THE REPUBLICAN. hVED.NKScAV,:::::;:: " " if pad trithtti tht year, " " tfnot jiaid triMin tin year, 2 00 Vnfa nfi ttia A h . j a. .. . I r TtiSn -0 ?fl0 ConT ; PROTEST AVOW 10, 1S04. f The following h the caW vote on the ' rTt'"nCt ,p ;proPoBed amendment, to the State Con-! W 11'., TgiZ Biuuuon : uurmeuea with taxks to defray the exueusce of ille "I Holire.-By Divino permission, the Rov. T. Van f-coyoc will preach in tbo Baptist church In thii place o" Sabbath, (August Hth) at 11 o'clock n "o ruoimng, ar.d nt Curwensville in I . ELECTION DISTRICTS 1 o oe I 1 :' the evening. .. i la ouciio. The public a ro respectfully invited j5occ ana Meeting ! ! SXi r I 1. lil?cnp llfll art... -l.l.t. .1 , . WoOIIl ,,.... "mvu no uecra oi sttcn ii, I- Jlmpornnca ai to require tho assembling of-ho 'uril8lda ,(iio 01 ine cosnty, opposed to tbo Despotie - tnd Hevolutionary policy of tbo present National CUarfieid JmmlslratioD, to meat In ; Covin L'ton . Cvrwensville Decatur - Ferguson - Fox - - . (iirard - Goshen- Graham - Gulich - - Huston- - Jordan MASS COUXTV CONVENTION, i.rrirp'''.0.' "Ur ?U0IEST K"init, and KM ll'l Alt, Ilia lOntlUluntl runlni nftfl m f 111 Lie manifesto of Abraham Linooln addressod "To ir4ii it may rultm," in which ii enunciated , mo inc., inai mo war n eow carried on oxclusivo. y for the overthrow .f tho institution of sloverv luil thai It must ho abolished before a peace will , ,,a coneludod. The elouients of our Govornmeut ,we found in an obodionce to. and aarnorl of. the CONSTITUTION and tho UNION, ' xTthaJ, s ja in ma uncontrolled Knox - ; Treed otn of Speech nnd of tho rreHS. Lawrence - j JAud nhuuld ever aland ready to I'norarr and na. I dumber City ; jrMD those rights which legally belong to all eit- ' Slorris - - ; iioniin evory section of our eotrtnon oonntry. ' N Waahih'tV Jn order, therefore, to obtain a more complete es-1 Jnn . . i pression of the viewi of tho Deuiocratio purty, 1 Vj,,0 . . ,' teuching the exciting questions now distractinc ' 1 ; : fiuir land, A CONVENTION OF THE PEOPLE ? " Vill be held at tbo Court llouie ift Clearfi,..l o I " OOdwnrd 1 Saturday, August 3ih, 1 86 1 . t 1 o clock, P, M., for lb purpose of a free in erchnnge of opinion. It issarnostly hopod that Total I 99: 3S: 25 21 50 0 in 2 01 19 55: cr; o'J J 24 13 10 88. 41 30 20 21. . 08 25i 31 10 4: 83' 35. 23. 0G: 92: 7Ji 13: 215' 30; 351 54: 9l: 77j 29: 75i 43' 8. ; 3: 4i" 110: 1 It- so; 20. 24 114 27 00' 87! 44 99: 38; 24: 31: 52! 8: 149 83! 03; 18; 54' C5; 39: 9: 221 10, 88: 4i: 29: 25; 191 08 25i 31' 13; 43' 8 3d. C5 92: 80 138: 211: 30 34 58 97 1 1 30 75 43 8 m 40 110 1 42 78: 51 SI 202 24 131 21 GG: 87' 30 42: 100: 38: 23 31 49 8 150 87 CO 17 53 05 39 9 21 13 10 88; 41 29 25: 18: 08 2(V 13 12: 41! 83, 35: 21 a G5 92 80 I Maintaining colored persons, do by tueio pres- sipo cu uroiecL uurna sbi Qriar ir hv JUt Am't.l2d Ant't. 3d Am't. in8 ,0'ucu per-oni the uso of all housoi in mid ' ! tuWlllhin tn r.iui.U in l'iu. ,l.Alt.. . t. . 1. ...uv .... ,.vl ..,u uist uajr ui iio- ceiuber, 1804. It la further arjed that after tbo aid 1st day of December, Istlt, any pcrfou Lav. ing, or taking, or leasing any buildiHg tv iucb persons of color, shall pay unto tho Ovorreers of the Poor of mid tuwntuip ton t'o Urs j snd a'i give security or bond of ono thousand dolUrs that ho or tbty will keep tbeui off the township. NAMES. 138 'John Srmw, jr. 214 J. J5. bliatv 34 J C Scbryver Uenjiitiiuu Fox 1 A Otvena T"J Kreuiuer C 'J bliaU'ner Wru. C Duir Wm. Ii Morgnu Andy Klino George Kaker Mile? Head UFltowIes ' 99 77 30 75 43 8 '37 40 110 l'JM liovilpn 42 Nicholas Kline K .Sw at-Is wort Ii Matthew lieud Kdward Swartsworth 78 52 81 202 24 115, 0 W P Fulton .Tames A Uoail N B reoples A S CUdon C5 .Joseph WooJm 87 J. W. Thompson 29 I John Powell 42 Georjro Ilcnjingcr Hoburt Liwhead '2912083 13012074 1327 2079 Mobps Fulton .T7T 7T. r: I 1 " Lanich w-wur ieuow-citizens ol Lawrenco tp.'Philin Mullen - 1 1 uuoso ripposcdto ih. Abolition dogmas of tho have determined to carry out tho ideu1 John Fawset ,ny, ii.a in favor of a restored Luioii and an .1 . . . lonorallo Peace at the earliest day posiblo, will