Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 08, 1864, Image 2

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    gc dlfarficb tpuWicarr.
ill. - -tr'- 7j!W. flfu
Clmpo ougLt lo mid for tboio "honorable
men'' to help him run tho green-brick fac
tory. Fheuo.nt and Cochrane. The Conven
tion of radical ltopublieaus nt Cleveland,
on tho 31st ult., nrminiitod us their can
didates for President tuid Vice President
Mi'jor-Geiiorul John CI. Fremont, and Gen
John Cochrane, of New York. The for
mer w h the Republican candidate for
ing a heavy column in the same direction. It is without signature., but wepresuruo it
Tho order has just gono to Waireu to fall is from Mr. Suntou, and in not clear as
timin lliidr (h.nlr i r dulriB 1
.WA,,?CTOK.My3l.rr0ir ' W.Uon had la .iglu last evening near 0en. OraatOperation. Compared with JS&ill J
aunx,s,w lorn: wc have ueriiatciwa " " '".. ' ' . ..7.' those of Goner. VLmmAuZ vnT tt ; ,""WV'-C1 U
from Gen. (Irani down lo 4 o'clock yes- wlo of cavalry, and routed Young, k illiug
ttrduy afternoon. There seemed, the di- V V"1 ll,Pre ,u bfpn "
u..i In on,,... f I .nn iicuiui UHimiiy uiiiiu m lliuv UII00
'' .... Li...; ,. 'u,.: ,. .1.!. , i.i..Li,rt. lion this morninir.
uutr.iiii, 'i miiim muni V l III i liivnrnio r . i . l..t ,
'"Uniuv. Ilia forces were. on. !,., M...,h.iiiies- - V orron reported last night tha in his
' - ' .... i: .i.i r ..ii.....
those of Goneral McClellan.
From the Philadelphia Age.
Prnui,!,.nl 111 lWri fin. ll.. l..ll..n , In
.. .7 .. .,.,..,... n .,.,.:...,., . .:.v. 'uiuoim lor an at lack were hem made
Will UV. IllUU'i IIJ, W 111 ' J(y fjn
U KltXi'sliAi AIORNINO, 1 INK o tn. the exception of the rnyro and the rv ;,- teen ordere
curiea planks both of which go tho whole
llKUuimis Jm.tii'k. Mder J. U Miles ior,gth of ..perfect equality "-would not
. .1 o i J i i.i "Vr. 1 bo hard for Democrats to take. Tho Con
ANGUS GILL, of Bradford tow v? aUr"f
date to, tuo office of c.1"."1 P...
o , Thesie of Richmond has at .enli JH.M ef lb -C
begun. Oon. tiranl has adopted Uon. Mc-i 7 Ap.2,?l
'! .11.. I . -.1 p H-'.'.l I I r . r
ny. Iliiforcoi were on ll.n Mechanics- , p"e J '"" in uu " nnu un no mr uo- ftqy-W e nvo authori..,)
lo road, routii of the Toio,.toiiiy CretU, ' ,0, 0l !7 " e oon; 'uaT lJU!,,m; ,0u ' T"' ,a ,0,M," luai . (!l,ora- wm. i.. Risiiui., of Ililr ;r;; ann0tf
IbcUveentliMthUeamandllawe'sRhop, t'!,l,.rch- M'10."' ,VJ!'1,;1I ,1,e '.5,h "'" m "Iniost every CHHcnlm pn,i candhlato ft ,ho fliM f
ri;;l,l testing on .Sinvlv tirove. Ui.- ;"''. and Col. ill-. commandmR a copy of tho former iiego. McClellan jul.joct i ,ho .tioU uf ,h, IIT
.iimiw (nr im niM,.L- n-.L i.,.!,,,, ,,vi,!rt l egiam' brijinde. were killed, Colonel npproaehed Uinhniond from the eM. UcaraMd county. r,
(Irani. SVilnon's eavali v had Chi iHtam, ot tlio f.Uh lVniiHylvanin, ns McClellan n northern Hunk was at Meadow
rdereil to deitrov the 'railroad wounded and captured : o was the Ass'ihI- ' Hridge, and in the early part of his oj era
over tho Little river and South " Adjutant Uwu-rrd of lmsoy'H bryado. ijoni. h is Roulhe. n flank vvas near New
SO" e nre ant liot ixed tn nn
i . I-.. I , I UI1L .AtllUUIIll I.IIMHM II f)I 1. IIIISI'V H III I'Jilllll living. Ills ri .LI L II t 1 11 ll.llllt 'lll 11PHP :P(V T " -. 01 J II 0 X lift.
onu.o er uio ume mer ami ou Hride, six miles below, on the Chiekaho. f. '." f C.,a,, Comwi, il"'?.
.iioa, unit uiean n i noi i ioine.4 iruin in-' .11 t .1 , ,no -uuii 01 1 ie lJi)ui.jrriin . . ' ""iki
. . ,.nniliUd.l. mil. I n li.-uru ivurA inn ili'nil a,.,l III 11V. Il ' 111 tt linrlllOMi llnlL- la nun 'vm ji rttUQ ,.f ,
inrsn iivvis hj inn 111111.H soilili" . . . e . 1 1 1 Mr..., In... U 1 . .1 11 1 1 'V,V' ' ""(
" Hnwe'a shoi). where I li.i l,, mm ters of Bt,.B" ""'"" "J nm u, jun,,,.
. . .. . . .. . 1 ' " ...1 . I. iw. 1.1 innninn Attn,. 1 nM .1. 11-
i T I'Ml inn 'll 0 III I I'twfili I nil 1I.1 hnr. ' ..... ... ...I 1; .1..- I ,uuu n,c ,irai, A .t.iu . uuuvr, i'l uv. iriji u t;; i II re n ill ,1 ,
1 ,ul niunva ,-lul.luilMIVU. . tl I.I.. I.!.. .l '.Jr. I.U. I!... f.r !.!.. If -,. 7... .. . . . . ." 10 tttlhA..
