol outy 1 1 1 111 it-it' f mm iu" lextremiiy lo atiolber of tiio iinpvii.) , imblic, and th ecuti.uents r..- of continent- s.iiii.'o tn .1 Iv a decisive rtetorv over ..... :.,.i1J'n urn. a turn of I i is Hi .1 m . A intllt-an 1.1VII i' : 11 I''l liOin liufi, c mine of t'nt iniro txvA hardy Scoitish . Vainc;A was uiui ly bcwjI.Jeroa by Uu c i . i. i . .. i .... 1.-. ...... i i.i.t i1,.!.!, t.x u-ti i c'i i i i i -j 1 1 -tii "onvjs r. re- LlOtU WDIOU oai.J long bc. vw a.ia. - ----, - naLiom.'.il V HCIO (O , (rIK'lltUI 1 1 IV 1 Y I' 1 1 ''v'lT, v v I . '. . . i i ' it!. I I. .H mi.i auuii I'wirr) . ot many rt-ruy c.i.inipions u, just,c nnun- ..-.. -v- : "'i .. .r : ,....;..vn;fi.nM In Much. liC.V ho And Oit:"r, ana wuiun iu ui-m iiui.ir.. uuv nerc t.i.v. : - -- . - , , ,. nioM ui"!""1" vurded ti.e skill of our cnnin.in Jen and the valor of cur troop. I Wliun compare! with tho bv.'.'o 0:1 'which wirhaa since been waged by Ann r ... 1 . . . 1 . . . 1 .1. ...1. , j. icail a.tUlOi, VU? Oliucs iiirua,-.. rui. the rebels. 1 . ,,,. i'i-.!.t ir I lien w .mtnjr a-.-iicen the vvc-itei 11 ullios and tl) Kunsian empiro, V.'rtr mi 11 hcule hij ii had bci-nmi fO iroely on luo Uiost heroic bmle-liehis ofhiatorv. UhroUfeU one ot tueso inysie rioti" -..filiations which the Seoten, like nil the Oliu tribes, delight to trace iu'. and he! J above id' 11.:..;' sacred, a kinsman ui.. v... lumn oci ni,ii jl... il I'i r llio niori- c.... 'IcClellanswith that noble old soldier, ,ur toUien. f ju-ul their way to tho city .-( Sir Colin Campbell, who fought bis way up liO.n a shoplicrd'B plaid on the CV.edo Iiihu r.-.30'9 to a lic'.i'-nvart.hal'a baton in ?;.e arnry ol Kogland, and a baron's coro hfr ieer Into these rctine- niiiit's of "consansunity, however, it is ures of the enemy th in by our oin ..it. wiiiln tn mifpr !'ad ('iilm wera the cut able and . - t -! K. .l n..rl I t.a invl. f. ml I l,..l- 1 I h.- ixr'll fill rtmOHL ll.OSO lllllCOl S ' . i i .... . i. . - t . ... . ,:..,.. I.i i rnnmni .1111 ili -i. li.eii nverii.lsst-1 leannguan nowasa. . mit " "SV'.r . ..V " i h,, !..... o,ht and won: busti.pool l iv il. I vi I . I. ii.il u il -il i I ii-iiu I. n.i iji ti ii.j.wiii- - -- r. . . . . . iii I .t. . i . i . .i r ........ I.. .la n.i mi l ii no nn iivn ..mi umtu luvtrn.v.i. ii - . hlSb OOari.ll WOUUl 1U I'm! um .Him IU ..... -e- . . 1 ...i i. . I,.,,,. ounobled by bis wholeotno lite ; and so hy an army acting 01 me ueie.i;o ... ...... - If.:.'' ,,-,:. bete to nave, r. . .1... in,lilrt n nf I.Anrir.i Itrin- u rnnntrv marneiv ponuiaiBU, oronen, i ua- t, Win. Warner John W. Neif loneib Shook Tho Wood Hamilton White Wm. Mc'Jawley Wm. Hunter 1 (iiH.ert Tozer r ..: i. l 1 .1. 1....M ,.ta i.nbb.renminaatHivliian words ? . ... ... i . i... .i Win. Worrell .. . I........ Ml llll. Ill.'l'lld 111.11 11. II 111' ' ' i ii. iiMiiiu m'-.n ...... .... aorl.s of the beroit- youris comuiander who . i!avo lilt-so trumpet tiuiU'.n to us and lo I iinr chd Iren. ! On the 'J'Sth of May bo directed two : ctiluiiinn of hi comtnund to cros into West Viritioia to thwart the debigns of i . r I ii .i.i. ...... ir. the simple ias oi rt'niiu. .vi mu ih.-i-j n-iin.-'i l Yorktown, Wi'luiiusbjii;:, Fair l l.lts M .Ivorn 11.11. South mountain and A., lima it. ilm hoa't of llio nutiotl wi IPlii Srler ll'm Irwin Atlermuti F.llinr Wilion Donlari tmes Doll C II Lull John lieihloj ,ohh A Thonjooa C'i.i.hiiKi.ii Toit. 1C7 in Ta x H. W. Letdoh loin M lodiei er Win. Uiadley Anthony M.nks l j W. i'lissmoro James Moore 1'rank Short John Fec-noy lu-nrito Thorn John Will cli ul .1. W. Wright A. Withers ,V brilliant Iliiinphryt. Ph.Vnai Simmon 1. W. j till) nil AI 'i)i iVlerril ISntK Siiir.o ill r- iiht.vt) wait iii ty a- it u it ),'irti j t!i nl tho rt'iil ipiatA is but four. Kii. Cl i:vi.NVii l.n ")7 in BriX. .TjR.fi.Koliloberger Josh K Dkor Jeil' Ill'iom Ab.'ith im (iatc4 M.iriin ll'iuihlor John T Uarlt-y 1) uiii-l F i i.ii. Jorred F. Irwin Tho.iiiis Flcmin'n Christian I'.uok Cin.i-x 1 C5 in lii.'