lljat' ttn 0l,nc0 of renlion is worth n L' 1 ,ral "ue It la uttondanco. Freomen ! oouio forward ! pound of cure." Their agrcemont is Biyo-: 'lbtWall i" frt!:rJ tut Truth, to Liberty and Lata, , ed ty a largo mnjority of tho tax-pnyers of! ) ,'vid. KUon"0 Milortu:ayMu:anano J ear Matt awe." the district-but one or tiro refusing to'Mtirtin K!in3 tsyAddroigeR will be delivered hv Ex- an it 1,,, ,i. :i...i ...1:, ' 1 . . t . . . . . .... . . ' w . . w . nun i uuuuu l.ALl., nna others. By order of the Uein. Standing Cora. T. J. McClll'iuoh, 0. L. REtD. Secrctnry. Cbairmao THE NEWS- It , as well as Hack,. They deserve credit for , u.t,"!Ln,1r, ... ... . . Bumamin D.da 8a doing Locauso it howg consistency in W'ui. Ulea ineir auvocacy 01 liie uocinue ol perfect -Hugh Utr John M. Ug len Wm. K Keams H:tmtiol Ardoiy equality. Take a Look at them. The altontioh Vn I , . , , .... I " " " . w H,.vi,iU,i L IIU lU I AlUUIT Vlft'cult.ta8k to aay what lho-of M persons is directed to our now ad-! Hugh Daugherty verlhements. If you want a splendid J,iIUM Y'iug,, y Democratic campaign paper or a situa-: j Uweiis' '' lion as a school teacher or want to send James Dougherty a child to a good school or want to buy j Clark Brown a splendid farm-or a lot of chenn cloth- i ' Ji. ' "ompson ing you can thero find where you can be news redly regard i army tnovehiente. The embargo on the press becjouds every thing connected with tho invasion, about which so much interest it felt. Some re purls represent that tho rebels, hdvirig secured" the harvests in the Shenandouh wlley- gathering and threshing tho grain accommodated j lur tue one lentu and sending it towards 1 ' - 1 Kichmond 010 now ' falling back. .But S&T Our County Merchant, will bear lilipiB are other. nn,l nnito , itn.n en. ' nnnd that the house of G. W ( i W Cvden John Dougherty John Young John McGlaughlin fl W AnnhnnlmiiL'h 11 i c. , c ivctu a, kjv., jiiiton Mcliriuo in 1 ?cotinU. Ono i, that Lee is at Munuscag M;lrket tecl is ono of the largest andj James Spackman I with a heavy forco ; that Early is in the I neijililorhood of Marlinsrurg with 30,000 1 In 3.1,000 men, with outposts as fur north ,s llogrrstown, tho whole intending to 2 ini'Hiln PonnxvlvAtiia i1ihh1. 1 l.n r..M.l.A. , - - J - . ...... .m.vuib U,U UUIU - best Clothing Houses in Philadelphia their card ?CO; W A Head ti Kill ii 1 io W T Wilson ikiflt seems to bo definitely settled 0e0- Ifaney ' doun u imio til at llm . , . , i Joseph S WrIhou a Pomocratic cnntlidftte for Cooizress in 1 i .i, t unit jvausum t , land valley; and that another equally this district, will be held at Kidjway. ou ! Goo It Klino , inrgo reuel lorco is still further up the Thursday, the lit of September. I... .. ... , . Iho Sunday School Convention tor j o.ate. i ne caning lor eu,uw t.y nciie(onto dig,rict( M. E. Church, held its I B P Bloom Oov. Curtin, the fortifying the fords of the Second Annual Session in the Methodist I Samuel Brown 5 8u'iuehanna. and thevarious roads lead- church at Philiptburg. Cenliecouutv. Pa., I C Stafford ing to the Pennsylvania railroad from the! Ju.'y "Vli4, n , t. , , Samuel K lilootn John U Parks Elisha Ardery (Jeo. V Owens 8oijIu, nnd tho exodus of citizens and tiegroes from the Cumberland valley, and their congregating at llarribburg, together I Hi ih iho movetueius of the oflicers of the jPennfylvniiia Ituiltoad Company, would ' icem to give credit to the last mentioned tflpori. A report prevniled at llarrisburg on Sunday hist, that a heavy battle had been fought that morning somewhere on 1 1 i e line of the Potomac some of the chi tons alleging that they heard the) roar of runnon ! Tho announcement that Gen. ,!rnnt was in Washington on Satnrday : lust, nnd tho report that he had gone up .tho liallimcro and Ohio railroad, ilso strengthened the idea of an invasion. If ;(irant is there, it is reasonable to suppose that his at my, or at least a portion of it, .is with him, tuid that tho siege of Peters en therefore imsed. Gen. cheridnn has been appointed to supercede Gen. Hunter , in iho cctumand of the forces at Harper's Ferry. . , The last battle in front of Petersburg nhich