I: . -i las-r- THE "REPUBLICAN." Term, ot Kuu.cripuou. If pU tn dvance, or within thre month, $1 6 If paid any tlui within the oar, 1 76 If paid after th xplration of th year, 3 00 urfU' OK MAftKKT DTIIKIT, CLCAItrlKI.D, FIX'!. o. n. goudlander, co rublinhers, Ternii of Advertising. Advertisements are inserted in th Republican at to following rate t 1 Iciortion. 1 do. J do. Onqnar,(101!ne,) $ 0 $ 75 tl 00 Two equares, (20 lines,) 1 HO 140 3 UO Xhrciqurst,(301ini,) 1 40 3 00 3 60 3 raentbs 8 mo'l. 12 uio On 8qar, I I 3 60 $1 00 $7 00 Twoauuaret.i i i i 00 A 00 10 00 Three square, i : I ! 6 00 8 00 12 00 ! Four squares, I : t I 00 10 00 14 00 1 Half aeoluiun, i i i I 8 00 12 00 19 00 On column, t t t t 14 00 70 00 34 00 Orer three weoki and let than three mo a til 26 tenti per iquare for each iniertion. Busif netlcei net exceeding Slinei are In erted for $2 a Tear. j ,: v.j -i.i .v. v.. r aiertloni desired, will be eontinnel until forbid i aud charged according to th.ie terms. CLEARFIELD CO. DI RECTORY TIME OF HOLDING COURT. ?d Monday In January, I Sd Monday tn Jane, 3d Monday in March, 4th Monday in Sept. of each year, and continue two weeki if necesnary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICERS. Prei't Judge on. Samuel Linn, Bellcfonte. Ai'te Judge Tlnn. J. D.Thompon,Curwenril!e. Jlon. Junies lllootn, rorrett. Fbetifi, Edward Perks, Clearflold, Prolhonotory, D. K. Ktzwoiler, Reg. A Reo. Iaiah (1, Burger, District Att'y, Israel Test, Treasurer, C. Kratter, Co. Surveyor, It. It. Wright, Cominiffionerf Jacob Kuntz, Tho. Dougherty, Amoa Read, Auditors, Charles Worrell, II- Woodward, F. F. Couteret, Coroner, J. W. l'otter, County rjuji't. C. B. Sandford, Glen Hope. Lutberaburg. Ur. Hills. Clearfield. N.Wash'gton Pennficld. Lccontes Mill i Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. Tovnihipi, Becearia. Pott OJiet; I'oitmntttrt, GlonHopo, Win. S. Wright I'tahville, Thoodora Wold, Hcg.irty I X Roads, Pam'l. Ilegarty, 011, Dower, w . ak'Crarkeo, Th.A. MGtiec. J. W. Campbell, II.L.lIon lortou, James lllootn, James Forrest, William Albort. R. II. Moore, Clias. Sloppy, Chest, Cusb, Ostend, Forrest, Clearfield Bridge, Woodland, Lutbersburg, Troutvillo, Jefferson t,in, Bloom, Hoggs, Bradford, Brady, John Hoberiin, Eumeide, New Washington, Jus. Gallahcr, liurnsido, W. t. Irvin, Putchitiville, Jack Patchiu, Jacob lioioe, G. Totcr.jr. Wa. McGarvey, 8. A. Farber, M. A. Frank, P. A. Gaulia, J.F.W.Pcbnarrs T. W. Fleming, Centre county, 8. Radobach , T. F. Boalieh, Ed. Williams, CbOBt, a, n CUarfield, Covington, East ludge, Ilurd, McGarvey, Westover, Clearfield, Freochville, " hartUiiua, Corweniville Curwcnsville, L'ocatur, Philipiburg, West Decatur, Osceola Mills, Marron, Little Toby, Letonte's Mills, Bald Hills, Ehawsville, Grnbaiuton, Smith' Mills, Madeira, Tyler, Penufield, Anevaville, Salt Lick, New Millport, Kjrltown, Aiorriadale, Lumber City, Grampian Hills, Curwentvllle, Forgvson, Fox, Girurd, u Goshen, Graham, Guelich, lTas ton, 4 Jordan, : Kanhnaa, Knox, Uorrls, ii Penn, ii J as. McClcllan, C. Mignot, WillUm Carr, A. It. Shaw, T. II. Force, A. G. Fox, Chas. J. Pusry, Davil Tyler. 