S'ljjjt Cirarfiuo publican, Fepxesd.W JIoasjNO:::::SKlTEMB!:a7. tr 1 "'" "" VEJttOCKATIC NATIONAL TICKET. for vuknt ' EN'. GISOIIUK B. Ml rl PT T TVT JlU J'-L.-V,l Or TENNSVLVAMA. 10R VICR l'RKIENT, ION. CiEOKGE JL TENULEXON, or oirio. PEMOCKATIC COUNTY TICKUT. ' VOX SREttJi'F, ACQ11 A. FAUST, of Curwonsvillo. FOR COUNTY TOM MISSION F.R, QOIUD BAKEIt, of Knox t twp. rrR insTRirr ATronxKV, M Mfir.T.ntvjn fn:.....i.i ,vV..,)V, v..uut-iu, 1 l I I. L O. EVANS, of l'iko township FOR COltONOR, ILMti v. PAIlKE, of Clearfield.' , k rpj.,..i. . j , F T1UUr S). Vr Pies- , I 1 in LhieniTO tinnvnnt inn hna nrliniii-iiml It ha. performed its allotted work. TtJtLcro " not a worJ of truth U- Wnibcrs return to their constituents to' Slti-ose you trv it ox. "That's what ieceiro the plaudit, "well done, good and ?0U ?or "f wT? d l? TCt' l','fi,m;,ni, r n r n ln8- 'filer and Wallace ought to bo nunc (r,.tr,ful servants." Gkoruk B. McCmllax, fot. aiaking such speeches.'' Iho nominee of the Convention and the' SucU WM tho sabstanco, if not tho iden- xcai A.B,.ue..lw .. uii.ieu states, neeiu lical wordg useJ. in n remark ma(Ie on our bo endorsement at our hand,. His Irar.1,,, on Monday lust, by one of Lincoln' ery.m. uS u icauer, nis energeuo ilireling3( wnen PpCaking of the reported UoiinwtratTe abilities, his reticence under, collision between the Provost Marshals persecution, his devotion to hi. soldier,, 'od lheif aMi,tapt., and certain alleged lit puro and spotless life, his fine educa-idMcrterianj thoir fricnds ; Knox town. lion, and hn ability to grasp the fireotBhipi If that fellow will tako a friend's Uestionj that will necessarily devolve advice ho will ruako himself aa scarce as 1L Li... r i . . ; it t i i npun unu lurio uuon, are wen Known 10 "I Vi a nDnla T T !u rtAmtnalin turn mnifn! f.uv ,.vr. - '" .upon u.e ur6 muoi, w mi singular nnan-ihis pity. I His colleague upon the ticket, lion a,,i.0 u, vu.u, .3 ujuung P1.I..V.. uv-u ul..lJr.u. Bicu.eiiergj, and lias been a life long Democrat. At a inember of Ccngref, he has distinguished iiimsclf by fidelity to tho cardinal princi ples of our Government. Such is the SlirVAt nrexpnled for Ihn ..ifWeanf 1 1, K i. I mericaii peupio. EliewLere in our columns will be found , he nlalform of nrincioles adonted br the 'nai,at,i;nn n !u v;f ,i;D:rt UUltiii tvri. 4. v to ayi iv i VAiaiiiUl OUU I ' ' I imnhatio. It enunciates Ibreo treat ear. t o their I jdin&l nrincinles of tho Democracy : Lnirervinir tidolitv to the Federal fninn r a - - y tho States ; their unalterable conviction j hat peaceful measure, are the true means i L the restoration of that Union, nDd fhrir determination to preserve unim aired as well the rights of the States as he power of tho General Government. TliA rtlutfnrni nf nrinrinlA is ftQsArit inll v 1 radical. It does not attempt to deal) ".tii . . I 1 'n ut grapple with the vital questions of, the hour, and plainly defines the position I 1 ' f the Domocracy. There is no room for Idoublo construction, no attempt to ovade he real issue, but clear as the sun at noon ty, and distinct as the rolling thunder, lit rings out our rallying cry, "Peace on Jibe basis of the Union of our Fathers.' Vi'hilst tho Lincoln Administration Lavo mado bloody, relentless, and inhu man war tho Alpha nnd Omegs of their means for tho restoration of tho Union, the Democracy pledge themselves to a cessation of hostilities and a National Convention, or other peaceful means, to ttUin the same end. Reason, intercourse, and negotiation made tho Union, and tho Democracy have unfaltering faith that the same means will restore it. The pcoplo are tie arbiters of thttirown Llestinv, and in their hand we feel that we aro safe. Lot them but be aroused to tin magnitude of the issues involved, to ths immense responsibilities now hsvolv- Uupon them, to the fact that their lib- 'Ws and the problem of In J capacity of fman r..r aolfr-nvflrtimftnt are tremblicc in Mlie scale; and the result will be for us. 1 fe will not doubt it ; wo cannot doubt it. Awake, then ! Let every man feel that o is responsiblo for tho result. Lot DO In ank movements of tho enemy dim t you row tho real issue. TI..... ...Ml ..:i:r.. r r- . l il a.., ... v.i.iy mcleii-ax, anu . ndeavor to uivort our attention Irom