wo briefly noticed in n postscript jn part of our edition last week wr.s a seveio rcpulso to the Federal arms. A fortion of tho rebel worka had been lined, tho explosion twok placo about half past four in the morning, a charge made, the first lino carried, a portion of .tlic second, when the negro division was fut iii to finish the work apparently so well begun. But they soon broke and Cod in the wildest disorder, creating tho (iraost confusion in all parts of the field, nd by noon the respective forces occu pied about the same positions they did the lay previous, with a loss ou our sido of fbout 0,000. The rebels report their loss ftl only 800. ? From Sherman we 'have the account of severe repulso of a rolel assault on Iho rjficio, in tho chair the Convention was opened by reading the 13lh chapter of 1st Coiinlhians, sing ing the 1010th II) mn, and prayer by Itev. T. II. Switzor. C. K, Foster was elected Secretary. After culling tho roll, the Convention proceedod to business only a brief out- iinoof which can Le given in thiscommu-i Wm T Irwin nieation. IKuldolfLitz A committee of five was appointed to Goorgo Gulich arrange a more perfect organization, and j Thomas l'eves to select some plan by which to secure a : John Woodle more general interest in Sunday School j Abrnhnni Liiz Conventions, upoa the part of preachers Owen Campbell A Addlemnn Henry F Trump Charles Borst W F Shaw Jos. G B tiley John D Dotigheity Koberl, W Bead E F Irwin A P Moore Win Weil and the Several important questions and reso lutions were discussed, among others the , Simon Cams propriety of forming Missionary Societies Wnr Daniel, jr. in our Sunday Schools, and the holding of G W Watson special meetings for the children, as di-! A Mc'.irids, rcctcd by the Discipline. It was recommended by the Convention that two delegates be elected, at tho first Quarterly Conference in each year, to attend, with the preachers of the charge, the annual Sunday School Conventions. According to previous arrangement, the P Dulinu George LiflVrt Thos Palmer A O Tato NAMES. R Shaw jr. : Taylor Bowles ; John J Bend 'II AugliPiibaugU ,Geo. 1' Logan 11 M Bowles !A T Bradley O V Bradley M V OA-ens : l'itus II Bowles ;A 1 Klino 'John Andotsou :L U K.mles :l4!vi Bowles -dlugh McMullen j.Samuel Clyde ;A Hamilton Heed Wm. SHunitir :'M Nichols !Isr;.cl NichoN ;James M Becd N Bishel jAmos Bead ;Johu Foaton :A Curr ;Wm- Z Milligan :Jackson Conkiin IE K McCullough :.lobn Bui lur ll'ho nas Bead A J Hoyt ,1 A Antes ;Wm P Bead 'James Irviu :Vm Dalo :Alex Bead ;Vm Spuckman IS B Joulau :John Shaw sr. .Joseph Owens ;Wm ii Hoover jJamos Orr ;Math Ogden ;John Ogden L Ogdeu IS E Kreamer ;W J Lumuduo IG D Goodlellow jJas. JI McCullough ;Jas. McLaughlin G 11 Hall 'George Bowles sr. !Wm S Bead B)ss Bead iDitvid Solt lames McDevitt l.Iohn Dougherty jr. I) B Beam .Daniel Trump 'Robert E Daniel 'J M Nichols Thos Spackman Irvin Mcltrido IT J Dunlup iBobert Owens i-Samuel Bell j.l P Bo id Robert Porter ,M W Snyder lAllen Mitchell 'Michael Burst ; Robert Wrigley Wm Swaney ; Henry Kreamer Samuel Fullerton George Bargcr T D Peoples :J C Bead iSohn A Bead ,Alex Bead :M S tigden l.lames M Mullen ;J ames M Ardery :Jineph Jordan Wm Portor :Jos Sh-iw John Beaumont John Orr Joseph Watson jWm Forco 'Stephen Beitaut Thomas Mcriierson i.John W Tnte ;Wm T Schryver 'Abraham Curler ;Wm Hrowo !W W Walson J M Marshall August 10, 1SG4. CAdDtlEB & HEMMttIC'3 GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS C ARDNEA, HailKlKOS & (Jo . l-lIOrBIKTORS DA-vGAnnxEa - ir.R The Mimcmvnl lks plwitiira laannounrinrlhal fr lh at aa ol 11, thej ,n rnul.l, il o pre. nt trmj r nil trUin nor Him, SIHUU4 which mti U u- dj A J , . : i . TrofjpeReal Arabs ' Consiatin ef "7s 5 Male andFenjftle CeTokTiowiiTs, . Irloitn, And Jecot.iKs, . Of ha moil silnfrilinary df. criitiuM, lumaiokl au;ons Uicli i V. A it A , Tho Ileiulful Arab Girr, TitlOXl.T FCHAI.C CWTOKTIOIC. 1st in thb Woai.n, whosa len wonneriul a character, Orphans Court Sale of j VALUABLE REAL KSTATfiJ BY vlrtno of an order of tho Orphans' Court i of Clearflald oounty, thoro will bo exposed to 1 ?U.?.9 va SATCKDAV, tbo 20th dav of: A L Q L ST next, nt tho ' Klue Hall Hotel," in I-' catur township, tho following described Heal Estate, late tho property of IVtor Suienl. dee'd : i A certain tract ot land in B.