Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 24, 1864, Image 3

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:::::::At'orsT 21, 10
Dnt WW it' P"l ''ni
, .
I " " if puid vilhin tha year,
if not paid Kilhia the year,
' "
Ecclesiastical. Bv divine ipenuisslun
lerament of the Lord a Supper will bs ndmlnis
nl. in the Evangelical Lutheran Church n
jiarfiold borough, on Sabbath 'August 23, 1SC4,
mcufing U0 o'clock in tho rorenoon. Bey.
fit. Height, of Tyrone, will officiate. All
UtUn. arc cordially invited to participle in
i .ulemnitiei of the day. Tho rulisioua exor-
mi connected with tho occasion will bci?iu on .
HdT cvcninir rrovloua.
I 1 . L' . . .. 'I'l . . , .
Adjoi uned Sale. The Orphans' Court
je of the Real Fjitnto of John Nartzog, :
iKarthaus township, haa been adjourned )
btu the 23d of August until the 23d of
Sptember next.
iIsiiROVEUESiis-. Atnpng the recent irn
tovemcnls in our flourUhing borough, j
je thoso now making on tho Catholic
lurch, under the supervision of Father1
dutch, ur
l.H i . rJ'i
Cd tO Ft
uo old unfinished tower, that!
Fland nt the rear of the edifice,
been taken down, and rebuilt in1
3iit; nnd when finithed, will present,
lite a handsome nppearanco. The now
ill a very excellent ono was raised to
im tinltirtn in f Via rlnniA nn l,ul St'Witr.l.,., t
(who congregation U quite a laie one, and '
Lon these improvements nto finished,!
bey will have the most comfortable and
Jiandsomo church cdiJL our town can
toast of.
1 - '
I BsafWhile n the suljoct of Improve-
,lcnts, we must not forget to montion tho
?rcw slorc-room of Kkiiavu ilosso?, acrosa
ilhe way, now nearly completed. For
Ji'ie, wo believe it is ahead cf any other
Flore-roora in the State outshlo of l'hila
fdclphia nnd Pitlbburg ; nnd its arrange
t iu(nts will be excelletit.
I Wb lei.ikve it now. Rumors have Wn
In circulation for tho lust ton days, to the
iefiVct thnt Mr. Lincoln intended to tuUo
Iho wind out of tho sails of tho Democracy
tat Chicago Ly funking a flank movement,
ud proposing to the rebels a cesfc&tion of
hostilities, and tho opening of negotia
tions. Several Abolition Senators, nnd
f;iur Jacobin dignitaiies bo the rumor
A it bad assembled at Washington for
Consultation on tho suljoct, and the
'jropoMlion met with favor in high quar
ter!. We placed no rolianco upon it
;KniuiiviT sujixosing n to oe notninff
;inore than a Bensation story started by I
'jotue newspaper correcpondent
n r. .i
. ,ii . . ,,i ,iivO I'eiBoiiniiy cniiiOeJ, si., it. it., anui -b u-
Uut now, ns that most contemptible of s 1' c luona of ln... ',;n i n,..,001110 vcry n,0,y yy "ir weeks cxposuro in nn
Arable Yankee quirts, Senator Wilson
'of MassachusotU, has publi.hod a state
moat denying that any suggestion of tho
"kind was onlertainod at Washington, all
juraouws are rcraoven, ana the people!
ay rest assured that the Buljcct is stri-
IousIt entertained by tho Cabinet; nnd i
Ihpy must not bo surprised if such nn an
nouncement is made bo for o the cloio of
4he present week.
I Peace Meeting;.
f A meeting of the citizens of Heccaria
:1ownship, in lavor of Peace, was held at
tMen Hope, on the Vth intt. Un motion,
iJoseph Lull wai called to the chair ; F.
;Mioll', Philip 1'otts, nnd Peter Jthnson, '
fVico Presidents; and W. W. Wa-liburn, !
Secretary. On motion, Wm. Dickey, j
nm. Dolts, and Flam Raktstraw, wcj'ol
fppointed a Committeo on RcfoIu-
iiods. ine meeting was vnen aimresseu
Ifcy John Davis nnd others ; when the fol
lowing preamble nnd resolution were
t reported and adopted :
.vpu.ic, nnum.uj.iwi. .
t ii iiiataa uio tuiiuiiiiou ci mo uuuaui
ii-. . . a- ,i ; i:.. ii, A n ,. ;9 .f..
-,wur country IS SUCU rs IU excuo in me I
fmiDds of all true patriots feelings of:
I .. - , ,. .
1 m. Ki.n r, rt I r. v n.m-D m, Ian llllTa III
j ua ioee-iu.6, ve, vaj,-i.o uui ...
reeard to the present condition Ol our
! distracted country ; therefore
I Iiet!ved, Thot'it it, both tho part of
cat principle other than the Constitution
Of our country, tho L nion of the Stales,
nnd tho enforcement of tho civ il law.
