Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 25, 1864, Image 2

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.l.rl,.id l.wlwoi-k Ij Hi .i.u- "lilt
rn oik II.;.'.. the J".' Voik ',!- i,
.--'( r-i-' Mid pno'Ler paper J ud'.iln'.l
kit lul( :tn. rc, l; the tinb'ry. '.ip'ii onion
.r-iud fit. in Wi. h't Ton. T..- t'.lVr.v.Mil
(lie fi't the pi.bho.iliijii oi n foig
td proil.iuiii'u-! el l';osivii lit I. in.' In
i 1,. ,, .in I i' n l 1'ir .1 i,mn hi in r.-t
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l I bp i i y ci pome l h p.. 1 1 and il'
-opt i in - Il iv i'ul I 'ii 'i ti- Ili'" ' -in
ni ' i.itii i't in their 1 1 i v 'op . i ti i - I 1
ith l',i. sulit-vt f ! Ili' v were firiuvil
'rem I'.Ht l. lii-i. In uiiii'(i them iul i il
.Ii.truTinfi Hi if c ii iiifl.irti'!i, tiny
i !(,: ''I l'i'!" x'fiiM to (-1 ti the (.Vnriiti,
, -i.mi'M" 'ii '.oivU I lion l.i n I
i I'.ut n i ii, tri'iV... (mi lu-'
io Comiiiiiuioiu'K ili l ) n-l l to liu'ir ini
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ii ii I Nliii ' ni'i..i., mi --
" I nl i ' (.! i, "ill . 'I in it' H',1 Hi, i'lli,'"i .
"I'lio ,'i I iij;iiii., ' T' l'ln' I ll;i trl"
'mi i in;: in i oilry i. ii 1 1 i if. In iii n " 1 1 hi i
tin n nl III ; iii, "i 'i.uu" liij oi" ti."'
I Ihi .li'i -I", m r.nij.'lit vniiHiitlv, UlllllL'll tuk-
,ii. a ul'iTai-!i'e J.'i'uuli, iu ft u , -u , lro,v.IP1.l)U:,iv turn Ihoir l..u-k ur.'in tliom
.uo iMiy, nno, as lu-ia.'c , in,t filll to iliu.i.n2, 1 .n loriiiK ami
njn.n'wu'U L:.c iliC'-ivoJ iiint'iy-iiino inun j
I fppre? pu' 'lie UlOiii. l.i r.'M m.i"i.'i.J Ifm, aw
in cvr l.umlroa, c.Mnit);! in llie iiK-niu'r , ,. .,.(. ; v; w ;i y thAt J 0rU:ii
v. Ni-itbor of tl.f oJitor knew uny j .. (i .;l(1J cl(,i ,,,,u,m;i,1i m m..u;.,;
thing '.I it until tlicy roivj it iu their ou Ctlu,itih
fiipom tho i.pxt tnoMiiti)
Itn nl ii'," n "iio t - -1 1 j u !. li II"-
!.! mi I a i ii,' ' ""' i i p t .ni 1 1 i i " 1 1 ,
III- , i Kill mi il l'," i iv 1 1 :u ni'-i i , "i I I-
I j n r.nii ; 'H I nl c. ti.'' V . li i , (
ni f, '..mi :
The PoMliotn of the Artuir
I Ll' l tllK lll'tll l 1
IU M',;l K I I l! ." I II t'llKI'l, M.IV I 7 . - i I. I
' li'll llll'Ml I V iv it f I O.I I I 'il ,l hljjllill ftiitl.HI,
,, ...I I.,,,.. .,1 l '., .1 ... I ' ... I ...... I I
' " "i-' ' " V ': i ... , .1. I ...
il.llii. Ul'll.Tull M.'.Hl.l llll'l (..llt I'll -"' .r-"""..'' r . x
'icu l.cni tli'MO till .1 fi 'V niinu'''s In tiiri'. -
I in in thin ;iti.m ,k I. 'ili r viitv tlinii li "i:
;iiiv o 1 1 i : .,inl i.t oui' i iiiniiifiu.l ih to I'.'
li ul of tin; i.'l.i l ini"ition iiihI tlitnr lim 't
o.ii tliwoi k'i, i nliiJ.k'.l to tliPim o.ii thwil ki
j isti'iil.iy, ai Mvn lVoin nur lie;i'l 'i.irU'i's ;
but to .lay 'it fiii tln'i" ii)n'i'tl.iit of IIumii,
'llll'l I'CIH'iit 01' till H'll'lllllll ll'll'St'l'I'S uv
viil l.y tho i'ul t'S, ireseiuoii tlii'til
not only in a uIimmt lizlit, but tlevoloiK"!
iulmost their entiro jiomtion ami mrongth.
tlirir ftsxTikmtK in tuo four. ;ut
t vol!, v li.i.ii i In- ii li.'h in i ur
A ' "''''' '"I " "I l "I Hi ti"V"nii t
In ih Mmv 1 1 ih l'i,i,..,n j, vi-ii t-
vli' ii , iin li lUliH' i n lvt.'. ir'i'i if nl
, i Tin 1 1) M tini'ii V i. tut ni,,, iM,n
IP I', '' IIH' I'l II li I ITIIimii.) dm. n. , r
1 1 Ik I iii tt.p i. ,'lt Mi'Mi'l iu rl In On. I'd .
"lli' yiM'il li''' ii'Mj f'l'ttinnn li Inut
I ii'j? I it i 'f ni' 1 'i, i ' i j't n l'i I'lu'ti
i ti iin. I'.tli, 'ii i ii i; I In ii I , it
I .ill I lii ' (In !.. li I nil Unit T iV
Vi .', i'h, ii,'. mint t, iim n 'n
.''.mill rl I ,, I, 'ivn.,1 hi ,1 : I'.itli .
I'll' I, i'. i t'H rn.nn I it ilt-lhiU ni thtt
I'l i'ii! inn i nf i hr. I ii ", 1 1 ti . 1 . t Mirrmi li ir "J h.'"'t"t. tl.
i j." i, :-i in dip Miiii,i),.i.ili i i j ,
ni I' n 1 1 k n i.u i ! i l in I.i'iiiihli htl 1 A r
''in, Al lnt a. ,' iunt Uit rolioN p;t
lull. lu.:!. t.i v.inlt AlivitH, iu.., bi.iny
l,u I ii n i ei o lilit i llfK'.-a alMiT
iiiuh'ii liiirc", iii wliii'li our Inisc ;n re
"ittp'l I '"110111 ihiin kh'1 four tlidiRntnl,
.Si;;i-1 in tit tlu pnnmy utnJcr Eoholi,
"f i
I, p..
