Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 01, 1864, Image 2

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    iTe (f.Vtrfitlb gtjiiMitM. '
fort ict.w..
Washington, May -1, 10 .0 r. siWy,
(iVn. iij A'ue 1'iF: A di.-patch doled
lit 11 o'clock hut tntit, btuie.4 ih'U
V"" yLZJZZ' 'aWI vf rniy moved Irom it position to the !s.rtli
? t . J. vii'. Anns, following cloaely Lee'a Army. The
5lh unci Olb Corps matched by way of
Harris's Store to Joiioo Ford, and Iho 5th
corps succeeded in effecting a crowing
Bid getting into position without mucli
opposition, shortly nftor however Ihry
were violently attacked ami handsomely
WtIM'.siAY M RN'IXii,::::::::-.::.! INK Is', repulsed tho assault, which wus without
i . . .-- - - -. i - " much loss to us. We raptured totnu pm-
Tho American Eaglo again Trailing in oners.
tti Dirt ! i Everything looks exceedingly favorable
We abk atltutiou to tho letter from to . . , , . . .
" ... . , Another despatch giving in di-tuil the
f.ccre'.ary Ftouton, and our Minister at movemcnls of our eorps, and speaking of
Paris, Mr. Inyton. the rebel assault on General arreu'a po-
On tho 4th of April lust our National ition, buys ho was attacked with great ve-
t r r..-...ii:.. , ,-.4 ; , hciuoiicv, and I have never henrd more
House oflicprescntnt ves paHsed, iy unan- ., . ,. . ... .. ....
rapid or successive firing, either of at ti. I-
vrovs vi'.e, a resolution reasserting tho cry or musketry. Tno attack rosulted in
Mor.roo doctrine, in declaring theo posi- a destructive repulsoof tho enemy. At
t'on of tlmt bedy to a recognition of a the position attack wd by Gou. Hancock,
monarchy in Mexico. This action glad- ' e'? e enirein-lied, and in con
' , ... tsiderablo foic between the creek ho had
Jrr,cd the heart of every patriot in the croaactUiul Ui river and ma le n perlina
land. Tho resolution was immediately cious resutunee. lo hisontetf hut before
fcnt to the Senate, and tali vnnlhe table dark ho had forced them from their work
-whore itelill slumbers. ' !8n,'1 droy them-crow the Mroam.
. . , . .. . . It u alo said that in these iicagemontt,
"While many rj,.ced t this .prompt I ,lauglllor oUlie enemv was
and BCeminfly sincere action of the peo-oUr louses were iiicnm,iderablo. Tho reb-
j'les' u prcrenta'.ivcs, the lingular fate of ,eU charged agf-insl our artillery anduti-
tionedln my telecrara thin mornir.;, waBj Rcetoro'l to Libcity.
dated at Jerecho Ml'K 12 o'clock ut noor, The Now York World ttn1 .I.MjmnJ fit
2rtli inst. An I'flici.d dispatch I rum head- Lonmeice, having been vuapnndcd by tho
mot inn;
luiU tnoveme
day, ol which n is not, proper yet to my dial tho proelmuation tvu an Abolition
isi. in onu i.u uiNpatcn Hum neuu- .onmeut, having been supnnded by tho
r, (Jua.le's ronl. t 8 o'clock this Uoveinmeut for publihliing M bojius pioo
hubjust I'Cwn n ci ived. H de- luuiation of the IVeMiloiit, resumed oper-
lovemeniB in p!'..gre niuce y osier- utions on ijaturdiiy it being ucooriained
e r, iintKm.!.....! . II " "J r ,aB,, -Mj,
tn'ji'O than that Uiey will unuifcsl their
result within twenty-four hours.
Cur tick anil wounded in IVedTick.
burg huve been truuM'ene l t Valiing
ton, and the ai niy ui'ttorial and supplies
removed to points nearer lo the preterit
tield of opeiatioiM,
From the month r f Itcd river, M;iv 21,
Major-tiencral Canhy reports tho army
from ed river wiiHdeluyed in crossing tho
Atclialalaya liy tlio high writer and insul-
AHUVSUIUU Vlerni of CluarttoM cwi, Ntl A
date lur tlis otticu ol County Commi8kiliner th.-r will bo Mnn.,i .7' ' h .,
joct to tho notion of tit Uciaoornlio party of c""t in th Wou k IC L 4
Clearfield couuty. Ap. 27-61. M.mJay tho 2fitU d iv f ,' Clr!L'f
: .o'clock, P.M., tho follcwin, HJua u
-WWa urn mil kr m in tato. to wit! ""crib.j .
mi -V v ,.,v HH.i'V.lUVVl fcW UIIIIUUIIVU . - tl
forgery perpetrated by one of tr.o Times,
and at, ) robtnt local vC iior of a pior in
lli'Ookli II. f.inil iviilml utie if Inn mlmn
of the Reverend llinry Ward Beecher's WM.L. H1SI1EL, of Lawrcnro town.Mp, a. a ' C1A eST!'n tr4cl f hnl ,itut( .
mmnnonir, ...,' , ' efitaiBii. ft!.
i ,'r mo r I". b..un.l.a .
thence along lam' ' v ? ?nin i J
the resolution in the Stnato a tofy pro-
umed to lie much near r the throne in
lere 1 CKiK'Ciall v from cani.tter
A duspatch from Grant thn
mnrninr uL S oVloek. h:is ilxi bren reeeiv-
thurt ciegenersle days war enotirjh to!0j it Mates that tho enemy has fallen
ratify all ihoc who citimated the truck-! bac't fiom the North Anna and we aie in
ling mfeservicticv and duplicity of tho j pursuit. Negroea who It ve come in, say
. . - i . . thai Lee is falling back to Richmond.
riesna Managers at athington at their . .. .
