I. I : i qui CHEAT EXCITEMENT in GLK.V HOrE NEW STORE .1 A7 TiiE t:mtcra!gno1, having removed hi store M tit now building opposilo Ilia Pnlon i, use, on t'inti street, lilen 1 1 n io, Clearfield to. Pa,, it Duff utliilng tu tlio J-ubiij I ' Ta TUP. LARGEST AXD SELECTED STOCK II '.S y1 ' OF GOODS orrnuiD runic at K Villi TO Til 11 THIS VI AC 11; WILL UK ISOLD AT all cf vrnicn ; i nircrs to suit mi: times. His f'.C'-k In locn relecled with pitrtkutnr t;J U th w nuts of tho people, un 1 embrnce DRY GOODS, IIAK'DWAHK, yUEENSWAKr., II ATS AND CATS, HUUTS AND yiloKS, STONE-WARE. WILLOW-WARE, SEADY-SIAtS CLOT1IINU, OROCEr.IES, SART1IEXWARE, OILS AND TAINTS, ELUUU AND P.AL'uN, GLASS AND NAILS, nsu, DALT, ETC. : i j : QF EYFP.Y SIZE ASD PATTERS ; Toe-ther with till other article neee- irv to ' eouipleto a ,3Cortment uf a UrH clat country j p3-AU hinds of LUMBER nn l Country Pro duce tpken in cxehnnj for gnib, at the high- til m.ukt price. A hi is rooeiving now npp!io.i of goods fe-okly from raltimore, Aow York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, tho public can see nt oaeo that he will Blwdys be prepared to supply any urticlo lu the mirket. JOIIK II0B30N. Qa l'ipo. lc T !, infl.1. I 1 ! j t j n trl 'A H e ft S-3 ro - i 5 O w V: 6 WIETIIIIn G S L'lWTA N T IM. I X : L'JMEMH CITY: I JOHN I. SPENCER, ; HAf recently epsned b Shop in Lumber City, ' litra lo is v prepared to maimfueture ' ALL K1XLS Ol' TLX. ,Slf flllT-l mo::, it coppiin iva rii. A full tvf.ply ttf mw rarttirt'J utirc c.uni'j I.t'pWrmn em hi nipplied witli RAi riN'i ' FTOM-.S of rhi'h h intends Vto-pini! ft supply.; Orilfv for tpoutitiif. rooting, ,, rcjiectfuliy roii-'Led. Rnpa-.-ing promptly Riten.ld In. At' t iDt::d keeping to ne but 'tho brst of work-1 Biep, the peopl.i :ns y rely on fu'-stantiul work. ttorekeepe.sar.d Ue.iler.' supplied ut renfonablo 1 rut o.. Ca'.l t the Suliiznii-jl Tin Skp and seo for J-niir-.'.Te. JOHN M. SPENCER, LIoKh IfJi-il". Smalt: mm for sALE.-Ti. sub nter efrri r on tl0 u,t reasomi b. te-oi hi. FARM, cun?Uting of 21 Awi a-ff ILnaoiS, litnat I': Pl-e t' TB'hlp, on the Ridgn rmd, a bout 3 mllei fi-.m Curwensville, uiid about 8 mile fain Clocrficl J. Tho improvements are a Framo Plank Ilo'jeo nn.l Btablo, and ubout 5 or fi ncre nleared. jTSirrur further particular, in- if tb.t mhr-criiicr on tho pretnise. ii ch 3 i, t.-. JOHN MORGAN. Wco and Flax Spinning Wheels, T AH!AX'il;iJ, Manufactured and kept on' i L.iua ty t. e u.idorsiL'ncd, who invites the K t.,i.r,i..,,!,i :.,i i, tunity Dow o;.e: e J to eecuro one of these t nperioi wacnins. j t iy will be sold cheap tnh not , i j it-t u. . ill i. ma ir ii'iuji lu vurn l nr vhi MM. P. C1IAMUERS. Mtv,m3.y OT APLE Pry Goods - Ch.ths, uoous - u,tr.s, Laciiuerei I Tweeds SatinotU, bilkwarp , yasl.n,Ll6on, TrinU, at the i.iniiels. 