.1 .. -1 FI:ivf i'.i "t rprnaJ. ft lc'o o.in.1 ejilcrrili ivT'i iroffi of Now Goods At their oldsfnnd in Cle;irfiell. rjpHFY 1, live Iho best nssi rlmotil of Iliinhmro lluit him ever been brought I" Ibis '"imt y, which they will fell nt the most lensonnblo pri-i-i't, iitiiorg which will bo found n i-iIemlil lit of a v r r h : n y, To v. huh thry in ill' tin' o i rial jittt'iiti.-ii !' Ilio pHiVio, i ml t.'.oifig In uvy t ilvn-plated Foil,-, SlPnlisiil.il I! utter kiiiu-a ! tlio Lett U.niiutui' Uir,'. A li t i.f llfnls i f Iho K t iitlorn. ni.il other ftf.Mw . ! n r"ir,';'i '".iiiii('iit i.i' i i.-tnl i hi lr'ili;i .' - it! I I v l.ii li v ill In1 mill lit fi usuiiu- I.' ni'. f, 'i 1 iy i'i i, tinny In liiiitaifni'liiri' nil kiwi uf Tin-ware, I irass Kettles, Stove-' l'ipo, it.'., Villi ll I'MMl-t 1 0 tUlpU-.-v'l ill I'.i;' m- linn ( I t ho Mule. Jin v s 1m. have i'i) hand I'ltlsbui t li Plow. iitiionu; v.hich mi' Steel Ci'hlri' Lover I'I ms. Al-o, Flow Ca.-I'.ngs, mill many other Agrioullui ill in J'll'llM'lll-', Cook Stoves, Parlor ami ('on I Stoves a rcm-ial :i .-sortmmit, mi l of tin- lev' pat Inns, IV r iiil'i nt n . 'liable I'li-i'". Coal Oil, Coal Oil lmipv I'nil.t.', "lb- mill Yiirni-'- ", ii goner il idmi tnn nt. lilui", I'lilly, Nails, Lou uii'lCa-tings ot great v mil ty ; in fact almost oiery thing wanted ly l lie public rail ho found in Hieir oslnbli bini-nt, aL'l III (li.'rM tliut Cl.tlll'it bt lil'.ll. Now is the time to purchase, II you ilciito riny thing ill lln'ir linn i f I ni.-i 1 1 1 -i . i, iio tlii '.n n i nli ami i v.'iiiii !i tin ir ; t'.i l, mi'i tlicv I'oi'l nn-iued Unit yon fun I"' :ii'i'"iiuiii"l:ili'-l. rii .ui'iuhcr, tlu ir est il'ltslitm nl is mi Seeuti-I , f'tr'i't. Cli-nrt'i lil. I'ii , where you mil luiy k'onds ti, tb , cry I. -t ndvuulugo. ;:.? .ii ilvcr, cupper, l.r.i.-i", pouter and old ' i .i--.t in ,-i will h ' tul. ''ii in t'vliii'ipi lur K1""1 ' ! M:iv I "I'll. IKl'.UIil.l, .1 lll'ILKIt. ! GREAT ATTRACTION ! Not Defeated! rflIK i.l ."tiIht luiviii M. ii j'"t i'" '"' ""'i.ir.; i tut tii '1 limn the ci'y uii i.iio ol tl.o Largest mi'i nii'.-t i. . 1 1 - ill I ! v .H'h'eU'il A-.-,. i -tnieiili wt FALL & WINTER GOODS , vt .pi i' .1 t. (he -..m1 people if Cui wotisvillo .iml its vii'iiii'y, Me.l vliidi lie will nil at I'.wir rates llinn uny lioiiio in the county. CLOTIMNC AT RLl'CCLI' riHCI-:-1. f : 1 1 . r fi'.iu lli.-1 yrup Ami u'.l other jjioc 12 to l.'i icijl.s per 1 lit S7 lll.t.H per j crier at tlio i..iuio rate.-'. il. liuots, hhocs and 8liue rindiiis of aii kiHi.c-;-ii' ciu:Ar. Luilivs who wi-h In.'ilio a K'1"'' investineDt j thoul'J call itnl t'Xiiiuino Iho u.-iortinoiit ut ! where tliey will liiel tho very late.-t, hett uiei trust fii.liioiiiil'lo I'Hltenij of FKLXC11 MKlilNoS, IH'LAINS, SILliS, ALPACAS, PLAIDS, e. J.tf live, tiats, Corn, Vi.-li, i'lieoii, Kf , f-c, s.M nl liie I r.vesl price.- f.T CMtli, or exchanged lur Country pioj.iee. .1, D. THOMPSON. Cur'.vensv illc, t'q tviuher, 2:1, 11):'.. I'i.iR SALT. P.Y C. D. WA'loX. I AMII.Y 1)1 i; COl.OIK. :!", llk till,.; I.ujht t:!i; Vein h JUti ; Cl:irt A'.', un, I It IK , "Il 11, 7,m,'i( Itruu it, .tinj)' l.'ruf ,l, I'rih'bnn, lhtrl; l)rl,, U'jl.t Ural,, l,,rl: f.7i ii, .Voi, Vr i Tor oeiu;; L'bnwU, lionnel .''ilk, Woden an 1 Mixe.l ' ails Dresses, Kilihons, liioyc- .Sat.', l eathers, Kid (iloves, , ii's Cloli.iii'.', an t a'.l l.iiuii CUil'li i.f Wrui iiii.' Annuel, o ''., ,1c, , g-jyA SAYING OF PL It CFNT.