Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 20, 1864, Image 2

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    jc gltarficlb gRfpnbUcan.
Vi;isi:6i.v MoRSiNo,::::::::Ji'l.Y 20th.
The last number of the CUa'JiM Jtepub
Um closed the fourth volume of that under the control of 0. B. Goon
landi; 4. Co., and with it close tny con
nection as junior editor and publisher.
As to the manner in which the lale
editor conducted their paper, I shall
allow the public to judge for themselves ;
eieept to merely state, that, during thi
pericd, the subscription lit has been in
creased about thirty-three per cent., and
ibe job work about one bundled percent.
Rut the most gratifying of all to me is the
fact that during the same period the
I emocratic majority )ias advanced fiom
about two hundred up to nine hundred,
while surrounding counties and Si ales
were meekly yielding themselves a willing
sacrifice to tbnt holl-born malady, Aboli
tionism, which has most effectually de
stroyed our political Eden.
With the last issue closed the fourth
volume of the firpubliea under the exclu
sive control of JIionr & Goodlanier. It
is left to others to say whether or not it
has discharged its duty, and
its standing among the Democratic papers
of Pennsylvania during that period.
The difficulties that had to be met and
unll..:mr,..J v.i.i !. f Alt persons n bambw muiImi. A DMtlllmiin .
. Mr IValtura a. our tuW d we " "j" " " VV."' " " ' . V VM""" J slnM Ultiui an A A IUVtlr
Plenum,, vote on ne propea amena- - w - " o, v ast.irg.on norm ol. ,w. b, und.,.!.. u.Uo. saTd XtfZS
fcirThose voters who dsire to caata high and honorable position. Givo us
meet, to the State Constitution, should .flJMr. thnt we w U come out ' 'U l0 ! gIemU? l'LTT ! AB'Urt, W fXJ&
i r..i ..t i i it,. . . . -ii..: . .... - ... 7. .. . . ! fcopiemLer, istsz. and payable in th fiurnvnf havinir .w,'"ifl so.., 7J
OIH.IUVIU! ..w vviwi uanncrsuyinganu ourenorwcnmii- islack va. vvuiTr i ne unlimited free- 1MS3, as said pots baa been paid la full. r ,,, iVidVwtfM
Iran slant; of those who hope, by the aid ed with victory. 1 could say a treat deal Join granted "citizens of African H.nt I JOHN nivnv , in.....!;... - ,Ut r !r''lw
of one of the proposed amendments, to ,110,c in Mr- far, but praise Rt the late SanLlaiy Fair, Is now working! Bradford tp., July JO, 1864-pd. ,Ki,t ,h, n'm fl ''h b.S
- " Admi;.. I
. " na nn aium nnnor. imiiiap in ii m it.... u.. ... ,v i i, i i i i.'
:.I:,.C" ?J.?.n:,o.r,".L'y .Mp.c,ru,,. bu m;nd. .;,: sALHk,. -es
Um,... .... .;,..u.illu,nnitu uy me publio geiior.lly, that ho is ulwajn proimred t
lonWialor lit began search fur a Beut uttoni puhliu mlcs in any part of tho cuunty. at
r.l.ln t!, fat MTirea thev now -nW. T..-1 ' V."- 1 " . " """r.- ,,r IWP "goacoloreUI
. i tl J " " u'ikll mill III Vi t'll ! H V aitiriLi'it nil Ai'IT I H u-Aninn nn afA.
all siuccre palriola remember that this siute. I hu aened two sesnions in
measure is rot for a merely temporary Slate Set-ro. and has on all occasions sue-
til 1 f l tih:A fif llin ivrn,!nnlirn CC8"tUliy COIllualliHl the ul)l(,l
, j,v ,
one or th m, .i..
I. C r i iLHlIN I'llv
w 'iiif i.ncu tjii rn a It-Mil.
Laving applied for I.lponna
as an Auctioneer, under the U. 8. Jicvenuo
talent the
. linn .ni l. .F I I... W...... .....1.1
it nnppei.s turn uu..y i-i Uu vm.-ii duco No avuiBbihly cand.dule, l.r thev
ubsent iu the military sertrice of tho ben- neH1y always disgrm o their friend.. 1
eral Government ; but the proposition is would rather die e.n honorable death than
to change our fundamental law in in live a dishonorable life,
most vital rart-and to lal for all linre. j '""I "'UOOL, '
Adopt the hist proposed amendment, anu
there is no outrage and fraud upon tho.
ballot-box that may not bo corimiitUd
with pel feet i.upunity. i
Tho pretext in, to give the soldier "an
opportunity to vole.' hy :ive tliPtu
in opportunity denied to citizens who ate
Among the passengers there happened to l',e shortest notice, and on the uit rcanonnblo
Luagoer and his laily, wlio, nolicinc to'"11. Cl,n 1,8 addressod, pcrnonully or lijr
that his tiible f.i.snd was not lil;t.y io hitter, at hnunfs Mills, Clearfleld eoun'y, P.
be nceomodati'd, magnatiiiuously i.nW J2if'41 JUSTIN flK,
l l l . . .. J . . """ "
ni p.acea ner nesiie nu wile. All eyes oiTKAV Xi;N'.-.Strayed
77 preujines ut
gm in the puuh,,,, of , f jri . 8 tl,
about RO n. .... .1.... j t'ssrt.u V
aoout r.o n tc flrr,di,d
can bo made
w.ddv.B, ' Tuk,
Je BlCll Iif,......:. 'J Mu 'I
B.ltiuor, July lu, I'Z Noon. Noth
ing lias I eeu rei't-ivi'd liiiiit Wabhinj'oo
since the arntai of th early tram yeelei--uiiy.
