SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL IN LUMBER CITY ! JOHN LI. SPENCER, HAS recently opened a Shop In Lumbar City, whur he U now prepared o manufacture ALL KINDS OF TIN, SHEET IRON, it COP r Eli- WARE. RICHARD LIOSSOP, I ? i HB UN FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS A full supply of manvfaeturid war conttantly on Hand. MUSLINS DELAINES COBURGS ALPACAS t at fit st Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation GINGHAMS CHINTZ 'prints G LOVES CRAVATS Lumbermen can be supplied with RAFTING STOVKS of which he intend keeping a upply. .SHAWLS Order for pooling, roofing, Ac, respeetfully 1 p,()N N ETS solicited. Repairing promptly attended to. At COLORED I ni iwvuua Keeping uuue out luo oral 01 won men, the people way rely 01 substantial work. Storekeeper and dealer tupplied at roaaouabi rat 01. Call at the Subttantiul Tin Shop and aee fur yourselves. JOHN M. srKNCER, March 2, 1861-tf. Just received at M0SSOPS'. GREATEST BATTLE ON RECORDS 15,000 Killed nndWoundcd, and WOO taken Prisoners! WITH CAMP EQUIPAGE AND price 70,000 Contraband freed from the price. riAlTTlfl ATt nT a TTlTiT7 I I price. HI I II 1 1 A IsT M.UVhH T 11 vwaiw wm WU4aj V Mae price ' MUSLINS J at at at at at at at at nBftii TC! 17vert m" th hM ; thing of th Sensation prices piu,, hlBU)ry of tuli W , taJy com Sensation pi ice to the conclusion that the Confederate Oorarn- Senaatien pricea meat would b broken down. It was only a que. Sensation jiriccs tion of time. But now we have tb above Olorl al MOSSOPS' 'ou soul-stirring newt to cheer us up ; aud the Sensation pricea on,y draw-back to our joy and glorificatlou it tha Sonant Inn -rinn danger of the Contraband coining sensat ioi price Nurth u i(Bt oul our ub,lMcef,. lnJ t0 we,r oui Sensation prices euraliocal But of on thtngthe people of Clear- 1 urij county mny be assured, aud that la, that MERHELL & MGLKK Have just opened a large and aplendid assortment of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS nl All to be had at MOSSOrS'. I FRAK K SHORT for abort called Short et It FRINGE at Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation price price at MOSSOPS, price prices price THEY bar the bet assortment nf Hardware that bu ever been brought to thi county, which they will tell at the most reasonable pri ces, among which will be found a splendid lot of CUT TLE RY, To which they invite the special attention of tb , pubnc, embracing heavy hilver-plated forks, Spoons and Butter knives of the best manufac ture. A lot of rixtol of the lest pattern, and other Ore -arm. Also a general assortment of pistol cartridge all of which will be sold a reasona ble prioe. They continue to manufacture all kinds of Tin-ware, Brass Kettles, Stove pipe, etc., which cannot be surpassed in tbi eo tion of the Stat. They also have on hand Pittsburgh Plow, among which are Steel Centre Lever flow. Also, Plow Castings, and many other Agricultural Im plement. Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stores a general assortment, and of the best pat terns, fr rale at reasonable price. LACE at Sensation HOSIERY at Sensation RIBBONS at Sensation TRIMMINGS I of all kinds i at Sensation in any quan'ty I Always on band at M(J.vUl'b'. CASSI MERES 8ATTINETS TWEEDS J FANS VEST1NGS SHIRTINGS at at at at nt at Sensation Siensnlion Sensation Sensation Sensation Sensation at AOiSSO price elllng lloole U shoe a cheap a any other price m,Q county; and If you dun't bolieve It, prices ust 'v n',n C"0Q court-week, or at any other mind the publio that his shop i now on Market street, In Shaw's Row where you will find him just a Short a usual If not a little shorter of dsn than ho would like to he, All kinds of work on hands and made to order on short notioc, and as well'made, and a good fit at can be "skeerod" un here or elsewhere. . . I &-?t,Dn't forget the shop on Market street, I""-" in bhaw's Row, directly opposite Rev. It, B, Swoope' office. F. 5H0RT. ClearOeld. June 11, 18(2. price pricea price prices ( prices prices ! PS'. w at sensation prices CLOTHING smb."