11. Woodward, Eliia Cbaiie, O. lieckadorn, M.O.Stirk, Ju. Thompson, J. C. Brenner, H.W. Spencer, A. C. Moore, T. H, Flemintr. " JllooiningviUo, Union, Rerktsn, Woodward, Jeffries, Benj. F. Dale, D.K. Biubakor. James Lockett, This fast Office will do for Chest towuihip I-!11 -T . I " w amwer ivr Ferguson lownsuip. Go and seo the New Goods at J. E. WATSON'S, MfirysYllle, Clearfield county, Penna C1HEAP for CASH or exchanged fer Timber Boards, Saw-Logs, or Shingles. uec. io, os. u. J AS. K. WATSON, II. W. SMITH & CO. mt.Li.ATM, and dealer in Dry """'i urocones, jiaraware, Wueenswsre, and vtvtiainr; usually Iteyt by the trade. Store on er.tU.i street, below Judge Leonard's, oppo lite the Preibyteriaa Church, Clearfield Pa. Dec. 4, 1861 . JOSEPH It. M'MUKRAY a JJLt Z A L E R 1 X L I'M Ii E Ji new wasnington, Clearfield County, Po July 1st 1863.-tf LCTHERStiPRC, CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. WILLIAM SCIIWEM, Proprietor. May 19, 186 J. ly. CYRENIUS HOWB. J C 8 TICK OF THE PEACE. , , For DariTia Township, will promptly attend to all businesa entrusted to hia care. p. O. Address, Philipsburg Pa. Aug. 31st 1801 6 i. W. TnoMPROV. Aug. 19, 1863. J as, McMuiray. Matt. Irvlu. DEALERS TV Drj- Goods, Groceries Lumber, ic., , Btunsido, Ta De. 24, 1362. WILLIAM A, WALLACI. iOHH O. BALI WALLAOIB & HALL. Attorneys ai Law, ' CLKARF IELD, PA Wool Wool. 50,000 ts.!A i. - POUNDS of WOOL wanted fur which the hiirlm.t m.rk.i pric 'will be paid by. , . . . J. P. KRATZER. Clearfield, May 13, 1883. THOMAS J.MCULI.()UC;ll, Attorney at Law. OfBc sdjoinlng th Bank, formerly occupied ly J B. McKnally, Esq., Markot atreet, Clearflold, fa Will attend promptly to Collcctiona, Sale cf Lands, Ao. Dec 1762. TKVER FLEGAL, Justlr ofthe) rose, Lu J thersburg, Clearfield eoutty 1'a,, will attend ! ,uuipiiy to an ciisinoas entrusted to hi car Lutbersburg, April 4, 1861. MBt J. P. KRATZER, uothing, Hurdwre,Queeniwr, Groeorlos, :r: ..' l "t . ,B' -STftia r.: r'" ftij lgti, rii.iv.:.., nawua, Dealers In Timber, JL baw-l.ogs, Boards and Shintrlee. Marvsvilln (Clearfield Bridge P. 0.,) Clearfield count'pa r,TTOAri)DA. I WlnnAi. GREAT EXCITEMENT ik OLEN HOPS NEW STOllE AND 3USSy milE nndentgned, having removed bl etore J. to the new building opposite tho Villon Home, on I'm itreet, Ulen Hope, L'learneia co Pa., ii now offering to the publio THE LARGEST AND SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS OFFERED PUBLIC AT EVER TO T11E THIS PLACE WILL PE SOLD AT A LI Vt nil 11 11 PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. His stork baa been selected with particular regard to tbe wants of the people, and embrace! DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARS, HATS AND CAPS, OOT AND SU0E3, STONE-WARE, WILLOW-WARE, READY-MADE CLOTUIXO, GROCERIES, EARTHENWARE, OILS AND TAINTS, FLOUR AND DA CON, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, 8A LT, ETC. OF EVERY' SIZE AXD PATTER .V; Tcether witb all other articles nooessary to complete tbe asssortiuvnt of a first class country tore. flTAll kinds of LUMBER and Country Tra duce taken in exchange for good,, at the high est market price. As be is receiving new supplies of goods weekly from Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the publio can re at once that be will always be prepared to