Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 22, 1864, Image 2

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    "Of (Elfarfiflb"
w-i "TV""
MftPMMM 4 111 t. ...1 I ... MHA-r.nJ l. . f ' l rv Af3lMA. Oi.1ni..!.1 n l.i! nimt t . . .
: Hi WMkl blr.lJ.1 Driii-v HiiilX i tv .... v v...l iv.-.n d-iv morninf Ut. rit. .... n'lJ ' " ... 1 VV. Will lx i
AdfM AIUU Wl , V .v! i i . lit. lfc,WM' . """VJ '.l, i?. ",7 . "-" r icanj j. Hit
X.rury XMtiu. IFiom the Kew York V..rl 1 1 uay niornm mm, utter an t in... f I '.. .v.. .V ""' hI ui ,
1 ili) not think linv of l.nn'a nrnivhnd' An imiHiiljiit ili.!,uii. in il... S......I.. ..... inoillhs, of Partly!, lIon.V'ii. L. i- i,:...... f ... ! fc,c'lr jf,,'"
FROM THE AHSIYci'THErornrMf! roichrd lVtcr bu-g when Smith stormed on the uuiLion of amending the vun.scrwi- 1,10 of "ft '- tu.r 1-nmoi CcudiiH'i ? ' ?' "''lli!'
. - r p i .. I . . ! ., ... . I ill i li i i '. Ihi .1 .. ... . j., I un. 1... I . . . . . . u il . 1 I I i . v ft .. 1 . "W
ii. x uey i-eiuen 10 uu mere in: morn- nun law will l8 lo'jnu in lull in our no . "' id xieiieronte. """'UI U''"rl,a nn.l I m., m. fh
.So fur this very rniunrk- f"W " prliiuj bu,inoi la the office of th ,,T , ' " V flliMf0F
1....1....1 . i it.. ... . .1... .. .1 .. . . .t ... - - "vwuiuir, ii. ii... . . "-.tumii
iwm'm, unci olll' i iM iiuiiju mu'iunm vy 1)10 lata . ' lij.7j
rem uing it from U-'n. Msmiy x'ictiuis!,. About the yur 18."" ha ! Juno 15. lstu.aa J "V- '0'fT.Tr
ll lt-puilS. 'J'llO Cll.e to this liliiufl nil I Lunmn ' 1 . - . Seam..
.i i.. . - -- TkTurii'i.' ii. . -- . "-I.
i i n-Mf iu five i.tih onl .,n
... I ; .. , 1 i . .
i.uiuumi, uuuaio , ,,, UIW:
, ,, . . Uny, until vi
rowlmUall Willi il.'sliulelnx I'.ir S..iTflr. rv mini (if llio MiliMi-v (.'oinmitteo. tlml . i r.. rui1
; iJi?2wrN Cffclal jDctrfttch-Tho Armv Crosses '" l,.mv.,'vf?' '".,J 10 Le .mttk'' l'",l"r- u.".1,,s .e "ewbcrw.
-i, t..?;.;;;iV t t-0 JuUon ifr- Cen. Giant at Bcr-, ,illlloXj The ,own Coy cannot think ol tmUn ill thank u lor
(J'v. .. .. .--''s , i.axitiry. . holding, for it lieu Uirt-oily under our tlio ol.Iition of ttie llioi
t'. : 1 1?'.-' i Tiri,-: 1 . T" 'tS V.-mmnttos. Juno IS. 7 a 7T, V. .Oiuiwiun ,f Iho AnvouiiUt-
t.,.K .;,i.w.f !.;..!. i H... ii.; ... : I cam down from the l'oiitoon above. 1 ho tta(in iii ol iSr. W
im7 . - '.- ... ii'iihih... .. iniii.i.1.1111, uui'n. tui i.ini.;ia
i.i KM Xi.
:: Jt M
of UlCTmM lUn,th9 only l iii;7n . "c Ul.n,d.r-
hIh'J In Iho ouiity. rr,.:n that M'rtHin li.,'ihv in i.. ... '', !"irei',,'''t W.."
Ithin a yonr.1, when Uii kealtii 0i,,'lllinil g i 1 uir.'ii, lui,, ' '.' L ''ttf(ll
oil, U t.ioU un urtlvo t.arl in all bun. j . '' i ' I"""v'') ' J to ui '
i ' " '".in .....ui iiu VIJl4.1ll'J
Jui. IS, U Si .J
Uaaiui,,,,), ij a.
1. v .l""'t
..I ,..,,1 I I,...
,i f,.,.,i, l,i.,i'1i,a'.,i.i,,..i..,.'..f Siuiitim, J tist an I U-lt I'tiMt. I'ilKin rc- the. 17ili of OcloUr IuiImx IhiiiIk d thou-
,,,mi, ,,.,.! ,i f., i, ;.,, l'm....r nf ii I"fled to mo thut rotcrburi vv in our mind whim won ui.d one bundled thou- hv ruhitious uf lifu w$ a uiuq of thu itrivtuift 'JtI'
rroniiiiiire dieluKiiu bntids. mini nextroea luno eiilirti-d, or rc-t-iiliotod, intogriiy.
Alu r K'venil du tu eliniinary i.repa- , r,otl,lne r recent dle h.u been bennl into t Jio I nion iirmien, nnd tlml nn bun- At Orange C iurtllotiM, Virginia, ALatiitaii W. 'i' iTTi
iih. tho movement commence.! on "". ui me. iCu-t.mond nny .ircu ami lAenty-Uvo mUli.jn tin iiurs lmo fr. u uu, n ojr. uuiiuvrs.
i.i rr ... k. . ah....-i. Hiv i.mii. u'liiuiiiiFii iiimihi iroiii Dun. uri'ii aoaiib in uouniir tiiii:w il ihoh. jlt no nm n tnntr ..? ..r . . '-'i.i..i mil i.