' Is ,
i i
H ,
v f,
' r
"i .
... i.i..,in n i it. i,i
m -I ! ti ! 1 1,. ,.,
I ii. ,11, ,il.
1,1 I, . l .,.,r.,,i.
I l"i.ii,. :, '..,i,i
M V i, Ii.
' ,
'"I l,
I ....
"iul'N lihi ''
I I. ' "i"-4
I-.I ..4 ..r.l ,:h..m.,,
i',f turn n y r.., , " , J
1 (Iul i u! ).) oi t :rt x.i f
l.riM,c tr.. unit 1 . , S-ji
lTIU-ltl..N, li,,,.. i... .
i'i"i' .iiii.ij.Urn.vf;
n ur w.i. tin' t.i.i.' t ir lii. H.iult IniUinli n an l ricrkinrnlp cn Suudny the
mir Ii .nit mi. I ll.iuk
'J'.vo I i i I'los rtinl l,'j i .ilti'i ii'S of (Iv
loth tiour .Nrnv Muikct, mrl afl.T
U tit ti:ty filtl. Ju'l.rm! .,.'
II, e cottiii im o: .'li.i.":i, a c 1','i.1
nd U, l,,,n. J AMI J:l!o'' v ! CiJ'
TmiMi'sos, As ;..j,.iP7r.'.4,
hnvr uniii 111' ir ur.n, t.i i. . , 1 1.
ulding ffa Cbbiiiif C ,nir..1u b''
..iirt, Court "f (Jjurtir b r-iu.. 7"'
TfrmlLor, iid Cwni id ,M.ur,'n s
kftvtirA fl..l:l tl rrn'lt.rl I r V,A
! .. .. .. . 11 1 .... . ... I....1 ' ..' ... I . . ... i f .....Ir . ' nr.rt
....... , s .....I.,,. ,i ntiii i.u. l- -. i,,.- , ....... i. '. I.
t l", Mir. iT 'ii'ii ill I'.ijiiuring iiio:.i oi unco "-.iu, i y,
on nui lihl inn, iiHsmloU irnnt with itJi of five jjutiH And about OiK kill- j of ciyfi.l.t, w t! , ki
K'reat ilpsiMTalion, whilu the Nvon.l South ,fl, woumK-il Mid mining. Th robeU XOTJCFli'' xhetJ "'''
Carol. n:i rivalry aUu.'ki'I it with u,rIlliu, .j.;. Mv(.:r Wll, . ,h c',1.,1 v-pto. ' Ce'rornr. U,Sf, ',7T . f'X
, i, ..... 1 1 .. i .: 1 ----- - . . ,, ;p - ,
"!.'- I'll. 'It'll. IHTUIUJll Ull'l ... f ... .. .1 . ID 111 1 !.f (mid CUL11IT nf ....... "aak
l.i. it I ni. t-. il in k nun r mn n . ----- , v,.,,,,;.
This ollonsc of tho U.ili'nn hp pupur m,,
no ten it etatc.l, tho assortioii our
lo5Ci ir. tho recent ta'.'.k'J in Virginia
reacht-J T.l.l'.'O men.
8upio?o nil thffp Rot wpi't ola'rio.'s of
tho n:ct pi ievoii!! I'lmractor. whv is it that
the i'.V: law it thus ret at cK-tiancc '.' Ii it I vl11"
i-iuijily to uiuke tho I'eojilo tv.'ilii'.u that ; li":'J :
tbey esUt uinler a dpypotL-m fully atul r, y
'poiniUe, tiiojr viujkoil back tho forc , !. 1" fci'l'crcCutil ly Gcnjral. Innauiujuii, Exami:jut.itiN r,.
ttsat Ak'sanu.ia el hut ttc
I krancct, to d i i:: ' :k,'! v s.. we.
. an l in tLcir bi-hi.!;'. i.crunj i o k, i-t.
, . , iU.
... r. V....I.. ... . iu m.i. .li nu.w tui.i t t . .......
t . t .... t . ..... t :. ii I'Ji iiii:ui. ,hl:ii-. I L IB H n IB Bl uuau . . -,v-'w.c
I Ii i. .,,! ti u 1 1 1 n Minm. liul not. ' ul11""'"' " ' v "... , . , . " I" '''-,:. a t lit it 1 ., J
I. ...... t, '. .ri.',-......t..t 'r.f . ..'.... ' r,.-twi . . .it ,, ll.ilL.o.l l.lif.. I. Ill'i'l i-ii:', .' Dli ,'VI III. ll ll ' J tu -I Ul . J nil Ul M LI ,!,M. I , : ' , t,. ...j
iiit.i. ..... I.IHM., " '- (attack up. A iiosition could nanny im -.-i ---j , r i.i, .
ter from n mpmlu-r of company C, 6ili ' mora pCure, fiml I.ei.inT th clefoncM it thou- I .ink m a moment uml fouKht Hunter.
. i . . , . . . . .'ii . i'ii :m( v from in a I heir mu-ftu'h mn ! i - -1.
i fy . . l i.. . i.. .I aim. .in ii i.i n 'in mi I'Ptn'iii t ni i n u i-i - i i.i u k n in i hicyiiiiu: ii hi i.n:r i.
IfcV I ti v. vi I'."'. .! ., it-i , j , ..!.,-.... ' I I t . . . . . . I . .x . . I , ... . . I 1 . ,. I i 1 - x lnl'X-.ltl.xJ.lll .ikL'l it i i . . J
last L.i.k'PI,.n,'. Our oorrt.MHmJi.nt Nfwn outof it by hu Ma.e?.o manonvp,- ''' .' V": ' f. t- "up rpi.ort is that he ha.l .lartcl ' d., ,.f May. Uti., tcw, ,.i
. .., ....... n,;.. i-.....,i;. a i ' '.' or beaten oui iy ovorwueuning at- - , . ;,. ; . i." J.u. t...: . " . i "
IIllM.llKl'11 tin iu iii.ii t-'.'ii.v.ii.. .vt ' tt...'
acpouiita ho wii u: one ot the houpiUils at
lpy after volley into tho reU'l ranks; Iho ovti tutul tor -Mw Uilenm..
Tho right of tho rp
Another nays
i .i i - ......... i . , .t i . ... ..
