1 KlXlfcl VH" M)TICr--Notle li hereby jlren that tbo following aocnunta Lave teeo, emixinid ar.d j ai-i-ed by rne, unci remain filed t,f rrc rtl in tl.i' idUo lor l!n inspntiou ul heiri, Jfi.im. crcditi). mid ali uhora in any way jnuirj il. and will l preiotitid to the next Tin I nr..' Court, uf Clearfield county , to ho held tl ii ,. (outt II .uw iti ll Imrouiili of Clearfield, .ii,ii,.i,ci on tbo Cd Monday mf Jl'NIi 1504, fvr c n.firii.aib.ti nnd allowance. i .. ..'.II ,.C I..l.n M I .1 .. . i . j .,. lii.i ,.- ... " ' i.'.-i, lice u, line .1 Oil towt.tl Clcnificld cm ty, Poiitm j Hie f.iml iieeotinl of S. P. Wilson, nilunhistr, l,,r cf rtl and aint'iiliir. the Komi nnd chattel, rijl,!:' nnd crodii whr-h wore .f .1. ('. (Iralmtn, ,!, ,-i'Hi"' 1. Intel linid'ord In . tlcnrl'n. I J oo., pa. j Tl,, partial iiui'.iii.t of Jim. Jj. '1 ,,... n ami j. -irli V.Thinpin, cx M1!..I i,f n,,,!,,! iu ,, ic'linni'lit t.f lithium Thompson, tlco'd, lmi,l Lnnrii.oe (p., CirarOchl chimy. Pirni, f '1 '.:. at curt ol Imtn'H I'raro, executors of the la iraic ,,,.,1 ,-,,,.,-b t will niiil tctain. m ,,f .' "iil.n.i 1', :iroo, r., tloe'.i, late c j !r,, ,,, U., (. IcarCuid fouitty, Pem.a. j, j i.e tieeoi.ut uf Il'i.i. I,. ;!,. v, A-lminii-lrnlor, and .Maiy Ann Slm. A i in ii. i r-r r t r i s , i,f a:! and ivn.iil.'ir, llio good.s an. I chattels, i iliii xui ere-lm which wtro if 1'.. C. Sd.nw, u'ec'd, late uf (loshcn township. C. i i.! account in j,iiiih t.iar,, Aiminitntir t f Iho cHaionf Ahor IVLrun, th c'il, lain uf l'm.n I .wimhip. T, Th 8 np' tiM of Jprrini.Jt Sn.Ml nnd Vult-ntina I'lfRnl, tiltoiiiL-lrulors of iho f-ini,, ofllmiJ Hrnnl, dn'raod, 'ate of Murriti townht. ft. 1 f ai'Cfiiiiit of hnmuol .Si'brinr, admiiiin'riitor uf nil mid air jfular. I in' (."""la nnd ih.lti'la. rUhu unit rrriiir, which wcro of Julia Vonii, tifct'tisotl, lut of !urnMlp ttwimliii, 1'lrarfiflU rimtily, I.SAIAIH), b.'.IUiKIt, hfgiilir'f iiffc, iii.iv Is-to lUi;mfr in ci.:akfij:i.d county at ct.i:a!:fu:i.d PUIiL'LC SALE! rpni; i:xir.usi.;xi:ii wn,Li.i i rut at ITKI.IU SALi:. in t', l,"r',it:;h of C'li'ari'u Id, on Wnlnosday, llio 2.l Juno, lf)GK' fci tlm f'onrt II'iiih?, tin1 followiiiji ilc.iTiitiMi irnctj ' . f i I Ml;KI! LAND, niinalfl on the water f Al-; !. r :u.i. i;f .ir lw v IiTt-. ,t it, i:t liraLmu ljwit.l.ii. ; ('IciufiKol my, i : TBI'; x aK, r.o'ST.iixs. i 1 S I A c im v. s ,nj iiil'w.iii.-n of six par cent, on which i.i erect- ' .u"lV .MI II. with t ne ninj; In i:oi ij,l.t Kti, ' ilriveft by water, will: nwrahot wheel, t feet iu i j.ain.-ier. Al.so a I W Kl.l.lN (.1-IIOL'.-K, t I'. A UN', hnd oilier outlid'hlinira, with soiun I jij,r.,Ti -I land utider io.id mi ', tit a t i , n , Tinct Hi). T'.ri, roUTA in tJ 4 0 A c v v f, I 1.1 w ai.eii of -tlx per cent. No i luirovrtiHuntj . ti'actn eoiitain til.ii ;,) a,ti ,nnt of ;-,,otl WHITE PINE TIMBR, ') ' f access, gcod roaiN leading to the nrer It (even nine distant, and nlit tnili tr.uu tho llmlp'ti l at I'bilipobur,;. and when tbn timoor is luken uf! it can be in :.! eo id form Im. I jl.tro is everj inir..,iio ((,.,: , ,ho i Im ,1, lnre (.liantiMis I.niioi been ..uu.l not far. linliitit, mid llio compl.'lioii of Iho It. II. to l'ltil-1 l 'bwric hi' "inJo cn.tl valuable, pjrTnmt 1 will mnilo i.nown on day (,f mlg, 1 iniyl'O U. IllPLi:, l-'KKXCri t C. i I I I( i;K M)Tiri:.-Th.. tolLmin nam-J , I J it'-nn have fWer in tin fl,-.i of thu t'lerV ' ,.t i).i.irior Sof-.ioiK of (.Icnrfiuld county. I.i ; r ri;i,,n i.nd b,,i:, fr licemo nt th Juna ; i Ter-n imxt. agreeably th.i Act of Anitlj of , ''-th Mar-I,. l.-jt, entitled " An A.-t to livgulau J im- St'e of Inioiira'iti Liir.ior.-." Ac. I ' J'Tfl-ri-k Korb, l.r.eni, lirady tp. i j ;n. S, t ic b. P. Kr'A'KIl.l-a:, l.','a. ! A' DMIMSTIi TOH'!4 iril('i: N.iti.o it li'ireby eiven th it lott-n of ailniinistra - I M- i ,ii ilie et tie .,( Il.il.crt M. Smiley , lut ) of usual ho. lili. Sue.li h is I ten lh tn-v in thom J lintily ip . ib eM. li.ivit jr born granted to tho un- ! and ol iiiriam-os. and u f'kir trial is but re,(ui,ej tier-iitnH, nil J i r:-, ,ii in, leb led to sai l c.-tatc ar to provo Iho a.Hcrti. u. i ri-4'io-iod lu inuke im i,iiliaie payment, arid thoso 1 t'.ouieiiibi r thtU ll.eso llit'.er. are NOT AlcLo .. Ii..v n.g elauin iiuiim lint huino will presuut tbeiu tolic, and NOT iiitvn'lcd as it liuvtrajjo. .lulv inithoolicte I r f.'llieiuiint. j ikiiv l, 71 Hi i i. JKA?. tIXJ!. i The proprierora hnvo thi usandu o.'I.otiers froio ' initt,.f ',-,t!, " j tli9 uiupt eminent Cler.yiucn, l.ttayrrs, I'll v-i- Allllltuls AolU.O. 'rianaan.lt.'.ti.ena Ta,i,y,K,f tl.iroQ per In tin" naitr nf tho e'ita of Reuben Bou- 'aimal know!od-e. to Ijo beiieficial otr.cti and -:t:i lalo of Pra ly t iwiiship iIoi-oiho 1, j mo lieal virtue of these Hitter, t It,." iini,rsi'iiod, t.. whom the llcport of thi ; J'rum lite. J. Snrtut llr net. It. D., KJiiur nf Ct fnnvor Audit wis refcrd for correct ion. will at-! Liieu-l jh dm nf lirlijloni A'ont .Wye. ' t i l t" Ib.