J W MOORE. I y. ... X, B. GOODLANDER, j Ldltis and Proprietors PRINCIPLES, not MEN. TERMS :-$! 0 Per Annum, if paid in ncvnr VOL XXXIVWIlOLi: NO. IBM.; CLKARI II'LD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUK 8, H31, NI'AV SICK IMS VOL. IV.-NO. HEAD ! HEAD ! C, W. & H. W, SMITH jiavi: jrsT jii:ci:ivK From tlici East, a fresh supply ui SEASON A RLE "riiiK Jiidainif, 'loathbi'iuis, Ahmetis. Si'.K" I I- Si 1 . : - i '. . , ..- . . I j.riiri"i- .'ii'iiau, v l.nMIiy, l.llKt.1-. J 'up. 1lni, I.nvi-llii.j, ;in;;lii'ii,, ('lind, 1'lnid. Iirill inp.'i ii'kin;.', rhiittli, 1'1,-iin A Kam.y Ca.iin('n!, ! fotlonn'le", 1're t ht (him cily n n u I;li'ai'lu'd inunlina lndi;a!o 'ri"sl, 'J'u'i!,' ("i,v- 1 r, rJ, White C JU, 'i..p.r. I'. I MOTIONS Ilopietv. (,'hie, I'.ihhoiii, Trimmings, linllons, ru...j' i',,, I, r, , ;,i. ii...; t , n i kfPhid-'. I.a.!i.-B l.'iuslic f'uge, WlialehoniH, j Jliii'liiiv. t liiMren , .Mi.M6. an I I.adips Hoop Win- Ijiiai.or t or-et Murt, liephyrii, eetc -lie-' liilt und .Silvered llell, heather lieU. 2,AUu'a Uim1)i:x-vai:i:,'v Hursi:noLi Cfhit Tauketi', Tub." , Churns, Vop, Meanre, Ururhef, Hiiketi in great v.niety, 11 nvli, Hoor-Mal-, Window llline.-, c'rd .1 Td-iels. I'.ih'nl Hlii'l'iu lilind l iMtiie.-, Uil Cloiha. 5oots, Shoos, &c. Mens' Kip Hunts, Kip A A'nll Shoes, Children', ilis.-en' ni d htidies' Moicceo liools, Mioes, llal luoiaU iho I Ua itcrt. I JJafs, Cdjts, Bounds, c.i.v,,-. Fniriir. Tea tu, S)'i'-e, ; , ?p!il I'u is, T ibjc- .ill, I' l-'.i, Ae (lUilENSU'AllE. Toll Tea Setts, Cups X Fnu'ers, Glass hishe 'J'uiiihleis, l'lntis, C.i.-iors, 1 1 lass I'rcscrvo Jars. Jlrmficare, 'C. f'eul cs, S'nathos. S 'e'bp St lies, U ikt-s. Sliovels, T.i'do Knives folks. Spoons, h'l'iules, flay Trk ol Tea. Spoons, Mat fled Cast us, Nailj bets, Nut 1'riiek.cr, STATIONERY. ;ip, he! , r .( Note Taper, lli.il' .1 Tiehlo 'i iih k j Memorandum ll 1 1 e ...hs Ktiv b.p V: lio V i r. mils .M 1 S C F, I. L 1. N J'. o l' S. 'I';iiiey Toilet Soips.l'iidiiiig l.inc .t Hool.,-,Tr,iit Hods, Trunks Car-et Sack,, l.adici' Travelling Satchels, 1'ovl.ei lleeki, hut ,V l.-iir Il.iishes Cloth lli'ii-die-. All if wlii'li ill bo fold Chen) for Cash ! AppnveJ country f.rodueo taken i'l CTehnnio ei g"i!s, at market nn,:.. may 11 Im, VnoJairr. (;ki:ati:t hatti k ox i;i:coitr: lo,"11' Killed and Wounded, amljTv OtV1"0 taken Prisoners! Ij;iu0; WITH CAMP i:,M IPAOlv-ANl) tu 70,000 Contrabands freed from the'j." BONDS OF SLAVERY ! ! S IMT.RY man that has rea 1 any thing of the U pust history of ibis W'Mt must finally como to Ihe euin lii'iou Hint thc Confederate (iovrn- tnent woviblbe biUeu down. It was only n quej-1 lion uf time. Hut now have tho above (ilori-1 oil., .out s'.ining new. to cheer us up i and the only draw hnek lo our joy and glorification is the , imminent danger of Iho Contrabands coining! 'orth tn "eat out ur nibstnnco," and to wonrout uridine! hul "f one thing thc people of Clear- field eountv nuv Iia itsstir.l. a,l .,. . 1'HANK SIK.lHl for short called i'ori-r ia - m kun, ,p. .ii,.. selling Hunts it r-liof n iheup aa any other' emot higher than Rending. Writing, Arith unin in tho county: and if you don't bolievo it, I mctic, llpograpby, English Gramnier and just givo Ii mi u ciin on w'i,n-"v-.-, v, hi y oiuer time, nnd see for yourselves, lie Wuiild just ro niind the public that his ibop is now on .Market street, in Shan's How where you v ill find him lust m AV.oil aa usual if not a litim ttr iJ Csn than ho woum iu.o 10 ne. All kinds of work on hands und made to orde ler on abort notice, and as welluiadr, ami ui good fits as ran bo"skerrcd up lioreor uLewnur. ty.loii't forgot Iho slinp--o Market stroel, In hlinw'a How, directly o poaito llov. II. II. jwoopo's ofiiee, J . 