IS h mi m t ' KOORE, ) . GOCDLANDEIt, J Editors and Fropnet OL. XXXIV. WHOLE NO. HEAD! -0- . .V-W. & H. W. SMITH ' IIAVE JUST EKCHIYED i Jvom the East, A FfiESLI SUPPLY OF SEASONABLE Couij-.'sing a gone rs.i ajaurluiuu! of Trintt, P.-nic-s, M-m-bi Uis. A!p.-a, filks. LUonn',es. r,i.,(i,! - , , ,. ...I... , ':,.. ' ..uS, Illeaehe.l muslin t. ' ' . . '-i"-l', t-lmowJ Skirt?; 1 A I Linoa :N 0 T IONS, JToslrrv, f!'rv(, F.iVihori, Tiinimirj;', Ilutlonn, Collars, Nm". Veils. IVi'-ryiderinj liraidii, Uand kerchief.. Ladies' l.i i!i I'agcit, M'!mleb"n, BlBditii! . Clil.l"-Bs', J'.i'' n:id I.adiei' Hoop Biltrtf. (juak'-r .r'tt Skirt. . "phyrs, Nrelc-tieii, itilts' Uilt jiiJ cii' en d l;;;t;. I.c.i'.lvT Boln. WOODEN-V-'AU;-; Si HorsKUO!,!) i aim 'Cednr Bf.c't.-.'n, T.1'11 Clnro. V ij-x, ? BrtiUi.-e. l!rkel it ictv.t .-afio'y, H..! Matr, l.'inJ.iw', Cord; A l'S.i.oi, irindon iind 1'islurcs, Oil CI .lbs. 1; Pul, Boot Shoes, &v. a, MenV Kip P -. 1 MiftM1 and l..!:s morula and t.aiiirj .t C.'.f ?h: Chl'.lrei.s .,10. Co 1! ..', S'io Hals, Cap, Bonhvlt, kc. flopir, Tenf. ?., M d-i3.-j, ; 4KI, i'iuts,, Fii.b, Ao., i',it V To'i.ic- Q UEENSU'A llll I PnU T-ii Tumbler', !rt., Clips A Saucer.:. Ola.-s PNIks Piatts, Ca tors, (Jlajj Presirvo Jam. - ILirdicartu tye. 1c. then. ?.in,'-ie. Scrt!jD -"l ine?, f-de, li-iy Porks, Tablj Univc Pil led Tel Sp-, m, II iteicts, Tius, I'eJ Cuitj.s, 'ai'i. It -i!co, rihovels. :, Kuril, spoons. Nut Crai kern, STATION KHY. Cup, T.elir A X -.t P -per. ButT A Khite, Pjfa L'coks, JJuvk.:, I'tfi.s A Per ills. Tt.-Me Ihiek I Memorandum ! , 31 1 S C 3 L L L A N K 0 V W . Pincy Toilet Soar s.ti.'h'ii.s Lines A Itods, Trunk'-, C-.r-et Sacks, Ladies' Travelling S&tob il. I'o.kei Bo'-ks, hit A tiir Uruohcj, Cloth Pruthei. Ail e; which will bo sold Cheap lor Approved conrtry produoo taken i'i exehanJ for goods, at markat tatci. in ay 11 l:u, Gil EAT EST BATTLE ON RECORD! TCi'.!c;I ami Wounded, find ; 3O,0 taken rrisoncrs ! WITH CAMP EQUIFAOE-AND 70,0jj Cor-Jrabards freed from the (W Ki hVVT7 I f ! TIP 111 H I III!, I a . 17' 'i tY ronn that lias risad any tiling of tho Jij pst history of this W'Alt nu ll liaaliy ooiuo to Ihe conclusion that th Conlrderuto Oovern-1 tnent wovldb broken down. It was only a quoJ-1 tion of tim. put now we havo the above tilori- j AUI so- i-rrr':nj7 now. to cheer UJ up ; ncd the i oo.y (.iaw-oac u uur joy and frlorification l the tromin.nt i;rrr;cr ci ti:o Contmhands comin i o;tb -o "nt out our avibtiin: .,,' and to wear out milE next Cunrtcr will opn on Monday tho ursli-jcsl Butof one t..inKthopeop8 or Clear-, I 4th of April, ISC1. Terms of tuition as ful- county irciy To assured, and that Is, thnt'iowS. FR.VKK S.IUP. hort called .SAort-..-ia ; Common Entrll-h. comrri-inu thojo branch- fVIU if, ..vl. -.w - '-""' aa IHiy nmfr i ... ...nntf. i, n.l it' Tim A. n't I .i iimiiii .: f:;.ii k hi unri , n ...i Ju?t f .ve hit" a ca'l on court-wf ck, oral any other tii ie, r sil see lor our.'eivts. ri nunia just ro jnin l tt.e pu'.i'in that Lis shop is now on Market Iretu in t-baw's Row whei you ill find hii.i Just as.'