...l'r '.i. .i rnl tlfiline tlml Sheridan hail been will ereiite unlounded Ubtunibhmeiit H. 140:h ltiimfnt. i v. n ......... .1...1 i '." ."' Vti t l3rtiru,.
l.:.i..L u,l,.u " A 1... ..a n.... .1 ,.il. . . ..... ., r. Ill I i.i 1 III tn oniri..nioi. ial.1. Pti. T ...wl 1 1, rnn ,.l...n I II. u V....I, s:. ...... I , , , ., . I . ,., .... ... .. . ... . "' '",Ml f,. .v,"
6- avuu i.iuri- to llio line llotlM'. nna then embarketl , -o- ....v.b..wU. .w..... im,,.,,.., mo uimiu oi tue wiuiurtKaa, May uth. ana Jirnl i .Vc.i...,
:noft clo-t-n InmsnoilH lor lioniiudu I.nndin. ...... uuu ,.roneri nna iniv- iuuu.iuiu iiu-m-
V . i.i.AM. h".!! .tu Iitui!;;tii. Mr. Vidian
d;f:!i:ini suddenly iit'p.'.ire.l it t Uniuilton, '"'Iioiib
O., Ial W't di.eiJay, bsrinp "r un
olli4 h-r lienilUda I.Hndina. ........ ...-uuuii nl iu ,n .y- iuo..a..u mi-ju i n.i.mui n . .i mini, on ,, f)th M, tiTXllgiuulI leavc( if , rjouuriHonH cun I.. B, ... ,-
. i i 1 1 . . ii. .i.i i t' u ii hiii nri wn i(ni r.n huti.i .1 nu nmnv nu iiia hhiko iwituru i.n i.t ti.u ; i t '
uetierut v iilii k e..i.s nna nurnsiaeai pa i: " ' ,. i. r-.. 7' . o, i. ' T . n cUil.l to iu,M.n !., ra.l :
mi f .. . l . -"u i,
iMMtL liiswt'u. ,uf
n. . Jun 11, lsej.-H., "U,AllT,8M
ii it ivr.i)
i.i , . . .. J IIIUIIILII' I "II 1 ii) inru h.i-io in lift. Iltn Hum u Wliofnnf.l I'nuf i.Htnna
Lmeoln that ?V 'T? . ?!',UW,,r,,,,,7.cri,,,-,.l1ileJ lu.t nieht Hi U oVIock.'hna heea re.:il.t e ,uld l,n furmod not of. hi., i,nn,.M and i.nlulcnt buAnml. a t,n,l,r f:i- I ----
luti V'iiiirvMLiiMiiiii v nu. i iiuiri'i f ' i liihiih w '
Mrmiunin, i( lite i ii i iulh' un , m liuti'ti " " j m', imn imii uii i ( ( i cboclicnce .o law. lie al.o refer- Z' ZVW ' EDWIS 'AXTON.
. d to Ihe fact t!.,.t no urrcst has Wen :ara,v nt i.0W1H,ilH roit;t. ' j fercroury of ar.
inmV f,r wouli hjioken f.T ft year pnat. j A de.paich from den. Ornnl, daledl Wllh ,,.,.,, .
I neuroglia The country iuwnr of but ll"r-'"J ioMinr, cv.r mvlv 'l ' S of iWM rT.Vl.VX,ft lUT
, tiirco coiuiderablo nrmie. Tlutt which wl"iB to tlu bin duty, wl.atovcr tLo cirouuil.a- pf 'ii,n cVm,. tl0ws,V
' i-. opentting under Ihe. direction of (inner- inikt be. Pouci tu hit n-lui. ton yenri oi l, with "iba i.oin'i .. 'i'nl' C(
d trhoin Lo adJressed in tho
vjueritand feeling nnttiner. lie denied
the r.ffcition of rretidenl
- . I'M.. . 1 1. .....
ur I i ii luiiuiniinui I Him i iuoreui'J J'le- 1..1M i.i. c;... i n .
. iiiii i..i. n , nil in i jn.iiw iiiu'l. HUI1-; 1, 1 i i il . .... r
vent tiie lai.-iinr f f Irnor. or ..neoumd .;.-U'u .....l tvi.n'. ,.,. i It only atntes Iho relative situation of
..v ..'...t .iv -1 . V M a VltLIILUUIUII. lla ,-.'i., b..Jat,l 1....I ...;V...V,IU.IU.V...1U- . -. .w..di.i.B. .u.l , Cl.r. Ol I. W IT 1 11. A I. .'l
ilil Urilllt; tho one under command of In tlio bnruuirV cf Xciv V'u.-.iiiui:tun. hi TiiunJiT 'fl oar( lone horni. andratt... .l:?r.,tt'tti
(lenerul .Sbermati ; mid tho ihiid, which' the lth inst., f tjphuid .iu.uiiiur.ia, Jestj (i bUrl row.trd wi;u paM ig l5J '. i
18 acatlered throughout tllj lllillbliliHS.fc-' "."! mmni mm .v.iry luulU, i;U c "9 uuuX "M
region nnd in LouiHiana Some, 11 U.a!l6UaM , fl4 0. WWgai(
true, of the seven hundred tbouund, (y ( GH v. ( i i !
more-enluted veto.a.iB. but there iu.,i IfHj OUCVltSf illflUS. ! 'i'o MiI-Wri"hf """T
rat. .a. ...... ....... v. . L ir.. .Ml r I ' l 1 I C 'n .
rxtying. -I do not mean any longer to &nA MZ lMM.,:ub S.unday
.i,n,.i... .o., ,.r .1,,. u ... ;. .n i... r; ..... , ......... : ' . --w . r.tinren. n.t who are t nei euro to oo uei'i- l icrsurn n hi nt ,.n, . ,.r im....,i...'.i ma imt amir ot vaw.mi r t '."'"
,v ' umiii;, ...... i cuni una oeon rvouivvu ov inu ueiiurt- ...i ,,
i ui' i -un, oi iota muururv iivi-r. 1 1 A-I ' uu... i-ui.iuiiier i.i o; nien t.
t nihain Lincoln seeks i:iv "lif". let him so nt Cl1? Vou,t lhl,t 'S,ll5 fihiinl The Ninth corn
' iv a a nntui .I.i.m...1... a .... i .