2 II 0 11 X. Clcnrflelil, Juno 11, bi',2. Licensrd Anctionrer. WM. M. IlLOOM. or Tike fewniiliip. de sires t inform his f.iond nnd tho Ma ponorally Ihnt he hns taken out 11 Lireni? ai an AUCTION KICK, nnd will attend to the crying of slis in any part of the euur,ty ut the shortest notice, and at the most rrasotinble charges. Ad dress, eiiher persotinlly or ly Jiifr, either nt Curoen-tille ,.t . mvil!o. eri' C, (l. M new pire CARLISLE & CO., n k. i l eiis ix ro a i:i a x a xd . DOMESTIC 1)11 V GOODS, ai;oci:nii:s, l umheh, SUIX(iEES,dC.,dC. I'HII.Il'snriK;, Centre county, Peim'a. Have received nnd arc just ojuMiin: ''' liinnt assortment vf heft. il V A I' I 1 V II , U1- ft- ii'MV 1.1 GOODS fl'jlt lull,, Uli- 1 JI A I! DWA A Ml Q LT E I'H'v S W A J i I), I Ioods, Xubiaf,Suutas, Halmoral and Hoop Skirts ! . HATS 4 CAPS : BOOTS k SIIOKS Ready Made Clothing;, of Latest Styles SCHOOL-BOOKS -STATION lOHY Drugs, Oils Paints, Putlv & Glass! 'l"ur Iiriii'i and (''rit-S!,ir. l.OAI.-Oil, LAMPS UOOI) AM) i.tm uaim:. Trunks tj" Carpet-Bags ! pji-ivs, todacco and si:;ai;s : Fish, Suit, and IK1 a Us ! OsdU 2i-!i ILiisLSii. GiEii1 Floiti, Yeva) am) Provisions ! And nit articles usually kept in ft f.r't-ebes country ftorc nil of v. bi. b will bo sold Cheap for Cash ! i i or approved produeo. Lumber or ihins'.es. ! Thil ip.ilurg, Nov. is, lK',3-tf. 1. Till: OHPII VNS' t'OCIITof Cleiirneld county. The undersigneil AUDITOH appoin j led by Iho Court lo nscermin tlio liens anil report distribution of Ihe moneys nrising fiom the sale of tho real ostiito of John Young, dee'd, now in . the hands of tho AdaiiuiMrutor, will attend to tho duties of lii nppointuicnt on 1'riday tln 10th day of .May next, between tho hours of 10 a. m, and I p. in., lit tho oftico of 11. B. oo e, hs j., in the borough of Clearfield, when fcn.l wheio all persons interested mav nltor.d and be heard. James h ALbO way, April 2it, 13CC Auditor. Till-) H I'll A NM I'Ol.llTof ClenrOcld unlv. The uudcrsigned, an ALDITOIl np- pointed by tho Court to nmko distribution of tho moneys in tlio hands ol tho Administrator, nris- Ing from tho sabi of tho real estato of h. It. Get- cr, deceasod, will attend to tho duties of bis ap - .i.i.n.hl .... fi.. 1 ... .1,, tl. n " I cf .In i- r.C M'l V m . I. i belwoon tho hours of 10 a. in. nnd 4 p. in., at tho VllltU,',,, H ..',, l V - V '--J .-...j,...,., ollieo of II. It. Swoopo, h.'( , iu tho bor.ugh of Clenrtiolil. when und wiioreall nor: .u: i.ltelo.ted ,1ny nttl.1)J nml bo ienil. JAAIL'S GALLOWAY, A,.r',l "il ism. Auditor. ... 'lnn ..f,.,',! An'ifliimv ly.LaiUUU iUiUCIU. D- W. McCURDY, A- B. Principal. fpHE nest Qunrler will nptn nn Momlny tbo I 4th of April. ISO I. Terms of t uilion hi f..l- i ' mra Common Knclish. comprising liinso brsnnh History, per quarter, Higher Lnglish, per ipinrb r. Languages, perouarter, llurch lS.ISCj. ? 10 HO I 1 ,t ARM AND TAVERN STAND FORI ; S SALK.- The subscriber offers lor salo his FAHM oft-0 ACIIKS. about 50 c,rwhi,-.h nrn elenrnd and in pood tato of rultivation situato IP thrard toTr.ship, noar Oallona' arbor. The improveinonU aro largo, well-built I.OO IIOL'sr, .to., and as a walermnu'a or luiuUrmnn'a luvern-slnnd, ur m a location for a etore, low places on the river have belter advantnges. 4T-I or particulars iuipiire of tho stilisrritier on Iho promisee. 