:) ! i V WHEAT EXCITEMENT in OLKS HOrE NEW STORE AND milK vii-U-rijcl. living removed his store I to tt new building opposite 11,0 , nl"n House, en I'ine street, tiU-u Hope, Clearfield co. l'tt., is now olTcring to tho public Till: LAEdEST AND H ELECTED STOCK OF coops j: Villi oiiTJiKh to run rrnLic at this place; ALL OF WHICH WILL PL SOLD AT V1UCF.S TO SUIT THE TIMES. His stock lias been scleotcd vi'lt particular regard to tUo wants of the ionjlo, and embracer DKY GOODS, ( rrio.vs, IfAliDWAKI', (.illnswaki:, hats and cats, IXK.iTS AND SIKHIS, 8T0NK-WAU 11, WILLOW-WAKE, KLAIA' MADL CLoTTI INC, (iKOCKRlLS, MAKTH F.N WALK, OILS AND TAINTS, Fl.'oUIt AND IJACN, fiLAS.S AND NAILS, I'H, SALT, ETC. OF EVERY .SIZE AMJ 1'ATTEllX; Together with all othor articles necessary to eoinploto tho asssortmonl of it first class eouutry etoro. AU kinds of Ll'MRRR and Country I'ro duco takon in exchange fur goods, ut tho high est market prico. As lio is receiving new supplies of goods weekly from Baltimore, Now York, l'hiladelphia fiiii Iittfb7g, tho public can seo nt oaeo that lie will always bo prepared t-i supply any article in 1'iu market. JOHN RORSOX. ;lea lln; I) a.-. 23, i.-r.n. MEItKELI. & 111(1 LEtt Have just opened a largo and splendid usnortmont of New Goods At their old stand in Clearfield. flHKY have the best n-sorlmcnt of llimbvnro i J iluit linn ever been brought to this county, which they will sell nt (lis timet ronxoimbUi prl eo nmorg which w ill to found a splendid lot i f I ' CU T T L K 11 V, ' To which they invite the special attention or tho , public, cmbiiicing heavy Silver -plated Forks, ' pooua and lluttt r knives ol tho best iiiaiiiifae- A lot or PMoM r the pattern, nnd other Cro aims. AU rcncnil assortment . f pistol ' rnrtridges-ull of which will bo told at rcasona Ible prices. . I 'i hey continue to mnnifictiire nil kinds of Tin-ware, llruss Kettle?, Stovc- I Pipe, etc., which cannot he surpassed in tlis sec tion of the State. They also have on bund PlttsburH Plow, ' among which are Steel Centre Lever l'lows. Also, , Plow Caning', und many other Agricultural Im Iptcmonts, 111 Cook Stoves, Tartar and Coal I Stove n gencrul tihortinont, and or the best pat tern, UT Fiilo nt reasonable prieej. : Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp?, ' PaintP, Oils and Yarnie.', a genernl iii?ortui(iit. , (i1s., putty, Nails Iron nndli.ting-' ol great ' variety ; iii fact til most every thing wanted by I tho public can be found in llieir c.tabluhuient, 'and at prices that cannot bo beat. i Now is the time to purchase, I If you desire any thing in llieir lino of bisines. !Uivethc:n a call and iuuino their Mock, and 1 they feel assured that you enn be nccominodated. I Kemcnilicr, their estnblifhiuent is on Seconil '?tret. Clearfield, Pa. where you can buy goods to the very be.-t advantage. T(r Old Mlver. copper, brn.