I ilOth June, WA ti I'aronport. i Motlui ruy, ..I 1 . h. Ilimos parallel Sebring 6cbnoH ' heir! Korllii potter Klin Kiin Keed I.oe A fniDj lull Whiteside l-'oiter et- "1. Hum It.-o-l )tiugl,iiin A II Shoo, slier JUeckley 1'unltj J. I'. liul.l al, Jluioi Ho.-(..t ' 'u.illi il J iii;; I.uu.b, ri, 'Jutes use Krei.n,'r V ilson u - lltrinirr I.'. F. Kn-nn.-r Hill -'tun iii-c l'.ronnir .Fulkcr.'cn Jacob Irwin W. S. i-ul.ii. Thotnpior, JiliJu, Irvin i oiienns Sales. vi Kearso. vi I'd mud McOarrey vs Caldwell. vi Keid. v Sloppieh. vi Shaw A OgJon. v 1 'atelier, ei. kI. . W bitoilde. vi Ilmletl S. II-. Thon;pi,u. v I.. W. Weld. r Smith. Sum )i. ' R. A. Irvin. V I.COUald K.-dkry. s Ce,i,utoay, vt Humphreys, lliilu ACj. t Medic,.. John J. MiiUr. T" Sum... v Sain,,, is Same, v Cnskey. v W. Hale, is .Moors & Fauioy, vii A. J. Walker. VA Tlinmn i.,.r...... Clenrflcld, may 11, Imji, '' 1ST 0FTRANi7uiOKS FOIt A Juno Term, A. I) . ls,;i iifcLi. Mum Krickloy, Adam Hrelh. JiitADKOKDWillifim Oiahain. jr. I'.oous (ieorgo iJimclin. Ciin-T Illooin Thompson. Covi.vnTov Arnold .Sc-hnniru. CiBusnvn i.e Adiun Mnvr. (,'i.r.Aknri r -Fidi Sini'ins. O'fiicu-lMuil l ulkun jii, Elijah Corn ru'l. Jiitni "H-jLcit .Slew.)!. (.').sni.I,r.ui, .1. hwin. I Jhsrc.N .loiiii lli voncr. il ore 11 Z 1 , n 7' ,'n', t0 mo ,,ir('l!"" uiure v. Il bo exp...ed t I'lULIC SALK, at the Monday the 20.1, day of juno ,,, ' t ?aliCto wit ' fulIurti"S bribed Itt-al Ks ! A certain trnet of hm, .;,.,. i i- t'Orhnlil rinit.it ij .1 ' arm inoro ur lnndu of llricr WAK, OR NO WAI1! A PRE SH "aITiIIVAL OF Sujlmek Goods at the on i:ai casij stoke. A nul?TAnm' 1WTICFN,.un! nnU "t ' H'T" of Uiiihur Citv ru n """V "egany, lais or . i7.,ii . . j" u. 10 ,uo untifriMifno.1, all ir. a I minx inil..l,l...l . , 1. ,u snl' "tato nro rt niiircd to lxnkn 1 1. " P'Mfnt, and n,s I ..vi,,,- ,.!..:,- T- v r Ti . I . g K -'Mcii.v.rn, and other,. SoiMj KM-! Irtlltd I.oiviilittl. ceution and to bo hc.1,1 as the nr.. AMU u ,J. M. l.Ttllll' f.Aina.s'K-Jas. fuhon, huau Tuimin t.:. 1 li(nnai 1'iilinor. i'lKK-I orynzo b. IVi..-o, Thonins Ulaom 1'i.nx -KrcJi-ricU HuUopcier. V mi.vv ,pu -Villi:mi IClinv. 3 J ST r TKAVKHSK J C ROUS A ir .Tunc Tonn. A. Hill, i'livo -!.' II'it. .lohii Oivcii.i, N.ttli.in l'l-.:r, riiiii; Arnold, All.crt r.un. 11'.' ' - ,'ol)ti UlchJiii, .'..lui No:ris. ''iir-n$vllO'-l: il'a-i; -Lewis J.aportc, V.IUCA FllUSt, S. J. tl.liCH, i(.'().ni. Jwttlo U'oKhvui.l-ir,vt 11)0111 ;i lie i..n. lionort Hondorsun. 1'crlcv MajlicvT. JUvcaria-Lf Wok-I. ) Wol.l, lhilip I'lill, .lohti McCoy, (i V Hrattnii, Joiciiii-1 .l.iii-f I, . mi '-.ih.'jht. a i ma' joint l-iKUl d.t count v. contalniair oventy.f,.ur i r Iff, bounded an follow, viz ; by rier net . I. vrui Hnnrv u... ti " M.tflt...ir I...I.... t'.l..':I J " ".'."""'""i .;. mii man aim Caldwell and i-tron. Sm,Pd Hi.d t,.keti in euoc.ilbm ui,. t , i-old . tho rr-prty of tho eitato of K!!ij U-xij i Tlionim II. Lenin. Al,SO-A pertain tract ofiund ,;tUli;, in ,;. ulich twp Clearlitld eounlv. I'a , boitinK d and id.verlbod as follow., ; )l,inni , ,itou!t, .tbnico nlonjf land of KieU'd Slin.v, ceni.T, n..ri', ; JeK enH Mil , or.:he to Hon,, thence ..iith i ' 7 !M'r''1"'' to a while oak, thenco west 2d p rehot to a b aek onlt, theneo outh 100 per. to a white ouk, thitiics I until l) dowr ies ea -t, il .r ,.., (., stntien, thence by land of John Leonard south L".l idi'icrtBi wot lj:t pcrchc to a white oak Krul. : theneo u.on land of Kifhard Shaw, senior, north !71 dcKrecS went 111 perches to tone.-, theno north ;tl perchci t. a black calt, theneo nor-ii II Jdejfree- west 2. ).erehes to an n,h. tl,viu:e north "' u'K",'' flint 111 perches t) a poat. theme north 17 ili.trrt.na r.it 'til ......1 . . . .. ,.Viiiiv ion ninple tlieni'.i , nerth L'tl dre-i east 40 peruhen to u white oak, . t ..III.... M..rll. A .1.. . . ' w..v u uoBiuh weir, i,J pcrelie. hi a white pine, thence notth 10 decrees wet ,ir cheK toplneo of bejjliinins, ai mirvovod hy Sam. ne. rultun ou th0 Hub dny of Ju'lv. ISOo, mid cintaniln,- I'jS aeren and 2 porchei, beinir par' ol o larger tract known a. No. IsXj, ,avir ;,r (ll,uut 100 cleared, with a lo hou.-e and frann barn tr.ecoii erected. .Vei.ed. t:iki n in nr..,.,,.;. i o 1)0 ruld m tho property of lloh. rt' Leon ird. als'j-a certain tract of land situate in tvp . f lcarlidd county, l'a., contain!,,.