... , , . Kfr. tiv k ti j.. nn i ', i m ni -i i n n ii f n r ,ii. i.i .i.,T..r. , I ,,.t,u.. u I i
oi lino reus on i io. ---.' --!-.-.. . :r 1 v" vau
licit o'.vin:
and utill ancthor that his supj lips
i ari
. . . ...!.. I ..I .... . .
ton -!.h .M-..f. ivniin.l in Mini I'.niiP,' u li! 1 1,. nv.T a m u to the I- I'll. " ) '"V 'ii.-im iv. iiun iu tlrin.
).,f ,,. r.'nt,,. ai',,1 from tho I'o rivpr runs "".' ""' 11113 P:tl0,ja ol our jiipkots . , ..,. . r(, . . nilLAI-CirHlA i tr.'r
t t. ..- ,., i,1,.,...iBrlv tli.'ir loft povprin" the Brock i0l"'n''tlUli'' ' "'""'id not b uspd, whi.e that ' ' , rplllS grt utr-n ti,.,
In Tiis W iuikrxs , M;.y 1.'.. " enemy thundered away utourlineH moncd to surrende.. U W not doubted. I Nonbweft. .n ;fMttt S
,.-.'-Tho following in the loss in 1 1 '"".V l"i"ch nn.l 1 ik-inaekie tliuich J ,(.,...,..:, ' t!i citv of Kri. Lm. i. ,as,-"
rnniH lMviiii- n inla lino 0 ( P (Ml CP! Iiitir , : --j- ,
i rt- ---j
ri.-mly inaucur.-ited ' jCo. .'. o far:
This high hnnded outiat-. was brought ! A'..'7o i -Oliver Conklin.
to the Attotition of Con l ast l i -idav i M '.W-C..l. M.-Uauicy, .la,. 1
' t ..I'i,....l, .1 I,. Il.i H il! l..n. II
liv M? Oov of O'.i.i. illiii':iii! a rolu!inn '. ' .. ' .. ' ... .... . .1.,.,. 'I'l.. r;,.l.i un.t lol'i n.f ilwir i.rh
J ' c '-Nivpet, Liaiuliua uiratii, ueo. v . i.mjie, - - , . irn(.it .,,'s i.nve bri--ade e-
rei'robr.thiff tht aot as "au arbitiarv o-d ! i i i,,v Niohohm Zi-ii-lur. DanT '"o.ksnie covered by woodn. Fronting '':.1.0 ',0,',"'tn ul . ' .'. .
i-age ojion the o jtiililuti na! rights ol tins j Horn, Martin McAllister.
titiaiett." The rcW.utiou wa immediate-. U i.arrnnerT.ronaOty a '.';" , ' ,i C; j " Vi,. K'hode Ihhind artillery. Surrounded on
ly objected to by Mr. Washburn an d Mr. ; SaTta'u'ot, to the i there e, u.'o pit, in front are filled " tho enemy v, ith loud d.cerS d,
Farnsworth-t.o, p..- .UZtL nt vi,h sharpshooters. tr '' '
venting its inirouuction. v nen su;ii sots ; ,wlsos. evero iiu.iij is reponeu us uaving ciuIli Hcekmau ivau now missinc. A
are tnua taoiiiy Kaiioiioiiva t ro wo n a
quuejustitio.i i.i sayiug t.iav wo nve nn iu th(( 1:l(0 baltlos, wo
uer a despotism.
his gutiboais ahyvo Alexandria ' u, f'f J'ic- -ae W.
. i I ..i it .1 i. ii nisi 'i in ii r i ten vt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 :i 1 1 v ii i . . ,-i i , , . i .. , .. l , .. ,. . . i . - l ..
miit ni ItnUi, ami ft inane line, uouiu-, . c , " Illu -uii-t-j l-.iu-.-. nrru iaj -.u-
le.-3,of noarlv doullo this length. Their , '''V1 . milkl,1S feel desperate. The rc.(, or d(,s,r0Vld nJ lhe W.e exi-edi-
,1,,,',..,., nio'.tt.wi iii ihn (,,-i,wii' ii liniB. rebel loroe in the rear of our line again , ..
telencpn aie almost in tuo to in oi a noise-, tmn m b-1 pvnd t.i I... i . i,.it ".nirnm
assanru u. ;o rpiniorepuiunis nan yei
ol '.lie wir.
iho centre u an open now a runo ana
threp-fiuarteru wide. Hero their works l-''enth Maine ai
.1.. ...,., t nr., i i,.,.;,!,,. ii, ,c hhodis Jhf.ind artillery.
tun- ii-.
(ienerul Steel it bciit ved to be at Little
Pock, Ark., the report that he had ei:r
rpmlered his whole army is positively evn
trad ttcd
The latest dispatch from Secretary Stan
ton is dated on Sunday last, in which lie
i- i - (. i.:n.,.i ioci'iire l on Thu lnd.iv tho 1'Jth. The fol-; few mnmenU bofnrn Iin was senn t.t rn
11 1 1.1. b 11. .1 11 J U 1 1 1; l u u r. I n. II - - o ' , , r . , r . I . - r
.... ... ! .1: 1 I.. . . i .1 .. 1 .... f ,t':1. I;ivnv:lt. 17 if IliA mm.uhnn. .r
. . i ,n ,a ,,r,,mi a i i ir 1 1 1 1 u oi l. v ci v ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 o t' i it. 1 1 1 1 . it 1 1 ' I en- i j - ' i - . -w.. - ...
ti ll. I .lint1..," - - ..- ..
rem, I f ii m' , at),,
ir.j; ;i.;uui.v e,,fr.i.
It i i.u in lit" :
"int i fr,iia liiimslur; tn
"1 I n P.l t T .. .
Flieffu-iJ to trie, 75 a,4; jfc tj
Tim,,. r,:....(r 7ro.'w (
rWi.ress Train lcjuf- tit'-BrS lyi '
Ac ''iL'n Irain arrin'S netwrd Jj,-'
C'nrF tuu t!',rn.i;.fi n-j-r-rt CBngtrt'
n Jhi en trrtn. I cttwu riitH.TCjj,'1
ll.ivon, ni.J betwerr llaH.&i'Tt tiij. J
Upjrunt i('iiin; Car '"t4a,Tjl. j'
Train Imth f.'ivt 1 1 T-icn V iV.iitaitiCiT'
. . . . ...
. - 1 ' . 1.. I " -. ...1 ll II ... ...I... 1 .. L--. I. 1 1.. mum nn.! t..,..ia.i-., .4 n . ,. t. - j .