..... .-j ... uuiing me linn iMiiciii. io ruioui.'.s tormint;
I ''fi r, r.f IVlrklitii'i. rutiluriin 4."i0 ,
....i... ! ..: , , . . " "-c i e l-
n-iuny i i iicsuivy j nucrnoon at l o ciock , at:tl lo ir guim.
lleiieraUiriini tins Ht IWmiid.'i Landing. I Our f uccesceii nre bmz followed tin
J . . .
dlthoujdi many men had uttered much (Monday eveniiif; 5 o'clock, headquarter, j
terror things than ever efcnpnl his li;,
Jcxa 1-lh. 10 o'clock e.
iicox s J.aiiuinL' stales that tne aJvHtice i if,. );,. v., v.....
ii i in- uoii'a i:iui reaenca mat, pinee,!
1..I... ,1 ... . I
.uenuo. uuiiie m,uii noian resirain j Cv u ,It, caval ry hkirmhing.
itic oi my fcriuuai nuerty txtejn upon fiuy
prMtci of law."
He t loceeded immiiiteiv to D.ivton ' , n "" inilea tlieie, of our force drew out from within fifty yards
. . iiiii. ii.u'. un my... our ioreea vi com- nt i ... m .-...,. ...n,.ij nt c.. . ii,. .,.. . ... . . i
. . i . . .. ' . .t.i nu i 'in ii.n. ui... uiifiiui vriioi.i, i;i'ii-
li.l kl.U& 'rnp fmnLU
..,..,t.. ii'-i,,i. iij u ii.jc .UK! i uti'iiee crossing UioJainea Iiiver to-day. made a think movement av eraire of n 1 TV . 7 1 . ' v..w....
emhusia.iiecrotvd. The Democratic Con-, t he enemy show no ,na of vet bavin, Vi fifty ndl nZ-h cront .KW . nbu,od' ' '"V. lh" IX th 10 ! iua.J.61.
f ft , a . I -iifil. HIV IVIIOUIWII ...
. - . t . . ..... ....... ... .
iar.i ior bounties; aneni in a I enoil ot , ty. ,iv m .i,.!v. iat : ..:: . ... !
lut luilo over teviM) mouth?, Wiu taere ujmn tbut d.iy.
ever such waste of life and tieaauro since At tlio samo tiinti ail C art Hjum L'jnia iu
llie tvorio began; Men enough Inyo "' l!l u7 ' J7 m fiid.
uy rrjur nr ihe C..r.l.
WM. S. ltl'AM.KT,
.i'min j. i-i ,;'n"Ki.
r.OItKKT POKt'ei
:aAC CaLUliLi,,
vonlicn lucre ui session, elected him n
Delegate to the Cliiengo Convention.
In connection with tbi distinguished
nrrivnl it may bo interefting t.t mention
hat w:po a di'patoh announcing tiie re
turn ofJJr. VuManilighRm was read to
the Prmocralie State Convention in sess
ion at SnringSelH. Ills., on tho lt'th inst.,
hei most vociferous cheeiir,; ensued, and
h .repolulloQ was immediately adijpted
ii'ledging tho Democi-aey of Illinois to
tand by their brethren of Ohio in pro
.'.ectins him.
rm.Diirii st rt irnTopm.'!-
fiat tho follvwiu!? hitirai.,,,..,..
4 DSIIMSTRATdH'.'S NOi If H. -Notice
. i hircby aiacn, That Lc ten of Admlnii
i. ... .. . j - o " ii'iva rr u in. ma rt.i... t.-in iinun ni'Ai. -
utougut troop to the mnUli mile ot Kicli- idiominv and Jamei river, tho latter bo- i i ...i ' i aV" ' " " - .i. ' .V.,.. . .1 I
tnontl. Dor movement mm Cm. ..rl.. i mill r.. :.l 1 wM r... I- .,....u, ii.iu .rm.mui-i iny,
ta.h.W, liivn ) u,c,..,eV8u"1 , "l tloon3 and fanatics. Senator Wilson'
, . t. ... . ..' iiinmv n .ill LlJt.1 IMMIIL III I r( ISP Uii? HI1I1 h 11 If 4)1(1 Mill ' 11 .1 . . a . . ' " ' . . -m
great celerity, and no far without less or enemy's rear at reternburj!. ' I 5 ual.,,a '1" T?fy Uas., p" lh0 'V rocol MCraolrn.
HI1" illHlt ' Ml. 1 .1 ..II r ...K. uiuiic 1u1.11 u i.tciiiiKiia tAVlllullo m ' h urv .. .j.., ., uuiu ni. ,.,., UI'PP lit C J, e a t r, .! ' J. a IIU W 1 l mi .nl-,( .1 a
A ii unot'icial'eh 1 ha.,1 ,he '0M .r have Iho pon,.!0 ol tho Korlh to MippJy .h'K J" prnt,d to ,ho unJor.i,.nl, nl: r (r ..ra I X V,?
..,.!. -.", ..!rR'n dated at head- Wngn or p.ece of art. lory, and only a-' iadl ' to their (JovernmlLt : Ton ,",,,,Ufd tn tM "'fired ... ,r.ko ofJu,..,i.M. 7 k" V
" V n,., I'ont one nunciredanUhllybtragglera were anJ ho luil,lt l)a'v0 a,l,led. .v.t'i e.iul ius- """!"'"" I'r" , ing rl-'m- Arpraia.r.ial of va,.,iu
. ..i .-. i jiiiiug in o.uuu uijj uireuuy p;cKei up t y tho enemy. I , ,,,. .. , r. r , i, .?.... ",e '"U0 iTi'vent 'liom duty Hii'nai'i.
laiHlea. Inooverini, tin. mnvo Wnrrpn'. Pnr,.J " ' ' " , .... ,7 1 S')ttlouient, J.JllMI. K0W1.1:;,.
