Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 24, 1864, Image 2

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    S-Jt li,uficlb JJtpublitan.
. -T. A'
.1 .... it-
There June been several impoilanl mili
tary movements tince our lust imjuo, re
sulting, however, in nothing of 11 decisive
'character. (J runt 1ms taken position on
t lie north sidu of tho J nines river, which
F03 KIIKltlKF,
n'rwt A I.' !'T iS I 'iii.iviicvlll..
COS UA1) UAKKLI, uf Knox Up
r T
l'tin lUTltirp AT70UNKY,
Kdii county Ai;ni rcit,
('. EVANS, of.riko tovnsliit.
vou couonou,
IttiliY W. PA15KF-, of
"ct to learn that tho Conferees,
Revenue Decisions.
Chicago, May 30, 18fi4.
Dear Pir : I have a cuso of this kind in
my district, und several other cases, in
volving tlto annio principle, among our
most intelligent and 1'esponsihlo citizens.
A poison, Homo twenty years n(.'0, pur
chased ft piece of land at a cost of one
thousand dollars, ami sold about one-fifth
of it (that of the least value) hist year, for
twenty thousand dullard. 1 1 o and others
claim this as their crpitid, and that the
law never contemplated taxing as incouut
operation of this kind, or translcrs ol
capital from ouo form of investment to
another. That, if this property had been
exehanpod for other red estate, or for
railroad or other slocks, no inconio tax
would havo been assessed or collected,
ami that tho fact of its having sold for
money, and that money re-invested in
other unproductive) real estate, building,
tlfwI.M nr nnv nllnT kind fif tirniiPl'lV.
satisfactory in Sherman's army in front of amolll)ls simr.y to a change of investment
Atlanta. Hut from other sources it is an-!of capital, and docs not render any part
nnnnil Itond Ini9 ln'cn lip.ivilv re- of it liablo to lo treated as incoino.
inforccd-that guerrillas arc annoying tho event all that
' . .. ,p , . ,. .. . could ho clamiod by tho Government
rear Ol the federal lorees an tho way be- WimU ,l0 ,ho arrrc-ci:U ion of tho property
tween Chattanooga and Atlanta and afier the lav wont into elleet, to tlio tnno
t l.Mt Wlieeler. with his cavnlrv. after at- of sale. Ho says it will ho inipossiblo for
n. r.r.,a t ... 'him to make out a correct statement of
" . , . 7 w ' I what he has paid out for taxes and other
driven oil by reinforcements under Un.cxponsca 8inco ho ,,urciiaaej t0 this time.
Stesdmnn from Chattanooga, but that ho j As these cases aro of considerable mag-
nuntn attacked tho Federal forces at (i rays-! nit ude, and likely to ho contested if pro
ceeded ncamsl. 1 would lik iuii oihi com
plete instructions in icynrd to them.
Yours, very truly, rF.TKll PAtlB.
Assessor First Fist-, Illinois.
Hon. Joseph J. Lewis, Commissioner, c.,
".Vashinton, L'. V.
j he still holds though it does not appear
'that any important advanlago has been
'gained. .Severe lighting occurred every
day last week, at a loss to tho rebels
laecoi'diiij; to our report of 4,000. Our
- - -loss U not stated. The tiego and hoin-
i'.dxkspay Moj:MXi,:::::::Ai (it 'st -1, bnrdmenl of retcrshurg seems to havo
' 1 - - been nuspended thoiudi last accounts
represent cur forces us being in possession
of tho Wcldon railroad which runs couth
from Fctcrsburs.
Secretary Slanton reports everything
Vessels De3-
. Lave an important tfl'cct on this bUIo of . Vlffli-sT Fncsteipa ClU
Tallahassee Koro
ronTi-A.Mi, Mo., August IS. leernppreuenuing irouyioon mo conti- J (Jallnry now bing fitted un in ri,
Tho schooner b- 15. Harris, of 1 torches-, nent, may tix their uttentjon on tho quar- by ll.liHiDdE, will l, (,pC1,od ruri.;.Tl H
(er, Captain Foluno, arrivoil here to-day, lei in this country ; and H thoro are signs tlio 1st of September. Iluyiog tbo tdvanta
.....,. v. Jt..,. KijuTioncs in thrt .-
in arrttii!:omoiit of "lH
bo nblo to ,u!v ,ii iZ'Z DH
pirato lailaUasEce, ana iimuwi iur i mogirni 'utn j " w iomi ( A full nri,W of iiii oi Pi.
eight thousand dollars. Tho Harris bro't a more activo part man tney navo nitiier- friuuca albums, ia,M, 4c ii. .m an4oUl
in tho crew8otthO lollOH ing schooners, i i" our lu.ans. ju.u i.hi,muu uu conncctsa with tlio busincsi couUntlVoj 1
which wcio captured and scutllod by the Franco will naturally regard it as a most ut nidrnto prices. " '0B i
. . ... .. .r it. . :f.l.'V .1.1 1 h 4 lit. V. i ir
(er, Captain Foluno, arrivoil here lo-dav, rel in tins country ; ami n Uioro are signs tho 1st of h.