4 t i -i- ' t'lher omiriul dcxpatcll'-s irom lle.l.f-
trttovclue, ttat another humilialing na-j JlJlt.trra sny ,h. ueuer.ils W arren, Miirn
licnal difgraco wa9 about to be perpetrated. 'mJo anil llcncoek are pushing forward af-
Cluirnli 1 r.ii- I In. inn nl' ii,Mii..n,:,. canJIJato for the oflioo of Cnuntv Commiiionir
g',1 1 and Mod; o,orat.o.,, i which ho ha,. Wl lha B.c.tion of lhe ratio ,,rty of S b.una.d
us u good "loyal" citi-n. been largely en- ' Matthew oidonVjohi B i
gaged. What will tho Kxprt.i ol thib city CTTrPTlTiTt T TV l8 L8'"J iVB Ib,'? Ctli
and other Abolition now boapera, which . ,,. bllLK1 1 'L f Y 1 L0.1'1 " lh Pptrty of lhe ' '.
charged the forgery upon "Uop.iei lnadii." '" 0 ar0 outhonzed to announce Jb2T, -1 -f Xlii
Fay to tho Martlinc revelation made in the 'UC0R KAl'A'Tof Curwonsvlllo m a caudidale ..".AJertR' .. . '
it!.... ... r. .... - . , . . . . ... r,.r rr.n r,. .i. .-. iu.t uicarn:. ri ... . i., .
was completed to-dny. and the army is tho New York VorU:-Uncatttr InuUi.Vt'"l9V'otawhMcow'M'
. 1 1 1 1 1
now ii:oving across tne .uiHHisfit.pi. uenar. I ,-.tir t : 1 .
r.,ig,die.-General A. J. SmiM. hada.' "I ho alleged cause of this military u-aofB b H ALL .fK". ha., 7 pVr?h? 11 ' -oak ni""!
pirate.l engagement with ro!iSnoo reb- urpation and outrage tho publication, SSsWrftJsWri 'ii iftSSSS
el division on the l,Hh instutu. defeating on Wednoay morning, in the daily i- tion of tho Domouratio party ofCl.srfl.ld coun- stX s,?UlU ? it U bS
it. driving it several miles, aud capturing ue of The World, of a lWamalion, pur- ty. mcy 2C. doKrot! t tvf nl''fJuulft
three I undred pri.-o.iers. ' porting to be by the President of tho Un-1 : lherC8 ui0 " Un,V,fR i" l? k Tll
In a reporun 10 4 3 to-day General I5ul- ited tute3, callir.g for four hundred thou-1 WTWo arc authorized to announce ,71. doRroi-s won 111 I wh , Sb"f,,('w h
I. r nays ; Further tillicial report j show Hand more men. but which proved to be a WM- M- HLOOM of Tiko p., n a candMntofur fl0"l 31 porehej to a black o' lr' V'i
that the repuho at WiUon's wharf was e- bold and uudacious for-ery porpeiraled ,hB offico of neriB'- culijfot to th action oT tho. ' dl f?roes w-bt 25 pcrchm tu,i ffl,
ven more complete than I telegraphed- by a Ktfoublicnn lovul leanuer. an old citv , Dmyi:rt"1 r-iy of Cloarfiold cj. may 14, ?i do-rcea cost 1 porcho. t0, " MiJ
The enemy retreated during the night, editor of (he Tribune and Times, a member ' .TZZ t r.nnh'vTl"" 3i p?!;,:l"" ' V.r?"H
leading tw,.y-f',vo of their de td in our of Ursnv Ward l'..Le,.t.t' el.urcli, an in-' rf, Tor ow Jf r ani,0unco tl ol r e'd" c ""'C
hand-, and showed a kw. of killad and limata otTml. nt l.rn. N'- Gn,b0 .90'1 b4'0W-f n'"' twP., v .drcc.Vw Mr"'
woundo 1 of more than two hundred. I'r m tlio While Uou:c, namely, Josnu lloty
the utvnunls of every oftic. r the negro aho, .'r widely kuowii as 'Uov.uu of
troops behaved moat splendidly j the Ti::ics" aud slulllully palmed upon
Nothing lias leon lien's from Jiouoral ' tho newr-ptpci pre is. llo hi.a con lowed
Sherman's command. j hta crime, avown that ho h .d no complici-
Kdwin M.SrASToH, I ty with mi nowspapcr ciniilnvcit. TUid
eeretry of War. uioeument- was leceivcJ at The. Wwl of .jd.Mo o uuTrirt ArtorBry"u".ci
riirc MiWkoi! lK.crutNn.-Tho follow in- ' ftt 1 lilte1Lo"r'2y Uiorn- t0 h action of ths Doraooratio yarty of Clo.irfioll
- in.;. I j - i, mo paper Was -n nr t -...
are tho letters of Mcsms. So.v.itd and lav-' ., .... , ... .. ,.i .:. " JlnS 10 V
, cnui'iiiU r..r tho otfioa ur pheriff, oubiect to 7 J'n' a"e "tm 10 dfvP.
urttii ,"f
tho action of lhe Democratic party 0f Cli orfioU cn t place if heglnu'iUij, ai
county, jjjuy i u.'uu uu mo
,' ' containing 258 aoroi
ttttt rJtrer rrTrtl-ivTxT largor truet knou
, .. UVJU , V
i and 2 i,r.k.. ''"ilk
... ... I -"-U0I. ... .. -
o larger truei snou i. No. it,, ""tm
ton, in reference to the resolution of Con
j;res dceiai i.'i oj pcwiliou to tho eaUulif h
niimt (if a mon.irehy in Mexiro.
Mr- Seward to Mr. Daytoa -Extract.
'oveiy appearance of .ym..nC through the
I ordinary channel ' i te.iejraoic nos. it
was imiueih .tely pnt intype by all the
paper, and HViand Jsurnutuf ten
I "'' ti.etr editions in part before
... ... . i i.. ...i i. o o,.... J c... vv,.,.-.w . . . . '. "t- j me " nr
inetuiyect next orougui it- me --"e, ' A.,nl (, ivt.j.-.y.r; 1 8t-nt yea a copy of , papers uudo tho dircovery juat in lime to
teiAion of Congress by an item in tho oiu-)lur;J a tS:'x ""mber ol prisoners last e-; a r0M,lltl(,n whlcl) p.1ssr(j lio Ul).v0 of j oppress thoir lmj-souio of tlieni tomir
tlC LA Ln I II III LII1JU IU VL'Uiltil'ni. a. ,lni. l t. 1 i U . . i . I ..1.. I . ...
