m i fflirowf j fipJMiooi. D. W. MOOEE, Editor and Proprietor. VOL. XXXVI. WHOLE NO. SrxfilH. ur iiUJi. WILLIAM AXiLEN, at nil Tho men of tho South wtre never or "well protected as wo used to protect Mktnd V. A. Ckicajo Agonal Democratic '"'" th?y never will Lo protected 08 CbMn.ii-.Ni, 30, 1804. woU " w, Wl" Protecl if they will 1. como back. State as well as individuals Thu Pnaamrm. Oentlemea of the Convention, 00 regarded, for our Administration, watr honored with the presence hereof one 'f elected by the Democratic party, will whose reputation has over stood high with tho , thereby be placed under the wholesome .American people, and whose reputation i the , restraints and direction of democratic in sure endeared tons from its connection with tho stincts TAnnlause I Tl.nf An, i., ,o ..mor, of Andrew Jackson. Lond cheers. I ' ft-jOTi TI'L J it AdmiDl8tra: call upon Senator Allen, of Oolo, to addres. the D'Jread-of becomul th enemy and Conreutlon. ( pcrsocuter of any part of our people, will Mr. Al.I.fV mt a wit ftri1 Vfld with AnLltllmtTfi act like that celebrated sjilauso, epuke as fUos i Gentlemen or-rim CnvvcKTinv. 'Man nf Aniorica: during tho last four years our rulers have been bo unfortunate as to ( make political and military mistakes, wpicu nave exposou tin nation to the complicated dangers of disintegra-j linn, despotism and anarchv. rnhanr. 1 The people of the nation at largo, have become appalled et the dancers, which threaten it in tho near future, and have looked around to Bud ou earth Borne power capable of rescuing them from those dancers to which Ihnv urn avrinanil and by which they aro environed. They Dave tounu out one power, ana mat ib tUo old Democracy of the United States. I Ureat cheering. I in obedienco to the i call of this endangered country, you have come forward hero and tendered your ser vices to aid the balanco of your country men in the salvation of your country. Cries of "good" and cheers. 1 Your d- Eberations are about to be brought to a conclusion; and. fully aware that it was ftn nioro taxos, will come to our camp the unhappy split in our ranks four years ;an m protection under the broad go which opened tho way for tho ingress, n,JS'8 of th9 Constitution and tho law,1 of this destructive power, you are now , as administered by the faithful ii.torpre bound by your own allegiance to the Con-! torB f tuat Constitution, the Democratic stitution of your country to close up your nominees. As matters stan'l, we have ranks and act unitedly, as the only means ljCcn ia somewhat of a predicament for of saving it. Cheers. Hence it is that, j tlia j1181 tnreo or, four years. Tho Demo notwithslondiog the necessity and una-iCT.at'c rarty during that time has boon voidable diversity of Ecntimont in regard' without any organized representation, to the unimportant and irrelevant issues. With tho orccplion of the State of Now nd with recard to the iuuiyidual; hamci or "Dd tho smaller State of New Jer for the great office of iesidc- m tu6end'sc' Uero was not an organic thing on f lttbovuo rtfo about to enjoy ! luis continent that was not against us. Vr.and combination of the union of the j Fedc"! Gevernmeut, including the Democratip partv first, and then the union Army and Navy, was in tho bauds of Jfr. of the States. Loud cheers. Whilst Lincoln, btato Governments with the there is a Democrat in this land whoso exceptions mentioned , were al 1 against us; reason is not obscured by error, and whose nd yet, with all this organic power op heart is undaunted by danger, there need PO"ed to us, what do we behold T Why. be no danger of tho Union or of the liber-' we behold a rising power from among tho erticsof tho people. Tho people have bocy of lh,fPle-"lf.Tr inXi l :.i :i ' ,1. ' j.nn : mado un of the contributions of mdivid- l. r n i i i,.,. our party, the great Democracy, can say-! .hat .,V.nliis5.l nv nn earth can sav-1 Government as to leave the people, at the end of its lencthencd term of. office, hap- that before the breaking out of our troub- musket ; wo don t wan any-we , don t lc and tho commencement of thewar.it nd any. We have tho