D. W, MOOEE, Editor and Proprietor VOL. XXXViWHOLE NO. jjinjtl Jj0ttrjf. For the Pepublioan. MY SISTER HAS LEFT ME. hi W. W. WiSOBlRNH. y i her dost Ih.ne own pure spirit dwell ? v. (VIl U eg,,,, UU1,U(r jjny J Oh ! you, my dear iter, nave jone from my sigh t, ou, with whom 'twas my fondest delight To laugh like the sunshine, to rauibU and play, To mingle our hearts on a calm tuminer day. It seems but a moment time spoeds along Since Death suatch'd tliee from life's busy throng j let months have elapsed since dth iu h... liUL whAFA rlkA. ; .... 1 , . , J away, Aod thou can'st day. not rctura on calm lammor The Bowera of summer hare faded and gone, And the sweet birds from our bowers hive flown, The leaves of the forest have fell to doeay, But again they will greet us on a calm 'miner a ay, All fair things bad faded when you sunk to your When you flew to your God -to your homo with the bloit; When your soul took its flicht to Hoaren .... w here it shines in its glory on a culm summer uuy. There rest my loved sister, thy soul be content i Thy days of terrostrinl trial are spent On the hillside your body was placed to decay j Its tomb I can visit on a culm summer day. tlLKN HoPK, JuLT 2STH, 186 1. LETTER FROM A CONSCRIPT. Danville, Pa., Aug. C, 18G4. Mr. lirintrr; 1 ond a letter to the llftmm's Shernal, but id wood not brint Id. I asks Leroy do reason ; ho says I used disloyal lang.tge ly calling on do loyal loeg to, in a body, march la de front to assist Grant. J)e loyal lode ry enmo of (e-dny ad Wil liamejtort, dis Slate, I drew a hi Lri;ea bloo soot, a lig overcoat, napsack, and soger gun, mit $10 a uiont of de est muny dut ever was during piy nateral life. 1 ant opposed to gambliog: derefore, I wm give my vaiuaoie Druse toue McIuchJuI .church. My helth is shattered. I want' io go vo ivauuua 10 recrooi it. 1 ainK 1 ! vui lie veu wnen ae iter ts over. jiuperucuiauj is on ue increase nero. I-eroy says ho "likes to preech in favor uv war, but hates to fite in id." He says "if ae uovorment will not burn de call for live hundred dousand more, he will vote eguin it as suro as he roust tile to free do ttpi;or." tvesdroprrr (s going Into de substidute liiseH if he can (urn an onest peny or low. He set his "Abolishun brtnciples rrwy go to da wind he will go into dc sluvo trndo if Le can make ruunny oud of id." Do liretdenl of our loyal Iceg ish able bodied. Lingon diafted him. lie got no substidule, paid no dree hundred lollars, nor will he risk his sacred life to brolcct do best gnvermcnt dut ever wos. Just before de New York ryot de traler Puynioro tent agents to government lo w about the city's kwo'a. We all sed he oulit to lie Lun Jur eiuliarasvng iAn gon. New York had t lr iproper .credits. Vel, our Uush township has not her rite credits. Vel, our loyal lecg Bies iilent strikes hands mit a thin thinned kop erhend, and goes down to Ilarrisburg to gel our kirta riuced; and in dis way is trying toedeet theGovermendoutof men fliUit as much ns de disloyal Governer Saymoro did a yeer ago. Porois someting rotten in lieamark, and when 1 gets lo Kunady I vil rite to I.ingon lo have de hi oliser ov de loyal leeg and de koperhead .dut aids him sent to I'ort Lafayette, ware all do draitors belong, From Kunady I will go (o Soil river, to niftke dings in order, for you no on do 4th March de G overmen! will start for dare on a bleshuro drip. tioot by til de war ish over, and de nig gers free. Your enemv, DETKICk EX LINE. Dawn-ino Hbasov. Dr. 0. A. Drownson as one cf the diKlinguished speakers at Hie Frcetnont ratification mcelingio New- York. He said ho voted fur Uuchanan I in ls5ti, which he considered sad opera- Hon, and in 1800 he voted for Lincoln, i which be thought was decidedly worse. 7 He then rent on lo say : "Now I am ready to support any man f ho will defeat Abraham Lincoln. His ses and applause. My first object the ; tuing which lies nearest my heurt is to save the Union and the Constitution, ft which has made its strength and lis glory. , sw.w iu oufui nuj jhuiji vi fsj 'man Horatio Si-ymour t yes ; or Val landigham. Hisses and cheers aye, or jtfernanda Wood Good, and applause !