You uu.y saleiy fet down ail these
evening reports l seiisa'.iouul, oral uiol
us mere ruuiuis.
Tlie repoits of the capture of Annnpoliu
( Junction) are iroitoutn:ed al Led:pJ:tr-,
oldiers deprived of the oppoi tui:iiy to lvrt uiitounded.
vote! Whv if not the same opportunity j 1 have just hocu Geneial E. B. lyler,
ln,W in thPm tint is extended to the " ,,ul01' l, W ' 'V
loldiet of other .Stales?
All eves nTIIAl IIX Ktraved mrnv frnm (1,.
were uut mun no) Miftcegenntor. A Sy preuimes ut tna subscriber, in U.rard town-
scene of confusion ensued. '1'Jje other '''P' lhs nl" Bluut ,' "n,( ('ie othr almut
passengers vacated their pl.tcu vowina the 30tU June lant, TW O OXEN, Syenri old hut
venceaitee upor, tha Leaguer and his rriiur-tu wl black sid... while trek along
.1.1- na..l I...S i at.. "w v w, ... iu niuu , llin ' wuaitcra. IVirihi... a..
i , :'I 3 ' ' T 1 " olh" ri,d. w i,h l,,t on bi b''k- " riKht er Crape, llonnet Silk. i IB ui,'. tlntn' 2
ly inter e.enco of the Conductor both mark.d. A libcml rewind will bs , si I foV infor. ally, cheaper than tu' che.pi "J Q,"hJ
i.i.wm iu' Mi Li.iinien into too tnation con arinrig taia nxen, ty u.J'jrMT)g the
to lbs bcrilmr either In i- "nl,U
I OXXKTS-Fa,!,',,,... tEtJl
U ('.p.. Shaker,, Rlbk
not soluiera, und nn opporiuniiy that ni'iy
t the next, or any suhsrq tent election
end in the total overthrow of republican
libeity? But w'ny are the Pennsylvania
The far was stopped and the o!- undersigned, either peieonaliy, or by Ictier to
M.' p:irty removed, f t is evident hconla'a Milli pjt tffice.
that there it net llio least possible chance of
o.iior.', "j uulls ttiiiig perniiited to
ri b with white peopio in l ho city cars,
al' hot vh the Iicauers would iiave it so.--nl-'vhui
Jje, July 11.
Tim MII.LF.IL'.Mm'.lHTI.t noXliM.
Vhen elections, CMf," ; i . ,,,.t
1 il. J J3I ,.vr. . - .'f -
f-.'At dy ('iiopor, a free American of
tii p"nvt African descent, came neur
l.sin.L' his life on Sii'urday. He was a
.-i , ir ,!,, gn'l on tn! in ihe Kaj ulin pli.tform. It reprmeiitj aoeiety
iimm iiin in iii moiiv, i'i ci-j:y seizea nti I it to be in tho era of 'fcpu.-iiity on 1 r ratcru
liMKl'' XOTirp....v. "
for the count, 0f ciPnfr,.i.i iL,
Cuiuiuisiiners' othce, on Weda'""la,lc
I It)a Uuati h '" directed that i .
cants appear bofi.fA ik. u. ." n.
I their sworn siutement dotallin. B,!M!Kj
regiment and eaiutianv: t... silfri
... " CBlHil
i . ":
... ...MUI..H, will! b. . j ..m,
; the town.l.ip in which ther tesi, ,i .
,ci,li8ttnont, and their pre,"tnt reiidJ yH
ihe in without ths uicani of iur.J ilt
und children, wLo are de;,Pnujai b
i i . it-... c... .. u I...
' "-" ".MIOI well l.l'IIIUCU, IU kKSel H let.CflaL n wl.'l.l n.irri.l I ..I.. i!V." Snmnrr i. inr,l..; n n trnnir, I..-
. 1 .. ..... 1, 1. ; - ......i . ... liii.i 1 1 1. filti . . . . . . ' ... , ..... n .
iiMimsni iu ui. c... ,. . living art the same Hotel. As yoon as ilia
tor. on Monday nigl.i.and ti.ul lUey spe'il,. M informed
neatly all day yeMeuhy in buimug toi L,wlliUlti ,'v1j0 u P reV0lve" and
t.iin without K-rci-s. , !wfnt into the dicing room, where Andy
I will aeud you all that I can learu that. WM nl wprk wjU) Anly
ni an ri nn'.ir.'
other .Slate whose soldiers are willing to
vote as the Administration dictates, there
is no trouble in sending them home.
Why not exter.d the same privilege to
the Pennsylvania aoldiers!
0, ays one, thi is impossible. The
Presidential election takes place on the
ame day throughout all the Slates, and
The reliels left 4-0 cl their wounded
in Fiedenck ciiy, in our hocpUuU time.
We uio informed by Mr. S. M. IVltuu,
Prtwiiieiit of Ijio Plnladelphiii. iluiiiig-
10 sen t the soldiers home on that day to; umi hii I Ilnltiinuro JUiliond, that ui range-
each Sla'.o, would leave none ih the field, i uients have been tin lo to run trains d.U
, . . i i . i mhi'Ii wav from Baltimore and l'luUdel-
fhisistrue; but how cay would itlunu " " ,u . , .. ul , ,,,, lv ,.