. - t - oi 'i-i - i . . ii. - eourai-'iiiL' his men ov n h o.muiiiho. e.o . . ihuiki, ihjui ii ih c.pi-n Bin'Pi ppupu r.v . '..,.i.".i "".He
l om, .uay .ii no .;. iia-j uie T,.s xu (l..or PunKi.X U.til si..,r..r !... . fur information "n tic !MmSH. '
KiyThn JmMh crj.i:i of the 1 Ith ins!.,
parsioU in averting that tho County Com
missioners have ordei ed tho eollei.tioii of
'.f Win i ins am Mr. Maybkc. both of .new l OKU, May -i. i nu .. uaa ui ,.,..,. v T ir'...Ai
i .... . ,- it ,t , . . , To lowms! 8W"eiaw: t;m!riws .-may t-i , , , ... ... . , . .. . :-' ., , ., .. . bth.Iv at tU h. K. Cur. i:th ?w.
i i K loivnsiiiri. in. du i ten ine iari:e .. " 'r ... ., . t- . , n.ii ni im him nqnv olimt oiii(ih. our .(i cs ui unnuiin tire nrmv o hip rn n. '. - , . ,
i an I',),,,.,,,,. ,u.iv iii i. n a. in. jiv ii is I .ale li . . . ... . i . ' ; .inu lor ire. cm i,li:i
.nit i.i.iru;., ,',....;, ... M.. .1- i. wou
! I ,,'.t,7,. .iv I'. a :i. in. .ill it.? '.in i . . : . . . .1 ... . - 1 -ttju 1..1 a u'.i,.. i.p.i.' m t ,.
! families of small children ; rind also a Mr. ; , j . yesterdny informed yon of ,l;ive vcro "',,,na tlie eeti')' , "c; "ther account,lioivpvpr,Pnv there wBS , Ac6I1,, b E. K i,s-.or., jr.,Ccr JUi
Shamir and a M,-. of D.o ni t,nc nui.l., li nmnim' n tlm : " I'.ipiure our bKirmiMiore ; . o i.g. ung tm r riuay
1., i.-.t i,ii. .,c 1 1 ,t in.-.ii. ,., ,.imi 1 1'lLtltL ot our line, enu tho Imnd.ionie man- i
. . ,, III , . I tlllll.3 11,1 Hlll, ,,. I.,t JVUI1, IlL.Ull.ll, f . .
more bounty tax than will be required to ; c ! nor in w ueli the rebels were driven back.
..... . , anion" in niimtio". . !
irreet and redcein the bonds f.iliuii' due on , it was m nlo dy the w hole ol mvpii s corps
the 1st cfJr.DUi.rv next. We luvc-d.ovn. ! CuJ'U,n hl S.Jor,tu ,on. f niic c0" iThc enemy left the vicinity oi'Spottsylva
. ,,, , , ln:M tormerly oi this place, is alio repor-
tbe contrary. e have bhon that if the , , , ... ,' ' ,
. . . ,, , .. . ,, Ted unioug the killed, no entered the
whole amount on tho duplicates is codec- " . , ,
, , , ., 11 , 1 service as a private n tho Into Cnptuiu
tea. nn.f rma err, there will not be more , '
.. . . ,, 1 1 n r 1 Urudy s eompuny (k) 11th teijiiiient I.
iliau about one thousand dollars of u sur- . , , , ,
, n . 11 i -. i i . Tl' C, ar.d r.iii'iJ ttli3 Ciptaincy
t.lnd Rnl. i-Mlip'! iirs i ii not uIivni'H luiv ' J
i v.. - , . r. (-.....(.. : ri ,.,.,),. f..n
d IUUU Bill;. VUl'lUtll untuj it...
but Btill tho fi,;lit went on, the enemy lit- Sutuidiiy'g moveniPHts.
Nothing heard of t., PliiUde'.iihi:
orally blasting his path into our lines,, Our gunbeats arc at Frrderielcfcbiirg, for '
. i. ..." .1 ... .. . i. :.. i .... :i i. l.rt : , ..ii 1 . r : :
It was mido by the n hole of K.vell's corps. " "uf 1 , W 1 . i-i. ".e- ,, .-, i,slmt. ,n
J l ..,1 Kf I Iu. kdiMitl ii n ( i nit iniiui'in. in rnninini n. niip u niim it.l u ..mi.iu.
I J 111V I1UVU J vjiynijinu i '" t. "Ml " i.'uuvivu, V. OllPj" l.V
nin I nnrf I! nil an ' .ni I. I t in xr-lft'dnv . .... J 1
i i . ,i- , - i.i lie Irjion lino v,ih uouMt'd i:p. '':ic ... , , .
mad, a de our by the est, eros.ed the . cai,,ol)S ox p,,,.;,.., . wl !o,t a ' l -r..T.-La?t mplitVom; Lr.n-
.iy, mid, about (i o clock struck the ! red-, l.i ierv F of the "d New York lost a di-patch trom Secretarv SiHtiton, an-
ericksburg read in rear of our rifcd.t flank, .t ; , ' .,, nounciiv that Lee was fall,!- bark, and
.,v v.. ...... ...... , . ....... I , , ,, .. !,.., .... t
io kU'lden 'Y. ... . ""'.i'11'
riier. .io i ;litin" f-ince
.1. V.'. lifTDi.'df L-if :
.1. M. liri'll, A?or. r. H. 'Bis,
II. 11. Hto sti n. ties'; I'i-at Af'Tyi :
Lr if I.. H..TPT ti.-i.n Tin rt A; ;,'j' '
lu. i. I'.-tt.-. i. vi. , SiAO.Vg
r.i.iTi'-. im..
"1 i:':Tr4: vtu i3
1 V pivon li t. I. '1, i,.r ,-rra.s.
cxitiin d ia-:-.i t.v m .:.. I
l'.i.lllllL. Hill ti ii . I III i III i-i. i MI..I i vi a j i it , . ... , .
i .-.i i i c f. , i Fitriiftion of their liorsps ami tho
mile of the l;e:iJ(tutirt?Vi ot Meade and , ... ,
1 , approach ot the enemy i';oii tlicnv
w mtv. nave an idea which they do not . , 1 at the tune were a poiiple of reciments of V i,'-
(y ot tins place, recently hpu ire
received in one of the battlct iu
! from tho Led
, in, i ..1 .
Oar line was yielding to the
ressure, ivlien, Io! tho battle ' !IAItlfi;i)iii the sia inst.. 17 ,1. W. Mm.