-any man whi can defeat the ro-eleotion of Abraham Lincoln. Understand me: 'while this is my first objoot, to defeat the nominations of the lialtimoro Convention l"Rullv." and applause!--! am ready to join with all honest, nil sincere and all nrnest Amerioansor American citizens who will defeat Shoddy and Shoddy's de fenders." ' KEG ROES 1 LOANS!! TATFSft! Such is the work of ft 1 Ann OAs at i-i n ftf the Amprican Confess Not a single toeawre looking to what the people prny ior Jeace, ADJUSTMENT, f' RE-UNION ' But allto elevate the Negro, impomi , p i i tue country, and gnni aon ine pec- le. Was ever a change of ruler, more .toperaiWely demanded than now f VlQ-F.verv railroad h a amokln car.' miehtsava tha feelinpi of ladies and ntlemon If ever nna haul also a twear- -g car. 1819. I CONGRESSIONAL ADDRESS. Ton have not, as good Patriots should do. studie d The publie good , but your particular ends : Factious among yourselves, pr,ferri, .uek 10 bjicc, and kanor;, a, ne'er read The element! of earing policy ; 11 IT DEEPLY SKILLED IN ALL TBC rBIXUIFLBS THAT IWKH TO DESTRVCTIOIf. Timotcon lo I fie Vithtne of Siraente. AJf A DDK ESS To the rtople ttfthe United States, and particu larly to the people ofiU Slates which adhere to l.s federal (government, Concluded. RECONSTRTCTIO.V. The propositions which should oblain , - . . . vwmiu M , :ZZTtiyr.. V Tl. it T ' en contrnsl' cu una me policy of the Administration ..... recuimr aavantage. e. as 1 before the war, except as to changes which maybe agreed upon between or es stiaintand uiuong mom. iuo Constitution of the United States is the rightful and only bond of union for the .States comprising the Confederacy, and it is to stand us it is, in its full illtCElitV. Until the nnrli... -A hr. inem are bound by n shall change its terms or add to it new provision!. Auy other doc trine is revolutionary and destructive and lo bo utterly rejected, whether founded upon Presidential proclamations or stat utes enacted by Congress. The powers of the Federal Government in all its brnnnh are confined within the provisions of the iousniuuon, ana cannot transcend them. Therefore the Constitution ns it is, inclu ding its power of regular amendrneut, is the leading doctrine of the great party which proposes to save the nation lu this the day of its sore trial. Let the false and guilty doctrine that the President of tho United Stales by proclamation, or the Congress thoreof by statute, can prescribe, alter, add to or diminish the conditions of Union between the States, be discarded at once and forever, and most of the diffi culties which appear to attend the ques tion of reconstruction will wholly disap pear. Those denarimnnLa nf lha rinii.ri.. meut are confined to particular legislative and executive duties, and cannot touch or aotermine the relations of the States with esch other. That field of power is sncrcd to the great organized communities by whom the Union was formed and by whom done it cun he subjected to modification or change. We have fought to restore tho Union, not to change it, much less to subvert its fundamental principles, and the accomplishment of its restoration is the compensation we propose to ourselves for nil the cost aid sucrificss of the struggle. But what is impossible to the President or to Congress it ia competent for the States, in their sovereign cupacily, by free mutual consent, at the proper lime, to perform. Tue American Slates required a compact of union to go through the war of the Revolution, and it was made. Subse quently ihey required on amended com pact, creating a more intimato union, to secure to them the fruits of independence. From their deliberations on lha latter oc casion there resulted that most admirable iiiblrument, the Constitution of the United States, under which the liepublio has ex isted ana prosperou tor more than seventy years. Anil now, under our experience of revolt and war and misgovernment, we may conclude that additional securities for liberty and