Jusvlvcfi, J hat, as tlie I.-resilient ol liio,
buiteU States Las made a can tor live
1 i....i. . .. . ... cii.i.
j.iait..irc,i tcanwa mom men iw uu u.u
r!H'.. f t.'.OMMvl-o hnvo been slam on
alarm ; nnd whereas WO, the conservative n, Vc cannot give up our entire spaco to Jrjn Works, Johnstown ; Brenner, Trucks & lo., tlejr sworn eiateinent detailing name of soldier,
Cilliens of CeccartH township, Who love thftt ,mr,,0so. It U luliicicnt to the 'end ! orr'."'0 51 'T ThlTvolV rh;icnt and company; when emisted ; the
" nn. ii,- ;,,.i ;i ,,i itni, : .. . . .i i . . , ..i . ,, . .. ,. , . Cormiek f- Long, Pittsburg j W. S. Lloyn, hoens- nniuberof children, withngo nnd sex ol oath ;
j dl7rr..l,,.. Z u , 1 , I , i , , . . burs i S- Silkknilter, Huntingdon ; B. Wilson, , luwI1..,lip in wllk.h thtf, ,wUo(, ut lhl ,;, 0f
WhlCIl We live, have asscnilikl liero 111 l,P,,n k rne.l. not bv hundreds, but ,r o. .' ....... i,..n ,. t... t.. . C. It..v. I .. ' . ... .i . i.i...i
ourorttj si I, by t,ne Btunts ul our own Frmd accounts- Fvory'whero tho popular
trothcrs, in this revolution, liko tho Bl,tiracnt i3 for'an "armistice and a Con
Wood of Abel, cries for vengeance from ycnlion of tlio States."
tlio gi ouaI.
AVsoW, That we, the citizens of I'ccca-; 75,000 Tons or IIi m av Pioou. A wn
t township, liavo furnished the Ptcsi-' ti r iu tho Jctt'orson County I'rinn has m ulo
OontwiM. nor full Kl.fim of nil the menus soma calculations relntivo to tho number
required to carry on this war for nearly
. fnnp l : :a nnm. ll.Ai.nrl
f0 than the, davit first bo.-an : other:
han the Fxecutivo has tnalo nn enor-
woub actit, and rennsyivnnia nas lost two jaiu in ono cuiiiiiiiiuus nuu,
hundred thousand of Ler bravest and If they were placed in coffins nnd cord
l'et men. ' cd, they would i omit thirty-niuo thousand
f Jicsolucd, Thai wo hero outer up our 'cords.
..loom protest against furnishing the;
Kxccutivo of the United States witU any
feioro men or means for tho further proso-
ulion of this war for th purpose of bub-i
Jugating the South and placing t!,0 negro '
ln n equality with tho white ,,,. I
I llaohcd. lhal we meet 111 Lounty Con-
f volition on Satiuday, August 1:5, lst',1, tG
? potition tho Prosidant of the I'nited
iMates to ccaso hostilities nnd restore ,
?roace. nnd nlaco our diotracted country
1: 1 ' 1 i. .1
wuere our lavners jeii, h.
Resolved, That our motto bo, "Ourcouu-
Iry rieht or wronir. our country."
- Coiuninincatcd.
finnnv Ancilst 13. ISO I.
I D, W. Moone. ICko Sir: Last January,!
' a discourso with Eomo centlemcu, 1
i ' n uiscourso Willi eouiu tl"ll,-'""-ui I iiiiinuiio ui nuuaueu unit iniuiiieu ior li lu riMIISIong establishod and well Known nv
jtonlended that tho word Mile was not to must bo taken intonccount insHmming! TEL, situntcd in the west end of tho town.
" lounu in lUO lill.'lO, anu lliai iuu uiui".up tno grami loiai ui cviim inciuonv 10
not made at tho time tno w orm ana
Ood cteated in six days was , nnd if.
wnvinced. 1 would have it i.ubli; ueil. I
I ow comply with my part of tho ogroe
t hienl, Oneof the ccnllemen called a few
Ham. . . n . . .. . ie. l.
go, anu reierreu me to mo oi"
papier and21lh verse of Genesis. There
,n toulo is, as sure as preaching
Yours, In haste, J. V. 11.
Intemtinij to Enrolled Men.
Deputy Trovost Marshal, Capt.
iv, kindly furnishes Iho followine- state-
3. 1
i, . i. p . i
-..i, miy iiirnuuM tbo following state - 1
nient and informm
u .. '
... interested m tho coming draft ;
interested iu tho coming draft , ;
iSniTll's Mills, Aur. 13, 1804.
Kuih...'.. f.. . . . in
a fdiort history of each person enrolled
iuii. uooke-.Dear sir ; If tho peoido in ,v . . a Ul1 01 'l'""", lije i, nt his ..ui. .
this COuntV.whi. nrr. l,. Ji 7.1 i t,lllc0 "the borough of Clearfield, at which lima it" of other Buuk
. I ho . . i ....v.v-on. iu mo nn,i ,. ,,. , . , , i,,,Lr,.i lomicr nn nv.
- coming aralt. will get up a paper some- th'seep W. M S K ' Clicks, Drafts, .
f thing liko tho form be otv. Rfiitim. fnMi.l i i , . w. mccilluLUII,
who may not now be in tho townt-hm ami
havo it sieneil I, Jl IT , i '
! . 1 , f. 'ec f1'0 cltl-,"ie
V , ' :pauo0 tlje lotn
eac" UO"districl FO doing. The object
'8. to apportion the nuota to thoto wl.n
may bo in the townehii). and not tn ilml
number enrolled.
. ,. . ' m " "
- .
O - o
.2 B
ft o
B c 3
2 B
- I
a O
E. b
3 w
a, o ci
S (6 t,
Z V.'
a t o
K 2
8 3 3
2 -
Wo the subscriber, certify on honor, l
mat i ne niiovo roll and lotnai ks opposite
cauli tuau's name is correct und true.
J. M.
L. D.
S. P.
Char fall County, ts
Bcloio tho subnerihRF. n .Ins! Vn r,f llin
Tl- ... II.. t r -r t.
cugh.) and seveially made oath' tliat the;
anuve statements are correct nnj true, to,
iho bout of their knowledge and beleef.i
(iUH.P, J. r.
Auuust 13. 1SG t.
p,, i A,,ir e-i;s r
n paper of this kind, nnd sending it to the
Provost Marshal, at Watcrford, lio will
Oti I fU 'll Olll U 11UJ1103.
Respectfully, John S. McKiehnax.