-. Tlicriiiitn McFaddeo Wm. .Scirnd0'c Charles Mu n I) Marion MuCawley John MeUarvoy l ;:iac Newphor Isreal Woodi J. D. MoMasters Uetij- Clinker Albert Do Wilt Armalrors Wood iniaftrt ifocvcr 0.'j.n..ifl5' l...ia ,.. '" Ntillwiliit tfei-lnbnn. li...:a Jacob ugner JeraeiQUhM ;' llni... I . ti igiK John Weaver ' A. James Is Ionian .Mike Uitler John If. Inv in 'J.. Snyder A'lslin Uillin Howard Ma'.lry l'liilip llinkio A. V. Piereo Ueorjre Wie tlenrge lJ,'hcss J.inn s Thnnipsoii ; A ?a Jofej 1 Or Itoo 'Christ A nv A. H. Wa-hb.:rn I'tNN- "OanUJylor ' J'jbn Wirin. ' V n. Rmnun ' (icorgo Geifi Jonuihitn Aa) John Hoover i John Miller I'- T. LciV'.rf DaOJ WaSrat -J. C, Alport ' , loin, Li.. Lucieo J "VI jllOiOli bv in IW SimmerfieM Fletl 1). S. Mora " m. C. lln.ivi. i . 1 J. It. Cl.ok Amos Wall ; I'honias Wall Il.o'.i-i rd D.uivcr (i. W. Dicky ; Solomon (J. Tyles David Dirnul Anon Xew itner j FlKE- Joiin A. And T3 )t Au juit McDivit Gilbert Solioliel.l Thomas Hiles B.ilti Drau ckcr was I rom 'ttr l to a mil capiamoy ui tn-i F.r.-t cvalrv. find, with M ij ir Diiilidd , r -T I I ... . 1 . . . ii no .uaji.r ji'i--t a:. js i'i-tt-- - '-' ...ii.oii i.e ul to harope, t.u.c to unay mo npo.a-. , ... v.,c.,.i:. ul, i nn iva Ires yiinulUnojiily with tbii h'1- intn-it a' nroclaniation to tho l'.nos Westovt-r John Fralev U'jb Willa'my W m. Toir Will. Si boitS Tiioi Suwley Dkaiilb 131 iu Box. John Smeed Philip I'renlice Jicob Thuriitcn ide Tucker John Wostoer io Ins aimy, frern tho latlo- of wbicb .ve Chatles CuMard S epln-n IC.'p'iarl. W m Loons .mrn-Xloxtracl following sentence as embod- J(, wa ,, The ''"; ' enrl policy wl,-h , $ T Ijline til'. ill , ,-., 1, ia I, nil. : . . . .ut ,ui iv aii:1 IiOim i.i our lllll' l ' insitnihcii.; combats. But the eampsiri principle ol the Jinpo.eoi.n; en, bat wall . y(lf mijii(jn u to restore, oflTwa', in truth, a most instrulivo ad the appliances cl mootsrn profess, wan contijollcei t0 ptol0,.. the mij- kuhool for the ollici-rs who passed throuh now to pais nnd.T his iiispe,:ttoo i , of ltlfi u.,Ti a()d l0 rvtea9 our l.rcih-l it Nolle by the rr.islakes ni.ti fail-, Captain McUeiluu and bis c0U1Pa,"0Ul.cn tho crasp of armed traitor." On sue- reached tho Crimen, in u.e ean pun o. i,, .,,. f ,., ,,a ,i, .lvn,M,l i r,pr. the' th" summer ol 1.m, the uiebt irymg per- Tiie battle of the Alma tan-lit : iod of tho groat allud invasion uad airoauy , . . . , -. ,,, )revious, 'a few Benlenees from which wo subjoin : "Bear in mind that you are here to pro tect, not " ,..i....i...i . .ii...... .,;., iii... -i.i,.ii niipn.l ft war of in vniion. bad been louitUt and ltlllOiumv.jU,. .. .v.... r...iD ........ . . - -- - Sn.ml .-i far as iu livest- oi the dcfcntiivo in nnmilnl al hr.-iWon MIT- ur s the atiicceoenis ko oi oouito t-t m- u cuuhh j ' ' . ..,..-c - . . - on McClellan1. birlb, it ia enough for us geJ, and deonoly wooded ; nor U it easy ! and from the veiy jaw, of rui, lj o kic that ho cotnesof a people renown- to iuaiofl tbe extent of the disaster , Liu hu of Inkerruann- But the NiiVorU over for ju.tL, ndeli.y, va- which Ut Uv. befallen the 9m of the w aoh me eye. of the Jn ; lor and truth. I Union, mid ansoi-jie conuun in ius ui:n. uj.. I ur.dis.iiii'iined armies been any r;.t.. iLi,m.n .iirmtof il.i:.,iyerRitv ;i,meil. in the outlet of the ex'wtinz war. ! the course ofhis investigations i: if turj & I V-U iaau ww j -"- , . . ... Union, unU nbsolule conduol in tue U0ii njumoaer w ir mu.c n a .i HUV HiOt K Ol "iliWU t;vJu; inuo into the - - - - r 1 :i: nn an.l Aula t U hmfllL O hn hi- criVoovlt.nia; He pursued the Uni- by t? "rogant .na tnexp nn- rn w nt.sa iiiuutj-iiutt tia uoui. wn.i-w - v- - . -. vprsitv course for nearly two years. tientlv and succesafully. but like Wash inotnn bo had 'inward longim: lor tun lile nnuiuerea t ill'.rd- !:.n oec-:.H'!. to p'ovo oiion in In' pro n.aniably fell in ibo disturbance of well Captain MeUellan le.w eil to esiimate u.m . " i .... .i ,ii .i.ilAi,. I,.,i.,r.lu'..i.. i tirrn flans of campaigns nun ini ,.n ia mo ncti.taiu... - ......... ......, ; i i .i r ..w.,i,.ii...,' i.