1!. MctiOYLhNs March, !IU, ISfil tf. g1 ItoCfcll JLo A lull (lock or ehoiee tiroccr- V iei at email advance ou city prices at J. r. A.KA iTihlt S. H ATJ and Caps. Uakford'i Fpring fc-d-r J P. KbAIZEh k. ifll. .. . m . m & Ili'Illllirc ! IPG IK 'tf VL 22 S II? DKSHUiS to inform his old friond.s nnd ouj t mors that, having enlarged his simp nn 1 iiienused hi faenities f.ir iiiiinufHc Hiring, lio is now prepared to make In order f'lmiluro ns may bo di firc.l, in Kool tdyle nnl Hi chnip rati- for i .imi. I!e i, lly ha? cn hiind.iit hi l'tiriii- lure r.oo a vnrifd afsortment of lt.iiilv.iim.l,. Furniture, iiiaong rliii'liiirj liurcaus nnd .Side-Hoard.. A'nrlr.,l ,- ini l liinil.-Ci.-c-: Ccnlro, ..,!!, I'arlur lirealif,i.t and jlimnt; Kitt'ii.iun Talilos. emmcn. French Post, cottatre, Jennv- .-;ofas ,f'ji kims, voi;k-stanis I1AT-1JACKS, WA.Sll-rAND.-J. &c. i Hocking and Arm Cliair-:. ,CI rti:g-Si-:t. Cmic I!,,tl..:a nnd r.,r!r fh;.irj nml t'liiiiinnn nnd ntlnir f'hairn. 1 loo K j x a - a l a ss ;.$' Of every de,i'riitii)n tn hand; and new pWpeJ I fr uid fiaini.'-, v.iiicli will l? i in in nn j. ry ri',in,nal,K' ti-rn:; on short li'it.co. lie ' i'i on Ik; iriajt In ur- Ih'.ir, C. ;.i-Mi'.,k. 11 c - II v. t .V.lliiw -.m. COfl'ISS, Of every kind, to o-.!er, aiitl fuuerals ntiended with If'.iirse, -vhrneier do. iied. I Al-o, lliiuse ralntll! done to ad t. j The sal eeiiher u'.jj inaniifaeiurcs, und has ! constantly cn Inn I, I lf-mcnt's Patent "Waslii.njj Machine, i Tho be.it now in use. Those, iisin-; Ihi-i inachinc i nevrr need Le wittmut eiean eloil.es ! lie also bus ' liver's Patent Churn, A superior nrt cle. A family usin;- this Churn ' Kevor I'Ofil be without butter! All (lie abovo nnd many other articles are f.ir-ni.-hed to eiiiitoiner.-i cheap for Cash or exchanged for approved Country produee. Cherry, .Maple, I'.yt.i r, I.inwooil and oilier I. umber suiinbie. lor Cul,i;!)t unot Wor'i, taken in c.v.ebnr,.'e for lurnilore. I.'io .-'bop is on .Marl.et street, Cle:ir!ic(l, l'a.,aKd nearly op.oile Hie 'old Jew Store." J i.i UN (il'hICll. Nov. ;i, !!;. v RICHARD MOSSOP, ror,j;i(;. and domicsi iccoobs. pi ices ill's LINN IM-i LAIN liS c U(i'i:'i.s ALPACAS Sensation Sensation Sen.-:ii ion Sensation el at at (I'll ('3 prices H i Ca 'l'S'. pi ires pi ices l'ii,es prices prices - i IPS' hi.-it received at MO IIIVOHAMS CIIIN'17, PL' I NTS 01 'iy K'S !ci:avats nt at Sensation Sell .sat imi .Seiisa'i'ij) f:ct'..-;i icii Sensaiion III iiOS Veiisation .St'iis-tiyii Seii-'ition at I SHAWLS at I'ONN'inS at J'l iees pr.cLs iiiees -OPS', pi ires prices , rices prices ICoLiiKKD I ! MUSLIN'S i at ! All to bo lia.l at MOS i.in::n at CL'ASIl at L'iriiTAIN'S i.t l'AP-LE CLOTHS at Seii.siil ion Sensalion Sensiilion Sensation Sci-fation ITMXOi; .t prices at MOSSOI'S', L.U.'E at Sensation HOSIERY yt Sensation PILl'ONS at Sensation TKIMMINGS of all kinds & at Sensation prices prices prices prices in any 'plan ty ) Aiwuvson hand at MOSS P.S'. CASSIMKHES SATTIXETS TWEEW .IF ASS VLSI'INT.S SlilUTIN'GS ut at !.l at at at sensation S?nsalion fsentation Sensation Sensation Sensal ion prices prices prices prices j, rices prices CL.'VniI.NO siich :;s Ci ai.s. Pauls, VeslH, Under Shirts, il sensation pnees rplHS largo and commo.li,,,;s iron:,'. U .i" 1 lighll'ully b'ealed rn ll,,, lank of tbeSus iiiehanna, in tho borough of Curwensvil!,'. Th present proprietor willpnro o ell'ort lo l-'laiiticl Siiirls, lino's, Slioen, ll.-us and Ciips, Now for sale nl MoS0PS H A U I W A K V. Mieli us Saws. nails ut eensuljon Forks, Knives Spikes, Hinges, at MO.S:-iC,rs. LIQUORS, such as Wine, Brandy, at si"-ma I. ion prices (j l n, W li iskey, Cegn.ie, etc., etc ) ( FRUITS, such as ; 'rllI,p3i Raisins, ' .