-Cja I For 2a ceiila you can color ns nmny (fooils, us j would otherwiso cost fo e times that milium!. I Yurious r ninUs cull ho nilm cd from tho same; Dye. Tho procets is timple, and uny ouu cuu us' tho Dye with fcrfei success. Direetions in Kugti-h, Freneh imd.Ueniia;, I inside of each package. ... For further iiiforiualioii in Dycin, nml Kiving n perfect know Who of what colors aro Lest ad- m.io.l in ilvc over other?, (with many vnluuhle ri.eitinill IMirrllUHO llowo k Stuven.i Ircatiso on DveiiiR ami Coloritig. Sent ly aniil on receipt ef price 10 cents. Miinufatiiruil hy IlilWi: .1 ST FY EX?, Iiill, Droadway, Doeton. For salo Vy Drnpists and Deulerj generally. SepUmber 2;U, 1SC3. NEW FIRM. IIARTSWICK & HUSTON DRUGGISTS MAIUvET,S7;rrf CLKAUFIKLD PA. KEEP constantly on hnu1 a large and and well suln'tcd fit or I; of J) III! (! Hand CHEMICALS rMXTS OILS AXJ) rAUXISIl l'Eltl-CMK.UY 4 Tui I.LT AIUTCI.KS. ULANKP, HOOKS AND KTATIOXAUY. TOBACCO &SEGARS. And :v iron era 1 assjortment of VAUI AT1ES and Fancy AHT1CLES. AVo respectfully invito a call, fooling confl uent that we can supply tho wants of all, on terms to their sat in faction. 11AHTSWICK & HUSTON. Clearfiolil April 27th 1S03. tf MOUNT VEItNON IlOUSIi!, Second Street, above Arch, rillLADFLPIIIA. A. 1". 11I.AIH, I'rnjiriclor. (Lato of tho "Surf llouno," Atluntic City.) Sejit. 23, 18(13-1 y. Wool Wool. Kft Cl V lHV n,S "f V "r rnDll7- OU.OUU for which the highest market ...ln '..ill l. r,..l,l l.w. POUNDS of WOOL wanted ,...iv ..... v .v. J. T. KRAT7.FR. ClenrDelJ, Mny 13, 1Sr,3. TIIOM4M J. M ( Ul.I,Oll(;ll, Attiirncv at Law. Odico tx.ljolnins tho Uaiik, formerly occupied by .1 1!. Melfnully, lp, Market street, Clearfield, ill ntlonJ pruinptly lo Co llcclioiis, fiulo ls,Ac. - Dec. 17, '112. . I'a Mill of Druids, 1" F.YFlt ri.F.OAL. Ju.-ti. i uftho Peace. Lu J J theishuig, Clearlie' I ccar.:y Pa., will attend j roinl tly tu all business ontrt'te-J t'J bis care. Lt.lltir.l.aiir. A pi.l !, Ulll. ' ii'iKKAT KXdTT.M KNT in GLKN Hol'K NFAV STORE AXh . QU-CD'i)DD'S3a T' III'' mi'loisiiipil, limine ri'iuovi'il lii" Pt"rt til till' tll'H llllilllillg li.i(.ill' till' l'lliwi Hnti,"i', un I'm" MrrW, (ilcn IIhim'. t'lrnrtu lil m. I'a., ia iii'W i-lliriiig In tli o public the i.i;;i:st a.xi ju:st n:u:cri:i worn or a s i: vim (rri:ii'i:i to Tin: m I'CHLIt' AT THIS l'L.Wi:-, ALL UF WHICH WILL V.K SOLD AT nut r.a to hut the times. lt'is stock luis I con Fi'leotcil v.illi p.ntii'ulnr iij,'ai-il lo tlio wants of tlio people, nnj cuiWuci-e DRY (100 DS, XOTIOXS, i HAIM'WAK'K, t.Tr.r.xw .i;r, HATS ANI CA l' I'.i ii il'S AM' Slli)I'-, sihm: wah!';, Y1 ;.ow -WAKK, i;i;ady MAi'i: clothing, (i Koi !:!; ITS, ;:ar III KN WALK, OILS AND PAIN TS, 1'LOl'R AND LAO'N, GLASS AND NAILS, MMI, SALT, K TC. of i:yi:i;y m.e axj j-atteux,- T"L'ctlnr n it li nil other article necessary t) eoui leto llie aesturtiiii'iit of n firnt ela.-. liuunlry .-tore. All kiml of LTMIiEK anl Country I'm lim o taken in exchange fur gnoJj, ut the hijh-c.-t market price. As ho is receiving new Pupplio of ffoo.l-i wciklv fn.in lliiHinu.ri', Now York, l'liilaJelpliia unil Pitlshur', the pul.lie can : ee nl o.ico lhat l.e will always ho prcpareil lo suj.ply any uilkl'.' in tlio niiirket. JOHN" ROlkSO". (ilen IT.pe, Tite. "li, 'HV.. t c tr. n o rn - tn I.. - ' N O r ri o x3 -'.V X ?v ' V'f'JiVi s-f.. ... .ti it, Sn.Ml'TJlLN; hUl'iiSTATI A L IN LUMHKII CITY: JOHN il. SPENCER, nAS recently cponul n Shop in Lumber Ci!y, ' where ho is tow prepared t'J liuir.uf.ut'jre ALL KlXJtS OE i n ox, if con 'FIX. SIIEET-EU-WAJiE. A full iyp'y af iimiiniKii.