AFFAIBS IN KENTUCKY. Tho long nd short of the difficulty about Kentucky is, that tho ndnimin. t ration hps prclorrod to enlist a few thousand negroes there rather than preserve tho allegiance of tho Stato. This is tho key to the cngima of the i'robidont's proclamation of martini law. The Kentuckiuns have always .'aimed that their right of properly in negroes is an indiwputiblo one, and that so long as tho State was true to its constitutional obligations, they hhould be protected. Thcscr ival claims -tho Government on ono hand as Herting tho right to enlist negroes, and citizens on the other denying the light, especially if they were able to til? their quota'by tho'voluntary en listment of while men seriously threaten tin open rupture. Tor a lime tho Washington authorities were induced to forebear, perhaps influen ced by tho resolute stand otuovernot PI'ECML KLIiCTIOS PROi'tAMATI'N said amendments or cither of them, tht WHE1U5AS, Tho Governor of the Common- governor of this commonwealth shall issue wealth of Pennsylvania, under tlie great a writ of election directed to each, and Seal of the State, has Issued the following writ uf every theritf of this common woaltb, com Election t .,... manding thent to givo notice, lo tie usual ToKnwanr. Pmm, Esq., Sheriff of the eounty of IlmllI10, in not less than two newsnanora Clearfield, sends Urocling : , .. ... . ,.. .... ,. .iti., WnnnKAS, A Joint Resolution proposing cer tain amendments to the Constitution ol this Cout uionwenlth, which are as follows, via : " There shull he an additional seeilon to the third article if the Constitution, te Lo designated as section f ur, as follows, vis: "fitetion 4. Whenever any of the qualified rh etors of this Cotninonweitlth ahull be lu any aj. ttuil military rervioe under a requLition of tho President uf tho I'nited States, or by authority of this Commonwealth, such electors may exorcise the right uf stifl'ruge iu ull elections by the eiti tens under Mich regulations as are or ahull be pre served by Inn, as fully te if they were present at their uiukl place or elections "There shall be two additional scetionito the -".'. , ., " . leveiilh Article of the Constitution, to be detig- ,"aia' nl lua I " isttd nsisertiunt eight and nine, as follows : ja,,i aim Wll.nn in eaoh city, and county t lvviJcd. 'lhat so many are published therein, and by at lout two printed uunduilU, in eicli elect ion diliiot, of every city mid county, wherein no newspaper is published, thut nn election will Le held in each of the townships, wards, precincts, and districts, therein, on the Krt J'uemhiy of August, iu the year of our Lord oi.e thousand eight huudred and sixty-four, fur the purpose of deciding upon tho approval mid taliti cution, or rejection, ol me paidamond nipiilsl which Miiil election ahull he ouen- ed, held, and closed, upon the day at'ore- ueea, and within the Hours aforesaid are reauestea la neat at tne conn Honta. ir, m Ji rre ntnmw. vsw. In th. borough if Cl.ars.ld, the flrst Friday mmm.ww lOVCVf. t AbUHEK'J tjQieJ First Tuesday of An gust, then and after the said , flnr.ATF.ST HATTT p'riv ormnhi . 1 '1 there to do those things required of them by law, ' ; ' VV i GIVES under my hand and seal, at Clearfiold, on . c nnn tr:iij w J. i i this twonty.nlnth day of Jane, in the year oft l-T ' aviiivu hiiu vv UUUUCU, UnQ lakcnrrisoncrs! WITH CAMP EQUITAOE-AXD 70,000 Contraband! freed from the our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and six ty-four ; and of the Independence of the Unit- ed States the eighty-eighth. ' -V EDWARD PKRKS, Sheriff. ( MCAlA SheriH' 's OIHee, Juno SMth. Vcrjf i THE "ItEPUbLlCAN." j Terms ol MuDnrriptioii. If pnid In advance, or within thro, months, $1 SO It paid any time within the year, ... 