Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 14, 1864, Image 3

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Great Metropolitan Circus.
M. .1. UOBIS'SON, Proprietor.
0i:0. Y. SI EVENS, Treaturer.
AI.KX" ROlilNSON, .Vm.n.vrf.
L. WHETlOSY, kurstrlali iLnayrt.
Prof. E. WA1ILE, ,Wtr r Orchestra.
This Jlaehiflcently Oriraniiod Coneorn nreannln a '
GdliBlilaiJi EiramiS, I General Election Proclamation.
llh all Iho standard Featuren of tho legitimate ' r,1,EIlASi uy asUftho (Jonoral Asscm
rcra blended with nil tho Modern Improve- V 1 1 V "19 Cu,umonwelth of Pccnsplrauiu,
pont nd acrjulsltlons ; furnished by ambition, n,,l.lod "An 8ct t legulute tho Ueneral Election
elofe application, and the practical workings of V'lul" t1",8 Cominonweulth," it is enjoined upon
tboe artists whoso motto la "Exeilnior." , the bhcriffj of the sovernl counties to give
More and better horses, smaller and finer po.
Bie?, ft more carciuiiy arranged programme, a
larger troupe 01 performers, more unexceptiona
ble entertainments, a more complete orchestra, a
perfeot oufit, a more perfectly constructed interi
or, nicro cosny aresees, a greater ar etyofan-
pointBenl., and tho ovincement of a. uore correct
tide end tone of refinement than has hitherto
been tflered to tho people for their patronage
ad support; consisting of at least
Forty Performers,
E'lestrlans, Uymnaetf, Leapers, Ac. Now wag
ons, new carriages, new oouvass, now costumes,
sew harness, new scnta, new appoiHtmonts, tho
viole forming an cstablinhmen! paramount to tho
finest ever loruioa in fcuropo or America.
Three clown at each Performance.
Tlio rrcat Wit nml Modern Gritnaldi.
TliO Qunint, Quizicul Extetnp. Vocalist.
TheRreat Talking und singing Clown.ucknowled- For one person for tho olUco of Auditor of Clenr
gcd us 1I10 most ueicptnblo man ci humor v-lio field county.
sver ushuiucd a motley nttire, will occupy a pro- For 0110 person for the office of Coronor of Clcar
luineut position in the department of Fuu. j field county.
'An tineiuullcd collection of I Tho elector! of (ho county of Cloarfield wiil
Birhly Trainee AioianeUucated Mules
Dancin'r Horses. Picmv Ti ick Ponies.
A grand PHOCESSIUN will cntor town on tho
morning of tho day of exhibition at 10 o'clock, led
bj tbe lJand Chariot, drawn by elegantly mark
ed hortes, containing Waiu.k'h Cohnkt Band.
Tbe following Indies and gentlcuvn couiposo
Ins Jroupeot 1111s iMamiuutu Company :
and her wonderful dancing horses, "Tammany,"
sod "Don Juan," trainod by Levi J. North.
tie youthful Prima Duunaof tho Areua.
Tto Charming Dansouse,
the Pootry of Motion.
in liia act, Pcto Jenkins.
the most accomplished Drumutio fccono P.ider iu
tk renowned Equestrian of During Summersault
on the bare back eteed.
th Cbiinpion 4 'nnd 0 borso rider, iutroduciog
his Cnuianctie steeu.
lUhtro of turning three tummersaults befure
alighting or, the ground, Ac.
The pride of Arabia, the ttiperbly marked and
Thoe World-rennwnvd Perfnnier.
Hill apr car in their unapproachable art! of tho
Urnd Move, or tne trpeze aci: niim
of Mouius and the Merry Men !
Moit Couiplele rjitatlishuicut now
Traveling lu America.
Gen. Torn Thumb or "W. Bayatt.
iTLo Bir.olleet performing man in the world, being
.I jearsold, 41) inches in ueigiu, aou weigu. ui.t
Mvounds. The woudcrrul littlo Icilow eenpsos
Knfaiitiago, tho boueless man, and his boon
sronounccd the fcitli wonder 01 me worm.
Cm-TniiM and Dick Woons.will be iutrodu
fd he tminer. and an opportunity afforded
( any man or boy to gain lume, ana a rewnruui
i0. tv riding the "Ueneral mree limes oruuim
tbe fircle without tailing on.
I4r Don't coiifoeiid tbii establishment with
i .-r . . . , ,, L. i.l !..!..
!"iankoe Robinson ! enow, onus -jiuuiij;ui-
.Iliii ii a genuine Circus.
Philipsburg, Tuesday,.September 20.
r T iTi- 1';. J t n t. Cunt 91
turwensvitie, wcuucsuaji uw1'
luthersburtj. Thursday, Seit br 22.
rt-Admission - - - 2innd 50
toorropen nt 2 and 7 o'clock, p, in.
Ecpt. 11, 1864.
DU KAKI ll.I.n M IIjKhy-encourntre
) Home Industrv. The Un II (tr ui rnml a w i n it ,
blished a Nursery, on the Pike, about half j
t bM.ocn Clarft"eld and CurwenRvilu I
. - ...... . ..... ..".",v''
"lparca vo mrnisn mi ainus oi rruit trees,
tndnrd and Dwarf,) Kvergroens, Shrubbery,
i ineo, UJUBVunncp, wmnii inui-Boerry,
f ''nberrv and Rasnberry vlnei. Also, .Viberi in
. . . ... . . i. . . i ....... l j i ..Li
fb trees, Quinco and early scarlet Rbcubarb,
f- Orders promptly attended to. Aauresi
j J. i. WHIG JIT, Cvrwerm-iUe,
pHE partnership heretofore eilsting hetweon
the undersigned in the Mercantile and Liim
'kushois, at Orabain'ton, Pa,, i! this day dii-
'SQ hT nmliinl pnni.nt
Tke Booki and Account! are in the hundi of
II. Forrev. for scttlemobt. and all person
'tf unictllArl . innnla will tileae Call at OUCS
rUle them up.
i .7 ni.AKK WALTER?.
liQTlimton. Si pU , '84. pd.