Union should be establish ed in the fundamental law. But these securities must consist of limitations rat her than extensions of Federal authority, and must not invade those fiolds of power which were left sacred to State jurisdiction in the original lobomo of Union. The Constitution should provido against tho uncontrolled domination of sectional parties, South or North, in the Govern ment of the United States, as the most indispensable and vital regulation possi ble for our safety and continued existence as a Kepublio. We refer upon this point to our remarks at the beginning of the present address, as exhibiting the grounds upon which this most important proposi tion may stand, and as illustrating its util ity and necessity beyond all cavil or ques tion. An adequate, real, and efficient check in Government, securing a balance of power between political interests, is unquestionably tho highest and most, important; point, in constitutional sACd ence and it is most evident that be cause our system has been founddefective in this particular, we are now involved in war and scourged by mi?governmcnt in its most intolerable, odious, and lawless forms. The chocks already provided in our Constitution, and which have been so salutary in their action and influence upon the Government, must be supplanted by some proper division which shall more perfectly perform tho office aod function for which thev were designed. For it is now proved, amid the blood and lean of this nation, that all balance in our uov eminent may be lost, and all its checks be found Insufficient to curb the influence and guilt of faction, and secure obedience to those fundamental principles of liberty, law, and right, whioh were established by our fathers. We are at war. and blood flows, and Wealth is wasted, and Canal irism runs riot, and the Constitution ia I 07 outer griei nui luiiun 111 mi uur iiuioes, Decauae a sectiona faction rules ihe Government ofias to the radical Abolitionist, his cup of; the United states, free from restraint or enjoyment is almost full. He belisve ' niirh. rtt limitation of ill nownra. And II ik.i ...iUm tla l. ii, - ---- - made impossible that this oon-j B,,ouiii uiauo iiu('uisiuio iun iuis oon- dition f things can exist, after we have Anna Ttrlrttlnri nursplvea from tha errt, " ., . . . ..... There should also be a judicious limit a-, lion upon the distribution or federal pat- fonsce. The prodigious growth and pre- ent extent of that patronage in official appointments, constitute a fertile sou roe of corruption sod danger. Nearly the PRINCIPLES, CLEARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1864. wlirttn f V.l 1 . , xruersi appointments are po sed every four year, upon a presiden- tja election, intensifying and debasing the struggle for power, and sowing the seeds of corruption broadcast throughout the land. Purity, economy and ; govern ment become almost impossible under this system, and their rinp;n and maintenance demand its amendmeut. A change by which (he great body of pub lic officers would hold for fixed terms and be removable ouly for lawful cause! Would be on of creat tiirril. imI ividnm and is among the most desirable objeots to be sought in our public policy. AMNESTY. Another proposition pertaining to re construction is, lhatas to individuals there . --"".hiuihhi tuabifa II "" mnly except for particular r ,lce3, AU "ie excesses or a State o far cannot Le visited with judicial pun isnmont. Uoth necessity and policy re- Iifelimcnt. Uolh struggle, the cover (he pa , quire mat, at the conclusion of such a mantle of oblivion shall past. A nalion torn liv nivil war demands repose at its conclusion, that society mny be reorganized oud that the passions nnd demoralization produced by war may disappear before the renewed action of moral forces. Laws of confisaa tion and treason uiuy be politic and ne cessary to prevent insurrection or to check it in the outset, but ihey become inappli cable when revolt has ripened into public war, and one entire people are organized againstanother. Tenal enactments