THE "REPUBLICAN." Terms ol Mubacrt'tioD tttili n dTnce, orwithin throe month, $1 60 tald any tint within the year, - - IT f paid after the expiration of tb year, .100 jrnCB Olf MARKKT iTIT, CLIriLI, BVa. Terms of Advertising. Advertisements are Inserted In th Republican it the following ratee 1 Insertion. 2 do. I do. He.quar,(10lln.e,) $ 60 $ 75 $100 fwc squares, (20 lines,) 1 00 1 60 2 00 rhre.quare.,(301ine.,) 1 60 2 CO 2 60 S menthi J mo'.. II mo One Square, 1 t I $2 60 $4 00 $7 00 fwoiauarei.1 I 1 I I 4 00 6 00 10 00 Three iqiarei, I I I I 6 00 8 00 12 00 Foursquare, I t I 00 10 00 14 00 lalf a column,: l I I t 8 00 12 00 18 00 One column, i t I I 1VO0 20 00 15 00 Over three weeks aad less than three moalhi 25 eenti per iqnare for each insertion. Bnsiaes. netlcet net eso.eding 8 line, are In serted for $2 a rear. Advert.ssiaents net aarkfd with the number of aiorttons desired, will be continued until forbid aad charged ascordlcg to these terms. CLEARFIELD CO. DIRECTORS TIME OF UOLDIXQ COURT. 2d Monday in January, I 3d Monday !n June, Id Monday in March, 4th Monday in Sept. of oach year, and continue two weeks if necessary COrSTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Pree't Judge on . Samuel Linn, Bellefonte. Al'te Judgce Hon. J. I). Thompson, Curweniville Hon. Janice Bloom, J'orre.t, Sheriff, Edward Perks. Clearfield, Prothonotary, D. F. Ett weiler, " Reg. A Reo. Isaiah G, Barger, " District Att'y, Israel Tot, " Treasurer, C. Kratzer, " Co. Surveyor, H. B. Wright, Glen Ilope. CommiitioncriJacob Kuntx, Lutheraburg. Thoi. Dougherty, Or. II il la. Amoi Read, Clearfield. Auditor, Charlci Worrell, N.Wasb'gton II. Woodward, Pennfiald. F. F. Couteret, Lecontes Mill Coroner, J. W. Potter, " County. Sup't. C. B. Eandford, Clearfield. Tomifa'pB, Becearia, i Bell, LIST OF POST OFFICES. Pott OJice; Pottmatttrt, Glen Hope, M m. S. Wright L'tahville, Theodore Weld, Ilcgarty't X Roads, Si ml. Ilcgarty, Bower, W. McCracken, Cheat, Th.A. M Uhee. Cnah, J. W. Campbell, Oatend, II.L.IIondcraon, Forrest, Jamea Bloom, Clearfield Bridge, Jamei Forrest, Woodland, William Albert Luthersburg, R, U.Moore, TroutTillc, Chaa. Sloppy, Jefferson Line, John Heberlin, few naaLington, Jaa. Gallaher, vurnside, PatchinviUe, Ea5t Ridge, Hurd, McUarvey, Weetover, Clearfield, Frenchvillo, Karthaua, Curwensvill Curwensville, NEW FinM. CARLISLE & GO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GRO C FRIES, L UM DER, SHINGLES, C.,&C. FHILIPSflUItG, Ceutre county, Pcaii'a. Have rcccivod nnd arc just opening the largest astortment of he lest, CHEATEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE COODS Eitr brought to thit trrtion of country, eontittinj of DRY (JOODH & GROCI.HI18, N0TI0N3, IIAKDWARE and QUEE3SWARE, Ii a l i c s' Furs! Hoods, Nubias,Sontrigs, Balmoral and Hoop Skirls ! HATS & CArS ! BOOTS & SHOES ! Beady Made Clothing, of Latest Styles SCHOOL-BOOKS & STATIONERY Still on a Rush ! NEW FIRM. GREATEST BATTLE ON RECORD! 15,000 Killed andWoundcd, and 30,000 taken Prisoners ! WITH CAMr EQUirAQE AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the OllltiT FTPlTPUirMT .. nimTnnni.1 i u, vjucii nKjtrik jinn r. Lionaa. NEW STORE AND W, A. WALLAOs). ' A, ganlunnanb Meeting B0INT05, SHOWERS & GDAHAM. jfiONDS OF SLAVERY ! ! TnE undersigned, having romoved hie itore to the new building oppoaite the Union House, on Pine street, (Ilea Hope, Clearfield co. Bloom, Boggs, P ridi or J, Brady, Burn aid, Chest) i I" Clearfield, Covington, Drugs, Oik, Taints, Putty & Glass Rice-Hour Farina and Corn-Starch! COAL-OIL LAMPS WOOD AND WIL. LOW WAKE. Decatur, Pliilipaburg, Centre county, " West Decatur, 8. Radabacb, " Oaceola