MiAND RALLY OF Unparalleled Demonstration fltPVMFV lawns the humblest citizen in tho land, tho scopo of which it was supreme, that la tLc execution of tl.olnw tho I'reKidcnt Uie control of all thing not granted to con oluiuiour obedience, uutwlicnover no iuo ruci.. J "- trnnscends the limits of tho law. snid Mr. lion remained m the Stales and people, mand, nnd no heartiest conscription, was necessary. iW'I'ti 1 1 1 o t the subsequent abandon ment of these purpof.es Ly Congress and riUCI3 AMI UNITY." H..I have as much right to command him that under this system we existed ns a t he l iesulenl, mi destrucled the people of as ho has to command mo; but disobedi- government or law, with thenghis .lut.es t ho North ia to make conscription and ence to law on his part is a much graver of- and powers of the ruler clearly defined, draft the only mean to hll up our deplo- v s .. i . . : 1 rrntic Ending Committee.tho largest con- fence ihnndisobedienceon the part ofapri- and that the duty of the cit..en lo yield ted nrtu.es ; and, after two million cf.ol crat.cMttncl.ngLomm.iiee.uoiafi ,..:.;.,... somo ninv think these views obedience to h.m therein, as equally Ultra have been sent to the fold, and Mr. coursooinicn inaicvtrmn iuvumUl ----- ,. ;irn ' ,. Iml,,lll.t ctar j,incoln imJ cancel lor OtHJ.uW more men. he enunciates a purpo.-eof the war that is utieily unlawful and revolutionary, Ai'iM. Inasmuch ns it hns been shown county, or any of tho adjoining counties. hc Mr Lincoln w?ng cn,inently union- 'lhat the revolution of the federal Gov asfembled in tho borough of Clcai field on al,lu l0 ,ho )iuv on ,ilis chargo, for bo had rnmentaround its clear defined axis, and c, i. i ?.i.;.,.t Winnnmnrn in .1 is nnr.nn nnlintmentB. by the control of the Stale (lovernuicnts L'J UIVIP I IHV - ci VALUABLE ' " SATCUDAY, lit , )iublii) pulo on ALUUST nail catur towmhii., ib r0n "V l'Uoui t.Uito, lulo tho prupert, of 1 T9 I r., n,,tt,n "( a li IL.o I .6 1 ""r-u ana Mb, . turusy, uie .on . , -- . p" "'" 7U; ' Bj ,vithin theirs, each in its proper sphere that tho restoraticn of the Union was the lho dillcicnt delsvalion. were met on hit u. iom itotional alti l.a" ' . . . .. of lh d Aionil e mcjcil whilst the deslruc.ion of flaverv their opproach to town, and escorted to nol only Uono ,hij uUt 10 hnd'en- portrayed iu glaring languago tho bless- wus the rn. purposo of the wrtr, may we vrl-i-vKsnvY Moumxo,:::::::Au tJUST 17. their rcRrectivo quarters by the following courB0a enlistments in tho South. Ho ings of the ohJ tnioi., hh dignity, its named cent lemcn.wlJO ncteu as warsnuis: am, iy l uis looiibii anu uuiawuu i"'t. .: ,--- namiu k""'"i rJ .. , . ,1,..,. iv ni i In nmticn ri-ipncJ liberty was en- David F. r.Tzwtii.ER, Chief MarBlial. DUMOCKAT1C COUNTY TICKUT. rci- pnr.nirF, JACOB A. FAUST, ofCtirwensvillc. VOR COl'STY COMMISSI0XF.lt, COX KM) UAKI2H, of Knox twp. FOU IHSTRU'T ATTor.XF.V, IV. JI. ilcCULLOl'Cill.ol'CleuiTicUl. TOrt TOtSTY AVMTOn, L. C. EVANS, of riko townsliip. ASSISTANT MARSHALS. Capt.D. McGaughey.W. W. Worrell, l.ever Flegnl, Alfred Waltcis, Wm. M. McCullouth, Harry Uobb, James I.eavv, T. 11. NVilnon, John McClelland, JoEeph Lines, I Pr. Jed'crson Litz, U'apt. M.Ogden, James L. Stewart, Wm. Forcee, A. B, fc'haw, could JelT. Davis and all his Cabinet. He J"cJ. luwpcriiy anu nnpp.r.ess w as U0 :ol 01 ail WHO eciuciii llli m, mm nuii, u rot CORONOn, Jus. Mel'herson. J. L. MoMurray, Aaron Wise, Kli llloom. Joiiih U. Read, had given aid and comfort to the enemy. Mr. liigler sfiid tho communication ad drepsed "To whom it may concern," would come to tha rebel cause w ith heal inc on its wines it would act like ft pn- ineeu to all its ills it; would allay homo gocpel of " peaco on earth, good will to man " was preached to all ; nnd ailirnied that n return to that Union was tho earn est with of nine-tenths of the people, lie combated tho arcumtin that tlav- in store other deceptions, through which he debigtis gradually loaegume the powers of ft Dicta'or ! Therefore ltavhcd, That, in view of the foregoing declarations, we, confessing and acknowl edging Our obligations to the laws and in stitutions of our country, and sincerely 'desirous of preserving and transmitting Uicni unimpaireu to