when dirocted against a wholo population are odious and useless, and their tendency is to prolong and intensify war, and to em barrats or prevent its just conclusion. Their office is to chastiso individual offenders within Government jurisdiction, and not entire commnnies contending for independence or other public object. The laws of war nocesparily und properly obtain between the parties to a war pending the contest, and displace or 6uporsedo those of municipal enactment. Amnesty, there fore, within the limit of public safety, fol lows of course Iho termination of such a contest as that in which we aro now en gaped. It may be added that clear justice re quires that Unionists who have lied from the revolted country should 00 restored to their estates, and that the particular wrongs upon tnem should as far as possi- vim va icuiecDBii, A CONTRAST. W e have thus taken notice of several questions connected with the subject of ..g.miutuuil auu luuicaieu our views upon them. How much onnosed thoso views are to the policy of tha Administra- uou win appear on tne most cursor v ex amiDation. They point to the determina tion ana settlement of deputes upon a just and reasonable basis, and to ihe se curity of the country against the recur rence 01 war nerenlterj while the policy of the Administration points to a simple alternative between the subjugation und independence of the South. If we suc ceed in war, we have a conquered country lo hold and govern as best we may ; and if we fail in the war, a rival and hostile Power will he established beside us. The Administration has no instrument for na tional redemption except physical force, (which it h:is shown itself hitherto in competent to wield.) and whether it suc ceed or .ail, the future is encompassed with dangers. Kepresenting radical ond violent elements of population among us, its party interest require of it an uncom promising and hostile attitude not only towards tho Confederate Government but to the whole Southern people. In fact, the President virtuully announces to us in bis bogus Htate proclamation, that he can trust no men in the South except under most stringent oaths of approval of his policy and within the direct military in fluence of the army. Uudor the present Administration, therefore, each parly to tho war strives for a clean victory or au ut tor defeat, and no agreement betwoen them except one of disunion is proposed or is possible. We submit it to our coun trymen that this statoment of facts pro nounces Ihe utter condemnation of tho Administration and ostablikhes solidly the argument for its removal from power, and this, too, independent of the other consid erations which we have presented. Impo tent in war, incapable of securing a just and speedy poace, competent only to waste the blood and resources of Ihe peo ple, il stands as tully condemned in us policy against the enemy as it does in its measures of internal administration. And we are justified in concluding upon tho whole case, that if the Union is to be res tored, liberty preservod, and propeiity renewed in this country, those results must follow Ihe defeat and rejection of the Administration by the American peo ple. Tin DrriAT ok Mr. Lincoi.v removes TUB MAIN OI1STACI.I TO REL'NIOX AND RE STORES AT ONCE THE JCST RILE OrIIR CON STITUTION OVER TOE ADHERING STATES, CONULI 8I0N, ml , . . , .... I here are out iwo classes or men in this country who may rejoice in the existing conditions: irj, Those who make money out of the war, and second, those who do- sirewacnieve piDHocipai,.on Dy to tho former, their thirst for sudden wealth is gratified and it is not in their nature lo regret deeply those calamitios which fall upon Iheir fellow-countrymen but irona wu cn lupv reexemnieu. And r-"; " , Union remain broken forever. Li'.herre.; .uu.ai.snes nimproioun.iiy ana wnoiiy,i,houiJb9 accepted or reodfed by the nil HA MM .U..nl iln. n.l,l... ..I.. fc. - J and no possibleevent during his existence oan rorapete with nither of these in merit aud excellence. Rut ha not the country borne all it