Milla, T. F. Boalicb, Ferguson, Marron, Ed. Williams, Fox, Little Toby, Jas. McClellan, Girard, Leeonte'a Mill, C. Mignot, " Bald Hills, William Carr, Goshen, Shawsville, A. R. Shaw, Graham, Grahamton, T. U.Forcce, Ouelicb, -Smith'. Milla, A. U. Fox, " Madeira, Chaa. J. Pusey, Hue ton, Tyler, David Tyler, " Pennfield, 11. Woodward, Jordan, Aneonville, Elita Chase, Knox, New Millport, M.O.Stirk, Morris. Kylertown, Jaa. Thompson, " Morriadale, J. C. Brenner, ! Pent), Lumber City. II. W. Spencer, " Grampian 11:11s, A. C. Moore, Pike, Curwonaville, T. II. Fleming. " Bloomingville, Benj. F. Dale, Union, Recktoo, I. K. Brubaker, Woodward, J c (Trie a, Jamea Lockett, This Fkat Office will do for Cheat township. H ill anawer for Ferguson township. II. W. SMITH k CO. MERCHANT, and dealers In Dry Gooda, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, and everything usually keyt by the trade. Store on SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo aite the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield Pa. Deo. 4, T8til. W. C. Irvin. Jack Patch in, Jacob Boice, O. Toier, jr. Wm. McUarvey, P. A. Farher, M. A. Frank, p A n.nn ; Wt. e-JL.' ' pt pf.s Tnn rm ivn srr. a r?: T. W. Fleming, Trunks tj Carpet-Dags ! JOSEPH U. M'lMUKKAY AND DEALER IN L UM D E 11 New Washington, Clearfield County, Pa July 1st 1863.-tf Iin$lhircbuirgl2i3l3i!( LCTHERSCCRG, CLEARFIELD COUMV, FA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. Mav 19, 1803. ly. ctrenius howe. Justice of tuk Tkacr. For DxcATrn Township, will promptly attend to all business cntruatod to his oare. P. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 THE UNITED STATES HOTEL HARRISBURO, Pa. C0 ERLY i UUTCIIISON, Proprietors. TIIIS Hotel, so well known to the travoling publio of Clearfield county, is now in a con dition to afford tbe moat excellent accommodation either for the transient guest or the permanent boarder. The "United Statos" has now all the conven iences of A FIIiST CLASS IIO TEL, nd the Proprietors are determined to rpare neith er expense, time nor labor to enaure the comfort oi ine gueats. me patronage of the trailing ublio is respectfully solicited. jly 1, 03, y. Jaa. McMurray. Matt. Irvln. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries Lumber, Ao., Buinsidc. Pa Woo 1 Wool 50,000 pric. 'will be paid by? lch th' "et acarlleld, May 13, 1883 KRATZKR. THOJIf AS J. M CULI.OUCiH Attoniev at Law. ' Office aiioinlng the Bank, formerly occupied by J B. McSnally, Eiq., Market street, Clearfield, Pa n ill attend promptly of Lands, Ae. to Collections, Sale Deo. 17, '62 SALT and Plaster In very cheap by largo quantities for dale J. P. KRATZER. CAKFETiaa-Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, Floor Oil-cloths, Brooatelle, Door mats, 4o. . J. A. KICAIZ tit. VJHAWLS-Broche, Stella, Bilk, Bay State, L 1 PasliniHa fTL!LA .11 . t . ' J. P. KRATZERU HAI8 ted Caps, Oakford's Spring Kty,j at t. V. KRATJSTK'a). Fish, Salt, and Nails I Flour, Feed and Pkovisions ! And all articles usually kept In a first-class eenntrv store all of -m-i. i Cieaj) for Cash ! or approved produce. Lumber or shingles. Philipsburg, Nov. IS, 1863-1. BOOKS FOR THE TIMES PUBLISHED BY J. w ALTER No. 10, City Hall Square, W.YORK. Biographilal Manoir of Clement L. Vallandigham. Bu his Brother. A neatly printed pamphlet of 64 octavo pages, puonsueu juiy 2tn, 1804. i'rica 25 cents. This is a work of great value and,intprest, en tirely authentic and reliable, and should be cir culated by hundreds of thousands. ALSO, Speeches for the Times. By Jamri TP. Wall, with a sketch of his Personal and Political History. A pamphlet, site and style same as above. Published