! nt sjg usinl if not a liltlo thurtcr of Cash tann he would like to be. ! Ad k'udii of work on hands, and mado to order ' on shuitnotico.and as well mndn, anil ns good fits u ho red" np here or elsewhere. i it. Don't forget the Fliop vn Maiket street, tn tiliuw'i Uow, directly uniOoile Kev. II, It. Woopo's o.lic.i. F. SHOUT, j , Cleartiebl, Jur.O II, . Licensed Auctioneer. j YV1" of Tikt tonnship. do-1 ft Hires to iilortn his friend and tho publie Sf'i-rallv that be Imf tni en out 0 Liccriro a' an I'l'Tl'iNEI.U, nd will uttond tn tho crying I rule, in any part of Ihti county at the shortest ( otlcr, and at the most reasonable charge. A J 4nss, ciiher personally or by letter, either ot CttiweuitUl ot Eloomvillo, April 6, '64. tf. ors. 1310. new Finai. CARLISLE & GO,, DEALERS 7.V FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, I, UMIiER, SHINGLES, I G,( C. I'HILirsiii'HC;, Centre county, tv 1V,,'U tj.icm.a. , . ' t Opl'llinu; , lltlVC received and :trr jtnt cliPvrivvT t-r ... t '''UJ..J, AND M'.'SrSKAoONAIij,!; j I COODS .'rcr bi'cujftt tn thin .tt't'i'oa if l outiiry, Cui-K ttiu j ff n coods a (ami Tim's NOTION- irAiiDWAKK and qumi::wari:, Iloud, Nubi;is,So:itar, Iiahnoral and Hoop whirls ! HATS CA VA : IJOUTS SilOLS : I I ! Ready Hade Clcthinj. of Latest Sfyles i '.SCJIOOIi I'.OuK.i.t STATION' KUV , ' I)fi:';o,()il.r, l'aint?, Pmiv &Clla-f! Rtix.n0r roma ,. C'lia-Sinrch .' Hi VI,-(II. LAMPS WOOD AM) 1VII.- LOIV IV A hi:. Trunks S; Carpet-Hags ! i'i vtj, touacco a:;i sj:jar:-; Fish, Salt, and Nails J .r.nJi Hti;r.3'5:j;il Qilz 2 Fi.omt, Fekd ANU Pkovisions ! And all r rl iciest uruiiily kept in a fir.t tia-; country store all of which will be. soli Cheap for Cash ! or apf roved piola.'; Vl ilifElurg, Nov , Lun.ber or .hinijluj. 13, n03-tf. I" TI1M ORPHAN'S' roUHTof Clearfield counly. The uudersii'iied ALD1 fun appoin ted t-v the Court to ascertain the liens and report distribution of the monoys nrisiiig from tho sule 1 of the real attain of John Youns. doo'd, now in tho hands of tho Administrator, w ill attend to tho ' d'iti"j of his appointment on Friday tho 20th day i of .May r.ext, between the hour of li) a. in, and 4 p. in., nt the office of H. B. Sivoope, Lmi., in tho borough of Clonrlleld, wheu and whero all persons inter -sted may attend and bo heard. JAMES UALLOWAV, April M, 13G1. Auditor. I N TIIU;ilPIIAVS' 1,'OlIHTof f'learlield . ooniity. The undersigned, an ACDITOR np pointed by the Court ti mako distribution of tho moneys in the kands of t'oe A liniiiisiraL'-r, nr': jng from tho snW of the real psfnta of L. It. Cai t- er, decease 1, will attend to tho duties ol his up- rointmetit on f-'aturduy the atstday uf Mny, i.eAt, unffUCII llin IIUIIIP Ul Ol . III. iliia I', m,, Lu office of II. B. Swoono, Esn , in tho borruch of Clearliold, when and whero all person", interested tnay attend and be heard. JAMES (1 ALLOW AY, April 2rt, ISt'l. Auditor. Clearfield Academy. D. W. McCUItDY, A. E. Principal. "... . . cinot hii'her than PcadinL'.M'ritinz.Anth- nietic, (Jcoprnpby, Knglii-h Cramm r nnd History, per quarter, - - Higher Kiij;i;;h, per i.u.irter, 1 a Lnngiiin(L. pnr fu!,rltir, ti) HC .March l, isftl. AT5M AND TAVERN STAND FOR SALH Tho fuberiber oli'ers lor snlo his I'AR.M of l A CRKS, nhimt in of which are cleared nnd in good stnto of cultivation situate in tiir.irJ township, near tlallows' arbor. The Improveim n:s nro a lnrne. wc 11 built LOil I10CS1!, Ac, snd ns a waterman's or lumliermnn's tnvcin-stand, or a a location for a store, few places on the river havo better ndvnntiiijfs. jKlff-Knr partieuhus inquire of tho subscriber on tho premise. It. MciiOVERN, March, 30, ISfil tf. J( ies at a small advance on city price t J. PK R.V17EKS. "iLANKPlT6MsS0HV SOT El, PRINTED J in stylo, for sale at this office. ; phiiicipies, CLKARFIELD, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE I, 1831. Cheap Furniture ! DESIRES to inform his old friends and cus t mors