Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 31, 1864, Image 3

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LNCOLN.-Tbe editor
" isoonein JJemccrat, ignot
, " I 1 WSi ,,
lIllliii.o - o 11ULILU.
Ufnr.7a... o.rM, 60 i.ltit;oln fchould have two terms in ollirP. For Ferguson and Penn at Lumber eit Tn T "f,,?l";'1" a "'",' ,,lt' "f I'carin township, FOREIGN A.N1
' it l aid intlnn Ike venr. 175 In in in.mati u . , n . ... ''u ul I'Uinucr City, Y uoo- CK'avli . Id county. dcc.isu, 1 :.. ..... .
yL,r 200 wo uifu tinned" Z r? t.0 S ,..,,, uf r. ; tt
r.M. lhl c , it M. UU against nature. Egypt had . uZf 2 cutl MUSLINS at
fcccal Disj uuh .0 tho Sunday Mercury. , Lut one term of lice, fregs, niakes, (ay- TM ut Kno? a "a"'" Pl",-,,0-r. ni1 '',He a" Pmun" - alj if DEL A 1 N ES a
m Ktirnin rAvtrmt.. nnnv,inf ;n. a l...'. i.i 1 n,.( forjorunn una Knox, at Ansonville . I rulau 1 i w . ' m,. :
uug. 17t '61. 'St
, ...... .. .u. H.TDi.uim, September V.
I famine and plagues for all her wickedness. , For lurwen.ville and Fike,at Curwensville, Sat.
pninhad but 0110 term of roullv note.d n.i. Sentembcr in. '
Jobbers. Heaven bad but one term of re- , For "38' and Brudford, at Williams' drove, ,lie ,u""lbi ' Lawrence township, about OINOIIAMS.
voit. nrwi 11, at. wn sa nr m k ', ociuemoer 12. , wo iu nutun, mm., a uut nv t, ' 7
, . . . - - - . tui Liuir ru" - i . - - . . - j .. . ..... ...
cession 10"S Lavo lut ono term nfhv- . uunu '1iurrl9' ttt Kj'ertown, Wtdnculav, 10 "'I"" " eome torwars, prove prop
,1 dronhobh horses but nJ,,m ri ii!,,i tcmbor 11. ; erty, pay ehargw, Ao otborwi.e be will be diV
S UU ZML:1J. Tl.V.r. ""O, at Centra (chool Po-a o, a. ,bo direcU. ,
Auditor. ALPACAS
Mf.Rl'ELL & 1'IGLr.R
Ilayejutit openud a large aud nj.icnt'H
asisoitmpnt ot
Ncav Goods
ai uieir 01a stana in ueariic:-!.
prices '
price rpriEY have the best DMortment ol ITa-Ita
prices X that bin ever beL'D brougbt to thij f , i
prices which they will nell at the most r Bionnb.'. p.-l-
ff - -- . iu uiD Tt'iuisesii r iv-uru iu i'iuo.x'lo, CL?i ""ju wuicu win oe ijund a upienuld 1 ji 0
U Chicago August 27th 18G1,
l crowd. One bundred tbousand
'bore, oloro cominn ) ifcinocers : cunuren utu one term o mtas-' hu i i n , ....... , V.
ity is filled and runninK'over Tbo ehlckucn ,V0X " ''Ooping-cougb, mumps, For licccaria and Uulich, at Ulea Hope, Stur- g-H, 1S01. 4t
" , . ,6 ' luo,ana fuch diseases, ibisbeipg tbecaae ' 'uy. 17. V
itiing is out of every door but hun- may Almighty (iod forbid that c are to r,r uirarJ Qh. at Congrc Hill acLwl M U S K I N G U .M
of us will have to keep wide awake have two terms of the rottenest, mot-t 1 r ll0"pc.-","'"y lth. I
it or isloep on the Commons blinking, ruin-working small-pox ever con-1 "o" a"J KartLftU!, al Mu'surfc'. j ' . .
t discussions in bar roomsof the ! CnVZt aMT!1u18; t,1'eh.a,e Fo.r .""'"Void Fox, at No. 1 school bonsoia! S'f
sand the r.latform. bni .ir.-,UJ" " uumm- iimw, ,.,,1Jf sad.
f ' " --(j iraiiuu
jeitbcr will be. The East for "Little!
f but the Northwest against him, or 1 A "f new way to cheat the
' ,,. fc . ' roor soldier that so many people (we )u-t
f coquettibjj. II is rronunenco mny now, u nnrrited to u by a li iend. as lol
iui. Tieseiit dilhTences as to a can- loa-s : The bolJier is sworn in, when a
Jo may retire all yet named, and con-1 bundle of bank notes is handed to him
tn II, Cnn.,!! i containing nu nounty, markea on the
al Mossors
pi ices T hicb tbey invite the ipecial att. ntion of thi
Iiriecs public, embracing beuvy Silver-ii'mtcd Fori..-
1 L.-nnn.. K. l 1?....... 1...: f .l. i. . .
lrtees Druuus ""u uiir aiu ub ui id uat iLAimia-
, ture.
