12 65 79 Mi 899 281 146 12S 162 410 210 279 493 433 102 102 215 330 290 328 420 6618 4287 42S7 42S7 3565 TrcAinrer'a ShIo of Seated Lands for Taxes for 18U3, and previom yoari. TN PURSUANCE of the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed tho 2ttb day of April, A. V., 1944, to provide fur tho collection of taxoa on landa whereon u personal property can be found and where the owner negiocti or refines to pay the (met asaeasod, I will expose to pule it the ('ouiniissionrr's ofiico, in CleartielJ, on thoaccond Monday In Juno next, (being the Kllh Any of the month,) the following pieces of lumt in Clearfield county, for tlie taxes reuiiuing duo and unjmiJ thereon i Aires. Township, Tii.c. 325 llplin A Albert Horn-aria. $2fl 1 1 33 Miller's estate, Jus. l'.loom. 4.17 40 Oray, Joseph Rrudford 1 67 100 Mainrs, Jauica A . lo .175 02 Rllinger'e estate, (loo. Rrady. IS (10 .-0 Oelnet, Jacob ilo 11 02 Ioua e5 . lot Lewis, Win, do A 36 100 liollla, tuvid fliirnsido 5 0.1 100 Rowlcr, Jatrej Emiiaide 5 03 SO Wallace, John Cheat, 7 0.'. t0 Records, John Ferguion, 7 75 12 Mead, Jumei A. Uoaheu, B 86 10 MotJu'.re, Jntnei Uraham, .134 49 Stone, Thomas Hrahau), A 18 tO Parkin, Ueorgo Karthaui, 2 88 HO Senate's eatate, Oeo. Knox, J 6fl 93 Willi, John Morria, 4 73 30 Roles, Price A. 11'oodward, 1 37 180 H'ilaon, ltava do 7 20 100 t'tott, Mark do 4 58 1 Treasurer's office, Clearfield, A pi, G, 'CI. Treasurer's Sale of Unseated lauds in Clearfield county for Taxes for the years 1862 and 1863. "VfOTICE IS HERERY UIVEN.Thnt, In pnr tuanco of an Act of Assembly, paaaed tho 12th day or Juno, A. D., 1815, entitled, "An Act to amend an act directing the mode of celling ! Undated Lands for taxes," there will be exposed I to j'utiiio caie, or outcry, at me court house, In the borough of Clearfield, ou the Second Monday of June. A. D., IStH, the following trncta of I'n eated Land In Clearfield county, forthetaxoa dno thereon for the yeari 13W and 1963, and tirviona venra ! Acrt.pt. Warrantee! and Owners. Bcccuria township, Wm. A. Wallace Tax. Jacob Messeramith, Earah Billlnirton. 23 84 12 81 f 10 28 92 78 92 78 63 72 38 39 29 29 31 41 102 Oeo. D. Morgan iCo. jonn iMniii'K. John Witmer Henry Witmer William WUaon Berman Witiner Jacob MnssorsinitU Thomas Weston Richard Musaer Uroora, Dickey & Co John Brady Wm. Brady 40 40 112 49 40 (0 63 56 12 66 43 24 04 t. main J. W. Smith or D. McKceghen, 163 Wra. Gray ce C5 Robert Cowen. John Fordney s.ij. shofr. Crown .1 Fulton Jolin liyer Ju-ob Kruj Qrcom, Lightner i. Co. Oroom. iMckey A Co. L. W. Weld gatuuol Mattheni Oil? & Brntton. John Kitland Herman Haupl & Co. Jacob Krc(? John Oib.on Robert WiUon Martin Fuuu Jacob Foutz, jr. George Mautr O. L. JieoJ 1 Co. William Miller 163 100 75 I 44 S80 900 860 300 433 71 80 10 24 55 80 139 ,';0! 125 65 46 60; 67 13 13 52 22 13 ! 22 11 31 31 M 16 45 80 50 85 99 03 1893 18113 1902 1942 116 110 73 153 125 153 66 Bell tuwnthip. J'o. Acres, 6618 116 Jacob Heilbrun. Henry Reck Frederick Wingcrt. Henry Ecek 120 Henry lieek Lewis Smith. 