ballot-box, we cquirod all the territory of tho Union, j hve t.ckets wo have human reason, and carried the country successfully through f we o Mr "f " 'ox ob . r : . m:icor,i ih keep the road to that lulloi-box unoo- ry. pronperoui, and contented. Cbeera.J 119 a citan IL' " , . . StaLwthenallintheW places in the Lnion, and under tho ton- " ... . . ' ., Ititution,. and tLat Conelitutftn four years o bej wSR S go remamod as uncontaminated and un- away iro"' J. ... , ,, , . . bFoken as when it received the signature hat. ""V'.W '"nn. J, I,'m Of the Father of his Country. With such o inter ore, and 1 .don tb.nk he w ill try o record for tho purity of tho past, what H after this demonstration, could the nation do, than to see for itself j Now, my friends, I know how nnx ious that that body has never betrayed us, and you all aro to get through with the giori that under its wise administration we ous doings of this day. I am not coing prospered and were happy. Under it we 1 to detain you. Nor am I going to say t hat put down Hartford nullification and South I will support the ticket, (.roat Ood I 1 Carolina nullification without drawing a never did anything else. CHecrs.j i wi u drop of blood. Cheers. We never drew ; not only support it, but I will do it wit i a drop of blood, and we can say what no . all my heart, with all my might, and with Government on earth could say before, ull cheerfulness. I once voted for a man that under our administration peaco and on tho democratic ticket.lor kCongrcss. ii.n,,i, ihn nnnirir ' n.i r.rnart to sneak to him as 1 returned i i'i - ti.i.i.. ui.inn a cimoA ii :i. i ..i,n..i,oia.r Vnpnna- f.i i Z ii:., n.nnfrnm having a variety of local interests. We maintained happiness and prosperity as log as tho Deniocratio party had control of the Government. Loud cheers. Wo .ImSnlntornil tlin i nvf r n niMl t without i having drawn a drop of blood for a politi- j had rtcsidents or the Uniiei Mates Do tal offense. Renewed cheors. Our, fore this who commanded the whole nr Prosidont put down two euch local calatn- my and navy, and wore victorious (lener ii... . n,t avmtn.l in lh Smith in 1 nla. Dil thov ilo ns aiiv harm T DidAn- 1859, without even drawing a sword, liow jrew Jackson enslave his country r iouu mony men, I would like to ask, were mur- and enthusiastic cheering. Did he era dered, and how long did the civil war last, I ploy armies to silencotho clamors of a in putting down tho Hartford Conven-'fow factionists in South Carolina! Not at iui nutvw liouT Applause.1 Mr. Madison was;i. How many men na ne senu xn iuo Ihen in power. Where are tho thousands Bastile I Not one. He was a military nd hundreds of thousands who ty his, man, with military instincts as strong as 'order loit their lives inputting thatin-Gen. McClellnn, and with this dillerenco. urroction down? Why, sir, he never , that Jackson came In upon his own pop injured oven a pumpkin. Laughter and ularity, and McClellan comes In as a man choers. How was it in South Carolina, i believed by the Democratic party to be that Stale which threatened to secede .fittest for this particular emorgoncy. Mc from tho Union in 133 1 Andrew Jack-' Clellan had been suggested by the pen Bon was then in power as President. Did Jons condition of the country for reasons, he murder hundreds of thousand of citi- Ln of which had been given to the people ; cons in order to get rid of that local difli-; but it makes no difference- whether they ..Hut Tlirrn was not a word of it: but I.. u.n nitron in tha poople or not; on the contrary he appealed in a great ( proclamation to tno reason anu sense ot j the people to mainiam iuu uiuuu u mu country, no u'u uvij . u..... Ihd dona before him, and will do aftcr-wards-he assumed tho proposition that mankind were capable or self-government and that human reason was eutlicient to maintain it without powder and atocl. ILoud and enthusiastic cheering. The illustrious and eminent gentleman who presides over the deliberations or this body, threw out ome remarks tho other day, in his inaugural address, which, iu toy judgment, were eminently proper to U considered, and