Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 31, 1864, Image 1

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    j0mmmmmmmmTmtmmmmmmmmmm ll I -an-.'" "OJjim ...M -v-vg.r. 'v I ml
! A' .
t ' j,r!-Ww.aMM,....! ,..m,..mrmm
,j . :. ltlMx ,..t
; Vf if If-V 5a a . ." IUA: " '"' r - -:t.;r
;h)uwy m;i&Am MlE M II IT 1 T I if H
p.r..r ' -r.-.,.-r. r,;r- . v V V f
v. . 7. H00H2, Id-tor end Proprietor. " t-,
rVOL.X'VVf WlfnT.Tvn'ioo-, i--" TERMS fio Peranum, if paid in advance.
fi i'i:AtiuT i.ov ju a u a MiVt.
r, in il blackness, in now sweeping o'er us,
Hearing destruction along with ita .ruin;
.liferent,' broad banners are waving before us,
.Wbila tbollctdof tbo fallentas criuiEoucd tho
h- plain. .
rot he re have motto ileal death to their brothers,
Each nuking the other to yield on hi. wriil,
tt thinking, nlr.s ! how Lntrcd e'er .mothers
i Tbo love tlat lies in their btarts culm and still.
i.1 liow ciiTi we stand, aihtfsl this commotion,
And fee theso bloodstained flags unfurled,
Kmirg to watch, with the warinot devotion,
t Tbee fy.ibols of murder, ui they doat thro'
: tho world !
guised in their beauty Ihey flutter 'neath
; Lea on,
; And flap their bright folds as they float on tho
Jiile beneath thorn with death valued lives have
'. beenvivcn,
; Whilst blood on the Plain lies to curdlo and
VJ to o'er the henda of armed legions in
;! oaiuo,
:, I Vhoio death-dealing daggers are clashing be
. X low ;
leronr of the cannon, the proans and tho rattle,
Ppeaks, oh ! too plain, of death and of woe.
eto banners are leading tho sword, to dUsevcr
. Tho ties of affection that bind us" as friends ;
Bd, onoe out asunder, no power can ever
'iliud togolhcr what bate's dagger rends.
fh 'n our fair Tnien Ijecuientcd togothor
When Peace sheds ber glory around us again
Vll greet these bright banuen, while hither
I and thither I
S They float in their grandour o'er land and o'er
r main ;
Jlicn war's bloody demon haunts nsno longer
!When the woild from its murderous emifiicta is
we, as a cation, will grow grcator and
! Jf ruled by tho voico of our own Liberty.
Tlcre war w existing no j.istico can enter,
,-J.o jiarry tho blow that Tyranny aims
tj the shrine of Liberty the glorious confer
. Of all tho bright honor the American claims,
ad where it exists, tho strong arm of Power
t Will over engrasp.tho rights of the free,
Vnitig death's gloom and dark battlo lower,
Or spreading lU terror o er uiouutaio and lea,
ta, bow can we stand amidst this commntion,
And ice these bloodstained bannors unfurled,
tcmipg to watch, with warmest devotion,
I The. symbols of murder as they float through
V th'e world !
Tenet I lovo tneui , i t w-. nn never;
through their great beauty no mercy extonds,
to they are yet leading tho sword to dissovor
The ties of affection that hinds us as fricn ds.
S Olm Hons, August 2, 1S64.
fDit. liEECHE-'s Manuscbut. Dr. ISeecu-
i'l hubits of composition were peculiar,
is social cature was so active that as soon
ho had written a soutenco that pleased
di he bud an ardent desiro to road it to
i Itdo'nody. Many time she ha'rushed to
'lo diuing room whero Aunt Ksther was
'Wdi'iDg dishes--"liero, Ksther, hear
:kis." Aunt Esther, with martyr-like pa
Juco, would. bland, towel in onohanJ,
id an un wiped plate in tho other, (for
Vaniuatbave her undivided attention,)
311 be had read his paragraph atid trolled
)ack to Lis study uain. It sometimes
iiemedfta if ho would i.ever get a sen
Wee dono. lie would wiito, re-write, in-
irline, erase, tear up nnd begin anew,
Jcratch out and scribblo in almost, cndless
V In the latter part of his life this hab
Ibecamo morbid, and notually shut him
jut from the possibility of publiohing his
)n writitigH. lie wua tho torment of
Irioters, both by the delay of his manu
leript and the condition in which they
Sunditwhen they got it. Ono of his
laughters said thero wcro three negative
Mo by which she could always read her
fclher's writing, to wit: 1. If there is a
letter crossed, it is'nt at. 2. If thero is a
letter dotted, it is'nt an t. 3. If there is a
'Vpital lettor it is'nt at thobogiuuing of a
ford. . ,. , ,,
At Lano Setuimry, ho lived mora than
iro miles from tho city. One time tho
fruiters had been on tenter hooks for for
W'ht hours about their copy, and ho
tastily finished his manuscript in bw
Budy, crushed it into the crown or the
iat that lay nearest him, clapped another
Salonhishead.drovo down to tho city.
