Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 07, 1864, Image 1

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    (Ml) f u
41 1rtW Wl rpwMt
if IIP
P. W. HOOBE, Editor and Proprietor.
The Mode iu which tho Soldiers shall
The foMowi
foNowing is nn abstract of tha lilt
prescribing the manner in which tho
Srctiox 1. Provides that whenever any
of the qualified oloctors of this Common-
soiuiers snail vote :
wealth shall be in fietnnl mint..
under a requisition from tho President or C"S to and from their respective regi
Governor.and consequently absent on tho ; "len,s. and may voto at ono of the eom
(lay of holding general, rpecial, or presi- l)ul,y poll", 'o failure of commissioners
dential elections, they shall bo entitled to I l" Vlsit regiments shall invalidate liny elcc
ixercise the right of suflraga as fully as if un, he act.
they were present, at their proper places , 28- 2!'.. The officer authorized to
ef voting, and the right of such voter i con"uct elections aro to be subject to (he
not to l)o imnaiicd by reason of hia buim, USU!" penalties for. non-fulfilmtnt r.f iln.
creJitod for bounty iu aDy other locality
lijuu uu ciium reaiuence.
Sec. 2. A poll is to be opened in each
company, composed in whole or part of
Pennsylvania aoldiera, at the quarters of
the captain or other officer, and all elect
ors of said company who shall be within
one mile of such quarters on the day of
election, and not be prevented from re
turning by tho proximity of tho enemy or
erdcrs of commanders, shall vote at such
headquarters, and no other placo. Officers
other than those of a company, the other
voters detached and absent from their
companies, or in any military and naval
nospjiai, or in any vessel or navy yard,
may vote at such other polls as aro most
convenient to mem. When thero are ten
or more electors unallo to attend at the
conipuuy polls or proper places of election
they may open a poll at such place as thev
rcay select.
Sr.c. 3. The polls are not to be opened
Lefore 7 o'clock, and must bo kept open
three hours, or, if deemed Decennary in
order to receive all the votct, until seven
o'clock in tho eveninc.
Sec. 4. Before opening the polls tho
eieciors present snail elect, viva vpee,
three persons for judges, and tho judges
(halt appoint two clerks, and prepare
boxes for their ballots.
Sec. 5. Before receiving any votes tho
judges and clerks shall be sworn to ob
lerve the law and guard against fraud and
deceit, and this calh must bo entered on
the poll-book and signed by the judges
tnd clerks
Sec. 6. All voting shall bo by ballot,
tnd tho applicant to vote, if challenged,
roust bo examined under oath by the
the judges an to his right to vote in tho
precinct in which he cluinis residence.
Sec. 7. Separate poll-books must bo
kept, and separate returns made, for tho
voters of each city or county. Tho poll
books bUHll name tho company and regi
ment, and post, place or hospital in which
tho election is hold. Tho county and
township, city, borough, ward, precinct,
or election district of each voter shall bo
eudorscd opposite his namo on tho poll
books, of which each clerk shall keep one.
Sec, 8. Tho tickets shall have upon them
tho names of all tho officers for whom tho
elector desires to voto
.Sec. 9. On receiving tho ticket the
judges must pronounce audibly tho namo
of the elector presenting it, and if satis
fied of the light of tho elector to voto,
and ho is not challenged, shall deposit tho
Imllot in the proper box, while the clerks
register the natuo and legal residence of
the voter in their poll-books.
Sec. 10. At tho close cf tho polls the
number of voters Fhnll Le counted, set
down, and certified at the foot cf the poll
Seo. 11. After the poll-books are signed
the ballots ure to le counted, each jmlc
rending tho names thereon, and tho thiid
stringing thn vote of each county on a
separate string, and carefully preserving
the camo.
Sec. 12. 'iVhero two tickets nro folded
together, both aro to Le throivn out, and
trhere two ballots aro voted together for
tho same office, neither is to be counted
for that office.
Sec 13. Kach clerk shall keep, in addi
tion to the poll-book, u list of tho voters
for each county, which shall constitute a
part of tho poll-book,
Stc. 11. The number of voters on thee
county poll lists also bo set down
and certified.
Sec. 15 and 1(3 prescribe tho form cf
poll-book, and the manner of entering tho
Sri!. 17. After canvassing the votes, the
judges will seal up and send tho poll-book
lists, and the ballots, to the Trothonotary
of tho proper county, and secure the other
poll-books and lists, to bo called for by tho
Commissioner appointed under tho net.
