Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, October 10, 1864, Image 1

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    "MONDAY iUMTi---rV7f:Tn
""'" iv
geoj:gk u.
or rwxsywisu.
or onio.
roK rosyRKss,
JACOB A. EAUST, of Curwensvillo.
CONliAD BAKER, of Knox twp.
W. M. McCULLOCGII, of Clearfield.
M. L. C. EVANS, of Pike township.
HENRY W. IARKE, of Clearfield.
Gen. Grant i loliovcd to bo in
Washington. Of course, "allisquiot
in front of Petersburg." It is now ev
ident that tho "Great Victories," won
by Grant, and ko loudly celebrated a
fow weeks ago, were only manufactur
er political effect that no victories
wore won ; and it is very stronly sur
mised that our reverses were of tho
most serious character. This is evi
denced by tho advance in gold from
188 to 200 and upwards.
Tho war cloud is growing blacker
aud blacker in Missouri.
Be on your guard ngainsl mon
strous lies ! Stanton controls the
telegraph, ami lie can manufac
ture and suppress id will. They
will coin them ! Let no m in be
juggled by their misacrnblc sto-
ti a r r ita .1
look out tor irauus, ucraocr ais ;
in Republican districts! Sec to
the votes as they go in! Keep;
a taliy of the whole, Their game'
is fraud. Catch them and tho
law will punish them.
We assure our Democratic blends that
a elorious Ivictory awaits them on Tues
day next, if they but do thoir duly in get
ting out meir voters anu gitaruin;? me I . " Limr Mac's " Pictcbei.-Ab ngmt U bow
polls from fraud. We havo tho most! 00nnt ho,JinS Ftical mcctmgs in i.PolUnsmost benutifH, picture8 of lhe PrMld,n.
cheering accounts from all part of the I1''"11'0''09) ft"d calling people hardjtiat candiJutes. Tboca of " Mac "aro
State. Our pnrty ia perfectly united. Ev-! names, His complaint has beconio "plontiiti. flotone. The publhber writes to him
crv man FEELS that his country and ilslehronie. He ain't rot nr. now I that thor. Ia sa littls ilomand for thoaeof Lincoln
liberlios are at slake, and he is dcterwiti
ed to preserve them, if BALLOTS will do
it. When tho Democrat can carry Con
necticut, what more encouragement cm
This question is in the mouth of every
shoddy patriot, and is displayed iu flam-
tig handbills
Yes we have heard tbe news from
Maine, and rejoice ia a stiug Democratic!
gain. The Abolition majoriiy is reduced
about TWO THOUSAND. Will w,y Ab-
..... ... .... n n- . ,
viiiiioiiiai ueny luia i one uiuio nuun sun
even Maine will be enrolled in the Demo
cratic column.
beaskfClI lOWOrkl to WOIK, then, Peru-; " '"''". .'",?; 3 --.-- Orchard of thriving trees. Thetilleis
...m ... . . . (Uill II I INli I' Ul n liaMl ir II W .l . J.llll ' n.h.l Ih.l I will man, I 1. tl fal !,-. mull .n nil
men beg n to reason. Better address .u.. u.rec ,Ur tal,,e. i,Vr Tcrwa. apply to the
Derate 1 r mnkinir and usin'T a simnfa e?elnktfl Itntin. nt ; . .... ..
! ... i . .i .i T o . i . i ' , in Lawrence townsuip, v.ieariiei(i eoantr,
OUT nrgumetlla to the reason, than willetleetualiyromovoUi todays, rimplvs.nioteb- , nl I ui,'
' DID YOU IIEAU THE SEWS FKOlf ito tho nMonQ Crcrn Tf1, ,.,.n ! s Tan, Freckles, and all I.npurii'esof th. Skin, - c!,-.'.-"JIl;P .. ''' !.
XfAtvre" passions, lienci Ol. II tlio peo- ,lcaving th. tame soft, clear, smooth and tcauli- vohmerlv at tub fiRLLRroKTR FocNunv -
Iqucred." Ho knew ho was not telling
DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS FI(OM(tIl0 truh wl)CI1 hc ,tatol it. A nr.
CONNECTICUT? niistico means war in everything save
The Town Elections in the Slate vt lhl) 6nedjing of Wo0(l. Uisa'trueo
vvuiiwoLui inn i nuw iii pi wei'u..'i: i-i
, , , t ...
eu uaioocraiic Km,i anu rnai'n .i i
yontl doubt mat toe Mats n in
Clellan in November.
Of the forty-five towns already
. . i
from thirty haveLcen can led by
ccrats, and in nil the ot.icr I
Democrats vote has been large
L This is more than was expected
.error into "' " " " . ,
tioa cohorts. They think that their tfys ;
. . .1 i . ii.. ILJ!
of triumph are nutubetecd.' flear what1
tk. n .i.. h..i:i!. ci.i..l
.mi uum d rrwrm mo avuiiuen ui.t. er
' " Connecfieul is ti) be carried by work. 1
t will not do to depend oilbcr upon Un-
Tictorios. nor the ittstke of
herover our friends have Iwen at woik
Aud handsome Union gain., when
- wuni was maua ca '
Monday the 34 instant.