- ,J1;u hundred and twenty acre-., iiiWu acres cb'ared :ih n hewed lng-hutine thereto i.r,., i.,,i i. i 'i tiy land ol Calvin Steven, Knoii Wen. , 'vr ' John and taken in e.. rir.iii..rf v ..f .1, .'iiiiaiM ciani. I, ALStJ-A certain tract of !a.d situate in Gra bnm township, Ccirfield c mi.ty. bjunioj fti f.,. iu . L.iiiii.ii), ui me corner of land of LRuienoMii, ine;ce pnutli 231 perches w., nunc unn, miucg WOSl 1,.' percllCS to tnenco norm .mi porches to ,ca.-t 172 perches to place of bmnina, contninini; 2;7 acre-and J2 perches with a reservation of 17 a-rov p., Id t) 't tcr Keppie adjoining lands of Jacob H'iiheltn J. '. JSclfon, mid others, with about 40 aerej cleared, Lining thereon erected two log hoine? loB-l-tirn.and a young orchard Seized and tuken in oxcciition and to bj Bold as tho property of A moij lluhlor. virtuo of sundry writi of furl e l out of the sumo court mid to ,tir!...f. i there will bo expired to Public Sale at the Court Itoiii-e in tho liorotigh of Clearfield, on Mondi the 2l)ih day of Juno next, the following de'eii'v ed Real Kstito, to wit : fc U,'L"J All thoj three c:rtain Iracls or pieces of Innd ' situate in lux . townsliin. cienrrWH .,,. . ....rt. . I . . r ,. - ' 'i T . jusi receiving and opening a carefully J loleeted stock of f.i.liiimnt.l.. .. . " " ' '"H H I LI II. 1 11 C j0P O IP S of almost every description, I o..,.;.i ii. - v oi S , ..Ml '''"."t.then.dulya.i.hcnti. '",:l"' JWlu II K(i A KI Y. l'rinls and l.'ry t styloj. Alto ii A beautiful assortment of good-i, of tho newest nnd hit gn'nt vnriety of oi l'ul IH.ti.n 1);,.(,OOI).S AM) NOTIONS. Iionniits, Shawls, Jlals and Caps, Uouls and Shoos, a laro iuantity, Hardware, (Juooiuwitre, Uriigs and Mi dii inc, Oil und 1'aints, Ciirpct .( ttil Hoths, (J K o c i: r 1 1: s , Fli-h, Buci.n and Flour, Mackerel in J J ami jt barrels. oi mo oest quality, an ot which will be sold at the lowest cash or ready pay prices. My old friondf nnd tho public generally art respectfully invited to coll. JC-N. II. All kinds fUtAfV I (( 7,y nwiH CE taken i euh ' V" np. -'CI f'l. '.M. V. WliKillr, A diiiiiilsttaturn. ' riastcr in large J. 1' l't;tn!ili.. f..r sale K KATZKJt. 1 erel.y caution or in h n wny V'.M. r. IKWIX. Clearfiflil, M.iv 4. isri I8G1 i , i . riiii.:r:i.i'iiiA .1 vmw. kaim.-iud T great lino tmverses tho No 'h'Tu and to post llll -vortliwcsturn eoonti.. r r Jt i...i:.. II... ..c I,'.: . , r. -'""-.)'. ".'.i 1 ii nan oecn Icas.'d Ly tho V.mi,-.ioi ' ""-ocy, a;.. I uihI.t their inK ra,i.ily opci.ed t h r-.n .-hon t it It is now in ii-.. l'ui' J nfies.- fiorn II I ...: ... . . '"i.e."; on ino h.ns em II v U .. .,,1 SM'ti.'i.r ; Iiirrishar-; to Sr. M mr on tho KiHtern Ii. luspics i be entire lcn;th. l l'r.'icht bo. 1 1''...:;, fr 00 Ktie, (7a miles) ch tho V t,. ' '' H um, Ml 1'. M. 1 .'0 I'. M. II V N ' K both wavs 15'. Chest 1. Wok--Joahuil Fi'ltwtll, 'Ind anJ Jficribed m f.diows : OXK, ii'eg:':i' "."Ul, Hr,--William C'arr. lVnnh I(Va--Wi!)iatn Stnltli. Yi!-lia-n S. J'orter, 1) T hliarj), llhaid Dcu pr, junior. liurnMle--lrf HVri-AlcxamFr rulln, lli'tiry oi.ng. junior, dolni MoK wc. '2nd iV.;.- Stoj litti Lloyd, Jauksoti I'aiclnu. I-Vr.rtiiosi-J IIV..-; ,Tlin Urig. "mi ll'iv. - MaUbi'iv lU ioti), I.uif.r hair'.-ll. 1iv:h-L- H'ak-ThukM l.'l-t u. Jno S (ie;.- I,;tt t, J Jl Wiij.io. 2n i V.'o ! -l.'wA F( V 5s! "in-. jVrV.r-.-' Jl'. - V, r P.urelt. J,i.h. nr.l I'l-.ii.jj-. Id. -Wuliu y J l. I. I .'mm (.;,,;, art. I.liiq Wn IlraJy-Lf 1i'(.'';-rhiliii Arnold, JVlor Ftiydcr, V;l!;.i:n l!(i;-!it.;., Kiiuu lv:,i,.i. "nd Wn '. I'.-trr lli'i.-iiior.-'lii.srph Anmld, J)avi I M'KiniKy, Ali.-am I T. "-i 1 .11 , J- emiiih Ki ir.cr. J.onr.'iirii Wo. '. - Aar-.n ; Tu'o, fieorno (iuii..-i, ti Li Horn et-, ,I.h. luriv.u' . H'oA W Wat-mi, l i !! .(Hun. JCarthntis J..f Wok- dr n f ; tit. Clair. Icsr fu-ia l.cf M',r.i---Jnnic Vv rIev, 2'J Wo '. -Wiiliuiiltrlts. .Incqdi Uui. Morrw-l.- Wok-D.wM Ik-num, I),vij Kyler 2n I 'f , -S C Thoapsi-:.. Jehu irmip, I. avid Unit. I iH i..n-oy. L. j ll.-.7.-J.iL(-im Huot'.-r. I'tH-iiK.n- hi T.vi-Cli.nlpf. Wc-i-. f. lofii.in I...' ',..;-aat5 McNt-al. i'n i l! r. i l!,-J;iiii;r l!i!inr. . I'mlLii--'!.,,' UiviMattliew f, (.;Uy, Xi-tr WiuhiugJon IIV: .'. Jacob A J'.r!!i. )It;?ln,-2.i H'i-nnr.ttlcrson, Win AU.ott. Jllootti-C-. U;,.,ViUuai Irwin. Kno- f-.7 ir.,..Wil'inii Mij;. Inion Jn.niVr'.