Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 14, 1864, Image 2

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t 3
A Slight Difference.
II' 1 I ...... (V n Ttvtirtf
ItUC CLlfartUlO AXtpUOUCan. TUaJaeMl0rgMOtUitced-iY0ltA In spcnkingof tho character of tho men
..-- over,wo columns of iu la-t issue tJ tbe now entering the military service as sub-
M?-r Chicaco Convention, f nd iu mcmberi, 't. our nelfi ,uo' 8ay8
Qen. M'Clellan's Letter of Acceptance-
Tbo friend who bands us tbe following
MARiunn-omh. i.t iJtiT5
Uurcblleld, Mr. John C. ih'JJ k?
township, to M,, o. WA
Oranoe, N. J. September 8lb 1804. letter assures u that the author, previous ' 0n ,h, 8th in.t bv i V" f KN
knowldaid the receipt of your letter in- dent perverted the war from its lecili-1 Feriruson townahl... M U, d.
.... 1 . I .1 1- .1 r..!. n ftfinU nnminutlnn I V til. llfl m ...nmA (Atlinl nf fin llltlAH n. .
. , ,. , ... i .i : ... J liey nro tvuin iiy i u very uuuo iuiunf v - j muv .w.j..v. - -
' ' " " B r .mow nf lho Ld mmnnweiili h"
clloi I to bl.ow mat wmu was cone i ui- 0n gftmo LJnc1
citL'o was wroni!. I he urtiole arc full ol ... . x. ,
r w . ( I PI 1 r Ml 1 1 1 'K. Rr. U I Stra l t . I ..i , i t r in,-. I AT A ll 1J I . In 1 nmn nan., 1 '
...1 f.!iliftn,U and ' wirnr iwn r. ug. icm. - - -'- 1 . AUBim 25lk. ,
r.,11,,.., . i l, : ,.J.1,rif fnr mn In linv to VOU JU,,r A 0r tnn.f wa Linff to lionr J)i.ACHAIll,KcJ 2 vsar. 7 ..V." ""!.
iiulers. both n to individiiuls und tneaa- ' ... ,., ,. '.i ... .i.;, . inul inn rnmo Irk 111ft Ufl- frrtllt trnii I lift ,.o.. in Kl.n vn.i n fi 0n 1,19 41,1 inatunt, AtiKi.i.. Hit
i ii'ii trarA in ti iika Hi i ia ii mnrtHii iiiii 111111 liiib iiuiu iiiutiuu v . w - j u ( my . . . . ii. . . . i it nn -m
plainly icdicalinu their author to of MM of U nm 80ght. linei. Wo are quietly reiiing in fro.,t of, "Ti .r. TlloMU ,','h tX'
i ...-.i.m t . . . . r - . - i ..... l.-kh ia irnAw ini nnon i nil in- I'uinrLimrit iai lutin iiab hacii nnrtn ain ra , J iiii . uavi n . "
lo liio r.ovonoui sipjitii-eyou iuum"" u,e aPM)eraiion ol some ol tne euon i mu un7 i" '"V "-b v . , ,,,, 01 " d. A. CaUlw.n ' '
the Jacobin w-ia or thin place, ho?e foul which we witncn 0:1 tho part of towns, ination was maio tne rccoru ui ...y j.uu- U1e mowing up 01 ;ne nuei ion. j no nun uyscntory, AU1ust jo, isc-l.c
, . .. . uaTi ,
ocrntic National Convention, recently A- undo, was "ono of your itifi'est kind of Dini-I Frochviileu
In'g'iemblod at Chicago, ns thoir candidate at l;0publicans." He belongs to tho upper; onttry, Jtary, wi!0 of' i t i?ail"f
the next electiou for l'nfidcnt of tho Cud or this county. J 1 yea 1 1 munthi and ir dayi JW,'Wi-
' aS i United States. Vamv of 105th P. V., Aug. 0, 1901. ln Union lownilrp, AuBUt 25tk f j
r ------- ... j ' 1 ' ' , 1, . . ;. sintM .... tn want tho lie life was kept in view. negroes buvo been tried, and foi
WEDNESDAY ohm N(i:::S kite miu'U 14. tog and pen aro never ,o mud, at me county, " Je cfff if it ' Tho ell'oct of long and varied service in ing when it came to the .crutch.
I .1 .... .1 .un in Urttll.VlV 4lli;ill I II 11 IT UUILIUHU Hill
u whnn trrini' to Itrinir others ilown to .
ic were pofsiuie. our
oujii nKust Z8th, AiiAxn. i.:'l
or rt.NSsVi.VAMA.
next army mould be Iho army during war and peace has been to experiment cost many lives of our iTJiAu,k. 'U''S
cc,n,u of Migrant ships. Mrengthen and .nuke idelible in my mmd brave white olticrrs and nien. it to bo n J M utSt Xl
ot any other lofuae we and heart the love nn.l reverence for the hoped something will bo learned, at least lo,tl:
1'nion. Constitution, laws and Hag of our by the papers that putf so much of the
rou vice pitcsirrxT,
or oiiio.