(..ii:irivt. in r.n om ume. asm wim an hid a nan- ot an oniueer an a uoutticu umi m u-i- iviuimui ... .i -i.-. ...-. - , . ..r,..,. . Jo " i. .:..,. i i ,....',. Min,i nf M.ilinn en ta'va b. :i C .tir.)l''le Cd.iiiinia a. ike of too tt iiui:. a ........... e - ( .. iji- f.r. tiin.. he was removed to tn; Military . N .von '.he.stii ol .s,mionibtr. W i ...ii....ri..:. t.i'r-. ' Av-,',lCIiy Tl IH'H luili. : f ..I 1,'fU i t-iiii. . . . v. . In ilia nnni-nni il nlmrwnliere oftboe.t- t lint I.i raiiid t r"ll SOt rtudi9 to which bo l.ero found him- ion had no: drstuibtd that well lj.ilaii.-cd ;lf oal'.-d, theyouug cadet very soon dis-Jsps0 ofjusllco which i3 0PC of tho rooted fimtiiU'.n'l himyfll' ami renardud the iudi- mmlities of his tiatlKV. eioui conhdeiice ol tas ineinis. j iron, i lliienvin David Keephart Wm T Wells Abm li Gos Thomas O'Neal Samuel S B.irr John Li iv shoe Gmrgo W Kex Win Negler I .Inhn li liilil todoslroy." "We hav comely K ,url not to upturn." "1 ou wi ... G 0eariart reKpuct. tho right ol private opinion i Sl htn McAlister .iV.,,1 iril' n.lnikh r.n man for oniiiion i , VIM ..... - - - - 4 sako." CoftulcJ iH our nc.rt. James Wtstbrook Christ llniiii James Kiiiihart J B rlri nrlmrt , Andrew Dixon J F Parsons (ir W Kephart Jerry O'Bri no (Jeorgft B (raler Daniel Klina I. T Stincr John S Hunk Alem B Antis Smith Coleman ('eorgo.-l Kephnrt A manual Gearhart Jacob Resingcr Win Yeisley Js-nes l).l,. Alex.McDuHlj. I J'1'" .rncken David Way A1ra. C. ilcor, 117 in Box ' . -. 'n II. fl.i. Isunc Norrii Isaiah 8. Ca'.d,,;, AaosW. Biro,, Jatuei 11. en'.,!,,-! Harvey F. 1'tusmoro (ji.jrga W. U)18 .. Jonathan II. Bloom Waller Stanioji . Joseph McMullau John It. ilcClura David MilUr Andrew Tontt C'i id n - Cl in bix. Mill tin Libordo I llanry Towns I J acob B.'ub ker ! Martin Cabord jUeo. Kmorey ! Lorenzo Mitel. el Joteph Brubaker 1 Willet Kovs I I'hilip ShJser ' ... ... ' - j vi ood'."iud !j in C.x. (Joseph Lawlord David Porta I Liw Mci'iillen Wm. Iland'erion ISauJUel 1'. Snoll' John Mullen iTiios. Jlockynberry FreJ il, Simif Henry Ik.tighner David tj. Hemil iMatbew Caron I-aic P. Canoii " , Joan M. Chase Nelson T. I'a.-kir ! James Dunn Jnares Larson D.-.niel l'hilips Geo. V. Eolei CoviMiios YD in Box, J'icob Loi' Jueob Korb Mysale UiOiel . Leonard Spa'dinc J.W.PatvUr 5 David Ratts v Win. Welly ' Goo. C'Itwer Goo. Cock Fcitruso.v Sil in Box. (Jeorce W Davis James McFadden Tho Draft in Clearfield. Tha follownii: ii a lift of Hi "victims" fir.Jainai W Bloom Ivlk li BiTett Balizer Ilulignn David S MeCrackon James Riddlo 1 1 wiry Ford Ik wis , -1'i.a .-.nrinrt or 1 i iittac : ninn too I ll V v. - ' .-. - graduated with high honors, in the class , Mexioan po-ition-at ... -.lino del Ivy ha 1 t; ijS-iC; assigned to duty with u compa-j b. en conhned by General Scott to G-ner- nn.ii.iuin nnrl ordered before the ni U'nrlli The ostensible object ' f lids clati.cf tU4 year, in'.o active advice on ntl.k a-i theinne ol the lao urur. io nvt r. i iu i- Lti ivhica n",'.!i J.'XiJi whs then fti.iy begun ; and Lieutenant McClelhn reached bis post i-i-i after ts batlla of Monterey. THE MF.XlCAN W.n. ih.i dii-lruotion of a cannon lo-n.- i lb . Mexicans we-.1 I'.-.ivve i is . i i . . i . . ..... ...... i have esunja-iHi; unu iu.., im. (Jiinural Worth found reiuon to anticipate such si resiMat.ee as niicbt l"ad to a '-er-al netion for the poist-fi in of t'.e lieiubts etii, iiiKi ail mu iii'' t;j mu, fmuu wiiat in iv lie properly c. '.led, as Mr. King Like In.-'railed it, a eohs.-al adventtira ol itiviision." All tiist it was tho tare rivilcge ol Cap tuin M'Ciillin to seja.i I l.