posterity, do solemn 'dissensions and givo new spirit to there-,ery wtts un incuous. r,y conirasung u. .t-u.uU...u.o p.n ucmg hellion it woul.l silence the clarnor.ngs conu., w. w. . u." " .7,l:: V" 'for Feaco and Union in North Carolina Alexander France. illwasufutnl stab to Mr. Holden, the Union eandidato for Governor in that State. Juut it was in accoruance wuu hit, Udii;. uu i .......... . I The meelinu was organized ubout half Lincoln's follies from tho beginning. He, ... .. n ' - nft ttnnl.fiil In fliPllPR r.nRt two o clock cn motion oi waiter, -r. uivi. u..v- - .THE MOSSTEH MEETING. Tl ta 'no exaggeration to fay that the Heeling in this place on Saturday List was Ly far the iargest gathering of men able bodied, intelligent, thinking men-ever Leld to this or any of the adjoining coun- ties. It was eti5iatically an outpouring of the whole county. To show with what . unanimity and piiit lho people rallied, ve need wily state a single instance : a townEhin polling about ninety Deruo- cratfu votiMB, kft but three of their .number at Louie ull having to travel not less than twelve miles. So numerous were the delegations, that tho Marshals wero lola'Iy unablo to ptrfect'their order of reception, and tbo idea of a grand pro fession and display of the formidubleness of tho host had to be abandoned. Delega tions began to arrive about ten o'clock, and from lhat until one o'clock, look in what direction you would, you could see the approach of wagon, carriages and buggies, filled with the sturdy yeomanry of tho hills nnd valleys of Clearfield, to gether with a redilablo ropresontation from somo of lie adjoining counties. It would bo idle to attempt a "full dos--cription of this demonstration. It was successful in every respect and but a singlo purpose animated every heart, nud lhat was that some plan miitlit bo dev'iBod to save our country from the dangers that : now threaten it. U was not simply a par tisan display; but a demonstration of the people to convince our rulers that their prosent war policy is condemned, nnd Knl if llioir (rrmLl nnrrir mi 1- r- """" . j . .. - ,.vrul UL-gUtlH- tion ns lho only hope of nvcrting final and irretrievable ruin. And wo rejoico that areppectublo portion of Republicans had tho nervo to disregard the dictation of their leaders, and identify themselvee with this movement. They are not Abol itionists, ncd when they sco clearly nsi they cannot now feil to Bee that all this precious blood ncd treasure is shed in a vain attempt to place lho negro on nn equality with tho white rnco, many more oflhetu will array themselves with the old NationalDcmooitcy, whote high mis sion it is to restore the Government to its original aia?p!icity4 purity and dignity JU( beet of order prevailed throughout the day. The Bieeches were all excellent and were listened fo with eager attention, nud when evening came, and tho parched cnrlh and heated air rofWhetl and puri fied with a genllo howcr, the mbv op Ci.EAnrir.r.D repaired to their distant Lonici, Cotling that llioy lad devoted another tluy to their country; nd hoping thot they had many more such left, and that their fellow -countrymen throughout tho entire Union would co-oporato in tho mighty work of reatoratioa. 1 of Arrangements, who nominated tho fol lowing oflicers : 15. D. II ALL, L., rresident. VICE-rRtSlDENTS. tho war. pnd ho should not, lliougii us niniingcmcni was iuuor j l!cniniriiignta wliitenine th.n- . Mor-un A Co.. toutli 111 ' U by laid .rj.nu.hh hmoii ll oi ucginumg wilU ubout "klJ m 171 k. ginumgwilU ubout p ..vuij-rvar Acres of M... tlicrcoa. l'art of thli ,a . .. " MM whitand yellow i, n. .. :"wlllWyt TE KM S.-Ono half . 