-J, pewter niol old I eniiinps will bo taken in ex. linnge lor pHid. i May 20, K-t',;i. MKUUKLL, A lllijl.LI'.. GREAT ATTRACTION ! i i Not Defeated! j Trrnsurer'i Snle of Seated Lands for ' ! Taxes for 1863, and previous years. IN PURSUANCE of tlio provisions of tin Act of Assembly, passed the i'flth Jay of April( A. 1)., 1S I I, to provide for tho collection of taxos on , lands whereon no personal properly can b found nnd whero tho owner neglects or refuses to pay tho taxes assessed, I will oxposo to rale nt tho ('oininisfioner's ollico, in tlenrlleld, on tho second I .Monday In June next, (being tho ):ith day of tho , mi lilh,) the fu'lowing pieces of land in Clearfield county, fur the taxes remaining duo und unpaid thereon : lAar. T,nn,hlv. TVr. , 1 IJ4 'S2i lIobFon .1 Albert Jlcecaria. J'.'tl 11 j ;;:t Miller's estate, Jus. I loom, 4 i 40 limy, Joseph I'.iailforJ 1 .Wit 100 Maines, Juiues A. ilu !l '' ; -23 02 Dlliogci's cctnto, llndy. 13 M ; iO (ielnet. Jacob do II 01 H;, House A lot Lewis, Win. ilu .'i !!S j 1(10 llollis, I: uv ill llunifido ' 0-1 I ojg Hill liottler, Jiiines Hurnsido "' j ill Wallace, John Chest, T n I .Ml Records, John 1 or). us in, V.'; I2S Mead, James A. (loshon, U Hfl i 10 Mctiu re, Jainea (iralinm, H " I 4'.i Stone, Thomas (irahaiu, 0 1S;,(i,o Ml l'urkin, tleorgo Knrthaus, 2 SS 'Ifiin (it) Senate's estate, (ioo. Knox, 7 i ','..',,'. 83 Wilis, John Morris, 4 T j ;i0 Roles, Price A. H'oudnurd, 1 I Si) U'ilson, Isiiuo do 7 2" I I 100 Stolt, Mark do 4 Treasuci'i-'s office, CIimi lieM, A pi, 0, '(' I. Treasurer's Sale of Unseated lands in Clearfield county for Taxes for the years 1862 and 1863. VtOTK'K IS 11 Kit K UN (iiVKN. That, In pur. niiiiiee of ii n Act of Assembly, pancd the 12th d-iv of June, A. 1)., !!', oulitled, "An Act to amend nn act directing tho mode of selling fnsented l.nnds for taxes," there will b exposed to Public Sale, or outcry, at tho court hoin,e, in I tho borough oT Clearfield, on llio Peeoml Momlny of June, A. I)., I Slit, 'lie following tracts ol In-, seated Land in Clearfield county, for the tuxes i duothcrom fr the years lSt)2 and iMi.l, and! previous years j rilll". subscriber having returned from the cily I 1 is jot now opening up one of the Largest i and mo':t carefully selected As.-ortmeiits of FALLS; WINTER GOODS ; ever offered to the good peop!o i f Cnrivensville mid its vicinity, and which he will sell at lower 1 rates thau any house in the county. ! CLOTHINCi AT KKDl'CKD rRICI Fugnr from Rest Syrup And ull other groce: 12 to la cents per lb. al h7 cents per gal. at J.auo rat1.'.-. IlJootp, Shoes and .lioc Findings ;ofallkinds,C7'M CUEM. ! l.adios who wish to inako a pond investment 1 si; s!lJ call and examine tho a.-.-oituu-nt of where they will find the very latest, be trust fashionable patterns of I'KLNCH MKKINOS, DKI.A I NS, S ! ALPACAS, 1'LAIDS, A.-. .-rRye, Oats, Com, Fish, JVi Ac, ,fc. sold at tho lowest prices for cash, t exchanged Cor Country produce. .1. D. TII"M!'SoV. Curwensville, September, 2.1, lSCi. I"'); SALT, 11 Y C. D. WATm'N. i r.i.Mii.v r, coi-on. i !2t 70 :',;e.t 2.'. I K.i 12(5 1C2 410 210 2i no 40 10 112 10 40 S nt .1. W I .VI Ul IV! i:,3 It IlU.cl; j j we g i ,v, ,TV. ion P J ::r,n alio ',(10 1311 land 71 SO I.KS, lf-2 lift f,1 'Hi. 215 73 :i::o :".ir. 12.'. 32.S Ij3 i j42'-. . A .-f.V' sY n . ;!;::::' .s .... 1 Kf? :;,, 42,7 7 120 '.V t lt.,.lir:r,,'rl UiZ- -A Vini.t. ':).,fu ir,i us .f iwtSV . )'....c. I iuo v ! 