: - - - - -----
X Till
an ma. 1110 io:.vwiug i prai,iu,nu .."'
trao.i.l prrprty t.' dmedeuu, ',....J
aal i-i irllur the niJuw: r,f it;elU'J:
the A't '.f a-emlly of tl,, lu tff1"
l.Ul, hsre ln :,.! i,. tb );,, i
j A ciespaicn foni t.erernl hherman'a ' nnd WiUon'H cavalry had frequent i.k ir
,he i.!q i.trtern, d Hod at 3 p. m , yeMerdiiy, mishing with the rneinv, each having
Inear Keneatv, Matet lint tno enemv is from Hi t v to ni.ttv killed' -nul iv.inn.ln.l'
in from, advancing his line on Keiieav. but inilicting an equal if not greater loss
Another un-dlicial despatch dated at V on the enemy,
p. m., yesterday, report Home advance to-! The Kbteenth enrp. n.ith'n, were
day ; that Thomas bad gained ground, nnd 'transferred from White llouvo to Itormu
that one rebel brigade ia neaily aurroun- - da Hundred by water, Il moved out n.iar
f'ei'- , to retei-bburg in the night, and captured
it lurttur reports that the rebel (lener-tho very strong works northeast of Meters-
' aI D..I1. ,1.:il,Ja-1.- II- a i . - ...
that daily appear ia the I hiladelihia A - I . yV . Uls Douy w.'fi i'hcient force could begot in
2yThcso who sro iu tho babit of
reading tho autsnnary of tho war news
Illlnl liv ill.. ..nnniv lo l.r.l.l llutm
In another part of General Sherman's : lie
F.'ut Missiisippi .livi.sioti, our forces have ' eai turo bv the noeotid'eorna. wliild. in
not met with the success which has alien- turn cimiur.vl m,.in nf ili onpmvV m.
ded competent comniand.-u. doubts further outh, and this corps wa
fieii. W adibtirn, at M ?nr.)bis. renorts '. lol'mve.l .v tlui Ninth n ill. i ),n r,..., I.
tbat'lho e.vpedilion, consisting of a.lj.lj ,ov.i Rlatr.l
i cavalry and 5,001) infantry, and K piece! Ail tho troop are no up exeapt two
joi in unci, (.cut. oiuirom there a feiV ' divuions covering the wagon trains, and
jdavs ago, under ccnimaml of lien. Siurgis, they will bo up to-n'ght.
lmnmii.lA..r..l .. In ..l.-l T .1. ...... .... 1 .
or thawam"scf ti e CI ick ihominv il .,r"7",v ' v " i"-.i i no er.emy in thotr endeavors lo rein-
rl ! rf 1 i i 7 '"O jinat., under command of lorrest, at (in- for,,, IVmr.burg, nhvuioned their in-ecr-sl.itfes
ot 1-lonJa, or tho bayous of town, on tho railroad running south from , trenchmcnu in front of Bermuda Hun
tho trant-Mihtiisippi, tr the incur luir.B of, Corinlh, sn 1 after a fievero fight, in which dred. They no doubt oxnictwd trooni;
. . .. . . .mi. In.. !., l.-illi.T .1 ...n I 1 ...... I. ..... e . , . . . . . 1 . I
nortuern tieon-ia, his trigonometrical ac-
re aftoni,lie nt the rcnurkablu accuracy
as to dates, dislancf s, Ac, displayed by
the authcr. Theio articles aro far superi
or to those fm-aiahed by any other paper
Korlh or Sotith. It is always a satisfac
tion to read them, for it mailers not what
lit'.d of oteiatioi;!, in being described
whether it is the plains of Sputlmlvunia
uracy is all tho bame. Nf.r is this all.
In giving dates, uud nianamvera or. tho
ourlos in killed and wounded was heavy, 'from the north aide of Jamee river to take
our lorees were worst cU : t hat at the last ; thir places before they wore discovered,
accounts Murgss was at Colliersvillo, re-! Butler look a dvantiuo of thia and mov
treatinjr towards Memphis, llo furlher! ed a fnree nl one unnn ih roil.o.l .!
field of battle, he is equally prrcise-glv- "tatea that, wii; lh.. troops that had late-lplank roal between Iticbmond and I'e
t - 1 .. .1.. 1 ...
"it, i.ui, umy uie uay upon wn icn a par
ticular order was ifsued, cr movement
made, but the very hour, and often the
minute. Ko nun can read them attent
ively without feeling that he ia wiaer
Ibau. he was before.
ly arrivei . .Memphis n i-ale. , u-rsburg. which I bore to retain rosesBion
Oeneral Micrni.ui, having received the'of.
news of Sturgis's defeat . reports that h Too much credit cannot W given the
has already made uriangements to repair troops and their commander lor the ener
tho diMtster, and has placed Oeneral A. J.lgy and fortitude displayed during the last
Smith in command, who will resume ilm live .h.v. h
. oil'ensive immediately. isnme m ,le!nv Loinn ..Itnwo.l o.m,
V I. :n: :. .-i.: . . ."".
wui.iw .. i. nue. ngence naa upen count, l.ter unothcial disoaiches hhoiv
uikI iJioiicfllly ; Jun, 22 Cl.i.i
. . . ... . ......
waaieu. o presumo, nowever, that tne ; - ;
secret of Ihis matter is, that the money I l),'"'1 I-0'''. A m!l r! mpe 1 buckaiia ;
has been fpenl the men put upon thepav-' v':' eontnining about fliis i;ier money, :
rolls, but that they aro imi t., bo round ! "V.,'t n,a. '.'"'.'r'"; ,V't,,',,u!
, ,., - -,:i.. , ;,.., ,.. i tho stora or A. K. H ngbt A bum, huI t!i aturn
1 ......... j """ i.t Mm. l- Jrwm. Tlio Oiijur, n leaviuir it at
investigation would show that of lhj one this will :, ill 1 auiiully rcwuidc-d.
rcri iti .1 ..... .
loal csU-.a, ni ejurl fur ihe wjj , :,( ,
T.'ju' .:tco,":id. I. 0. KAra:.;,
rir.r)).'.) k ... 'S
hundred and twenty live iu il lien dollars juno 22d p.t
appropriated for recruits, nt lout one
jauok wiLni:bM.
jarria.T i . ...
half of it found its way Into the ikhWI V i ",fr,on" "r
,,,. , ,, , , , " V,' ajainstiuri'has m, or in hot wav met .
ofthn (ellowii w ho hro novy bawung for ' lth e,rtailn y.)ke iu ,-,.