' . ii n;i. in 1 iti vvil le lv tail, ai.d iruiu in-
i ------ j - .
been for Congress to have changed the I
law to suit the occasion. This would;
have givea the Aduiinisrration an oppor-j gers, muils, troops, and Btipi 1;'-.
tunity lo'have rent every .old,er to hi-! 1''iaoai. July U.-ihere m
n.r' hii drains out, but Andy, discjvering
hit approach, and knowing his object,
mmzM a giil .landing by, and held her be
twcoi, h iu-! t m,d the enraged husband,
unlil ho could buck to the 'du:l)nlv('
down which he pitcheJ, rarrjing the gill
vith him, to the bmetm-tit kitchen.
From there le made a froii lean through
,i . - - - o
a wmkiow an'.t men
rpIUS ITCTL'KK, the sums sii8ss"Tho flravo
JL of the Union," it a capati! bit tho new plank
Two wilnesnoi of cr.,tii iii. ... U,
in which the resides. inn.V. C?'
a tnav" Ih. LrrtUi.tu. A ...... irw. n W h OKA rrti H.H t . U. . PFvIk.
....... ... ... . i...... .... jWUmK n.'iM..ii 1 w" oeiure ih, .
(whitw) is being kissed by big buck ni'.'tfT, whilo t fr'-h that the applicant is thssn "
a lady lecturer, luppmed to bo "The Inspired resents hor.-elf t be ; that the S:
.Maid," sits upon tbo knee of a s .bio brother urj. . number and age of her tatuilj uiru'11'1
iu( him to coitu to bsr lectures, while Urreley, ' is in destitute circumstances and It 'f1"
in very bright of ecstntlo enjoyment, is eat ieo actnal wunt i and lint all the f,t, Jffi
cream with a female African of monstrous physi- application nro just nr.! true, ' "'at
qu e, dtclarirg toeity had at la.'t reachod t'ornii containing theso reriu'i.hton.
ahso ute perfection. In ths back frouiid is a tained at the office of the Board of 1 T
earriago, nc;Met ioside, white driven and foot- j application ii made and ths witi,u,
in en ; a w Lite servant girl drawing a nirijwr baby , I "u,y lst. " S. BRiD'ff
and a ntwlv arrived German survevinr thn i . '
whole rceuo exclaim, "ilii.s wot, vot a (uutry !
Vot a bcq.les I"
.to deicriptlon can do justice t ths hits con-
Jt lioidi "iiu tnirror up to sa inierom m nn lato psrtner, iin.
rvvi to ii t:m:li) t'V tieamei. 1 1 ..v . . ii.,..
1 1 1 . .... .i - Vt : i i . . . ' i . . . .. i '
.auiiauicit , law io sun me nccnsiun. inn vt ouni LoUinatiV l ll'JW i.rei i i u to tano I'U-.n.u-. nulu,i
ilnnnt. A:idv will find Will
wn u in- ......... , m . .
lunuy lonare rent every nnunr m u'.;, l.. ;,,.. iiu. ..t':r., ,, 1 ,. " vl ' "wncv. W.ninj , u 0o.a
'own election district without dancer to;.. w.,i i,,...!.,,,,,!! ' i ""irn1:" documett
surmounted during the greater part of .the public service, and without doing any j t)rUa U duty at the v.riou. auU. All M uud ::At tl.s residence of the brid,V ' V ii? pTTr'Jl!' Bpr'ss S'i'pVr Lu"
. r P a . a 1. ... 1 . . I t . 1 r 1.1. ..... i..A n! un. H..I llti 'iAd,... i. (-1. .. II ...ll " '
inesc iaur years, cro Kir greaicr iuhu violence 10 lue lncretJ fnncipi 01 irev iinv yv uuc hvu'- hvum u " - --t irui.j, on evening or liio iih ' rci
New Watch atid Jehf-
C H. I.At-CllI.IN. 1,!...JV
locomotive speed to tained in this picture. It holds "liu mirror uo to ! interost of hii lato pirtner. ?k
since when he has been """ lbe urti, t Lss aclilrrd a great succojs ' '"' ""' 0,,rn h""k in"e bP rurnrriv
If we don't mistake public sen-! ,n 1dcbl,ft'lnb practical workings of -Miseege. j H-em on heeond street, whets b.bpZ
... f nation. ' tha lnvin.l r..i ,.r t i;,., ... I to keeD un hii reiuiini w.n . . Vn
a r,.,.,r.i,...j.;.,.r." -i-.., --- , ,,. . ;--rr,m,
...v...... U'.l 1UD, ..I. llltlUI EU inMl...
....... . . . . . .. I.:... !.. .1. I ... .
im t circulate d tar and wide
were ever experienced in the history of
newspaper publication in Pennsyjvania.
The cost of every item used in the print
ing office, and the family, has more than
But if Mr. Lincoln and his follower
desire to give the soldiers an opportunity
to vote, they have but to cease this waste
doubled; yet, by some means or other, we' ful, causeless, and unnecessary war. He
have been enabled to keep afloat. That can make better term with
this was very much owing to the thought- u-day, than be ever can hereafter. Thi
ins!., ty Jiv. I M. (Jardner, .Mr. iJKxrrK. s.l
to Mim J.'atuii: f LA1KU4S ; all of this place.
is verv ouiet
Confidence is restored, and the only j
anxieiy now is that the enemy should not . ' 111 "assssssassssssssjsss
escape without hem duly punndrd. I "j Tln i "f. ar Lnmb.r City,
it ,..!, J,,!. 1;'. A loooitKxivc and:u.".1L.u?i'-.",n L.',. ."- f
........................ . i i , a. nnu v. iMSJiaira
... : l..ri u ..I. in. n at .- r. A
v. .. - - - o . . IIU Itl'.t t. ni.. t.n
UiiL'httr of Abram
Addrtss. i'lTinj post o(5 . eonntT and 3ute.
ia full, BH0.Ml.fcY Co.,
j 13 -2t Eux 4,'M Xae Yurk Post
a, a ,nvr, in uiu ucti mamier, auj un tin
onul.10 terms. Delving ih0 coaclj ik
is a fair trial, and a c-.btiuubtiun sf'ttelvl'
hits hrstnfi rs s v toi.,!...! I i. . . rt
N, B The Cash will he posiiirelj iim,
a ben thn work im driv,r.A
Clearfield, April 7, li. ', k
gci eleven m mthi.