78 Henry Beck . ii 9 80 101 79 330 171 93 27 83, 15 00 ; 7 90 j 13 C5 42 20 t 38 62' 21 (10 j 13 50 j t 10 06' 8 03' i 11 95 j 84 3S I 84 38 i 27 54! 1 97 John P. Ilovt. 101 118 John Nicholson 500 Jnniea M'jflhee Arthur Boll. 433 Benjamin Oiblis 219 Frau:pton Bell 155 Ira A. Siibini Louisa Shielley. S619 119 1 Kerry Rock Henry Grubo. 6619 102 100 Henry Beck Henry Wise. 6613 111 30 Henry Reek Wm. U. Olenn. 87(711 1000 Henry Beck 4280 1000 " " Bogtjs tnwnship. WroA. Wnllnco 7t,i Joseph Bull, James Dixon, jr. 39 John Thomas Lumadco & Turner. 2n8 John Thomas A. A. Winegarner A Co. 413 Wm. McCormick 440 Kancy Bogga Crans, Illako & Farley. 429 41 Malcomb McDoaaid 429 41 John By era Fisher & i'owell. 119 90 Barbara Snydir W. Albert & Brother. 132 George Hootmnn G. W. Gearhart. ti Walter Stewart John Madley. I0 Hannah Steirart 0 Wm. Wilson James Williams. 20 Packer A Debaaa Thos. Beer. 427 Jonas SU)inhciier 100 John Kephart 300 Jae. A David Mease 4 00 21 64 42 05 45 54' 44 33 41 33 1 ) 12 28' I 13 60 1 5 52i 108 21 4181 4183 4275 : -1271 6 90 6 90 4271 35 8 I 14 80 3 40. 20 70 4399 4340 Wnple. 410 49 401 404 404 319 4P8 87 William M-vrii Fisher & Mills. Barbara Snyier John Patton. Blair MrLanahan Tbomna L. Moor 96 Mary Morris Wm. II. JoDCi. Charloa Crawford II. S. Uriao. 7 n. S. Drinker Calvin &, L. Shaw. John E. Shaw Bloom township. S. & S, Thompson. Nieklin A OrifHth M. & W. r. Fulton. J. W. Smith John Sylor 8. Kirk A Whltoier Keiper it lUrteock Fen ton A Spencer Levi Cleaver Miligan Honry Shaffer Nehemiah Shaw. Jacob Rilger Bradford township. J. W. Smith. 60 Hugh Ely A. P. Barpor. 35 John Cain aboil Hall A Ruck Daniel Stewart. Andrew Pettit Alatthetr Forcey. Matthias eiaymaker V. B. H9lt 8 50 5362 6361 6 64 1 1 1921 27 S8' 27 86 27 86 16 12 20 7oj I 1931 1936 636S 6361 1929 i 19 11923 5926 360 322 l'OO 135 76 S 84 700 100 :ei ioo 43 10 3647 ; 364S 1837 15 OS 14 03! 21 0s 1836 10 48 1 42 5352 15 70 5376 65 45 6353 14 03 6357 11 03,1590 s 102 159 109 49 12? 25 73 9 47 11 87 1909 5322 6325 I 5289 10 11 4 7 ft 4 7fl 3 41 (I 05 12 fll i ril 30 11 25 40 OS 5 51 19 53 1131 3H.1 David Kennedy. 50 Samuel Ambroto Miles it Youni. 070 Jonathan li. Smith 3.11 John Punlno 5881 323 3D 68 23 02 04 4 58 J. l-'i-evltind. 195 100 Cnaper Stiver Smith it lirotlier. 213 110 601 Christian Lower 25 ' (1. A. Weaver 370 Christian Lower 80 J. 11. Miller 'a heiri Burnside, township, John Talcliin. A8 01 I 14 70 6602 6003 5004 100 114 John Nicholson 18 38 20 97 61 71 14 43 33 24 20 07 47 78 33(1 79 181 114 200 424 100 383 203 70 150 2f4 293 ltii 347 410 424 310 111 160 John Mailer Abraham Whltiner Caaper Shuflor, jr. Daniel Witmer John Hublcy Matthina Young W'm. Rauaman Mary Roberta John Trcaaler John Cuininiuga Martin Mailor John Rurch Mary Jenkins John Xrcsaler Caaper Shafl'cr Jarues Gallagher. Mary Crawford Eben. MeMastci'9. Fred. Knhn Shepley rriestly. Cbriatlan Starke Jacob Rowland Chest township. II. S. Drinker's estate. 153 Alexander Hunter Duvid McKeeghen. Peter llorae Drinker & Clntk. 163 William Cook Oeddis, Marsh & Co. 153 John Muaaor Jnmes Thompson. 31 Houry Polo Fulton Miller A Christ ii ii Itavid Cathcart John Tiirer. 