Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 31, 1864, Image 2

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MAnIKI In Tyrone, August 23, 184,by
Rev. John Stino, Mr. Win. Uunanlui, and Mini
Ida Pick, of harthauB tu.voslup, tin. county.
tvia Frpmen of Old Centre in Council ! i ' , . T
i A. ,ir 7 tirtnnfintnf C, f till nv Turin AUTILLEKV FIRE.
. . ... 'J': JAtSSit ' . ..... r c,i. ,rr,inD. lnnt.,.
I ,lin Id t lip. III eV OUS nOUCf, IIIU tVAI. I'.n.'M J Mills CI IhC irl - .!.,. rT liirt I Ult.l'-W" -.o ,
.f.., V. v....& " I 1 , il.'i l' W - V ' V , 1 0 CUI PPIIUIIM-UW -
. i' f ..... ... I 'niiiilu ncanin i iiil 1 ...... ' . . . . ... ..... .
.....! .1 i. topnian I ni v hiivht
j ijiu. ouiitierciin win. i-'iiciiituii "'"vi X I 20 wears
ii. i il r 1 .Ki 1 ...... i i il.mlfu ntwul Atlnntn
rroul tno in. 1. 11 orm 1 orrn.-pouuc... j i ".no reuei i-nri iitiui io tiu.i 'p .
Armvof tub 1'otomac, August 21. 'nnd all tho way along the front to Lust ""VYffo 0 SfUrfrfrTrnt:
It was discovered cnrly Monduy morn- jint, are of appalling strength. Iu no- flU UUUIDUUIUD.
ii that the enemy had fallen bacK to- thing is mo desperate uci.iw..i....u..
Oruhana Court Ra. .'.
wtg qj
'.Vpioetaey of Centre County ussembled :
:n the coui'i iiousr, u ..j..
3dinst. The meeting was tho largest
'and mo.-t orderly ever held iu this town,
v.,.., ., u..,.t mill very inch of space in tlia
J I I 1 I ...-- w . i.i ,i I Ini
" .. . . . ... i ... i vit i m luttk wttv , - ....... - - n - . . - -
commodious couri-rouui c.unu c, .,elerb Uuf lincs .y,re advanc- their lenders to hold the place more i n- TTn " IW B T
i ...,r,i ;n ilii tilnra. uf Cunsuuinliun : aired .. mi j ..V.,..V-a tn fTr'
CbmrW with Sherman's army, .ays: , jj ,,,,, ji uiontha and 14 daja. ; 'Z ZT U 11'
idav, tho ICth (lav r,P
at 2 o'clock, p. m., tho fallow
. , .
E(tute, .ilunle in the Mid tmrnVii "Jh
unu cuuuly tf Cloarlicld, to w!t j
Seventy-Five Acres
wore or wt, of t'liiiqiroTed land Uu
tuto of (Icorjto Uohs, doccancd, nilu.'u .v
'attentive listenors. . d ' , unJ a milf in that direction miHlakably set fotth than in the powerfu
i The meet inr wm orcnnizcd by lb? o - ; f . , gecurod fortaiind i.urnicts which th.-y have caused
S.T.Shiirt, l'.,.i. uire,Kion . j .. n,,ainsl any to ,,e conhtlu..ted with to much labor and
. ii. urvis. rii.. w -, " ' .. " ... ii-.,. i'i,. ...
eel ion of i
i)n motion,
Wkhnkkday .MnitMMi,:::::::-toi'ST Itt.
foil PUK1UVF,
JACOB A. l-AVST, of Curwonsvillo.
' .. ... su.Idun llllai.K HOni eillior um. laius-umMig nuuuw ..j. jmjvjj i - mini iui-'i ui mo line Bull ni ; "H
ed uon to r-ddf. the ho res- : pw )r0(lcllillg ft hM cirolo Lo so closely upj-n-aehed to thews m rJ . ,oJ h r,,nflTCd hif tntiro K,eU U well timbered wlih WUlty
nonded to tho call. ... . w I , , ,! i miinv days m;,nv l.laeea that their M;n umbers raiinot TUl; .?T:."Vln.: It . very eonvewent to nSi JfMAt
. , , ....... . . . i . i..,,
i poniie't to mo , . p Wr'aroun.l the cay, and, cio many c ays m;lIiy phie mat u.eir m.m m. ,:,s .. ... . . A lu iMUllPsbeiff, hcro he may bo 'V': , " "
At mo conc.uMu.. u. - .,,. ..,. ...,. iook fur new duvelop- ljVo Letwccn tlicm cxee .i at inm, u.n . , , , t. in tha jhn - - v lb,
ilTer, Chaiuuan o t jc ,..omm - . 'i, tlll8 fll)ru,cr. ivhere they do tho iro.ks I hey oceuj.y are j( (t(,r ro(1In . ,len lu ktfp cou.uit!y - - . '4 "
ilution. reported ho .rUottlnt' .l)ur the rocont operations of CVerv wjunl inHrcwgtli and solunty llllIld a ,iirKC rtwk r ' 4.itaM.
coadopted wuhout a sinaio Uis- i Co .0 ,a or haH , illl(Uup- to the one held by our own mam force, t;00DS CLOTHING, HOOTS; TKUMS.-Ono lalf eMn at ..
'oiee: i,np,l The total loss is put. down at this is the:r mam line .I works , Vu eilfil' WVrinT; maimler in on? year thereafter, iiV .'.."
,, by the Pemocrat.c c.Ur.ens or uliut tvo of whom are pris- Uje haekboneof their h-.po- hieh hko . AND SHOLS, .NOilONa, v j , l? bull(1 and murtK 'c hjKj J" ? 1 ' oners'." Ui! U rather a UUeoui.. chain linked with eieatru, very tow- jIilt8 iUul Caps, Bonnets, Groccnci," h - ftj
John 11 oil
! on Keso
which were
seining vu, . .,.,:.. p nosed
nf (iooiia to I'liillpsbin-ff, where ho may bo J)'".P
CONEAD I3AKK1J, of Knox U p.