If not called for within ten days, tho
second look, c, aro to bo sent to tho
Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
Sec. lti. Tho I'rothonotary must furnish
tho ltoturn Judgo with a certified copy of
returns so received.
Sr.c. V) and 20. The return Judges aro
to' meet op thenccnnd Tuesday of Novem
ber to count and enter tho vote of eoldieis
thus returned.
Sec. 21. In Presidential elections, 'all
returns received by tho Sccrctnry of tho
Commonwealth nre to bo compared with
the county returns, for tho correction of
the latter.
Sec. 22. All elections aro to be subject
to contest a under the present laws.
Sec. 23, Tho Seerotary of tho Common
wealth is required to provide a sullicient
number of copies of this lniv, together
with extracts from the general election
laws, blank forms of poll-book, tally lists
nd roturns, postage stamps, tc, and for
ward the same bv commissioners, or oth
erwise, to tho officers of
companies, detached posts and hospitals,
who shall deliver the samo to tho olection
judires on the dnv of election, but no
election is to b Invalidated by reason of
uch blanks not boing received.
DEC. 2i. "ri. " i. 27. The UOVemor IS 10 1
ppoint such commissioners, not exceed-1
r.g no to each Pennsylvania regiment
" srvic, as shall b necessary to carry
Jot the law. Hakl commissioner art (o
M.Hvorn to fulfil their duties, under pen-
ally of f 1,000, or ianirisonmint c.r n,i.
year. Thov aro In il.Jlum. r.,... .,,v.. r
I the laws. and nt least in nf I i,.i,a
j to the commanding officer of every coml
1 l J "'.v j,.n i,
0 Pe,,ing polls,
tho PU-hook
pany and nart nf ,n,,M. . ;.i r...
and call for ono copy of
l"'n-uuun. liner mn election. Imir
a'0 to ba naid ton couta tier mil.) r..r rv.
i M8- are to receive no compenaa-
Sko.30. When tho Sheriff issues his
proclamation for an election, be shall
transmit immediately copies of tho same
to tho troops in the field from tho county.
Skc. 31. .13,(I00 is appropriated to carry
the law into effect.
Sec. 32, 33. Where less than ton persons
are separated from their proper company
they are to vote as follows ; Each voter
is authorized, before the day of tho elec
tion, to place his ballot, propeily folded
in iv sealed envelope, totother with astato
ment Bigned by tho voter and his com
manding officer, or some other wtnna
and duly Bworn to and certified before
sum omcer, or some other competent per
son. This statement must set forth tho
following facts : J
T he name and proper residence of the
An authority to some qualified voter at
the place of his residence, to cast the bal
lot for him.
That ho is a qualified voter in the pre
cinct w here he proposes to vote.
That he is in tho active militury service,
end give the name of the organization of
which ho is a member.
That he has not sent his ballots to any
other person than the ono so authorized.
That he will not attempt to vote at uny
poll opened on said olection day at any
place whatsoever.
That he has not been dishonorably dis
missed from service.
And that he is now stationed at ,
State of .
Said sealed envelope, ballots and state
ment are to bo sent by mail, or otherwise,
to the proper person, with the endorse
ment on the sealed part thereof, "Sol
dier's ballot for- towhship, (ward or
borough,) in the county of ," Ac.
Secs.'34, 35, 30, 37. The elector to whom
this ballot is sent shall deliver it vjn-ncd,
on the day of election , at the proper polls.
The election officer shall open it iu the
preseuco of the board, and deposit tho
ballots and accompanying papers, us other
ballots are deposited. The person deliv
ering lho ballot fchall bo compelled to
testify on oath that ho has delivered it in
the same state as when received, and that
ho has not opened it or changed or altered
the contents. Without such oath lho
vote shall not be received. The rijtht to
vote of the person sending" tho ballot mny
bo challenged tne same as it no was per
sonally present. Ai.y electiou officer re
fusing to receive and count such voto, ex
cepting when fraudulent, and any elector
to whom such imllot is sent relusing to
present it to the proper poll, aro punish
able by irri00 line and one year's imprison
ment. Any person making falsa oath
touching theno mat tors is subject to a
penalty of $1,000 fine and five yean im-pii.-oument.
Sec. 3d. Tho Secretary of Stalo shall
prepare and furnish the necessary bkiuks
to carry out this ac t.
Sue. 30. In case of an elector in military
service on a veasel, the master of said ves
sel shall bo competent to take affidavit
and wiittwn statemeut of said elector.