acted upon by every Democrat. One of tho difficulties which you will have will be in getting all the votes you want, and tha way you oan get them is by adopting the idea of our illus trious rresldentin this Convention ; and ht ii to proclaim that wo aro not seck Tg rower to massacre our encniiei. et 1824. history, tho first Catharine of Russia, a peasant cirl born, bv a mari-inim ;. Iete', the Great and upon the death of 10r lsr,and, became the sole sovereign the Russian Empire. Tho first act of u,"r r"w was 10 issuo an order that all t" gallows and gibbets of the country should be pulled uownfannlniisAliinri irre-i410' ",e instruments of human torture Peering.) That is the spirit in which we commence this contest. We will have 00 uaB"'e put up, but we will have the P.T,osenl Utiles opened and cleaned out. Tremendous cbeerinc.l Our Prsiiinfc w'" o ln0 friend and guardian and pro- ""euiunce to anu wiiiim tno "mita of the Constitution, of every State, ?nu OI everJ mnD woman, and child with in tuoBweepofourflag. Applause.! In this spirit we will go into this contest. In this spirit wo will present ourselves with a fascination so great that tho timid Re publicans, who are now afraid that we will be down upon them with more blood uul wills, individual fcolincs: and that power is so "reat as to make Mr. Lincoln "1 Pfplo ' "liTnot H'er boots. Cheers. W o havo not a rucieu " ""V " mako that road o pen to aeppta. fc ye r.n 1ia nnlla. because uo was on tne c.oi nml mv friends. I take it lor gran i,i n.ot oflintnver else liappons in tlie shall be gratified. 1 thiuk now luat any fears which some ofour friends may have entertained in regard to this eminent man already nominated aro without any foun. .Inl Inn' T will tell VOU wllV. We have ...id ' j a .. . thoro is a secret instinct in tho breast or cvery democrat, which at mgnt, wncn ne u aiono anu pases ins cyo otit mo encd njiimnt of this rountrv. Will lead Uim to foci a reason to havo some person of McClellan stripe near at hand. Ap plauso- Do you understand it T The army, this groat citizen army, does not belong to any ono man in this country. It belongs to the people; His a part of the people ; it is undor tho patronage and pro lection of tho people, and tha army will know what wo want very well. Thoy know that wo don't intend to say to them "flrt on. vou hrutos. into tho iioia ; no matter how many thousands of you are slaughtered to-day I will draw a drag net throne1 be country and draw up as ma- ny more io do biuiih""cv 1 1 nntl rheers-1 Nothing of that kind Wu 4nn't want a cold blooded joker at Washington, who, whilo the District of Columbia is iniestea wun uwi'iwu, uu PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 186 k the atmosphore burdoned ly the groans and silisof our mangloJ countrymen, w'?en he can spare a minute from Joe miner e i jest iwok, looks out upon the a cres of hospitals and inquires, "What hou ses are those ?" We want a man who can entertain proper appreciation of their ouuenuge, a man wuo knows what a sol dier means when he points to a missing arm and says; "This arm was lost at such a Battle;" or railing a mutilated hand. says t "iliis hand was fractured at such a battle this limb was broken at such a battle, whero 1 fought at your order in de- iuoco oi tue government of mv muni as you told me." When a soldier comes to George B. MrClellan he will not be answored in a ribald joke. The soldiers all understand this thing. They know what tho Democratic party means; that, bo long as the army exists under demo cratic rule, tho brave children of the coun try who have enrolled themselves under its banners will be respected, regarded and cared for, their pensions paid, their families provided for, because there will bo some humanity as well as blood in this business. There will be no call upon half a million of young men to go and be cut to pieces under any pretence, hashed worso than animals, worse than the Roman gladiators, and then come back to bo put off with a jest. Cheors. They will all know, every one of then), that General McClollan is no joker, and all will know, every one