and reports having Loen captured Augu'st of itboing composed in a way which they a number ul
15, twenty miles west of Seal island, bv ' niay deem inimical to their interests, theso twMfto'j
tho pirato Tallahassee, and bonded fur j two great powers may be deposed to lako lurfd Af
Tallahassee: Schooner Howard, Captain ' unlortunalc event lor wiem n uio Aortn j
P.urr, ol Now York; schoonor Coral and houlli should reunno anu lorm ono ,
Wreath, f'anlnin Flako, of Wcs'.port ; uation ogain. llenco wo may reasonably .
schooner llUn Caroline, Captain Four, ol .expest that an nnjustmoni ol our ru n war
Portland ; schooner Kestloss of Ilooth liay. "winen wouiu maao ns ono country agRin
All tho foregoing were captured by tho ' would meet with tho most decided oppo
Tallahassco on Monday. Tho crews of sition both in the Tuilencs and m Down
line vessels wero allowed to take all their ,i"g street- Ar. i". VorU.
clothing and eflects, and wero kindly 1 - --rrr " J---.
ireatiHl. Tho Howard had been previous- M.4H On tlio IStb inst., ly Dan'l (Joo.l-
lv rintiiro(l liv tlm Kloriila. an d bended. ! K"l
All tho crews of tho vessels captured rep
resent the Tallalnuseo as being very hoav-'. 0" w,ln- $:Jf:j
., i c i ii r ,j i !.. .Sutton of Turonl'i. tiinada, tn .Mini IUcl
i!y armed. She was short oi coal, and in- ' of pMn to,wni!hiPf t!lU Cl)ll,lty,
ouired for tho nearest, port to get a sup-! rC,IiksmiMi&:
Mr. Jimntlun Shallor to Mitu M,
13. Horn, both ot Iirady township.
uicliil 13.
. 'II- . . 1 1.- Mnn .........1 I... ll ..ii,! i. iti
Who iuet!v,""", 1 i,u"u V - V
niul in Uio cnctreiueiii wuicu I'lisiieu
.... .. rt-l V I .:.,ot v'
"weyon ,717"ul; w ' " "'Steadman was severely wounded, and a
candidate for the Assembly, Co,oncl kilIcJ. No furllier particulars
rmoniso tho conniclin'' claims. 11,
,-ras that no delegates appeared from , E'v
,rest county, leaving Clearfield and Klk Gen. Sheridan is tnu to havo an army
fiht it out themselves tbo former of almost Co.OlH) men in tho Shenandoah
-ting fcr Dr. Foyer, and tho latter for, valley. The accounts from that quarter
V. Karly. After neatly one hundred arc conflicting. Tho rebels, under Larly
, ITectual efforts to mako a nomination, retreated up tho valley as far as Strasburg.
. 1 after repeated motions in favor of an .This much seems to bo certain. It then
:;r.,,rnmon. to n. f,.tnrn dav. so as to appears that Karly was re-inforced, turned .
'.jrd Forest county an opportunity to upon Shcrridan, Rome lighting occurred,
ii.rt finjir. 'nntl now. unless c aro much mistftken.
il l I TtHLl'. liriU 1 II 11 U VI kV VHil Tl vn" ' t
v !d delegates withdrew when the Klk Shcrridan is not far from the starting poiut
, legation nominated Dr. Farley. jon tho Fotoinac. Dispatches say that a
Wo repeat that wo sincerely regret this, small party of rebels accupyMai tinsburg
iiero is fault somcwhoro. Tho District : that Shetridar. is this side of Winchester
. largely Democratic, and certain to elect and it is certain that great consternation
:.o Democratic candidate, if conllicting exists in Hagerstown and neighborhood
derests can bo reconciled ; but almost as ' ft om tho orprehensions of another rebel
i lain to elect a Republican, if division ; invasion. .Lany s forco is estimated at
TllFASllft' Dci'ARTSI HXT,
UrricK Intehnal KKVB.xcn,
Washington, Juno G, ItOl.
Sir: In reply to yours of the liOth ult.,
I havo to say that where real estato hau
risen in value tinco its purchase, the iu-
plyv Her oiiiccrs also inipiired about tho
tishertueu in tho Fay of Chalcur, whero
she is probably bound., August, IS.
The pirate Tallahaweo is now coaling
frcon a vessel alongsido of her, and will
probably tike her doparturo eomo time
during tho night.
Washington-, August FS,
The Navy Department had ordered two
veseols to proucod to Halifax sevciid days
1)1131) In ClrsrfioM lorou:;b, on Sun.lny, tbo
21st iiutunt, of L'yscnttry, Ha. Catii.viumb
Joks j nged fij years.
Ucisj SVoufiscnunts.
Orphans Coiut Sale of
flY virtuo (if an order of tlio Oriban' Court
mi .r i.i -...i.i i. i..n ........ luni
boforo the oilieial inrormatio- was reeeiv- . , I' kai.k.'iii iiio
ed of tho Tull&huL'Seo's cnlri..iCo iuto that
bouse of John S. Uudcbatb, in Docutur tp., on
Friday, tho IGth day cf Sept'r next,
Com Farrngut is ft ill operating before
Mobile, but no special advanlago is reported.
permitted. Something must bo done.