supply any artiol. in the market. JOHN ROBSON. Olsn Hope, Dee. 23, 18S3. SOMETHING SUBSTANTIAL IN LUMBER CITY! JOHN E SPENCER, HAS recently opened a Shop In Lumber City, where be is sow prepared to manufacture ALL KINDS OF TIN, SIIEET IRON, & COPPER-WARE. A full i'p'jf of mnfaHnrtd trtrt eoaitant'y em hand. Lumbermen can b supplied with RAFTING STOVES of which b intends kerrinf lurnlv. Onion for inoutinjr, roofinc, Ac respectfully eolictted. Repairing promptly attended to. Aa ha intends keeping none but the beat of work mop, tb peoplo may rely on substantial work. Storekeepers and dealers anpplied at reasonable rate. Call at th Subtlantial Tin Shop and for yourselvea. JOHN M. SPENCER, March 2, 1864-tf. OMALL FARM FOR SALE. Tho rO suboriber offers to sell on tho mot roaaona- ble term bis FARM, consisting of situate In Pike townibip, on th Kidge road, a- oout a miln rrnm l.urwnnsvi Ia. mnd .Kni fi mile from Clearfield. Th improvement are a! Frame Plank House and Stable, and about 6 or 6 acres cleared. jjry-For further particular, In quire of tbe subscriber on the premises. March 30, tf. JOHN MORGAN. itr I I ri. c, . ' "uui iin opjnning vvnceis, WAHR ASiTEI), Manufactured and kept on bnnda bv tha unHr.;.n.j ' ., people of Clearfield coun ty to embrace tb oppor tunity now offered to secure on of these superior Machine. They will be sold chean r.k . rtutta, Call at the Old Shop In Curwensvillo, flJja. i; uuAMBERSi. May , I3M.-y STAPLE Dry Goods Clotha, Cassimerea Cloak-clotha, Tweed, Satinotts, Silkwam Flnnnels, Ticking, Murlin, Liuen, Priuts, at th J. P. KRATZER'S. AETINO-IngTain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, j noor oii cMtiii. Broctoiie, Door nuts, t jfejW lit wSaa b.S3? ? P, KRATZER, Trams EccUaB YlsUzj QREATEST BATTLE ON RECORD 1 15,000 Killed and Wounded, and 30,000 taken Prisoners! WITH CAMP EQUIPAGE AND 70,000 Contrabands freed from the nnimn nn nr a tttit rr I i H nil lift lit oLiiVijIlI I I "IVERY man that baa read any tblng of the ' past uinwi vi tun if 4i ft luuiiuiimij vviuv Tt,'c'i to tb conclusinn tbut tli Confednruto Govern XiXiOi nient would be broken down. It was only aques. i tion of time. But now w have tbo above Glorl- out aoul-stirring news to cheer u an and the only draw back to our Joy and glorification 1 tbe Imminent danger of tbe Contrabands coming North to "eat out our autstnnno," and to wear out ur thoc t But of ono th ing the penpl of Clour 4old count v mnv bo assured, aud that Is, that FRANK BlIORT for short called Short ', is selling lloutH tic kliuea aa cbeup as any other man iu tbe county; and If you dou't believe I', juit give hiui a call on court-week, or at any other time, and e for yournelvea. H would just ro mind the tmblio that bin shop is now on Market street, in Shaw's How where you will find him just aa Skurt as usual if not a little ihorttral Caait than ho would like to b. All kinds of work on hands and made to order on short notlco, and aa well'mado, and aa good fits aa can be "skeered up here or elsewhero. Vlk-Don't forget tbe shop on Market itreet, In bbaw'a Row, directly opposite Rev. II, C. Swoope'a office. F. SHORT. Clearfield, June 11, UK. Licensed Auctioneer. WM. M. ItLOOM, of l'iks townibip. do sires to inform