-3s township, I Clear liuld county, containing . " j One Ilumlred and Xiue Acre, j Peglnning at a white pine, thence by hmdd of W. I 6meal north 118 perches to pu.t, l!;cnco eai t 1571 perches to post, thonco by lands of O. 0. ij Morgan A. Co., south 118 perches to post, tbcioo i-v mud ol .leremiun Smeal lj,J rcr:hcs to plove ot I oiniiing with about i Twenty.l'utir Acres of Cleared I.nnd thereon. Part of this laad is well timbered with ' white and yellow p'ne, nnd i i ppnsoJ to con- ' iluin inejlmustiblo q nntitii's of coal. TEH.VS. Ono half cash at sal", and the re-f inaindor in ono year thereafter, nith interoat, to i bo secure J by j-idgiuent bond. ; T-jaaie u commence at i clock p. m. O Still" ou ii Rusk ! NEW FIRM. eovm o, Showers & gr.iu.isi: Suiuiuer Goods, Hut thejr haT bean a of said day, when duo attendance v. ill bo civen br COIITHnalion vhcrovor h. v,,. . ' .v". "e. coiitc nation l'lani. ALI HAS SAM, Prcmiu Cthnait of the Tiovfc Th8rfsi oricitial in Triwi lirf.;nnr. Thia Tmin AraVi.m Oymtifnt, duriHK Iiii t-ilrnnaHint-ryAft, H A NtiS HY THK NICK on the Krifil Bur of tli TrifM and while (hut tuaientlrd l ean & (!mn M unni vi rm thk Dri-m. Thia Son of lrt ptTornit mtnjr other nw nd atarthif feats totally unlit anything cyr Isaforti avert in this country. Ben Mahommed, the Man f Strettfth. 'A e l a , (ha Fomalo Gynit;astic Wonder. Ali Mahommed, the attnniehini ArahlanGymraat, form the tlicr uicml era cf ll,n troui. who all n er inFirnr I'vfiaMltia. Darino I. vara. Ac, lllttatratinf (i jrmnailica upon the Ureal Deaerl ol ilia Old Viorld. CY It EMITS HOWE, Adm'r. MAKY SMKAI., Adtn'x. And Very Cheap ! ! pOYSTOX, SIIOWEUS i. OUAII AM kjc! . ecsior.i to Boyntoii A Showers respectfully announoa to the utlio thnt they are now opm-. in an extensive assortment cf S U M M E It GOODS 18G4. ' i. it.. i i rl-r.,i :,,,-. n i.;i,i: r !.;, ', PHILADELPHIA 3c ERIE BAIL ROAD, they f.fler to rill nt sidonfohiiijrly low pr'. -, (conidonnir their cist !) for cash or nppruv ed country prodm o. Their stock of DRY GOODS CANNOT BE SUBFASSEDI -Customers can thcro find CALICO!"; WITH FAST COLOBS ! j MUSLINS! DKLAINI-:S! LAWNS ! CLOTHS ! CASSIMKILS: VOTINGS ! LA DI ICS' SilAW L 3 '. GENTS' SHAWLS ! HATS .V CAPS ! BOOTS & SIIOKS 1 CARrrrs oil-cloths; OUB STOCK OF FANCY GOODS IS UNEXAMPLED IN STYLE AND V A B 1 KT V, ctnbraci Rg NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! Tht Mauser would call attention to the MAGNIFICENT BAND CHARIOT ronitructedeipreiilir for the ecaion at the col of 8W0 !TVldlnf Mrotliora, Hit felebrati Coach Fuil.lfnof New York Citr. The iteeisn of thia chariot la of the inoai unique and moat a lah,iratedi.iioription. 1 be .re. Ttiltiif colore are sold, ri'd and blux, and at It cntnra town upon the mornltif nfeihibitiua drawn 1 j 12 f i did Ciiaaocas failf compariaoncd. a tout aiiferal'le Is fraeanlrd of impoialiif rlchnot and srardrnr. THE AVILl.lON whirh ie capable of aratlns rnOepettatc re la entirely new and u as manufact ured i arrtrsly I'rr thia Sa,in, at a coat nf $Jm by Jlr. Ilnnry I'nuihertT i t S iuth St., New Vork. The Caaa l.l, HaKKtaa, Ilia, aiui Vina, I'RoPcHTTKa and A ft o i ntm KRTa arnbdauti. ful in tha eitrnme. TheSTunof llonaka, 1'uHica and ali'i.Kt are ol'Uie flneat and beet tra inad collection in tbo w.irld. The Troui of I'nrrormer compose thsklitaof the Profoeaion. Look at the Nam j rMHIs pretline travorsos the Northern and l ortnnestorn counties of Pennsjlvahia to tho city of Erie, on Lake Krie. x It baa been leaaod by tho I'ennattvnina Unit mnd Cimifmiiy, nnd uiiUlt their auspices is be ing rapidly opened throughout its ontire length. It ij now in use for PiiEtencrer ar.d Freight bu sincsjfiotn Hurrisburg to St. M amy's (2ilr'or)t, 211 miles) on Ihe Enstern Division, and from Phollield to Erie, (78 niileti) ea the Western Divisipn. Timv f Pautmjtr Tntim at Kinpinm. Express Train lenvos ens' ward .1 otl P. M. Ac.'iu'n Train arrives westward 1 :i() P. JI. mrs