-l..i. .i.... I -. ...h'li .r.r.. 1v : : . r .ui-,, nuvi l A a i ,
the rebels !',,CR lu-?'. . . 1 - l ''.7i ;,Ul,Sn" "f Abram ,rd Ucinda liuuiphrev,
l ney saw ouv one tui'ci un no iu.i, mm , ag,j j years, 0 tnonihn, an 1 1J da; s.
he was iit-arly starved to death. i 1
There is no enemy in
iit, and no
lido aVdirliscnunts.
ful liberality of the noble Democrats of, would give every soldier such an oppor
Clearfield county, is a pleasure to record. ! lunity to vote as freeman only desire. lighting of moment going on.
Since we took charge of tho paper, in; We toy, therefore, to the honest voter.! A,u ,0',,! it i expected
. . . . . i ' . ... i rnad will resume traina to-mnrrof.
July. lbCO, we havo added to our list four be not deceived by the falsenoods of thej pvj,J.rn,l,io communictiion w: 1 uli-o be
hundred regular paying subset ibcrs, and office-holders and llieirsvconhants. They j resumed tu du-ibt very soon.
our other patronaue has increased quite 'onlv desire the army vote to neriietuatc! Washington, July 13, L'venits;. .Skir-j uiet
" . I i . . i.l l 1 1.. ........ . wrni ilin it,. ;..
in proportion. Still, had it not been for their pewer. We say, give ev.ry soldier; di". " ' : V J oYa.uuAr d' , I
rote. H"t1r,MlciVl, until yesterday evenisg. hen , A 1'ANOivA.MA
; AL.L1IU.N!
; rpitKKK
IS w ,
'SltF m 11 I i .. i e . uoimneu mi irig cart or itia rivvr,
U--ULV ilJZ'tt 'V'"1",,"1'' on!brJohn Sunderland, on the
Vl&M i t'rborl Vf"cnrn tKV l'
the exercise of the most ceaseless industry (who is qualified by law) his vote.
and watchful economy on our part, it .(0 do so, do not overthrow the veiy foun
would have been impossible to have option of political freedom.
weathered (he storm.
Now that Mr. Goodlander retire., and
again commits the destinies of the lltpvb-
uiures ot
Giviboth (icbs a cn.Nci.-0ur neigh
bor announces that he has printed tickets
t'A... t V. a amArtmAttt." I rt ill. P.,n .1 il lit inn
tvH to tho hands of the undersigned, it) t rf M vu Uvt u, rtUKustriHi,
r thought that, atter n connection, tn one; , , , . . ., .,
j . ' ..... , ... , . tut not a word about tickets for 'tother
way and another, with this establishment . .
ilia rialioi lntr i )k I, mil it a. LecDiiil :a antiov
ing. it as determined to disudge them Orphan Court Sale of
from the front of Fort Stevens. . I V A I tt . or i.- ti." a s i--w .
I ' .u.unuitr, aviYLi r.o Alii..
This was eueclually d'ne, amid Ilia
shouts ol applauoe of thosu yho witness
ed the aoiion
piudic sal
virtue of an order of Hie Ornh
ef Clcarfie.d county, there will be esposed to
n t.n Kl'lI'Linl' .1.. h... .
on SA'l CKUAY,
Orpans' Court Sale,
BT virtue cf an ordir of the Orphans' Ceart of
Clearfield tountv, ths ncdenissd will ex.
puss to 1'L'BLIC SAI.K at
Irwin's Mill In Ilumalde Totviislilt,
t trcinesi'ojt fc Ccj tty o Ai juit, A. D. H&l.
al! ths undivided one half part of all tSat cer
tain tract of land situate in I'.tll and Hurnsidc
townships, containing '' Acres more or less
Hounded nil tho Lat by tha rivtr, on the South
tbv Benj. BatrJ
the estate ol
( f ho rale.
PKTER .M. 8.MIT1I, Admiui.lraior.
Jnly 6-pd.
of moro than a quatter of a
foreshadowing of the principles aud policy
which ho intends to pursue, and by which
he intends to be guided, will be required.
In the tuiilrt of the general gloom that!
now covers the land amidst the threat
. ' . i t... i. .. l."'."ne sal
ww wv ..w.... - - p it-sjiur nuns n.
