1 3 t "II ft LJ 3 H l i p- f AV t-- iHrflT Sir t fvu i m jTw. MOORE. ' " " ' 0. B. COOHLANDO, j ElUtia and Proprietors. VOL. XXXIV.-WIIOLU NO. ,; Tilt' "KKPUflLICAN." - . .. --. . v TlTIUS Ol Subscription. IfpaiJ in advunco, or within throo months, $1 50 If paiil any time within thn vnn. . 'if paid after tho oxi.iratiun of tha year, "- 2 00 I ,omci!CM maukct ptrkkt, n.rAnns.r.n, imin.Va ' ( O. II. (lOODLA.M.r.II, A C0 I'ublislier, i TcrniH of Advertising. Adeertissiiientii uro inserted iu tho Ropublicun tt tha following rates : 1 Imortiun. 2 do. ,t do, 'Ono (qunro, (10 linen.) 51) $ 75 J100 ;' Two square, (20 lint j,) 1 00 1 50 2 00 ' Thrco mjiiiircu, (ilOlimj,) 1 50 2 00 2 50 3 mouths IS mo'fl. 12 mo ' Ono P.nro, : : : $2 51) $4 00 $7 00 lwf).i.,'iiire?, : : : : : 4 00 fl 00 Three failures, : : : : 5 00 8 00 Four gquurcs, : : : : 6 00 10 00 Half a column,'. : : : : 8 00 12 00 Oro ciiliiTiit), : ; : : 1 1 00 2u no Over thrco woeks and loss tliun thrto months 25 cents per sp-uro for cash insertion. llu.sioosi notices not encoding 8!inos aro in- lirted for t2 a yetr. AdvcrtisJininU m t miried with tho niimlier of Bsertionsdosirod, tt'11 ba ccntinuei until forhid od charod accordir.g to tlwso terms. cii-:.n field co. jj 1 j Hero u v Ti.Mi: of holdixo contT. Jd Monday in January, I ."d Monday in Juno, I 3d Monday in .Mureli. -1th Monday in Sept. , ef each year, ar.d continue two weeks if necessary COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFICESS. .Tres't Judf;c on. f-'nniuol Linn, Ikdlefnnto. ,s'le Judges 1 Ion. J. lVfln nit Fon,Ciirwcnsvillo. i Hon. Jonies bloom, l'orreft. 1BI2. 10 00! 12 00 I 11 Oil i IS 00 Si 00 ! & 4! 0 1 ( r ) . inu mull) of l.iltle lilla, by HI. Dearest Kiln, Ood hull. ,.aimd thco l limned our sweetest blooming flower : I locked theofron. the hcarls that lov'd tho 1 laeid thopin hlshouvenly lowt-r, ili' ro to bloom moro sweet tlmn over, Viaftin;; iorluiue to our lioarti, Strewing ,.V1,, r y,y l(,,(jro rellmg djath no sting Imparts. Parting Tlhi, Ifcaven .ccems hrightor, t!-tf1rry crown yu wear: And ltSol,lell gutis tt,,.,,, Wi,)ri ''" thy form hath entered Uuto. O. wc II show thco, d:nIi.iK i:i.,, How wo lov.'d our precious one, I or we'll ,lh., t t!10l, ,, , ,,nvin hen ths troubled life is done. Ofi ho with us, nnel ; Let thy spir.t Inner near ; JJieiitho sweet words ofcons da lion lo our hearts (lint now nre near. ( 01110 lo mother, preeioiH lilla' Kn'c her nehing, l,.n-:ig u',irt, ieM Iter that sweet Jesus took thee, Though ho knew 'twas hard opart. Farewell, lilla. till wo meet theo In iho-o realms of heavenly bliss ; Jesus, tone, 1h1.se jrolden harpsti ings, For tho niigclwliom we miss; tow 1 ffd Ll 0 musie'a Ui.itln., Now I hear her t reeiuus vi.iee PRINCIPLES, not MEII. " : CLio.utni;u, wkdxesiuy, juk i,, ui ii'iinu . .i iiiivrr nn 111.1 . . Ti. 1 ...1 , I , ,' , " H.ll VI1 Kill I'us rul.Hl us lor tho ptwt Ihroo y,.M ns , run us course. Xigm of ivturmr..' rcns.n-.esuliin-in pat t I'mm oxhaustion -.. -tuo '.ocotmn tn.iMifust. The "tn,t.r Mn.,i., iliouinocu,,, ,(1 wii(i r.iii will soun npiiu (,0001110 cfli lci.t o should not only Lo pivpn-l I to ta0 n,lvantn-o of this au.pioi.ms chango. hut also elo our utmost ...o Im.ilL' unJ noix'loi.tlo il. 1 I 'J'licso aiv tho prominent vio-vs nnj n-ir-Iprwwuii ;ik., 0lir p,.,,,,,., ,..lirl h;i( lorifiin. , ,ih aunite.l nnd vigorous ov ,crtmn woliopo to aoiii, ,-., sUl.lvgs. jrVou nppvov... our l,j,.(.t wo shall r,!y u,,,,,, your countoiiancu ami cllio.Vnt sun;,,,, t ; UspoHluliy. (',..,:,. M.vso.v, 1',0,'t Attest; Jon v V. I-..n, .St.'i:'v. I AKTIt'l,!-;.". 01- A-iM'UTI-N Tni.: N v. 1 tiii.nai, : j:iiji-n tv .s 1 s 1 I. v'o, J ho tiiuh rsL'tinl. hf ...I,.- .,. i --i 1 1 1 i.u a ' 1 C C V 1 n 1 111 JN.'ltlOtlfl 111 UAMSUnMAiA. TERMS : $1 CO Per Annhm. if raid i ni:w si:uii:svof. r . THE CIEVELAND CONVENTION! I rciiiunt AcTepts the Xominatioii ! Tho following is (Jen. Fremont's lottor, fiticpptinij tho nomiiKUioiiorthu 'Jlevclan.l (.'onvention f.ir tho I'rosiilcncy : (invTi.EMe.v: In nnvvor to tho loiter ivliuai 1 hnvo haj Iho honor to m-eive rt'imyouon iho part or tho ropiconsa livcs of tho pooiloa.-!Mmtiio lat CU-vcl ind on t!.-; ,'Sft of M.