1 74 (f paid after the expiration of the year, 2 00 OIVICS 0 NARKST STKKKT, CLSARFIKI.D, rSSS'A. NEW .1 AKD Kleventh ' Seitiuo S. No bill shall be passed by the Let;-, ol this eomtnonweiillh are directed to be tflature containing more than one subject, which ; opened, held, and closed ; and it shall be shell be clearly expressed in tho title, except op- the duly of thejudgcs, illHpeclors, and (roprintlna bills. , olei ks, of ench ol Hid lownsliiiis, boroughs, Section . Nob.ll shall be passed by he Leg. j .pcjnc, ,,, dUMetlr 0 receive, ',U.,UJC: iLV . , . S0:'i" at the .aid election, ticket, not exceed- ing tho number of proposed amendments, conferred upon the Courts ol this Commonwealth," either written or printed, or partly writ hns been agreed by a majority of tho im'uiuers el-,' ten and partly printed, from ouch of tho c:tcd to each llouse oi tne uegisiaiure ui iwo : s pita I itioii voters Ol this state, w ho may 01- successive sessions oi iuo ranu. A!n Whi-hkas, It is provided in the Tenth Ar ticle ofthe said Constitution thai any amend- ! nients so agreed vpon, shall be suhinitted to the Terms of Advertising. AJvrl!imflnli &r tnanrtud In th RnnutitirKii winuu uia gfuerin ei'cuuii t t.b following rates : ltramlette, whoSO deVOllOII to tho L ll- Crs or privileges, hos boon, or m.iy hereafter be ion has never been questioned; but ol late the policy of tho CJoverment has become more determined, and ivcruit ing for negro regiments has been re sumed with more energy than before. Under the influence Of large bounties, j,e, e i ,uch manner, nnd ntsuch time, at least, and through tho activeitV Of HgOllts! three months oltcr being sj agreed to by the two . C . , . . t.... . . I, . I n,.!dl'i,r .hull nrMai.pihn kiii.h ler the SHnie. and to deposit them in a hnx, or boxes, lo be for that purpose pro vided by the proper ollicers; which tick et btill be, respectively, labelled, on the outside. First Amendment," "Second i . i cmjiioyeu, me iarmcrs tnrougu many sections ofthe Stato have been stripp ed of their Held hands, and other hi jorers, so that they aro unable to gather their crops. This cause more! than any other has exasperated many who till now worked heartily for tho Union ; some, like tho bravo Col. Wol lbrd,have thrown up their commissions in the army while a still larger num ber aro either alienated in their at tachment to tho CJovcrnment, or have deliberately gone over to tho enemy. As somo have surmised, this unfortu nate condition of things invited the raid of Morgan, and it was the cordial reception given this graceless marau der which afforded evidence of the rapid chango of public sentiment which has taken place. With still tnoro reason it is conjectured that the (jovernmcnt eagerly availed itself ol tho prevalent dissatisfaction as a pre text for establishing martial law. So State in tho Union has made greater sacrifices than Kentucky for tho pre servation of this government; nono has contributed more nobly to strengthen tho military arm of the nation. Shc lias good right to protest strongly a- hounps.oj the LcgiMuture shall prescriho; such Amendment,' and "Third Amendment submission to be in r uch mannor and form, that tha peoplo may vote f.)r or agninit each amend ment separata nod distinctly : Aso Wiikmkas, I!y nn act of the Cicneral As sembly cf this Comiuonwenlth, passed the twenty third dv of Afiril. Anno Domini, one thnnsanJ eight hundred and sixty -four, it is provided, "that for the purpose or acemtmnjf mo sense oi mis Commonwealth, in reirarJ to the adoption or re jection of said amendments, or either of thin, the Itovcrnor of this Cominonwraltu rfliull issue n writ of Election to each and every .-heriffuf this Com monwealth, commanding them to give notice in the usual rammer, in not less than two nswspnpcrs in each city or ccunty : Provided, That so many und thoo who are favorable to said a mendments, or any of them, may express their approval thereof, ty voting, each, as mriny separate, written or printed, or partly vruten and partly piir.ted, ballot, ur ticket;), at there are ainondnicnts ap proved by them, eoiituinuig, on the in side thereof, tho words, For the Amend ment;" and those who are opposed li such amendment, or nny ol them, nuy expiess their oppuoitioii hy voting, o.ieh, ns many scnerate, written or jiriuted, or part.y wri..eii and partly printed billots I Insertion. Sde. Oae square, (lOllnes,) $60 $75 rwo squares, (20 lines,) 100 140 Three squares, (0 lines,) 1 it t 00 1 menlhs 8 