77 91 j 18 38 I 70 34 37 27 13 97 I 27 69 j 45 51 I 63 82 I 30 30 63 73 I 75 30 I 46 76 1 20 01 12 22 10 66 438 S76 433 433 100 140 266 22 100 248 38 14 29 76 38 11 61 07 21 15 ! 12 30 : 40 62 I 4 67 I 5 81 I 17 43 j .12 87 j 32 s: I 32 87 ! 45 75 ' 3i 25 42 09 , 9 51 I 43 9S John Pntch-n. 311 100 313 433 :i:i3 398 95 410 163 153 153 163 153 153 Renj. Voung, Joku lloyd Josia Huinea Tbomai Humilton Martin Worthington Wm. M' 1 1 mm John Wituian 30 James Pago Vcvhuton township. Frederieka Karthaus. Monii A .Stetr.irt 573 Mil) fcS9 545 J.'i 65 ! 103 35 , 103 35 65 Oil Teter Lamra. Morria . Stewart liichard Shatv. Morria A Stewart II. it O. Smith. 1S02 200 15 SO 1S61 2S3 i 22 51 19 83 6307 250 Llilndce. Merrell .( Tb 5377 1100 " George Mead " Decatur township. Fitch & Boynton. 19? J Joaoph Harrison I I 43 72 James McGirk's F.st. 159 Thomas Billington Teter Owens i sf Chnrlea Riik J. Woolrige it Co. Patrick Moore John Put ton. Ann McLnnnh.in Richard Coplin. 137 Joseph Whitehall R. Coplin J unies Albei t. 49 Joseph Sansotn 99 Win. Sanaoin George AVilson, Jr. Mury McLanahan A. B. Long. Carper aincs Gilbert 'atij;ht Joseph urriaon Wrm. 7oover J. W. Smith. Jvnatban Xcsbit Henry Kephurt. Jacob Cox Furyuson Tuunship. John Palchin' Y.nt. 153 Daniel Turner A. Moore. Matthias Slough Charles Houston. 153 George Roas Lewis Jordan rVirain Puasmore "onry Swan John P. 7ovt Renj. urtahorn Fcx township. J. G. Iliirtswick. 391 404 111 404 81 202 37 70 200 .".no 281 I(i5 100 200 CO 55 36 . ' 2S 15 70 67 03 84 66 I 27 83 10 23 26 39 4 27 56 14 13! 23 26 PS Win.druhara, jr. fj John Uruhain 40 Moaea Hogg 'a heiri John 'J unior. 73 Wm. Ringhaiu John I'owdt-r. 225 James Dunoon 100 Nohomiah Matties i T h n 111 u i Holt llrudi towns flip. (i. & C. Bailey, 3571 1CI "J Roberta A Fox T. Boale's palate. 14205 5070 (5071 12 74 433 41 43 l OS 433 74 60 23 100 60 SO' 11000 33 1001 9 1043 S3 mm 50 8 5 3 72 13 68 11 63 495 Jamcs Wilson, west j 23 63 Vv ni. Tarns. 13403 ) 3S 3 175 3j0 990 James Wilcon middle 7.. Troston. James irilaon John C. F'ronch. James H'ilson. west part. Spencer & Spiler. James ll'ilpon Alex. Vial. James H'ilson Girard fawmhlip' Anson G. Phelps. George Mead 4Da 495 23 63 25 63 17 92 372 18 1003 1100 20 04 21 ?8 Hood & Co. 203 103 Morris 1 Stewart Meczies, Vicle & Mathers. 649 116 Morris A Stcp 8 12 I 24 62! 19 95! 2 94 j 27 92! 1 62 1 65 536 50 563 II. & O. Smith. George Mead ii 11 Smith A Graham. Morria A Stewart Francis Terney. Morria i Stewart Peter Lamm. Morris X Stowart 11 11 103 " 40 40 117 47 97 50 J. T. Nelson. Mrta J. C. 1 L dridgo, Merrell ,t Thompson. 2 00 !l 89! 70S 1100 11(10 34 98 j 32 82, 1100 . Francis CoiulrUt 21 88 26 28 251 120 Morn. A tT. 'J.W ojj Reed & Weatifli 1921 508 100 Morria 4 Stewart Goshen Townthin. 5200 5207 20 19 W. Smith or Shirey. Morris it- f to wart Anson G. Phelps. Georgo Moade 137 8 67 1100 623 300 330 17 9 21 7 I tt'in. Mapei Amos B Merrell. Ctorg Meal 14 08 11 2 11 11 66 26 125 00 21 88 28 13 T. II. Forcee, (leotga Mead Thomas Graham. Morria .1 Stowart Mai hew Forcee, Morria & cStuwart Rohert Stewart. Mnrrli .1. R(i.in.i 15325 200 1884 ) 30J IVI5J 1923 383 17 SB 23 20 1022 152 Eldridce Merrell .v T 1 6321 1213 07 Ueorgo Mead ' 6.120 1100 16327 1113 120 1 6320 II 00 ii 5330 II llll ii 11 8 75 Richard Shnw. Morria A Stewart Graham township. C. J. Allport, T. (,'onn 1 1911 100 6 25 41 US 8 20 Menies. Vilo &. &rt.l 103 James Milligna Samuel Lansbory. 