git inrficfo $t it, How the People Feel. euin 11.6 people are told by Mr, Lincoln, Tl.o following extract from a letter ro that'tho object oi the war is not for the cn- ceived a few day sinco from one of our forcement of tlie law, ami a restored subscriber, indicate, very clearly the state Union but for the ' 'abandonment or .la- of feeling that just now animates the very "and demand another ha' million ot mindt of thinking and intelligent men : wen to aid him in ii. accomplishment. and tyranny of old Federal tPlMill -J t a via tjw.- THE WAR NEWS. 30,000 Militia Called for. iu uuijr ud tyi a "MHr.ClEiii O rowan Ak,fUi. 'hi In view of these lacts, theu, we say it is 1 Sheridan lioa been assigned 'the Upper Potomac. , , , , - July SOtb, 1861 UkivtuMi Annuel A .Hpnornl (IranL' X aa in Washimrton yesterday on military ?au i.hCBU?u: r..!n l,n. S.un.l lh fnllnwino 1..7-:' V, , V ' - s rn ' ' ' ' . ,! . rroclamntion, and accompanying order:, I IU Inn relumed to the army iue frco. otborBau.i The advance of the rebel army hasa-,: It U asscried that he has gone up the Bunk Nutea of other li.a.a -; n,. Pninmi.0 iiiii morn- Baltimore and Ohio railroad. . Legn tender aoi., ":r?. I We have nolhim; detinue heroin re- tws,, ... 'MIM.l.. State .Stock ' , . comparison to tho abuse, and tyranny ,Dj uXMhinfumu.and volunteer mil- grd to the movement, in the -alley or .on elearlv the privilege of the people to tell nfliclcd oron ,ue people by Abraham . ' ' .. ' TZ.lTXr Z. the Un,.er Potomac. Mi. Lincoln wLetber or noi.they will cive Lincoln and hi old lory federal pcrty . . ,illf,;-rt ,n,,r..oncv im! 'J he opioion w st ill entertained ' ' . -. I M l-a"7 1 SCI 1 U Ulll II.K a at u etfi. I J him the c?istanco he demands. Lvs aud Kxiiuii, Wedsksday MoKMfi,:::::::A:c.tfT 10. " DE.MOCKVTIC COUXTY TlfkUT. FOX MIKIMFF, JACOB A.'KAUST, of Curvscusvillo. Omt drIt., nnue SlainLi, . J-urnitiwo, - i.. . . a - .1..-: M . i. t ii j jc uii uiu I la viiii i .i.iii'v. vi i in a i mm I riiiitiit.nw .ii i. .1, " ii MlUt ID brvt) Ulll It-It IIIO cuiclKriiil : . . . .., " H ;n ..n t Ami l all Ma IIia uaiiih f)I - . . v M.a aiiuk ki f. .ii.k t itt ri.l.i l 111. I ... , ....I L' . ' nun in f iii.ui yj d.iv hid iuiv ih ueience oi llio Stale " mai" v-oovini. wi-jw the people and make slave, of them, tbey, na, nf irtiini,.nn K r.n-' roonstration ii lo cailier tho crop, in thoi Tli n Late Election. wnnt an army vote. .For that purpono , i p vallrv. and that an invasion-will not bei i ,.! ..!, UezVOUS uviiaiiihwurg, ... TLeresult ortuo vote on uio .econu . u.t-y uu. t,at pa0oal ritl&burg. ; Cm.UuI Stock paid in it oW l" , '"...V ' ."1 :V 7n I cannot loo earnestly urge upon the ,Trtrl, r.N.rm I "f' " V ',lr . . T. rconle of the .State the lor ins . ime iuiuuri v i.AlJ tft ltA?htAI OP 11A Itf flQ tlt&l ftllttCallfll M . ... - iilhil Jliii t4'' inM.. i. ju.t what we intimated bo in our ..sue of the Glli ofJuly. TOR COl'XTV rOMMISSIOSKB, i'ONiai) UAKKU, of Knox twp. rcu mTiiicT ATfon.vY, V. .1 McCULLOUGH,of Cleurfli-lJ. 1Ieausilartb3 1' Militia, Hakiuhih R'l, Aug. o. Ib04. Pf.n cnrNTV Al'liITtS. .-. . , .Cl. A I 1. - 4 ... 1 I ... ..a n.. I .mil .A A III Riin, ' n l ...... . .- .. ... u . ,i,v .. . . -o n. .1.- UENKY V. IAKM-., 01 . .rnrneiu. ,. f i wro Tb0 unanimity uiniay-ir 0 Jf 80 (ay l0 nrm., Democrat. ! .",.; , It is ce nerallv klieveil thut Kheriden has boon assigned to duly on the I'pper Potomac The Hrr.tlV Fifth Corp correspondent of tho 4lhii)bt, says that both urmic. nro actively engaged in strengthening their respective work.. LATEST FROM I'ETF.KSHl'KU. . . ..... i u;A Pah-w, I Wni' V.iDu- A nau k I 7 Vuts I Is rat, I Mih-1 Due oil certlf oi DenouL . . . . . . ... liniiii'uniiu in caiiiiu uiiiitDiwiw r ' ate not the lc. proud ot our voto in our j miiy ,i,ciate, or .ubject himseir lo tueuis- ( . x 0 j v.hicU nccompnny ylhiei n'.nocial di.palch from Wushington ' ! i'"1"". . . .1 I ..I.. ........ 1. ia xnnimnml in n i.niiiol' nil. I 1 ...... .".... . .... 1 ! i . .. f . it..' PtlO 1 6nimB Wf Wtt own county, n prove, ina. .... ....... 