!BheiI up to tho printing ofhco and
etched off bis hat. " Here's your copy
i-h'm, h'm-woll, it it isn't here, it is
tonewhere else." The copy was still in
be hat that had been left at homo. Hu t
ho oould be angry with so much good
Vture, even if it were a plague,
f Tt.r, ,m nv K.-.AVCE. It is (dated in
ie Lomfjn Timts that German capitalists
ve taken at least 1150,000,000 of our six
r cent. 5-20 bonds, which cost them only
ibout forty conts on the dollar. Only
80 000,000 have been invested to securo
kit 5150,000,000. Allowing those bonds
I bo paid at maiuruy, 101 us see now me
count w ill stand, and then wo may bo
tie to comprehend some of tho beauties
)f Mr. Chase's paper money scheme :
i Twontv venrs' interest - ?1H0,000,000
iweniy J"'" ., is,, ooontiii
l'rincipai at mavunvy -
!gold To pay tho interest of this jttle
U of the public debt, the o ai.for-
lia cold redact must bo exported for
Venty years. Forty del Ur. to U wenoir
koive from a for f WO six per
lent. bond. For this wo ray an annual
fctorest of six dollars, or f c
, . . . t n,l in auultiOu 10
yon nis inveivaiLi --. . .
& mart at maturity pay JIOJ in gold.
a bonus of !f0U, lor iue I'." .'"-, :r le
ing $10, at an annual intorostor w
)ei cent.
I aT..i j-i. ihat wo are toali-
H hutory. Yes 1 but tho history we
-taking nudof him would gu
From the Nation . I Ir.t.!:;01ic.r. .
Wo nro aire Ihnt the. attention of every
lender wm, arreted by tho iollow ob
servations of (ho New Yvrk Tribune, as
contained in tho extinct which wo cited
Irom tlmt paper, along with others, in our
" Wo do net know, and havo not meant
lo a.iirrj. that an imruodinfa t.,ni,.,i
of our national trnul.lnii i. t. fno.t.. f.., :
ble; But ,oe feel certain lhM Uo tlM ofZ
lm aiuwvt'y, oUorLiuy d.nire neuce, and
. ......j, wunv uu netxnvi sucri n,ci in insure
it. TLn, why ihdl it le imj xdihhdd t Let
us knew, as soon as may le, the uost that the
rcLel chyf u-M do h srerc; Id vs next
ascertain what is the xdtimulum' c. our sL'c
and, if tho dillercnco is material, lot us
fight all the liai dor till one sido or the
other is ready to make tho needful con-
cehsmn. n is liicn time liiattern
j coming to n point."
I If. as the TriLunit nfllrmq iver p
' . .... .WW, wiv bu,iua ui
uio uierican peopio, on each side of the
dividing hno, "aDxiounly, absorbingly do
siro peace, and are ready to make all nood
ful sacrifices to insuro it," tho further
continuance of tho war is a reproach to
tho authorities who stand in tho way of
realizing this ardent wish of the country.
According lo tho view of the Tribune, the
nation is cheated out of peace by the un
willingness or tho inability of tbo men in
placo on each side of tho line to effectuate
the anxious, absorbing desire of their
countrymen : and yet. with sincular in
consistency, tho Tribune proposes to remit
uio question ot peaco into the hands of
tho "reuel chief" on tbo ono sido, and of
1 rosidont Lincoln on tho other ; for, when
it says "let us know, ns soon as niny be
the most that the rebel chief will do to
secure peace," and immediately add.,
"let ua next ascertain what Is the ultima
tum on our sido," ire Bupposo it intends
to leave the "ultimatum" of the loyal
States to bo tixod by Mr. Lincoln, as it
assumes that the ultimatum of the seceded
States is to be fixed by Mr. Davis.
Vo havo many and, as we conoeivo,
weighty objections to this proposition. If
"two thirds of the people on each side of
tho dividing line anxiously, absorbingly
desire peace, and are rcadtt to make all need.