AtCurnensville in tho morning at 11, monious. and very bitter in its Inutility ; There is as yet no tele.raphio lines of . I . . : 7, nt ' "I 'mc , '"J "V,:."' " f,, 'l'" "f .
ii 1....1: ri: 1.. i-oinniiinii'ation wit 1 iistiiin'ti.ii. ..... .. - . . .. . . " V'.uiitv Ca,..
iu iiju 111-vivv.iiiMi u. i.iiuuiu. 1 - , ":." ,. , ;i tm 0 iiiK 11 1.1 r 01 A i'l-iimiovi e. No : manouver. atter rencluns tlie c iicknhoin. uiject to tn cut on ..r ii. 1,. . ""',
. . 1 1 1 . . . . . r .. ..r. . - ... . . 'hiii' ti...
iny h'iw in cut inn vjuruonsviiio iailro!nt ,''i .wi)
A. M.
More I'krvivhmo.n
-Tho lust idsuo of
. huiiyrj in thu poiilious ol the armies.
.1... . ..I..1. I...... I'.,... KI ,l..l.,,1
. . ..... dX in Ti'diiii ii.mii i.i'ii. ariiri uiiiii viiiiv.", . ... . ... , .
i" Tatlier Abrah .mus appear to b3 vrMcr.lay, tho 00th, a. m, reports no i.n.M ...m .,., ,.-
(S'.llcl) Tilia is Nf. Si ,NT"V,
Si-,r, i.ii v of Wiir
i therein nvido to what w nid on a for-iu,,,, c;,.:.,it too mti.-h mvUf.m, ,. !.. rr,mni !e..ivf.,l l,v n.i .l..iHi.'iin.Tit
tner occasion excvut as to its PnlpHbtc' , i:lUo KielimoiHl. nddrh willing..! " M. Snvrov. ! ... . V .uiitSiiu.N, Jutio J.
J .1 : . .. . ..1. f t If' i 1 1 . 1
A UlIIHlfll IIIMU 1 IITUI'I .11 'Jrillll, 'I.Ul lJ
the Jucntiii wyim of this, phico contains n . j a ii,t place. In fact it will renuirc all ;
l istio article on the subject of tho ; lho wih,,0,n pf ,he -bcll-nian" to extricate ! So,l,, hXv- c'I;r1,'llt! .occurr
V' e t , sulneiiucnt lo the (tll.ur 0 Salurday. .No
Coiamissiou. hrfar aye fore ice , ,liin In Ulo lirt place, if ho lenders , intelligence tVctu any quarter has been re- i
n may t.iko Kic.liuioiid, which willtnukc!
flehood-we have no complain U to j j,im ft formidable 1 ivul lor the residency, i
make. To satibfy public inquiry, wo pub-; n,0 liext, pi.,CP( jf , duci not render
1 : .1 r ii.. :. 1 Mr. 1 . . . . I
lionet an mucin liii.u ncnMrKUi u. .-;:, j- ( mm uut cnouc.ii to laKO KiClllllOllii Letore , W
i'.il Jf'jwtcr, of rn!a.lelphiaa scientific 't10 l(;llti,noro Convention meets, tlmui.y.
work of tho highest tanding. ' tiotli he and (leant will ' po up.'' j from (ieneral (irsmt,
The parnort of that artielo wa to show ' .. : - . . iiuorimi?, at ;i.iini
.1 . . , 1 1 ,, . 1 ! U'-jj' llavmc; passed ttio lirjt week in received. It 14 at follow
iuuh lilt; v'. Lifiiritiu 1 u 1 11 irutrii .111 ill i iuivo - .... . ,. I
June wi uiou t a " Killing nosi, wo limy
m.ur ...l n c i. I r ill.. it I., u' ! I . ,v rmnnu I'.-iiil !
Let ween Hiiiinver (!,nn t Hmwn uml Uii-li.! 't"'
mond. Grunt will do so as soon in ponsi-1 Hl.lM FI'AIf V.
t'liuntrv between llmmvnp Cnii.l. Mm. sr. JACOI) A. PAl'.ST of (.'nriMnci-ui. . . n0"1C.
the I'amunkev, and the Chickuhotninv.-' t.'r iU of A"r'lX- fuh t ilnJi
(Jrant in idso" doin3 it. I n almost every . 1)eu,0CI,w c'f couu.r,
the ftirmer one.
SluiM' I'l
insi',TON", .lnv .
1 1 I .... 1 ...
vii.iiiv. ni.nriT. u;i3 an .v.. ...m, t. h... ...
1 , . 1 i ... 11 ... um iiniiiuui u, UiUjiii, Klin I
this mirnini (Juno CI.) at n tlnaida 'Vl8. w,lic leuan un i not. for tho office of thohtr. '.'""n
Limn wis iijb iiiiuiuri unci .u i'juh 1 III oi L'tl- 1 linn ul tuu LiLniiMTii'!.' ,n,. '"iniui
. r- I'.ll, LI I ...I: I. " .
r vri II.
Clmreh. 7 .Veloet a. ii . i. nsl. ...n rn. i cimuou uje miinury oncraiDUH uiroujifl-, tern u
,. ' ',' , ; ceived. icut the entire country, nnd has now in his ly
j'.'Ji: A 111 u.u , nriiiv evei V livin ;ili n so 1 nr. AMiMmi..1
dated 'i o'clock this
1,. . ii.u- 1 ,.. tack was ordereil to be niacin on our
"; h"SJl"u Uo"atCold Harbor by the Sixth Corps.
' .. .. 1 .. .i.-:. 1. 1t 11
;imint there is not nn idle company aiiy-
and ,
C i'We nro authorized (0,
!'d fa.
ticcuisary for tho comfort and wants of
the sick and wounded soldiers for u A.VA
if-.e ycji'c '.tiJ !tUrj."y, This is what (hat
urtido demonstrated, and this is w hy we
published it.
Hut when the Ji'i-. charges us
u ilh cj;'iv;'ji,it to the Sauitary and thrlf'ij-i
Coniuiissions, it idlows itself lo fll into
its cotuon habit of falsehood. I'uil lliis,
being a chronic disease, cannot lie helped ;
and nobody ouht to complain. The name
of tho CWviVri Commission was not even
' The enemy eann- in 0:1 our I.'ft lust o-
. . . 1 .. .1. .. 1 '11..11,
Kiowin- crops, tiiut ; , , ,..,,; ,,u ,.'