1 - (i) proClamation, .et lorui ine arrange- to 1110 eiiecumu on i run.) imn im..i u.u K miT of Cliarriald are a jimi7 peopie, aim 1 , ---- r - ,. . uient. lor irantpoi lanou, m., u iuh umi wemmm. raty 01 tKBinuiaaro 1 i . not have tho privilege of voung at all. and M'ort. near J'elereburc. that they cannot bn awayed froni their da-vmXXA, perhP., be.ide-. Tl... of oia.uUon i No parlicnlar. ire known beyond the ty either by brioe. or fear., i oy i is the lihl of nutltago with a vengeance to . . fact that little dunmce wa. don-. CIarDld, aug. 'mate tho right of suffrage, and the punty jtho .oldicr ; and no wonder they have 001 ' Ku SuKtR of the baUot-box at their true value 5 and for th. amendmentjo the gj, SeeI,lnry of lLo Commonwealth although they knew, aUnom to a uaa (ho r0OI,u, of I'ei.imy lvania have not been certainty, that the majority woum s0 f00li,.li a lo lei mem carry itiisanieuu IIA.1L1TIM. "., ,,n, :0.000 D 4t,VJ t. .lini.j; , T.MJ41 ' 1 JAMES B. 10 '64. Mill ' c.TTTTjTiiv cd, anil Ibe iolemn manner in which they ..Shoulder your gu TJZ STESTIHO NEXT SATURDAY., J ftre d cf u .how. of .he ballot-.0. ti, M,.-.4Counlv Convention appointed C!J' """V ... . enjoy our ru-l.ta, 'or (hi. I'lacd on nqxt Saturday, tuat lliey are aiway.reau, liul uiv proclamation. .. .. ..1 , t . . 1 r I this ciunty, hy Jm 11. ("lurk, Kn., Mr tnmu- t n .11.. ,- i.l. ot Uurdncr. of WolmorolaiiU cuuniv, lo Jn. lor without itw0oani.ot, ,..,,' U IIT l. ....... :yj iiuiuvu .... , ----- .Shoulder your guns and rogin Hie purUy - r i v to heRr of a Democratic in their ronpective boroughs, wards and townships, and organized companies for 1U5'j vv... I il ...) 1 . 1 :il n.A L(l inn ,Tvllv. nuniay, : .if. ftf H.pir cheri.hed , xr.. T..f; i r Mn-rtinl.l on iho llh. townships, ami organuct . :i,tat i.. ,v every ctuen i "rcu"'uuk " " . ."4,".,. t i. ' the defence oftho State. .ufnii ri uiiis. liiuv tu u i w j miui nnev meir n in. ana cnenoueu .... - .... .... ..- ...,.! J . . - infvwere opposes ii uir.n. nu.uu ,iiu u .i..n. llnnnuh Wall, of this county Uu tho 3 1 nt of July, ot tho Siii'iuehamia Homo, Curneiijvilla, by Ror. T.. M. (iurdiior, Jmuei MoCullougli to Mif. KliztthcUi trr, tuth of Lnwrvnca townahip, J. G. BLACKWELl, GKO, W. KKED 4 ca CLOTHING, Alo, Jubbtn it . . t Cloths, CiiMiimeros nnd 8t(iltL So. 423 Market atrett, I Korta idn lialwcen i'ourti witiKk. . l'HIUDSliPlm SrCall nd ids our txtcaiiTiittek. Ami-H'II i For Sale A Fruit jVV 11 K iubinriber offers fur laleoi Not at all. And ht who Not another dollar can they havo." i .... i r il. . .... DOriMllUII. IIV tun another man norlPDP?' rondeavoua-tho-e organized west oi jonnsiown, 10 auip i.vjiiuhi-., m Iburc : those oriMiiined east of Johnstown The Duty of Freemen. to Camp Cuif.n, at Harnsbnrir. "heio , , .i o.i they will be ubnintod by the U. S-Oov- The New York llurW. or tue .Win m.i., -., ainArit in( lltA ft ATI IP A fll ot .in . 1J. UlU.MUU.t OM.".l ...... ... v. ...... - . .... ii . i.a.a wii. a!i nar tmi vopsfti a.seri. iuuicictw v.... - unaii articeon ne 1111' eft 01 xuarafwi.w s fl . 0r Mate ueience uurinc wie iei iit 'tiff I 10 mivlii luriv v ! - 1 - - .-0 operation with, or tilent acquiescence Her. Put they voted against it because j, in ipeBking of tbe duly and oMhe existing emergency and organ.xed ?ho"ffort. and demaadaol the Admin-' tbey value the Puriy of the ballot-box as j q freemeU( Uf0S lhe foiling into regiment.. B, or.ler ot ('ration. ThU may bo .aid even of many (indipcn6ablo to tho , reservation oi our (just ftD(J eloquenl iangUago : Governor nnd Commaiuler-in-Chief. 1 ..i i...i;.,. rl Dint the iMtemM'liuertie.. ttumoum uowui unip Criticism of tho mismanagement anu l i,.EM Auiutanl Uen. Penua. 1 t 11 1 1 ' 111 v v i I . . . ae i. ..... - 1. terin lii FARM tilusted ioUwrilT1- . - .uvui j Knt 1: ii .....f -1.....I - t0ved country ana cnniu:u . . m t- nV I threatened. As long aa tho war -ku pros- .went ; n!1u" . .......w... .t,., nnmnof "enfor- uwirancuttiiig iu ocuit'i mi ...u . i---r ... ... .... ..i...iienco to tho laws" and -retor-. him of hi. vote. It wbb of Clear .v 1 ni,.r..n.r.i r.nvrnmi.r.L to osition to repeal ralUmuvuutu... ....... ,.;...l, ,!, l.all.,t.l,nxf ,oocd a sovereign Stale, was uo lcs. revo- ht ...uu. -r - lulionary and aubversive of the Constitu-! Would any sane man favor Ibo measure . ica, than the act of recession itself, j And yet the proposition voted on I ues Vet this class or