1 lekin;, ooi price at J. T. KRATZER'S. j tlARPnTINQ-Ingrain, Cotton, homp, SUir, - ' t Vrr . ,r,,rr. ' J. T, KRAfZLK. , MKRHEU. & WGLEU llaye jubt opened n lurijo nnd uplondid nsBortmont of New Goods At their oldstnnd in Clearfield. riHKY havotho best assortment ofllardwnro J. Unit has ever bocu brought to this count.v, which they will tell nt tho most reasonable pri ce, among which will ho found n sj lotulid lot of I i rr rr r n ir A KJ U M. J I-j Li IL J y ll.ev Invllfl llm ci.p!.il nt..nllnn ..I" tl... ' rnililic. ninloiu'loi' hcn v Sllvr-r-i.hifnd Furl.-.!, j It ....I n 7. L ...- ..i it,.. i,..i .....,i... a Y -r im. ,.r nt. --.i -.. .11 ,.l n...n,.,...,t ,.r ;.... i cartridges all of which will bo sold at reasons, bio price. 'i i..... .,. ,ii;.... i,i Mi.,i,r"ti,r, i.ti I;,, ij ,,r , .... ' i, j " , l'ipo, etc., wLioli cannot bo surpassed in this teo tion of tlio Stute. j They alio havo on hand I'lttsburQli IMows, umorg w hich are Slccl Cvntro l.wer Plow . Aliio, rloiv ( ii.-tinga, mid ui.iny other Agricultural Im- i plcnienN. Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal! Stnvos a general avsor" iuint, and of tho be', pit t -terns, t.r nalo ut reasonable prieea. j Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Paint", Oi'.a and Yarn'ii-Ves, ft jrener.il aisu: t.:iciit. 1 U'.asn, put: y, Null, Iron uudCniting of great 'variety; in fact nlmott every tiling wanted Ly ; tho public cuu be l inud in their Cs'.ablU'hiueot, inud at prices that eai.nut h? boat. 1 Now id the time to purchase, I If you (lesiro any tiling in their lino of hu dnciiM. jUiijthe:n u call and vxnmine their ."toci;, and they feci nsurod that yoit can bo ceconiiiiodatiMl. llea-.cinlier, lliir e.tubli.-hmeMt j on Secoinl iSimvI, Cleaifield, Pa, v. htroyjj e;iu buygiudai to the very I c 1 ndvunlngo. JTiT'Oid lilvcr, copper, bran", pewter and old canting will bo taken in exchange l,r good. I May :0. HO. MIJUULI.L A HIULIIH. iGRBAT W ACTION! Not Dei'eated! 1:1 50 70 :'.!''. i ;;y.i l 1(15 120 K2 I rTIIK subctihcr having relutneJ fr.Mn tho city J JL iiju.-t noiv opening up ono of the Largest j and most carefullv .-.elected Assortment.-, cf ;fall4Vintercoods I ever offered to tho good people cf Curwensville and it vieinitv. and ivliieh ho will sell at lower 410 210 279 rates than any hou.-e in the county. ('LOTIIINM AT liEDUCED TRICES. Sugar fro to 12 to l.'i cent per lb. Jieiit Syrup at S7 cents per gal. And all other groceries at tho same rale. Hoots, Shoos and Shoe Findings of all kmiislIEAPCllEAl'. Ladies who wi,U to mak n good invetment .should call and examtna tho nsertiuent of y-7-0 , v w;"'ro. f? ri1"1 t!l! v.l'r btc,t' bctt ELA, N,, SILKS, li'.2 ALPAUAS, l'LAI !, iVc. T'TP.ye, Oat, Corn, Fish, Ilacon, Ac , f o., sold at tho lowest prices for cash, or ex. hanged for Count! y produce T. D. TITOMTSON. Curwensville, September, 2.1, ISCo. " FUR SALE T.V C. 1. VATiiN. I'.VMII.Y VXV. COI.OIt. I 1 il2 215 .'Vf. .12 S llarh Iirk 111,, M'ttjenlrt, Jooori, (hnujr, I' in!., I'urjilf, Hvyil I'm V.-or'. t, V v.; S;li'er!i,, Vi;h', YiHur, I.inht lllvr. , 'o VditA iif, Ctunt IUoikh, Dark llr'Hcii, .''j'tt Uiuiai, Sut'tf -'"oirn, Miri- I'ruh, A''i' Drub, I'trl: (imn. I 12-: 7 I i I2sl 1 4267 s J - ;tif) il.i Li'jht llrccn, For dyoimr Woo''.n an 1 Mixed Oon N blmwU, Scatfj, I'.e.