"-.-...... ... .... .. . .... .11111 mi,. 1
wuere. r.feru ruin )m l.nm. inut ii. him i .1 .1 . 1-I.UU.u 0! like tn .... . I
.. V . ' V .V . - "':.v .;.. .1 -X....-.W ..... '.'"
llinlronns un.lor Smith. W.irret.. l..ri,. " luturo operations t.Ht lair tol.jsimi- ""."' "' '"J"' "h, ,
veetnhlivj, out of danger, l'.iniicis j ...i
all s.iy they never experience 1 111 ire favor- 'l ulii'V.i ilcneral Warren, who was
able weather. The c;ons nil lo.ik wtli - 1 lb" l"t'. H'cedily, (ieneral Meade or-
ideeeJ .iti attack hy the bilnico of our
: lines, (ieneral ll.incock was the only one
w ho received the order in tinio to make
the attack le!.re dark. He drove the
enemy Irnm his entrenched ,-kirinish line
and still it. 1 have no report ol'uur
. . . . . I li.lrtiinvnf lit lirtli a I i ' I I I " 'U 01 n
ki,!e and Hancock leinaheld in readi-; Ur 10 'Hc(- i,,llu, 9- 1 lie enemy will eon-: "'"Jt""'v ul v.,...Jla C;.
ness to ivlvance on their respective fronts. I"u,,v """ v" '-'nciiauomm;,. jus i ,:. vy- . , . .
The attack was made with n.irit about 5 ; camps will be on the bordom oniiosamps ' T. .U.t.0jll55l
and iruit, especially apples, proin'no
abundant yield.
-;' Veslerd,i,y w.i- the miv fixed lorthe
meeting of th Lincoln win uf the Ke-
10 attack was made with n.irit about 5 ! camps will be on the bordom onhosamps ' rf.0N. , Ij "Ho
u.,conl,nuitf unlil aderd uk and ro.; nd s pi,k,ls in them. lie will find . as Mi e.ndide f..V th, .ViVAf 1
Itin? in our earning the eneinv's works I Mel Jellan-lnl, that from Mevlow Undue ,1,. uuion oftii. Kuucratic r.,n, 1
1 the right of the Sixth corps, where wpito ''T "''idjze is tho very stronKt 1 01- coantj.
Itionol'thn Confederate lake
on tiie nizni ol the ixtii cori
4till hold them, find also the fir, I
r . . r 1.'-.:. 1. ti. I..... . i NT el '1 oil .oi Ii n wilt ni'i.ii 1 I lif.i.i ..,1 i.....l..f! fr "TV W t vt n it 1 1.-...; .1 j .
l ri) ii l rii .-i n i. i n i .1 1 t i r n n vpi'fir ..............,,,.. i, -1 m j ....... v .... v n-,i i.i-i i i jr.,
were commanded by another lino in the ! nc'''t'Hsit' E; furtherdown the Chickahoin-' AUK A II AM OUr.EX of Uwrr-nw twi,."
rear, which mado those carried untena-i ,n'' CWi ovor ,nl 'lvanc.- gainst Itieh-1 hd,.to ( ,r t',... on,- i (keriti, sui,;fl h
. . ' I I f,n, ,i, r..ii. . ii.. ... iiun of :Lu IlLiLnrniio iiii. ,.r i-i.....r
moiiu iiL.ui uii: .ijiiLiii'iii, ii;r Laill.oi "" -- ...... H. vxn.-iiflj
publican party in Nati nial ' invention at
Baltimore. If ntlai.s in tha vicinity of
Kicbinnnd have liot .issi;med a definite
mentioned. U is quite a different insti j shape, it is alt outlier ji . .I :L Jf an adjourn
lulion, and performs al! its works with-, ment U a future day w M I e ell'ccU d.
out beggaring tho needy. It U purvly a :
on Tm: I'i)(.Toi;s. -The draft!':
benevolent institution ; and wla.u the vil-: ,. . ,111.11
, , ' , , ! Centre count v took place last week, and
inous klandercr of the Juciti orjun char- ,. 1 .-.1 ,1 1
. we notice that, each ol the three phvsi-
eee us with opposing that institution lie ,T1, ... , .11'.
i iv I ci.ins of rliilipsbiirp are anions the elect.
Ill-Hill. 'IIVI IIL.
But why should wc complain, at Lein
thus misrer. resented, when the remarks of: most violent of
verlcd, in tho columns of this libellou
(beet? The publisher who thus pollutes
bis columns disgraces his calling. If he
does not know it, it is the duty of his pa
trons to teach him.
at a dutan. o of seven miles ftvtn Rich
mond. I!e lepoets that he has taken a
con-iderablo nuiulier of prisoners, anJ
that them nre many reUl dead on the
liebl. Of his own losses ho h i.; not yet
iiia'ie a ri port, li s latent desp i'c'.i :avs
losses, but suppose them to be light. ' I
Oilier elUcial despatches, not from Gen.
Oriint, w ere received at the same time,
nnd give more detail. They are as fob,
lows the lir-l being dated ye.itci-iLiy, Ulitlc
Mav, 1; o'clock p m. :
"In the course of the afternoon Gem rul i
Warner had pushed down on our left un
til his flank division under General Craw-!
ford reached a point abrea-iof Kh.idy
Grove Chuivh. Crawford having got de
(ached from the rest of tho corps was at-'
.' Z-if -Joshua H. Gi.ldiiiiis ono of the ' Go ki d and crowded back a little. 'The
.1 .1 r . . t
I bo Ohio Abolitionists, "' 'Nivya i..r :e. wmcii i pears ,
1 111 I I . I I f 111 W I. I 1 I . .1 I I 1 t I JTlllU I . 1 1 1 1 I 1 1
private citizens, made in private convrr- j an'' nitieriy Mnco.ri s oonsui ( in Winner's left, aUomp'.ing to tuinit, buti
ration, nro repeated and slmniefu'ly per-1 Canada recently died very suddenly in w as repulsod." '
Montrrul. 'I he ngsgement wai short, sharp and ,,
- - - 1 .. i w 1 1 1 . I.:. 1 : I
.... . . . . 3,"i I I 1. 1 1 k ill .11 . 1 ill I 1:11 unit II 11 1 a -' , i'l 11 11.
iiki ii i n. i ua .nine r. imoei (u 1110
I.i lx Jtuok. Il is all that even fancy could
paint it.
V. A. WaI.I.acr. Km 1. 'I'bp V.t.nhiir..
To return to the Saaitary Comtnission;-, jKm,era( ,f. , ' nUn f f'.hpir
-mus y 0110 nupcic.. upon ine practi-1 senator and Repre-,entalivo pays 'the fob that the enemy aro nioVmg troops to his
cal, operating eflects of tlie contribution I ....,-,, CClUuy.mpnt tn r,.,Ml .,,nq. W( ,,r.mt2y lr cov.-t the approach to
of the proceeds of tho "one day'r lr.bor V ' ,.,.in ." l.'iohm -ii J on mr eight.