Sec. 40. Assessors are required to assess
a county tax of ten cents on every non
commissioned olticcr and private, and the
usual tax on every commissioned officer,
known by them to be in tho military ser
vice of tho United Statc3 or of thu State,
in tho army or navv, and when names
shall have been omitted they must be
added on application of any ronident of
tho district. Non-comtnL-sioned ofticerj
and privates are to be exempt from all
other personal taxes while in service
Assessors must receive this tax from, and
furnish a certilleato of payment to, any
citizen offering to pay tbo samo to said
soldier. Whero the name has been en
tered on the assessment books no certifi
cate of assessment shall be required. The
cortificata of payment must set forth the
name of tho person for whom the tax is
paid, tho date of payment, and year for
which it is assessed. This certificate shall
only bo evidencoof paymentof taxes, and
shall not precludo a demand for other
evidenco of a right to vote, lho penalty
for non-complianco on tho part of tho
assessors, collectors, or treasurers, shall
not be less than $20, nor more than $200.
ts?A dead mule, belonging to Mem
phis citizen, was beini? hauled out of the
lines tho other day when a bayonet thrust
revealed tho fact that tho carcass contain
ed 00,000 peioitsaipn caps, a quantity of
ammunition and other contraband arti
cles which soruo rebel sympathizer had
taken this means to smuggle-
8aSTA largo haul of Federal Treasury
officials In Vieksburg has been made, for
smuggling whiskey ajia cotton.
.aTCr! Shurz is spoochifying in St.
Louis for Fremont, Carl it very hungry
for some place or olhor.
Jt'SAn American won ?l,0o0in a wrest
ling match with an Englishman down ir.
Jersey t. fow days ga.
MPiine . uli When a tiers -n a
m-g ..orain ig on fire," is it
blow them out!
jgj"In Canada they call our poilal cur
rency " LIUla Lincolns." ' . , .
Tin: .democratic
CnicAoo, August 2'J. At noon the Na
tional Democratic Convention was culled
in by August Belmont, Chairman of
tho National Committee, who said ;
Gentlemen vf ths (
u iii.
didatrs for tho K:Z: : :iVl rr
i r.i . . . . "-j m-o i res-
ue.iey ot the United States. This task, at
an time a most diiKnnlt nn.i
ono, nus, by tho sad events nf nnr,.i. :i
war, assumed
sibihtyof tho most fearful nature. N jver
sinco tho formation of our Government
has there been on asseuibhiL'o. tli
ceedings of which were fraught with moio
momentous and vital rosults, than those
which must flow from your action here.
Towards you, gentlemen, are directed at
this moment tha finximia iunra art, ,ln ilin
t it u iuuui3
not only of millions of American citizens
oui an.o oi every lover ol civil liberty
throughout tha WOlld. . In irrtt) 1 ...... 1 .
. . . ...... ii mil
rosts. under the rid inn nf mi A n.u;. i....
. , ' , . .1.. icu X III) -
idonce, tho futuro of tiio Kopublio. Four
years of ru.o by tho sectional, lanaiical,
and corrupt pmiy wai ns us of lho disas
trous consequences which would befall us
if Mr. Lincoln's re-election should bo mida
possible by our want of patriotism ond
unity. Tho inevitable result of such a
calamity must ba tho uttor disintegration
of our whole political and social system,
amid bloodshed and anarchy, with the
great probloms of liberal progress and self
government jeopardized' for generations
lo como.
The American people have nt last awak
ened 10 tho conviction that a changeof
policy and administration can alono Btay
our downward course, and they will rush
to the support of your candidate and plat
form, provided you will offer to their suf
frages a tried patriot who ha proved his
devotion to the Union and Constitution ;
that you pledue him ond ourselves to
maintain them by every efi'ort and aacri-
tico 111 our power.
Let us, at tho very onset of our proceed-1 Mr. Cox, orOuio, moved that tho Com
nps bear in mind that the dissensions of; mittoo on o.ganizatiou be instructed to
thu last atlonal Democratic Convention j report rules for tho government o'' ihe
woroonoof lho priucipal crises which : Convention, nn.1 i il.u ,., .!..', .1...
r . I ..
r - - viutuii.imiin 1UIO
lho hands of our opponents, and lot us
take care not to fall again into the samo
fatal error.
We must bring to the alttir ofour coun
try tho sacrifice of our prejudices, opin
ions and convictions, however dear and
long cherished they may Le, from the mo
ment thry threaten the harmony and
unity of acliou so iudispcnsublo to our
Wo are not hero as Wor Democrats,
nor as peace Democrats, but ns citkons of
mis (irtai ikejuiDiio, wincli we will strive
and labor to the last to bring back to its
former greatness and prosperity without
ono single Blar taken from the brilliant
constellation that once encircled iu youth
ful brow.