4 1, 2f.i UMr,TlILN; SCBSTAMIAI- IN JA'MHKK CITY! JOHN M. SPENCER, II AS recently orenrd a Shop in Lumber City, where ho is new prepared to manufacture, li-irlc li'uf. I I.ijht ", 1 Vlih h lilw; j I'lanJ iron I Il.rk W'oir'l, ' 1,'j ht Hi'vti i't I Sinijf llmni, j Dark nih, l.!vkt Umb, j It'trk frrrt nt i Li'jhl (in n, For dyiim' .S'iik, Woolon aid Mixed ;,,ds tbiiwls, Scarfs, Urosses, Ribbons, ttb.ves, .i.nnets, tVat, Keathers, Kid tilovos, Chiblreu's Clothing, and all kinds 1 ( f Wi-nring Apparel, if e., .f c. SnrASAVIMi OK W VlAl C'LNT.-tHa ' l'or 2.' cents you an color as many goods us iwouIdutbcrwisuco.it Q o times that amount Various s nudes can bo produced from (he same I'ye. Tho process is simple, and any ouo can us' tho I've with vorfoif success. ! Directions in English, Trench and German,1 ! insido of each package. I Tor further information in I'yeing, and giving , a perfect kuowlcdge of what colors ura best ad-1 . apted to dye over others, (with many valuable recif os), jiuruliaso Howo i Stevens' Trentiso on ; Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt ( of price 10 cents. Mnnufatured by : . howe .fc sn;vi:.', 2fi0, llroadway, lloslon. : For sab: by Druggists and Ucalcrj gcuerully. j September 23d, 1503. ! NEW FIRM. ! 1IAKTSW1CK & I1U5STO.N I i ifi' ,ri'i 1 0 501? if. 18 1 1 '.i i or in 67(!(5 1000 42.fl 1000 H'ctnwif.Yi 'i.'i'f (lii ht n. l!,r:iiji l lmrifhi Wm. A. Wul luce Jacob Mc4crsiiiitli, Sural, llillington, tii0. I'. Moig:ill '.'o, John Mailcs. John Wilmer Henry inner William Wilson Herman Witmcr Jacob Mu: sei'iuiili Tliotllin Weslon Richard Musser tif "i'itn, I 'ickt'V A. Co. Ji.hn Vr.idy Win. lltady V.. R'.aiu Stniili or I . McKcoolien Win. (iray l.'ul.iTt Cowcn. John l oidocv . A .'" ShofV. I!ro u A 1 ul tun Mill l'.yci ,1a ' .b Km.' ((room, I.igbtiicr A C". Orooin, Ii,ckc .v t'o. L. W. Weld Samuel Matthews (Jii: .t Uratlon. John Kul.md IliTlnali Hatil'l i Co. Jacob Krig .11, II .,itS"ll l;..l.cil Wilson Martin I'oul Jacob l'outz, ,ir. (ieorgc Musser li. I,. Hee l &. C.j. William Miller d h lfis7il. Jacob Heill.ru:i. Henry Reek Frcilerifk Wingert. Henry Heck Henty Rock I oivU Smith. Henry Reek ulm V. Hint. John Nicholson James Metilne Artlme lli'll. llenjiiiuin (iibl.4 l'raiopioi) Rell Ira A, S.ibitH I utiisa Miicblry. 1 li.-nry lleik Homy fiiul'C. loo Henry R."'-k Ili'iny Wise. .",0 Henry Rcrk Wm. H. Ulonn. Henry Rock rs si i 12 81 ', $10 2 '.12 7S 12 7S id 72 3S 30 2',l 20 31 41 r.3 i;. .".2 i.i 4.1 21 I, fill fli 100 7i 10 21 SO 139 ;.o I2i :.'. ''' '"j IS'.ej lo J- j lvy, 22 13 W2 22 1l 4.'i S'.'j ,,0 Sj :';;l'7 85 40 75 225 100 i .',7. 1"2 303 :.o 070 33. 100 AM 25 370 t-0 100 III 330 70 1M III 2 (id 424 O0 003 7 0 i:.o i'i'. 1 20 3 1 i.i 317 410 42. .110 111 1 j0 433 433 433 mo I 10 250 22 lull 213 .111 100 313 433 33.1 3 OS 05 I Hi A7H S'.iO r-s-il i!5 Wm.Oranam, jr. John Graham Moiea Rflgg'i hoira John W. Turner. Win. Ringhatu John CorvUvr. Janici Duncan Nolieminli Muint.i Thomas Holt llrmli loifitsliip. (i. & C. Iluil.-y. 34 Roberts A Fox F. Hi-nto'ti pkIiiio. David Kennedy. PmiiiiicI Ambioro Miloa A' You no., Jonathnn R. bmitli John Diinlap J. Fiecland. Cnper .Stiver Smith Jliothrr, Christian Lower (!. A. Weaver ( litislinn Lower ... M. Miller's heirs JUiinsiJr imriifi ji, John l'lilcliin. John Nicholson John Mailer Abraham Whinner Casper Shallot-, jr. Daniel Witnn r John Hubley Matthias Young Win. RiiiiMiiau .Mary Roberts John Trcsslrr John Ciiminings Martin M.iilur John Rurch Mary Jenkins John Trcssler Ctsper Shuller Jnnios (lallaghtr. Mary Crawford LbiMi. McMastci's. Tied. Khhn Shopluy l'li.vstlv. Christian Stnrko Jacob Rowland Vnsl townsC'p. II. S. lt inker's estate. 