-,y. I .hsiro to (..ni.ivss mv UKtl.K, .)r ll. COllll l-lll'i! (X-,,!, J,., t i onor mo tuo lionoi-il m; ton en t i.oii1 cm in.tr l're-i!iiiiial c 'ory itouor ililo lo mo yon her of ojti t IP o If llic Convent ion at nominate any man wlioto p; P4 n ivnl LrM.r... ,1,. ' i- . "I'lfL'i-oiini iMi (n:i u n.iKii 1.... active nip- it'in pi'Mach- ocioi Ji : l'iti'i ! p.inv 1! ii j II.. IMi'. !the pi'!:ifi h'tnl, no tt lllil 110 ooli hicli I reetuus voiee- lmina ! papa ! msIits ! broilmr llea-(,n in my Hilling choice ! " M ,FlieiifT, lidwurd Verks. ,1'rothonotary, D. K. Ktzweiler, - Keg. A Hoc. Isaiah 0. lhuger, Dittrict Att'y, Israel Test, jTreiihuroi, C. Krnizcr, ,Co. Surveyor, II. D. Wright, I CuuiuihsioitertJaeolj Kuntz, 'J'hos. Dougherty, Amos Head, Auditors, t htirles Worrell, II Woodward, 1'. F. Couleret, .toron. r, J. . l'otlcr, C'ltMi liold, (ilen Hope. I.utliersburg. ir. Hills. Cleat field. N.Wash'gton 'nn livid, l.eeoiiies Mill .Coui.ty iu.'l. C. U. timdloitl, Cleurlield. LIfT oh' l'OST OFFICII. l7''"Hiv,l), I'u.it UJi-r, 'oi,rr, IJn'.aiia, (Hen Hope, Wm. sj. Wright ,' " ' 'tauriUe, Theodore Weld, j icgaiiy A ltonUs,.sam I. llegartv, yit i.m' v.....i 111.1, ,1 .i r im- 1. -., lilOol'a Mi A cv, . ; .. 1.:.. 1. .1 1.1 . . . " "' :,I,K " bo lOtM'.c.J III iho;ity of U a,, .. pun, nui, may mive allii; :i .oroluhs in r.ny of ti.o S!ut.'3 or J (1 tho I'liiti'il Slates. j II. Tho ol.jeot of the n-soc.vi , j , restoration ami !)ipf,.rv:n :.,t, r.f n... 1 ,al (loveinment as if has horeiofm-n ..vi.i" 1 iUU cil umler tho Cntistilutioi! 0 ti,(. i-njt0( 'Hilea for the ri Males--(o sci iiiv to reory Auk'IiViiii vil' j a!"1 1,1,1 t.M' I en all tho rights ami 1iviioi.os vii-i -m-' ;un;:'-:; th"':1' -L'uarantee.l to him by th.u jrlf., ,.,.,' . jMneoTo, tho nil ami to opi o-o to dm utnio- t , , ' . l:Itrty I: 1.: I.rcn . I . 1 1 ' l 1 K . . . . 1 wiupians ami purpnfr, (;f ; lll0,j ,JO aie in any way emh-avo: in- to overt hmw mat i..iiiciiitit iVlllU.'l in-; ill li'.'a 1: in tho ; Ultest. hocilUMi i'i nfiio'-i ' !i 't in tlte iiiiiii-. ,,' .-.-iv.tt nutu n who seek al oi'o all !h;i. 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I - J 1 1 ; 1 1 v . ' 1 1 1 n hi no .-01 1 i.i' M:iIMi Inton-si, in viin;. i.iuiouil, l.ii iii-o 111 a.'i'eplin- tho camli. aey you pi,,poM. (,, . ;,, (.x,l )H,,i , M10 repro.i.'.h f,' oi'iMii,,,. ;l si ,i.'n ; th IV 0 'I'V have I.:no on rm iiiie !. s which he Has h i-m con hi ;K) 1 e-t eon! I hevo .( alii more will p.'tst ii;- ,i.i-i;i !lin in .w IM.,: j om eummai prin.-i,,!,.,. t;,cro i( ,10 reason why there shouhl ho any .livi-ion among tho really palrimi,. men or I'-e country. To any ,., I i,0 mo,t "n-y 10 give a eoidial an-l port, ; fcyoirn leclr,l prefonineo is to ahl in this way nn.l not l l,0 mvsell' :x rotuli il.'ile. J .n f il Mr. I.imT,!,, fi10ul,l ), lv. ii'i.ainatej, as I heliovo it wouhl l.o f a.U to the Lvimtiy to in-loi'so a pr.liev r.ml ro-roH- apowiuliieh has .-.,-!. us Unj hves '! tlioii -anus of m . n , ami ii.-T.l!o...s!y to.; emmry o:i tho 10.1 1 10 han'-. J-::-'.v, tncre will remain ,, 0,i4,,,. ..,;, 1Tr livolMt to oi-aiii.',. n-ii:,sl him ever ele """t "i eo.r-coi.tiiHH .oppn.jijo,, w,'h the i" movent UK iMi.iiiu'tutto cl e.tvtion. in tins rrii;lniuenev, 1 (vec nation at ( 1 --v., :,.i ..,,,1 X an -iit'i Tili! 7AP v oliamm...; v , I I'M lilv. I IV "liil'e . lie 1 oil-si hellion might he ro boniiman ro no t.i this to 1.11. so ' I'l o 111':' .', ! I' r. f in 1 i- not ;:n .r n in- l. I ,. , olov the ruhlrpss of tho l'fvi-inns fx.-rpl 11s lh. rem p m ,,i-',t. '!. W ilh thi (.1 in vicv, wo -hall sustain with our li,.i0 ,l:j(t (,v. ei v legitimato inn n, wii'hin our .'.,, ,.r n.imimis of tlm -..nvcn'i..ii i.. I. . hehl litoo'iii .1.. ll., !, ! 1 '..j i.i- mi (.1 .liny, i.e'j Mnul une-impromiMD-lv i n 1 tmiiii.'tiiii, ,i i i,..lt oi lH.,.;.y V(),(1, s thiough the haih.l-hi'.v i .. Bell, . Jlh.nn,, 'Ih.g!:.-, rinollnH, .Bnely. rurn.i.Ie, l'"wer, W. McL'riiclien, ' '"'st, 'Jh.A. M iihee. Cush, J. V. Ciiaipbell, ""lend, H.h.lloiiderson, h"ire.-t, James lilooiu, Clcarlii'ld iliidgo, James Forrest, Woinlhind, William Albert. Liithcrslmrg, It. II. Monro, 'I'l'outville, Chas. Sloppy, Jillersi.n Line, John lleber in, New WiL-hington,1 Jas. (inllaher, lUim.