thnr, having enlarge J his shop and inoroasoj his facilities for manufacturing, ho is now prepared to mako to order furnituro ns may lie desired, in good stylo and at ohcnp rates for C ash. lie mostly has on hand nt his "Fiirni turo Rooms," u vnriod assortment of Kendy-uiiido lurnituro, among which ao Bureaus and Side-Hoards, Wardrobes oud Ilonk-Cascs ; Centre. Sofa, l'arlor JJrcnktiixt and Dining Extension Tables. ommon, French-Poat, cottage Jeuny IvOCklll" .in-' l Ki'rn oca - "v- vani-ij.ittfa and Par or Cha r. hJ (.':. iinon nn J other Chair.'. IO0KISG-U LAXSRS Of every description on hand: and now plac for old lVaiiie.', whiih will he put in on c- T reuFoniuie tcrnii ou s.,ort noiico. Jic ai.o keeps on huni , or fnriiisthea to or di r, ll iir, Corn-IImk, ILiirand Cotton top MattreffM. COFFINS, Of every kiiiil, Made to order, u-id funeral nltended with a il.'nr.e, vhenuvep dciiod. Ai.o, HoiihC I'aliitiii '.' done to order. Tlie si! I. aeriber uljo maTiuiaiture, and has const. inlly en hand, i.'l"nient's Patent Washing Machino, The li'ot now in use. Those Uaiu;; this machine never need be ni'liout i!.:an cloth":; ! He also has Flyer's l'atcut Churn, A fiipeiior nit'ele. A family ui;, li.i-, Churn n jvtr ri'o. l " v. ii'iout bulijr I All tlio nbiive and many other art!:-!'-? are fur. r.i-h.'.l t'i fj'lor:i"rs ili' iio i',r Cash orvxehnned , tor iipprnved com try pro In -e. ''Iieirv, Mapl.-, I oliiar, I.inivood and other Lumber cuitufttd fur Cabinet Wot):, taken in cX'.-lianu for luiiiitui'o. J-'O ' U..1.M mber (lis .hop ia on Maiket ftre't, Ck'Mi'liel.l, l'a.,a;.d L:'ar!y opjoni'o tl.o "Old )e i-t.r:." JOJ!N tJUUClI. -Nov. 2ii, 1 y PtIDHARI) IiIOSSOP, ill 'SI. INS at OKI. VINES nt oi'.n:os nt ALl'A'JAS nt 'Mistt:oii .N'lisiition Sen.-atifin Sensation priobs prices prices prices I .hist received at MOS (UNO. HAMS at fiention pne f'HIN 7. I'HIN'IS (il.OVKS , f 'KAVATS nt fcensat ion Sens.'itidi) Sensiiticij fr'en-.ttion at at t ::t!.s:-'(i's SHAWLS l'tiNNE'lS Ol (!il'.l) I Ml'SLINS f tit ut at sen ition pi ices Cll.-.lliOll pru: ion in 1 rA ?.Jr Sen i;!;i..n Scns.-iticn S.ti:aliou Seti-a! Lin Scr.-ation r.t MO Seniatinn Sensation Se-tisaliotx prices S;rs 1 :ic prices I ices prices prices SUPS'. All .o be LINEN ul i-U at CUKTAINS at r.VIU.K CLOTHS at I'KINGE tit ,LAC'Z at hosiery at ! KIl!l'.ON.-i at prices prices prices prices ; THIMMINGS J of all kinds A. V at Hensutioti 111 any quan ty j Always on hand at MOSSOFS'. OASSIM K1!KS SATTINETS TWEEDS JEANS VEST1NGS , SUIKTINGS ut at hi at ut at .vCtlsatloll S?nsntioii Sensation SeiiMition Sensation Sensation prices prices prices prices prices prices at MOSSORS". i CLOTH I NO such Ins Coals, Pants, I Vests, ' Under Shirts, ! Flannel Shirts, IJ'iots, Shoes, Hats and Cup", at sensation prices i Now for sale at MOSSOI'S'. n a n d w a ii i: 1 such as Saws, nails Forks, Knives, at sensation prices at j.iossors'. at sensation prices ul sensation prices at MOSSOrS'. Spikes, ilillC, LI(rORS, such as Wine, I'liindy, d i n, W h i.-hey, Cogn.ic, etc., etc., FLU l l'S, such as I'lunes, Raisins, P'igo, Filberts, itc, GROCERIES, say ") Flour, H a in s, Shoulders, Sugar, Molasss, Colleo, Ten, G r n o k c rs, Spices, Candle-, Coal Oil, etc., etc. at sensation V prices Always- at MOSSOrS'. L L ACK I NO iiori:s POWDER SHOT LEAD nt at ot at :.t nt sensation prices i n'lisation ion k n.-ai ion sensation f en-nt ion omm;n- trencn-i'03t, C0ttagU Jeuiiy- ru'nS l''k to tl.o mill: one large Mansion I parasites-holdinc: as ha does llmii lind and other Bt-dateaW ..Jj.