Ki. i ' 1 Coil fK, H. Q. 1 n U, rWi "m ii'ttj i '"j to 4, bl0 M ' Bordi, I ass, f -s. i I : ! AD. ! m i :n 1 H j f A ' in o , i. I I in u " rjit b -it I'll li rm H :'.a IA fid ,li tot In, ill ,?k ill 'ti. IK'l S !u i' x Ik IK illi- till III I Itt . !B ri. : 111! ANOTITEU GRAND RUSH fJiillOl wjiuir.YVK .u::t i;i:cj.ivfi iiii:n:n;LNa stock Mil CALL AND FXAMINF, TIIKIU .STOCK OF DRY GOODS IT CANNOT T.K REATEN ! ca i.roi:s wiTrr fast colons; 'CALH'OKS WJTII FAST COLONS ! MUSLINS ! T-t-r A INKS ! LAWNS ! JIL'J-I.'.V-! JJhLA INKS' LAWNS ! 'CLOTHS : CASSIMRRS! VKTIN(5S' 'CLOTHS! CAn1MK!(S! VL'STJNOS! LAPIES'SIIAWLS! C, FNTS' SH A W I LA 1 '1 L SUA W L ! (i FN is1 SI A W L.S SI FX AND Roys' CLUTJIIXG! HAT- cats ! HATS A CATS ! LOt iTS A SIJ4 KS ' TOOLS X- SIIOLS : CARD I - - olL-CLOTIIS' I'AKI'LIS ,v ('IL-CI.t'lIiS: I'lil Mi t. I.M.l.V JUK chtAl-l.: 1' TANCYGOODS is ;'M :: Mr led in -n yi.k a x i i v : Nun, ,ys : Nunn;-:s Sitrf-, ! N'afi',.' Sittciu'is ; X: r. Nm !'i iv X" I'M XS ni t: N. ( 1. N.-d i ; 1 i. -Wis J'ort Tort lie" if - Ni ft ii Li-ii, 1 II' ill If i' i ILL ! I'l.H .' . A A 7.1 A LI 1 i: L I till L.Ml.KV U'l r vi ii ' i'.':" !''(? iii '. 1 X I '.- Nwlii Line CLO T HING T TfJF. 1.ATE--T :T I r LVI r-TVI J, FITS To A in tvi or,--. Mini r 'ilul Letters, i f 1 ol Jo-el li Uegai 1.1 ctitrv, I'enna,, , hereby f iver A.!m. v. In 'r..'.-.' n on the e !n'i l.i:r, her City, C.earfi Iee...i..d. I ii ; bee-: granted lo tile undi r-icned, a'l prT furs in leb'id u fiid .' Ii"e arc rc i.iiie.i to n.k i-ime.'ln'c r-"-iiient, nr. i tin e l..r.l.. clain . pyaiii"! cited IV Ih' snine w i !J ::'o:'ic;,t. ur.i :!icm iiolv .- I'll, nt-- jam; ni'iMr-iv v."M. . Wi:I .n:, A'tHliiittii' Ti'. ..'c ii i; '.-.'io f i- sale J. '. ft ATX Kit. rj-. '.7-'il! rd. ALT in i 1 I'las;, k very ehc.-p 1-y nu rio.,Mi p. ; ' V fd HgKi iir : buvi.iir bv cautirn- '. or in any way 4 .o;. city, now in i..':.i:.r a mi tlm 11. " ;i.; tlio os.-ef'.on of Jacob (' .. ,i UraliaiK l p.. '""It: 1 wo t rew n mares. ;,i i'.ii b.iti.e.-. . one 1 'ed i.nd i rc li'i chain an tho suit! property bo ) t.frs to me, and are su' jjet to my nidi r. Uraulord tj,., may pd. ADAM II LA li HART I ALIUS' Pr Ij l'laids. M. Press' ivcw Stvl Alt i i''is. zi) nili:, li i-, 1 rocl'e-.Vohnir, Vnlin. i la, Silk , Void I'i'liiii e?, V'rcneli Siennos, ILnj; Lsii'S, l.iiBLs. ju.-t opening at J. P. KK ATZTR'S. Farm at Private Sale ! XEM1I.E FROM CLEARFIELD A HOST I Cail'.UI.K I'ltOlTRTV. IOR. !. 'PIT undi rsicn' ! T- ill Sell on reasonable tern.s u tfirm conli.inir 55 Acre and 10 Prix lies. I in Lawrence towiship, one niile from ihe tcivti ol ' Cleail eld. cmtai.iiiv i IL.'nTV-LillT ACKLK I'LFAItH'. 'ili a rend frame Jwn'irg house, well finished Urge ba'tik baru, n-J all necessary . utl uiid 'ips. 'fbero g afineyoun orchard of elioice, toarJ fruit trees all (riafUJ or budded, nnd e!e -te l w ith ;ji.-.-i:iI rel'erenee lo their iidaptntiun t" this climate. There is a never fai'ing ipriut; "f foil wtr. There is nisn n considerable iiinnthyof PuL AND OAli TI.MBEU ca the iim-h-ared land. The. farm was lately o'V.ipied J- H Shiliv. Pos-.escion given im'n 'diati ly. Ciiarriel.l, iip.,27 '.t It. SIOSSOT. SF. Mi'l.:i.Ki:V, rractkal SurTcyor.of w fori hi'profosrtonal surviee? tu the people f ( ieiirfiold oouuly. Having purchased llie In i truiui nu-, Disft. of tho late Thomas Loss, ! e d. bo .viil I a ready to nttnid lo business on 'he shertint r.o'.i.-o ; lie can be cunsulted ut his residence with Hnbcrl Unss, one lullo froinCur w.nfcvilie, or fcv ivljer niOrc-si d to him at Cur weusville. 6. i. MtCLOK tV. ap. .i l- jy A milXISllUToUs. MriUllSoti.e . J s be..y g. thai letti-, of a.lminb.lratin onthot.itatel L-AAC I'l.O'AM.bite ol Curwens- tillc .wji. Clearfield county, decerned, having nn (ranted tJ the uii.ior tved. all persons In. 'bt.- f to raid fstalo me tui;e led to umke im .' .'