men silently acquiesced day last, and cartied by a large majority in every right and wrong measure or the of tho votes of Pennsylvania, of similar iiovernent for tho suppression of the 'character. It authorizes ibe opening or xebelnon-conlributiiig liberally and un- ballot-boxes far.beyoml the jurisdiction complainiugly of their mean, to defray the of the law. of Tennsy vama oxp nso tha. incurred. They did this, frauds upon this ac.od right may be pcr- eclimf at the same time that "the Union" petratea witu pcrie impum., not nossiblv bo "rMtored" in this for this reason tho Democracy .manner, and that defeat, disaster, and field county, with but few exceptions vo- ( -ultimate failure mu.t be the final result, ted against the firat amendment. But a-( From the very beginning a largo class hide from this reason, the fact that this is . of mca rolt and believed that imdhing tlu tochango our fundamental law, than tho preservation of the Union was was quite sufficient. When a nation is the oljtct of those at the head of afTairs. struggling with superhuman eflarts to The overthrow of the institution of slavery I jrtune their Constitution, and their Gov wss charged as lliat object, acknowledged erument. as the Administralionibts tell by some, but denied by the AdmiDistra-l us it is no time to change or to attempt to lion. TheJ.'nion must be preserved at alii improve ,heir Constitution. In Mr. Lin- Jtaiaids, said tho Administrationists, and coin's jecotis stylo, it is no "lime to swap if slavery J then slavery, too, must fall. This was nlso Democracy of thw county, with tut lew acquiesced in. No Democrat had any at- exceptions, voted against all tha amend"- tachmentfor tho institution of slavery, ments and cared net whether it lived or died.Eoj The Abolitionists mxJe tremendous ef that the Union lived. J5ut events were forts, and rallied their entire voto-in all statutes inflicting imbecility with which Mr. Lincoln has t kS- IMPORTANT CIRCULAR, Tho following cirular has just boin ued by Oen. Couch : Headquarteiis or thk Dei-atmem oi mu Si qi:eiiann, Pittsburg, Pa., August 4th Southern tier of carried on tho war is often said by thosu ppr-loyal press lo impede enlistments. Whether it does or not, such criiicim is! a part of tbo duty of freemen. It is not! a privilege. It is a right. If it hinders! lhe wasteful siaiignier d new . cum , t f ; . ( A tends also to help the aewmphshmont of - J . . p.'', . those objects for which tho ncedtul io oi , YouP t"Uualion ifJ Bach that a raid by ny lives is in pari w.o . 1 lh(J on ,)ot in;p09sib1e any time dur- Denuncialiou the most unmeasured,. , f , , r .1 ... for call upon you to put your rifles and shot guns in order; also, supplying your selves with plenty of anmJ''.hition. iour corn-lioltU. mountains, lorests, 1)1 i:i)-.Noiir Sevr Millport, on tbo 1 jth ult, Oath srine. ilauirhtr of tieorzo and Susannah Krlmrt. Hir.i.1 21 veiir. 5 men lln and in dnys. I wouerille In this placo on Monday morning lat, Mary L., jS.i acrfi thereof rlesrcd, with a FrmL, d.iujjhtcr of Alex. L., and Lmily Southard, ag- (ud Frnun Lara. Tbero ire op, tf 1 your, 8 tnontns aim iw ay.. (jrnnou njTiu imi m nimu fominoiKujj (irnperint", ond other f mall fruit thenn j . ..... v.t ..... .Vv...i. uv uul uuj. wruii appijr w me. mlnrtL, Jlcto birtistmcnts. 1 rjtOSl'KCTUH. DEMOCRATIC N AtToNA I. CAM PA KIN TAPEIt FOR 1SCL THE WORLD FOR THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPit-!;, tbli. For CleurDild. August 10. 184. If. rpiIS epproschinj JL of tho prostitution of our great struggle, by authority of iho president, from n war for the Union to an avowed abolition cru sade, is equally lawful, is equally the right, is equally the duty, of every law-abiding freeman. The same chtrco will bo made, that it impedes enlistment. Let those who make tho charge miKO lao most o. 11. The President who th'is pros'.i'.utets tho thickets, built' In 3,. Ac., Ac, furnitdi favor able places for cover, and at the same timo enablo you to kill iho marauders. Recollect that if they corno it is to , x res.uenv w..i, .u . y, ;' nUBdc. destroy and burn your property. war, lieu is wnoimreues enlistments, nmir- iJ;,m 1 v i'oiVn the oath-breaker, the promise-breaker, tho , Con-mdin pledge-breaker, who is also tho law break- Pen. lon.maaiHnb. er. Tho enlistments tolicited by tho law ni:BELS OX THE TOTOMAC. sie enlisracnts in a war for the Lnion. Ill """"" . . is no impediment lojust and proper law j lUrmioiiK. Aug. o. A peron who leti i. a.iI,.i.,..Va. Chnrlestown. a . early yesterday morn- IU uviiuuiitu nil .'Ui.'