N'WICIC The member! composing the
h. n.ifHni.1 Co.
, '""'toral Society are requested to meet at the
f K. J. Wallace, Esq-, in the borough of
i I n f ny, tlie ntn in..aiuirc
. P. m.. fnr It,. . nf t.Wlna Into eon-
k'i'r? the ropricty of holding th. Fourth
mrnt rsnKt Society, and lor tn. iurtnr
'. 7 ,irhn.lnA.. A r..ll .....Jahma la aw.
: gag g $siMfml$
r,nirr1d,0f Dir!ct0" K""" townip.
,rr. . . . .'"""Vi wnn to employ THREE
viuter, to
v.-. OMUB win do Klvt'D.
Mlirn.x ... .
I Ji V 1 u . ,'rl"m' nT l,erobJ wtion.
,V aR"ln,,t LbuVlnK or soiling, or in an, nay
tuedd in w 11 1 h f,.iiA:... ..... . i ..
--- """is luupori., now in tiiu
". . . Peoples, 0f Lawrenco town-
u.,,. vu: una yoke of Oxen, one Cow, and all
, ,,, ,to ,IIIU property be-
, lotiRs to us, and is in his biiml subject to our
I0rtr- A. 4 W. 1 HEAD.
Lawrence jownslitp, Sept. 3, 1S6J.
,r . 01 wen eiecnon, no place, where
iu uc iiviu, ami no onicers to bo elected.
TUEKUIOHK.I. Ki.uAim PKU,. RL..:ir
of Clearfield county, do give Public No.
lice to tho electors of the county of Clearfield that
a goneral election will be hold on the Seond Tuc:
" s""""1 ' "n ffa .
' T'?' (bei,n ,,ho. 11,h. , of
the month. 1 at. Ihn I-
aid county, at which time and place the qualified
Motors will vote
For ono person to represent the counties of Cam -eran,
Clearliold, Elk, Erio, Forest, .Aifiurson,
McKeaa and Warron in tho House of Hepre
scntntivej of the United Stutoa.
For ono person to represent tlio counties of Clear
field, Elk, nnd Forest in the House of llcpro
' sentatives of this Coininonwollh.
For one pcrsou ior the oflice of Sheriff of C'ear
' field county.
For ono person for tho office of Commiiioner of
, Clearfield county.
For cno person for the oflice of District Attorney
of Clearfield county
MKononee mat mo fum gonorui
1,eM a! Allowing j.luce. viz
election will bo
At tho houso of H. M. Smith for Ueccaria twp,
At Hie house of Aseph Ellis for Bell tp.
At tho house of James Bloom, senior, for
Bloom twp
At the houso of Edward Albort for I!ogs tp. -At
thehou.-e of Jacob 1'eiirce fur Dradfurd tp.
At tho hoiifo of H. W. Monro for Jlrady tp.
At the boute of Juhn Young for Durnsi le tp.
At tho shool Louse near riiiuon Ilorabuugh's for
luest twp
At the Court House fur the berough of Clear- '
At the house of J. Mauror for Covington twp.
At the house of Isaac- Bloom, deceased, for
Curwonsvillo birougli.
At Cctitro sehool-bouse for Dveatur twp,
At tlio houso of John (Iregory formerly occu
pied by Thomas Itobison (Uroadwuy) for Fergu
son twp.
Ar the houBe of J. I. Bundy for Fox twp.
At Cungres! IW.l eebool house for Utrard tp.
At 1110 public scliool-liouso lor 'Joelien twp.
At the house of Jacob Hubler for (iraham tn. :
At the beliool houso in Junesvillo furUulich tp. !
At tho home of Jeeso Wilson for Huston ta,
At the school house in Ansouville for Jordan
township. I
At tho hnuso of B. D. Hall A Co., for Karthaus
township. I
At the Turkey 11U1 school house for Knox tp,
Al the Court llouno in the borough ol Clearliold
for Lawrence tp. i
At the public schooMiouso for Lumber City
At the house formorlv occunied bv Thos. Kvlor :
for Morris twn.
At tho publio school houso for the borough of.
New Washington.
At the hotel formerly kept by W. W. Anderson
fur Penn tp.
At the bouse of Isaaa Bloom, deceased, in tho
borough of Curwonsville, lor Piko twp.
At tlio house ot I). I.. Brubaker for Inion tp.
At tho house of Thos. Henderson fur Wood-
ward township.
Wnfina ia fnrOiof liorow iriirnn Ttit
nil persons except Justices of thi Peace, who: shall
government of the United States, or of this State, I
Srofany incorporated district, vhother a commis. I
sioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate oflicer
or, who is or shall be employed under th. !
UUIU n 1 UltlVB l iiiimi4I1(.(11-'1V l 1 U)i Uii'i'.i a.iiv ;
Legislative, Executive or Judicial departments of
lieiiLl deiiartinnnts of
this Statj or of tho United State3, or any city or
incorporated district, and also that overy tnotiibe r
of Congress, or of the Stato Legislature, or of the
common or select council of any city, or com-j
mis.ioner of any ineirporato J district, are by law
inclinable of holding or exorcising, at the same
time, tho office or appointment of Judge, Inspoc
.. a-. "..!. . i
tor or Clerk of any oloctiou of this Common,
Tho Return Judge! of the respective districts
aforesaid are requosted to meet at the Court House,
in tho borough of Clearliold, on the first Friday
next alter the faid second Tuesday of October,
then nnd thero to do thoso things roquircd of
them hv law.