-i le, W. C. Irvin, Jack Patehin, Jacob Uuiee, i. Xoz.cr, jr. Win. Metiarvey, S. A. Farbcr, M. A. Frank, I'. A. (iaulia, J l'.W.Sehnarrs T. V. Fleming, Centre county, S. Hadsbaeh, T. F. Uonlieh, Kd. Williams, Jas. MeClellun, C. Mignot, William Curr, A. 1!. Shaw, T. ll.Foroeo, A. (J. Fox, Chas. J. l'usoy, David Tyler, II. Woodward, Kliza Chase, l! . llei kadorn, M.O.Siirk, Jas. Thompson, J. (.'. lireiuicr. II. V''. Spencer, A. ('. Moore, T. H. Fleiiiiiig. Uenj. F. Dale, D. il. Iliubaker, James Lockett, l'ost Oiheo will do for Chest township, iinswcr I jr Ferguson township. Hie i in ( , " ' " '"j , i.et, ai " ime-impiom.Mii-lv in-i-t ,.,,., the uioii.'t!ii, ,l oi ,H.,.;.y V(),(1, , ( I loss thlollgh the l.ailol-hi'.x j .. .,,. atieo with tho efni.titutii.ns ami l.r l)t the to.peotn-o Slates, his IVoo pio',o(.no, anion- iho oamliil.tlos j re-'onte'l lo hi, eni.,00 in me pre.-elenlial eh vi tnl.er next. III. Tho ollteors of I hi slnll he a l'ioM,!i-iit, Ii-, o ':, a i rea.sui i'i , 11 Sooi i tai v n i- . ,. ui'oui inn- ami I una spoiw.iiiir S. f" ,.. , ', ns may iu'l'ouml m oo--ai-v . a 11,-. ,J, t,'i i '- uiol a tii-m i-..l I ion in .No- i A?o-;''.l ;.m ami n mi'.-.' I 11--1 01 ;ia: I 1 " r.iihiiiville, t " liiist Itidge, ,CL''.-t, Hard, " Mi'liaivcy, . " Weslover, 'fl.arfieM, Clcurlield, Coi iuglou, Frcnchville, " Kartliaus, ' Curiviiivillo Curwensviilo, ? Decatur, I'liilipsburg, J " West Decatur, " Oseeolu Mills, I'Tjuson, Marron, l''"J. Little Toby, 'Ciraid, I.oronto'n Mills, .' " liaid inns, . 6nhon, Khawsvillo, l.rnhiiin, (irHliam'.nii, i (iuelich, Smith's Mills, " Madeira, Mlu-ton, Tyler, " I'l'imlield, Jordan, Ansniiville, ; Far, haus, Salt l.o k, i Ktinx, New Miilpcrl, Moll is, Kylerton n, t! " Morrisdale, i F. nn, I.iimber City.ji " (irilllipi.lll II IIS, . l'ike, Curueiisviile, " lllooiuingville, ' 11. -n, Kocktm, " V. 1 'I ar I. Jei ries, o .nui soc the New (Joodd at J. K. W A T SON'S, Marj'sville, Clearfield county. Tenna ('1IIKAP for CASH or exchanged for Timber J li iai ls, Saw. Dogs, or Shinglos. Dec. 10, Y.3. tf. JAS. U. WATSON. t ll. W. "sM ITU .t"7j ). . MI'.ltl HAM'S, nnd dealers In Dry fiooiD, ilroecries. Hardware, tjHeensware, und 'even thing usually kcyt by tho trade. Store on fl.'CoND Street, below Judge lcoiiard'n, oppo- lite the l're.'hyterian Church, Clearfield Fu. 1 Dec. 4, IS 01. ) JOSKl'II . .m'.muuiVay a x J i j;a l 1: it i s l cm n ;; 1: Ucw Washington, Clcailiohl County, Fit I July 1st lCPhVU' ra 4 It a ir h lb -oi ff rj IOi v i&Ti LIT Hi: USUI :Rli, CLKAltFIKf.D COUNTY, 1A. if ., . . ill' LL TAX HC11WEM, lUprirtor. -4 Mav 1, ISO.!. ly. CYKKNII'S HOWE. 3 Ii STICK (F THE l'EACK. ('I' tho t:.e i as ei i.i- t! patnzation. Wo do not rccommeml nn , imitation of this course iu this latter par- : particular, unless open notion and delih ciation Hhnll lio proven tod hy threateno-l or nclual violeneo which wc do not antici pate. An open ami manly declaration of our opinions is I, u msre cinsislent with Iho churiieler of Iho o' joeU wo arc seek ing to altuin. J.ct tho.so co'irt eotienalinenl who feel, conscious that their contemplated nets aro illegal those who aro plotting revolution and mischief, and conspiring against tho wolfairo of their country and its cherished institutions. We havo no designs which wc niod hoaitato to uvow boforo tha whole world. Our ohjeols are ulto-elhor anti revolutioniiry. Wo nro endotvoring to For Decatib Township: "''"l""0. ll'o "lovernmont wDie'i was "ill promptly attend lo nil businesi cnlruitod lo , 'D'c.uni'H to m by our fathers. W 0 op-1 tis care. I'. (I. Address, I'liilipsburg I'a. r"B 1 " I evolution or chnnpo in that VOli- : Aug. 21 t i61 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC ASSOC! .a nui,. We publi.-h .vinous HetDociatic Assoeialion, with laws enacted to L-oyern their proceedings. We hope their voice will b.3 heard in eve ry section of tho country, and carefully heeded by the Democracy. To save tho country from tho present distentions:, do vnsliitioris and carnage, it n tsenii i! that tho Democracy should bo successful jM the coming political cntni.aign. .Success will jo hoiiuless wiihi.nt. i !,.. ,, , (',. i ... j..inv.l MIIIU.1 of nil cchismalic elements, and without organized aclion. Wo but iciter.ito our repeated oxhorlalion, let tho Democrats bo it unit in sentiment and perfect in their drill of organization. U.