W. M. McCULLOUtiU,of Clearfield.
yon county aupitou,
M. L. C. EVANS, of Tike township.
Kcsolcid. 15V U10 l'oi-m.uu,..i.Jv, , ,..,,.., p .,n, r uric . !, Im.-UbntiP o
CentrCounly in Mass Meeting asseinblet , ; .- . r uUcourttiiitf (,iain linked with gnat foru, very tow- jj.lts U1j Caps, Bonnets, Crocerici,
i . i i nor tvn win in tun iuiui v i " u i a . i . , i. ..... ii.rt ..r .. .
1st That we will in me luiure as
ways have done in the
uphold the Constitution
States and
, pa t s ippo am ecora to make, hut tho truth ma, t be ers of strength, nnd b,
o of ho UnUed told, no matter wjio sorters. It is scarce- .j00(l only knows what
"lion of the State ! if P.iWo to believe that j troops , such a. Agumst such, flesh and b
behind this btill,
and how mucli.i
flesh aud blood are no argu- j
States and tlio consiuuuuii . , m nKA n mnnv .,,Wi.t.
of Pennsylvania, and IhorCTpMtivagov-," Jmebodv beine terri- ..since they have reached the confines
ornments created by satil Constitutions. , - i, -.p.,rtrti. r Atl:.ntn llin
As near as cau he ascertain- 0f Atlanta, tho rebels have grown Strang's-
foh conoxon.
I UJ Oil. 11 ; .
us the Constitution ol l io, ) " cne.nv consited of y ,(rorUi0 0f their artillery, m comimrison
was ratihed aiul adopted by . tLo io .liv'isions. under ith their former caution and rcero.
1 . . I i - r. :i II IIM r B UUM " -
Iho free consent ana voiunia.y v 7, ..... ., assatiltiug on the right of solid short they throw more man we,
tho people of each and every state watch inM on lbe lpft wfth tho inten- ftnd of shells full as many. The former,
entered tho Union created therebj, in ac- believed of meeting in the cen- tho circumstances which surround us, with the great l'nn-ileii enun- w n enlir0 ,10 ovcr inl0 ftre lm:tl0Uim.)y pestitlerous. When aim-
Hardware, ( )ucciiHw:trc, Tinware-,
Drugs, Taints, 0',U, ilc, &c.
Alo, it largo stock of
FEED, .f., .fc,
raid day. when duo attendanee in i J'
Augait 21
(P.joeutori of Qeorgo Geii.J.
t 21th, ISM-tlj. 1
Orphan's Court Sale of
' . . VAT.TIA15LK RlvT. Pct.
And 1. rrcrred to buy Eoard,, e, o .n order Is.4
oiu' r cut ii'tiiu. f. itnn, icui, luvro hiii uo Pipej to rmT
7A! -Ho i!l bo glad to ec an Lis oia ana j rniin-8 Court of ClearSeH en.r-,-
, ls(i I, there will be expel to r,7
. , . i .u... i..i. -""" 1 - 7,1
i u'i i i ii r rat i'mim i'n i . . . . i . mint ir ii . ...i.... ) i i if t.irnim ti iiimi iiiiii i,.,., n n iiimhmo r r htui hcii u. nuu uiusw mu . t . -
HENRY U. PAKKK, Of "oarl.eld. dalea in thc 1)cc)araUon ol kdepecdance "V , (anJ lho rel,el iniI,era just clailuJ 6g,inat ? . have their money. , u , u,e ..u . oej.Mtoft,
llhnfall governments urns - J' '.Ji " ru. Hrticulaiy that -tnada on the have prown fearfully tueiraimi - p i , , pa ! rr.-i' V-.'-V.' lu"umnST' ttu,
'. .. i i.. .i-i a iM lhA i Rnu. r.i,. i f, ,1 U- n rnr!i I r in t lit'ir Ul 111
r-T1i of the Editor, will nowcrs from the consent ol the goveruea ,- ,ho enemv. under lleth, thev demolish thetn much more ellcetual-1 augm-Jui
mti, n.n rn u ia niinn riiiip.i. . ' . . . . . . i . .it..: .: . . . i i 1 1 . ,...:.. r n.
account for the imperfection, of thi. the Con.lj
number of the Wfc. UnUd Tree eo.e! of the people of each ; o . he N inth Corps whid, had
.. ' ,. , Li ,innittuiittoniam-H'O moi Ling, but lia.i not got i.