( . 1 I T l . .1 '1 , ..u.kii -i-jiiai I 1 1 1 I sw..i ut I'll rr J IU l l Cli . Ill I'TP
the rc6-( ..ceral llHi.cock, in Rtotmii. the ru 0,,0,i,ion of tl.M body to a rccoiti-m ' te.m luca tho ad ... titration ha Hon,
perfect p.ts tins Mde of the rive. laH evvnu.g, a!- o H m(lllchy in M(,XK.0. Mr Oodfrey i been M-ektni; lo wreak their par.iba ma
,o took between 1W and 0 prisoners, , j,.is ,0sl .Miu, in a.-ktgan explanation ( lice upon tl:eir most listen opponent-
twt. a la.aai.j b a., w ni 11,'u t , m T . i I I W r ( i .i li'lWlUl IIH U.mrs i uA ll,. ... -t.. a I. .1
, I ' ' ' 1 n' ' ' """"J ill-' V"Jt- I - -ui t ' " J ilJIKIJU. I 11(1 MM' nCt
( von i ii -T
c:ai organ oi u.e rreccn uovernmeni 8'a-,llj(m or nsceriain his loss.
ting mat tho tenor and otject of
olution had been ti plained o tbo
fatiul'uciion of the Trench Cabinet.
a resolution was men cnoreu in tne ; ...i,.,r ,i,. ,..,.. ,irr.-.,r.,i
House of Keproscolativcs by Mr. Divif, J Or neral Warren al-o cipture J some otli
of Md., calling upon the President for the :cial papers, and anions them an order cull-
coneM'-OKdence between the tso govern-'.'"3 0iUal! tho b!'.v '7 ,MM1o'a50 o fiar
.. . . . ., .'iiaon liichmond. lhe ambulance men
fficnts on tho mlject. The ln rrnicipl ian , mUhicion!1 ore fcUo ordcrcJ inl, ,he
L .m..U ........ Tl..
letter cf Mr. Seward wo pronource to bp i General Sheridan was nt Dunkirk this
tho most trucklin?. the nit di.raccful. mondnR. and will be at Milf.rd 10 niht.
publication in
, the people in ir-ird to Mexico. It is.
, howtver, another and :t distinct O'-iomi
; whether the United States would 'hir.k it
necessary or proper to express;v
in tin. Ini nt ftiiii, ,t .,. t l.v I. ,m,u,. i: .
So despatches have been received from r,,;,.,,i,i;,r.. ... .i,;., i,, ti.;., , '.
lOen. Mierman todty, and none are ex- ii,l an.l oieirlv e.veru.ivo ..'.i:'o 'r...'
Ipected for several days. 'the decision oi it eon.Mitmi.mMI. l-..'l..n..
Despatches from Gen. Bailor have, been n,.. ,,i,,, 11,-.,.,, i
.received to-dav, re.atmg chiefly to the PV(,n ,rt ( i,,,, , ,
rtipective forces. the Ur.iied Yo-i of cour.e.
Tirnrh TRn.-ch Ihi tho v psoliiiinn fii-- r.- i . .1 j . c t v liiKu notice Tint tho Uoci.irilion lU'ido v
MJ1 l1c,l , C d othe S,eretnry oftUeavy.Mates . lIoUM1 of K( . rcviI,alivM is in
-ly etiirewrithofoelingi and opiuioos ofjihatlsH turday iuart.1 the enemy at- form ofa ioU!. r.M;,i,j,in. wh-.-i, l,,ror..
1. ...1 , .1.. ' - -
it eat; acquire t ie rhara.'.i-r of ah'id i
tikO ;iet, nmst leceive, first, the concur
Knee of the Sen ito. n n 1 i . -ril . tin-
pproval of llo; l'leMdv-nlof ;( Uriud
.Si.iti-s, or, in c-e of Ins ilibfoi.;, t;i" re-
1 1 ,,. . ,, 1 '. - neiven .i.( nt ol l,.tli II uses CoiiiTC.
. . ..... ... ,11: 111 111. HI 1.1, !-.-- . ,, . . 1.1 , . . r
vn f. t'lOiie 1 In i,rn 4T r.l.n
ry, 'il'.cr wliat I havo luietoi'oii) written
wit h perf.vt candor, for tho inform. uion
... 1 1 t.t o... 1 1 .. 11 . . . l ..... ... 1 t ,1, .
,'i . mil-, iu cm in,,!, vnm M.-.-3U1MUUH 1 ru j -1 lima ,i(;tuii hijitiv anu law, i a make
iv interprets ttie utiiiniinoin veiiti.ip. -nt c
ofa fieeptoKf, and thu prevent the dai
ly and weekly exposure of their cvn
HVo tire authorized to announco thoon orented. Seh$, uk."'
.'M. M.MtCL'l.mUUH of Clearfjjldaa aoamii- to be sold as tho pmportv u U "t!i",9
Al.ho-A ct-rtain trant ol l4,t
tnp , ClcarOoid jounlv. P
may, 31. hundred and twenty atrr tiftMi ,il
. n B-.a-
Atidiiors Notice.
T lt mutter of tho eatito of KjjI.
Xall lato of biaily towimhip dprdnod,
tho undiTuigtitd, to nhmn tlu Iteptrt of txj
formor Audit ai riforod for corrrctinn. wiMut
land to ihat daiy at h'l i.ffioi- in the b'.r,,u;h
of C'lvarficld, on Suturdxy tho INth iU.v nf.lnu'i,
ISit, wlun aniwhuro all u .tso ta inivrrstoj ni-ty
attond, if ill' y tee proper.
Jazt Ut lsei-tt. Auditor-
Drutmrt. .,
ith a ben ad lor.ti!.a.ui th..
hy liindii 01 Cahin fiievew, Knoi tV,lj,!l
J.cuinir, ana ouicr". Oituid ard "H
i-iuujii una u. u! fiu-i no
tt,'-.i nt William Siahl.
! virtuooffundrywriiioff'.-.rir
e I out of tUu ka:ii curt i,J J"
thiT will bo exposed to I'ablic gi,1(N
Houso in the borougU of Ciearfiaij.
tliefi'lh HHV of Jui.o noil, tliftiw;,.Jj
fcd Itual Ebt-.te, t-i wit : '
All tho.) thrco CJr'.a'n tra-tf or ..
titUH'e in I'ox ljwn.,:iii'. Ci.,..u '"I
tjwn.'llil;. (!l!irli.M... 1
b'jund. d aud deticribei as folium i Ovt!
misfit a auar, and runnin; from t,
T N Tllll MATTER cf tt.o eotate of Julia
X Dickinon.
Juhn Dickinon) In the Court of Common
... i.fni..r,i ..