ran reasonably bear, in fact much more than it can reasonably bear, for the oraLfina- (ion of these two classes of men. and shall not the Admipitration of the Uovern- not MEJT. i . roent under favor of which thev nntl in power and gratify their unhoW sfSS?i tS their detestable passion thfowl out of power, thus re ievin, the oountrv from 'this nightmare of corrSpUonSd St? .i,;k t. J?10? anU ,l,natl I teneor U' "8 Ver Sbort-eightod and passionate men rush on to accomplish an immediate object. un able to perceive the consequences which lie beyond the present moment, and un willing o believe that new nhiHp in their path of passion and vengeance will euccceu to tne existing ones. They vain ly think thot if slavery bo struck down by force, regardless of law or civil obligation, and negro equality bo established" in its stead, no suoject of difficulty, no cause of national peril, no "stone of stumbling," will remain in our national progress. Vain delusion ! Such expectations are proved to be false by a thousand exam ples in history. The source of danger is in these wild passions let loose in the land which will not regard civil obligations, and which in their headlong fury trend under foot public law and individual right. We do not decry theory, but we assert that statesmanship is concerned mainly in tho domain of the practical, and that in thn present imperfect condition of human af fairs it is obliged to modify general idoas and adapt them to existing conditions, which are infinitely diverse in different countries and at different times. And as all political powers are conventiocal, that is, established by express or implied con sent, (he validity of any political act must rest upon the ground that it is authoi ized. Some distinct authority for it must be shown, or we must determine against its existence. And to the existence of a free government, and to the harmony and prosperity of a country wherein it is estab lished, there must bo a profound and con slant respect by rulers and by people for all those things which have beon agreed upon or instituted in afliiirsof goverment, and there must be a careful repression of all the destructive forces by which tho bands of society are loosened and license or abuse introduced into public or social action. Of destructive forces constituting capital causes of dangpr, corruption and fanaticism (before montioned) must be ranked as chief; and are tht-y not now both in existence, aud conspicuous beyond any former example in theso United Slalea. Are they not predominant characteris tics of tho pnrly which achieved success in lbCO, aud has since held and now holds posessioD of political power? And cuti thcro be hope of the future so long ns those destructive principles run' tlieir course uureUiked and uncurbed ? Tho sound elements of sociotv must be brought to the surface, the body politic be purged 01 us unueauny Clements, ami 111 places oi puuuo trust,jusi, and broad ninided, pure ond tolerant men bo substituted for radicals and corruptionisU. Then will tho laws bo kept ; then will free individu al action be permitted nnd permissible ; crime only will be punished and harmony and penceful relulionsnnd widely ilill'used prosperity succeed to violence, intolerance wasto, bloodshed, and debauchmeur. of tue ualional life ! l'ENNSYLVANIA. C. R, Buckalew, S. J. Randall. Philip Johnson, Chos. DeniHon, Wm. II. Miller, A. H. CoHroth, John D. Stiles, S. E. A neon a, Myer blrouso. oiiio. G. II. Tendleton. J. F. McKinney. F. C. Leblond. C. A. White. S. S. Cox Wm. Johnston. Warren P. Noble. W, A. Hutchins. Wm. E. Finck. John O'Neill. George Uliss. Jus. II. Morirs, J. W. White- INDIANA. T. A.Hendiicks. I John Law. James. A. Craveni. Joj. K. Kdgerton. Jas. i McDowell, ILLINOIS W. A. Richardson, John It. Eden, A. L. Knnpp, W. II. Morrison. C. M. Ilnrris. Lewis W. lios. J. C. Robinson. Wm J. Allen. WISCONSIN. Charles A. Eldridgo. ILNTCLKV. L. VI. Powell, Garrett lUvis. VllllilNI.V. John S. Carlisle. DELAWARE. W. SauUbury, Geo. Kee l Iliddle. NEW JERSLY. A. J. Rogers. HEW HAMI'SIlinE. Daniel