Ninety Acres of Land,
JUkd Ur
t:iat ruanago
the Jacobin
torture tho
'.ate great i
rhilipjburg, r,
a division iv uvn b.0lN. mid imtieril the meu ii) tho
u....ri. u ,,-oneiios i.y lurow ug o ,"-" n , . p pit V STAT E. 1a tbo eMnte of David Flewl. decmu '
.uny into Uie 'head lop-.' ami oilier timoerstu u. , ''Z:.' SIXTY acre, of ll.i.. lund i. cleared. i7vM
. .... H
1th thi
1 1 n i ii a ti isonraiini mma i iki tu'iy fian., mu j i - . . , . . ( . rrnt ? i in' i, . i . : 1 1 1. ;u mn nvn roin- r a 1 11 h nnn aricneu win c. pobu i iu"iiu i r, i i
' ....... . ' .:.. ,1,. !,! in opposition to the i.ub-l'osuioii. A a..ui. . "'K3.- V , "7. Tiinisi.AV. 0t..t.r Ctb. teo ,u ru ,u:r7"v"clr."' "na
tho editorial department oi r r - ' csertionof the co-lour lino at this point, it eems as E j.etlcd to camp, .mo,t w hum. . - - - -"b , n e . ,. . ,y .,u ,
orcart. can do no better than ;."'"?' ftf ,Q Federal covernmen t. our men had ceaeu ngimng b- - t ion, ta dense wo... s, a. u u. r , ( - , "V !, at the is in opposition to the fundamental Fin-! emseue, up in UwrccM ,0,tPl c-.MraW eo;,' and d,Mrh,e
. . . . . . II . I '...,.irn tunntil Utl.l I Ull IU 1VS M lllli IH'i '" .. f I 1 . 1 . .. I I f. .. .1 ' ' ,1 Ih.A ho r llm
,onca meet n; n this Mace, in citdes ol lie puuucau !.'.., i,vlr.. mlPn.l : ... ;. r.,n; i;,,il. nr.d hi.'- I'd., four ruiies ticuriuu, on iut- .Ua-Di., a
. . ' . ...... .i.r.,Vn ,wl ve. fHitllG uiiJiHi a hi v i !': i; i wiviiuui uiuik . v .u.....o J ;..-.. ri...rfll.l .. e. l.iiii.l at tlio coiiurmaliun ot Ihe a
they did in their last lefluo, musu ','r . . r ' ' i r,,P ..M 'r.(' Parts of their command, and fought llieir 1 M.linters. It H described tome as '"';..... .,.,.:- Hi Acres and iom per- in ono year thereafter, with int
.......i t r mf i pti . I iin : uuuLuia... .w. ll.i.... .11 urn. id .111 (fiiiiiiiiiu.. iu . , . c-i.' .'l'vtv . .' . 1. ..1 n iin.ii ih
1 - 1 ,'.,..,,. p vur carnot on oleii - "nj .I'.i.uii n ...... , iouiiiu.i.ii - - i-net., aooui cl...u. n.u. - -
bloou) ai.u fciaiu.u ........ ... th. instead cf bouiL', as it i ,,nHj n rl.nir. nioolilii'hl iiieht in a tent ........j nn,l i.. ..ood etata of euHivation. On
the manner
.he readers cf that delectable sheet, who
. . I 1 11 - r .1,.,.., 1 ... ' .. 0 . .:. f l. ITninn -
. iu.1 : alivav. to be. the rulo. Almost all , 110ar ti,0
.elves may take it lor granted mat , suiting m ll0?"'"'.: Z imv ioTo attempted to escape without lighting ; these howling devils go among out-buildiu , a.,
l...,sl...l InnolVint-irill, (lmennppl.Pa bianellt OVU 10 1110 tOUUV.1 , lk " " . ...... 1 ...1 t I. Ii t utiintr . .. I i .t v..r,.iiikril(.l.hl V. rood IVUtCT Oa t
.aiiuuni)uuuiu(nii 1 , .a r,l the athers Of were cnpiure.j, nuu "'"" . iue ira, .ncnui r'- - j
iviuii. w ii.v ,: ., .-,... oil tint antn. ;..,a nivcnoUL'l 10
: tli. nil
t. h l .
cuid by bond and in.irtgae on the f.r.sjj
yTe'iilo to commence at 2 c'dotk . .
lino in woods through which tho farm is erected a now dwolling bouso nn 1 caii day, when due attendanes will b fi,,,
outbuildiuys, an.l anew UanK ourn. jncre.. , ' Lu u"riiiAS;'
cood wuter oa the premises, and also a Eood August 24 th, lsol-Uli. iu:JM
. I 1 - - -
made aud resolutions adopted, were not j y counl , un'a m;1i:o honest and vigor-. their olhcers nearly all got dbc sate. aa goniet.mes sweeping mw t.iuubu i Tne"Terni!i of sale will bo readable, and ; Orphan's Court Sale of
-nly overwhelming in their moral ctleet, ous Ptvoru to a rebtoraiion of the I uion w """ 1 , , ,V. .u n 7u! n. ., u , hni , will be usado known on tnoaayoMio.
, , ... r ii VU!,,"u,lB ' , .. nri-iii'illv m xed up, not only hore but also on thei0 hcer of tho 1 1 Uh tllito told me that as , Jo N L. KLAMS,
iut that they were perfectly unanswerable. ,n tho same manner lhat t as on, ally 1 . line was. m .(i lu Hgt.
.... . t i .1 . . -i . 1.. 1. rtrirtft, In till IV T 'lJl ILUL. LUU' 'IU . . . i -- - . . ww.
luo masses tnen ana mere not on iy ue- 7. u ' - 'nlso broken throudi by the columns un- cninc to tho shot which came every iiiteen
miIu.81' Lincoln, in IderMahone, and a large number of the , 1IlinuU3, ho heard a solid shot strike a
his manifesto "to whom
has declared his purpose
war iu order to procure the
nf slivorv a PUrpOlC biricuv revuiuuuii-, . . . .. i , .' , . , , , 1 ices, ine owner ia iuvuiiv . -
0"VVV . 1 on, n vriv destructive lire tl. a iw. an rnrrvine awav MS l(-i. uriVO , ... t ... 1, ,:il !. ilicT.rxc.l fi r nn . Culltilin injr
111 its cuarucier, 11 is iiicousihioui yr1" 1 ' ,, , -, i" i""i-..j, "... -v .
clared Mr. Lincoln, as a usurper, to be
un worthy of their "confidence and oledi
enco," Lut they give their reasons for eo
-leclaring; and to provo their sincerity,
(hey declared their unwillingness longer
to furnish him that "material aiJ"ie
;uired for further usurpations. This is
.vhat threo thousand freemen of Clearfield
county declared to tho world. Their lan-i-ungo
was not ambiguous but as clear
and distinct ds words could make it.