I.. r . ,1 (-,.... . ' . "l ,v. . ' ,,,,..! niili iii,.r'inil intomtilv nn iron. Mr. Wm Il.iril ti M rs. M ir-nrr:
t , . . . 1 . . I .. 1 . ............ IV Ul 11113 I'lillU. IHLliilLII uit'l imill ttmiilUl ,.. ''.. .,.',. ,1 ,, . nt, .I i,,.,.-.. rnl I i ,-, i . . w , ...... - . -.. - r- ?
ail 10 rmciice iii.u i.icy n.ivc n j em 10 . I "'" 3 - ..'..-..... v, ,,, :,,. f',,.t )r!,L-..' hrnr- n nh ..! l.nwr.-
1 ii.u .uuiu-. npver oe o re in iter me. jyieraoon oro 1 , , . . it.,,., v m i- . 1.
. . . - J . . ft, . l,,.a iirt'll'O.!. mill lln 1 I : ll .V7 1 ill'lc
up the rpmamilor oflus ami mot the Ul ,n,Illv 11Iul ,,,millg to lhe
fi. m it ( i.i;" If iliivm" Ihn pniimv larl; in- . " . r ...
. ' J ft. a. .nn nl 1 1 i'l- .' mini. h -ti'n ollli'i'l
rerora in !:. . ".
Ippntcot. cr. .'.i'.i r
il. Irrosi.'d, a."', v i'
.v nic, nu'Tmt.C:
ft-: :.. .,itM.n. ::
t' ..IrrAiTl u il
I. nli
r i'l!
I ay it over, and iu the meantime can
upteulalo ia railroad or any other kind of ei'5
(For tho llujiubttean.
Mttfi. Kiiihrf : I see an advertisement
in your paper calling tor propoa!s fin
tins town, for
Tlut, we are accused of allowing the
.'f I ... 1 - .
4icasurui 100 laigo u pel ucuiag.;, anu a.o rel, ,in . lho Mat kel Lot in
told that tue lieasurer : allowed tut' one two tv-uiis of five or ten years, and signed
haf of oh? per cent" for receiving and dis- by .1. 0. J bill, Clerk. 1 would ask Mr.
bursitis this bounty money. This is an W wu n nutnoriiy ne or co.nmiswoi.
opinio1; us i . an opinion," and i-i almost
or., or council, or "any othpr man," has
I to the woods.
!l.-re the rebels had formed their line
iijf battle. Tyler felt rather apprehensive
: n' the work bel'ore him, eonsidei in the
' r,in'in of his troops. When once fairly
i under tire, howpvpr, they showed the u'-
most bravery. 'Their loss was iiuite hea
vy, more tevpre than reported by me in
to takti tlie Market ami nnniv it to i.i n;.,ltt r,n,l ivill t,.,iK
enough to make us doubt the l. jal pat r- us? but that for which it was design- reiici,' 1 ,000 killed an 1 'wounded.
jiity of tho author. H only shows, howcv- ed ? When Clcaifield town was laid out, 'J'hy rebels gii o wmv in conftision, ?cat-
-cr, that dome hwyrrs do not know as ,l8 streets, a.lpys una public rrouiiUs, ami ' .., rUg through the woods. Jhe honors
Maruei jni in uio oenire o. inn loivn, (t tlip renulso rpst p.xc'iisivplv with Jvlor s,o laid out; and the public yes, I n0avv nil il'.ery division. thmiL-l, Lai "nev's : I,u,,aU011 01 11,0 V "
much as the my nliows. i'h;'t fays the
"UUU,J ; i,a 1 '-''" c.iii.u ns : the poorest man m town, lias as much j t) jvision of the 2d corps, and t-iawloids
"Flc.10. i'hat tbo tuunc. pu Wroweil hy the ' vit:bt to that iot us .1.11 Hall; and our f)r ii.o 5th afterwards were sent to to his
county 'uinn.i8mmia, etmii l.e jiaid nvcr io tuo Commissioners, or Town Council, have no , support and formed the line enabliii" ? n'
ui ha-VTOnT'y' W"J EV" r"c ,l ri"ht 10 '"tcr it except to apply ; Ty lor to withdraw, after driving the eno- tM''
, " '; ii i . i- it to thf use lor which it was designed. lmvspvpral lilies and elearin'' the vil a'Te
wlio voluii'etive i frrni, lia.i liona i lirCi r id in- , - . . iinyivtiai ui.n.s .um i nm in0 nc u,aei.
totlionirvicaof tUo (JnitnJ StaUxi. oiTls boon Several years ago our County Comiiussion- ol' (i,,.,,,,
honorably uisoiiarffoiUliert'lruia tba snui oi morifiy ei 8 agreeu to rent, or sell, it to the mini ''10 (..onfiifion amoiij the rebids appears
to nbiih .oi. I'euoji sball I o entitled, uudor liic living on the adjoining lot, but. his neih-' (a Jjm'p born very preat, the major portion
j rovisioni. of '.lii- act, on tlu wanaul or or!r of ; bor told them il t .iev or he would fence it1 0f Klio ies' di i.sion sealterin" in the drawt, ou liinif-.r that purpose; ' ,,c would take an aie and hew il down.-i WOoik Three hundrtxl and fifty of thorn
and taut Uca-urer Piia'.l m,t la'cive more than A market house is now wanted ill low n, ' iVrre pirkpil up in tin-" woods durinc the
onc-hulf of olio per centuiu ui: anv lu jnovpnd , ,. , . , r p . ; . " " , ' "' f ,
over to Lim " j and if these good ,,'iiardiau.s of ojr town 1 njht, ,) havp just been brought to licud-
Unnn ii,;,-,,r.,-. ., r.'..P '"'ouil1 erect one they would be loii.g',)Uiir(orj. The division or raw troops felt
Upon t.Ju.i .,uu. i9 t,.,ppu.en,.gt o, . ;hl;it. ,luly, ,0 approj.iinte the peo- m,mPn,c.!v tickle.) at their sucppss. al-
iialf ol one pei'ctiit. i.r.J . ..y, c.oari, 'j hj's properly to a purpose for which it t(i0i, ikeir lo.s has been heavy. It h
upon tho money 'so ivm-imf ly the Conn- was not designed is not their duty , and is (cJt Umt the diminution of numbers is ful
ly ComtnUaloBeVs, and upon no other.-- !a,s ' jCt l,'''.V ea.ii.ot eidoi ee. jly nnide up by the increase of worn'-:
1 A 111 1 I f ' I I I I. , .... i I I . 1 I 1 .. i -
.i.. ui. w v i i n.o.. . j ,-,'."ine ppeeiui, iraien npa uoiiarieis,
Mav 19, '.' p. n., tavg : Communications
are open as usual to night, and supplies
av o
was reported captured, but 1 am happv Io;
say thai ho was only missing for a sunn
time, aii'! is now with I'oe renniant of his
valiunt eoniniatid. About omo thiid of
lleekman'tf force succeeded in cutting
their way out by tho assistance which had
now arrived to them.