Let pure and disinterested patriotism,
tempered by uied.-iatiou and forbearance
preside over i ur deliberation', and under
the blessings of Almighty God the sacred
cause of the L'nion, tho Constitution and
the laws must prevail over fanaticism and
Mr. Belmont was enthusiastically np
pbiuded durini; the delivery oi'iiad'lro--..
I'll" Hon. Win. Bigler, of lVini.-ylvanh,
chosett temporary Cliah'm.iii of the
Convention, and up;m taking the clnir
miulo a brief uddios;:, expiring conli
deuno in tho wisedeliburaliom of ihe Con
vention and in tho success of its nominee.
Gnitlciroi r,f (he Corny nti'in :
I am greatly honored in your selection
of mo to pre-ido over tho preliminary de
liberations of this body. My acknowledg
ments for tho high cn.npliin?nt and for
th kind greeting j ust extended to mo by
this vait concourso of my fellow-citienx,
will be host manifested by the proper dis
charge of tho duties of tho position to
which you havo called mo. It is not cx
pocted, nor would it bo titling, in ono as
suming a mere temporary Presidency of
this Convention, that ho should enter up
on any general discussion of tha many
topics suggested by lho unhappy condi
tion ofour country. A brief allusion to
tho occasion and purposes of our asseui-
hlnn ia nil thnliwill hn nnAaunptf Nneim
ilnr body ever assembled in Anierica will,
.. .
littr uodv ever assenmiea :n America wit :i
mightier objects bWoro, or to which such
a vast proportion ot the American people
Innkp.l ! I.,vi,l u,iiieir n l.i V.ip
1 . . . . . . ,
...v.-..v .v, ..r.imcu, i .e
country andudvanoa their individual hap -
m O'ltnfAii 1 1 rirrttrtrtf t n-allnr.. rf (bn
pinosB. i uu iei uiiiiuiiuii oi j.ieni ocriuic
ruio in in is coumry, was due ona Ol pfiuo -
fill rnlii! ion 4 Itplivri t !m Klnio. nn,l iIia
ful rolalions between tho States nnd lhe
people. The elevation of a sectional par
ty to authority at Washington, tho calum
niation of a long indulged, acrimonious
war, culmination and re-ci imiiiation be
tween cxtrcmo men at the North and
South, wero promptly followed by dissolu
tion and civil wilt, and in the progress of
that war even the foundations of civil li
berty have been imporilled and the wliolo
public brought to the very verge of des
truction, and now, at lho end of moro
than three years of a war unparalleled in
1 : . 1 , -
modern irmrs ior n mnpninia nnu ior
barbarous desolation, after more than two
millions of raon have been callod into the
fio.d on our sido alono, alter lua land has
been literally drenched in fraternal blood,
and waitings and lamontalions are heard
in every cornor.of our common country,
tha hopes of the Union and our cherished
object are iu no wise improved.
The men now in authority, through a
feud which they long maintained with vi-
-" - uunmg lumi n, lug uuillU) W'i
cause of a blind fnaticwm about on inati-
lotion in nma Rint.. . ..J : ..ini;nn ia I
- - - - - v.wh.n, WII14 , ifiuiiuu v
. ,;.i
not MEJ1.
Itvliinli MiDir ln,l 1 . i
i ouuues to perform nrt
iiibt indispensable. atep to tho accomplish-
inonf. fit Una inn... .....t .i '
.. -rriiivu. iiiiii. Liin
. . .. .. .--
iw wju UCCOtliniltill-
i n i , . Ullt' 18 1110 overthrow
by tho ballot of the present Aduiinistra-
UM iuaiKuration or another in
riy? lenienta our
"uuuiiui irouoraon the nrineinlpa nt' thn I
Constitution, and
i ..n ....... : . , -""-v,.).
one which will stand unfalteringly
by civil and religious liberty j on whicli, j
instead of n Kin lmlL, i.-.'i
dogmas and doctrines, and tho rava"t of
the sword, will refer tho national troubles
to tho people, the fountain of political uu
t.ionty, mid to the States under Lho forms
or the Constitution j ono whiuh will have
no conditions precedent to the restoration
of the Uuiou, but will diligently seek that
lesuUnfa return ot permanent peace a
mongst tho people.
Gentlemen, you have Uon commission
ed by tho peopL' to coiuo here and initiate
steps to accomplish these great oljot.J, to
suleotan agent or agei.eies in this good
work, that that step will bo well perform
ed, 1 have an uufalioricj; faith. ulJ th.ik
tho people may sanction and God bloss
these means to the desired end is my siu -
cero nravor.