The IncieaBiiijj Feeling for Peace.
Tho Portland (Maine) Advertiser state
that several of tho Abolition preachers '
have recently declared from their pulpits!
in that State, that the further conduct ol
tho war is unchristian, and prnvcrs should
U,. ,,. i i - ,
directed heavenward for peace, ntm
not longer for war, and pence on
terms necessary to slop tho shedii
Oil any
shedding of.
In Montgomery county, Ohio, on a short
notice, eonio fifteen hundred peoplo have
'! mose who liavo iipretoioto. UCieu Willi
;ie At;oilll01HSIS. Jta'lils:
., -. ,i t.
" 1 bo tis'iiers Ot tills Ca II must OXCUFQ
U9 from publish in I' tho list of their names, '
' J '
!.l - 1. l l 1. . . I , f.
i iio ustiiius, anu i iuu, u'o, irrcspeciivu oi ;
former noliticnl affinities- The extent of
Ithis movement in Montgomerv county
fll0W8 lhat the people are at last' resolved
pg ntlll to Btriko ror the Li,thcst cood of
our lJel0ycd, but well uigll ruiaod COUn-
Almort every county in that Slato is
i, ;u .,r.n,-n tiioniinni nml thov urn
........ i, -. rv.r. ...vv. --
fill largely and cntliubiabtically attemlcl.
in N,n York and in the Fast wa have tho
of men killed thus far -in tho war, and
1. 1 - I li i . 1 1 d I cw i ii f I ii I ere. t i n (. i te 1 n r !
There has boon enough already Main to!
encircle - our Stale if thc.r dead bodies wero,
Signed ft cnll lor a peace meeting at Day- ' Jnnica A tvans, tuensDurg. ra. Messrs. dec. 1, 1S58. tf
ton. The i:nnre says "the signers com-', "n.v Co., l.atrobe, Pa. Messrs. I'runer A
... Up men nf nil r.arties. nnd b.r.-fl number, - V'rW. : Tyrono i Adams, Calaii k to-, Cresson ; j ) I V X()TICr..-Tho Bonrd of Jl
. . 1 . . . .. ... : S. Millikon, llollnlaysburg : Ililomiiu AJtesser,. I , f(,r tli n eniinlv ol Clearfield, will incut
o. ncicu wiui A!l0U!,
1 Main in a wail twenty-nvo leei ' x,xi;-mhs MilK'I'. Letters tcta-
and thirty foct high, it would be OVOr ODO, y2 n-.entary on tho istato of William Sloss, Into
raid one-fuurth miles long. id Knox tp., dee'd, hav ing been granted lo the
If fiyo feet thick and and len leel high 'undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate
tho pile wculd reach across the St ate. ro req-u-sted to mako mediate payu,cni i, and
failed upon a ten aero lot, they would j ' '- T rZ 1
bo nenrlv two hundred leel Inch.
If laid upon tho ground, they would
cover every foot of soil in JcH'orson coun
Scventv-fivo thomand Ions of human
'ii 1 . ... . ..... ,1
jiuuu unvo ucou spiiica on Dixie s sou
enough to turn every spindlo in Lowell,
1 and if the tears wcro added to tho flood it
I would turn tho machinery of the conti-
J r,0ut ; and tho unavailing eighs would fill
avorv ncenn snip
The one-half Ims not yet been told. The
, millions of wounded nnd maimed for lifn
this bloody lannticai war.
And.lho end is not yet
"That was a horrible afnir--trio mur
der of Dean, and tho scaling up of hia re
mains in a tin box 1"
"What .poau ?" aakod Lalf a doen voi
cei at once.
b'ur Dean."
Auditor's Notice.
f VIE undersigned Auditor, appointod In open
X .court to audit and report distribution of L-.
- - .court to audit ana report distribution of u.o-
ney in tho hands of It. N.
vm c yfufuiwi,(ftPftf i.,liK .... ;? v rrr
V1 Bl.tcnd to,,ho ''"ties f eaid appointment,
l,r oi i.yinun Miles, b.ln r l!..,.,,,! . i.:..
Clearfield county, deceased rirVrnotlc.lh.t fi,;
WI nl(nn. I. .1.. .1...!.. .. .. .
S .!'.AYv ,l(.)1KS,.,,,7C'lW0 10
13 the subscriber, iu Lawronco
M A"h ", U.rk B
"-r is rc,1Uirod to como forwu
THAI 1 lOHSI C'atno to tho promises tf
township, about
ny llo'rso. Tho
t,r,T ry chargcii, 4o otherwise ho will bo dis
ur, provo prop
v ol as u-.e law dirocU.
L. C. CAl'.POX
dug. 17, 1SCI. 4t
i' - .. V ti
L : "r -N.'..'
iT.-r''--vr -.J'V'---'--c ,
Corner or Market anil Thin! h-treots,
Ibiving added greatly to our former oxtcnlve
iliieililies, wo are nmv turning out a bir.;o iiuiuber
i of our improved Portable fc'teuia Liifinca and
j Portable Circular Suiv Mill?, nini.y cf which are
j finding tli'-ir wny into rcnnsylvaiiia, Ohio, Iu,li.
ifiiia, and Illinoi.-:. Tlio.-'o nlrealy received and
in operation uro fivmg the iuot cEtiro 'ati-fac
There is now hardly n Slate or Torritorv
5 I
" - -.T TIT I
n tholnioit but lha our In-provoJ Portable whole h,.:,r-well located. Too lif.u is iudipiit
l.ngines mid Saw Wills aro iu use. Ail our ,!,. v... ,,.. :., i.. ,i. . ..i......-.i. .. . i
Lugine. liavo spark arrester ttacks on them,
which coiifino tho Hying sparks.