Mol Hiel.lLionJ .Vo, , June Term, IS'i. Ljjnireatn f itsstvor;.! couries to
from tho ltoKi!or of Cin.irfidli ountir tu trv tl..) ' mouth ilia C.n.-.iv l.ina l:,m
i ...i: ....- : . -.- . . i : .. s mo m,
coriain wriung r.a.-re-l lor profcatrt, . v-otl .er. to u po-t; lhnc ire! i
f-erchw tjpoat. tlieneo n:.r'.MvOnl j iC
1 In ttie Coart of Common Pleas tj a po-t., t!.onu wo.t 2t) pr-rftjei too-vr'!:
) of CleurfiulJ county, Ph. Of down Littlo Tibv creult. in the 7
and the moft villaincu that ever went
cut irom the State Department at Wash
ington. If you doubt our word read U.i
aud behold tba infamy. Our Trime Min
ister set down End eliboraie'y telii the;
the Ameri -m nconlo that thev ere oodoj. tne army ana wei o iiaruitomel
a . Ui. . u.. Ar .oi.t;.t .v . i repulsed.
i ilia iiMii v. .-,,. i. tuwiim I III I A J . 1 f I r -. . .-. ,
: ,f . v .it. . f i A despatch from Sinjor-Gencral Canhy,
-.. ..-.MtJ i...v ..... .in... iu,imi....ii ;a,lU,4 U)0 ft, ,nf. mouth of tho lied
houl:l pass tliT hcnale irsc:'. uj vc'.ovt ly:le river, ptnte I !.-- ... i d H..iik'8 trooj.
z-:r.iUic that tbat til l Lxec.itivo tild;"3tl arriven nt .-online. p.,--, yest-ni ty , an, I
.voulil be Rt J i'1-:"-: , i, . .v.
The army is in better cr.'),' ion than .vas
aJai;t3 to be t'uo vill of the Ameiican
expected, and will r.jiii bo re;-dytoos-
. r I
uic ot 4Vir. lumo oUensue opei.nion.
II. : lette Laj i.o other mean. Ku ais II.
Secietarj of War.
on iciAi,
War I'ci'AKTMrsT,
AVAfUtNfiro.s, May 'Jo 'J a. it. )
.hjjr-Ge,u-rul IK.: :
General l'utler. inadifpacth dated at
headquarters in the field at 7 o'clock thia
morn in?, reports that "Major-General Fit.
Hugh I.eo, lately promoted, made with
cavalry, infantry and artillery tin attack
upon my post at WiUon's wharf, north
side of J amc river, below I'oit I'awhattan,
peoplel Tliii is tho p'a!
Anotulk National iisuRAC8. Seme
ttnie a.j'o aCul.on, natnod Argueilis, arri- i
vad at New Yoik, where he remained un-j
til a fo.v days ao, when no was seized!
(kidnapped) by somo of tho Deputy Mar-j
ahalhofSew York, assisted by a secret
doteclivo of tho SpsnUh Government,
hurried on board a vesnel, carried to Cu
ba, where our Consul, iu a letter to Secre
tary Seward, ayt, ho will certainly be ben
tenccJ lo tho Chain g.ui.
'1'his arrest was made without warrant,
cr any pretext of law itycro being no
tioaty between tho United States and
Spain requiring tho delivoiiug upofcrim
iinls nuking domicil in each other's do-
ai'iitonti; nor hqs nry tearing mm io 10 wouhl not be answerable for tho cone-
frove that tno Met. in was a guilty man. qnences when he took the place." Gen
nor cvt n that lie it aa ;., manccubcd. Mr. v d repl;e.l :
Seward thus niin diihonon our country's
fiay by permitting, yea, by authorising (bin
ahaino'es outr?.
ArJeliii, it npesr.t, formerly htsl J a
procr.ioect pjsition ia ono of the Depart
nionti cf Cuba, and aquirrcl took place be
tweon Lira snd the Captain General re
garding the di' p03al of a cargo of tluves ;
find I'i.hout ijquiring into the facts of the
caae, or affording tho accuwd an opportu
ty for defence a right rrh'eh our hits
guarantee to th guiltiest of criminr.le-
ct two
tti be e.spre-M-. by
t h ir ot e'ir!i ' Iv.
Win!.-' 'I.- t'r-ii It tit r. '-."w ihedeela
r . . t i ' -ri of jl,f . niM of It ' ..vvilativof
with the profound r.vpect to wli,h it i;.
nlitlcd as un exposition of ai v i t
ttiP'O Clittl.'S boldly ; and. ailionc man) I ',J " "r.'? i- oi.J,u," wuu perches l- place ul beh;i..oii.s.eoin.i,i1
other rewoivi, for thi- rex-on : . hat l're- - j "f:' InTrt CUU", l, . ?"J usaJ ,mU,f:e' V A
.l.-nt Iivrniv c,,,,.,,, i ., Hay .t.. lt.c, ia aw.rdd by trie house, large fnuaj b.iru, not m,
U t UMOI.N, he. rctary or.. N TON. and . Ourt. VKtuU all p..r,.,n above named who are barn, one fa mill and shin-.l, m,ch- ,
.Cletary Jm..varp. I.etoie tho order tor the' n-.t already Partin to this lut. b.i taavclriiu a- mui.1 l...... r....t,l .1..,... ..j .?
. ill... I .. ...,,,.. f Art II, rf t I.-. . ...I I I.Ij .Lx-J..j .n.l..,u; f..:i I.;:.. .: , . ......
-....i,v.., a -'I rJia i.rt3 3riu,ftIlJa!l"""B''u"t"J. vuit, r,,PO( Bllll, JUIlil L1C&- ) Clt.arua. A Ut)'J, UilO, l,,''rlllllit17.t...
I tie laetK in the ca-e, except the name ot j 'J-1""-, t appear iu the Curt of t'oji u ui Plja of ; joniheaat c-irner if C. N'tilf'i ia n,M
y la.i I ol A. V. HeitliStni
l I.o ruiltv l artv : knew fora General m,t ' Vurt!4'?.c"l!,,t'' Rt. Ll,--,f:-'1 P . on or before , 8S wen by 1
bimiolf the IdameleHMioss of The WrU?..:'?"-n.V v ' ' V-'".'1?! '.' !" ''''"h i-un inZ
and its enildovees. Yet tho order wn ! in i,!"i.. " ! r..? 3"ut!l b ,l "
- - : r.q;us iiuuudwia bio 1,1'iti'v .fill-.( l L it ti 1 1") IL IllltL. Illl'tllMt atlttlin ' U, .1 :t lilt . 1 . .