Spntinn ,.ri.' 10101 1 .,M,"B 01 11,0 r' '"rn, and o:n,r
Also a renerttl f urtuu-it of iik.u
prices eiirtridcs ull of which will be sold at re.-i
j ble pricea.
prices j Tn continue to nianufanturt ail kloJs cf
irally thought of. CornproDiiao is the
tof the day, and it may determine
jolo of the Contention for the Tresi
lal nominee.
For Clcarlield und Lawrcnco, at Clcarncld on j
Mtindtuj 26ih.
No juivato exiiminntiou will be held, unless
Fatfiictory cnu.o be ihowu, and then opplieauta
must prcseut a written reij ueet, signed by at least
four member .f tho Hoard of ltirecture of the
dirtrict in which they proporo to tcuch. No
teacher can bo placed in a school under any cir
cumstances, without a valid certificate, which tho
l'iroeturs nhould cxamiuo ciirul'ully before con
tracting. Applicant will bo required t attend
at those ploeen nearest tho district to which they
tiro up lying lor echool. Iho exuuiuiaUons will
outside 1. The soldier seems elated
with joy, goes out and counts hi money,
but ho ciin only find I? 100, lie coutiU
ni;iin nnd ni'ftin. hut fan onlv mukc SlOl)
Ue pulls in frienih nnd thev cvmiitit. but : coiumenco at V o clock, a. m
.. i.i,! ii..,.i,i, t.. C. 11. SA5DF0RD.
I respects tllO J lalform, the prevalent knows anvthin? about it. A-.
'irf ip in favor of the Bimpleit and brief .counted tho money, B-put it up, C
iL&i is posiible. "Tho Constitution iu l tboled it, and D gave it to the swearing
lend Iho Union as it wab"' ceems to'ia c'cer,and be gave it to tho-solJier -
(lodgo of Patriot Union.
fe --Vr. i i j-, Ai4.??-5
aii to bo had at Mossors'. i in-ware, Urasa Kcttk a, Sto c-
prices ripe, etc., which cannot be turpassed in t'.ii t, , :
prices tion of tho State.
prices; incy aiso nave on nana i-msourti v w,
at. MUSS01
aug. 17, 1S04. 4t.
Co. Supt.
I tho largest number of friends. The
jority, however, U influential iu respec
lily and Intelligence, and it may yet
the day in favor of a more definite
Isration of political faith than the
HistitutionalisU" would bo satisfied
CAUTION'. The public nro hereby caution
ed against buying or relling, or in any way
uiediiling with the following personal property,
now in (bo pos;oision oi llios. J. iiootu, ol lira
111 B1MJNS at
of all Kinds & I at
in any nuan'ty 1
A iways on hand at MOSSOPS'.
1,1'icos """"IK which are i-t'cl C'pptr Levfr ' .,''. , !,
lirices 'IW Castings, and many .'.her Ariculvir:i,o
sSOPS' ltl!lci'nt
i.riops' Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal
prices Stoves a general afsnrtitnt, t.;ii of tiio Icj". ;
,.; ' tsrns, fr t,ile at reasonable price
i pricea.
Sensation prices
Steam Wokks.
Corner of RfurLct and Thlnl Jiitrecls,
Having added groally to our former extcnaivo
Sensati hi
Showing their Dislike. An exchange
says, it is nol long since we saw abolition
papers in glee because tho handjonio por
trait of ex-l'resident Buchanan on the
Pottstown Lank bills was defaced on sev
eral notes. Of lito wo so "the boot on
JoJ, therefor?, need not bo surprised if'11 t11; ' niinp1f. nn ...1,5-1, tlie
( )ventiou adopts resolutions more expli-lt.wiifal portrait of Old Abe. aromut .la
in refeicnqo to the question of war and ted, (we almost said defaced that could
1 ks than tho partisans of tho Constitu-, hardly be Uono on suea a goou iookiiij:
t, pare and Fnnple, think U necessary .ri lions written on tho portrait-
t In iirnnitiliTitln ,n I lia u rnn. ..... ,t. i..--il.:-r
i .-j.- e--". ..-w 1 "digger worsnipper, iiiurueiir, nuui,
I )g at present m lavor of Mctlelun Biid 'government contracter'tratlor'licauty,
( war, cocKlitutionally conducted. Lut'c. Now wo disapprove of this, but to
I ere is no tolling what may turn up in .Voff V!e 1 y T - .B . i;'-ii
, jiuij em uwff " " 1 ' ' - - -
( next few hours. Tho contrary cur
I Bts of feeling and opinion may sudden-
I -converge, nnd the result disaj'point all
j serious calculations.
otuo of tho ablest men in tLo Union
. rot delegates are in Chicago from differ
( itStates.counsclling tho proper course to
Jruieuouby tho Convention; the Chi-
i go J'otf, alluding to the platform likely j
f y,be adopted, ouumerates as follows :
rl. Tho inviolability of the Constitution.
II. The maintenance of tho Union iu
11 its territorial integrity.
'III. Feaco at the earliest practicable
'loment; this peace to be suught by of-
Si. To treat for a return to their allegi
BC0 by thoee now in rebullion ;
f,.2 A convention of tho States to coniid
I the grievances and complaints of any
f all the States, and to settle all disputed
Mentions, either by amendments to tho
Jonstitulion or otherwise ;
: Fending these negotiations an armis-
lico BiiKpeoding hnililities.