-n ii'fo'e oueM,'if?y on Ituiul. i Lumbermen rnn be supplied with F.AFTlXii STOYFS of which he iutomls kcipin.' a so p ly. Orders for spouting, routing, Ac, rcipcctiu'.ly solicited, llopniriii!; promptly attended t'l. As ho intends keeping none but tho hist i.f work men, the people may rely on pub.Uai.tiul work. Storekeepers mid dealers supplied ut rencuciblo niton. Cull nt the Siihetuiiti'il Tin Slop ami see for yourselves JOHN M. tl'KNCI'K, March 2, ISGI-tf. si JIALL FA EM FOR SALH. TllC mibrriber nflnrs to mil mi tlin in.l rionnnn. blo tenuB his FARM, consisting of ng of rail, ltidgo roa.l, a - e, nnd nbout 8 Ell Ck JLair: eituale in l'iko townEhip, on tho bout 3 milen from Ciirwonsvitli lnilcB from Clearliohl. Tho improvement ore a I Friimo Flank llouso and stable, and ubcut ! or 6 i laereBclearoil. 0-l'or further particulars, in. I rmirn nf irin uiiEcirLiis nn iIia , I j j I March 30, tf. John mokoax. j IU 1 l nt ""Vtr, i-' Wool and rlax Spinning Wheels,' WfAUHAMKU, Munufucturi.il anil kert on it nn.l., !., iMunuIiicturLil nml Iiet t nn !"" tho undersigned, who invito tho peoJ)j0 of Clearfield county to embrace tho oppor- I ,.;i.. IT.)rn,l p .1 " . . ., , ... , n, . vii, iii iiiiin Ml .uacmnes. i uey win uo iioiu cneap ta, A not c,i,u. Call it tho Old Shr.p in Cunvonsvillo. MM. P. CUAMDEUS. niay n, ist'j. y " - . QTAPLE Dry KJ Cloak-cloths, (lood. - Cloth.,, Cassimere, iweoiis, cniinei s, ciiKwarp j Flannels, Ticking Muslin, Linen, Prints, at tho old pricej lit ,, J. T. KKArZLRS. "I ARPETrXtl-Ingrain. Cotton, hemp, Flair, ' V Floor Oil-cloth.', llroontelle, Door mils, Ac. ,1. 1', KKAl.Mi, Tiri'iLiii&:!lvaa.fl Yialwjo iia'A i r :r iiA'j tli: ox rlcopd! i - n.vi T'ii l l nr i i 1 i;;, ""' jvnieu aim wouniieti, unu fJO'W taken Prisoners! WITH CAM 1' IXUIl'A(!i:-ANI) 70,000 Contrabands freed from tlio BONDS OnLAVSRY ! ! IVl'r.V mnn tliut litis ri'n.l nny lliti't uf (lie j jiupI lii tnry nl thin ll'.l,' iimst liiiully i io to tlio cnncliisii.il tliut tlio I'l'iJi-ili'i'iili' liovern iin'iit wi.ulilbo lnulii'ii ili.wii. h mil? imly n ni;ci tiuii i f limo. l!ul now wo Iniw tlio iilnAr (iluri-i.ii- iLiil pliniiij; lu rta to ilit'cr in up j ami tli i.nly ilraw liai'k tn mil' j'.y ami jjliiritirntii'li is tlio iiiiiiiimiit ilmigiT uf I lit) t.'iiiilviibiinils coining,' Ni.rih to "cut nut Oiir t ulislmu'i'," ami l wear out ur sliiiON S lint ivT ono tliiiii tin' n'(..lo uf Cloar 'kl.l iniiiitv miiv lio nssuri'il, ami thill is, that 1 It A N K SlldUT r..r tlunl i-nlloil M;- - is n'llini,' llniils tS Klmrs ii I'lu'iip ns any olli r in ;i u in tlio county ; mid if ymi iluii't. liclirvc it, just nivo liim a call on court week, "rat any oilier lime, ami ve fur yourji Ives, lie woiilil ,iuv't r. miiiil the iiilin' that liis Kliop Is now on Market stivi't, in Sli.'itt'a How wlicro you w ill ful l liim just im.S'Aoi lis iisiuil if not a litllo thrtrot CaII tli mi lio wnuM likn to lie. ! All kiiuli of work on liniiils unil imulo to cnlcr on lu.rl nulii'C, nml 11? wi'H u;aik, ami yioil fits in emi lie "skccri'il" up licrp or cIsimvIii'IP. ' t;. Dun t fiiiiri't tlio flinp--on JlaiKi'l Plrcct, in SIkiw'h Mow, ilircctly opposite liev. II. li. i'-woojic s oflti'c, I'lcurlii'lil, .limo 1 1, F, HOKT. 1SC2. Licensed Auctioneer. JM. l. III.(HI3I. of J'iko township, do- nires to lnlorin Ins lneiiils ami tlio public ' (,'ciicrallv that he luis taken out a License as an Al'O'l'luMiKll, ami will alleinl to tho cr im; ot sal. ? in ni.y part of the county at tho shoile-l notice, mot r.t tin- most reus, ualilo i barge. Ail -ilrns. itpi-r j l is.. n. illy or 1 y letter, either at Cm wen' i '.Me or lilo oluvillc. April COI. tf. JIEAT) ! ' llKAlT! ; c w. aiiTsffl iiaym jrsT jm:c!:iy!:i) 'From Hie Easly, A PRKSII SITPI.Y OF SKASONAPLI-: i ; j I I? Comprising a general n-.