run tnrouj;n without rntNGa both ways on these trains between Philadelphia and Luck Haven, and between Uitltimoro and Lock Haven. ' Elegant Sleoi.ine C,tis accnmiianv tho Express Train both wayf between Williamsport nna liaui- , j more, and Williamsport and Philadelphia. j j For infiinnnlion r-spectinj Passenor buiinesi i apply at the rf. K. Cor. 1 1th aud Market ets. i I And for freight busiu-.'s of tbo Company's 'Agents, S. II. Kingston, jr., Cur. flith nnd Market j ' its., Philadelphia ; I J. W. Kevnolds' Erie; I 1 J. M. Drill, Aont N. C. H. R. Paltimoro; 1 11. II. llot'STo.t, (Jcn'l Freight Ag't, Phija.j . I I.awis h. llooi'T, Uen'l Ticket Ag't, Phila.; ; i Jot. D. Pott, (lou'l Munnger, Wiliiam?porL i nvty 2S, isiu. ! JL'S1I having applied for Liconso as an Auntioneer, tindnr iho U. S. ltevenua Laws, respectfully Informs hid friends and tho public generally, that bo is always prepared to atteni public sales in nny part of the county, nt the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms, llo can be nddrcicd, personally or by letter, nt Leconl's Millf, Clearfiel I county, Pa. jj'l'l -lt JUSTIN PIE, Scarfs ! Satclicls ! s1 A DMIMSTRATOirM NOTICH. Notice Xjl is heroby given, that Letters oi aiiiiiiiui. tration on the ostato of Ureonwood McCrackon Adunnlstrstor. IT r FOli . . . at .1.1 t n ... I Sunday School children of Philipsburg tho unJeredVui. assembled in the afternoon at the church, j ,,,, lnjeBt(!a (0 ,, estate nro required to make and listened attentively to speeches l)' immediato payment, and thoso having claims M. L. Drum, J, L. Chandler, and Henry agninst the same will presont them duly nu'honti- W ilon. catod lor settlement. jtojh. uunuu, The sneakers were particularly happy jun.22 fi4 pd. in their effort to interest and instruct the, sr AHJt OF 220 AOKKS children, and their bright eyes ami cheer-, 11 s Persons dcsirini; a bar ftil countenances clearly proved what "Zn jn jne purcbaso of a FARM, will do well to their joyous heurts rolton the occasion. I crnbraoo tho opportunity now offered. Tho farm Milcsbure was agreed upon as the plCO j, situated in Morris township, Clearfield county, for holding the next Annual Convention. I about 0 acres cleared and improved with good In the evening, we had tho pleasure of, outbuildings, and is advantageously located, and listening to a very able discourse upon tho can be made highly productive. It wi u bo . M .,,bjectgofChri.tL Fidelity by the Psi-J- dent, B. B. Hamlin ; alter which he mm- Kvlerlown Post Office. Clearfield county. utes were react up, the benediction pro-, in. , 2n1 Pd. FKEDERH'IC KECEu DAN GARDNER, the I'oojila'a 'evorits C 'I own Richard Hammings Etjucithan ami Ti4 Hope Artikl JOHN RIVERS, Tuualer and Comic Vocalial. Frank Carpenter, the Celebrated Kueetrian. Signor De Louis, the Best Uymnaat of the Ae. Frank Whittaker, the accotrpliihrj M&ttr Uoi If, tin. GEORGE BROWN, Uie Great American TumbUr. Miss Eliza Gardner, the Pride of the Arena. MME. CAMILLA, Die Kittied I'anaian jueirt eitne. La Petit Camilla the Infant l'rodij YOUNG DAN, the I'oi-kct Clown. Also Messrs. Dubois Velande, Hpntle, Holino, sweet, Nuda, Cooper, &-., tocellier Willi'iiit well Fe. lecled Auliliariee Ihe above I Talented Artnta will ai,r at I ea h tihil ilion, in conjunction j with , 1 . The Arab Troupe, In arery variety of Si i.m Kinlu, TairK lCiiif;. livMwi.Tir and ArRntfATle K:Ri'Ma. TvM. aunv, liaxciRu. SiNeiRU, kc, Til AY OX r.V Strayed awav from Iho premises of tlio subserioer, in (jtrnrd town ship, the one about the 2nd. ami tho other about the ;Ulth Juno last, TWO OXEX, 5 years old hut spring ono with bluek sides, whito streak nlong tho buck, nnd som? wbite about the head ; the other red, with whit'; (ol hi; lnu'c, nr, l light "ar marked. A liberal nwnrd ill ot-j .1 ' i iuf r. ination concerning said oxen, by a i heni;;. tbo undersigned, either personally, or by letter lo Lccontc s Mills post office. ' jyl3 1!. M'dOVFUX. , -Tho RED OX described in tho'iibovo advcrtlsemont has boon found. uug:i AISSOI.UTION. Tho partner.hip heroin. XJ 'ore exisling letwoen the undersigned. in! ptlUiritll, was , tho I tlh ol Ilcnd-Xets ! Xcck-Tiou I I'ort Moiinalcs ! rrushes ! Pliotogfftphic Albums ! riPKS. TOBACCO & SKGABS ! PKRFUMKRY OF ALL KINDS! Or anything else in the Motion Lino ! ALSO, HARD-WARE ! Q u c c u s av a r e , GROCERIES AND .PROVISIONS ! All of ihe best quality, nnd si'iectud with special regard lo the trade of Clo irlield comity. " A I F. 1JOYNT0X, . JOSEPH KHOWHIS. . . FUWAKD URAHAAI. Clourfloia, July 2", ! the publication of tho t'lmrjhtd J, dissolved by mutual consent on Jtilv. ISA I. I Tho Rooks nre in tho hands of the junior part-. 