Who-o this coiUribiition is made vcd.inta-1 k.' T,.. . "An activo confict hns been ifl;in;. ev-
' ' . " ' "'-'" '".6. cp since ilaek, but ha-piti lnn-d. As soon
Now that the l.egtslafsi .. has ad) mi red. u tho C..,.mv attacked the left of General
it u r.ot unbecoming to say 'omethmg of vriv, (i,.,"-,.,.; Wright' and Hancock
those who represented us in the Senate, wt.rft ...Jerefl to pt.h m. but do not seem
ami also in tho I.egislatue. l.iamA. o have got ready unt il nlu-r nichtl'.ill.-
or without the consent of the civcr. All I ,!, u, vuL.r"r".7 .. 1" "IT... J.i r0 rcl'" 01 tc- recivca :10m
u . . j 1 iniui n ui ii-i.v.'h, iiwui-ij uuw them
largo iijatmiaciuiiiig, mercantile, ami 11- cipaoniiy. v e are not at all asdaraej -pi desnutuh above referred lo ia da
11s morning ard slates
attack last right (
nemy out of a strong-.
fhe following paragrnph, taken from the;l"oiind at his post when tho I iftnocraev or
riiilnlelphia Tdejrnph- an entirely ' lev-1 Country recpiired his services or his
arsbeet-andtheonlyouoloourknowl-!,0'- UiVi"! r.ot our iniention to (latter
, ,, , . . , , , out one thing we will say wo nro iiroud of
edge, that has independence enough to 1 01ir Senator. Then what shall wo say of
tell tho truth on this subject, will show ' our Representative, rcrshing ? Pershing's
our rcuders lUo praouciil operation of this lepuwucn as .1 nietnt,er ol tho J.ogisiature Hnneock's rtiiht, an ) threatens the left
P-.stcm : i ,s co-ex etiMve Willi lho Mate., and he is uIU)k 0- lhtt oneuly. (.nrral Smith ought
"There at the roa,n. of dm WrkiuR-W,- 7, I , ' , h'?V0,nn ":t'.vo at N.-w 'astU by noon, here l.
men's Relief A-oviution, lr.mtak, a mo t re- SU?t "nr, '" h,lt boJy. indeed, bo has Ctt support W.rrcu un 1 Hur.isido if lie
ro-taV.o w.,n,;,n, h.) had n.,l,inS to iaal. He seems peculiarly got up for Cl,ssry.
et, citliHr lor Lirculf or eliildrmi, all llio dny bo- tll occasion. I o an honesty ot purpose, , (;B,)eral Sheridan, wilb t-regg and 7or-
forc, savo fomc potatoes that had lieen tlirnvu, a.1 a universal intelligoiice., a readiness of do- bet's divisious of cavalry I" on our left
wjTihlers, out of a huckster slisp, Sim had not bate, un urbanity of manners, ho iwlds a' (l '
,.i.1 ,.IT.. ....; I.. 1. . ... ' . ... . .. MdllK.
"""" ; ,, u' 1 ' . "' oigniiyoi cn.iracter which renders him rJencr d Wlbon our ri -ht in. I ir
mgar fot throo. II er hiir.ka.iid had hien killed at ,,,...,,.r,, 1 , 1. ... 1..:... "c'lir.u n ,1 on la 011 oui nrii an. I 1 eai , ,
AiHi.'tuia.und sl.o had l,oo .eying , inhU-m . , . V ' , , ,
Tho enemy made, repeated asaulls on
each of tho corps not engaged iu the main
assault, but were repulsed with heavy loss
in every instance.
Several bundled prisoners were taken,
OUL 1 s;.v ininir.r nm n.
lima'.o cithor our or tho enemy's casual-'"as ml"'r d van I ages over M
iti.w. Ih'is the benefit o McClellan'!
During the niiiht the enemv made i He can ovoid tho mU'.ak?s of H-V2.
saults to re-ain what thev had 1.,-t. Imt IClellon euivcyc I the .cround and 1.1
I mond fiom the southeast.
up the Chlckakominy and approach tliej
town from the north or not thn-e-t.
Houc is east of Richmond, and ii'Grant!
thus exposed it the Confederates could
easily come out of the south side n the
e.'lliitnl fin.l nil f.O'lii'a H..11.1
Clebai). He 1. lil;,v.
ex; erience. I
. it .1 . . '
l -.s w e nre ncuioned to ann..n-i.
llV 1 1 II r,f r'....r. 11
-f Uistllet ta,,,
0 Imony-ertyofivJi
WJI. M. .Vi.( bid-'jl
d:i'n jT tho otTn-
Mc-J iv AVo niv nutliorir
No disi'ti'ehes from tiny other quartei
havo leached the Department to-day.
bii'.vi M. Stavtos,
Secietai v of War.
Vaii 1'i:irtvt.
W.iMiiNirios, June ;i K1 r. 11.
1 .
.U "i u' .in Liiori.'.eii 10 Aurn,,.,.
him .TO; s 1, ClMTId: of (".-irliilii,
-:" : fe: th" tli'-o of Pi-tri-l Atto.r.f.v, fu'
ncf.'.n ol the l a.' cra'ic partof I'UrSrU,.
'' Jin
:;iy, there cm bo no just cim..' of com
plaint ; but tho ninety-nine hundredth!
part of those contributions atomndo un-1
dcr one and another kind of compulsion ; I
largo mauul.iutueing, mercantile, and fi- capability." We are not at, all asharaej -pj ,i'sputi;h ab(
iMtic!! cstallishments, having a largo having assi.te I to elect. Iiim. if wc only tCl; ,tl o'clo.-k thi
number of Landi, make the donation, and I'T1 l,.PP"';tmiily of ejecting one other ,hlH in ,nllcoek's q
, , , . jdliolnmin the Senate our i.trtv would p.-nnl"- drove ihn r
tacn charge the amount to each operative. ?M niong smoothly. Ho was' always v inlicnel.e.l skirm
1 lottiiny has Ifcn hearn from Genera
(irunt since his despatch dated at 7 o'clock
ye.4cr.lay morning. Telegraphic commu
nicatir n has been delay ed by a violent
storm on the peninsula yesterday evening
and last night, and cannot be re-established
before Home lime to-morrow.