- tm kMs boLe, Vchooi; . '. , "fcl ns 118 lloes y,r SOFAS r,f nil KIXIXS, AVOItK-'" Wr ' ix1Cusj' t,irco l:'rni' " lbi'ksmithshop, mid till uru ollKO c' 1 oMmaslcr oflliuii; IIAT-KAC'K," W UlU1-'"' V'1 VJ'S i"''Ce?siiryouttuili.inKS are up.n the property and tib.itlduncd a lie is to tho ,, ,. ' A.Vft, te ! There are about TO nrroH cleared hind, under Uri , ,, , , . prices piiCfS:TJIH nei'S prices prices CA PS At the More of KKTIARD JIOSUC. Mossor Alivaya keeps on hand a lull ii'sorlmctit of nil kinds of poods rptited lor the itOeoiinuoJiAion of iho public. Xov. 12, im. ixutn t. moSAnn. A. HSSKT. i ,, - , . f, (F I 4i a " 111 hWtt M (r.flllrtllOlt CJltlCC WM, A. WALLACE. c. risNier, or LEONARD, FINNEY & Co. G L E A It V I K L 1), CLF.AUFIt.LD COUNTY, TA. aii.i.s or exch Aymt,nTKS Ari nn a ft iiihcountf.ii ii-".porr iti:f i:iv i-.i, Colli- (inns made and procc dt prompt1;! remitted lxrhange on t tie t'iliti conitantly on hand. Jr'Orlce on Second St., nenriy oppoair) lie COUNT HOUSE. I not hen. Valuable Timber Land and SAW-MILL PROPERTY : 8AJLE. about MOO acres of l.ontt, tract No. :m, and rartf of tracts 1,'os. 6 ;H5 and 6;iG7. These i land aro vet henvilv Tl u it v i-1.-1 .,,,. 0 lily of PINK, OAK snd HEMLOCK, A ST E A it SAVW.:il.r, In complete I runninjt or,ler, cnpablo of cutting Ihrre Wet of Heard per annum, With till tllll l:Bc:,r rnn.lB. railr I j .f 1... I rood knee, and a I'lank lioail tovvaid the river I lor KettiiiR iuiiiU'i' to market. Thia valuallu property is t.itim(e upon Sand; j Creek, about i miles from Uio river, and is pop I ular'y Known u.h tho ; Frenchville Steam-Mill Property, ami is now offered at PUIVATK SALE upon reasonablo terms. All kind of hawed lumber enn be safely ami ceon imieally t'len to market from the point iiolieate d. a'1"A plication can ho ma le to cilher of tho uud.'ri;'iied lejilin at Clearfield, Cleaiiiuid county, Pa., cither personally or by letter. JAS. T. LKONAIi:), .Sept. 9, L-.:!. 11. A. MALLC K, JOHN L. CUTTLi;, Atturury at Law and Ileal l.statc Aircut, CLKAltl'lLLU, l'l'.N'N'A. ". M.trflJ. I r-ji,...'ttc Jul', If li.-PI-CTt'ULl.V oilers his s rvioes in hell- and buy inj; land.; in I'leai field and ad- i joininir counties j and with an experieneo of over I twenty year.t n a Surveyor, Hatters himself that ; ho can render faiist'aetioti. And j 0 ( i'e r s t o r y u o IOOO aerea of !:; ! ti ml,: r Land, fitunt J III I Decatur ' nvnMiip, Cl.nrlielil conn'-.-, i:i I. . t to 1 uit pii'-h-iyor', located near the J y r-ii and i ClvurtiWd Kaih-iad. I !iM acres ol'lir.-t rate farni an 1 timber land in Le,I town.-hip, I learlnid conn:;, , on the waters of Curry'f Kim. Mi'it acres in two lots, one of 11'.", and the oth er of all acrci, siiitablii for uale in llihlarid towi ,!.i 1 iirmiii).' purposes, it . L.k eoillitv. ncrat warrantee, deeds for nil th alme Pel). H. 'u;;. v. and.-. Unlkloy's I'mont. Lumber Ifricd hy !Si!;(crlioatcd Steara. riMIK ur, lemoned respectl'ully inf-.i-ms t!;o p.-o-JL plj of t learlield an I the adjoining eoiintits t(,al lie hs tiie agency of the I'bove Piitenl, and will sell Individual, County and Township rights f- r its use. Tho Lumber Jried by this procem i" IM'iceg I itn-nKer. hnislies betti-r, l easier on toon, and in ices ' ,0'l"',l'a ,'1,l; 'n drying than any other pro j . ; i , re.-t known and dijini; 1 inch lumber perfectly J'Tlces . j .j,; i,ouri I)(i better than many monthi miller puces i din old system using the s :mc amount of fuel per il iy Ibnt a eoomtnon kih; consume. The cor ' lilieaies of ft numlier of resi lent iiKchanics, well mown in tins community, is amjo v sn:!i, i , et to coiniree ;'.n- mos. .