100 Oeorgo Moore B. Clmrce. CO John Frv. ir. - 0.-.1 1 18 1 50 23 30 ('.( 58 Id 2j 20 'JO 10 Hippie, French & Co. Joseph Simons J. P. Nelson (I -Co. Reuben Haines Jacob Kinj; Oeorgo Wetzel Joseph Harrison Joseph Winnrv. Chillies Hall Thomas Duncan P. Ojidon. W. II. WfiKl Amos Borneman. 114 Hymtin Oratz 114 Rol.ort Shaw Henry II. Borncmnn. Robert Shaw Gtdich township. Henry B. Wright. John Witmer 2S2 JP.f) 217 I'.Xj 318 100 135 UK) 431 330 100 10 i 10 45 F3 04 50 30 1 210' 100 214 400 !5 05 W. B. Ilecartr 53 03 A. O. Foxd Souder 33 10 George 1. Morcan &. Co. 230 82 B. Wilson or G. II 40 Jordan Township. Cooper it Tusey. 153 Richard Peters 153 Peter Kuhn 153 Fred'k Beales 153 John lutiwoodio John Cooper. Adam kuhn i;ben'r Brenhaui ) Adam Kuhn j ratchen & Swan 153 Richard Martin 153 Thomas Martin Robert Martin 133 433 433 133 274 325 103 433 433 333 100 100 70 21 j 21 i 21 1 75 13 21 00 20 00 20 40 30 0 05 John Patterson. Philip Least John Patchin. Philip Lonst Wm. Johnson Thomas McLree. Jonathan Jones Stronger it Summers, 135 Wm. JoLnsoa Jfuslon Township. J.G. Kidder 7-10 David Caldwell John B. Otto. 100 01 2t0 105 1011 1041 lOU 000 877 888 420 0.0 000 00.1 507 400 710 13 30 j C 40, 21 24 102 102 80 38 I 5C73 Moore it Dclany Mooro Jc Ddany Moore & Delany Wm. Powers Vt'm. Towers Wm. Tarker. 15 James Wilson Pentia., Lumber Co. W. Willink 7-10 V. S. Land Co. James Wilson Juntos Wilson 123 James Wilson James Wilson James Wilson .lamej Wilson Wm. K. David. Wm. Powers Fitch & Boynton. K. Shoemaker 04; 01! I5C.74 5075 102 01: 50(10 5007 154 137 111 30 121 123 71 07 4257 01 75 20 '4002 4235 1220 1220 4230 4230 , 4225 1 10 03 Cm 01 30 o ! no 50G1 1113 40 88 12 04 101 H. Thayer it Z. Lisfon. 5003 208 Wm. Powers W. B. Gordon. 4225 250 James Wilson 4230 500 James Wilson Thomas Holt. 5004 810 Wm. Towers. Wm Irwin. 31 25 O "il ! 0- JO rfl r ' 880 1041 1041 317 James Wilson Moore it Pelany Moore it Helanv 20 83 05 00 05 00 80 80 4072 27 Moore & Pelany Karthaus Township. F'redoricka Karthaus Morris & Stewart Morris A Stewart Morris it Stewart I 18 75 000 778 507 200 on 30 121 01 80 31 15 j 03 I 0 j Morris it Stowart George Vnux. 1014 513 05 Morris & Stewart 20 Hevisees of John White liyi. 70 Charles Willink 88 Charles Willink 033 IF, Chtts. Willink 1003 0 07 1023 5200 484 jm 1100 23, 48 '5412 Ac. 08 M,1055 057 I J, R. McCloskey Arnold Custard 5 12 Uews.Mycrbh Fis,her55 Eyre Tilo 7 Georgo Terkins 1 Reuben Green 2 1007 ) 1000 f 1007 1007 ) 1000 1 1000 125 50 CO Charles Hvck Knox township, John Patchin. 133 153 Benj Toultney Crans, Blake & Porlev 200 G. Ash ton, Jonathan Boynton. 72 Thomas Jordan A. A. Wineparncr t Co. 133 153 Isabella Jordan CO 20 42 08 11 02 02 C5 15 30 nm. Brown. Silas Cox Isaac Thompson. 