Lincoln and Johnson. If seven hundred in of Miry Whitman, tt fnion townhi , as the
thousand men havo In on recruited, the caul I roperty bo long a, Vi di, and ia uLjii-t to
country has a light to know where thev ' '"V rdcr ' JOii . l'ENTZ.
are, and it is amazing that tbi.t matter has ! I nion tcwni-lilp, june "it.
not al tracted more alter, tion in Congress- s x.i; i kiv "hi iTk T
,,,,,, ... i .11 ' ' ,"-' All poraon are hfrehy rautiou-
Il should bo understood, moreover, that lj v, ;v;.,;uH pUreli.ninK or in n.y W1(T n.ui
the number mentioned ly Senator Wil- d!mg niiii u cortaiu j n:.!ii..n, u.m i j the p.-i.
son iloes not include the hundred-day I mssion of Wm. S, Porter of Ivuo t;,.. m tho a iiui
men; tivo thousand of whom, it id known, j ,tl"n?1' t rr.e an;l is left with him ta loaa only
have been ent to tl.o lielJ. nJ l" 7 rdrr.
Another fact mentioned in thii ciTicial rnmK.r,. r i VIIITiIER-
vj tliiwn.i nuixie tilla c jrw J
1'.. TO I'd is'
' V Certain care fr?,ii.niii !iaiialU4
i. T.-.ii.:a. e las, tt, i
.in. .. ,w I-, .uy ui; n-y W!t., wat 'aiui
Qu.nney riore Ihror.t; it ot,iPti,ni to ,r
and waa ay a-rn lint ,lt e.u, Bul totli
and e.-.u;hd ri.0.i..t: r. I !cj J0l,p Uhi1
l "-- . ... -.'.i ujra i.i
1 ly leiievo that, but .'r '! i
t ivo !'..t ter .':
F.-ire Ji ai.d, (IB:
juu fib, lsl !ra
V.k. I t;
... 1 r
'ir.iiniat .,i ,Mi
I'-iii.i li. II Alt '..IS.
" . .ori inui .iri.i .
M'r'TlU.N ,1'JLY 9Tlf.
dituro of human life during te recent, Q KMI-AN I'M iSTA TKil K N T ' 2T are nui'mrixel to ith(riU
battles in .rp.nia. General Grant it Q pf, THE ('LaABPULD Co't L ink. 'n3m,, of VV'' ai andiOat. U atated wa re.nfoive.i by fortv-) ,. ,.nfk jd , $ , County Cramiwionw.
eight thousand men up to the Mh of . NoU,s , cir,uU. , f d,. ' ! sr-r.-; -.-rxi..
H-blk. Our friend Broarn, or the' rf c,ivi'd '.' l:i.s department since my but! that at eight o'clock this mir'ning the en- !u
Democrat, seems to hate a l.ardl' e,0Srnm- L- 11 Smxtum, Sec. of War. I amy a.ill occupied 1'etersburg. Major w
I.v Tiiov
time to keep out of the Kail Spikier'! War Dctautmext.
abolition crusade. In the early part of W'asmimoto.v, June 179: y;) a. u
our troubles, while tho war w is wmlp.-I " f..r , .Vj. r-(,',iciii Du:, Xac Vot .
the Union," as the Abolition preis of the i ?? '"""'"S dispatch has been reoeiv-
i . i d by tho department :
country termed it; Mr. Brown volunteer- ClTV p0s j
ed twice, and was twice honorably dU- Jajiustown I.i.anh, June I'j-5 30 a. k.
charged. He has also been twice drafted. .
for u-liintl Im anntn I.. I.a I
.. u c. ... uiii.iti lliaily I'll i j i " , .
.. , ,, , j lepnrt from his observatory near Hcrmu-
l.gat.ons to the old Illinois Union Split-j d, Hundred, that there ha, been (harp
tcr ; but politely notifies tho old joker toj fJL-hting that tho troops and trains of
load it on, that be can take bis money I "l0 !"emy were, as ho wi ites, moving a
from him, but that he can never get bis i ros Ainmmatox s if retreating'.
i.. .,. . ,, . ... r .. : Hancock is not near onough to render
fcody to stop bullets with, foi the purpose Smiih tiny aid.
of elevating and glorify ing Juj C Gcn-Mion. 1 'J'he Richmond pa; em havo nothing lo
x, , T. - indicate a suspicion of our enmitm the
MiietitLL a .Nutr Atas.-G. W. English, J James river. Ti.ey rxpect I o bo at
the regular agent for thia county, is now ! tackod from tho direoiicn ol Malvern
delivering and receiving mil script ior.s fori ''i'1'
thisc.vcellent woik. The present edition r. p 7
iu every particular. As an assistant in . v. m.-IIo had carried a line of entrencli-
theatudy if geography, or as a standard j tlUMlt3 ftt Realty's House tho colored
for reference in this ago of war and blood-' ,r.00I)Sft5sml'ing and carrying the ritle-
ied it la invaluable. ' f?1 g"ntry, but ho had not
yet earned the main lin.
"THE" NEWS J'o describes the rebel artillery fire as
ur . . . . ery heavy. He expeoted to assault this
We have no other war nos than is g,v- ,1.06 just before dark. Hancock ii within
en under the appropriate- heading', ei- 'ree inilca of Smith. the defeat of tho forces under Gener-! '
aUSaurgis and Grierson. who marched' 7 oixt. June lo, . a. m , in Northern Georgia. They were ftni' carried the principal line of the ene
met by the rebols under Forrest, and after 1 luy l"-:r'"' Teterhbuig, Inking 13 cannon,
aH'vere ligln, and severe loss in men, ' Zu .H'fhj?, co,.ori .Bn'1 tien three
guns and ammunition, were compelled to' 'u-o Se. fSm pJKT "
return tuMemphis. Forrest is then report-! Hancock got up and look position on
td lo bsvc proceeded on his way to oper- f,ultl'j ll'tat 3 a. m., to-day. Tbeie ras
ate in the war of General Sherman I v y 10 'redion from 5 to 0.
' .No reports have been received yet.
Tn 9. Km vi iimtiom Pi,,.,,..,.. .
f .'.-i'.i,auii.l,A!
carman in New Orleans ran nvor n.,,i .,. i
Juno last. How many more mice then is neiuinatien of $t'a (
not known; but. it must be a very great ' PftmminatioH of Si's 37,l.ti CD
number, as reinforcements are constantly ! l'tioinination uf $10' Oil
going forwa-d. We commend this debate !Th Krentest amount in last atato-
to our readeis, o that tliey may under- tJ1Dt . , .. . ....