-.i;nHJlhil Cn-, io!f I citti t t.Ai! i.itti:i:. ; W..-iiiNiiTo.v. May 'J:-!, 1 S 01. ''':' I bmiKT'itit! ami toimn:f'n'e Ci'.i:i:n '' the I 'u ',ul Mates : Sir: From tho enclosed copy of o'ir '. Articles of association you will poro.. jV( ; tho luitura of the etl'ul t w o aro endeavor ing to inaugui-ale. Your prompt and zealoui co-opfiation is eaniostly invit- Cil. Thero is no hope of success in tho ulti mate clject in vitw, except lliKnigh nn l-orlv lll.d lhoinilofl nt i"l nivn I ir.ii 'I'liiu should not only extend to Stales, cities, lv.'r'n 111 ""' V"''." 'uvt and counlies, but t-hould be ramilicd into '. Anv 11 l f eveiy township nnd villaire. and ru n. ns'"""M il l'''"mi"l voter far as. piactieable, into every school dis trict throughout tho country, if clubs or Associations of the nature contemplated are not already in exislanco nnd success ful operations in your State, and in all its organized sub-divisions we urge you to lose no timo in iiiding to effect tuch orga iiizaliom at once. Situated as wo are, in this political cenlre, wo shall bo able to yiel'l you valuahlo asMstanee, and shall lake pleasure in doing so as soon as you shall place yourselves in communiof iicn will) us lor that purpose. Any docu ments w ithin our lend) will be lot warded with promptness. To the extent of tlm mentis which we may find at our disposal we shall also dislributo gt atuitiously such information and documents as shall bo thought most useful. Thin inn bo niot ellectually done through the organiza tion above suggested. I'.y lurni.ihing us wait a copy ol your articles of association Iho names and post ollice iiddics of your ollicers, and by keeping us posted as to the number of your members and oth er matters which will tend lo show ( lie character nnd extent of your operation, we shall be able to get moro uiidei stand ingly und moro clliciently in conceit with you. i (Jur antagonists nro already in the field U'ltll tint, rilllv n t linrnt, r'ti l.nl i, c.,,.,.r n, .. - --n- - . - ' !. . 1 : . r it . Wo do not recommend an , ."'. . .. . r .' . "u 1 1 '"K" 11 1 "' for t! i'loniii'iod. I'.tithiiil I i '''''. i d to .lo rn ci'e.ilo.l, n l.ossibl,.. n a y elect ion, it is a to have cai.didales. tis iis:vl for the eh.mo. oiv, for tho lir-t t'.i.i, stion of coniitu!ioi)iii brought diicoliv boforo inoir son nn ci.n -.eji i i.ivo tlio army, pain lo uiMn Ips'-Iv end.. 't Iho ti.-mi- pl'i'lilllill'll'V umi'-ioii i i o it o.uit r,;o a tin ic Iruil- itno up.-!' :.'K.)n-!-'r i.. wa. . . ' th.it lo.r:... ,i, t'O-o'l.ei) my on 1 iiis was a s.ionii. C I'nt I had fur i . i . , ... ""i'i in i n am "ri'i.o. ma.io !h is saei .('co oiilv iA l. m . ....ii ii. . . v I. and lo leave not him. in il... liarging to mv ulmo't, nl.ilov Hip ta-k. you h i v e set for' nm, V :l!i I oi Ol SpoOC, way of d, : 1111 1 1 i in to .' e.i!-'i .1 mv ( for yeur oxm. imiiy i I'U'.itnm rights s.oojrod d liie laws of the d, an. extraor ustirped by the before tho peo tmt I lie prim i liovolntioii are tho pooj.l and vote. I'ho ordi unuor tm; '.oi.-titutinn oo.inti'y h ive, boon violali 1 dimuy powers have been i Kxeotiiive. It is directly plo now to say whether or pies e.-tabli.. hod by tho worth maintaining. If. ns we have been taught lo believe, llm-o lai'.uiti-os of Khrny, which made tho disliiictivo vahio and glory of our cuantry, are in truth inviohildy .-acred, then tliore must be a proto-t ngaintt the ai hittay iolatiun, uhicli had not (-Veil tho t-Ai .iso hi no,' '.-Hy. i , ; M.': i-lil 1 1 V t lli-O who foi oo I ! siiaillel ll i III Mi.m (.'h-.v.-hmd l iino-t and sincere s- ions of oonliiloiioe gar 1, and lor iho m my hmioralil in wiiioh you .'uvipmint, mo with linns oi me C omrnilteo, am, gentlemen, wry repectfullv and Hnrnk and ro il terms the no truly you is, -V. ' ' Jum foitv C. 1, !j. ki:mo r. GRANT AND McCLELLAN. I lie Abolition newst i- exulive (,'ommiiu- all I he-o several oi'ieei . are louaily perl'iiiiiod I y .'amo grade in -1 -ti.,:tp (-,-, may bo ri 'piii-o I of them I v tlO'l. I'. The rifores.'iid r.llioers s!: i lected at tho li:-t i e;:.! In r mo;;,-. A-sooiatom to ho huid j., (J,., j.mii:!, , April in each jcar. And whenever an vacancy shall occur or now oflioo bo en .. i ... t : . . i . ii i i ,ii. . n may i,o 1 1 : ; , 1 1 at any r ing there, illef, or at nny (if tho Societv, iit'ovido.i n re -.v. i jo.'U to li.'