And, as if in fear that some persons some
where wight possibly fail to fairly inter
pret their precise meaning might fail to
romprehond thor full force and real in
tentour neighbor very generously con
firms tho whole of it by presenting an ex
tract from the speech of Gov.Biuler, as
reported on tho occasion, sanctioning tho
ery highest resolve cf hi fellow citizens
on that day. In the name of the Democ
racy of the county, we thank our nsigh
her for this act of kinduesi unintentional
on his part as 110 doubt it was,,..
iMClta coutcuded that "if one man com
mitted a wrong, he would be justified in
committrug another," ho very meanly and
disingenuously misrepresents Mr. B.'e
meaning and language.
To 6how that wo are corroct iu thus
barging the Journal with an attempt to
injure his neigLlor, wc rcpucluh tho
extract entire :
" Mr. B. said he had uniformly advised
obedience to law ; this vras a rule of bis
life even though the lnw might be of
doubtful authority or utility; but he in
tended that obligation as much for those
in as for those out of authority. Ho said
tlio President wss as much bound by the
law as (ho humblest citizen in the hind.
lu the execution of the law tho President
IY virtue of an order isuod oat of iW
J.) phm.'s Court of Clealiiild J,
Icriii, 1-01. mere 111.1 do expend u ti
il nmv rriripp! n" icaular M'itnue Willi us comiujuuc. iurku no.) over anoiuiT rraiuiviu, .u.u . ...... ....... .... . . ' ,. , ,
11 innj luuiLiu . e e 1, .,.,.-,. ,r,,i r,t .1 1, .t, r.i t,f a. n.inr fes of t he subscriber, in l ike Uwnship, a ThnrsHiv. tho l.ith '
In i'rrv fin tlin Prisoners. 1 ue tnriur, ..inniv., irum 11 .ata i.iiuub'. "v ..... , ; 1 r,-r. ,. u. .. ,.l I 1 -------- --j .v...v. r.i
riiucceodhereasweUaahedido .... f-J.,...,
L I L . I,,. v ..,.1 fblitions to the Con- 'into them, causing them to fallback more deop into the ground. The unfurlunalo corJillK t0 Uw.
nVi..r.irr.a.nd to., osteritv for rapidly than they desired. By the cap- raatl uttered n long, moaning wan wnicu , aUg31-3t
Fifty-Three Acres of hud,
and allowance, bounded ai follow.! htiM
KL1LUUOIJ. IO UUI9Cl.lB.iiu v ...t.u. . - . 1 . . . . . , ' ,..' v : ,
... r.. ' : !.., n.,.n nr infinov turc Ol these men ItlO enemy lias oumui-, toUl his Startled cumiaues 01 uis imi-iiM-i .I1VU, .,,, Wohv caution- .1 n.,st. tl.enoo north 7S decree. nut 11J
US 10 IUI iiuubuj . r I e Wn.nn ril.ii I.. i c r... n.lilmn. il ornw - '"V " ." ' " " ' .' . , .
Lho further rrOSCCUtion Of this war. euaiiirp imiuuvi ui '"-"..apony, iiui niio. a ..." . o Y 1 ea ngainst trustinp any persons 011 our ac- f 10 a post on line ui u. runiap, oectasn, lire
-il That we solemnly and unitedly 'which makes tha matter still more unlor-' feebler and feebler, and almost be.ore the! count in HUy nmnner whatever, as wo will pay north by said land l.iT perches- to 1 pen, ta
Si ,c"i lin.t tl.A order of Abraham Lin- tunate. next missile urrived his plaintive cries ; no debu of such coatraet.nj,. by land of E. (UJ to a Vntt on ii,i:
protest against the ordtrol AP.a nam , i. n nrM mm.l ,,,1 to lho cit....l (f.f S. !. is siiii?le: iuc:U-3t. J. F. A D. It. READ. ErooUs, tbenoe south on Brook.' hu
coin for a dralt ot live nun.treu u.ousnnui : ; - - T' -.,.. i ",T: . . 7 " . . .1 ir..,- irnr. .iPl. . ' lerel.i to place of begiouig. Th.Uoi a
more men, intended by him to Lo mere.-, 1 1 -b - r - - v. . K u, .'J.'V";; d 1 Z4V. ' C r, i .rovcJ? Uh a sir.all bo,ed lo,.-,
Icssly slauahtered to etiect IUO auaimon-, . " .. "":"; "'"'-" ' rillljlllla kj 4 1 1 V; sre.-ted. late tne eaiate 01 idodu ucg.e,
.... nf b -ll-prv ui.iviiu. ojj-i.v.. , .vi n.'o'i I-.. 1 1 r. I..U.1 : Vlic-ima iuo 'uiuH. nmi.
Ultlll Ul n.ainj, ..'.t.i ......! .,.. I.nnn l.mltv n'lliTtnn.l. I ' V 1 1I T I T .f ril nf t'irri f',l m. I...U. I V 1 .. . .1. ....... r, . . t ih. ..I. . ...