We publish
H.i of the victim,.
That intense A.r.lls.m.r.t !,. .t
; it . ... ... ' ...
w. UClll II.
utgnat.on, that ueartrelt axony should
rrevail throughout our community is ual.'
ural. Only think of ill The husband and
. father ol a helpless family, at thouumoaoi.
of winter. I. taken from them, lie is poor,
The tW affords Aim no eacane: but bv thia'
,,;uue '""his rich neighbor, at the coat of
S Inw ,... ... .
a fow dollars, can remain in the enjoy-
. ... . J
. of 11,9 coaiforU of home- In llet .
n 8 Dame- W,,a' 10 be the results of
; A mll on ofrci,,, hare already been! Gov, .Skvmodr, of New York addressed Aui'nUi KEVTfBAI 81,1 clJr'f 0i Ll,'rfiel1, ij jjQj, j MflCUtL0UQII
Sn'-at . :d'rt"V-W;tb Democracy of Philadelphia at the K Vn7i i "t McLL0LGI1
gome ubout the countrv nrnt i hut i U'r. , .... o'clock n tk. -.j j , s nu eeT-'n ;
kviiikuuuui me country nratias i mt t
rebellion U on its la n.
Know in their hearts that withiut a chariot
" Administrate, tUe war will last for years.
oie ior urun ana avoid the draft"
wasthe cry of tbe.e same demagogues
this time las, year. What haiL?ffiS5ffl
result? Why, with tho present draft, phey will come aaiongyou. decimated and
iitniwit iiavw fianarcu fioujuna VlCltOIS iIUV0
been sent to the field ef slaughter And
the end m roi rt a f i r "
tneena is not yet. A State draft is notr
penditip, and will bo enforced as soon as
old Abe gets through with this one.' Vote
for Lincoln now , and you thereby ask him
, ... ' , ' l"ereDJ K nim
to comoon with another and another draft
until there is not a poor man left in the
land. But vote for McClellan, and elect
him, and there will bo an end to this uso
les sacrifice of blood-to thia wholesale
system of filling our land with widows and
If Richmond was taken to-day, !ho war
would not be over. It would be intensi
fied. Look at Missouri, MatyUnd, Ten
nessee and Kentuckyall States within
the Lcion, oi claimed to be. It now takej
immense armies to keep tlo oyaStates
in siAjection, and to-day Missouri is near
er in the posnession of the Confederate
than tho Federal arms. And tho pcoplo
of all these States are becoming more and
more embittered every day t Why ! He-
cause all men of candor Xnou- tbal peace
and Lnton cannot be obtained under !hn
... . . ,,
stitution must be mnclo tho paramount idea. I ' att" 8tailL Uov FaJ !t is that
or both will be dostroyed forever. With ' 1!U'" of s,lcl' Pon,1(,''0''s calibre; such
the election of MoClollnn all may bo 6tueJ. ; raro endowments, of tho sumo turn of
With the election of Lincoln, all U lost. J mind, of the same religious peeuliari
Let the voter bear (his in mind he ties, and ko wonderfully fitted to ad-
walks up to the poll on TucmIu) tit.
In 18'JO The whole ta asiiessod
on a farm valued at $luoO in IJoccnria
township was 3Ci milis
In lSG-I- It is m mills
8;J.; 50
83 50
Making a difference of 55 00
In Burasidc township, where the
school directors have assessed tho peo
ple to procure volunteers under the
present draft, the whole tax ia 1SG0
on a farm , valued at $1000 was 3
mills 1 $31
in l J. Iio whole tax as-
I i : .. osi i n .
W. 'ill!
bchscu m anna
showih- that war and boun-1
ty taxes increara the bur
then five times what it was
in 1800.
5 00
And beeauso other townships did
.,,. .t.. i:t :.. .1.. r i.... ....
u iiai'ni.w uiu smuuiii organ is
sorely exorcised.
p .1 -
. x uv invieasor oi reiiiiton. mo man
luf honor, tho imro ubih.nthrnni.t-:
. John ration is traveling all over the
i i -
O k '
uui, uiaiiug -uauur, wyyvi iicuu, j
a.. . i.t., t :.. i ...:., i .i i i i
" secessionist.
This thing is played out. Passion
iln ran hn fnnvnvtn1 in I?nnl,licin. !
. riTi. i n t n I' Wl" '"') IDn'' frM "10"e hav'aS BaM
ism, JO.m I'attOll nnd iJUCher SWOOpe, Heads, or Hiiro Faces, simple directions and in-
will purely effect it, for no man can I '" . ."mVu 10 fo1'
-' ' i growth of Luxuriant II air, oiskers, or a Afous-
for moment imagine either of them !
would lie ! ! A pretty pair
Go in, Vat-
.fun .' Bally for Stcoopc !