-.t liinv at hi-t ofiice in th knrnuih Althottkh not tli.-i,o.eil t,, Fuenr or , ...l i. i.ui.rliuol, on Saturday tho ISth day of Jim, l-i'l, ir',,,a nd nhi r.i nil persons interested may ' i nut i. J, i. Uiey ice pr. i T I't H-CL-lt. jccrLi.oruii, Auditor For Suit: at ;i r.irnain. T "Iii. uiider .i.'ni d oSfoi nt pr vato rale a Irnrt of land in Sandy Creek, in Fiibntown- J 'li p, Clonrfn id county, IN. containing; I iti iirrrti und f-'iiio iiorchi'i, about III uon s of which is I cl'.trod, with Saw-.Mill, Houn', lhirn nnd othrfr j i-'iitbuililinj;, nnd a first rate youojr Orehard of i i ir i .tl) tnea o cboi. i ftuit. Also, Stone Coal j Hnd Lime Mime, and flood spring of water, nnd I TnnLor niPicicnt to cm over two million of foot f of lumber. A mwnahiu road t asss the house ' nnd saw-mill. 'I he mill anal is a .and one f ir a (irnt niill. will) :.l feet of bead. For Lartiouliira 5 "iblri'is tho mbseriber nt Hoeklon Post OfTiCe, . ClcirfH 1 county. JOHN Di.KS.SLKH. ; M.t Lsoi.-lt. pd. i . .t"v"r7T,iit;7iViv I . LN US 1JLU AKD. ! 1 my liii.l.n.L Tliomaa J. Dunliip. liavinir loft hit l'"d and board without nny jusi cause, all persona ro licrehy cautinnc-l ri T'li n f hnrbor n or trust h'.jt liiiM on my iceotiut, a 1 will j ay nu moro debt rd hij ccutni' tin. MAKY ANN DL'NLAP. Lai.ri-i.ee uirty !', "I. pd. I Ali.M OJ' 2i) ACHES TOK N.VLiv IVrsoiiK tlesirin a kv- s 'in in tbo purchase of n KAIIM. will do woll to eni' rioo Iho "pporlnnity Don offend. The farm ( I' silu ,'td in Morri town. hip, Ciearfii ld county, li'jui Col acre cleurid and imptovod with good j "ju'i'iiililins, nnd is udvantiigeuusly located, and "fl bo lua lo highly productive. It will bo (old at a bargain. E-iiFor further partieubira npply ' to the mbseriber oilher in porou or by lottur tu Kyloilown Po.t Office, l lcurficld eountv. Jim. 1, Jm pd. 1 LE DtitICK NKI'I'L. JOHN U. CUTTLlC Allot ill) ai i.aiv at I. a iv and Ural llhtatc A cent, t I.h A 1, 1 1 r. I.D, PLNS'A. Oermiin Hitters" w ill euro iiino tentlu of tho dia OJItef on Mitrltftit. Oj'jHisite the Jail, 1 oases induced by expofures nnd privations, inri. I ty K.-rFCTFL LLY ofiers his rvicri in sell- dent to camp life. In tho lists, published almost J V ing end buying land in Clcnrfiebl and ad daily in tho newpnpcr, on tho arrival -f the nick, joining counties ; ami with nn experience nf over it "ill bo noticed that a very largo proportion twenty ye.ira ai a Surveyor, flatten himself that are uftoring from debility. livery cn'oofthat lie ran render satUluelicn. And kind can be retidilv cured by ILioflmd'a Oorinan O I l'c f S for S l 1 0 lOINI acre of coal and tiuibtr Lnnd, ailuatt iu Divatttr township, Cletirtield county, iu lota lo "it purchaser, lotatcd near the Tyront and I'loarliclJ Ktiilroail. tKHfe tieni of first rat farm and timber bind , I- t..i. . .v,.".. -: ' i.i.-ii low usnip, tieai ueiu couuiy. anunie uu lue !;ttr:''w"T;,.,,eo,,,2.nd,h.oth.i . "fof .'in iiere. mitnblo for Fariniug purpoae , iit-: "" in lliithltind tnwnhip, L.k couuty. SWieiieral wnrnuuteo deed for all the ahoT1 'U. Fob. TS, '63. T. I ' PO lll ()M Akl It". The iubscribor de- A. iircs to rn.i.b.v VIV! JoiirnevntHn Shoe- inimediaiely, tj work by tho mouth or the picco. Apply lo . DANIEL fiOODLANDEU. Jan. 27, 18nUpd Lulhi-'iburg. Ta. lHANK PROMLssoilY NOTES, rillXTEoj j il In iylo, for ,0 ,t lni, on-K.g, ( AVTI.nj iu ire. variety n( I r ? V t AZIZ'S- A !1 Kill LY CONCENTRATED Vtrliiblti B lic(. A I'UKIi TOMC TTIAT WILL RELIEVE TUB AFFLICTED A r . . . . ' i0J JI(IHC J J I' Ull lilt I' (t $. l)r. llOFLA.ns German Hitters, ri(i:i'.M;KI uv DU. C. A I. JACKSOX, lilll.AI)-.ll . I'u will rffmctually end Most er;aiT'v i it , ,, , - , ' ij iv i j a ill, )i ?s i; a S JJS AHlSI.Nii FI'.OM A EISOP.DEBED LIVEIl. blOMACH oi; KIDNEYS. !(( I'" , V X D'S ( J 'IMf W PiTTI'P itr',,' i.n.i.i i'Hil.h.1 v iii cure every case ol Chronic or Narn.iu Ikbility. )iaP0 of llio Kid niyj, and Iii'asii nrifini; fnun a iJis-(idi-rod St., tn U" It . nnvKUVK Till: Fuf.l.oWINfi SYMT- tuum ridillinz from I)imird,T. of th iiixufi ve Orjrnni : t on.iti rm'inn, in. ward Pi lei, K u 1 1 n r r lllv'd tn Ilia He.i.l, Acidity tf tbc Illicit, 'It, NaiH4 Ileari'jiirn, Iti.u-i , r i'liod, Kn!iiej or ijht in t' e S,,inaeli, S,,ur Kruc tu'iona. Si it kill); or hint tn in r.t the l'i! ol ihvKtoinaeh swim, minjr of ,(. Jl,.;,,!, llurri,,,! nn, Diflii'tilt llreathint Fluttvrins Nt lli.irt, Clioliin or aiilluentinx Sensu a.nii.iH when in r lyinjr posiurc, Hi m n of Vi-inii, Ilots "or ln ln loro Iho HU'hl, Fever Rnd dull pain in tbo Jlead, iJi ficiency nf Perspiration, Yelliiwiiftij of Skin Rtitl Kyaa, i'ainintbo jide. liaek, t'hejt, l.imbii. , e., Sinl, Ion Fliuh. ta of Heat, lfuri,inj in tho FIB, Connlant 1 in n R i n i n j s ol tvil and (jroat I I r emien of S i i r i t a , PAHTUTI.AR NOTICK.