GIVEN unch-r my hand and sen!, at Clearfield, on
this seventh day of Septotnber, in tho year of
our Lord, ono thousand eit'ht hundred aud six-
. .i.ri.' .i . .
r.uv tnu i't.itjva, oiienii.N jj
Shcrifls Sales.
BY' VIRTUE of sundry writs of r ii(fiti'oi nnd Terminer, and Court of General Jail Delivery,
AVjoii'is issuod out of the court of Common at the Court House at Clearfield, in and for the
Pieai of Clearfield county, and to mo directed county of Clearfield, on the
there will be cxpoicd to PUBLIC SALE, at th0:; (f M.mdau (2Gt7. day) of 'Scpicmltr, 1SG4.
Court Home in the borough of Clearfield, on, . , , . , . .
Monday the 2th day of September next, at 1 NOTICE IS, therefore i hereby given, to the
o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Es-, Coroner, Justice! of the Peace, and Constables,
tate to wit in and for said county of Clearfield, to appear in
A certain tract of land situate in Covington their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
township, Clearfield county, Pa ..bounded on the Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Kemcm
norlh by lands of Williams A Humphreys ; on brancei, to do those things which to their ofhees,
the cast by John B. Il.igenoy and L. M. Coudriet; nnd in their behalf, pertain to he done,
on the !outl, by M. llano; and on the west by GIVEN under my hand at Clearfield, this ,1st
Francis Coudriet ; containing mv.hI four acres ; l7 of Au.iil, , he year of our Lord ono
and allowance, and having thereon ejected a log ! thousand cght b. ERKS .rfT
bouse and log ham. Seired, taken in execution, : LDW ARD rL R Kb, jVler.
nnd to bo sold as tho property of John II. Pettit. ! A certain ponco of laud situated in Kart-1
hnui twp., Clearfield county, Pa., containing
about 41 acres, bounded by lands of Patrick Sho
den on the north, on the enst by Thomni Myers,
on the loath by Thomas White and on the west
by lands of Rouch and Eisleman. Siesod, taken
Into execution aud to bo lold a! the property of
John Conowny. 1
Also All that certain tract or iana snuaie in
Burnside township, Clearfield county, bounded
liV Inn da of Win. Hatton. Isaao Lee, Joseph
McMurray'i Estato, Thomas Mehatlcy (now turn-
,i... .n,l fliers, pontninine 275 acres more or.
r'""'.'. . : ... . j-ni h..;. t.i
less, with a two etory frame dwelling nouse, iog
barn, nnd unall tenant house thereon, witn or
chard, and about 75 acrci W cleared land.
Soiiei and to be lold ai the property of Crawford
Oallnhcr. Three certain piece! or tracts of land :
situato in Karthaus township, Clearfield county.
1st. Onejiiece, being part of larger tract sur
veyed u warrant No, 101)3, containing 7 acres,
about 20 acres cleared thcrcoa. 2d. Cine piece, '
reing part of larger tract lurveyed on warrant
No. 1.023, containing 98 acres, with about three
acre! cleared, and house and stable erected thcr.-'
on. Sd. One other tract surveyed on wurrant
No. 3KI3. containing 9;i8 acre! and 147 perches,'
having thereon erected a large two story dwell
in i house, a double ham 44 by 60 feet, store,
house, carpenter- inop 18 by 32 feet, saw-a 111 32
by 52 foot in good running order, and about 80
acres cleared. Soiled uud taken in execution
and to b. lold aa th. property of Edward Mo- ,
"V,Jr' EtWARD PEUKS, Sheriff. I
Sheriff' Oflice, Clearfield, Aug. HI, 1864. J
. . i
" T. . , t i. - it..AJ
CAUTIua. in. puouc are noreuy """"
against buying or in any way meddling with
th. fefiowing personal proper now in posiession
of Jacob Hew, of Clearfield county, Til I On. Bay
Ur. .nd on. dark brown Horc aa the wme
...... j u. ;i iia, aubiect
belong! torn., and ar. h.ld by aaid xl. WDject
m mv rnir. 1
I11IIL' ..... ...
-I'ijia unuersicnoa lias remove,! M. nii, ..i,
'plIK undersiirncd lias remnvoil h!0nii, ......,
nf II, .nH 1.. Il,lll... K...... . .
Of Ul.Olin to I'llllillhhui' hr l. I.
' r"
found with J. I. MorUrf-Rro. . T
..-u 1
, " , b " "
Hats tind Cups, Bonnets. Groceries.
uic, jinware,
Drugs, Paints, Oils, Ac., kc.
Also, a larjjo wtoek of
J' J: 1 'i IK t o,
u 1..,
And is prepared to bur Hoards. ShW A
... , , . '
,o "wiU be glad to see all his old and
j Zv. -"mera- . , ,
v.-" 11 1 i"g unrcmeu accounii witn
i,,''l'T- P'chso cttu ,nj settl. and those laving
iu,, .:. ,,lln,, V .7 .
(JU8t Cla,m' 'mtt m.' '
J Aiifc,S E. WATSON.
""K31 -3u
rhilipsburg, Pa,
inn, I.F.
All nersons are herpliv inniinn.
eu against trusting any persona on our ao
count in any manner whatever, as we will pay
pay no debts of such contract!ti(f.
auSSl-3t. J, f. 4 D, R. REAP.
. -1 . . . .."-
nnilU und trsigncd will expose to public sale j
A. on TllUltSDAY, October 6th, ISG1, at tea '
0 ciock, a. ni., on tlio premties,
Tlic Farm of Abram Itcaina, drc'il,
in Lawrence .township. Clearfield co..
Pa., four miles from Clearfield, on tho road lead -
ing from Clearfield to Kliawsvitle.