-ilierls &C I ' ' ;tl sensation prices at MUSSOPS'. ,-.,,r- T T-.-, . lH n.l.o I i., .ay . r 1 o tl r, 11 a rn s, Shouldei s, Sugar, Molnss"s, Coffee, Tea, C r a c k e rs, Spice?. Candles, at tensa'aon pn, 'CS Coal Oil, etc., otc. Always at MOSSOPS'. BLACKING ROPIi'-i POWDER SHOT LEAD &t at nt nt at nt uiiisal ion sensation sensation sensation sensation sensation prices prices prices prints pi ice prices CAPS At the store of RICHARD Mnssop. mossop Abvavs keens on hand a full assoitment of all kinds of goods reipiiied for Ihe aecoiuiuodation of tiie public. N'ov. 12, lsC2. JAVCS T. i.rosiup. A. rtssnr. WM, A WAI.LALfi. iltiikiiiiT aitb d'olkclioit or 1 LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. (J L V. A 1! V I E 1, D, i II, EAUHELl) COUNTY, FA. aiLI.SOf KX(ilMMII!.10TeS AUK pnATTS PISCol STl.t) i)i.Hoi i iii;t i;iv r.i), 1 Culli i tions made awlnrocf'U prompt!' rrmillfl , Dicbaugoou tbo t'ilita roiibUntly on band. I atr''IIre "it Feet'B-l I't, ifr"j rppnie the COUi'.i iiOL':-&. j ... .. Valuable timber Land and j SAW-MILL PROPERTY rpniS fine proporty is situate in (iirnr.l town 1 a Clearfield county, Pa., und contains ul, "i:t 1, .()( orien nf I.nnri, tret No. &:'M, mill part f Iracle Nos. 6:il!.' and 'M7. Those hind; nr.? yet heavily TIM I'dCH K '), with a nuun tity of J IN H, OAK inj li KM LOCK. ! A STEAM SAW-MILL In c,iinpltti running nrder, capable of ending ' l',ir,'c loll I't it of ISoards per nnuiiin, ; with nil the ntccfj'ary maJs, railr.iads, rt c li.r IT 8 e-WK' 1 "no l,irK0 Ml"'ion lluu'o. .tbrM harna. a l,l,ii-kmillt,hn nn,l nil i.vi,iiry oiithtiili.iiijrn nre up, n ll.o properly. Tl.rro are nhrnt TO arirs r!,nreJ land, under t:w, 1 feiicp, :m.l a l'lank Knad toward tin) river for j'ettini; imiiher to iii.irket. Jlnj vuluiii le pronertv i sit'.tato upon Rnndv Creek, about -1J miles from tlio iUT, nni i pop- tii.ir y Known js tho Frtachville Etcam-Mill Property. jiuiJid now cTered at 1'IMVATK SAI.K upon rtnsoiiabla tciniv. All hinds of sawed lumlier ! cm be s.ifuly and ueonomieally t ken to inaikct from the point indie.itod. I S-'t 'Application can bo in n Jo to cither of the undefined ro.-'nlinr at Cleailield, Clearlield county, l'a., either persor.ally or bv loiter. JAS. T. I.MDXAIII), hept. y, Ib(..'l, JI. A. MAl,bCK, JOIIX L. CUTTLK, Altaincv at I. aw pill Itenl I tntc Aoent, ci.i:akkii:u, i'i:.wa. Ojli,-on M,n L-i fi. OppiisUe the J,i'!, j i:sPi:t Tl'l"I.hY oflers his s rvice in sell X ins nnd buyii.g lands in Clearlield nnd ad joining eotinlies : nnd with tin experience of over twenty years n n. Surveyor, llatiers himself that bo can renibr satisfaction. And O f f c r s l or Sale i IOOO neres of ronl und limber hand, si mat 5 in ilieeatur township, Cb-ufield county, in lots to suit pitrrha.-crs, located near thu Tvruni mid ! Clearlb-ld Hailroad. ifOOO acres of fir.-t rale farm Mel limber bind . in lie'! township, Clearlield county, situate on the i water" of Curry's Kun. UVl acres in two loU, oie o 112 nnd tbeolb ! crof ,'iO neres. fiiilablc for running purposes, sit juati) in liigbhir.il town.-hip, li!k county. sj..(jcuural warrmitee deeds for all the above : anils. Teb. IS, Y, v. Jiulklc-s Patent, Lumber Dried ly Superheated Sleani. rilllll urdei-.'igned rtspcelfully informs the pen- A pi? of t leaiTieM nnd the nojoiniog counties thai be bi'.s Ihe ngeoev of the ebovo l'atent, ni'd ! v.i'l se!i I O'li vidn il, Coiiiitv and Towu-bip rich's i for its u.-e. 'J he I, umber I'i'led bv this proei - i J stronger, lini.-lies better, i easier en tools mid I ic'iuirui. le.