1 inainder in 0110 yiar thereafter wi,V?J J ut ivcuruu vy juaguietit bond.! , said day, when duo atttndBnc. .ni H, jy20-4t MAKY BMBaiW G. P. Good felloe, Henry Kerns, Wm. A. l'.loom, James II. Clark, Frank Mc Bride, Wm. T. tiiibert, F.d'wd King, tieorgo Groom, James Savage, (ioorge Knarr, David Welty, Amos J I .Io, JoFenh Moore, Thomas 1. Hartley Roland Faust, C. J. .Sho!i, David Fiscal, John Fu'.iuer, John Holt, Frank l'earco, Wm. L. Shaw, Wm. T. McCoklc F. (.'oinli iel, F. W. l'.remker, !v Lonoway, Thomas Smith, James McCltllan, iimut'l Clyde, John D. Thompson, Isaac Culdwell, D.ivid T. Sharp, James I'loom, Mnj. John lio, Daniel tiorman, Thos. Wftshburne, John M. Cummings, Daniel Ooodlnuder, David Horn, W. W. Kelly, John I). Miller. Col. C. S. Worrell, James Turner, Thos. Henderson, J. A. (i. White, John 1?. Kyler, Jacob Willhelm, V. R. Holt. Jacob Flegal, Charles Mijnot, John R. (i;irmont, John (ii'lilAT I, K. Rundy, Fijualid misery nov, Irs safety then, with . anotlier dollar towards the proieculion of his exposure to oeatn now, ins nieniai mr iih-h-iii, nr , uu iu' ihit, inui in view and moral condition then, with hisuncon- of the fact that overtures for negotiation trolled volition nov. land fctllement have been repeatedly made He clemonstinted the fallacy of the nr- by the so-called Confederate. States nuthor gument that tlavery ruled us then, and ities, and ns.oflen rejected by Mr. Linco'n, appealed lo our inhnppy condition for tho , we insist that a reflation of hostilities r.-iur ihil a u'. inlinlinlii nrw nov- shall bo rronied. thus nfTordin nn nn- i laini ; bt;t he intended to ueul witti the emeu now, ami piciureu vnu mniuiiy ui tunity lor lho introduoiion ofrr0posi- t.oliticul policy thnt accoropaniod the i rulers nnu mcir sauiiues. nuns ior iriuement anu penno. war which ho characterized ns tho worst I He then fought an answer to (he que?-1 JUtohed, That as it is evident from the the wit of man could havo devised that lion, nny cinnot we nave uns union m pom-y oi i resmeni Lincoln, tnat do set- all us integrity i lie eucweu mat it was uemeni oi ine uiuicuuieo. between the becauto a piostitution of the powers of thd-Norih and the South can bo effected Federt.l fioveriiment,.of an interference w hilst ho occupies lho Kxeculiro chair, with lho rights of the people, nnd an nt- it becomes the aolemn duty of nil men tempted control of powers tkat were ex-' who desire the prejervation of a Ilepubli cKisively under tho rights of tho Stales, con form of Government, to unite their that it was because lho servant of tho energies to prevent his re-election. people had forgotten that he was the crea- iicioiict, J hut evidence to prove the lure of tho law, and sought to bear him- tendencies of Mr. Lincoln to usurpation through it Mr. Lincoln had divided a United North and united a divided South. Iliad ho had wisdom enough and patriot ism enough to havo conducted the war for lho Union, and not for tho gratifica tion of fanatics to havo looked to the Uuion men of the South for help, rather dear to their slaves, lVaco and Union micht hnvo triumnhed lone since. Mr 15. said ho could ?oo in the iiew aspect of self aboyo it, that Mr. Lincoln in his re- is to re found in his suppression of the cett. ultimatum nnu proclaimed ins ;iur-; puouo x ress, in ins suspension of the pose to be the overthrow of tho rights ot writ of wwus corpus, in the nrrest, impris- I.. ...n. nA!.;.. l.nt Anillflia ilrnftQ rnn Vcriptions, carnago, nnd common desola ' lion. The Southern people will never yield their right to their local institutions j Whether they want slavery or not they ' will stand by the light to havo it until the James ratteiaon. IECR8TAli!j. It. J. W!Inco, Fred. R. FoW, A. C. Tute, J. R. Wallers, Sam'l H. Hindmaii, Cy renins llne, Jacob Faust, J. C. Allpurl. COMMlTTtB ON RBS0I.ITI0N8. I). W. Moore, W. A. Heed, George Dimeling, Jauics C Barrett, Thomas Forcey, Wm. K. Wrigley, John J. I'icard, J ohn F. Kote, G. M. ILmline, Jscoh Kuntz, jr., liobert Mchatley, John Mclntyre, Joseph Goon, Conrad 15a ker, Kiuhnrd Hughes The mcctinir lc.in? tl" motion, u. J. ivauace, wq., ill a lew 1,r CSjrTiiK Kim s is unimportant. Kcthi-ng from Grant or Shermnn- Sheridan, who Buooeods Hunter, is advancing up tbo Shenandoah valley, with a largo army, snkl to number sixty thousand men. Farrngut is said to be progressing favora bly against Mobile Another rebel pirate is off the Eastern coast, nnd has alronly destroyed somo ix ralunblo vcescIs. last man has bitten tbo dust. Suppose JelL Davis was to mako the u'timntum of j cace, the establishment of slavery in the North, how long would ho be conquering u peaco on such terms? There would bo no peacJ Democrat on such an isswe. Though somo might desire tho institution, oven they, would not accept it ns a dicta i linn. Mr. Rigler