of them, when they are told to( fight, that it will be for Bompthinn tv,i ; constitutional and i .i cuuBiuuuonai ana legitimate, and when thoy aro to d the fighting is ended, they will bo wil'.iug to say, "Well, General, Mr. 1 resiUQ-t, 1 expect you ore about right." Willingly and cheerfully will they acqui- oeco in uio decision ot the nation as exhib ited in the person of the President. The Array will throw up their caps in spite of subordinates, because the election of Gen. McClellan will reconnect them with a gentleman. Hitherto orders havo bceu issued and plans devised to cut off the Army from tho peoplo, to separata thorn and array them against enoh other, and that hus been tho great danger cf the last four years. This vote will reconnect the Army with the people, and give the civil tlie paramount authority over the military of the country. Loud cheers. To Whom it May Concer.v. Mr. Wick lifle, of Kentucky, said that tho delogntes from the N est were or iLu ojiiuiou that circumstancoj may occur between noon to-day and tho 4th of March next which will mako it proper for the Domocrncy of the country to meet in Convention again. He therefore moved the following resolu tion, which was unanimously adopted; JtcsolviJ, That this Convention shall not be dissolved by adjournment ut the closo of its business, but shall remain organized, subjoct to be called at any time and place that the Executive National Committee shall designato. This reiolution of tho Chicago Conven tion, to hold itself en permanence, gives some uneasiness to Lincolnites. Some of them regard it as "the most revolutionary step yet taken." Others aro at a Ions to know what it means, and anxiously enquire what occasion there can bo for such a res olution, the candidates of tho Democratic party being nominated, and tho platform adopted. 1'erhaps a careful perubiil of tho following resolution, adopted by tho Con vention, will assist our "loyal" friends in solving the problem that seems to puzzle them so distressingly : llesolvcJ, That the direct interference of the military power of tho United States in the recent elections held in Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri and Delaware, was a shameful violation'of tho Constitution, and a repetition of such acts in tho approach ing election will be held as revolutianar, and m isted teith all the means and power under our control. MuClellan's PoiTLARiTr. A Presidcn tial vote was taken on board tho steamer Commonwealth, from New York, on Thursday ovoninc which rosultod as fol lows: McClellan, 180 Lincoln, 43 The voto was proposed by a Frovidonce Republican. i hero were about w soiaier on board, every otio of whom voted fur Georga B. Met lei Un. This correspond with all we have seen of, and heard from, tho returned sol diers. They are all for McClellan- An officer from the Totomac on board mado the emphatic assortion that tbearmy is for tho old Icador, and led that they have a personal interest in tho election ; and that no interference or persuasion of offi cers will induce them to act contrary to their honest convictions, Providence Jvst. Cost of int War. Expenditure on Army and Navy, 3,000, ,WU,UUU bounties paid by States and towns, Loss for life of the labor of tho killed and maimed, Loss of three years' labor of other soldiers, Troporty destroyed on the ocean, Loss of profits of commerce, Property destroyed on land, Pensions to wounded and widows for life. Total oott of tho war, ?15,0.r0,000,000 Their expedition, we prosuraehas also re This is the money expense to the coun. turned, aa it would scarcely remain in try of that expjislto luxry, a Black Repub- the eaemy's neighborhood without its lican President. U may be very sweoi and delicious but can wo aflordjt T-Aoc York ivorltL . Valc. or Grrenbac ks. Tho average . ! I j...:M 1 1 . n ...I twnnlr t i.. ,l...;n t .a nnal wnnlc ha. been about thirty -eight cents on the .l-n . :.in,i hut.' ono that well represent the party issuing il-of little intrinsic value and growing benutiRilly less ever day. not MEN. From rhilaJeldhiu Ago. CAPTURE OF ATIANTA. The capture of Atlanta is confirmed. The