1 ner for colli ciion. Those patrons knowing them-1 ! selves indebted to the lato publishers for either subscription, advertising, or job work, are rt. rliE snMenber in order to aeeemi.iodnlo Iho i: .1. CHEAP STOVES. j rptctfutljr invited lo t nit and settle their aecuiiut I D. W. MOORE, . ! (!. L. CUODLAXWUl. j Clearfeld, July V, ISO I. j DISSOLUTION. j rriHK partnership heretofore ex istlng between j I tho undersignod in tbo pritelieo ot the Law, I in Clearfield nnd ndjoiiiing coitntiei', Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. WM. A. WAM.ACi:, ! JOHN. U, II ALU, t iearuciii, Juty 1'fll. jfrTho business will be continued at Clcar- : Quid as heretofore, by WJt. A. WALLACE. "ATTItlX All persons are horeby caution- ' mediate payment Vy ea against tnliin;; an uasignment f a pro THE BAND, or Grand Orchestra, ie competed of many muKnl re Ithrities, lioaded It the Maeslra, la it, llm. Tho Grand Procession, will h" of (tin met et;ant rh,r a'ter. haadiit t'JT Hie Hral Hamt ( and will enter ihe town, letwoen and lo o'clock, A. M. ro r.shilii "'h day. Af. fnrnonn and l.venins. ll"i,ra l,cn at '2 and 7 P. SI. rerf.inn anc to comments half an hiur later. AnvtHSien o0 and 25 Cf.sts, r fn f V, a nav nnrl T)Ate. hnt issory fote iriven by tho undereiL'ncd to John Smith nnd llnfoft Hewrtrt, dat d in An-tt nr ' ; Septeuiber, I Si; 2, and payable ih tho Pprinr;oi isu.i, as ram nolo i.nj oetii pal, I in Hi It, JOHN MXOX. i Dradford tp., July in, If.fil-pd. I citir.ons of Ctirwensville, nnd tho paLlio' penerotlT, has fust reecfvefl a let ot COOK, -ND PAKLOU STOVES, f.r wood or coal, nblrh ho will dispose of very cheap for ea--h or f Mdoco. JOUS P. THOMPSON. ! Nov. i, l.C3-tf. i ALSO, STOVI'. IMP!?. For sale at the choop store of John I). Thompson, in Ctirwensville, at Ij cunts per pounJ. Kor. 1 1, 1803 VIiMIMSi'stATOK NOT1CI- Xotico 3 lirroby ;rfven thut lotterii ol slmii.i. tration on !in Ktateot WM. Ii. M0UKK, lato of Clear field borough, Clearfield county, deceased, having betn prauted to tho undersigned, all persons :n- debteil to said estu!e uie rcfpieotcd to omke inl and thoe havin? domnnds nirninst tho amo will jircsent tlicin duly authen- ticatod for settlement. HANNAH MOOTU:, AHm'x. jly 27 'CI. JAS. A. JtOOlU). Adm'r. CAM 1 A I G N AG E. TUB P111I,ISI1KR.S OF THE PHILADELPHIA AGE the Dmorratio wait for the Uie; Show. mil ihe RealTronpo of Arab", i'00'' eof0,ind t,liI ,lU other eatibiiahment. We defy competi tion aft,defy equality- WILL I XHiniT Will Issio a Catnpnijrn Phoot for anil totisorvative inii'ses. It will bo printed on n largo sheet of One whito paper, at such rates as will bring It within toe reach of oil. It will support tho nominee" of tho Democratic National Convention, tho full pro ceedings of which will t e published in its col umns, ft will holillv nrlvncntA thn riclitd nf Ikn C U It W E N S V I L L K : nil8 ni"n' frarles-dy su,Utin all the consll rte, xrAn 4 n 1t , t'"'onnl rights of the citien. no matter fioui what vu muuuoj, auguDi, 'quarter thev mar be ar aile.!. Tho first number wi I iie Issued nbotit the 5th of August. Tho whole number will bo thirteen following each olhor weekly, until the Presiden tial election, tho result of which will bo enntain j ed in tho final number. Democratic nnd Conser vative Clubs, County Committees, A'rents and nil interested in tho cnuso are invited to co-nperalo in the circulation of .1XI44TTOUS' 0TICI r.otters tcta- ineiitary on tho cstnln of William S!o.s,lati i,l kimx ip dec d, having been Kruntcu to tan ' tin dendrite I. 