4. The action of that convention to be
(ratified and carried cil'cct in good
IV. A rrjection of lfioo offers to bo
followed by a vigorous execution of the
folicy entineiuted in the Crittenden reso
ulion, parsed by Cougres in July 1S01.
I Chicago, Aug. 20.
I Tho Convention was called to order by
Ir. Belmont, who named Mr. Bigler as
'temporary chairman. The latter made
.1 speech denouncing tho Administration
In incapablo of muking cither war or
I peace.
I At tho conclusion of his address, Rev.
Cay-Ono New Hampshire clergyman
pays taxes on 1,300 ounces of plate.
Y-Tbe crop reports all over the coun
try since the lato ruins are much more en
dy township, via: Two horses, ono two -horso facilities, wo are now turning out a large number
wagon, one ictt double names.", 8 head ol slieep, ot our unproved I'ortitnle Mourn .bntnes and
6 head of hogs, one plow, one timber sled, and ( Portable Circular Saw Mills, many of which are
one Cooking stove us tho said property legally j finding their way into Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iiuli
belongi to mo. JACOlt l'liNliC. ;ana, and Illinois. Those already received and
Urady tp., aug. 17, 13. pi. j ia operation lire giving tne most entire sutisluc-
jnoro is now i.aruty a Mate or territory
bliju assort
Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp?,
IVtnts, Oils and VarnisVes.a irneral assort;,. rnt.
I Glass, putty, Kails, Iron ardCastinn of rioi't
prices I variety ; in fact utmost every thing wai.u 1 Ly
prices 1u rnn 0 ,ol,nd" 'heir estahntUmou;,
! and at prices that cannot be beat.
prices' Now is the timo to purchase,
prices J'ou Jesiro Rn-V thing in their line of l;.:,
; ; i Give then a call and examine their . ' "cl., n, 1
I i it. pv Tnel nRMlireil (hut von rnn t.n ft i.pni: in ?'.!
. in.
in the I'nion but that our Improved Portable
Kngincs nnd Paw Mills nro in use. Ali our
Kiiiiinea bavo spark nrresler stacks on them,
which confine the flying sparks.
M'o would rospeclfullv refer yau to tha fllow-,
for six months from the 1st : 'KK""-' men unu ccrnucaies lor wio,
An examination will bo made !"'""" I" ullr f. u uur ' oriauio
To School Teachers.
VP-PLICATIONS will be received by tho
Board of School Directors of Clearfield bo
rough, until Aug. 2", lsti I, fur three. Teachers
ono Assistant, nnd two lor the l'riinary Depart
men ta -to teach
September, ISol
at sensation prices
of tho applicants at tho Public School House, in
Cleurne.l l, on tho 27th cf August, by the County
Superintendent, in presence of the lionrd of Di
rectors; at which time nnd place all applicants
aro required to be present.
Py order of tho Board,
K.J. WALLACE, Scc'y.
Aug. 17, 13Cl.?t.
Clearfield county, lii nti.bmkx . Applica
pen having been mndo by tho Boards of Uiree
P team Engiucs and Suw Mills :
AvoxnAt.t:, ChetorCo., Ta., Aprils, 'CI.
as C.i.Tts, Fuut'j,
Under Shirts,
Flannel Shirts,
Hoots, Shoos,
II ins end Cups,
Now for sale al M03SOF3'.
such as Saws.nails . ..
Forks, Knives, fnl,oneol,on rr,C0P
Spikes, Hinges, J
at Mossors.
those iu want of Paw Mills to gie vou a call.
llospectlully, 11. F. WICK V. US II AM,
Mi.nkral Point, Cambria Co., Pa.,
May 21. thill.
J. A J. II. In vAi.t. Oontlemen : With Mr.
P, liar, lefty ns sawyer, wo have sawed, with the
Pnrtnlilo Steiim 111 cni l.i Cnmhri'i Tr,m P,n.
tors of a majority ol the School Districts in satu runyi n nje hours, eight thousand feet of him
Mkssi.s. J. i. J. II. Di.vai.i Oentlemon-Tbo as Wine, Iirnndy, I , ..
Portable Engine nnd Paw Mill got of you gives (j i n , istoy hl sensation
ettiro satisluetinn. I cheorfully reconiiuoud r,', .i'
Cognac, etc., etc.,
FRUITS, bucIi as
Prunes, Raisins,
Figs, Filberts, ifcc.
at sensation
fPhe now sky-light Photograph A Ainbrotype
X Uallerv now being fitted up in Shaw s How,
by II. BltiLillE, will bo opened for visitors ubout
Iho 1st of September. Having the R.lvantage of
a number of years of experience in tho art, with
an excellent arrangement ot ngnt, no uuueii
himself to be nblo to supply all in want of Pic
tures. A full supply ef giil, r sewood and other
fr.iines. albums. caes. Ac., in fact everything
conncctid with the business constantly on hand
at moderate p rices.
. Aug.21th.!ol tf. II. BR1PHE.