FOR eoMillESS",
bis own ciimiual level whoso tuograpuy Cl,tp0sed of the swecj
did hot apiuuir in cur paper about one ye ir of m-yo slaves, aiul ot any
. i i i
ngo; but Lwli Hin couMOOipreiiaraiion, miU,,.uP. country impressed upon mo iu early superior valor of tbo black soldier over
nnd many appear at an early day. , I this tho ' bono and sinew of tbe Com- J (he Some mny lhink u vory
As a review f what wus done at Chita- wealth" our neighbor relors to! iu1 ''ies0 e0linr have thus f ir guided the , pleasing to tho white soldiers to hear tho (
n-i . i .. .....i..i. .,o,..l .n ir. In t. .r lil'ii nn.l iviiihL coiltiuuo to ixm'iiipi uriikfiil nliovn themselves: but ll
so, lio niukes no pretensions, muumy na-.timum u j "-i i e i.- , -- - m- i
viable purpose of all this motley collect-.! Americans on guard." Dut tho r,wfY0l M" J of more Umn one govern-IJrViie aiia editors who jiublUU "uek Iml
UIJ VI "van, joiwiMiw" hmi v c nifln I OVOr I HQ I vU W U Jli fiit-o UCIUi.lU B'UHl IJC1II IUC ,uiou , . A
.. i , ii'lM I. . aaii M ., : IIva Vnrl Ii - . . . i . .:..!.. . ! . i .i .. l i. I '1M. D0UI 4U
I li a ian,liM itt AMOP it II ALU 1 1 . A !H nTAVPIiL 1 llfl H in il'll U t Y It tUUUlt III m a1 II,. u mfnfllKHI ri)lH T ILII I CIO rttllt;, 111 Pill H'lieil LI1UV 1 I'Utl HUL'Il I II 111 114. ll'Y 4.1.1
him from fully comprehending the migh- fl ' .moment which not busy llii fc ,ho r aluI ll0 happiness of tbo pco-had bolter keep ull such slull out of the by Hlhl d. Ki om 0,1!
i , 1 t e. bonds in order to buy up lor service in jhandsof soldiers, and send their papers t term and partwiilara iifply to thi b
Farm for Sale.
'l'lioso who rpun mliscrilicr ofler for mil. .
. X lorms, IO -rcs.ri.i,d,nio,...kk
hear the soldiers curso " frara iorp, cir(u e
Vl ivhiiipiu eon...
acres doared, with lu'ldia.? ,,H
on, being Hie samo premi..C,,"
IplUbed at Chicago- For tho last three fuuiul in the W'csUri world roKtma xeuce- avowetj object for which the war was are perhaps more numerous. They must
The preservation of our Union wa tho j t0 those woolly Leads nl home, where they at CltarfioM, I'a,
commenced. It should havo been con- think the nrmy made up of such material ; Sept. 14, 186
Dn. T.
',iF CIiEAltl'IEI.l) CCl XXV.
but in that they are much mistaken. Tbo
soldiers hero ara for Beltling this war in
such a way that tho integrity of I bo whole
Union will be preserved, and do not be-J
licve that to do so it is necessary to fight!
1 1 r. , r.. it... ...... 1
anu quarrel lor yeuia iu uuuiu lur iiiu i-
JACOB A. l-'AUST, of (Jurwcnsvillo.
CONRAD RAKER, of Knox twp.
M. -McCULLOUGlI, ofCloartioid
1 J 1 1 . , it : 1 1.. ,1 rTi.i.nnA Tin 1 , . i t i. i l.:rt on.l in mwnr.l-
,Tbo voice of freemen 5ia not been heara. were w ctTiamijr w iuu uiuvirm-u. uuciea ior innt uiycuui.;,...., . -
A viie military despotic awed the people our neighbor is ungenerous, aa , well .. yX
into silence. At Chicago the reproEenta- J fale. He not only chums that tUl8Km
' live of .1 constituency numbering over.- enlistments how making-including these j C0D juctej U,e work of reconcilin-
!.,,i ;.,..,, tl,M.n,t voles met. dclibera- "liberated slaves" and -foreign mcrcena-1 i;..r woui.i i)(.ve bePD easy, nnd wo might
!... i. xr- i ...: rio"iim "the bono nr.d sinew" of the ' have reuned the benifits of our many vic-,pOS0 of abolishing slavery. Iu fact, wo
i , , .......! i.i .!.., m.nv rAS, H.v lories on land and Eea. . never can hnve a L nion at heart without
usurpers everywuere, were mere luuiiiu, ... v . orioinallv fornd by the .laverv. It is an institution the Southern
exercise of s fpirit ot conciliation una com
i.rnmiso. lo restore ami ti eserve n,
. . 4 - j - ...
.. .. .. ..... .r, .. . .... . . .i; ... i ... ..c.l ...iii'n i ! i n r v rnil ll r
Auinnnstration wouu "ot iw'.u us iievoi.l- pumeniary to ttio mujcr, nui anyuungeice cbiiio pnn wun. j . ......
v I !.. .1 I. ..I.. aF I .n rmnlilA
,. would U BEs..rRU lk all the to tho u-hitc man. It is high rraf0 to the ; - - T" ,0, .