Kiev is M. Stanton,
Secrelaty ol War
Washington, Juno I. pi a. m. Miy.r
(Mirril ','..-, ,-u y.jrk: Dispatches from
(ieneral Grant's he a I piartera, dated 2 o'
clock yesterday nltemcon, have just been
received. No operations took place on
Thursday. Yesterday at o'clock a. m.,
General Grant nmdo on alt ark on the en
emy's lines, of which he makes the ful
lowing report :
We assaulted at J l"iis uinrn'uuf, di Jv-
ing the enemv within his entrenchments
tccuratc. maps. Tho signal cot p id' 1
have put on record the position and ex
tent of nearly all the con fed', rate ns i s.
irn.i n , .1 '..'., l.,Jf ...1',,,.... II...
cock. Meaile nnd Smith .,.,. ,!!,. C, ,.,i I A I'DITOH.
,. .... . . . " t . - .. ir ., i :.. i i.
no ana ins troops havo had two years t ' " " y lU" -ui.joii,.cu ta
longer experienco of war. One greid mi Iu;i'N J.'MU.I.bX, of v.axxXt tanui Ut
take made in lH02-thc distribution of the ' '!"i,liu."; '''' ,Xxihty AuiIUor, toth .
.. t . .. . ) tll.U l.f tll Dflltl Ill- 11.,.. .1' !'!....,,
l eiicral annv all over the country, nod the1 ... 1 J "'imm.
failure to rcinforco McClellan has been I - Jjj
rectified. Hut from necessity Gen. Grunt For Sd 111 .'it R Rnrrrain
ah imt inrnsen lo lowing .McChd, an s rpilK i.nder.iinwd ..ffc, nt pr'viT,
motsteps. He started from the Kapidan, of land oh Sendy t'tec-k, in Pr.iiaiuSI
intending to avoid them, but circum-tan-' f'Y, Clfarr.el.J foi-iiiy, I'n. cmiainir.; IttCitm
ces have brought, him to them. He hasjH,lJ pertUei, iil.out 10 aei uf wtiAj
begun a long, 'perilous, (iillicull undei tak-i t:h'llt,'d' ,.w'11' s; 'w-J1.lil' ""u,, I!rn rnidotiu
ing. lekshurg thd not tall until six ' ' . -a , ,' . '!'"1 , uu 'ns u.tu:iit
months after it, stegegnn, and Hie pub-j M.a Umt iMI1P. Bnd p, , ;,Pfw' ,
he must not bo too impatient to sou the i Tn.ib,v roil' .-ieiu to out over 'iwoi.Honi oik
end of Grant's presrnt undertaking. i.f huul.vr. A t"M.M.i;; p n 1 fn--Tt l!i bs
- -- Btui Jiiw.uiill. lho lutil jt-it wxd dm titt
Ci-'iV-The c Ulcers ask for h iirii cilice, and ' K'i-i-uiiU. with i-.-t of hnj. ..artWin
no, hit." uir r,in.-i i .u.T lil l.'.ir)'on !'ol
Cienrfield cumty. JollN bRij'sLCii. '
Ma; I'). ls'd.--U. pi.
-oldieis fur-lough.
! v i:it H i)
las' l,y Hov
thin iil.iee, on Taef lav evonin
Plaei-. .... ,
mK.wu.:. nCTTOI , ; n.v i u-uiiim. tawna? J. i aoi.p, utioj nil my
las', l.y ltev. Jain.'s M. (ialloway, iir, J.C.lQ
VVc.-lh, ( f i.'xford, I'hester coiuiiy,' I'.i., to .ii... j ,
M iry A. li.illoit i v. of this plaee
Ill i:i)--Ou tho ond, Victoria 1,., iliiu-kter
bf.1 aid borJ n iti'.out atiyjun eaure, all jitrmf
irmish line and holds it. lu " poiois, oui winiout gaming any de-
flin I,...r4 urn ....I ,...,. i...l Urn H, on. . cinvo advantages. ( ur
,.r Ti.v'i.i i r ... i : t i , . ' are nereny euuiioi.ei uzamct narBiritii or irait-
JTft-Slio mivohor heart lo (iod in her r,.,. I '""! .nn ace-mut. 1 mil ray gown
tooniii year, and hv
tide's whole corrs got across the To le po
lony Creek last evening and is in full con
rec.tion with Gen, Warren.
The left of Hancock's rests upon the
side of liie creek. The oth (,'orps is upon
.1 .. t'l.. : . ...
troops now oeeu- Ui . . f .. . . . ". " " v ,
pya position rlose to lho ncmy, some for about ton month., vel rhe l.r hnr,, ni ;,,;.
Willi u uicrknors and re.dviKilion becoming a child
of Clod. Whmi death caiao tha was uvi ly.
Best, Kentlo daughter, rest,
I'i-a; ol'uily mi .lesus' bosom ;
Hiii k no pit to lliin who gave.
This, oar choemi c'ni'.d far Heaven.
I. .:.!..... ii i.i . i
Utiuce on rautalo.iiis nt 17 cem. pr pair. Sho ' ihhioii y. newouni no lisienod
nmo to nsK "l tao lomm-.tleu ILo lmin i f a feiv , ' i"ietveu in any uuuouiuiu oony,
tollars. to set hor.'.l! up in tho ji .4 tu-igfu, lhous:ht they were opposed to him ill ev-
hie It slo ho'.iovcd would bo less fiilig aai, ay e;y princijde.
better tiiau Sho was aecoinDKiiittvd. I .. .
nn ! tho next tbiy cams to tho rooms to exhibit THE NEWS.
hr etiiiitid increufed ono-lliir 1, aud exclaimed. i- i- .
joyfully, -lam all rigbtiio.,.' iho c,.a,, of , ', 0 a 'ttlt 0Ur War
extiruis dojtitution t tho tiuio the called, imu ly to the oflicial dispatches of Scixtary
UuX vZfViu 'oi NT,:0t,l,, dl,JLC.U"r 'Sl,u,lu"' Tli;il th"' '"'ereliablo. iinuinuch
uom ncr p iy jj could, (this being tho atnoiiu. of
ono day n labor) tor tho bciiel'it of tho .Sanitary J3 uu J tio "ol assert any thing lli.d is all
laif. lhuilioflt; think cd it! and tul.u. it' von tiohitelv 1'il.e ir. iil . t ..i ; I
piacea witiiin titty yards, and are remain-
ing. Our loss was not severe, nor do I '
suppose the enemy to have lost heavily.