-- -.);! r. I,n!.r.r-t. 0t "nil !'.'-Clincjni'cy r.roitkwny (I'r.tliini '2n.i Wok II Foivpv. IVt.'t. lrIH ' t r. Ai, U.,n. SAM IT t", 7. LN X, ivf". , i'i',ntw J!,s8 cf the Court '.fCouioion I'li-es t ih twenty. f..':U Ju.vcia! J'itrict, ronipne,d of tt ..un!i.j cf OaarSol-l.tVntr nod Clin toil 'I 'to Hon. J A Vf S iiLOuM and on. J.VO. U. JHil.Ml'rt'iK. A-rmla judges of CVarf.cM co.; :i.-n ii:ej the.r prc.-ept, to ma directed, for the k.d iinj .f Cou;t f CntDtoin I'li-M, Orpliaa'u Cet-rt, Court of ytarfr .vcMoi,(. Court of Oyer tul Terminer, ani C-:o: t f (i.i.eral Jail L-elivcry, it tin. Court Ilott-ii e' ClearLrM, la and for the "unty of ClearfleM. 011 tli T'!..i.i M.Ui v. i'e : 4 vi ,-r.Tu-..' isfii -"TU K IS, tl.pri fori) hereby' e'.ven. to tb. mi tcr sn:j cjiiu'v ot leartiold, to appeor iu Mi ir proper pcrjoni. idi their Hoi!', Hectrds, M'.-n.-itior.', lixan.'umtiunj, nnd other Ken. em. riin-i.ti, to Jj these things which to their otccs, n l in tlieir behalf, 1 erlam Ui be rl iti.t. IKN' under my Load nt t'lcarGeld, thin 2jtb y of y,ay, in the year of our Lord, one thou. 'Ml eight hnadred mil sixlv-fonr. , ldtWARU i'EItlCS, Mtrlf. IV'ilir. MlTTl.tl of the citato of Julio rtickinson. John Hickint.m In tho Cottrt of Comm-.n rieui i ,V'- . ' of (:'r fiel1 co,,n'y. Fa. C'f AO'jI Iticklnsnn I Mr. J... T-... ti r . ., . ' - .'mi, . israe torn ilioKi-niHU-rof Cl.irftold county to try tbo ning nr. a sux.ir, iiii'l rtinnin- fr. m.. i.-i ipcrchea to post, thonce north 100 und C-1 u n-rohci tu 11 port., thence we.t 2IJ porchei to port, tben.-e .down i.Utlo Toby creek, in the centre of the trem by its nevcrii! courses to a post by the mouth of tho Counly Lino ltun, thonce north .'!VJ ; webt ?:tj er. to a )ost; thenoa irjjt 4 and 2 10 perdu s to phieo of boglnoicg, coataiuing M acres and ufual allowance, with 0110 lar, dwc'li: home, ono largo frnmo barn. 1, nr. .'. r. ....?.. J t-arn, "no saw-mill and shinglo in.i,h;n.-, md s'x .suitill bouses erected thereon, and i.-iut I" -i -rr cleared. AI.S'I, One, Be?i.,i,,, ., p-,st"at the , JUibet corner of 0. Noll's U, tiien.-on.nl, ! HS W't h londtf A. W. Heat), y4 r U, more or b.'iP, to a post, theiK'O north 2 oast lilj rn 1' to ;-. , po,t, tbciiee south i- ent t-i m i,,,,,', ,,r" ,,. ' I ) a poU, thc-u.-o sootli J w, .t ijj ru., t0 , of l.i'i-iniiing, cuni.iimng !o .r.s ,ltJ as , ( ' more it less, wi;;. tho right of passing .-t-id iepis- in t' nnd 1 hi i (he iiboo lont oi:.. 1 pi,.,.,. f Und over nr.J t'-rongh (bo u:i j 0f yitt v. inn below nud lot of Und, nnd betw.-ni the ra"id b t und John I'undy's land, and of m.il.ing t,t..i ; using road, r.ud .if dealing and u.-u.g t b ,j ,.r,.ck tiiroi.gb tho Itir.d of s:ii :,:f, .,r di.vmg :,,-, ALSO, One other. Jicgir.iiing m a poi-t? I ,"r. U east from the southeast cornor of 1 ot No. 4 H 0. i thence cart 41 rod to u r,tf)t, thet. jc south r.s rodi along the ro.id to a post. tUu.'e L-ji-tb went to the of l-gimiin.;, -on'iniii' on.. ncie tui 1 souo pertl c, having a sm iil unUuislied name nousoiinu a goon Txsiue to. in thereon croc- l tii. t i-lcu, tuhou 111 OX c cc ion. ii nil l.i Li. -..!.! u . Ilii':itil ' the properly ol N. .M. Fro-i a ay. r. I Al.50 First, One hoii'cnn J lot in lii? boroti 'h ..ft'lc.iill' l.l. the let being X. 211, in the I, m of Killer's it-.Uili-a to 1 borough, In.uutJo I on t. vjuth by' I'.i'C ittiet, on tl.v wtotlj' mi v, (,n the north I y un alley, an 1 on t!i ca-.t . I- t No. 216; LcingiU ket front and 1 72 f. el deep ; Lin ing a tiro-story plunk dwiiling 1,.ii- an 1 a Madtrtniih -chop erected therei.i Soccnd, 0::i tract irpi.c) of laa4 situate in Fike towi.tl.ip, I'lciirfo-id county, Fa., L'ui:-I, d und dee.-rtl'cl ai foilot fc : I , ,;innii:g at a iiill-u el.r, tan- ... Ly lar.d of . .i I..J...1 Fludctt s, ..!i i '. '' ia--t !'-" j.-reti..a tj a .est, i.iolii" ;,U ; .-m 1 ...i j tjxrebfi to a i oil, roi.th i" rus: . 0 i irch- s to n post, louth l.t tast 4 land 5 - 1C j.eicl-os to a white pine, scuth 6 perch cj to a fali.-u chekini.t oek. left Lgv, Jed. li : rati7 ttMhe tea post, corth Ly land of Hagl, j Hall ."3 porches to a post. eit J3 cnht-j t )U : pd.-, north ! U perciius to a post, ttc.-; nod ',' 10 porehee to a white pino nun c, north io'l p.-r-ches to a post, north 61 cut -IU pe-chta toa jiv.-t, soi.th b2 v ist H6 und 5 10 perdu s to n ) : t. i .