.' . 1. rl r. .1 in m I in PA rl TP n.A. 1 Ul w IIUI Uli I T '.ii ..".. .ii"-., 'BP. .4. .v.. v. n .111 A Ul in V t.ii.i.. v.. ... r.t. , ... in.
uwi. lujim - .1 ..... ... ... .1... .11.;. (. ...!,., In 1 I it b Pn,v uis.iii. hinTSTEPi (ir inE B r , V- r,rt i,f I'liiumon r can of t car- ' ... - -HI, m k.-
Ill U.IV .... iur.'.ii'.. ii..t..,w n mi
cd liy l'."d and iiiorlace on the prtmim.
i Jij-Halo to coinmnienes at! o'eloek, a. a
said duv, when duo altendanee will be rjiar
i Auirust 24th. lSfli-tls. OuariU; it
,o M .ny ,.ro,.K. or ,o and , ' f ' ' ' c ' , , j U ' T, . , - E.;i K xce.,1. d.y . .ilM-"l , i. ..V . dir-,,1. M. .Ill M
: sff,t s ;s md itns i ess vxssss nx&nsss
is the duty of every patriotic citizens tola-
bor earnestly for the ileleat ol APrat,
Lincoln in November next, in order
nluce a man in tho i, residency whoso
f.ipt. ttl'.l be to effect a rcstl-.r, .irtC.lo
7th. That wo arc in fuvor of restoring
the currency of the country to a special
ham hoou defeated by a force lesa than half his and w e fear tho late of Maryland and Bortn hy Un., f Williams 4 Jl"' '. y A J(
it to! own, and ho in his intronchments. Noth- Kentucky will soon fa.1 upon our Mato. MVtl.V fouiJi by M. Kurto; and on tho went by j -,)y Tirtuc of ttn or
i-i ef-1 ir.E cat! excuso t!i0 conduct of some of our ! A. JftrfrMVi" iWl.VyT.istiveek, bo Lincoln i Kranois Coudriet ; containing seveuty four acres ; J cienrlicl 1 cmn
r.,:iUV.r. w.n. i i.vivnr. sonipw hat to intiniu bite t bo D.-moi-i ncv. an.l .1 en- an.i niiowanco, una uavinjr mereon ercctci a loir
remedied on Sun. lav, by lho utter defeat pres and plunder thopoopl?. He has al- UT. ","J '"w '"".'k Sciu"1.' ,ul,e? !" "etio.!''
r., 1 1 .1 1 . ,v . . ,,i . . . . aud to be nold as tho properly of J.ilin II. l'ottit.
of tho rebels in their doier.ite etnri to so sent three reginunts to (.hieago, to in-, kdWauo PEKKS sheriff,
turn our lefllhnk. Hero they wore com- (orfeip with the linio. ratio Convttitiou Sheriff's Office Clearliold. Au ' ai. lstii
standard, as both theory and experience, pletely outgeneraled, fr on reaching what which is to ti.'.-omb.o ut, thut piace on the; --
leemablo paper cur-; tney be.ievc.i to uu uio lull
teach us that an irredeemable paper
, of our lino
Orrlion'o 0"i t Sail 01
order of tho Ofilu'i Cwn;
nnt v the onucri'.jati wtiii
P'.se lo I'tlll.lC SALE, at the Lvuri litw
the borough of tlcartntl, en
Monday, tl;e2Gth September bhi
(being tho Monday of the Court.) Alltlitsn
picco of lund situate in l'ise Iwp.jUtWM.
'Jill instant. 1 :(;1S1 1'll'S M 1 is hereby .
rencyis injuiious to the intcesU ol the'. Ibey found another, a little in the rear . 1'ellow countrymen, dy you ob-erve the ' tr Two Hundred AcrCS,
reopIC. jaiue-x .nui.igpan.Mi.i 11.1,1 u.,- r. uau.m euuuiis 01 u.o ui,pun ei our-; rc(.orJ n tl:i, (,li(. f,r ,hc. inaction of heir.. '
c.V rri.i .. 1..1. .... .. pi . 1 , 1.,,,., 1.. ....(! I... 1; ........... ;.i. A.. f... ' " I oiung uie west end ot a lariior v.
C1U. lUailVO IOOK Win CODilUOnCO 10 .""ti m 'i'.v i-u".""K .-riv nuu ..".. iu. I lAinlm. pre.l Lira, an.l nil ull.i.ia in now i . ... ..... . . . mi...
the action of tho Chicago Convention to' the ground which they hud passed. This fight! Prepare for the bitter end ! liuttor ; interested, and will' be presented to tho next t The .ai.i'iin erM adioio lus'.'
devise tho rroner means to as.'.ist our eoun- : caused a largo number to lurow down let Uie lerlilo soil ot your valleys i.o Orphans' Court of Uenraoia county, to ho held .imir ,,n ihn w,..t iii,.ri!ni!iii.rlii
try out of its present deplorable condition, I their r.rms and como iu as prisoners, while drenched with your blood; better to die, at the Court ll;u-e i.i tho borough of Clearfield, th0 mid Anthony Kraticr, ou the eai.uiJ
and wo hereby pledgo a hearty support to sumo escaped to tlio woods, tinny being amid the smouldering ruins ol your towns, coiimionuiiK on mo .uoimuy oi oei.iumuer. ueHViiy timbered with whito pint timtnt.
its nominees. ' shot down in the attempt lo get away. ! cities and dwellings, better to rend the 10 ,-'''r m.i.u.. """"'
., ., . ,, , ,, ni,.,, i. . , ...., i ,.,, . . . i i, f.. ... i . i I. Tho final acCvUnt of John !. Kunli
Vlll. i nav wo . tuny enuorso tne courso 1 ,,l.v "Jnk "l i,"u'm i,... aim iii-avnu vuu y.;ur uyinir surieas ana , f i.,
. ii ii. ... . ., .,,! inn i '..,r... .i . , . i tor ol trie last
j.ursunu uy our uuie representative in iuc r"ull"w'. .u-a. i . i.-unen, f;iuiiiio, ilhii iu Miner n
State Lecislature. Hon. C. T. Alexander. Since lhat time tho enemy has kept a ler who has enlhroned
and recommend him as well as our other j respectful distance, having fallen back ( ington lo rivet tho chains of slavery upon J
nominees this day selected to the united , Mnd commenced fui lifying. On ea. h side you ! This i3 his desire : this is his do-!
I will .ml tntlnmn.,. t.f .T,,..,.h U,
than to sillier the fiendish impos-, hlt0 of pecatur township, Cleuificld county, de-
i. ... i ... .. . .