-i lime in dryiue than any oilier pro :ff known a:iil dning I inch liinibor peileelly iu hours, and better than many uii lilh.-. utider 'lupoid s vtein---u-:ing Ihe siimenmoiHil of fuel per Jny Cinl a " i;i -n ,,n kiln cKsaiiii'.-!. 'I In, ei r liiirr.tes i.l iv liLiinber ( f rci.b nt iiieeb.iiiie-. well known in this eontiiiuiii'y, is atuply -'lihr'nl to ei. ovine the iuo.-i rk'cp;ieal .,f it piai'lieol utility, l'erioi;.- Ue.-irous ol j uicha-ing rights willaddiesi J 'UN h. CfTlLi:, ! July 1, Isi-.l. Cleailield. l'a. ISIllNS-I'hinr, Cheese, Lard, fried Apples, Iiriod I'eachcj, rcceivtd reeulurly Irom tlio we. t nt the store of C. KllA17.l-.li. j New Watch and Jewelry Store. SII. L.rCIII.I, having purchased the i interest o,1 his Lite partner, is now goin; it on hit own hook in Iho thop foruiorly oecupied t by them on Second street, where, ho is prepared i to keep up his reputation as a completo workman fcy doing all work entrusted to him on abort no tice, in the bent manner, and on the most re,,., enable terms. Defying tho county, all he a. k is a fair trial, and a continuation of the patrons ago heretofore extended, hook out for the sign ot ! T II i: HKl WATCH. N', IJ- The Cash will bo positively cvpoctod when ho work is delivered. t. 11. h. Clearlield, April 7, ISIS I. y S u s qn e Ii a n n a House, ! . i-HWi:.svii.i.i;. i. H. V. VtOKHAl.L, I'miirictnr. render his rufloiners e'.ini'orlalile, and Ii , pes to merit a liberal share of public patronage. HIS BAR AND TABLE Will bo vfoll supplied with every thing the mar ket allor ls. Itiil'tinen will always find his "latrh string" out. Mar. -1, 'I'd. If. "l.oriHM'i-I'uU siits to iii'it h, of ro.il-, J tnnts lunl vesu, overalls, du.-ier-, II : Cl.r thing at P KJJATZKK'S. mai:;)) stiu:i:t, ceuMKNSvibi.i:, r.., WM.A. MA60X, rrouiictor. T lirsiong cslnlilishoil and well known 110- Thh, siliiated in thi west end of the town. has beer. rtni.adkd, ciilnipe l nnd improve.!, 110, i tlio proprietor le.poctlully uniiouuees to hi (nu merous friends, and totiio travelling publie, that ho is now prepared to aecoiiuaodato all who may favor kiir. will; a cj.ll, A ,..o, safe 11110 r.iuifortablo rlabling is nt laeheil to tho piomiscs, .mil trusly nttomlanlf will itlwnyc bo on hand. Charges moderate. tel., 11 l:;o2.-lf. Tin-; UN IT HI) STATKS HOTKL IIARRISBURG, Pa. C'o l'.RLY i IILTCHISON, I'r.frH.rs. riUII.S Hotel, so well known lo li.o tr.ivoiii!' 1. publie of ClenrliilJ iiminiy. is now in a cot ilition lo nlTord Ihe wu,.l rjei lii 11I neeomiuodiitii,n either for Iho tiiiua.eiil ij..' il or the perniaiieiit boarder. Tho "I'nilod Slater" Las nw all the conren iences of A first class uon: r., and Ihe Troprietorsare determined to eparo neith er expon.e, timo nor labor to ensuro the comfort ol Iho gucsl.s. Thu pal.ronago of tho tniTeling publiii is respeelfully solioited. jly 1, 'ti.",, y. V, O. lil'MI. T. J. x 'I I.LOLGII. hush &, :rcrj,Louf;n, CoIIeclion OCicc, Cl.t AKI IELl), Pa. Feb. 5, 'C2. H - MrVrh : id flrh. Imrrief, f-l nen, ' ! V Ki'.UiCl'. iu alt ..i'-' .i' ii. A CHARNEL HOUSE UN-URNED. 'Tlio Philadelphia A'ort, America gives tlio following: ( no of Iho jjliiistlicst sighti that the eye notild rest upon U to bo seen in Carpen ter street, between Kleventh nnd Twelfth. Many yearn iio. before the pauper dead weio interred in the suburbs of the Tiven ty fourtli ward, tlio Potter's tield of Phil adelphia wm a lot of ground bound by Kloventh ami Twelfth, Carpenter and Washington stieots. 