-oth i 2j fact i t perches to a po-t south by land of U'm. Hnrtsl-.Ta 5 west 11.', prjlii.s tj u hetulck, foc'.h ! y Und of Jifti ii- Lioon 70 .-,1 ill per ch.J t a ct.cninh-.'l', th-itco south 2.1" cast 10 prr (.1.1 a to pl:ic nf beginning, conls.iiiiri.; 27o acres and SO un 17-10 perches w.-'i ailowan-'C .S'.-ise-l, tak"n iu execution a:;d to Le J-iJ a; tho property of George C. Tissmcro. ALSO A c;r:niu tract of land .-ittin'e iti I?rj.lv tewnship. Clcniidd county, l'a., I., ui.oi- d 1 , land cf Allcman Kllinf;er on !l.t r.otth, J.h:i T.'io::-.i?oti on bo ont, Ardrew Wilson on tho fi.tf.'i, nnd Conrad Mucrwino on the wes'. cont-iitiin.r II) arret, txoro or lesft, with about CO a res ci'caiol, young i.rdisrd, n;:d fnuno house nndsubl ) erec ted thereon, being snmo pretr.ises which Fred-rick Kerb, mlu-.inifti-utor of Henry KcrW, senior, conveyed to dofen daut by D: J, d'af.-d 23th Aii , 1859, at-d recorded at tjiectfield in Loed Hr.ok'y page 471. .S'ui:ed taken in execution ual to bj fold lis the property cl Henry w. Koih. EV VIKIl'E of a writ or Ltmri ';!ai is (lied out of the Court of Common Fleas and to mo directed, there will exposed ti FL'liLIC SALK tit il.o Ci uit lioitao tj tho b. ioudi of Clearfield on tho 2 Ota dry of Ju-.e njt, tho lollowing dciCfibe J real oita'.o aad pcrsor.s.1 prop el ty, to wit : ' Ulidity of a curtain wiiting offered for nrobato A certain tract oflnnd siluaU in 1W;;3 tp , porporting to no tno will of Jna niciti,,,,,,, wifo Ciearget j county, ra. eginnin at a post, theneo V Abel liickint'.n, of 1'leird.ild county, p by W'ultcr Stewart sum y, oast I f.O perches to a Now, .May 2.1 J, IStil. nctic ia awar'lid by tlie f0'' theneo south by residue oftha IractlOO per- von-t, warning all pcroni above named who are '. thence west l0 perches, theneo by John Already parties to this suit, who may elaim ai Taylor survey, north 100 perchns, Cintuir.ii,g 101) Irs, devi.ieen. or otherwise, of said Julia Dick- Ber'. being the roi thwost comer of tho John Jett, to appear in tho Court of Cotnmon Fleai of Muntgoinery survey mortgozo recorded in Iioik wiarllojd county, at Clearlleld, Fa., on or before f' l'15 li0- Seized, taken ia execution tud to "I'll .Monday of June, A. P., ISfil.and become ' BolJ " tho property of Jonas Fetcrs. PMtiei to said 'suit, if they seo eao. Of which i LD. FKKKS, Sho 'J. " rt-rsons Interested ar hereby requirel to tuko . Clearfield. Juno 1 I Q; 1 ' ti e. Attest, D. i ET7AV L1LKK, -3,-itl -ff0th"""ary- :pxr.ct-ro.? KT,Cr.Lo'l.lTw pM-CCTOH'S MOTICI--NotiooUbere. L "J'."1"'? " the estate of Jereiniah Staeal, A! by given that Let'.vi Tcstauicntary on the i. ""' '.,u,rJi'lP. Clearfield county. F.-nn siateof ,!llterh Irwin, lute of Lawrence lowu- ,,, ..CnerVrn 1 1 a t tho undersign. Sherlield to l.'i vi, ion. Time nf f'umenntr 7'.-oi , Kxpresi Train leaves cii' w-ird Ac -'iu'ii Train arrives w.. .tward i his run inrougti with "i ni.-su innns i.ciween I'lnlailelpbia and Luck Htiyi.n. and between Faltiuioro and Lock Haven Klcgunt Sleeping Cars c-coinp.inv tho Kxpre-e Tram both way,- between Williamsport and lialti more, and H illiamsport and l'lii'adclpbin. For information rcpecting Fass..nar l,'uin,.ss apply al the S. K. C,,,-. Mil, and .Market sts And lor Freight hu-iriusy or the Conij.'invV Agents, S. II Kingston, jr., Cur. Uth and .Market Ets., Fhllailclphni ; I. W. lieynolds' Lrie ; J. Jl I'rill, Agont N. C. R. II. Ih.ltim-re; I. H. Iorsio.v. (Jn1 Freight Ag't, I'liih,.; I.nwts L. II it er, tJeu'l Tick.-t l'hila ; Jos. II. Pons, tieu'i .Maun 'cr. Villl,itn.-r. TOW A wjm msmK, a .1 iu ii ly CONt'KXTKATKl) Vcarctaiiic s:Jr;nr. A 1TIIE TOMC ( THAT WILL KKLIEVK TIIK AFFLICTED, i I iot Make Drunkards. 1 Dr. HOoFlaXD'!!. (jeriiiiin it tors, l'KKi'A I; i: f jtv DU. C. M. JACKSON, I I'Jiii.uir.i.riiii, ra! Will Effectually Most ori.vil ; CU1JK ALL DISKASKS' LIVER. ; SlOilACH ! K KIDNEYS' i i . ... i- r i - i ..... 1 ONE MILE FKUM CLK A I; Fl K 1. 1) I t)K. V' 1 .l A N liJTTKUS, a most i,k..,,. V ill cure overv c;io i.f 11'EtiadcrsignednilI ..n 'i i Cbroi.ie or Nervous K-bility, tJin of th KI I ' lurm cotitainiio' 1 ' "'" "ses arising from a His (iliRAT NATIONAL tTl;Cl AMI l.'inK r i !:, dir.- jl v t rtii.nayt'nien heai by YUTIOVA, ,.,.,,,,. V. -d gainst buying orsclli,,-, ii .t 111 1 1 ti ii . ;.!. .1 ? .. . -1 ho Posses.,,,,, tJcanirf, ol 'orn.'