! as iOnts, rant, Vests, Under Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, ' Now for sale at MOSSOrS'. HARDWARE Licensed Auctioneer. M. M. I1LOOM, of Pike township, d. iret to inform hi friend and the publio generally that be ha taken out a Liceue as an AUCTIONEER, and will attend to the crying of sale In any part of the county at the shortest notice, and at the most rcaaonnbl charges. Ad dress, either personally or by letter, either at Curwenmlle or Uloomville. April 6, '64. tf. THE "REPUBLICAN NEW FIRM. Tcrmaot BuDscripuok. If paid In advance, orwlthin three month, ft M tf paid any time within the year, - . - 1 7J If paid after the expiration of the year, i 00 orrica ok MAnaar struct, cliabfikld, rstiit'.. Term or Advertlslne;. Advertisements are Inserted in the Republican at the following rate t 1 Insertion. J do. S do. One square, (10 line,) $60 $75 $100 rwo squares, (20 linos,) 100 1 50 2 00 1 rhree squares, (30 lines.) 1 60 I 00 2 60 j 3 mentht 8 mo't. 12 mo One Square, i t : $2 60 $4 00 $7 00 Twosqunrea, : : I t : 4 00 6 00 10 00) Three squares, x t i a 00 8 00 12 00 Pour squaros, j : : 6 00 10 00 14 00 Inlf smliniin ' , i i fi ll A ! nn It fin i On column, i t t I 14 00 20 00 85 00 Ovor three weeks and lets than three months 25 cent per square for eash insertion. Busiass netlce not needing 8 line art In- ssrted fur $2 a year. Advertissments not marked with the number of ntertions desired, will be continued nntilforbid and charged aecordlcg to tlwse terms. CLEAJiFJELiicoTDiri GREAT EXCITEMENT NEW STOfi CARLISLE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND ,S3naS ) av irr- aasi " - ' 1 DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, VBitttgnh GROCERIES, L UMBER, j AjTfSi 3iil UJj&d, dU.,A V. I ' " uu" uuln8 to th pil()U PIIILIPSIIURG, Centre county, Peun'a.' THE LARGEST A I C'Kr flnn. Havo received and arc just opening. " r0Cj the largest assortment of ht beat, GOODS Vll TIME OF HOLDIXO COURT. 3d Monday In January, I 3d Monday in June, SJ Monday in March, 4th Monday in Sept. of each year, and continue two week if necessury COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICEBS. Pres't Judge nn . Samuol Linn, llellofonte. As'te Judges Hun. J. D.Tbonipson,Curwensville lion. Jumes Bloom, Jrorrekt, such a Saws, nails Fork, Knives, Spikes, Hinges, LIQUORS, snch ' as Wine, BranJy, Gin, Whiskey, Copnac, etc., etc., FRUITS, such as Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, &c. at sensation pricos at MOSSOfS'. READ ! READ ! -O- Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Palate, Oils and VarirUko, a genoral ataortment. 31ast, putty, Nails, Iron andCastings of great variety ; in fact almost every thing wanted by the publio can be found in thotr establishment and at pricos that eannot be beat. Now i3 the time to purchase, If yon dosir any thins in their line of business. (live them a call and examine their stock, end Tpu C r a c k e rs. utvj ivvi lusurvu lumt yuu can ue Kcouiuinuuaiua. , pifpji Candles Street, Clearfield, Pa , when) you can bny roods to tho very best advantage. j73fr01d silver, copper, brass, powtor and old s(iagswill be taken in exchange for goods. Mny 20. 