Marcy. Washington, Juty 2, 1SC4. After the preparation of the foiegoing Address, at the very conclusion of the session of Congress, Uo extiaordinary measures relating to subjects treated in theAddiess, were enacted into laws. They were both approved by tho Presi dent, on the 4th iinyofJuly, and (illy conciudod the labors of the Congressional majority. Thoe measures were: ltt, a w n.o jjiiuii Iw" mm ivsiMubiuu iiuMuniiiii a ' ananial nnd nnJ 1S53. The former was entitled An net father to rpgulate and provido Tor tho Unrolling aod calling out of the national J forces, aud for other purposes," and au thorized the President, al his discretion, to call out iroops lor one, two, or three years; provided for bounties of one, two, or turee nuoursd dollars lo eacli recruit, . t . : . ,ree equal instalments ; and authorized tirafM for unfillcJ quota after fifty days . .. .. ... ,, . JJm rrom me ume oi tue can ; out in case ot a- ny BUCh draft no payweut of money Government as commutation to release a ny enrolled or draped man from personal; obligation lopertorm military service. The third section reads as follows 1 "Sec. S. That it shall U lawful for the Execu tive of any Slits to fend recruiting sgonts into ' any of the States declared 14 be In rebellion, e-l ept tbs States of ArkaqsA, Tennessee, and I,u- TERMS NEW isiana, to rcoruit volunteers umlor any call under the provision of this act. who shall bi i aralitad to the provision of this act, who shall be erelitod to ... B...,, ni io mo respective subdivisions taereof, which may procure thoir oulislmnnL ine sixth session provides, that in j drafts onnii.,n;i.o;r h""0.d'e.1 ?.ere:,t rnnl"4 b.en credited to i,e nnota of nn" tow., K, ward, or Bute, by reason of their boing in said sorvios nnd not enrolled prior to February twesty- fourth, eighteen hundrod and sixty-four, shall be enrolled and credited to tho quota of tho ton n. rj,.',?i,L:,.c.t' or "!"i0 !n M ly reside, upon satisfactory proof of their resi dence mudo to the Secretary of War. Such is Ihe law which abolishes commu tation, ana provides a plan by which ce tarn States may escape the fre cfa o L r?" 1 . S J" ' he southed counlrv to 7 II nn Ih.,: " J r ,i 1 V .i""-".- hv -?h v ,0t V -rp.S0 b(,lnPa4 5L i l )n"d,U ll'.ecom1rap,,l States nl thesadorsand marines who have of Hoi pliirV,Ce .86i:V1Ce lhe Ulb,r0 credhc to he ' S T" "hi i e oUiina o Vh oT'lTl' wueiner citizens or not. Ihe States which are most enterprising in the race for ne- gro recruits, and have most facilities for tantoges otthis arrangement Hut the r0te ?rom,rhP 8U,"t'r;1fl:ia St?" re: mote f.om he seabouid will bo subjected . . , ; ' ' ZP,t lI 'J'6. ?? 1 01 fomnimee of form wass follow. lorm, was as follows. .. , ;, ,, . ncs. , Hrf, too tueter, Hair, Lane ot Kan- sas, AlorKun, Morrttl, l'jinoroy, Hamsey, .V,,m,u-, ion uiunie, nuue, n UKinson, ana IIiukii Is. "Kavs .Messrs, Uuckalew, Curlile, Davis, DoulittlP. Illirlnn Ilnrri. II I,.,-... II j i i i V -...-, ii.-iiuoiDuii, jiuu- il 'n'tii i I'"0 oflndiuna, Mcliuugull, I'u-.r- VViircy-17.'' ' i,umuu" uuu I,IU rct.eis u-raaiue.l just louj nnough to i. . , i 'ee the flames spread and net uii'W iiron- 11 will be observed that one half Ihe cr headway, wlu.ii the alarm was given whole utTirmativevoio was from the ttutis Unit Avciill was i.pp.oaching the to.vn east of the Hudson. Instantly oy-ry freebooter was in his sad- JJut, to meet tho expenditure for boun- dleand hurriedly took to the St. Thorn al lies under this law, the joint resolution roa 1 with Arcriil in pursuit before mentioned, imnosimra snetriul in-! come tax, was iiassod. Jt provides that, upon the first day of October next, n tax ui im u j'cr ccmutn uori inoomea ol 1po;. (in excess of 000) shall be assessed nnd paid. These incomes having been alrea- dy fculjecled to tax, tliis tax is a second im- position upon thesimo oljt-ct for the same limn. FWxlru llmlnv ii- mntl ,...,,. from three lo eight por cect. The pres.