::a Clearfield delegates havo agreed to
eet again, at Luthcrsburg, on Saturday,
;o 3d of September next, to givo tho
orest Delegates another opportunity to
j present. Wo hopo Flk will also be A Troclajiation. Wm. L. llisticr., Fq
'.ere. If bo, no doubt all difficulties will ! residing near this place a nte-iong i'em
,) overcome, and a Patisfactory nomina-Jocrat having received a long circular
on made. Fut if not, then wo say it from the ''Union Congressional Committee
.11 bo tho duty of the 3,500 Democrats of! liooms, No. 3W5 Fout th street, Washing
,is district to tako tho matter again in ton, D. C." signed by Fdward D. Morgan,
ind hold new conventions appoint nud six oilier, composing sum coiumuico,
is a vessel of eight hundred and fifty tons
register, about two hundred and eighty
feet long, has twin screw-propeller, with
two smoko stack, one abaft of tho other,'
and is capable of steaming sixteen knots:
an hour easily, in proper trim. She car
ries two masts. Tho Atlanta heat tlio!
mail from Ltover to Calais on her trial trip,
thirty minutes. It is understood that she
was built originally for the China trade.
Her furnaces burn from forty to fifty tons
of coal per day. She has run tho block
ado three times, and on one occasion made
ew seta of Delegotca, or ro-inatruct tho
resent onos and Eave Iho district.
Dr. Foyer and Dr. Farley havo bolh
desires to say to said committee that he
cannot "aid in tho election of Lincoln and
Johnson" in any shnpo or form ; that he
.on faithful members. They both served j wants none of tho "proper documents and
- .-..i:i..l ll .1 nm.illml .nfi.nlm.'' trill, tllflU fl IT l tl I iCll 1
.etr constituents wen, anu acquuieu
leuisciveawiiu much credit ; and neither
;'thcni can complain of want of support
; fidelity on tho part of their constitu
nls. Fut now, when it is impossible for
uem both to go back to tho Legislature
itdcr tho present apportionment, if they better apply to some other firm.
. ..nnot themselves reconcile their conllict-
n n lr, !ma b n ti ii a f r, t n vnnol llin mrlv
sneechos" with which thev want to flood
tlio country j that ho Knows nothing
about their "Union Leaguers," nor does
ho wans to know anything about them;
on d that, if they want their dirty work
performed in his neighborhood, they hrtd
create must bo considered income to tho
owner. Tho only question is, shall this
appreciation be taken as an income each
year of its aceruement, or shall the assess
or wait until tho property be sold, and the
absoluto property realized, beloro no con-i
siders it income ? To assess the nominal j
appreciation of property year by year I
would ho to a??ess an amount vague and
uncertain, and frequently valueless to tho
owner. Such a courso would bo fruitful
of bickerings and dissatisfaction, to say
nothing more.
It is found moro ryiuitablo by this oflieo
to assess the appreciation of property only I
w hen realized by a sale, when thosamoi
At once becomes tangible, and inereioro
reasonably assessable.
It is immaterial for purposo of taxation '
whether tlio consideration for property,
6old as above, consists in money nr stocks, !
or ether representatives of value, so tho
same is of a naturo that admits ol tho
profits of a salo boing approximately esti
mated" In view of tho above, yon will asses tho
profits realized by tho party whom you
montion, according to rules by this otlico
heretofore provided.
Very respectfully,
Deputy Commissioner.
Fcter Tng, Esq., Assessor First District,
Chiogo, Illinois."
A Sharp Dodjja-
T!i I n r f f nil Ian t iti trttv rtnrrnnaA
. nmnttn tl Aitf if.W.j r
in tilling up its quota unur Ibo recent ! ""'"r;" . , V, , .'iV-.
call of tho President, the boroi.,1, author- t"""0 ,lh tl,!!1 f U.fcat. 1,r,ti'
A person who professes to have coma J 'el"c f- t!' f"l"S -"l m"
, ',i ( . , i - , ,i . ,i i I'tuto, tituato in llo siuJ towusuip or Decatur,
knowledge of tho subject, says that ho a cJ ( witJ
la.lahu.sceo was probably known by tho i .
iiatno of Atlanta when sho left Furnpo. bCYCaty-l' IVC ACl'CS,
Iho steamer Atlanta arrived at ermu
da in Jlay last, from Kngland, having mad')
tho trip inclcven days and a half ono of
tho fastest voyoties on record. Sho be-
I lonj-ed to the Colllo Crenshaw line. Sho
Of Real Estate by order of Court."
VakLiiHa &i!b37
rFl1',r' "nucrjlgncl Committer of Q,,,,,. T
H Kylor. vill Ml, by v irtuo of an t?U'
tbo Court of Coiuuioa HMOf r Jrof
county, on 0f C1"rtld
Satunl-y the ntli day of Septettlucri m
on tbo premises, uriiluableiraJt of lan.l ' . .
inK lot) Acres, or low, iitutedn n
ford townsbip, on tbo Pnow Shu. aa P, ijt
turnpike, ut its intersection wiib tho CroiT e
l'iko.und beiug part of a largo tract of i .
owned by the euid Weor J. KvIof '
Thoro aro about Si) Acres Cleared nd i
bahuito is in first rata limber, which caa be mim!
hauled to tlio river. ".iy
Tcrms -Ono half tho purchase money toU
paid on tho confirmation of the tale, di ,w
h slunce in ora ye. r, with Utcrest, to be securtS
by boud aud uiortiraxa. KVi
CloarCeld, AZ. Committe,.