200 227 00 100 li 120 O. & M. McCormiek 20 00 Thom pson&Egelru'n 10 13 W . & J. Cathcart. Henry Trout George Bowman Powell ,t Read. John Dorsey Lawrence township. Winegarnor & Co. Hugh Jordan John lf.ml O.I 0 88 221 413 33 M 63 20 Eldridge, Merrell t Thompson Georgo Mead 13 94 1107 ii o sorgo Mead 1213 285 131 6 32 3C0 272 " I 00 George Mead 23 19 G. D. Goodfellow 43 Ct Leonard A II artel. 'n n nr. u. m . t rans Heisey. Wm. Montgomery Morris township. Teter Yairnell E. C. Burton. 1$ Robert Glenn 1 83 7 30 28 53 25 S3 0. I. Morcan 4 Co., or C. Munson'. 170 141 r&lrick Hays 10 21 Adam Moyer. 333 153 Robert Rainey 31 75 W. it-J. Huff. 170 Blair MeLnnahan 10 80 Torter it Levi, 138 Wm. Stewart 41 73 Craig & Blanehard 440 (,' Joseph Turner, 41 01 410 100 Joseph Turner, 41 01 410 20 Joseph Turner, 41 01 423 Goo. Habaker, 30 50 J. r. Nelson A Co. 105 Jnmes Wilson 0 100 Robert Morris 0 00 Wm. Morris 8 Ross, Shott & Co. 407 130 R. It. Smith 25 J. J. Lipple. 211 James Smith 7 Robert Thomas. 231 C. Baker 7 125 Georgo Gales 4 James Hughes it Co. 112 Hyman Grutz 7 R. M. Shaw .t Co. 222 Simon Orals 21 Georpo Crawford. 150 Hillary Baker 14 lOO Ignao Farlow. Ld. Perks it Co. 421 Jesso Ynrnell Vmi tiiwnshln. 12 7 10 08 '5002 ()3 Fliinh HeiLi.li ()3 80 5(10 400 4 00 Patrick Hageity Reed's heirs 75 50 15 50 Pile township. M. C, Knos. 85 James Wilson 24 John Nicholhon John P. Hoyt Daniel l'uiley Jonittlinn Boynton. Thomna Joidun All'ied A. Long. Thomas Miigeo ll. W. McNnui. Z. Bailey '.. McNanl R. W. McNaul S. Blodirct 42.1 577 057 1020 28 450 145 185 111 400 200 70 40 20 47 05 3 43 13 70 10 87 38 01 1 01 7 00 5 GO 0 17 31 50 '5770 1420 Graham, Boynton k Co. 184 Thotnrs ITagee I nil n township. Gnrtland Irwin. Roberts it Fox John If. Seyler John Brubaker R. W. Moorn 350 125 3K0 202 Woodward Township. A. B. Long. 153 John Vaught 150 Jonathan Walls 153 John Roll Wm. Wilson T.t. Jams I)cke. 120 Henry Drinker W.u. Drinker S. F. ShofT ,t Co. Ld. Blanehard Henry Shaffer 77 Samuel Fmlen 5 Thotnns Neil Samuel Hegnrly. Mary Neil Benj. Johnson Marv Connellv 433 450 433 100 420 240 44 40 II 10 42 21 100 413 215 355 Mi) 3oO 24 20 21 10 5 40 13 02 M 07 15 8 10 12 Wui. B. Alexander &. Co. 100 Roland Kvans Wm. Albert .t Bros. Fli Ilnntman Dr. D. Hontz. 153 Philip Lo.ist 153 Jacob R. Howell 153 V.'ni. Johnson 03 Georgo Beckham Price A. RoLvha Thomas Robins. Peter, Lowden Chnrles Lnwdnn 121 433 433 433 100 30 170 44 10 11 10 II 10 10 20 4 0,- 10 8 01 Jos. Smith. Irvin i Co. 130 Mury Snnilwith Wm. Moore it Wolf. 14 28 218 Chauncoy Iiieketts 17 180 Isaac Wilson 15 C. KRATZI-R. T.-sr Treasurer's ofiire, March 30, l(i4. 40 'I'llf B?f"&faRl li liv Jl IIC ffcltlSOIl 1) Uy ery Dody Purc"s 'eir CLOTHIXd of Tt I-,T7I',TsT,r"Tr T?PrQ Ar rr ULIAIaitlA IiK(Jb. CC CO. Ulcl,nse lucT '"' '0 very cheap for Cash I Lecausc thev keen tho hc-i ...!.. Rocftucc their Clothing is well made i fashionable Recauso they keep tho largest assortment; Recauso they get New Goods every week ; Roeauso they give every one the worth of his mnn'y Recauso they take the advantago of nobody; Recauso they treat their customers well ; Rccause everybody likes to