mo s. One Square, t : : 92 50 $4 00 two squares, : I I I 4 00 6 00 Three squares, i t I : 00 8 00 Foursquares, I : I t 00 10 00 Half a column, i I : : S 00 II 00 One column, i t t : 14 00 20 00 Over three woeks and less than three uiostbi 24 , tents per square for eith insertion. Uusicejs notices not eseteding 8 linos are In-, strted for 2 a year. Advortisjmsnts not marked wltktie number of I asertiont desired, will be continued untifforbid ! and charged aoeording to these terms. j CLKAHFlKLli CO. DUtlX'TOll Y BONDS OFJLAVERY!! IVERV man that hat read any thing of the j past history of this 11' must Anally come to the conclusion that the Confederate (iovtrn ment would bt broken down. It was only a quet-1 lion of time. Hot now we have the above Ulori- i oui soul-stirring news to cheer us up; and the only draw-back to car joy and glorification it the I imminent danger of the Contrabundi coining : ; North to "eat out our sabstance," and to wear out : ur shoes I Hut of one thing the people of Clear, i 4eld county may be assured, and that is, that Uuu... nn Pi . "tVtxt .7 tdo. FRANK K1I0KT for short railed A'sori-et it 91 00 .telling Itouts shoe at cheap at any other 2 00 2 50 12 too 97 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 S5 00 uaa in the county; and if you don't believe it, just give him a call oo court-week, or at any other time, aad see for yourselves, lie would just re mind the public that bis shop is now on Market street, in Shaw's Row where you will find him just as Sliurt as usual If not a little ihurdr of Cash than he would like to be. All kinds of work on hands and made to order on short notieo, and as well'made, and as good lite as con be "skeered" up here or elsewhere. &ii.lon't forget the shop on Market street, in rihaw's Row, directly opposite Rev. II, U. Saoope't office. F. 110RT. Clearfield, June II, 1862. THE LAMEST jft, SELECTED STOCK GOODS OFFERED PUBLIC AT ALL OF WHICH TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday In January, I 3d Monday In June, Sd Monday in March, 4th Monday in Sept. of each year, ar.d eontinue two weeks if necessary COUNTY AND Tres'l Judge on , As'te Judges lion. Hon. James are published therein, and hy at least two pnnt- i,r i!rkets. as there are amendments not ed handbills in each Election District, of every i,,,, proved by them, containing on the ill-, city and county where no nrnpiM ii ' P''''!' u,.le U.e.oof, tho words, "Against the A- that an K ee ion wil be held in each of tho town- . .. . . .:.. r . .hips, borooglis. ward., preciuct, an.! district, 1 aindmenl tho oleelors vot. for, or .ui.!.. .v.-i;:..iT,.n.j.....n .i ;.. .u.. Luminal t ia first nmnndmunl. slinll ho con- ' loereio, on iuo m ii i u.mmj .uumv .uu -r- , - . .1. i .1 I 1 i.a iivp n ..ii i nai inn Y.rv. ! lUllllffUUil eiUili HUUUIU'I PHI' lv'( "a v.. ...v. year uf our Lord, ono thousaua cig and sixty. fiiur, for the purpose of deciding upon the approval and ratification, or rejection, uf the said amendments, which said election shall be opened, held and closed upon the day last aforo said, at the places and within the hours, at and within which, tho Cicnrrul Elections of this Com monwealth ate directed to he opened, held and closed." Now TnKar.roas, In obeJieaee to the require ments of the TentU. Artiele of the Constitution, and in aecordunce with the true intent and mean ing of tho said act ofthe lienenil Assembly of this Commonwealth, I, . tJ. Cl'ltTIN. Governor of the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, do issue this writ, commanding and requiring you, the said Edward l'erks, Sheriff of the said cjunty, to give notice in the usual manner and as hy law gainst measures Which she regards ns i required, thut an election will beheld according derof-ntorr to her nosition as a sister i term" of t,, Constitution and provisions 0 j j , State, and as in conflict with her rights under tho Constitution. She cannot therefore sustain the Administration, and a method is now devised by which her voico is likely to be stifled in the coming election. For no ono, Demo crat or Republican, doubts that it a monnts to jus- that. Tho