-M.', lliibuu.', tSb.ve, i D niiit, II t-'. I'e.uhcrs, Kid Cloves, j Children's Cloibm,', and nil kinds of Wearing Apparel, rf-e,, d ., i?A SAVING VV 8D PEIt CENT.'Ya ; For 25 cents you can color us many poods n would otherwise cot live times th-it ai:iM:nf. Varioii cadesian bo prod'iced from tLe t,aine , Dve. The process is niuple, and any one can' J u... tho Pyo with pert'."' .i'-.-ss. I Directions in L'ngli.-U, Fin.eli and (Krn: j inside of each pacUage. I For further in.'orumlion in Pyeinr. iinlgivir In. perfect knowledge of what colors ar best :id-l I apted to dye o er other?, (with man; valunblo i rvc!.esl, puruha-'e Howe A Hcveiis' i'rrntis'j on . Dyeing and Cokring. P.;r.t by mtil on recei; t oi ."leu 10 tents. M.unifniurod by i IIOWK .r SIKVL.V, ;f:l. iiroadwsy, lb. -Ion. y Priti,'.?' and I'-. altrj gi nera! September i'ild, 1: WEV IIAKTSWICK FIRM. ! & HUSTON. DRU68IST8. M A UK I'.T Wv. ' X'LKAnKir.LLi I'A K 11 TIP rnndanlfj vn h-tn I a l.ir-jt iin.1 Oi l K-Jl s-. (:.''( yhti-k of DRUGH owl 'H11M(''M,.' m;a"w oils am i'ajlxisu: PEUIT.VLRY 4 Tllil.LX ARXK'l.l.H. .' DLANKS, DOCKS AND STATIONARY. TOIJACCO&SI-GAKS. And a gfiiornl nssortmonl of VAIU AT1KS and Fancy AKl'ICLKS. ; Wg respectfully inilo a call, feeling ronfi. : dent that we can supply the wants of all, on I terms to thoir satisfaction. haktswick a Huston. ' Cleurfiild April 27tli lfifi.l. tf MOUNT VERNON 1IOUSF. Second Street, above Arcli, j PHILADELPHIA. A. V. llli.lllt, Proprietor. (Lale of the "Surr liouso," Atlantic City.) Sept. 23, ISfll-l y. ' w o o 1 Wool. C Clt Punviw . n-, . . . ritl I II II I "uui.war.iea OOLi highest market price will be paid by. j n it7pi ClearfSoU, May 13, 1353. THOMAS J. M CUI.I.OUCM Atiorncy at Law. ofllce adjoining the Dank, formerly oceuniod b j . McnaIIy, Esq., Market ItI?cZLI Pft Will attond promptly to Colleetlcn RaU Collections, Rae of Land, Ao. Doe. 17, '62. T EVER FLEGAL, Justic of the Peaco, Lu- j thersburg, Clearfleld county Pa., will atten.l promiuij w in nuiingiM enimsioa to am care, Lutbersburg, April 4, 1861. Treasurer's Bale of Seated lands for Taxes for 1803, and previous years, i IN PURSUANCE of tho provision of on Act of Assembly, passed tho 29th day of April, A. j 1., IS 1 1, to provide for tho collodion of Uxes on Inn Ja whereon no perional property cuu bo found and where tho owner neglects or roiUB,.s to pay the taxes assessed, I will Hiwo tu mlo ut tho Commissioner's (, Wee, in C Kin liul.l, on tho second Monday in Juno next, (hoinjr tho nth day of tho month,) tho following piece nfluiul in Cluirllold county, lur llio taxes lemuiuing duo uud unpaid hereon : - rr. 'JotrnsJiip, lieeeariu. bloom, Pradl'ord do UraJy, do do Purnridu llurnsido thect, loigujjn, (lohun, (Iralnim, lirahnin, kurthnu, nox, Horri, HooUward, do .lo T,,,: II I .17 1 87 3 7i i:i on 11 V2 5 Si 1 01 03 7 11 .' 7 7.'. 9 No is 2 8S -, i:()),.-oti A Albert S' - '' Millir'l estate, Jus, 40 ! i'ii JuHi ph .a;ne, James n. iU (JiliiM, Jacob lbus.i A lut Lew is, W in It'll Jlollin, r nviJ !!! Howler, .Ikim'M .Ml Wnlhien, John .'