-utitm... i.. w , , Ir r.ledee-breaker him who has shamelessly 'ing, reports thnt a rebel force compotclof 30 AuIUiD.0lruuU...Si, u..)W... - ... .. ,, done .his official utmost to pciycrt n right- Mosl.y and tmbouen cavoiry anu mourn- found to be in the way, I horses. rracucmg upon..... P008 war f,n tbo Union into a lawle war cd infantry, ostimated at seven inousitmi some districts nut leaving a single man at Had tho Democrats made similar . ... ... . . .. ... ,i.. .r'l..... insiuuiion- was noi in iu m,ui...ju..-, as it euorn anu voteu wim uiwuiumy , . . . , . tiivi(iednn unL. ns .1 .s, nuuiu for abolition- For that high handed crime strong, wore ni turn ptace. nuntu iu i he can find no moro warrant in the Ccn- feint movement on Harper s Ferry, whilst stitution than he can find authority for Early, with some twelve thou-and infan calling out five hundred thousand mon ; try. guarding the trains of plunder and wherewith to set up a-monarchy. with grain, were at Punker Hill, about starting v.; .i u . mnr pn t!m Inw un the Shenandoah A alley. against hindering enlistment bo evoked I Part ie. were scattered ut di(Tcrflni points to silence denunciation of the crime of' up the Valley gathering in grain ami cattle, our majority, quite large have been increased at least two hundred. Their leaders i'!'0'. their followers with all sorts of ercumonts and stale unmean- Inrlin nrniil.) inWi I'nrlv in his mirch -T.JV. J"..- 'J - I 'I I... I...1 .....I... n't .1) I Vi i. t-ni r. find I nrjr iiua iui.o.i('.'. im .ux- ...... es- v .i. i ,i;.i. I.. I si u . hnv nf n.vtpnn voirs. LiUL many IlBiI ICU VI III, Bll.l u ll licvi a un i ii ... . i jwu . i. , .'-'j - - t . whose meddling, whose cowardly fears for caj.ed ana weie biding in the mountains ii Awn nop.nnii ftnrniv wriABA i.niniisiv i nr viunui n i ma. ..s ..... ....... least t mcient generals should win popu net long in dcDJonbtnlirig that the "pecu liar u itltlement. except ' in so far afforded a pretext for continuing arid pro longing the war. Now Mr. Lincoln throw. off alldisguise, come, out iu hi. true colors, and boldly Uoolare. that there can be no steps taken' for settlement and peace that are not pre itdti bran "abandonment of slavery" thus verifying to tho very letter the allo cation of bo any Democrat, that the real vurvcie of tho war wa. for the overthrow Icaso. Every vote against the amendment, 8tUpendous failures ; he it is who is the! An officer of a colored regiment is rc- . I . . . i . .; ... -f ..i;.im..i.- ;r .. i .. i ..i.. r i.: ...... ....... Presidential cUctioB is nnquestoniiblT to bo th. ui.xt Irsoorumt ever hold tinea tbo etbllshinet.t t.f ,ur Uorern inent. t'pon its remit may niilikely depend tho continunnco of our ispublican liovtrnnient on this continout. '','. Vbeillttn j,tt,),U Am httn i?n, uv.Jer tho pretenco of prenrrvinf Ub',ty ; their right axuifed undor s pretended Uurenso of tboso rights ; their eont.tulional pnv i 1 i p o s destroyed under tbo plea of imtuining tho Constitution. Tho wnr for tho mppreenion of tho Pnuthern rebellion hat been niado the innlriiincDt of utur pntionindof opprertion, sad Iko paliiHitm of tbo people turn cd to tn ntfualt on free gnrerB rnent. The prodizsl liberulily of cur eitiient in tupport of tho war bat been used at a intunt ol enriching oflieiult, their friead and fururiti't, ad tho money contributed to tu.tniu our arniie hat beeD diverted to tho basest of purtitan uses to tho uu?t corrupting pructieet in tviry brunch of Iho AJininittrutivn. 'iho sower and influence of ou florcrnwenl inon uatlont hat been frittered uirsy, old u mennreby cttablii-hcd on our border, wiihout to much ai a rrotctt from tho Waahinirton Ailmlnii- trstion, Tlit riyht of n$ylum Hut Ut tinlnlml with the connivance and aid ol the AdiniuUlra tion, and foroiincrs, who bed touehl a home un our tl.orcs have been kidnapped by I n. ted btatet ofhciuls, and rent out of the country, m vtulat.on of law nnd riabt. 