vote of Ken tucky is sure for the Democratic can didate, whoever he is. 1 hero is no Kepublican-voto in tho Stato. There fore tho radical advisors of 3Ir. Lin coln havo desired to prevant any vote in that State this fall. Whether tho declaration of martial law is part of tho scheme must bo guessed by shrewd men. The noblo old Stato, whoso men havo stood firm through tiro utid temp est, is bitterly abused by tho radicals, and now feels tho weight of an arbi trary will. Poor old Kentucky! Hut there aro better days ahead of us. The reason for tho failure of Gover nor Bramletto to ruiso 10,000 vol tin tecrs(six months' men) for the defense of the State, is stated as follows, by tho Governor's Adjutant (Jeneral, in a recent letter to tho jmblic : "The records ofthisollico show why we failed. Letters from all quarters, and from unconditional Union men, show that nearly every count- would Coroner, County Sup't 'VNtAtlf, ' Uecraria, Hell, havo flllod its quota, and that many would have largely exceeded it, if the unfortunate attempt to recruit ne groes had not been begun. Dressing appeals from every district have reach ed us, narrating this, and urging that tho white men should stay at home to eultivuto tho fields abandond by the lieoTOCS. -A fill nut this iinfni'tnnntn on. I n.ktm:. : .. n I New Washington liuu uiiiinnviiiliHK iuiiu:l-iivu UlU .!,.... , , . i w ii. j r iiih iiuri iiirinpriT hpiil itv n. wy of the art of the llenerjl Assembly nforusnid, in each of the townships, boroughs, wards, precincts I and districts therein, on the first Tuesday of Au gust, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty lour, for the purpose of decid ing upon the approval and ratiGeation, or rejaa ion, of the said amendments. e Given ixder nv iiin and ?nt Great Senior the State, at Harrisburg this Twenty-first day of June, in tho year of onr Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, and ef the Commonwealth the Cigbty-clghiu. ELI SLIt'KH, By the Uovcrnor t See. of the Com'th. The electors of (he county of Clesrfield will take notice that the mid special election will be held at the following placet, vti i At the hause of 8. M. Kmith for Bcccaria twp. At the bouse of Aseph Ellis for Roll tp. At the house of Jumes II loom, senior, for lSloom twp. At the house of Edward Albert for Roggs tp. At the house of Jacob Pearct for Bradford tp. At the house of R. W, Mooro for Brady tp. At the house of John Young for Burnsi le tp. At the thool house near Simon Rorabaugb't for Chest twp. At tht Court House for the berough of Clear field. At the house of J. Maurer fur Covington twp. At the house of Isaac Bloom, deceased, for Curwensville horough. At Contro school-house for Decatur twp.. At the house ef John Uregory formerly occu pied by Tbomns Robison (Uroadway) for Fergu son twp. Al the house of J. I, Bundy for Fox twp. At Congress lli'.l school houto for (Jirard tp. At the public school-house for Goshen twp. At the house of Jacob llubler for Graham tp. At the school-bouse in Janesvillo forUulicb tp. At. the house of Jerse Wilson for Huston twp. At the tchoul-house in Anseoville for Jordan township. At the house of B. D. IJall A Co , for Karthaus township. At the Turkey Hill school-house for Knox tp. At the Court House in the borough ol Clearfield for Lawrence tp. At the public school. house for Lumber City borough. At tht house formerly ooenpied by Tbes. Kylcr for Morris twp. At the public tchool house toed lourth section to article three of: Auditors, the constitution, extending the right ol i su!'ia:o to soldiers; electors, voting! (or, or against, the second amendment, I shnll he considered at voting for, or I against, tho projio-ed eighth sect ion lo ai tii'le eleven of lb constitution and elector!", voting for. or against, the, third amendment, shall be cuusidered as voting (or, or against, the proposed ninth section lo article eleven of the constitu tion. Skctiox 2- That tho election, on the said pro(ioicd amendments, shall in all Bloom, respects, ba conducted ns the general el- j 1l!ue' . ..iiii-in rt I liia rf.nnwnrtnnnlf li urA nnw : raillora, cont'ueted ; and it shall be the duty of the j ., return judges, of the respective counties, aud districts, thereof, first having careful- Bum;ido, ly asceilained the Lumber of votes givon j " fur, or against, each of said amendments,! " in the manner aforesaid, to make out dn- j . " plicate returns thereof. eipreased in words, i ' nl length, and nH in figures, only ; one of, which returns, so nnde, shall be lodgrd ! Clearfield, in the p rothonotary s olliee ot the court ol ! Covington, common pleas, of the proper county, and the other scaled, and directed, to the sec retary of the commonwealth, and by one ol said judges deposited, forthwith, in the most convenient post otuce, upon winch, postage shall bo prepaid, at the expense o! the proper county Sheriff, Kdwnrd Perks, rrothonotary, D. F. Kliweiler, Keg. A Ree. Isaiah U. Barger, District Alt'y, Israel Test, Treasurer, C. Kralicr, Co. Surveyor, II. B. Wright, CouimirsionersJaeob Kunts, Thos. Dougheity, Amos Read, Charles Worrell, II. Woodward, Y. V. (Tuteret, J. W. Potter, C. B. Fandford, DISTRICT 0FFICE3S. Ssmuel Linn, Bellefonte. J. D.Thomr son, Curwensv ills Bloom, rorrrit, Clearfield, Olen Hope. I.uthersburg. (Ir. Hills. Clesrfield. N.Wash'gton Pennflcld. Leoontes Mill Clesrfield. Hit OK POST OFFICES. y.wl Ojlivtt, I'attmntler; Olonll ,p, M m, 8. Wright Vtnhville, Theodore Weld, liegnrty's X Roads, Sam'l. Ilegarty, Bower, W. McCrarken, Chest, Th. A. M tJhee. Cush, J. W. Campbell, Ootend, ll.L.IIoiidersnn, Forrest, James Illoom, Clearfield ilridge, James Forrest, Woodland, William Albert. Luthershurg, R. 11.. Moore, Troutville, Chas. 8loppy, Jefferson Line, John llebcr in, New Washington, Jas. (Inllnher, Ilurnsido, u. Jrvin, Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. Ill.tMlM, of Pike township, de sires to Inform hit friends and the public generally that he has taken out a License as an Al'CTIONKEK, and will attend to the crying of sales in any part of the county at the shortest notice, end at the most reasonable charges. Ad dress, either personally or by letter, either al' !,, lit :it a :, a m I .f i lurwensvme or iiioouiviue. npri o, u. u, READ ! HEAD ! T Tun Hit ILL HE I.,. miCES TO SUIT THE TjfQ Hit ttock bat ketn HltctM viik regard to tht wantt or thi StofU,, DUY GOODS, S KflTIO'NS, UAKDWAKE wueekswase, -o- Sectioi i. That it shall be the duty of the secretary of the commouwealth, on the twenty-third day of August next, be fore four o'clock, post meridian, to deliv er lo the speaker of the Senate, or the speaker of the lloune of Kepre.4enlalives, the returns of the said election, Iroru ilia several counties of the commonwealth; and the same shall, on the same day, and hour, be opened, and published, in the presence of the members of the Senate and House of Representatives ; and the number of votos given for, and against, said amendments, respectively, shall be carefully summed up, and ascertained, and duplicate certificates, ol the result, shall be signed hy tho speakers of the livo houses. Ond of said certificates shall be delivered to the secretary of tho common wealth, who shall cause the same to be re corded and (iled in his olliee, and the other of said certificates shall be deliver ed to the governor, who thall forthwith Patrhinville, Kast Ridge, Kurd, llcOarvey, Westover, Clearfield, Frenchville, Karthaus, Curwensvllle Curwcnsville, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, liirard, III IllnbuiK West Decatur, Osceola Mills, Marron, Little Toby. Leeonte's Mills, Bald Hills, llnihen, Khawsville, () rah a in, Uruham'.on, Uuelicb, Smith's Mills, Mtdeira, Huston, Tyler. " Pennflcld, Jordan, Ansnnville, Kunhaus, Salt Lick, Knox, New Mi Ipcrt, Morris, Kylertown, ' Morrisdole, Penn, Lumber City, " Urauipian 11 Us, Pike, Curwcnsville, " Blomningville, I'nion, Recklon, Woodwint, Jeffries, eThis Post Office will do for Chest township. mil answer rr rerguson township. Jack Patehin, Jacob Boicc, !. Tout, jr. Win. Mcllnrvcy, p. A. Fsrher, M. A. Frank, P. A. (laulia. J.F.W.Schnarn T. W. Fleming, Centre eountjr, 8. Itadbach, T. F. Iloalich, Kd. Williams, Jas. McClcllan, C. Mignot, William