.0 Hcrords, Johu 12- Mead, James A. ID Jleliu're, James 4'.1 Stone, Thomas ill i'trkln, (loorgo 00 Senate' ostate, Uco. 8:1 Will, John MO P...1, , P.-ieo A. lbJ U'ilson, 100 Stutt, Mark t.'. 7 4 1 7 4 till 7J ;i7 m is KK.'I7,KK, Y',.v. 1,0, '01. J irasurer s oIIuh", Uenrtielil, A Treasurer's Sale of Unseated haia in ! Clearfield county for Taxes for the years 18G2 and 1863. "VjOTICK IS Jlh.KK!!V lilVr-N'.Thul, in pur jL mmieo of nn Act of A' .euibly, passe 1 the M day of Jane, A. IV, lHKi, ntitled, "An Act lo amend u it net directing tho mo. In of telling l ineuted Laudi for taxes," tlmre will bc".icJ to l'ublio Sale, or cutery, at ti e court hou.-e, in the borough of t'learlield, cu the b'lcouJ Monday of June, . D., 1st: I, tlio following tract:, of Vn neatfd Lund in CionitleM c. unity, fur the taxes due ihercon fur the years 1SU2 and ISO;!, and lrei ion year : Acrs.ps. Witrrunfi'i'.i an-.l QmiCi't. JiWurit ti'iriixKlp, Wm. A. Walhico Tux. Jacob Messersiuith, Sarah Lillington, Gt-o. IV Morgan . Co John Mailes. John 'A inner Henry itnier William Wilson Herman Winner Jueob Mussersmith Thomas Weston F.iehnriJ Master (iroom, Dickoy it Co. John lirady Wm. llra'Ly K. lllaiu ?S 81 12 Si $li? 2! J2 7s '.'2 7S 102 n in 112 to 10 i;i t: s :ii 2i 20 21 41 t'd OS 55 ii 55 01 13 21 J. W. SiiVitli or 1 McKeoghon. 1.13 15.1 4.'13 153 41 ;u;o aoo S00 :ioo i.n 71 s Win. t! ray Ct) tij : Robort Cowon. John Fordney S. ct .1. Shofl'. Prowu A Pulton Joint l'.yer Ja-ob Krug tlrcom, Lightncr .t Cf. tlroom, lickey A Co. L. W. Weld Saiu'iel Mat thews (Jill & Uralton. John Kitland Herman Jlaiipt cl Co. Jacob Km g John Ciibson Koberl Wilson Martin Font, Jacob Font, jr. (Jeorge Mussyr Vt. L. Ki'od ci Cc. William Miller 100 75 10 21, I :..) so: LIU ill 125 55 4rt 50 f.7 l:i 16 IK. llti r.:i 125 153 M t.i 51) 42'i J') OS .Vt. Acrci. Jnoob HeilLrun. i 5M3 IM Henry Deck Tre'loritk Wincrl. Henry Deck 120 Henry Deck Lewi Smith. 78 Henry Dec's. 0 80 al'.IS in 70 :i:t9 171 I'd 1 r. i 500 41.1 lit) 1 j j j 27 fS; 15 00 7 HO 1'7 " " John P. Hoy I. 1 1 i Johu Nicholson James Mcliheo Arthur Lrll. D. -pjamin tlibbt Fr'.ir.pton DcH Ira A, Sabios Louiisn Shiflloy. 1 Henry Deck Ilpnry (irtihe. 199 Henry ldi Henry Wi.-r. 39 Henry lieelt Wm. 1!. Glunn. Henry Dock r,:, 20 52 ' Mil 50 : :n; 21 13 10 (oi ."19 1C2 501S 111 57'i't MOO !'; .(..) 2t'.'i o J 2'!S il III no 11 Hi s.l 84 I"'''.,'' Wm. A. Wallace Joseph Dull, Jatiu? I ixou, jr. John Thomas Lt;ni.iloo A Turner. John Thomas K. A. W inognrnor S.C'o, Wm. McCvrinicIt Nancy Kogg CrnnB. l'jlako A Tiirlrv. 41 Malcomb McDonald 11 John Dyers Kislior A i'oivell. 00 Darbfra Snydtr W. Albei t & r.rothtr. Ucorge Ilootriinn M. W. Ccu hart. Walter Stewart .Tolin Ma'lhy. Hannah Stenn: t Wm. Wilson Jamrs William. Pucker I l)i baas Thos. Li'fis. Jonaj Stcinhioser John K'epbart Jas. A David M.-aio Wiiplo. William Morrie Either .t Mills. Darbora Snyder John l'atton. Dlair McLnnahan 1 hoinn L. Monro 95 Mary .Morris Win. II. Jones. Charles Crawford U. S. I 'rian. 7rt II. S. Drinker Culvin it L. Khaiv. John K, Shaw Bloom tiwiiship. S. & S. Thompson. Ni klin i Urifiith M. i W. i. Fultou. J. W. Smith John Sylor K. Kirk A, Whitmer Noiper it- Hartsock Fen ton A Spencer Lovi Cleaver I no ' 21 51 Ci 51 423 42'J 119 II II .'IS ' 33 12 2S 1.1 6.1 fO ion f.o 260 427 100 200 410 43 401 401 401 r, ,.!) 