Mars teitimrny ! this 1 to certify that fir the
last Cre years I have used in my family
Dr. fniiias venitmu Lin ment, aoO trerv la
the liouse nf V V
Snrines. a hundred of their Wounded, in
eluding eleven omer, and also l.'fl ail
Wa likewUfi rive nolle that wo hare! their d-nd on the Held
- - r - i
tl,. V.I.I, I .:l."ll.. I CUIlinU LID DIinii DU VTVrT IU'
,.of ' ,"" h,T f;Bn1 ' '"? 'nu! u bis reconi'iTioB
the following d....,;i. u r 'i i u""n" iBar louni it to jive instantaneous
Kstate, lsto ibe pn.p.rty ofl'eTar Kmi.l .1.,, 1 1" ! r"f tnothacht, croup, bilious eolie,
c.iiaiu ira.'i ot land u II
Kcconnointices made to-day i-.owrd
! . i - I . " T ... I . V. i . ." .II 1 ,i I er ...u aj., , (Lfl
VIJU Il IU1CU UUIVimUIVII.J lltlCI IIIIIMU tlflirnil ll-fini I IB Irfllll Ijl eiir TLTIIl eil till. I .Sllw.ul n.,rrt. Ill
ened wreck of all that patriots should I
that, so lar astse are concerned, and as; niter firinir a minder f l uildn us they
long as tho least vesligo of free auffrago hsd previously creupied asut-lielier Jul
1 .. .. . ..... I tliiri Liirot.rK.
icmuui. u lUc ocuon-, ...on .o - . ,,.,....,,
Cltarfiuld county, ruulainir.j
One Hundred, and Mue Acres,
HKinninC nt a while pine, then.-e bv lands ut VT
prrches tt, l.'ienc eai t
the opportunity to express their real sen-
morning re-crossing the 1 otomac ie;tr.y
1 timcnt. through tho ballot-box. 'opposite J'noleaville, diiving belore them
I (lur rounirv frionrla will hIpm. rail on.l 1 about 2,000 head obVatlie, which they Imd
venerate and hope ior, he can only say
that, in the future, as in the past, his aim
win bo tne national liouor, and tuepeo- , ' stolen. whiU a di-paich received by Gen.
rlo'.welfare. With the faithful aid endl''P1 themselve. and their districts. , from K(KkTill lh, ?,treal.
council of those who believe and think as Jon
lie doe., he will live in the hope thai his , been many
labor will not be altogether in vain.
I.l. lile.-li . . . . a .1.
' " r'i tnonen X lanls Lf G. U.
.M.iifcKi, A t... semh Jl ,)Cr,-l,e. tj pJSt, luces
by uad of Jcumiuh uicat pcr:h. tuplaco
t bcgiiitiiin;waU .bout '
lwciity-I-our Acrta of Cleared Land
thereon, i'art of this Ui.,1 I.
r'S I kl I'tw .m.w.., ,m.u 111 IUB i;il,lKIU Willi IIIU lUBU
'""""'Ptjmatisin, and I cheerfully rseommend its trial to
svvry ons aactsd with any or the above-named
di,essi. JAMES II. WAKNEIt.
Hartford. Conn., Oct. lsth,
frU i sod 60 cents a boltle. ' Sold by all
foujrgists, Offloo Sd, Cortlundt atrsst . Y.
julr th, 1861-lin
Clearfield. Pu. Office in PS..'.
cotita the Journal ilta. '
1I.0Ti:iMd-Ku!l suits to mslrfcrf..
J psnts snd vests, overalls, dutn, ti't
thinj at J. .V KKAIZSR'A Hotel,
WM. A. MASON, Propriety
rpilIS louir eslablUhed snd well linottl'.
JL TEI,, situated in tin west aud uf Ikiim!
'.,bi been rexoddled, tiih.rfcJ and imprtirlt
the proptiftnr respertfully asnnuoiei tt tut
tnerous friends, and to trie travllinrpki(,jj
bs is bow prep.ired to acoocimoditiillibiai
furor Mm with a call.
Ample, safs ano comfortabls lUliiir lis
Itched to ths premises, nd trusty iimim
will Always be on Dana. Lturrtiu Jmtf.
In separating with our late partner we , for County Commissioner at the late
assistant. To supply
CiutciLAn -HtsioP.Y or thkpunn.
' EYLVAXIA ltESEKVBd. Kliaa liarr. A
Co, resprcrullv announce thai thev have nrena-
.ij. j . ivunuu .' n iii.mi j vi iiiv I rui,.ji'anu nv.flrri'l )
ju-uvi u np. ailil in .in. t.. ir.nm I , ..... ..I ... I., ik. ..f .L..I. .
"'" !; "au.tit. q.uiitme, of coal . ; term of service.
,ii,j.',irl"". bu.f cash ,t ,;,, ,n,i tbt t. , Uhe history will contain ts nsmjt of all the
QiLLtLaKD, Kstj-A. ther0 have' ing rebel, pa.std through thai plan at 3 . Puru(1 t, ju3,n b"d " ",Ur"1' ,0 ' 'eawamVeVinVoh. Pr0! v"
loVlnk in a tnnrii ni? nnrl thev wto al -rKn! . . . . , i.nns, casualties and discbsrces als-i, iraphio
sny inUieprMentationarwaraMting;?. eclerk p.m. f. d.serlrtieD. of their . life and , heir Kall.nt
Ihia oitntUman. rPirardiriT liia ran.ll.larv ! ." : , ., i ; , , . .wl" 111 'en Ly aenwvameats In the many battle, in
B , . c ( wirui I erry. . v 1 1. r.. i u.- linwi: .i.-..
. ' . . .1 l. nn i. ...... in r.