-K.tr tho-,. who it. :r at,.! will h-irou I,iyi,,r I.iUor-t. no piihlinh the follow in n toipt : tint one I) i!ilo l,ioll,in,' ; liortttan Liltera and mix wit't Three ,',nr i t jCr'o.W lifn.j of llVn'sfVn,. and the ri'K'iit will be a 1 1, i.irali,ni that willtr tjvtl in iiiuilu-in.'tl ir. tur aund tiuc eri clie i cp any of the iiiimoroiii I.i-ini r Hitters in the market, 'a .d will .-.,,t tmo i Von will hitvo all Ih i) viituea of it,f Kitirrt in cuniiection niih n yiu-l ariielo of L,i.iir, at u much Ijss price than those inferior (.iejj.ir.i- tiuns will cost vou. II()OFr.A XD'S CKIf A V IUTT I.' 'si 1 will civj; Yor A GOOD A I'P IITITL, Will K'vo vu STKONd HKAI.TU'Y XKItVKS, Will Kivu ynu DUISIv ANI KN KJiOK tU1 KEKiJMH. Will enable vou to s 1. 1; k r w k i, i , Ard will pottivlv pr.n out tLL0W Ft.VI'.'K, JtlLLIOl'S F E VER, i.j. Tb" utr-riti( from hrolji i: Down snd , rain l onMinuions., from w ha:ev. r e.iuse. itber in Male or iema'.o. will tind in l,,tl,n,,l's (ion.i ilittora, o. Koiuttdy that will re.lira titoin to their patent Medicine in jrem ral, of tit ir ingredients ami fleet-, Ihroiii-h iliMro.t I vet know ,, no nimoient n .'twin why n mini may not t.'stny to the bcTiPlit Lo toliuvca bimsoif p. hai e r, ei-ived 1 from any s. it. pie preparation, in the li. io IhatLn i may thus contribute to the i rnel.t of minus. 1 do thi th Moiro re.'i lily in regard to Hoof lnnd's tii'iiuati Fitter., p'.-ni id br Dr. CM. Jackson, of t li ii cit, because 1 was pnjudiceil H.iiiist tlintn f ir in. my years, under the impress ion that tiny wore cit icily mi lcvli.iiic mi xture. I niu indebted to n.y fneiul Lolioit Sliocmukor, Fr-.i i for tho rciiiovjlof thi prcj.nlioc by j. roper tests, ncd for iiit'.'uruemiiit t) try them, when auflcriug from great ntid loti" cuntinued dohilitr. The use of throe b;tlio.of thefo Litters, nt tho toxinnin. of tho present year, was followed by oviilent reitPi , nmt resloration to n ue-roo i f bod- il.v and uivntul vigor which 1 Jlai , f,. J t foriix laontln rjetoro, Rnd liai ulmokt ilospnireti of re- gaining. I thereinto tb.nik (lolnud my friend fer directing una to tho use of thorn. .M.10. UKJWN. rhi'.aJo!i-bi, Juno 21!, ISC1. I'ircases nf bi Ineya nml Fla.ld'.ir. in Youni or Aged, Male or Female, are tpuodtly reuiored, nnd speedily ro.'tortd to health. Di'licuto Children thovo uffcring from Mara - u)U5. naatiug uwny, wiih caico!y any lb sli on their boner, are cured in n very eimn tiiuo i one ' bottle iu such r isos, w ill have a most eurj-nsirj ttfrrt. 1'nrent h 'n mlTi-ring children an above, nnd wishing to raio tliem, will never regret the day tho) Com m need with theso Hitters. Lit mry men, Stuibnts, and those working hard wiih their brains, should always keep a bot tle of lloollUtnl't! Litters near them, nt they will find much benefit lion its n.-c, to buih unnd and body, invigorating and not dcpr.-Mini,'. ll is net a Liiiuuritnuuiiiut, uu 1 iouvo no pre"3 traliun. ATTENTION, iSOLDII.Rs, And tlie fricntU of Soldiers. ! Wo call tho attflilion ef all l.avin. relations or fr'cnda in tho nrmy to tho fact that 'lloofiund'i I Hitlers. ll"ve no hesitation in dating that, i if theso liittori wero freely used amou o.r ol. u.i.e, uu.iurmia oi uvi, might bo saved that oil) orw ie would bo lust. Tho propricto,. ,ro daily reeeiviiij thankful lclter from auflerors in tho army and hospitals ...... .,:...-.:"... "" " -uUu, . u.,et. resioroa 10 tiealta by tho u.o of iiieso utiier, auni iq ineni ov thtfip rs,n,i. BEWARE F C0UN,I,EnFEITS! , et lu "i"lu'o -f "C. M. JACKSON" it "n ,n0 'Ri,',i 'f each Buttle. i Trice per Ilottlc 75 rcnlsj, r half ilcicn InrUI. , Shotild your nearest druggist not have 'ho art! c9, j0 nut Lo put off by any of the intoxicating j .,ri.ikrit.m ih.it m-v h- f.fl'...i.il l. ii. .,1... I.., aend to us, aud wo will forward, lecurely packed, by express. I'riucipal OlTioe and Mauufuctory, No. 631 Arch etrcot, l'hiladolphia. . JU'ES A EVANS, (5jccei5on lo C. M. Jiittsow & Co.,) For aale IIui,ri:k Huton'i Oni K' - t - ClcnrS.-lI.F. a!y 1 't.l-y ADMIMKTIt ATOIt'M NOTICli. Notlot ii hereby jjivon, That Lot tors of Adinliiia traiion on the ornate of Jueph Ueitiirtv, lata of Lumber City, Cloarfuld counly, I'ent.n., .ieceaaod, Ita viii het n jranlod to tho undersigned, all ior on indebted to aald estitte are rciiuirid to in ko luitiiediato payment, and thoao hniin,; claimi BKinst i,o 1111110 will irvaut theni tlulv nu'hrnti ctcd for icttleuictit. J A X K II r ii .K K'l V, W.M. V. Wit I (II IT, np. 27-'fl1-pd. Adminititrator. s LT and l'laiur in larno qiinniitio for aalu icry unrip by J. P. KliATZr.lt. (1 l, I ION, All person are hereby rautinn J e, uj;iiilist bu in, or ft llin,", or in any way j inoililliinr with liie lollowiutf property, now iii Iho possession of ,1'icoli (iearbart. of lirahani ti., In nil: i o brow n iiiari s, Willi barnvss, one loi; lod and una log chain -iiH tbo raid tr,ip, ity bo Ioiil;s to ino, and uro mi jo. t lo mv older. I liiudlord tji., may i pi. ADA.M (i ISAlillAltT. JAMKS' Itrcsi tjon.l New St vie Alpcas, J 1 ' I ii iii-. , 1 u i.t it 1 1 1 i , it ( , llroiho.M.diHir, Viilnn iii, Silk, Wool Delaines. French .Merinos, Uiu Lam, Lawns, just opening at I. T. KUATZKR'S. I'ann at lVivaKi ,S;ilc ! UNF. MII.F. l lltiM CI.KAUKIKI.l) I ()l' A UOST HKMI RASI.K I'llol'K !Tr . T1:1 E ur.Jt rsijjncd w ill sell on rea:uable term a turm eoniaininir 5,1 ArrcM anil 1( Porclirx. in I.airreitec tow i.