deal with them ; Recauso they sell cheaper than the r,.ci . Recauso their Clothing are well sewed .t fit well ; Recauso thoy can suit everybody ; Rccause their Store is so conveniently situated; j Recuuse nobody leaves their store dissatisfied ; uccause all who deal with them are sure to call again, and send their neighbors ; j Recauso they have purchased their Stock tit such j reduced prices that they can afford to j ADVERTISE! ; . These are a few of the reasons why they sell ao cheap. . T,A11 kinds of Country Troduce taken at ' luo highest market prices, REIZENSTE1N BROS, it CO. ! Clearfield, Nov 11, 1S03, 3in. I A'ri'ENTiON, FARMEKS"! OEERELL & BIGLSB, at thoir storo in Clearfield, have for sale a few FODDER CUTTERS an iBdispenanblo articlo for tho fanner which they will sell cheap for each. Pec. 16, 1863. TfJOS. n. rORCET. J. 11LAKR w.u.Tr.ns. FORCEY & WALTERS MERCHANTS, and General Dealers in Lum ber, such as Syl'ARE-TI.MRER, SHIN ULES, ROARDS, 4c and also in GRAIN of till kinds for all of which tho highest prirei will be paid at Orahamton, Clearfield county. Nov. 25, 1863.y WANTED A large lot" ofi 1 FLAXSEED in exchange for I IjUUDS at the Cboap Store of JOHN D. THOMPSON. Curwensville, Sept. 16, 1863. FOR SALE. A GOOD TWO-HORSE WAGOX will be sold by tho undersigned, unon the most renson- rionrfiol.l Tl 1 1011 rt0 SIIKO.M AKI im Tt. nb.riW .1.. L sires to employ FIV3 Journeyman Khoe- makers immediately, to work by the month or ' u.nii iiuioeaiaieiy, u by the piece. Annlv to DANIEL G00DLANPKR Jan. 27, 18C4-pd. Luthoraburg, l'a "I ) ORERT J. WALLACE, Attorust at Law XV Clearfield, Pt., Offio in Shaw's Row, ep poiito thi Jouroal office. dee. 1, 1855. -IT ' MERRELL & BIGLER Ilaye just openoda largo and eplondid assortment of ' New Goods I At their old stand in Clearfield. 1IEY have tho beat anortmont of Hardware S2Tfc32v5 CA-TN I that has ever been hrnui'M .. 11. which theT will soil at the moat r.D.nn.1.1.' cca, among which will bo found a aplondidlot I CUTTLE R Yy To n M-1i ifirv int-itA (Tin fnorlnl n(onfIrL .f ii. 08 53 50 SO 1 1 32 00 13 14 30 public, enibrncing heavy Silver plated Forlta, THE LAItGFT A"r Spooni and Butter Imivca of U10 Lost nionufao- A,J) ture. I A lot of PIk(o1h of the best pattern, nnd other fire-nnns. AIfo a general assortment of pistol cartridges ull of which w ill be sold at reononii ble prieen, ; I Tliey continue to manufacture all kinds of , 1 Tin-ware, IJrass Kettles, Stovc- 1 1'ipo, 01c, which cannot uo surpnssoa in tLis sec tion of tho State-. They also havo on hnnd I'lltshurH Plows, among w hich are Steel Centro Lever Plows. Aho, Plow CiiHtlngs, nnd inuny other Agricultural Im ptomonta. Cook Stoves, Parlor and Coal Stovoa a general assortment, and of tho best pat 0 terns, for aalo nt reaaoniiUIo prices. 