153 Alexander Hunter lUviil JIiKcfolitl). 1'etcr llorso Di'inkrr A (Talk. 153 William Cook t ifil. lis, Marsh . Co. 153 John Musser James Thompson. 31 Henry l'olo Fulton Miller A Christ i 11 David Cathcart John Tiger. Julil) I'.Ucliitl. 153 Ilcnj. Young, 153 John Roy, I 153 Jo.-iu II. lines 15,1 Thomas llainilinn 153 Murtin Worth ingtou .53 Win, Wilson John Witinan 30 James Pago CVl't'nfol tun 'ill hip. F.ciLm ilka Kurthaun. Mori is A Stewart 4 4 76 3 41 7A!S290 iii 6291 1100 C 95 12 M A (1. 80 5325 200 1915 j 303 1923 3F3 1922 152 ' 11 11 T. 11. Forcer. Ueorgo Mead Thoinns Ornhaui. Morris A Stowart Mftthow Forcpp. Morris A Stewart Kol.ft t Slewnft. Morris A Stewart 11 25 40 IIS A A I co :,3 30 AS f. 23 j 02 01 1 4 as; cs 01 1 II 70 A32I 1213 A32H .100 A327 1113 A321I II Oil A330 1100 1-21 ill i'lge Mel roll k Thompson. f7 tleorgo Mead 120 IS .'IS: 20 07 SI 74 1 II 1 33 21 20 0; I 47 78, 77 !'l IS 3S ! 70 :;i ' 37 27 13 07 27 AO ; IS 51 1 A3 S2 i 30 .",0 0.1 73, Lii'liard Slmw. I l'.Ul 100 Morris A Stewart (iialiam Iwiifiip. U C. J. A Upon, 14j T. Copo Mcnzii's, Vilo it Mnlhers." H 3 Jaiiipa Milligan Samuel Lansbeiy. In'.) (icorge Mooro H. Clmnce. 50 John Fry, jr. Hippie, French it C'o. ."S2 Joseph Simons J. 1'. Nelson t- Co. LV.i Ii'euben Haines 12 1 7 Jaeol Ki'ig .V.li'i tieoroo Wei.el 3 1M Joseph Harrison Jo.iPfh Winnrv. UK) Charles Hull l.';i Tliomns luntan I'. Ogilon. W. 11. West I' HI r,6 125 00 21 83 29 13 47 89 23 2fi f,S 75 68 T5 CS 75 CS 75 US 75 C 25 H 51 10 88 17 22 IS 20 1 '.i'.i; 50 10 : 2:1 I'.r 2:; ' cc. 1.1; 5 Kl; Li ;! 25 05 j 10 v, : CI. D. Morgan L Co.. or P t 170 141 Patrick n r: Munn. A1 am Mover S33 153 Robert lift ' t'J.iiuir7 170 4.1S 110 roricr&:;7"an )ni.,StPWft.'t P'g & lilatu-hnr,! ''i Josen'i Ti. HO 103 ,l06e, o 1 , , "'tier, - Joseph TU1R,' J. T. NeU,,,, ltc(;o, James Viis0 I''ort Moni, m. Morris losg,si,oit ,t Co M Stniih J Lingle. latnes.Stniti, li.tbert Tliotua,, ' linker Cer,r;;n (iars lame, Hughes Co. I yman Oral K. M.SImv (.'o, sinion (iratz 'ieoigc Crawfni-,1 Hillarv Raker' ,. I'aac Fiirlow. Ieiks A Co. Jesse Y ainell 10 a ai 110 12.'5 ln5 lno HO 107 241 c::i 125 112' 1 0 loo 121 10 V, 41;; 41 5 1 9 39 SJ 1 0:1 HO 5oo 400 "n litu-n.il, Llijah Ilemj, Tutrick Ihf Reed s Ii oit a .01 70 20 01 12 22 10 .Mi I 3 ! I Z'J 71'.' I :;s 1 1 f.i 07 1 21 15 ! 12 3f. ; 40 C.2 I C7 A SI ! 17 ! , VJ 03 ALL KINDS OK TLX. SHEET IKON, if- COPTER- WARE. A 'tut. MAKKKT Start CLVARVIVAA) l'A. KEEP coiiit.wtbi "y "' ' awl dl'il Ki ll nrhrtnl Ltimberinen r;iu bo supplied with RATTIN'Ci f-TOVES of which ho intends keeping a supply. Orders fcr spouting, roofing, Ac, respectfully solicited. Repairing promptly attoudod to. As ho intends keeping nono but tho best or work men, tho pcoplo may rely on substantial work. Storekeepers and dealers supplied at reasonable rates. Call at tho i'ulsdiiiirot Tin Sh 71 nnd see for j-oursolves. JOHX M. 15 RENTER. March 