Wo would respectfully refer you to tho fallow
ing gentlemen and for the portability,
utility iiud practical operations of our Portable
bteam Ktigines and .uw Mills :
Avoshai.i:, Chester Co., Pa:, April S, Ml.
Mksshs. J. A J. 11. In vai i. Ci en lie in en '1 lie
Puitublo Knuiuo and. Saw Mill got of you gives
entire satifl'aetion. 1 ohoerfuily recommend
those in want of Saw Mills to give vru a call.
Kespectfully, p. I'. WICK KHSHAM,
Mineral Point, Cuiubrhi Co., Pa.,
.May 21. 1 SC I .
J. .1 J. II. Dt. v.n.i, Gentlemen : With Mr.
tf. Hardesty as saivyer, wo havo sawed, with the
Portable Stenu Mill sent to Cambri i Iron Com
pany, in nine hours, eight thousand feet of lum
ber, (two thirds of it. being and would
erlully recommend your .Mills to thoio iu
want of sueh. Very respectfully.
For Cambria Iron Company.
Moniusn.lti:, Juno 2, ISfil.
MKssns. J. X J. II. Dl vai.i, -Willi the assist
ance of Mr. 11 nnlosty, wo sawed, tho first day we
set up your bngino and Saw .Mill, seven thousand
two hundred uud flfty-six fiet of ono inch nine
boards, wlicn nvcrelliimr u'n, nit an.l lri.l I...
..V Zd feet ot ZXZ
hour, with suitablo help. Wo choerfullv rocom
menu your nuns ana engines to any in want, as
we aro fully satisfied they aro tho best mill and
engine and mill of tho kind we havo evor Been.
lours truly, , Jos. IJRliXXlCR,
ioi mcuuvr, TruoKS CO.
EuUNSitritn, pft. Feb. 2fitli ISfil.
Jlcfsrs J, i J. II Duvall. Hear ,Vi', : Our
portablo (aw Mill and cngino urrired lnstweok
all sale nnd right, wo believo and wo can sny
without meaning any UutNry ia behalf of Mr.
Hardesty that he did himself credit in putting
Iho mill up nnd starting tho same Yesterday,
inst ono w eek from the timo wo unloaded tho on
gino, ho sawed with fourthnnds, about C00O feet
of lumber in about eight hours, a portion of tho
"o oau ana asii. w lar us wo are auio to
ju'"K. wo think wo will be able to fend yr,u a
, ueuer report a tor a w h o. o aio sausueu
,..,,.,,, , i.;,. ,..i -,.,...,., ,i
,1,,..,. ,rt MnY nfir.(.n wlin nmv desiro a. nortablo
,nin and engine.
Yours, wishing you nil succc.'s
For further refcreB'-es wo will give tho names
.., , M..r, ,t, ,i i!r.. Tyrone : W. l'il-
jr., Pittsinirg; S. luiyncs, iaho i-uy ,
Folldt ,t Co.. Wct Cr-cnv e: K. J. Aieholson,
t'.rookvillo ; J. Jleiloncgal, Hemlock ; Cambria
l M.iui'io iuu , i'uh ii it..,, i, , - j
.. ... . . , .,-.1.
uolds & ;. Aniircs, llortstown, cruwiuru raumj ,
M. T. Dill A Thomas McAuley. Altoona; A. u.
! Uollidny, llollidaysburg ; M. M. Adams, Cros-1 Two witnessos of credibility, from tho township
I""" ! w- B- z'ii,t15 JuMI'h,S"r.'.'' It'1, wuich she resides, must also be. produced
r , k
Wo fully warrant our engines and saw mills to
-Orders fo
scut to all correspondents.
n . ... .i ... 1 ri.! l C, ..,!., ..,.l ..oi.ovilrt '
corner aiarKti nun i oui i.-m e-e-..-, .i,.-w -1 1 -
C. 0. It. It. Depot, Zuncsvillc, Oliio.
17. 1. V.
rnl'.VC Iir.K- IVAM i:l).-Tho School Di
JL reel jrs of (iirard township wi-h to employ
THKL'E Teachers f r tlio Winter Seision ot the
Publio Schools. A indicants uro expected to bo
in attendance nt the , cxaminati..r, by Jh Cniy
ThVwa .ll be Irmn $2i
iii :iA ilolhira month, aecorditia to grade.
By order of tho Hoard.
August 10, ISf.l. pel.
them duly uutheutieated lor settlement
jyI7-Ct E.eocut,ors.
ABIES' Dres Coo ls New Ftles Alpacas,
j plaids,, Proehe-Mohair, Vnlcn
eiu, Silks, Wool Delaines, 1'reuch Merinos, (Jing-
hams, Lawns, Just opening nt
J. l . ana i ri. o.
ftutiouul IBotel,
WM. A. MASON, Proprietor.
i lins bcenrcmmldle.l, eniiircu nuu luiiui..,
the proprietor rcspoctlully announces to his nu
merous frionds, nnd to the travelling public, that
bo ia now prepared to accomuiodato all who may
favor him with a call.
Ample, safe and comfortable ftahlinj? Is at
tached to tho premises, and trusty attendants
will always be en band. Charges moderate.
leb. 12, 18B2.-tf.
HATS tSdCaps, Onkfoid's Spring Styles at
J. P. KllAVZLK't!.
l. ,,r i ri c ues timterial : wnr kiiiiiiisii. . ,j i cshinln I'irciiuisliinces ana ner lamiivin
hn mine: with llness Ball Valves in pumps, and tu.,i waut : and Hint all tho facts tet forth iu her ' .''''"'''..
chocks, nnd to i;iv irom ...oca. w io, iee-v u. appiiiaiimi aro iisi anu iruc. ii
i, ,i,nf ..p ,lnv i sny ten hours.) i Forms coiitiiinin.' (lieso re iniitionfl can he eb-' ' '"'r ''''"""i
' . . .. . 1. 1 nun I-...I ..I- .... .... i . 1 f 7,iiv 1 Itrm'U.'