-orttuent of O l'rii.O, I'l hiinrs, Movainl.i iie.-', A'pncns, Silks, ' liroia.le .Mohair, Clin! lii , I. awns, Linens. Top. iiii", Lavellas, (iim;liatiis, Cheeks, Plaiily, Drill ing, Ticking, Slum I. Tlain .t I'lincy Cassitncre?, Cottonailcs, Pronn nui.-liti.-, Dleaehoil muslins (at Ic-s than cil v w holen.ih' prices, Tahlo Cov ers, While (loo'l', Pa'mioral Skirls, 1 ,t 1 1 Linen Tahlo l'i.ipt r. NOTIONS ll Col ker Din cry, (il.. v. ', Iiihhnrs, Ti iuiniinps, Itultoli?, rs. Nets, Yeiht, Min'.roi'leiiti" lir i'uls, Il.in.l-hi"f-, I.nlii.,' lOlnslic I,.i,;eJ, Whuieli inc, lit',.'s, Chi! 'Irer.-', ."i.--es i' ml Laices Hoop Skin (,l:ni',:iT Co ' in'., un 1 : a s'kir ...'pliyi'j, -Neck lie Iti, hi'iithcl- llelts. La 1 : V i -.1 Ii wooi)i:x-v.!:i;iic i;oi'i;noL!) Cp.r ';,, : ,.:, T'.i' s.f' Ch'ir:". Vo; . Measure', l'.i ii.'h..'-, 1 ' i - i -, ! s in i;ic.it v.irioty. It Door Mats, Win 1-nv lira, ', (' it 1' ,t 'T.. l'ater.t uiudow Lil i nil Fixtures. Oil Ch-lhs. i iloots, Shoes, &(! Mens' Kip Dm Misses' mid Li . liioials a). I ia s. h io .t Calf Shoes, ( hihlrens", Morocco Doots, Shoes, Dal- iter.s. Hats, Caps, Bounds. &c. series. ,'. i ' '., Split Pets, Toh.iC- So; CO, ir, Teas apices, i iTee, M.,1 Fi.-'.i, A QUEENSWARE. Full Tea Sells, Cups it S.itiTr. Cilass Dishes Tuiallers, l'lates, Ca.-tiTf, tilarj I'rcseryc Jars. Hardware, Scythe', !:na!iir-.:-:.-i Similes, liny Fork.', I'lated Ti:a S;.oitis ' Tacks, DeJ Cm.., is, in.. Kike aMt? Knives, Kurk, lon, 1 1 ;t : li c t a, N u t C iM'-1 It v ia, STATLOEllY. Cup, Letter A Note Taper, IJutT A 'J'r.'l.lo nhilo T.llVclopeS, FllJS Doeko, Mclliol. Dooko, Fcas A Pencil'. Thick mliim m is c i: l h a i: urs, Fancy Toilet S'.-ip.',Fi-hin Lines A Hoohr;, Trout Foils, Trunk.', Car""1! Sack.', lad'uV T;n veiling Satclielj. Docket lluek. hat ,t hair Dualics, Cloth DruellCJ. Ail of V. liK U V. ill bo Bold -j-j s-a -n iCneai) lor Cash l 1 1 Approved country prodiicro taken in exchanqo f"r L'omls, ut market rate may II tin. " " ". ' " UuIklOV S 1 iltOllt. Lumber Pried by Siipcrljcatcd Steam. iHE nrdersigned rcspe, X pis of cioariiuia ami "V1' llolias !ho llc"'y "f THE nrileri-'ipned respectfully infnrniri tho peo I the adjoining cuuuticM "i,1"' J " l" "oovu x uiiin, mm ino uuovo l litem, ami wi Fol Individual, County and Towiubi,, right,, r"r " Tho Lumber ilried by thin process is ulronr Hn!l,r. I.nllnr 1 x.ln, r,,. I. iml )" "' " " '" 'vsj uuiu hi ui;ni; iuiiii uu, ouiei i'i ii- eesi known-nnd drying 1 inch lumber porfectly ir 3 hours, nnd bolter than many months under , ' rjsieiu uiiiiB mo tamo iimuuiu oi tlOT UflV Ihn! a. rnnnitnnn L i In nnnni tnna Thrt fnr tificate'. of a numbri c( eVident miclianic,, well known in thin community, it auinlv tufucient to convireo tho most nkeptlcnl of its priioticiil utility, Persons doiiroui of purclmsing righlHwillnddross JOHN L. CL'TTLF, July 1, ISlU. Clcai-field, Ta. ITA1S and Cnps, Oukfnrd's Pnrina Style! at J L KHAlZl'K'.-j. CO r B S RICHARD MOSSOP, me'i.AM3i& 'JIM I'ORKIGN an n DOMIiSTIO CJOODS MFSLIXS DKL.MXDS (oiU7i;i;s ALl'ACAS nt nl :t nt Sulfation Si'tisatinn ScnmUi'iii Soiimition pnrcs jificus 1 1'1'il rs 1 Just ii'i'i'ivt'il at MUSSOTS', r; inch ams nl :it fit t nl SftlK.il IOI1 Sensation Si'tistition Si'iisiilien Sijiisntion prices i pi ices I pi ices ; prices prices CHI NT I NTS fll.oYKS i.KAVATS III lUU.I.M.'