-Ltpiieal of i;s iiraeiieui ulihiy. I'crfous ilc-irou.- ol purel.ii .iiv rights ill addie..' JOHN L. Cl.'TTI.K, July 1, Hi':!. rlenificld, I'll. P Jl'.cV 1.'-1 1 i.N'S- I I 111, CI;:, -so, Lard, J i i. l aches, received rcituiurly d of .1. P. K'UA'UKlt. Appl'-n, tilled Im.u the ,;.:! at the tl New Watch aoJ Jcv.tlry Store. I Qi II. I.VrCIM.IN', havinK purch.iied l' kj interest of hi. lato partner, is now goirjj it on his own hook in tho shop formerly occupied by thein on Second street, where ho is prepared to keep up his reputation as a cmnplelo noriiinaii floii'all work cntraated to him ou short no tice, in the best manner, and on the tnot reas onable terms. Defying the county, nil he u.-k-is a fair trial, and a continuation of tho patrons ago heretofore extended. Look out for the eiirn of T U E liKi VV AT(J . N. B The Cash wwl bo positively expocled when the work is delivered. S. II. It. ClcaiUeld, April 7, 1801. y Susquehanna House, tcnn'RxsviLfj-:. IV. V. IVOI'.HAI.L, Proprietor. HIS larcro and emmno. '.iotis HOTEL is tie - li-'hllullv located cn tue hank of theSus- qii"hiiunn, in tho borough of Curwensville. Tho presont proprietor will spare o cll'nrt to render his customers comfortable, and hopes to uierit a liberal .-lniro of public patronage. II IS P.AK AND TAIU.E Will bo well supplied with every thing the mar ket nlfords. ltafluicu will always I'm 1 his "latch string" out. Mar. 2:1, 'CI. tf. "O.OTllIMli Full suits to match, of coats, J pants and vets, overalls, duster', Roys' Clo thing at J. .1' KUATZICK'S. ionnl liotel, MAINE STREET, CURMKNSVILLK, PA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor. rpiIlSlonjc eslahlished and well known 110 X TEL, situated in thj wist end of tl.o town, has been rcmotldh d, enlui fed nnd iinproveil, und the proprietor respectfully unnounci-s to his nu merous friends, and to tho travelling public, that he is now prepared to necoiuinndato all ho may favor him with a call. Ample, safe and comfortable ivlabling is at tached to the premises, and tru.-ly attendants will always be ou hand. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, I -R2. -tf. UNTJT.n STATUS JIOTKL EABEISBURG, Pa. CO ERLY k HUi'CIIISON, ProPri,-lors. T "llH Hoti!, so well known to the traveling public of Cicarfiil I count , is imw in a col- Icion to afford the most cx.-ellont ttei-ominouation I ( itber for tho tninsiiM guest or the permanent bonrJcr. I Ihe "l'nitd ct:;t.i" L.-s vt til lbs conven ' lences of .1 FIRST CLASS IK) I EL, I an'i ine t roprietorsaro netcrmincii ro spare nciin- l eP -n-e, liiu nor labor to ensure the comfort fthoRuests. The pntrun.igu of tho traveling I public, is respectfully solicited. j!y 1, 'C.'l, y. (1. BUS II. T J. M Cl 'LLOl'uil. LUSH t M CULLOUUJi, CoUfction Office, Cl.EAEFIEI.P, Ta. feSflN GitAUAu's New Blidjinu. Feb. 5, T2. ATS anil Pan.. H.l,r,l, Srrin Nirl.i J I'. It R A'l tR'3. TERMS NEW A SAD AND TRUTHFUL PICTURE. Onco in a great while as if by aecidont, something sound and rational, makes its onnenrancn in tlin f.. i. itorial article in its issue oflho'-lcid ult., under tho bend of "'" ; ,, ; n ' ur,u-r 1110 ,1PI1" 01 J cnr.sukunia Ei- f.'i tvf," which, for truth and sound sense, m liard to Le nurpasied. As suhservient and criugitif; as tho proprietor cf thai sheet has uIwuvb heen to Lincoln and his irapor- :Lll !' ci eat Moloch of Aholilior.ism. vit ho rnn- , rf . nut (-it i(o .sirt'tion the treatment dealt out to tho kaifi-ves who 60 emphnl it-ally represented the "valor and tho vigor" of Pennsylvania. It was almost too niui-h fortius writer's foihearanee- tjuile snfli eient to shake his "loyalty," which a fer vent iippeal to (iod ulone could protect. Hut does tliii writer ever relleet that on hitn and his party, Am I ho responsibility of ull this loss ol precious blood all these "widow-b' wails and orphans' tears?" How fares their cou.