.Va id farm contains Hi Arrest and some per
ches, about SEVENTY ACRES of which is
cleared and iu good state of cultivation. On
tho farm is erected a new dwelling house and
out buildings , nnd anew bank bam. There is
good water on the premises, and also a good
bearing orchard
1110 itlinsol aic will be reasonable, and
wiil bo made known on the dav of sale.
NOTICK Notice is hereby
J.V given that the following accounts have been
I examined nnd passed by ino, nnd remain filed of
rcconl in this office for the inspection oi heirs,
legatees, creditors, and all others in any way
; interested, and will lie presented to tlio next
Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, to be held
at the Court limso io the borough of Clearfield,
commencing 00 the 4th Monday of Septomber,
1SGI, for confirmation and allowance.
1. The final aee unt of John S. Bunk, execu
tor of the last will und tcttnincnt of Jacob Bunk,
late of Decatur township, Clearfield county, de-
2. The partial account of Joseph . Breth, ad
1 ministrator of the estitto of Thomas Wood, Into ef
Chest township, Clearfield county, deceased,
j li. The necount of David Oenrliurt, cxecutar of
tho last will and testament of Thomas Colburn,
late of llrnliam township, deceased.
4. Tho ljnal account of llubett LeUey, trustee
of tho ostat of 1'r.mcis Lcizey, lute of Uirurd
i tewnship, Ueeecaed.
5. The final account of John Nelson, adminis
trator ofthe estato of Duvi I Nelson, latoof Uirard
township, Clearfield county, deceased.
6, The final account of M. O. Stirk, adminls-
trator of the estato of Jacob Hensenger, late of
Knox township, Clearfield
count y , deceased,'
7. Tho final account of Dlzuboth Stuinpstoln,
executor nf tho last will and testament of Chris
tian Stumps'.ein, into of Brady township, Cloar
li.dd county, deccuod.
8. The filial account of Mary J. Schoening, ad
minislratrix of Fred. W. Sehooning, late of Jor-
dnn township, Clenrlielil county, aoeoasou
. Iho final account
of Otlicllo tSuirad and
.""""' '. o. in. ot
. . . .
cmiiiiy, ueieau.
Jh(,r,n,"1 ,,coun ,f 2 ,, ,a .
' 1A:,.Ro,,'I b '.'' '''
U,IV'J 1 loo,r- 'ut of 1 ,ko t0Wntl"P. Clearfield
vv.,.j , ... .
1 1. Tho final account of illiam Feath, one of
the executors of the last will and testament of
L'udwig Snyder, late ol Boll township, Clearfield
county, deceased.
12. The final account of William Feath and I
John Yingling, administrator of tho esUto of
1 l; iiiamin Yiiiirlinir, lute of Burnside township
Clearfield county, deceased.
LI. The finul account of Lewis Csrdon. admin.
ietrutor, nnd Cecelia Mullin, administratrix, of i
the estate ot ucurgo Diunin, iaie ot Lawrence
township, Clearfield county, doceascd.
1. 0. DARGER,
atigll 3t Register.
Iirill.ltl-AS, Hon. SAMUEL LINN, Pres.
ident Judge ofthe Court of Common Pleas
' r .1. - . . , r. ft L. 1 ...
licial District, composed of,
and the Hon. JAMES BLOOM nnd ,on. JNO. D
............ . .... p el
TtlO.n 1 "ftU., Associate juuges oi eariioni co
t J eariioni co.;i
directed, for tho I
Pleas, Orphan's,
r... r ii...
buvo issued their precept, to me
holilinir of a Court of Common
Court. Court of Uiiartcr Sessions, Court of Oyer
riMie now sky-light Photograph A AmbrotyFO
CaltnrT tinw bclntr fitted ill) in Shnw'i Row,
by II . BRIDGE, will be openod lor victors aooui
the 1st ot September. Having iuo . .
a number of years of experience in the art, with
an excellent arrangement of light, ho flatten I
himsolf to bo able to supply all in wnnt of Pic- j
tures. A full lupply of gilt, rosewood and other
frames, albums, cases, Ac., in fact everything
connected with the business constantly on band
at moderate prices,
Auz. 24th.'61 tf.
- -
Of Real Estate by order of Court.
r li' E undorsigncd Committee of George J .t
I Kvlor. will eell. by virtue of nn order of
the Court of Common Plcai of Clearfield di.-ulvd by mutual consent on the 1 lib, of
counlv, on ... I July, 1864.
Saturday the ltth day of Septemher, 1H4JI, The Tjookn nre in the handior the junior part
on the premises, a valuablo tract of land, contain- 'ner for collection. Those pMrons knowing them
Inir 1(N Acres, more or less, lituated in Brad- selves indebted to the lit. publisher for cither
f. rd township, on the Snow Shoe and Pnckervillo subscription, advertising, or job work, are re
turni'lke at it! intersection with tho Cros!-Cuf sp jctfully invited to call and settle their accounts
iMke.and being part oi a -
owned by the laid George J. Kylcr.
Thri. t,i .lil Acres Cleared, and the
balance li in first rat. timber, which can be eaaily
KaiiIaHI In iht rivaf.
Te rmi One half th. purchass money to be
paid on th. confirmation of tbe salo, and tbe
balance in one year, with interest, to be secured
by bond and mortgage.
Clearfield, Aug. 22, 1864. Committe.
USICAL GOODS Flutes, Violins, Fife",
ATi Ilarmonicani, rreoepion. .viuue taper, i-
n,M... Hlrii. nf ,h. h... .n--
Harmon leans, Preoeptors, .Muno i'aper, V I-
i n irn i tll?
I Teachers' lixaminntions.