hia friends and th publio generally that he baa taken out Lioenr as an ALCTIONEEK, ana will attena io in crying f sain In any part of th county at th shortest aotiec, and at tbe most reaaouabl chargos. Ad dress, rither personally or by letter, itnert Curwenivllle or Bloomvill. April 8, '84. tf. READ ! HEAD ! -O- C. W. & H. W, SMITH HAVE JUST RECEIVED From tlio T!nt.. AFRESH SUPrLYOF SEASONA ELEaa Wine, Brandy, Comprising t geueral asaortnaent of Prints, Dflainrs, Mozambique, Alpacas, Silks, lirocado Mohair, Challics, Lawns, Linens, Pop- i ins, Lavellas, uinehams, Chocka. Plaids. I)ril ing, Ticking, Shuwls, Plain A Fancy Cussiraeres, Cotton adea, Brow muslins, Bleached muslint at lesi than city wholesale pricas, Table Cov- a,i, White Uoods, balinorul bmrts, 1 A 1J Linen Table Diaper. NOTIONS Hosiery, Glores, Ribbons, Trimmings, Buttons, Collars, Nets, Veils, Embroidering Braids, Hand kerchiefs, Ladies' Elaatie Pages, Whalebones, Bindings, Childrtna', Misses' and Ladies' Hoop Skirts, Quaker Coriot Skirts, Zephyrs, Neck-tics, Ladles' Gilt and Silvered Belts, Leather BclU. WOODEN-WARE k HOUSEHOLD Cedar Buckets, TubidV Cburni, Mopi, Measures, Brushes, Basket in great variety, Bowls, Door Mats, Window Blinds, CnrJs A Tasseli, Patent window Blind Fixtures, Oil Clotbs. Boots, Shoes, &( Mens' Kip Boots. Kip A Calf Shoes, Children', Missel' and Ladiea' Morocco Boots, Shoes, Bal moral and Galtsri. Hats, Caps, Bonnets Sec, Clroeefi'fles. Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Split Pf, Tubae co, Spiers, bait, Flih, Ao., QUEENSIVARE. Full Tea Setts, Caps A Paupers, Qlas Diabea Tumblers, Plates, Castors, Glasi Preserve Jan. Hardware, Sfc. Scythes, Rnathea, Scythe Stonea, Rakes, 6hovela, Spades, Hay F rks, Table Knives, Forka, Srooaa, Plated Tea Bpoone, Hatchets, Nnt Craokere, Tacks, Bed Castoti, N.iili. STATIONERY. 0p, Letter A Not Paper, Buff A Trebl Thick whit Envelopes, Pais Booke, Memorandum Booka, Pen A Panoils. MISCELLLANEOUS. Fancy Toilet Soaps, Fishing Llnei A Hnnka.Tronl Rods, Trunks, Camet Saoks, Ladies' Travelling Satchels, 1'orket Booki, hat A hair Brushes, Cloth Bruihea. All of which will be lold Cheap for Cash ! Approved country produe taken in exchange fnr K00u'" Bt nrkel ratoi. may 11 4m, Bulkloy'a Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Steam I uuuernjjneu ronperuuuy miorms in poo rwtii- ..-.1 ! J . . l r 1 . . . ... and tho adjoining countiea aa th agency of Lb abov Patent, and will eell Individual, County and Township right for Ul0' The Lumber iriei y "' proooi ii ' ,tT"nf,r unUbe better, 1- eaiicr on tools, and 1 ''quire les time in drying than any other pro ctsi known-and drying 1 inch lumbor perfectly In 36 hours, and bettor than many month under th old system using tb earn amount of fuol Pr dlV that a AAnmmnn lrltn An...,m.. Th. a... tiBeatea of a number of raairlnnt muchanlna. wall 1 known in thia eommnnlt. 