1863. MERRELU 1 DIGLKR. at sensntiun at sensation prices GROCERIES, say Flour, 11 a m s, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasses, Cottee, 'Coal Oil, etc., etc prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices C. W. & H. W, SLIITH HAVE JUST RECEIVED From the East, AFRESH SUrPLYOF SEASONABLE Hoots! 11 Shoes !n DANIEL CONNELLY beg leave to inform hi friends, and the cititen of Clearfield and vicinity geuerally, that be baa taken tbe sbop lately occupied by George Newson, in Shaw's Row, where he intend to be ready at all time to wait npon those who may favor hiui with their custom. lie will guarantee his work to be as well exe cuted a can be made elsewhere, and at quite a reasonable prices. He I bound to win the good opinion of all who walk In shoo-lcather whether male or female and all ha ask I a fair trial. Clearfield. July 8, l8S3y Always at MOSSOPS'. prices prices prices prices prices prices At the storo of RICHARD MOSSOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on hand a lull assorlment of all kinds of goods required for the accommodation of the puUie. Nor. 12, 1882. I W GOODS Comprising a general assortment of Sheriff, Edward Perks, I'rothonotary, D. F. Etswoilor, Reg. 4 Reo. Isainh II. Bargor, llittrict Att'y, Iraol Tost, Treasurer, C. Kratzer, Co. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, CommissionorsJncob Kunti, Tbos. Dougherty, Amos Read, Auditors, Charles Worrell, II- Woodward, F. F. Couteret, Coroner, J. W. Potter, Cltarfiold, Glen Hope. Luthersburg. Or. Hills. Clearfield. N.Wash'gton Pennficld. LccontcsMiil County Sup't. C. B. Saodfurd, Clearfield. Inirnthipt, Bectaria, i Bell, Bloom, Hoggs, Bradford, Brady, LIST OF POST OFFICES. 1'ott Offictt, l'utin$lert, Glen Mope, Win. S. Wright Vtahville, Theodore Weld, Hcgnrty'i X Roads.Bam'l. Hegarty, W. fllcLrackon, Th.A. M'tihce. J. W. Campbell, II. L. Henderson, Jumes Bloom, James Forrest, William Albert. R. U. Moore, Cba. Sloppy, John Hebenin, Bower, Chest, Cueh, Ostend, Forrest, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Luthersburg, Troutville, Jcffurioo Line, Burnrido, New Washington, Jas. Uallabor, 'BLACKING at sensation ROPES at sensation POWDER at sensation SHOT nt sensation LEAD nt - sensation CAPS . at sensation UPflJ CnOOfHttl Print, Delaines, Motambiques, Alpacas, Silk, Brocade Mobair, Cballles, Lawns, Linens, Pop llns, Larelln, Uinghams, Cheeks, Plaids, Drill ing.Ticking, Shawls, Plain A Fancy CMstueret, Coltouades, Brown muslins, Bleached muslins attest than city whnlosale prices, Tablo Cov ers, White Good, Balmoral Skirts, 1 A 11 Linen Tablo Diaper. Burnsido, " Patcbinville, " Fast Ridge, Cheat, liurd, " - McUarvey, " Weatover, Clearfield, Clearfield, Covington, Frcnchville, - " Karthaus, Curwensville Curwonsville, Decatur, NEW FIRM. IIARTSW1CK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS lAUKET Street CLEAKFIELD PA. KEEP constantly on hand a large ana ana tceu seiecua stock of DRUGS and CHEMICALS PAINTS OILS AND VARNISH PERFUMERY A ToiLET ARTICLES. BLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY TOBACCO & SEGARS. And a general assortment of VAUI AT1ES and Fanct ARTICLES. W respectfully Invito a oa.ll, foeling confi dent that we can supply the want of all, on terms to their satisfaction. 1IARTSWICK X HUSTON. Clearfield April 27th 1863. tf FOR SALE BY C. D. WATSON. FAMILY DYE COLORS. Mack, Dark nine, Light Blut, 'rrA lilut, Clam Uroicn, Vark Drown, tight Brown, Snnff Bnttn, Crimton, Dark Drah, Light Drab, Dark O'rttn, Light GVetM, MagtntOf Maroon, Orangt, furplt, Hoynll'tirpl, Hamon, Searltt, Statu, Solftrint, Violtt, Fir dyotng SWV, Woolen and Mixed Goods Shawl, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Glove, Bonnots, Sti, Feathers, Kid Glove, Children's Clothing, and all kind of Wearing Apparel, tf-c, c, ttfrA SAVINQ OF 80 PER CENT.