I AiN A UJli 1 aL ti.
Buchcr Ewoopo says an artnistico
ifiCUis giingupall wo havo con-
,, , . , , ..
o. Ier'.bcr.ed duration.
T. .
f frtrnat imn .
piuvLV AiHiiwii, avtiivauiuv
to cool ; timo to reason ; it means hold
,, , , ,, . , .
Bil yoa naVC, ana taiK Wltll your ad-
nhmit sfllemanl TP vn
' ' J wwwwvI,aviaivaaw. AS J wi tliv
If T.i'nrfilii'U re niertptf will rnn ca.
'rn th nTf nna ? ' If ho ia r.o1frif.
, . . .. r
J, must not tho war go on f Do you
blior0 the war will end in 'Hhirtv '
"-.turn will come next. Ifyon want to,
K0 Voto br Liceoln. If yoa want
' 'VfL srefs, VrrrVT I
.1 . ; .. . V 1....T. 1 .1.. I h..n tli irlln.. ,; ...I i inursion. at tha ama l. imv. In m.. I I-
ll.r i.l.:u Ki HOI IU IUU lUIIIC, UIIU UIO KUI1U lO ............... "J'i, iu. auiu wo ware . . . . . , .. .'in; ...
7 m.rriayl I I... I ... . I. . OCld t) V SHIll I h.r.1,1. .. In.n Otl,
c-vtis tue tho hilt, then voto for Abraham Lin- Let the rmi.ii w. .J .m. x..a tep2j 8t w. w. wonnrr r.
ly i.c:.s. co'n Il'vOa r0 for Peace And UniOD. I?"11' lui of .h!" beiB i-" . 7''''- Four competent Teachers to'
v ' . i.i. in an. m n n it m. n iwm. ... Tk.. ih a . .M ... ...... .... ... n. .
.VOtP for MrfM.T'.LIjA N . rFADI.T-. seldom. If avar. aacauaa Iln. Il..t I -.11 . Tk. .i.i.. .ti ... i-
- - - I . . ' . - - . .'H. A "... .- - im 1 I T. Wl.l ... JU B..H III II.
, Out Government bonds are now Mo.'
a oMo tho at FORTY CENTS
-on t.m ,.,,, nilj lb. ' .
- - . rf .
. j -j -.- . . . It It lUlGll'BI ! I Jill IT TfP IIIUII
It is a 'amet.lable fact that while our
bond were thus selling for 40 cents on
he dollar, the Confederate bonds were
elliDS at GO cent, on the cellar.
And in the face of such facta ,lm.
8SU" 8ro going about through thecouo
, uy fowling it in tho ears of ihc-ir follow
trv l,r.ti.. !. ,. i. .. ,
lLal " rebellion will bo crushed in
llilrlJ ys."
t ..... . . . ...
'. 1 do
not mealc nul.UI,
'8n-v ll,al this is not the List draft. Tho
Ihrcf limn men k.. .,1i..i.l :.. .u.
: ' u,r" nuu ?l"",icu loe cora
' . ,v ' svjov maibiuai
i 7" eVer e-Men .U!6 --ntry wil1 be ient
"Pon ua. The Administrat.on will call for
men for one year just before the election,
1 1,1,1 if tb administration bo sustained'
! Det,tnc,u,,,, Abraham Lincoln be el-
if- lh7.riI1,no,1 bo-n ca,"'ful lho Dext
time, and tho draft will come not for nine
'months or three years, butor the war "
Pattou proclaimed from the stump
the other night that ho was going to
follow Bioler all over the district.
He has changed his mind ! how thank
ful we should all be ! Tho puissant
1'atton has circumvented his limits!
His mighty talentu, his tremendous
energies, his persuasive eloquence., are
jail wasted upon those whom ho de
''S1'13 c:l11 secessionists and traitys I
hy should they bo? Ihichcr was
j obstinate Blither was bound to go.
j Pattoii don't like Buc hor. nn.l Tin, !,,-
don't like Tatton. They never hunt
company, so, as jjucher went,
.orn, to edify and instruct the conimu
i nity, should be unable to agree. But
Bigler may be grateful, for if both had
gon? ho would liavo been demolished,
sure ! Let us hope- for thuir final ro
concillialion. Lot its wait, and wuteln
and pray.
At the Iiifpertor's election in the Slate
cf Delaware on Tuesday the 4th instant,
the Democrats of Littlo I)elnware gained
a apleudid victory. Tho follorrins ate the
i majorities :
I New Castle county, 52
K"111 county,
! Sussex county,
Total. 1,105
Two years ago New Castlo gave a Repub-
lioan majority of 4j2.
Ye Shnddyitns, havo ye heard from
Conuectioutnnd Delaware!
Jte2rThe rate of taxes in the United
States is now heavier than in any country
of tha world. Those in favor of the io-el-
cclion of Lincoln aro in favor of doubling
this tux.