2, lS61-tf. CMALL FAHM Full SALE. The subcribor oD'ers to sell on theino.t roasona blo torms his FARM, consisting of HE Aoiras ffLsimil, situato in Piko township, on the Ridgo road, -bout 3 mile from Curwensville, and about 8 mile from Clearfield. The improvements are a l'rnmo Flunk House and Stable, and about 5 or 8 acres cleared. trFur fitrtbor particulars, in nuiro of the lubscribor on tho promises. March SO, tf. JOHN MORGAN. on land a lirjc PIlEOSuml CHEMICALS PALM'S OILS AM) VAKN1SIE rLRFLMERV A To i LET AKTICLLS. J CLANKS', ROOKS AND STATIONARY. TOIJACCO&SEGARS. j And a general assortment of VAKI-' ATIKS ami Fancy AKTICJsKS. Wo respectfully invito it call, feeling eonfl-j dent that wo can supply tho wants of all, oa terms to their satisfaction. t H ARTS WICK A HUSTON. ! Clearfield April 27th 1S03. if 1 MOUNT VERNON HOUSE. Second Street, above Arch, PIULADKLrillA. Wool and Flax Spinning Wheels, WARRANTED, Manufactured nnd kept on bands by the undorsigned, who invites tho naonln of ClonrGold count v to embrace tho ot.nor- tunity now offorod to lecuro one of thoso uperior t price will be pid by, Machines. Thoy will be aold cheap tn not rrund. Call at the Old Mon in Corwensvillo, MM. ?. CHAMBERS. May ,1 80.1 y 1TAPLE Dry A. r. IlLAIll, Proprietor. (Late of the "Surf Houso," Atlantic Cily.) Sept. 23, 1863-1 y. Wool Wool. t( nnn ,,oui,'f wooLwuied- f -n t Wbich lh9 hi,lest market J. 1. KRATZV.Ii ClearAold, May 13, 1863. Iloqg township, Wm. A. Walla.. j Joseph Rail, Jump? 1 lixon, jr. John Thomas LutiuToo A 'I'm ta r. .'hn Thomas A. A Winpi::iriier A ' "o. 1 ui. MoCerinii k Niiney R"gfs "1 .ins, Ulako A Farley. II Malcomb MeLo-ju!d l I John Ri era 1 ishtr A. I'owell. 10 Rorbti.1 Snyd. r W. Albert A: brother. 'Joorgc JI"oltuan li. W . dtaih.irt. Waller Mew.trl. John Mmlley, It'jtmiih Pteratt Wm. Wil.."u Jaraes Williams. 1'aeker A lclia.u 'I'ljoii. liet'is. Joinu Stelnhripi-r John Kephnrl Jas. A David ?.vt Waple. William Morris Fisher X Mill. Rarbara Pnyder John 1'atton. Rlair M' Lannluin Tlioiuas L Monro ?i Mary Mmrij Win. H. Jones. baile.' "run lord II. S. Crmn. 7 11. P. Drinker 'nlv in A. L. Shaiv. '7 J"bn E. Fhaw !'")in t'lwnsfiip. !. i S. I'houipKon. .",.,0 Nir Wlui .1 Uiiftuh M. A W. F. I'uUuu. 322 J. W. Smith ion John Hylvr 1.1.. P. Kirk .1 Wbilmer ; 1 Keiper .fc IIirl.""-k 5 Teuton & Speuctr Lvi Clavpr Miligiu 2fi6 .".!) JOS 413 410 423 4;; 119 8rt no CO 2C0 427 ion o00 410 4i) 0 1 4a tf. :r. 27 ss 211 15 US, 7 nu 10. l.i r.v, "i 42 2'ij 202 r.r, ;, 2 ; ' i' "I no ' 70 I :'no 1 0 CO 3011 s 03 t 11 ""' St 3sl -'oil si ;s! 27 il; I 431 4 HO , ms 1 os 21 :, rn 1 2 05 ! 7 t 1 5 A ) ' ;'" 2 1 '.' I .ji';m: 1"" .. ;V "1 i.i Ci. 1 . .",.',0 K'75 "no 0 i'O I 4271 4i'a 3 .) - ISPll 3,2 K .o 3 ,,i i;io ii 20 ,0 i 2" .',0 ;..vai inni 'AJ'H I 1h A 01, Ip:i :o;i r.'ter Limni. 200 .Morris if-Stewart Kichaul Sha.v. I S.I Morris ,1 Stennit II. A ). Smith. 250 (ieorgo .Mend Udiiik-e, Merrell A Thompson. 77 1 100 tJcorgc Mead 'iwf'r ?"'.( '. Fitih A I'loviiton. l'.tJ Joseph HariiHini James Mcdirk'h I'M. 3iM 1.,'J 'I'hoinns llillinglon l'eter (livens. 10 1 A i f CllMl lcs Ri;k J. Wimlligo A t",i. I'atiiek Mooro .1 ili 11 Fallon. Ann M, I, anal,. in b'il ll.llil I'orlill, 137 Joseph Wiii:. h,iil R. Coplin James Albert. Ill Joseph S'aiisom !" Wm. Sansoni (ieorg.i Wilson, Jr. Mary M,-Laiiuhar. A. 11. Lr.11-. Ca.