.i iialj rxyrnerl, nn l thee bavins drinauds ', ieainsl tho eame will rreseLt Ibem dalv authsn. '.! :it-rei fT settlemenl, " raj Jl'ei, 6l fil. ILAJt I t.OOM, Adm'x. ' ft lOt'SL'tlOLDuOODs J inware.Q iret i.sware, G'ae, Glnsawrare, Uoodenware, Loi.kii:g V lotks. Niiils. u'.aso. Oils, Taints, I.ampa, Wall Jfr. t H rricesaf ik J. 1 . KliAliLK b. :8ioo , HMV AHD. Si me unknown per son or rerioB baring feloniously j I roKC-T- itle me DOU.e 01 ine utiJert'Knnu ao-am,. j-t-o.ith dfApnl, liaLanl sCleo therefum Oiree ; U cf ncslic, several blinkets, pillow cases, V-.l ..... V. .L I . 1 V.,. Ubie-oleths, two costs, oro bonnet, 4 lot or lugar, , I5p nd ot her arlelos, tb abev rwsrd will ba .Pii fir llie spprehension and conviction of the , thief or tbievM, or for sueb tnforuiiUou as will. ld to their conviction. M. o, tXJRK tw JliUpr, may Jl, n ?id pd. IMiIliT ! TO or TARTICt'LAR ATTENTION IS hM i. I ALL X INMTEl) TO TIIEIK UNEQUALLED STOCK OF HARD-WARE ! WHICH CONSISTS OF Saws ! Hatchets ! Hatchets ! Chills Saws ! Cliisels Padlocks! Door $ Trunk Locks' Padlocks! Door c$ Trunk Locks! Nails ! Screws ! Hinges A Holts ! Nails ! Screws ! JJmgcs 4y Holts 1 CarpoTitcrs' A: TIlnr-ksmitliH Tools : far '(. liter-.' A, Klai'Liniths' Tools ! Files Kil.-s k Has A liny. Slmo Findings AliOs.1 anylLing clso in this line ! A VKUY lat;cf.a.ssoi:tmlxtof Q u o e n s av a r e , 'JTIEIJt IMMENSE STOCK of A N ( rUOVlSIONS ! i "i ; i M s : i F. " oi'i";:. i eas TINCi OF si'nAns : sro acs : Snar i.'uicil Hams ! I rii' Fruit! nsii : it on:! grain a- salt! fSTonF-Ji-fM'iM JN 0 R AlIAM'S ROW, OIT0SITE THE MA NSIOX HoI's'K. a flu. i ;iv 1 .ili, 1 -Ml I. o, CuM.M! 1 I EE I'OU A DA VS I. A HO IL r a f a t t: i' n ; ? a r. sa n j.t v : v r a i r . '"oti-.ui'tli c r n ''I.nhor Ineoine? and Revi.uuei. l:ir,.n . iw Ci.c. n":li Sr "I Jii:n V. Cl iciinr.N, Treasurer. J H.'s C'.mmitl'c t.n a spoc.:il a -r!:, t- v it : to ai'maiu l.i.v's ''i.ilor," a day 4,'l::c on ."un.l ilny's ' revenue," I'liia. every e'tlen of tile ti cj .-'Mtcscf l'eninylvania. New Jersey und Dela ware, f'.r loo b.ia-it of oar s'ekand woui.dei.l s,d- ! ili.T". I The Ci hiiult'ee is :;.iw fnllv crr.iiii. ed rit the a I ''i-ve addrei-.i, .Mid calls for tiie cu-upitatinc c.'all I chi'ses in tho community. I Wo wnnt tii show- what tho industrial eludes do for tho sol Lo:.: ! What the people eti J ) I TM b S ' t) uc:r separ: a'e Wimt 1'i'Unsylv m;a can do 1 Wi.nt New Jerfey en do! Whnl Delav are t in do 1 Vi'hut vi-ii county can do ! What each city ni. I Own e io dj ! What e.i. Ii prot'esf or can do ! What eueli oo.-iip. l1 ! 'C can do 1 What each manulaet iry cm d ' Whet each lank, insuiunco coiupany mid r'.I ruiid cn do What ca:b workshop cr.n do ', Wiiat each family can do ! What each, man can do 1 What each women can do 1 What each boy and sir can do ! We vulI lo show th world what Attcru'Kn freemen are ready lo do for thoir soldiers ! Tiiii is a f-rcat work and the time short. The way to Uo- ij tu OiW AM.K ! Oiganlie in your' i: jn your families. Lei the men orcanir.o. Let li e women cgiiniro. Let tho trudoj or.uiije, Cifijiuiio everywhere. Lei the urorkuiea giro Mitu their ampl iv ers, the employers with their noikmeti. Il is easily dono. If tho workmen wiil author ize their cuiployer.i la deduct one day from their week's or's earnings, and the employers wiil u.ld to it day of their profit i, toe whole sum will be aekncwlejid together to tho credit of tho We say t all, pj to work al once wilh us in this great work. Hurry for-' ward your contributions. Lwy a luowleile- inuiit Will stimulate others to follow your ovu- ! pie. j Circular wiili full iii.-liu.uior? will In son! tip-! on applii'Mtioii. by nail or otherwise, Ij the un-' deisiirnid. T i work ! to w-s-k 1 L. MoNTi;ovn:nY Honp, Chniriiian. Slits. L. W. lli:TTi:rtf Chairwomen. , SI. J. Mm, Eeeretary. I May 1th 61 DR. TOP.! AS' i V KNIT TAN I.IMMRXT'. Dim OK CH'il'l' I WIihOi pretty and inler e tiiif; child 1 saw last week ! Lut now, al i ii-il is no more. Such was the c. nversation of two pcditleinen ridinj do-rn town. D!ed of eron,i! i ho" siranie! wbon Dr, Tobias' Venetian I.ini- hnenl Is n certain cure, ifUiki-n in time. Now, Mothers, wo t you. I t is not for Lie r1'" gain and rroBt we imlie. but for tho ea'r.e : of tho infant child that now lie playing at your ! 'ti".'