- stmctiveness aud injustice. The fact sure of this iiieabiire upon persons ol fix- ,J-'roro us aro these, as ic ited in tho state ed incomes is feveie, and il sets asido the ruent accompanying tho letter which fol doctrino that the same article or object ''A'8 'l : shall bo taxed but once by gnverninciit : 'J'lio annexed lcltrr was written by the for a given period, its form nnd tito re- youngest daughter of the Hon. Alexander maining unchanged. Upon (his ground, i K. Uotcler, of'JcU'crson county, Virginia, a tax upon liquors on hand (which had al- Uoluiling to her sisters the 'burning oi ready been taxed) was voted down at the their homo by order of Gen. Hunter, unci lute ecHbion after prolonged debate. jalso tho residence of E. J. Lee, whose " pluco adjoins Mr. Holder's. Fountain A r lank Movement. Ono of Sigcl's Rock alluded lo below belonged to Mrs. sildiern gives the following account of a Roteler, who, with her daughter and grand foraging adventure he had in Virginia : children, has been thus ruthlessly de- "Veil, you see, I goes down to dat o'.d prived of their only homo. Mr. A. R. fellow's blaco dat has a beech orchard, Roleler will be remembered as a mcmbcr vere vewns stationed, to steal some beech- of the Federal House of Representative es, and ven I cets to de front cate vat von in lMill-fil. nml na oeiiunlv n,Tnn,i .,.;.i. dinks 1 zee ? 1 zees dare a pig pull-dog, ) Mr. Crittenden and others "in resisting se and he looks mighty savage. So I dinks ccsfion : but after tho call for seventy-five-I frighdens him, and I says, 'Look here, 1 thousand men by tho President nf tho Mr. rull-dog, stand back ; I fights on dis United States, acted with his Stato. linA nil 9iinimni' Tint 4t.n ...ill I... I f..l:.. r..... 1- . i line all zummcr.' But the pull-doi; ho don't care for dat, so I vhmks him." "How did you do that?" "Vv. 1 pops vnv nrniint. an n ilo mil!. ilog couldii t see me. and ven I gets to de uacK gate, vat you uinks 1 seer y,dare 1 see dat same old pull-dog ! So I vluuks him again." "llow did you do lliat ?" coulun'tfiee mo, to another Ijcech orohnrd, nnu vcu j Kui mire, vav jnu iiniKs t "i-flr Vy, dare 1 see dat tamo old puK-d.-g! So I vhir.ks him ncain." "How did you do that?'' "Vv. 1 PI1VS tO lint old ritlll.dmr T wilr nere, wisier l uu-iig, I vianks you (iree .. i ,. , .. V limi 8. and (Verv dimo I liiids vou desninn ,, ,,i , , Oul rull-ilon. lam vour old beeches : A-lli furou f.irvniip.ilil I .nnr iaj I r 1 mi ft : - is out next month, and l!ie rounlrv mnv go to the devil for beeches: so I goes to my. tent." F. S. C. 2vew lork Tuna please copy. SiiTvinriVT Soi.nirnq I.PTTrn TIia fil- lowing is from lhe lnteeditur of tho 'i'unk hannock llcimbltcan nJK-epublican sheet- EAI IS TE'ISIIIHU, a., July ,i, llSut. Thar ll'i!:; A prfnt mnnv wnnl tn Lnnur I suppose how the Inst battle went. My answer is, invariably, that we U themselves with lhe belief that this rea son will end the war, nnd I believe to myselt, If we can t whip them by full we never can. lhe soldiers will stand it no lonaer. Thev will iro for a new AJminis tration.' In fact, 1 have changed mv viewa coni:iciably from what they were when I left home. There is ton mnrh nigger in tho present Administration, nnd ioo mnnv lies puousueu in inn newsnnner. I find if I want to approximate nny- wuero near ine truth. 1 nave to taka it from Democratic papers. inclosed you will rind a silver dollar, (if il ever reaches you,) which I sen 1 10 the little "cherub." nnd nne whirh 1 tri?e quite highly for two reasons . one is, bc c.ime they are rcarcc, aod the other it I. . !. !. 1:- 1 ll,ft V.nf lln.flalil Muoauna is is H rcnu irom near Petersburg, and onco tbo property of some Reb. I chanced to pick it up shortly after lhe battle 11. a. 1 irr ant. COld men love their eirly tnetnoriri. Like the Greeks, they Jraw pictures of Hiss, as it were, on the marble sarcophagi of their cbangeij, slumbering x.X. 50 Per Annum,' if paid ia advance SERIES-VOL. V.-NO. 4. ' PARTICULARS fP Tin? "nTQTWTTn , rA -VJlT J1KS 0Jf THE DESTKUC TION CF CHAMBERSBUEG. llARaiSDL-RC. Jlly 31. 