'iht iil.rrttj of tht jirm hat ttu itnlel news paper! bavt been ruppresied by military power, pcrtort have been ieiiod, impriaontd, punitbed, without warrant, without trial, without judicial examination, and our bc&nlod freedom it fait becouiinK a byword nnd a nmekery. Finally, tho I'rosIJent hut aowud hit determi nation lo convert Iho war into an abolition era rado, and refueet to ent.rtin presitiont fur Orplmn'a Crurt Sal. OF VALCA?,L?, 1ULVL KSTA? rV M?.ll fi Cf SB tiril.f tf I Tttut nrciraitleld Jaatttra1 .uerc win do cxpuiou at I i. Hill 5AU lcrtown.on Maturd v. the Ttb dayef Aufrt at : o'eloek P. M.,lbe fullowisfBEAlfclp vis: TWENTY ACRKSof lastf.iiiun ills' towmhip. lale the eltte of Cioitl VTuLka. anil Ueteribod at followi: BerinDintiliat tbenes by lands of Ardery it fkilliu at odo .ml a half degreei east, est, WriI loa white oak. kr Utaidl. a thirly two degrees, wilt ooa buaii4 tHyi teen perehi t lo a pott, thence by Jao, W,S fill v -nine perries lortt plaee or Mji:!tj, taiuinK twenty arret, wore or Ini, TcruK : One half tho purehiM newi) ronllrmation of the rale, llit balaaet nana ibmeafler, tu be iccured by buad ltd tr on the prcm:ct. JV.ut'll u. J'J.Mi, Kylertowu, Aug. 3, ISfli. Ataiiiiiiile Chop! Chop! Chop! ) AAA I!uhel iifrriur EVIHI: U.UUU j'.il reee.tes ml mat. : 75 per hundred. JAMES OT S, lSntpl l'hilipibiir;;, A'i 'rcachcrs' inslilifo rpilEnext Annnul meetlnn i W OeuK: X County Tcncbers Initltutt sill W Mi tho borouirh of Clearllcld, commnfiit ! day, August T I, at 10 o'eloek, ll,; oont.uu.nK lu tcntioii rot'a mri. kmw dunco of Teacher, nnd frieudi ! Mnu earneitVy 0ird. 0. B.SAXtWtt Auj. 3, 1 SO 4 . Co.? 17 M. MvKTBKN'AN, Denliil, BistcMr 1 fonut tbo citiieni of Uln lloi'w and rlrinitv. thnt ho kaa locttdl ll where he i.' prepared to wait tpo Im m h i ifftUaiknai nerricet '"l rence, exenpt upou condition of lbs ubandonmsnt otWr rti tf tit eocaiy wl!lUsrorW of uluvory in all tbo btatet. ; cu to. -- fcbi.ll Iho Adtuinistratiiin, wluoa hat thut lailsd may ll, Ol-iiiu pa. m it. .Iiitv trliii-h hn.4 thuti tramtiled utiun tho' "I) 0BERT J. WALLACE", AtutwH lur favor have crippled every campaign ; well advanced the entire rebel force would ; " "" Ii C let liclJ. P." Cfflct is iU f ing.laug. Many of their men approach-1 Bn(i protracte(j ,he war . ed the polls declaring that they were for, tion of incompetent secrela whose tolera the polls declaring that they were for, tion of incompetent secretaries a granny tho Constitution s ii is, and lo vote against ! in the Navy Department, a headstrong tho amendments was to vole ng retire up tho valley. jeial misgovernment be perroittnl to maintain its I ascendency ? The nnpwer of every bocert p;lriol potito the Jcurnal otto. dc. 1. I . tt l I i A I . M V . . . i- 1 . X' . ....... w ....... . nn uiaienani . j. i w x 1 IIsadqi'arters Arii V OF Potom AC, Aug. 4. j To aid in the great work of re-citablidilnx th ! If for the county of CloarofU,tuia' ,lnL. ,u. ! hot brained bully in the War Department, 'Noiuiog of interest has taken place during , Conttitutiou, of restoring the lnion, and of to- CoMmilioner,. n Wedastdsy sl1 gainfclinei , ,. , .. ... ,.. 'i. , , t-... ...i...! eurine to the ncorlo their rmht! and their liber- i . . ........... t.i. .1... r inntit Hi I I..!;..! m.n in tbo T.iui,rv 'n,. i. ,1.... o,l ou iiiila l ; curing lo lue pcop 10 .nor rion aim uiiir i.uer- 1 . . .... .. datl o( ,"liu.u..i.t....'. - iurav.uJ.r"u .t.j ....... . . -.,,. ,., l.j ,v . . . ,1 1 .......... ' lit'?, rui'ktui ...ii.ia uiv..-.. UU ,. ..'..I. IV ,. . .. . 1 . ...... In. 1 tn. ... ... . HI. H.I, . . . , , --- .... ... J . I uu .'