- Croup h a daui:er:ies disease ;" but Use Dr. i Jc?. ioiiu Liniment in tiion, an 1 It Is r ib I "c 1 l'' """". Always keep it iB the house von may nu wani it o n M i i Icl'ing wtsn -btil armed with this liniment yen I are rr,'rrl. I'- wbtn It will. rriro 2i eer ts a Dottle. Sol.l M all dniffciet;. (iffi.-e. .'R CortUudt suoet X. V liway li, lsrt lui. i . ANTLES-in grit variety ot 1TJ 1. V. KRAZER'S. BONNETS Fashionable Ronr.ebj, bats, Nets, Cars, Shake.-s, Kibbofls, Fioer, Flmres, Craps, Bosnet f.ilks mi Millinery Goods gnr- " ' rn',r" 'D,U " 7 Kl, A7FR AERi'. on NO Willi A I RE SH TlflUVAL OP Summku Goons ! AT HIE CHEAT CAlTl M'oRL. 1 Bin Jl rerrlving and opening a cur. fully tflicted ftockol fa.-htotiaUo rpritiS; A Summer & O & 8 of almost evnry description, A b..utif-! assortment if I'riivU and Dry goods, ol the now c. t mi l latest stylos. Also fjr'-iit varic'y if useful roti'ine. DKY-OOOlLS AND NOTIONS. ll'.IlllclS,, Hu's al 1 Caps, Tjuvts mil Shoos, a large quantity, Hardware, (uftniniirii, i DruTS and A'edicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet 4 Oil Cloths, G R () C i: K I E S , I ish, Bacon und Flour, Vnikprnl in 4 1 nnd 1 Larrol 'of the host qmility, all ef which will bu sold at ' tho lowt'.-t himH or rondy pay prieci. I Mv old friundu iukI tho niiblio inii(iriillv. ar respectfully invited tu call. , -C-.N. li Ail kinds ol VM.Vand approvoU CUI XTU Y Pl;01VVK taken in exchuiit'o tor (ioodi. WM. Y. IRWIN. Clearfield, Mny 4, ! Sf-. notic Tho ji.mrd or Kch-f for the eounty of Clen.rflel.l, will meet at tbo Cumniissionor.'!' utliue. on Wvdiic.idiiv and Ibure- ! I',-V' tl e n1"1 ''"v" "f il;l-v ls-1- The Hoard have directed that all new arpH- ciinis niu't jiipeur liul'oro tho Uo;ird and produto their sivurn mti-iiient Jjt,nilinn' niimc of mldicr, rcgiiueul iitid ceiLpai:-; when cri.i.'ted ; the niuiilier of children, wilhne nnd ex of em h ; tiie township in which tin y te.-id.' 1 ut the I into f t'liliauuciit, and their present ret-idence ; uud tliat ei:o in Hit.Jiuut the menti.i of snj-jMitt foi herdclf und children, Tvho are di'pi'iu'.ent upon her. Two i itii'jMjo'i of credibility, from tiie town.sliip in wliiih tho resides, must also bo produced wliose ecr-titieiite, sworn to beforo tho b:ird, nm.-t fit !'or;li fi'.at the ai'plirant is tho person ahn ep r vrsents hersclflo be: that tho alutcminent of tlio. number and n'e of -hor fninily h true ; that alio is in diMituto circumstances nnd her I'umi'yiiR iii'tu.ii wnnt ; and that all the lin'ts sctfoi th in her a plication are and true. 1 Lorins eojjtaiiiiiig tlieso reiiuiyU'.otis can he o"-' till ned ill tho office of tho Limid vC Kolicf, when appiii'.'ition is mtJecrid tho w itno'es u'pear. ,M,iy ii, im5 i. vm. s. uit .n;,i:v, 'V.-. s1 lillt IV MAKE. Left the promises of iln in Deeutnr town.'hiii. Cleurfielfi coiintv. iieur Hail'iiliur;-. f'ctitre t'.iuntv, on the S!.id of April List.'.i 1U.ACK M A KL, uhout li! Ii.mds hi.-n, a or li years old, one, or perhaps lul l, l.i '.d led white, h white strips in her fact', iinl heavy with i1 -onnie ironi Indiana county l,i.-t Inil, when hut tiactd wiu goinjr toward i tji'.n II ipe. TI.e poi.-uD r. !ui uiiijr siiid mare, or p'wiii; ini'.'rui itiuii where she i. will he liberalle I re'.arded. L. C. U'UV.M .. " I l'!iiliisiiur0". tuny i tf", lAill) sab-ierib-r in Order t-j aoc.'iniirMl.ite lin eiii.ens of Cm wenville, and ll.o j'tiblie (teneraii v, tin- lust receivnd a lot "f CooK, AND PAHLoU STOVF.S, f . r wood or cual, whicli ho wiil di.-pose i f very clieup fur ca-h or pr.niiiee. JyllX" D. TIIOMl'SOX. Nov. l Lvi:i-tr. A LSO, LTOV L? ot J 1 TOV I" IUn. For sale al tlio ehean store hii D. Th-mpson, in CnrweKsviM,., ut I , 4 c nls per pound. Nov. II, lSiiJ tOE)T!.jrf ! iii. ii liiis. j ne store ot t.-.e sui'Scri- bcr, al I-Vtiichviilc, was entered on t,ho ni;:ht of tlm 27th ulti.n-.', llio f.l..wii:if . -lnong olher articles, taken therefrom, to wit: ! ." bla-'k froek coats ; - I'lie ea.--i!ner fio.