-per nines .iill.erl 'atigltt Joseph .irrisun Wm. mirr J. W. Sniilh. Jnualhau N'c-liit Henry Kepharl. Jacob C,,x John I'ali hiti'b !M, 1 .'.i D mid Turner A. Moore. Malllii.i- S1.jii,;, ' liarles Hull ton, 1 ii ..ii.-! rlU53 L.i.-.,ioii,in 'f.raui l'as-ui',1 ... ury Swan John )' yoyt Rei'i. arlshi'iu !" -io',,. J. Il.ulsivick. Jaices U'ilson, .( Win. Tanii. J.u.ii'.' WiNuij ' midd:,, it . Fiesloii. .liiiin'S U'ilson John I ron. h. J .lines II', lsi.it. w e. I. ',irl, spencer A Spiler. James II il-nii Ale.. Vial. Jani'is ll'il.on ''ij.i-, ...eii-.i'c Anson (i. Fhelp.i. ti'eorgo Mead 32 S7 32 87 32 S7 45 75 35 25 42 09 J 54 43 II" A5 f.A 103 35 I .03 35 Ai 61 j 15 '.HI ! I 22 A I 5ii7:l , 5(17 1 13 f5ii7" 'ilK'.l'. 13 7 1 OS II . 2 ..ti 10 S3 501.7 1257 101.2 I2.".5 IJ'Ji'. 1220 12:10 1 I2.".tt 11225 V'i',1 AmrH I!oriiem;in, l.'.l 1 1 1 llvmaii (iral SI! 50 ;i;;c. 11 1 Hob. 1 1 sha.v 1, 1 ;;o( Henry II. liornernan. 100 Lobert Shaiv 1 210, h'lfft Imrns'ip. j IK my It. Wright. I'M John Wilnier 25 05 1 21 I W. Ii. Ilrgartv 5:; ('.;: 1 101 1 A.:. Fox i Solder Mj (ieorge I). Morgan A. t'o. I 2:!(i S2 It. Wilson or (i. II. 10 27 ,oi((i T'lvuship. ( 'onper A Ftis.'v. i::.t 15:! Kichnnl Feters 75 21 . Ll.'t 15.'i 1'eler KhIiii 75 LI .V. Li;', I'reil'k i'.ea'.es 75 21 dl!'! 15;i John Huinvoodio 75 21, John Cooper. 27 1 Adam Kuhn 52 1-1 1125 liben'r F.renbam 1 n. D'J A.I im Kuhn ' "' 1 j Faicbeti it Swntr m 15:i liiehatd Martin fd) 20 ! LI.", 15;t Tliomns Martin (in 20 1 ;53 Kobeit Martin Jij 20 John Patterson. ' 100 Philip Loast 0 05 1 John Patchin. pit) Philip Loasjt (; i", 70 Wm. Jgl'iivin 4 ,s; Thomas Moi.rec. ; 100 Jonathan Jones 13 Ciii Stronger A Summer?. 1 01 i:i.5 Wm. JoLnsou 0 10 7kioii T' 'i'ns)ilp. j 200 J.G. KidJci 7-10 21 S.-,: 105 Pavid Calibvcll 21 , John Ii. Kto. I loll Moore .t helany V,2 1,1 1 lull Moore A Helanv K.2 i.i Kill Mooro A IVlany 1C2 01 : '00" Wm. l'oivon 151 71 S77 Wn. Powers i ;7 07 Wm. Parker. !' Jamen Wilson 111 nl ' I'entia., Lumber ( 'o. 1 120 W. Willi, ik 7 10 75 ' f. S. I.anl Co. 0'i J.iiiii.'s Wilsun J;; 'ji'i i OOil James Wilson 12.'! 75 ' '.o'i5 12:i.lames Wilson 2o li.'i 5('7 James Wilson (i.; ,",ii I'.i'l James Wilson (,1 'J5 7 10 Limei Wilson '02 50 Wm. K. Havid. i 1 1 L; Wm. powers : ;;j j l'ili'h A I'.i.ynlun. , .'175 I-!. Slioemaker .(.; ' 1 120 1020 2S 150 1 15 15 III Rin ."J 70 M. C, linos, S5 James WiUon 21 John Nii holso,, John P. Hoyt I'tmiel i'uiley Joi,alhan Loyctoii, Thotiias J 01 dan Allied A. l.nnp, Thonus Macee W. MeNaul ' ' Iiailey MeNaul L. W. MeNaul S. Hlodoet Craham, P.ovnton A f I Thoim s Mai;' . ' ,"nl 12") ;im) 2t: aitlaud Ir--f L'ol-o' r'l1' : H. s pvler . 1... t , li. W. Moorn Ho ,.... T ;,,! A. 1!. I.r.nr 1.5.-1 John VaugLi 1 ') 1)0 Jonathan Wallj -Till 153 John L'oll I'-'O Wm. Wilson Lr. James Locke 120 120 Heme l),;l.. W.ti. Hrinkry P.siionu',.. I'L I'Liiicliard flor.iy s;,;it!or 1 S;.!niel llmlen 5 Tin mas Xt il Samuel Hej-iriv. 'J il'V Neil Jolm.-oii Ma' v (.'onneliv Mex'iruler ,i C,i l.'e.lan.l llvntis Wm, Albert lil0. 210 Ion M.i 215 lo:) :,. 10 Wm PlM 121 l.i I'.i Ibmtmnn 9 ! 8 53 25 3 3: 1 uj "II 21 ! 