.o OO till h-iieo or a pr iii.M,!oi"lioi H1VI !l!i i:i. roil' -1, f , o t.i t-1, eoo.i.'t ). '.illy To- :-:k til,! ivinio ro soil w kit ', in l lo1 1 1 I, o at ii'i'l wo th( 10 i to choice l.oiw'cmi a '!( st a ;.',iiii-i wroiig i originated I ho I. w.i) aai hi- iis 11 '. i.l'l .'ll t ,, , ;,)- t 1 1 '.-:: t'.ioiu t i il' ' a'ur.itin I lio 1...-I l.luo,; i mei'3 Ihron-lii-int I the country nro cxhibiti,,- a o,0at d'.al of ,in.ieiy upon tj1(. alle-ed n jM.ii.i.,. ..volliy Dl'i.Veoll tho pO-!tlO!l of I'-mot-iai ..Hani, i,,-:, no l.'iilimon i, in imd that of Ooneial Mcl.-liun, i ' i uey soein io 00 verv cmol ' the former will bo cc , ..i. n ioio, iney rrmi very long ami looubli aruunieiits lo prove thai (Siioli is nt tho case. They knmv that "I'"" '"'l not, stait Pko MoT : :i".' woll aware that h, : -i. .a loir.i . iiat -IO.lt l,t( Dol. 1 -',;' much al raid that idered in following ,.i ti i.ci'. OS III y i r t u , wo h. : miii it ,'M, tho ".it i- Utltl'', Ii. hi t r n an t : i. 'i of on -. -i ''(ill m ,c-i liior, Ol i.i in State!' .1 OO lilV. United Si.itoi in anv of the or 1 oi rilorios imiv bo nrooos,.,! I'.ie nicmbor-aij, ir. this Aiicintion jit anv of its public meetings. If no olj.'otioii is made ho shall bo re-ar I 'd as havin-been eholed at once. Tut if objected to, Iho nomination shall lio over till tho next reg ular or special meeting, at which time a vole of three-fourths shall bo ni -oaiy io (led him. An initiation foe of -wo 'dol lars is necessary in all cases to complete! tho (publications for membership. I'ur-ro-pondiii- members and iicmoraiy mem bers may I e clcleJ at any general or sje cial hie'eting. I" The meeting:: ofthe Association shall bo pui lie, tinlo-s li.r special ici-ons ;i private meeting of tho members of Iho A-soc.ialiou shall he' deemed expedient. -r Hut no pei-on will he jiormiued to speak at any rncMing excep-t by special reipicst or by ini iiiimous cnn-oiit, unk.,.; ho i.s a member of the Association. VII. livery club or a-soeiniior in any poition of uur whole country, having the A a Adiiiiii i-t: :i t . oi di-iv,:: ioi'ii ; riiy (i i.v i ylnin I 1 1 O.'ll.S char, m i , i II' i .r c .ucl.ell.m iivoidod the iionin- 't Iho samo time, one them in ,o r.llV) ,;,. , I heir linolv si.no il......;,,.. i ti. it the I- at poison,:! i: -Oil.-, :;;el:., oi loiim-i.i of i ;.:ht i-pei i.-i; .'. In oa i. ill tm '1 o .vi, r ri ':, if .i a., ntr.-ti has boi.'ii ( 'i bed by a ,.i blent and want ol principle, which his mi-led Kin'op-an J'owei'.s, ainlihivtn diem to a belicl that only commei't.i.il inti ro-', and prr-,(,nal aims aro concerned, ami that no great p: ineiples are invoh ( d in tho issue. Tho aduiiiabltj conduct of tho t oi'le. to make every sacrilioo 0m- r. ortliioivs a loner il tranl to o.i is ivn :il W. it'll l,o le. '-'in tho lll'nt sit ii "tid. Wo know that tho mtlioi iii,. n'.on w, r",i'ix:. .io.ii'I not iollo.v tilt. . n - a. : ) ; yet ii mi's l o : ;.'' i.s e. icliy hko .Mel. I; ! ' 'g-i.t il.mk apprcachod iii", iin.i bis loft, .Now itriih 1. His supplies arc House, in Me.Lel.'an on the fo.vord of M . I "'rc of souse ,,! th . their bclligeioni i, u.n, vuppo-o thai all ( ,,,;,t tho martyrs s'l,!'-.'. 1 f . or nt the stakn. tv is il,. tit down free. Tin io nave t.iriro'.,.'!) tim m, .;, I oiu oi tsiei . i m y ;,. o il : Power !. em o ' ' ' d pn---i. I).-, i; I due ; and ( -t;;n:iii', 1 :n- i i o , . thill H'lille si, i v j novi : eon! i h:. e that too evi-'.C: . ,- h ed ati'l i:: imu. p, .co is :. im u t 1 1 oiu w!i,cii s ii !i lion ; .-ii i "L ., i ... gy i.o.-.i io. vtumt i ii ; in.. : : t turn i t tie.: l.f.mr. 1 1). Ill - y...j boiili u 't'. t-i el a.. Iiv.ii is .if. coni,"! l,ct-.-i..ii. Ti., ,. !M. b's", who ai o ntisloa i b( i!i, oowanlice of th to their cdueat tions of iho nn toey are ea.-uy iK.eiv. I !,v she iiegiiiiomont - . ; ti.e h ; there are others who cm p - j plea ol justiti'Mti m, ami ,. ., , Iheir own eicod.s to-day, wuU, their I'l-ol ol vpry of old did, r. o, peispcutions !i)a''rrs u.'d i" .i I'lieso last aro bigo; ;, I . nat:i"i c ition. They .t o genef iily o' - I'ti'pornoii as ;noy are ivion re! with all the world for not V acting witn them : And us an i.