At the conclusion of his remarks ho in-!
troduced the lie-. Dr. Uarkson, of Chica-1
fa ; ..uu uLi-reu up u prayer lor the speedy
- . I t J -' w. .110 D lUUU V
return of peace and permanent happiness
of lho country. K. O. Perrin, G. M. Tor-
vers and Moses Strong, of Wisconsin, "were
appointed temporary Secretaries.
iiiousioi delegates was called by States
and us each chaiimau presented tho cio-
aenuuisoi his delegation ho was welcomed , 0 , lcv t's llljel ly
with loud applause. j 'l vi" l,ut down des
?.fi' Til, Ion r. V.., ..1 .1 hales tile, iL' rrnm
ono doleuate bo aimointnd r,-,i..i ,..,.1. ,ti.
euu'ju 10 report resolutions lor the con-;
bideration of lho Convention, and that all
lesoiuuons be referred lo tho committee
without debate. Curril
I ... ut VW..I .lid) b 1. 1.1
rules of the last Convention t n.loniiJ
- w Hivwiuuiia 1 1 1 u i Li 11
Carried. ',
Mr. Powell, cfKemucky stated that tho
contesting dologatea froia thai, yuio bad
agreed, and were harmonious iu tho Con-
veutiou. lio moved that tho members1
from each delegation be appointed on tbo
Committee on Resolutions, they to h o
but one voto. Cariied. ,
Mr. McDouua . of Cnlifomin. mnuorl
that thero be admitted to tho Convention, ,
not to exceed threo genilemeti, known to
Lo members of lho Domocraiic party, from
each of tho sevoral Territories, euul delo
gales to be permitted to pui ticipato in de
bate without a vote.
Gen. Morgan, of Ohio, moved to amend
by extending t:.o privileges of the resolu
tion to dolegates liom tl..Southeui Slate
and lho District of Coluuilin.
Mr. McDoug;.!, accepted theumendmcut.
Mr. Yildou opposed lho resolution , ih
:L was mauilest tliat no gentleman cm b.j
thus deeignatLd 1 7 the Convention, who
do not hero ucertJited tons, uud
thoy may or, may not represent a c n,tit
uency. Umiht bo otherwise in ivg.ird
110 1 erriioiu.s. inciu i;i;y bo gentlemen
j from them ..oce.ided s we uie, but un
I derail tho oirouaislanoes the adopiion of
be pruduotivo only orcoufusion and disor-
dcr. (Choers.)
On mo;ion. the reRolution wn rpf. n-oil
to tho Cutiiuiiltoo 0:1 CieilentiaU.
A communication, signed by .'. L, Ivicl
die, Chairman of tho L'tuisiaua ''eiegation"
was received, setting forth- that hiiucl
leagues were properly accredited as dele
gates for Louisiana, notwithstanding tho
I lait Commutco rclused them tickets
admission. Helerred.
tucky, in which they exi
by savinu that tliov aro lho victims of mi
itary despotism, arrested without cauie,
imprisoned and denied n resort to legal
.. ii .. i.
ini'iisurei guaiaiueeu uv 1110 laws Ol tno
State and the Constitution to establish
, turn lunwtcuw, X Itl'V IU yiL'SS UICITUM
i i . ,ii h i .-i i .....- ('-... r .. . . i i
lomocratio cause, advise
iluinli.lll In llir. 1 l.r,. ...r.. , I.. ,.,..
1,0 a'lo,'jlion of a Pent'9 I'l?tforni. and are
tuu nuujjiiuii ui i, jt'ucn iiteirurm. nnu are.
111 01 ,' ?' 1110 ulI"''e "
: Ho Convention. Tho lottors were laid on
I !ui Inlilo.
1 i Un nio.ion, oachdeiPgalivi, through its,
v "'"i ,"M"'1' '.ooeioKiiou oi iiioniuei
' "i luu l-,il" eouiuiiiies.
1 Tim f i! I. il. ! 1 1 .
. .... . . . 1115 13 iirj c'liiiiuumu ou reio
Mitino J
W. T")nrn.
New Hampshire il. K. Keyes.
iia'sacnuseits Ueorgo Lunt.
Connecticut Charles It. Ingersoll.
Vermont D. P. Bedlield.
Bhode Island Charles S. Bradley.
New York Simuol J: Tilden.
New Jersey A. Browning.
Pennsylvania- (not elected )
Delaware Charles Brown.
Maryland T. (L Prat'..
Kentucky Thomas N. LiaJsey
ivuniuciiy xi
James Guihrie.