- For 25 cents yon tan color a many good as would otherwise eott five time that amount Various a oado can be produced from tbe tame ly. The process Is simple and any one can cs- the Dye with perfect success. Directions In Engluh, French and German, inside of each package. For further Information in Dyeing, and giving a perfect knowledge of what colors are abat ad apted to dye over others, (with many Valuable reciio), purohase Howe A Sloven' Treatise en Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on rtoeipt vi price iv ceuia. manmaiureu uy HOWE t STEVENS, 260, Broadway, Boiton. For tale by Druggists and Dealer generally. September 23d, 133. Small Farm for Sale. fin HE subscriber offers for sale the following X detcrined Heal Kstate and Personal I'ropor. ty.visi FORTY ACRES of LAND about TEN acre of which Is cleared with a small Plank House and Log Barn, in Lawrence township, 3 ailes west of tho borough of Clearfield, Alto, V tasting for a Saw-Mill, fctov and Etove ipe, a tet of harnest, togethor with Household 'd Kitchen Furniture. Possession will be given on the lit of April it, Ifdetired. Teroii will b made known, and further partis- ir given, oy eaUmg upon the lubscriber. JOSEPH SCUELEN9. Lawrenet (p., March 18,1881, WAll, Oil HO WAtt 1 A FEE SH "ARRIVAL OF Summer Goods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. NOTIONS, Hosiery, Gloeet, Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons, Collar. Net, Veil, Embroidering Braids, Hand kerchloft, Ladioi' Elastic Pages, Whalebonos, Bindings, Children', Misses' and Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Quaker Corset Skirts, Zephyrs. Neek-tios, Ladies' Uilt and Siivored Belts, Leather Belts. I am jutt receiving and opening a carofully elected, ttock of fashionable Spring A Summer GO IIP of almost every description, A beautiful assortment of Prints and Dry goods, of the newest and latest stylos. Alio a great variety of uteful notion. DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bonnet, Shawl, Hat and Caps, Boot and Shoe, a large quantity, Hardware, Queensware, Drngs and Modieinet, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, GROCERIES, Fish, Bacon and Flour, Mackerel In H and 1 barrels, of the belt quality, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friondc and the publio generally, are respectfully invited te call. jr--N. B All kindt of fffliM'and approved COVXTItY PRODUCE taken in exchange for Goods. WM. F. IRWIN. Cloarfiold, May 4, 1864. WOODEN-WARE k HOUSEHOLD &0IB. Cedar Bucket!, Tubttfr Churnt, Mopt, Measnros, Brushes, Baskets in great variety, Bowls, Door Mat, Window Blinds, Cords A Tatscls, Patent window Blind Fixtures, Oil Cloth. Plii lipsburg, " West U'eratur, M Osceola Mills, Ferguson, Marrnn, Fox, Little Toby, Girard, I.eronte's Mills, " Bald Hills, Goshen, Shawsville, Graham, Mraham'.on, Guelich, Smith's Mills, " Madeira, Huston, Tyler, , " Pennfield, Jordan, Ansonville, Karihaus, Salt Lirk, Knox, New MHport, Morris, Kylcrtown, " Morrisdnle, Penn, Lumber City, i " Grampian ll:lfs, Pike, Curwonsville, " Bloomingville, Union, Rerkton, Woodward, Jeffries, This Post Office will do for Chest township. gnui answer lie rerguson township. W. C. Irvin, Jack Patch in, Jacob Boico, G. Toser, Jr. Wm. McGarvey, S. A. Farber, M. A. Frank, 1'. A. Gaulia, J.F.W.Schnarrs T. W. Fleming, Centre county, S. Radibach , T. F. Boalicb, Ed. Williams, Jas. McClellan, I. Mignot, Willium