4a mri ...fliniant to ; convlrc th most skeptical of Its practical utility. rron aesirou of purchasing rights willaddr "MU.I L. CUTTLE, Clearflold, fa. Juiy I, lses. MAKTLC3iO grasi variety at ' J. f. RAR'S. RICHARD HOSSOP, BIB AMIS m FOREIGN and DOMESTIC GOODS. MUSLINS delaines coburus t 8usation Sensation Sensation prices prices price prices ALPACAS Sensation Jmt roceivml at MOSSOi'S'. OINOITAMS t SenHHtion price CHINTZ Scnnntion Sensation Sensation StinHution prices prices prices price PRINTS nt at ftt (l a. GLOVES CRAVATS KHAWLS HON NETS COLORED) MUSLINS SetiBHtion prices' Sensation price at Sensation prices! All to be !iaI at MOSSOI'S'. LINEN at CRASH at CURTAINS at TABLE CLOTHS at SeiiHatioti Sensation SeiiHtUioa Senaalion Sensation prices prices price prices F1UNUE at price at MOSSOPS'. LACE at Soii.tation prices HOSIERY at Sensaliou jrices RIBBON'S at Suusnliou prices TlilMMUSI of ull kinds A Vat in any qunn't y 1 Sonsation prices Always on liana at muiu . . prices prices prices pried prices prices at Moxsors: CLOTHING such ' an Coats, Pants, Vests, Under Shirts, Flauuel ShirU, Boot, Shoes, Hats and Caps, at seusatioa price Now for sale at MOSSOPS'. HARDWARE such a Saws.nails Forks, Knives, Spike, Hinges, at seusatioa price at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices at sensation prices at MOSSOPS'. at sensation prices 7 1 f .lOT'DT;"-! .K iin, Whiskey, CYv'iuc. etc., etc., FRUITS, such ns Pruues, Rai.ins, Figs, Filberts, Ac. GROCERIES, sy Flour, Hams, Sboulderi, Supar, Molaeseg, Cotl'ee, Ten, Cracker, Spice, Candlcfr, Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING HOPES POWDER SHOT LEAD CAPS at sensation sensation sensation sensntion sensation sensation prices prices prices prices price prices at at at tit at At the More of RICHARD MOSiSOP. MOSSOP Always keeps on hand a full assortment of all kinds of poods reijuireil for the accommodation of the public. Kov. 12, 1S63. JAMBS T. LEONARD. A. rixKir, WM, A. WALLACI. c. riNstr, Sankinir anb CcIIcttion Met LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. C L E A R F I E L I). CLEARFIELD COUNTY, TA. B1XL8 Or IXCBAKflR.WOTCS ASO PRirTS MSCOOXTWD nr.posiT! Ki:ci:i l:i, ColUt'wnt made and proretiU promptly remitted lixcliaugecu I he Cities constantly on hand. !ff0ffic on Second St., nearly opposite tb COURT HOUSE. Clicaip Furniture ! "PiESIRES to inform his old friends and cus tomers that, having enlarged his shp and ised his facilities for manufacturinr. ha ii d his shut! and 1 L- e f . r. increased bis facilities for manufacturer, ha now In m.k. a n..L. r. . : . bo den red. In pnJ .tvl. .n,l .i ,!,.. r tash. He mostly has on bund at his "Furnl- ture Kooms, a varied aseor Furniture, amonir which art . ,. . J .... ... . , , , a varied assortment of Heady-mad Bureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobeund Iiook-Caaos; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast and Dining Extension Tables. Common, French-Post, cottage, Jcnny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all. KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS WASH-STANDS, Ac. Kocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Seat, Cane-Bottom nd Tarlor Chaira and Common and other Chairs. LOOKING-GLASS E S Of very description on hand; and new glasses for old frames, which will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. He also keep on hanc, or furnishes to or der, Hair, Corn-Huik, Hair and Cotton top Mattresses. COFFINS, Of every kind, Mad to ordor, and funerals utteuded with a Hearse, -vhenever desired. Also, House