-hip, one tit i lo from the town of Cliarlle'il. cili'iiiliio tr THlHTV-MtlHT A( lIKS ri.KAIU:i). with n (rood frame- ilwellin:' house, well finisliid. a large bank barn, nnd all nee, . v 1 1 i it i , i Inijs. There it n tin-youni; ore!. ltd m eln ie t biiirii ftuit tree ail Lralltd ir bmlded. and eleci d wiih special p fi ii.co Ir thiirnd iptiitinit, to this cliin.'ile. 'i'liore is a never fai in i i'inz of l;ooiI w itti r. '1 bi re is r.'s., n t ons, lor ib!--MWiuiitv of I' .NT AM' OAK TIMUK'l or lb liiu'lcnrod land. The liirm was lately occupied Ly J. II. Shaw. P-'S-epfion given iiniii-'di.ili ly. : 't'l. arliold, up. .Mil. 11. .i;u;:.-td'.' SI'. Mtt'KWil'V. Pntclii'itl Surveyor,, f , for; his prof, "simial s;ri ices t" the people of I learlield ci, only. II ivini piir"ha",'i Ihe In rtiuiiionts, Draft.:. Ac . ol the Into Thoiiiii Hons, dee'd. be w ill bo ready to uttciid to busines on tho shortest notice ; lot can be consulted lit liu residence wi'h Koiiert Uoss, one uiiie Irooi (.'ur- wen.-i! o, or ly litter R.ldres-ed l., blni at fur wensville. S. F. Mct.'I.O.-KL'V. ap. "7 'Cl io. VmitMVIK ATOIt S M)T( I:. Ntttlcc i liereby piien lln.t lotler of adiii.rii.-tr.iiion on the estate ol ISAAC i! LOOM, lile of furwen villo buroULi'n, (barfii Id puuntr, bifs, I, hniinj; I bci n pr:ir.ti.,d to the iiii'lo .iicd. nil j, r-, iis in ' debt."! t said csla'e n rv-iictcd to icnk" im medial i i.tyineiit, nod lho-e having d. iiian.l. against r lit, mne "ill prvjciil tbem dii'y uuilttu tieateil f:,r .soltleuieiit, my i ii, r,t p,i. i.i:a;u,i.oiiM, a i.ii'.t. -Mackerel, l,d fish, lierrinij. Salmon, in ult siio package at J. P. KKA I'ZLU'rf. S u s (j ii c h a ii ii a H o u s c , j .unvi;vii.i.;:. W. V. HOItn l. 1'injiihitor. ( ryiil IS buys anJ coiiiiii'ulioin li:TV.l. isde- lui'liaiina, in the bonuii-li of C'urwon villo. Thi present proprietor will spare an off. i render his eustoiocr otnfnri.ible. and hop nierit u liberal Fbare of public piilroiiiioe. Ills UAH ANI T.M'.I.K Will l.o well supplied with every thin, the rt to os 1 1 n.ar i iti h if. kot allords. llaltmeu will ulwai Pal Iii 1 1 h r T Ul U IS hi h K. E ANOTHER' GUAM) RUSH TO vriio iiavk just i;i;i Kivi; CALL Al KXAMlNi: TH EI It .SIOCK F T "1 ,T ( ' I lv I l)IMn ' v' f IT C'A.N'NUT ',E T'iI:A" K.V ! CALICOES WITH EAST OH.nl CALICOES ViTlli FASl" CtU.n! MUSLINS! MUSLINS : 1 il l.. VI. VI S ! L'j:i..mm:s : LAWNS I.AW.NS Cl.tMIls; CAvsiMEKs: V !-S II NO.s ! CI.ollIS! CASSl.MEKS: VESTIMiS; I. I ' I E V Si I A V ES ! fi I T.S" s 1 1 A W Ls E A 1 1 1 ES' Si I A IV E ! (i E N TS' M i A W I ! MEN A X I EOY.S' CLo'i'I! IXC : HATS ii CAES ! HA IS X CAES ! LimiT A SII(ii;s LOUI'S il Hit.) ES CAKrET-i & OIE-CEOTIIS ! CAKl'ETS .t UIE-M.01US ! CUF.APKIl THAN THC CHKAPESt! OEli .STUCK OE FANCY GOODS IS UN EXAM TEED IN STYLE AND VARIETY '. NOTIONS! NOTIONS ! NOTIONS ! NiHTu.NS: .Svarr-t! Itwul-NeU ! Sfju-Is! Jlt'tnl-Ntts ! notions: no Hons: Nctk-TicH ! Nttk-Tios: Satchels! Port Mntciicu ! Urn-!if a ! .SatcLoU! Vrt .MoiiiiaioH ! lii ibilKr) ! I'hotognijiliio Alliums ! 1 Iiotngrajiliic Albums ; ril'E.i, TOBACCO & SECAES ! TEIiEl'M EEY OK ALL KINDS ! TEJirUMEEY OF ALL KINL.S ! Or anvtltiny clso iu tlio Motion Lino ! CLQIHl'VG Ci" TUE LATEST STYLES TIT T'" n;. r rvr.R-t i'or-7. I i w .wArtpn.vo WAur A FRE SII "ARRIVAL OF SuMMEit Goods ! AT THE CHEAT CASH STOKE. I nui juat rocelvinn nnd opening a carefully lelecti'd atocitof fasti ionablo priiig A Suintiie'r GOO IP s of almost cery doscrijition, A bciiutiful assortment of I'rinU ai d I'ry irooiW, of tho newet nnd latest myloj. Al.-on 'ront Miricty ol.useful notions. J)KY.(;ooifs and .notions. Rennets, .Shun Is, Jltil.i ii n il Cup, limit and Shoo, ii largo qunntity, Hill d ttare, V o "en ."" lire, Dm :a nnd .Moilii'itirs, dil and I'tuntd, Carpet A til Clotlis, ii R () C R IKS, Fih, ''aeon and Flour, Mnrkcrcl in 1 i and r bart.. Is, of tha lut iUnlily, all of which wiil be H..,d nt he lowo-t cash or ready pay prtco.i. My old friends nnd the public (-eiii'mlly , arc respectfully Invit, d lo cull. .tl-y. U.-AII kn, ds of ',7:. l.Vu i,,l approvxt i a .Ti( )' i-nuuici: nk M M. r. 1KV.