...ii.m;ii ui . a?..-, censou,
2. The partial account of Joseph . Ereth, ad
ni in istrotor of tho cttato ofTboinus Wood, late of
support of our party throughout thecoun-1 of the railroad in the vicinity of tho lend termination !
Ti;ilM!: Otio hulf on cenfirmktlea M
and tho residue in one year with,
aug., 21th,'6l tJn.
C. KliATZu
.On motion, throe cheers were ciyen for
tlio Speaker, and threo for the nominees
Will von sull'er 1 1 i in to dd cllL'i't township, I leai liold c, unity, deceased.
worki fortification are being built, and il ? Had wo tho power lo command and! The aceount of 1'iivid OcaHinrt, execuur of
the men ?r.g?,e.l on them are work- sway the mercenary of Lincoln,! l""
can claim our innpo !,.. n.-,n. i.i . 1'. vl' ' . l" . l" ""'"""" "' -v-w.,..v iU hj3 jnnucuii. eoiuitis who reauy 4. The f.nul aceouiit ol Hubert Lei
7. -7. ot tne tounty tonvention, n hereupon the; our nnc win advanced over a m
tran eends the h ints o tho hm, said Mr.! meeting adjourned. 1 tho railroad and pa,t tho Davis
11, I have as much right to command liitn I 6 -t where tho rebel vidette, were po.
as he has to command mo: but disobedi
ence to law on his part was a much graver
olfcnce than disobedience on tho part of a
private citizen."
What is tho meaning of this T Is thero
anything that looks like jusiifiinj wrong
Gen. Sherhax ox Niono Kecruting.
Gen, .Sherman, w ho tvo believe is an abo
litionist and who isasofton wrongas right,
when talking politically, has g-t oil' the
following good thing in reply to tho ap
plication of a Frovost Marshal, appointed
to recruit volunteers in ucorgu, Alabama
on tho part of anyone! On the con- and Mississippi, under act of Congress of
T.o.-at rriicliia
work of the c'taU of Francis Loizcy. lato of Uiranl
l'Ifty Acrts In hartlum f
is, and L docs not fear to Luil it in
the face of the usurper himself, that if
Mr. Lincoln commits such grievous wrongs
in tho discharge of his sacred trust it is
Lis duty, as well as that of every other
good citizen, to "command" Lim to desist.
fcThe interest on our national debt
now amounts to about CO.UOO.OOO per 1 . r , ,r
., ' ' 1 ition of colored
I do not see that the Lw restricts vou
to black recruits, but you are at liberty to
collect whito recruits n!so. It is wastoof
time and money to open rendezvous in
Northwest Georgia, furl assuroyou J
have not seen an able-bodied man black
or while, thero, fit for a soldier, who was
not in this army or tho ono opposed to it
You speak of tho impression goinc a
broad that I am opposed to tho oresuua-
1 1.fv nnlninno on. muni!.. . . .
This would be at the rate or iix d.Vau a 1 and thero is no reason why you should
icad for every white man, woman and ' 1,01 know them.
child in the whole Union. It is an easy Though entertaining profound rrver-
taatter. therefore, for every man to seo Cn? fr- Conc.,ess- Jf do doubt their
i..i t r .. i wisdom in tho passinc of this law
exactly how h.s account stand, 1st. Becau civilfan agoat. .bout an
mtu his government. If he is a single !rmy nro a nuisance M
toan, his yearly proportion is but 4dol-! ,2!1' Tlie duty of citizens to fight for
lars. If he has a wife, and rliiMl. tiieir country is too eacred a one to be
dollar, will let him off. But say hZr VaL ' "P U'0 te '
has a wife and ten children, tcventy-two dol- 3d. 1 1 is unjust to tho bravo soldiers
Urs is the amount charged against him. and volunteers who are fighting, as those
And some people are crazy enough to who con,l'oeo ll, "rmy do, to place them
W ant to increase this debt still larger. 6rtoarI)ar CM l recruiU J'ou Bre
Peterson's Magazine comes to us thU 4lh. The negro is in a transition slate,
week richly laden with unique fashion I'tth Ha i'10 W!"te mRn'
plate, and excellent readingltte, bytt Sltf. iWK
SiRrsDir.M KiourT-On Sunday last wVfiilhSiV
the lion. (?) Bev. (?) A. R. ltma l lh
.u t.iom;.. h. i.epnart s ciiurch. bth. Th s b ddiun ar.,1 l..n. ,
'ihe good people of the vicinity turned cruits, white anJ DlS.hJffiS'
out to hear. Adam came, took hi. text reinforcement of our arm?G. ut W:
mm uegao. it .