'Jul tacrijiccs to insure it," we must insist that
the tonus and conditions of peace should
be ascertained and concerted by tho poo-
plo tb.omm.lves. We already know the
umui.uu... , ,f , j ,
being such as to leavo no laoo o
during h:s Administration, wo aro not at
all curious to know tho "ultimatum" of
Mr. Davis, which we think it very likely
would as little reflect tho popular will and
wish ou bis side, as tho President has
littlo reflected tho popular will and wish
en our biuo t y tno supplementary cuuui-
lion ho ha9 ncnounced as the ground on
which ho will receivo any propositions
looking to "peace and the integrity of tho
wholo Union." If peaco'is to be sccureJ,
its torms tnut be ascoriaineu ny uioso
who, as tho Tribune fay?, "aie willing to
muko all needful aacriliees to insure it
that iJ by the peo;lo themselves. Who
but the peopio oil e;toh liiJo can determine
what sacnlice luey deem to bo "neeuitu
for the assured restoration of pence? Wei
aro very sure that two thirds of the people
on our sido of tho "dividing lino" would
have no hesitation in "iaenlicmg" many
things which President Lincolu is not
prepared to sacriticn, iu order to secure
peaco. lie is so haniperod by his "procla
mations" and pledges that of all men lie
is most disqualified to appronch the con
sideration of this subject, for what audi
ence could ho expect to receivo from the
peopio of tho seceded States in commend
ing"to their adhesion terms which, it js
safe to say, aro considered by u majority
of the pepple cvon in the loyal States to
bo as little proper for tho President to
offer ns they aro littlo likely to be accept
ed by tho parties to whom they aro ud
drossod ?
It is clear to our minds, therefore, that
if any negotiations are to be sot on' foot
with a view to ponce, they must bo pre
ceded by n rhupgo of front on the part of
those who direct tho civil Administration
of the country. The present policy of
tho Government in tbo conduct of the war
must be reversed by a return le tho prin
ciples and maxims which have been left
out of sight in what the New York Times
calls tho "blind race of radicalism and
baibarimu." Wo know that President
Linooln does not yet perceive tho neccs
aitv of such a reversal. Ou the contrary,
he'has within the last few weeks commit
ted himself bv his late manifesto moro
v lhan ever beforo to the logical
conclusions of the policy that now dictates
tho ends and objects of the war.
But apart from all questions of persons
fr,u it sppms to us. cs wo bavo al-
ui Lsa a-u-?i "
ready intimated, that if the people are
ripo for reaco, they should be ullowod to
nvnr.. tVioir wishes and views to that
... . . ." . . rl 1. :.1;-(m
cllect witu lliO icaai possieio iimu
or conrusion resulting irom mo h
.... . 1 1 Lnw& in
lion ot tuird parties. Anu now , uun p"
this bo accomplished f
As thero wcro many who, at tho begin
ning of the secession agitation, avowed
their willingness to refer all questions at
issuo between tho North and the South to
tho arbitration of a National Convention,
so at every stage of tho war which has
followed it has been supposed that, what
ever might bo its result, a National Con
vention would bo called to readjust our
nrpanic nolicv with reference to the alter
ed relations left by tho war. And if
regard be had to tho subject-matter of the
dissensions out of which tho war grew, it
would Boom that they could, in tubstance
and in form, be most properly allayed by
a free conforence of the States composing
il. it-;. Th Inundations of tho Union
1 were laid by luch a Convention, and it is
dlv dis-1 the only body which is opmretont to re
dIy. adjust tUo Umt of that Union. A ortion 1
-.TWmi. i ,
;Q. t.iO jiropJo in tl.o Stnics havo sonj'htto
subvert tl.i l:i'X3 by viulouce, and vio-
lence ou the oco Riue" hnn hc!!Ot violouco
on tbo otijor, until, in tho confusion of
' WIO UOrrili llllV. It WOUlll t(m Hint, wo linvn
forfottcu evury other uuinirago but tho
We do not say that a. National Conven
tiou id nractieable in the present aspect of
I ', . L0
'u"tui nuuirs. Ana It tins niiupr.
be chanced, it tniskt norm mw-.r
1TIuT"JT" ,lho PT?s
ft thO COIlSl.U.tlOnnI1 mint irm rU .,11 41.-
I fc talcs lo tho National Government. And
to far as our own views extend in this di
rection, wo Khould not caro to seo a resort
to this expedient until it should bo de
monstrably clear that the grent mass of
tho people of the South aro no less disaf
fected towards "the Constitution as it is
and the Union as it was" than wo
know to be tho case with tho anti-slavery j
party of the North. In that evnnt. with I
such a concurrence of antatrnniKm fn Mm
"old Union," wo should despair of its res
toration. Hut as we have recently seen a
grent reaction of public sentiment at the
North, wo are not without hope that,
under auspices calculated to produce it.