II - "'
i'-nl, and, i i epite of pinte-iN from govern-', cotieo
ment ofhciali, taoni tlio whole pi es of thn rusy 31
'ily, and Irom an indignant pul.l.c. wh
kept in force two and a liul! day. It wns
not until . Saturday that wo werea:ain nut
bitrt 1"'V ;-. "i nt r-. I t
Att.u o. p. Lrzwubut
'61 It.
in po:tcssion of ot;r L-Jiiet. nntl r-i,..b:-d to!"d with the pririiie oi'our laie edi-j
tion of the HVeA-y U.r'.'. ' in. e .1 .yj l j
ninditj' rt i!ular o.iv of pub! icniion."
Ksss P.-eccu On t!:e. evpuU:on of Mr.
'.!.!'. i f ()hio, wi. id:, !.;,.. k"ii ill ..eoutc.i
Mr Se.iii.'M. - cr tc; i;.e 'he coil a'id f.j'-!
-itli" inl.'lHti.t of tiiu V.'i.krtir.g'ei: C.iire--pond'-nt
of the Yk'aiTfn A.V"-'iKll.'uie'i ;
Member fioi.'i tho Wild i.'at d.' rlct ,' dod-
el rue fj .1 o t tr. t . j
h.ich c indit.-l eoiiid hardlv l.'OCtc.l
1ST OF o IvAND J L'liOiv.-l 1-0 U
a Torni, A. D., H J1.
HlL!. lil'.u li, A. ia o Ureth.
hKAUKtltD - W I i I la II li .lililfl jr.
liOjjJ GC0lO D:Ull';i"lv'
C'ti ti li.oo'U i'h ui, i,.ni
Covinc;o; Arnold ;vti .ian--..
CCK'-vuvni.Lt Ad mi il -r
' 'LEAitrir-i.t. -Fo i iNqm-,
iii iLit u.ivia r ulit.-is ,,
tad.) . la a pnt.
nioro or le.-t.-.. wiih rm fpij.injMj'-,
iini t) and Iro.i the nliiv m..nt1IIIMi Z
eiuiueii as an exposition ol ai i,:sHiipon . " .i..iu. ..- i . vt;it
an important subject, he directs that von ; ll';,;n i' -oield. ii. praanued and praj-
infoirn tho tioveiiiinet,l cl France that he
(ioen not at p'e.-i n. contemplate uny de from h pnliey which thia (iov
eiiiliient has hitherto pursued in regard
to the '.var which exists between France
and M tfxico. It ii hiirdlv necttssarv lo
My that the proceedini! of the 11' of
li.-pte.sei'.tt -lives n:,s adopted tij.on m:,:
c.'stion ariinj! within iis.If, and no'
upon any eoriinitinieaiiou with the Kxeo-
utive Ieiartm( nt. and that the French
led mil wr.t croud do tears over fren
vpeech i.nd fro'.Vnii, and told all th.o
heart-ieiidinc t-t"i i. s concerning hoidcr-
rtifliaii and bleeding IlaifaiJ. This time,!
however, it wni homebody 'h dso ox, con-,'
beqj.'nily our talented member could not;
cry without tlio aid of im onion ; in fact '
our member cuuid not see it at all. S jch
kind of dodging oaht not to bo tolerated, !
for if Mr. Long wm in the rilit, neither
I irty, policy, fir paity-sereivj ouyhl to
ji.l '.o I,
1 - '1 .
GlUARD It')U I ! SliVa: 1.
(toshl.v ,1 . I.'in,
Ufsrc.'f J iiin ll. vener.
Joajjtx-Kjrn Alfjer, V.!l atn T. Cji ' v
Knoi Daniol liiwmati.
IIaktua-js J. M. llirilin .
Lawrencj; ,Tao. Fulton, haac Tlnnip
soii, Thomai. Palmer.
PiKK-L ironzo H. Piicf. Thoma-.
Pimn Fiederick Holiopetcr.
Woodward Wdliuiu Kline.
a. id over a.i.l tur-.u.'h tiiu UJ of MiSili
S 'et"W "i't I'd f :.. I, and lw-t'fej
ot iiii.l J'a lunJ, and it mi;:,,
' u-ini, jn.l ..f ele:iiu, and minft!it n
t.i r.jitlt lhe lan.l of si Null, (.,r Jrami!.
A1.SJ, Cie otv.r. !-ir.r.ii, t t p01i,(, tiie eniclieaxt Ci'ucr .if hi .V, (J
.h-ii.-e en :t II rods t.i a; K. t'oanMil
j ru If .,! ..,., t, r.., I la a p.jt, ihnn.-e .
' ' . t t t Utt: p'a '0 hi' b ; ti'iia;, ,vu,41(l
, er and --ruo p i e. i ',, n i,. -. anSrn
! Oaai-i ! .i .,,-1 :,.i,m t4-a ia:r!,,;n
; ; J. K'izd.Mi:t in e.t tuti.a,4sluWili
t .'.iu i-.-..j-,-r ry ... i . ! r ,v.
j tL-0-!rt li ... l,.ai.-. n I i. initial
f !..e..ifl,-l i. la . l--t i S,. I'l. wj
I i''.rVr .td.liij.iti to ii ; I, i:v':i, S"rti -ji
niuth by I t ,t'ict. . n tr. net by ini.t,t
I the n-.rlb by nn hiImv, n-t en ru mil In U A
j 2li ; biu Y) loet front .e.i-l i;iild;
tng ,. Itv i.ptry p!;ir,': -! .reiliiij bra nil
j blnekfiintli-!i!i V e tt .'.'. "eoi Stdili
I iraet cr piece of luid ..itu.tte in PikMM
j Clei.-ii. I i e mu;, p;i., t,oiii,.l,-d it'll fcnfeb
follot g : lte-inniu nt a f.illtn wtiiu mi.tiai
by land of Samuel I'.lu l.'ftt south Ji'stl
A A lor Juno Term, A. D., 1SG1. I i-p't. '"ib i.iu ewtkmi ;
earnsonod by two reitimeritu, all necro ..... ' ,', , . ' V have kt-i.t Mr. S,.ti,.,l r,rtn. .7,st.
irnn.. Il-i , 1 to-.f 1 W.l.l 1 , .. viv.-.,1 nuum on JCT.ll.lll.OI llI.pri-.-- ' " -' " ;. f "f""-"' I Kvi... illai il.lnm .llm V I -..-..