-ipn of ike rela tions tetwoen pohaci a;.d tho military i.i i, an I til p-ar' io il ope: -a. i.i: s of war I oj.l tat'"l upon tbi) 'sanile-t m de, dur-) ing bis vi,it to Sebar-tnpnl, r.ii;',b, ho-.vpv-j ba ti-. hero tbv rve, have pro iii-ct mi ai furnished us : Bkk.-afii -5S in box 21 Jiuhi. Saui'l Gri-jrviy. Ja.s. Gillinni C..(,r".i Loeb.ird- Ihih Linn iSiJcK C Sholf. Jerai.i all Cooper Isaac 1 1 nr.il -J-Lt-.l. Du.-y Doiigla.-s 'Binj. iiofi!eistauj:'.l Cl.a. . hvl.y Joniuit r. I'aViS er, John Brutiiir C!ii i-t. S. hhoff . Geo. W. Mile John Warrio James McCoy G. W. Dolts ItEl.L 107 il After bOt.io.li r.o spent in active service n,j fortre-s of t'liapoleiec, it wis of tli. oii tue Uio Grunde, Lieutenant McClcllan j fjrsl imporlanef for him to be ilmroiiRhlv rdcif d to 1'ar.ipico in January, 117, jinfnimed i.i tne trim tiiitnro of tlie dr!.n8- r-ur'.'i. li.e concentm ion 01 troops'-, thro It n OP bv Nm'a ai ...lunni I, . t l.l l.-l oil .a" on for tho cia-id c.x) . li'.i'Hi del i .. i .... . r.- ... . . ... i r ., , . ,o ii;l i i a ! -r . a:i-l in-.'ie p.a.c en .t:i u,iy , u i:i. j . his n,:!.. 1 bail ii n ;ns own p. crio n and Kfiiu- t Iv Sliei!ey p'-.eeletM, to u i co n, tr.i'.r.-iy bmitcd. ; Jam Thoiupson f xperienee in .Mexi ) pr.-pir.'d him i n ti l-1 L. L. Hoover li.'.-nilv to r.-ceivt a, a'ld ! to I him to Wm. Koss de b.i f.o n si l'i m-j.it siii I in it ) i'i in ' WilVn layers m, 1 tho ni t d n-ablo c mvicti mi. Tn 0 ( i. W. Davidson ii.i-iie.l' i'i! Iril..tif h'.S h.-jo in. HI '.'lrt'iie .1 o-o I ll Wil.iOll at. Ihis tin -i win an olaboi i'e nil i ( xliau-.- tive leporl op n lh' I hi ut. I. oo. i Ma!. Con en. Jeramiiih Haines A?u Beyer Job Sural I. Jt'i.se Diiler Michael Stover iVr ."il drwti. Austin Beiiiy Silvia Monyol 1 Linanii'd r,U"?i James B. Sunderland John M. lu'-s , Cm i r Jobti F. -r-.i. Jj.iidl .lmeg ' Jainos Ferguson j Saninol Heed ' M t'.iiias IDiTg ai !.111en llateli Davi. 1 Michel I ickeiibui-rvH Mc mi j (i IK 1Kb Warren Murry j M. T. Ferui in iJcvtcr Billeti I Nick Mirtell Hugail l.e g y lames Hiigur Daniid Marviue , Martin Feck H'iu Scott D.r MoCracken Cor D Tubbi M Hoekeiiberry John A III. vies D .n Knozcr IO C M IFin ! II :ley iii B is. lVter Livcrgj-i'i August Milson Lobert Smith Zenos Leonard J. B. Koyer Uobert Stewat t Amos Krise Lewis Liegey .amea Freeling . B llosffao L M Coudriet Francis llolley irilliam Bradford John Yotbers I Anderson LuU Francis llodgers ' Arnold Blg'eman ( ll'in, Komes ! Aug Hnganey John Bnel i Xavier .Viilar ' Thomas .1iiurcr A'.fied Vii,-r j Dominic I'.iikhI ! I. FC.ndri.it James Holt 1' A CouJriet Hugh Daogaerly C S Earoioi Jacob iiurtliDt Francis Mignot Daniel .lsurw Francis Gliny Charles Garoot Arnold A'chtiiri il B Conway Aug G,roicll i'etr O'arnier Napoleon Cjabiet : Jos'-pb B.-flni 7 i'.ic K-W . ' Fi in i.s I,:ot"j-, Vi.-i.ir Billn , I l!!tf l:i Til tv..-..o t'-e t Otti- I Icr, hy t tiarlei itcan, E1 , "bthi'i &', to Mi.-a A!.g.liac V i- r, w V-i. i)I l,,r,.:;l ii .-.i uio 'ill liilil n i iiliiijr .it i-.-.r.'. U. iiv.-hrj. aw lium Kvi-.-r, i. i-c-d i.'i i.:'. .''J i'.i . 1 ater IvaroMean arnr. n-t i u . lit of thi ., u . . j l.-l i. . i inv wa-1 p". Iinli.-d under thu millioi ,ty t i i, ,it-s in tne taily p .n rf t . . yen- 1'7, and bi'-'.i l,wi-s eV, . I'. i.de witness I-, tho p i'.ii.i iir.d u-ril .vii.t o n.w'i tn-' jo.i 'g "i'.'.cr ii id .Henry Wet.ell di-vt;e.l liim-eii to tii.i-ierin ,z t'ue mini, t-, 5i.oom 51 in lk.x. !e-l Lev. and of the t ue pro rtri'rns it r.renaitn. undsr (itmei ill S'COlt i .rliir'i tha Mexiran l'r-tident -l ' : ie war and dictato ldi'.tus cf peace j ,vnuld there array njaint bim. IV" -.-a. capi ..ijf Mexiso. The young i jous r(ronnoisancea -ere ac-irding r-rder .u.-.tul wos then niidu a witne's 1 1 c t,y General S'ort!i bcbiro the n'-i.