ADMiMsritATuit's xo-nnilr
is hereby Riven, 't hat Lotten of Aaraii,'? on the estate (ir Horry P. Biil"
lato of Jordan tp., Clearfield co., Pa,, dea7!'
having been grunted to tho underi!igneJltaM,
eons indebted to said CEtuto nro required to iojk
iiiiioeliato payment, nnd thoso havinf eiJ,
osaii-'t tho sumo will present them dulyatfW
cutcd for settlement. '
inoro or lcff. of Cuimt -roved Linl, 'ato tho os-
tiito of Oooro Go33,, fituato about ono.
m.lo soutli-ea't of tho Kluo Hall lintel. J.UIS
lund is well timbered with WUITE and YELhOW
pine. It i very convenient to good naw-uiilU ;
ii nd if only about four milei from tho Tyro no 4
Clearfield K. It., where lumber commands tho
bihect price?, and is therefore adosirablo prop
erty. 'i'Ett.MS. Ono half cnU at Fal, and tho re
mainder in ono year thereafter, with intoros't, to
bo scoured by bond and raorlgaj;0 on tho premises,
jT'.'rSulo to comiueneo at 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, when duo uttomlunco will bo piven by
CYltKXlUS 110W13,
JuiKl'll ti03.S,
(Executors of Ucorgo tioss, deceased.)
August 21th, ISCl-tdj.
Orphan's Courf.Salo of
Ko. I!), City Hall iuarc,
Bioyrdphilil Maiwr of Clement I.
Yidland'ujham. IUj Ids Brother.
A neatly priuted pamphlot or 61 octavo pipL
published July th, lotil. 1'rico 25 cenU.
Thii is a work of great valuo and interest, et
tiroly uuthentic and reliable, and shouM be cir
eulaud by hundred of thousands.
A L S O,
tho trip from Wilmington to liemiudu in , VALUA BLE REAL ESTATE. ' '"''"'S' Times. By Jama K
forty-eight hours. Tho Atlanta, it may be. -.Y vir(110 of nn htani out uftheOr- W,d(, uih a sb th of his Pcrm-ll
added, burns soft coal, and is considered , J j phan's Court of Clearfield county, at Juno and I'uldiC'd llittory.
the fastest vessel afloat. 1 think, there- term, lsfii, thoro will bo exposed to PLliUC
fore, that tho uamo of "'1 allahasseo" has SAL 13, on the premi."oi, in Morris twp., on
been put on since sho has come out from ' aturd;iv , the 17th September next.
at 2 o'clock, p. u., tho following valuable KEAL
WilmitiL'ton, and that sho has been fitted
out there, as tho cotton will show, seen
on' her deck. She left Bermuda last moon,
arrived safely in Wilmington, ami has
not beon heard of (as tho Atlanta) since-
K STATE, to wit:
Ninctv Acres of Land,
late the etnto of David Flegal, deceased. About
SIXTY acre of this land Is cleared, with II iu.o
aud llarn thereon erected, and n irood 'Jrehnrd ;
jths bsi'ince i heavily timbered with tho be.'t of
III I'D 1'lMi. and is witliin half a milo of a
iini rrl.A ...t.. n ....I., ,.1.1.,
. ,. . . . ., , . . ! .-irrtiu 7.1 1 i'Iiii. Alio nuu.v uun u miuouiu
in,; largo figures within the Inst two years ani, (lofirilMo rrrcrty.
that they have almost lost their power to ; XEKMS : One huli" tho rurchao money In
Great Britain's Public Debt Compared
with Ours.
We havo become so accustomed lo see-
I.v Motion. The people are in motion
submit lo Lc sacrificed by reason of everywhere. Immense mottings are being
da porsonal contest, if such it is; norj
.uot they complain, if tho people, in
i'der to avert such a calamity a3 a defeat
culd bo, resume thoeo powers and pro-
!de for tho appointment of a new con-
.UOUU, -1 U .11 ."I" II11HN1.1.I.1U v..
.- nd wo hope tho people will not hesitate
3 net, if tho cccauion demand euch
: jtion.
Olt With It.- -Understanding that our
.. .icolin neighbor declines to publish the
. Innifcsto of Wado and Davis, we have
letermined lo do so even without the so
licitation of a feinglo Republican. It Is
' cry fclrango conduct in our neighbour.
lo generally transfers to his columns from
' ho Trihim whatever he wants, without a
.acEtion as lo its political fitness; and as
his document first appearod in the Tribune,
'., is readers had a right to expect itaap
pearanco in Iho ovrnal.
However, it will bo found at longth on
f ur Erst pago, and wo hopo thoso of out
'ubacribers who havo a Republican neigh
bor, who does not want to continue to sin
'gainst lhjhtand knowlcdgo, w ill lend
him this uumher, It may open his eye3.
tioTAll eyes aro uo. turned In the
'lirection of Chicago, whero tho great
National Democratic Convention is to
meet on Monday next. That its doliber
lions may result in a satisfactory adjust
ment of tho conflicting opinions that per
vade tho conservative nfasscs of Iho whole
country, to tho end that a platform and
candidates acceptable to thorn may bo
ciiOBen, is tbo sincere prayer of cveryitruo
ISTA most interoning fight Is now
porvading tho Abolition parly. Tho most
bhrewd and far-seoing of their leaders
puch as Senator ado, II. Winter Davis
John W. Forney, &c, &c. aro in favor of
"swapping" Lincoln for 6omo other
'horse." Tho ofh'ce-holderi aro outra
geous at this, and swear vengeanco.