.a.r.t.!. to "t. two brow,, mar tlnM ' led and one log chain-,,, the said ,.r.. ,,-rty be b'l.gs tome, and are sM,l( , 111V ,,,,' l mi a.. . : : ' - i ' "my i pit, ADAM H KAK H ALT. ami'.-;' I nii.ls, 1 're, (iol.ds N..w .-(. i. it,,.... Jlo7ailibo.ll.O Itr .., i... v.. i v .'.i.. ' ' 1 - i ... 1 1 , . nii-ii i , 'ei.iinos, i-H-ii 'h .Mi nn jt t; iiams, i.hhi;., . ' X--'t .1p fcj vv n ' J If . ( -v! SMO llll 1', (illlg- inn-; at J. 1'. lriiATZF.IFS. y-Cr 5-V- -i. I ' ... I i mi at 'riviio --- - i I ' lllj ilc V'llMf I I . v ... , rni'i 1 I on reasonable t"tins it-rest and ( l'cri hcv. in Lewrcnco twjl,ip, Cnu nubi !.., H,u to-.,n 0f Clcaitield, contaiuieg TJIIUTV-I.Ii;itl' ( Itl s CLFMtn. "ill. a good frame dwelling htti,e, well fiuL-hed, a larg.. bank ham, and all ncce.-sa.y on-hu i.d ir,gs. fbero t a lino young rrdiaid of choice tearing innt trois-all g.attvd or ludded, and i-ci.-. .en wmi ,-pccin; r.iciencc ti tlidi -ndi, io i,.. ciuuiiie. in re i.-. of goi d Miter. 'J I ere intimity of PINI: A.Ml ........... i.,I!u. j, hi lanu wt.s lately cc, upu ,1 ,-1' 1';l",'v,v- 1 "' ' J'-''"' K'n imn.eiiiat, ly. l-arfield.iip. 27 ot. H. .VLt.,.-Ul' VIM ffissg txau, Vi.itiKU Ti Nlrs. Dan W 11.1. ( rdered Si, .,,.,,,, OIISKK V K 'Mil' ii.i i ..ii-'i .,. ........ .n . ii t .mi si ji j-.. i iiii.ii'Mt' nr., 1 aiii.w ........ ,-ruiiuiK iroin iiisorilur , f the 1'iges live Oigims : a in1. is id... OA I- fa ptntion, li g I ti,o' II COIL-klcluhlf TIM UK it in t!.,. o i". i i i (iski: O. f t s hi. I r Flarli. al S.irvci .r . i .. i . . . . . .. . ' ' I -'"ei corny, ji , pa, ,-h,,,,.,i ,1,,, I'ttttie-nts, Ii ri ft.:, . r.., n ih, late Thonin- I', 'lee .!, l,o will bo ready to attend tola inc.. ii.o m, .ru si notice ; lie can r, -ideneo iil, Kobert ); wcn.-viile, or ly letter addr-s.ed to h wensville. np. 27 '(if -Iv. , of .Jle, i on . he Consulted t hit i onu mil.. fro:n I'm- in nt Cur. i S. K. Mci'I.OSKKV, A 1)iim-.i ii vioicm miiiV k... iV. is hereby given (but letters ol adniini? on the Notice estuteol ISAAC l;i.ii.it i..... ..c , ulle borough, Clcailield eounlv, deceased. ,vi.,'i; ' u K.-i.ud t-. Iheunilors,,,,,. ,.,..,, ik li e to M,l eMa'euie reepn -unl f. make i,. I mceliatc paviuent. nnd !.... i, ., . 1 - , .i ......ne, eieomnil ' gain-t the ai,iu will present llicin dulv ualhen C .!:Ul. pa I inn, in. "Ht pilp I u 1 1 n o ss , r Hlool t t II 0 Head, Aei lily , f the S'ton,ii,-b, Nau. 4 Hcnrt'otrn, Hi, ,-!; f , r Fed, Tuln.-.- or ii einM in t' e Si",m,.-li, S ur Fine tati i.s.Sn.ki,.- ,,r KinttKiis -t't Ihe )-.. I ll.eStoiiiuch, fn"i n "ig oi tiJ0 tl,.-.,!, H,,,.,-;,, j I'tHi-ult Itrcathings J-mttoi in '-'""X r suiiocatu.g ,.,sa- fations when in a lying posture, Duuiie.j t I.-1UII, Hols or Webs before U; Siv'.t, I ever and dull pain in tho Head, Deficiency of 1 er.-pirti m, Yellowness of Skin and Kv-e, I'n.ninthe fide, Fuel.. C'JiiT-it LiiiiIh, ,., Sudden Fiu-k-es of H. at, ltun.iug in t'., Fle.b, Constant 1 m a g i n i n (, of Lvil and great I1 e p r esuii i, i i ' i r i t s . I It I N - s 1 1 l "ADMISSION ..?' I'ei-f.ii mn ii.-, o'clo.-li Mild V P. ! i innir a.' .Ii.nk I.ith. .Af . JfNK lit!). ::::::: 2 (.VkI At.ert: u ,t 1 N -bt at ii . srS? licatcd for settlement. my II ol, ot. pd. I.jKAII m.CfiM, A ' lHol. foal .(n cj:. I f tl SKIii'l.I) li lOHS-Timvare.ij .ecn.ware. MM. Ol.is.swttre, Woodonivar.-. Lookii,.. CI.,.-,.. Wall I. I loelis, Nails, tllass, Oil Fuj er, ut ail prices at J. P. KHATZKH'S 1 M. .M Idl-i'iN AN, !,, 1 l""i. l he cit:rens ,,t hat ho bt llcntist. r. .s,.,-,.ifiii.. tHcii H.,,,.., .Lmeseilli. lo-iited j, J.ni-.iill '' freiiaieti to wait upon nil wbo mav 1 rofes.-ii nal ..i-ii, s-;.--.ii. .. other par's of the eoi.ntv VC i.ruolv t F. JI. JlcKIKliNAX. ami i , -in whero he des-.ro hi: ly virtue IJaiUt.-i- S. ilied elect, and Fcrgi, in the new ViiK;:;:As. "til , f tl,.- Court of county, (Vi o-i.iii tiie parrs ,,f p..,,., ' hmd.suri- in. lude.l of en or ler iss,,-.l --ions ,,f Clcaitield rs oi Ih il tj,., ,i ' towi,.hi,s wlirn, , . i l .-nil, i a f i. e lno ..... ..f ......-'..-..... . above named io rishi, berehy ZiVt "UU1' JiAN " KU-VAN lJlTTKKS nut un uifciM-'n v.i hf i,,.h ur ik ..i. .,:.. i. I l'AUTirnAltN0TtCK.-P,.ri owl,,, d1. ' (sue and will hate I.i.juor Ilitt.