Palntlnpdono to order. The subscriber also manufactures, and baa constantly en baud, Clement's Patent Washing Machine, Tb best now in use. Those using this machin nover need be without clean clothca 1 He alao baa Flyer's Patent Churn, A mptrior art'cl. A family using thii Churn Lover need be without butter ! All the bov and many other article ar fur nisnea to cnttomer cheap for Cask or exchanged for approved country produce. C'horry, Maple, Poplar, Liu wood and othor Lumber suitable for Cabinetwork, tuken in exchange for furniture. 2-tf-Remeuiber the shop is on Market street Clearfield, Pa., and narly opposite th "Old Jew fitors." John gulicii. Nov. 20, 1862. y New Watch and Jewelry Store. CJ II. LAUCIIMN, having purchased lb KJ intere interest of hia late partner, is now toine it on bis own hook In th shop formerly .occupied bv them on Rennnd afriiAl. Im im hrAnnrnil to keen nn hi. mnni.iin. . mni.t. nri.m. . bv doin .11 nrk .ni....i. i..;n nn .kn. . tiee, In th beat manner, and on th most real. 1 onable terma. Defyi . is a fair trial, and a ing th county, all he ask- continuation of tb ratroaa sg heretofor extended. Lookout forthiien of THE BIO WATCH. N. B Th Cash will b pssitively xnetd when tb work is delivered. g. H. L. Clearfield, April 7, 186. 7 ROBERT J. WALLACE, Arroaair at Law Clrtld, P., Offle) ia Bhaw's Row, or. poiU th Journal 0S0. dee. 1. 1858 tf rkROVISIONS Flour. Ohneaa. T.ard. Dri4 Jt Applw, Drid Peach, rlvd wrnlarly frem m towat si th itor Of J, r. KitAIZER. CASS1MKUKS at herniation SATT1NETS at Srntiation TWEEDS at Sensation JEANS at Sensation V EATINGS at Sensation SHIRTINGS at Sensation new Fxnxa. CARLISLE & CO., DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, L UMBER, SHINGLES, d. C.,d C. PIULIPHUUItG, Centra county, reun'a Huvo received and aro just oponing Ms larjftt aitortmttU of ht belt, CHEAPEST, AND MOST SEASONABLE GOODS Eter Irsnyl Io iki, fitien eronnlry, eeiitulin; of VllY GOOD A GROCERILa, NOTIONS, IIARDWAUE and QUEEXSWAttE, J j a d i c s1 F n r s ! Uood-s, Nubiaa,Sontags, Balmoral Q00D3 l tt8 Chunp f nilVr and Hoop Skirts ! HATS &, CAPS ! BOOTS k SHOES I Eeady Made Clothing, of Latest Styles SCHOOL-BOOKS & STATIONERY Drugs, Oil', Paints, Putty & Glass Rice-Flour I'jrina and Corn-Starch. COAI.-OII, LAMPS WOOD AM) WIL- LOW vVART. Trunks tj Carpet-Bags PIPES, TOBACCO AND SEGA IIS !j iTVpJi imrl IJnile f ! the Castings for a Saw-Mill, Eton and Sim ' ") "ll,lJ ,"u pipe, a set of harneu, together with Uiiaiekt I and Kitchen Furniture. Cst! anil LfinaacsiH Oils! Fi-oun, Feed and Provisions ! And all artlelea anally kept In a first slaii country itore all of which will b lold Cheap for Cash or approved produce, Lumber or ibinglei. Pbilipaburg, Nov. 18, lS63-tf. ""1LOTHIMG Full suita to match, of eoata, O of John D. Thouipion, in CurweDirilk, it V J rants and veils, overalls, dujtcn, Boyi' Clo-, cents per pound. Hr. II, litl thing at J. .P KRATZKR'a. National Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURMEXSVILLE, TA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. rpiIIS long esl:ibliihcd and well known HO X TEL, situated in the west end of the town, has bcenromoddled, enlarsed and improved, and tho proprietor respectfully announces to his nu merous friends, and to the travelling public, that . i ..n u ne IS now prepared 10 nccuiumuuivo .11 .uv m.; 1 ; . . ' .. 