Keep cool, gentlemen ; tho Democrats
tt ill soon relievo you of all anxiety on
this subject.
27GEORcg NoRniRor, Esq., tho gon
tlcman who so greatly odifiod our citizens
last fall with his unsurpassed-eloquence
has been nominaled as tho Democratic
candidate for Congress in tho fourth dis
trict. If Philadelphia would secure a representative-
in tho national couuciU. of
held throughout the State, aud Iho mot
determined spirit manifested to submit
no longer lo the tyrauny and usurpations
of tbo Jacobin rulers at Washington, ('no
of theso meetings was held hist niitht at
Bclicfonle, in which tho pi ople intended
to join their fellow-citizens of Clearfield in
giving Mr. Lincoln notice, that they would
willingly submit lo no further conscrip
tions; and that they demand of him the
initiation of peaceful efforts lo terminato
tho present destruction and ruinous war.
R. L. Johnson". Wo notice that this
gentleman is prominently spoken of as
tho Democratic candidate for Cougros3 in
tho district composed of tho countios of
P.luir, Cambria, Huntingdon and Mifllin.
The Slalo can Ua;t of few boiler men
than It- L. Johnson of Cambria, and as
Mr- McAllister, tho present member, de
clines a ro-election, and as Huntingdon has
already instructed for Johnson, wo look
upou his nomination and triumphant el
ection as almost certain. It would bo an.
eternal disgraco to tho distric t to discard
such a wan a Johnson for such a bundle
of ihocfo os old Barker.
CCJ"Tho great Teaco meeting at Syra
cuse, N. Y., on Thursday last, was coun
ted by tens of thousands tho largest ever
held in that scetion of the Stato, The
vast crowd wero addressed by Mr.
Yallandigham of Ohio, and Mr. Fornando
Wood of Nov York. Tho rcsolutoins de
claro in favor of Teace, a cessation of hos
tilities, and against any further conscript
ions, and in their general lono correspond
with thoso adopted by tho monster meot
ing in this place on tho 13th.
Vote on the Amendment.
Tho official voto on tho amondmcnt lo
the Constitution, foots up as follows :
For tho first amendmont 194,300
Against 103,005
Majority for Iho amendment - - "90,731
For tho second amendmont - 01 9'.)0
Aainsl 73,705
iliis having appropriated uhout i'.I.'idU ol
tho money, which is to bo raised by lural
taxation, and tho balance was raised l y
privato subsciiption. iSomo of tho mana-,
ficvs of the recruiting business thought as
tho money appeared to bo plenty that it;
was n lino liuie to do something on their
own j'riv i! ' account, and tho foi tile mind .
of Augustus ltow, Ksij., the Commissioner j
of tho Draft for this district, studied out
the following tharp dodge: 'J'hry would
;et a man to go for tho borough ferono:
year, upon tho payment of tho local,
bounty of $'-50, and then ono of tho Loyr.l .
Leaguers, who was in the seetet, would i
oiler tho volunteer, $50 additional to :ol
as his vcrs'MUil substitute far one year. Thus
relieving him from tho present and all
subsequent drafts for tho spuco of ono
year, nt anexpenso of only $50, while tho
Uorough, was paying out of the general
fund, raised to relievo all its cilizctn from
tho draft, the sum of J"50 for private
substitutes ! Tho gcnllotuon engaged in
this busineis worked at it very quietly
for several days, but before they succeeded
in gotting in all tho men they wanted as
substitutes, tho wholo sebemo leaked out,
and caused such n liowl' of indignation
here, that wo are told they have abandon
ed it. Among the first to embnico this
golden opportunity was A. llow, Fsq., the
Commissioner himself, and his example
was fjeedily followed by Joseph tiray,
and (ieorgo W. Sedgwick, Ksq., who pro
cured and put in substitutes in the same
maimer. Wo stato in justice to Mr. llow
that ho has siuco refunded tho money
paid by tho borough for his substitute.and
wo hopo that the others will dn tho same,
although wo are told on good authority
that Mr. Sedgwick refuses to reimburse
tho borough. Lot Ihero bo no moro sharp
practice of this kind, gentlemen If some
"copperhead" who is opposud to tho war,
were to practice this dodge, it might bo
excusable, but a loyal mau.who bolievos in
tho war and wants it prosecuted to tho
"bitter end" nhould not bo guilty of such
disloyal acts. Indiana Democrat.
create in man's minds tho corresponding
ideas. In order to give us the full appre
ciation of their meaning, it has beewuio
necessary to look at tiieni iti a relativo
mn.iui . , ii.i binujLitu them with numbers
which were before rcgnrded os largo.
In order for us lo fuliy appreciate Jho
must Om
an, whieh
is ivill known to ho thu lari'L-tt di'Ijt in
the world. Wo propose tu show thut.ily1
M ' I
A patuphlet, sixe and stvle (amo aj atwie.-
l'ublihed to-d.iy. 1'rico 25 cents.