V - a . - t 1 1 1 . ! I TL!. .'
oroinous onough.
Editor of th Republican :
! Sin : With your
i permission, I wish to say to the readers of your
tacbe in less than thirty dnys
All applications answered by return mail with
out charge. Respectfully yours,
THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist.
oc5 3tncp. 831, Broadway, New York.
1 A CLO.SK. I noticed in yeur columns that
I r .a.
a r. fcveraart had advertised bis wife Cathab- van anu seo ior yourselves.
ix. Iu reply I would say that he never did pay I TO ..,,,,. , . , .
any of my debts, nor anv of his own. lie says . IS AAC II At, PT is apent for iho Wk, Wyom
that I Un biin without a just cause. This Is net 1 ,n tai Columbia Insurance Cinpanie.
true. Tbt lat time I was tbero he removed ev- I
ry thing from the stove and swore that I should j J.AL ItlKJ. A k KI,Y.
::Z.S k' ' T? ml. 1 1 1
I anAVrr mnM li rnhim 11 I I ..a Tu
.-. ....B. ... ., .,,. ,u ..... mi.
" juh utq not uarn
. a - t. ? r . -. t ... ... .
hut vaUDUjw itj mm, ior ma IHUe Willis) I llYOU
1 ba.J anJ "' lht9 Pvition., and
thcn he begrudged every bit I aud my children
ru.1 into our mouths. He nevsr bought for me a
r'.r"' BO"! or roM.' or """. but I
r r . i i
even tn buy him shurts or he would hav.
The half
But when vou tee him com
; Ivg you can know biui. He tides aa Jd bay
mar. blind of so. eye and oan't se. out of th.
; other and tbi is Everhart.
Oct. 10. Catsabiss."
' aj. .. ' L -1! J
Teachers' Examinations.
r ami S.IT:
,4 I'PLICAXTS for tchoolt will meet for ex-
f - J - jr ,cM,a M
tT'tl0': J 4,h''
TtohJiL H.f(f n.rt-
report me oia man worse than b. Is
i hat not beta told.
O. B. tlVTtOXt.
- Co. 8Tt
I ti.-.. .. . "
W bryof tt.U.r.iSor pJ
! W -Mh
V M ?C0V.I. of ""ral cunties of th.
vi ui vomsnonwaaitn. qua Red
ri'W KI Blllintlaa .1 IL. . 1 ... ..
for members of the Uenral Aascmbly
bewvouE., t t "m ,.n,emb"' .sh
?n Tuesday iKL
?h..j J'r-, J'" of our Lord, ouo
.am. da, I. .;."S!rih "ar &",J. ft.
P.'H' of. 1ing Electors of'cut and
X-l II u... . " . I..1UCUI am,
- l TIlKUKf 0KK.1. EdwIbo m.h tsi..,,
of LleuruHiil Amintv i V..T""""
- f.t-,,ear'!U eountjr, in puruanc of the dutj
joined on ma h tti i .i .
th mm,nZr', "uTAhZ'toll"
tn.D. g.ting K,ic, ta ,h, cleclur, 0"f (h-e'00u-n7r:
a. . w VIVU UK UI PIIH ntlV. til d, V,
' o'clock m tha ..i.....u j.
I'resident of ih. Tniti a,,
Ad Am. I tl..t iL
1 1 .areral Judea.. !.;.,. .. n, ' ""Jl.""'."
"ra "f"'a at the t"-.Cjamg Cenaral tlcctoa
"1 rcquirad to attand ami tinrf.irm ik. .1..
ities aiiJ ba uki.M . Ti , ,
tak. notic U,Mha said .lo'tion of factors of i
rreemeni and Vice Pras dent will ba hnld .t ik.
following placet, via i
At tho bouse of S. M. Smith fur Beccaria twp.
At Ikehoune of Aaeph Elite for Cell tp.
At the home of James lllouin, aeiilor, for
Bloom twp.
At tho houe of Edward Albert fur Bogge tp.
At the house of Jacob I'eiirea for IJindford tn.
At tbe house of R. W. Moore for Brady tp.
At the house of John Young for BurnuMe tp.
At tbe nhool house near Simon Korubaugh's for
At the Court llouae for the barough of Clear
field. At the house of J. Maurer fur Covington twp.
At the houne of Isaaa lilooin, deoeased, for
Curwensville borough.
At Centre school-houfe for Decatur twp.
At the house of Juhn Uroiror funiiirlv mm.
pied by Thouins Robiaun (Itroudnav) for"FeriU
ton twp.
A tbe house of J. I. Bund for Fox twp.
At Congrens Hill rchool-bouse for (liriird tp.
At tbe public echool-hoiue fur Ooshrn twp.
At the house of Jucob Hubler for (Irnbnm tp.
At the achool-lsoLto in Janetrille for (luiich tp.
At the houje of Jesse Wilson for llustun twp.
At tho school-house in Ansoiiville for Joidun
At the house of B. D. Hall 4 Co , for Karth mis
At the Turkey Jill school-house for Knox tp.