Confederates have takan a new posi tion twenty-six miles south of il. Sher man lost twelve hundred men andcaptur-twenty-four cannon and fifteen hundred prisoners. Ihere was very little fighting. It has teen about ton days since Goner- 'Sherman began a movement, much of which is still involved in mystery. Ono corps of his army, under General Siooum, was left in the trenches in lront of Atlan ta. The remainder was gradually with drawn, formed into a long column on the south bank of the Chattahoochee, and slowly marched down the river. Parallel to the rivor, and about eight miles south it, is the Montgomery Railroad. East Foint is about eight miles southwest of Atlanta; Red Oak twenty miles, and fuir burn twonly-five miles southwest. At East Toint the Macon Railroad begins. H runs south to Jonesboro'. and llinn southeast. Jonesboro'. is twontv mi!o from Atlanta. Hut verv little intnlliimncn of Sherman's movement was transmitted North, for during almost all the time since it began Wheeler had tho railroad and telegraph to Nashvillo cut, and there was no communication. Sherman marched his column down the river until the rear reached Sandtown, ten miles west of Atlanta. He thon swung the hood of it around to the east until it struck tho Montgomery Railroad at Fair burn, From Fairburn a raiding party was sent across tho country to Jonesboro', on tho Macoo Railroad. The road was cut, but no very large force of the enemy found On August 28th General Hood telegraph ed to Richmond that Sherman's lino ex tended from Sandtown to Fairburn, thus being southwest of the city, and Hood at onco began moving his army to meet the Federal advanoe. Sherman's southern Hank marched unopposed up the Mont gomery Railraod, from Fnirburn towards Atlanta, until he reached Rel Oak, twon ty miles from tho city. Here the Confed erates met the troops and they halted Sherman's southern Hank was then march ed Southeast from Sundtown towards East Point, eight miles from Atlanta. On Tucs- I day last, August SOth, Sherman's line ex tended Ironi Led Oak northeast along the railroad towards East Point and his north ern flank was pressing towards East Point from the direction of Sandtown. Hood, finding tho enemy southwest of him, at onco abandoned Atlanta, uuuic Sherman battle. A contest begin onTues day afternoon along tho Montgomery Ruil frora Rod Oak to East Point, a distance of twelve miles. Slocura, who had been left with ono corps in front of Atlanta, began to feol tho enemy in front of him. He found tho city abandoned, and on Friday morning entered it. He at once announ ced the ovacualion of Uie town, and by a strange coincidence Wheeler was off the railroad to Nashville just long enough to allow of thejdeapatch being sent. Scarcely had it gono when Wheeler again cut the telegraph, and a veil once more hid Sher man's operations' Slocum having the en emy between him and Shermau's main body, could not tell what waB transpiring at East Point. He knew a battle was be ing fought, for he heard the cannon, but that was all. Up to Sunday morning this was all the intelligence sent us. 1 his morning, however, we havelatoi intelligence. Last evening the telegraph was re-opened and a despatch from Sher man himself received. The enemy on Tuesday, had not fought him vory desper ately, but gradually rctreatod across tho country towards jonesooro.' Biiorman followed thorn, lie brought his entire ar my south of tho Montgomery Railroad, and by Thursday had arrived within a mile of Jonesboro'. jtcro ne lounu ttie enemy ontrenched. They sent out a re connoisance, which was soon repulsed, and Sherman made his uirangoments for an attack. The Confederates by this timo had retreated from Atlanta, and weio drawn Up in line of the Macon railroad. Thoir southern Hunk was at Jonesboro'; their northern flank at Rough and Ready, a village thirteen miles from Atlanta. In front of their position Flint River (low ed, and tho hills on its eastern side were intrenched. It was this position which Sherman attacked on Thursday afternoon, lie curried the Confederate works at J ones boro', capturing ten cannon aud ono