Of Heal Estate by order of Court.
f Hl'E undorsicned Committee of George J.
a Kyler, will sell, by virtuo of nn order of
theCouttof Common Pleas of Clearfield
county, on
Saturday the 17th day of September, IMrl,
on the promises, a valuable tract of land, contain
ing 1(H) Arrt-s, moro or less, situated in Brad
frd township, on the Snow Shoe and Packerville
turnpike, nt its intersection with tho Cross Cut
Piko, nnd being part of a largo tract ot land
owned by the suid Ueoriro J. Kyler.
There "uro nbout 3D AcrcH Cleared, and tho
balance is iu first ruto timber, which can be easily
hauled to the river.
I'ci-ms One half tho purehaso money to io
ccunty, stating thoir desire to increase the sala
ry of tho C, unity Superintendent thereof, you
are rffpect'ully rcquostcd to meet in Convention
at tho court house, iu Clearfield, on Tues.lay Iho
PUh day of September, lSC-i. nt t o'clock in the
afternoon, fir the purpose above stalod, accord
ing to tho terms of the eighth section of the sup
plement to the School laiv, approved the Kth day
of May, 1855. C. R. COUL ltN,
nug" 17, '61. .Sk;I. Com. School.
ber, (two thirds of it being r.ak,) and would
cheerfully recommend your Mills to thojo iu
want of tuch. Very respectfully,
For Cumbria Iron Company.
MonnisnALE, June 2, lSCl.
Massns. J. J. II. Ui vai.l- With the assist
ance of Mr. Ilardesty, wo sawed, tho first day we
pet up your Engine aud Saw Mill, seven thousand
two hundred aud fifty six feet ef one Inch pine
boards, when everything was now and had he- j y pj
cuuio very rusiy uy uireu wcehs exposure, in an
open car. We nro w ell satisfied that the mill will
rut fully cue thousand feet of inch luuibur per
hour, with suitable help. We cheerfully reeom
Flour, II a m h,
Shoulders, Sugar,
Molasses, Cotl'ee,
Tea, C r a c k e rs,
Spices, Candles
Coal Oil, etc., etc
at sensation prices
TCS'lIN I'M:, having applied for License
as an Auctioneer, under tho U. S. Revenue
Laws, resiiectl'ullv inTorms his friends und the
publio goner.illy, that ho is always prepared to mend your mills and engines to any in want, as
attend public sales iu any part of tho county, nt , we aro fully satisfied they nro the best mill and
the shortest notico, an,i nn tuo most rcnsnnuuio and una ol the kind we have evor seen
terms. Ho enn hn addressed, pi'mooaiiy or oy
letter, at Lccont's Mills, CleurOold county, Pa.
jyU-4t JUSTIN riK
17 M. McKIKRNAN, 'JentUt, respectfully in-
forms the citizens of (Jlen Hope, Janesville
and vicinity, that ho has located in Janesville,
... ; . . A A wnlf ull u-lii. m,iir
J" II ZrSl Cails t'o Hsrdesty that he .lid himself credit in putting
'....H 1... 1 I, 1. VV I.1.,
uu. iiriljr, f up, lluiiililuiV.
For lironnor, Truokj A Co.
Ebrhsiuhui, Pa. Feb. 2l",th IS I.
Messrs J. A J. II In v all. a or .s'.'m : Our
portablo saw Mill nnd engino arrived last week
nil safe aud right, we bclicvo and wo can say
without meanintr nnv flalUry n behalf of Mr.
Always at MOSSOrS.
Ucuioiuher, their establishment is on c 1. 1
Street, Clearfield, Pa , where yju can Ljy goods
to tho very best udvautnge.
T.'f-01d silver, oopper, brass, pewter and old
taatings will be taken in exchange for goods.
II.lJ'I'IO.. Tho partncrtihip 'horcto-
oro existing between tho undersisned, in
the publication oi tho Cltaifivhl iVejiio.V.iri, was
dissolved by mutual concent oa the IUh of
July, is ll I.
1 he Looks are In tho hands of the junior part
ner for collection. Those patrons knowing them
selves indebted to the late publishers fur ei'her
subscription, advertising, or Job work, aro re
spectfully invited to call and settle their accouul
at thoir cuiiiebt convenience.
1). W. MOORE,
Clearfield. July 27, 1801.
faIIE partnership heretofore existing botweea
J the undersigned iu the praotiee of tho Law,
in Clearfield and adjoining counties, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent.
Clearfield, July 17, 18(11.
9Tho business will bo centlnuod at Clear
fluid as herotoforo, by
At the rtore ofRICHARD MOSSOP
Always keeps on hand a full
assortment of all kinds of goods required
lor tho accommodation ol tho public.
H. ID, 18.
...i. '..r.i, fl, ,i,r u ill Le i.rninntlv attend- t O.o null up und Hurting tho same. ltMcMay
. . 1 ' v ji. McKIKRNAN. i j"ft ono wek from the lime wo unloaded tho en
... l! r.i.Sm.n.l. iK'ne. 110 F:l,v"l with tourtiiaud
iV Clearfield, P Ctlieo in Ekaw's Row, op
pusile ollice.
d-e. 1. 15S. tf
ho ruwtd with lotirfhauds, about (HUHi feet
I of lumber in about tight hours, a porti.-u of the
A 77oa k r at Law ,1ocs were o.ik and n.,h. So far as we are able to
i i Summer Goods !