Tho Admini-tration sent Mr. Wall to Fort Li.
favetto: the Stato of New Jersey to the ScaiM
of tho Lulled Mates. This work shoiu hj U
is persecuted by tho enemies aud honurod bj lie
friends of liberty aud law. The pcechei re n.
plete with tho p;wer nnl energy of politick
truth, Let them go ovory where; fir ia till
hour of greatest danfT'T snd tho b earti ef
the people aro turning to tho men who have lite
rijtht hum tlio first and ut all times.
Theiin and ull other woih pubiishl ly man
desife'ivjd to counteract the taudeiu-ies tu politic!
inmuity now to d.inrcroufly preralenL
A t ousaid agents wanlel imm.'Ji itcly to KU
hand nt tho conlirniation of tho rale ; tho reir.duo ; our publication!; profits liberaL BeuJ for I
in ono year tneroaltcr, with luterest, to oo so- i" Circular.
cured by bond and iniirtciiro on the liremiiie!.
Vf-Snlo to coiu.Mft'ce at - o'cloelt, p. in., of
calu J.iv, irhtn Uue ini.-r.;e will 1... pivcn bv
Aua.'t 2 1 th, l'.'i'l-tl-. tluuri'ian.
relatively, our i til die debt is much the
larger. A largo debt for a lich nation to
pay may not be so much iw u small dtLt
for :i I'Oor nation to pay. Then let us see
how wo compare with Knglund in wealth
nr.d rublic debt.
Tho British debt was, on tho!01"1
31st cf March last, 7'.V0,l:'.'j pounds I
sterling, or, rcel;onin; five (lobars to tlio und al'.nwnn
pound, it was $.'t,'.''.,'J,nPi,t,.l5. Tho inter
est on tliat debt, which is threo jut cent.,
U ?ir.,'.t7i,;:'J0. liy oflicial returns, tho
entire w ealth anil valuation of tho nation
wa, on tho Mh day of April, 1."'1,
i3l..500,000,COO. Thtreforo the vearly
Orphan's Court Sale cf
iituo ofaa ori'er i.--uel out of tho Or
al Jo.."
t Ui-'LLO
ofCloa'fij'.d eouaty
term, 1 i, luei J wi.I le e.ipo.-ca w
S Vl.K, '. butheribur,', on
Thursday, tho I'dh Fcptoml-er next:
at 2 o'ci. eh, p. m., the fo'.l iwin valuahlo T-liAL
KsTAI I'., situate in Lrady tp., Ci;aiuuU cj,,
I 'iil) -Three Acres of Land,
For tho third amendmont
- 02,G.tO
- 74,509
Indian Outrages.
J.EAVEwoitTU, August 13.
lleliablo news from tho scono of tho In
dian outrages is scarco. They seem to
control tho country from s point about
seventy-five miles east of Fort Kearney,
to tho fork of tho l'latle river, and from
tho Flalto south to tho Arkansas river.
A number of trains havo been captured,
and conductors killed, and a largoamount
of property destroyed.
General Curtis is at Omaha, organizing
an expedition against them, and portions
of the Kansas and Nebraska militia aro in
motion, on tho overland stage route
ElTho asBistont whom Mondin was
wont to carry on his back across tho M-
flftrn Wna n M ilannan vlm lift a b Lt n n si ittvn
. . ,' his adairs, resolved to commit suicide,
Majority - - 128,177 Blondin cot him to be his assistant in his
. L1?!0,11 TO,t0, Pn n,o;'1?nt perilous feat by lbs following logic ! "If
is 238,001, probably a littlo over half tho wo go down, vory good ; you aro drowned
popular voto of tho Slate. There was a- according to your intention ; if you ar
hout 550,000 votes polled last fall for Gov- rive safo on tho other side, tho fortuno of
W ii i ... , crnor, ia iiojucunu vui giv u ior mo uom oi us is made." Tho terrible feat wa9
vnoso talents and character, thov can 1 -...i.i nivi i,A . " lLri'. Ie .
, . . 1 luuuuuiciu, m um ic, ."v. w,vu n ,lv in,Wiuuiiueu, KUU IUO IWO irlOnUS J1&VO
?:oast, they will sccuro Lis election. ' rrofcrrod not to volo, or who voled against 'sinco hcon Insenerablo companion
interest is at the r.tto of ono dolb.r
f lif.2.5) of the valuation.
I'.y the census of l."r,i) tho enliro wealth
and valuation of the United States and
territories was lt'i, lo9,GiG,0fi;-
U'UO.imn of slaves .it a southern valua
tion.) Our public debt, besides our .State
municipal debts, ntid other liabilities, as
wo havo beforo shown in theso columns,
will, on tho 4th of March next, be more
than ?2,G5;'.,427,101, and it is nil to bo
funded, and draw nn interest cf mx per
cent. in gold, which is 15'J,25,fi2fi. There-
tore, tho yearly interest payablo in gold
is at the rato ol ono dollar lor
tho valuation, w hieh is morethiin two and
bound' 1 ni follows: Hetfinrdn.;
ut upo.-t, thence north 7i degree east Cu perohes
lo u I 'Tt on lino of li. i'i.:.hij, dL.'tafed, t'.ieneo
norlh by M.iJ hind Km perehej to a pott, theneo
by Ian J of K. L'.iii fill t) ap ' t nil line of A.
liroi k, thei'CC fouth on slid l!i' "l.' l'.ri l ll.'i
perches to place of bc'iiiLinj;. The land is im
proved, witli n Fta ill hoiie and log .-la'olo thereon
Country dealers cu be purplied through tho
channels by which they receive t!,eir Sew Vork
paper.., aud ot our lowest ulioloialO prion J the
News Coiopaiiiei' coiieuissionj being f iidliy m.