HAVINrt snado application to Hi ls:m
Asfsor i;f lh ISth Collo-tionPu'
t'cnnsylvania, and a License as AucticMttb
ing been K'nn'ed to me by tht protsrtri
I wnuld it; tor m the ci;iti.'nsof Clsartslitad
that I will atton I to ' calling rales" ii"
d sired in any part of the eounty. lUft
modorat. A blresi JJUS h. UW.
lcc. lrt, lSt'.3-tr. Clfiriliilfi
1'. S. ny t.Krson "caMinr" Shies silis
license I' subject Im n ponnity nf IO, iteli
bo enforced in acc ir.Unce with ths bt,iui
all persons viobuin; the statuie.
lose the aid and counsel of an invaluable' Primary Election, we publish- by special between 8 ami y ocuci this tiioiniiig.itiii-, i KM'
a. a. "i t.
. ..... l i. ..
T . . IM. Un l . M Mn.-.M'' J UU-U A M W I I i I a.
AI. WI ATIl.MI-.ljr ;".. i "T.
carfell lion-u.-h S.-b, ln...,.
- "iivs iu
the. vacancy th'requet-the following, which
' 1 c I umi n I ui ii nti in r.r ril hnrPt ivi ..l r n
good wisnes, tne canaia nimce, together, our ajinoriiy-antj tne oniy nuniioriiy we ,t,, f.0lll ii,at ,,1jcp The m "lit ij. tui.i
Let tins vo Ullleeis and emiiKivios in the se. cr i , " uuo lr"ni Kittlrbarjcr. Trensnri.r
. , : - ... nr ne urn v . . ani;.. i . . . : . '
with the liberal and hearty support of hd for announcing his name.
uw.'l year euitmg Juno I, IsGI :
every advocate of constitutional Lberl v. 'settle all controversy as to who bronchi departments rf Oovt rnmitii wt-ic lled, "r"a,,n.,a I.
cf States' lights, of ft restored Union. I Mr. O.llilai.d out, and uky he was brought .lU ,0:,i;')'' an,'i . ",,f'."1"l"1 "", I Vuiiecfr f-r tJ yw .ndini'ni
l,'"' v , ' ' " i ",l,u' '"annR interest.)
,d.iiit.y excrement m W aslungton" r-ev. Laiano due irom v,it,nta itadebaugh
,eial Siiiatls of rebel prisoners were bruiglil Cohecior Tur school year endirg it't
, in to-ilM,v. June, 1C1, (bearing iuterett.)
; Our killed ar.d wounded yesterdiy a-
nii.ii,.l...l I., nl...lil III,.! ...nn.. tl A 8 1 LITIPi.
jdiiUitt lor Couhly (, in the ' hl.m MnirrCr.Mibv.CSt I'-iiiia . V.nn Ranr0 Jua w- tcr, Coli.clor for
I a -2
and of every man who deirc3 the contin
ued Uiuruph of tho Democratic party of
Clearfield county, will be required. Tho
jrespcel, pecuniarily, is by no means in
tiling. Put, the almost absolute necessity
of a newspnper, to give tone to the senti
ment of tho twenty-two hundred Demo
cratic voter, of the county, Is admitted.
Every Democrat feels the necessity of it,
and we are sure that ea'.li one ia willing
tocontiibute hi. rcite. The opportunity
i. now offered. And believing that we
can furnish such a want as cheaply, (if
not as ably,) as any other person, w are
willing to tnke the effort.
fiSTPiinng iho first year tf tho w.r,
when its purpose was simply a restoration
of the Union and an etdorcemeut o! the
Law, more volunteers offered their ser
vices than were needed j and it required
a.olc run declaration in Congress to .top
Now, when the purpete of the war is
changed to that of negro emancipation
and equality, all the eloquence -and
prayers" of Gov. Cram are insufficient
to induce men to volunteer even for one
hundred day. to defend the soil of Penn
sylvania from hostile Invasion. I. there
nothing wrong f
A Kkhakkaili Cass. The roost re
markable case of gunshot wound we ever
beard of i. that of a soldier wounded at
Sesaca, hrouglit Io Marietta oo Wednes
day and now in the hospital at that place.
Two bullets passed through hit head,
making four holes, at which the brains
were coming out, and, astonishing to tell,
he was perfectly conscious, and con versed
Intelligently concerning his situation, and
was anxious to know the dootor's opinion
of his ce. I!o was alive about thirty-six
hour after the wound was inflicted, and
may be jet, a ee hare net heard ofl
Bit a'i.
out :
pRKMcnviM i, June fi. 1 Sti I.
Geoiyt D. Gdotihimltr. hsq lVr Sr:
Pleat 10 Honoiinco tho naum of Join:
Gillilunil, of Km ihuns ton iitoip, ns a can-
hi..h tliov r nil IS Tli.ti l. s.i wt!l known Io ths tnut
, have taken part all derived fritm officitl and au- JL public of Cloarfitll county, bni'ili
tbcniic source. ilition tnafTord tho nmjt cxceileDtsceoiiBte
I Tbo History of ths Pennsylvania Reserves will ; either for the transient guest or tliipn
bs in One Volume of l'l)0 pupes, octavo site, nrnt . boarder.
. ly prinico, on good pnpor, and eubstnntiall v bound ! The ' United States" bai now all lit a"
j in black cloth, e wituining sv stei 1 eiigrsviug of i ienccs of
1 the lamented Ueym.ids, aud ono of O iv. Cur tin ,i FIRST CLASS IIOFEL
fwho first rccointncn led lbs formation of th ,' and the Proprietors srs deleriuiiiedt('"J'
Pennsylvania Heserve Corps) and will be sold er expense, time nor labor to onmre tbsec'
only by subscription. It will bs resdy In Aulmisi, 1 of the cucsts. Tho rstrnnszs of ths tnM
public is respectfully soiicitcJ. Jij b r
name ol many Den.ccrat of Covington ,lU,,elJ . Lieut. t'!
township ; and you will oblige. b .n,i. . v..