At tho Court llouso in the borough ol Claarliold
for Lawrence! p.
At the public school. house for Lumber City
At the house formerly occupied by Thos. Kylcr
for Morris Up.
At the publio trhool houFe for the borough of
New Washington.
At the hotel formerly kept by W. W. Anderson
for Penn tp.
At the house of Innso llleom, deconso.I, in the
borough of Curwenvi;i .., for Piko twp.
At the house of I). K. Riulinknr for t'ntnn tp.
At the honoe of Thnj. IIenders"n for Wood
ward townfliii.
Notice is further hereby given, That
all persona except Justices of the reiu-o, whoxhutl
bold any oflice or n; p .intii'onl of 'rust iiml-r thi
gonriiuient of tho Luted .mton, or cf iliif fitjic.
or ofany ineor'iriit"ii liiitr.ut, v h-llier a C' minis
sioncd olfi'.er or nibi-rwirH. .ohnrdiiiKt" oTcfl'
or acnt, who ia or fbml U -' e l un lr th
Legisintive, Excvuim e or .lupArtinems !
mis or ol tlie I luted .tiL.. or any eiivor
inenrpor ted district, iui.1 u ?o 'tint uo-y m
oi 'Jongresa, or of the cjtatj I.jM.l.uuro, ir
jm'iie -
i-oimiirn or scioo: eouueil M uuv i-iry, or ouni
inistiotur of any inc ir-inmU'dUiMiiot, are hy law
inc. pahln of holJIi.g or exercising, nt tlio suiue
t' ne, tho offioe or nppointinent of Judire, Iiispeu-
tor or Clerk ofany election of this Common-
Tbe Return Julgoi of the respective d;triel
(aforesaid aro requested to meet at the Couil House,
in t tie tmrougn ol Clenru.'ld, on tho first Friday
next alter the raid second Tuesday of Octoner,
then and there to do thoso things required of
them by law,
UIVKN under my baud and seal, at ClcarfielJ, on
this seventh day of .October, in tho yo ir of
our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and six-
xy-iour ; and ot the Independence of
tho I'nited States tho ciglity-eigbthsKAL A
KVAU 1) PERKS, bheiifl Vf
1)1 HI.IC VKN DUE There will he ex
posed to publio sale on tho premises of Mar
tin Myrtcr, lato of Pond township, on
Saturday, October L'L'd. 1G1.
I io ioi:owing valualilo properly, to it:
: .1. r it . . . ' '
I o ooiscc, 6 cows, i head of yung cattlo, b
j 1 uca" of sheep, nbout 5 tons of buy, a
lot ot straw, l.Jj bushels of cat.. S.i hnsk.l. rr
whent, a lot of corn and buckwheat, 1 spring wa
gon, i t.uggy, l Z-horse wagon, twin slods, sleigh
and iing mill and threshing machino.
together with farming utensils and bousohold
and kitcbeu furnsture. .flrsale to connnen"e
at "viYlock, a. ui. ABM. MYtlTEL, I . ,.
oej2t JOHV FI.VNX, P'J
piIR subciPer orers for salo on reasonable
therm?, a Farm in Beccaria township, one
mlla South of Becenri.i Mii!s, It eontnins Fifty
Acres, with Forty Acres cleared, a -1
E3J frame Dwelling bouse. Storo-house. SviM
log Hum, and other out -buildings, and a grow ing
SS UIPT & Co.,
HAVING leased the Foundry and Mrcbine
Shops at Milesburg, known as " GREEN'S
FOL'NDRY," aro ,.rrpared to manufarture and
repair Steam Enirines. sween and tread nnWAr
lb resbing Machines, New H'orld and Ilnlhaway
Cook Stoves, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast -
inga ot all kinds at short notice. They alsobave. been before the people, and is far more ef
both at Rellefonte and Mi'eabatf. a rarieiv of fectual than anv other which has ever been
,Cook "", rll"r f' 'ol" coal, or Pitts-
Attorney and Counsellor nt
Wi . !,.,
all business entrust(i tn kl.
ear. In Elk aud adjoining oountiea at St. .Mary's
(Ueutinger P. O.) ep2S, fmopd.
C4tj'1(). Xhe puiilio are hereby caution
ed against buying or telling, or in anv way
mcdUliog with a cortain sccekled URF.Y MAHa
"nolus Jara old, now in the possession of Wm
aoeerding to qualifieaiiont.
Bl order tf the Board.
. . J. W. POTTER, 6.
ocS, .It Frenchvlll., Pa
For Salv. Krcit Farm.
TUE tahscriher rffers for tale ob reasonable
terms his FsRM tiinsted ia l.awrenee town
ship, about midway between ClearOuld and Car-
Z." "M.. -id. .boat
0:JT''",. - "' ''! fmit th.r.nth.
hoi. b..n w,u lar.w-d. Th. ,iu. I. mdispt
T"?J!hi' l!f!?K-
Cr ZlT''Xil
solved bv mutual .ni ' ' 7
. ' .
lhn llm.t. .4 a....