Wo captured over .''A) prisoners, mostly ,
from Itreckitiridge." '
Another later and official rf port, but,
not from io n. Grati', estimates the nun)-;
her of killed nnd wounded a', about .' ,(100. !
Tho following officers arc among the!
killed : Col. Haskell. ."''th Wisconsin ; Col. :
Dorter, Mh New Yoikhe.iiy artillcrv ; '
Col. Morris, or,th Now York. " " j
Among tho wounded are General It. Tv-i
vtlst;, for the purpoot, reported io ,i fnrmcr .lea : 'or. serum-ly, will probably lose a foot ; '
Thou nrt wilh the ang rip now,
J'reo from". cira and pain ;
Thou s'nalt live to dit,ii ireiro,
To die, to live, is entllfrii gain. T.
II. :
ileto Sbbtrtisfuimts.
;r'ol. M'Mahon, Dith New York : Col. Hvr-
..,'. . .100 ll. Nf.lo'.l .11. l.l 1.. . . 1
outs lslbirkiv innid-, '" hiisi-iim, prouauiy mortal-
lair. Ihmliof.t; think cd it! and tii'.o, if you sohitcly fabc, wo leadilv admit l.-jt :t ie
cm, c on lor thu rviitf of our .-oldieis, iho broad , , ,, , , , , . '
from tho luoullu of surving bubcr and mother-, Vc,y ' -K'llr Ulal "WW miporlanl S nro
0 CLii. lian men and Homou
"Again and again girh working in tton s and
factnrios, who are not averaging more than J 1 u
reek, aro tol l tiny nun.', coiitribulu to il.i.s caue ;
snd a foreman in ono largo o.-tabli.-hinent tol l his
employer last week (bat ho wculd nillu-r givv up
bin Mtuutiun than deduct from tho meagre pit
taneo of youug giiU ono day's labor, wlou ttoy
h era wholly unaolo ta gh o it,"
If wo were Feckiug for iictects for ' oji
poaing'' this s:Lc;i:o (which is not tho fact j
lajtssucli as tlu.-e c.ulJ be nmUiidiod
without limit.
Rut there aro many things coniif.cted,
witn mis injidution that are, to
least "mysteriou
The couiitrv liere.i
cd with pines, with few cood I ' ' brooks, .'.'Id I'ennsylvania
t Tho indicalions this morning aro that J bnwtN M. Stamov,
; tho enemy has fallen baek boutholthe, Secretary of W ur.
iChiekahominv. i - -
f Nothing of later dato has bewi received j Wi-hjsi, JcN, Juno , I p. 1,1. J, l.f'cr
I by this Department. I r;ti:ra! I'tx : dispatch from Genera
j Rt'WiN M. .Sr.isroM, j Bank's headquarters, dated nt half-past
I Secretary of War. 'eight but night hasbecu received. It
stales that about seven p. m., yesterday
iA'ashin -in, May "I--II : "3 r. u. Tj j (Friday) tho enemy suddenly attacked
To Iiuildcrs.
ylr.ALLIi riUiPO.vVI.S will bo re-,ivel '..y
; O tho School Diraetoro of Ilradford townshi,),
I until the Oth day of July, nxt, ijt the baild-n?
I ot i.o Sihnul.i.tvr ill said toKushrp. I'lan" nnd
, fpecificatious can Lo seen at the res: ler.-e of
I r 1AN1KL STEWAKT, Sce'y.
I June It, ISC I. pd.
tlllAl l.I or STOI.I'.X from lho piemiseji non nn Iho Cftat
vj oi i ctrr ?n!t, in nr ltonl townshi;', on the
night of the IMth of May l.i.t, a PriuJIj C..w.
ton year:' old, with the point bit or cut oft the
leu ear, Ii nj bonis, nnd rather thin i
withhold that the r.V.. trvlh is m f told -
and they are therefore very unsat'sf Ho ;
ry, imj. arling a very imperfect idea n the
0 . . , .1
''"ii. I;r, ,tw Ycrk . 1 he following : Smith's brigado of Gibbon's d ivisioti . tho 'iborul reward will he paid to any one infi'rtiiin"
utijts ol hoi contia'.tin".
MA MY AX.N LiL'SLir. tp., may l"i, lit. fi.
SAI.rl l'ei'Soii.s di'-irin akr-
gniu in the pureliMso of s l'.AUM, will do dlu
enibraoe the o pel (unity now ullerial. Thftira
ie situate 1 in Murri. '.oiiinhip, CasitifM coattj,
about Ca uctiii ck'iired and in pmwi wits fmi
outlaiil'jini;., and is advunl i, o,:. 'y ut'l
can be made highly prodii. ti vo. Ii wJ.'tos'iJ
at a bar;',iit.i, i'ar j;arto!irlpp!y
io iao nuu.-cn-jsr e'.ther m pert- -a or tj KM VI
K.v'.tiiown l'...-t OJiee, Clenrtiebl o-.otijr.
j u-.. l.'Jmpd. LlUniLI.ri ,V.7iiiL
rii.'i'...T;.(!,iiin imitii
-d in the ftli.s of tho C,-k
ol y-iapier M-siions of t lcarSiM counfjr. fail
petition Mil bond ! r Iieente t the Jani
Term r.oxt, a.rreeahly fi the Act of A't'aUjof
I'sth Mareh, ijH, cntiil.-d " An Aft to Bejaat
the S ilo of Inti'jieatMr' L''jors." .tr.
Frederick Kurh, 'Tavern, tw.
jun. 8, U?. I). I-'. Hr2H'K;LBn,a
is lie re ay civen ill it !ot'-rs ot inlmiai'Vi-
f boh a ! M. Mudey, till a
UraJy tii., Uoe'd, L;:vii, l-.ngMntti Uth(r
derrii;ued, ltd pirsoas iieleb'ed t ' laid fftitfrt
te'piesled to iiiii'io me liale paynfnt, ndtia
having clnims ngi.inst t ii m'iiio will present ll
duly authenticate.! r.r feltlctnf-nf.
may 1 '(' I fit I'd. J LIMj-;
Aiulitors Notice.
iH TASF. MITil.'