-k rn4i: p:iir striped fine eas-iincr print .'I phiin b'nck nlp-va vests ; one satin ; 2 lain black M..r cuca silk vests; '( p.iir tine er'f double I selcl boots ; 1 lot of iroid linger and ea i-rint s ; 1 lot, of j- .Id brrastpins ; 1 lot oflow yrVu:X liir-or-riiij'.', t'u'.io-i.i epers, a:.d (he publie generally, aro re juested to jrivo immediate information to the uiider,i(.T,eil, should either of the above articles' in enured to them, v, ben all exponsei and tiie 1 nbove reward will bo laid for the conviction of the thicros and the recovery of tho poods, way 1, tL P. COl DRIET, WATCH & JEVELRY rilllL undersinod rospectfully i Informs his customers and the : public jreiuiially, that he has junt received frn:a the Kns-t, ac, u, ,,n, ed at his e-tablishment in Ull.KHAM'S I'O II' Clearfield, Fa., a line assortment of Ci.oois, Wn.usts, and Jrv .I'MiY of dill err ut qualities, from n siule ieee to a full sett, which he will fell a-t the most reasonable prices for cash, or in 1 cxelninge for old jrolil and silver, 1 CL'H'KS ofovoiy v-uUty i t the mist r Moiiable prices. AIL kinds ofll I, Viii-lios Etd Jewelry' i-arefully repaired ami H'rimmf. -if. A continuance of palionarre is solicited. Sepl, IJ, lsi'il). Jl. t. AAl lliL. K Boots! . Z Sf i I) VMVIL C'N'NLLI.V heirs leave to inform his fiiind, nnd the eitiscns of Clearfield und vicinity generally, that he hns taken the shop lately occupied by Uoorge Newsixi, in hliaw s Row, whore he intends to be ready atall times lo wuit ujmn t!;oo who itay favor him with their CU.-tolll. He will gua-aniea hi- work to be as wol! cje i; tiled as car. be mado el-i where, aud at iiuito as reasonable prl 'es. lie is beunl to win the jrot-J opiuiou of all who walk in shoe lonlher whether lialii or feUiuio and uli ho asks is a fair trial. Clearfield, July 8, ISo.'! y NOTKT. A CAUTION. f TAVINU made appliea to tho A.'sislanl -I.J. Ai.-e-sor f the J'.ilh Collection District of Pennsylvania, and u Licease ns Auetl -neor hav ing been granted In mo by tho proper authority, I would iulorin tho iiii ns oj t'learfiold county that I will osteal to "calilii,' rales" whenever di.-ii'cd in tiny part of Ike rountv. Charge, modeiute. A'ldic s JOHN L. RKAMS, Dee. Di, leii;-tf. Ci-arfield. Pa. , P. S. Any person " cailliig " files wiliifiut. a is subject to a penalty of $ ilO. whl- h will I". enforeej in Rceordaueo with the law, nga'.iut all persons vinbiting lite stat'ito, I DA N I E irOCoDL A XI E R, "CSTJl'i: of the roaee tl Liilhersbnrg, Clear.'eld Co. P.!..1 will attend promptly to all business entrusted. to his cu'e. Slareh 2, 1 ?'.(). ly. pd. J)H. 31. W'OOILS, riUACTICINC Physician. nnd Examining Sur- I ..,, l'.,e I'ei , OtH.-n Southwest corner 1 hepoud ord CLerry streets, CIcarQol.l, Pa, January 21, I8r.". ly. 1 t. 1 tH'"-'. WAIiri KjliSCT. a. ii.h' x.j.....Ay Attnrnrys at I aw, .May 3, '63. " Ctr.ittriCLP, I'i. . i;i-Mir.kW.l. Cod fi.b, berrlng. 8.1mm. ' TJ AT.J and Cap -1 iB.llal.apaefc.j., J. Pl KRAKCR'S. '.11. Hum v. i ruiim. , A. HAII.AM!, LEONARD, IINNEY & Co C I. K A li M 1. I, l. ( ir.i;i in.i vii-srr, v,. ni.i'oi r it i i n lViV'"'l"'" "Mi rw. . ;irrni.'i'. n "n''i. lA lilii,roii the ( lit?. toiikt itilly km lintiil. Ci'Vl.T IIOCSE. Hiilklcy's Tatont. Lumber Dried by Superheated Stean. Ml II 15 liniUrjipnp.l ri'.-ppctfuliy iiif'.rnn tlic pcu. X I'L' (if C'loiirtiuM nnil tlio unJniiiinK c uniiin tliui he ha tlio ai'i.ry of tlio nln.vo l'nti i,!, nml will sell Individual, County iiml Torn.lip rilite lor its u.-o. The Lumber triol h.v this firm-i j i. flronaer, finihoo ,MKt, eusi'or on tools, nnd lFiUiri'a time in drying tlmn any otlior im. vest known nnd drjin 1 iiali lumli'cr )ii'rf(i:lly ( in tiotirR, and bolter limn many months undor I the old nysttMu usinu the mu.e umoiint of fuel per day tluit a coouiinon kiln roiisuiu.", Xho car tilicates ol'o nuuiher of rcsidi iit innchiinirs. well known in tins community, ja amply iiihVi . lit to convirco the ekejilinul ol prm tioul utility. I'l-rsuus duairous of purclmiim riuht? will mlduss JullN I. t'tlil.K, "' field, Tu. I1M J'll'l'I'V TAVIl III!.' ''mi' im tU'iM unci inula i'ir r.iic ill.. Al.1.' Tl... -..I :l.- ..n-... i.