1" -ry editor, di.-pu.ud tc aid tho Wlr, U Ir. tii insert mid iiottee his adverfueaiiat, ml
liis order, uot over (ir i( dti.rn, vrill b3 accepted
and ci'idilud on uny purehaso auiouuting to Itu
d jlar or moro.
t'opies of the pMiv'.iet for n dieo an at t'.J
service of tlio e'ltire i friiteraitv,
Sew York, Aujj. 11. J. W. 4 CO.
. i i .. i . ...i
. . 11 l ea i y irt unn ni"i .f
I including r:.r.v,..-. .,, ....luunn
n-rclod. Into tho cstnio of T!ioiu:s Uol.', J
Ttiit.Mj: One-half the purchiHO mouey in
hand at tho conlirmatiou of iho tale ; tho residue
in ono year ih-r-'al'ter, ith mtcre.-i, to bo tceur-
i'O on the picmifcj.
i;.-e at 2 oVloek, p, tu., of
said day, vhen due atteU'lancj will bo pven by
JlSH LIN lis,
Aufjii?t I lth, ?OI-tib. Guardian, Ac.
Orpliaa'a Court Salo of
y virtue of an order of tho Orphan's Court of
1 )J
If Clearfi'd I comity the uuJcmnc.l will cs-
po.-e to l'l liLIC (SALK, at tho Couri House ia
1 01.50 of. tlio borough of Clec.rfield, on
Motulay, tlio2Gth .eidcmhcr next,
n. i.-,.f ii,.e i ah i, n i
r.ritain. !im,.ch nflnnit Kifn-iln iti Piko twn.. (!!iarfiold ro. .
With gold at C50 payable in United containinir
.States currency, tho rato of interest will i 'lfr lliinilrpil Arrna
I. i i' i : - 1 . ....... 1 1 . i . .1 i . ,ri'.. i
it noil iiiiiw? juiui luaii me ucub ui uicoiii
mako our debt relatively moro than six
and a quarter times target than that (f Greal
Britain! R'ld that, loo, ns compared with
tho resources and valuation of the United
States in 10 0, as it then uas, and as it m
now. M'orlJ,
being tho wept end of a larger tract cf land be
longing to Autbony KrsUer, lute of l'ihe t. d' -ceased.
The taid 2o acres adjoin lands of AVi
deiuiro on tho west, nnd other remaining hinds of
tho tnid Anthony Kratner, on tho east, and buing
heavily timbered with white pine timber.
'I'lllt.M: Ono half on confirmation of sale,
and thoruiduo in oue year with interest.
C. K U AT. Kit,
nug., 2 lth ,'C, l-lds. Administrator.
Teachers' Examinations.
nLI CANTS for schools will meet torn
axiuutiun ut liio lollowing named ilncei -l'or
Urady and Llooin, at Luiucraburj;, JW ji
Hi ; t liibcr !.
Fi r 1'erpT.-mi and Venn, at Lumber citj,
i'iy, .Vepti-inber C.
For licil, ut Jlowor, HV.nctn, .Vcptcir.lor f.
i'or lUirn-iide, (.'best und NoHf W shii.gln, at
Kiddle's school house,' Tliurmlmj, iVpterat" i
1'orJ'rdun nnd Kuojl, ut Ansoaville, "rw.;
Fiptiiiuber 'J.
For CiuR insville andrihe,at Curwensvillt, Sal
lin("y, i .telubor 10.
M, I ror rioygs ana nrauiom, at nilliamj uruui
r:o(o;,-, MMvluKcr U,
Uruhain aud Morris, at Xylertown, lt'iji,
fc'epicuib.T 1 1.
For L'ecatur aud TTnndwnrJ, nt Centro fch ,1
hoic in liecatJr, TlinnMnj, feptcrabcr Ii.
ror Uccciria nnd Uuiicb, ut Uhn Hope, Socr.
l"t, 17.
! For Giiard anil Coriieo, at Congress 1M1 leh.-.i
holl. C, M'.ntl-ni l'.'th.
! For Covington and Karthaus, at Mulsonhu:,',
j I'm n:i'(iy 10,
Fur Jlnstou and For, nt No. 1 tehool home j.
Huston, ',-i'iny 211.1. . . ,,
For Clearfield ucd Lawrence, at ClearMid
M..nbj 2ilih.
So privato cxainination trill ho held, nnlef
sntiffuctory cau.-e be shown, ami ihen ppliciw
must presi ut a written re i uost.'signod by at les t
four members of tho l'.uurd of hirectors or K
district in which they propose t teach.
teacher can be plac.d in a sthoul under any "
cum.'Uncef . without a valid certificatf, win"'' '
Mr. . should examine carefully nif
triictin.;. Appllninta will bo retired to at Itu
ni thoeo pla. os neare-t tho difttict to which U 7
uro applying lor tcLoo.E. I uo exau"
oouiiueuco at 8 o'clock, a. m. ,,....