The Hook! and
Aocounts are In Iho binds of
- . .. - n.v ih mi )HIIU Ol
tm.u': fr ,otUs"'.':"' " " P"""
and tu"S d.r,U " P "l
I Ullli iur O P.
T'!K tuh"?" taJ.. on rwumabla
triu, 70 creaof Laud, mora or inn. .ii
Se i"!:':.0 onM,,.i,h
Pr' PWhajad
' I rT ' "T;r".".' ."" wwnJ.t
, uPtent teaolier. for tba onsuini winter l,.
.ww f wi oe Riven.
f ccrotury.
Tim peculiar tnint or
infection which wo
cull Scuofi.xa lurka
in tho constitutions of
multitudes of men. It
either produces or is
produced hy r.n en
feebled, vitiated itato
of the 1 lood, wherein
'Imt fluid become in-
.r,"3-W; CSi5j"'J , 1 , ; .
&-Jrr? ; myrSSBrthe vital forces in their
Xi,-r- vigorous aruon,
i ''le:ivefi llin Krlpm m
v" 5:7$."- fall into disorder ami
decay. The terofulous contaminution is va
riously caused by mercurial disease, low
living, disordered digestion from unhealthy
fond, impure air, filth and filthy habits,
the depressing vices, and, above all, ly
the venereal infection. Whatever bo it's
origin, it is hereditary in the constitution.
descending "from parents to children unto
tne tlura and lourtli cenerntion
"I dee,
iavs will
seems to be the rod of 11 im who savs
visit Oininuiti,, of, lie n.t.iers u,,n h,ir
visit tlio i
" r''' . 0,;,1K,nMh, U
lines, according to the orgnns ft
In tlin luntrs. Scrofula rnxlmca
various names, according to the
tubercles, and (innlly Consumption; in the
kIhihIk, swellings which stiiipurate and be-
coiiio ulcerous (.ores; in tho Moinnch ami
btiwel. (lcrnngntiitlits vhicli produce jndi-
pestion, dyspepsia, nivl liver complaints; on
tlio Kin, eruptive iinT cuUiiieoiis afl'eetions.
These, all having the came origin, rcanire th
.nun.- n inruy, viz., puriiicatioii nn.l invigora
tjon of the Wootl. Purify the blood, and :
these dangerous distempers leave you. With '
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot j
havo health; with that "life of tho flesh")
healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. '
Avar's RnrnnnnTi'lln
is compounded from the most effectual nntl-
umes iiiai uieuicni science lias ttiscovered for
this afflicting distemper, mid for the cure of
tho disorders it cnUuls. That it is fur snpc-
rior to any other remedy yet devised.' is
known by all who have given it a trial. Thnt
it docs comliino virtues truly extraordinary
in ttieir cnect upon this class of complaints,
- 1 . 1 vil t'j .nu iTHfc IIIUIIHUUI'
ii puoneiy Known and remarkable t-nres t
1. 'ns made of the following diseases: Kino-'j ,
Evil, cr Glandular Swellinirs. Tumors. I
T?ni.liA.. Ti: 1 Tll.l 1. " . 1 n
iuy,muii, Aiuipies, xjioiuieB ana cores, ;
iirysipelas, Eoso or St Anthony's Fire, I
Salt Ilheura. Scald Head. Comrhs fmm !
tuberculous depoiti in the lung s, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole
series of complaints that arise from impurity
of the blood. Jlinule reports of individual
cases may be found in Avkii'h Amkhicax
Almanac, which is furnished to the drUL'irist.i
for gratuitous distribution, wherein mav bn
' learned tho directions for its use, nnd some
; of the remarkable cures which it has made
wiicn an other remedies had failed to utl'ord
relief. Those cases aro purposely taken
from u!l sections of the in order
that every reader nmv have access to tonic
one who can (peak to him ef its 1 eneflts from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
vital energies, nnd thus leaves its victims far
more subject to disease and its fatal results
than nrc healthy constitutions. Hence it
tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten,
the nvtiajre duration of human 'life. Tho
nst importance of theso considerations has
ic.i us io rr.tim years in pertectuiff a remedy ,
v hich is ni'T-:e to its cure. This we now '
. . . . .
otter to ihc public under the nnnic of Avkb'
SAKSAPArn.LA, although it is composed of
ingredients, sonic of which rxeced the best
cf Sartaparilla in alterative power. Hy iu
aid you may protect yourself fnun (lie suffer
ing and danger of these disorders. Puree
..... ll.n r.,,,1 I... .l A .."-
i i i i ,wl '"T
in he ldoed, purge out ho, nuses of disease,
nndvigoious health will follow. Py its pecu-
Imr virtues this remedv stimuhites the vital
functions, mid (bus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or burst out
on any part of it.