-ir t'l mg!i nfraight :a -ir Ai'peiir.s in w iI.t t i I,,. hear, .-') ti'.. i n rind nn 'i-rri'.'. I.:"., r :',', Viewed throiiiili t ! i I.i..-,, p. ,. ;, ..,! Such nro the optics o t t i, . ir i . i n . i , They erooke 1 ,.r .- trui-lit ! nw',- but we by no means wish (o (n. inn Lhurcli on ac 'ount of the wicl. Io..y ar.d insincciilv of many ti.inist'.'i' at its Hilars.. Wc a . I (CO., . r . ii. .j, t .ii oui ion, w i.o sar n l mirablc lot It i s : ' 71,,. (' ' e iir r I' i jii 'Ii, w 'iidill: .Kioiv ' Ii ' ( I .no -lie ami i.i-.ii lie n 'pre- -ii ' ' tho VI el . :o ol Kie.ii Apk fit; i"mo ! Voah lit '.11 I'll' s at Wa-.h-'lurid army pur-lied two inning of the 'linn's was. as Mobel- drawn Irom 's were. Jlis cers. th:it almost hi!i most mi-e ami li'.tlo corner o. Illllch diatlC.;t.il tho tempo.-.! with 1.0 It an 1 it. in. M : eh i.i'., on, i by the iil."- i".(s 1 pi, in t iiv -tiir; imd'v readitie- tl. tu i their niiiudcd ol silence, un thin- that ny iii-ts of hoi t, l cmlerod fi uitl to sneak moro ends for n hieli Tiiis iiican.icity ) rod:;i cd sue!) i, I'o'.ver.s, 'ind lo victioii that tht t! ill- f. 1 1, 'Oil - i. ei do i Mi inio and n of i v. ry- 1, llo il' lll.l- td fill's da Whito iiosi o.ncers v.ero Skd.-Han's bet oli i no e iiioicaiiominy h Ueloro him to bo cio--cd, in it was before Mebcllan. lie is surrounded by sw imps, as Mehcdlan was, and will hao to le id :o them .is Mei.(.!hm ili'l. Ilo sees boloro h inenso hill i that Mcbol Irom liottoiu to ton with prii'l'nivi-,r!.-J 'I'l I road; h- h followin- were siirvnvpil 1 Shockit'j Calumily in Ncilii A. ). ..i .;, :-. M.r T,th.i four ,. ternoon, on tho an ival station I'i run Newb. rn, nttended Iho r.itnoval fro.n tho cars to tho forty O'.'it folders and negroes into eternity in a:j iuslant, win -l.i.o . ( ; ' h ek ye.,:. , of l ho ' ram : le i ible c.; Ol t!f (or Ma " t !: id doo- r.ii m tho same im-i twenty and Imi ty persons, i;h it o Ian saw, terraced , black, wei e wounded in a manner tV t.i ai.il mci i i t .-, w :s l.y the iucap.ii ity, or, exactly, by tho per-.jnd tim war was in m i . col .-obi-oi,e-s iii.liirall o-ults as led tho Ka Me boll t.Va-; tioo Li lian. i'l) I (lis I and Mis is maps were drawn bv Mo- .lgmoors. JIc Lei inn's Signal overcd tin enomv'.s foi'liti-a-lei't on roe.ird full aeoounls of i iin illy enough, to tho o m Norlh, with ils -re:,',!,' .'iiperior popu cos, ami its cr i !, lation, its lmiiicii o ie dit, will never hj a' sour lo to recover Uio South, sytnpatliies wuie;i should Lave 1. -on with us !i,iiii tiio ic't -et ol the war were lurno.l e.-aiml ur, and in Ibis way the Administration ha-, done the ''1', samo object in v:e'.v, whativer may ie me mini oi us organization in other re spects, may bucomo an aliiiiiitel soeie'y, and will bo entillt'd to such do, unionts as il shall ho in I he compass (); our means to furnish: and its presiding co'licer for tho limo buing fliall beconio e. . , a corres ponding member of this association. ;i t association shall to liekl on tho lir.-t and third Monday of (Very month; but ad journed meetings may bo I. eld at any limp, and special meetings may be called by the I're.-ident, by a notice piublibcd in the Conx'i'ititna! (',,'oi newsj'ajicr. At any regular or special meeting a ijuorum of not loss than lift eon members shall bo Decenary to transact business. IX. These articles tiny bo amended by a Iwo-third vote at any general or special meeting; nut n at a special meeting. throe duvs previous nntieo of an lnten lion lo piopose. such a change must bo published in the new spa per uTorcbaid. Try-laws may be made, changed, or abro gated, at nny meeting, either general or spocial. Aifectivi; I.vt mtxr. A soldier ofthe c '.tin try a do led ho'otility among tiio-i-friends if t!i j could have I the same t;.m mal'ln- tl Again -t tiii-i '1 fail's tho i.'ic.x!., te-t. The prim ip!o it-- Jdattorm l.-.ve dial appiv-b.it im. ly concur in all t! wmng ;,t I.. Who WO'lhl lel'.l ill',' IP i -en boiler 1. i il !;..;,., a.., blolld. Itliei -t. indifb 1'i'iii'o have bti i) ils :i::l:: O.'S no 1 i:i -uj on! llioir position and sren-th. iMob-Han's faiginoer (,'oips built tho road) aoro-s the swamp. From ono side to tho other cl his lino, ( ir.int will adv.iticelotvir 1 Kichmnnd, ii Mcl.eiiau did, anil will throughout bo bone lit ted by Me.'