there miht be an coual reaction nt tl.n
South dispensing with tho necessity of
calling a National Convention. It could
be called only by tho concurrent voico of
tne Legislatures of two thirds .t tbo
States uniting in this request at tho hands
of Congress, und it would have to bo pro-
i.uuuu uv uu uriuisuce ior a nermil lontt
euough to permit its assemblage. Hut if
a Nutional Convention is "impossible,"
what solution of our complication rnn
commend itself to the claim of being "pos
sible 1" President Lincoln and Gen. Jef
ferson Davis have no right or power to
settle between' thomsolvos tho terms on
which the nation shall have peaco, except
as tho former shall ask what the latter
shall agroe to accept-that is, a return of
the seceded Stales to their nllegianco
under the Constitution, with all the rights
and duties defined by that instru
ment, lint as the torms of Mr. Lincoln
ignore, tho constitutional riahts of tho
seceded States, and as tho terms of Con
Jefferson Davis ienoro their constitniinnnl
duties, it is plain that tho negotiation be
tween the President and the "rebel chief,"
according to the idea of the Tribune, are
V e ouestion whn(liir 5n Mm
A - BMW I ' I V II V
stage of the war there ore many who be
lieve inai i no policy or "subjugation and
..-..i: ii . ... . . S ......
iuiau.un is
aT;rKr ofis z: rX.
JO doIirmhrU,md.,nJHOUl,.-0.,;3. lonrnr will. I,..t...l
words, under tho
tionai Mirenzy, aro last, coming 10 ppcaK
in a moro rational nnd sober dialect. voyage of thrco days only ;!70 arrived at
Liko tho lnbun. wo do not difgui.-o , n1Djr destination. In Trcbizondo aluuo
from ourselves the uifheullicsor tho crisis. ' 7,000 of these wretched 'peopio have td
With it, wo do not nflirm that "an Iinrnc- I'lindv ponvdit.a shrvltcr rnil tlu".f nro hot
dialo settlement of our national troubles 1
is perfectly feasible, but, ns on a former i
occasion WO Know it avowed n rendmess
to boo a National Convention called nt Iho 1
closo of tho war, it has occurred to us that j
our contemporary, iu whom wo rocognho
a no lees sincere than influential advocate :
of peace, might bo willing to accept this
arbitrament lor the purpose cl closing tlio
war itsell. At ),ruMiMry such a confer-.
ncc of the tWi'xs it would be entirely prjtr
J 'resident Lincoln (or successor) to open
nejottations wdh Gen. Jejitrson JMeis for an
armmtice, based on tho principle of uh pos-,
Iu tit during tho term of its continuance,
and which should be concluded for a
period long enough to admit of such a
conference ; for, ns the President is ( om-
mander-in-Chiefof tho Army and Navy of
tho United States, nnd as Gen. Jeffcrfon j
Davi- is "thoauthority which controls tho
armies at war against tho United Stales,"
it would bo entirely competent for liicm
to conclude an uimistice wuu tis cnu in
We shall not be sjjspected of wishing
lo turn the thoughts of any from tho
things that make for peaco when wo Fay
that it is possible for tho ratrons of this
boon to allow their zeal to outrun their j
discretion. 1 1 is easy to cry "peace, peaco,"
when there is no peace ; for, ns Napoleon
onco, in upsianco, saw, -i-euu-u is oiu (
. . - - t :
tho conditions ol peaco aro everything. fmr prospect ol the whole, niter somo ue
When the fountains of tho great deep . j-y, and indiFcribaLlo suffering, finding r.
have boon broken upas Ihcy have been home among those who, thoudi strangers,
iu this distracted country, it would lo . profes tho wine rolirious belief, and wor
idle to expect an immediate and total ,' i,jp , v'uh their farea to vards Mecca, Tito
fubsideneo of the surging waters. I:i tho 1 disaster which has thus p!un:cvl nn en
davs of the Hebrew monarchy under King ! tiro nation into paupei ism, with its eou
n.iwiiit Urn enrrril historian records that 1 romitanls of faminu and disease, is fear-
Iho children of Issachar wero men iuu.
ivi understanding af the times to knewuhatl
Israel ovht to do." Our couutry is perish-1
ing for tho want of men liko tho children
of Issnchar men who havo understand
ing of the times to know what the nation
should do.
v TuREATENisa FiNT.F.R." It seems
from a special from Washington to tho
Cincinnati Gu:etlc, that eminent legal au
thorities connected with the Government
havo determined on tho suppression of
disloyal (meaning Democratic) papers in
Ohio, and that if Governor Urough con
curs, the programmo will bo carried out.