heir own misdeeds. Detraction and Vecutiom have but served to brighten his l. 1 .1 V: B.lAn... 1. .,1 1 niriues. nuu uia ismeucn usi aii.iecl 10 I : . ...... ... KnuUo him the taol ot tlie people Wo I ill not defend him : thoir abuse will aid ! a lus elevation. Oar course is an Oggro.s- , Is licrobj given, That Letters of Adminis .... ' (ration nn the o.titji of Henry F. Schoening, fro ono. We demand at tno lianas or air. Lincoln a.l account of hi stewardship, wu ui . ,;., .nd Where are the hopes, the happiness, and prosperity of this country, entrutteu to bis care four years since ? ri.. :. MUI1U IS HID, Union of the Slates, under a Government of law, dispensing equal and exact justice to all 7 Where are the smiling lleld, the Plenteous harvests, and the happy home. the States made the theatre of war T ; Where are the hundreds of millions of j " ' "io ... , ... treasure squandered and stolen In Telenlless wart Where are the liberties f the people, unnecessarily loadod by liwles tatrape t Where are the lens f thoutand of bray souls burleJ inb eternity by criminal mismanagement and reckless change of command,-- a,i greater than all, wLeroareour hopes for liberty and Unioncnce and prosperity f The Legislature. The Legislature adjourned sine dit on iuursuay, August 25th. The only meas tins of importance passed, were the ap propriation of $100,000 to the poor of Chaniberbburg; the amendmeut of the militia law, so ui to authorise the imme- enrolment of all between 13 and 45, ana lb provision for calling out either b' volunteering or draft not exceeding t ! "& f Slato defence. Tho " "w ui.-u UIHUUIIUU. The Sennto a1i,1 It. w. t nv. I ..lwvv aivii. ffui..u j ur re.i, oi husqucbanna, Speaker during the the vacation-ihe Ropullicnn. toIId, fori" rto! !'', and the Democrats voting for Sena- lor Wallace. fisafln the jirocoodinfis of tho Chicago Convention as printed on our first page, the name of iho member of tho Commit tee on Resolutions from Pennsylvania was not given. Tho gentleman 6eloctod was our fellow-townsman, lion. Win. A. Wallace, who was eoleoted to read the re port of Iho Committee to tho Convention, ' iU &Rj which duly ha porformod in tho most - .i:ii l. I A Hoax Our citizens were startled on Monday last by tho report that ono man l,i 1 .. l ..1 : .. . . l ,, , . ' attempt to arrest some alleged deserter on jLioatueiu Creek, on Saturday last. As tho report is not confirmed wo presume thorepc ' jssiblo in this region. Ho had better . ... consider tUatsomewuiiirfici.'Kn demands imm0,liatQ .llcntion elsewhPr Men . . of his class and calibre, should take warn. : i.r.. : i. -...i i i llltuciuio IV 19 IW IUIP. BLU UllUtSlblUUll that Domocrats have endured'as much of guch aneua!ie as lpv intend to. THE WAR NEWS. . Highly important news is reported from Sherman's army. Atlanta was entered by tho advance of Our forces On tho 2d inst. Onfl ncrnnnt anva Ihn nluno wna nvarimtpd j - t b? the Confederates after a severe battle, in whieh tho rebel army was cut in two, ' - 1 - -n ... 1 1 nt A.a unu auuereu neavy loss. iiieso mum arts .. ct t Ctl 1 1 ..a . ,ven Dy ocreiary oian.on-uu. uu ,-r- t'cu'ars aro SlveD- r way Richmond, Gon - Grant enj9 doeral i"g that iii.. r it . r a 1 1 . i i i : u,,p ,u" ' A;,"ul 1,143 " " ." If " true, but fow Confederates could Lave escapeu There are no new movements in tho ar my of tho 1'otomac the contending for ces maintaining their respective positions retenburg. It is di hcult to ascertain the real posi- ah f (To ira in flirt Cli nn n n flna I V nl?ftf A . . .. l4. . , . . , . . .t, . f . v ArneUjA Ami that, (ha fAhala h IIVA imliiu puled sway south of Winchester at least. Fort Morgan, in front of Mobile, has surrendered with uhout COO prisoners, and about CO guns. The draft, it is believed, did not take place on the 5th, in any district. It seems that tho President was under tho impres sion that the Act of Congress required but fifty days notice ftcm the day of the call until the date of the draft ; whereas, it is now ascertained that licly days is required. But aside from this, the President's proc- lara.Uion was dated the 18th of July--giv-i ing but 40 days lo the 5th of Seploniber,1 unless both the days named are included.! This but shows the blundering propensities ! of tho blunderers at Washington. I UEl.IEi' NOTICE. The Iiosrd of Relief for the county of Clearfield, will meot at tho : I ,.iv..