4 I I
MCAKTM fr j,i. -m r...
i i. aminntion at th rlin; i.i .
i Im. am
J Knr Tlr.ulv .nH . V. "A """""r ,".-
Scptuber 5. " "urg, jo.nioy,
lor riTKUSuu ana I'rnn II TiimU. :... T.
tor rerguson and Penn, at Lumber
.1 ... 0 . - i
iv.- ft '.11 "... .
"!"" w.
r'":l.uu"?r' '"'.v. September 7.
, For Jordiin and
September U
"""i i Ansonriite, tnuny
P... i r-nn.. ill ..j ... -
' riK.e,ai lurwensu lo, Sat.
Fo Bo?K JnJ irord, at Williams' Orore,
Graham and Morris, at Kjlcrtown, nWJ,
Septenibor 14.
For Decatur and Woodward, 'at Centre school
uoum, 111 iecatur, Thwiday, September 15.
I FJ.Tr?ria M uien UP., w
For Uirard and Ooshen, at Congress Ifill
1 M . ' "biioo Hill BtUlUI
tor Covington and Karthaus, at Mulsonlurir
Jiirtttuy 20.
, For Haston and Fox, at No. 1 school house in
uuston, r iy
For Clearfield and Lawrenco, at Cloarfield on
Momhvi i'llth.
Nn ririvAtn :u 1.- 1.-11
satisfactory cause be shown, and then applicant!
must present a written reouest. smned 1 1 l 1
..: r-.i . . .u, ..illOM
mciiMjf cause ue snown, and then uimlieant!
present a written reouest. ,icned 1 1 l 1
four members of the Board of Direcu'n of the
uisinct in wuicn tfiey proposo to teach.
toacner can be placed in a school vndor
cumstances, without a valid certificate
Directors should examine carefully befi
tractinir. Arnlicants will be required tn ntt.oiil
at those places nearest the district to which they
aro applying for schools. Tho examinations will
commence at V o clock, a. hi.
U. B.
Co. Supt.
aug. 17, 1S6I. 4t.
CJTHAV IIKII I l.H.-.Camo to the premi-
IT ... if il. l,:i. . ii
tti-iZZu "T'u. 1, . ! ' 'mo l""r'"P-
. h' , LT u". .':,WI"!
legs, the owner is required to como forward
- ... .... w ....uv n....v ml llll, UlU
prove property, io., or it will be disposed of ac
cording to law.
oug31-3t LEWIS I. BLOOM.
is hereby given, That Letters of Adminis
tration on tho estate of Henry F. Sehoeniiig,
'Into of Jordan (p., Clearfield co., Pa., deceased,
j having boon granted to tho undersigned, all per
I sons indebted to said estate are required to nmke
I immediate payment, and thoso havinir claims
( against the . same will present them duly authenti-
caieu tor settlement.
ST'ogSS It Admiuirtratrix.
STHAY IIOIi;.-Came to tho premises 1 f
the sulscriber, in Lawronco townsliiii, about
the Ulh August, 111st., a Dark Bay Horse. Tlic
owner ii required to como f rwari, prove prop
erty, jiay chnrges, Ao otherwi?e ho will bo dis
posed of us the law directs.
aug. 17, 1 SCI. 4t
iKACIir.KS VAN1 r.D The School Di
rect irs of (i irnrd towtisliit) wUh to euinlov
'1I1UKK 'l', f,, ii,a ii'i.i.. i ,1... !
Public Schools. Applicant! aro expected to ho
in ultendance at the examination by the County
Superintendent at Congress Hill School House
in September next. Tho wages will be from f 25
to t'ii dollars per month, occording to grade.
By order of the Board,
August 10, 1864. pd.
1 A DIES' DresD Goods Now Styles Alpacas,
J Plaids, Mozambique, Broche-Mohair, Valen
cia, Silks, Wool Delaines, French Merinos, Uiiig
bauis, Lawns, just opening at
Sl Mi-t'l.OSKUY, Practical Surveyor, of
a fcrs his professional ssrvicos to the people
of Clearfield comity. Having purchased tlie ln
stiuments, Drafts, Jo., of the late Thomas Boss,
dee'd, he will be ready to attend to business on
the shortest notice ; bo can bo consulted ut his
residence with Robert Ross, ono mile from Cur
wensville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur
wensville. S. F. McCLOSKKY.
np. 27 '64-1y.
1861 m.
rillIS great line traverses the Northern and
A Northwestern counties of Pennsylvania to
tho city of Erie, on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by tbe Vnmyraiim Iinil-
road dimpling, nnd under their tiupices is be-
fog rapidly openod throughout its entire leneth.
It is now in use for Pnssongor and Freight bu.
sincss trom llarrisburg to St. JUnv I (Uilfork,
211 miles) on the Eastern Division, und from
Sheffield to Erie, (78 miles) cb tho Western j
J'imr nf Punrnarr Tmint ut Emnnrutm.
Express Train leave! eas'wnrd 3 50 P. M.
Acc'm'n Train nrrives westward 1 SO P.M.
P... , 1. .. .,...,. 1 . . 1.
niuiumiiKiinii i i nit mil ways
on these trains between Philndclnbia nml T lr
Haven, and between Haiti moro and Lock Haven, f
Elegant Sleeping Cars accompany the Express
Train both ways between Williiimsport nnd Datti-
mn illiamsport and l'hiladolphia.
h ii infiirmn mn nstnn t m r Pagganon ln
And for Freight business of tlio Company'!
. , . , .
0n,,t'-, , KoKton, jr.,
etR:' 1.l,j;delI,h1,f ! r
J- w- Boyiiolds' Erie;
, Cor. l.ttb and Market
J. M, Drill, Agent N. C. R. It. Baliimore ;
11. II. Hot ST", (len'I Freight Ag't, Phil.v;
Lewis L. Hovpt, (len'I Tickot Ag't, l'liila. ;
Jos. D, Potts, Gen'l Manager, Williamsjiort.
may 25, 1861.