14 30 12 ; 40 (,j i 4r 75 50 H;i 4.; k U" 2f ,)) ci; 313 J is i II IT Iii' 41 IK 2. lis iu 2)4 2w: 10': U: 1 11 10 2. I: I'll II. i5.ii'.3 20S ."5 ! 71 1225 12;;.; 250 5.10 1. I. 12 71 tl I AO 3S s 0:1 A S.'i 3 72 I.I A-i 11 C3 17 21 21 03 23 .'i.'i 25 t-,3 17 '.'2 .'.Ii'.'. 1 Sl'J 1 .'.1.7.1 i5''.71 h',72 P'tM 1 00 1 10 I.'i lO'JJ 1011 51 l"0.t 102J ;; i!..". ) 3175, I liayer A ,. Li.-;i,i, Win. Power W. H. llor.lit,. Jam us Wiison hivPCi Wilson Th jraas Holt. 1V111. lowers. Win. Irwin. James Wilsini mi M0010 A Dclaiiy Ml Moore ii I lelaliy 27 Mooro A I'elauy A'.,-'..t s 'J'v'vnftip. Frcdi.'ii. ka Karthaus. Morris A Stewart Morris A Stewart Mori is A Slewai t Morris A Stowart ieorgo aux. 05 Morris A. Stewart Devisees ol John White 11 70 Charlos Willink S.-i LhailebWilliuk '.::s 117 Clus. Willink 12 G 1 : 2l, Df. I'. H.j:i!z 15.; Pliiri. i.nt d.:;; 15;; Jacob K. I lo veil I.;;; I5.l Wm. ' i!.r.;on '..mi ii.; .;o,,,p; :v.,.vinw . Vnu .V.IiotIc, JTjoi'i Lv.i.im l'.-rrr ' l.-wdeii Ml 'Jl Clmles Louden SI -'. Smitli, 1 1 v i n A Co. 'j'J M.iiy Sind-uili 11 1 Wm. Moore k Wul I'. -Is Chauneey Lickclls li '.' IJ Isaic Wilson 15 4 c. Kn.n;:i;. r,;v. Iieasmer's od'ue, March 3d, hid. (-2 2. 50 1'UI I'll ".17 iii ii i 77 5o,' 2H0 1 1 12 Ae. 08 IS J, K. M.Closke.y DM.) I "07 ) I "00 j I", '7 1"07 L 12". TIic Sea sun why , R very body purchuso (heir rLOTVUSli REIZi:STEIX HROS. tVCX. 50 0" ' ',ecu"i!0 1,'e-v c" F0 ytr? elicmi f,,r Ca.-li; " i Because they keep the bestg.K.(li; .1,1 .j Leeause tlic.r Clothing i, wellauJeifcsLl.jnit 115 05 ; Recausc they kecj. the !.irtn a.sortacnl; C,"i (Hi; Rccauso tl.ey gel Neiv Ooods e try week; IS 7-. . because Ihey gin-every nit tkc w urtli tfl.il iuoa' j Rceniip they take the udvaLtago of uMy, ' Because they treat their cn.-t cuers wtllj ' OH 50 ! Recuuse everj holy likes to deal villi thra; 121 li) Reeauso they tell chenper than the rct; ''O l.i Lecause their Cli.0:iii c,.r.l t It t,l Rccflii?o they eau suit cvciyUJy; Uci'IltHM 111.' IP Sli.l,, iu Pr.i.i'm.hllv .llH.i.J v j Recuuse uobn.lv Unvc; th.oir store disiatuWi j Lecause all ..l;j deal v. i !t llictu are eurc tees. , iignia, r.u 1 t'.tid tiieir ucighbers ; Reeause liny l.avc purchased their Stuck al.'i' roduecl prices tliat Uu'y caa alwJn ADVIIKTIMI! The: e ;ire a lev of lie reajons "fly titer St'I I clie.it. ' .... i.i... . ?.'(r..i Kinds ol Country I'rww"""" t prie 31 I'.' (. 07 P. I "Oil P'O'j j "Oi I IV ''I , 051 21, "I'M bihl t m.ir , KElKXSTMIN BJ.'OS.HO. cie.uncKi, ;;uv n, 27 si SO SO I r. 12 20 '.'0, 10 il 10J5 .'3.. Ao', Hood ,1 Co. 10S Morris A Slmv.-nt Mcn.ies, 'iek A M.ilbers. ID 110 Morris A Stewart A 30 .',0 AO il Too 100 THOMAS J. M'CUI.MIUGH Attorney at Law. Office adjoining the Bank, formerly occupied by OTAPLE Dry Goods Cloths, Cassimeres O Cloak-cloths, Tweed, Satinetts, fcilkwarp j It Mctnallv. Esq., Market street. Cloarfiold. Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Linen, l'rints, at the Pa Will attend promptly to Collections, Sal 9 old prices at of Lands, le. Doo. 17, '02. J. T. KJIATZER'S. r,T,lt r- ' T KVLR FLLGAL, Justice of tho I'oc, Lu- CARrLTINO Ingrain, Cotton, hemp, Stair, J J thersburg, Clearfield coucty l'a., will attend Floor Oil-doth", Brocntolle, Donr mats, Ac. promptly to all businoss entruitoj to his euro. J. I, KKATZLK. , Lutherjburjj, ArrU 4; mil. ?