-lv a -ijnuingof bis carreer of tho dilli ' ,Vll, ,,, i,i, an I '.n tbe-e roc ono'iii-y-ineei ; ajs'and the personal spite which t-oj Lioutcn'.itit McCIellau bore a dijtiiiguisb- , surround and hamper the a.-!ion ol it,,j ,iiirt. :i.i tuOBt earnest and dcvolcd military -fho cnnllict tvhu'o kl.o.ved asnmn.i i-nJers. . jtberbniucter ofa battle the mvt ii.-v.-e- In tho beginuiugof the month of March ! y c-,nU.Mf d battle im'eed of the w hole ll.o iis-iDrublel in iiiy tltscuibiirkvd fi-oin its i war in which, after hours of de.tperali iranspoit-s ktO JtUo wi ttol ibo iiiu.u ol I on.daught, nn nsj-ep-da American f.ire.-. fi.vcirieiuJ, and the rncmoraU.) i ' ."i d',,i)n,,t i.hree lliounnd live hundred stronj; Vorrv f V i nml Sun .1 nai. d' I.' I ai i l.e j i il . 1 I...1 ,t iLhha fi'Atn I Vii.it- fnrnii.l it b) ... . - ..: I ' . r..'.: .. .... l'nifetl State. ii'.llloUltll il n noi oar ou; t'osu uiiujiii. i.i ,..- n'rei'-rinieti't a .nxiran nnny nu n m-i - - ; . . ,,,,. m, :,t sua tho lortont-H of Lieutenant McClcliau ! : . i,M,t l(.n (ho.ia-id men with the .tra.ned u. the principles of nial li.maiK it Fi cdt ric Cross Jaet.b MoittoIu Fntlerick Knpard Geo. Meicthley Win. Dell .Tames i;vng Samuel Snytler O. V.'. Campbell 1 (cmlcr'on Forahee John Meictl.'.ey Clinton Thomi -on Tnnotfiy Sjnderl.uv J'etMr Siuiili Kobeil 'Betty Dixon Vertz Goo Beck d.-li.il-, us well its tt.t t rt'.iat sl priiKi- . , pies, nf nulit rv oi?air.aiin. IHH ol in-, y, v,n.t timiely g-eater pill, an-l m...:i":H to hitn-' ' s.di and tohij cju'itry wcro mo laitfpr . ri,rpi. and deeper ro.uits of this ru'.iita.y tour "I" Mi, j.-1,,';),,...in on hi" inentiil ctiiiiiuiiJii no i un .....ii-. of Gimigbt. lleiuv I'enu . . li V.M.U W., . Ino niVucn of the regular army o! t lie, ni i.-it catelury , Blake firey . . ... .. i... . , i -nniliiHiil r. , n, , ... ., ,.f,vl..... !........ -t t .:..., , f : 1 1 n- .Ciei.fl. Slid Ot t 10 tJlllllaiV UTl UUrillJJ UIC '..'.lleol. .I1H t.l kllli'Uilii iw 'iviiwi.iii.1 vuiu irfi.ii vi iiHt.ii i in n piin'iiv 'M i i'i ri ,i il nn, i J . i. .. ....II II . " .. ..... . , 1 . ,. itj ii.ftii i.i ' i j . . . , t .'OiirtC. havu Sim ni n I r- p v. i I iiitll IUUI inil.T 1. I IIIWl. ..v.".."-- - this tne l:o aoa the initial ehapur. '"-id nen'y a tiinii-and prirrnrrs. d, for the most pirt, in biter life Levi 1So.hu horf Israel Dixon . Kohl 11. Loop , John Lambert Jacob Dimt ling "Vl.. ir.l..l.l -a,. 11.1 V ll.l, I lll.l ll'llll'l If! . .1 II IV . I .1 . 1........ rf .Pn1:lV re-wrila or even to re-pcrj? the ann-di of.lM,,ain his jll;ir(, n t,U victory, but . but few and limned ! oppor' .u.mi.'a of tu.b- Si,-..-y W. 1 homp'.on thai Campaign, in nb'.ch, ai tl.o la.iiciiia- Kb'clincd to revive it on tho groinul that toy expeneiic.. W ah lb.. fX-eption ot W i,,..Sini-l blabistorv of Ibola.t four years too .toin-ii.e,,. not fully entitled to it, haling the Mexi.-aii war, the hie. ol ni.o! t!, in m-S,i ea v bids Ja four. American Koeiicr ot the , ... rneoiii"d in tho iveliminary onera-. now living ini'i oeen pa-u i ... .. ...u ii-auiiri jJortu nndof IhoSouUi. of the Kastandol ,.,1, uinet nnd not in the aotual i.ssult 'great lelcilion broke upo.i us, 111 a rou W. it, Tor tho last tune marched side by 1 onptllre f llio oncniv'a works- Tho(lioecf post and guru-on duty Detwecii bi Io to deith and victory ? . n,llXini ,,almvn mtimrnut frr! is not often j d peace I ul auiboard id tho Atlantic aud Tl. executive d.uuuiPiits or tho Thirl i-' ,,, ri..)rnasly applied in hi ownc.no by H'o lio-itier forts ol the tar V et. A har ts' ii Cr.nSroiJ iu wLicli tl.o lory of thai i yo,inj, lltlli miiitious man nulively ..(aSMi)g but ronlemptiblo waib.ro with ihe i-iorious campaign lit cmUlmcd, ami . c.,e,i in n,e mo.t exciting ofproft!sions. roving In,lian tribesollhe traiifciuiaHssip. ...ul. tlm liisinrian' nkilfnl hand r.an be ti-:.i.: . ,1. l.n-n.nn il. .ii-i.minir nl', id educated til 'Jilt IO liraCUOul klll III tl.0 . .v , , - .iiiiiiiiuiii:in, ii-iiin i r. -i ni, i ... 