. dim's expcrionooi. ticneral (ir.mt is a brave soldier. Above the mean and potty j.-.iiousios (hat tlisfig uto tho men at Washington and their pen sioned fivcri'.iv, ho will cook that path uhie.'.i, in his ju pp.i-nt, loads to suoooss, without sioppinj; to iaip.iii-j who took it bfforo; and tho b wo attempt now making l.y tho Abolition pre s to injure the fame ol General McLnlhin. will nowhere find more contemptuous disregard than in tho news from m enu oi Lei. ei iii Grant. 'c! . i. A ltd to boil Tho l rain which lep. K-woorl m o'clock in the afternoon, be 'u-Jii outposts the remaining fouro; ..: " : i . I . r . . . . i ioi peiioes, in mon irons wei poi iions, mtPinjoii t c unpY;.-. t,'i(.. t ,1 an, 1 t :-. u : i" tl o lour n a : 1 V .1- .Me, -t' (.1 i 1 ('.liven: jIj w as a. n-hloh f,rm lh. mv limp) iii!:.'' but 1 . .ioir.it r'.l.-,ll.0S IV ba-i i .".ml e o; l t'lleVl) doit pronei ty of :irf.-you r.i'i-e i 11 ), I d ) propose- 1 do no! lion extended to tl els, is piaeticable, and, it it were not think it a measure of sound poll It is a question belonging to the p themsc ivcs to Ueenie, and is i proper oc casion fur tho exercise of their original and (sovereign authority. As a war meas ure, in tho beginning of a icvoll, which might bo nut Hod 1 v prompt t verity, I ' under.-tatitl the policy of otdisc ition ; but not a a Iinal measuio ol reconstruction after tl.o suppression of an insurrec tion. ' Who 1 k-;i:i Di : viov. (n (he 1-1 of Kcbruary, I. .'.', .Jo i. II m i:, of New llamii-liire, piv-entod in tho I'.S. Senate, I two petitions, pravin-"I hat some jdan ! hli.'ht bo developed for iho de-solution of '.lie A ni"t io'U) I'ui )ii." I "pon a vri'.o be ing tak'-:i, Iho t etitions v.ero n ; -tted by ' the entire Somit'e, ex-eoi.t .buiN I. II u.:", of N. ll.. Wm. II. Sr.w v.::-, of X. V., ami s.w.von 1'. ('u.im:, ofdiiio. who voted i'i 'o-V'r -,. llveiy ineail.er from the Smih voted apuins't thorn. Two members (,f ( Lincoln's Cabinet, nnd hii Io.vliiif" fi ieiois in tho lcioilc nt the preient liir.cwcie then for d.stmion--jo -t :.s the mine. "Inv. ali.ts" are now. (hi the pi eentaiitn i f ado of i ho Xoiiso K.'. -i Ivinston. I lie I i-d cl i!o: loaching tho elation p!n accidental blow, fiom ing I'pon tho c..p, t'.vplo.b i no. concussion wii-, so great I oat I ' cr tin co lollowcil oil tho cvpl'.-ion t- ,. lirst, and so .piiei; :m i-j make one mighty report, l,ko tiio cruh ol a thou and preecs ol :i t.i lory, filed siinullanootisly. 'lie di'iciler was onoof tlio mo: t appalling :u 1 heart-rending that has happened in t! country in a terics of j ear. Soldi , vlioso gallantry lias been displayed ,- , liattlo-lieKl-', and whoso ea-eit.cs, i, . . -. Kir tr-.iy.) camra. ir-:ni: had brought them cl'.e around tho station, werchni '"l, a id torn, into eternity in n in,,' :. iM ii i bodits arid li'iibi i :s o . r a 'jiiai ter of c c i:niiy f t! 'I a Mile, and in m.n v ; stances it, was found impi .siblo (o r, ni. o Ihe remains of unfortunate vi ; 'i;.o signal tower rind a eotiK-'ii '. . ' ' in;:, twenty foot l.'y(igl,ty feet. l:ii!t , 1 ". w-ro thrown into iho nir a d! Uiw it, hun'lrp'l loot, an 1 sti'.-,v r a great (1 t nr-r-o in tuv ta-tnent . (" r. X. V .'. ,., ikt -.L( It Miiam ?- l'm..' Xu V,',i-diine'!(n I'r.i:iior orgm sav nave slit. ieioiil .-lulhorPy tor sayinp (ha an announcement will soon bo ri:e" o ' '., it 'W the petitions, the laiiiente.l Wru'TMi said sl:'1' means ol conoeiilraling mo (':. o that if the Senator (.'.Vering the petitions. vnto "I a ' indkl.ito for i'ri:jidon::y. -.r. wa on (rialfor treiist.n, ami ho had a voice, ; under nuuj'irei to command pub!, so help him God ho would voto lo convi. i confidence, thai nil doubts ( spennn j tho certain deleat which awaits (he a: - - tempt lo perpetrate the present week rri' Ihe outrago upon . unsuccessful Adiiiit.iati-atiot) v:.v: bs ih.- him. r.airr t 1'oinieh.