- .!. ....I..,. ....1 Tl.w-. dnyj tU 2.th na oUtll iayt 0f September, iscl The Board have directed that oil new uppli- Zldr. regiment aud company; when cniistod ; the 'number of children, with ogo nnd sex of ea.h ; the township in which they resided at tho time of, pnUstment, and their present residence ; and that fho is without tho means cf support for her.olf and children, who aro dependent upon her. ( Two witnesses of credibility, from tho tow nship which she reside., must nlso be produced whose certificato, sworn to before the board, must set forth that the applicant i. tho person she cp-r resents herself to be; that tho statomtnent ofthe. nuxihur unrl acre nf her fuiullv is true ; tnai sue dcTtitut cir cumstancos and her family in utllni wnn -ndthnt all tho fusts set forth in her per-'application are just nnd U-uo. Sfl liil.d'of RelleV . i I . 1. . I . n nr-Aor oLnlication li mauo ana iuo ii.i.m.-n ..rr.. vv . . ' u I' II A IH.KY. (Uk.W "r1" ' 1 0O,,. - . dmivktr VTOH'S NOTICI'.-Notic .... ,.,. . rl.nrfiu1(1 ... i... decensed, having been granted to the undersigned, all por- un "'aeutoa to snij estate are requirea to niia linmoJinto pnymenti 8nd thof0 M.ing cii,, .gainst the samo wUl present thein duly ttu'hontl- catcd for .ottlemonL H1DV T OitTni'VIVl maivi u. ovuur.ii am, Administratrix. aug.3-6t AUTION. The public are horcby caution- J ed against buying or telling, or in any wsy puling . I rZX d town,hiP) vi. Two horses, ono two -horse wagon, one .ott doubls ibarnoos, 8 -head of sheep head of hogs, one plow, one timber sled, and ' Jocking store-i the .aid property legally """""" . . ;-r,n nt?MT belong, to me. '"v Brady tp., aug. 17, 1864.-pd. 17I8H-Mckerel, Cod.Jsh, herring, Sajiptn, in aU lit psc.. 3- KRATZEIVS. Orphans Court Sale of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Y vir uoofan order of the Orphan.' Court Louse of John B. Radebach, in Decatur tp. on Fridav. tl, Irt.l. p . , v.. u.v ui oujji, r next, fccvcnty-Five Acres. cvcnty-Five Acres, more or less, of Unimprored Land, late the e. - talo of George Go.a dPoeai.od. .ituato about ono miU .out i-east of tho Blue Ball Hotel. Thi! ...... ,D won uniDerca with WHITE and YELLOW r-1 " ' , ,,ul ,01fr U11M fron Tyrono A I . . f5 - w 'IUIIIB hi.. ,. . ' ,1ulero lumber command, tho highest price., and is therefore adeirable prop- TEUMS. Ono half cash at .al, and tho re- i 1 . ... , " . "lerenfter, wilh interest, to I i . - j uioreiiiuir. wun intflrest. to miM ,1,... -.1 . Z ' I' v.. .i ... , ' "ncn " uttendnnee will be eiven hr CYKKJJIt'S I10WK, JOSEl'il GOSS, (Executor, of (icorgo Gosa, deceased.) August 2-Mj, 130i-tJj. ' Orphan's Court Sale nf VtTITi ill i- n.i . V V, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE lYvirt,,o of an order i..ued out of ih. O, J.J Than Court of Clearfield oonntv. at Juno term, 1804, thoro will be exponed to" PUBLIC &ALU, on tho prcwif-cs, in Morris twp., on Saturday, tho 17th September next. nt 2 o'clock, r. m., tho following valuablo REAL ESTATE, to wit: Ninety Acres of Land, lato tho ostato of David Flogal, doccased. About SIXTY acres of this land is cloured, with House and Barn thereon orccted, and a eood Orchard : the b.ilnnco is heavily timbered with the best of WHITE PIXE, and is within hnlf a mile of a Steam Saw Mill. The whole bsing-a valuablo ami dosirublo properly. n.i..ut3.. i t. i u : une-imi mo purcna.o monej in l.fth day or September, 1?, at 1 o'clock in tho hand at lb; ccnur.natiou of Iho sale ; the residue afternoon, f.r the purpose above stated, uceord in one year thereafter, with interest, to bo ... illJ? to tho terras of tho eighth section of the sup cured by bond and mortgaKo on the promises. I pi,.,nenl lo , School law, approved tho fth day said day, when duo attendance will be given by T . . : - """ f "'-I " 1A ill UbAllllAK r, August 2 L tb, lSC4-tds. Guardian. Orphan's Court Sale of VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of an order isMiod out of the Or phan's Court of Cloarfield county. at Juno term, 1861, there will be exposed ta I'UBLIC a a Lib, in liUtncrsburg, on Thursday, tho 15th September next, nt 2 o'clock, p. m , the following valuablo REAL KSTATK, situite in Brady twp., Clearfield co., containing Fifty-Three Acres of Land, and allowance, bounded as follows : I'eginning nt a post, thonce north 73 degrees cast 611 perches to a post on line of 1). Dunl.p, deceased, thence north by said land 137 perches to a post, thenco by land of K. Long 64) to a roH on lino of A. Brooks, thence south on said Brooks' land 115 porches to place of beginning. The land is im proved, with a small house ar.d log stable theroon erected, Into the estato of Thomas Ilrglo, doe'd. TERMS : One-half the purchase money in band at tho confirmation of tho sale ; tho rosidue in one year thereafter, with interest, to bo secur ed by bond and tnortjrngo on tho premises. jSd'Salo to commmouco at 2 o'clock, p. ui., of said day, when duo attendance will bs given by JESSE LINES,- August 24th, 1861-tds. Guardian, Ac Orphan's Court Sale of . VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of an ordor of the Orphan's Court of Clearfield county tho undersigned will ex poso to PUBLIC SALE, at the Court House in the borough of Clearfield, en Monday, the2Cth September next, (being the Monday of tho Court.) A'l that certain pieco of land aituato In Fike twp., Clearfiold co., conta'nlng Two Hundred Acres, being tho west end of a larger tract of land be longing to Anthony Kratior, late of Pike tp., do ceased. Tho said 200 acres adjoin land, of Wl dcuiiro on tho wost, and othor remaining lands of the .aid Anthony Kratzer, on the east, and being heavily timbered with white pine timber. TERM. One half on confirmation of tale, and the residue In one year with interc.t. C. KRATZER, Bug., JIth,'6t-tds. Administrator. ADJOURNED ORPHANS' CCURT SALE OF MAIL. S3PAra. l'lfly Acrts iii Kaithaus Township. 1- Y virtuo of an order of tho Orphan's Court pf Clearfiold eounty, the following Real Ks tiit'e will be sold on Iho premises on FKIDAY, tho 23d of SEPTEMBER, 18(4, at 2 o'clock p.m., viz: A certatn tract of land situnto in Karthaus township, bounded by lunds of I. O. M'Closkoy, D. Mooro, ot nl, containing FIFTY ACRKd, about twenty acres of which is cleared and under cultivation; t'-o residuo is farming hind of good quality lato tho ostato of John Harlzog, dee'd. Terms One half tho pur-haso money at con firmation of snlo, nnd tho ba'aneo thereof in one year, to bo secured by bond nnd mortgnge. 3 ' GOM'RKY FldllER, ati"24-tt Adm'r of John Hart:'g, dee'd. Auditor's Notice. T 1i,o underlined auditor, appoinlea ny tho Orphan's Court of Clenrfield county, to at dis- tribute tho monies in tho linn is oi t m. n. cuaw, .l.n:niui-,,inr of tho ..state of John belirigo, (le-. 8- j ..i i....kn r.:o nniipA tbnt. ho will attend to , tho duties of hi. nppointment, at his oliiee in j Clearfield on Monday, boptemiier l'Jth, 161, at ten o'elock a. m., when ami wtero an persons interested may attend. It. J. WALLACK, Aug. !4,'64-3t. Auditor. J. O. J3L&CKWELL, wirn GEO. W. HEED & CO. CLOTHING, Also, Jobbers in Cloths, Cassimcres and Sattinotfl, No. Ii;i Market Mrcet, North eido botween Fourth and Fifth, PHILADELPHIA. ir-Call and seo our extonsive stock. Aug. 10, '04. tf. For Snlc A Fruit Earm. THE subscribr offer, for saloon reasonable, term, his FARJl situated in Lawrenco town- j ship, about midway .botweon Clearfiold and Cur-. rracre.h o f cleared, with a Frame House and lmo Darn. There re upwards of 400 U . . . i I- ..i AAnilifinti fill ITl A 20 KL. ..... with : a Quantity of Cherry trees, Grupevincs, and other small fruit thcreon-tho "L h...ni well located. The tide is indisput- -ui. v... i.nn. muilv to the subscriber at GEORGE IU0RN. Clearfield. August 10. 1S64.-U". Chop! Chop! Chop! flA AArii Bushels .upcrior RYE-CIIOP U,UUU Just recoived and for sale st H 75 per bnndred. JAMB3 TETT. pbilljAurJ, Ag- , Ui L ii Teachers' Examinafi ppi.icATa , ..c " ' i,? T"0? ' tb Mlo .!., . : ur "Dnooi win msec lur ex g named plaoei' Lutuersburir. MaU.y. mber 5 Fo, Fer"u?' " enn, at Lumber city, W I 'y. .Septembers. ty r or uen, at Uower, Wtdnndnu Vnin,l.,. For cnrwenniii. .r,s Pd,. .... . For curwcrsv.n. and rik0.t m. .