Carr, A. II. Shaw, T. II. forces, A. (1. Fox, Chas.J. Pussy, Davll Tyler. II. Woodward, Kliia Chase, II. Ilcckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thompson, J. C. Brenner, II. W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, " T. II. Fleming. Benj. F. Dale, U.K. Biubukcr, James Lockett, Go and foc the New Gootla at J. E. WATSON'S, Marysville, Clea: field county, Penna stiiKAP r..m fisir K,...,.i t..v.. , . . , 11 I t "' W 4 J VI I .MHIIV1S IVS I UJ UVl ssuo u.a prueiniuuiiun, ueciaruig wneiuei , j Hoards, Saw.Logs, or Shingles. the raid amendments, or either of them, j Dec. Ift, 'M. tf. J.S. E. WATSON. havo been npproved, ana rslihed, hy a msjoiity of the qualified voters, of this! stale, voting thereon : J'roviiieJ, That if, Governor has labored to comply with for p0nn tp, thewhishesot the tiovcrnmcnt, until: tho attempt became utterly hopeless, when it was relinquished." Tho Louisville Journal says tho an swer is conclusiva : "They failed because the Abolition ists prevailed upon Mr. Lincoln to vi olate his direct and sole nm promise to Governor Bramlctte, that slaves in Kentucky .1. S . I lt 1 I . ' Andenon lue "( votes snan oo opened, in tue I j'l cnniitu ui cuv, u luriiiut. ot duhi uvusv law lor hwlding tbe general and tow nihi eUtt,on, M. W. .SMITH Sc CO. MKIttllANTK, and dealers in ln n I. 1 1 : si l -v . for any cause, a quorum of either house ".." .::. , : t"! ' c !: '" for the borough of ,f lHe l',,?t,UrP 1ttU 001 b,rcT1 ' SECOND Street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo 8 ' the day, and hour above mentioned, then silo the Prefbyteriao Church, Clearfield Pa. Dec. 4, 1SSI. JOSE1MI K.rURH A Y A M D K A 1. E It 1 X 1. VM It K H New Washington, Clearfield County, Tn July 1st 1863.-tf iLmtkIkii6fft,jbfflffe?lBi,j1t(,4Jl LI TIILII SfJCRG, CLEARFIELD COUNTf, TA. At the bouse of Isaac Blo'm, deceased, in the 1 as shall be present ; and, incase ofthe borough of Curwensville, for Pike twp. absence of the speaker, of cither of said houses, the said certihcates shall he sign ed by the speaker present ; or, in case of At the bouse ot D. E. Biubaker for I'nion tp. At the house of Thos. Henderson for Wood- lArnali!n TllEKt-F0KE,I,EnwABnPsns,UihSkerirll'enb,'cn,('e r both speakers by the chief: of Clearfield county, do horeby give Public No- j clerks of hot h houses, or either of them, tice te the electort of the county of Clearfield, that, in Case of the absenco of ooe of laid a t pocial election will be held on the l''imt Tues- j clerks. day of August neit, being tho second da of SicTICX 4. That the aeveral duties re- u. moniu, .i same un.. ana pmrcs nsca oy . nlliro,l to l.e nerforme.l l.v H.a l,rirt-. , B i - . -, commissioners, constables, tudiies. Ins not . turs, and all other oflieers, whatever, in,1 '! ....I .1..., ,i. I ..i...,: r n.:. mi. i auoui, v3 cuumi eifui ii ma ui iijia, wag not rained because the Abolition ists preferred Kentucky negroes to Kentucky whito men for the defense of tho Stato. The very step by which they havo deprived tho Stato of ade quate protection has at otico increased the peril and crippled such reources of protect ion as oxitt ; for the general movement of tho slaves, while rais- WJLLA.V SCinVEM, Proprietor. Mav 19, 18M. ly. CVHEXH'8 HOWE. Justice or the Peace. For DacATrn Township, will promptly attend to all business entrusted to bis care. P. 0. Address, Pbilipshurg Pa. Aug. 21st 18(11 should not bo enlltd- la said county, in accordance with cd without the consent of tho owner. 