thousand prisoners. Hood blew up his works in evacuating Atlanta, and destroyed some trains load ed with ammunition. I he spoils secured by Slocum woro fourteen cannon and tho rums of the destroyed trains. When tho works of Jonesboro' wore carriod, Hood abandoned his line on Flint River, and by a hasty march to tho southwest moved the portion of his army which has been sent north of Jonesboro' to the east ol the place, he then rctreatod with all his for- ces to Lovejoy's, six miles southwest oi .Tonmltoro' on the railroad. Here he took 430,000,000 R Dew position. Sherman's losses were twelve hundred. Fifteen hundred Oor. 2,000,000,000 ledorale prisoners and twenty-four cannon wore captured. Sherman writes to Stan F.OOO.OOO'OOO ton "his army needs rest," and does not acem to intend any attack upon tho new 300,000,000 Confederate position. 700,000,000 The recent raid of General Forest into 200,000,000, Momphis has, it seems, broken un Smith's I expedition into the interior ofMississip 400,000,000 1 pi. Generals Smith and Grierson, with I tiioir sians, uave reiuruuu w uiouicm. leaders. Toi Baltimore 9un says that Francis Nr.- n lll...,,ll.n.nrtl,nl'Uln.!;nill. "f,T". leu naiiuri, "" ged disloyalty, And sons of pat bo wo go I patriots patriots are imprisoned ' am exiled whilst tra l bullies and blackguards are elevated to and I'""- u' V"'' TERMS NEW The Hope of Re-Union. The Republican press tries very hard to muddle tho theory of tho Republican nnrty, and to conceal its utter incompati bility with our constitutional system, lake tho map, look out Massachusetts and Georgia. There is no reason, geo graphical or of any kind, which makes a political conuectiou indispensable to ei ther. Neithor tad any natural right to say to tho other: Join mo in a common fjovernment, and to feel hurt at a rofusal. but thoy and others did join for tholr common benefit. They did so through a compact, and could do so in no other way. By that compact they setlM upon tho Buojecs ot government, sulyects of just tho tame interest to ono as the other. . It so happened that certain of those States had a social and politicul systom which they chose to perpotuate, and that certain others, which originally had the same system, choose to abandon it- The States which had abandoned thot system, not content with having their own way about themselves, conceived that they had some right to wish the olhers to fol low their example, and upon tho wish fol lowed the determination to make them do so. First, thoy tried the London organ grinder's system of annoyunce; at last, the use of the common Government against the object of their dislike. Tho Democracy has never had but one doc trine Whatever internal system Georgia chooses, she ought to have, without inter ference or hostility from her sister States. Hei right of judgment is perfect, com plete, and entire. Instead, however, of uiscussing ner ngnt ot judgment, and de cidiug upon that, tho Republican party proceeded to discuss slavery. It is no difficult thing to prove to a northern man that slnvory is an evil; but what then? If it were ten times the evil it is, what is it his business outside of his State? The simple difference, then, between the Dem ocratic and Republican theories is, that the first proposes 'to guide itself by the torm8 of tho agrgemcnt between the States, known as the Constitution, and the other by a "moral sense." Now, a "moral senso" is like an apo j if I hold him he bites you, if you hold him ho bites me. Tho moral sense of England, as late as the middle of tho eighteenth century, made her stipulate, in a treaty with Spain, for tho right of furnishing negro slaves. At present her moral sense revolts at slavery, but sees no crimo in ru,x.i..a ul: i. , -:i pim ir In other word3, "moral sense." used as Republicans uso it, means will, despotismi torturing of Romanists by Protestants, and of Protestants by Romanists. If thifl southern Stales had been peopled by Mo- hommedans, the "moral sense" of the North would have been aroused against polygamy; if they had been inhabited by Jews, tho "moral senso" of tho North would have