-KV. rir:irf.i!t, M . . i n i r.A ii:i i'u i a ,pi kki,': wu;u u 'gtlllS irreat line ir ivei.-c- tl.- No, -her. i and V Nortliwe-tivii couolies of Poni.-i .tl.o. ! , n o uy oi ,,rie, i it i. i ie I. no. It has boon lea.-' I by t'.e I', i,..7i-i;.i n.oi 'oinenii, iii . I under their tiispicis , l. . i:r lapidly opined tbn Mahout lis eri.r i. u.ii. ll i now in u.so lor l'i't-eu-e" ar.ii 1 tei.ltt t il "ni's. from llarri.-bur,: t.i tr. M :t' (.MKorU. I'll loi'es) on the Kaslern J iv i.-i mid from Shetiodd to l.'rie, (T.S ii,ileJ en the Wc-torn Divitioii. 1 nt'f or t. ityrr T. nii.ititt .".iii'o't'i.ci. Kxpreo! Train leaves ca w.r.l .'! ,'ifl P. M. Ac 'iu'ii Tiuin arrives wo.--tward I T'l P.M. Cars run t Ii r, i: ; !i with it r iii,iok bolli ways or. theso traiiiii between I'l.iitnlelpliia nod bo,' k Haven, nnd between llaltimori" and J.-k liaven. FUtfiiot Sletiptoj; Cars :,i'eoo, . i ltf ,..t,.... Trail: both wny. 1 eluo. n U iiliim ,';! ; o 1 )ia;ti mote. and H iiiiao:- oi ut.,! I'.h,'...l, I; I,m. For iiifi.rinnlion rc-peeiii';; l'.t-m ii'er bii.-ln - 'I ply at the S. 1). !,.-. 1 i 1 .1 and Mari.et s!s. And lor F.-eiirbt l u.-ine-s fif C,, n-.ativ'.. S. li. Kit ;;, ton, jr., Cor. li'.ili nnd M-rk..t s's., l'ili'aihdplii l ; J. W. lioviiol.l,' Frio ; .1. M. Drill, Ap-nt N. V, R. ltl.im-r,. ; II. II. Iloi S.TO.S., lion'i Fr. i.'l.t A;.' 'I. I'l.ila. ; l.l-.wis I,. Hot rr, (I, ud 'I nM.i t Ar' l, I'll :1a. ; Jo-. D. Pott.', tienT ilr.u.igor, W'ii:i.iui.,..rt.. Ii'ay 'ij, ln'il. H'll'Sllll'jI.Dil i(i)S Tin ware. (i ieenwa'o. lil.issware, Woodi.ini'.i:',-. booking (;i;i-es, ( I, .Us, Nails, HI-;... Oil.-, i'ail.t , Lamps, Wall Pajnr, lit al! pi ice? :.t j. v. ;!:at!:i:s. I? M. McKlKI.VAN, I):-tii i t. respcc!f,'v in. forms the idtji n of tjieii Hope, J,i.ri!b and vicinity, th.-1 he Iris lo-ale I ii .lauc.i.;:., where he n: pu i ued ;o wa!; i. or. : , 1;,,1V d,.siie his prol'.-K-i - ii 'r'.i,".,. ,. . , , ,', , itii . parts of the tji t.lv wilHc X"- p; 1 v a: no d 'd to. " F. .M. M, !wi;i;:.A.. may 1 l.'fi I ?m pd. i ' st so m i i h ! 1 i.i rt i u-i vj t V ta 1 si u V im:ii simmno sTorico:' I'ALTICULAK ATTENTION !S ESPECIALLY IXVITEH 'lo TIIE.'U UNEiiUAEEEH stock ( F HAIvHAVAiOi ! men ci INM.-.TS i.'E S;avs ! Il;i!(l:cl ! ClvU ! .S..s ! IlaichHs ! C!,i:-cis ! riidlock. ! Door ,V Tnsitk Locks' I'-idii-cks ! Door i) Trunk Lck! Niii's ! Screws ! Hinges Sf I5ois ! N ni Is ! Screws ! JIniLres V l'!'s ! ( 'ui ienterrt' cV Il!:M'lsi,iillis' Tciilsi ! Cai'n ntc i's.' ,; l'l.-u-k.Miiiiiis,' To..:! i ! Files A: Uiifjis ' Files A J.':', n : SI.cc I'L-.Jin-K : Sim;' Finding's ! Almost anything else in iliu line ! A VERY LAIIM" A.V-'oKTMENT Or ue e ns w a r c, Which they flatter thc-m.-tlvci c.n.not bctl'.-a. en in this fe.'tion. Til Ell: IMMENSE SIUCK OF GROCERfES AND PliO 'VISION'S ! CONSISTING OF COFFEES ! TEAS ! SUOAKS ! COI'FE. ii I TEAS! M.'OAL.S I .vu-ar-Cuied llatus ! Dried Fruit! Si!iar-Cured Jlams! Tried Fruit! FISH! ELOUi;: UI.AIN & .SALT! j-stole-loom in geaham'.s kow, oito.sitc; the mansion- liOUsE. Co' A I L'''"i Vnv I-'':. 1 VOi ! Sliorlfft-' iQ.il.w " "V1JUW ' 'v,C5i Tl -V Villi, fu . - -- . - 15V auiiiiry writ or I , ,t,1itu ni J t Aj;ioiio, issued out of the court of Common lien or tleurneld cciinly, nnd to mo .lirocied tlii-ro will be exp.,.d to 1TULK' SAbll, at tho I ourt II. .use in tho boroupli or Clcvrield, on .Monday tho .Oil, day of Juno next, nt I o clock. P. M., the following described Honl K. tale, town: A eerlain Irnct of land i1,rt KerUMin Ip., Chinli.dd cniniy, Pa , ei,taiiiia act eniy I, ur acre ni'. re or loss, boon , d s f,, , jj . ),v lands ,,f drier Hell. C'y r.i- Henry. Wt Turs'ion, Mailhew Otfden, John Snan d fttld.dl nnd SiroiiK. eied and t..ki n in e,.,.,iiiuilll,i ,0 bo sold.. I-rop. rty of the i'lule of Ldii- Lewi. A. Thomas II. Lewi. A I.Sfi A eer:aiii trae ( I' iand tiliial.." in t;. si. til tivp , l.learli.ld (oitiiv, i'a , boiimlod r,n, dosctlbi'd ns follows : li .,g nnin nt li winio oak, Ibinee uloiip bind ol llioh'd Shaw, serior, inirtit " ib . vasl I 111 'cehe to iloiiss. iln nee .-otrlt T T ierohi to n w hue oak, litein'o w e-t .i) p rolrri lo a bb k oak, thciioe noith li'tl per. I it white. oiik, ini'iic.s foinu on no.-P'os ca ', 10 pirln-t) siones, tlier.ee by land ol .John Ln.i.aid s,:nb 'J ..l.grcca we... 1 ..; pcrclr.'s t , ., .i: Ihclice llloli.; til II -1 of ilidiard Sill', -.orj;, l.i.-riil 171 di .recti west 111 porches lo Mmi.ci, tl. n.-.i ...... t. ' I ...r:.l,.,. ti. . I.I....!, . ...i. .1 ... . l.iilit.ii, ,.n, i u'll-'S t,fiU tl tloi.Ti'Oi e-1 it pot, -no. to an a,n. . -.f., imi tli :',l ib-irreea east 111 por-h.'s to a po.i, i,em e north irtl.o'reis n -1 llll penhe.. toil maple then o iii i lh L'll dc'ieos eii't 41' pi relies lo a whiio oak, th-'iiee north '' ib'i''"" "o.-l. i'.'.i perches ton nliit," pi..o. llii'in e r.olih I.i de;rru, a west 72 pc-r-olios I i.l'ici) .1 hi ".Iniuli, :l' .