Yours, truly, F. F. CUUTHIET. kinJ . t :. ', 'm'cLu,
For ths Republican.
July 11th 18C4.
. . a.
son. -win ;,t-w ;
'iclinr, 43il New Yotk,!
killed: I.itul. Mcl.ut chlin. 01st Pema.. i Outetaudirs? interest ord.r.
killed ; Major Jones, 7th Me., killed. The. Interest on nine t 1st June,
hollies ot Uicse olliccrs have been emUiiu-ed.
' Wji uingion, July 1G Additional ahnn
was iico.iitioiied on the Virginia sidtt of the
Mttm Edittrt ;
The October election is fast approach
ing, and as yet there is no parson lecom
mended for the hi nil and honorable toi
'n of Congressman a position ili tt at Poiomac yeaterday by leports tlmt UnTe
uio fv(kiriL limn rrnmron llin th ml n,l l,..t. il ,.,iw..,l t j
t,, unpaid .
Pue H- 11. Wright. Judgment,
t'nnaid interest en ais m
lit Jane, lsft
Kxccts of assets
110 Cl
107 CO
IS 94
209 sS
24 .t
111 57
1 hs publishers feo' confident that the just prids i
;wnicn every i ennsyiranian must entertain for
the brave men whose gallant nchinvo.ucnu and
patriotic self devotion it records will secure for
'The History" a generous and appreciative re
ception. ELIAS BARK 4 Co. Publishers.
) No. 6. East King Street-
l .ft-Activa and reliable Agents wanted in eve-
ry district in Pennsylvania to eanva.s for ibe a
bov work. jasf
; Jon r. Moonir, ClesrSild Ta , Agent for Clear,
field couniy, June 29, 1S1.
f l.HO 10 $1,110 10
The por cenlngs of Collector Ppackman, snd '
the exonerations and fer ccni.m nf r.i!.,.
the runi.iRiir.R8 or
tllmist talent of our country (a greaHleal nuaa The truth of this report I nht et ! adebjagh, have not beeu deducted from lbs Will issas a Campaiin Shsot for ths Dmoeratie
more so than in f irmer day. ) Unr once taublished, but many ternns oUerviml aDC" "rned.VP ?RS'n'' tb,,m- and Conservative masses,
model government is now torn to pieces, of milnaty ullaus think it not inni,l,a-' ah,,. tJ,UE "0KNt President, It will bs printed on a large sheet of fine whits
ami laying about loot.0. ' All ovei this bio. and the dusk'n of tho lebt h ia i -, !,ol,l rt .T v..,.r. s
vast territory, great armies are taised to the gaps ai;d keep open the tMUtunicaiion ',,. VT ;, Tt 1 J'- - .
guard it, wlnle speculators and govern- botween Citdunsville and tho valley ( I ri r ii r . """"'"''""rs ef
ment leeches appropriate it to their e-pe-, The.SWNtays: A foreo of rebel "raid. 1 MoNUAY "hi -iZrotl l I v "liTf .1
cial use; while .he people are taxed be- ers. numbering b-iween 21W and 3w v Ci u
jona enUuranco to support tho present passed through Little Washington. Upmy. CljarCtld oun:yi at which time all person,
political dynasties, both National und ville and (.'reighersville on Thursday night, 1 bsving nuthoriiv to receipt for veterans will at-.State-,
in all llieir repoated violations of on their way towards Madison Court Houso ' teui- 1; "der of the Hoard,
the Constitution of the United Siates. of and Gordonsville. They had with them 150, WBRADLEY, Clsrk.
! paper, at iuou ratos as will linna; it within ths
, reach of all. 1 1 will support the nominees of the
uemocrnno National Convention, the full pro
ceedings or which will b published io its col
umns. It will boldly advocate the rights of ths
whits man, and fearlessly suUiin all the consti
tutional righti of the eititen, no matter from whut
quarter they may be assailed.
ibe first number will bs issued about ths Stli
I ho law i ami rtf nil f..... :.. i ..... i .ir . . : ' . I
.... ........ ... ,lulr, irau,,uel 01 ii, noises tiiiu ... prtsoiiers. w no were tiioi.til- at tdk .RLLtFoars rotsnar cni.n,
CtJiet mncitrates : Wilh the liravona ft nn ll.n rmiturvil animal.
shtouded in mourning for i ho wrongs They pa-sed Creigherville al.rtut 8 o
ca . ol,r rul',. gi sellinaat clock, and half an hour afterwards asamll
'ro, niiu me
oecessarv. We will
d. ii. nrsii. 1. 1. s ctua
riiiuriinn nflire.
K8fIn Grahaii's Keit B:u'
Feb. j, '02.
Clivirfiolil ArailcillV.
D. W. McCUEDY. A B. iW
flIIE nt OonrtiT will nnsn os V'
X 4ih of April, 1S61. Terms ef I Hi
lows: t
Common English, enmprisinu Viose lis
m... l,:i... .1 tr i:... ll''
vr u.'i ii ijjuri lunii iki-auiiit. ' " i
metic, tteogrsphy, English Urs",. a
History, per quarter, . , j
Hif(be Luglisb, par quarter, ' ,. t
v . . . . . 1
March 16, HH.
- .
r I 1 11 1. uuucicifc"-- . . j.