-ts, ,lai.Uyk . .the f .Lowing receipt: (let one bottl,. Ilo'iimd's J eroian Litters I mi, with n- (, ;' ; ' ., -,., l7,..., v, ,. ,b repilt will be j a reparation that will,.,- c.,-,-, i iitc liei,,,,! vir- i . . or ., lr,. C-....,,!,,,,., M j, ,,f iu , l-i- r i.i'L. rs in the Von will b.ii,. ,),,, tut:, -.in,.-,, rccti-.n i.h a .,.,, article of l.iouor ,t a :nc,i less price than the infii ,r pret'.i.-.i. tioiis riil cost n ai. ' 'l tu- Jlnuii'id in i v irn-u .'.J Ceo-.c,.,,, j.resenu A Upr.nmo Circ.is. 'th all the shindard f..,,!u:e, urthe , '-,;;, ... Ar.-e.-i b'en.lu t 11 -i.i nil ll..i ) i ii imjo .vc -menu en 1 Ae.i n..,ti ,n; : f.:r 'died by nt.-ibtti ,r, !,..-. ,.p. l'i T!i!i-.n, ,,t;d l!,e ,r,i .;,-, ! Woll;!,,;'!. ,.(,';,,,., ,;,.;., , , lll"tt,l j "MxcrLSHin." More and I. ft;, , ),,-;, , ler and i.r j ,,; - n ;.. e.-it.', I , .mi. c, ,. i mill,,--..., b. 't - f. '"'lion ot l:.,!,.e animr.i - a hirgi-f ttoope of put forme; moro c,cf, lv 9rr ,.. gra-n me more I. iiPt"epti-n-Hble cstertainment-a eomplett, orchestra -a more , ,., f,.,.t ln,t ... . m:iori..o.y con - ptrticted int. nor more cistlv niijiierous III It ill rn. nwli Ultllef l f rfn .V eetio 1 1 th June next, to do - tlon Of i-I-eetior. u.ii.l ...... i ship- The (aid election to be conducted accor I. mg l,i the Act of A-.-embly, in such case made and protidcd. Ky 'trderof tho Court. 1 in-iy 2.'. id. in bell Ip , on Saturday, 'Me on the oi.est oil t ,. ;, v 1 l.V.I- ANTLK.S in great vnrietv nt 'Jl J. 1'. KliAVlilt', ni pd. I tt8 'W'-h "PTB FK-rm Kiln. fillTsU IS si I! H WILL GIVE YOU a o oi) a v v i: t i t j: , Will give yo sTKo.vr; ir KAi.'iii v .r.n j'-;, Will give vou 1SK AND l!N l-i If ( J ); lit' rFKI.lXGS, Will enable you to s f i: i: i' w i-: 1, r. . And will po-iiii-eleprovent I.W KKVLK, niLLiuffj FLViil;, i,.' '.-ninnns, ; I'i'n -ers, Ac and JHt.i ).o, new IS1'.' f & a X mm sK (Jl(AXI) HI'S 1 1 TO T't. --e letTei il ;. fr. t:, j, ' '-'""-' !i";!i- :s, f. . ,v .Male or iV, ., ij iiM, lilt'. os, li. uie-ly that o .II u-...,l hei-ltii. S ;, j ,., a,. Is ol it,. tun. es. nnd u fi, to pruc the a-r..rt'..;. Leinolnl....,- u , j.jj ''''-.', ami -N"T Kitcll - l.. r. !,, .. 'eve in II Mid '-an.;.., ; ll in.r, (I ' T.1 til -IU P Hi" , 1".- in t!: .-. i'd is but reijiii.-ed J.O li .. I in i u.nn their ' its arc .Vi'iT A'.-bo. I as a H.-vtrae. n iv . . , , - The proj-r'u g 9 E es m JSV Id 8 ? U hi Jl'ST i;i:c & WHO JLAVK i:iVKI) TIIFll! SPHIXC STOCK Oi fill f'ALii Axr i:x Tiiidiv siuc;-; ! I have th, otjin,, j n' T . f . -e- ii-..-i euiiiieiu i ler-yinen, Lnwy-r:, Phvs'. cians and CiC,c,.s, Testifying , f t! eir own ,'er- ' s-.ni.l knowledge, to tho benclicinl eflecU and in- ileal virtues- of these Kilters. Fr i , .,-. J. y, ,.,,., ,..,.,, , r, , Hi li i'im A'n..,, 'r-.e. os.-1 tu I'll or or reeoinn ond f'-'oiriu, inroiiti ih-tru-t c'.le-ts. I vt know .,(' a jo-in n.ay not tost il v t. hii,n-!f (j have rcr.ocr. 1 pwrntion, it, t!;i ! . . . j, e that ho i 1 tti' l'. irvel-ft' din Alth. ugh i; ,t d;. I'titer.t Medicines I their ingredient's and miITm; if i, t ri .isons why uic oeiie-o.i- ,.c re;, etc. mptu pre nt, ibi.t.. ""'- preati r v.t -:oi l'!'o.,,rr.i, n-f ,,d th,, t '. 'iie-t of.i in ito ; i-reet and to,;,,,,:' .-,.(,., ,,,, , ! ttlthi-r. .. . ...... ,,;t..;-,- Ihe peoj in for T.rAl "d upp'.,-t. The ". o.-.t end, ting of n! i. .,-t KiHTV PI.I!.-oi!V,l: J.qui" t,-!ai;j, (, figure, Le,,j,ers :. hilts, oculi,;! c'ac, Xew r. i.esi d w-, ,,, C,irrmjr.o-, ,,.w ,-ra. I 'ressaa, new l,rnc i-flsiun.vs, new seats, n. -r ,. poin'mciiti.Uiewhnlr. fj,,,;,,, . an K.tabU.'hmnt pura.a -int to the fines', over t . rme 1 cil'i er in this country er i.u, ';'. .Un. f.'H.is. War-,,;-, miurii M. DA.N ilJCF, Will perform the far fan-J lMinil 1Vbllr!!-,r.;c,Stn-r,;y, And her 1, ifrh toted lit C ar ;;-( ( lll'IO.V.-: Atji"ii.-; f-u- pr-.f -.-u,.ri 0i ,.j'; I'.d are Coi eele'r i'e. " W fl J J ii V l'AXL'J.Y I'. Co'., til- ' ,. ' mi:, uahi'a winn.',-, r' "n.'i,.'- of ( ,..-ke't ;,;,.!; ;, C'ii m:s) e. I,,, introilu-'e l i-. I'.eii'llif il I'-rfoi ,.;(- .... , si't.'T, i:i;.F"j'V..Vi.: JiAUK-l'YJ; ST.VTl, Ma.r.::i:j. r;.-, tl.1,-7 J. , I, f-fri, ;,,,. '" t'i.V froin any nii'V d,u- tbo I do th id's tlerman Jin-k- I,, of tl,,-. ag.iint then, benefit of . tl,,-, l.lTTI.l' X'.SU:, .h.uhl'-( ,.,- ror.;.i te.v, ,-,'-,- Jfitrcnid Hill die Rider, 1 v 11 A A A"y.vv, , -:r.r li: I, r. lua.';,-,' nn,( Ta,Mrr ' Th-' ., :!,,! DKV.Ei:. alt?.