- 1. : . ji.tli.M ot mi At :itKS, about ill ot nhicli are cleared and in good itute of cultivation situate la (iirard towuibip, near liallowY nilmr. The impruvouiuiiis in o a lurjje.well built 1,0'i MtiUSK, tic, and ij a w.iteri.ii.n's ji luii.liei nint'ji tk vein stand, or a a locution iuv a store, few places on the river have bettor advantage fl-'Lor particulars iiniuire of the subscriber on tiie premises. Jj. J'.eCiOVliKN. March, Ut,, lW tf. , New Watch and Jewelry Store. J SH I.Ai;C'ni.l, having purcliased the interest of his lute partnei, is host j-uinr il on his own hook in the shop fonuorly occupied 1.V thein on Seejnd street, where to is prepared to keep up his reputation as a complete workman i by doicull work entrusted to hint on short no tice, iu the best maimer, aud on tho mo t reas onable terms. Defying tlio ceunty. nil he a-k-io a fair trial, w.d u ueuiiiiuttt'in f the patrons Jii! hcJvtofore oxt"!idfd. l.iki ou-t for the tik'n of' 'J' II 1' 11 Hi W A t.j . X, B -The Cull will bo pociuvelv expected wli.'n the work is delivered. b. H. L Clearfield, April 7, lSbi. y Susquehanna House, crnwK.sviL.i:, ,. iy. w. nomt.u.i. I'roiirictnr, CJMII IS larire, and commodious HOTEL A lihlhllly located on the bank of th is do e Pii,- 1 1 no tiun ini , in the borough of Curwensviilo. The n'e-ont proprietor will .-pare an etfort to render his cu.-toiueis CHinfir'.iihle, an I hopes to merit a libera! shaie of public patron i-n. HIS BAR AXI) 'J' A ISLE ill bo well "iipplied iih every thiojr thi k.t iifford.--, ltaftmen will ulwa.vs liud hi-' string" nut. Mar. 'i'. I in :i r -latch tf. SIAI.SE STiiLliT, Ci'UMKXs'VII.M;, LA., WJI. A. MASON, Propi ietor- T flll IS lot,-' establi.-hed an 1 well known J 1 " 'I'LL, silmite l in tin we.-t end of the town, has been ivniodillcd. enlaveed and imiiroved. and I the pri'prii 'or resportfully nniioiiiiees to his nu- neious friends, nnd lo the travelltar' public, that he is now i.renured to u''uioiui. Into all ho uia j fn, r him with a oulU ! Ample, iuU inu omfor!al'e stabling is nt t llu'hcd tu the remises, ,i:,d liu-ty lUle-ndiiut s will always be ou hand. Charge.-- moderate. ; Feb, Vi, Wi. If. DR. A. Ii HILLS s to 111 i-J''i, form hi- pat- x ron nl thai protessiou-l.ii.-itirsa eonliues -lX. . hill, '.I bi Ollico llll c-. . wJej ' Jfr r ill tiii'i', ii ii .1 he nill :'L 'frff ;--' therefore be in;,lle - . il-J-'J LlV-T to make lrolVsri mill v. ', V- '' Visiti. to an' of his nu V -- a 'eiislomed places J' this s ti in in or; l.ut be fntinii at his off.'e on the smithwcst eor- ler cf KroiU and Main streets at f.Il times, except when ti ,tite appears in tho to-c pnptrs to t!ie contrary. July S, 'i'i!. tf. ' 0, C. 111-11. T. ,t. V ITT1.0CC1I. j DI'SJI A M'tTLLOUt-ill, loiiffiion (jCiff, ci.rahi iei p, r.. liaTI' GrtAii.m's Ni;w l.'jn.t'i.Mi. F.-L. '. '02. M t SICAL (iliOllS Flutes. V;.,lln, l it'"-. if! Harnienicans, l'reeepti rs, Ma-ie Paper, Vi olin Low:;, Bridges, Strins of the best nnalitvat J. P. KEA.EK'S. .. - Nunll i iirrn lur IS-ilc. T UK subi:riber offer? for sale the foil described Real Fstate and IVi.-onnl irV"r r. ly.'iz: FORTY ACRES of LAN'J-ab. nt Tl' iiTes of which is cleared with a small 1'J.irk Jloiiso nnd Log 1'arn. in Laurence toirn.-hip, .'t miles west ol the bnrnugh of Clearl'ald, Ali, th? Castings for a ISnvt -Mill, Ftove and Stove pipe, n set of barnes", logethtr with liotisitdl und Kitchen Fiirniture. Possesion will Lo jiven on tho I s! of r.e.M, if Jcsir 'd. Terms ill be made known, and f.-.riher partie ulars given, by calling upos the subscriber. JOMH'11 t'ClIKLKN'i. Lawrcme tp.J March If, ISO J, JOHN L. (TTJ Li;. Atlor.icy at I. aw end Itra! I'nt.itr Amtnl, CliKARFIF.LT, FIIXN'A. r.rv, Mr o, VV ir.i. II' F-rMCTKLLLY OTnrs his s nie.-s in sell. ingmd bnyins Itind in Clearfield ar.d ad joining counties ; nnd wilii an experience of over twerity years aj a Purveyor, flu item Liuiieif ihct he iaa reudcr satisfaction. And Offers for 8 a I n IOOO neres nfeoal nnd timber Lan i, .-itunti br Decatur Uwn-hip, Cieurfield ciuntr. in b ts to suit p'.ireha-'crs, loeutod near the 'J'ytuiic and ; Clearlield Railioail. 'l(HU) acrs of first rate furm Mid ttrMn r land iu HOI towr.JLp, ("If art'eld county, eitaite on the water' of Curry's Run. ( K.'J ncr-s in t-vo lo's, oie of 112' ar.d the oili er of oil seres, suitable f..r Furri.iug pnrpo'es, s't ' unto in Highland township. I Ik caonty. i.