Susquehanna House,
(.Unwr.XSYlLLE, Pa.
y. . VXHtH AI.I., Proprietor.
niHIS large and commodious HOTEL is de
X Hi
ightfuily located on tho bank of theSus
qut'liiinna, in the borough of I urwensville.
.ino prcseui .rii.ricii)r iu sparo .o cuon 10 .,,, line WCfk from thl ,iui0 w0 uniaded the en
render his customers comfortable, nnd hopes to jn0( in ,awt,l wjth r.,ur ban Is, about f.MOO feet
merit a liberal sbure of public patronage. llf inm, jn about eight hours, a portion of tho
HIS HAR AND 'J'AHLE logs were oak nnd ash. H- far ns wo nro able to
Will bo well supplied with every tiling tho mar- judge, wo thiuk we will bo uMn to send you a
kot affords. Ruftmcn will nlivnvs find his "latch better ronort after awhile. We aro satisfied
(trjng" out
Mar. ii, '61. tf.
Clearfield Academy.
D. W. McCURDY, A- B Principal.
rpHE next Quarter will open on Mondny tho'
6th of September, 1S6 1. Term! of tuition as
t .1 i
Common English, comprising those branch
csnot higher than Reading, Writir.g,Arith
motic, Goography, English Grammcr and
History, per quarter, - ti 00
Hieher English, per quarter, 7 60
j Languages, per quarter, . 10 00
I August 10, 1861.
j -pvIssSOLUTIOX. The partnership ihcreto.
I J fre existing between tho undorsigncd, in
rii,ii,.,,iion of tho flrnrihld H, nul'lient, was
n w
. .. '.
1 Clearfield, July 27, 186 1,
-" M. McKlERNAN, Dentist, respectfully in
I' forms the oitiieni of Glen Hope, Janesville
.ml vicinitv. that he hai located in Janesville,
I where he is prepared to wait upon all who may1
desir. hii profeisicnal icrvicei. rJTCalli to
1 other part! ofthe county will be promptly attend
ed ,.' F. M. McKlERNAN.
may ll,'4-3m-pd.
"I MSI! Maokerol, Cod-fiih, herring, Ralrocn,
I V is aUritlpecAagci at J. r. UULIEHK'1.
w . . .
J-V fr the county of Clearfield, wilt m.w.. si'
Commissioners' office, on WMr,...!,.,, ... i Tt,
unv. tLe o,.h . .,,-.. -"7-"'T'
ft, BoarJ J J that all new I, H.
canU must appear befnro tli Hni.r.1
their sworn statement detailing name of 'soldier,
regiment and ecmnanr: wh
number of children, with age and sex of oah :
she is without the mean, of IT. ?1. ?r
and ehil.lrPn. wVn .r.,ln..l...' " V.. "
. ' ' r" nur'
in which she resiJea, mut alo be produced 1
whose certificate, sworn to before the board, must
svt forth that tho applicant is tho person sho ep-r
resents horsolf to be; that the stntoiEiuont ofthe.
number and ngc of her family is true ; that sbe
is in destitute circumstances and Iter family in
actual want ; and that all tho facts sot forth in her
application aro just and true
iorm" containing those roqniltion caa be ob-
oiti.1 o. ,.f It I .lli.n.f i
.l,l"Icnl,"n lc "d n the witnesses appear.
eit., 7, 1864.
W. g. UHADLLV, tVi.
TL'S'II.M TIB, having applied for License
as an Auctioneer, under the U. S. Revenue
. ' r'P"1J nr.rmi his fn.
1l'u.,,l,. Kenerally, that he is ahvny
r.,nprir..ll infi...n. hi. C.:...,.l. .1.-
t 1 1 .j .... ,...-uu. uuu mo
1l'u.,,l,. Kenerally, that he is ahvny, prepared to
f h 8 V f county, at
the shortest uotico, and on tho most reasonable 1
: I NIJI'ILK. Tha Rncnl r Ttli.f!
, wnicntnoi jyi.u JUSTIN PIE, 1)V virtue of an order issued out oftUOr
,?n"i - - - rlian'i Court of Clearfield county, Jui,o
1) OTJERT J. WALLACE, A7roRBr at Law
' AV Cloarfield, Pi., Cffifo in ttaw's Kow, op
i posue mo Journal otaco,
dec. 1. 1853. tf
rpiIF. undersigned respectfully
I informs hi customers and tho
public generally, thatho has just
received from the East, and 01 en.
ed at his establishment in U It A II Ail' S HO IV
Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of Ci.ockb,
Watcuks, nnd of dill'crcnt qualities,
from a single piece to a full sett, which ho will
sell at the most reaonnblo prices for cash, or in
exchango for old gold and silver,
CLOCKS of overy variety on hand, atthe mist
reasonable prices. (
ALL kinds of Clocks, WateV.e! and Jewelry'
earefully repaired and ll'arrnntcrf. j
A continuance of patronage is solicited,
Sept. 19, 1860. II. F. N AUG LB.
C'ortirr or Market and Third Streets,
Having ndded preotly to our former extensive
facilities, we are now turning out a largo number ;
of our improved Portable Stouin Engines and
j oriaoie iircuiaroaw Aims, many or which are
finding Iheir way Into Penns.vlvanie, Ohio, Indi -
ana, nnd Illinois. Those already recoived and
in operation are civinir tlio most cntlra sntisfun.
Con. Thero is now hardly a Stato or Territory
in Iho Union but that our Improved Porlablo
Engines nnd Saw Mills nro in use. Ali our
Engines -hove spark arrester stacks on them,
which confine tho flying sparks.