- cl' ,". W, 'J"!.i. f'tw;'J.-c,,;,; . , . ' --. '. ui.' m-m 'Ks. r.tio M!.j; t;F I FAHTlCf Sri.CiAI.I.Y i; Cr; O il Y GOODS ir cannot fj; hkatf.x: All ATI IiX.'ioN IS i n vi r;:i 'in tiikii; i if K i K CA T.!i ',!: f'ALii UK- JIC'-I INS M L' .- I. I No I'l.oi ll.s ! ( i.i yi n. : I Ait: l.-U'l W ! II FA: T ft i I.i i US ! - r f"i.i i;s ; I 'IT, A INK, I'j.LAlXK, WNS LAWNS c. !-S- ! CAss!M!-;i'S ! VI-;riNiS- ''ASSIMFHS! VEsri.Mi.s: StlAWI.s ; (JKN'T.-; SUA Wis 1 mI.V tVLS! (iFNiS'.-ilAWI.s! L'NIX.U'ALLIU AKlMVAltJO ! WHICH O '.N'SIS I'.''. OK S;ivs ! Hatchets ! Chisels ! more readily :n regard to II,,..f Hitter-, iirennreil l.v li r if ' eil .'. because I w' pipo.i.1(.0d r until v veais. under th li,,...... u that they irero elneily at. ob-oboli'' mixture. am ,.,eoic.i to my friend Hubert Shoe,,,;.!, s'l , ior ine removal ol this ;.r. bv I..1K .iti.l ,'..- . . . - '. -"-'"'-, oeui to -v ttieia. w-neii mllering ti nn great at. i p,.? cnltnued d.-b'litc Vh" ,i-e of threo bottle- of these J.'iiters, nl ti,,'. beginning t the present tear, wit-- folli.wed bv i i ,d-nt reiijf , iii-d restoration to a degree of b,,,l'. vigor win. ,, 1 i,. r; 't f -It for ,,,'in,,,.- uciore, an.l bad i,I,i,., .r.,,.. gaining. 1 therefore thank Hod and u,y rr0j ,i.,,,a mo i j 1110 u.c ol !'i";n. , , , , , J- NKWToi! hv.twy. 1 hihidedphia, Juno 2.1, 1 -f I. i. ... i . tJ'i -iv'i.i.y. ji. ii 'j f .,''; ,. , -, dun1:1,: . ,. , j-. -,,,,' ; rK), - Th,: IJ.;,',t ,.,'X, rsr Mr: pit", cr, pr.'j.er :x re- o.r, li '. f: ''t .-.. ,rcc7r4,V .", . JJumur via "".'' " r nt,irf- "ill i.o-u.i a ,,. " o, .a ,- (1-j,:-ti, ul ,,l j,,,, ,',.,, r ,,, r,, rmntionnl'Mt tin I , ,',, .' 1.1A II III I . A ,., ,,. fer. JullS I. I OHlll.S, :). -')' ' " I .MIMIC VH lis, ..fnuning--.., ( "iitri.baiid," v:;l i. l. n re' i 1 I. in un I un ififtnr1rnil .j t'i lain hliln. ii,, I (t , i,',,',.,. fl SSI Mi !:,. AND HOYS' CLOTHING ! ! Hatchets ! Chisels ! P.'ulloc.k?. ! Door iV Trunk L'irk7' Nail! Disc n Vmiiig or l ari spcedilv remoB,l . k.s! . Doer.j I'nink Locks! Screws ! i Hill' J linl HAT-S .1 CATS ! FOOT-: II ATS et CAI'5 ! I'OOi's CA'M'KTS ,1 OIL-CLOTHS ' CAlePT-TS A OlL-CLOiTJs t A SHo!-;s &. SilUl-S ;es cs l'!,',,-; -i.'.itlis;' niafksiiiiili.s iV lir.lts ty Ht.Iis T.,,: : Too.'h : cases ,,f Kidnevi and It' ,,1.1, , Age 'I, .-Hale or I einal und -).,'( il . I r restored to bi-.lib I li.-i.to Children tho. e suif. rin-f, o,e Mirns ton.-, wasting nw-iy. wi-1, .eareely any flosh on ,,...,r oo.i, , ro euro, i , a hittle in s,i.-b .-1. w H ;;j Or., , i. ' " I'nimr I'll'nnj A (.KAXD at! I'tr grr al rro;-, .yor,v, r,.,r. ., y. ,,... , '. Spicnilid snail ( 'harlot. Military Hand, i ,., lit rnrh Jtt'ici n;Wtti,ili 'ii, Clcariicld, Ju:. 1, 'C !. I I'll' , ! 'i. 1 l-ll III "-s,,,rj. rt'. . ih. ""IMlcHrrield cour'v, fa., dee'd, Lav inR been n ' " "A "I estate are re nted to the undetnedailpomni indebted 'V' ! r,' i'1'' ,ajarat' Md ttki.i ........ ... . . ... 5 ... . . . naving calms acalust the lima w i r,... ., ) -.. e-,a-.o are iii:rea u maao luiiue-iaie ii, ,i,;.. . .. ..i . ' ul 'stu Jnf. nnd thoN harinjt detnandj .ginit IU. ""b fUtlc&" t .ll present tb.ta d,'.T authenticated far ,-fll.ri cAfruVl Mri t' ."rU,r;i' i tUerrnt. I FVI IltWIN" KV ' T- '-''"I'tl. IjlvLoS tuILAL, Lxeoutor. I cm: a in: than th; cwkai-cstI or It STOCK OF FANCY GOODS is uxr.XAMn.;:!) in ftylk and variety i MM IONS ! NOTIONS! NOTIONS ' I NOTIONS I NOTIONS ! 4 , noNs j , Scarfu! lIcad-XttB ! Xt-fk-Ticn ! : &;trlrt ! Iltael-.Xets ! .Xcck-Ti, s .' j Satchels ! Tort .Monntiit s ! Urnshcs .' 1 Satchels! Port ilounain ! Bnishes!' I'liofivrfij'liic Alliums ! Fludtrhi'i.lc Albums ! ! crew ( '.'ll-tfi.tl t',-' ev Cari'Ciiti r.--' Files eV I.'a.-,s ! Files eL Fa-jis : Shot- Fiu,!ii,j.;s, ; shut- I'iiniitts ; Ahr.fi.st nnylliing ol-c in this lino ! A YEKY I.AKfiEASSoKTMFNTOF Q u c c n s w a r e , Which they flatter theinsflvoj cannot be beaten in Ibis (ectnm. ect. try fiorl time ; ...n.' a iaoj-1 furjo- d- :i:ssio.v '"-'. 'ui'iii'i .Vixlll'r' i'l'I'l ut I'M ,.M. H. 'i'AS'TI'.K Ay, nl. one ; IX limhiv CI.I'AK'FII'LI' SitlSKl ,Ol'.TV A'l 1'ITM.IC SALE! Parents hat 'ng sulloiing ..hi! Irerja" ah ,r.i, n;-d , w 'flung to raise them, will never regret tho diy they Co ui me need with these Hitters. ! Lit rury men, Suid.