. i i . . . . i , Iloliinc" and debta of eTerr kiiid dua
utaud whatitcostj to have a country, tli. Uanw of thia .-u..'
govcrnod by bullooiii and plunderers. Amount duo depo,iten
. " ""lr" ""7 r . Tfttul aiimuut c-ftl..ti ana liaMliliei
The Draft in Centre Comity. of erory description
The l'ellfouto Wa'chmi-x of Friday lait fire:iti't otu't el ' iiei.t and liabiliti'i
conlaitiH the following : j in-o tat at'ir.'t, Msy '!, 'lit w.u
II tho reader will turn to our local col-1 't1 "'n ' ul uivueoua urciara thia
mns to-dav ho will find that out of the wi" 2'"( ;
hoU numiier ilnifted in lliis eonntv the L ' ?: il? .. 1 -1
I Morton w Iritla..; in .n .c-...,li .Ih.I ...-.. ....i 1.1 ... .,." Amount el K...;l at: 1 Hrr fMtl nr.J
i IT , ; ( ..nyi-runu-iii, naso.-eri inuo oj Kecurc uic bullion t-f '.nz'r. ta tlio
..oiniiig iihs neon roceivoa to-aay irom services M Imt f,-n white men and mo nc
Shcrtnan or Hunter. Igroes. These men would not bare gone
Ognca) bin I.N M. STANTON. cuuld I hey have e?cape-J in any manner Ain't bill bon.U o-A't
Secretary of ar. to remain at borne with I heir families I u'lu-nded dobt
and friem'.s. But they wro p.tor that r Bl: P'"omiipmP y neu ry bsnk
wnalhr.irai.. 'I'lie,. 1,1 .1,.... . , Aai t of un i c 1 -r..:il. of .bo b',,'4
Diar.atchea lii.n KI..Pil.n l,a,. I i..,.i j.m. . . . . i. . .. "i ... ... . l'.al aaa't . h itie of t-e batik
. . r . .. v .i,:,.,, i n.itiii over in neu o t. em
sj.srr t
SfSr Vi o am antlirised tj aatiytnoi
n i ...... ... , .
rariis .e.yia, . erajy :i '.i:.;lliu
6!l JM CI f'T Ataeititdy, aubj.-ct K- i';; ar.imi
tb Llouii.eratia f arty uf trMd e-jnty
S.I01 CI!
223,i:r a i
rJ?T"vo uro autl.oi'i.'.'.J to rntira
i.i ns IT
W.isntNGTO.v, June 1311 r. .
r. . , . . i - a. . . ' . j - " iv... .-i. ,11.-1 ivnu iinii'
Smith with laWJ men, attacked pe-! just been received. He reports a victory
rstjurg this morning. General Butler i over iho enemy at Trevillian station on
by dircclura
Helves. hlood money to give r-urttnti , Of wfciih am-unt lie? aro inJjbtel
on Oil I Alml i I ion ikto in ;t end .-.f t Imir I ' uno 1r. . I
the V lrginia Central railroad a few miles ierly was their crime, and they must atone ! And na cuaor?ra
outh ol Gordonsville, where Gen. Leo a ! for it on the battle fields of this infamous i lu,,,l Blu ' habilitiei by III aiork
row days ago reported a rebel victory.-Uhoddy war. How often have in o beard i ,,h"lJt'" t ,Jt .
Ihe oLIcial report is a, follows : big mouthed Abolitionists bow iu holy I 0 l!'"J,nl 7
Here follown a long report from Oen. horror at the barbarities of 'Slave dealers." I a,i . nll!i!!r....
Sheridan recouiHir.g his movemonts nion" ' ,or ,'-ai ,ng Tat her r.nd von from t!,n LnHom ; Th nbme .-iiemrnt oorreet, to tne boat of us r
tho VirgiuU Central Railroad in the di-!f !boir rr,milic!' a,t1;1 them j knowledje a.,-1 Mief. jAa. B. tjr
. . perhaps fo:ever? How often have we' bworn a:ii jubtrnbed brf..rn me Una ..eih d.ny
rection or Gordonsville, including several 'heard tuioudci or the OoapeJ, in thii"f .Mi,-V !'" Wn. I'oktra, J. i'.
encountera with the rebels, and lliiallv ' town, nrav that H.a Von nr-ii riin
...j ' ANUL'3 GILL, fltrvir-:-J lownil.b.atat:
j il-ite tor the effire of c'-;int I :r.tu i s-i.! r, nt
Iject to the action of the lc bif ,-nlio tj
S,01 j; j t:1arfioll euaaly. Ap. JUL
o are ttittiior.zed to aunoau..'
jCONl'.AIi EA K El; ci Ka-x t.p aiamiiib'i
fl(lt IT for tbe ot5c of Cunty Commls!.., .irtt
llc.iis; 41 tno atiou t.r iba Uam.craiio rait? irfC'.-ira ii 1 county. ' jiaj,
,ns Si ' BuirW'e re autborici to aniwi
JOHN t.ILT.T.AND of Ksrtbms tgwn.Hp,tii
. " . a lor tn ou'ce it fount t oBimiMiiW,
auljoct to the a.'iion f .Im piincr',ia party vl
a a.-.-s i o . i :urDoJtl county. Ii f,
3.611 .Ui
13 CD
WWc ar? sullK'iized toannotinw
HAV1) UOHN, rfL'riiN toaaabiu aieni;:
date f r Couaty (', aal.;iMl Ulh,
. 1 tion of lb lieocrjl.e psrty of CleaftiHeau-
ing the night" down 'm'finl frt11 nron 1110 'lenlers in ':
.11 of Hhich, however i' 1, "j"
his withdrawal "duri
tho North Anna, in
he claims a victory- but for the life of U9, 1 n,e
KiTVc arc outhori'ed to annoaii.t
JACOB A.KAV.S7 of CurtifnuillcainnrJiiUi
human' I '-' s'-1 tI It I-.. The Ilovri of lifln-r for tbe f-lnoe offberlff, ml.jcrt tc the actiua f :
any of -- 'r luo P0"nt.v tlearliald, will meet at tho . I'einr-rratin party of (..tartn ol c uti!j. oaj
I hem l.ivn i. r.t -...!..,..,!., V"lu""-:"('" i''.e neuue.nay ana xur
J'rfrWo nt authorized to
nn.1 "ii. 1, .1.. t 1.,.,.. l-.'l
Keenos nf tlio k mil lint iri-rn nfiui-tr,.) i .V. . . ,. .... .. ..
and at tho mk of Wine railed a "svmnn. 1 in Hii-, ,,lee ,l,i,- , .....1- IV ,1 1 .. "J " " ' "i"1 m ."V"! ! -f H. h. HALT, of Karthau.lp. .;
ci - - j i i - t (.. ..p. , " . . , run ij i! i,.t nj'p. ar u.u-rp 1110 Lonru an i pro-1 lire
- . . . t - - ...... . v . a ia e ur n. .nip. n in,.nn. , n w ..