C. li. BArr"""'
aug. 17, ISf l. -It.
Co. Supti
Peace in Europe.
Tho Rchleswig-IJolstein wor Is over.
The treaty of pouco has been signed, be
tween Pentnaik on ono eido and Prussia
and Austria upon tho other. Its exact
terms arc not as yet Elated ; but it is known
that Schleswig-Holslein and Lauenburg
havo been relinquished uy Denmark, with
out reserve. This reduces that country
to a mere speck on the map ; but it is cer
tainly as well as sho could expect, taking
in view the crcat military power rm-1 v v r n nr,i,.p nf n.n Ornhnii'i Court
ployed against her, nnd the indisposition of Clearfield county, tho following Heal K
ofher natural allies lo tako part in tho tato will bo mid on tho premise on FRIDAY,
war. It is not stated what will bo tho dis-' tho 23d of SKl'TEMliKK, lU,nt 2 o'clock p.m.,
position of tho reclaimed territory, wheltl- via: A certain tract of land a.luate in Karlhaus
er it will bo formed into a cr.n
power and handed over to tho Duko of B,inut tyrey ncro8 of whi(.h is cie.iro,i nn,i un,u.r
Angustenberg, divideil between l'ruiia Cultivation; tho reniduo is farmini; land of pood
and Austria, or placed at the disposal of : nimlity lato the ostntoof John lIurtzoR, dee'd.
inn iiL'l aiiill uiet, 1110 lasi IS lUO most airnis our uau mo 'ui nm ''7 "v v""
l'lfty Acres lit Kartliaus Township.
unlikely pvonts that would happcn.thotigh
it will be a grievous disappointment to
the various principalities of tho German
empire that tho two great powors should
not be willing to have it form part of tho
confederation, lt is not improhablo that
Austria nnd Prussia may yet havo a quar
rel over tho disposal of tho spoils ; but of
courto it will be composed in some way or
other. Prussia will doubtless have sun
firmation of snle, and. the balance thereof ia ono
vear, to bo secured by bond nnd mortis.
(iODFKEY FlisllLH,
aug24-4t A Jui'r of John Hurting, deed.
- ... L..iliV lAtltl0l)"
C AUTION. Tlio riiDlic nro m-iv -ed
against buying or jelling, or irj MJ
'meddling with the following per nna proper
now in the possesion of Tin J. B'h'ofJ
dytown.-hip, viz:-Two bor.,oii. two-
I wagon, ouo sett double harneo, 8 head of jWJ
6 bead of hog, ono plow, one Umbel iW. J"
1 one Cocking stovo-as the .aid r'Tvll jf
belong, to uio. jAto'-
Urndy tp., nug. 17. lfclii. Fr
Sr.linrl TonclicrS.
L J kCIIUWI , .1.
ArTLICATlOXS will bo reo cived J
Donrd of School Director, of ClMrleMJ
rootrh, until Aug. 27, for three TewWT
ono'A..?il-tnnt, nnd two for th. l'nmary nI
monts -to tench for (ix months w?ADV(U
September, ISfll. An c vn minntion wil ' ,
of he nrplieantf nt tho Public 6choo JJ '
Clearfield, on tho 27th cf Angost, .by lboPp
Puperintondcnt, in prcfcnce of ''rlicaaU
rector: at nhich tiino and place ad
aro required to bo present.
fly order of tlio Board,
T 11' 1 T 1. A
Aug. ir, 1SC4.21.
r Ol lUO ,
11. J. WALLACE, Seer-
T7a nV
1 Clearfield ""iiirf Wi
tion having been made by the 1 oardf , or y
tor, of a majority of the 6ehoo lJ.tnct
county, .Uiting their de.ire to neroaM W
nr h. rmmtv Suuenntendont tb.rco',
eartioia county, to ais-j-j "J,7;ite& to meet ia t'onveu
Lnliuto the monies In tho handset Win. L. 6 haw,, """"'"'' V. irR,i. onTue.d'
Auditor's Notice.
rnhe undersigned auditor, nipointd by tho
I Orphan Court of Ulcarnoiu county, io ui-
nies n the handsot Win. ii. ennw.i rlearflcld. onTueaaa""
of the ctato of John SoKrige, de- ?t the court house, in Clear n cm ftl
ouier. x russia win uuuoueu nave eun- : r v :. n that he will attend to 'tn day ot Depiemuoii . .iaid. aceoro
dry valuable considerations as her part of Jduitai of hi appointment, at hi. office In afterneoa for tho ,w f
the -poll, tbc t.rincir.lof which will bo .ear ,S6,-; KTe Lof U- r.'ror.dt';
tho harbor ofKicl.anda stretch of sea- t ten o'clock a. m., when nnd whore all r"onj r'',,nt'" 'h0 bcuw c, K. COBlRv
coast lo add to her mantimo power. i Intoreaiud may nttond. it. j. wAbuvr,, v" ' ,e, Swt.
Tho cesiialitn of the war ia Europe may ) Aug.lVol Bt. Au'lrtor.