-,iviioral wurrunteo deed- f r all t'-.e ebora nnd'. 1'cb. 11. 'i:,..--v. TJ1L LNFILD STATKS I'O'I'I'I ' JitJJ.W HARrJSSTJKG, Ta. OA ERI.Yiv HUrCIIISOX, V-t ri V.rf .,, . . .... ,. ', r I ill IS Hotel, so well known to (In traro!;rg 1 public of ciearnci i county, is now in a ol- , ditiou to afford tho most eJielleiit neeoi.imodtion either lor tlio transient guest or tue permanent boarder. I J he "I mtoa S'r.t.5 Ins cow all ti e conven- I ienees of ! A nnsr rr ass nr.rrr -J .L. lr,nTitnr urn leli.rit,, I .1. iri Tiwi-.. iimo ii'r laimr 17 ensure me comtorl cf the guests. The pntronago of fho traveling J public Ir rr -pcctfullj "olieite I. jly I, '6,, y. OskiuHV Spriej fn't'at J. P. Kit ATiril I ll'lHM t,. irfi rrn M ' I f. mIi n I no i ili i1, )n it'X "' i'i" 1 ri' tin Hi i I bti In il'ti ii .r n.nho'ni I'ltnirf. hs li psr. d t" vii iik f t-i m -1 rfoinliiiie 'ini, I. '1 I" 1 r'; io f t I st 1 , ii'.ifi ll in...;i ,. i n , i i,,, . ,,,, " I ,iii I i. r i nl i.l It ... ,1 . U ( Mll, I'Hfi I; Vuiiiiiin , n in. '.jt i, m i Hurcaui Hiitl Si-h'-HonnX Waflrol si I In k Cases ; ('. nlr. F. C., 'ai for Hrfakfasl anl fining'ioii Lil le". oniruon. French Poit. cottage, Jenny Llnd und other BcilsttnJa. SKl'AS (.fa, I KlNO.-l, WdHk-;i an)s HAT-L'Ai KS, WASH-STANDS, Xe. Hocking nnd Ann Chair?, i Pft, Cane lioltotn nnd Parlor Chain and Common and other I'L-in." 0 0 K J .V (V - G L A S S K S Of every deieri7":i'n on hard; and new glib-tot fur old frames, whti h will be put in on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. 11c alsokeeps on halt;', orluriiishss tc or der, Hair, Corn-Iluhk, Hair und Cotton top .Mattresses. COFFINS, Off. fry kbifj, Made to o-M t, and luneruls attended w ith .a Hearse, I etifMcr desired. Also, House I'aliiUiiir dono toorder. Tho siil.seriber also manufactures, and -aw cnnstunliy en liana, Cle ment's Patent Washing Ka:hiii, Tiie he l now in ute. These usinjj this machine never need be without clean clothet ! Ho a! Ua i'ler's Patent Claim, A superior u-rt'clo. A family using this Chuit: m icr need be without butter! All the ahuvn and many other articles are fur ni.-hed to cu.toiuors cheap lor Cash or exehiiiitn! lor approved country produce, ll'eiry, .Maple, Topi t, I.iiiv ood aud other Lumber suitablo fur Cabinet ivort:, tn:.eii in exchange fur i'u-nilure. Ilenieniber the eliop is on Market street, Clem field, fa.,und nearly uipusite tiie "Old Jew Mori." JU1JN U UL1C II. Nor. ISC2. y RICHARD H0S80F, i-oi:i:i(.;n a-. domf.itc ; oi. Ml'SLIXS i ILLAIXKS ' com: ut is I A l.l'ACA at Kl nt lit Si'tisut;n i;cns;it,ioi) Soniatioti j'nci!. I'I'il 'S prioo.i . pnet's . .IlHt IVi'i'iVOit ut M'"'Si 'PS'. j : CM Xl ill A MS ! CI! I XT. : PRIM'S IGI.oVES j CRAVATS u'. ul a; Hi III N'lf-.i'lOll S.'iistitiiiu I'tistition Si:i. nation Senntlion Jirlrut jiri(!.- i jn irns ; j.rii s jiiii'os nt MOSAICS' Srn-tilion piiici Sfiiotition i'l'.C'js slIAWLS !' X X i, IS coloi:ll ! mi:lixs nt III J'l lOOb .Suusslion Al! to Re LINEN at CRASH at OI.KTAIXS at l'A ELK CLOTHS m .1 ut Mo.sOl iViiiat itsn SinaliiMt Si-llMlt intt riSHt ion iSoi'ati.m l-'l il'l!' ' JifiCi'S 1 jn ices j'tic'cs, I'EI.MJE at ;.t ut nt hi M-osstii'S'. i ' t LX'.'X yrnsation Si nsiu ion Senmii iou ' IIOSI i.i, t , It ! ' IH 'X S : 11; I M M I NfiS 1 v ' ..i .M I ul Suii.;ilion VI ill! Alll'l H in any ii'.nn Aiivuvs n liuml ut M KS( 'PS'. CASsIM LUES SA I'JINEJ'S TWEEDS .HANS v Esrix'tis siiiRnxos nl Rl. 1.1 111 lit Ht iiusili'in Svusalion Si'nsntmii Scnrtitinn Scnsal inn S'i):.;itinn ut MOSS )i'iiOs' M ittiiH . 1 Jil'IOCS pt'l- s i ! OV. CI.oTHINO mi-'lt ni v.'i.atM, Punt';, V.ts, I i i 1 . r '. :!iirlH, Flnniirl Shirts, LiJOta, l-lliOiia, ll;us uivJ Cups, . . i at .sciivitiiii 'oiv f'. (..!(. ,it Mi'ListJl'S' 1! A R )V,'A RI' prion'!'! sttc'i as Saws. nails F o r k, K nives, Sj, II iugri, at cer.iiAtla iLlOl'oUS, i'fU-'os prkCS 'SjrS'. til,, vi, i.i.oi' .ftwnsriti,in ' j cti-., etc., lull ', sui'li as 1 Piuii-', RaisiiiB, Fii:. FiilsOi't.i, Ac. j at scination I Rt MO: (TfiiTlil , V-'t i'h'1 ' - I' lour, II rr. , Slmtilili'M, Sticar, Mo1hsi3, Coll'i'O, ;lt Si tiMi'.ioii T.'