to-d.iy. Price 2i cents. The Administration sent Mr. Wall to Fort La fayette; the Suite of New Jersey to the Senate of the United States. This work shows why ha is pcrtccuted by the enemies and honored by the friends of liberty and law. The speeches are re plcte with the pswor and energy of political truth. Let them go everywhere ; for In this hour of greatest dunger and trial the hearts of the people are turning to the men who haveeon right from the first and at all timea. Thcae and all other works published by as are designed to counteract tho tendencies to political insanity now so dnngerously prevalent A t ousaad agents wante I immediately to sell our publications,- profits liberal. Bond for a " Circular." Country dealers can be supplied through the channels by which they receive their fcw York papera, and at our lowest wholosale price the Nows Companies' eommiesiona being paid by us. Every editor, disposed to aid the cause, is In vited to Insert and notice this advnri;mni .n,l his order, not over two dollar; will bo acceptod and credited on any purchase amounting to ton dollars or inoro. Coplei of the pamphlets for notice are at th aervico of the entire editorial fraternity. or, Aug. i. J. CO. NOTICE k CAUTION. nA IN( mado application to the Assistant Aaacsaor of the lth Collection District of I ennsylvania, and a License as Auctioneer hav ing been irrnnted to mo hv th .,,.,. ....u :. would inform the citlscns of Clearfield county that I will attend to "calling tales" whenever desired In any part of the county. Charees moderate. Addreai JOll.V I.. RRAYI4 Dec lfl 1863-tf. Clearfield, Pa. llann. i. , i r " um8 iei witnont a uoense is subUfit n...i ,,. L, ... be enr..r..j i . i""""' woion win CHEAP STOVES. TnK subscriber ! 7 citisens of Cw J...1'.,!0 Me,'mniodate the ND PAULO It Vnvw, Summer Goods, NEW And Very Cheap ! I B0YNT0N, SHOWERS A CRAIIAM-sue-ceasora to Boynton A Showera respectfully announce to the publio that they aro now open lug an extensive asaortmunt of SUM ME II GOODS At the nlj aland In Graham's new building which they ofiVr to aell at astonishingly low prices, (considering Ihoir coat !) for cah or approv ed country produce. Their stock of DltY GOODS CANNOT BE SURPASSED! Customers can there find CALICOES WITH FAST COLORS I MUSLINS 1 DELAINES! LAWNS! CLOTHS! CAasiMEItS! VK3TIN03 LADIES' SUA WL3! GENTS' SHAWLS! HATS CAFS ! BOOTS & SHOES ! CARPETS OIL-CLOTHS I OUR STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND VARIETY, embracing NOTIONS! NOTIONS!" NOTIONS! Scarfs! Ilcad-Xets ! Neck-Ties! Satchels 1 Tort Monnaics ! Brushes! riiotograjihic Albums ! PirES. TOBACCO k SEGARS ! PERFUMERY OF ALL KINDS t Or anything elso in tho Notion Lino I INVERT man that has read any thing of the Pa., is now otTering to tho publio J past history of this WAR must finally come THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK GOODS EVER OF ALSO, HAHD-WARE QiicensAvarc GROCERIES PROVISIONS to the conclusion that the Confederate Govern mcnt would be broken down. It was only a ques tion of time. But now we have tho above Olnri-1 out soul-stirring news to cheer us np ; and the only draw-back to our joy and glorification is tbe imminent dungor of the. Contrabands coming I North to "eat out our substance," and to wear out eur shoes 1 But of ono thing thopooplo of Clear- j 4old county mny be assured, and that is. that FRANK SHOUT for abort called Short tet selling lloutts A alioea as cheap as any other man in the county) and if ou don't believe It, PUBLIC AT TIIIS PLACE just give him a call on court-week, or at any other , time, aad see fur yourselves, lie would just re mind the publio that his shop