Carr, A. B. Shaw, T. H.Forcee, A. G. Fox, Chat. J. Pusey, David Tyler, 11. Woodward, hlita Cnase, G. Heckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thompson, J. C. Brenner, U. W. Spencer, A. C. Mooro, T. H, Fleming Benj. F. Dalo, D.E. Btubnker, James Lockctt, v jr p WATCH & JEWELRY Boots, Shoes, &e. Men' Kip BooU, Kip A Calf Shoe, Children', Misses' and Ladies' Morocco Boots, Shoes, Bal morals and Gaiter. Go and sec the New Goods at J. E. WATSON'S, Maryiville, Clearfield county, Penna piIIEAP for CASH or exchanged for Timber j lioarus, baw-Logs, or bbingles. Deo-1. '63. If. JAS. 12. WATSON. iwooas, urooene. Hardware, Qune Hals, Caps, Bonnets, &c. S!tti'j' (groceries. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molavoi, Split Peas, Tobac co, Spices, Salt, Fish, Ac., QUEENSWARE. Full Tea Sett, Cups A Saucers, Olass Dishes Tumblers, Plate, Castors, Glass Preserv Jar. Hardware, c. mn B undersigned respectfully W Spoon. X Inform, h s customers and the T,ck, B()(, Ca, ubhc generally, that he baa ju.t H. W. SMITH 4 CO. niatsjHAMTH, and dealer In Dry woods, Urooenes. Hardware. Ciinnnr. .h do. btore on site the Prelytorian Church, Clearfield Pa. Dec. 4, tS6l. " JOSEPH R. miURRAY" A SJ) D E A L E Jt IX L I'M It Eli aew WasniDfton, C'learrield County. Pa July 1st 18G3.-tf Scythe, Snath, Scythe Stones, Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Hay Forks, Table Kulves, Fork, Spoon, naioneu, rul trackers, Nail. recoived from the East, and oi.en. edathia establishment In URAUAM'S ROW Clearfield, Pa., a fine assortment of CLoras, ! WATunas, and Jewblrt of different qualities. I STATIONERY. from a .ingle piece to a full ott, wh,ch he w ill c Letlor k Not, p n ff k T .oil nt the mo. reasonable price, for cash, or In h , Enr,inJlt,t j., 'Boonk J,' r. nrSvJ oW ld ?d ,lrr' . , . Book., Pen. A Pencil. ' ble Thick morandum CLOCKS of every variety on band, at tbe mtit reasonable price.. ALL kind, of Clocks. Watches and Jewel carefully repaired and H'u A continuance of patronage I. solicited, Sept. 1, 1860. H.F.NAUOLE. MISCELLLANEOUS. lCdBittla(8irol!j)mirgHiift(&ji, IT m tl n ft M sraMat ... ' liU I UBKSBUKU, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor, May 1J, 1SG3. ly. CYRENIUS HOWE. Justice or tuk 1'eace. For DacArca Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to ni care. j o. Addre., Philirsburg Pa. Aug. 21st 1861 Jan. MeMurray. Matt. Irvlii. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries Lumber, ic., Buiimiclo, Ta Dee. 24, 1862. Foncy Toilet Soapi, Fishing Line. A Hook.Jrout Rods, Trunk., Carpet Sack., Ladies' Travelling C P. McCLOSKEY, Practical Surveyor. of- tf' t00"' P.V' ."!' t,tr Brnh, kj, fer. hia prefetsional service to the people ivl0,B 1,uoe, " "nica will be (old or tlenrbeld county. Uving purchased the In strument., Dram, c, or the late Thomas Ros., dco'd, he will be ready to attend to business on the shortest notice j be can be consulted at his residence with Robert Ro., one mile from Cur wensville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur wensville. S.F. McCLOSKEY. ap. 27 '64-ly. T ISU-Mackerel, Cod-fish, herring, Salmon, ! 1 X In all lis. package, at J. P. KRATZER S. 1 1 Tames e. watsoS; T!n,k. c. t . MowAslt. and dealer In vrffi, Sirs Mg,,B?'ri' -. Mar,. Ho, CTesjrfleld oounty, pa, jun. 2V, 6 4-ly. LUSH & M'CULLOUGll" CoIIectioa Office, CuAsniLD, Tk. t&'ls Graham's New Building. Feb. 5, '62. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Tinware, Queensware, Glassware, Woodenware, Looking Glasses, Cloeka, Nails, Glass. Oil., Paints, Lamps, Wall riper, st all pricos at I J. r. KRATZBR'S. j Cheap for Cash ! Approved country produce taken in exchange ior goous, at maraei rate. may u jm, Bulkloy's Patent. . Lumber Dried by Superheated Steaa. T1HE nnderslgned respectfully Inform the pea I pie of Clearfield and the adlolnins- eountia that he ha the agency of the above Patent, and will sell Individual, County and Township rights for It use. The Lumber dried by thi proceea i stronger, finishes better, I' easier on tools, and require loss time In drying than any tbor pro cesi known and drying 1 Inch lumber porfectly In 36 boura, and better than many moniA under the old system using the tarn amount of fuol per day that a eoommoa kiln eonmutt. Tha cer tificates of a number of resident mechanic, well snownln thii community, I amply sufficient to conviro, ,h, m04t ,k,pticia of ,u prwlio,l ulity, rerwn detiroo of purchasing right will address Jul.1 1b Otfi L. CUTTLE. July 1, 1862. Clearfield, Pa, MANTLES Id ca variety st t. KR4J URAZER'g. Wool-W 50,000 O O 1 . roUKIW of WOOL wanted- for Which tha hiffhaat ... . ... 'aiwv. Ma m u a. price 'will be paid by. r, . P- KRATZER. Clearfield, May 13, 1863 TIIOM S 4. M CULI.OUGII, Attorney at l a OOc adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by t B,nMr.ln11'' E, ' Market ttreet, Clearfield, to Collections, Sale Dec 17, '62. KRATZER. Pa Will attend nromnllv of Lands, Ac. 0! MhKl lUKT, and dealer in Dry Goodt, Clothing, Hardware, Queentware, Groceriet, ppivlsiont, Ao. Front Street abov tha Aoademy Clearfield Pa. April 20th 1814, CHEAPEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS Ever Irvught to this section ocoimiry, coii.iid'ny nf DRY tiOODM At GROCKHIICS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, La dies' Furs! Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts ! II ATS k CArS ! BOOTS k SHOES ! Ready Mado Clothiag, of Latest Styles SCHOOL-BOOKS k STATIONERY Drugs, Oils, Paints, Putty & Glass! Rice-Flour Farina and Cuin-Starch! COAL-OIL LAMPS HOOD AND WIL LOW WAHU Trunks ij Carpel-Bags ! PirES, TOBACCO AND SEGARS ! Fish, Salt, and Nails! Flour, Fttu and Provisions ! And all article usuully kept in a first-class country store all of which will be sold OFFERED TO PUBLIC AT Tills ALL OF WHICH WILL 2ty fid M SOU PRICES TO SUIT THE Tl His stock has been icletttd regard to the winU of the tMti. DKY GOODS, NOTIONS, HAKDWAEE, Ql'EENSffAEF, IT ft l.i . STONE-WAUH WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTI11S0, GROCERIES, EARTH ENWAltE, OILS AND PA1XTS, FLOUR.AXDBi: GLASS AND SAILS, FISH, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AXD fATIti Together with all other srtlcW ara complete tho assuortment of a Intcua store. pir-KW kinds of LUMBER ulCtan uuce tnken In exchange fur goodt, a it I esi marKei price. As he ii receiving (imIIii f weekly from llaltiuiore, KeeYortAUi and Pittsburg, the public cat mituejlt win always bo prepared te nl; u; in the market. JOBS 1015C!1 Glen Hope, Dee. 23, 166J. Cheap for Cash or approved produce, Lumber or shingles. Philipsburg, Nov. 18, 1863-tf. JAMRS T. LRO.NAttD. WM, A. WAI.LACB. 1). A. FINK I! V. A. C. riaaar, 'JJanhinn anl) Collection OStc LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L E A It Y I E L D, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, rA. BILLS Or CXCH tOR,WOTK AUD PRAFTS maOOl'MTEU DI3POMTS HIXICIVr.D, Colleet'wnt made and proceed promptly remitted Kxchancou the Cities coustantly on hand. AfT-OfEce on Second SL, nearly oppoalto tb COURT HOUSE. Clicnp Furniture! DESIRES to Inform hi old friend and cus tomers that, having enlarged bit ihap and increased his facilities for manufacturing, he is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be