'l'ho place was filled with bodies in n chort lime by tlio hst viMtntion ot cholera npon tlio cily. b p lo that lime only paupers ivero interred in this ground ; but when the mortality by cholera beeamo frightful, nnd grave dige:s were engaged in interring only thu wealthiest of i!ie l'coi.le. theia were f, , .. . . . .scores of bo,.iMla,d in the public buna ground, whoso rela ivc. probably, would have been bombed at the bare nlea. 'i lie ( ml of the lot Hint was first filled b now being exe.ivntcd for building jmr pi'fes. Three i.ellaib l.nve been dug lo the depth of seven feet, tho wholo eourso of wl.ieh was cut through masses ol collins Sumter in the morning, and it was deier w.tli ibe.r ghastly contents 1 he work I niuoJ lhlll tho ot.rPllimiy .iliould C. . , TU I ,.'lc" ""'" wnii'-r mue, lor ahml, Mckenms stench n.ises from the lioniains thrt iiileets the surrounding at- I "1'fl',!cre- 'So, .rtT'uUlV0 ls 1,10 d,(?8-r " Mas,, u.av veiy nign wages are exaeteu lor i performing it, and most of thoso who ; were applied to to ncrform it lierompton- !ly declined. There is a tavern building upon mo s.ie oi uie iieni wnose owner was compelled to excavate hw own cellar. Not a man could be lound who would uu. in i ome uie iiv. Many of the bodies disinterred were in remaikablo preservation. We 6awaeof- hn opened there Ihe other day, contain ing llio no'.iy ol a woman so natural in appearance as to eaii'-e an involuntary ex eiatnaiion from tliose gathered around it. There wire no oilier cerement upon it than a single under garment, probably worn dining the la-t sickness. 'I'lierj was no mold upon it; end on it in indeli ble ink was yet legible a female name. Strange to sav, a j ir of the eollin bv one of the rude laborers shook into !" d1"- Ide nowtler causing to disappear li:;e a dissulving view, what five minutes before looked like a shinibciing bein. Tho eollin in uhieh this was contained was of I walnut , singulai ly sound nnd clean. Peo i pie who saw it prot.cunee tliat the de.i'l . ii..,ly tiiiist have been a victim of cholera, I Ins'.ily interred, for it was in the centre ol many others, made udely of unphinud I I'ine, Ilia', the ol'in was 1 liui;:ed. Crae nficr r ase of tku.ls, tkeletoiis and bones have been bnii'ed aiMiy, and cart locls of broken eofliiis have li' en appro printed for lucl bv the poor people of the neighborhood. In ihe sides of ike cellars may be seen I be tieis of coflins, and deep as litis been dug I ho bottom tier has not been reached. The lot, extending nearly Irom Eleventh to twelfth street, is said lo be e.iuaily fid! of human remains. Some imys wliom we waieiie.l yesterday scrnpci the soil from a collin-lid in Ihe bottom of oneol (lie cellars, an-, lahmgout llies.uii used 11 as a bail. I l.e si-iu is not p.eav j..0U,0I);lnt ,ie Ro, beile look her ant. 'Iho odor 1: fetid. People living n,ll( ,.c,.,lcstoa Uu: Rev. Mr. lieku, to opposite will bo only loo gitid when the ; r,rPC(,C(l willl tni ,Vreinonv. When it was wmk ol oxlitni it 1011 is completed. jti,uc for the dying girl to "say ye, her dps parted several times, but she e.i uld not W .rrn in ; Houses. The ipiaiili!;' a artieulato. At last thc word was spokei: well ns ipiahty uf water given 11 horse will nml a slight t'onm rested upon b'.