Ohio C. L. Valhndiharn.
Indiana James M. Hhnn
Illinois S. S. Marshall.
Michigan A. C. Baldwin.
Missouri W. A. Hall.
Minnesota E. O. Hamlin.
Wisconsin Georgo IJ. Smith.
Iowa J. F. Bates.
California J. B. Weller.
Kansas W. C. McDowell.
Oregon B. Stark.
Mr.' Oldi, Ohio; taoioi' that tho Cora-
Gov. Wieklille, of Kentucky, handed tnan havo those of tho armies which have
up two letters, which were read, one from ualllm "" l" "u'i u' uur v-uiuu in duo
John V. Leathers, and tho other from G. , So',ll'(!ln Sl,iU'', , ,
It. Buchanan, both dclm- iir... tYm le. ' o wond will hold that they have
. .' . i i .ii .i iii .1 .
t. . . ...
i iinm ri. an). n; .
i fuiuuBsiuK urms and nmmnnll.n.,
Knlni'pa.l . I
a 'r0 CoV,.vention thon adjourned till ton
A. JU. ou luesdAy morning.
CiucAdo, Aug. 30.-T'he Nationol Dent
cralio Convention reassembled at ten o'
clock this morning.
Tho attendance both inside and outside
or theVi
that of yesterday.
Immediately after tho Convention was
called to ordor, and a prayer was ullered
by Bishop Whitehouso of Illinois, Mr.
Hughes, Of el;airni,.i) nfil.n
committee on organization, reported that
Ltl'.' CJllllUUiril Iiiiii IIMTIuriUwi- .f
upon llorr.iio S,vmonp ;i iicrmn linn t
an ui.t ti im v iiirrnrni
lilCsiilaht of tho Conif nlion.
The tmnoiitioement was, greeted with ap
plause, iind tho report adopted by accla
mation. Ei'sncn 0? coruR.voR sevuour.
Ufnt'u mm if the Cotiicht'un:
I cannot forecast lho ieolulicns and ac
uion of this Convention, but I sav everv
member ofit lovo-i tho V,
: l'C:1U0 ftud Wl11 "I'ho.d constitutional free
( Whilo tho resolution and action of this
Convention nro ot the utmost importance
thero aro reasons whv thj DmniT'itin
. , "
should bo rsstored to power, und
i ll"7 nro 2ooJ ''e-ns.
I 1'1"0 i)t''nocratic party will restore the
Ult?n lt-;''t'o it longs for its restoration.
" 1 '" P(-'atB. oeciuse it Joves peaco.
1 ,,ll.uring back liberty to our land bo-
)ut down despotism becauso it
llinoblo trrannv wliii h nnw iin-
Rrada the American neonlc
. ' J u convention met in tins
! Clty wl,en ollr """tiy aa peaceful, pros-
i,R''JUS ,nu" unnon.
lls dcleirati-s did not moan to itrsfrnv
our Government, to overwhelm us with
debt, or to drench our laud with blood,
but they were animated by intolerance
and fanaticism, and blinded bv an ienor-
y -a
, anco t. the spirit of our institutions, the
character of our peoplo and tho coudiliol)
of?llr Ia.nd: ,TLev thought thoy might
"'"'V '",a'6 ''" rusaiuu, ond they
co"clU'lod to do so.
H1C7 would not heed the warnings of
our 1'l.l10'-- lld they did not consider that
"Uhng begets strife. Their passions
have brought out thoir natural result.
i ney h tie impelled to spurn all meas
urn of couHiromite.
Step by fiteji they have marched on to
results from which at the onset they would
hr.vo shruiik with horror. And even now,
when war has detoluted our hind, bus laid
it heavy burthens upon labor, and when
innkriivfcv und ruin
overh.'ing us, Ihev
will not li ivo the I hi 'ii reFtoren exeejit
upon ccnditi'.r.s unknown to our Constitu
They will nol let th.i shedding of blood
cense even for o little time, to so.; if Chris
tian charity or tho wisdom of etatcsmun
bhip may nol work out a method t savt
ou:' country.
Nay, inr i thnti this, they will r.ol listen
to a piMp)s:d tor (ic ieo which does not of
fer that whieh tliij Government hns no
ri'lit to get.
Tho administration c.innot now save
tli is I u ion it it would. U has, bv its
proelai.iutior.s, by vindictive legislation,
and by displays of hate and passion, plac-
cm uuauu ita iu nn uvtii piiui .. iiy )iUK il II
cannot overcome. It has humteiid itH
oA n freedom of notion by unconslitution
1 1 cannot bo said that tha faihiro of its
Io!icy is duo to tho lack of courage and
devotion on lho purl ot our armies.