All wo havo to eay on that Bubjcclis,
that we have consulted, and know tho o
piuions of highor and moro eminent au
thority than tho cabal at Washington wo
mean the peopio ; and they have sworn
by tho liberties that oar forefathers be
queathed us, that the suppression shad not
lake place. An f yo for an eye, and a tooth
b ia their motto now. Lot ty
rants beware! In placo of a threatening
finger they may sco a whoio uanu. vay
ton Empire'
2T"Mr. Smith," said the counsel, 'yo
Afliciated in a pulpit do
you mean that you preached f" "No sir!
I held the candle for a man who did '-"Ah,
tho court understood you dmcrentiy.
Thev supposed that tho discourso came
froia you." "NOjiir; I only throwed
From the K. V. Journal 0f Commerce.
t or twonty-uvo or thirty years tho no
v..v.-..a lucPf inhabiting tho moun
"t T "pi. T c" . s lU0 northeast coast
11 l""t-.'r .,ea. "as Uiaiutained nn uno.
Mo.e ,vuu , me entire power of tho
Lussian Lmpiro.butatlasta lettor from
unsmiiiiiu pie miormsus of the capitu
lunon oi varuar, their Inst stronghold
"uu uio enure population is scekin
an asylum in Turkey. Hero is a peoid
"uicn, uico l oianu, is stricken funa tho
list of nationalilics, nnd the l.ussiun C.;ir
ii lao inctrumtt j)y which Iho work is
ncv.lpIl.od. Til this o-nno(in n i;f
'"""iw ui iue uiaioiy oi IU0 UUCusbiuns
may be tirnelv :
I -r.i. i.:.i ..i ".i
A l'ussiun tstimato a few years ngogavo
tho total population as about-KJO.Oui) ; but
as nearly as can bo judged from tho uuia-
uer oi rciugeos now claiming tho protect
ion of a fiiendly Govcrnmeiit, somo 100,
000 must havo since porished in the des
perate encounters which havo crimsoned
every valley ol their mountain land. l.o
ing warriors from choice, and acrinultnr.
ists only from necessity, and always evin
cing a passionate attachment to their na
tive rocKS, the IiUSSians havo rnlirnil l.
lore them in many a contest. Tho stni"-
gio to ellect their reduction has beon un
ceasing since 1800, when Georgia was an
nexed to Hie dominions of tho Czar ; but
it was not until 182:5, when a chieftain
namod Kasi Molat, aided by tho youthful
Shamyl, organized a formidable
At the end of ten years Kasi was slain at
umiri, which was taken by storm after
every one of its defenders had perished.
-no uravo ouimyi was elected his success
or, and continued tho conflict with the
varying fortunes. He was one of tho most
remarkablo men that tho world has nro-
duced. Uniting in himself the character
ot a warrior .and a priost, ho commanded
the veneration, while he wielded the pas
sions of the people. Thev lovod. revered
nnd obeyed him implicitly. His loss was
their death blow, since from the day of
ins capturo dates the downfall to final
subjugation. Shamyl, with his family,
occupies a palace in ltussh, rtill under
military surveillance, but enjoying the
prcogatives of a noble captivo.
The scenes attending the arrival of tho
Circassian refugees ou tho shoros of tho
l.uxine, destitute and famishing, aro de
scribed as exceedingly painful ; and uot
loss harrowing in the desperate frenzy
with which they crowd tbofnw transports
sen 10 tueir rescue choosm
w m took nnasnnnnn n -font,, ,.,- .iii ,n
tl,n vaiifiinrd of ::00 OIK) Fr.kin- tr:inapnr-
tal;011 to U,0 Turkish const so gi cat is
tbo di-mnn.l for vceel IhnSnltnn
rf,i.,ml-,i.,i, .TUni-min.- nnoof t!m m, n-
0f-war. for cmflovmeut in this service. A
correspoiideiit of llo Lor,da Tunes at
Conntniit ir.oi lo sl-vs-
do not wish toexcito unnecessary
horror by a faithful description of the aw-
fui vibitation which has fallen unon tho
i uu louv. I vuuui. .iu uiv.i ii'viuii
. ,.i .i; -;,
however ininuto nnd nccurato, couM con-
Vcy a eciisc ol the fearful Bufferings of this
paw proscripted people; but I should bo
failing of public duty if I did not rut up-
nn record the dreadful calamity of which
1 havo such nl uiidanl evidence 1 havo
)cua appealed to, boncver, from every
nuartcr. to pivc publicity to this awful
l; of things as a means ofconcentratirg
attention on tho Eubicct tho present and
futur imporlanco of which ia pret, and
in the hoi o. also, that it may elicit .ouio
mauiiestation ol public sympathy.