180L 1 uen. wcUausland was n command of the rebel troops when (hcv burned Cham- Gen. JfcCausland was in command of jattnant paaaiona. After ha had takeu ,ornlul "eblon or the town he mado proclamation demanding ono hundred thousand dollnrs in cold. Jt v. as of COU so impossible lo eimt.lv .1 niade, no doubt, in full cihlf .J m" V. 113 tJilure, and ture of its afl'm-d to execute tho premeditated pir.a for des- nw., ..,g uiuuucrsuurg. i no luct Wiat tho most valuable portion of the merchandise had H JoX , d "hen. they" were thus ins. added to the of the rcbnl-t. cny were thus inspired the or- a issueu to nro tne court-house town hall and bank buiMing. A strom- breeze communicated tho flames to tht surrounding building.. Iar tie" of havi"S sacke'l " ereral" d uga, J chi 8lor"8' """tu,ed tu. pf ntine ffi. which lhoy ll,row in flH Jirectious, creat- ing as many d n'erent flames in diflerirt )ocli.ie,, Aid soon on Ted io one wner- ttl conll:.ration Sneedi J i , .1?,. i , cracking and roa.itg of the I f! vues as thev Lax house To hou!e J the & of tcr.ified women, panic-stricken and "i mo um nnu ueipicss, lonue l nn udos- cribubl, scene of horror. The ci K "'ituout piolo.t.had submitted to plunder (and had even appealed to the m-rcy of ...v.o, kui iiuiuiii" uutiiu un pease tuu butcher and incendiary, McCaus and n. . , , "LuuMana. I una di.ij-hvb OI 1110 111 OS L valuable and elegant puLlic nhd lilivaU 1 rp. . "u.iy.-i Hi-iaucini'jin. i uu iovvn was fired at about 1 o'clock in tho afternoon. The Horrors of War in Virginia. We have betose us n history, snd and " o uu,u uuiu:o ua ii uisiury, tsnn am "etirt-i endiiit;, which wo arc suro will scrv ve to convince uny luiumno pjiirit that the l'eslation caused by the war should not rer''-'''l by an enlightened and Chris- tiail llCOnle lonL'OI" tO unnu uilh n'l ita An Cniitain Marlimluln wit a inl'itrmail one of Mr. Eoleler's daughfers that the property was not her father's but that of I. . I i . . a or nor inouier noving ueen conveysU to her many years since. She afterwards sent word to Geo. Hunter, that ho had not succeeded in deslroyingone dollar's worth I of her father's property. All he destroyed- belonged to Mrs. Rotcler, who was absent cout Mr. Botclcr's two datilitcrsand tlneo iiiiio grand children, iliis is the letter of Miss IJotelcr : SlIEI'I'ARIiSTOWV, Jri'l-'N Co., rA., July l,S!jl-V,:eduesduy Jsight. aI'i iJcari'fl Sister: I annnnun vnn ivill nave nenru neioro mis readies you tlial ' i .:..ii have heard before this roaches you that i our tit-Hi . ue.iu nun iiiuiie ii in nsnes. 1 es- ;.i.ri.. r l. .1 ' 1 . 1 . . . . .... ' . nine children, ami t. heme at home. Ii teen of the Firat New York Cai-i.li v I'n.lni- Captain Martindalo.cotne with oidcrs from (iencral lluuter lo burn everything under roof on tho places of A. R. Botclor ond Edmund J. Lee. They came to us first, und in twenty miuutes after their arrival il would have been dangerous to enter Iho house. Of tho furniture we saved two little rocking chairs and three other chairs from the porch. This ii literally all. Tha : 1 J'g barn, in which wns stored all the bay just able historical papers and documents all - - . ... are gone. 1 iie meat noue ana dairy ara still standing, as tho wind blew from them. Writing this is harder work than 1 Ihcugbi it would lo, after all 1 Lave gone through with. They piled up the furniture and wills carophene, etc., built the fire that ha b irned deep into our hearts. Nettantid 1 are at Aunt Naon ie'a to-tiiiih', ; Lizsio and children at lhe Grove. Mrs. Leo baa jo'ned her husband, and Fountain Roek and Hedfjrd are both desolate I 1 My heart aches to have such trrrihlo tiding cf the dearest spot in all tho world to you. I fonr I lnved it too much, but mv trni.tl. ett grief is for cur darling parents. Vo usu j vuii nnu an. ua v 1 i 1 u ji ter, but their life 'tics were formed on I livitcd there. ' I'll write more in the morning, when filter for it. How many wul be sorry to hear all this ! I read 11 un- l-' order rfivelf had it til mv tiirnU and tried io keep it to send Papa, bul it was taken out 01 my run as. , Ymir devoted sister, Tirrs. - If. 1'j It Xewt, Jy 2').