1 iii n.i.lil '101111 I'iIIO i red coar without ovcroiasteung emotion I ()a.,uirpf, thePor.sprpicnt occupation ; handling of small detachments, huicoui'i , Dcll.'s mi t if hv t l-.ft fan. a tic Or the fool. t'V Illm IV ho I t 1 1. .. frt. .n.i n1 n vn I ha mnffnnn. Ido nntliine. of course, toward fainilnii a- '.-.. "j . -. . , in iui; jiciiiiiii i'iiii,ii, i,...v ...v " ., -, ,. i ,i. .,,,,.: ieri. Jri-p imous young soldier a r.e.h opportunity win, uu- ,p - Jenniiah McC.i of winning, bv actual forvioe ami expos- fea of war on granu fcalo. Many oflheui. Yjol.ew tire in the stricken field, the rank which umpired with the genuine ieal and love w Ic disdained olhorwisa tj were He was for their p.-ofession, wire at gieal pamn f G(,r(Jufr I breveted a captain for theso crowning on- master all that, books could teach upon .un)Y oral on. of the campaign on the 11th Seji- 'ii mi - -v"v Geo AiLert ..... 1 c ' I I .1 A.....I.I Tn ,-t in lilnm Hill hillll IPS ."IO. itlL.1 I Wm. roweii Wm. Fargi Valonnne B iib.-y Win. Dei ink Alfred Sal el Lb-ivelyn Said I K n i v l'.. al Frank Aver ly ,i i'i i-v Vincen iSmeal Jacob llnncy Henry Got Tlios, Mca-ti John !'. Sbimiuel J'ulrick Gallagher Joel Wilsoncroft James Wapeia IDiiiry D. Turner. Win. Ge.irhart Geo, Mai it TliKb Beera John Leigry Go'ULX ol in Box. B. 0. Keed (b'orm Hoover A NV Maika John J.eoivud John Ives Joseph K. Irwin August Wbi-mer Samuel II mi Joseph B.iiniu-Iner G.lmore Sha'V j John Se'.l'ii.lo K ibert L. Wilson iJohn Flegul Lcs'er Ives 1 1 Fph Shiiey A. B. Shaw Gvi.icn--1 in Box. Jordan Fox J. C. Ttmplo '.lames Mahoo I James A. Fry Hf.TON' i'i i'i f..''. ' Alliacn fi.irdnor Wm. Lor.g i tiidemi He.viL James Tyler ' lames Biimly Din'l F. Ti ndo Abr'm Vandermni-k Win. Crispen Wm. Fl.-ititiers Mo.ris Flendcra Charles Bundy Joab Og'jeil JoiiOAN 72 1" li.X. John IT. ilnt.ler A' ASiKKSS! K.KT. .V.-tiro II h-:rti; 0 tl,. I', i.iiiii.-. -. ....f. ill' irfli!.!! O'JU'.ll " 111.-, t i.i li. ' f itlcm-linj- .l'.i: r HI 111 Ut- i!.,y u.ui. -1 I'M Hie purpea-; ! ii-aiUj f ,. in tiio Tno.iiiiiil A f. .;e.. t- Pur t'lii t.nii-hi;-.iriij.-i.fi ii-. G '.xy iu s.i.U l .ii u li.;., li.D it.--.ii! f.atff id. ctio.i'.oii T'i.-'J.iv Novi iii .fr-l'tl. " " 1-a.t.f o at U Kir I'. T- 1. 1 l U- N, t. Ik) I'lt.U'i-.iuu 1 19 in la: Kliiab Smcal Jacob l'ierco. John Dale jr. ia inuttlcrent to bis country a Into or by bim who rejoices in her ruin. To those formal and oflicial p.igei the course of aubequent eveota hai given the painful interest of a tradgedy. In them wo read bow, working with an erpaal seal fo acrvc one- common cause, Lieutenants Beauregard and McCicllan earned tho cotimendatioo of tb?'.r commander in the trenches before era Crui; in th.mi we troaty of penea with .that republic. Tl M.itluw MtiCully James McNeal John Wibon Wm . Giiligan Mike iil.-'.n Knbt. B. McCully beuben Straw Jo?iah Lumber n John J. Wilson K UlTllAt S Samuel Bridge ns Mar'. Cop p Fat. Slio'.den Keubeti Youtliera ii '; r,a.,.l ... v M " ' Jlfzekiah J.aui-.Miery j.1I11C9 A.Conawny aolin ll. ucai nan Henry Crowel read bow tbo escort of Capt. Kobt. li. Lea, engaging the skirmishers of Valencia in tho redrcgal, opened that atem, unswerv ing march which letl the stars and stripes, this subject. B it us thrt most noieniihc .fiiK.p i,sJT land t'.oupiittui ct military uuuionuca. ii.ii i , J. tl. .. . ... i :. i . l. . ...li ..I. i.i.ii. As Captain McClellan. he remained with! uaron ooiuu.i nu.