- n '. .'v,1 1 b'.'Sa.u-i : l ,'t-ii 'm fp. I 'll, ir.y of Jtili, I-;-' .Ui l ! o,,:il litiio ' 1 ' i - a. To ,in,i 'J jo r n'o's, ',,i , j ,, . .,f e I. ii;.". . n. n i known e. No. v;,, , ,; . . i.i,,, li 1 ,!'..,f'l, "::ii a I hoii-o nod Ir i c, ! ,, i. ' ll:. .'oi iT'olel. .s, ' ""I. I.i ion in e ,,rio ;t:i,J lo lo - ,' t a- lio i r. l i" s v ol Koi.eit l,ioi.,n i. I 1 . ' . . I', 'I I. I'll 11,1 : I '1 l.l : I . I I ;! " 11 l . '; '', '' !d .'olll.t', , l'.i., c.,;, lain. n ton loinilre.l ill. I twenn- nor. .-, , . urn : , : .,. d, " - '.. a lifw.d 1 ,'-t.ouo i:,, r..,., creeloi, I.-mim-II y l.m,i. ol Caiuii sieNoii-. I.'nos W;.t.,,r. John- .u. is. .-"i ' 0 aa i ; n,r n in e v . 1 t., 1, ...l.i ... ,i c ... ... lal i, I W,l, i.i,:, Slitl.1. ALSO --.V eciTain i. r i t of laid Mm'.. iu Cm ' Ii::in ,t,s!iii. C...arr,il. cinty, L.iiiid.diu fd- loivs ; Li j-'inninif ii' lint oorm r ol' land of S. A M. I'i.thcini.,ii. tlie'.eo soaih o.', ,,,,,.,.1,,,. toi.,' bv w bite ..ak ;l..,.ee west ,7: perches I ibt io'C lior'b . il pi'iclii.t lo - e.,-t 17; ,i r, '. . . ,:aoo nf bci.n.i!.-, c.nttii.iit.. ...7 acres and ' 1 1 t.'l.es wiih a n .I11.I1I..1I id 17 ai'i',-, K;. t I 'Vi,'! bi'i'llo n.l.ioinino hind.- of .laoob Widielni.; .1. '. .Ni'I.-oii, nnd ni her, with about IU acres', ...!..,l. I, III 1 1 . rr ..' (Mill .r,r ,, '.,-,. ... . i. !. ...... i-., i-t.oti.. i,r,...,r.l SS..i...l 4 ....... o, and to , , - ,,s th ;v.,'rivi A ., .. iioi ; ) V nt' r . i. ndryHrl's of ,"'i' ,,(,,,., is-u. ) . ' o'.t of ihv curt an-1 to mc ,l;re o.-d, . t .... ...;'i 1, , ... . ..j ..i ... ir .!......... i . " ' " . t " ',- .i i mo i, . ; i . '.',", ''"r 'r '' "' I i'a-oi I, ',1m' j, vv.;.; t:r' 1 ' "Ah ,i"': - ' Ailih-s .0 criain ir, or ,,f ,., ..oi.," in Fox t .wiiship. i'ich, .icMco'iii'v. I'a., I I. ..in. ,h , I mid describe 1 n I',-,,ohs, . tj.M-;, i:'o;;.i 'j nilgai asui;,r. and i"..inin; l.oni thohoe i O'J I '-"'' ' li-.-u o nori'i loja'id ll lu erch". i 10 a r. .. iii.io ,, ., p,,,::,.,topo-t.t!,in'e: down Litt 4 T.d.y creek, i.i the e t.tro of t';o 1 trctia, bv hsio ier,,! e,.'.,r- 's to ,,.! bv the ' n.o'.iili M the t'ouuiy Lin.. Ilii;i. tb,;e iioiili .1." we. ."i or. to n p...-i: ih-n.'i we-t -1 an 1 2 ' 1 ; d' hes lo place ol bojjtiiiiino;. c ..iit'tinin, si r.cres I I'.llll Us.lal 111 lull iill-c. With o.. lira i W oiling, i I.O..-0, one larjie Irani . I irn, ,-n i ti illor Irani) lorn ,:',:, mil : a -I, i -. " ,,,-,-1, in.-, vid mi ..mall linis's crcetoil ilier i, an I a' i it 1 1 !',, , : are 1. Al.-i, tlo,., F...iin, ,t a p..,t at llio , ".ilVa.t.v,..r,f.'. Null s land, thence north ' :' wot by land - I A. V.'. )-ith s J s, to li p ,. t, tl:, h'lroditoai I.-I, l.i.;.. c ...atii .l'i -1 r-. C, nr. re i-r lo.,:, mil I'iiil.p. al 11V, . V;il' ..r 1) , ,!' ion i oi. "n. ,....!, : not I.-; rcl'Miliee'T. 1. lSu'iil.. .lolm 1 i'ai !iu. I, Eiir: V--71. ' -! :'-:"'';r 1 ':".v-.,;i! rio',,'-.! jir.viy.h.' ir.,-.. i.,,.,!,, .,,.,,, in- re rr I. --. imh '!:.. r:.-: r I on.,, ii.' a:, r-1'.is I,.. 1" ' i. t . ' -,,,,,,,.,0 l,,n tie l. ,iv ,'en.o..d of " T r.7 ,',"', ! ."'i:'Ul'A' l.L- o, ... ..I r nml tt.miifii t:: i i.,i,. ,,r raid Noll. Iv- 7 , , ' ' " ' i.-"'-i j.i .,ril.l.., ' 4 ' 'li,.' !.-.; , 1 b.-tw-'t-n li,e -aid "'Vl'l M K'ntioy, AL.-.-im ll; rl ii. , Jo: I,,! : i ..ol.ii i!..ini'-: land, 1 , I' i..:k!tig a.'i.l '-'Inltlll Kl'ilX'l'. n i.. r :,o. ci, ! .1 .!"! m:i : tn..! t..ng fi) c,',,.'li L'i lV!cti''o U" t (' fa'c tl.r..a !. the 1 ".. I t.r :,i Ni.il, ! r hi. in:; I . ( iroiVO , ; u i;,.) , ; j. , ; .f ! , Fol 'ei' . AL.-..". '!.' oScr. I...;, ni.::;; i.i a po.t, 4 ,,ls HV,'-v VV'.tsnn I' I' .. ' '.a-tiroMi ti. ..i:hc.i't en: r ..." l .t No. I IM) V- ' , ,,r ' Eior.m. Ilt'ii'''' i-'-l II rod. to .,f, iiience soiiih lint W. .atl.-I. r M (... . St. ' ') tl". rod. aloi'the road t a r .t, H,, ..ri, ;W. UMl lli'lu-l ,' )l ,-... .J;,.8 Vr..,;,.y, . .t t the plinv ot liojitiiiin eont.i.iiin;; one ' - f(k W li! nitu I Ic-i ,J 0s,.; jf.'i:-iiijj. n,"i and some per -I c-. b.-.-. in - a sn.ail uiili.il-he.l Morri Ls.' IF, :!: I .tii - lloafu i ivni "T" ' '" i " '"'rn K l'-r 1 -S (' Tl.ompiln, J lm ' 1- .-US'. 'I. tuaen in eeciiiion, nuu tu he nui I ns hvili's I),n ill I loll llio pn l.'.'v ..: N. M. ll,o,..i,:,e. ; ..' . . .. AL.-i' -1 iis-, (lel e.nnl lolin the bor ,.r-S .... .' ' ., ,' ," ' M i"1."1 L'i'"' 1 1 11 a, .tfl.iitliibl, the lot beii e; No .11 m fie pi n, ,,i - J.irtf-y. t li ,- I; LllK-IH linr.v,., !...,! :V ii'l liii"). to ;.,id boron..;,, lo umlo 1 ,, . ''..vinyl nn- 1 , t", ,-(),.,, , V,..tv,.r. - i 1'iic Mi, i t, on il..- v.,. -i ly nu n'l-v, .1 or-Kiti 1.- 1','. '. I-a.i-j M, X n,j l'i," no!,, i-y i . ii.o y. I..,.; n f-e ei.-. bv I. N,-,. , Wt , .