'' .' . Jy, I, !..:.. !r.-i.,'.r ...... ... . . . " r .... .... . .1- l,..i:..C ..., . IJuht hrovn, Vi
f. 'i wruera fouei,i-o mt.ii,.,,- 1..11111.-11 i-.i iuu ,,.v a, ,,,,- .
P !,UA,iY 11 V!k. for tlio month ending
Jul COlb' 13C1 ' ,
,Jul Zm 1301 :
$1,.f? 5?
hU 1(11 II
M uiscounieu.
l'ennyWni. State Stock
MM 31 I
8.SS5 IU
6,1'J9 CO
Puo from fominonwoiilth.
Loss and Eiicnsoj.
$2C7,U'3 12
Capital Stock paid in . JiO.OOO 00
Notes in circulation - .1 '.is0 im
- ' Him 55
uuo oiner jiiiiiK?, . 7 u:i2 41
luo lotumonwoiiltl, . 815 (HI
luterest uud Kxchango, ljj" CO
-$?fi7,l;i:i 12
Clearfield, nag. 10 '04.
(!EO. W. HEED & CO.
AIo, Jobbers In
ClutliH, CassinuTcs and Sallincls,
No. I'JII Mailt t tU-cct,
North side butiroeu Fourth nnd fifth,
.Call end sec our cUiiisivo stack.
' Au-.lfl, (i.-tr.
For Sale A Fruit Farm.
rjUE ful:. r-t..T ..fiets- f..r sale on reis..raM
A. I 'nn.: hi- i'AIIM .-ituatod ia Lawren :e
ship, iihoat midway between CljarGeld nnd Cur -
w.jhsville. ft cositiiii about f j acres, with about
ncrta thiTCot cle:rvd, with It 1 r;;:i.e li-..u-'
nnd I'ramo Par;;. Thcr-) arc
upwards ol :0il
graftud Api'lo trees ia good conditiuii
0.110 20
,,,.:- ,i...L "V! r,..:. ,i
ClcarGcld. UEOttUE T1I0HN.
Augu.-t 10. ISO!, tf.
Orphan's Court Snlo
BY YIM'JTK of un order of tho OrphanV
Court of Clearfield rount v, nt Jnnn term, I SO t .
there will bo csposed ut PUBLIC fcALtl in Ky
lertown, on
n1ur;l v. the 27th day of August,
at 2 o'clock P. M.,the bdlonim: II K A L ATn,
via: TWUXTY ACKES of laud', situate in Morris
township, lalo the Citato ol l'atiiel Will, bninded
nnd described us foilows: Pcgianing nt u post,
theneo by lands of Ardcry iC- Phillips north,
one und a li:' if degrees east, one hundred porcLo.
to a white oi.k, thence by Daniel I!. Will south
ihirly two ilc; rees, wet one bandrod nnd eigh
teen porclies to a posi, thcuee by Juo, Will, east
lil'iy-niuo perches to the place of boginiiiiig, con
laining twenty acres, n.ei j or lc.-s,
Tkums : One-hull' the purchase money ut the
confirmation of tho euIo, tho balanco in ono year
thateafter,.to bo secured by bond nnd mortgage
on the premises. JOSliPII 11. JONI-IS,
Kylertown, Aug. 3, l6. Administrator,
Qf iriOk Bushels superior HYE-CHOP
-J just received and lor ,alo ut
3 75 per hundred.
Philipsburg, Aug. 8, 1SG4. pd.
TV&1 I I'll-I. havinff nimlicd f.,r l,inin
118 an Auctioneer, under the I'. H . Itevenue
Laws, respect fully informs his friends and the
publio generally, that ho is always prepared to
uttend publio sales in liny part of the county, nt
tho shortest notice, and on tho most reasonable
terms, Uo can bo addressed, personally or by
Utter, at Lccout's Mills, Clearfield county, Pa.
jyU-it JL'tTIN PIE,
M. McKIERNAN, Dentist, respectfully in
forms the citizens of (lien Hope, Jancsvillo
ami viciuity, (hat ho has lucked iu Jancs ille,
where bo in prepared to wait upon nil who may
lei ire his prof.'s.-icnal services. jff-Calls to
other parts of tho county will be promptly attend
ed lo. P. M. McKIEKNAN.
limy 11,'fil-Sin-pd.
Clearlield, Pi., ClEeo ia ttuv's llow, op
posito. tue Jcurcal ofiioa.
ut the
. .. ... u-......., ... , t."
, day, tho 2 Ith and days of August, lsd I.
I 'i h.i V.. liavn .lircctel ilu.t ,.ll ..null
1 (,.,,,,3 nmst n,,rfr beforo Iho Board nnd pnwlueo
,i-iiiiMiiiuiii,uiiui.iii'iil,ieuiJiieoiituiiev,uiiu.i,,.vliiii io well suion le u nioi nil, lo 1 11;- i ne iu.ii
.. " . ... M ... " .. .
6ile ,a witliuut ttio means ol support lor nersoil
and children, who aro dopendeut upon her,
ro,plll. hK,f , i ' th,t t,0 at,. eminent ofihe.
number nud age of her family is true ; that slio
1 upplicitlion ii made und tho witnesses a.
Aug., .1, ISfil. V1.11. b.
few hours:
T cures colcra, when first lukeii, in a
I dy.-eutary in half nn hour; toulhaeho in livo
ininulis. It is perfectly innocent to take inter
nnlly, nnd is reeommciidcl by tho nio-t eminent
Physieians iu the United States, price 2'i A .Wets.