Wo would respectfully refer you to tho fallow
ing gentlemen und certificate! for the portability,
utility, and practical iipcrntions of our Portable
Steam Engines and Saw Mills :
Avomiialk, OhofterCo., Pa., Aprils, 'CI.
Mmsns. J. J. II. Di VAi.i. Gentlemen Tho
Portnbto Engine nnd Saw Mill got of you gives
entire satisfaction. I cheerfully recommend
those in want of Saw Mills to give vou a call.
Respectfully, 1). F. WICKERSH AM,
Minkral Poimt, Cambria Co., Pa.,
May 21. 1Sr,
J. A J. H. DrVAM Oentlcmon : With Mr.
K. HnrdeKtv ns jinwvnr. wa hnvn ifiirnil uiil, t!.
I Portable Sinam Mill ten! to rumbrin Ir.,n r i
I pnnv, in nine hours, eight thousand feet of him- 1
l,cr,"(two thirds of It being rnk,) nnd would
. I . , . . . . . .1
cneeriuiiy recoinmonu your .mils to tuose in I
want oi such. cry rcfpectlully, j
For Cambria Iron Company. J
Mntimstut.K, June 2, 1 HO. I
Mkssiis. J. A J. II. Dt'VAl.i, Wiih the assist-1
sot up your Engine and Saw Mill, seven thousand
i two hundred and fifty six fiet of ono Inch pino
j boards, when everything was new und hud be
come very rusty by three weeks exposure in an
i open car. We nre well satisfied that tho mill will
cut fully ono thousand feetof inch lumber per
hour, with suitable help. cheerfully recom
mend your mills nnd engine! to any in wnnt, as
I we are fully satisfied they nre the best mill and
engine nnd mill ofthe kind we have ever Been.
Yours truly, Jos. BREWER ,
For Brenner, Truoki A Co.
E,M,fM. pa. Feb. 26,1, i-
Messrs J. A J. II Dt vali,. lh-ir , Sirs Our
portnblo law Mill Olid engine arrived last week I
ull sale and right, wo believe and wo can say;
itliout meaiiino' any flalUry in ludialf of Mr.
Hnrdom' that he did himself credit in pulling
I Ihn mill 11.1 nml fitiirtimr ihn Sump. Yesterdnv.
with tho Mill nnd Engine, nnd can recommend
them to any person who may desire a porlablo
mill nnd engine.
Yours, wishing you all success,
For further references wo will give the names
Janice tvans, iM.vnsourg. i a. .Messrs.
IiailiiUV v u. , ufliiuuc, in. .iiL-.rin, . .,i.-i
HupIav. Tvrnna ! Ailnnis. Pnlnn k. Co.. Cro.son
is. Millikcn, Hollidnysbiirg ; Hileman A Hosser, ,
i Altoona ; Messrs. Reed A Bro., Tyrono ; W. Dil- j
worth, jr., Pittsburg; S. Rhynos, Lake City;!
Follett A Co., West Gncnville : R. J. Nicholson, 1
Bruokvillo ; J. McOoncgnl, Hemlock ; Cambria
j Iron Works, Johnstown ; Brenner, Truck! A Co.,
I Morris dale ; Michael Johnston, Anestown ; Mc-
Cormick it- Long, Pittsburg ; vt . 6. isloyii, l-.Dens-burg;
S. Silkknitler, Huntingdon ; S. Wilson,
Slrnllonville ; Dull A Tcrrj, Terrytown ; C. Rey- ,
nobis A E. Andress, Hortstown, Crawford county ;
' L T. Dill tf- ihomas JHcAulcy, Altoona ; A. It. I
Holliilay, Hollidaysburg ; M. M, Adams, Cres
son ; W. R. Zciglor and Joseph S. Rood, Hun
tingdon; all of whom havo purchased Portable
Steam Engines and Portablo Circular Saw Mills
of us.
I We fully warrant our engines and saw mills, to
i be made of first elasi material ; workmanship
the sarai; with Brass Ball Valves in pnmri
i checki, and to saw from 6,000 to 10,000 foot of
I lumber per day (say ten hours.)
t-Ordori solicited. Descnptivo ciruu...
lent to all correspondents
Corner Market and Third Streets, just oppoMt.
C. O. It. It. Depot, Zanesville, Ohio.
aug. 17. ly.
GROCERIES A fall itock or choice Grocer
In at a nsal advance oa rity prices at
J. P. KKATX :!.
I 1 wV
f 1 "1 i ar" B
ri v n. i. e.i- vuui. ouio oi
, ' "liUdlJ l,OJ I i 1.
II 7J? f " or(J" Orphan,' Court
" 01 .VI0H
of ClonrGeld eounty, at Jnne term, 1 SBJ,
T'" b nJ , '? l'1!LIr? SAL1' al
exposed to l'l'l'LIC SALE, at the
Frillnj", tllO 1 Oth dtU' of Sont'r HOXt,
iV""? th!! ?" toTn,hlP of o"11"'
, "uu luuulJr VI 't-aruoia, 10 WKt
Seventy-Five Acres,
more or less, of Unimproved Lmd, late the os
tate of George Goa, deceased, situate about one
mile south-east of the Blue Rail Ilotol. This
land is well timbered with WHITE and YELLOW
pin. It is very convenient to good saw-mill! j
nnd Is only about four miles from the Tyrono &
Clearfield-R. R., where lumber oomir.aiidf tho
highest prices, und ii therefore a desirable prop
erty. I TERMS. One half cash at sain, and tho re
1 niainder in one rear thereafter, with interest, to
I be secured by bond and niortguge on the premises,
) Mr-Sulo to commence at '2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, when due attendance will be given by
, (Executors of (Icorgo doss, deceased.)
I August 2Jth, IStU-tda.