re-enactod the scenes which Josephus paints; if they had been the homes of Roman Catholics and tho North had been exclusively Protestant, its "mo ral sense" would havo been shocked at the mass. We Democrats intend to tell tho people of tho Southern States that we do not propose to set up any higher law than the Constitution, nor any higher principlo of morals than good faith. We ask those Republicans whoso eyes the last four years have unsealed to join us in paying so. We propose a complete reconciliation, leaving all questions of right and wrong iu tho past to tho past. A plain old woman was onco asked about somo passage in tho Eiblo. I do not understand it, said she ; indeed there are many things in the good book I do not 'understand, but I understand enough to j lV0 to God in this world, and hope to boo him in heaven. So Domocrats can no more read tho Re publican then we can read tho secession doctrines of the Constitution ; but we can read in it security for every State, pro tection io every right, peaco and good will. At any rate, the community cannot 1nA bv n rlinnize four vears more of such an Administration would either show the world a defpotism over, or universal civil war iu, tUe tuned Stales. noru. The Portsmouth (O.) Timet describes tha feeling through the State and through out tho Union- wuen issays ; TU SIUNS IN 6CIOT.V "We have recontly travclei through a large portion of Sciota county, and were supprisod to witness the gratify iny chinge thut istakinc place in almoit every locali- iv Thpro Is unmistakable evidence of ono of the greatest revolutions in public . ' t ..na. ltmivn Scores of men in every neighborhood, who have heretofore been the most invet- eralO opponents mm u rauuuvou ui the Democracy, now openly declaro their intention to oppose Lincoln and cast their support to tha nominee of the Chicago Convention. The unpopularity of the present Admisistralion is hourly increas ing, and the signs in Sciota county indi cate a majority of at least five hundred this fall for the Democracy." A Wokd rao Itaiom Brigham Younir savs tho dovil is much of a csn tie- man in comparison with many who serve him-In ono of his late sermons Brigham re lates the following : ' A gentloman said to me. 'I would like to establish a billiard Georgia alono has grown enough gram table and a drinking saloon in your city ; this year to feed tho whola of reuoldom, you must havo such places hero by-and-ly, g0diers, horses and all, ror a lull t. . ii i n ..;n nnt !.-... n.niii Tim lilna of atarvinif out ws shall see whether Ood Almighty will n j bhiiii soy ""vuvi - i'i reign among his peoplo. or wether the dav i :n t -E.n i,nnJ ..ti.li Christian insti ll win, 1 BUIlll 1.CV. -. tutions out of this city as longas I can. ni v.. Tnnttnll Chronicle, Inch ro- IHB '" ".. . t: 1 It,- IWvm eentlv haulod down uie u,.. its columns, now v r" Clollan. ThJyaro oonr.ng, father Abra ham. . thn i win ii or fir iu- T " ' ' Mil mi 60 Ter Annum. If paid In advance, SEMES-VOL. V.-NO." How Shall we Obtain Re-Union. A Republcan journal, referring t the possibilities of re-uniting the States now in rebellion, romarks : "There is a great deal of noncense talfc ediboth North and South, about the ir. concilablo hostility and ajtongonism that exist between the two sections, and these writers and talkers would birrabug us with the idea that communities that have once been at war can never after indulge in peaceful friondbhip. There never was a moro reiticulous absurdity Vhan this. NutlOtlS Hiid ootntuunitioa aro like indi viduals. They may swear eternal hatred, but when the immediate occasion of wrath and hatred has passed away, the feeling gradually dies out and givos place to no bler sentiments." Now every member of tho National Democratic party, and supporter of Gen eral McClellan for tho Presidency, will endorse the above viows. A restoration of the Union and the Constitution as han ded down to us by our father is what ovo ry truo Democrat bolides not ouly possi ble, but highly desirable. In enter to bring about this much to bo desirod con summation, we labor for a cliango in tho Administration