!. TV Setis.'iiioti prices j SeiiMitinn prices SHAWLS at L.ONNKTS ut C(Loi:i I Ml' SI. INS t N'tisnion juices !ial nt MOSSOl'S'. I All (o lie L1NKN at CRASH nt (TUTAIXS nt I'Al'.LL CLOTHS at SeliMtl mil Sens-alinn Si-nsation Sensation Sersalinn prices prices prices prices riMNci; LACK nosir.RV in i; Hons TRIMMINGS of all Kinds k at at at at prices ; nl MOSSOl'S'. Sl tisiil inn Sensation Sensation prices prices , prices I prices at Sensation in any quail ty Always on liana ut MO.VjOI'S'. CASS1M LI.'LS ut ut at at at at iscnsution Svnsation Sensation Sensatiiui Sensation Si iisation prices juices jirices juices juices SATTINKTS TWKLDS .1 LANS Y KS TINGS SI11KT1XGS juiceK at .lO.S'.VOy'iV' CL( ITIIING sm li as v'oats, Pants, Ycsls, I'lidef Shirts, IT'.niiel S'uii-ts, Jlno'lS, SIlOC:!, Hats and Caps, at sensiilion Now Tor a'.o at MOcSOPS' ii a i:dw a i; v. siu-li as Saws, nails at sensation o r k s, Knivi 1.1 ll'PS ' I Si.iLim. ilin;: J i I nt Motors- I.Ujt'oRS. cucli at sensation piiccs Wine, r.ran.ly, t in, W li islcey, Conine, etc., etc., I'KUl'TS, such as Prunes, Pai-uns, Pigs, Filberts, e. at setisalion prices at Mossol'S'. (iRoCF.RIIN, say F 1 o it r, II a ir. s, Shoulders, Siiu'itr, Molass-s, ColTce, 'Tea, C r a e k e is, at sensation price Sj.ices, Candles, Coal Oil, etc., etc. Always at Ml SSi il'S'. r.t hi-ii it t inn prices at sensation prices at sensation j.rii'c- at biii -aiiiui I'i'i'.vs j at sciisaliuii I'liecsi at sensation jiriccs I P.LACKING POPFS POWDER SHOT l.!:.i) CAPS At the store, of RICHARD Mo. oP. Al.vavs Kr ops on hand a lull assoi tiiicnt of all kinds of .'nods rciuiied lor the aceouniiodalioii ol the puLlie. Nov. 12, isi',2. JA51K.4 T. l.niNAHH. WM, A. W.U.I, li t. P. A. , I INNIIV. HN.NKV, SanhiniT ;inb tfollrdioii (!)5tt OF LE0NAR7). FINNEY & Co. C L F, A R F I F 1. D, . ( EEAEEIEJA) VOCXTl', I'A. BILLS 01' ri II INC.K.IUTKS A N II IUIAKT1 I' 1 SI.U t .NIK II deposits itl.t 1:0, C".'.Vi". :'-..? intv'.il ,ih:l ,'('. ,.( .),?;) ''' IV )iii:tit lixrliaiif,c on 1 lio Cities constantly on lianil. ! .Ci?' office on Seeoml St., nearly oppotilo the j COI'KT llld'Si:. " Cficni) E cjj tiirtarc : mollis? TBraa-sia T-VLSIUKS J t' mors t to inform hhi old friends and ctis- thai, having ciilarL'ed his .shun ami inercaseit lus fueilitics for liiuniifaetiiiiiiL'. hn i.s .TdmS luako to nrilcr lurnituro ns mav cooj stylo and nt chenn rales lur I l ash. lie mostly has on hand nt his "Fumi- 1 lino liooai u i anon a.-.-oriineiu ol lioinly-inail l'uriiilurc, ntnoii allien arj Jjureaus and Side-Hoards, 'nr.lrobes and Look-Cases ; Cent re, Sofa, Parlor lireiikfust und iJiniug Fxtcn.-ion Tables. Common, French Post, cottage. Jcnny- Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS t.fall KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS, WASH-STANDS, Ac. Rocking and Arm Chairs, Spring-Scat, Cnno-Ilotlotn and l'arlor Chairs and Common and other Chairs. L OOKIX (1- (,' LA .S'.V ES Of every desi'tiptioti on hatul; ami new ghisi es for old frainc?, which will he put in on vo ry reasonable terms on short notice. lie ah o keep on bam', or furnishes to or der, ll.iii, Corn llu. k, Hair mid Cotton top Mattresses. i roil lNS, (f every kind. I Made t'l o-ili r, nml funerals attended with a i Hearse, vheneyer desired. I Also, lluusn I'nlntine; .lone loonier. i 'The nil s' iibir ulso manufactures, and has '. constant!)' en lniml, : ('lriiiei:t's Patent Washing Machine, Tho hi.-t iu in us'. Those iisiiii; (his iiiaehino . ticver nei d bo w i I lion t clean clothes '. He also has ! .'-'Iyer's l'atont Clairn, I A rupcrinr art'elo. A family uting this Chum ; nei er need ho w ithotit butter ! j All tho above and iiiuiiy other nrlielos are fur , liisliod to cuslotiiers cheap for Cash or exchanged f',... n,.,,,,....l .niinUu r,r.wln l'l.,ru M .,,1., ' ii ' ""'""j i" '""" v """';i .