To.vaw ami,',, pa., Aug. (!, I 'ti I.
) Dr. a. I. Tolins, New York : Dear Sir I havo
, used your Yenclinti Liniment with great success,
j both r.s nn internal as well as an external medi
! cine. In cases of Bilious Colio and Colera Mor
j bus I logard it ns a sovereign remedy. Your
. Yen. ti .in Horse Liniment stnnds unrivalled as a
J horse medicine amongst farrios and loatmon on
tkis.cannl. WM. I.EH 1...
Ptin't North Branch Cnual.
Priso 25 and 5njcenl a bottle. Sold by all 0 perfect knowledge of what colors uro .best lul-Drurgi.-ts,
Cilice 60, Corllaudt stroet N. Y. i ftpted to dyo over other, (with many valuable
july fith, ldC. l-lm I reeires), purehaso Howo & Stevens' Treatiso on
Attorney nt Law nnd Itcal r.ctate Agent, I
Oflirr on tt;ri-tst. Opposite the Juil, ,
RESPECTFULLY offers his s. rvices in sell- (
, ing and buying lands in Clearfield and ad-1
joining counties ; nnd with on experience of over
twenty years ni a Surveyor, Halters himself that
ho can render satisfaction. And j
O Ifcrs for Sale )
IOOO ocresofcoal and timber Lnnd, situatt In
Decatur township, Clearfield county, in lots to
suit purchasers, located near tho Tyrone ond,
Clearfield Railroad. j
tilMrO acres of first rate farm find timber land
in Bell township, Clearlield county, situate on tho
waters of Curry's Bun. I
Hi'il acres in two lots, ono of 112 and tho oth-'
crof 50 acres, suitable for Farming purposes, sit
uato in Highland township, Elk county.
S-tuUonoral warrantco deeds for all the abovo
ands Fob. 18. 'fi3. v.
Vf USICAL uOODS Flute, Violin, Fifes,1,
if J. llaruionicans, Preceptors. Mufcia Pnper, Vi-'
olin Bo. Ulldce, Strings of the be.-t oualityjit
irnUIS Krcatlino traverses the Northern 'and
., ?orliefttfrn "untioa of IWylvuLia to
Ihn im n .r r. . t i ... " i
It baa been leased by tho V W,vf.v.,ui Hail.-
road IWucinu. and undnr ihir . ,.!,., i, i. :
,lnK rapidly opened thrum-bout its emiro lcncth.
1 1
15,8iU (10 It is now in use for l'asfcnser nnd Freight bu- FOR TUP TTrSTliPVTI A T f'AXfprrvr
. . f.S2 fines from Harrisburg to fcr. Marv' (''lU'urk HIL. i. KLblDLM IAL CAMrlGA ,
- 214 114:211 milos) on the Kaatern Pivisiun, and from rniTP v- TT , , , .
. - . SS9 UU ShenidJto 1,1,, (73 miios) 6B lh'0 Wc,terlT in'Eu'"31 .r?'?,0ntlal Ctl'm. "
400 00 i Time of rttencnger Train at Emporium.
IGli uO.tpross Train loaves cas'.ward 3 50 P. M.
i.. ,Uiui.,i.u u.ii.e, nesnT-ru lsu V, '
vino iuu iiiiuuii wnuui'T iuaOB UOln WHVS
, . ,!.. i . .. , Til.ri. i i. , . . , J.
llavou. and between Haiti and hJvu I
n'n , ,,. p.... .i i." 1
ArrenU. 8. B. KiStoB. ir.. Cr. 1: .T... M k
Bts.. l'hiladelohia:
" . . . -
J. W. lteyuolds' Erio :
J. Jl. Prill. Airont N. C. U. It. Pnhlmcre :
If. II. Hoi'ston, Hcn'l Freight Ag't, Phila.;
I.rwm L. Hot rT, Cen'l Ticket Au't, l'hila.;
Jos. 1). Potts, Uea'l Manager, Uilliamsport.
tiay2j, XbOl.
Dl.-S)I.l!'ri(tN.Tho partnerthip hereto-'
f"M existing l.eiwcen t!io undersigned, in
the publication of tho dmrjhlj Kipublicim, was
dissolved by mutual consent on tho 14th of
July, 1 I'd I.
The Books are in tho hands cf the junior part
ner fur oi llecti rn, 'J lii.;.e l airbus 1- n .j -.v i: i tr them
selves itHieutoi to ii:e Mto i.ui for ciihcr
! nibsi-ril tio-.i, ndverti.-ing, or i
w-irk, are ro.
1 sp.H't.uli.v lav.tcd to call ar,d tettit tLeir accouuis
'. u their euiliict coaveiiicnco.
i 1. i. M00KK.
(.'. li. (lOOiiAXDlIK.
Clem Held, July::,
' ripUK arfm r'hip l.erUofi.rc cxi.-tirr 1 tween
0 ihe nioli rtii-TL.-d in i!,,. r ,.t ii, !.,
I j C Ioi i ! i oi I uud n!iiliim cuUblivs. is this dav
I dissolved Iv Uldtuad cor.F,
JOHN. U, liAbb,
Clearfield, July 27, rfil.
TtrTVe business will to continued at Clear
Gold ua heretofore, by i
; ! lo aid in the great work of re-establishing tkj
C UI'S'JON. All persons uro hereby caution- : Constitution, of restoring tho I'nion, nnd of so
cd ng-iins t taking an luaigntn-.nt ut a prom- curing to tho people their rights and their l.ber-i.-iory
Note given by the undersigned to John tics, special efforts cm-t bo put forth to
Smith ur.d P.ol.ert i-iev,r.rt, dated in Augu.-t ir ! enlighten and intlaenea tha public miud, to
Sepicmber, 1S("2, and payable in the Spriiv; of j cxposo the wrongs nud uliu.-os of Iho present
lih.l, us laid uote has been paid in full. I Administration, urouso tho peoplo to a sensa of
Bradford tp., July 2n, ISCI-j.d.