The Turkish Government is doing all
in its power lorueol tho pressing exigen
cy. Tho Sultan has given from his pri
vate purso the munificent mm of?' "50.000
others civo according to their ability
. . . .. , . 1 .. . I v.. . I .
1 1
j, niH0 proposed to draft somo i,(H'U men
into the army ; and ns a further relief,
nr!!0 numbers ultimately tuny l o cmploy-
. - .. . . . i ...:. ..
r,i ,a 0 eulturo oi couun. .-u uu iu is u
fully aggravated by tho suddenness .mil
completeness of tho overthrow, ror tao
moment every resource is ovcrpowcreu.
History presents few such examples
BsSyA young woman had been convert
ed at a camp-meeting. 1 he minister had
told her that ifsho had laith, tho Lord
would givo her whatever she would ask in
prayer. P.elicving implicitly in his words
sho ono evening retired to a grovo, and
fervently prayed to tho Lord to give her a
man, It so happened that on owl sat up
in ono of tho trees, and being disturbed,
gave outawho-ol Sho thought tho Lord
had heard her prayer, and only wished to
know her choice. Sho was overjoyed with
tho greatest thankfulness of spirit, aud
answered back, " Anybody, Mr. Lord, ex
cept Abe Lincoln."
u7"Whon tho nows was received hero
that Chnmbersburg had been burned by
the rebels, somo of tho abolition jacobins
openly expressed Xhoir delight declaring
tnatit was just what they wanted to hoar
of, as the " copperheads " had suffered
heavily in the loss of property, and it
would operate to exasperate tho people
of tbo North. Such dovilish malignity
lurks only in the hearts of heads. Shame I
Sua oio 1 Bedford Gazette.
35An exihanpo says the country hoi
become very healthy indeed since tho
newspaper publisher! began to exact a
.mall fe for obituary notices.
. . From tho Philadelphia Ago, Aa. 23.
Tho truth of Gen. Grant's lato move
ment is i nt length explained. On both
t des of the James ho has been repulsed
N arren s Corps, near tho Weldorl Hail
roud was surprised and severely handled
on Saturday, nnd lost two thousand priso
ners and ono thousand killed and wound
u ' i f.f01-0 almost a milo down tho
Weldon Ludroad. On Saturday night tho
corps intrenched itself, nnd on Sunday
was reinforced, most probably by a por
tion of Hancock's Corps. On tho ,,n,M.
p.'iL(i, noanuonea nil that Portion nf
wuueuaic hwamp which ho had held
north of the villaco of New MnrUpt. n-
Saturday ho received ordors to march to
the south side of tho James. Now Market
was abandoned, and Mirnnv's ("Vim.
Deep llotlom, was left to hold the smf.ll
amount of ground North of Foster's earth
works winch it was thought necessary to
retain. Hancock's Corns crossed tn tbn
south side or tho Jam.s, and it is suppos
ed was sent to aid Warren. On Sundnv
night, when our intolligenco closed, every
thing was quiet. Warren was intrenchvl
on tho Weldou Railroad, and Uirney at
Deep 1'ottom.
Uen. Sherman foem? to havo civen nn
any further attempts either to reach tho
Macon hailroad or to get into Atlanta.
ins troops are idle, and remain in thoir
works without risking any contests. Tho
correspondents o: the newspapers are do
.... r i , ... ..
riiuuucuu. many nave icit tho camp.
iiicystato that fehcrman has slretehed
his lino out until ho has reached twelve
miles southeast of Atlanta, and still lm
iimia tho enemy on the alert, and prolec-
icu uy strong woiks. iie cannot outflank
thorn, hherniau is now intronching the
nortu bank of tho Chattahoochee, unci it
looks as if ho, contemplated a rotreaton
that side oi the river. Ihero is anything
but exultation iu his camp. Tbo Federal
cavalry havo cut the railroad leading from
Atlanta to Montgomery, about twenty-five
nines irom Atlanta, ihcy havo w in
drawn, howover, and tho road is repaired
Sherman's communications with the north
wero interrupted for ubout four days. They
are now reoponed.
there is very littlo authentic nows from
tho . Shenandoah Valley. Sheridan is on
tho Potomac, his troops ranciiif? from
Harper's Ferry to Willianisnort. Tho
Confederates aro very near the river, and
it is reported thev havo appeared on thn
wU,trn huiik. Tho entiro valley has
troops havo rctreateu .; i
Snicker's Gap, toward l.eesburg. They
will try to prevent u Confederate advanco
by that road towards Wuahiugton, if ono
is intended.