IT cures colera, when first taken, in a few hours ;
dyteutary in half an hour; toothacho in five
raid on tho confirmation of the salo, und the , minutes. It is perfectly innocent to take intcr-
f . . . t...,. 1 nAn..m.l n..n nn.l 1- ......... i. ....,. I. 1 l.v t li a ntoKt ominent
b s lance in one year, wuu uanni, iu , , ,c........-..v ..... - . V
I UYSlciaus iu me e iint-u k-i.nes. a ikd
Itv I,,, n,l nnd morliraire.
Clearfield, Auj. 22, IHO I. Committee.
isbcrcbv ttiven. That Letters of Adininis-
imt.on on tho cslnto of Henry F. Schoeiiing,
1 Into of Jordan tp., Clearfield co.
Pa., decenscl.
Dr. Clarkson was introduced and offered , nnvig been granted to the undersigned, all per
il n a M-nvpr I sons indebted to said cstnto are ro.piiresl to inake
1 at"')K'' immeliute payment, nnd those having cluims
" ., against the samo will present them duly nu'.honti-
HAT A SfllSTITCTE L'ID.- -I wo or wiiue . . rur toUlcment.
a since a cottnlo of substitute brokers MARY J. SCIIOLNIMf,
Arrived hero from Cleveland, Ohio, with j 0ug23-6t Administratrix
the fellow in charge to be sold to the zr. rZTiWn -iVrVtss -rs
Lighpsl bidder ns a substitute. They BOOKS) FOR THE TlM .5
I dav
cstno in tho evening, too late to Like their
mbjeol to market, so they took lodgings
at Mr. Wimb'.e's hotel, on Mill street
I They took a broad bed and put the substi-
1 tute between taem to sieep, bo tnai nu.
I might not escape. They wero fatigued
1 and slejit too soundly. While they wero
ilr.iammo nf tlin larro sums they wero to,
f ..!;, t,.,m ii. o .oln nf the. " sub." ho was Ji"'!r
J. Walthi & Co.
'o. IU, City Hall Square,
phihtl Mmoir of Clement
II... I- I. , I, m llmfhsr
illta nil" num. iy mo ji v,,., . .
iONAWANDA, la., Aug. 0, ISM.
Dr. S. I. Tobias, Now York : Dear Sir I have
used your Venetian Liniment with great success,
both us- an internal as well oi an txtemal medi
cine. In cases of Bilious Colio and Colera Mor
bus I r. enrd it ns a sovereign remedy. Your
Venetian Horco Liniment stands unrivalled as a
horse medicine amongst furrie? and bonlmtn on
tbis canal. WM. LLWIS.
Pup't North Branch Canal.
Tri:o 25 nnd 50cents a bottle. Sold by all
Druggists, Olllee M, Cortlundt street N. Y.
july bin, loit l-1 hi
'judge, we think wo will be able to tend yu a
better reoort a ier a wlulo. lie are saiuiieu
with the .Mill and Engine, nnd ean recommend
the in to any pcrtun who may dnire a portable
mill nnd engine.
Yours, wishing you nil succcs,
For further references wo will giva tho names
of James A Evans, Ebensburg. Pa. Messrs.
Runway A Co., Latrobe, Pa. Messrs. rruncr A
Hurley, Tyrone ; Adams, Calan A Co., Crcsson ;
I am just receiving nnd opening a carefully
tleeted Muck of fashionable Spring A Summer
( & m &
of almost every description,
A lipautiful assortment of Prints nnd Dry
goods, of tho newest and latest styles. Also a
jjurev. l i roil., ; (totiuiB, v..,,.,. "! . . r i
P. Miiliken.Hoilidaysbi'irg; Hileman A Hcsser, , great variety ,, useful notions
A neatly printed pamphlet of 61 octavo pages,
l rice uuuwt
1 plotting an escujio and aucced-id. Ho roso
7. r . ii . r..-M ,1 4 flm tv fii 1 f I. nl ono
v,"! . . . . , , . ,.i.iii1Cd juw 29th. ii.
o'tliechaps, contutuingjiw.aimutru.i- 1 lhi5 is , wrk of great vnluo and interest, en
5 ed. When they awoke iu tho morning ' t.n autlientic ana relirtbl9, nni should be cir
Mliey were much chagrined to find tho culaU.j i,y hundreds of thousands.
I bird had flown.bat they were moro cm- j ALSO.
$ larraseU still at hnding I bat lie liaa tax-1 J,,r TU ""'o I' township. E:k county.