-.. r... 1 F " tZ'J, , llT I , ,,2 BradfVLd' Williaau' Qrovo, I -i??: fej;lembor 12- T 141 iJlertown, H einetJuv, September 14. " " For Uocatur nd Woodward, at Centrs school house in Decatur, Th,r.dny, September 15. For Loocana ,nd Uulich, at Glen Hope, Jfur. F h-uij:!,0,!"' Cons nm M .... . Md kartha"" rt Mu,Snb,,re' ynv I nfiti.n TV . . . . . ,r , ".i 10-1 schoo house n Huston, Friday 23d. For ClearBeld and Lawrence, at CloarCeld on Monday 20th. o private examination will hn finlil lin.n.a satisfactory cnuse bo shown, and then applicant. i e"! A7r!l,cnrc,tI f at 1,ast I ' . l"B ""ura Direct. rs of tho idlPlr,ct 'n w,l"ch th"y i'rop.e to teach. n J .lh" .?".lf..!',tt?c'1 !". .". '.".i under apyrlr- emnstances, without a vnlid certilioute, which the director, should examine carefully bef iro con tracting. Applicants will bo required to attend at thoso places nenrest tho district to which they ore applying for schools. Tho examination, will COiniucueo at 9 o'ului-h,, a. m. C. B. SAXDF0RD, Bug. 17, ISC I. 4t. Co. Supt. rp THK JSt'HOOI, I 1 RECTORS OK JL CIcnrDeld county, Gkntlrmex . Artilicn- tion having been made by tho Itunrd. of Pi roc tors of a majority of the School listricts in snid county, stating their desire to incrcuso the snln ry of tho County Superintendent thereof, you aro respectlully requeMed to moot in Convention ai mo court nouse, iu (.icnriiom, on Tues lay tho oi .inv. ja. u. k. ill ill itw aug. 17, '6i. .S'ii. Com. School. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. TEST IX PIE, having applied fur License a. an Auctioneer, under the IT. 8. Rovenuo Laws, respectfully informs bis friends and the publia genorally, that ho is always prepared to attend public sales !u any part of the county, nt tho shortest notice, nnd on tho most reasonable terms. Ho tan b addressed, personally or by letter, at Leconf. Mills, Clearfield county, Pa. ji'l3-4t JUSTIN PIE, T? M. McKIERNAN, Dentist, respectfully in I forms tho citizens of Glen Hope, Janesville aim iiumiiy, wiai no uns loeaicu in .'uneivuie, rortablo Meain Mill sent to Cambria Iron Com whero ho lc prepared to wait upon all who may I pony, in nine hours, eight thousand feet of lum desiro his prnfessirnnl services. &9-Calls to : her, (two thirds of it being rnk.) and would other parts of tho cointy will be promptly attend- cheerfully recommend your Mills to those in ed to. F. M. McKlEKiMA.V. may ll,'64-3m pd. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Atto!(ht at Law Clearfield, P OfT.ee in thaw's Row, op posite the Journal office. dee. I, 1058. tf 1364 1 06 1 . PHILADELPHIA &. ERIE RAILROAD. T HIS great line traverses the Northern and Northwestern counties of Pennsylvania to tne city oi I'.rio, on Lako Frio :It ha. been leased by tho Prnnnuhnndx llitil road Comiony, and undor their auspice, is be ing rapidly opened throughout its entire longth. . It is now in use for Passenger and Freight bu ineai front Jlarrlaburg to St. Mauv'i (2JI-'orlr, 211 miles) on tho Eastern Division, und from Sheffield to L'rio, (73 miles) ea tho Western Division. 1'ime n Pti'trngrr Train at Emporium. Express Train leavos eas'ward 3 oO P. M. Aco'ui'n Train arrives westward 1 30 P, M. Cars run through withoi-t cnAXflit both ways on tnoso trains botween I'hiladofplua and Look liaven, anil between IJaltunoro and In net: TffLVAn Elccnnt Slecpinif Cars aeeoninnnv the Kinro.. Train both ways between Willinmsport and Balti- more, and Williamsport and Philadelphia For Information rospocting Passcnirer businost apply at the S. E. Cor. 1 1th mid Market sts. And for Freight business of the Company s Agents, S. B. Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th and Market sts., Philadelphia ; J. W. Reynolds' Erie ; J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimoro H. II. UotTSToM, Hon'l Freight Ag't, Phila.j Lewis L. Houpt, Gen'l Ticket Ag't, Phila.j Jo.. D. Potts, Gen'l Manager, Williamsport may 25, 1864. DISSOLUTION'. The partnership ;horoto fre existing betwoon the undersiined, in the publication of the VIcarJIM Jiciublican, wa. dissolved by mutual consent on the lllb of July, 186 1. Tho Books aro in the hands of the junior part- nor for Collection, J huso patrons knowing them i , , ,,!, i, , selves indebted to the late publishers for either , subscription, advertising, nvlnHwm-Ir nr. ,a. spcctfully invited to cull nnd settle their accounts at thoir earliest convenience. D. W. MOORE, O. B. GOODLANDEil. Clearfiold, July 17, 1SC1. DISSOLUTION. TIIB partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned in tho practice of the Law, in Clearfiold nnd .'