Wo havo Confederate advices from Mo-
jilo lo last Tuesday. Nothing had occur-
I, nnd 1 o-t Morsan rtil! held out. 1 ho
Confederate dep. Gardner, recently a pri
soner, had been named as Commander-in-Chief
at Mobile.
Gen. Sheridan hns beon reinforced by
the balance of the Nineteenth Army Corps
from New Orleans. Tho detachment
numbers six thousand.
Illinois has been mado a separate mili
tary district, to bo commanded by tho no
torious Gen. Payno.
Peace Toe Union. Prosidonl Lincoln
hns mado tho issue a war for tho abolition
of slavery in Iho States no negotiation
for peaces until slavory is abolished. The
Democrats accept tho issuo. They will
ppgotiato for a peaco, and pecuro it, with
the L'uion, if possible, without regard to
sluvcry or any other local Stato institution.
In this all tho Democracy and tho Con
servative nicn ate united. Tho Albany
Aryus (War Democrat) does not hesitate
to'tako up tlio issue.
Tho l!.y(War) says:
" Tho new President to bo nominated
at Chicago and elected in November,
must bo a man ready and willinj to meet any
and ev:r overture for ), a man who shall
lvpiciunt truly tho dignity aud power of
tiio nation, and who will not bo unwilling
even to tcudr an Aruistre iui;estixo a
Xatioxal Convention oh ALL inn
Tho New York Ac (Teacc) says:
"The Peace Democracy will cudorro a
nomination that faithfully rcprcscntn lho
sentiments hero stated. They aro willing
to trust to the good senso and patriotism
of tha peopio for the realization of a defi
nite pence as tho sequel of an armistice
nnd National Convention."
And so on, throughout tho country.
Thero is no longor any distinction among
Democrats. The Chicago Convention will
bo united, and tho Democracy aud tho
Conservative men of the country in the
coming Presidential contest will become a
unit. Harford Times,
EKUie day a little girl about fivo years
old. heard a preacher of a cortain denom
ination Piavinir most lustily till tho roof
rnnir with the streneth ofhis supplications
Turnins to her mother and beckoning tho
maternal ear to a speaking distance, sho
whisnnrod : "Mother, don't you think
that if ho lived nearer to God he wouldn't
have to prav so loud 7 " fcuch a quostion
is worth a volume on elocution in prayer.
JHj-A lady at Brussels is known lo be-o
extremely humane that she will no. auow
even her carneU to be beaten : and was
frightfully shocked on hearing a boy, who
was relating a story about a donkey, lei I
his companion to cut his tail short ; and
sho actually fainted away when a relative
said ho had been killing time.
Tna PimRiNcs.-Lim-oln and Grant
regard tho taking of Kichuiond as only a
queMion of 6mA ll the poor soldier. ,n
the Geld regard it as a question of tUriuty,
go for ai they aro concerned.
.ui i. oi mo james, as wo reported yester
day, liirney's Cor;is was withdrawn to
Gun. Hancock findnic hisonfmii..-."
A KovAt Plea.-A judge relates the bl
owing incident that occurcd in his prac
tice ;-H0 was trying a potty case, in
which ono of tho parties was not able to
pay council fees', nnd undertook to plead
his ow n causo. Hut he found, in tho
course of the trial, that tho keouanda
droit attorney who managed tho case for
Uio other party was too much for him in
legal strategy, evidently making the worsa
appear the better cause. Tho poor man?
nr. A., was in a state of mind borderinc
upon desperation, when Iho opposing
council closed his plea, and tho case was
about to be submitted to tho
decision. 'May it pleaso your honor,' said
the man, "may I pray J"
pr'ieiriuac3ou,1Ta lTVul ly 8Ur"
objection. Whereupon Mr! A wMo
upon his knees, and mado a fervent pray
er, iu which ho laid the merits of his case
beforo tho Lord iu a very cloarand meth
odical staterojnt of all the particulars,
pleading that right and justico might pre
vail. "O Lord, thou, knowest that this
lawyer has misrepresented the fact, and
thou knowost that it is so and so" to tho
end of tho chaptor. Arguments which he
could not present in logical array to the
understanding of men, ho had no dillicul
ty in addressinc to tha Lord, l
tome nvi.