- ln tho adjustment- which are lo follow : tho .New York impels has been condemn- mi-cod " p"aco. i:oconsidei ai:onsoi'vcnse,.ncecan ed by nearly all tho respeelablo organs of: Tide, riming fiom a Kepnbliean rrran. consistenlly bo admitted. Lincoln, but we have not seen the wholo1 is somewhat aUoni-hin". It a Dotnoerat ihpoijoctoi the wai is io ma.s o. pp m a- ntoty so wo'.l ami briefly told by any ono as ic sheet used such langu igoil would I - crated system except such as may bo cf- 'w foctcd in tuat nenotful method nninled ib Ninth regiment, .Miissachusotts volunteers, nently securo the peace and happitie-s of l y tho Albany iS'aj' m ... ... t... r ii- trui'iv . . . I ... .w.. v, ,i'.t,,v ,.:;,:; v:v-"r" ,",e K' .ul ..,nsl.u monl on wh.ou that, as he i,u I ' S .Y;r T.. nV. KhinX rMarill ' ,,0.v 1 nn,0,,.i. " Mn- u prun Into had found r--- w - . pv i ennn llirnmrli ii.a .e (tkiulieid bruL'P 1'. 0.,) Cleurheld oountv. I'a 'us. .tIcMiill.il. JiliALKRS IN :I'ry (Joodrs, Grodi-ii' Fjtinibor, ic, ,1.:..' . ri . . ... Aug. IV, 1SD3. i '"t"esi, omcr ui iiuuiiin intciiipenoo and - - fiiiniui uo iiiipruvrti or even preserved by Matt. r'' turning loose tho brutal paisions of men cr by an appeal to their selfish animal in- nun, an able r.enuLli- called .lisloviil. am! its author nribab can rnper, which saya: I consigned to soino Govern mcul l-nstilo. "Whatearthly object (except lo show ' , ,Lr .. the boasted ,'f,ivcr r ;-Ir. reward's ulc 1 , f'J'rl' W 'i"l"l U?' J ' bo'll hid ibn r,Vs,nm . I'otton crop of tin South in 1-S0 iva . tho .New luik daiuej Unit wero imposed i ..,,, nlit .,; n,r, n t - - - ' J mv i4flui I'l lillll.UIUII, Ht( limy cxpl.iined '! There is absolutely i has also befn iiotr.a additions, but ninen no . . , r ...i . - . . ' l I I' I - nil- 1,1 , " ,11,1, I'M. II, 1SC2, flll.tAM A. WALLAff iJuinKKlo, l a JOflN (j. II.M.I WAMaAinJEJ IE! ALL, AttornoygjuLaw. CLICAKV IELl), I'A. is loiiiiii en tho h.iltle-lield o the il- Ihe whom country, unit there wu3 but a peaceful method pointed derness, mortally wounded and dying single element m Iho way of ils atlain- iimoitod by his comrado who ment. 1 his elemont of slavery may bo io n lift loolc f'eoni lii.i bnsAin ii eonsidorod r.riietiojillv delrovptl ill fb.e emUeneo through tho exercisn i,f thn ..tl i, rn ni.u.l al it fc.ti,..l,,ltr,ilfM.ll,il,.,,i,l o.st, nlev nml il nt.t.lj nnti' I'ltnr nrnenin., and died oi knowing hu uamo his nnicnument to Hie, Constitution lo make comrade took the picture (it was a carle- its extinction complete. do-vinte) Irom the dead mans h hand, nml l ith this extinction ol slavery, the par- s.doty for anybody, if tho authorities may soot it to the photographer whoso imprint ty divisions created by it'havcalso di- ap- with impunity ai i est without causo and ws on tho b.iok, with account of tho cir- pearn L And if, ir. tho hlctojy of the puni h without trial. It may all appear OUinslaneos jiml n ronoesf. 1 1 1 ,i t. i I. rn i , ' 1 1 1 isountrv. t llCl ti has ever been n f ono u I,, ,, . , i, ,1 l.. : . . i ,.r ,,.,(l.tn If ii, ,t op . , , , - , , - , v ... . - - - " . ... le.i.iui ill ll.'J " j - . - v. .3 . 1 ll i.nr thn tiidsiid nl law nnrl nrilee t .n 1 r - ... ..... . . t. . a ... l .:.e... . , . - . . . ... . . , i-i , . .. . ,.:,' "u ,Aru,co tor recogniuon. 11 was seeu uio aua-i -an peepie, iMuioui lcgarii to san-uiiio l..ou. but tlio ui:ioniy must r'U i ... n,,.,, ,', , , goou government, oi consiiiutionai Jiuor- tho day or itg arrival by two young ladies ono or another of the political divisions, u sto, to ti)K tvianny. m there i.s mien! ,w,v,u """" ""' ",; ' 1 ly, unit ol the oiu L nion, It) rally around walking on the Kreet. and rec.ogni.ed by woro called upon (olemi.ly lo givo their to our j.ysli m of Governmcnl." us. know lhat in thin course wo enn-: thoni us that of tho dpd .oldmr's n ifa. ' vciea in a matter w hich involved tho K ii,,. ....... it u a..iurtd'v tl.o L V Konio is almost as bad acdv a.; ..ew Vi, its leti"th to !., To;-!. Iho liUii-k-i- .(V.M-i- b.i (' -. be.'. ' 1 on '.'. ind I. '(. f. I , slincU. Here then let us take our stand und call not be id the wrong, and wo shall not call i rho ol jior'a ntuo was William l'sacliy, I ty of tuo United PtaUr, in vain, ropularinaducec, howevrheiCo of MaiblcUcaJ. I vreient time. ,.,D0i i.Odd orhale told, it is worth 'iliti per bale ntprosens piieeq, or twenty five-hundred millioni if dollors! If t!io war wero to end to-dar the . South would he comraral ivtlv i it h. t-j7It i ploposod to build a smpcn'-iOM bii l-n to connect Yew York- and Lnio- r.'ir tlio.i' ir I '.'1