Orphan's Court Sale of
term, lnfil, thero will bo exposod to PUBLIC
SALL, on the promises, in Morris twp., oo
Saturday, the 17th September next.
at 2 o'clock, p. 111., tho following valuablo REAL
ESTATE, to wit:
Ninety Acres of Land,
lnte Iho cstnto of David I'legal, deceased. About
S IXTY" ncrcs of this land is cleared, with House
nnd Barn thereon orectod, and a good Orchard ;
the balance is heavily timbered with Ihe best of
Will Til I'lMl, and is within half a mile uf a
tcnm Saw Mill. Tho wholo being a valuablo
nml desirable proporly.
TERMS: One-half tho purchase money in
hand nt tho confirmation of the salo ; the residua
in one year thereafter, with interest, to bo se
curnd by bond and mortgago on the promises.
-ft-Snlo to commeuoe at 2 o'clock, p. tn., of
said dav, when duo nttendanco will bo given by
i August II th, ISCI tds. Guardian,
f , 1 .
Orphan's Court Sale of
) ph
virtuo of an order issued out of the Or
phan's Court of Cloarfield county, nt Juno
term, ISM. there will bo exposed to PUBLIO
SALE, in Luthersburg, on
TliurHility, tlio 15th September next,
nt 2 o'clock, p. m , tho following valuablo REAL
ESTATE, silutto iu Brady twp., Clearfield co.,
Fifty -Three Acres of Land,
and allowance, bounded ns follows : Beginning
nt a post, thenco north 73 degrees oast 6ii perches
to a post on lino of D. Ditnlap, deceased, thonee
north hr stiid land UI7 perchos to a post, theuce
by land of E. Long 6IJ to a post on line of A.
Brooks, thenco south on said Brooks' land 146
perches to place of beginning. The land is im
proved, with a small home nnd log stable thereon
erected, late the ostute of Thomas Btglo, dee'd.
TERMS : One-half the purchase money in
hand at tho confirmation of the sale; the residue
In ono year thereafter, with interest, to bo secur
ed by bond and mortgage on tho premises.
W-Sulo to commiiieneo at 2 o'clock, p. Ul., of
said day, v. hen duo attendance will be given by
August 21th, 186i-tdj. (Juardiau, Ao.
i n , , . ,
1 Orphan S Court Sal6 Of
I V lU A IIjP. liP.AIi I51A1L.
' 1 J virtuo of an order of tho Orphan 'a Court of
Clearfield oounlv the undersigned will ox-
poso to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House ia
the borough of Clenrlielil, on
Morilay, tlio LMJth September next,
(being the Monday of the Court.) All that certain
picco of land situate in Piko twp., Clearfield co.,
I Two Hundred Acres,
being the west end of a larger tract of land ho -longing
to Anthony Kratior, latoof Tike tp de
ceased. The said 200 ncrcs adjoin lands ofWi
I demiro on the west, and other remaining lands of
1 the said Anthony Kratzor, on tho east, and boing
heavily timbered with white pine timber.
1 1 .KM : One halt tn continuation ot fate ,
aud the residue in ono year with intorfst.
aug., 2lth,'CMJs.
l'lfty Arrta l:i Karthaus Township,
Y virtue of an order of tho Orphnn'i Court
of Clearfield county, tho following Ron! Es
tate will be sold on tho premise! on FRIDAY',
the 23d of SEPTEMBER, 1864, at 2 o'clock p.m.,
viz: A certain tract of land iitunte in Karthaus
township, bounded by hinds of I. C. M'Closkoy,
I). Moore, ct al, containing FIFTY ACRES,
about twenty acres of which is cleared and undor
cultivation ; tho residue is farming lnnd of good
quality Into the estate of John HarUog, dee'd.
Term tine halt tlie purctiaso money at con.
-, h"nT -i-;0;
au :4.4t Ajm f John Jlortzog, dee'd.
f. ,.f n ., .1 ,A .Lnno thnr.iit 1,1 nn.
Auditor's Notice.
rpho undersigned nutlitor, appointed by tha
X Orphan's Court of Clearfield county, to dis
tribute the monies in tho hands ot Win, L. Shnw,
administrator of the estato of John
rciisod, hereby gives notice thnt ho will attend to
the duties of his appointment, at his oilioe in
Clearfield on Monday, September luth, I sol.
nt ten o'clock a. m., when nnd wl.ero nil person!
interested may attond. K. J. WALLACE,
Aug, 24,'04-:iU Auditor
GKO. V. 11KKI) & CO.
Also, Jobbcn in
Cloths, (,'nssi meres anil Sattinets,
No. I'iA Market k(icc(,
North lido between Fourth and Fifih,
9-Call nnd !eo our extensivo ''"c"; (
nug, . i
For Sale A Eruit Farm.
mllE subscriber offers for saloon reaMBnbl.-
terms his FARM situated in Lnwren.-e town
ship, about midway between Clearfield a-.d Cur
wensvillo. It contain! about 85 acres, wi:lt about
65 acre! thereof cleared, with a Fram Honss
and Frnme Burn. There aro upwards of 4'tO
grafted Apple trcci in good condition lome 20
Peor trees, with a quantity of Cherry, treti,
Grapevines, and other small fruit tkerecn th.
whole being well located. The title ti indUput- .
abls. For termi apply to the eulscribir at
Clearfield. (JEORGB TUCW. .
August 10. 184. tf.
Chop! Chop! Chop!
Q(-f(( Buibeli luperior HYE-CII0P
U,UUU just recoived and for it4 at
3 "3 per hundred.
rirlHj wj, A,"g S, lli.
- --"lurpfc A lull uvuusuvi -
tJt JPl f th Commltte..
V) fi uw,y .....
aT K , 11, javamvf. J