J pr5,,n have f.!:d
Tn l!i matter of tin? e-tiite of Real'WB.J-
despatch has been received from Gcnerul battlo lasted with "ieat furv for half nn ! mo where the can bo fouud.
butler: ; hour. I . V. C. WTvIollT I
"Yesterday nil day heavy firing was The attack was unwaverinclv repul-cd ! " on'l'and, Juno 8, tSCI.-3t pd.
l..ii.'id ... il, .. .ilr ;,,.,"r r...t ;....:n.. I o.:.i-.i . ," ,, 'I ... ." '":"--
real situation in either Grant' ... Shdv. i r.... " r... o. ""--'""' - . " . .. It?) A 1 -Wrifr ita. i 1 "11 late of JJrady town.aip de-wi
Kichmon 1 is not yet l.dtrn. MtP-h sc V mi,0K ,lrom Hiehmond. esteMay i ion, which Leo had thrown around to his the kuiidirz of g A Mil I av "fi 1 m i ' ,oni' " "'' !v at his oft, in th.
vcec gluing Las taken pla.v : ,t ha . I V'f. h'T 0 firinS- ttncl lhlt Graut was left, apparently with the intention of en- on the river, at the fhe knon oi .he V,x uL'' f S,fa'M'1' V" 1"'"',nl lht dj
been in GieoomfVl os i w.e, :dr!v!n3 Lre- ;veloping Ibirnside. After a short but : Mill property (formerly Lojjan'e) in Lawronoo ! l"'? nnd '" H Fr.'s inlwuriflr
cm n .he op. lite.. I, as .1 tictc. la: Iron. J .-A reports that a meeting wa, sharp conflict, Wilson drove them from It is to be hat is cilled a -:-ing!e ll,UenJ' xUl"' " T'r) r.,-Ttsrf
the deieiKcs of the city-the rernJ;. at held yesterday white sho was in Kich-' I heir rifle pits iu confusion. He took a ' Mi!l'" ni fpecificationi ean bo s.a by j ,,, ,, ,, '
(raking as often r.s tliey hsiss bcrli il!sc!c-;UJV"lJ' ,u seu whether tho city thould be few prisoner-. ,chos uron titherof tho midrifigned Ttusitej. i "
cel. V.hi-n these d!e.,civo , o.ks n, ,1,..''1''''I or burnt. Tho Mayor ad vo-j lie had j.icviously rought and routed! Po" ERi-PORTrr 1 1 KC.'ISTi:ifS 011CIV-Koti-.iik.nlJ
n , nnt .... ,, ,, , i lod a rui render, and was put i Castle : Gordon's brigade of rebel cavalry. junt. v,fi isVl " ri fm.l : J i given that tho following accoar.tlil
l'or instance, a Now! V-J "'Meh"- " ai! 1 ' "'y .B" .''"V' n ? 'lnoa "lrr- "".timong them Col. Preston. 1st Ver- I "
lolAliattcr. an ardent ndvivenin nr il.n ' '
perponol property of decedent, ..loetod
that "the ofucois of lho Commission aro I
us, at
all honorable men, nnd that there is
enemy, must not bo understood as tnp.'iti
no .. .......
necessity of their iroul.1m i, m.i.i;.. "o crmy has L.cci driven into
.... r .,..: 6 V - tho dofeno
"""vv"""' vi m-u ruciiji.i an i ccpcr. li
turcs l" Who tver heard of tho like of this '!
isuppoie tho Christian Commission ; tho
Aruciioan Sunday School Board ; tho Pres
byterian Board of Publication , or any oth
er similar association, whether religious,
benevolent or commercial, would make
tuck a pica? Aro not their officors also
nil "honorable men 1" In February last,
Rev. Dr. Bellows one of the "honorable
men" acknowledged, in a public letter,
tliRt the receipts in cash, which had then
reached the central treasury, amounted to
about ono million of dollars j while the
f ggrcgato amount of eight items of expen
ditures which he et the samo lima enn
ineratedrcacheJ ouo and a half mill
ions ! llere is a "mvBtery" for you. The
eah teoei
er-'b per.
l'urillC thoso fichts h( lost mcernl nil',.
"Tho enemy attacked niv linos Tester- cers. Lmono- Hu m Cnl IVeonn hi v-
I ...... .1 .. .. I I ... , ... , .... . . . M t.'l ... I 1 1 i . i. i . . S.
n into their in-i '."J ' ,u "7" "P'wse.i. 10Uay all day I mom cavalry, killed; Col. Deo amin, 8th X , , v .ot.coiS hereby Kir. )MerWed. and wi I be r e.enteJ to tb. '
. il'V uln 'inn rnniMiJi..,! .... ! 4 I V '-l. I - 1 . '. en that till) following ir.n n,,. t. ..( . ' " rotaou ,.
. I,.,',,. ,,."") -v.. ......... a. 1. ,t niiiuiri my , i'.T 1 ui iv mvuirv. sei lous v n ounoeri. . , . .huiim iin,n,r.' rnnrt rr r....fl.., ...i.nii?.
in some pla,,s "only -tv 'LJZ T'lW . j rTZ V r
Noth ing further since ray telegram of : I Frulav
0. ; - j 1
iuij cvcnmjj iruin uraut.
- - -. w- ft " uv h'.ii uor nnnrMi.r to. -t. r I............ 1 . .
corps, was seriously wounded yesterday tho Act of s.,8mbl of .i.." 7, ,.r V . Hi '""''""ins n the M Mond,y of JLh
ISil, havo been filed iu the Register's Office h:
W jiin.veio.v. Judo !
cos of Dichnion I, and that our
army is within bird-shot mn-o of lho?ef To !L : Di
worus. Atttiat po:..t ('old linebor)'s A d.sitch from (ion. Grsnfa W...
nrmy is not less than ten cr twelve miks(qi!arters dalcd je.drH.iy, Juuo Ut. ten a
Cur entiro lors ill killed, wounded and rloar6cld, and will be presented to tho Orphan
missing during lho threo days operations uollrl lnr approval, oj Wednesday tho 2'Jih day
liriUlm n r I m linr nl ,..l ... '
... . . ...w, , Tin, ,iwu t'.H.l'L'il,
cording to tho Adjutant General's report.
. ... .. ... . . .
seven inousanu five Hundred
iioui Kichmon .1; and the "buy yards''
we presume tcpurs'.es the pickets of the
two armies.