11 0.) it 3 20 2.3 30 5 01 27 So' 27 80 27 80 1 219 15 12 , 20 0; i 5 13 ; i 103 &7 43 10 322 100 135 75 5 81 700 100 :ots loo 15 00 I I 03 21 05 10 4S 1 42 15 70 65 45 14 OS Miligua Honry tihaffor Nehemiah Shiiw. Jacob Dilgor Bradford township. J. W. KwiiL. 60 Hugh Ely A. P. Baxpor. 35 John Campbell Hall A Ruck Daniel Stewart. Andrew PolLit Matthew Forcey. Matlhia Blaymakef V. B. Holt II 03 346 102 159 109 4 127 15 79; I 9 47 11 87i 10 11 85 Wm.flrahnm, jr, 85 John (Irnhnm 4l) Mo8im Hogg' holn John W. Turner. 75 Wm. Ulnghsui John ("owdor. 235 Jninoa Duncan 1110 Nehemiah Maine i Thi'iuag Holt Jlriitft lownsiin. O. .CO. Ituiloy. fll Hubert!! X Km V. IU'nlo'u CHtuto. Iavid Kennedy, ("itumi'l AuibroDO Mill's it Vi)illijr. Jnnnthnn I!. .Smith John 1'iiulap J. I'lcolnml. Casper Stiver Sin i Mi A lliotlicr, Christian Lower (1. A. Weaver liri-liiin Iii wer J. M. Miller'n heii'i I'oni.si'i,' loinmr'i. John J'litiliin. John Nichulioii 3574 leu 5S01 II'') 213 111) 102 ,".;) 50 f.70 t'tti 1 100 501 25 371) bO 11 25 40 0.3 5 61 ;i s Hi' 31 02 01 t 5S f.H 01 i II 70, SOP 2 inn;; 5ti04 ion in 330 79 111 111 20 1) 424 100 3S3 203 7ti 150 2llt 203 105 317 410 421 310 111 l..u .13 20 07, f.l 74 II 4,3 1 33 2 1 ' 20 H 7 47 73 77 01 , 13 3H 70 :: i 1 C7 27 13 07 27 59 13 51 ! 53 82 I John Muilcr Abraham Whitmer Casj.cr Shaffer, jr. Daniel Witnier John Hubby Matthias Young Win. Dausman Mary Roberts John Tienslec John Cinnmii'gs Martin M.iilor John Jlurcli Mary Jcnl ins John Trcsrler Casper Shall'cr Janios tiallughrr. Mary Crawford Ehi?n. Mi-Masters. Fred. Knhn Slicpk-y l'riptlv. Christian Stnrko Jacob Rowland i'in'it loicntl.ip. II. S. Dt inlior's cslulc. l i.l Alexander Hunter DaviT MiKci''hin. Peter llorso Drinker & Claik. 153 William Cook (ipdilis, Marsh &. Co. 153 John Musser James Thompson. 31 Henry Polo Fulton Miller A Christ i M David Calhcart John Tigor. John I'ntchin. 153 Dcnj. Y'oung, 153 John Doyd 153 Josia Haine 153 Thomas Hamilton 153 Martin Worlhiugtoii 153 Win. Wilson John Wi'.mau 30 J .inics Pag.) C'oi i7'.oi li'u-ath 'tjt. Eioiloi icka Kat'thaus. Mor:i.i A Stewart 30 i; ; 40 70 20 01 : 12 22 I 10 50 ! 433 33 111 I 311 7fJ I 38 It, 413 ei 07 100 1 ID 256 22 100 213 311 100 :;i3 433 333 303 Hi 410 21 15; 12 so; 40 02 I 4 07 j 5 81 17 43j .12 87 1 32 87 j 32 87 ' 45 7 5 35 25 j 42 ('. y 54 : 4.1 OS ism I Sid lfi'2 PJI2 57-3 S'.M) 8S9 515 55 r,s , 103 35 , ll 103 3.1 ; 55 l'.5 ' Ji 13, l'jj C2 il' 507.5 1041 V.74 10 U U ,51.75 Mil ,5000 '.lOil J3 r!,'50G7 S77 i .2 4257 ssj It.-.,- f . 5S 5 -" i22h V'.i.) lu 70 4'J'J'J '.H'.5 4'J30 507 57 0S '4'J3''. 4'J'i '42-J5 71') II 81 ! ' ctUi";; m i 1 5 2: j '''- V I fVler Lamm. Morri if- Stewart Richard Shtiiv. Morris A Stewart H. & t). Smith. JeorL'o M.Tnl 1M2 2f'0 1SD1 23 53(17 250 Ebh iilge, Mci rell ,t 'I'liomp-on 1100 ueorge ,'iil 1'iteh it Boy n ton. Jo toph Harrison James McGirk's K,t, 159 Thomas Dillingtnn Peter Owens. 