-rli-; greatly effect his condition. Perhaps 110 Thc dying agony wns near. Tho minister animal is more distressed by thirst, than sobbed ns he proceeded with the cereiuo Ihe horse, a fact not generally kno.vn, or ny. An hour nfterw ird nil was over, and if Known, not fully appreciated. Horses the bridal chamber was tho cliainbur ! .hnuld bo watered regularly, when not at dciiih. wink, provided, in (ho latter case, that' Ourenliie community share lhegii' cine is taken not to let him have it when (hat ntllicts tho family of Clovernor Pick overheated by work. Irregularity in the ens. The obscipiics of Miss Anna will oc supply of water is often followed by a re- cur to morrow morning, at 11 o'clock. fual lo partake of oIid food, nnd more Oovernor Pickens nnd Lieutenant d. frcnuentiy by cnlie and founder, in conse- Rochelle will be chief mourners. O.ire.v iiienee of his diinkiiie inoriiintilely when (iovernor desires Hint thero shail be ti rii opportunity oilers, i'or h.jises, whcii mililiiry parade. Tiie funeral cortege v i1 they ate not at work, it is perfectly safe be composed of our Indies, all our nugi to keep a supply of putc. water al vnys trti'.es, all our generals and Ihe w ouiidc:u ivi'.biu their reach ; but, asbefoic remark- soldiers, many of whom owe their lives to cd, there is tomn ihir.ger in Ibis plan Ihe devotion of the deceased. Never h i when they are nmked or driven, and aro woman been followed lo iho grave by ra, Lkely lo be overheated. 'many regrets never has on-3 left sadd Tbero is a very certain way of deter- rem jmbranees in the he n ts of Charlosio mining win n a horse lias been neglected, niaus. If the ii'.a-ti r, "n entering the stul'le and lifting the water bucket, finds the an-' imal placing himself in an attitude of ez- peclation, and eagerly racing upon uie . . .... - - , ., 1 L'ncl it ,u ,,,ont ,'nnK- .enletiep 1 nai i s usual supply of water !i:h been withheld. ! Whenever it is po--ible, let thc horse have wtiler from a miming stu.un . .V.'ivi -A 1.- I I "Madam," said a veiv polite t-avder to I a testy old landlady, "it I see proper 10! help myself to any of this nii.k, is tlieie nnv impropriety in it ?" "I don t kno' what yon mc in : lul ii vou intend to insinuate) that there is any - thing tinlv iu .if v li':, I'll givo voti to understnnd vou've struck thc wronahouse. There ain't Iho first hair in it, for as soon 'as Dorlhy Ann told me Ihe cat was down Jin tho milk, I went light straight and strained it over." ' The young man fainted. ' A Piiortir.i v. In the course of his re cent speech against, tho policy of tho Ad miiiKsiralion, Mr. I'.din, of Illinois, made ; a political piophi cy which is worth tcpro- j dueing. ll is this: j "Should this Administration bo contin ued in power for another term, tho war 1 will go on until the financial 6chemes of Secretary Chase shall crumblo into ruin, when it'will of necessity cease, leaving in its desolating courso a divided country j and a ruined peoplo. I'u tho other hand, 'should tho Democracy succeed in tho next Presidential election, tho Luicnwillbc restored under the Constitution in less than ix months after its accession to pow er, as I believo wiiiiott the neci-i'vcf :hcd ling a -ti.gic da') ' ! i'O'.i " j Thrilling Incidant of the War Vp find in the 0-m,-r d,- I'fat: ('; the following touching nnrrntive of an inci dent in the. niei( of Chailoston, taken from the Merc;iry of that city. The Yankees from time to tiaie throw a shell into the cily, nml nobody seems to mind it. Hut mislortun wiiled ih.it yesterday a shell sdiould throw the entire, omiuunity into mourning. Miss Anna Pickens, the daughter of our foimcr Governor, t,evereor,sentcd f lenve the city, liespile the Hepresecliitioiis of liciieral Beauregard, bhe remiiiiu:,!, bi li ving shells nnd ti reck lire, tcnui: tl.o wounded and cliecrin rr all with her pre sonco. Among the wounded nllieeis un der her administering mire, was Mr. An drow liochclle, a ilwccndant of oi:c oi'luo . noiiiesi iiiuucnot liiiniiins in Muj eitv, ; This yo.lng man faj, pf xi, rrUllUlle 10 hij f,it. nttM gr.tlit;, .;ive i lnh ,0 a nu,r0 !n,lt.r sentiment : biAaii noblest Huguenot lain i I ins vas iisteiiiieu to; tioveinor 1 lehcnj 'ivo his consent, and tho mai i iago was liied for Saturday, the ZUl, April. ' - T.inlll Ifrtelinllk w.i, nn flultr nl I-1 ' , U(,C ftt Uly rCiillni;0 t,f (itMll., .,1 l'.onl, :i . i . jn Ul0 cvninj? at 7 o'clock. At the in nonl whcn ,ho .:.