is now on Market street, In Shaw'f How where you will fiud him just as Short as osual if not a little tkorttr of Cash than he would like to be. All kinds of work on hands nnd made to order , . , , . . , . . ... .. , on short notice, and as well mado, and as good fit n'1i,, b" MB, , W"h .'rt.icn,v as can be "akeered" tip here or elsewhere? , re8"d 'h rT. "4 euhraces -y.Don't forgot the shop on Market street, ' in Shaw Row, directly opposite Kev. II, B. OFFERED TO THE all of which will be sold at mices to suit the times. Swoope's office. Clearfield, June 11, 1362. t. SHORT. Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. HI.OOM, or Pike township, de airea to inform bis friends and tbe publio generally that be has tnken out a License as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying of sales in any part of the oounty at the shortest notice, and at the most reasonable cbargas. Ad dress, 1 either personally or by letter, either at Curwcnsville or Bloomville. April 0, '64. tf. READ ! READ ! -O- C. W. & H. W. SMITH ' HAVE JUST RECEIVED From the East, AFRESH SUFrLY OF SEASONABLE IE GOODS All of the best quality, and aelected with special regard to the trade of Clearfield county. A I F. BOYNTON, JOSEPH SHOWERS, EDWARD GRAHAM. Clearfield, July 27, 186. VORMinLT J.T TBI MLLIPOSTI P0V.1DRT COAKOI I'Uch or bi'sikbss. IIAUl'T&Co., HAYING leased the Foundry and Mp.chine Shopaat Milesburg, known as " GREEN'S FOUNDRY," are prepared to manufarture and repair Steam Engines, woep and lrnd power Threshing Machines, New H'nrld and Hathaway Cook Stovea, Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Cast ings of all kinds at short notice. They alsobave both at Bellefonte and Milesburg, a variety of Cook and Parlor Stoves, for eofl coal, of Pitts burg manufacture. Call and sco for yourselves. J. C. UACPT is agent for the York and Columbia Insurance Cmpanioa' jy-0,6t-ly I OF 226 ACRES FOR SALE. Persons desiring n bar gain in tbe purchase of a FARM, will do woll to embraoe the opportunity now offered. The farm is situated In Morris township, Clearfield county, about 60 acres cleared and improved with good outbuildings, and Is advantageously located, and can be mado highly productive, It will be sold at a bargain, jr-f "For further particulars apply to the subscriber either in person or by lettor to Kylertown Poat Office, Clearfield oounty. wjun. 1, 2m pi. FREDERICK iVEBEL. BONNETS Fashionable Bonnets, hats, Nets, Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Crape, Bonnet Silks and Millinory Goods gener ally, cheaper than the cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S. DR. A. M, HILLS to In- Comprising a general assortment of Prints, Delaines, Mozambique!, A'pacas, Silks, Brocade Mohair, Challiei, Lawns. Linens. Pop. I ins, Lnvcllas, Ginghams, Checks, Pluida, Drill- ing.Ticking, Shawls, Plain A Fancy Cassimeres, Cotton ades, Brown muslins, Bleached muslins at less than city wholesale prices, Tablo Cov ers, White Goods, Balmoral Skirts, 1 A 12 Linen Table Diaper. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, LTATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AND PAINTS, FLOUR.AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. NOTIONS Hosiory, Gloves, Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons, Collars, Nets, Veils, Embroidering Braids, Hand kerchiefs, Ladies' .Klastie Pare. Whalcbon "'KBi inudrens , Afi.vua and Lames Ilnnn Skirts, (Juaker Corset Skirts, Zopbyrs, Neck-ties, T;. n:. t cm j it.. t n.. ' WOODEN-WARE & HOUSEHOLD Codar Buckets, Tubs Churns, Vops, Measures, Brushes, Baskets In great variety, Bowie, Door Mats, Window Blinds, Cords A Tassels, Patent window Blind Fixtures, Oil Clothe. Boots Shoes, &c. Mens' Kip Boots, Kip A Calf Shoes, Chlldrens', Misses' and Ladies' Morocco Boots, Shoes, Bal morals and Gaiters. Hats, Caps, Bonnets &c. Groceries. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Split Peal, TobaC co, Spices, Salt, Fiah, Ac, OF EVERY SIZE AND TATTERS i Together with all other articles noceesary to complete the asssortmont of a firat claaa country store. 3A!1 kinds of LUMBER and Country Pro duce tnken in ezebango for goods, at the high eat market price. Aa he la receiving new supplies of goods weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the publie can see at once that be will always bo prepared to supply any article in the market JOHN R0BS0N. ui... rrupe, Deo. lo, iocs. f?S,Wi STEW tr LEONARD, FINITE . CLE a RptWJkCft CLEARFIELD COUNTY i aiUetwns made and proceeds Ir3 - Mcna,tg,0u "Clt.eVioSN N "ana. " -Office on Second fi. ..... COURT IIQUSE. i DESK f fom h7.M wi5 tcmers that, having enUrVd t,.1 now prepared to make to ord fSSS- i be desired in good style ' I ., ta.U. ,11. mostly has on hanVi "" ture Rooms," a varied a,,ortmntSi: urn mire, among wnieh art V-l Burcaus and Side-Bon. vt ardrobes and Book-Cases ; Centr. Breakfast and Dininz EL Common, Frcnch-Prt. Lind and other BedrtSSao9t i a 1-uAiA.a w A3ff-3TAXD3 1 P Rocking and Arm Chairi Eprirg-Seat, Cane-Bottom and p,.., 5 and Common and other Cbiw LOOKING-GLASSES Of every description on hand; ud a , for old frames, which will be m 1 ry reasonable term, on short wtS'" Do alsokeeps on hanorfurnUhMW dor, Hair, Corn-Husk, Haitasi Ctton top MattresiM. i COFFINS, Of every kind 1 Made to order, and funerals attend.. ,!4 Harse, -vhenover dotirM. ' Also, House Palntlug done tootJ.. The subscriber also manufactum It . constantly en hand, 1 " hi Clement's Patent Washing tiu The beat now in uae. Those n.i?g thb never need be without clean clothAl Bitk2 I Iyer's Patent Churn, A superior article. A family wing al nover need be without butter ! All the above and many ether artlclanmu nished to customers cheap for Cisiortitk,,?! for approved country produce. Chstrr kJ? Poplar, Lin wood and other Lumber rtuiki! Cabinet work, taken in exchanire for fniT. -?r Remember the shop is onMark ani Clearfield, Pa.. and nearly opposita tha0lii- s'or-" i0U 6CUC1 Nov. 28, 1862. y MOUNT VERNON liog 8ccond Street, ahovj ArcL IHILADEH'UIA. A. V. nLAIR, Proprietor. fLate of the "Surf Home," Atlaatla Gul Sept. 23, 1393-1 y. FOR SALE BY C. D. WATSOiT FAMILY DVE COLORS, Hark Blue, Light lllne, French lilut, Clartt Broun, Park Broten, Light Brovn, Snuff Broun, Crimion, Dark Drab, Light Drab, Dark (irrtn, Light Qrten, For tr.i,., .iilt. Woolen sltd M!m Soaa ebawls, Scarfs, Dressca, Ribbons, Qlovea, Bonnets, ata, Feathers, Kid fllotii, Children's Clothing, and ill kinds of Wearing Apparel, rf-e, , fcS-A SAVING OF 60 FEIt CEST.H For 25 cents yon ean color as many goed would otherwise cost five times that sootit Various oades can be produced from taiaai Dye. The process is simple, and any tutu us' the Dye with perfect success; Directions in Knglish, French atdGinil, Inside of each package. For further information in Dyoina;, andrirlii a perfect knowlodge of what colors are .bMtad apted to dye over others, (with many nlukli recipes), purohase Howe A Stevens' Treatnaea Dyeing and CoUring. Sent by mail on rwi of price 10 cents. Manufatured hj HOWE t BTKVISs, 210. BroaJwar, Boiioi. For sale by Druggists and Dealer! (nsnvl ceptemner iii, ISUJ. JfoXX-W.tfyt ? rnns that profession ISci V O'-w V&Jy ' DU''" confines f yi?"jA-him to his office all "Lid QUEENSWARE. Full Tea Setts, Cups A Saucers, Glass Dishes Tumblers, Plates, Castors, Ulass