-nts, nnd those working l:arJ urli the-ir bra ns, should iilw;,yH keep a hot-1 tie of l!oobm"s ititlers mmr them, as they wiil 1 find much ben, fit fu-ii. us u.-e, to boil, n,ind and' b..cy, int igoralin and not ,lenr.5im-. I It is not a Li. p ior stimulant, and leaves no proj trillion. ATTENTION, SOLDIKKS, And the friends of Soldiers u. - -ii .1.. . i. . . . friends in , aruiv to tho fact that. , 2 . ,',i ' 1 1 r n'"r Kylertown, u, tirahaw t,.w,,.hi lernian Killer," will eule nino-tenth. of the dis-) " Ui 5 rases induced by exposures und privation-, inci-1 Tn.irr so dir., tovritv... d.nt lo. -amp life. In the lisis, publi-hed abuo-t Iff 1 I. daily in tho newspapers, on tho arrival of tho sirk, I '.'I I i t h it wiil be noticed that u verv large proportion "Howaneo of six per eeut, ,jr. wh '-b i are .tillering fmai debility. Kvery ea-e of that' "' MII.I. irith .- .iurle uiTi-'i I : i ..... , .. . . ., . i . . " . .. i-,.,,y rurer. "v i,olI-,n. s eroinn . "r't eo ov wn or. w I i oi-er.t, , ..!,..! tl r, Mil-: i.'Xi)i;i:si(iNi;n wn.i, ,,, . ir.it r FLIC sl.K. i,, j the borough of Clearfield, oi Wednesday, the 2.M June, ll'iGl, lutfho Court Hour, the following described tracts oi i i.nur.ii i.a.n ii, situtti d fin the wifgni of Al- kilXl fill) t THEIR IMMENSE STOCK o" GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS lti.lr.re If. I. ...... L , .... .1 ; . . . .. ' . o . i.u ucsiuMion 111 etating that,' '""""ler. A is. , a j) w i;i,t,iti H(i i if these K:ttrr were freedr u-'ed ainonv ntp ..i. KAK.V. and otlw.r o,,,l,.,;l !,.., ....... H'.Tt bolliteds nf liven l , ., be -aiud lliiel ..,',.. Luproved land under r,,n.'l e.il'tit-Hlion. - - o - - - Til l, r NO. Ill", I o'sTAIVf J -' 01. MAKTCA 1RWI.V, l.i'j. C''"" Pr,OD" ro hareby cauU'n. ajj, a "snin-M purchiiin or ic any way me-J. t ith the follcwlng described property : oue i !MI.Vlf KATOR'S XniCIii-Notir' ia hereby girea.th&t Letters of Administi. -Lorse (Iron-axied) wagon one Pesl. rtosr in ft- tin.-.inn ottiti ' . .n twp.. at the lame bo- Gl.n ,7 '"Meet t my orJer. r,?r ?nnbla barr -.nip i, nrx-i, toi; a ceo .t segaksi rFliECM FRY OF ALL KINDS ! l'FJ;FUAILRY OF ALL KINDS! tionoa th-tLetatoof JOHN W. HIGLUR, 1 ,ie of Or finyt hinc else in the Xof;(,n lino Cleirfjold borough, Clearfield county, deceased. J h 1 1 ol'on Llll naving been gianted to the undersigned, all perioui indobteel to said estate are requeued to u,bk iiumtuiHio iiariuene, aDJ tuoie uatinz CALWELL. C L O T TT T IV fr vi.iuii ijiiiuh iv rauu win j;rsipiii uiiu uu.J r... r,. , authonticatei for nettlemont. Of ilih LATEST STYLES, dier crwise wciiM to lort. Jho proi'iietor, ,e daily ror.-icin- tl,nukr,il letters frmn suir r, rs in the army and hospitals who hare been restored to health bv tho mo of these Hitters, sent to them by their friends. I'E WAKE OF counterfeits: See that the eifnature cf "C. M. JACKJ.Vii on the hbai'I rn of each KottJe. Price per Hottlel.'.renta. r half diiri-ii lor M. ShouI.I your nearest druggist not hare thenti. cle, do ool ho put off by any nf the intoxicating prepa.rat4t.ni that may lie offered in its place, but aend to US.jmi v . n-ill r.i.B.nl ....nrfllv n..Lr1 FIsU ! FLOUR! GRAIN & (SALT! b? 'xprew. i rincpal Office and Manufa'l .rT, No. t .I An h OnAIIAM'S n.-ect, 1'hiladelphin. .IO f a, LV AS, t'scri t) t' M. ).k.-. .1 Ce.,' coxsiSTixr; of COFFEES ! TEAS ! SUGARS ! coiTEi s ! teas: sugars : Sugar-Cured Jlnnis! Di i,,i Sii''ar-Cured Ilamn! Dried fruit Fruit Uiuy I lit. W.M.lh ri"LEP, Altar. ( cuir i:vn,'vrorv. j-i-STORE-ROOJI is ROW, 0ITCSITE 7 HE FITS TO , liOUsE. it O A ; rcf and allowance ofsix p'-r cent. No Imp! vitxiI I Hell, (tacts contain a largo amount ' g- t J I WHITE PIN TIMBER, i easy of acces;, good mads; leadiug to tbr ri,., ( seven mile) distant, and eibt mile, from n, , j Hailroad at I'liilipuburg, and when the timber i . taken off it can be made pood farm Innd. iT-Thero iseicry iiidicaln.B of 1J npoo th land, large munlil,s k tt-ing btn f mnd not 1- difUat, and the ron.pl et ion of tho K. ,"t. to HUu. ipsburg baj made esul valuable. r-ft- f. ru, , will be made kaawa ou Any of rau. : tny ii it. lur.'.i;, fi;i;::c;i & co. MANSION- CKartir'M. M.iv JHh. 1 ''.! H i F, ! vie ' -. . , -I ''. iors. I'M I JOT A T(J F. L ' '' ' ft rai. 'or . i- 1 1 : ' A 1 I t.i'LUt: '. I; T7i i. . I, irl'nr r: (t M c. ' ,i .'li Ji