.a, C 1' A C 'i r. i s, Siiiriii. C;ituRi.s ! f rices Coal Oi!, vV:., cto. J AJirav? :it Mo.SSOP.S . PLACKIXl. ROPES TOW DEP. SHOT LEAD CAPS jirices prices jiriocs jriocs firii es I'ricos At tlio ft.iro cf PiICHAJM) Moss(,i aIOsSSOP Alwav? koojii; on Lan.l a full rssot of nil ktniD nl goivdx r-viuiic.I ' tor tin' uocummodiilicn of llio tiMiir. , N. v. 12, Vr,2. Valuable Timber Lnnd anrl sa7 mill rnorERTY 1: flIUS tir.c p-o;.er'r is Pu it in iir:iri frmn- f ip, ClenrCeM county. Pa., and rontiiins ubiiiit I. ".)(! urrca of Land, tract No. S.:.l, and parts of tracts No" i.ttli ami 6S17. The-e land- are v.'t heavPy TIM1!LHK' with a Milan, tityof FINK, OAK nd jinMl.iit'f. A STEAM SAW-MILI, Ia eoirpl 'te ruiuiing order, epfnblo of outlii.2 ' Three M'-lIion l-rrt rf lloants per amm-n, -.1,1, i! ,. .1. ..!!',. V. V' ' ... i.--..'. .. u-.r. ooiiwni... il c lur puiiing sin.-n in ino nun; one largo Mansion Hoii.o, six (runt horr., ffore houn-, .Sebridl House, three h.'i'n.". a Mai'kiiilihlin. and nil cccMiry OH'liLiMnp nre ttp'.n M.e properly. Thi-rn nrn al.ntil ?lk sere. I l' I j pond fence, and a Plank II .nd toward the river for irettinir iiimtor to rnnrknf. I This vnlunl.lo propiT'y Is sinnte upon S mdj , Creek, ab".it 4J miles from tho river, and is nop. ularly i.nown as til , ... Pl ,. rcnciivtlls Stcam STul Property, and is roi offered at PRIVATE SAL!', upon reasonablo terms. All kinds of sawed lumber cn be nf!y and eeononvoally t.ksn lo marknl from the roint Indienteri. j-'T' Application can be mode to either of the n..l..M:..n.J l l' . . m r1 aU , um'.vi ii iicu n-.iiiinir at iiearnoni, i.inrHi:iii Cirar I V Pa all V, .......... .11,. ... V. r l!,l In. couniv. ra... r nor t ormina v or r. JAS. T- I.F.OSAnn, Sepl. 9, lPf.3. SI. A. SIALLVCL, PI It OV L-ION8 Flour. I hees. Lit!, Dried Apples, Pried res. Use., re etvsi tegaiarly Rt tenant ion il kriisoti-jii rt roiistttiiHi ?iisation M a;'Ouiitinn flt fenfatii"! tr -m tb wv.t a the sMre of J i'. h H AT. '.'.It. a ::i iiiiA m.M i miimi i' a iti:i: 71 . r II I, 111 J.I KV I, IONIC 'i tit: .1 (l it IH -(icTinsm iU(irr I I'hi i'ali::. :'v 1K.C. iM. A t -ON. 1 run.; in ? nu.i, t '"Will FlTTttially mid jTor ertL'; CURi: ALL DILASLS AHISI.Ni rit'lM A DISORDERED LIVER. STOMACH o IIIDKEYS. 1 1100FLAN IAS OKI I.MAN iSITTEB. I .Will euro every c a 2 of I'Chrotiio or Nervous D.'bili'y, Disas. ( f the Ki l l nes, and Diseases a.-innif ttvzt a lis I (riloreil Stouineu. CMJS.EitVE THE FOLLOW I NO SYMr- trus refill t i n from DisnrJe:' vf tbi Dljjustiie Orjjjni ; in war I I'ilet, b' it 1 1 n e or HIooaI to t a 'lead, Acidity of the toiuaeii, ivB'le. dleurtburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Wsiht u li e KtouiK'.'h, SonrlJluo lations, Sinkint; or Liutterinj Hi the l'it ol the hti uiach, iwiui ininj: of tho Head, Hurried aj 'Hillieult llreathins l'iuttorijij at 'ilctrt, Chi kin; or sulT3(ling fsecsa Mitioii" when in a lying posture, Dimrese ot ision, Dots or V.'ubs before the f'.hl, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Detlcienry of fcrspiratior, iVcliowucis of Skin and Eyei, Lain iu the side, Back, Chest, I.iuiln, tc, 6nddn Flush es of lleat. Homing ta tl.e Flesh, Cotrattnt Jmaglnlcgi of F.Til and gret i) e p r eeslon of Spirit. PAT.T'i'A'IiAR NOTICE. For ttesswai it. sire and wiil bavew 'Liquor Bitter, we publish. the followiun receipt : Oet one bottle JloaSan d'a il. rm. in Pillors and mix w'tH Thrt$ Quirti of Cwiit li- i'i i or M'n'ey, and Ih rult mill b a (.repiu-Ktiiiii that will fnr ttttl In aieuioins.1 vir. lin s an 1 true e.Tcelletco any aif ti numerous l.i'iior Ili'lers in the nwrket, a.;3 will eof mwU -. Voi; will'have all Ui trirtnaf of Ht-Jtamf 1!, tuc i ii connection with a gooi tr'.ioie of LI jUor, ' at a iBui h'M'.ii price than these Inferior prepiri- ! tir.ns nill co:4 jou. WILL GIVE YOU liOOl) A P PETITE. A Will pive yon SI RnXO IIFALTLiV NERVES, Will givs vou i.!;'sv: rKVf:v;Ttf! vvri fv.'ii l;1:'! SLEEP WELL, P"1 -" jind will imsilivolv prevent. . D.Li.r.ow 11. V LK, E1LL10U6 FfiVEH, 0; l'1'K'.CS' Those; fr-im