of tho Government and the election of the Democrat iccandidatei. Each and every conservative man, who loves his country, and honors the sacred compact cemented by the blood of patri ots, has now an opportunity offered him to show practically that amor pairia which every true man owos, and should pay. Many good men, contomplalir.g tho dark picture of civil war, daily bloodshed, and all the bitter feelings necessarily en gendered by this fratricidal slrifo, have considered themsclvesjustified in despair ing of even a reconstruction bctweon tho sections, much less a reconciliation of tho Union. Tho task of reconciliation is cer tainly a hard ono, but relying on our com mon ancestry, common languao, and tho former good fooling between citizena North and South, wo havo a right to bo liove that the momory of old troublos and old difficulties may in time pass away, and the good footings cherished in tho olden time, whoa all Americans Blood shoulder to shoulder in defonso of a commou Hag and country, onco more predominante. If thoro were no roaionablo hope of a restoration, then might tho palriotio hoar.t feel tho deepest pangs of despair,' and list ening to the voico of the tempter, like tho patriarch of old, feel like cursing his M$ ker anddvintf. Fortunately, we have lid reason to ctiorisu buuu r.;n,,g. n Bpjts of fuDaticism on tho one hand, anu iJl.i. lion on the other, our land still lives, and we have reason to believe will still contra ue to survive, although knaves and prtrrl- cidos are seeking to destroy the sacred fa bile. With the election of our chosen stan- dard-benror, the true lovers of the coun try may feel assured there will be inaugu rated a polioy, resulting in tho ro-estab-lishmont of the Union and the Constitu tion, us it was. More than this, wo can not ask, and this we mist uxyk.N. Y. Ejcpress. "All Fbeb ok all Slave." This ridicu lous proposition, tho attompt to provo which has cost so much troanuro, blood ana agony, is thus disposed of by tho Boston J'ost : If acted on in 1774. it would Wave de- slrcycd the growing Union ; if in 177t, It would have lost us independence; if in 177.S, a-ould havo prevented confederatiQfit if in 178'J, would huvo barred tho door to the more porfect Union;' in a word. would havo kept us howers of wood and drawers of water to the liritiati suites anu Duchesses who havo bowels of compassion for tho poor American slaves, whilo they trample on tho bodies and souls of the la boring millions at their own doors' A Slow Chase.- -Tho U. S. Gunboat D- cotuh, it is said, saw the pirate laltatioaaoa on Tuesday ot last wecK, auoui eieveu milci ahead of her, and chased her at tho rata of tlx knots por hour, the robol going twelve The result of this ehaso was the consumption cf two hundred tons of coal on board tho Dacotah, the rebel far out of sight and tho Union guaboat sent back again to Boston for a fresh sup ply of coal. Sending old tubs to catch fast steamers it not tho most economical and satisfactory way of doing business, and especially that in which buocoss is bo important. cJWe are reminded of ono of the most pungont aud witty things over penned 00 tho subjoct of bad sermons. It is given in tho work of an old German, on retribu tive punishments, iu which ho said that ciorymon wiH be condemned to pass the w -0)e ef their time in reading the bad thO next WOriU ail unwurmy auu i'ivkj .ormous thov have composed in this. .V most horrible punishmont. A DINT TO NKW HARR11D PEOrH A Lfvt crpool magistrate, having had occasion. to give an opinion as to a matrimonial dilll-j culty which came up beforo him, conlud ed. his remarks with the following opiniCl . -lit is always a bad arrangement for mar' ried peoplo whether high.or low, rich or poor, to nave a wn -- - it other relatives, living in the same nous with tbeni. (Us Hooker says that the Stala of tho rebols we belive was abandonod by our government some time ago. HayTlie contrabands have been put to work to cleanse Washington City. Meher iel what a labor I McClblla to Lincoln. "If 1 cannot iiavn aommnnd of my own men, let m. I ah-rc their fate "n tho field of battle !"