(joining counties, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WM. A. WALLACR, JOHN. Q. LI ALL, Clearfield, July 27, ISOl. ,'t?f'The businers will be contlnuod t Clev Euld as heretofore, by WM. A. WALLACE. V AIJTlO. Ail porsons aro horcby caution cd against taking an assignment f a prom. ; iL..nrv slutn iivon bv Ihn undt'rMii'ned I. Juhn g',nitri nnd Robert Stewart, dated in August or i Sepiembcr, LSf.2, and psvablo In tho Spring of 16S. ns said nolo has been paid in full. I JOHN DIX0X, ) Bradford tp., July 20, 18P4-pi. Susquehanna House, ivmvrssviLLE, r. XV. W. WO!t HAM., I'roprlutor, mlllS lartre ani commodious HOTEL Is do J. lightfully located on the bank of the Sus I quebanna, in tho borough of Curwcnsville. 1 he proscnt iironnctor will spare o enori w reuuer uih tuniuaivr. c.iiiiiiniiri i .-,'v. merit a liberal share of pubiio patronage. I.-,.:- . . . 1- .1-1.1.. . - 1 I, HIS BAR AND TABLE Will be well supplied with every thing the mar kot affords, ltuftinen will always find his "latch string" out. Mar. 23, '64. tf. Cloarfield Academy. D. W. MoCURDY, A. B. Principal rpHS next Quarter will op.n on Mondny the . 6th of September, 1964. Term, of tuition a. fnllftWi! ; Common English, comprising (hose branch am not kiffhor than Hrtini?.Writinir,Arith- metie, Geography, English Grammer and History, per quartor, $5 Higher English, per quarter, 7 Languages, per quarter, . 10 August 10, 1861. - J. P. KRATZER, It rr.nC'IIANT. nd dealer in Dry Goods, l I n.ihl.1, tr.ilr. Onucniwirs. Groceries J MXii...... m 1 , r7roBrS';.Mbor. tb. Ac4em, ClearIM r.. AprU tCA 1511, -: . - i-'-t ..l...,. i .. I Auditor's Notice. , fnllK nndorslgncd Auditor, appointed In open 1 ,!T! 1 !"u,t "d "PT distribution of mo- 1 cTearteM??, ,'"".' Iat' ?f township". I SffJf r. daS.d, g v.. notice that he ,rnVrT." ."J?.01 -Sarty, adininistra- ""'"" me autio. ol I u-. .hlM sVptVsMra't'hi, oi ciearttoid, at which time torosted may attend, if u- 64-3t- 1 .T? A1 , 1,?,Ms-Cau,TTolh7?r7mT.7iTf O the .ulwriber, in Lawrence townehip, about tha ih Aagnrt. imt, a Dark Bay Uoreo. Tho uwnOT " requiroa 10 come lirward, prove rrop Artr . n t. i. ui ,, . 1 ,r P0""1 "fs tko lair directs. I L. C. CARD0N. US- H, 1S64. 4t AI USKINGU M V A L LE Y 4 4 m -m T bTEAM AVOKKS. Corner of Mai-Let and Third Sti itts, ZANESVILLE. OILIO. Having added ereatlv to our former cTlennirA facilities wo are now turnin? out a larco number I ;of our improved Portable Steam Engines and l'ortablo Circular Saw Mills, many of which aro finding tluir wuy into rcnnsylvania, Ohio, Indi. nna, ami Illinois, inoso already received and in operation aro giving tho most cntiro satisfac tion. Thero is now hardly n Stato or Torritory in tho Union but that our Improved l'ortablo Engine, and Saw Mills are in us?. AH our Engines hnvo spnrk arrester stacks on them, which confine tho flying spnrks. We would respectfully refer ysu to tho fallow ing gentlemen and certificates for the portability, utility, and practical operations of our l'ortablo Steam Engines and Saw Mills i A von dalk, Chester Co., Pa;, April 8, '64. Mf.ssrs. J. A J. H. Duvam. Oontlemon Tho Portablo Engine and Saw Mill got of you gives etitiro satisfaction. I cheerfully recommend thoso in want of t-aw Mills to give vou a call. Respectfully, B. F. WICKERSHAM, MisitnAL Poixt, Cambria Co., Pa., Mnv 21. 18(14. J. A J. H. PrvAM.-Ocntlemen : With Mr. 8, Hnrdosty as sawyer, wo have snwod, with 4he want of such. Vory respectfully, JOHN MORRELL, For Cambria Iron Compnny. MonrtisnALi, June 2, 1861. Mksshs. J. A J. II. Dijvall' With the assist ance of Mr. H nrdC6ty, we snwod, tho first day we sot up your Engine and Saw Mill, seven thousand two hundred and fifty-six ftet of one Inch pine boards, when everything was new and had be come vory rusty by three weeks exposure in nn open car. Wo are well satisfied that tho mill will ' . , " Vu'"," n 'inDr per . r. . i , .i r l a . . i . uuui, nnu duh.iuiu uuii. , o uuuuriuuy recom- uiL-iiu iiui iuiiib nim vuiuun ij any in wniu, as we are fully satitGed they aro tho best mill and ongme ana mill of the kind we hnve ever seen Yours