Preserve Jars. The Itcnson why Everybody purchase their CLOTHING of REIZENSTELV BROS. & CO. Bccanse they sell so very cheap for Cash j Because tbey keep tbe boat goods; MERllELL & WGLER Have just opened a large and iplandii assortment oi New Goods At their old stand in GearfielA the time, and he will therefore be unable to mako Professional Visits to any of bis accustomed places this summer: but may be found at his office on the southwest cor ner of Front and Main streets at all times, except when notice appears ia the town papers to the contrary. July s, '03. tf. rpilH PAITNI.Iti heretofore existing J betwocn Stacy W. Thompson and James E. Watson is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tbe business wil be conducted by Jas. E. Wutson who will settle the bnslnest of the firm. STACY W. THOMPSON, MarysviHoi Jun. 29 JAMES E. WATSON. New Watch and JewciStor7 SII. I.AUCIIMN, having purchased the t Interest of his late partner, is now going it on his own hook In the shop formerly occupied by them on Second street, where he is'prepared to keep up his reputation as a eompleto workmnu by doing all work entrusted to him on short no tice, in the beat manner, and on the most reas. onablo terms. Defying the eounty, all he ask Is a fair trial, and "a continuation of the patrons age heretofore extended. Look out Tor the sig-n of l HL DID V A I U 11, N. B The Cssh will be positively wnen tue worn Is dolivered. 6, uearneliJ, April 7, 1904. y Hardware, c. Scythes, Snathes, Soytho Stones. RaVes, Shovels, Spades, Hny Forks, Table Knives, Forks, Spoons, Plated Tea Spoons, Hatchets, Nut Crackers, Tacks, Bod Castors, Nails. ; Because tbelr Clothing is well made A fashionable ture, , Because they kocp the largest assortment: A lot of Pistol ImnET have the best assortment ef Hirftw JL tnat nas ever been orongni w ui which the Bill nt lh most r3WUblPn ces, among which will be found a splendid ! C UTTLERY, To which they invite the special ittai'lolrf public, embracing heavy Silver-flattl FottJ Spoons and Butter knives of us am r iv. K..t rottpnt. and otirf Because they get New Goods every week ; Bre-arms. Also a ge nera. a www - rj r, v' w .. rrtndges-a!l of which will be sold 4 6......,, ble prices. STATIONERY. Cap, Letter A Note Paper, Buff A Treble Thick white Envelopes, Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Pens A Pencils. Because they take the advantage of nobody; Because they treat their customers well ; Because everybody likea to deal with then ; ; Because they sell cheaper than the rest; , Because their Clothing are well sewed A fit well j Because tbey can suit everybody; Because their Store is so conveniently situated; Thev continue to mannfsrtnre all kitditf Tin-ware, Rrass Kettles, Stow- Pipe, ete., which cannot be surpassed la kl tion of tbe Stato. . They also have on hand Plttsbarci P"" Plow Castings, and many other Apimltwi"' ptemenu. , r , (Jook Stoves, 1'ariornnovva M I S C H L L L A X E O U S . Fancy Toilet Soaps, Fishing Lines A Hooks, Trout Rods, Trunks, Carrel Sacks. Ladies' Travellln Satchel, Pocket Bocks, hat A hair Brushes. tt l ... . ... .... . . Because nobodv leaves their store dissatisfied: Because all who deal with them are sure to call Stoves a general assortment, and of the bet'- r1" again, and send their neighbors ; J terns, fr sal at reasonable prices. uecauae tney nave purchased tbeir Stock at such . . ylTnmnl reduced pricee that they can afford to Co.lI Oil, Coal Ull A DVERTISE ! PlnU' 0il "'! ''. CiTp" . , . . ,, d ull, putty, Nails, Iron andCastingi r These are a few of the reasons wh thev aell an' , . f L... ..... th Int wanW Satchel, Pocket Bocks, hat A