1 mTur nun Willi m lull. Ample, safe ano comfortable stabling 11 at tached to the premises, and trufty attendants Will HlWaiS UD UU Uail.. Vtlllh" . i..v. ' j 1862. -tf. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL HARRISBURO, Pa. CO ERLY A HUTCHISON, rmpridon. rpiIIS Hotel, so well known to (be traveling JL public of Clearfield county, is now in a col il 1 tin 11 to afford tbe most excellent accommodation cither for lb transient guest or tb permanant boarder. Tbe "United Statci'' has now all tbe conven iences of A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, aud tbe Proprietors are determined to spare aeitb er expense, time nor labor to ensure the comfort ofthegucata. The patronage of th traroting publio is respectfully solicited. jly 1, '63, y. D, O. IH SH. T. J. H'crLLOLOH. BUSH & M'CULLOUGII, Collection Office, Clearfield, Pa. Wl Graham's New Btilsixo. Feb. 5, 'C2. Clearfield Academy. D. W. McCTJRDY, A. B. Principal. fPIIE next Quarter will npn on Mondny tbe - 1 lows: X tn of April, 1861. Terms of tuition aafol- Cointnon English, comprising those branch- ei not higher than Heading, Vt riting.Anta metic, Geography, Enelish Gramtner and History, per quarter, - - f i 00 Higher English, per quarter, 7 60 Languages, per quarter, 10 00 March 10,1864. L. 1. CAVS. Vf ALTER BARRET. CHANS and BARRET, Attorney at Law, MJ JL''?' CLEARri!.l), TA. FOR SALE. A GOOD TWO-HORSE WAG0X will b sold by the undersigned, upon th moat reason able term. Q. L. REED A CO. Clearfield, Dee. 16, 1863. ITfilTVTi irr"T iv-xt imiicr.' 1 AUVUi.1 A V AjIVlNVi.1 11ULCU 8econd Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A. F. IILAIlt, Proprietor. (Late of tb "Surf Houis," Allantie City.) Sept, 23, 1863-1 7. BONNETS Faihlonabl Bonnet, bat, NU, Capi, Shakers, Ribbons, Flowers, Plum, Crap, Bonnet Silk and Millinery Good genr- MT, T , I 0. 1. a.p.xt-r. q nna. n Everybody purebas tb.lr CLOTttt-' I REIZENSTEIN BROS ffl Been., the, Mil ao r.ry eh.ap.fc, uosmuso mey aeep tb beat goods ; ' B.cau. their Clothing Is well mad. s .... . Rnr.1,.. It... .v.i " 'ailiik'J v .p luo ,Brg(),t Mortllti ooai .very we.k Bee..,, tbey giv..v.ry on. tUeworiS.rL,' Because tbey take tb. advantage 0f ..vj ' Boc.us they treat their euituaier. ..i. r Becaus. .veryboiy like, to J.,1 whh ' Because they sell cheaper than tb ' Becauie their Clothing aro well ,, s ,. Uecaui. tboy can suit everybodv u,au.D meir otor. li io eonvenlentlv ,u Because nobodv leavei thnl. .. Because all who deal with th.m again, and aend tb.lr neighbor . """" " purcnasca their Stock ii roducod nrlooi tli.i iv,.. . .""H chLhrtr'af"of,b9rcaion,'wl,J,WHa tb,bAc1!tmartttierr;I,Md"M v ,, BROS. 4 CO , Nov II, 1863. JU. ,WJ- Clearfield TDOS. U. FORCET. FORCE Y & WALTFR; MERCHANTS, and G.ntr,l ti,rii,T ber, such aa SUUARE-TIMftvS GLES, BOARDS, Ao and slsein ORiT all kinds-for all of which tbe bigbeit Z. ' be paid at Grahaaiton, Clearfield mt, " W.-A largew t LAX SEED m exchkt ... JOHN D. TBOVMr.a Curwewvill. Sept 16, 18S3, SR. A. M. HILLS DbMKMhi form bit m rum tV.i hu. rti 1 butlUH SoiIm bim to fa! cSte L r tne timt, anaavr' .