W0 IllUft fny we "coit't fee it." 'anv 01 "'Cm tell US about IhO "baioai'lty - their an on alntcmeiit dcU.line name cf soldier,; of ,i,, ri, m.r.,. .,,. f Cl.arlald eour
... C" wiCKC'lnc.-h ot dragging from laeir i regiment oa company; wuen enostea ; theij, an; 21.
Enough such rfefrrVt, and we are
'0ri0 ' dependant, helplcs? families never per- n"1Dl'erof cui'dr". vrith ege and lex of each :
haps to bo permitted to return again, the I t'.""nt "P ,u, V. ,a.T r.t,Sili.0? ' sf ! fffcrVT aro autl.orizeil tOiiMdf
r..r ov ';r's iW York icrscr!p,s, lhfll Kv yr cfaurr or b oom v .p.m.
r,, "B l', nr York place under guard w:th.n the but S,xinn cldr,n( wv0 tr,(i,pe(lel,llipoIl hrr. , 0'K-.of htr.ff. ., yeet to'V'
iimci, a LincL-ln organ call for mart taxtt. days? No, they Hero white men, taken I Io witneano. f erodibilitr, frim the towasblp Prt7 of tlenrl.el-i e.
li aays ve must tax mor'heavuy, although in .because Abolitionism put a tirice on thotr ; in whii-h ebo resides, tnnat nlao be prednoed ! ... . ,A"i
l0lthe peoplo Will be called upon to blood, and there was none to nav it . wl.nao rertii'.rate. .worn tu before lb bonrd. 1 6 Rro ailthortZ"d t
pay :
itsy Federal Taxes,
ttujSlato Taxes,
IWBorough and loivnsliip Tae,
tarSohool Taxes,
xjv-Bounly Taxes,
JPayComcription Taxes,
Ety-Mililia Tuxes,
afejySpecial Taxes,
IfcrLicense Taxef,
JB-vaJ-Itond Taxs,
Co-roor Taxes,
xteu-lntcrnal llevenuo Taxes.
CPA.Incomo Taxos. and a heavy a
! Tf.ey were xrhlif men, s-hl in the A'orft to lc
.murdereimthn than il,ick n.ra ihouhl bt
t forth that the nm.lioant is tha reraon he er r ; tHDKON 1. GOODI KM.OV,', of Uwrir"t'
remit horsclf to bo ; that the ataloraraent ofthe, i a a eapdidatx for tbe nflke of aliMiff.
llnvt ITinr.t i.,....- .
I..UVI..I.11IIA . IH , un. , 1 r I 1 1 I ...... . ' . I . ...v.. ,v, ...iv.
out the light of ft very jour.g American '"Alter sending my di-nateh of this" i,... .. .V .,0' ""r!,,,n8 lhy '.cepl rcnoe on almost any lernw.
citizen of Afrte-m decent, and was beard V,lorn,ni fr0" Hie height southeast of' ini I i.n.Vtn t . 1. t'oauty ot keep-j 0e Tut Tit From CovVrtK-'s.-A
o cxcloiul, "God bie.-s the emancipation i."'-'"irg, I went over the conquered , 1
uroclcmation t If Iliad done that twn '"'ea with General
vears aitn. it would have cost aio five hun- ocr officer. The works r. of n,. .' Iiir" op owaraa Acinowleclgliig the
drtd dollars." ,s rongesl kind. innredilUcult even tn tU
Ihun .... .! - - -
nmrnnni nuns, as n iin'u xviuir- nar tiro i ai e vi - - . ,,
7 Tt iT , I' " T 6? I number and ago of lor family is true ; that ,b, , lb. action oftb. l-emoeraho party of th
vn,... mi .j-.'ki'i ii. i'e unci iti.c i'.r. iiu-i , . i. .i -: , i ...... nn...,. diiti
. . . .. ii. in ui'cuuuiu t in lllliriiinrfii .nu ner m r m vvuiiij, '
the pulpit will sav nothing about this rt,.i m , .n,i n..t .n o.. r..t. ... r,.,.i. i h. -.1
I 'Mealing iu human flesh," this separation i application are juat and true. ; Wo tiro authorized 10 annOBte
! ot hushaml an J wile, of parents and clnl-: r rm containing the- reul.ition eai be ob-1 AC It A II AM OiiPKN of Lawrence twp., "
idrnn, because it wa3 ultve flesh tho t!ofln I ti?a at th oilc- ot the lionrd of Kolief, wbon didateforthe offl of a heriff, eul.ject " ttl''
iand blood of our neighbors Men tnav I l,PIic"li'1' ia made and tho nimiiaat apnea-. ;iUD of tb l)moera:io party of C!cr6ell
l.alk as much as they like about the pop iuuo 15' - - KHALLKi1, (V. ,y.
it-.: ... ... . ! 1 . ; ta inn it' o.i. ii-'iieu i.--.i' ....
! laruy oi tne war nnu tno ueterminatiou ot Bj,',,,j' "-" ' . , t..n1,Dm.t
JJ aSAliH. JVi-Kona dpsirinff a Lar-' . w. ";n,",u"u" , ... .aii"
tho purchase of a FARM, will do well to ! Y "' I4r,A , "'T-.'IATIkVaetMrf
ju. 1-
the mosaCB to havo it proteoused with the!
Ulmnut vigor, vet tho result of tho draft ii-nn in tho purchase of a FARM.