- Cn uvwr.ii., Murry Ul lll.tti.tiuit.t- .. , Yr(1. i rannis urauaui .iam i 1 . Miatv Wm. Wright A3 i.JVaill a'ti'Vir lltlli, livj i uiUltllll ll n i i u , the army in Mexico lid the sinking of tbo practical war ianotau ntbiir c . . ... i i in . ...,l il.m.ii.liiilli.iil llll l'1 icd ilemnutratiof.8, it ia a "patuomlc . ma." and no aitidy of military liternture however Judicious and faithful, can teach " . iu years so much available and military i Dvit cri.weil .. . . .n ni...,. i.bn M,.r-io Uii imi.i m. t' t"i btbe fioma few weeks of actual living administration ofa con rpieretl city neces aarilly atlbnled to a aolilier ol his charact er and training many valuable opportuni- li. ..r n'linrriiinn iind rplleetio l unnn thnu"h atorra and sUess of victory, up to! tlm tri.n rolraimna nf ilia m'llit.irv with the their alation ol tnuinpn ou mo noiKiiii oi 'pjyii n.i10I.j,y 'pl0 impotence of mere' cwnaci wr.u ino rran.ios oi war as tyro uarrnnari Chnpullepeo and tho towers of tuo ciiy of ; forc, tr, maintain or restore a solid lran-'caio upon and mingled with theni iu Crt- Henry Rwoopo Jlontezuoja. Jleinlzelman aud Magruder, ,,,uditv In the social order is never sojappar-' raiea. "After tho publication of bis report John Overdorf Jvearney and Pillow meet us in marching, ; cn to a e'ear and vigorous mind ns when ! of the armies of Europe, in January l8o7, Danl H iegus mineuvarinir fnrhtine manfully together :c0ihe.i with a temnornrv omninnlenoB. i Captain McClellan resigned bis coin mis- Fled Oswald fir tha one old fine. One day Lt. T. J. j tho beauty andtbo maiestv oflaw are nev- !on iu the army ami weut into civil life. II. S. Marshall .indtnn. tha horaes of hia Kun nearly all r n arrnront a when the calm and evn killed or disabled, hia driven and cannon-! stnnt operation of tho law is for a time ier cut up," gets one of his pieces from impended in favor of the sword. As the nnder tho direolfireofChapultepco, opensj )uke cf Wclmigton learned during hia upon the enemy, and holda tho battlo till Jng military master of the peninimula ami the castle i carried. Another day, L. his briefer practical dictatorship of Faris, I'onn "in tha advance with his mountain that nrofound dislike of all iineceaaarv howitzer,'' maintains Against tho auporiorj military interference with civil commo Artillery of the enemy so fierce aliieos (ion, made tho veteran of a hundred vic savei the lold advance rt Lt.Col. Albert toriei the rainiest most forbearing and Sidney Johnston " with his voltigeurs. conciliatory of F.ncli'h stnteiman, ro we Tow wo have " Cnpt. Hooker " tiding may bo nitre that his expevencft of con gallantly down alonr to rt-?onnoiter the rpiest an J military n;lo in Mexico eontii proun l for Lt.Col. Heibert, of Louisiana; huled mainly to fix in tho mind of Cnp- try, He was appointed chief engineer of the Alex Dur.tan Illinois Central Kailroad, and upou the David Smiley completion of that great enterprise was Joab Arnold elected vice-president of the onipany, Thoa Lines which post he continued to fill, residing J W Haya . ioChicrgc, until the month of Auguav, Frank T. Riihel 18G0, when, having been ohoaan pretdeot Casper Oelnctt ol the haatern Division of tne rniio tna tred Arnoia . MiMsippi Hailroad, he roturnod to Cm- Andy . King clnnati. Governor Denniaon of Ohio, iu Andy Miber. . rrsprnfi lo tho first call, of tho Tieardent JohnWalbera of tho United States for voluntoers to aid Henty Weaver in the auppruaaiou of tbo rebellion and in ,1 A J erpo maintainiag tbo Siipremacy . of the conatt- .Toliil Kuntz anon. ' Lieut. Grant, of tho Fourth infan- i;,, McClellan Ihore sound and moderate tution.-oppoiniea ua.ge urimon fie , ier- tso y ivkk x? pushed forward witU a pariy to am principle ot pmicy whit n avercRitenvnru' if ujui e-3iit?.., v.a.iij .uv v .... Jacob K. Peteia Jamei Dixor. Iviton Shirey Her.ry f! in Bins I'rtd'tiiiik Grabatil Kobeil Bonso Luke Ky'.t-r John Lowder Jacob Grner Isaac Enrger Lnoch Cioagove BR.inrLltJ7 it box. Joseph l'osllcthwait Lewis Shindlor (i W Long Rami Neely Joseph White Joreph Lines Jaccob Q Vlurnall Geo Thompson Jonathan Heeainger Ileury Weave? Jacob Shock X' J. Boyer 'Andy Tenti . ' 110 Pottwr Christ Miller . . . ,.Vile Riahel : James Irwin " , 'Luclari FcJ Ie.r" Joseph Snyder , . t Sol' Shaflbr , . j D'au UUhel Jack Loui ' ".