" I"" v v' , " , 'r""' edof anv chaneo of noliev m, on ihw nib-; roxniuion ot e.vpul.non. lt,o people ...:... ,' f.ot, north M perebe to
anu wat, nana.orneiy lepuLseu. iHioro :..c, whi;.j, (ho Vresident niiht hi ,.v fu- ofv?" U over-gown Wild Cat district, ,?tryi,'r"'V"'1 -Vert'18 baporto, 10 p.rcho to a hit
t;ie auacn i.eo ecnt a iia, stating mat lie ,,.,:, ,,,. ;, , ' like a bold man. and n,,t ,lHL n.,A "nioi ruusi, n. uatoj. uooro lvettlc- che4 to a post, north 51
ha.Iforco enough to take the, do- , ir . ' lif Mr. SoofielJ thinks to in il, li.n,,, barger. 2 Wee A J Praucker ...nil. K-e,.ft ss d 5
manded lis turrender, and in that cue, ! ' ' ,,. 'rrata hv fcil..o n n,n,.0.; c.i... ' Woo'iwaid 1st H tv.v Ihotnas llcnuar- ': tn ' 1 l'.r''l" to a p
th jntriunn ohoiil.l bn tnrnotl over In tl,. . ' V"" n W,il.rl flon.l.,-. :..,!. r , '.Hartshorn 3- went 115
is- - - - - -" ri hi p. rniv i n.n-. ....... ..w. a."..- ...., , , -
in ii'i.i ii ivi hi ivieii iiiouii as pi iuners ci
"We will try that.'
Seward 'tnilthtlv Lnnds himocerto
W T. .. . 4. if p j T . , . t'halfiv Tl.. nnr,..,!, . I... I l t. .. l , -
w?r- but if tl,M t.ronorition ru r.deetP.l l" il- Pewaru-XXliaCt r , . 7 h-shus ue nmi, nave
w?r, fur. li ti i propof-ition wan rjette.l( - n AM , forsaken him v. as old m.
r. April --S: I veiled MZif'te
Re- A'.ouyn io 1 1 uy, yeBtf-rduy. at the Ie-I ' '1"""' V."" '
ii,rnmoi, trpm ni nn,- m !.., ii... pailmeiit ofroreitn Albiirs. The K l t '. -I? r "V" ""J . . continue,
light wa9 over before their arrival. Our - ' addressed to mo on tnleriiig the m for Tl L TT J? i
los is not vet repotted. oom were, -I-o you bring m peace or , IZ,. ot a ir n 7 r hi ITt l0t's
No other reports of military operations : wr. I asked him to 'what hoTo dXZ J- nl n. i , l" I'
have been received I v tho department referred, and he said ho referred nioro A.h,a.l?..W",,ho"t. ,0.,,a lr,ck.'n
ainco my telegram of 0: 30 last mmlely to those resolution recently St rrn X ;-Stephen Lloyd. Jackson Patcd...
leg. PwJ -onfires in reference lo the in- oflibertv. S ' Fergmon-li Ur4-John Brigi. 2nd
Edwix M. Siimo.v, ,'vasion of Mexico by tho Ffec-ih and the, nh t r.. i ! Week Matthew Bloom. Luther itari-pit.
i-ccretary cf Wr.
Wan Pr.FAitTMfcNT, )
WA83iv;Tor;, May 250 r. v.
tf N .... '
; establi.sbmrrjt of Maxim illinn noon tlm i
'throne ot that country. I raid to him in
. I .. ..... T ! . .... .'l 1 I- . t
n j.i umi i ui.i i,ot irunit rrance nao a : t... r , i j-i
' n . . : - i-. . . I. . - , . . . - uvuna i, o u i, I iriiuir.
, , i;in ii in lei uiui u were auout, to mute . r. v. x- . ,, ' '
jwarassinsl her on account of anything rlwn i"c?W WOuM n01 COm' lherC'
Chi Mr- Lore.
You wont it strong.
Hut ivwd co u 1 d n l see it,
Tl,n l.iiri rl,.t forr. rir,i '. ' conluined in thrun rinli,tinnu iht tKo..
.r.t,r1n,iartnrc vAi,..t 1-., il,la .iA.... etllbod.etl IlOtllill:' mrirn (Hun l-,'.,-! V.Ar.K ....... ' '
mr-nt. U dt.te.1 tvf M,,t P rm.,1 PI.. ...I. constantly held out to tho I'renrh c ... 7V --Untb ihinit., at Tyrone, ty
' ' ........ w - j . , - - '
i .. ...i mm ji i . iit,.,..i f.A.,, l. t .
tun tnrfer rf the C .r-ptstn Ger- cvory 1?ng h g;)ipg Wt ' Wurr(;n always represented to the Covernment
tra, t.2 tyrsnt rTCuba. four hundred prioneif, Hancock fumo ! ',liro lnnt a"V action upon their part jnter-
If Mr. Seward would pay half is ranch thrco hundred and Wri'.t hn picked up! ,M"ir,f? wiln ti'O form of overtimed in
rt"r.rd to hi? own countrymen, as he docsi01110, 'ue whole number resulting from : would bo looked upon with dis-
to the whim, end caprice of tlc!.yrftnts oft l?'' oiertions will not fall hrt our wui.iry o..d U,ey oou.d
i a uoii.'aii ti. arren n lot's is not over " ' 1 1 uo ,,J 1 io acKnowi
hrce hundred killed and wounded. ;!,u'
The pi isoners captured arc in a gieat ' "l0 olth (Jurulinian?, aru much .;,-! ?ur
1-uropo. it wc.i
Mo to his fuma
at, n-:;li I'l" ,l II uiii
emi ;0 ftni
Id nerohtiltin
1'ike Ut Week John O voiit. Nat ban ! P'"8' ""utu 0 V" t a fiilliu cUk
Cleaver, Philip Arnold, Albert Lone. '2nd' uu .a rit' n"r:h bv , ,
a poKt, writ l!iwr
pin etump, mrll Hip
onpl -to ptrftilsif
111 purebeitoit-5
ot smiit ir.'islt't
Uoecana I si neek-L I) eld. I'hilin ..,..... t...