desired, in good style and at cheap rates fur Cash. He mostly has on hand at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Furniture, among which art Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and Book-Cases; Centre, Sofa, Purlor Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables. Common. French-Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS cf all. KINDS, WORK-STAND HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Bockin? and DANIEL GOODLANDEK, JUSTICE of the peace Lulheraburg, CI at fl old Co. Ta., will attend promptly to all busines entrusted to hi eare. March 29. 1860 ty. pd. H ATS a4Cps, Oakford't Spring Styles at J. P. KRATZERS. SOAWLS Brooke, Stella, Bilk, Bay State, Cashmer, Thibet, all qualities at J. P. KRATZER'S. Cj ALT and Platter in S3 I very eheap by large quantities for sale J. P. KRATZER. PROVISIONS-Floar, Choose, Lard, Dried Jt Applet, Dried Peaohet, reesivwd regularly from the west at th itors ef . P. KRATZER. Arm Chairs. Spring-Scat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chairs and Common and other Chain. LOOKIXG-G LASSES Of every detcription on hand) and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on ve rv reasonahla term, nn ihnri tinti lie also keeps on banr. or furnishoi to or der, llnir, Corn-lluik, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. , COFFINS, Of every kind. Made to o'der, and fuuerals attended with a Henrse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Painting done to order. Tho tubtcriber aLa manufactures, and baa constantly n baud, Clement's Patent Washing machine, Tha best now la use. Those using this machine never need be without clean clothe I He also has Flyer's Patent Churn, A superior art'ole. A family using this Churn poi'M aaad bo without butter I All the abovo and many other article are fur nished to customer eheap for Cash or exchanged for approved country produce. Cherry, Maplo, Poplar, Linwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in exchange for furniture. Remember tha ihon Clearfield, Pa.. and nearly opposite the "Old Jew btor- JOHN GULICH. Kor. 26, 1862. 7 AIOUiNT VERNON HOUSK Second Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A. P. HL At X Proprietor. (Late of tha "Surf House," Allan tio City.) Sept. 23, 1863-1 7. The Kcnson tw i - a . .L.i. ! ATUi!! RF.rZK.XSTFTV BROS. iCf Become they sell so very chesp JnW l Boeause they keep th bestswdi; Because llioir Clothing is wcllnui11 Because they keep the largest assor1' , Because they get New Goods twrW' Because they give every one tkraruIia' ; Because they take th dvaatsg',,l Boeause they treat their custonert ' Because evcryboly likes to deal' thin thn'i Boeause their Clothing are well""1 Because they ean suit ereryboJi ' Becauso their Store it o ecnvesii'f n....s ,.i.,i i0v. ilioir ttort diss""1 ,' Becauso all who deal wi!h them ire ""I .. unj t.irniebbon, Because they hav purchased tholr Sn roducod pricei thattMr"" ADVERTISE! ... -V.llfl These are a few of tbe reason - cbenp. Sic ruos. n. roRccr. A11 kinds of Country Trtii the highest market priejt. ng t(f KE1ZENSTEIN BhOS. Clearfield. Nov 11. 18C.I. Ja- - , ... B!.lU""l MERCHANTS, nd -""'KS tf. ber. such a. BQUABK-lWj all klnd.-forall of wWcMh. bif be paid-at Grahaaiton, CharfsM fa c ARTETINO Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, noor uu-eiolB, Vroeatelle, Door mate, . J. P, KRATZER. GOODS at the Cheap Stor. f nllf'l j0U v. i Curwenivllle. Sept 16, H H i a. m , a rT7 1 Curwenivllle, BP- " "L-Zf Street on door oaft of tilt "TijHJ Bank." .J-ffd' BOOTS and Shoe- VI1 Udie.', OcU(B4"?07 Chlldraa Bool Shoe awd l".Ji I J. P,