--eionoes when they reflect mat it was they who invited v:ar and j bloodshed by refusing to oc-ecpt the pence I proposition in Iho Congro.-s of lSOO-'il ? jOr, nt-e their slumbers never disturbed ly ' fritjhtful visions of an avetiains f'ltui -:. alien tliey rrl'.ect, lmvin thu power, lin y h u e nevet taken a sinjjlf step in Iho whole history of the war that ,'ii r.ol in vile n still f-jfthti' cflmion of blood ; :ind all without a studio hojieofac ".nijil;shi!' the :!,' ;ll pin pulftsi for which the Tar H us be.'ii n '.' Iftlmyare huiiinn, such visions mast haunt, tin ir liicinoiRS ; and it'tliey do, with all their worldly pint!, show cf Hi 1 1 inj; power, we i nvy theui not .- Thieo years n;:o, whit ias called the 1 t :in-"iiH(.i ii'S'm: 1 07. oiinslilutet; a body of m.;n of whom the Keystone State was ju-dly proud. Atun hour of great peril at n time when th.s rale of thu Re public quivered in tho uiieeitaiu balance of war-the Rest rets went forth. .')c,- iiu,(i,juJ strong, and in that period ol soli - citutc and uncertainty, they reanimated tho failing hopes and almost panicked va - lor of the country. For three years they Participated in every balllu fjtiht by the Army of the Potomac. In thoVront con slantly, ti.ey nero wbeie . i r - nnd icvli ncie ever prefect- .Vs the::- tanks J were decimated, ihe vrrv thiwer of t!i : . ? o ting m i n hood uf tlie Smt j vol im'. ecu-.! to tiie.-e: vo their maximum tlreiijlh. so iu'-lt e.'il,' lr.-'M J, to the le: -ol ol ;V,-i we ii... v saK.v wi i! '' ' wem iil.soi icd, fi'i-ta lime to time, were added iuienls t'ormini' the i.V'ri,-,v. The, State of I ein;-ylv.T;iu ceut ernl her in tho orgatii.-itinn, not,, sho lovud ihe fcold'iiri cumpcsin: tU r imeiiti any mote than she d.d too bravo inon mustered in hcrother military orran iza tions, but because the Rnwvts to a great er degree represented iho valor and tiio military vigor of tho .State. Lut alas for ull l Lis valor ftnd vigor ! Where aro they nw ! Where aro tho brows fur whom our virgins were so lately twining the laurel wreath ? Whero are the stalwart men who stood In serried lines on so many woll foughi battle fields? We looked at least for u remnant of them, weeks ago. to re tut n to their homes on (he clear expira tion of their term of enlistment. Lut whero aie these, our biethren now ? Echo, amid tho booming of cannon, the groans of the dyinc;, the shrieks of tho wounded andthcciir. es uf the captured, ntiswcis where? The Reserves perished on the l ite sanguinary field, where Grant st;-uc!c his gianibl'iiv for freedom. Un tho Rap id Ann and the Po, tho pride and glory of Pennpylvania found graves. Of all trial proud ho-l, scarcely a thousand men are left ami thus the Reserves filled iho lime so sternly allotted to them by the Gov ernment and lorevermnre, ll;ey will be unable to contend with any fee. They elo-ed their last light in a gl irious d:ith. ' For them the spirit-stirring drum and the siit ill tire. will henceforth havo no an imating siiund. For thorn the mothers, and wives