Most of Burke's artillery was now oi
dered to the rear, and was parked beyond
palmer's erppk. about a mile and a quar
ter off. Artillery could not be used, so
dense was the fo, and this fact is the nx-
IHIUI tin in,' Isii. n.'t., ,l..i r. li.. iiiuiiii s,n
of Hi'ire and Mararut Owens of Lauren -o !.
uj;o. 1 mmifH.
li.i to 1 1 1 v rit, pwcet c-li'itil,
I!.; t.i th ti rirnin bed ;.
IK'iitlp ami und..!ile.l,
Wi:h iilPFpinti on thy hu i. I,. 0.
In llrtl Imini-liip, on the IL'.t nf April. Mr. 11 in
K.n Ann Macvam s, wile of Jodu Macinuuus.
in the iTih year of aerugo.
Un die l'th inpt, llarv-v Iartmr, pan nf .1 ihn
anil llanniih tiulieli, of Hits pinco, a-d 6 nm j,
and two lint.-.
fca'fWo tire authorized 1" ti mi mi nee
ANIil'? iill.l., of Itnidfiird .iwnliip, n candi
date lor the . fj'.fe of ("flinty ('.jiimiirniim.'r, Fi.b
iorl to liie nfinn of tho Iieunieratif (isrty it
t'learlield eoun'y. Ap. C7-('4.
Not a word is said about the money to be
cv..ecteu in the of tuef. to pay the
bonds and Cue interest thenon. There
fore, in&tcad ol 2.j per tent., as we staled,
the Treasurer is cleariv entitled to an nd-
Sai.t Lick, May ltith lSiil.
. fi . j,. . ion oi'tii as n'lii'i iy ii..iii nun .ui iiiiu
here-' , C.vt.y-vW;.('.un;-Ayoung man ,-)0urins in for us. (luinea Station respondent from HuCor's army, dated the
lit .,!, I ,tii , ,jul ..r. 1.. tt rt I I ifl i. K .t. .1.- u 1 . . . I .',1. . 1 ... I . 1 1 .. . 1 . I. A
in thf eveninp; the order to fall lflck to
a now ioiiion was given by ireneral flat-
and his colinnn is now in an attitude
to defy the wlnlo power of Let's army if
it should tie driven upon lnn.
W bile the fighting was going on ut he. jw.' hit tintlinri-.ed t. :n nnce
front . liercely in the morning, a rebp!iWM L K1M,ri..0f lwm,( ,.,..hip,
bugade attaokt'd a small force, consisting ; rai,la!" I,.r the oflji-p .r Cmniv C.imiii'ii.r,
of the llitli Irdiana, Colonel liobbs; the 1 m,),;,,.,-, to ihn a it ion of the l-ennfrattp pnnj i,f
liiflth Now York, Col. McConihe, and bat-' ('l.'Hrii 'l'l onmny. May 13 (4.
tery II, ;id United Slates artillery, Lieut.
Sanger, commanding, all under Coionel i
IHiIiIfs. i.'na:-'Ung our PNtreme left on tlie!
approaches from Pelerpl iug, and after r
severe tight drove our l uces back towards
our ir:t, enchments, but finally gave up!
the pursuit. Our loss was about thirty ir, : IX
killed, wounded and missing. iiw iiT i n i -
Nrw YoitK, Mav 1. The fhnuJ cor-' I I i I i I , I , V I , , '
Orpbaap' i nurt ..f ("!,
ai !!ie t.'.ii.rt ii a.-.- i.i
.' .mii:pi:fir.? m. :nf ;; j ,vi.trfjr
1..T i" 'i f:' n :Uui. .:.J alioirun.
1. Tliv I mi aTtai Heinjtl.l,
t.i iii l.iPt will ol John M.,,
t.iTit ll It-r nyl; iji. I ,t rf-r,t i.,-mr
hi- linat m-.'t.uu: i.ff. P.'jbta
fr 't li ned .-irt;:i;ir. llie piiiirtw
rir'utt ".nl iT'ii'i- ',, i pi ui tlacJ
tic ,-,"H.e.l, J.i tf i ' l:i.i'.t.i t. . Cirrinet.
I. Tl"' parti h '- 'Ui.' i.f .Inn. 1.3:k:
Jii-r.:h iV . 1 hoaij.-,,E. I'lFitutnt" .,: lug
nr. f.T-pnicii: oi l;Tri,.!iu riica '
liiif ot Lowrt nw tj... CiTSnii tmatrf
1. The Bceouu. ai finni Jniil
J'fiiroc. executor; iif the or iil
of Al..s,..,n. I'ltari'", rr.. dis'd.kl.tfiel
to.. Clour:: .'Id rmiiity, lr:7.
i. 'in ?ror.nt of ll'ui. 1.. SitMr, iisatif
and Mary AnnSlmw. Adtrxmntmri,
inpu'ar, ttir pnods utid arntuk. w
credits hich wjro o: I'.. C.S&n.m.'
Gthcn tiiwii.ii iji.
n. 111F BiTliUliI HI .H's.i, r.TTH, AST'
of tlie r.nii nl .Aphn- Cociai,
I ftlll tuWUi.ii)),
7. Tl.f ac.ounr el .1i-rrinii.1i 5nw;ii!'
i' I. pul, sdu.ii.istra'oT? nf tkf m if
Vlrrnl. drc-a.-e.i. lt of Mirro wwin j
s. Tin- acei'unt .! j-namrt jtnEs,MBii
of imI ml cii.cruT. tiif fvtto mi
! ripi, is nun rr,,i.;.- wVi.-li wm i iati
Uuei'ast.,1. l,i ;,. ol 2lu-tlldf fWMkit t
rciiiit. ISAtADS-JUK
l:erit.'TV nff.pi'. ia..v l-tt W
turn, it"
Jlfto LJUinfisnnrnis.