U J I C fcOHlMl'"!"1'" 1
tho spirit ofliberty still lived, and tin t a diJUr from those, u-ho have hcretotorc gone to
'lepetition" of certain acts of the preiout! tbo war." This is certainly highly com
"i the connirofi0Mtf
imittitmk-s ofmea. t
cither produWl B.
1'rinliicod b '
- t'evblcd, vitintwi,
" ""TO, tjBfc
1 1 ... . 11. I I
means and power under their control." Tliesoj foieigo mercenary, who, for the sake of a , :uiegrity is, and must continue to
are among tho tilings tuat mr. Lincoln lew iiunurea uonars pain to mm uy some iie indeFpetiMblo conunion in any seiue-
i was told bv this Convention. Our neiuh- cowardly Abolitionist who affects to be- ment
L. C. EVANS, of 1'iko township. bor my 8Ucca in bidiug them Ms j lieve
j readers ; but be cannot conceal them from enter
FOR ConoxoR, j Jlr. Lincoln and tho leaders of his party, .dirty insult to tho war-worn veterans, 0f fctat0smansbip practiced by civilized vote,
of the election in old Pennsylvania. now --v- -;r&5 Li t i ,i,
that thinitsare ucwg flono accorUingto. ,,,.,. tiu'ut,,,!,,,,, ,
s.i nnn it is clear, or even pro- Um Tl. fVnsiituiii.n Khulu not be ," i i ' . .r8
i....r,....:.,l .1:. . .'
v. . j . . . . i-w i. ... . ' . . . ... ........ . - . , ,j ......... .. tii.l..lill,ll Ui.2 L
the war to be ri"bt. is willing to bable. that our present are overlooked, and should not be Ranged j tlis.,rd.-re.l ditiun from U11w
. , . . f. . ready for peace, upon the basis ol the Cn-1 ouy by tho vote of the people; U?iu j fjod, impure air, filth nml liltliy yJ
tbe ranks; tut it is a moan ami ion we ,uouij exhaust all the resources . shou!j ,i,0 law provido for tho soldier's tin' ih pn-iMiHr vices, and. '
: ii iA iI.a m. n n. am., i-ni.,!..., . . . it.. ... it... .;..:i:.n.l 1 .. .i..! .. ...... ..i ...... .- ....
that thev miv exercise their
'.IENRY W. PARKE, of Clotirfield. ,V;il they heed the admonition T If they those noble men-eucb as the Pennsylva-' nations, and taught by the tradiiion of:ow.n judgnient and will, a good account
Qen. McClellan'i Acceptance.
The letter of den. McCi.ei.lax, aeccpt
i g the nomination of tbe Chicago Con-
do, all will be woll. If they do not, let
them pay the forfeit.
fluff rni..l.l..-iff lnlra nvi.p lliA lirnnno.i.
ings iu vain lor tue "plan oy wincu "peac?
mention, will be founu in another column. .jg l0 be restored, and the robols brought
ll is a fronk and manly avowal of senti- bHck to their allegiance," nnd exclaims,
nent-just such as a true soldier and j..xu system or policy is proposed or rec
( .-xtriotio statesman should make when 'ommendod." He must be blind indeed
ddrcasiug bis fellow countrymen. That j The plan by which tbe Union can be res
it is not entirely balisfactory to ultra tored is written ia loiters of living light
t nce men, we are free to admit. Kut in 'in every sentence uttored by that Con
o contest where the gulf is so .v'.de as that j vention. Elect McCIellan and-rondlcton,
t tlween the position of Gen. MiCLEi.LA.v!,,iaee the Government in tbo hands of a
nnd the mooetrous doctrines of Mr. Lur j Conslitutioiml parly, nnd tbo work is
itM rikI his party, the advocates of peace jone. C'an our neighbor undcrstnud this ?
i).,..Lrir.J il,A B.rvir.e lo the American people, consistent with tho'wjn bo given for Little Mac 1 am well
lilt. llWVt x - - . ... " ..III. . . ... I A ... . . . . . (. . 1
. . lU1t j honor aim intercsi oi me cuuuiiy, m - salintieu that notning uui a cuange oi au-
reserve.not to destroy, tbe Union anicure suoi, neace, rc-estnblibh tho Union. Ioini((tralion wiH fave (ho Union nnd
innd guarantee for the uture the cMistitu-,j)relorvo t,0 jobtitutions of our country,
tional l ights of every Slate. The Union is i kDOw a great change has taken place in
'the one condition of peace we ask uo-.ibo Army. The election is anxiously
! looked to in hopes of a change of Admin
tho Constitution.
Shame on such cold ingratitude.
"Cas'tco Lincoln." This is tbe em
phatic declaration of about ono out of ov
ery four Republicans Is this strange?
Tho people are tired of war. lbey aro
But whether b6 cau or not, we are quite
sure the people who all want peace do,
and they will cast their votes accordingly,
Ii Re-Union Possible!