, . . ,, ,, .. commencing the f.rst week in Pei.tcmbtr, with
U , 1 lio a Campaign Sheet for the Diuocratio tIlC ,.r(,c,.c,lins or the Chicago Convention, and.
audConsem-.tivem.ioas. terminating the tleetior. It is designed to
It will bo printed ou u largo sheet of fino 1)e i;iil!,fui, earne. I, and vigorous cxi.omint of
paper, at fueh rates as will bring It vitlnu the Sie sentiments of the great oppofition party
reach ol all. 1 1 will nipport tho nominees of tho of tho country, to promote the success of its can
Deinooratic National Convention, tho full pro- didatcs, and to aid in restoring the Union to its
cecdings of which Willi o published in ltH cd- furt)U. r Krcnlness and power.
umns. it will noluly clvoeata tho rights ol tho
whito man, und fearlessly sustain all tho consti
tutional rights of tho citizen, no mutter from what
qtinrtcr they may be assailed.
Tho first number will bo issued about tho Jth
of August. The whole number will bo thirteen
following each other weekly, until tho Presiden
tial election, tho result of which will bo contain
ed in tho final number. Democratic and Conser
vative Clubs, County Committees, Agents nndall
interested in toe ciiujo arc invitee) tei co-operuto
in the circulation of
Tho CAMPAIGN AOS, of Thirteen Numbers.
Fisr.t.P! Corn s for tho series - - - GO cents
In Ci.tms of not less than 20 to ono address l. "
i. ii 5(j )
Cash must accompany each order, and NO VA-
Orders should be sent ia immediately, or at
latest bv the lir.-t day of August, to
GI.()I5lti:r.K rf; DI.SII,
lay, Chestnut street.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Susquehanna House,
iun'i-:xsriLLi:, it.
V. H. WOP, It A II., PruiiriutuiV
rill In largo and eoiuinodioii HOIKI, is do
JL lightliilly located cn tho bank of tho Sus
iiuclianna, m tno uorougn oi
The present proprietor will sparo so effort to
render bis customers comfortable, and hopes to
merit a liberal slinro of public palroungo.
11 IS P.Alt A XI) TAl'.tiE
1-ll I . II I!. . ...:.t. ....... I1.T..M It... ......
ket affords,
ltaftmon will alwavs find bis "latch
Mar. 2:1 'CI. tf.
string out.
flhirk, i'r,.5r" Muicntit,
7l.nA- Ulan, ,y 'f.T Maroon,
li,,l,t lllu.; ft ,,
i ,r ,1.1! ' "''
K t l. '" Pi-;
j .. V.'-H-C1.S kt
1 llurk Oruli, I I.T? v 1 S"'i'tri.i
i.:,j!d ih.,b, X-1' '"'fl 1
I J r-'- "
Fcr dyeiu- .fill', M'oolen r.r I .Mi.tC-1 uuOOV
bhawl-, t:e,ilts, Dresses,, Ulovc.T,
Bonnets, .'-'.its, Feather", Kid Hloves,
Children's Clolhin, and all kinds
nt Wer.rine? Apparil, '., " e,
jiVA SAVING Or s' vr.n v. i-m -"jj ;
r,,r ?.'iccni vou can color ns nir.ny goods ns
would othenviso cost five times that amount. '
Various ? nudes can te J reduced from the same
live. The process is snnple, ana any ono can
us tho Dyo with perfect success,
Directions in Engli-h, Fienth und.Gcrniaa,
inilo of each package.
For further information in I'ycn.g, anu giving
Dyeing nnd Coloring, tscnt i.y man ou reeeii.v
lfleonu. Minufatured by
-- irnii-i. a. sTrvrva
Jl'JtlU II i . ... u,
2t'i(l, Broadway, Boston.
For falo by Druggists and Dealers generally., Hdj'.
1)U. M. WOODS,
IJRACTICINU Physician, nnd Examining Sur
geon for Pensions. Office Southwest corner
(Second and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa,
January 21, lsM. ly.
GROCERIES A full stock of choice Grocer
ies at a small advnneo on city prices st
OTAPLE Drv Goods Cloths. Cassimaros
Clnk -cloths. Tweeds. Satiuetts, Silkwarp
Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, 1'rinls, t tho and tho Proprietors aro determined to spars nedh
old prices at 1 er expense, lime nor labor to ensure the comfort
T r KRATZFR'S. of (he guests. Tho pntronngo of tho trucling
Attorneys at,
t wANTLE-rn great TnrjMy
PAPEIk FOU li04.
Rl TT Tl f TT A T) T n
'I' 14 l Ml HI 11 I VI
unquestionably to lie thn mnRfc ItiiiKirl,, ii t
over held since tho establishment of our Govern
ment. I'pou its retulta mav nol nnlikelv diMmml
the continuance of our republican Government on
,,is c,UillcnL
oiuutent. J ho Itbtrtte ,.f the iicm.t A,ii-
I, ..,
inradid, under tho pretence of preserving
'J ' lt r,b!. '."."a uni1" ".rretended
ueioasooi inoso riirnts : lueir constitution priv-
"u ' ur". w ! free goven,.
iucuu mo iroum:il lit
lUCllU 1 llO lirniliirill liliAmlilir Ali;-. !..
( i --- J V. V vii.uiia III
support of the war has been used a a moans of
enriching officials, their fiionds and favorites,
land tho money contributed to sustain our armies
has been diverted to the basest of partisan uses
it" the mcst corrupting practices iu every branch
of the Administration.