198 301 101 2 1 1 401 si in 202 ( Charles Risk J Woolrige ,t Co. Patrick Mooro John 1'ntton. Ann MeLaiiahan liicl.nnl Coj lin. 137 Joseph Whilehail U, Cc,p!in J limes Albert. 40 Joseph ,-',ir, 0111 09 Win. S.!iiotii George Wilson, M.irv M. I.mioiI A. M. I. in-. Cu; 1 1 Y.iin,, Jr. ar. 20 1 31 II 2M P.'r. I. M) 200 90 42 M1 3.1 71 2; ;.r. It 13 23 2.; 12 71 (ill.ert V.iu Jif I.i-e.b ,r 1. 111. .over J. W. Smith, Janathan Xel,ii Henry Kephuit. Jacob Cox l'-rj-vt Tr,wl,;r. '"in i h.i Inn s Kst. -3 Daniel Tomer I "3 1. 41 IS 12 SO A. Moore. MaUhia Slough ''luirles Houston. 1 3 litortr RofK Lewis .lor, Inn iram Piisniere enry Swan John P .,yt Deni. iri.'l.o, ms 1 (13 133 71 it) 2.1 100 o0 21 13 5.3 11 C3 ' ! u,,ii. J. (L Ilartsrt ick. "81 4'.'.") Jamos Wilson, west J Wm. Tama. 6.1 -'' 3-1 .i?o II S3 1275 350 U90 James WijllU middle V.. Piesten. 1 '-'I P'j James H'ilnon John French. 1371 IJ.i James ll ilson. wet j art, 23 f, .'3 03 .spencer A- Spiler. James H'ilstn i: :o 03 Alex. Vial. 13 James llilson f !, rani tMn.shun- 17 02! Anson G. Phelps. Oerrgo Mead .i.;o 6301 1921 1931 1935 loos 20 f) 1100 21 31 t 8 12; 24 52 j 19 v:,' I 2 91 27 92 Hood it Co. 203 10S Morris A Sim. art Metrics, Vielo .t Mathers. 513 111! Morris A Stewnrf 530 50 563 40 40 117 47 97 II. A O. Smith. Oeorge Mead ii . .Smith .t Grahnru. Morris A Stewart Francis Terney. Morris A Stewart Peter Lamm. Morris A Stewart 5305 i.'illfi 1929 1929 50, I 1S1 .13 63 J I 3f,l7 30 IS 1837 103 J. P. Nelson. 1386 50 Morris A Stewart 00 Eldridgo, Merrcll A Thompson tiio .... 5352 5376 5351 5357 7 U 8 (oorgo Mead 21 89' 1100 1100 1100 31 98: 32 82 21 88 i Francis Coudriel. 120 Morris & Htewait Reed & Weaver. 100 Morris t Stewart 1590 254 25 28 20 19 IPJ2I 508 Goshen Township. J. W. Smith or Shirey. 137 Morri it- Etowart I 131 8 57 j 0 17 21 1 "2 9 76i 1 1 OH 1 300 112' ' 272 1909 Anaon O. Phelps. Ooorgo Moa Jo 6322 5325 lloo 623 300 H'm. Mapos Amos B M or rell, Ceorg Mead 0.S9 330 70 S200 488 70 5201 1101) 44l ,6325 200 05! (II 1015 3UU 66 23 125 00 21 88 T. II, Korcoo, uoorge Mead Thouius Uruhani. Morrl A Stewart MnMiow Forcoe, 23 13 47 SO 23 20 0.3 75 1923 3S3 Morris A Stewart Roliri t Sicwart. 1022 152 Morris & Stcivurt Klilr'ulgo Met roll & Thompson 5321 1213 C7 Ooorgo Jlead 6320 1 1110 5327 1113 OS 75 ! 03 75 I f..3 75 1 liri 7j 1 0 25 121 iu,:'v l ion 5330 II DO Riclmid Slinw. Morris A Stcwait Gmham township. C. J. Allpoil. T. Copo ; 101 1 100 '11 liri 51 88: Mi iiies, Vilo Si Mnthors. It .'! Jaiiies Milligan Saiiiin-l LatisLery. 10'J (ii'otgo Moo to 15. Cliuf.ee. fit) John Fry, jr. II ippie, Frennh k, Co. ,'iS'J Joseph Simons 17 '22 la '2i) 1 P'J 50 10'' J. 1 . Nelson il'Co. L'i'ubeti Ilainei Jaeob King (ieorgo Welzil Jotcph Harrison Josef h Win in v. Charles Hall Thomas Duncan 1'. Uiidun. W. .!!. West Amos i'.oriieiii.ui. Ill IIvilU'.ll (iliil7, 111 Robert Shaw ir,o 217 .sou 318 100 135 100 4:51 ;:;;i) 101 15 i 13' to '23 O.V I 10 -I V Hi 50 ' 01 ::o l 210 Henry II. Iloineman. 