We believe it is. Place tbe Democratic
tarty in power. heu this is done, lm
cannot hesitnte what to do. The Chicago
platform is all right. If Gen. McCi.ellax
ii elected, as a Democrat, as a man of
honor, be will be bound to adhere lo the
policy therein forshadowed. As one of
he most sincere advocates of pence, as
..a ivLa I .1 : . 1 1 1, . i . ,i: I
vmw -"v, vuiicveu r nan u auuiun. : ' , .!.
as one who lti nat re-union is possi- s "i'
(,ro even now if war was abandoned aud'iFederal Rnd Confec'erate authorities or
in Us stead wwe measures of nncnf,il ufficient duration to enablo the people
character adopted, we caonot hesitate forof "U lho States to send delogntes fo a
Let mo add what I doubt not was, al- i.tiation. If the Boldiers cet a vote, that
though, unexpressed tbe sentiment of the change is certain. Tho withholding of
the convention, as it is of tbo people they : iie soldieri' pay so long, when their wives
ronrpfent. that when nny or.n Slato is'ftn,i children are iu tho utmost need, is
for pence; Tor settlement ; for a restored i willing to return to tne l nion, u snouiu telling tho result as plainly as the hand
Union ; for reduced taxes ; for a return to ! r,ed nl on with a full guaraulcc ( writiug on the wall. have
. iof all its constitutional rights. ' bcon sent out to pay oil tbo denerals, &c,
tbo Constitutional currency; and tbeyi jf a ffank, eai nest, and.persistcnt effort ot ft gre(;,,back have they fur the
know thnt Mr. Lincoln's re-election would to obtain those objects should fail, the; j.,oor solJiora.
defeat all thesodarline objects. They are j responsibility for ulterior consequences As my paper is full I must draw to a
opposed to a national debt, nnd particu-! wil! r11 "I10." t.ho8 n'r-I'Z !!!! close-ndvising you all to exert yourselves,
lartn m vmi v vji t t ivit u ' j uui aiwvvi
Innii.mul T T 1 ft Tl
larly to a further increase of our presont , b ,,ra,ervcc. ol Ru hazards.
... , .1 .... i. i .. . .. .
one and they know that this can only be
prevented by tho success of tho Democrat
ic party. Is it strange, then, that they
"can't go Lincoln T"
c.w . ii..aj,- Tim cunning luud
eri of tbo Abolition party particularly
those who do not bold office aro very
anxious to "swap" Lincoln for some otb-
and go in for Little Mac.
E. B. C.
I rciiild not look in the face of my cal
lam comrades of tho army and navy, who; Representative Convention,
hive survived so many bloody battles, and I Pursuant to call, the Representative
tell them that their labors nnd tbe eRcri- $oriferees 0f lh district composed of tho
ufices of so many our of our slain counties of Clearfield, Klk and Forest met
Rn,l wounded brethern bad been in vain ;! in Convention, at tho Court Jlout-e in
.. . i .i .1.. ,1 At... i ! e !...
ttiai we nau aoanuoiuieu uiai umuu ior jcuigway, on Thursday, Sept .8, 1804.
er ' horse." Their efforts to get Fremont
one moment n in our ilniv in Mia nrnf 'Nationnl Convention. This would bo the - to deolino have signally failed. It is un
' . . A a .... 1. . .. .. ..
rmorinnpv it i. in . i,.n.i.n result ol inicrvoiiipg negoiintion uctween derstood that rremontis willinn to ue-, iinsis ot the L uion under idb ioiisi itution , t . moetinu n.-ennizml tiv rnllinir
. . . - .w 1 1 i . u uutnijr nuu I - i i ii- r 1 1 1 r I - e
cordial support to the Chica"o candidates lbo tw0 nntngonists. Unce so met, we dine if Lincoln will but not otherwise ; I without the etlusion ol another drop ol ,Kral.or, lq., to t)io Chair, nnd appoint
. . . i i-. : M i .....
WHICH we nave so onen puriiiuu our
A vast msiority of our poople, whether
in tho army and navy or at home, would,
There were present from Clearfield
county, C. Kratzer, F. Short, and Alfred
Walters, Esurs. From Klk county, Jacob
Mctauley, i hil. Yv. Hays, and Laurie J
as I would, hnil with unbounded joy the LMakelv. Eeors. From Forest count v. .!.
- permanent restoration of peace, on the minler, Col. Hunt, and 1). Kldridge, Eq
-!(nsis of the UuionunderthftConstitutinn. Tho meeting o.-gnniznd bv calling C
blood. But no peace, can le perma- ig Laurie J. Blakely Secretary
ent without Lnion. The objecl. of the meeting hnving been
As to tho other subjects presented in' stated, Mr. Painter, of Forest, nominated
andplulform; and we hope and trust thnt; 1,ttVe,not ih slights suspicion that the j and it is altogether probable that n new1, Zut Union,
every man. whether Rennblicn or D,m. word woulJ 1,0 resumed. Much time .National Convention will be held the lat- A. t0 .... otlll.r iu
crat, who thinks as we do, will do like-16 consumeu; many lanures to- tef part ol (his month, as is now stronous- tho lesolutions ot the Convention, I iieeu i)r 'p, J. Boyer, of Clearfield; Mr. Hays
wise The first nbiPft in Mm nrmi trt, come to terms migru lane piace ; uui me iy urged by those Abolitionists who see oniy pay uui uum.i n n, m tun.u- nominateu lr. U. 1. J.arley, ot Mk
e. iiio o.jeci n tue greni worK ..,..,.... Ba ,,, ',. .,,, ,,. r. t; i tulion of the United Stales and lho laws The Convention iiavinc Imllotb.