( 1'., jam i "i 1 li -i;, ,n -.;,: i ..,.: in f-tt,..,. i:. r.,,; ,1,0,,: iio.; tiv.i.i, -h: . -Mimi,,,,. y,.ra:w '"J " l-M.;y l!:n:a ,.ei!n,g I. on o inn! o N,.W Va,LiM-.on-l ' 1'' ' ' ' i lis, k-:-;iii:-sloo, ,.f..,.., ,',.,.., S, -i I. Hot. ,,,, . " '- ''"--'.' A mot . rpitce of b.n I ';u.-ite nf !':!'. t..r.i.-hip, 'I,"' .,.., , . 1 l.-i.J ...i.i.ly, Pin. I un .(J and ,lis.r:l,.d us' Htltton-.iii li ua - L I) Pu'Al rs.:n, W(a , !'... i s L.'cioniiii: a: a luii. n Wii;e oak, Cicnce A''l"'tt. bv In ini id S.iioiiid Hlmleii: e nt Oi 7" eat I ;'i.i lilo'iiu 2i TIVI- Willlfirn 'rein 1 r li'-- 1 1 a p si, io ih !:, wot 11 i: I ;..!t, Jinn.-.- 'J,;. Il,v- Wi'li in, ;,!,. t.. ,V ? '''"' e:'r' ;o, I 1 ' U.,iiii-i'oJr,X-. ..Id,,, I...Lc, o ' P"'. .'.!'. I..- .'a.ctland,.', ien'-o-l nr,h:ie Fox..o.,.; IF.W - CIf,'-, ..y 1 ..' wav I ,tiO. .'irli o p"ie!,iv to a i.i!!. n i Vm:';t oak. , n , ,,- S " L'11'.'' .tl 7 p-ii-1 is tea post, n, n!i l.r land ,.f ilttol,: ';!1"'"" -' ' " ' 1 laOriilll II Knro.-y. li.nl Ts p. rOies lo n po.t. ca, perel,,,.-. t , a 1 '." '' ' -n-' Iltllifft Li-,;y, .lolili p.-st, no ith Mi , !,.!,( s to ii 1. 1, , ,t iS.iitr, J7 . I't tit. 1(1 urt lie. to a white pii,i. -lump, lo.ri;, i".il ft-r- ' . ... . . rhistoa po,t,roill. .'Cci-t !' pit a t, u ps-t. IT rilS.I5KAt. H.,r. SAMl'Kf. LINN, rr. son'i, S.' e.l.-t s a an ,..'i pi't.-l,,.. ., :, r,..,t. foutlj , f idol t il'l'lim i.flbn ,,-! nf l, .,o:, ,.: .,M i a-: 71 p. rc'iit to n po.t ..U!. I v in ltd 1 1 Witi ' f ''''"'' udi ial Li-irn-t, cn-.p,, t id' Jbi-i-Iirn .1- tv.s- II.'. ,,.,,!, ... p. H ben.'... It, I ' couattiM f tTei.Ti,.-'. .(.. 'rj md f !'in , s.ulli by lat.-i .-I I.: 1 ' , i 7 o ' i ji . III j - r '!' t" n ei uu: bor. then.- .ih i;. t ib ... r hi . to pine e i f I i ,. n l, it- o. and " V-l'.1 priebc &'' i i- . I .i.. h ,.i i A-".it;..:i t- '. -: I ... u.: I I ll. . l.o (' 1'.,: i re. A Ls 0 A i r;.,:n In , '. ' ,nd ,.:: in r m Fr-i, t mi-: t . l. ;,,.:.;, I.i i . i,i:i, l'i, . 1 , ,,. i. ., :,, I ,. ,i (.1' .M!: li :,n I ;o "o: ,-. ;:!,.. :. .;h..l ..,1, 'j;,.,!::; , ,t. -' i .V ., .-. ii- L'):', ,.',; , j 0" the e'tt. At d.'t-w lv:'s t, ( n th, t ,iii,i. ; ;. I N f . 1 JS. th r.-fo.v hip :' u:.- -n.'lo li o t.r.'.T ?..: ;-. !:e net's , , c ...:,,),; 11' " r ' c-. .t i-lir" : cf tho !V;:c.,nri C-i o r ns, K"' ov ', , ..;.!. .. o.r il' ar-.- . i ...el, 1 r .:) .-.'.) . i "'e'r,.id, t ant.r J ..un;.- orclioi 1. ii.-nl :", ninr. ).. i;., r.ad ,'.! I c l!' Iyr . r-on , will, 0,-ir .f( ; ...ord-, p I (in i, on, b: in.' saiin pp ii.i-. s wlocl: I-'reler- H. I'lisiti-n. i:xautin..tii-., m. I cii-r lt"!no:u- ioi. Korb.a Imii.irt-ator m linn K rh, t. i.o.r, lr:i.r-, t-? do the-o thir.ji v.n.h t ihoir oflV",:, cm.im , ,1 lo ,1'd, n I itii bv Ice i, .int.-.l 2'i!i A .r , u' ' ''l tll!'ir l" half, er'ain to h Jr.na. I S.'-y, nni leoord, d i:l '...rir!; d I in Hot d Look's" CIVEt-ti-l.-r ic,, band al Ch-as Gt:.l, thi SitU page '171. AV; I token in xeeuiion and to bo ll" '.' 111 ' year, f out I., rd, -.t-e ttou- ..', ns fie propi rtv id iloiii v w. K rb ' -'M Luadred Mi 1 s:.y.f..m. ) Y Vili 1 1 L .i n w .1 '.A !. ri Fnri-n iu' EDWARD J'CI;i:.!", Shirtf. ) nnd oal i-f the Conn ot Common I'lea npd - - i o me iPrcoti'l, thrr . will exu'M-e! to I liiiLIC I X TUP, M ITTCU '.f tu ej'cte of Julia SALE at th ' 'on 1 1 llou'.s i,i tho Fes rough of I. Liekinron. ( loin P'.-t.I i n tbo .nth day nf Jnnn n.'.t, the John Dicl:iu"B 1 1 n in C.-itt of Com ; sn I'i.aa lolli.v ing dontibcd rcul e-tate an 1 personal prop-' v.. i f (. iearfienl c.un.iv. P.. 0)' !tty, to wit : Abel Iii- kinson J No. , .lime '1 rm, Is'i, J. , A civt.v!- t-.-.c' of 1 in 1 ;itiiHi.i in I: ,-.'i l.vp., f" 'Ic Register of Cl'irl' -id -oin'c top. tin Clour; ,,1 c null , i''i. j..ij;inuiii,.' nl r. p'..', I. o':r.." .ii li'j il niertaiu nriliiu n!fi..f t'f.r "ri'-,'-. ly '" iniir St. nan tuiwi, e i-i n'ol p.-rcics i.. a uiponi.,. I, , Hw will of Jo it iiickinson nil p,.-i, ii.ci-.fe aoutli bj re, i .in (-! iln ",:c: I' 0 r r "f A o. '. 1 i -kitioi:, of Clcnrii.'!! coau v, i'a. rl c-. thin, e west H'.lt p.-n!.. , tliei.e... by ,), !,n ' 'v, May 2 tn, CC I, in li -e ;.. nn.ir.l-. I by (It 'i.i;,;' r Min-y, n rtli I' !l p-p-hus, ,. .;...,- '"'I Court. wnrnir.K nil peoii iibo.'o n.ni.cl iilrt ar n-re-, boil il;e north we-t eoraer of the John I. : alr'-ad;- part;"3 to this sti't. whe miv '!i irn .MonliTomerv survey nn, rt. :"iee rccor.lr-1 in Look In ic . ii i-e.n, or rthorwi.-e, of nai.l .1 u ; a )j:k - A, p-jr lit. Selri d. tab. n i;i evocir.ioii and to in -01. to nf pear in th" ' o'.i I of Coaitn n Pit -, of be sold ns the propoi ty of Jonas P dors. ; ('!' .1: ibdd ee m'y. nl ClcnrS -M, I'a.. on i-rb..' rt El. I'lvI'KS, ,V th? -I'h ,'u .in!.:" of .1 im, A J'., I 1, un 1 Lv ,.:.., Clt:'.rli(,l, .Jtinc 1, 1-'j L " panic o taidVn'l. ifthcr ' eaui". 