Timber jfin-il
I)m;m!tkatii Mj-'IiW
j if herel y pi k ri. that i.twrj !i3i
t.i.U or !iP f-'.iir ,.!". ii. inil':J
Vrndy rp.. ilfc'.; l.avirr huci jpaii'' 1
dcr-ijTnfd, ell pi mm iTidrbwi WKK
rtaeird to tnah.- in rrdiapfMi:
fcavir.; rlaint. f nip -u;.e pmc 8. twv
duly Biiihec! 'fan d foT n-.'tt!nDPW J
..... , TT-FT
uipj ;s, ) ' i ,:. jiMi.-
H TIdV- Ar. Ttcrs.-r. If" 4
diowned on yesterday at linker Locks. ... ' , , ,.r;nr, i, T..ll,ni'i. r...... 1 sth. pays that two heavy columns of the
between this place and Kiirthaiis while at-; (i , 'lf ll0W in our nos.'ssion. From '"'emy 'had been discovered down the ftp UK KN IF.r.S.IGN'i:i WILL r.F
! templini; to swim to a rait that was pass- ., ,,, .,., i.,, i.,.;.,,.; . nike towards IVtersbttr''. with laree trains. H ,.t-r. I'l'mic CAT l."
... t t t r . i t i t t ,, tun 'Ullll lliu 1 1. t-uis ti lit i; tft.-i'ii .'.iiiiiiui;-- -- r-- rr -, jtk r. ll .11 ii-iii.ji ...i.i,. ll.
'Mional hall of one per cent, that wo ban ing on the river, up tmppliei.. ' eneralb'oster v.u.i sent cut with a force' . i,,,,.,,,. of ciwrBrid. on
fntucly overlooked. ' H,w " uitknottii, droned in a l,lUer. .)J,wling Green has been their to destroy, if povible, the trains, but the ; Vt- llu.e(b, v tKn o OT i.m- tor.
- - - , bhek coat velvet vpT, gray pantaloons : rtitlroiKl Mation. It is now believed that ionpiny were mot in such strong lon-e that j CiincSthn , IMC (1 ,M1I)C, l.rb-1.
ABOtT A:;ori!r.R Dk.ifi.- On this tub- and a gray tl innel ulurl. tie is supposed Ui(, 4 nomy brin-s hia ButT'liert across fvoni t,, I'urpoao was ul.!riFiimiL j at Ih Court IIoup. the following .tpsPrilir-il trM
juct- tho uiMl authenlic information at'0rbc ' .'",'3 'Urk al,d, tho Virginia Central' L.iilroad, a distune" ''!. enemy ate actively engaged repair- of TIMliEIl I.AXJ), liu.aifd on the water ..fAl-
hunA ; -.,,.,;, t i,a fiii.irr, ,y i-' ffd inches higli. Na money was louml ; . twpnrv mit..s ina the railioa.l. nnd have eoncentraipi'. a, ''''r "'V, "onT hylortown, in Uraham township,
h-ind ,. contained in the follon ,ng d,s- ou hig ppi.sol)) i(por ptiylIllng tU t0 ot twenty m.Ls. . m , Clcarfielj vU .
patch fiotu Kcctotary Stanton, ad Ircsscl ; inform us who he was. Lq. McCarvey: Butler's Defeat and Ectrcat. It!l(,y ""I only hope to keep opon Io's ! iiiact no csr, roxTAiv.
to Gov. IVa, at New oik, denouncing ; "P 111 ir-Muesi ou uie nony i;.st evening: communications, but crush Hit tier. T ,fl A O 1
' ' e '..rl 1' 11 ,.,,.lil..l P.. nul l.. 1'vt.uii. Mv IT Tin ..tin. 'Jk -M "A - W; 3
the rioclamati.-in nulili, hot in raw or . . . . .,. . .. .i ,j ... .
1 I lull' ll I tt it Ilia I'rn-ttsf. I .la nriai'i.......
r.i.KMi n. lfi-NiKKti, May IT. The tne-
Tho ,my look advantage of the fog and dark-
IITTI,E Cuil.IiRt:N Starvisc. A eorres-111'' "Howanc of pin pr eont, on whieh i rre-
dlinc wiih tl-. fi ! '-w r"-.!w
l oan horp. one 5 fnr.ic .':r.4wt s"f
.'"I of d il.l.ic t.uri;f.s, i,ciw jb t"1
r'hiiir- l..i-l,n . of .t., m.-ostnl
loncF to nio, ati'l i sicieri ti,ir"'i'Wr
Gica llo -i. -. '-. ..1T. U-'i
"T" i x i toh ni 1
I j l.v pi-T, h! l.ei'ir lea".
.1,:.. , ";..Br,-...',i .... I'... Ate'' I
rTHiitnd to tilt untie ':rad. I.T"
. . ..... ...... A ... m.
io pnia rpmir nrr um.ii u -
. t . i. . . .. i . flimwil' 1
yiivnieiti.. iiimi i.i.'-w ii.:..,,. ...
name Tirep'ri:
calling for 4W.OOO men. as a foi rtl V : ,'n.o W il.n r,,u .-.v il. l . t.,l ' iiphk of nipht to trtv us a cuririA vnster- nondont mip.ikiii" nf the eufiVrinst of the fi 51 1 I.I. with pintle nprishlgate. wttlrmrnt. Jj.r,ci
. . ...vti.v..i. , . . ... ' i , i diameter.
them -t-itT
,t. :-!.,.,. ... . .1.. - i i . i,n,l . l.r... ;...,.l; 1 .l ,i ;n. X ' .Uv iiiotr,ii S,li .. mnmnt w.a 1 i-n in Ihn ronnl ie r.f Snntisvlv-inia ""'"r ' "T"r'" . "V
ii is . L. i. t.i;...i: i ii i lit: iiiii'iinitriiL in ami t-'f t iiiiiu," it....i t tin' t ni; v ,. it 11 ti j ' ... .. v .... , - - , ,i , ,. n sr.... . n i,i ,i
Iir.on in. tho null,, m.l'.K mill thr, i-o.Wiikn ol sot him to shorn and rirocnred feared, and the necessary nrecauf ions were Stafford and Caroline, pays : "I stopped n a ri v ',i .mi,,., ,.,i.;i.i'i. .1 .:,u ' "'. rrr f4 v ai.-ukkTia. !.rt
, mauo lor ii. dui uie o;rcumsianees were near a rniugo io ieeu my norso nun rt , i.Tniroved land under mod pult.vnt on . 1-rwip ttie r.tirens ui nn
i tut.