dently better versed in praying than pet-
When he arose from his knees, Esquire
W., the opposinc counsel, vorv much ex.
asporated by the turn which thecaso had
taken, said: "Mr. Juaiicn. iliwa nni n..
closing argument belong to mo ?" To
which thojudgo replied: "Vou can close
with prayor if you pleaso." Esquire W.,
was iu the habit of praying at homo, but
not seeing tho propriety of connecting his
prayer with his pr.actic., wisely forbore,
leaving poor Mr. A. to win hia ensn. b
did, by tho novel mode of prosenting it.
A SnocKisu Accident at the Commer
cial Ori-K.E .1 Young Woman Instantly Jul-cJ,-
Yesterday morning, about 0 o'clock,
one of tho feeders in the Commercial office
a German girl, namod Luceita liossa
met with nn nceidont which terminated
her lifo in the most horriblo manner.
Passing from one end of the press la tha
other, with the intention of relieving an
inexperienced ieouer, the ukirt or the un
fortunate female cauehton ono of the
shafts which drive the pondorous pros.
and over which it is necessary to stcn in
her transition. Instantly her clothing
was wound up firmly upon its surfaeo.and
tho poor girl, hurled from her feet, was
carried around several revolutions striking
ner neau owl body wnh tcrriho loree upon
the floor. The press was stopped quickly
tho driving pulley,
Several revolutions wero mado after tho
discovery of her cntangVment, and the
first revolution winch hurled tho poor
creature to the floor must have proved fu-
several ol tbo giris working on the
press at the time swooned away nt tho ter
rible sight, and wero removed, helpless
from tho spot. The mangled body of Lu
cetta was cut loose from tho shaft, bo-
ing firmly held by the clothing closoly en
twined upon its surface. The head is com
pletely crushed, and the whole body ter
ribly mutilatod. An examination of tho
spot whero the nccident occurred fullyac-
counts for tho terriblo result of tho casu
ally. Tho shaft ia only a littlo ovor two
feet from the platform, and each revolu
tion threw tho whole uppor part of tho
body with teriiblo force upon tho floor.
Ono of tho workmen, who saw tho acci
dent, states that tho unfortunate cirl
struggled to free herself of tho Bhaft, but
lulled, and tho noxt instant ho heard her
boily striko tho platform. Cincinatti E-
quirer, August lo. What bigotry nnd blindnoaa it
was for tho heathens to throw thcmsclve
under tho car of Juggernaut, to bo crushed
to nppea.o t'no wrath of their falso gods.
And iu this enlightened day, what a pity
it is for tho Ameiican peopio to oiler
themselves as Eacrilicoa to promote tho
ambition of Lincoln.
8If four years of abolition-rule is suf
ficient to annihilate our armies, impover
ish ia tho people, involyo the Treasury in
bankruptcy, and tho country m ruin,
what tho result in caso Lincoln
shtill bo rc-electod for four yonrs more f Do
his supporters contend that tho hair ,ot
tho dog will euro tlio bito ?
tO.TIio Tima nska, " Shall Cubinct of
ficers havo scats iu tho House f " Vo
which tho Rochester Express, a leading
Republican journal, replies : " No, wo
have travelod fur enough on tho road to
wards a Monarchy, and it is timo to put on
the brakes,"
Lincoln. Tho Esyptian mothers re
joiced when their children wero dovourod
. . i i xi : . .. ii.i a l. T :.,n.ln'.
py crocoviiieu. x uy mui. jxw hivvjiu
mother had not lived iu that tiuio and on
the bunks of the Nilo.
8'3-lf you want to have four years more
ot blood-sbod, war, taxation, ignorance,
extravagance, desolation and ruin, vote
for Abe Lincoln, aud you will not be Uis
appoiutud, 5yA negro was put up atnuctionby
his mother iu Hudwn, N. Y., recently,
aud was bought by a lawyer for J1000.
j2?There are eighteen acres of rebels
in the encampment for robel prisoners at
Eloiira, N. Y.
ttT"A very nice young
thousand dollars at faro ut
night last week.
man lost six
Saratoga ono
Tu Emperor of Abyssinia
his hand to (juoon Victoria.
has offoto 1
No maiden ladies are allowod in Japan
They must marry or leavo.
pW with.