-"r.), I'opUr, I.inwood nnd oilier Lumber suitnblo fur Cabinet work,laken in exchango for furniture. I TI1' Kenieuiber 111 : I v .. nn mf o . . -o, ' ' j-- , Itemeuiber Iho shop is on .Market street. nearly oppo.ilu tin, "Old Jew JUll til LRU. y New Watch and Jewelry Store, j Sll. I,A1( lll.lN, having purehase.1 (ho interest ol his lato partner, is now ipung it on his own hook in tho shop formerly ucupieil bv them on Second street, whiro hn is ureiiared ' 0 kccii up his ropuliitioii as ii complete woiliiiiau )y doini all work entrusted to htm on snort uo- , ny iioini an worn oliiruHOU 10 uuu ou Miori uo li(.0. ,10 bckt manner, and on tho most reus- onablo terms. Dofyins tho coiinly. nil ho ask- ' 1. . -..: ..: .1 . ..il li.. ..C 11 I.. ... I " ""I l""l " i"iii"'""" "' ...v ,...... uco licieluloro cxtoniicii. look oui mr in u tign ol T II 13 IJ 1 ( W A T'J II. jff j!xh Cash will bo pojltivuly cxpcted' WUOn tlio work in dolivereil. S. 11. L. m .-ii ien I f"". 7 1 filtERT J. WALLACE. Atthhiiv at T.. i J ,, 11 Clearfield, Pi., Office In Eki'i How. on posits the Journal olhoe. dec. I, 1S58. tf I )U(jVISI0X8 Flour, Cheese, Lard, Dried .L Aiuilvs, Dried Peaches, rtceived regularly troiu thewest at the itore of J. P. KItATZEIl. NEW FinM. CARLISLE & CO. DEMEns ry eoeekjx .xn DOMESTIC DEY (iOOUX, ailOl'EHIES, I. I'M ISEE, SlirXOEESt C., c. rilll.irsiUilKi, Centre coiinly, I'enn'n. tve received and aro just ojieninj; (In: larjrst assortment .of he led, i cili: AT EST , I i AND MOST SKAKONALLL' r bi'ini'tlt t( th i hrvtioit vomit ), vtnihiht'mi of Di! Y (aions a (.itoci.itii.s, NOTIONS, n. i;o a i;t; and (.i t;t..nSn a Hoods, Nul)ias,Sontao;s, Ualmoral illlll Hoop Skirts! HA'i'. ('AI'S: J100T.S ct SUUMS . 1 Ready Made Clothing, of Latest Styles st'iiooi- nooKStv st.tk)Xi:i;y i j 1),-Ugs, Oil, 1'ainLs Vuiiy &Cihu! 1,'in -El'ilir l u 'Ijlll. till' ( 'ini-Stiirrh ! (DAI.-dll, l,A)HNV(M)Il.tM) HIL- I j 1.U1V HAUU Trunks ij Carpc I -Bags I i'ii'i;s, toi'.acco A.i si;cai:s : I Us r'l.orrt, IV.K.i) and Pi'.oyitio.ns ! An l all articles Usually kept in n iir.-t cl.i. country slore nil of which will he .-"hi t Cheap for Cast ! or approved produce, I.unihtr or shingles, l'l.il ipshur;;, Nov. Is, 1 .-(',:; tf. ("U.OTlII.M'i Full suits to lllateh. of c.eit', J limits and e.-ls oviralls. 'la-'.-r', l!oy'C!o- thiii'r at J. .1' Kit U.iii'i'S. IafioEi;U EEoft'9, MAINi: STUIiKT. criiMKNSYrLLK, I'A., YU. A. MASON', rroprietor- T MlSloiirr esiabli.-h' .1 av,,l w.-il known 110- 'I'CI.. siiiintt'il in lli.! west etui of tho town. : 1..,u ,1 ,1 1 . ,-nl irr .ol nml ininroveil. i.,l Hia lu-.uuirlor roso," trolly announei's to li'.s oii- n, iVinn.U. nn.l lulu., true, Ilin' luil.r.u. iI.mi 1 hn ii now nrei are.l to nivouimoil.ito all who may I'.ivnr l,im ith n eull. I Ani,lo, fate ami comfurtahlo i tablins is at- tachcl to the ill ulwavs ho prnuiM'S i. n haiiJ. and trusty attendants Charges iiioilerato. Feb. 12, ISI',2. tf. . . . mi-: v:n it ki states iioi 1:1. IIARRISBUIIG, Ta. CO FRLY .1 HUTCHISON, Y.yW.