political sermon
mile down have- ' heart in lho shameful
IIoujo, which they are forced to perform, but ' tewnship, deeecuod. t
wero posted. iwho are compelled bv militai v Ivr.mnv tnl ' 'the final account of John Xelson, ndminis- w- Y r . nr,l-r f iti OroWlC
Our troops aro building works to p! o- obey the will of their commanders I triilor of tlio estato of David Nelson, lnteof Oirard ( of rjlearlield county, the followiij W
tect themselves, as they advance, while would dare to invade the peace and sane- t0n(-'.,l,1' fiCU',lirnelJ Tn?' , tale will be sold on the jrcmiin
detachments aro dest.ovinc the railroad titvolonr homes! I.ea.l, w..l.l meet!. 0. Ihe final account ef M. 0. Stirk, adinims- ,he 2.j J of tfEl'TEMEEH, 1 fi4, si 1 J 'JJ
r , ,. i.i i .,. , . . . . . I irator oi me esuuo oi oneoo ponsencer, ato oi ;,. i ,,,., ir, ,,( .,, t luiK
for miles. Lven shou.d we abandon Una h.m at every border! and if uncon.piera- Kaoa township, Clearfield county, deceased.; iZl'Aw bounded bi- 1. U of I ft IU
road, which thero is no intention ol doing, bio numbers should bo precipitated upon 7. lho final account of ElUabeth Ktuinnsiein. 1 Yi x L' .. ..,.,;,, riFTT &
however, the rebels could not repair it vo- us, we would utter fho fearful, the terri-1 executor of the last will and testament of Chris- out (Wenty Bcr,'. ..f which iiclevJjut6
ry readily, as the ties are burned and the ble command" Freemen the torch ! ap-! tia" Stuinp.ein, late of Erady township, Cleur-! cultivlUioo . .-- ruiue is f.rmin? hif
rnila lu'..fttil r.w n A ,o.r r.r nfn ,fi 11. . .1.. . i . . .. . tijlil deceased. ii... .... .1 ..f T,.l,n Haritria1
.....v.i.ftu.vk. ftvftuu,a.u.i'u uuvu . UVU MV I. io y
our uoiuea-yiHir property ; , ,,...', , ,,, c.,,,, , I '!" y-iu .ue
Snatch the Plunder and luxurv from the' ". J -;-"""" , lerius une imi tne fm!" v,.,
7T- t 'vlnh IvK' PFIl 11 ' JrI,SII !u,n'fi,r",r;x "frfr(l'- ).' cu-enlnR. Into of Jor- fjrmntion ofsale,.ind the tolas. Bj'
11 1' U AX Lii K. ..... ... ..": V.'.' . 1 : J'-'yl' , dnn township, Clearfield county, deceased. L, ,,. i, t...,i l.v Wd and n""?.
s frnm tbro ' 1 1 11 O L JjI li LJi i J r.o ! Lctvuwrj y. The final account of Othello Smead nnd , 1 ' ' CODFREY F1S"
augll It
Wo have befora ua Ip.Hpi
soldiers in lh Arniv nf ihn pi,,.n Arms. John Mirrion, administrators of tho cstat of
Tho lir.t alatoa that (!..n. (Irani l.iv. : , ;. I Qt King, lata of Eumsido township, Clear
,,,.,, , . ., . ,fc. 1 1 F.RRinr.B AFFRAV 15kTI EEX h01.DIF.ltS ON field county, decoasod.
y-two thousand men in he space of thir- TIK B & 0 ,j R Ltncii Ij4W Ai-i i.ied I Th" final account of Sarah Bloom nnd
I V-fil V flllVd I 1 1 fi HAtrxn.! cliilfia I K I 1 . 'Iti t tt !. . a. a .
w. ..w rvvaniu ovMiywjT. ii u .. ir i w.i, : i jour a. ivoeti. Btimin isirniors oi tno pHinto ni
I ..I ..i- .1 I noulf
rn tan' I . .llff 1,1 1 ('.ITJl'IU .
i .1 i r------ " . . . I.J WiaW
the time of writing (121st of J uly ) was ono s . Z1 I Xhu Dn,tl Cf1"u,:t Wil.i.u.ath, on, of uf thc c,e of
inn. pp. inrl i; . ,nilu.,,.l ti.. .1. ;.. i - .jv.o uie exccu.ors oi me iupi win anil
X-......I . ... . .
. i rsii'iimu innrnmrr o irniii mil tiiciiiriir-
!',rin'.. Pa aU,ll'o;,t); tht thelo. ton ith'a,,pul ,rx LuI)(lre(, soMi( of ; David .Elooii., lato of Piko township, Clearfield
....... -..ii, ...u, ui may until Jifi'erent rpiritneiits
thrt limn of re.- tint, l"l.lif .l,,l ., " oiirifclincilll,
Adm'r of JohnU.rtiJ,"'
Aiwlifnr'rf NotlCC
..n.i..;..,,n,l ,..l!'(ir. ai.lwltK' If
hundred and five thousand
puts down the loss from the
the Cd of Auizust (thiee days
plosion of the mino in front of Bumside
, u vi nrn t.i . n '. .. V V. ' 1 luo uniu nccouni oi 11 iiliaui ieain, on ot ii.iui-..i,r i,f the etute of Jew" Ti.
The thnl t',1"Jn command at Harper's Ferry. (he executor, of the last will and testament of "1 7 L'X Jive, no
M of May to c ,1 a ' n"IUv1ij1' a tchment Eudwig Snyder late of Eell township, Clearfield Z ' " VM
r, ' i y of tho A oteran lleservo Corps IS 011 duty, county, decensed. Clearfield on Monday. S.ptemb
jaf erthoex- lho tr(il .itched off, and lho soldieis '2- The fiuol account of William Fcath and ,i JXk.mvli,kfc
ol Humside s nmU5Pd themselves by throwing apples nl Vingling. ndininistrotors of tho estate of inU.rc.i.l u.ay attoud. B. J. '.'V,,
corps,) at one hundred nnd fi
i. : : . .. . y tuo etcran ltoserve nuarii. anu annnea i "... . n .
1 1 is uwiui to contemp alo slieli n anp.r t p.i .'.,... j- . ' .. . leaniem county, ueceasoil.
of human life, ami we are naturally Ted to .. if rV I 3.,.,. r "? ! . -coouiii of Lewi. C.rdon, admin.
inou rewhal has been accomplished at V7 i . v. "b". , l.traior, aua i.eceua aiuil.u, aamiuistratrix, or,
such a cost of blood, fho 2 In. U.U'1 . ,lh 3U"d mJ. ,a "rg?ant in ; the estate of Ueorge Mullin, lato of Eawrenc,
Aug, 21,'04-3U
, . - iu ......iDiiiiuiiuuivu. ui uur uiniip. .1 ,i,
anu uegan. it was no. a christian buta'whfin mini.
cal sermon. lie saUied at once into'enabl ... to makr, our ..OUia l,avo
negro equality and the oongremtion snl-lnpnt. 68 rerma-
answer is abso- .... . i ... i. v.;. ... r ... .