..'V ui.ju. ...... iw.j 1 Constitulion ; whoreus the reverse vas the ,mg ci)Pa,eii us 0f success and planned our 1 firing indulged in at present. enlighten and influence tbo public I espo.'o the wronr s nnd aba;s of t .... . ..o. ike Uoard if einn.n ui urnnri nnci Bijn.e. or tne i.rrscni . .. . '.' . ... . i .i.:i:..i.ivi ...... ii.ptr itiorti alRieiBeui uvm.'"' " '7 . . ofaWrv and not for tha reservation of . was a vote inavrr of the Constitution ns1 great discourager of enlistments, and ported to havo shot ono of hi own men Adininiitrntion, arouo the pcpla to a of . , M. ben mA , ."" ... i half tho peoplo wcranol blindnd with pas- yesterday at tho Commissary Jcpnrlmcnt, their dancers, and rJisneminate, throughout tho u0llln,ror rhiidrcn. with ic iB". In... I. i :. I.I..1... i i l-tii'th nnd brrmlth of thd land, durinr the l'resi. i .. .. . , i. .1... . . ------ 7 ' . , " , ,, tne townfU.p inwnirn uii-j i"' - i(litol "' V tl' E"?' K'ar'W" f117"-!enlietment, .od their wi the Union Te accorupli.ii tho purpose avowed by Mr. Lincoln in kit ultimatum addretacd "to whom it may concern," would be a total subversion of tho rights of tho States, as guarantied iu the compact of Union, and an undisguised usurpation of Executive power. This would be no less revolution nry no leis in contravention of the Con stitulion than was Iho net of secession. .lAn r....I n fun nl iota m nnnn w li irl lin. tiln va ' n.l i. npr...l , , . . . .. , , Dll'l. .1.1 v. I. ini. ......... j - .1111. ,a uwa.u.i 5ul euc 1 11 lue ciiect oi lunaucicm an . .. .h i,..h ...,,m la r.M..j in h. i . ,r. ...i. r iu T oinUi Partisan drill. When it is "too late" the l0 run bhmci.t. ! that tho colored division eneaited in tho ! '"' "Lt; ' cf '"?r'unul ttuJ "1,li-1 she ii without tb. means o''H i 1 w . . r t rit?nm- i ( i . .. . . .1 A.,Aitii-e.r mm i - trni unf nn rMiani fit I.Pnoriil . .. I Au l C 11 1 lUrvUa nt" lru ut .. . Vic. PnxsiitET Stepukn's Mi.hiojj.-! r.:".:.. I 1 n. ' I la a- d. ion woarres rua, y. .,,- ea y. Tw0 witUc.cs of crcd.bility.n people will awuke to a realization of tho terrible cost of their indifference. DlSGRACri'l I. STI l.TiriCATION. Mr. Steven!", Vico President of tho em Confederacy, made application Washington Government as a Commi.-Vw'c, p"hlihcs n eioncr to negotiate, Mr IIU IUVBIJ vii.iv.i-, 1. w diiai. .ro.iw m ... ..l;... .1 . in.l.l r I , ine adminisiratioii 1 press .as iieacuy l'- rery bting in C(jmniand of his own divis- .dittion, to be .ailed ! .he., .ertrnrats s . NiHifii 111 11 'iivn v lii lb liib in a.1111 f it' 1. ii ..11 I rt vtnit tNi hk.,.- 1 .. it. fw4wnr hen 1 , , . ."',.D,, J.. "1 ...1.. .. ion, wen. mim. u...:l. ... Li...-. inn tA.MI'.AUi Vt.l , I, tact forth thut tlie-ap 0l,' commencing the fa week In Sl.-uber,' with reten,. herself t, be come 10 .isnmgion i.iiu i.iy j iLiLiuo . , ,.jin, .r ,hn rr,irn i.nvmii,n. and number and ajrc of to tho whatever to peace. I ho !prinetield Vic- ri?mr VASirrT.TON'. I .,m;n.nn -iti. . ,i,i,m Tt ;. ..ii.nA,i ... destiwte t . . . 1 . i t . .eiier iroiu v,. u. on- . ... .. ... . . t,.. - .1 .. r.Y.. r 1.. - ..1 I. ... ' V ASHINT.TON. tUll. J 11131.1111 nr.. Lincoln refused . T.I '." , . ... .B..ri ' . r .... ,v 1 1 ,1 . 1 .... ... , vruiu. 111 jwt;iiuiiit, tt uiui mtuna ooiuti ID 111 is cuil'iiuuii u. uiinur, ... lire ine , to BOO hlUI. or t.O 1'CASOn liftt 10 do SO i:.i.i . n I .... . duties, tho lichts. and the obliciitions of nmil.1 ha a re.miiinn fit th?. auihnrihi ihi "Wi.iU toio.nnnli nnnrtinr in Pw.. July, in whichlie saystliut a. . . a-1 1 1 . .I..'.. .. .... .. ... ... ine ciiizcne , iuvy luuot w uueuiem 10 gent him. Jar. This is their obligation a telegraph oporator in princ fiom Jeflcr- been received at the Navy I'epar.ment :.t.rT.1 , to-day from Adm-ral r arrngut, dated -ut i dMate,t and to oi!l in rcstorin ho was all 1 r . . ....... f .. I . ! 1 .. ..,, .M ll-l If "I... II-l I. '....-...,1 V u-ni If ..n ..- r.,. ,n I .,n.. . I COL. J H'l e. T.... .. ... . inn ..,.( I. I . n,..,,,,,! I'tnnl .In nr. " v. .w. .v- and 1 nomnson tnren i.rivato riti.nna n! - B- ion Davis to' Stephens, at Augusta, Ga., T0"'11.0" .u... Uy v.cW v..L.,-.r (lB0 coutnern i.onieficracy-mauo appn- rnl.iripg hil, immediate presence at Rich cially their rulor.-aro also obedient to Atlon for a aimilar purpose, Mr. Lincoln1 mond, to attend a cabinet mooting, am law; and it IUoeo rulcri lad to perform! declined lo receive them becauta they , desiring him to proceed upon a mission thnt lhe ftatsBtjesig in ...t. eircuuwian"' . . . r . . . " . ....... I . . I llm 1 .11 iha iw.'- l.a a .,,. . an. I nvnnnnnf ill hliuhi nam. nuumni.