-fV. "" T "?. Hotel, sowell known to (lis traveling iuil,l ii; of ClrurliiW county, now hi n col- union i,MiiioiiUii,'ino-!exeiiicniac.oi..uii.iiaiioii , either lor the traiiaiciit guest or the permanent .. . .. , n.i 11IU I llill.14 DlillVS llllO 11UIT till VllV I"... ... ieuees of A FIRST CLASS 110 TEE, I and tho Proprietors nro (letci'inineil to spare Hcith i er expense, lime nor labor to ensure the comfort ! of Iho guests. Tho Jnitronago of the traveling public is respectfully tolicited. jly 1, 'Oil, y. U. HI Sll. T. .1. M CI I.I.OVCII, lil-.SU ,v M'CUEIiOUtill, Collfelion Oliice, Ci.F.Aunti.n, Pa ttif"l.s Ciiaiiam's New 1!: ii.ihm;. Fi-h. ;, '02. Cloailicld Acatlcniv. D. W. McCURDY, A. B. Principal. fPIlK next linailcr will open on Mouilay tho 1. dlh of April, lsi'i I. Terms of tuitiuu us Jul- !,): i'umin Fnelish. couuirisinc Ihuso brane c not higher than Mending, Writing.Aiith- inelic, lieography, Kngli.-h Oiiiinuier nml History, per iuurtcr, - - - $5 Higher Knglish, per iuaitcr, - - 7 Language", per iUurler, 10 XI ai cli Hi, I So 1. on id (io! 1 Al;M AND TAYFIiN STAND FOR siAl.lt Tim mbsi iilii r oiliim lor 1,1,. ! iii.,i iii ou nL iu,, iiiioui ou ol which me i 1 :.. ... i .... clt'iircd und in good ttuto of culiinilioti situalo iu liirard totvnslup, near tiullows' uibor. 1 lie luipiovcmoiiU ure a largo, well-built I.IKi - , ii,,nts) .. , ... , " ' " , : Z " ."on ,' 1., t ,1 ,' Pll"-el On IU0 HUT lia0 Ill'ttCr 11 ll , UUl.lgef. nVT ,,rli,ili,r. In. .o I.-., ol till, i.l,k.r', ),.r " 1- , v )'r ,t ,r ' ' 13""- i L. J CHANS. WAl.Trit IiAllRtT. CHANS a.m. 15AEEET, AtlurnrjH nt I.Mr, May 3, '0.1. Cleahi-ibi-p, ta. FOR SALE. VQ00D 1 by the i GOOD TV0-1I0I(6E WAG0X will be sold undemigned, upon the most reason- , able terme. O. L. It J.LD A CU. CTearuclJ, Deo. 16, 1SC3, E It'll so ii tvtry l.,.Iy purckwo tlloir clOtt.,1 ui;izi:nstkin nuns i lli'i'uneo tlipy tuli so very cliinnf.. . ineciuno llu-y keep tlio lust good,. ' 1 Ilocmim. t lev f.i'i'i, tl. 1 . I4"1'. !Ul!il.,.y;:ivl'i.veryonM,6. l i'CIUl. 0 liicy t.vl'.u l'.ieume liiey t r 1 1 , !..! i- .... - 1 1 "iiny or . ' J.-tUIIloru ..,ii 4 i i'lCCitui-i) ever l!i'i'nns tVf v i . ... "wu , "' IV lllicf l.. Wllh il... li-ut-r II ' I!i.iiiisc Ui.-i; t.l,.tl,in ' "' u'i-' rot ; K uru it. 11 ....J . . llecmuo tlii'.v cm, mt oviriuoilv I V.i.i Jn il,..!. u...... .. 3 IIi'Cuho in'l'.ly lcvcS their floro di I T H lu causo nil wl.o deal Wi;l, aJlm nr9 0iJ I i.K.iin.an.lfon.1 tlieirn,,!,,'"4' Il.ccaiisollicy luvg,,,,,.,,,,,,,, ' r,-il in , .1 .1. . ., " t 11 , I Ai.Yj:inis:i Tlicso ore a lev of tl.u reasons tlll'lljl. i. " oi u.o roiisonn ,v. I ..VAII liin.ls if ('u;T.rT T, , ;thekii;i.e.,tl,;,vkctpr'',.r i li KII,NSTLIV ll;r,a , vii-.u ni'ii, .',ov ii, im;:;, - w. tiios. ii. ror.cnv J' LI-iM KiltR FORGTT & WALTERS KlirilAMS, ami C,,.A " IM i i.i.i: i;;.w;i,'. ,i ir0in t-!.raMof nl.iebthH.ishe ,IPri ; a.i i.in.i I Li. it., i.l i, t lii.,1, ,,,.,,, l....r..?, "inHl i i -".'iiii' .'ifvur Nov. liCJ.; rANTi;i) A rge lot r i. .1 a i'. I. i) in (iUOIi.S ul the Cacao Store of Curivcnsville. Sept. Hi, 1SC.S. ! n-'.,1 V;:----ft 'VTi k. T mi ...ti ...r in !l i .i . 1'ceaiur tuirii.lni,, CltM ' county, 1 car Thil 2:M of Apiil P.!t, a ; h.in Is hili, 6 i r li ' liot'i, hiii.l fe.'t iv'ii , ami he ivy wi th i nil last fall, when last . t-'ll 11..;.). TI,,: pi ., 11 CM." V 1,1, ", " J' " -"'"1, IS'jltli . li!,:,,, .1.1... :.. " ""'i'" iii net U- il -uiiiie from IiiliMi,a,J I 1 "'.' iiai'i-.j n,3 j.,,,,,, , sua re'.urnias saiJ ,.. .. ;:'Git ii.l'irm ition where tho is, will b liUrj T reivanlcl. U. C, li'JWm.:, "' l l'hiiip. -huri;, may ll'-.J, DR. A 1 t.TIir.-, . . .1 lean bit w;. runs thut pruftiiot. I in nulling .h i : him to Lli rv.'v'lv? ' the time, and i !: - " - ' i . : . to riate I'rufcsiii.s: : ..','" Yi.-i'sj tn nn7 oft th" .'umrjtr; b: n ny lie foiiml ut h's oiTi'e on I no fuuthwe'l ear ner of Trout awl Main sir e ! s at nil tirntj.nri; wheniioiii'o upper.- in the toii Tpcrs to :L contrary. July 'Cj.