truly, Jos. BRENNER, For Brenner, Truuh. A Co. E.snsnino, Pa. Fob. 2Cth 1864. Mossrs J. A J. II Dt-VAM,. Dear Sin : Our portable snw Mill ami engine arrived last week all safe and right, wo believe nnd wo can say without meaning any flattery in behalf of Mr. Hardosty that be did himself credit in putting the mill up and starting the samo. Yesterday, just flie week from the time wo unloaded the en gine, he sawed with fotiriands, about 6000 feet of lumber In about ciirht hours, a portion of the loK woro "nk and ash. far as we are ablo to judge, we think we will be able to eond ycu n better report after a whilo. We are satisfied with tho Mill aud Engine, and can recommend them to any person who may dusiro a portable mill and engine Yours, wishing you all success, REE3 S. LLOYD A CO. For further references wo will give the name, of James A Evans, Ebensburg, Pn. Messrs. Hanway A Co , Latrobo, Pa. Mossrs. Pruner A Burlcy, Tyrono; Adams, Calnn A Co-, Crerson ; S. Milliken, Hullidaysliurg ; Hilomnn A Hesser, Altonna ; Messrs. Rood A Bro., Tyrone j W. Iil worth, jr., Pittsburg; S. Rhynes, Lake City; l-ollett A Co., Mist Greenville; It. J. ISicliolson, ! Hronkville ; J. MoOonegal, Hemlock ; Cambria j Iron Work., Johnstown ; l!renner, Trucks A Co., Morrinlale ; Michael Johnston, Ancstnwn : M")- Cormiek C- Long, 1'itUburg; W. S. Lloyd, Kbens- nun' : n. i iiKiu uicr, nun inguon , O. 1I1IFUII, ,'',.:, . i,m i Tj T.rrvfnlr,,. C Ho' i . . it t , - -. i . . i ... l . 4, llf .-1 i h.h nun- , i.n i. ..ui, ... j. , j nolds.A E. Andiess, Uortstown, Crawford county ; M. T. Dill . Thomas McAuley. Altoona; A. L. liolliday, HolliJaysliurg ; M. JI. Adams, Trea son ; W. B. Zeiglir and Joseph S. Bi'ed, Hun tingdon; nil of whom hnvo purchased Portnhlo Stonm Enniues and Portablo Circular Saw Mills ! ot u We fully vnrrant our engines and saw mills to , bo mado of first class material ; workmanship the snme; with Pmfs Ball Valves in pumps, nnd checks, and to saw from 6,0(10 to 1 0, 000 feet of lumber per day (say ten hours.) 5T-Orilers solicited. Descriptive circulars .ent to all correspond -nts. Address, J. A J. n. DUVALL, Corner Market nnd Third Streets, just opposite C. O. R. It. Depot, Zancsville, Ohio. aug. 17. ly. rpKACIIEK! WANTEI. Tho Srbool 1)1 JL reetirs of Girard township wish to employ THREE Teacher, for the Winter .Session of the Public Schools. Applicants aro expected to bo in altendaneo at the examination by tho County uperintendent at Congress Hill School House in September noxt. Tho wages will bo from $ii to $oi dollars per monlli, according to grado. 1'y order or tue l.onr i. PETER LAMM, Seo'y, August 10, 1864. pd. testa- Vi montiirv on the estate of William Slnss,late ot Knox tp., dee'd, having been granted to tho undersigned, sll porsons indebted to laid estate rn reouested to make immediate payment, and Br0 requested to make immediate payment, (i10e having claims against the same will prosont ihm du v authenticatea for settlement. IAIIV Cf I JOHN SLOSS, A. C. TATE, Erccutors . Jy27-Rt I- ADIES' Dress Goods New Styles Alpacas, j Plaids, Moznmbi'iuo, Brocbe-Mohair, Valen cia, Silks, Wool Delaines, French Merinos, Ging lams, Lawn,, just opening M;iiATzER,g latioii:il Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURMENSVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. rpiITS long established and well known HO- TEL, situated in the west end of the town, has boenremoddled, enlarfcd and Improved, and tho proprietor respectfully announce, to his nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that he is now prepared to accommodate all & ""J favor him with a catL ..iiinIl r. --j .mr,,riAl.l stabling I. ai , "b. bTml-nd trusty ..tendanu , wUl always b. on ------ tf ... . ' t j rhatfni nnaftrftiv. -: r m OAlTii" RaCr"8 " ( J-X I I RICHARD MOSSO?, FOEEIGX and DOMESTIC GOODS MUSLINS at Sensation prices DELAINES at Sensatiqn prices COBURGS at Sensation pri.