Never in tuo history ol tne world have
lives more ireoiv
tviuMfiiti nnil III n t until a n 1 1 1 1 n sr.i.nru.1 I lin
fruits of their victories, tu-dny theie would
have boon peuco in our hind ; but while
nut. cnlilli'i'4 h:iv ilem'nriili'ltf Hi rmrirtc..!
, ,
to carry our hannors Bouth to lho Gulf of,
.ii ha in ti v i - is ii in uiu i uiv L'i iiniriib tir-
, . . i- . r 11
" Zt IS
,. (rN,.nnienl
, W .QU ' " p J I .
,7 . . r,. ,
i KZ-aniocd riBhU of the i.eonlo
1 , lhe tn,ll.'f,. r.'fe , "f ld,
t liC uitiuiiiu niid.iwi i' j't,i''iu ddJ 1
bear arms havo been trampled under foot!
.. ' . . .
up to t!ie very horders Ot V
Amerj,.nn pervilu lo is put
... .. 1.. Mfl t , '.. . I . ..A I ..I '
u I It) very uui uen ui v aiiir.1.1, so 1 tint.
111 LO II CUIl-
(rRSi rit j tj liberty
. , v ...... j .
This administration thus declares to tho
world that it bus no faith in the people
of the States whoso votes placed it in power-
It also admils by such an ediet that
theso people havo ntj faith in lho admin
istration' While thoie in power tvlthout
remorse sacrilieo tho blood and treasure of
..i .1 :ii . ..: . i.
so iiii-is "iven nil l inn
iliiin tin r uliuonnn uonn uu dual urmios couiu ui anil nan
our ieopn?, inoy win iioi, give up tueiri "
own possessions for tho public good. erablo and dishonest subordinates.
This Union is now held asunder by mil-1 . Gentlemen, I do trust pur proceeding
itary ambition j ft0l'9 "'ill be marked with harmony, and 1
H our political troubles could le rcferr- j do -mestly believe i we i shall ba auimatejl
ed to peaceful orbitrament, away from tho b:' h" .'r.r,at.,?es? ,of lti' ?"ft"'n- In
contending armies iu the field, our Union 1 rro -ability tho fut iro dostiny of our coun
would be restored. The rights of tho lf? han5 urn ?Ur act10?; f1
States would bo guaranteed ; tho cred-: M'" 1U8P'ra us with the sp.r.U of
nmi nt hnitoAa an,l - a ri a I.. nni pa
.. ....uup,., , s,.. ,r ,
spoctea, ana an insulted judiciary would
n I'mn nilmi m.laA IIia tau-.,f iIia .in,l 1
r " . , 1,0
Let not tho ruin of our oounlry ue
charced to our soldiers. It is not cue 10
. . : "Ulu ,' . , r
ineir leacmnes or meir lusancwiu
IT1..I Inlnrnnnr.n Willi them. I .
have never heird uttered one sentiment J Tho speoch of Gor. Seymour was grcol
of hatred toward lhe people of the South, ed with cheers. ...
Beyond all other mon they value that: A Tter somo debata. lho Convention loojc
blessing of peace and the virtue of merry, ' a rcccis till 1 o'clock.
50 Per Annum, tf pail fa aiwoci
r mhtu mailt. Dinniiir (tin
: r i .. : . -
pages of history lho past thre years It
stowed his only commendation when ba
hun$ upon the cross, and l'b. mock
ed his suflerings 1 1 was a Mdier alono
who discovered Li divinity when ha
hoard him pour forth praye.s for mercy
find Till-nl tftnn.m l -r
b..v.);. ,yr mo authors orhissuft-
rings. u"
I The Adminiaration cannot save ihl
Lnion but wo can. Mr. I.U00I0 viaA
niaoy Ihmg, above (he ITnion. We put
tho I mon hrst of I, thiuks a vro
clamntion worth more than j,etJf.. ,Vo
think tho blood of our t copU mo:o nre
cious than tho edicts U ProsMont
I here aro no hindianeei in our : t'.. viy
to Lmor. and poaco. Vedmand :.o .jn
totions for tho rostoralion of t. U..ju.
'"J ijij 1 UKmrriT ir-w 1 t
U 0 aro shackled
di?. o passiots. We wish fj'r iraturii
.eiauonsinp with tho pesole of tho Sou
.o aetnand for th. : what w detjid
forourvea-fujl recognition of the r;Kht,
of tho States. Wo' mean that ev.ry
on ournation's banner shall shino v th o..m
and the snrao lustre.