-. the tentiuientt of tho eroat oppniitiun party ' application are juat and true. fueceiK of ill ean- rcstonng the luioa tu lit former grentneps nnd powr. To gio tb CAxrAir.N Vt'orLn th widest pof tlbie eirculation, an snrnest appeal is ruado to Mate, County and Town Couinmt.'er, Uemocrat- 1. euutnining these roquWi5 at the office of the Boaria" application I. made .nil i Ibi , Aug., 3, 18nl. M. S. Ws 1. rorma tallied Major General Sickles and stafT orrived ' Astociatlous and Clubs, and to patriotic, indi- . . . . vtrttinte in vr nnrr nf f V.n Aniinlrv . til Ulll 111 it N DR V J.N IT IAN TOBIA?.. 1 . i.j.. . 1(j in Washington to-day from the South. , 1 Refugees from Fredericksburg, V s I . s 1 1 ... t lAH!a rvt riirmannn ..... i.MIS' vVltmln in every nart of t'.o country, to ni.l in its t mrn cnlcr. wbfn BwltaW'.H ' Fiikr Ififlra.M'Tiofl iu every neighborhuoil thro-; dvrt'utnry in blf an bourt t0(ifl out tli e Fnion. A to.llion or copies (buaia uo fa , out tue i,niou. A la.llinn or copies tUonia ue tninutes. It is perfectly nnw ' jji ill p . . . t.iit ine w- j their du.y.or attempt .to usurp power, not mfn nol oulhori,ed b, the rebel author- 'lulV'sen. .To!; - l ' T7VZrU will b. .. 1 ' granted to them, it .. not only the right, ilieg. . l' - Z'-t ""d rebel scout, make their appearance low as L pre.ent , very Lh ear t of paper will . hy"c""" r.U but ,1 , c early the Ajjr of the cluens to alghtor deVotedllmo.1 ih. independence of the Confeder,cy, but J'l mcr, forco ofcftVftliy re. fSJ h.U Ti! ! .X&&g9 ,ntrforo by all lawful moan,, h ,. not h c0,utnn. f hi , , . ,.un. ,0 propose other measures which Zc?.tl , t, An '' " " XjSty for u. lo antcipaio what the act on of the' .. ,r , 1 . r . end to consummate that object, conti- cenuy appeareu iu i " '..'"p Tea eopiet to me address, H M lcino i CMOt of Biliout Coin"" rl axceunn next Saturday .hall be. Thati' 1 ! P arrival in Rich- mT " " lYl ,J 22 i't" 1 1 11 ii. .1 i . 1 11.. i Diiinii ueiaciiniouis iiru euti 111 itm ti- fK h P00 ,0 lclermine when they UmMo ,Lorcini Xhe fftct ,,( our e, h. ) nhli3 nlrcft(iy paMed into hWory lhal assemble together. But we may say, that bor., columng havo not con(ftinea M much ' Mr. Lincoln even refused to hold parley their rfiH to meet togolher and r?(iioa I .i ..i .).,.: , .1 when tho Vice P.-esident of the rebel Con .... , - 1 b mj.ubv nuv. Euuuii MUi:illllU BL CIIIV UI1U ineir ruar. .or a c.ango oi policy, or to ,ime for lho ,ast lLree rmvutr and . petal against their pre.-1 e , Uj Q0(I WOfk ent policy ond measures, is a natuiali - ...... light a light which it would be very j Ct roaDrssNTERy. An eminent phy cinity looking for thoso who have escaped to lho woods. . . l.; .S. ..l"ll a I t, A Ut-lltlCUIIUI ff liwul I 11 v.' llll l J.lililla I ill I fl r Ja.1: V IMItIM IVIII ril LII 11 1 1 II mill' 1 1 W 11 IU . . . Mav he ,n.i inn. tnr nn -it. n:.t., w. ,nn,J " ho has been in llngerstown lor the 1 i- ' past week, says that lho rebel force of cav- The End or tiie War. The President's nlry which drove Cola's cavalry and a po r- rudden last call for an army a. large is tion of Gen. Hunter's infantry out of that danjieious for Mr. Lincoln to attempt lo licion communicates tho lollowiag simple hat with which Napoleon invndod Kus- town on Friday last, were, for the creator t. , 1 i remedy, long known iu the medical nrac- ,a' m addition to the army of equal sizo part, dressed in uniforms of United Stale. deprive them of. Mr. Lincoln'! ultimatum being revolu iionarv. be has no rieht lo ask tbo peorlo (o aid him in its accomplishment: uor'l'jd cures in every instance tice. It was rrntlv irin.l in ti.o now in lho field, reveals a theory of war, soldiers r....! . ...1 . : . . I ' I... ...ilil.t I .1 U'.iI.:..Ia ,l,!..K TnTAvniAliAn Via. ....I...1 !,. lt..t !). placed by lhe rebels under tire at Charleston have all been exenan -,or a regiment where there were from eigh- 00(1 1110 '"'htar.y rt at W adhingtoii, which Information o, ty to one hundred cases dai v and with ' gives nn Utile point lo a humorous sketch Union officers i I i . " " ... . ..i.i- i .. i s i..;ui .a ,n i.... ...M pUU.I(l..'