(Sthertror bi , " thii mmmtt; k may be found at his office on the nithnt ec ner of Front and Main streets at all titnti, tim when notice appours in the town paprn to Ui contrary. July !, 'JiUt IvJ. Harmonii'ans, Preceptors. Muii Psrw T Uin Bows, Bridgss, Springs of tb but qulii,u J. P. KKAZEIi'S. Small Farm for Sale. Tl E subscriber offers for sals tb folic' described Real Estate and Piriooil in ty.vis: FORTY ACRES of LANO-iboittl acrei of which ii cleared with imill rV House and Log liarn, in Lawrenci tcwoui, I miles west of the borough of Clearfield. An Possession will be given on thi lit of li nen, if desired. Terma will be made known, sad furtbtr pam ulara given, by call ing upon tbe subscriber. JOSEPH SC1IELKS. Lawrence (p., March It , 664, cheap mm, IT HE aubioriber in order to accummoiiUii cititeus of Curwensville, and th iiL I rvnerali v. has lust received a lot oi I, COOK, AND PARLOR STOVE for wood or cal, which lis will diipos if ti cheap fur cash or produce. jo u. Tiioatrsoj. Nov. 4, 1883-tf. ALSO, QTOVR PIPF.. For sale at the eheitrtr WATCH & iimm WHE underling Ksperlfi I inforiushiieuiton(tii"i- public generslly, tlatbt aoij: rocoived from the Ef, Mt' edathis establishment in GHAU.iifStl Clearfield, Pa., a fine asiortment of Cim Watcuks, and Jrwelrt of different qii from a single piece to a full lett, which it' cll at the most reasonable pricei for cat, er exchange for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety oa hand, al th reasonable rrices. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watclei and '! arcfully repaired and Horritnlrn. A continuance of patronage ii inlieM, Sept. ltf, I860. HWWi NOTICE & CAUTION. HAVING made application to Asiesior of tbe 19th Collection Pis Pennsylvania, and a Licenie as Auell" ing been granted to me by the proper '. I would inform th citiieni of ClasrHn" "';. that I will attend to "calling lilei" desired in any part of tin ounty. i moderate. Addres J011.V I. KM". Deo. 16, 1863-tf. Clr' i u . 1 ... 11 ..uin." ulii witnoit ii !. ...iT;-- .0.1,. f Ifil.siW"1 llvufo ,2 lui'j.v, J'm- - ' ...fill be enforced in ccordance with IM'"' all persona violating the statuM. Shots' (L Boots BiMB.I DANIEL CONNELLY l.gi gJ bis friends, and the c.t.en. of J3j, and vicinity generally, that hj ; sl, Intoly occupied by George ewoo, . Row, whore be intenda to be ready tii . . ' .. v. .. f.vnr b IIS wait upon inoie woo u-v WU5HIIU. . -.fell" He will guarantee hia work to os .....i . ... l 1. .i..hrs. sua it i"V, cuicu as can no ui'i . y., p reasonable prices. H la bound to wum i" opinion of all who walk in sbo-lotM' male or feo.ale-and all h"".1!. tlM-J Clearfield, July tTaIoeTgoodl an deb, TU8T,CK0fSr,.C.e.rteiaM will attend promptly to all bu'inei to hli ear. MajhjM-- iTT? m WOODS, ntr riRACTICING rhyiician.sniExW L genn for Pension, urno. "p Second and Cherry .treets, Clearfield, i-k ( January 'i .BOCERIES-Afull itoek of Uies.l.a.all adv.ne. on el.yP" ,& j. 1 . c SHAWLS Broch. B ii. " Chmer., Tbib.t, JlgJftE ;: Tt'if 1IT M. M CULLOUCII, 5 Jbi; . Law, Claarl. d. Pa. a 8tr.t on. door ..it of th m B'"k- -aI.M Ma' TlOOTS and Shoe a f Mliisi'. Bop ' 13 Ladle', GtntUmifd Gaitw , ralIdr'BootPboirp. KKATZKRi tT'.'H -rfjMi siStr i