fid that, as for himself, j whilst Li was willing to do nnd sutler any ' thing for tho Union and Government as made by the Father?, ho would not con j tributo one man, nor ono farthing, to pros leoute tho war for tho unlawful purposes I net forth by Mr. Lincoln. I Mr. Ricler next, in support of his Kad j opinion of the sets nnd intentions of the l'resideiit, called attention to a late com munication, which aiireaveu in the . x I Tribune, over the signature of R. F. Wade, Senator from Ohio, ns Chairman of the ' committco cn tho re bellious States in the '.Senate, nnd Winter Davis, as chairman of ! Iho buujo oomniitleo in Hie House cf Uop- i ruseiHativos. On this point wo can give I tho render no idea of lho ellectanit power lofMr. Rigler's speech, ll was the most On,. ..I.;-.. 1 -:-"'",r. ""o - net heard in u long linio. lie showed ny e.t- nnd eloquent remarks, slated the object tracts from thedocument itself, that Mesrs of the meeting; when Ex-Gov. liigler wa.! ;". , ci'.u'"eans o. . . , , , .. ,. , , ,. high standing, charge Mr. Lincoln with introduced to the audience, and spoke lor , jphon, faWhood nnd usurpalion ; and about ono hour and a half. Ho nindo a, n addition that they chargo him with the speech of unusual point and persuasive intention of practicing a grove fraud on power, commanding tho unbroken atten- electoral College through Ihe scheme lion of tho vast crowd for nearly two iof a For tvote in cortain of the re- jj0ur3i I voltcd Slates, should timt becomo necess- Aftc'r glancing brit-ny nl the cause of ,ftfy l0, eecuro hi? docUon-and ask the our picfcnt unheppy condition, he called 't'""ficant question whether be supposes attention to the late manifesto of Mr. ; 1"s opponent would submit to a decision t.inrnln ,1.1rP.l "to n Knm iL nm v rnn. attained by such means ? 1 he vast crowd corn," in which he had mado the over-! responded toMr. Riglor.in a common voice throw of slavery a condition prccadont to lhtt.1 thJ7 woulJ ubuiit to no such uur any proposition for settlement and peace, ' l'a,'on ! however honorable nnd satisfactory in all j liut w Mht pass over a largo portion other particulars. Mr. Riglersaid ho had, of Mr. Rigler'a spcecn, and ghaice only at soon after tho war began, expressod (he , l'10 conclusion. belief that Mr. Lincoln would provo to be i IIn said ' was not willing after to tho best of his partv. Ho desired to say, I mach complaint against lho acts nnd lhat, since reading the document refoi red 1 1 policy of Mr. Lincoln, to lake his seat to, he had changed thai opinion, and now! without somo reference to what the I'era held him to bo the worst; and that ho ocralic party would do, should it at,tain to Ulinvprl Mr. Lincoln Wli nnw nl Ipninlimr I TOWer. lie Said Il0 did Dot Unertako to to act the part of an usurper and a tyrant, determine what would bo tho position of lie characterized the attempt of the Frcs't ' th"1 rftrl' on a11 Hie complex questions be to prostituto lhawitr to the overthrow of:foou, Hoknew itwould stand up for civil tho local institutions of the revolted States jnn(l religious freedom under nil cucum- unluwful, revolutionary, impolitic, ami ,',s'n;a-lor the Ireedom ol the pre'S anU a falsilication of tho oft-repeated promises of speech ;ihat it would wield eve ry mor-. l of Mr. Lincoln and his li iends, that tho,111 rolltl,:ftl mlluenco of the Government war should bo for tho Union and fr and all its material power to maintain the other purpose. Ho said tho rresident Union ns constituted by the fathers ; but had no moio rignt to muko tho abandon- 11 rr-'r,rs Prace ,0 wnr among the people mentof slavery a condition precedent to i ftna siaies oi America, adu, wimisi anx the .establishment of tho Union, than ho iou9 lo w 101(1 very means to restore the lho States, nnd in substance has declaied . onment and banishment of citizens with- llial our old Government should no long- out due process of law, in his interference er exist, lhat the wur was now for the! in ejections, and finally, in his attempt to freedom of the negro and not for tho res-: re eled himself through his rotten bor loration of tho Union. lough system of a one-tenth vote of the lie oflirrned that in Ihus placing him- rebel Slates, to accomplish