100 Jiohert Shaw 'i'.;.'iVi Uiwr.rJ.'p. Henry 11. Wright. John Witmrr W. 15. Het:aity A. (j. l'o.-c J Souder 1 5 l 5 : 53 03 3.5 -10 , 1(!() lot) George, D. Morjnn & Co. CoG 82 15. Wilson or G. II. ?: JilH '..-V,!i. (Jooper ,V I'tiey. 4.'5:; l V! Riehar.l I'eler.s l.::5 L':5 i'eter Kuhn 49 21 21 21 21 13 2i: 43:; 4;:.' 274 103 11.'! Fred'k Reale.i l.r)u Jolin Duntvoodia John Cooper. Adam Ivulm Eben'r I'renuani ) Ailam Kuhn j riitehi-n i Sivan LVi Richard Martin 1CJ Thomas Martin Robert Martin John Patterson. Philip Loast John Putchii). Philip Loast Win. Johnson Thomas McLree. Jonalhan Jone 00 20 1 00 201 40 3Uj G Wj 0 ri.-,! 1 87 i 433 333 loO lot) 70 10O Stronger & s nmtn era. 13 Wta. Juhnson i.'oa T'-i"sh'ii, 0 40' J. G. Kidder 7-1 David Caldwell John 15. Otto. Moore it Duhmy Moore it Dolany 0 21 si' 102 I'i-J 102 151 137 L'l r.l: Oil 71 i 07 Moore iV, Del any Wm. Pot'- .ers Wm. P .fltversj Wr. Parker. l .james Wilson Tonna., Lumber Co. W. Wiilink 7-10 I'.S. Lard Co. Jjmes Wilson James Wilson 123 fames Vi!.;on James Wilson James Wilson Jvncs Wilson Wm. K. Dai I. Wm. Reivers Fill h A It.-iv :: ton. F.. Shopiiiaker Ill 01. 123 20 123 7-,' 120 03 03 30 01 25 1 H2 50: 0L II. Tl I I ,1 :i t'l 1, ,'. . I., 1- (.1 ;,0 j 422 123 Wm. Powers W. P. Gor. l.in. James W ilson .'allies WiUoti 'I'll o-il.is H lit. Wm. Po.vei--. V.'m. I r iv i n . Inni'-s Wilson . i 51.11.) So 03 ,.i 5.170 V57 1 b'll loll s,i so 2i Muotc .V Dolany Moo 10 it Dolany 1 4.72 31 Moore .t ),-lai:v : Freilei'ieka K it than '. Mori is ,t S:c,.,u:'t Morris it Stewart Mori is i Stt.UlU t, Morris A Stewart, Goorgo 'aux. 95 M'orris i Stewart I 'jot) I '.'ol 1013 10J3 0.00 77S 507 200 'JO 21 SO 31 l'JH 51 2J 50 0 07 12 . ; 50 00 Devisees ol John Wiiito 1. 70 ('luirles Wiilink Cbatles V.'illinL- 101)3 1023 3 !"5 I Willitik ' . , i.i o , U. .Mel losliuy 5112 ,lc. .)3 Arnr.l i Ciistat-,1 1055 1)57 132 lIc-.v.,MVc:-cih Fi, 1; ,tc. 'J5 ' 4 15 0 1 (-.; 21 l'i 81 DW7 ) 10,10 10i)7 i.yro i 1 ; 0 'jeo:go Perkins Reuben Green 1007 07) 00 1 50 00 10 loyi) Charles Ilvek wi": t.'Cittltip. John ratchin. 453 153 Renj I'oultnev Cran, P.I, ike H Terley. 200 O. Ashlon, Jonathan I5oynton. 72 Thomas Jordan A. A. Winenrner it Co, 133 153 Isabella Jordan W'm. Krown. 00 20 42 OS 11 02 02 05 15 30 200 227 'JO mo It 129 Silus Cox Isaac Thomi'son. G. it M. Mi'erniick 20 09 Thompson & I'Velm'nl'J 13 W. .t J. Catl.cart. Henry Irout George Bowman Powell it Rend. John Dorsoy Lawrence township. Winegarner k Co. Hugh Jordan 22 05 2 30 9 &S 221 413 John Road 03 FJdriiD p, Merroll k Thoiupnon 5203 720 Goorgo Mead 13 91 47 0 jorge Jfoad 22 35 09 George Moml 23 19 O. I). Goodfellow 43 01 Leonard & Harls-h'n 20 00 5200 1107 '5297 121.1 2H5 L. J. Crans 1 83 Heiscy Wm. Montgoinoiy Morris township. Tetcr Yarnoll E. C. Ration. 