broken Down and toli- atn Comt'.tulions, Tr on whviirer cause, either ia Male or Female, will (kid in U mfiand't German liilters, a Ji.Dineily that wLl restore them to .;eir i usual henllh. Such iinS tren the cue in thous . M ll'l llf 1 11 ance s, and a lair U-luJ U but resulreii pr"vo the sssorticii. Ii en,.. in l.T thai lliose nit'ereare KOI i.lct. lie, aud Nut intended es a Eefriji. ! The prnprierors have thiusand o'. Lltn frar ; 'ie ui'i't fuiinuni. Clergyin'm, Lawyers, I'tyii- i-iaiis and Cili,vri5. leMiljing rf their own pr. , sonal knnwledge, to the beueuoitd effeot noi uio.lii nl virtues of these Litier-i. ', ' "" Iter. ,1. A- "in firoirii, I). A, Ehtr.' tht ' Kufrl .i i ,-; e' Ati'i jnm A'aoie'eiv Although not diip .sod to favor ar enl Patent .Medicines in goliorai, lhrci.;':i dlst-ujt of their ingredients and elfeHs, I yet know o:'no Miffijient reasons why a man may 0 .t todify to the benefits bo believes himself to h".' reeeived ; from any simple pre; arolion, in the lieno the.tll ! may th-n cntiibuto to tho ben!it ef e:,hers. lit Jl'-bSOfS i 1 do this tho moro readily in rig'rdte rfMf I laud's (lermaii Hitler;, prepared by Dr. C. al. I Jackson, of this rit;-, because I wan piroiadiced against tlucu for ir.auy years, nntor 'he iinprars-! th-it they were chicly an alecriollo mi'tiire. ; i am indebted to toy fiiend Eob.-rt Ehoeiuaker, : Rsi)., for Ibn removal of this prejudice by rf'T'l" tcstpi, und for eneouragement to try them, when ; sulleiiiig from great and long oontinued liobiLty. Tho use of three holtloa of these iiitifrc, at tb beginning of the prercnt yeor, was followed by 'evident relief , and rertorution to°reoof bod. ; ily nnd mental vigor which I k id not felt for in months before, and bad almost despaired ofr paining. I therefore thank Ood and my fries., for diructing me O the uti of thorn. J. NEWiO.V IOWIf, PliiUdelphia, June 13, 1841. Mseasei of Kid-icys and Bladder, In Tonrg sr Aged, Mule or Female, are spne lily removed , and speedily restored to health. Delicate Children tboso (ufferini; frim Starts. inu, wasting away, with t'tnroely any CotU oa thoir bones, ate cured in a very short time; one bottle in such cn-es, will have t inoet surpriiing effect. Piirenis bin Ti . g auiTurinir ehildrsnai sbora, an I wi'l ing to raise theui, w ill never regret the day thev com mrni ed with (hose Hitters. Lit rary men, ftudenti, and tU3e working bard with their brains, should always keep a bot tle of IlneBland's Hitters near them, as tuey will nml niiie.b benefit In n. its use, to both uAud and, 'body, invigorating and not donr iisiiif;. It is not a Liinoretauiant, itud leaves no prof ' (ration. ; ATTENTION, SOLDIERS, .And the friends of Soldiers, j We call the nttrn'ioo f all having mlntioni or irenils in Hie army to (he Tact that "liootlaod Oerman l!!iier" will cure nina-tentl'S of the dif. crises induced by e poimre and privations Inci dent to camp life. In tho lists, published almoJt daily in the newpapert, on tb arrival tf the sick, il will be noticed that a very largej proportion are suBering Ironi debility. Kvery case of that , "K ,r" u9"1"' w-J ciis.or.nai k'- dean be readily cured by Hocanod Oerman ,; ... , .... i. ! .. . ., iinia iiv UHlwuill iq pn lug lua;, ifliico Rllters wero freely usd atnoDa oir ao. ilr, hundreds of lives might a ears J that otb erwi.e would bd Inst., The propriet-im i,r daily repe!vlr thankful letters from suffurem in the army and hospitals, who h ive been rc. loredto biailh by the use oj thcc Litters, cent to (hem by their friends. PEW A RE OF COUNTERFEITS t see lLa: tl.e sigratnrt cf "C. SI. JACKSOS" U on the WBAPfrR of each Cottle. I'rlrc n r lottl TS cents, Or half dozcu for I. SI. onlil your nearest drazglst not he 'bssrtl cle, do not i,e put oil by any of 'ht Moxioating preparations that may be offered in Its plane, but ind to us, and we will forward, seoureljr pack: J, by erpress. Principal Offlee an j Manufactory, Ko. tJCl Arab, lltret, I'nilajelpllls. J0XE3 k EVANS, I'sceitcri tu C. H. Jacksox A Co.,) Proprietors. Jilt-tot 'e al ITartiwIsk A UusWi Druj sl":e; ' it-a.-'if'V !'. vly 1 'CS j hi t