.,,,.., .. x7 . ... . riiiiruti, u.jmu uuuiu as uuiiuraioou lo DO i lonuiuio, viearuuiu county, ueceaaeu.
h i 1,1.1 IT intelligent person ronur ickeJ u a muskct anJ f j L 0, jjAJiGEIt.
. U' llb8 d.efe,!r8 "?"".' Kl?hmond 0 tho tVain. wounding one soldier slieht-! R41-3t Register
. ,n ZlT Z. V V,M i iy ond killiD8 Josl,h' L"ghlin, Company
lZTJ. i t i 1 eW 'housiind1 .; lllu Vermont. As soon as the act of
rw i U i ll tjeen liberated by the caval-; ,booli wa3 pcrpolraiea the soldier, got
ry raids, but this does not amount to one Ln-..: . .. . t. . t,....
r.,H ........ ...i i . i . vu lUD "' uuu uui ooiKcuin Aoiter in
J ......v ... v. .1111 UillU IVIOU
y ident Judge of the Court of Common Plea.
flf ll,A lunnlu fU.h 1 . . 1 1 i 1 Til.. fin. Ai.mhn...! nf
It was subsequently tl,0 counties of Clearfield, Centre and Clinton
man killed had not ! and lbe lion. JAMES 11 LOOM nnd on. JXO. V.
ah . . . 1 .. Tlinin.cAV i : .. . - T .. ,1 ,, r r-1 ..11 .
tliat tins unholy war must con tin-, u'i,..,nn c.: . r.- ..... .f.. I hn i.,i .i,ir in m .iifni,i r... h
. .. ... 1 ., . . ... I, iia.ou.iuu ijtiLDHiji ici nttS lUKn IO , ., . ..... .... v... ....... ....
ue until every slave in the South is liber-' ,ran ' iltf ni,nu.0,i . ! holding of a Curt of Common Plea., Orphau's
, a terriblo manner.
.1 t' r .. . 1 IC1I lu.u u.Hllljei.
their lives m th.s fruitless campaign. et, B8CCrtaincd that tho
Mr. Lmco n tells 'all whom it may con- t,irown any ,u9
V :J ., ''" 1 v Hereupon Si
1 every slave in the South is liber-' ' r i.
ateu. e ask every one seriously to re- t,: . .i.. ...... V . i Court, Court of Quarter Femdons. Court of Over
af lu niiv uia iinivHra linn iiimi iiat'iinnmii mi. . . . .
in linr I It aw ora iirsi.,nKn.) i .1 . . .. . . i . w ' v v '
J. 0. BLACKWEtt.:..'
W1TB ' '.A
' GKO. W. 1.EEB & Vu
Also, Jobber, m ,
flniba Cnssimert'S nnd
. ..i.i ni - .-let street.
.TO. I..".." -.j
North side between FJpgLPflli
9-Call and .coour extenive -j
"tY k Vmit Farm.
lied oat of the door, lpncinn ii,. ui..,.ni
divine to preach hi. loyal " sermon to ' Jo'onel Capron, who reached Marl
Borne dozen or so of Ida irtai r.u ! etta, after an unsuccessful raid into (leor
Good for that congregation. Bellsfont'e E'B' in which he lost hi. whole brigade,
. . . . ... HMUIUVI 1 UU 1)111 L1UH W II U 11111 11 LIM
oi policy loosing to the cstab ishment of ;.ummarv m,,,:. ,,,., , i.r.7 r.ll aouck is, therororo boroby given, to the ana trwie .- co0diiioa-J
peace and staying the further eflt..ion of, ruested?
.1, io appear m . m ,m, II fruit i"''
blood. VoltuvilU Standard.
857A hog, nine feet in length, and
weighing 1,162 lb.., recently died a natur
al ueatn nt I'almyra, Wis. Hi. owner,
who had refused f'JO for him, Was making
atrangements to exhibit him.
8yThe Chieaao police, a few nichls
r- lines, the woaieu wore out in lame nnm- i,' " anSoigiuoi a young
C , I uoTnu b0ftrd0 IbVbers, acting as icout., and aiding in the' together t nT I V f. n 1 ,
'awtogaboardiDfhousciJastwcek. t work of cafturing our exhausted men. IdrunlJ ' ruabhD boilt tL elreeU
NOTICE IS, theroforo boroby given, to the and Frame Darn
. . .. , I . . , , , ? , , . vviuuvt, .unuuri v. luo 1 Villi, IU
requested to take him to Baltimore and' in .,i rnr .i r ru.r.i.i
have him regularly tried; but this was re-, their proper persons, with their Roll., Record.,
fused, the soldier, proferring to lake the ! Inquisitions, Examinations, nnd other Koinem-
oranoes, 10 ao inose inmg. wnicn to meir ouioea,
and in thoir behalf, pertain to be done.
U1VKN under my band at ClcarQold, this 31st
day of August, In the y oar of our Lord one
thousand sight hundred and sixty-four.
law into their own bauds. Tortor, it i.
.aid, belonged to Co. D; lth Veteran Ko
servo Corps. Hi. time had expired, and
he was to have been discharged yesterday.
Baltimore Gazelle, Auy. 23.
BSTTho Nebraska papers ascribe tho
Indian war to Old Abe', nardoninc the
savages engage j in the Miunest? mam-f
, " - frii iDr:.J
Grapevine., and titl, U iJ
wliole boing wo.. ..v. - nwrr,
able. 1-or terms apply 'hB'oK IS
August 10. lSM,-tf.
Attorneys at .'.
nA "7, B.h.l.
20 000 iust roceired
3 15 per huadrod. jAlll'
rtilx.'VufS, Ao- i im'--.