-ii. 3S i.i.n I U'AL Ct'i ll:,ltn..,ic i...-, ll.. s, Hi ii! l'-:; -I Iiit.v. Yii.lini, Lli I'ri'.vjii. ,. , Miuic rajitiV. Siru oi'll.e In-.-t 'i::a!.:ji .'. P.'KRAXLli'S. fSui; Hll-.--'l Farm for Sale. ,.'!' rs f..r (ub h f..nV T gii: de i t ioe.i l'.enl k-t.ile av.-l Pcitrnal 1Vm fokty aci:;:s ofuxK-nim-fii: which is i-Mi-'-.l with liuall Viti Iy. u. : a, 'ret ol II. li mill and Log llurn, in I.awn'r.ic ti-nnslir, wet of the h..r.,i.,:h of I'IuhtEiU. Ait the Ca. tirrrs for n Saw -Mill, Move md Stw pipe, n -i t of liariii -.-, lueihir wall lluuijlil. unil liiji lioii Turin'.. i re. l'.i.M'.-.-ion will be givta on tho 1 it of Apr next, il .ic.-iri 1. '1 1 rn.s m ill l,c miii'i . l.i. ir, :i, auJ further jnu uiais t;iveii, hy I'ni.ii.'; U hi the su'uscrioer. ' Ju.-lil'll SUlh'kE.Nti. Lawreii.'i; tp., March l'",l'"il, CHEAP STOVES, IF . iih-erih. r in order to aocoirai. MJte tV ci;i,.cns of Curwen.-ville. and iii) puj.e jren-r.il.y, hns .nist reeeiveil a kt f,f COOK, AM) I'AULOi; STOVL fur v.iui.l or c- al, wl.i. h ho will u'lfimst el Vfry c.ieap lor ca.-li or prj.iuce, JOilXP. TJOMrHOS. Nov. 1, U'i-.o-tf. A l.SO, OTOV I'. lU'K.-F..r sale nt the iVip c O 'l John D.'Th uiiipson, iu t'ui vin.-viili', nt I cents p. r poiunl. iv'.n'. 11, H3 WATCH : JEV7ELEY It A rjHK uiiilcraigiieJ tt-?ilu .JL iu tor ins li is cu.- toiuel's Ulliill pulilie goncrally, ! ii.it he km,; received from the Kurt, uiclo.'i ed at his eslahli.shment in UHAUA)VSt- Clearfield, I'a., a line assortment of Cut' I W.lTi iiks, and ,Ii:w i:liiv of ditferi ut unii.'-t from il iiii'li) iiiiu'ii In ii f ol 1 hi-' I . ii I. i.-S Ii t: .,.it ,,i ii,. ..,.,,,,i,i ,,,1,. c, .. ,.s r pvfii'nii. for n11 iitnl ilvi r CI,0CKS of cm, variety on haul, a! tie mil . reasonable prices. 1 AI.I, kinds of Clocks, Watehcs ed MdiJ carefully repaired nnd W'umiul, it. A continuaiiro of putrcnuge i.- solicitfJ, Sept. I'.i, ISM. H. K.XAI.VLE. .NO'LTCE iV CA l"J7U-Y. "I AVI(t toiniln rmiilii'itfi.in U the Asjirtwl i 1 1 Assessor of tho Hth Collection Vifltitt ef I I'ennsylyauia, mid a License us Auctioneer hf i ing beer, grau'ed to me by tho proper authority, I would inform the citizens olTkiirheid couiuj ' that I will attend to "calling sales" hn"' idisired in uny )'ait of the county. Cln'0' uioilcrate. Ail'.lress JOHN L. UFAMn j Dee. Ill, lM'.J-tf. Cleat -field, I'i. j 1'. S.-Auy i-cr.-ou " calling " sales wilW license is nubjcct to a penally of J1'", wh."1 be enforced in acconl.inco with (he law, It'81"1 i ull pei tuns violating the statute. 4,i DAX1FI. COXNFLLY begs leave Jo toft his fiiemls, nml tho cniiens of Uerl"'' and vicinity geiicrnlly, that he has taken the '1 lately occupied by tieorgo Ncwmui, in M How, where he intends to be rc.nly Bta" ' wait upon those who may favor hiui wnu custom. .. 1 ii....:ii n-rl, lo l.e ns well i cutcil ns car. he inmle clsewlicre, mi'i ' i , . . . .. , , ... Il.rt COilil reasoiliioie priees. in- " . uj niiinion of ull who walk in shoe l 'iither-w;1 lualo or feuiule-and nl! he asks in tt f'r J"11, rli.iirfii.lil. Julv S, ISW-. DAN I Iiii OOODLAXDLK, fCS'l'lt'i: of tho penco . J Lu.hersburg, ClearnelJCoJj will attend promptly to all biisinoiu Wju. to his cre. March 23, iMiO.-'y-r, I) I'. M. WOODS, . 1-jRACTlCIN'tl Physician, and Fxannninft geon for Pensions, office Southwest com fcecond aud Cherry streets, Clearfield, F . .1 u nua ryJJ , ' bi J- C iV'CERILS-A full stock of choice 0ftf' JT ie. at a tmall advance on eily r.""' ' J. P. KRA fLI '2 ho m 3 IL -l D. Q. 'if 1 to "Tli rq di do Fr tb foi o to ' ra rl m i tt c ii T li tt U 1c ft li n ' ti ' t & ii Ii I Ii I o