ill rns nrinit ntni'iinqi nmn n In ral hl.l -..- , ... . , , ...yv-.u muv iui. '..u." i"iu
of T.ivrniv Tl,;. ,i.m it ii.. .... could be furloughed and sent borne, be re-elected
ture to follow if the country is in lho nd two thirds of our daily expense's would
hands of tbe Democ racy, which rnw.s bo
the case if Gen. McClellan is elected, '
Bigler for Congress.
be saved. But the experiment would not
fail. The people of both sections ftre heart
ily tired of war ; nnd once their angry
passions are allayed by a brief cessation of
Our citizens were very much surprised .hostilities-which opportunity an armis
on last Frldr.y evening, on the return of tico would afford neither intrigue nor
our Conferees from the Congressional Con- stratagem on the pnrt of the interested
venlion at Ridgway.Ho lenrn that our fel- lenders of either party could ngain induce
low townsman Ex-GoveruorBiuLES bad a resumption of the carnage. Give them
been placed in nomination as the Demo- a taste of peace, so that they can realize I of '''',tt. I81"c Horton of Elk, were
erotic candidate for Congress in this Dis- what they have sacrificed to Ibe spirit of
Democatic Congressional Conference
In accordance with previous notico the
delegates of the l'.Uli Congressional dis.
trict assembled at the Court House in
liidgway, on Tuesday the Oth inst., to,
nominAto a candidate for Coi. gross.
The convention being called to order
on motion of Mr. Jenks; of Jefferson,
James II. Eddy of Wairen, was elected
On motion of Mr1 Brook, Julius Cooly
elected Vice-Presidents, and Goo. B. Good
lander of Clearfield, Secretary.
The Convention being organized, tbe
counties of the district being called in al
phabetical 01 der, the following named del
egates answered to their names.
Cameron : J. B. Newton, John. A.
Eldred and W. W. Dickson.
Clearfield ; Ezra Ale, Geo. B. Goodlan.
; war, nnd no npprebension of n resumption
Those who nre aware of tbe political of hostilities need be entertained,
complexion of the 19tli district giving j Wo therefore say that the wny to peaco
Curtin, as it did last year, some 3,400 ma- and re-union, though difficult, is by no
jority will not suppose that this selection rneans impracticable. It is natural, and
was made with any very couClent hopos almost certain to end in success." Much
of success. may have lobe sacrificed to the snirit of, der
But it seems that tho conservative citi- concession nnd compromise ; but nothing ,. Erie : Monroe Hutchison, Robert
r.i, .....,. ... . 'i :......,. 6 i ho and II. L. While.
ui wo mail mi, IT..-IU uuiermineii 10 nitunnioiviii nun mo icrms oi ine com- Yk (
have a candidate, and their representa- pnet ngrepd upon by the pntriots of '87. ' Horton.
tives determined to give them a man of Let us of the North ncree to blot out of Forest
known public and private worth and clinr- our etatute books nil Tersonil Liberty
acler, one wLoso political record was not Bills, nnd agree faithfully to adhere lo our
only right for the occasion, but for all time. Constitutional obligations ; and let us fur-
Ilcnco the Convention .unanimously so- ther ngree to add to tho stipulations in
The Convention havini? ballotted. thn
framed in accordance therewith, the rule I result was announced as follows: Of tbe
of tr.v duty, nnd the limitations of
executive powor ; endeavor to retore econ
omy in public expenditure, re-estnblibb
supremney of law, and, by tho operation
of a morn vigorous nationality, resume our
commanding position among lbo nations
of the earth.
The condition of our finances; tho de
preciation of the paper money nnd, the
votes cast at the first ballot
Dr. Boy or received G
Dr. Parley " .3
On inoieon of Mr. McCauley. of Elk,
the nomination wus mad'; unanimous.
Mr. Short, of Clearfield, moved that tho
place of holdkg the next Conference bo
Brnokvillo, Pa.
Mr. Painter, of Forest, offered as an
ill L
!,. . .Mii ri ril inf. VI.. I
,v ....... ........u... ll IIWIIT Ot
origin, it : JnTcdil.-iry in the ror.ititatk
ilesivtulinn "from parents to cliiMrmil
the third and fjiirtli gem riiiion;"inji,t
seems to be the rod ct' Iliill who rar. u((
vi:it the iniquities i f the futlicn vponllst
children." Tho diseases it originates ii
various names, ncconling to the orpa
altauks. In the limx. Seroful prwim
tulu-ri Us, and llnully (.'unsuinption; kt
(zlands, Mvcllin),' which suppurate Ji
conie ulcerous sores; in the stomachal
bowels, (tcrnngemciits which product iti
gestinn, dyspepsia, and liver coinplainu;
the t-kin, eruiitive nnd cuLutcous affcc&a
1 hese, all linving the fame origin, rcijuiKik
same remedy, viz., purification and inrigotv I
liJ!i of the blood. .Purify the blood, n! f
these dangerous distempers leave yon. ffi4 !.