In thftcomingeleotion rnon tnui ihU
with which of the two parties, a-'hioii
our peopio aro Mividod, they will act.
iney wish ior Union. ii! r.i
the party which wiil.hold tho Union to
gether. They will act with that party which
does now and, always did love and rever
ence the Union. If they wish for peace,
they will act with those who sought to
avort this war, and who now soak lo re
store trood will' n,f I mriilAnu ... -... .11
.. aiuuilK til
sections of our country. If thoy caro for
iuei.-r.guw ami ior the saoredness of
their homes, thev will sai .in. .i.- i.
have stood up to resist arbitrary arrests,
despotic legislation, and the overthrow of
iijc (uuicniry.
If, on tha other hand, they aro willins
to contlimn iIia SI...... f nnl.'n.. f . I . I
- i". niiu;y ui vjio gov
ernment and condition of attain, let them
set with that organization whioh made tha
iuiaiui. uouuuion oi our country. Thera
sra many good men who may be led to do
tins by their passions and prejudices, and
ourlund swarms with Placi-men who will
hold upon power with deadly grasp.
But as for us, we are resolvad that tha
party which has made tha hitory of our
country, oino it. .drant into iuwr, keem
like some unnatural and terrible dream,
shall ba overthrown, four yer ago it
had its birth upon this spot. Lut Uk see
that by our action it shall die hero, whero
it was born.
Wo desire Union and peaoe, and tha
Administration deny us Union andpeaco;
for they demand conditions and eact a
price which they know will prolong lho
war, and lho war unduly proloneed be
comes disunion. Wifostuiosmunsliip can
now bring this w.;r to a close upou the
terms solemnly set forth by lhe Govern
iiiiiit at lho on Let t of the coutest.
Wo are lattlin;; Tor lho rights of thoso
ho belong to nil political organizations.
Wo mean l.y these tights, that freo speech
shall not bo impeached, although Unit
right may bo used to denounce us. Wo
intend that tho rights cf conscience shall
bo protected, although mistaken viowd A
duty may turn tho temples of religion into
thealics for partisnn denunciations.
We mean that tho homo rights, tho sa
cred nesi of tho fireside, shall bo respected
bv those in authority, mohdiio, .,(
liiical views may bo held by those who kit
yennnwi mu:r root trees, vvhen thu D,
oeritie party shall have pained power
wo sunn no i eo les, nut more, tenacious u
on thes-o subjects.
We have forborne much because thosa
who nro now charged with the conduct
of public affairs, know but little about the
principles ofour Government.
We aro unwilling lo present an appear
ance of factious opposition, but whon we
shall have gained power that official who
shall violate ono nrinrii ln nfluur mm
.glo riiht of t ho humbloit man in 'our land.
111-. Vl ll - . . '
snail ue pumsnc'l oy 1 110 lull rigoriot till
law. It matters not whether he sits iu
I ho Presidential chair or holds an hum
bler orlko undor our Govern men t.
We have had upon this flonr a touching
and significant proof of the folly of this
Administration, who havo driven furn
their support Ihoao upon whom they rhief
Iv leaned rn at tho outset of tho robellior.
Then I heir even for theh own pe.
sonnl safely, were upon noble men in llo
holder States, who tnder
'ir.l!lclu- ni
the most trvinjr. seveiel t:rn'. r lelai.: .n.
, v' t
"P ,r"n'1 nncient also, imions to uphold
I ia linn aP riM. I 1 .. l 1 1
j 1
.11 iii "i win 1.1,11111.1,, j.iniiy ui lutjSfj
i Oonrnntin
----- .
and ihiv liear impressed uiiu thoir couii-
tommies and manifest in the:- presence
tho high and gpiitrou? purpose which s.ii
malrs them, mid yet it Htruo Greet Jod,
that it should bo true! thty are tjni
with a sense of the injntico and incrati
tude of tho unworthy mon who ha: a In-
sul'.od and ruined tbemand theirfamilios.
1 u vuiij nil' a turn iiimii iopi
trampled on their rights by vindictive
IpiimI :i linti. nn,l I !i v.nmU Hi tM iriAfinv of mis-
u y
Ciadoc our fathers, b oss us no.
, ami
. ,. ,,':.
. . '
fill s wuh ajust idea of the great res pon-
....... 6 . "'t'
Biuiiuies wuicu rcsi upon u, aud eiva a
. , . . tT r. fc ,
'itain to our laud its Union, its Deauo. and
v ... . -
'l3 "ulrl.