and sweetheart, with loving welcome cn their lips, will giuo into ihe broad road w hich leads homo, in vain. Tlie virgin sits weeping with her wrra'.h of glory withered in her hands ; and the fragrant bud with which tho hud hopetli to wieaih '.he brow of tiie Loo, are now! soattercd, failed, to ll.e memory of the dead! We dj not cnmphiiu. God main lain our loyally, in ibis the hour of our overwhelming sadness 1" fcXcar Springfield, Illinois, last week, i a soldier drove up to tne residince of a prominent clergyman, siez -d a lit tie child ! of the minister nged leu years, nnd car j ried her off into Ihe woods, v. here ho per- pctritled upon Lor person an in rniil out- rago. I lie child is represented ns bavin," liver very delicate, nnd wa. it is feared! ! fatally injured. Tim rullian rave Li i fame ns Juhr. M. Phillip", and said he i belonae.l to tho sixteenth Illinois inf.iut - I ry. He. was in rested, and w lulu ttti erivo - ing tin exiimtPHtion at the t:ia"i' trritc's ollice, the father of ihe child sprang upun mm ana sirut'K mm on the l.irehoiid with a brick, inflicting a severe, but not fata! wound. The bleedinc wretch wns then i i - ; . ,' . . t .. . . i ,.r 1 'ojiia. ii infill a large eru"i ui jieopto gtitheroa about Uio door ot i:ic jail, anil foiced an entrance: but the Pri'J oner had been removed by the sheriil. .... . . . I J he next day the man's e.vimmaiion wa,:l continued at the cou. t house, but a broth ! rmfthfl nonr victim cfbruul lu, t t.tit an rml in the nrocccdllir t'V shooUni' Ihe.tllOy. Aoolit ii!.dti Itn't Sn'ii'irT foldicr uiflieliti.T ft'! wu'.'ri'i 50 Per Annum, if paid in advance. SERIES - VOL. 1V.-NO. 4f. THE STATE HILITIA LAW. From the Weekly Patriot and Union, In view of the fact that the mililm of Pennsylvania will probably be called out in the course of n few weeks, wo pub lish, for the benefit of our readeis, an out line of the militia lav passed by the lust Legislature, which lakes up some thirtv Ihroo pages printed matter. Tho bill bears date March 'M. 1801. and provides First, Thp.t every uble-bodiod whilo male citizen, resident in the State, of the agonf twenty-one and under tho ago of forty rive years, shall be enrolled ia the tmlili. with tho usual exemptions of idiots, lun atics, paupers, Ac. Second, assessors cliall annuully, and at tho same time they aie ctipiged in Inking tho assessment or valuation of real ani personal propetty, tecord ftll names of thos'e liablo to duty, and place a certified copy in lhi ollice of the county commis sioners of each county in tho State, and fucIi recoid shall bo deemed a tJi cient nuii.cativn to all persons whoto names are thus recorded that they have been en rolled in tho militia. When tho roll is completed, asreoiors shall put up in pub lic places notices similar to the Uuitod Stales ctir,il!inent. Section third provides fevcro penalties for any assessor, clerk or commissioner, who shall lefuse or neglect to perform any I ot itio unties proviuest. ' Section 4. The enrolled militia shall la i subject to no notice duty, exeep'. in 011 j of war, invasion, tho prevention of inva j i iot: , the suppression of riot, snd t-) ai t , the civil authorities in c::erutini the laws; i ol the CiJinmon.veiilth, in .vhich etiso tho ? Command, r in Chief shall order out, for i actual service, l:i d- if 1 r r.K re in; Hi m I nv of the nii'ilia rs iiccessity doniiruls. Section livery sol licr orih-'.