feeble, foul, or corrupted Mood, you cuts i
have lieulth; with that "life of tlx folk'
healthy, you cannot have scrofuloul dittut
Ayor'a Sarsaparilla'' j
is compounded from the most cflcetual u3 -dotes
that medical science has diicovertdto I
this nlllietim: distemper, nnd for the cursof
the disorders it entails. That it ii firup. l
rior to any other remedy yet uViiird, it (
known by all who have given itatriil. Tint I
it docs combine virtues truly eiLraordinary I
in their effect upon this clas of contplaintt, j
ia indii piitably proven by the great multltudt f
of publicly known and reinarksUo mm it ,
lias miido of the following dinaiei: iijji
Evil, or Glandular Swellingi, Tuton
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotcbn and Sent
Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony'i Fire,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs fra
tuberculous deposits in the lumfiili
Swellings, Debility, Dropcy, Heunlp,
Dyspepsia or IndigC3tion, Sypbilii oi
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Ksiis,
Female Weaknesses. cd, indeed, thevt
reries of complaints tfiat arise from ircpuitr
of the Mood. Minute reports of indiTi&iil
cases muy be found in An n's Anuwii
Almanac," which is furnished to the dn
for gratuitous diMrihution, whenin tajtls
learned the directions for its we, and soot
of the remarkable cures which it lm
when all other remedies lia J failed toaCorl
I relief. Those rases are imrposclr ties
from nil sections of the country, in wr
that every reader may have ncetu to kM
one who can speak to ldm of its.benrfifs ron
SSt-rofuIa denrcsstJim
burdens thereby imposed on labor and amendmeut Marion, Forest county, which
cnpatal, shows the necessity of a return lo Was lost.
a sound financial system; while the rights
of citizens and the rights of States, Bnd
the binding authorty of law over Presi
dent, army, and people, are subjects of
not less vital importance iu war thau in
Relieving that tbe views hero exprossed Mr siimi. mm.,l ii.nt n,. i,......;n... 1 .,i,.i i. n,i..i,i.n., it. inre. T.aiM
are those of tho Convention and people 0f the Conference be published in the Elk ' tt' the public under ihcnnmcof nunj
you represetii. i accept tne nomination. Advocate. Cleat field Jtrpubliean. Brookvillo Saksai'aiiii.i.a, althougli it u trlu"
Personal exneriencp.
-;l l.n..ri,,0 ..n.l ll.t.a 1. , t-. itfl ririml flf
lho queslion then recurring on tho ; r)loro mLjot-t t) aiscaso nnd its feMl
original motion, a votewas taken, and the nrL. healthy conMitutiom. Unct ft
motion carried. j t, mis (0 shorten, nnd does ptnth tlo:un,
Col. Painter, of Forest, moved that the! tin. ,,.. ,!,,riif!.,n .,f human We. TH
time nf holding said Conference be the j vast importance of these considerations hw
first Friday in September next. Carried, led us to Kper.d years in perfecting a rtBiT
euro. l"
Julius Cooly. Archibald lilnck
and J. S. Champion.
Jefferson; Wm. P Jenks.
Warren ; J. II. King, Jas. II. Eddy and
E. A. Brook.
The next business in ordar, boing tho
lecfed the Ex-Govcrnor. If tho people of that compact an obligation clearly deflnirc ' R?,tcton of candidates, Mr. Whito of Erie,
this district, therefore, are in favor ofsend- how any grievance on tbo part ofa sover-i "OTe " - 1 'fe'ler. of Clear-
t , n , ... . . : . ,, . . tielcl, be nominated by acclamation. I he
ingarnan to Congress who will use his oign State may be reniediod. This would motion being seconded by the Warren
potont influence to secure an honorable not be difficult to do j and if done, future
eace, to reitoro too Union, to put a slop war would lo impossible.
the increase of taxes, to heartless con-'
jcrintion. and in r r . Mn.i tn..t I Pcr, or WarT This is tho issue bo.
delegation, the motion was unanimously
ngreed to.
On motion of Mr. Jenks, the next Con
gressional Conferees
1 realize the weight oi me responsible i.v, ..,,1 .w;.,,;,,- (.ll.ri.,l
ty to be borne rhould tho people ratify A committee of three having been ap-
your choice- pointed consisting of Messrs. McCauley,
Conscious of my own weakness, I can Hunt, nnd Short to inform Dr. Boyer of
only seek fervently the guidance of the big nomination, and having performed
nuiiTDi uiu iiiivuiMi, uim, mijioR uu l int dutv. that cent einen ni,ne:irpi inn)
thanked the Conference for the houor
conferred ou him.
Mr. Paint&r moved that the Chicago
platform be endorsed. Carried.
1, r . II.. it'... i. n rL. . i t . . ... .. . ; ueu. n uis, u-v,. unpiu uuu isaac mis all powerlul aid, Uo my bett lo te-
store L nion and peaco to a su lie ring peo
ple nnd to establish nud guard their lib
erties and riehts.