4 en the last dime lliey uau. no uiu '" rrriniajvi . '-v
1 leavo them money enough to pay their j H'.i', with a sketch of Ins Jcrsonal
I fares back to Cleveland. They mndo, anJ rvlitical Jlittonj.
known the facts to several, but no onflj A pamphlet, siio nnd stylo same as above.
i aympathiied with them aud thoy could ; Published to-day. rrico 25 eonts.
not pufhua tho fugitivn if they knew which Tho Administration Fent Mr. Wall ti ilort na-
. wav no went. lliv intpmlpil tosull iiltu. favatwt iao cm v-.' .
i lie sold luem UjchaUr Lnion,
Altoona : Messrs. Reed A Pro., Tyrone ; Vt . 1'H-
worth, jr., Pittsburg; 8. Rbynea, Lako City;
Follett A Co., West (Irecnvillo ; R, J. Nicholson,
Brookville ; J. McOonegnl, Hemlock ; Cambria
Iron Works, Johnstown ; Brenner, Trucks A Co.,
Morrisdalo; Michael Johnston, Anestown ; Mo
Corinick .f Long, Pitt: burg ; W. S. Lloyd, Ebons
burg ; S. Pilkknitter, Huntingdon; B. Wilson,
etrmtonville ; Dull A T. rrj, Terrytown; C. Rey
nolds A K. Andress, Uortstown, Crawford county ;
M. T. Dill cf- Thomas. Me,uley. Altoona; A. L.
Hollblay, Hollidayt' ur,:; M. M, Adams. Cres
soti ; W. B. Zeigler and Joseph S. Ree l, Hun
tingdon; all of whom have purchased l'oriaoio
i Strain Engines and Portublo Circular Saw Mills
t'"t cfuB- , -,i .
We fully warrant our engines nnd saw mills to
be made of first class material; workmanship
lWtPITTr 'I.I.V oilers ins 6 rvices in sou- i no same wiui i,iaso .-..- r - '. ,
I V ing and buying lands in Clearfield and ad- checks, and to saw from fi.Ul'O to Pl.OUU leel ol
joining counties; nnd with an experience of over lnubor per day (say Jen hours.) .rlnr,
twenty year-as a Purveyor, flatters himself that : .'rOrdcrs solicited. Descriptive circulars
ho can rend-r satisfaction. And , sent to all correspondents.
i i I' ' Coin Address,
Ullt'l 9 IUI ouiu J. A J. II. DUVALIf, I
IOOO acres of eonl nn l timber ban 1, situntl in fjo;nor Market nnd Third Streets, just opposite
Decatur township, Clearfield county, in lets to j j, (j, j;, i, Dpot, Zancsville, Ohio,
suit purchasers, located near the Tyrone and ""Pii'llZ
"CI;, acres of rst rate farm nnd timber land mKACHW W A M HlP.-Th. Sho;;l li
in Bell township, Clearfield county, situate on the
waters of Cuny s Kun
BonneU, Shawls,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes, a large quantity,
Hardware, Queenswitre,
Drugs und Medicines,
Oil und Paiuts,
Corpet A Oil Cloths,
G 11 O C E l I E s ,
Fish, Bacon nnd Hour,
Mackerel in 1 J and s barrels, licntcd for settlement.
AUTIOX. All persons are horeby caution
ed against taking an assignment uf a prom.
issory Nuto given by tho undersigned tj John
Smith and Robert Stewart, dated in A, gust or
Sepioinber, 1S62, and payable la tho bpringor
lstj.J, ae (aiu note nas been pant in lull.
Bradford tp., Joly 0, lSCI-pi.
Susquehanna House,
IV. H. UOltHALk, Iroprletor.
TITIS large ansl commodious HOTEL Is d
lightfully located cn tho bank of the Sus
uehumia, in the borough of Curwcnsvillc.
The present proprietor will spare lo effort to
render his customers comfortable, and hopes ta
meiit a liberal share of public patronage.
Will be well supplied with every thing the mar
ket adopts, Ruftmen will always find bis "latch
string" out. ilur. 23, 'CI. tf.
Clearfield Academy.
D. W. McCURDY, A. B. Principal.
rpilE n il Quarter will open on Mondny th
JL Oth ol September, 1SC1. Tortus of tuition as
Common English, comprising those branch
es not higher than Reading. Writing, Arith
metic, tocography, English (Iraiumer and
History, per quarter, - - J5 Uir
Higher English, per quarter, 7 60
Languages, per quarter, - 10 09
is hereby given that let'ers of administration
on iho estate ol WM. L. MOORE, lale of Cloar
field borough, Clearfield county, decensed, having
been granted to the undersigned, nil persons In
debted to said estate are requested to make Im
mediate payment, and those having demands
gainst tho same will present them duly uuthcu-
Attorney at Law nnd Heal IMate Ag
OKrenn Murlftst. (Jfpo.Htc 1iC Jal,
oftho best quality, all of which will be sold at
tho lowest cash or reauy py prujcs.
My old friends and the ublio generally, are
rospectfully invited to call.
rfr-N. II. All kinds of f7?.4 .V and approved
CUVXTR Y VllVUUCE taken in exehango for
0j0lU'' WM. F. IRWIN.
Clearfield, M;iy 4, 1S64.
Jly 27 '64.
JAS. A. MOORE, Adm'r.