. , , T . - . A f - j cimfl tv a. ii., invut,u r.'UMiJ tni tip
DoM, John Me.Lov.0 W Bratton, Jerenil- tte n p1Hrn..f lie ini,i:,s. cu.ttaining I7S
ah Cooper. 2n Mi ck John Lig itner. 'onJ MOaa-iT-IO perelie irha:I.WM( M
Cheht Week Joahua Feitwell, 2'i 7 takn in exputf.n no J to be tiolJ as th prH
Week William Carr. ef Ueorir,) ('. Pmntnore.
l'enn lif Week William S ni'Ii. W,. AhM- cruin tract efUnJMtiwMbhi
liaraS. Poller, I) T charp, R:churl Den- t0"!',P' c ?""'- "W- ' ''nit
' ot Aiii'iuun I'.ihnjfer on tut r. rt b. JuhnTtm.
ver, ltntor. n tho at, At atew IViltan on tba Mtit
Hurnstdo WMltY Alexaml r Ful'otl. CnraJ Manrwinl lh w.yn. cwtiiauil
Hnry Yountf. junior, John McKm. 2u nrr.-s, nioro or wiih about 6) afrneWl
young rntiarj. aa l frmno h.,u snlrtrtljn
teJ thoroon. boini la'tio promitei nhisiM
ick Krb, aJinioidlritor of Henry Korb, nit
COuvfveJ to dvfun'tatit by l).l,lKWl
ISj'.i, aril roourjad ut C!eir!';sM in DM M
pas'o 171. .S'oizad taken in t-xeculbii ul'
nil, ue tlio property ol llenrv w. Korl).
1) V Vliirti; of a writ of l.mti
XJ Mi.,,1 out f tho Court of 0 tumoll
to mo iliroetuit, tliera will t-xpoji-H t R
SAI.Kat tho Court lloii.o in the hr4'
Clvarliebl on tho "Oih .lay of Jim m1'
tuilutving 'U irribed real o.-tttl" jtidivriift
cr';, , to wit :
A conn in tract "f liri.l piiuittj ii i'S"
CIdp rx Ucii'itv, Pa. I!cii,iii',R at.
by Waltsr Mowart JUrv. y, t '.li-t I'lif1'
fObt. thetioe tou'tt I t r.-si luc oftlww
Bocgs hi Week Tliomm rfal-ton. Jno
S Geaihart, J II Waplo. 2nd HfcA-Lir.d-iey
Decatur ht WetkZ L BurroU. Rich,
ar.l Philipa. 2a. Week Waher D Mnrgnn,
T. F. Boahch, John (jearhail, Elim Walk.
Rrady 1st We, k-Philip Arnold, l'etcr
.'-miiil Jodoii, F.;q . Mr. Jaotaon Hoover, of 'Sn'llt,r- Height, il, Unis Hiht l.
t " ia county, to Mini N'aaoy B. Williams of Cfn- 2't HVt, '- Peter K"inf;ei',Jo-ep;i Arnold,
U.ivi.l Ji Kinney, Alir un Ho i 't line, Jer-
Arrtt.jTii.s Mor.Ai.iTV. Tho
(Mns.) iu't;! I '.i;un fives 0 di
tiie corruption rrnv prev&lent tt Waihir.g-j
.uu. us l.n,ji:a;e u 1 tl.liu, t ,J 1 , Ulll
giaj hic, and will hetr o bo repeated. It
io Sprir.pfiold ' courotcJi anci tuy ,Lat li 0 deceived' ''f'ii-'ve you had held iho name lanpuape
(lescription of, t.jpril , p il,c French miniHter in tho United
.uu. us 1..1. mull u 1 tl.llU, t ,J 1 . Ul I r .. . ... t-.M, ir . i
v. " h uh in i ,p ii t . .ini ii.iiinitr-u
in .-.... . . .
"iinen win rtacn eouiii anna ly in jiit
fhe pursuit i.-i dol.ijed ly lhe retit fa-!
n Hi) 1'oIIo.vb:
i Jt id a sad, a ahockins Ictcro cf Hfd in
Vftohing'.ou, which our corrcpon lent
pro giving us. A bureau of tho treatury
department mada a house ot acdjction
and prostitution. Tho neceaMiiei of
pjor nnd pretty women made the Means
of their debauchery by hiidi poveriiment
officials. Mmltrsof Congre9 putting
their mifitreHes into clcrkhhips in the de-
.Slates. This allegation he did nni uvm
to deny, but obviously received tho reso-
lutionij in fiiif i-tioii as u serious step upon '
lour pari. 1 am told that tho leading fee-1
I cesiiiur.inU hero build largely upoti thcfo'
, resolutions m a means f fomentinp i'i
i feeling between thiB country and aome !
others tin d fti .'selves. Mr. Mattou and l.itij
BecietiU-y have pone to JJrusela to confer
with Mr. Dudlev Mann, who i thpiponni.!
Diopatches from General Grant rcceiv-j miMoncr at that pi act. is'
ed this morning, inform tho Wr.r Depart-: ' I. was to have enneto Aublria. although I
iiirni .nut too let.fcl arrnv Hi bo ha n ; no nan not vet cot n .
? , r.
tra countv.
Ca thei'th ilny of May lit, by Rev. M. L. Drum, emiah Knner
On th, mu of May, by ,b, aa'a... Mr. D. R.m.U 9'$ V" , "Vvn " V""'
ltoo to Mit. horinJa Bvr, both of Hn -ieck-W Watvon. B P Bloom.
IVanliititflnn. ' Kailliatii - 1st It rk (irni t . !S( I'l.ip
. a monnrchial government built upon On the 2Cth uUiino, by J. W. 5hu-Prt, Eiq., Mr. -'Ur field-ht Wrek- Jniiick Wricley
foundation of a republic which was Jof..,h .Vhirk ti Misi Aamlia JJiller, boih of 2nd tlVrt Witltam Belts, Joseph Dearinu
nest neighbor; that I had rea.ou to t!liB b"ruu1'. Morri-h Week- Daniel Beanw. David
MTSIaT. Kino iSirtH Th0!M'MOn' jMhn
it uuuirhtor nf A. I. r.I II o .a ' i o lrvno. l'HVIrt
, ' ti-.f. r:,6.: -bw H-Rici,,d m
Ihou halt loft thu world of pain.
Kziwis M. Stanto.v,
Secretary of War.
Wabhingtok, May 20.
Muhr-Cencral Dlx.
A !..... I 1 . V ...,....., .uu I IH'U UIUIVMIII II OKI a it
Mil iHiiuiuuiuociihww niiuvn- strnni' . !.... I...i. it X-...... . il I ..... -i -. .
cd down iu tho l.eet bv a notunn whom sou h An. Z " Z ul'Z . ""u Jruu WUB" V" r"t,t,
lit t .
uon. vv m. 11. Reward. Sec'v of Statu AVi
ho had outraped. Whiskey drinking ad ,,enr to be concentrated.
mium. ne-t vernmen ct cateuincnn- u wiI, .,robuLlv r0(iuir(( ,n 1Mln
days to develop hit operations, which are
" ,i, v ' V1""" BU,,J,,CU publication.
trncta ardrpenly robbed by its cmployeei.