I am, pentlomn, vary reepectf ully yuur
obedient servent.
Hon. Horatio Sevmolr, and others, Com-
. .. L ....
ingredients, some of w hich extevd wc w
of Sirsuparilla in nlterative power. 1."
nid vim inn v protect vourself from tne
ing'iind da'ngir of these disorders, rw
out the foul corruptions that rot'
in the blood, purge out the causes of diW
and vigorous health will follow. Hy'I
linr virtues this rcmedv stiinulstci U't
functions, and thus c.xj'ils the LstcJJ
which IwV within the system or u m
on nny pnrt of it.
On motion, three cheers were given for ' We know the public have been uw
i . ... .virt-innnrw.
COIimolOUM Oi T"
McCIellan and Pendleton, three for Gov
Bigler, nnd three for Dr. Boyer.
The Conference then adjourned.
C. K HATMR, President.
Laurie J. ISlakely, Secretary.
Common irntcd .
Kaiithais tiv, Aug, 2, IPG I.
Editor: An arlicle aniieared in (lie
bv mnnv
1 . :. . i i. 1 .l:.l ....ll.inff
I'l I1IIII.-.VII 111.11 11 llll.l ..' r. - ...I
1 ... ... . . i - - .r...i,iwiities"
i win neither ue licccivcu nei u.. u--!
this. Its A irtues hm e bei n proven byJ
dant trial, and there rcinains no qucsU"
1 it sun.a.-siiiir excellence for the cure ot if
... . I 111PPL Al. Ifillff
currency, they will give him thoir votes. !,.. . Amoncan I,eoP,a 1U n'0 cotam& August, 1800
HwilIboroniemberodthntGov.Bmi.F.R 1 ' conieBt- i boso who want more The convention was ably addressed by
labored with uotirina energy, along with! 1ftir' ln0r6 conscriptions, increased taxes, jW. P. Jenks, of Jefferson, Benj. Whit
Ihc late Crittenden of Ken'uck v in tbo ' ni0re m!in,t"1 koIdie . benrt-broken wid-1 of Kr,' J M"" nU nd Chapin
U.S. Senate of 'CO and 'Clto rfer 2 -I", will vo.eA.r, Tla adjourned
qtteshonsin dispute between tl,e peoplo A ,,rR',ara wnooln nnd all other Abolition rfl Wiih thrfie roU8i,lg c,,Jttor8 fof
of the North nnd the South, to tiie people 1 cantUtlftte!, j M'Clellan, Pendloton, Bigler and the sob
or all tiie States. But tho Abolitionists! 15ut thosa wl,o desire peaco, and a re- dier,
elubbornly refused. Thry were araid of the' uloT('a Union thoe T" n JAMES II. EDDY, Prosidont.
people. Had this been done, war would ! Mop 10 1110 Nodding of fraternal blood- ...... ,.,.
have boon averted, and the Union to-day
would be stronger than ever it was before.
Dr. Boter. By the proceedings of the
Representative Convention hold at Ridg
w ay last week it will bo Been that this gen
tleman was unanimously nominated for
boul 1500 majority,
Un neighbor has discovered lbs "fun a
. -rtsrn.
Hlllicting discuses it is iiilunltu w i
Althougli under the same name, ii -different
medicine from any other
. .. . ..... i f-,r more i
been hclore tl:c people, nun - .
fectuid than nnv i.'ll'.er
available to them.
ihkh Lm
10 liltiniT It,. t.i .
mourn ., -m r Z 7 8 l Oomi to the Gcerillar.-William Mar-mourn,ng-w.ll
vote for Gen. McClkluji1 line and William Pollard, two young men
and ail the Detnocratio candidates. ' of Henry county, a fe:day s ago surpised
Tlace the Democratic party in power lneir friel)ds by joining Jesse's band of
and the wnr will cease; and the now dis- Puorru,n8 They stated as a reason for
severed and belligerent Commonitfalthi1 . u V 7 , eT nu.1
- ii ...... i,i..: . i . "uonMins ly al home and be forced to submit to tbo
tkay"A Subscriber," and perhaps well
wishing friend, writes us to inquire "why
we advertise patent medicines'" We will
here and now answer him that we do' 'Vr.
nnt 1 1 ii r r.iulera nrA nttniA lli.l tun lmt.. .7iVmi.iiV,iri. NfArrnti Amiii.t. I.t I.T.l
i were reouiied to r. '., . .v.i. ,.i...i . ti.;.. r i. . ; u-i.;..i M,n i..n. . i. .1: ' .