Tho power and influence of our Government
among nations has been frittered away, od a
monarchy established on our borders, without so
much as a protest from tuo Washington Adminis
tration, iie i-iyit j itKylnm hm lietn Wf,ti
jwith the connivanco nnd iiid ol tho AduiinWtra
' tioii, and foreigners, who had sought a homo on
oor shores have been kidnapped by United States
! 1 1 '"iai', rd unit out of the country, in. volution
! c! i,lw ''n-i right.
; in ii'.a iy ,.j ine pre- !.r:i iura!rd news
; papers havo been euppre.-ved by military power,
jpurtor s have been svi.'ol, i-.nprisnno 1, punished,
j without warrant, without tral, without judicial
I r Xiimiratiun, r.n.l our boasted frocduiu is Uit
becoming a byword and a mockery.
l'ii.allv, tho President has avowed his determi
nation to convert tho war into nn abolition cru
't a.Jc, and refuses to eutertiin .niiur.ition.i for
' peace, exci t upon condition of tho abandonuieut
' of slavery in nil the States.
iShali the Administration, which has thus failed
jia its duty which has thus trampled upon tho
ri;:ht. of tho people bo continued in power?
' wl. .11 .1. ...I . I - ,. . . . ....
, me p jiuic u puny wiucu eusunns men CiU-
eial imsgoveriiiiK'iit Lo permitted to mnintkia Its
ascendency ? The ausw er of every honest patriot
ii an indignant N 0.
tneir uniigcrs, and disseminate, tiirougbout tlu
length and breadth of tho lnnd, during tho Presi
dential campaign, tho great principles of Demo
cracy, of civil liberty, an 1 of personal und politi
cal rights.
Ia addition to our regular Daily, Pemi-Wcekly,
and Weekly editions wo shall issue a special
j c.Uiipaiga cdittion, to U called
To give tho Cami-aigm Wont.D tho widoEt pos'
tibio circblatlon, an earnest appeal is made to
State, County uud Town Committ-cs, Democrat
ic Associations and Clubs, nnd to patriotic indi
viduals in every part of tho country, to aid in in
Faun Dismiiit Tio5! in every neighborhood thro'
out the Union. A million of copies thould Lo
spread broadcast among the poople.
Tho prico of tho Campaign World will ho as
Icivae tli. prc.cnt cJ nijill cost of paper will
permit. Orders will bo taken at tho following
rates, nnd must bo for tho whole scries of uiuo
numbers, vis :
Ten copies to enonddress, $.1 00
Twenty copies to ono nddrccs, 6 CO
Fifty copies to one address, 1(1 Oil
Ono hundred copies to one address, I S CO
Orders must be fr packages of tho numbers
ubovo indicated, and always accompanied by tha
casli. lo uvoid losses i omittances should, when
convenient, bo by dralt on New York. It is do-
J .. . llmt oruo" reaen inis as cany ui
. r-
aug . 10,
37 Turk lloiv, Now York.
Clearfield Academy.
D. W. KcCURDY, A. B. Principal.
riHE netst Quarter will open on Monday tho
X of tieptember, lbCl. Terms of tuition us
Comuion English, comprising thoo braneli
Cinot higher than Heading, Writing, Arith
metic, i)c"graphy, English Urauuucr and
History, er ijuarter, ... J,r, oa
Higher English, icr quarter, - 7 10
Languages, per quarter, - 10 CO
August 111, 1S01.
is hereby given that letters of adiiiinistrnliou
on the estate ol WM. L. iMOOl'.E, lato of Clear -
! Korougn, tieurtiel i county, uocease.i, Having
been granted to the undersigned, nil persons In-
debted to said estate aro requested tv make im
mediate payment; nnd those having demands
against tho name will prceont them duly uuthou
ticaled lor totllciiicnt,
jly 27 X4. JAS. A. MOOKE, Adin'r.
1I1E subscriber in order to accommodate tho
titi?.ciis if Carwensville, r.nd tho publio
g. nerally, lias rit rccciviol u lot ot
for wood or coal, which ho will dhpo.o of very
cheap for e.-uh or produce,
Nor. i, lSCJ.-tf.
QTOYT. lMPF,. For sale nt the rhenp slorn
O of John D. Thompson, in Curwensville, at 15
cents per pound. Not. 11. i sua
.Notice k caution.
TTAVINd mado application to tho As.i.lant
, J Asi-sor of tho I'Jth Collection District of
Peiiiisylvn;, in, p.ii 1 a Liens" ni Auctioneer hav-
inj, l.oon granted In me by tho proper authority,
I wi.tild inlonn lha citizens of Clearfield county
that I will attend to "calling sales" whenever
desired in nnv part of the county, Cliargo
Moderate. Address JOHN L. REAMS,
Dec. 1(1, isf '.f. Clctu held. P.i.
P. S. Any person " calling " sales without a
license is subject to a penalty of $00, which will
bo enforced in neeordanco with the law, ogain-t
all pei'ouLS violating the sUtulo.
rIIII3 Hotel, so well known to tho trayolins
j public of Clearfield county, Is now inn col
ilitiun lo afford Iho uiost excclWi.t accotanM.dation
I either for tlio tmnsietit gUint or tho permanent
: boarder.
The "United States" has new nil the conven
iences of
public is re.-peclfully solicited. jly 1, 'Ci, y.
fP MHl:MAKl:H.-Tho subscriber do
(X fires to eii'pljjr FIVE Journeyman 8hoe-
m.. hers limuedir.tely, to work by the tnvnlh or
by the piece. Apply in
1 Jan. 27, lcOI-r l. LutUtrsbarit, Pa-