hair Brushes, cheap. : Y"'; y' ' ... r..i T thoir emMW"0 ClothBruahcs. Allofwh.ehwi.lbe sold ', AaH kind, of Country Produce taken at : .fX. canoot be be'.L , , CllCai) lbr Cnsll 1, ? buds. tea. Now is the time to purcto Vliltll llll VtlMl . Clearfield, Nov II, 1863. Sm. If yon desire any thing in their me . Approved eountry produco taken in exchange for goods, at market rat. miy 11 4m, McCI.OMkEY, Practical Surveyor, of fers his professional serviro. to the people of Clearfield eounty. Having purchasod the In struments, Drafts, Ac, of the late Thomas Ross, Sr. . ff Uulkley's Patent. .xp.ctcd lumber Dried by Superheated Steam.' bf 7" h re"d ,0 t', ,0 b"si?c", .,n 11 i rrtiim j . .v-., the ahortest notice ; ho can bo consulted at bis i. II. L. rpilK nndoriigned 1 respectfully Informs the peo-1 residence with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur- 1 Jr. f 't c'e"ruoId the adjoining eountiea i wensville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur- . 8 nf7 0f tho above Patent, and ' wensville. , wiu sou individual, County and Township right I ap. 27 '4-ly, Disease, of lb. V.rvn... fi.,, "i " I .... "T "..r "r"u 7 'n.s proeess IS TTOWAHO ASSOCIATION. IL PuiMnarrniA 6.F. MoCLOSKEY. 1 iw nervous, eininai, urinary and .trongor, Dnisho. better, 1 easier on tools, and ttt IWTPn A 1 f of Sexual Systems-new and reliable treatment- tcquires less time In drying than any other pro-1 V A W U A Iarg ,0t ' i Z.Wl ' i a fhr ,.i,ow"rd "ociation, sent by cesi known-and drying 1 Inch lumber perfectly "T FLAXSEED ID exebance for mail in sealed letter envelones. fr nf phonrn. In .IA tinnn. k.M..a. .1 ,'t . Address. Dr. J. SKII.I.EV liniriinTftv iT" Cm ","Z' umu' moala' ?"a" , u"ua " vneP ?L"".L 'T , . " ' ' awp jvvt- s,w wiu ejswm uBinir uie generally, hai t J . 1 T- . ,?AN FAUfcjj. 8TOVPH .... nuuu ur rai, wnicn be will ji... . cheap for cash or produce. tr ! T EVER Fl.Fnit j r.v. n ' r- know,n in .,hU eon"Ity. i mply sofflclent tot W JOHN D Tnnui, I i ,i 7 V. o. . 7 . c convirce tne most skeptical or it practical ntilitv a AWMPSOS:. h-'n",.Dur'er"Id county Pa., will attend person, desirous or Durchaninv ritrhta will,,!-.... ' KimaI i ard As.oe iation, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phil per day that a coommon kiln consumes. The cer adelpnia, Pa. Jv20-'61 ly tiflcate. of a number of resident m.l.ani.. - n JOHN D. THOMPSON. Curwensvllle, Sept. 10, 1SC3. Nov. 4, lS63-tf. ATJ?n ' fm t J, promptly to all business entrusted "umersburg, April 4, ISM. to bis eare. O Jini2-VM ,nlu "Mteh, of eoat. fiyiti a,4 wto, ereralK dnstors, Boya' CIO- ih., . .n n, I .inmine UlCU they feel assured that you can be M0BBLai p..v... ihair Athli.hrafnt la . i. Street, Clearfield. Ta , whro you can burr to the very best advantage. ,j awuin silver, ctci, i - u catlnga will be Uken in 'hn.S flnmlK May 20. 1S63. MKKnKLbWgi!S. -ii i m.r. I f!hnn! superior Ri , Z(),i)Vi) jusl received and Ikr - 3 75 pf hundred. JAyrg Jtt, Pjlprtw Ang. fl, lM.-pd. TlOUSEHOLD nOODS-Tinw.rt.Qw 11 Glassware, Woodcnware, w fJ Cloeka, Nails, fllass. UU( -'"" July 1, 1S3. villaddrall L. CUTTLE, Cloarfield, V COUNTV noNDfl bought and (old troi nsajooabla termr. Applv to ti TY, ttH. WAlfiTIt BARHETT. LAW.Clearfl. d, Pa. Offic. on Market I PPor' " Priw"atp tTKATZER Ci.i ... v thai ((PL.rfUM rmintf - OLlWrvj Vlif UUVI VSMIj V ew vivqimm v ",F I Bank." t"7 , 1 SA4-tr. B Chil OflTS an J f! lines a noninlota assortment O Ladio'. Gentlemen's, Miaies', Boys sndl !MiNin'snMi Phns. and n Iters at ' J. P. KRATZEK'8. f i. . .i . . j .. T.-r I w-v n Mr 1 ctAVB F iuif. LMfM w ! Ann es. unn iwtur., 'from Qjswirtat H Paehsi., TO i th .tore el J. P- S"A