1 informs his ewtosw
public Kenerally.iMss ?;
rareivedfrom the East, sc,
edathis estahlishinuut in GIIAMAHa"
Clenrfiold, Pa., a lino aiwlni(tt
bits ',r:
end the fi-st engineer ol the green- forces or Union cavalry from the west, I t t a vi i i
rng-mill absquatulated ! Oh, what a who crossed the Shenandoan about dm- I I Vhips.i a
peel for the luture! Comment is nn- rad's store, made their appearance at the JoV.NMtY." e'i
HAurr & co.
leased ths Foundry and Mschins
viiietnurg, known at - ORlItN (,
ere prepared to manufacture and
. ... w lenrnold, l' a lino asinnm"- - ,!j4
cf August. Ths whole number will bs thirteen , Wavchrs and JawelrV of differesH11'1'
munwinr eacn other wtieklv. until tha Presiden- f,nm . r.,ll .tt.wnl( .
tial election, the result of which will bs contain- '..ii Ih. .......hi, nrlcei for ''
si in ths final number. Democratic and Conser- oxchanire for old aold and silver. .
vatlv. Clubs. County Committee., Ajfents andall CLOTM It w. ri.if .abtti11'
Interetleu ia lbs cause ars invited to so-onerata ...... .1.1. .!...
- i.Miim, i-ni,
llatlOB Of AT t 1...J-
Tl. . ....... k!l.... I..: . .... .
annn f l. .1 j j i . . . r"i " 't". " "i "" -" sweep ana ireaa power
aoon. I Ho times demand I ml u .1, .,,1.1 !,,. ..... ,i.. , ... . Tk.i, n M..1.1..". , 1
be renrasom rl I e . ' " A u ii--y pre uiHKing ..u.r., iw rruriu ana iiatoaway
... i' uv" g'ani minus- their way to (ionlonsville and thence io
. "r 0 r'gmies to any dictatorship ; Richmond. They seemed to he in a hur
Ood heir e.,n?, U,e!r ,tlut'f:a 10 ,l,oip ,v- ,iavin ,eceivcd information thatSlier
man'. ,d are Xc -, lUi,r. fHlow- Wan, will, a large cavalry (oree tm .mash,
them tboul th L,.-n ra,d ,'? n tbirgs ncnerally.
their insides w.i. .i ' 0en' M Loo,: ,eu- luyne and -Jen-
Cook Moves, Wnon Spindles, Plows, and Csst
inps of all kinds at short notice. They also have
noiu ai jieiicionts and ilileabnr,, a variaty of
Cook and Pailor Stores, for son coal, of Pills
burg manufacture. Call and see for yourstdves.
J. C. IIAt'PT is a7sn"t fur tha York snd
Columbia Insurance Companies Jy 20,01-ly
PntiAnsLPHtA, Pa.
J usee sos of ths Nervons, Seminal, Urinary and
toreoeive him ho will da hiadutv. T 7 .T.V" ,.r UD- "V0".11 " 10 uLTlT'V
ii,., t,i.c,: li . r , f ,, "-t "! w inn aujuiant uenerat ior ins ruo j riment
that Indefatigable Democrat, our fellow, tions, and Ocns. Uoubledav and i'vne in "pMtf Uo"f Association, sent by
cltuen.Ust.A. Waluc,wo find all the mlllunmmAf!SlJ. .2"i '"if.l .21P. f "f eh.v...
necoaaary quiimcations, both or the heart rourt martial """ -, irss., wr. j. mullhh hoiiouton, Mow.
- -1 I a - j .i .s .... uisiiiiai, -J AMnsllsatls-sm a 9 llstk ti-.i. an. ! v. .s
-.tv1bnJ. tnilc1.nry, tbf dit!! cf that
Oesi. I... I . , ..... . .."Tr"' " "rm Btrset. Phil.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watcaei
. . ,, . I 11. . . I rti
eareiuiiy repairea ana , ,,
A ..l.:.. nf n.trxnaie il lo!ifi,'a'
- " r '
epl. , 1880.
TVMEL COSSEtlT befi . jsj gJS
I I r.-....A. ..A iha eititens 01 v" 1.
ia lbs sirealatioa
Th. CAMPAIGN AOS, of Thirteen Numbers.
is cts Conn for lbs series' . : ' SO rents
Is Cf of not less than'IO to ens sddresi 4S "
" ' " io " iii -
Cash must accompany each order, and NO VA-I ) his friends, and ths w8HtW
ST1TIAU lull t ... ....... J.. . .. - . , .-. .!!, thit ns has l"1
FROM THE AB0VK TKRM.S, . lately occupied by Oeorge "';, j ilswi'
, Orders ahnuld bs sent ia immediately, or at Row, where h. intends to be reauj i(ilk(s
latest by ths first day of August, to ,
GLOUKt-.!SKK fc tV El 111, .
13U, CheHtnrtt Street, '
Philadelphia, Pa.
ivow, woere am inip"- . i,: ihn.. who :sy fs'or aw
custom. . .' . k. usll!
He will gnarantes hii won. --Mfrfj
cuted as can bs auda lewhere, " m
: : reasonable trices. He is ", Z.iVr
R0VISI0N8-rionr, Chc.MS Lsrd, Driwd opinion of all who ala jsbos-'
X Apples, Dris4 reaches, reretr.d riioUrly mals or ffttslt-snisl) ajassss
from the wt at the sews ef J. P. IRATEKR. I . (Vsrw '''
, vu uvvn oraerv) t re- Srt'rnt. J?-T)l ty