10 Roteit Gleuu 7 58 5 89 O. p. Morgan &CV .r, .. "0 HI Patriot 1, .lu 333 1,3 . Robert Raioo, ' 170 V,J;K 11 .... r' Ltrri, 4,5 U 110 12', 103 loo 'JO 407 211 tin j 1 ,nm,s Wi!80 ' loJ V' ' Smith .lutnea Smith loiker Grririin f:i- 1 . , . c "net ,' ll.,,bt0l n.Ji'fsC' 1 ' 'IllUIl 1 iPftt, Gcorg,, Cr.wf0tJ If iliary Isaac Furlotr. ii- rfi.4C0i .lescr, Yarnell 150 100 4:i Lliiah llemi. so 500 400 ssrtiSr 11 K- '-iW M. C. Enm. ti Jari.es Wj!SOn 1 John NieWuoa John P. Hoyt Dat.if l L'ailcy Jonathan Hoyatoa, I! I i57 1020 2.S 450 145 185 5777 I1 iiiomai joidna Allied A. Long, Thomas Ma-M ,,, R. W. McNaul. HI Z. H.uley W Z. Mc.N'u:;! ''00 I.' W M..v..i 142J "Al..Bl S. Klodcet 70 Grali a ni, Hoy ii ton tCo, 184 Thoinrs ifanro 1-iU'M t-'iaish'.p. Gartland Invin. Roberts i Koi John II. Seyler John P.rnbaker R. W. Moors 350 125 3s0 202 liiickAcn- Tj'.nsl.if A. 15, Long. ' 133 153 John Va-.,,,,, 450 15'.) Jonat' 1 433 153 Job., luo -. " '..oil , " uson '' nmrs Lode. 420 1-0 lln.... 1. ... . Hi) oift.;r , Wm. Drinker r. Shoil & Co. J'-J. Llaiulmnl Herry .S!;at)'r 77 Samuel Enileu 5 Thoiua? Nej Samuel Hourly, Mary Nil Lei-j. Johnson 'Adl v Lonn. tf loo 413 oil 100 50.1 Wm. It. Alexaml S I it pill RnlntiiJ K'ii Win. Albortiiu. 121 Fli Jlootmar, Dr. D. IIqiUi. 1 ")3 Philip Loast 153 Jacob U, Ilorf Wm, Johthon 45 43 100 30 170 jl 03 Oorgo Beckliani Pi ice A. Kuh'Ih Thomas Kobinii. I'i tei'.I.owtkn Charles LgivuVii Jos. Smith, hvin tft 130 Mary S.uidniiii Wm. Mo-v' it Wolf. -Is ('i.atiin-v Ki.-kci'j I l-j 1st so Wilsnn ! t '. KKATZIIK istiiri '., ofiire, .'lai'li 30, il Tr iry '-. '.y pm.iis i ::.t-:r ClUTOI iii-iizi :nsti-:in bros. ki Decanse I'm-;' nil so very .i.up for Cii: 1'eci.ute thev keen the I.e.-' ?u,.lv. , ' llecaustt their Cbithuigi.weJIiiteietfa!) ; Eicaaso ttey keep the largest tujortota; j! I-'ecuuso th-y ,.ot ,; ,-i3 every j j Rccau.-e t'c. y givetvery r.1.1 tkewortbAl I Ccecvse thev take :'! a !vr,at,i?e of c-'i Decaie-e they treat their cuttouw IlecauJC ewryholy lilio" to d. al ;tb'.k, Decausc they sell cheaj cr than tlitnt, Decau.-e their Clothing are well tes-rf III Ueeaiua they can :iit evcryV.ly; Pecause their Store is :o tf;r.vfoie:l';iii Ccraure lioUdy leaves l'ie:r !t.re iiHi'ii Becaute a.'. wL-i de:.l v.i'h Cairn hi k ..gai.l, ?Ju, tLiiratibtn; rtcuuse tliey h'iv.: p'ircii.'fed their Sfil led", -e.l prices ;'-:n; th?; atiU ADVKirnsK! TV.e.-e uii e'-.enn ft .v .f the rt-jjeji ii f Ctir.;r P;:i" the 1, t ci.i :.:: i : ice.'. RFIZI'.NSTKIN' CKi Cieuril.i.'il, Nov 11, 1S53, ,'ul. ATTKNI'lOX, 10 lUilJ at their ft nrfi.d.1. hawfor"1 ro in I ' FODDER CUTTERS'. an iadispensalde arlielo f..r the fw1 o ! they will sell cheap for ca;h. DJ TII03. H. I ORCIV. J. DLASI iB FORCE V&TVALTERS T1CRC1IANTS, and 0nfrl Dnlins 1H her, such as SQUARE-TIMBER- OLDS, DOARDS, do., and llt all kinds for all of which iho bifMr be paid at Urahamton, Clearfield wi7- WANTlG large " FLAXSEED in oioia- i GOODS ut tho Cheap Stora ef ,.;J j JOHN D. IB0JII- ! Curwensville, Sept. l'i ron SALE. 4 (J0OD TWO-II0R8B "TA0.o5j!! I hy the undersigned, upoy (",, al.lo terms. 0. b. C"" ClcarDcld, Dee. 16, 1S. mo hii udm Aiii'.ns. tj 1 sire, to employ FIVS makors immediately, to worn "J by the piece. M-Vl ,inn0L4li 30 1 Jan. 2;, lSfil-pil I nnnnilV Mill irlt. AfT"" '.' I Vl-E n 1 O. u."7 ' . (lr J , Clearfleld, P., fire m . . potite the Journal vSce. 4C. It