which ho bold- self above tho law, Mr. Lincoln had for-; Iv nssumes to ignore a solemn law of the foiled all rixht to our respect ; that, as a last Congress, and which act is character- condition precedent lo our respect end i ized by Senator W'nde and Kepreientative DDi'uit'uiv, jic uiubi ii'iuuuruii uioiu iiju 11, ii uiicr iuvm luoui Aooiieionrsis ) as law, and lhat it was tho right and Iheelu-'."dictatorial vsurialiun " lhat must bo renie- ty of the citizen lo denounce him for hisjdied. i.reaoli of duty, and lo impeach Inm and JwsohcU, Jhat, " peaco upon the basis his aiders and abettors before the tribunal of lho Union as formed br our fathers, is of tuo people lor their utter disregard -ol . row tho heartfelt desire of every true me law. He argued that it wns the duty of all who loved our institutions, lo unite for the overthrow of this corrupt and hiwlcss Administration, to tho end thnt w ar might ceaio, meicilea conscriptions le Hopped, and the Union of our fathers restored. Under a Democratic Administration, WBr would bo made tbo last igcncy for the restoration of the Union, instead of tho first. All other means would be tiied to;hn thus placetl himself above the law. has .-ti 1 ...... . 1 i- , . , -.--:. . I . 11 . , ' J" " 1864 . ' y: rillLADELrillA k ERIE fpUIS Kreatlin. travor,e. , &k 1 KorthwcJlorn counties rfl.TK tho city of Krio, on Lako Kri. "" It has ben leased by th, ft,.-., rood tonfnny, and under their 4 ing rnpidly ojiened throughout iu 11 11 now in use ior Kiwenrer t.j V si-.iCfi from llarrisbure to St tf.ir,,,tl J 211 miloj) on the Ka.tern K, .1 , i!N Hit imn. I..1 Time of Putttnarr Tm,'.. Ernrio. Train ln.X W. Aci; in n Train arrives westitatj i S 1 Cnrs run through wiTBor. .T'l on these trains betwern Mn.j.i-?" Haven, ani between Baltimore nduf" more, and Villiamport andPhTfil Fur infitrinatiim rnuriAai:..n.. I wi'ivm ir ruin. e apply nt the S. E. Cor. Ifth ted JlX I And for Freight buainen of tk,iv J. W. ltevnolds' Krie : J.M.rill, Agent N.C.R.R.M II. II. Hocsto.1, 0"n'lVrei(.htAATI Iwu L. Uxpt, Oen'l liekrtAA Jos. D. P..T-N, lien'l JJanaggr.WaJl " may 2i, 1861. 1 " Tlssoi.tyov-Tholii J furo existing leiween the nQt (he publication of the (.'Imrfuli Ht disiolrod by mulual consent M thi iu July, 1S6I. ' 1'he Books are in Ihe band of Ikeite,. nerforcoilcetinn. llioee patrotk.j ': felvcs indebted to the late puMitimfc'J tub?cription, adiertipinj, or joni,,t fpjctfnlly invited to call aid settle ttiiJ at their curlieot convenience, f I. W. JfflORl , . 0. u. gooduq; Liraruou. juiv L'7. isw. . b lover of our institutions, nnd all other po litical objects should be made toyield to ....u...u.r..i, .. .j -ecraniy proiesi DISSOIUTIOX ngn.u... .uu suen .epu.waie an uogmas; nj partnership herelofreeito,J atvnr.ancotherew.ih, nnd denounce tho J. the undcmgn.d in th.prCi1 u.miiirniuui nui (win 111 j,! ii col n ami resse'.i an Lieariiciu anil nnjunmg conntie, ii "'J o whom it may concern," ns revolu-'dinoWcd ty mutual confent. tionary in sentiment, contrary to law. and I VM. A. Tllli: subversive of the Constitution; amine' . ...... J011X.Q.I& ntlirm. lhat n trrvunt nf H,a nm,l !.! "carficld, Ju.y 2,, IStVL , , , . . " .. restore peace and unity ; and he did not hesitate to say that all shades of opinion in lliiu psrty uniicu in tno fntiment, forfeited ail claim to our confidence, rea red and obedience." JiMovetf, Jhat while we are ready to.'- 1 ; - :u L. . i'Xt A1IU UUF1I1C3B will 08 tODUMU. fioHl ai heretofore, by n a. a. wiiu: thnt an armistico and tho opening of re- oley ull laws eracted in nccordanco with ' V1 ,V'Vi? P' gotitlion would be the very lirst step of a ; tho C;on.titulioii..)t hnhj i m bo theri; V.'