.4 liy II.U UlUVUr Vill lLUfcUl IB., Ilrrtin, I. . . . . f l. . ... ..r TA.ia Tl.ia Ailrlnl. la l.n.tt7wrl nail are tho people bound to rcspona to his gWPi as much lftU u uk" "l J. ..Tho Emj 0f the American V7ar 1 " III They weresaluted by our fleet, and Ad- ealls for any such purpose yea, they ; ing a little excess of salt at tho bottom of represent a vast extent of wasted terri-miral Dahlgren entertained l hem aboard would be recreant to their duty aacitixens the cop. Pour boiling water upon lho so- lorr- A military cap is lying on the, his uliip. They haye returned North. . lo aid In av such work of usurpation and Iulion lho CUP ' lw Ihird or three'6roun(l on one "deon the other a mili- A number of families from Montgomery to aid in any such work or usurpation and fu A scum w : inree b fof lfa ooun M coma ( Wishington t(Mjnyi wrong. Mr. Linooln baa been furnished 7ace wbich m,H bo T(,movoJ aD(1 lh 8" garment, f panic .Iricken, and reported the rebel. . 1. . j . mwA ..... 1 1.... . , ... i i i , .... ' l i .L.i ,i:....Ia. wuu vtkt iwv niuwi u.tu, uu wwuimi iulion auoweu iu cooi. i . .,, , ... . n - tit .aprroacninii in iua uirwiiuu . . .. T . .. .... . t-. r.ii .i . I BtiT-On Wednesday nicht at Paoria. Ill-, . 'A....r. millions oi aoiiars. ana ine reueinoa is uws-iao.ei'puouiuii uues iimo a y ib, .. . ,... tiiirlii .....uinu mom formidable than it ever w..1 till relieved. The rationale of the owraVa":"!.? force of our ownand , , . . .. . j Hf .11 .aaiI 11 u 1 L. J .CIIVIK "CIO 1""' ' I Resolution, were adopted in favor of an the farmers were evidently frightened 'till relieved. The rationale of the opera- I! B'. 1,1 v utcv"u """" by seeing a cavalry lorce. ,tion of thi. ..mplo medicine will readily Pe"?? ! ior t.'. lunnrti i 1 1 aa riaBiiraiaa u-a aa aw rwt i iiai rev . . a,.r iT ;:iV ha.: t JS ?i ad for the' termination of the . - - -w --. uuuuivu ii I a.! a ubtouctci nuunu I . iu 1. L . a. . . . ... ... . fl I ! J . 1 1" . .. - iaue sy ine reoei aoinoriiies. ana as tan ia avsenurv ana a arrnea. ' ....i i 'ten rWlinflrl- ami an. in i ha fourth , Advice. Iiom tho army ol the Potomac ...ten aecnned , and now, in ine rounn t4fJ.fil- ,. ,...ii ,;ua n.i ; -iT..xr i.T. . .n-...-... . ..n.i.....i . .a- s a I . 1 1 . I . .1 atwatl I There were recently no indication of the or ine lerminfiiion oi u r mi , .I'ai. UI'I'i utiuu vt tag vuouii xQitwatlhacommonccimentot tbe 1 t.m.tL, a a ia n ir . I If ADI1I.1UIU.1( AUg. , IV U JUV;tV A. t OA, m asa t . Jr. ,1,1. 1 I usvia w w v wem . j n " i 1 Uh A4U1UJUUB UAfQ II yer ef tte itrugsle, and after all th.. loss ,,4 bj- the Indianinw Fort KearneV and infants thii year. ... ........... ... ,a)aa i. ... . ., r.rhet u -rfi: uno Dunurea onpiea 10 on aajrraf, ia w ; fxotfa mediciul suioinj'. JJ" Orders must cnokasei of tho nnrabers innl . N'P'V"u fl above indicated, and always acoompanied by tha cash. To avoid lotses renuttnncos sboul.1, wnen convenient, be by drnft on New York. It is d tlrable that ordort reach this at early at possible Letters msy be ad.lrersed to TDK WORLD, aug. 10. 37 l'i.rk Kovr, Now York. . Clearfield Academy. D. W. McCUBDY, A. B. Principal. Pries 25snd iOcents a I M j.t I)r..)tgitta, Office 5, Corns" julr titb, 1S11I-1 r rrTTf.Ei Atlarncy at i.sw vS. L'LI. A " . il(V f smiR ni.t o.i.rtn-m iha'ra,v .'...I ...has P"'t 1 MhofSepTeu.ber.186L ' Term, of t.ltfo. as C$Z , i Sarsr, astj" foilowt: 1 1 . " 'j. ...i.faeUoi. " . t a Common English, comprising those branch- j I f forB fOf " 4J ei not higher than Reading, Writiriff.Arilh- U I ' v . . ',.,. tai. motie, Oeography, Englieh Grsminor and ! KMMI aeret ' eeii'IvK ll.atory, per (uarter, , - S nn Ijocalur townanip, D u" Higher Englieh, per quarter, 7 40 (uit purchasers, locatea Laneunirea. tie nuartnr. - . . 10 00 rinnrfield Railrota. . ....nil. Augu.tlO.lSCi. I IMH acres of "t rM ...r : In Rell township. TKACMKKS VASTt;n.-The Bchool Di- waters of Curry't Ron. . lllll ....... .r n:...j .nnlnt 1 m.ji In two WW, ' i.,ta(ri "i j i ....I - - ,. .i.rDiit i f lho or of 0 sorct, W,tobl!.wr Kl',!f' to b. nau, in Highlaa. ft iunt .r.0Seral wtrrantet d . THREE Teachers for th. Winter Session of i. , a.k.... a A.H...I. . ..n.Aiil li la attendanca at the examination bv lbs County General warrant Superintendent at Congrett Hill School imueo anris, la 8cptulict next. Ihs wages will ns irom , -to (33 dollars per month, according to grids. 1 1 T VI IU. .'..HI... I l". . . . rvTirn i ivu S.a't. . one Jiowa, . .1.1-1. mi. ttmf - - Aagnsl t, IM4. pel.; ... ; WICAt.000j-5 Hi rmon icn. rf , ZH Row.,Brld-.PiKn.j