Mt'ii acres in two lots, one of 112 J and tho oth-1 Public Schools.
of 611 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit- in nltend.mco nt tl
I- ii;..i.i. .1 innthin. K!k county. 1 Superintendent at
OcSeral warrantee deeds for nil tho nhovo in S-ptoinbct next. Tho wages will be Iron, ,
i-V-Ucutrai warrauiio u -fi.'S.-v. t o5 dollars per month, according to grade.
rpilE underslgnod respectfully
X informs his customers nnd the
public generally, that ho has just
'1 1'.ACJll l.K vv a auco" - -:vfffv receivou irum ....r., . -,
I ..r Irani townshin wish to employ A,i n, i.i. nitiiblislnnent in OIAJIAJIS HOW
: THREE Teachers for tho Winter Pession of tho ( 'U-a rfiol tl, Pa., a fine assortment of Ci.oi as,
i. Applicants arc expccieu i Watciiks, and Jhwelkv oi anicrcni qunmie.-,
t H,n f-Taminalinn bv the County f,, .i ioen tn a full sett, which he will
rpilF. subscriber In order to accommodate lb
J. citiions of CurwcnsvUK and ths" pubile
eenernllv, has lust rceived n hit cf
for wood or cnl, which ho will dispose of vsry
cheap for cosh or produce,
Nov. 4,
STOVF. riPI For salo at tho cheap stors
nf John D. Thompson, in Curwensville, at li
cents per pound. Nov. 11, 1S6J
NOTIC K & CA U T 1 0 N .
"ITAVINd aiade application to tho Assistant
I of tho United States. This work snows wn,
I is persecuted by the enemies nnd honored by tho
, . .f , .-1 i i... rim snooehes are ro-
' friends Oi noeri. Biiu i i , ,
-Now that Eurnside. the Ji'... -;.i, i,nVwer and energy of political
t "Butcher at Frederickhburg," who im- 'ruth. Lot them go ovorywhero ; for in this
1 801 1864.1
THIS great lino traverses the Northern and
Northwestern counties of Pennsylvania to
the city of Eric, on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the l'tonrylmnia Unl
f. n.iiii,. nt,, I miller their ausnices is be
ing rapidly opened throughout its cntiro length.
liencn, r.r .lift I'llV. Il',l ..rl Inn lllalri.! n'
Congress Hill School House , ,llB ,,,, reasonable prices for cash, or I"! Pennsylvania, and a License as Auctioneer hav-
j no wages win ii"-" - cx,.mnge tor old goia unu iim-i . ' ing been granted to me by tno proper autnerny.
CLOCKS of every variety on nana, aiiun uion woll;j jnf()rm Ui9 citizens of Clenrfiold ccunty
rensonahlo prices. I that I will attend to "calling sales" whenever
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jowelry lllf:rej n Rny rart 0f the coynty. Charges
snrefully repaired and H nrr.iwtci. ' moderate. Address JOUA h. KlvVaiS
llv nriler of tho Board
T ; 1 ..r.A f . - lnojAmr..!' arri VrPllTIll llll-
- f - . h i. itw ii urn nu lac'-iufc"
fmr.i.inliro.1 liitusolf lv li.s midiuuht llioiL hour of greatest danger and trial me noaru oi i f llarrisburc to Sr. Mauv s (2ill'ork,
':, Cf Vallatldighani, has got under tho ban the people are turning to the men who bavo been . u on tho Ellslcr Division, and from .
I ofAdministiation displeasure, lie who o rig .t .rem t ' nuJ L"eJ !)T nra ! ld to trio, a nines, c v.-
ten Tj , p.,,,.nrr jyaint al Amnnrn.m.
Express Train leaves eas'.ward S 50 P. M.
a ..','n Trnin arrives westward 1 0 P.M.
Curs run through wiTnot'T CHAna both ways (
these trains between i nnauoipnia i
August 10, ISot. pd.
1TxiA VI Oils' NOTIfi:. Lotters te-ta-j
mcntary on the estalo or William Sloss.lnto
ol Knox tp., dec 'd, having been granted to the
undersigned, rll persons indebted to said estate,
nro requested lo mako immediate payment, nnd
those having claims against the sauiewill present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
jyI7-fit fcj-ecutors.
A DIES' Dress Hoods New Styles A ipncns,
A continuance of patronage is solicited,
Sept. 19, IHfiO. II. F.NAU0LK,
Dec. IB, lSfi3-tf. Clearnld, Pa.
P.P. Any person " calling slos without a
license is subject to a penalty i,f JB, whioh will
V, MrCI.OSKI'.Y, Practical Surveyor, of- bo enforced in accordance with tho Juw, againul
i rack of -loyal" hounds are on his track. .
I linnlintr (liarordantl V at Ills 11CCIS. I Hal ......Si,. .,. ,.l. nrevalcnL
I is the way they take to servo their "royal" , a t ousnad ngents wanto l immediately to sell
& Waster. Blirnsido is now discovered lo our publications; profits liberal. Send for a
5 i . ' i . i. iitmnninnaitv of tpm- "Circular."
i navo uau too mu '"i- .,---- r ,i..i. i. u.i .v,ni, the
per and restivenen under con; V ch;t ; hioa thVwe.ii o.eir New York
much "oninionativeness in tuinking ins ., ..,,., nnP ,.., ,,i.u rir.iho
,lnn . nnn.l aa other peoples ;" "lacking ' ' . (:0,1,nani..eoinini.pion, bein id b us. Trnin both ways ''";;"; vr,T . iirASnW. Pronrietor
r,,nn.. i,lnintil. nnd control," &C, &C Kvcrv editor, disposed ta aid the cause, is in- m(!Ie' n. ' . ' .! i,....nirr holiness mnt4 A.tnMitW and well known 110-
-r II
I i Plaids, Morambiquo, Brocbe-Mohair, Valcn
oTa, Silks, Wool Delaines, French Menuo;, liing
b.u,., Lawns, Just opening aj.
u... r,,l nMwsen Baltimore and Lock Haven. , i SI I 1 0 1 1 1 1 ilt)lLli
Elegant Sleeping Cars accompany ths Express BTREET, Cl'RMENSVILLE, TA.,
i.ii, -...hf.iween Williamsnort and Balti- WAit. .
fers his professional ssrvices to tlie peoplo all persons violating tho statute,
r .L. ....nlilnla
Po . f.rfitnriAl fratornitv
sen ico oi mo CU...V
New Tork, Aug. 24.