.' ri.'l ' '' ;'"M-ri,".u"v,,uu I'lucinmiiiiona mat imve no Irghcr claim : Scfiembcr, 1862. nnd rjV.e is tka i the Inion and vindicate ; to our observance than the depot's plea 1 1803, ns raid nuto las keen ptidinf.il. i, and lhat lho peaceful: of tnditari neertitv." JOUSK Eradford tp., July 20, 16tJ.fi. mriit of war, wrong failed lo rcstoro the (cnitilution irinedy of inlercouito was new tur im- Jtctohrd, That the only hope of escapo perstive duly. horn theevils that now alllict our common Jle rcferrnl to Iho pending eonrcrip- - country, and put a stop to the slaughter lion as an ovcrfhndowing pail upon the , of husbands, fathers and rods ; nn end to niinoi oi nn, ns uirging in us wake, iieartlcrs confcriptions, most odious in! untold niheiy ; snid Hint he hud on nil : their discriminations in favor of lho rich! occasions ndvh-ed lulmissicn to law, bc-nnd ngninsl ihe jioor ; ce use tho snckin",! causo of the duly of the citizen ; that the, burning nnd spoliation of cities, towns' I 11.1 mr. i.mcoin nsei iBKen irom urn , v.nngcs. numiets and other property, to' Will Imi Campaign Sheet for ll.k Ins base of argument, and now he had no jeente; lend lo a reduction of elebi, n dim-nnd Conservative mams.' advice to give, but that, for the many inulion of taxes, aud restoration cf Coiuti-j It will be printed on i hrpiledft-' wrongs of which the preicnt Administra-1 tutionnl currency ; and finally to tl"ro WT nt ,uoh r"lc" M krit' lion were convict belore the people-, he eetabli. hment of freedom of necch"nnd I"u'h ofn11, H will support the ' could only uo tho words of Hen Wade cf the precis to bo found in a snP"dv , I'e",.0,rft,rof T''i0'. and Winter Havi. s I,t the people eon- return 'io pe.ee and the benign influS ! f LVAMft' .u,r iuo rtmeuy ior uieo usuipations, winch will, tliereby, l o brought to benr white man, nnd fear'lj sutfin iIIIkI uu n..r IUUI.U, iuk tjieui icaricssiy exe-.upon tne minus and hearts of the m-ordo ' tutkunl rights nftheiiiiicn.BOBiiw C A M P A I G N ACL TIIK 1'IULISDEP.S Of THE r II I LA DELriHA AGE cute it " JIr. Wallace closed with a pathetic and iu all sections. Jletolved, That the doctrine of Slates iiimrlor tbev uist be (.mileiL The first number will be issoed X earnest anneal to men of all nnri'.M in'lliclii.-nn. .n t,.i. t ... : .' "Iof Aucuti. Tho whole number till i tk il.o ;,!,. r-.i-i Vn"".. "V"""' y uioso f0n0Wlne each mher woeklr, nnnl" had to make itrf establithmcnt such a can dilion ; that he hael no more right to call S'JO.OOO meu into tho field to prosecuto'u war for such a purpose, than ho would havo to their services in the establishment of a caonarchy. He characterized the President a ultimatum as nn attempt I nion of Stales, it could not fad to see that tbo experiment of war had been ovidc, most thoroughly and horribly made, and that it has filled, f ho widest thing Mr. Lincoln ever said, ws, lhat if wo went to wnr, we could hot fiijht always. Mr. Bigler said he would pay the expenses of Dr. B. hero concluded his remarks, when the Chairman o f the Committee cm Iieno-I lutions was introduced, and made Ihe fol lowing report: i Wiirnr.As it is not only the conslitu.! ?5"Tni: only read to pence is through military measures, nnd it is exceedingly important that something decisive """"V ' " Ktiuv wiun "viuwi. relations fcetwoon tlio ."States, lhat was wrev d not distrust the peoj.le, but tncre the rifiht 0f the States, and the States would doubtless bo wrae doubt respec- enjy. ji0 rcreate-lly quoted Lincoln the result of therrcsidentinl election ngainst Lincoln, to ihe infinite amusement teneral Ornnt wins no victorv nnd n iii. 1 ir ..,.,i i i celing of d.scoiuagctncnt pervades the against the eommut.ication "to whom it loyal States. may concern" IIo brought on the stand Ni spcaKS ine ashington correspon- the ontiro Kepublican farty iq both ticntoi t national jimimtTif toandurd. I Houses of Congress to testify against Mr. at a flagrant usurpation of nuthorilv, lor , nc' one who wouiu go io wasiungion and which he merited tho severest execrations , renJ Hiat passage or lho Inaugural to Mr. of nil men levoted to our renublicnn form Lincoln. IIo feared it had been forgot- or Government. He denied that cither j1"1- Tlie democrats would not forget it, tho President or Congress, or both united, should tho Chicago nominee be elected, .possessed any such right. Tho Covcrn-I Ho cxpresied lho belief that ihe very first meats at IUcbmond and Washington !l",lorl o a Hemocratic Tresident would ba combined havo no right to overthrow lheit0 8l0P Hie war-to put thoswoid lo n-st, institutions of the States .or tochnnrn the in order to try what virtue Ihoro is . -----e- 1. i . a reusuu, iieguimiion, nnu iniercouree. lie expressed tho belief lhat ten com petent men as Peace Commissioners, cowld