We know the public have been deceived
by ninny compounds of SanapariUa, that
promised much and did nothing; but thry
will neither Ik; deceived nor disappointed in
this. Its virtues have been proven by abun
dant trial, and there remains no question cf
its surpassing excellence for the cure of tho
afllicting diseases it is intended to reach.
Although under tho same name, it is a very
: different medicine from any other which has
available to them.
The World's Great Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for tlio relief
. of Consumptive patienta
in advanced stages
of tho disease
This has been so long used and so uni
versally known, thnt we need do no mora
than assure the public that its quality is kept
up to i ne nest it ever nut wen, anu mat it ,
be relied on to do all it lias ever done. 1
pared hy Dll. J. C. Avkr & Co., Iron Works, Johnstown Brenner, Tracks A Co ,
Practical and Analytical ChtmiHi, ! Merrisdale; Michael Johnston, Anestown; lie
Lowell, Mans. i Cormick Long, Pittsburg ; V. S. Lloyd. Kbeee-
Sold by all druggists every where.
jftl . . r u. . ,
tr 1 7, U iMsn"ii I noldi A K. Andross, llortstown, Crawford eounty;
lUsTox. Clearfielu; E. A. lnvta . Carwentvill. ; : M. T. ui II Thomas MoAnley. Altoona; A. I..
1 otTta A McOitix, Phdipaburg; g. Akxold, Lu- j UolH,r, Hollidaysbgrg M. il. Adamt, Cres
thenburj ; and by dealers .very where. j .on , W. a Ceigler and Joseph 8. Rood. Han.
sept. II. Ct.'r- tingdont all of whom bars purchastd rurtwhl.
. " IICEHSMAUCTIOHEBB. HS?. tiaiia" tnd Circalw Uw Mllto
tJSl IJI PII5, having applied for Moensei
T" u ki. friend, and u.
ai an Auctioneer, aoder tae v. o. neveuut'
" at Ueoafi Mi
4I . 1
at Leoont't Millt, ClearDrld eounty, Pa.
IoH I'toVeftl. Cod-istt, berriag, a.haoti,
'.Tm. chants, Philipsburg, Pa.
dil- J. f. MORRI3 & Co. Bell best Ulijoes at
JU 10 c9nlJ Per y.
rf . ...
J- I- MORRIS & Co. soil boa Mujlins at
I 23 la 60 CenU r yal'J'
J- r- MORRIS 1 Co. soil all wool Pelaino
! R Vonts per ynrd.
J. I. MOKRIS t (h. wll nil wool Fl.innels
J- V MOKRIs t Co. .eh Men Hoys'
- . clothinu vei v chdi!.
J. I. MORRIS i Co. sell BooU and Shora
J. I, MORRIS Co. sell Hals &, Caps at
tonsa'.ion prices.
T. I. MORRIS Co. sell ladies and rj -nU'
Shawls at tensatio., jr:cua.
J. I. MORRIS & Co. sell Ladle,' Coa'.a at
less than any one elso.
J. I. MORRIS 1 Co. si 1! 1 lour, Chop, rUli,
Ji;i"on, Salt &.C., at very small ad unco
on cost.
J. I. MORRIS i Co. keep constantly on
hand, Fresh Kutler, Eg', Lard, Sweet
Potatoes (fresh). White A Cod Fislu &
J.I.MORRIS &. Co. sell Urcut d Alum
Salt at cot,
J. 1. MOHRIS . Co. sell Eion Sug.r ul
20 to 35 cents per pouc I.
J. I. MORRIS Co. sell Syrup Molassos
atfl 35 to $1 fcOpergtlion.
J. I. MORRIS &. Co. soil all other kinds o
goods at the lowe-t pnsMblo rale?, ard
buy Hoards, Sb ingles ar.d all other kinds
I or produoo. October Sth
' 1 .JH"
A ''" ' U "li. otioe
la Hereby given tlit!eU..riot ,K.luiiui,i:..i:Jn
on Iho estate ot MARTIN MYRTVU, lato of Jv-rn
towuship, fhartlrld enuuty, Joc'-'l, having
bem granted to the unJcrsignird, nil kts his In
debted to said eetale art recjuosted iu mate im
inciliata payment, and thohe having demnuds
against tbe some vill present I'.-.m duly authen
ticated for settlement,
AI'M, MYIiTER, 1 . . .
sepJ8 Ct JOU.V I'LYNN, j Alm "'
. ,?Te ,,,l:,Ht-.V.-I'ha underaignod ! mg
71 C, Lt
V"PTci tutuhh all kind, r ljit fee.
(Standard and Dwarf,) Evergreen,, HbruM.ery
Strawberry and Raspberry vines. Also. A'ibKrUn
' Crab trees, (juiuee and early scarlet ltheubarb,
e frl ts promptly attended to. AJJiew
i '. D. WHIG IIP, Cuw;wiw,
! "P1-11 '' '
jT." . fTi.Yi V iW.