J. W. A CO.
J. W. Reynolds' Erie)
Should Ben Butler go under, somo time, Tiu.d to Insert and notiac this advertlsomont, and I or E Corl ,lth and Market sts. I XEL, situated in the west end of the town,
Wouldn't ho furnish it beautiful record for ..., will be accepted rr'7 " "; . ht bn,incM of the Company's b been remoddlcd, enlarged and improved, and
-SS,iSi5 "1.? and wouldn't crc'' " anypurchaso amounting to len gnfs.rt'lL Kingston, jr., Cor. 13th n J Marke' . the proprittor 1 'tt1.1,! r X'v' e iTi'n'itr T u V 1 io . t h t
tl u:. nli prunious Wlieu , . its.. Vhilnde nhia : rneruu - .
tuny icuro uiui t u Conies of the ramrnicin n , m , , ...r-.i-.
Abraham goes under, won t tcero vo
imoke and fire and brimstone on his track:
to SpringGeld 7 The biggest line! noirin
,;..-.: :n inB I, is hue s till the' nrsr.lIOLD (100DS Tinware.Qucenswarc,
door of oblivion closes behind the Kail- H U"""'0
.i:.. t, , .mi i: iliatf (cntil.l I'lnaki. Nails. Glass. Oils, laints, x.auips, am
piuier l Men snouia u u., ."' -- - - rf ,t lISII-Mackerel, Cod-fish, herrinif. Falroor
epsn his coffin to spi upon his corre.-, Faf", at pne KRATZHR S. ' io all Hit at J. P. KKMZKI B.
Pasrkt & Vnton. . . ' .
J. M. Dri'll, Agent N. C. It. R. Baltimor
II. U. Hot.sToK, Uenl Freight Ag't, Phila-J
l.u.i t.. ll..i.T Ilsn'l Ticket A !, Phila.J
Jos. D. Potts, OenT Manager, WilUamsporU
may 25, 18A4.
he is sow prepared to accommouuio w wu u.uj
favor hnn witn a can.
Ample, safa and comfortable stabling la at
tached to tho promises, and trnsty attendants
will always b on hand. Charges nnAemto.
r eh, 12 lanZ.-tf.
HAW and 0ot, Oakford-s Spring H
Stylos at
. f i i..,,r.i,.l.l rniniiT. Ilavinir rurebnsed the in-,
stiunieiits, Drafts, Ac., of tho late Thomas Ross, I'JIE
dco'd, he will bo ready to attend to business on
the shortest notice ; he enn be consulted at bis
rcsidenco with Robert Ross, one luiieiroiuur , . tllTTrn Kf TrUort
wcnsville. or by kites addressed to him at tur- COV LRL 4 11 U I UI l.-0, J-ropiutort..
:m.. K V. McCLOSKEY'.
n e u -, ii;,-. . ... ... . ii.
7 '81-lr. rsiius lloici, so wen Known i" ",
I I Dublin nf ricarfisli county, U ntw In a c.,6-
miVSICAL GOODS Flutes. Violins, Fifes,' u,.jon to sITord tho most excellent ac ommodation
111 Harraonicnus, Preceptors. Music Pupcr.Vi- either for (he transient guest or the permanent
olin Bows, bridges, Strings of the best quality at boardor. .... .v.
J. F. KRAZEli'S. I The "United States has nv all th eeorea
'.lances of . ,,r,
WOODS A fJJfS' ii,ao',;itii;.b,
ijyji , i , ,v-ppfUtorsaro determined to srora aelth -
DR. M.
PRACTICING Physician, nnd Examining bur- eBtt time nr jab,r tu ensure the combOn
peon for Pensions. Oflieo Southwest corner ?u(,1,u,- Tne p,tronago tf the traveling.
Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield, la. i public Is respectfully solicited. jly 1, '03, y.
J anuaryJl.J JJ-
ROCERIES-A full stock of choice Grocer- rp
iei at a small advance en UJV?"l? ! A
J. A . M4l''l'n J
Cloak -cloths,
Flannels, Ticking,
old Ibices at
Goods - Cloths, Cas.lm.res ,
Tweeds. Fntinetts, Silkwarp
Ml jllti;MAki:Ks.The subscriber de
sires to employ F1VS Journeymsa Shoe-
, makers Immediately, to work by Uis moi.Ui o:
by the piece. Apply tn
Jan. 27, mUpd. Lutharsburg, Pa,
Prints, at the -
4 CALT and Plaster ta li-T-'O quantllloe trf sal
f n vert chsaf ij J. P. UP ATtrTR.