do more to rescue the country from its alllictions, than a hundred thou sand, or five hundred thousand conscripts. He had long since declared himtelf in favor of an armistico, to lho end that com missioners might be appointed to arrange lie says the only road to peace is through! Lincoln's right lo overthrow 'slavery ly Hi If"118 of temporary peace, with ft view military measures. How does lie know ? showing thatThey had unanimously voted, 'or referring our national troubles to ft None other than military measure have at the Into session, lo so amend the Con-ionvenlion of Stales, under tho forms of been tried! They havo failed, so far, witlijstitution as lo authorua the overthrow of! Hie Constitution. little prospect of any better result io the. slavery. The amendment failed, nnd now Mr. Uizler was followed bv Hon. Wm. r..l.. I Itl I .H. . 1 ' . juiuii.-. ,. ",v-iw" Claims o exercise uie right We believe that ?taco lasting ponce himself. This was only equalled by Mr. ns lasting as obtains between peoplo gen-. Lincoln's hardihood about his scheme of rrally can bo obtained by negotiation. coropnsMed emir.cipation - which ho That has not been tried aud won't he first Bought to catryout by net of Con- mea ny Lincoln wunoutuio ireeaom oi gress ; nrauu asKeu uongrosi to pro- speech elicit more bcartf responses, or the negro being tho basis or tho nego-, vide for bo amending the Constitution as1 plain truths create CTeater enthusiasm, tiation. U ith thohtllo progress we have .to authorize tho appropriation of money U ne briefly referred to the constitutional made in conquering peace, during thefor such purposes ; and failing with tho(iight, peacably to assemblo and apply for and ic , reir . o.t ll . n I r r "'r 'fK l0u.bvcrt our present system of.tui elminn, th result of which w.'ih" and to rear a loft the standard of I ence Government is one of tho main pillars cd in tho final number: Peisomifc and Lnily, ns the beacon of hope aud the uron which the fabric of -Union . vative ri.,1,.. cnuntv Committeeiiri" harbinger of safely. ted by the futhers of the Keruiblic- that'lnt'Tcstcd in tho cause sre inviBin' sir. naiiace was toilowed ty Pr. T. i II1P "cpanure lueretroni Lroutht upon us Jeff, lloyer, who was received vith shcuts our l'r,,'ent wo. -od thnt a return there- or .,.., i.o ,;c um m !'! 5?rA.S.r M his lemn.ksjbut befcre concluding j L'rsohtd, That the courso or Senator shewrr of rain ce mpc llcil n retrent to the : Wali.acb and Kepresentative Hover, meets Court-house, although not over one third our most hearty approbation, and deservo of tho vast crowd could e fleet nn entrance. Hie appellation of " well done, good nnd iaitlilul servants." 7eY.w.W, That " these proceedings be signed by tho ofliicers, and published in tho V!car field Republican, J'artriot l Union, nnd Philadelphia Aje, nonai rigtu tut llio duty or ihe peoplo I Un motion, lho vote was taken by yens peaceably to assemble together to express ;Bd Bay( v,Licl. refulted in ono universal Iheir opinions on all questions fouchinc' ,, 'r , , lho public welfare; and whereas none 1 F flnd wb?n 11,0 Mi weroi but ft tyrant would Mlenipt to interfere , cn"e' tl' 'lenco was that of the tomb; wiui uie iree exercise of those rights; arm tlio wholo were then adopted with iWefore we, a portion or tho citir.ens of 'ihreo h earty cheers. Clearfield county, solemnly re-avowingour I ti, ,i ' , fealty and obligations to ihe laws and tho mcct'"fi cn adjourned. constituted authorities, do now stnl bnrn A t.., r.. o i ' ; .nin up rEMAi.Kroimrns. aeciare UW.m.i .hum .it:.. . Pint. Thftlll.iir!AwnmAMiArii..i'.: " '.,U"J "i o ,., i " vuung woman woo dossu tliatlsho linB scrv- l l,' m V" ."'r'"0'1 'I1 "ccorJunuo I twenty-two months in tho Federal Cav L " "i?.!!1 airy, nd professed to regard her term of ; V T VT' ' "ytc ut "ervice ns uie most agreeable period or her fined by human wisdom. j ifo, she gives her name as Frances Louisa ii,' .J,"ll,?res!orolllnlGoTcrnn,cr't Clnyton, of St. l'nul, Minnesota. She to its onginsl simplicity, purity, and dig- joined the3(lth Missouri Cavalry, and look nny,we urewilhng losubmt to any sac- part in sovcral battles, inchuiing that of .... , ,., . , , , :.tone' Jiiver, wiicre slio received n wound ,i,i n wnr OI more innn llirco nllioktiro N ha akIaiI linn ...n TERMS I Tho CAMPAIGN AOS.ofTto"5' In Clc bj of not fen than ID to ftf J " - C.h must occompanyeiifhie'',:' ItlATIO.V Wild. UK MAUB W 1'liO.M THE AMOVE TERMn Orders fhld bo sent tn to" lnteet by tho firA d..r of Aup",,, t;l.olli:i:K4t'1;'Ji LICENSED AUCII,( 111 I .1 I'll., Ulll" ,L,t !. el aa an Auctioneer, uuuvr , Laws, respectfully infruis W f public fcencrjlly.