. rites our moat curclul corresponuont
long a refidenl of the capital "Washin;;
tou wa never qui'.o po villainously cor
rupt as at tho present time. In the palmy
u.t)8cf southern rule, of slavery, there
wa not half the corruption there is now." ,
We do not doubt this ia strictly truo; and i
wo rciipat, it ia a Bad aad shocking pic
ilie .Ninth corps has been in, orr,r,r,.iu.i
with tho army of the Potomac.
Xo dispatches have been received from
any other field of operations.
Kim in M. Stanton.
Secretary of War.
Havoc Among tiie Gi'.NtRAt.s. In th
recent ten ib la conflicts in Virginia, an'
I - I . a P ..a 1
With thy iiivior thou dost reel,
yiuu iDaii ncvor wei.p ggnin.
7t would not winh thee biolt again,
Mto tti nigh aud ;ripr an 1 weep.
I"r though our earthly hopes ar iluiu.
Wc know th'.ndott in Jttud .loep.
tfiir Ella, when this lift i punt
Wbf n Its griefn and cares art o'er
We rhall luoet in beavon at fait,
On that bright lorapblo shoro.
Thers Ks'll nhcl bo bittor tears
Tb rrlirg band ebill ns'sr ba given
Our God will quell our riring feari,
l or no grief Is known in beaven. e. s. c.
M l.uibcy. 2nd Week Liheus H.jov. r.
i Covington- ht Week-I'harloH Weaver.
; Jordiin-lw B'f-Isaao McNeal. 2d
: Week Benjamin Bishop,
j Ouliob Ut Week -Matthew McCully.
I New Washington ht Wtek Jacob A
; B'eth.
j II uston- 2nd Week- E D Patterson, Wm
: Abbott.
Bloom 2nd Tlwi-William Irwin,
j Knox 2nd Week William McKre.
Union 2miWeek- -John I .abrrde.
Fox 2nd TPivt-Channeey BroeKwav
fj'ahani2i. H Thomas II r'orcey
Oirsrd 2fZ Week -Hubert Liegv. John
Petit. b- '
T...I... . .... n ..... 1,11, ...... hi. (Ml.
vvwf. f.eiii Iho criir ol W .
.Mantgi.ioery turvty mortgise rocorWi'
A, piijt! jr. Scircd. tak.'n iu eiKiM
ho s-'li ns the rrapfrtv of Jnnai l'"' .
Cle?.iii. l l, Jura 1, lfOl. ,
. "V."--rTrtl
rBMilAL LIST i ui;ju'
A. t t? t-a n 11 !a
;i r ii , ) ir c i i ii ttr t ,ii nnn nnnoa ir
is ejpe.cted Iho Jacobin orm uui hayo To Maior-Gtneral Ix :
fomothlng tosy !ht etk.
Vak Dli'Aktmbvt, )
Ki May 26. J
unusual number of olHcers havebeen kill
ed, wounded and captured especially TT! ARM OT 220 ACRES FOR
; .-ne.a u. among the killed are Major! SALEPersons dOHirinff tt bar
il.eneral Sedick, Generals g,iu jn purchase ofa FARM, will do well .
' ni',jw"1 tn, llays, .Stc'emion, Bo.itnon rrohrans the opportunity new off. red. The farm
janu Kico. A tnotit the wounded are Geiin. Ilfltuatodin Alorrii towuihlp, Ceardeld county.
Getty, llaxter, Morris, Bailetf, Webb, aoout SO acres cleared and improved with good
,Grcgj. and other ; and Ge.m Seymour, "'"""ding'. nl ' advaobtgoousty loonted, and
iinifr, laioot Crawford and Neil were t- , i. ii win be told
I . priitoners.
By virtue ef sn orJur imued out f the C mr. ,.t
Q'lurtor So.iurii of C!ear8,.d eonnrv. th.. q iil,
ihed victors of Hell tp.. nnd ih.. parte f P.-i,
and Ferguson townihip wh..o lutel-ara inriud
In fhe new Towtoonp. lately laid oat of par t
tl. al.nve named townships arf her. by t,- tiH,
that an eleolion will be hold at the eloetion tt ,u -In
Bell (p., on Saturday, 11th Juno n-'Xt. to d
iihi'mln. i-jt-P... f...,fc.. . 4"""'on o. i.rootmi sai l -w l.m
7;7K:.h;;.ki:K:.7:r...L""'D ?D'P- The,drtHl a-or
ken i-riAotacra. Gen. Sdawick wm ono ? Tu":: -Li.Cfu ' .lner r"" .ul,r" "PP'T
Ot the best officers in th s IV. . . " : 1 . . 1 " or r log to the Aeta of Anml,l. i .h .... ...!.
Ibe distch from General Grant, m.u- cf tbo other, wtro cf like eharnc er ! ' "1 By Orderoftbs Court.
fi .(tli June
0. S. Ilimcs
Samuel Sel-r.rj
Prhncll's heirs
Kliia Irvln
boo i Campbell
W'hiti L'ido
Foftr ct. al.
Htiss Roe.l
j Itinjbiiin & Hood
Mio'j nkcr
Moekley 4 Tsntle
J. F. V au bar.
Mniih A King
I. uu, horn
liiiica UM3 Rrcnnrr
t ib,.n us Hreun. r
tl. F, llrennar
.LiUton ue Hrenri(r
folk, 'I Hill
fa.t.h Irw!n
. . X. S itiini.
l li.,iiipBn
lua I rv in
l Vrft-M, mv 31. U6I.
yj I):,verport.
t Eearfe.
Xf E,lnrd Mtutf"
VI CllU61''
vs p topr
vi hbw A cgdeti.
v. I' tt
ti V.'hitfi'l
v Ilsilett.
T. S. It'. TboBrl!.
ts I. W. Wdd.
tb Smith,
ve Smith.
vb E. A. Irvln.
ts Leonard '''
Trot".y' ,,(
vb McK.'e.
tb John 1. Mi!!f.
va Hatae.
vt Smne.
tb Moorf P",,J'
t, T1...D.M K.H'".f