-ei ALPACAS at Sensation prices Just received at MOSSOTf. GIXGIIAMS at Sensation rrices CHINTZ at at at at at at At Sensation Sensation Sonsatiou Sensation prices prices prieoa PRINTS GLOVES CRAVATS prices ut MOSSO PS1 SHAWLS Sencation prices Serration prices Sensation prices BONNETS COLORED I MUSLINS) iVll to be had at MOSSOTS'. LINEN at CRASfl at CURTAINS at l'Alil.E CLOTHS nt Sensation SeiiFalion Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices pi ices FRINGE at ot MOSSOPS'. LACS HOSIERY RIBBONS ot at at Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices prices TRIMMINGS 1 of all kiuda & V at Sensation prices I in any quan'ty I I AIWIIVSOI W Always on band at MOSSOPS'. rensation K?nsation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation prices prices priecs prices prices prices at TWEEDS JEANS ' VEST1NGS SHI U'l'l 'f-i4 at at at at at MOSSOI'tf. CLOTHING Buch' as Coats, Tants, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, at sensation pricos Now for salo at MOSSOrS'. HARDWARE such as Saws, nails . Forks, Knives, atfcn9Rtlon P" Spikes, Ilinges, J at MOSSOPS'. LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, Gin, W h Ukey, Cotrnac. etc. eto.. at sensation pricos FRUITS, such as) Prunes, RaisntR, Figs, Filberts, ic. at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. GROCERIES, say) flour, il a ni s, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Colloe, Tea, C r a o k e rs, Spices, Candle, at solvation pricos Coal Oil, etc., eto. Akayg at MOSSOPS'. ELACKINO ROPES POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS at sensation prices jiricos pricos priocs price at at at ut at sensation sensation sensation senfrttion scuanUoa prices At tho ftore of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOi? Always keeps on Land a full assortment of all kinds of goods required for tho accommodation of tho public. Nov. 12, 1833. WAR, OH NO WAIi! A PEE SH "aEBIVAKOT Summer Goods I AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I am Just roceiving and opening i refully olooted stock of fashionable Spring A fSuuauicr of almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Pry goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Also a gront variety of useful notions. pilY-(.OOJK AKD NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hats and Caps, Boots nnd Shoes, a large quantity, Hardwaro, Quecnswaro, Drugs and Modicinos, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, G R O C i: R I E S , Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel in i J nnd i barrels, of the bet quality, nil of which will be .old at Iho lowe.,t cash or ready pay pricos. My old friends and the pubiio generally, are ' ir..n. A ll I ' . . . ;,,, .nr6.8d COrXTK Y VUQDUCE taken In oxchange for Goods. WM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, May 4, 1364. WATCH & JEWELRY rpTIE underslgnod respectfully I informs his customors and tho public ponorally, that he bar Just received from the East, and o; en, od at his establishment in OKA HAM'S HOW Clearfiold, Pa., a lino assortinont of Clocks, Watciibs, and Jrwklrt of difTorent qualities from a singlo piece to a full sett, whieh he will toll at the most reasonable price, for c.sh, or in ! exchnntre for old Bold and silver, I CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at th Diet rcnoonahlo prices. ALL kind, of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry cnrofullT repairod nnd H arrnnfecf. A continuance of patronage i. solicited, Sept, 19, I860. II. F. NAUOLE. SI'. SIcCI.OSlvliV, Prnolical Surveyor, of. . fers his professional sarvlcos to the people of Clearfield connty. Having purchased the In struments, llraltn, ftc., of tne late Iho mas itcss, dco'd, he will be ready to attend to business on the shortest notice j he can be consulted at his residence with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur wcnsville, or by letter addressed to him at. Cur wcnfvillc. S.F. JUcCLOf-aUY. ap. 27 '64-It. AI)M!SI9TR.ITOI.' NOTItr Notice is hereby given that lottors of administration on ihoestateol WM. L. MOORE, late of Clear field borough, Clearfield eounty, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all perstn In debted to said estate are requested to nuili. im mediate payment, and those having demand, against the same will present them duly authen ticated for settlement, HANNAH MOOTtB, Aim's, Jly 27 '64. JAS. A. MOORE, Adm'r. t. . CHANS. WALTKR BARltST CHANS and BAKItET, Attorney, at Iaw, May 8, Ki. CuAansLD, . (1R0CEIUE3 A faJletoek of chnico Once;. X Is. it I tm.ll idraore on city prirwe at i. P. KRVKKK'H, 0