-thnt be if attond rublic talcs iu any P""' tho ehortcst notice and on im t t.rms. Ho can be "tld letter, et Leeont'i Mills, Clesrj55j C .. n, n h n n r7a"'H'''1 OUOl unit 1 fr.ii-rvcl711 rf" THIS larce nJ moitl liKhtfully located o tbeU" tiuehanna. In tho borough of tor u Thepreeent proprietor ""V iH rn.i..,i.i. ,ntomeri cerof'rt1"'' - merit a liberal share of pnbM P- JUS IUR AND Will b well supplied wily " ,Djtf ket afTords naftuien wiU ""' ftV I" ADIES' Drs, ''he-f'i J Tlaide. Mozambique, oiA. niise. u . - ...r hams, Lawn., jut P'f .i Ikt If having rt;is,1j, A Wallace, who engaged tho attention of the vast crowd for more than an hour. Mr. Wallace talked as if his feelings were fully up to Ihe occasion j nnd never did ft I j - " iistsiurftsivve -' iV ivw Ull I MI k Bll Well years duration, and of unparallelled ning- that she think she never would have been nilutlo, slioulu be suflicient to convince discoverd but that she was wounded' nnd Ml rational minds that lho Unicn cannot sent to tho hospital. Miss Frances is far 7...w7 "rL". ., 7 ,nowo,:u- . romping gocd looking, and with her . 4"" "lecnvo means, nair ciippeel tijorf, as she now wenrs it. lor tun rotlnrahnn r.F ikn 1..;. b .... n .1... . ... ... - 1 . " " ...v.., o.o a even suo Kigiit easily do mistaken lor a cessation of hostilitioMctercourse, reason man, the more especially ns (ho chews ' 6"""". anu SpllS t ier tllO most nnnrovp.1 fnnh nn lhat the ultimatum of Mr. Lin-: She dreae rwiiB in L-i,t r k.ic ,i half style, and is altogether a remarkablo looking girl. We believe sho is on a lectur ing lour now. riitabxirgh Chronicle, fifth coin, Addressed "lo whom it may con cern," establishes the fact beyond all con troversy, that the war is now waged for the overthrow of slavery, nnd not for the restoration or preservation of the Union or the enforcement of the laws. Sixth. That slavery, being exclusively ft threo years rind over that we hnve boon atmendment, ho hnally attempted to carry J redress of grievances, and the right lo State institution, war waged for the pur war, wo apprehend that theothcrsido ia(out his scheme in elcfiaiice. of lho CocBti- lr arms in defence' of themselves and' rose of compelling its abandonment, is no not likely very Boon lo agree to Mr. Lin- tution. Mr. C. Baid ho had uniformly , tbfctate, and affirmed (hat both were in' ! revolutionary and violative of the coin's preliminary conditions. Tho only advised obedienco to law ; this was a rulo violate. (Constitution than was the net of secesiioo u 1 . . .:!;,, !ti 'n be Ihrouch a clianuo of rulers ; and. from of doubtful uuthoriiy or utility ; but bo in- ment.SlaLfi An,l KivUrni . ihAt' Seventh. That ia lontr lment intlication, they tuonn to mako tended that obligation ns much for tbesa ; lb? Ktatos crt-atod the Union br th for- wage.i for the tmrposiw eot thai cijAnrQ in rsnYfmtpr. ( wnih j.n- in ns lor Inose out of unf hni ilv. ilo snii molmn th. rnn-:i..i;MH xrmtt ik tMninklnn. nf (Vnff.Aa. t.i kai m. riAMA..t ... - .m- i ,ino 4ici..i.i?n wni ns roucn ppuna ry tno wun cte!)ivJ snd ImiKed powers, wjbw ' nunuer or vomoteeri exceeded the de- ing always for the comfort of hit men." as the war was forth in tho 7 in n. A soiwrr in the urmy before roters luirgh writing to hi father (who was a liepublican three months ago), says: "I hope you will do all you can for the elec tion of McCIellan. If the boys here get a chance to vote, you may depend on bis getting a large majority I lie is regarded as the ablest General in the servioe. and the best man for brineine the country out of difficulty, He is not only a good! enr- :i ft ..VS1 Ik"" ...r. OTPI-rT. CIK1""' .m hM beenremoddled, sals r r the proprietor wPr-wiWC ne la now ir - :. favor him wim artW r 4 a-,ni ..f. and o"7 ii(f 5 ""i""! Ana " will always b on tsnd. lH1' 'i r.l'