I 1 U b K 1 N U h M V AM. V
fi la.-
'S1CSS5W "
Steam Works.
t urner of Rlarlrt and Third Nti-ccta,
Ilavii.g addod greatly toeur fcrnier extensive
facilities, we aro now turning out a bug number
ot our improved Portable t'team Engines and
Portable Ciiculor 6w Mills, many of which are
C i..1ing th'ir way into rctimjlvuhie, Ohio, Indi
ana, and Illinois. Those nlrcady reeolved nnd
in operation are giving tho most entire Mu'fsc
Lon. There Is now hardly a Sta's or TeiVftnry
in the L'nion hut (hat our Improved Portr.bie
Kngincs nnd Saw Mills ore in use. All our
Engines hao spark arrester atucl.s on lunn,
which eoniino the flying sparks.
ing gentlemen and cerliflcates for the portability,
uiility, nud practical operations of our Portable
no wouia rcspcetmiiy roter you ti th" f.llow-
, fcieaui l.ngtnes and Saw Mills :
i . AvomiAi.r, Chester Co , Pa., Aprils, '01.
1 Mkhsds. J. A J. H. Iiivalu Uentlemeu Tha
i1 ".r.,ule t.nK
ine and Saw Mill rot of you eivet
enure saus laeuun. l cneerlully recc-'icnd
those in wont of Saw Mills to give vou a nail.
Respectfully, B. F WICK'f.CIUM,
Ml.NKttAt Poixr, Cambria Co.. i a.,
ilay 51. IfftU.
J. A J. H. IJuvall tjriitlouien : M'tih Mr
R. Hardcsty at sawyer, we have sawed, t.ith, Iln,
For lab! o Steam Mill sent to Cambria Iron l.'um.
pany, In nino hours, eight thousand foet of lum-
.- - ... . o"
(two thirds or it being,) and would
cheerfully reoonimend your Milla to those lu
want of such. Very resneclfallv.
John more ell.
For Cjmbriu Iron Companr.
MoiiiusnALK, 4une 2, ISo'i.
MbssIIS, J. I J. II. BtVALL" With the aciitt.
ance of Mr. II ardoMy, we sawed, tho first day w
set up your Engine and Saw Mill, seven thousand
two hundred and 6fty.,ix ftet of one Inch pins
bosrds. when everything was few and i had b.
,come very rustv bv three. wt..ka i
open cor. We are weil satisfied tbat the mill will
cut fully ono thousand feet of Inch lumbsr per
hour, with suitable help, Wo cheerfully recom.
mend your mills end engirtos to any la want, at
, we aro fully ratiiflod Ibey aro the Lest mill and
cng'ne und mill of lie kind we have ever seen,
i Youra truly, Jos. BKENNKR,
I For Trueka t C.c.
Etrxsiivao, Pa, Full. 26th 188L UcvaM.. .Sirs : Our
prtablo taw Mill and engine arrived last week
all safe and right, w. bollevc and wo can say
without meaning any flattery ia behalf or Mr.
Hardesty that he did himself crodit in putting
the mill up and starling lhe tame. Yesterday,
just on. week from tho timo we unloaded tho en
gine, ha inw.d with four bauds, about 6000 feet
i of lumber ia about eight baurt, portion of the
logs were oak and ash. ft far ni j are able to
judge, we think w. will be able to send y-n a
(better roport after awhile. W. ar wtuod
;with tbe Mill and Engine, and can reooimoffiid
them to any person bi may deiire a portabl
. mill and engine.
Yours, wishing you all suceis,
For further references we will glrs lhe names
of Jamet A Evans, Kbtntbuig, Pa. MeMrt.
Hanway A Co., Latrobe, Pa. Ale.irs. Prnner A
Burley, Tyrone; Adams, Calao A Co-, Crraca;
S. Millikcn, Hollidavsbura i llilaman A Ilesstr,
i Altoona ; Messrs. Re.d i Iff.. Tyrone t W. Dil-
orth. jr., Pittsburg! S Rhyn"s, -Lake City:
p.,,,.., i Co.. w. unnriw; R. J. Nicholson.
nrnnkTi it i J. MefJoneial. Hemlock I Cambria
Jbnrg; S. Silkknitter, Huntingdon ; S. Wilton,
jStrattonville ; Dull A Terry, Terrytown; C.Rey.
' fuE wtrnat our tng net and taw mlllt to
"r mm vi nr.. Binni ; wnramaoaoip
loasamt; wua erase nail nivet ia pnmpt, and
cht:kt, and U saw from 6,0t)0 to IU,U0U ft of
Icnbtr per day (say t a hours.;
fCr'hitn tolicit.d. liescriptlr .Ireulars
ttat to all eorrespondrnti.
J. A 3. It. PCVALt.
iawAsatit. hmmmmm Vmnmk Wi'" .
ktt-r. t
C.rar Market ar Si ThM Ptre'ts, Jnt oppotit.
C. 0. R. It. bej-st, IU, Onl.
tat;. I. J;.