-e l fir j uclive duty by the proper au'.horili-js, tln jluisiiDl some abbj-bedied substitute, shall . scire, or pay the sum of seventy fivo dub ; lars within twenty-four hours Lotu Btich ' lime. L.vmptiuns are similar to tho ipicvided by Ihw L'nite 1 States nervier. ! giving members of tho Legislature ex i cmplion while on duty, aiii fifteen clavs before and after tho tinn of ILoir nctuai term. Section 1) provides that the city 0'. Philadelphia shall bo divided into four bi igatleo, and the city of Titttburg to have 0110 brigade, ui.d the rest of this counties into a In igade eacli, whero tiiey havo Iho ! minimum number A number of sections are devoted to lhe arrangement of the various counties Cl'' tho Slate into military divhiona jflc. etc. Section (ij provide? ( ir armories for coinj nn c?. Section fi'.i. VViien a commander orders ns ciimioiiiv ;or nnlilnrv tutv or lor n et: I lion cf (ilicer?, hp t hall order one or mora : ci-tniniosioiie 1 o.' or lirivatcs to uoti fy the nu n belmi.eiog lo tho company to j !'! ' "-t S'icli time ami pj.n.o to every t"'i '"" whom lie i- ordered to nr.i'y; ( ! he lails to do .'o, -he shiill forfeit not less Oit'.ii twenty dollars nor tnyre than erio hundred doll -rs. Sect i' n G7 provide for timo of not;-., nt Icti't foe (lays fur elo dCYB previous to call tea lion, and when the company is paraded, Iho commanding oliici.r bhit verbaliy nolily the men to appear nt a fu luro day noPexcceding tfiny duyi lio.n time of such parade, which veibul noliM shall bo asutiicient warninj!. Section"! to seidion bl provides for -din cipline, training, in.- peclion and camp du ty- Section ?Z lo 01 pi uv idea fur rcslei., o derly books, rolls and i el urns. Section providoa for callin;; out tli-T. militia in case of wur, invasiou, in.iurric tion, tumult, or riots. May order ot t division-, Lricades, regiments, buttalioi.M rn companies, or may order lo be dolachiKt. parts or compnnic thereof, or any nun, bor of men to It drafud ihcrrfw.. Section ! j provides lor compctii-alion giving pay and rations came us Ur.itci ytaes Gove nment. Section 07 provides that procrodingi find courts martial and courts of inqtur; shall bo conuuetod in all respects nu pro vided for in the nrony of ihe United So.tlei and pnni-dirnonln ro in liks cases in Laid army. Provided that Iho same aro not incoiui-dent with Ihe provision.)) of Ih.a act. Sn tiun O.i pt ovides thai til pt iu.ftios, not exceeding ona hundred dollarj. b siimmury conviction before any uldermur. of a city, bhall bo without exception or appeal. GOOD POIl CALIFOESflA ! ::ei; Dr.Myn.vcY ma pf.aci:! a ui tivft. or LUiiir rrtoM tjie west! Tho Democratic Stn'e Convenl.ini of California, in session at San Francisco on the 11th passed resolutions deelnving that the war was conducted for Abolition pur poses and to revolutionize the Govern ment, nnd urging tho Nation.! Democrat ic Convention to pledge tho party to tho restoration of pence upoaju'd r.nd honor- a 'lie term. An elhirt wns mi bj lo commit Iho i nr ty in f avor ol a continnanco of Iho war for nnv ptii 'ai-e, Put, failed. I:x 'jjvcrnorii I Itigler, b"-.vuey nnd '.V. !! ! elected di-lciiUs to tho Cli-L Intvo bfc'i ;j Cinv.'i; 1 Com. T!i:,-, in tha nj:dt of Ilia an.) cfirnage now prcva;..ii in ino r. isr, is i g'cii.ius nnd checriiii; ii; t i-n : i on cf the coming campaign. The Cdiforn'a Do niocrney have hlruck ihe key nolo, hich reverberates from every Democratic heir', in tho" Intclhjctxr. WlVii, l . 1: 1 r,A I'Vi i ul.n'.i nw.wL. k'liT TK L.l 1I1V . IK. ij I'll 1 1 Is O IM iClit i . v- ' to !c riend. union i.-ncny. .vtioan tion::-? .' iir'!,';