'An Ad VtesmLinn thttimt and manner of Tho forco was not raised because tho1 ''' people, for their approval uni romm.,n ' ilh .wi t.u .,,r..,n,n.i i. Abolitionists SCt the slaves of tho Stato ratification, or rejection, tht propoud amtnd-. ,uch ln n(, MMl( ,be cIcc; ioJ to roving and compelled the whito -Mt I" the LerutUuUon i herein provided Tor; and all persons, men stay at homo to cultivate tho' . WHEREAS, A joint resolution, propos-! whether officers, orotber,shall bo liable to fields abandoned bv tho slaves in ng certain. amendment" lo the t'onatitu-, the same punishment, for the neglect of . . . ... Iiiinril tlna I nn mnnwonll t ms haan 1 .!.... u - ... . ..v.. w. wu vwitt-uvat unii, v--sa HIIV IllllV.lir LI1 H l.UIIl III 1 SH1IM1 si I 11 V ClIItllPli. agreed to by a majority of tho members at, in, or about, the said flection, as they , elected to each house of tho legislature., would, (or the neglect of like duty, or tho at two auecesivo sessions of the same. commission of like offence, at, in, or a 1 he first session commencing on the Orst bout, the general elect ions of Ibis cotn- i luesuay ot January, in the year of our' monwealth. IIENUY C. JOHNSON, I ura one tnousanu eight huiulrea and Speaker of the House of representatives. Jas. MeMurrav. sixty three, and the second aession com-l JOHN P. PENNEY. ! DEALKRS IN mencingon Ihe first laesday of January Ppeakerof the Senate. ' Dry Goods, (iroccrics Lumbor. Ac, Approvid l he twenty-third day or, JJuinaido. Pa a. w. tiioufsos. JAS. I. W ATSON. THOMPSON A WATSON, Dealers in Timber, 6aw-Logs, Boards and Shingles, Marysville, liiearneiu linage r, u.,j Clearfield conntr. Pa. Aug. 19, 1863. G. W. & H. W. SMITH HAVE JUST IIKCKIVEIJ From the East, A FRESH SUITLYOF SEASONABLE M GOODS Comprising a genera! assortment of Prints, Delaines, Moiaaibiqiicr, Alpacas, Silks, Brocade Mohair, Challies, Lawns, Linens. Pop I ins, Lavellas, (iingbams, Checks, Plaids, Drill- ing.Tirking, Shawls, Plain A Fancy Cassimrres, Cotlonades, Ilrown muslins, Iilenched muslins at le.s than city ahofesale prices. Table Cov ers. bite tloods, Uu I in oral Shirts, 14 1 Linen TahloDisper. N O T IONS Hosiery, Oloves, Ttihbont, Trimming, tlntt.ins. Collars, Nets, Veils, Kmbroldering liraids, Hand kerchiefs, Ladies' Elastic Ptges, Whalebones, Bindings, Chlldrcns', Misses' and Ladies' Hoop 8kirts, guaker Corset Skirts, Zephyrs, Neck -tics, Ludiet' (Jill and Silvered liolts, Leather Belli. "V "ATS ASDf tOOT AVTi cm- WOtjDKN'-WAItK A HOl'SEIIOLI) Cedar Ruckels. Tubs .t Churns, Mops, Measures, Brushes, Rackets in great variety. Dials, Door Mats, Window Blinds, Crls 4 Tannls, Patent window Blind Fixtures, Oil Clolbs, J?oots, Shoes, &e. Mens' Kip Boots. Kip A Calf Shoes, Chlldrens', Misses' and Ladies' Morocco Boots, Shoes, Bal morals and (Jailers. Hats, Caps, lloniicls Sec. (Groceries, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molnsset, Split VtM, Tobe co, Spices, Salt, Fish, Ae., LOOT STONE-WARK, WI1.I.OW-WAKE, READY-MADE CLOTIIISo, 0 HOC FRIES, F.ART11 ENW.AEB, F OILS AND TAINTS, , FLOUR.ASDBiji' GLASS AXD NAILS, ! FISH, ' i SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE AXD W2TC i Together with til other trtMnMnr . eomplete the asssortment of sint disss store. f4TA) kinds of LUMBER mis CotiM duce taken in exchange for guwh, it U k) est market price. As he is recoiving new snppfits t( i weekly from Uallimors, Kew York, film and Pittsburg, the public ess smMnnI will always be prepared to lufr-ltujS in the market. nm im nu. n...,. n.. st ur.i QUEENSIVAI'E. Full Tea Sells, Cups A Saucers, Disss Dilics Tumblers, Plates, Castors, (ilass Preserve Jars. Hardware, &fc. Seythct, Snathes, Scythe Stones, Bakes, Shovels, Spades, Hay Forks, Table Knives, Forks, Spoons, Plated Tea Spoons, Hatchets, Nut Crackers, Tacks, Bed Castors, Nails. STATIONERY. Cap, Letter A Note Paper, Bun A white Envelopes, I Past Cooks, Books, Pent A Pencils. Treble Thick Memorandum The Kcnson .! Kvery bodv purcbiss (belt CH"' REIZHNSTELV BROS. Bocsiuo the tid! so very Beeause thev keen tht bestgoodi; Because thour Clothing is wU tail's4 Bectuso they keep tho largest tstn"' Becausa theT ent New Uoodl rt7l Because they give every ent ttot''' Because they tako tht siivssttf Bccsuso they treat their curtssf' Because everyboiy likes loki'' n ii... ii HiuOaf'' ivi-aui' uvj Bill vuri,'. .j O .L-!. r...l.!.. ..a .JISa"l I Tl ..... . 