'H mini, ' all per... n-I'iI'i, -t, d nn' io'" ;; re,'.tri -1 to rake -i;xixnos xoTicr-:e-i.,.ieM ru. '' uTiu ' ' V" I'h1';";,. .1 J incr.triry on tiie cslnte f.f Jereminh Snii al, .--- -. - . - .. I.n of lb'tp.s lowrship, t lourflch! county, peiin.. I X llC'T'H !' .Mil l( I',.- Nuin-e i, vre. decenscd. having been frnntd to tho iii'nler.isn- j by .liven that Letters To fcnontirj , n tbo ed, u!l persons in leb!o to rnid rslite are ro- esinie of Jonph Irwin, bile of La-riio lewn uticstcd lo make iinniet'iiite payment, nnd those shit. Clearfield county, p.i., tbo:'. I, I hvilk been bavin" claims nninst tho .'sine will present them (. ranted to the tiridrr-ini I, nil persons iuueuted. duly aulhcuticr.tcd for settlcirent. , to :.id estate are tb sited to u.ako i iiuied.c.t'. NAVCV S.Ml'AL, rtcciilii.v. i payment, and the hnv.nj 'Icuiamts neiii.i !i ap. 17 f.t-i d, tllliRoN i'MFAL, Fxoculor. ; nr. ieil present llvni tlulv aii'licntieni.,'1 f,r - - - fjemon;. LEVI 1. lltWI.V, IV. I ) .1 1 1 X i Tr. . T ' 1' 'M Xf.'l !' Notice np. 27-'tl. MARTS' A IRWIN, L'x. j is lici ,-l.y i' e.-i, mat Lettr-rs of A'liiiinistrn- . ' lion nn the Estate of JOHN W. HHiLKR, late of i ;1H)N. All p'r-oi.i an) hereby cautlou Cleiiriicld boruuith, t l.wtlicld counly, deceased. J od aeiinit purrliafin ; ur in apy war mad -l-.avi.rg boon pratibol to the lilider.-ic-nei, all lilir- will. ). following l..cribo I ..ropery t una, por-tou intl'litcd lo said e: Into nro rciiio: lod to r. 1.111 bor.-e, one horse, (iroii axl,.. ti.itu. b make iu::n."iiato f avnter.t, nn i tho-e Ft. vin-r , t 1 th.-l 1 l..-1'n..i. -, n i-, C o p 1 k c'-'.ins r -.ir tt t'.e - r 1 1 1 ; c '. t',,,i du'. It o I. '. ,C,rd in 1 i , , 1. 1 ii,,. in.e .j a"ib. '-I. 0.1a o I I !' 1 V, .1 . r bkia , ii.st foii juvk tkum, i 'JIM h June, l'il. . ... ' ()..-. II un a Samuel Sel rirg SclinoH'i hill Kerliu Potter Join, do F.lim I.vio Ro8ll Lee A fau.L. li Whit, sida Fo.-ter el. a! li"Ss Lied Dim;l ia'.i A li.i l S im" n k. r MoekUv APuolj J. p. j ,,,, r Loiie llut..'.t Siniili A K ig Liiiwo.ru Joiiva u-o Hrrnt.tr W ii.-oii u o li.ei.Lir F. I'. IJu'iii.ir V Diiuti "rt. s alcii.i, v. y, lbv.r.e, v. Fdajld M. ,Jjrvv Vr C'lblMf'l. VS. i t ll. ss; .j.,;,!,. V -h;, i ,i II,; l. o. I s Pelol.t n .. IS U'i.iU.i, I Hash t! 1. 'I ii .1. I S..IJ. vs L. W. Will. 1 Sl!';,b. i Snii'h tjF. .'. .'.', ,' V Lmi .:,( i lioj,,ti. vi Ci r w j i . VJ linn, ; ,, U,.'.. 4 (.;,. Vf .M. l,.c. V'i Joi.it I. ,M..l,ir, v Sinn.. vi Siti:.o. naistuii I: .) lit e.:or v.t '-.i:; o Faiki.-on m I ' Jacob Irwr'u VJ i. Dul. N. .V S.hioi VJ .M.,;u l'! jy Tlloii't v ;. V1A I I "il'.Jl ,' ' 1 . . . ' . ' . ''"f- li.i.l . I ill Vi ir,.'!.-. I'll!,. I." Clear!. eld, may ,il, l',;j, 1 J-t of c1:a.i jViious you J June lYn;i. A. L'., l-.j. I.t.l l. El'iia I'.i .L-lilov. A.litm I'.ri.'l. '.n.U't'ui:i"--Villii,!n t iiii'.tn.i;, jr. l'.ij., -litoioi !'.::it"''ii-. i'h.vt 1'..' i, i ii 'I ii ii!.si.,n Cvi'. .I'uv -Ai -, ! s; I,,,.;, l.'iUH'tv-1 ii ; ;. - Ail ,t. ,r Clf.tlinS.! II - i't :.V S"). lu.i' :i-l',vi.J 1- .ilk' . ;.j. , t'-t'i. -.'vjI f! 1 Si '.V 1. 1. ; ( i i.';v I.ovm ' J . . , ,u Ji i- ;(, IJ, ',, ,'.,.' 1 ,.. , . r.,.. ,t u. ,, i. "...'. .s 1 I I A , : . r i i , I I''. '',cy. J.N A --D.lt. I. I ! t'.VI.U:.'. KAttin .1. 11. I! . i .i ii -. J.A .VKSM'.; ,1 is. 1-uSl.j.;, L.i.io iott;"- oOli. lliom.is l'nlr.j t ' l'i,;..- i.r.'..'"1" 'I" ,,,, ;:, .. -Ev S-Frodcrifk' ,'ii;,;, L"0J"" ... , . ' ' J' ' A"" U . r-i.TV. . l 1 lA . I'.liSc .''.'"lOLlS aj I'oV Jlliiu TfS'lu. A. !,, i.-'.'; .... I . li' , , I . .. . .. ' ,M ' i ,. 1 ,'""'.' 1 ; 'Kti -.juui n.ootn, ,i ..ni ;,. .:, , , '-''' V ilic - ( ' I ' . . L.. 1 '''Ulfi I i.li-,'., S. 1 t ;.,,. (; 1 I. . , ... .. n i i 'I l.'e :.vL.. j- .ii t. .. . .... , ii, ,. ,a ,1 i' , : .- U'o.iil.vatil- , li . - lii,'.,.'- r;,.. .. - v ;: ' .''''''T'l','''T, ''. '' ' ' U ";'! ; '''.-' 011" i';,--1;.' 'V li.att'.ti. '' '";":!' '.-'v. 1 1 "t iI ' , i , I.o-.'i'. :. ; . C."'--li.' l!V-. .Jo .,,., It.; 1. 1 1 '', lis. W ilii nn ''air. ' " " lVim-! HV,'..'i:;;,.; , y,.-A, v. ,1 ; S rotter I) T . . 7,. " . ' .. ' i'e I.-U.'.r'l I'.'ll- 1 '" ''"'It. 1st II , , J - : , -,,,, ',. j',, ,,, "only 1 otitis, junior. -Ini.n L lv"t. .i ( Hi ': S't'l'lll'tl I.I'"" ll. .1 u'1.,,,,1 l",;',t,l,. l'llu-'uri 1..' L , .1 ;,.. !s j 11', -Mitl ln'.v i::.,om. I ,'M 1, "i "l . u-'i t r, , , , i , .. .. , , ' s ,': T, ", 17," l " " ' " '!" ll,n l J i! U "l'e. ' ( t ... - Lil..! NOV Motll", I.'eaar I.: B ,-.'.- I; 1, r;..r ;, f;:... ":0 '""' ,A''"'S FL'JiJ.M nml ,,. ,,'; ,, 'i li.i l).. As - icon- -!-j.t;-,,f ( ! ;;,.;, , . . '':,v" "" "''1'' I '" " I't. to iee .i-re, ?,.-), f,,r .' 0 I, nol'ini.2 "I a-O.',., i of (,,.,.,,, t p r,r,,i. ( 'i, nl ol (i nn r Sr loll.-. I .:! "I cl" ( r -i ii'ioil icr. ttrr; i -on-t tt lice, nil .,,, (i,.i,, 'no '.',-, I liou-i,r ncnHM, i ;,i: , ; ; ' i" niicbl, on tb .- tL-j ." i f. , '- AL ' M.U 1.:, t r. 1