1 " mum u.i uccn sole.ed wH Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, rcgftrd 10 tUo wunl! of " r-n, Glass. Miltv. Nuilp. Iron antiCnstincrq of cri'iil. (j . vnricijr , in jmcl nnnoffi vwry ining wnniou the public con be fuunrt in their eetabaeliuiuut! nt.il of nrlnaa l,i aannil hn l.aal t nm! nf nriin (lint rnnnnt hn lnn(. Now is the time to purchase, If you desiro any thing In thoirline of btisiuoss. (iivo them a call and examine their stock, and they feel assured that you enn be nccoinmodiitod. Horucnibor, their establishment is on Secoml Street, Clearfield, Pa , whero you can buy goodi to the very best advantage -01d silver, copper, brass, pewtor nnd old callings will bo taken in exchange for gmid. May 20, 1803. M EKRKLL A RIGLKR. Not Defeated! TlIIK ."iibftriber having returnr d from the city A isjn.-'t now cpcnini; up one nf th Largvot and most carefully selected Assortments of FALL & WINTER GOODS ever offered to tho good people rf Ctirwcnsvillo and its vicii.ity. nnd vlm-.b he will sell at lower rates than any hcusc in the county. CLOTHING AT RF.DUCED TRICES. Supnr fiom 12 to 15 cents peril-. Rest Syrup at S7 cnts pr gal, And all other groceries lit the came rule!. Boots, Shoes and Shoe Findings ,ETc: ofnllkinds,CiiiMr VllEAV. Ladies who wih to innl.o a good invcfiuier.t should call and c.vatuinc the a;turt!!ieot of whero they will find the ery latest, bejt u-o.-i i,inionaoio parierns o: ,.,. i . .i . .-i FRENCH MEllINO. DELAINS, SILKS, rtZt "tmtat of .fr.. ALPACAS, PLAIDS, Ac Rye, Oats, Corn, Fish, Hieon, Ac. rfc, sold at the lowest prices for cash, or cxehacvd for Country produce. T. D. THOMPSON. CuriTCUFrille, September, 23, 1S63. FOR SALE BY C. D. WATSdN. " 1MMI1.V 1JYU COLOR-. KM, i n !: IUik; l.ijht Hlii-, Fivnrb Ut'tr, fsr ' , o, M il onn, Urnnyt; J'int, Purple, liiyil Purple , Claii I tli-(nrnf Im l.' lirotni, Liijhl lirotrn, Sutijf liroicn, Crimean, 1 Dnrk Urol, l.iijht I nil; 1 Ilnrk (irrtii, ': Li'jht ti'rccn, .Lza. na I ii. t, WXf'Je' Fr dyeing Silk, Woolon and Mixed Goods Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, (llovcs, Ronncts, lints. Feathers, Kid (Moves, Chil lren's Clotliinj, nnl all kinds I of Wearing Apparel, rfc, rf-e. fiCTA SAVIMi Ol' r'J l'1'.U t h.M .-28 For 25 cents vtm enn color as mny goods lwou,j otherwise cost fie times that amount. 1 Viuinus s nailes can hi prn.iuceu iroin tlio fame 1 I'je- Jhe proces is n iinple, nnd any one can iiiu f t mi iiii ..v. IMroclioi's 111 l.n: . -i : 1. French nndOcnnan, in si .le of each pnckne. For further iiif'irinalinn in Pycln, nnlping ' a perfect knowledge of what colors aro ln-.-t ad apted to dye over oilier.', (with many valuable . recipes). purihac llmve & t-levens' Treatise mi Dyeing and Cidorit.g. Pont ly mail on receipt of price 10 cents. Mamifatured hv HOWE f- STEVnX.?, 200, ltrnndway. Rnnon. Tor sale by Ilnipsists nnd Pealerj generally. September 23d, 1S03. IIARTSW1CK & HUSTON DRUGSISTS. iMAKKET Hired CLEAKF I ELI) PA. KEEP constantly on hand a Lira.' and and will erhrtcd stock df 1.11UGS and 'HEMIC A IS FAINTS OILS AMD YAEMSJl PEnrUMERY A TOiLLT ARTICLES. BLANKS, ROOKS AND STATIONARY. TOBACCO cc SEOARS. And it general assorlmcnt of YARI ATIES and Fancy AUTICLES. We respectfully invito a call, feeling confi - dent that wo can supply the wants 'f all, on terms to their satisfaction. HARTSV.ICK Si. HUSTON, Clcarfiold April 27th 18(i3. tf 1 lUL'bL. MOUNT VERNON Second Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. A. V. III. AIR, Proprietor. (Late of the "Surf House," Atlantic City.) Kept 23, 18fi3-l y. nfkC(V) 14) tlX I)S of WOOL wanted JV.VvyVJ Tor which tho highest market T m - - 1 .1 1 1 price 'will be paid by, j. r. vn T7fii Clcarfiold, May 13, 1S63 i.Atia , Miiina THOMAS J. M ClII,I,Ol!