1 1. -.. r-arrhl:&V . UVIRU., lltVJ HU Uik ,V7 jJ Because their Store ii to eos'tnt'l Z) r , fc.:,ilsr1 , I Because sll who deal with lit"1'. MISCELLL A X K O U S . Fancy Toilet Soaps, Fishing Lines A nooks. Trout Hods, Trunks, Car et Sacks, Ladies' Travelling i The Satchels, Pocket Books, hat A hair Brushes, cheap, ..J ihslrwill!l,: ... t j iiukstn uersuse tsey navt purcor. - j Then tre Matt. Irvlu. in tha year of our Lord ono thousand I t n i,u lUMMIIITU BUs rlstlVIUIJI J nga nowni upccuuur ciuisooi appro; Aso Wiierias, It i provided in I April, Anno Domini ono thousand eight honainn in th mi,lt of na. LinH. tl, i.nik " '". .. .x... "'-.nuDareu ana sixty-.o- r, . " " t vvh.u oi ui nic truiiBuiiHitju, iiininnv l 1. A.- 1. ii A 1 I 1 . . . ' . . A. 0. CUUTIN'. Nocice is further hereby given. That til persons except Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of trust under the government of the Is I led States, or of tbit State, or of any incorporated district, whether a commit. tinned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer bcople to their lienrtlistoncB. Uicrclv.raondmPDl. so aereed unon. shall bn ul- serving to prevent, or at lenst to check,. ,n,yd to the people, in such manner, that tree association for self-nrotcc- f01 'ca Hm". at least three months ar tion which in so mnny instances has lartif'ni'l0i.'l to,byli,e lwo, uw heretofore .applied (ho defiency of Jfft in,'1uercnbneer,.UnCd, Government protection." form, that the people may vote for or Journal Commerce, July llfA. against, each amendment, separately, and - distinctly : therefote, MrlIHo, there, What's your hurry? ..Stcn?l li " h th Senatt and of Congrest, or of the State Logiihrture, cr ofthe ' Where tiro you troinfff llouttqf Jepreienlalaaqf th VonmomotaJth eemmon or telect eounoil of any eity, or com- n: k..nTn Am. . mon f Pennsylvania in General Auemllu mt and ""'"'ooer of any incorporated district, are .by law ' ;u,nning for nn offlco 4 it U herd enacted by th authority .tlUiam. ..erclsiag, at the sa. ,4hatomcer' ' ;Th.ift1t, .r .u- u". the office or appointmeetof Judge. Iotpee. 'Yhr.thw Rniiri offlrw. Dlwet if '. " ' " r .w"." .Vu" "f. Clerk of any .lectio, of tbit Common- ( m regara re tne inpivirsjif, r refection, or Dee. 21, IM2. ttllMAa X, WaLLACI. Cloth Brusbet. All of which will be told Cheap for Cash ! reduced prices that they ADVERTIHi I afeoftberetseM'?,Kj xrAl kinds of CsattrJ 1 tbe highest market pness. j KLIZENSTKI I Clesrneld, Xov II, i . . ,j Annrovod eounlrv nroduce Lileen In i,I.i,m .... .. I. SUW , ' . . . 1 . . Ov , JUWS. II. SUIH.ll. I for goods, at market rates. may Mm, .ej FORCEV&WALi- Isulkloy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam, JOHN O. UALI WivJToLAClS & JHiALL, Attorneys at Law, CLEAR flE.l. VA. Wool Wool. or agent, wao is or thall be employed under the iA ft,l POUXDS of WOOL wanted Legislative. Executive or Judicial departments of tJV7 V7V lJ (ot which the highest market tin, owiv ur ui iu .uiieu diuivb, vr muJ - ... uvv .111 w vj kfERCIfANTS,tniC.'lji ixi.diic in. and ti -.j rpiIE utdersigned respectfully Informs the peo. ' " v vr" , b ck tht 1 pit of Clearfield and the adjoining eountltt fXtalM(M'fi that he has the agency of the sbove Patent, and U ,ftid- nml'"'' will tell Individual, County and Township rights i . TlZt xoe i.umoer.arled by Ibis process it -tt- VTFD -- A la's" J FLAXSEEW J Wi incorporated district, and also that every member Clearfield, May 13, 1883 P. KRATZER, I'm stied !" TIIOM 8 9. M CULLOL'CII, , Attorney at Law. OSee adjoining the Bank, formerly ooenpied by 3 B. Mclaally, Esq., Market street. Clearfield. 1 Pa Will attend rroairtlv to Collections. Sola The Rtlura Judges of tht rfsptttire dldrlets, cf Linir, Ac. , , per. lr,?nt. fur its use, stronger, ficlsuei better. I ettier on tools, and requires lets time lo drvias than anv other era. i J cess known and drying 1 Inch lumber perfectly GO0D3 at the Cheap Sters ei la 3 hours, and better than many months under i U .... ' tho old system using the ssme amount of fuel Curwensville, Sept. per usy that a eooromon kiln consumes. The eer tifleates of a numlier of resident mechanics, well known In this community, Is amply sofliclcnt to con vsr oe the mott skeptical of III practical utility. Persons desirous of purchasing rights will address i JOHN L. CUTTLE, . Jul 1, I Ml. Clearfield, fa. ZT. . ..,ii:II. MAKTLES la greet variety at i . . T. &KA2BR S. Street one doorssst ' t!K,v Bank." -V , j. r. n i