'H persom indehlod lo siid estate nro re tiote I to makj intmedinto payment, and tlic.e having ehiltns sn!i!t tbo same will prosont ' tiiem duly autbenticnted for settlement. , JUI1.N' rSI.O.3, A. C. TATK, jjr-27-Ci'cut'jrs. ! " OH IMU NSr COUR rSALtT I OF j Fifty Acrts tit Kaitliaits Totviibhlp. nouncod by Rev. J. W. Olwine j and thus 1 - ,ix r II I L I P S B IJ H fi, On Tuesday. Angnst 16. "Kn 2t. H- "AKDKEK, Agent. National Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURMENSVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON. Proprietor. rpiIIHIonK established and well known 110 X. JKL, situated in the west end of tho town, has beenromoddled, enlarged and improved, and Y virtue nf nn order of tho Orphan's Court of Cloartl' ld coor.ry, the fallowing Heal K- tnte will bo I ,ud on thn premises on fiATVBDAV, ; tno 2:id day of Al'UI ST, ISlit, nt 2 o'clock, vis: A certain Intot nf land tilintto in K.irth.iite tnwnahip, bounded ly landl of I. C. M'Clnshnv, D. Mooro, et al, containing FIFTY ACKI.-", ahntit twenty ncca of wiiich l cleared an 1 under cultivation; tile residuo is farming land of gonl quality lato tho osfntoof John Uurtang, doo'd. Tcruis One half tho p'ir:haso money at con- : firniation of salo, and the balance Cieroof in one . ........a a i i . . hn riT-o r. r 1 1 rut Mtnas I Tn 1 1 a nnminnai I A his nil " . . . ,. . m . 1 1 IIV K I N r nahinfliin A llnnnPl.f. naiR. flCIP. '"V asa .-a.. a v .--vi is ii ii j RiiuouM v.. xv closed tho hecond Annual tession or "'C, c ghakers, Ribbons, Flowers. Plumes, . merous friends, and to the travelling public, that Bcllefoate District Sunday .School Con-, rnp ijonn8t gnks and Millinery Goods gener- he is now prepared tp accommodate all who may . . . ..... . . C..- him with n vi'H "rr v? 1T7J :c" 10 uo fecureu iy nonu nna mor'jraire, ZIuli Xki'vX L.Vl..iie OOPFltKY ItAKTZ'Ml, i ,f; ?7-lt - Adm'r cf John lIrt7.o,i, di e'd. TF.HMS : ; The CAMPAIGN AOK, of Thirteen Numbers. vonliou. Cuas. R. Fostkr, Secretary. MoE Rsfi'rkss The Cumberland val ley trains on Saturday broupht to this city iSrUliof July, in which their loss is stated write number' of while und black refugees t . . I . t. . n M.l al frnm fntir to five thousand. The cav- 'rom lue variona towns uetween all v. cheaper than the cheapest at J. P. KRAZER'S. New Watch and Jewelry Store. SII. I.AUCIIMN, having purchased the e interest oi his late partner, is now going it on his own book In tho rhop formerly occupied 1 1 ' , , M' I l.. AfthA . . ' ' lit sedition under Stouemao. after " JC"T"e- . U''"'"-'" by them on socon.l street, where ho i. preparea - . ., , ... ireoois irom iiacerstown noriiiwnn mi i in. t ilirt nfaron railroad, and Ietrov- i : i . ,- 'H .--. " ,-.iaiumiiw UlUI llllllfJ 1 lAFit'l t Am KU icini . iti2 a rebel train, was ri"ued, and almost anti thouaan.I. in terror, abnndoninir tice. In the best manner, and on the most reas northward on , ,c(.n up his reputation as a eoinploto workman iftnic. ; by doing all work entrusted to him on short no- Uotallv destroved. ' His force consisted of, their homes and nmnnrls wiihuutwailimr onablo terme. Dofying the county, all he ask 'over three thousand, of which a losaof;for conBrmation of the aUrtlintt rumors. 'r ,n "" "'P'?'" two th ds is ack nowlrvle-ed. The disaster , From two to three thousand negro refu-1 heroU7I e 'j v A T Q II. cees, oi ikhi. sexes una all n pop. are now i n n.. n..u -m . , a . .1 ll e D IHO VMU v "w I'voiii ivi; rat-7viv. ouarterod In the Pennsylvania railroad when o,, work i. delivered. 8. 11. L. depot, crowded toaether nromiscuouslv I Anrtl 7. lSUl. . upon Mobile, with every prospect oi sue- upon the platlorms. f early all of these " !tes, ,' - :. t - I poor creatures are in adestitutecondition, ! TJOWABW ASSOCIATIoSi, . r P. S Iut niaht'amail .conHrms) theirn(.ped and penniless paupers upon tho 11 . . v ' TintAMu-mA, Ta. Urt of theretiring cf tho rebels up the, Bhenandoah Valley. But passengers re-tubsit them.' They occupy a .urge por-)n " ,, th, now,ra Association, sent by ort that a battle wa fought on tho upper lion of the depot, to the great annoyance mM a ,thti letter envelopes, fres of charge. Potomac, In which the robeli wero dofeat- 0f travelers aud tb inconvenience of lLo Address, Dr. J. SKILLEN li0i'OHTO,lleir. . 