-,is,.in,ai elergytnan was asking tho bride if she wa, iea.lv shed fc ,, ,ho roof of the building :lrttU.a t0 ,i,0 rooli, ,,v!l(,, tllP(c ,,, iulnmi,i,i i.,,r.i ..... i ,. i. my ,,IM,1PI1S an,j' aliou thc rest, Miss Af , rk,kc,)s, We cannot describe the seeno ,hat ,oUo,vctl. ()nUt lva, ol Us rc.ef,.,,. p,,, aiKl lll0 WinwM .vorc rt.movcj all except the bride, who lay motionless upon the carpet. l!er br trothod, kneel ing and tending over her, v.m weoning bitterly and frying to staunch ; ne that welled from a terrible wound undci her left breast. A surgeon came, and de clared that Miss Pickens had not longer than two bonis to live. Who i iiall paint the general despair? When tho wounded girl reeov.avn In . consciousness, she asked to know her fate, and wiiuii they hesitate I to tell lier--'An- liew.' tell me the truth. "If I rmst die. ;i can die worthy of you." The young s.-l- dici's teats weie his answer, and Miss An na, summoning all hoc tircnetii, attempt ed to smile, N'olhiii;; cjaid 1c more he.ii l renting than to see the agony ofilii- brje, girl, st i tingling in the embrace o!' death and against a lerr.bh mot t d pan,-'- t.iov crnor 1'ickens, w hose cor.ragtj is k.iowu. was tilmofl rt i. hcr.t eoneciuui-ti, s-, and Mm. I kens lo'jkc.l upon h"r c! the dry and li t" ; ir l en it)j wiie son loiters. Lieutenant de Hiiehrlle was '.coll.-i tu speak. "Anna," lie cried, I v'il dr.: soon, loo, but I would have joii die 11. y w,lc. There i yet time to unite u s" Tlie young girl d:d not reply, the ."! ' (OJ Weak. A slight llu.di lose Or a'i i:; slant to her jial" cheek ; it. could that, joy and pain iitu Miuglin;' (ij is spirit for the mastery. Lying upim a Jjt r ,r,li diePS all si jlir j,.,. dibhevele I. she ined will) oiood I... I M"Ver t. moI0 i,c;luti' , Helplersn, she -Vil E-. l it vii 'S' orSi -;atohi m. Ti:kh- With the end ni l be August session, tho term ,.r 1 st in,.o ...in l,,... ......i.... 1 ., ""v...,i ... j-nwipn r, .1 1.. 1.. b --, ' . 1 st 1 'in riot i tiiiiii'iei I'U ia C. M. Do novnn, t'emecrat. ",d District-(Montgomcr-) -T. C. iiniti Denioernt. ; lih D;;drict-(i'ej"ks; -William iC "'. Ibmincrat. 5lh District- ( Lehigh and Nortbamluii 1 O. W . Stein, 1 'cinoei'tit, Ot'.i Dislrict (berks) - Ilciiter Civ .jer i-c.iiociai. ! District (Suitiylkill) Ueru.ird : Uoilly, Democrat. P"in I'istriet (Clinton, Lycoming, On ! tre anil LnioD) Henry -lohiisosi, A bob liornst. 27th District- ( Erie) -Morrccv I!. Low ry. Abolitionist. 21th District (Allegheny) .fohn P. Penney, (Speaker,) Abolitionist. Tho" Seventeenth (York) and Twenty eighth (Clarion, ic) districts havu been vacated by tho voluntary retiromont i,;' Messrs A. Hiestand Ulantz ami Ch.irbin L Lamborton, t'Oth Democrats ; but will not bo filled by re-election for the August term, owing to the fact that by tho lat npj'ortionmont bill tho counties whicu iheso gentlemen represent aro attachod In districts noiv rcpre cnted by Sonators whose terms of servioi liavo not yetc. I'ired, tminely ; Hon. Jem-go 11. Iijcher, o( Cumborlnnd, ami tho Hon Wu. A Wal lace, of Clearlield. (-ifWhy is u rowdy tuemenl-lious" lik tho wur ('lrrespou leneo of a dvb papei '.' I'.oitiii 11 l0 lav; of In. it.' . I OMIIO. I s It i ; 1 I