;in this county proves conclusively that I I'm'iraoo the oppnrtuniiy now oHVrcd. Ih farm ' ' xh 0w.f cf '"Yu .
ildi. Il. nn,,l aiLi e :. ' i . f i i , " " 1 i. Mtuated ia Morria town.b..,. Clearfield cuntv. I oeraiao pirty of C.e.ibeM
... , ww-.vavvauawi IV, UI1V4 DUUIUi UU" , , , , , ., j
outUuildinffs, ami l locate., and; JHMJ.ll 1 AIJ.wiixi'
motion fan be mmio highly proJm tivoe It will b sold, fssry 'rt arts autliorized tosnntnir
lrA gentleman who took occasion to' "'e 1,81 dost lighting was done bv t'io
doctor some cider on (ho Sabbath was ta- l'l!,-K troop. n,e fort. thev aiormerl
ken to ta:-k by his good wife, for laboring worPt lJ".lk 1,19 of all taken. Af-
Southern Confedercy.
From the New York Expreaa.
Wing presented the other day in in the ' at a bargain. .HFor further particulars apply ' w M,rj. . , oi'ill! c' Cleared It ,f,t"
House of Representatives, that that body ? ! l-iber either in pr.,n or by letter t f-r', AtiomfT.f '.
should meet daily at the hour of eleven : 1'o.t OHice, Cloarfiold r- . fo"0Vcti oflho b.LntoW
instead or twelve o'oloek. it was reiected I Jan-.' im Pd- RLl)tKIUv N4.I.LL. ,nnnU, ta,, I-
Inn lIlA l.rnnil.1 11...., I.n.l Inn n.i.oU I 1 i .. . , J . . t 1 . r. rS D., .. I .. . I . ! I
DiHsolution of Partnersliip.
true, rpilK parlncralilp lierotnfore existing liettreen
?-Wc Are anlliorized to aanou
w...-,v. t it ti ... itimo already. God know that is i
i.., u uiio io. i ne nartv ino i . r - ..... . - - . e rt-.n.s ".-' . . . . ...u., ..diii"
!god wish to destroy they ftrat make mad iJl ,cr, a.,,?un,ry .wu.8 CUKhca '!" 100 -I Jol!n 1!rU'' J- w- '-'. tho " i'". 'i 1 ViLh ' .,'1
... . . m . . . . " - ' iiinrn mo is it inn it iu ntiio nun ii pit
l . , ! ltar'1. 1- l lAUr ixnala nl Ir.mlnl 1 I .. i a,-"-vai avjw vi. ifv
on that day. . His reply wits, that no good ver, 0,,n. Smitlx went 'Aopne 1 to-dav. or i '..Vl'VT.; wi1,1. (" crazy legislators ha,
CbristianoughttolindYaultwithhisw'oik, lo ll.nlc them, and tell nltZ Vn V oflhe afTrirs ot a republio. ilia
aa he had bt-en doing his best to proven I proud of their courage and dash, Hoitngton Btgt.od l.jr George Wash-; noff jn tle Unitej iSute? Onetruthat!
luvnama ... ... - - - - .. .. 1...1 l-j1
ever of Uriel . otter ha.. Oil day been di.-wtrcd by , f'-r the eftire of Putra-t A .' on.oy. au
Dad mutual conBcnt. The bunks will remain tu tiie ,',u 01 mn i'einoci..i: v j04.
hnml. nl .1,, in llrl..! fr. .nl....n. I tV. '
his oider from '.voi king.
Bya uiey cannot lie exceet e a. .m
'and that, hereafter, he will n,i n..
CiaJr-Tho Aboliiionistg seem resolved as difficult places as the best white troons
it... .1 ..1...11 l.. . I .. I.... Tl.... 1 . .1
iiiiiv mu lieiues bii.ii i'e iiiauuu uu ic- . 111-y 1. ipiuiuu on out Ol XoCUUtlon
tl with whiio meu. They Can't be placed ' we took.
.lino 13. j . ...fill
.. ..... . . - . iflnsL ua uhl irnni 1 niiorn... nn.i fimi. 1. 1 - ' .........
' 1 uir has been done, it Is aa d in order i . " 1 r-. v - ., '
i'i. .. . ' 1 w hftsn tno much nf it. ..v. t . llailu nr I 1 -v h.-vutj W...1.1 11.11
to prevent another Jerry riot in Syracuse, - I I A i i
. and Burns ,mt. in nin 1.... l i;.J fcaTThe Lincoln editors influk-a in no' 1 Caps, Shaker, lllbbon, Flo
.itissn Administration miasuro. prepay, 0I'iu' ..'!.h" .P'-HrrrSZ::! U
tlnan Ia .- 1 . . ,. . - ,A 1 n P IISI. I II OV a rtX I I 1 a I llnl.n.l.. i-"l """r" -
r.: T. i istsUa I. n-ilTionzed to SDltO"-
ta, nntf, .e'.a, " " " ....itiia"
wsrs. I'lutne, M. L. C. KVANS of Piks t-r- ' fp
on a level with the masses of white men j The foHowing disnalch doe. not de.ig-'-.p" rfanVr produced Vha"' ihTnk no food fit To eaTtilUbe 'c k to
To get.them on a leve with the fanatical nate the hour, but it is supposed to bo our honest Chi.f aT.-uiiff dt"i?- chewed it for thorn.
oodtgenor- County AndiH:, lahjwtt-ti ctlo Of " W)
1 ecrarti early. '
1 " otugiiii mu jiaj uunii, - . .,
rorce rtou vni nt. In his reputation.
.1 .?.. . . ....... . .. .. ... .. .. .. i.
322 level on Irli 1 T , "ZrlZ 31 f" W. . LptTiTvilfeW lesrns that
dot.-i'M!eJwiui. .regard's octoinani. So sue of them isld
. . . ... si
T I AT3 .ntt Puna. 0tir.mC Bnrin f trie at I -.t !.., 1.0 SnlOi'O"
would W nocossiry to level up or to lefel; Tbeprisoneri wo took were from Bean- Isr ' " rC" "'''n.. b?i..v. J111' . ,7 le"D5, l?al - ! HK.VRT w. PARK f We.Vil.. 7if
, 7 v. .....j "v.uni . lui.ia xnujiirovni wis., riuiiav i"r toe one. or enirnni r
tn tyta,
or raf a thf fll.
1 ,h Democ-Hti" party.