1 ' 1 I . .1 I t ar c.iL il!il. Di a ni.fl iu. . rAilroftd COmmnv, llOff mwe people nro ra abioo iauod, xio. bouid ninu ctreot, i nu W,u OhTF-nT Wnl erM to be dialed if h tter of r io , sdejpM. 0- et ly f.lTi r r. -n t iu 1 wni"i.ii .w avail ileuau, justice oi ine roaee, L- ftr.rter Professor McCurdy, Trincipal of the , mMJ of then wi find th6ir way td the . j th,r,br8, Clearfield contty Pa., will attood, Tlearfiold Academy, will open ou i the firi 1 poor houses of thia and neighboring promptly to all business entrvitel to his care. WlayorSepleruktrowt. leountif. 7rtr;tC Union, .,. t J L .Latherslorg, April vW'-i..,, I-.-U 1 r ' , " , 't ' i - ' favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable stabling is at tached to tho premises, and trusty attendants will always be on band. Charges moderate . . Feb. 12, 18rtg.--tf. JORKBRLT AT TUC "KLLKIOKTS rOI XURT caAXtiK f,jt fLAft Of SCSISKSS. ( IIAIJPT & Co., AVINU leased the Foundry nnd Mscbino Phnpaat Miletbarg, known as " URfct.N a vol NPRV." are prepared to maaufarturo and repnir Steam Engines, sweep and tread power Threshing Machines, New World and Ilnthaway , Cook moves. Wagon Spindles, Plows, and Castr , ine of all kinds at short notice. They alsohave .V. . ..iic. t t :i i - - f bum av ceneionie ana .mieeuuiK. noi j vi ' Cook and Tarlor Stoves, for soft coal, of Pitts burg manufacture. Call and see for yourselves. H j NOTICE & CAUTION. TTAVINO aiade application to tho Assistant Folr for Iho series - - SO cents ' A-L A"Cf:'V'f, 6. ,,'''th Of1 X)Ulri?i r la Ctrajef net less than 2 to eno address II 'ennsylvanm hnd I License , as AnMlonoer hav- ii jn ii III ing been gran tod to mo by tho proper authority, ; I wnnld Inlorm tho citizens nf Clenrfieki county Cah must sceompin.v each ordor. and NO VA- thnt I will attend to "calling sales " whenever RIATIOV WILL, UK MADE IN A.NV CAPE alre(1 !n ny psrt cf ,h; eoun,v, chnrjf, FROM THE ABOVE TERMS. i moderate. Address JOHN I.. REAM. Orders should bo sent in Immediately, or at Dee. Iff, lHfi:l-tf. Clearfield. Pa. latest by the firt day of Attijust. to i p. S.Any person " calling " sales withont a t;I.O!HiU;.N iVI'.lt .t Wl'.rsll. Hr-cnse is subject to a penalty of fM, which will ISO, tlemt Hlrcct, , b. enrreed In accordance with the law, egalu l Philadelphia, Pa. jBij rcrsoi,i violating the statute. TJIH UN ITKD STATICS HOTEL HARRISBURO, Pa. - Susquehanna lie use, WnWEXSVILLE, Ta. ,V. W, Yt OKKAIX, Proprietor. TIII3 large an4 comraodi tiw I10TFL is Je lishtftilly located rn the bank of Ihe Sus (uohanna, In the borough of Curwensville. J. C. IIAL'Pt is agent for the York snd Columbia Insurance Cjmpanies Jr2tl,6-tjr TAPLE Pry Goods. Cloths, Cas!tneros j Cloak-rlotbe, Tweeds, Patinotts, Mlkwarp tviti n .ii.d .hh ererr ttiinir the rar-, . A Muslin, Liaen, Print, at the kcl lffor(,ti K,f,men WW alw.Ts find his "lrfffch ,nd Iho P i .. x o ?'. i ir C0V ECLV i UUrCIIISOrro.riYor.. ri111I3 Hotel, so well kniwn to the traveling I public) of Clenrili H eountv, is bow In a coc- ditiou loaflord the most excellent accommodation S1 Flannels, Ticking, old prices at Iho present proprietor will spare o effort to ,;,(... r,,r ih0 transient iiuost or the teruiaEont render bis customers ru-f..-'''. and hopes to hoarder. merit a liberal share of puidio piou4.'. i xhe "I'nilod States" bas now alt tbo fonvfn- 1 1 TO Tl I Tl I V- f T i I ( .." t.-r,i. J r.f rrpnotorsare determined to spaie aeltli- ' J. P. KRATZER'S. string" oute Ls J. CRANS Ms; r '63... , . ,., , CLrAsriSLO, rA. Mr. ZJ, 'Ci. tf. ' er expense, time nor labor to ensure the eoiui'oit . - - Ar Ik. ,,.! TV. V.le,,n.. ..f Ih. tr. ,.! . T ADIES' Dress Goods New Flylcs Alpacas, pul)ic j, M,pctfuUy sulicitej. jly 1, 'OiJ, y. to Bislch, of Coats, , duster', lloya Clo. J. V r.i,AIiCr.c. tVAt.TIR BARStT I tn.;j. xin.ambiatie CHANH AND BAKRET. mlT. eilks. Wool Dominss, Frenf h Merinos, t.hi- LOTH 111 tl Full sails At (or lifts at Law, ! banss, Lawss, Just opening at y pints. nd verli. overalls, duster'. Hoy. . 1 - T - k' I.R.'11MUSai i : . a v a n ii n i ii wi ii i nine eu