(1M 10O 141 102 nj 103 ;s Henry fbsfler Nibcmiali Mjjrr. Taro'u lulgr Brirt'oril t : n h'p. J. "W. Smith. 60 Hjg1! Ely A. I Bar;.r. 3 Jnha Catrpbsli HaU i, Ruck IDiel Stewart. Andrew Fsttit Malthew f on.iy Matthias riivtxaksr V. B. 1M, ' 19 40 10 15 00 II t'S ;:i 05 10 4S 1 42 15 70 e -j 45 11 uj I 11 n B 47 11 10 11 I'.'JJ 10 1020 40 3 r 1 7 301s 1S37 117 4 7 7 II. A 0. Smith. (ieorgo Mend 1 11 until A ( Ir.ib.ui). Morris A StoKjrl l'r.'incis Terney. Morris A tUewart Petor Lamm. Morris A bteirart 20 (., 21 M, i S 12 i 24 52 l'J fa; I 2 O.j 27 027 Arnold Cu.-.l.ud 5 Hews,Mye:B h l'ishcr55 Tyro Pilo 7 25 'ieorju Pel Kius 1 50 Jieuboii (ireen 2 (V) Charles Hy.k 3 M 7wi'..c tMrn.'li'p, John Palthin. I.'..'! 151 Penj Poultney G:i 25 ''rami, I'dako A Pel ley. 2'0 ti. Ashlon, 12 O .louatliau lloyiit.,11. 72 Thomas Jordan 1 1 02 A. A. Wine-nrner & Co. 133 I i3 Isabella Jordan 02 (!"i Wm. Frown. 2"0 Silas Cox 15 30 Isaac Thorn ..son. 227 ti. ,t M. McCermick 25 CJ 'JO Thompson A, F.gcIm'nl'J l: all kinds f- r till of which tho hlfilieit rric" ATTKNTIOX, IV urjiiriFthji a, muuu ut ihcir store in ( Icnrficl 1, havo for sale a - EODDEll CI TTEHS- ., an iadinpeiisnltle article for the faruitf-"'-they i ill sell cheap fr en.-h. Dec. It, V nio'j. U. lolta T. J. UL.tKEff.llH1' I'X)RCl':V&TvALTERSf " T LRCTIANTS, nnd Oencral Dealfrn Uf 1)1 Lor, such as SL1'AR1MIMBER. uiji.r, j,tii iiuo, ,vc, turn ni 103 1SS0 AO J. P. Nelson. Morris A Stewart Lhlri'lge, Merrell A, Thoiupeou. A371 A353 1S30 1521 7l'S lioo I loo lioo Col AOJ 1909 1A7 M22 J32i 1111 621 AOI) (ieorre Mead Francis Coudriet. 120 Morris A blowait Iiccd A Weaver. 100 Morris A t-lowait (ioihen Township. J. W. KruitLi or Shirey. Mirris & fitewort Atmon (L Thclps. (ieorgo MsaJe 11 11 Wm Mares Atuca B Merrell. f - rh ?fsd A 14 1 3.4 I 1 03 i 2 00! I 2. fill. 3. 04 32 82 2. M) 2j 23 20 13 100 11 120 on j 113 W. .t J. Cathcart. Honry Trout ticorgo llownian Powell A, Koad. John Dorsey Lvrrcnrc town-Jo p, Winpgariior L Co. J I u ;-U Jordan John Lead :2 05 2 30 'J ss I be paid at Urahaiaton, Clearfield counl.T. -' Not. 25, m 33 S3 03 20 8 A7. 17 :. 71 14 0 1 r.2'J3 .5201) 11 07 52'J7 1213 I 2i5 : i3i 0 WANtiinA j.irgc jot c ' ' F L A X S K D in cxebanje 1 UO0D3 at tho Cheap Store of ,, JOHN 1). TUOJirsW- Curwensville, Sept. 1(1, ISM. " rJ Lir Kldrirlo. Merrell Ji Thotnton. i WOl) TWO-HOl!::L HAt.W" . 72'i (iooR-o Mead 15 0 1 -, W Tl TvLVt CO I- . . .... .. . 11 U IV IVI IIS. 1 1 JOiVjj'O lea.l 00 (le.ori'U fi.;id ti. h. Coodlellov I I t3t , r Leonard &, HarUh u 20 01, juiull(Iiut',br , ,vcrk by the ' u. i-. .. riiua oJ hllioiwc. Arplv to Iliik.,1, ) TlA j. . ..,ijm ;i.' .In, IfHI-r.l r,uiuc."- r 11. 1 liyiv 11 1 .ill"- V, ! ClearlielJ, 1' 1 . . . ........... . . 1 j I Ml Ml I ,u;i.iai,ii l.i, 1?C -The subseril"' ' lin. -ii.p - f. fires to employ 1 1 ii-'" nlk I 32 300 41 I Win. HoutK"Luery Morris tcicnJr.p. Feter Yarnell 23 53 L fJ. I'ojtlou 5 r"brt r'lr. 1 l " 0 'iJAN ILL GOODUSDlJj .. r: 1v 1 .l T.n IheriBUik. J iJilii. .., icei-pj. - " 1 linLRTj'. VaTTace. ArrMwy' iV Clcaraeld, T . (A5ie 10 ti ' p.iUe Iuo Jtufuai nuce, 4ft- 1,1?.'