-i- Jamcj G. Williams Kobt. J. Johnson Thos 1'. Owens James L. Curry James M.-Kthcn Win. Hotter Kcbt. FatUrson Lcrenzo D. Curry lanc Hainei Mike Gilligan CO in iii.--. Hct.ry KiU Henry Cul ry Thos. V. Lite John Lay field James Tites Are Kilo Goo. Heckendorn John lleifo Wm. Klder -192 in Box. ;..! J.: ' ill ichwl I' Hill nkW-- Wm. S. GilliUnd Jonn Warren Geo. Shoemaker L.lWRtMF. ID-nrv Cramer John McGaughy JofCp'h Whito John It. Turks Saniuil Killer Kobt Woodtido lliidolnh Thompson Joreph FtiltOii Solomon M. Bailey George L. Keed Fred Gulicl. Owen Campbell Charles W. Leonard George . Ogdun iii v-i. i i-'i r L". v!i...i ai u.vi ii.--.,'.,i Miiiui-r. en Timrf Jay Sivcuiter ITii). l-'i.r Ksrtli-ma I ovv u :.i n it tus Cu I Ilairem Kri-liy N.jn-i.Vrt 1' t'a. j For S! en is luwi fl ijii.t luo htoislHii.t-'" en iit-ira ty .V'i i nn it '' j I-'ur tlr:dintn lownM.ip r.t i!.c le.rw Ur en .VeuiiR Jioi.-Bi.eri.'. , l-Vr 1 I :td rd tuii,liip itt iUUw"1''" Vc acocn Tu. . day J-..vt-uibi-r J:J. IV H?i:a '..iwruaip at tt h.sM-" ; Cinfseii H iiiliics'lay Noveniutr : t'r.r D.'fiitur tnuiuliiii lit ('rir.rO t'chwl 1 Th.i'.-ii'V Xovtiiil-r S I tli. 1 Fur V oudrrjrJ tuwitlii;i rt ilia a ' 1JW , JIi'iii!cion t n 1 relay Novomlor Tor t.'alicli tawnnhip at Uio Fi-WMim''1'.' , tillo on SiiturJ. v Nm-eiiil'T 2f'lli. ,. v. , e... 1., ,.".!.:.. at tha luaio lit sai"' .11 Ul.uiii. .uiiii.ii'i ;'ruiih tin Momlnv Nmi.ii.jcr ' F'-r Kimx town.iliin at lurk-.-y tin 'l'u .idny ;evt nili.r L".'.l;- , . u IV fcniU'Dii l.ovu.liii. at lliolio-n " ; : Urj!..ry ou Wtdntaday Kt.vem't ; Tor Jonliin tonhdiip at tlia 1 ;i: ; fuuvilli! on Tliur-Joy DectaWr l.t. -I Pur Chot ttmtfliip at Ho "n1 to"7.,i ! mon i:ra.o?b-a on r:i.ly X'At Tor New Wniliiiijjlon in faiJ boroaji I tiny licoeiiiKr J.l , .rjii ; 'Per .:i..n-i.la teivnfl.ip at l.iab-ja. I Y.iun on Monday Jieeeiuber itti ! IV iielt towralnp etllie Lone of A. 'For Ianuhor city at the ju'iac n , I anid borough on Wcanlay f : r.,r IVnntonhip at tbe bu i I son on Ibamdny lHctmbor 8 j.u t ForCnrmnM-uit) oi " u"u " " l ritlay DeroniUr saW1 , For I'iko tjwu.liip a, tie eamo placi , lipt'cnilur liUli. . .ff.,Ml!li 1 For ltlooui h.ro:.il' at Ul" S j . Mt...,l..y JVct.ul-.r 12th rf I tor nrany iov.nr.in. ... - :iy .fvai'. . .1.. hull. A 91 t 6ehtri:.,i nn InrJiiJ H.-ccsiI.er i o. 'i i fi Peter Owens David Wondu John Kilter James Uudon S. Blako Carter John D. W.ighl A. L. Oitdcn IK. A. Suiitbers David Lewis Philip Ueisy J lion Tate .Samuel Bell Henry Reed Wm. T. Scriver Capt. Math Ogden Edward Birehticld John Whaling J. 15. Uouver .1 S. B. Taylor Joseph Lounsbcrrj George Owens Wm.C. Dull' Mike Bust Kobcrt Thompson Morria T. Walace Nathaniel Kiahcl Wm. Mapaa Samuel Ardery Jostn 0. Dixon Kudolph Lilz George Libit Jamea Mi Laueblin John Battler JohnJ. Coder Isaac Swales W m. A. Kuasel James MeCullough For Union towi ' V... v.,. Inarkliin 111 til" 11''"" I on Thiirsdiiy D.-'-oiuu. For Huston township ut ii ir i. i. Johnson ou H i-ln'JM.iy ',tl"", ,.i..IM 1 ll.itmo . --- j 1 . :ih m . I on Thiirsdiiy D.-'-oiuu. r , ;,' tuv - 'FortUarneldhirroiihat th. lorriu,.... j j flee on Mouony l-ccfn.br 1 .U. .a For LiHrcnco ti-b.P ' , J I Tuesday lKt-ail't--r'ri. f ri" ' Anainaal from tha valuat T.anrt. ill La beU l ..A 1IW ! on TburaJay and Friday, ' of Dec-amber, 1MI, at 'JJt . tereatad must auenu '-'., B.M1 I.i... .h.. rl.tfl. 1)T ordor oj ci lB,i.,ioner.. JJ'M. Bh I Coranijsaioneri 0S. Vr'- jTji .Taiiim Milehel Henry Auobinbauch Kichard Carr, . '-'LriiriEitCiTr 30in Box. ... w "Cam. 'treaai asairg jr O e,i. of lb undti.Mgiiia. sltj .Tofin P Hilo -Nath. F.Fnrefvell Jamea H.- Hilo -Tobu'-'Hiio . t?oberYourig : Wm? II. Fdrguson ,;Wm. Henrv . . Jonathan bt. Bona I- enine forward, take hiin away din? to law. " ! . r-i 1 milHtf-iJ H to do family Co,kinI- ,A f jjjrlll. Peter S." Thompson !- Zi Tm. f'ilasbtogart Cl.ar.eld, S.r -b