(;lI, Atfiirilfv it 1 air Office adjoining tho Rank, formerly occnpieil by J l. ,li-EHiy, jitlj., ?.'.i-K; .:reet, karfiold, j P Will attend promptly of Lands, Ac. to Collections, Sale Doe. 17, T.2 T EVER FLEGAL. Justice of the Peace, Lu . .1 1 .1! a.11 . . 1 . . . JU thersburg. Clearfield county l'a., will attend promptly to all business ntTt;4 t? bis rare. LUtnersiiurg, April 4, ifl'l. Xnirlct, II !iJ H ' Vr A Plate, flDPIT tTr-tTM... " ...WULtttJT Wft.. NEW STOj i riKE undoral of X to the ucw bulMi "rp'r 'ib, ti..n.e, on Fin. street, u:e ii '2 ' P.. Ii now offm-in. . ' u V.'Tf, e "in publiij Op OOODS OVFEItllD PUBLIC AT T0 TU WlLT-r-ES0LDl. ALL OF WHICH rmcEs to suit the ti Ilia atoek h.is been solerted wi't, DRY GOODS. dj ; NOTIONS, IIARDWAHE, o.i:i:iiNsiVMir, i HATS ASDfiI3' ! STONE-WAliU, WILLOW-WAKE, . READY-MADE CLOTHING, I GROCERIES, : EARTHENWARE, ! OILSANDI'AlXTj, FLOUR AND BiX;, ' GLASS AND KAILS, FISH, SALT, i OF EVERY SF.F .l.YD PATTER and Tojetlicr with all olher nrtiolM ni,. ..r.-All kinds "f H'J'BER tit C-.r--i. ' diu-e taken in exchange fur guj'li, et tti l- cst market price. ' A ho is receiving -ew aunt"n iff, ', weekly from Paitiim-ro, New y.,rn, I and Pittsburg, the publi ran ?-s ato,,-' i, will always bo prepared to sn;"!j- yt i im the market. I JOHN" : izn j fllen H.-pe, Tec. 23. 1S3. i LUMliFJl CITY! j JOHN M. SFEilE, ! TT AS recently crentd a SjopinliaaWCt -11 where he ia now prepare to Bir.tliup I ALL K1XDS OF TIX. MLR A'CLY, ,t- COrrER-WAHL A f ull mppli of manvfarturtd unrt fritiil) hand. I i j na ! - ! Lumbermen can be supplied wi.i Ttf'!.''; STOVES nf which ho inteniu l.eija-. i"r Orders fcr Sieutinf;, roofii.p, ir., t'-i'l't'.? solicited. Repairing premii-Jr ('mV) Vs ii he intends keeping none L it the b .t of r.ii rr.cn, the peoplo muy n iy o-i sub-tintiil t.-il Storekei pcfd and dealers xiypUtd utr.-usu'..! rates. Call at the Hul-ntantoil Tin Flap srV m ft yourselves. JOUN M. sPESCEK, .March 2, ISCl-tf. j ' j I 2MALL FARM FOR subcribcr offera to sell on UeB"" I Die terms tut ! AJUl, consif . Vituate in Tiko townnhip, on ti Kid(f bout S miles from Curwensrlllr, ana aw t; miles from Clcarfiold. The iniprovaniiit;t Frame Plank Houre and Stable, abc?l"11, acrca cleared. X-ff'For further prtieulir, quire of tho subscriber on the P""Bi,',l,tf March 30. If. JOHN MoROAS. 1 T.'1.. C:nn!nffVVIlft.'lli ' hands by the undersigned, wboinl', people 01 Clearfield county to emhraeMoeair m. ti,. I.,. n1d cheap " I (vu 1 1111 1 uv 1 n. ...... . , . rj.e,i. Call at the w .MBK May 6, JS63.-y STAPLE Dry floods Cloths, O Cloak-clnths, Twecdf, Satin Flannels, Ticking, Muslin, Liaeo, o,.,Pr,ce.ut j. P. KRATZES lARPETINa-Ingram, ''tt. hempi Floor On-cloths,Rrocy.lKRRoJ l rl;;i?'3'is8r'i 1 f&r