All our forcci not with feherman Eeemi
io be concentrated at Richmond. To ef
fect this, Texes has been totally abandon
ee., oiniriy rii 0J jj0iimiana; nil of Ai kan
sns except Liulo Rock on c Arkan "is
mer and Helena on tho Ui,4 pi?a id
ad of Mississippi, except few. 0 h;
cr town.
P. S -Last night's mail bring, dates
from Grant to Sunday evening. Another
attack of the rebels ha I been repulsed.
The 5th Reserve. 1200 stronu. a r i' i v a , 1
at Harrisburg ou Mo iday laed, under com
mand ot .uajor A. M. Smith. Would it
u.. has been re ciive l
It statoa that about or. u. vtcterdnv
Sheiidao, perceiving a force of rebel ra'v
Appruisement of cerlain personal property and
real estate, net opart for the widow of I.anjtin
Root deeeesed. I. 0. UARGF.K,
t'leurOold, jun. 8, laj. Clerk.
This morning (.Saturday. Juno lth.1 tho
enemy's left wmr in front of Tlnmirl..
was found lu have Lccu drawu in during ! . DR. TOBIAS'
thnied,t. 8 VKXITIA.V Id. MM FAT
airy at Cold Harbor, ii heh proved to bo j Col. Cenola iu command of five thous and I V Certl,il1 c,,r f"rrainiin limkjand bak.eoro
i n iiugti j ee s iii ltK'ii, attarked it. and men. arrived hero vesterduv. having m ir ' -t a.
after a hard fight routed it, together with ched from Tort Roval
Ciingnian't, brigade of infantry, whichl Telegraphic comn
tbroat, eronp, rheuinalitm, colic, tc. A
Road !
ciitno to Lee's
for cnnfitinatiun nod .ir,,ivnre,
I. Tho linal nccoiitit of Henry I. feie, en'
of the ia.-t will of JJio M. IVeitJol, iK' J,l'
of Hell towapVip. Clem ueld ", Pel r.J.
I. Tho final ncr tint of .S. P. Wilson, ndmiuiktri
tor of ell and tinguhir, the goods and chattel,
rights nr,d credits which wire of J. C. (Irhii
, cle.-eafo.l. laic of Hrud ord tp , ( I- nrficl.leo,.
i 3. Tho partial account uf Jno. D. Thompson j
' Josiah H'.Thnfnps.m. executors of tho list,1'1
1 and teKninint i f Ignatius Thrmipfnn, 1e "
lute of Lawrcnse tp., Clearfield eounty. Pj""
I Tho account of Francis Pearce mid )W
I'earce, executors of tho last will and to-be"'"'
ofAbfolotr. I'eurce, pr., dee d, late of EraJj"
tp., Clearfield roiinty, I'enna.
5. Tho ncconnt of ll'm. L. Shaw, Admin utTSlor,
and Mary Ann Shaw, Administratrix, of sllw
Bingiilar, the goods and chattels, rig""
credits which wero of It. C. fihnw, Jee'd, Ut o
tioshen towiifhip.
perfect family ineilicino, and Dover fails,
HoriI ' ' linn, I ' ' I
communication between i ie . i.: t , .. ...
UPPOrt. I hnrrvslnnn .nnrl Ii,r -nn llihunn mi.i ni. i. .
,. ., .. , j . . v . .oj I'iviuvo vu.ih.u-, .ui. io iu ceriiij inai mv wile wis fnuitti wilh
Sheridan remained in i.ORRPKsion i,f tha nn. i,,irnir.i..i n,;.... tw... . . . ' 8 w inseu wi n
. , . .i.i, - ..-f .v,. , iui"i; it comniHnctu ty dwell,
nei J. lie reported at dark ho had a con-j A dispatch fioru Gen. Sherman, dated and was so tore that the could not fwallow,
and couched rlolenllv. I
Uiero veto many nbol dead and wound- miles wost of Marietta, Ga , reports that ; I10? Prf'"t in one week. I Brm- fi. The account of Josia'u Ksn, Adm nWrsw
ed on lho field. lie was t Herod to hold his left is now well around, covering all J luh" but for lbo ""'''" "ouH , of the estate of Asher Cochran, dee'd, Wn
the positio.,, and at loo p. v. the road, from the south to the railroad about i P?lee." Md io 'I t.iJ11!- n r tr,wu',M'''T , h Pm 1(1dV.W"
corps Bet out tn nrmnu if u t. i ... i. ...... u ti- ii i . "3 na 60 bottle. Bold by all 7. The account of Jeremiah pineal nnd ' ..
... .1l . rl ocury it. We have not Awkworth. His cavalry have been in Druirclst.. Offlc. Art. nnrtinn.n .o. k v ' ti .a..ii t ,i,. ut ofD
lorce an tue June etl, JSSI-Jm FU-kiiI, deceased, 'alo of Morris townsnip.
I - a ti . .r e i .v.:. ..Imlnistril'1'
a lie iioi'oiini oi cum it , i-i i iuh , .. i,
of hII and singular, the goods end eh'""''
rightii end crediti which were of Tfj
decfusd, lata of BiirncideMownshir. rl'"''
"runty, r. Il AIAH bAR'.KR'
I'.egiiret'i OQice, uwy 13 tc Ilrjem
yet heard from Wright or Sbcri Ian this Awkworth, and occupies in
moinirgand do not know whether tha A wk worth Pass.
loruier IlM got his trooPH tn tVoU A,:. V. n,k.r .n(l,i.. ii!i; I... II 0KNET8 FsahionaMe Ronnl. b.l. K.I.
.:,i. ,..t ,,.' i ii.. ""t"' rt-tu' amitn. would it nat on. ..i.t. r. . ' 'ul,,"ov" "an ""a, n r.. kk.i.... uk.-. ir
l,Jl not be well for imrcitizens tocireCbmna-i Wrih . . i ,uu" 08 ce upou rcocivou oy tnisdepartmeot.
rr"Vr,x J a Ur. Mr. ny C a fitting welcome onb4 return. 1 tKo"!,. - , fW 8ive lh despab
i Uls "wnwg ourray oro also nior- it in IL. rfriV'tf U.n cf If
I) Cspi, Bbskert. Ribbom. Flowers. Plum'
r..n. u . . r ." I. .
bqve despatch as we find ally. chaar. thaJ .kcAr... . '
oudar l:l.-! J. P. KRAZER S.