, , .,. ., rpi j ft.) t - 11,1 jrni. r.wu.iwn niuimuij! u lllo BUI b, ... ..... .uuiiuiiim ivno lis uu Mni'UICIl
1 meet at Kuigwsy on the Hard lhariday of ;ftn,i the onlv seemini? emnntion with some friends about thn word mm-,
knowol is tho ndvertiaoment of Dr. J. C. '"nt ho nsserled Hie word was nol in tho
Ayer & Co's romodies, which now stands Bible, and that tho mule was net made, . mwrnn IT
Ir. ..-.tiimo If .... P.! I .1 . Ol 111. lim. It,. ...,t;, i.. 1 I'llll I ' I ' .( I l IV A
I 11 V 14 I V'Vl M .IIO, .1 UUI ill II lilt UUUO II (.lb IMUVI ...v. ti.'ii 11 ill J t I li lllJlllil - . . w .
know we will inform him that theso aro the six days iu which all things weto Tho World's Groat Homedy
nol " panteni or even secret medicines' maue inat wus tnmie. .now, i admit
Their composition has been made as pub- that J. D. M. did not bbow a very exton
licly known as any other scientific fact . "ive biblical knowledge by tho assertion
:and has moreover bad the approval of tho that tho word mile was not in the Bible;
. ) .. i i r. r..A. . ti ... in '...i.. .1. . 1
lllgiiv?! mrui! -ni uuiuorilj in 1110 lUIKl. luk uvui .ieiii:nv'a ..1,1111 mn, iun vvuru,
But what n (lords us perhaps still greater in singular and plurnl, i mentioned ninc-
confidence in their worth is our personal teen or twenty times. Absolam rode upon
knowedgo of the man who makes them a mulo when he fougbl against his faiber
and the results that havo followed from Uavid j .Solomon roceiveutribute in mulos
their use ; rcsnlis as familiac to our read- year by year; and Morducai, under Ahas
ers and to tho whole community as they uerus. sent letters by mules to the Jews,
are to ourselves- acquainting them of tbo reversal of Ha
lt has been our privilege to know Dr. man's order. But it is very doubtful,
Ayer over since be craduabid from the nevertheless, whether mules are meant in
n 1. It.l ...... . ... . I . li.. .1 ... . . ,,
:il 1 . .. , - ""iuo nii uo iui 1 014 iu Buuiuu 10 mo 1 a uiiu j uiversny in ine same Class Willi uiant uiihxi uauuaicu u, auu especiaiir , , . i.tii rarwm-'v
Will SOOI1 fralernize and ro-unile. insults freouentlv offerml hv n..rA .nlJone of our nnr-onnl fri.n. ... in the idacn mfprrflrl to hvr.T. 1) MJUtno.M'Jh.AktMti
... ( Re-elect Lincoln, and tb fal.t . ! 'dinra On. ,!.. iJ.i 11 ' c fi.i.i I ' .i . ..l r.'. . " . . . ?r..i. .1" 01. u ' t...r t. .1... " '" AIcUiek, ini 'P"u's-
. 11H election is certain by a-1 .j'cn- ' """J luo ouiauiiiu u nio nun interest ins uum wujm, .-uu nm. uui, uo iuat u theraburg; ana by dealers wi ft.
mAinrlit. w.mi.. r ... t nien 1 of ffflr wi'l coutinoe to be proseeu.. fL0l,l0m was robbed by Jess'a gang of , singular success in and untiring devotion it may, 1 think J. D. M.'s second proposi-l sept-H."-'
Biajoriiy, vronaer 11 our Jaco- . , ... . .... theves. () ih. .,i , n, . ii,. .i.i. .(..; i.. i.... wi.n i. t. ......... n.. .
tea until ine last man ana the last dollar 'i. p . J' : . UD i ' ,"1"uu, i" euobtu. u iu,j ,,f
h , . iPince, Jryant s slore was broken open and anybody will toll us what we can adver- not created, but are a cross of tbe ass and autio ALL rwioni v BK
.pC.u,reD(ieniig a resioreu vj nion more plundered. Mr. Wm. Talmer, residing tise of more interest to patrons than reme- the female horse. Anah may have been J Uoaed .gaiait truti or ""EfU"
Impossible than ever. nar Campbellsburg, has suffered a aood dies that will cure them when thev am the first to discover tho process bv which i Catharine, as aha has left my xi
,ii ....... ... . fleal htf rianr.ilol rr . . i. l ll -I r i .1 !.. J j .i - . . . . 1 ih ...l ... In. I or BrOTOCaui'" , 4
onnnip. vn innn tvrii.H
j '
1 nnd f7i;, cr TIV and
tiTQald dust Is lho orly let! (er;dr
Ml JUil'jJ.
io worm s (ail-Hi r'nn,
Coughs, Colds, Incipient f o"
BUniption, ana ior
in Advanced stages
This h.,s been n long used an ""J
ii.. i .)...! need do "rL
ifri..iil iviio"ii, i :a ifw
than assure the public that its W'J,1,
UP to the best it ever has been, , anfl u
may be relied on to do all it lias "V"C-
ttu ii n ilnipirists every where.
-tSCUD by C. P. Watm" Bw
, near campbellsburg, has suffered a good 'dies that will cure them when they ara tbe first to discover tho process by which i Cathsrlns, as aha has M4 1
ch you Prefor; fBl "ydPlations. On Fridny nighi, 'tick, wo shall cheerfully give it thn bene-' tbey were introduced, and the mule did wiiou?7Jn''cu"i!Xh of '''''
J IVmL ' telrfJn'r C"Cam5,p'1 00 hU f"ruj-i f W!T n1 T" JULjr-l not P"hP. hu A i "TAtZX F"