Whon ii overthrown'; and iu order to ' assistance soon but life was gono.
anil villi, ill', till. i in haf
nlmw hi. ie tirenared to wl! I"1
denirc In? pT"fe':n'T.! eTa
. ...... ......... ..Ttl.r, r'.iTlr
...lie. ....- . ." . , .,
4-dlo. J.Ji.J-
proved land under pood
provide aiust any inopportune reduc-1 I nndernand he is a (icrmaii and uai d nlso so lavcrable that the rebels succeeded fresh myself, and here 1 tliscoverpd lor Hie thact no. two, co.vtaixs
tion, n-heii tt.' servi-.o of the 100 day' ' he Ii ved in lhady townsuip. , to soma extent, notwithstanding all our , first time the Ktato of the poor inthovi-j A . , t.
men goout, a drait roiiLLUTUKiR iLActJ .1 . . 1 1 N U I LI.I LAND, i vigilance and euro. Their great demon-1 cirity. Where my horse had eaten his j O .Jl 5P A CI f ?i
and other leductioiiK, ini,i. in, hiukiiku ! ' (trillion was made on tho right of our line, I corn from a blanket, nevera! grains had ami allowance of six per cent, v iiprveuii'r,f
to lake place on tho Ut of July, bv which ! Nor. Tim ah.ive rci'ers to the d 1011-' and was ono of thoso variations of a si.'ge soattcred on the ground. Three little half- Uotli trmits contnin a large amount of pnod
1 1. - 1 1 .......' i. i " i.i. 1 Hn...n ii.A .....i:n i .t.i.i. 1... ..11 ,.i...i i.:i,lM.n ,.,) nil,n.A,l il.nm .... a . . . . . . . .
iiiuu .m u.;, e.iioiiuieni inn no comp.ct- ,n,. ,:af0 mentioned in our act. Tho ,vm " l"v , " T"ll;" .n.. . i.... 1 on ..... ..-.....1 H..i...:, w,.. vy mi 1 u HlrU TirVic,EE ; r7 ";TTti rt
cd. o order n vt issued. I , ... . ,. i circumstances, the advantage is with tho and ate them. 1 was interested in ono of ! . ' " 1 1 1 1 - , 1 . r. h i A t
(waned) F.iVlN M.STANTON. ; J'-'ung man 1 nuuio was W eavlh, raised in iei)caed. The previous cveiiinc the reb-, them, a littlo girl, and called her tome.i" ?f "-iP ' 1 tniK'HAXt. an." V
soc.relaty of War" , Brady township. His remains were taken els reocived reinforcements from Kich- and ujon questioning her she naid she had ' t" 1 1 roiltl i Ai n il 1. i", - !i !.,!" 'ivl . i" Clothirp.l.ardw. v
.1 .... . . . 1 . .1 ....'.. i . , 1 . t 1 , ..aiironu ni 1 uiiir?ourc, and when the tiuitier 1? l'rorisir.nn Ar f,
through this place, on th eir way homo hut, mond. Among fheso was a brigade of not eaten a piece or bread for three days, takcn ofru bo nii((tc pom, farm ,nn(1 , j..nnt srt ,nn AaJna:
TorcRiNo That "1'iui i.." Somuluidy 1 Tuesday cavalry and Gen. lirae.ic'3 division of Ala- thpir only food having been wild greens ! 7r There H everr indication of (VhI upon the Anrii "icti li'i
... . " . I.. ; n..ll.rn.1 (Vr.. I I, . tll.i. cnl.l l,OF L. ' l,,F,l 1 a r .,.,, L. i 1. .i 1 1 I L .. , ' "
Ifm.. heft that mni'iril "tp i ' in VY indium. . . ... uoum uuuuu), i,iui.jh..i ,,u, ,,,, .,r,,,n. . o.... ... . .,,i',.i. intUif r.u Minim Tar, -jr
IOlli,UPn tnai TOH,-,' ..l nn in tinsiiint,-. K .... A win st Co . Sum Morarv. -Pi l..,rn. i a,,,.!,..! l, l,!iu l.. .1.. r,..i 1, 1 1 1 r.r nml th enntr.l ,.,n ,.r m. p n . ni.;i '-i-i- r-finin nTlC-tt'
J IIU 1 1 riot 14 I VI V . ITItJUl y .Hl Jill I Ifrll Ult'l UV-J 11 llll'l HI I 11 IJ lllci w t'rtHIU V - " J- 'v ii. a v. j lilt- - A . - JtfT
rvr, Tlin '4iir
toWPFhip. I'a,""
ton, on Thursday List, and lorthwitu the , ciitor of tue tVi., at ColumbuR, Ohio, was was made with cavalry, artillery, and in- Fredericksburg, and there was now no'H"'r(? " ""ode raluabk. ifMcrms Jj mentp-r .
operators of the Independent Telegraph j r06tft(, (hc fautry, and was tl.recied by Gen. Ibinsou. one in the neighborhood to whom they f&t WniPPLk,FREX'Cn CO t'
atHarribburg were arrested, end the othcc!ahd , . ciindnnn, n., r,;,l, ls. nn nho 13 111 of what the rpholseall could apply for help. I gave them what , liL" u'.. T i trL,
' , tnc district ol tiiciimomi
j.,. i , ' , tnc uisirici oi uicnmonn. At tuis point i nan in my navprsacK, anu leu tnem en-, p TKiAL AOTICIi.
. ... ,,. i,n, ;.i. ! ' ri""")i "c- e EuppuM.- it necomes necefsary io convev somo idea joying incmseives, tl J
Soon afterwards the "bell teeeived an-. tjj0 tiUt), ti that Col. M., is too much of a of how our troops were posted" on tho ex- j lR ,n . . .
cUcrM;,, and boholJ the offices of tho,Jjckson I)clnocrflUo tlin L r treme right. Next the "lames rivpr were1 A ytrii "f. Kfilrmr'n' t.'' luaVteVKiionii r ?futcf.t i
'ew York World and the Journal of Com- lLo jacol)in9 ftt Washington lVV0 sflu"l1,r2n of lore(l . valry , tj'"" ; or Marino,KII.LKD. or who has WEI. in i"0'1 " BU tp- nnd tae r'.ar'.p of r.;nn ' '
Wiircc were closed by the military author!-, - - , came the Jth fteV Jotsey infantry, then ,i0 tervice of the United States, who de-ires ''"d VoTjrunon townhitH whope Undsare inuluded i
ti anl thfi Pdito-s arrested for Hub- A.voincit Cuancb ron the 'iW'-Gov. ' 1 -C 23J Mansachusetls, then the 25th nod ' Nmotv-gix Dollan a year pension, from n the new township, lately laid out of parts nf
... i,.n rriil!tii
, . ,, J..1..I.H Hi
v u , ni. ,.t:.."F wmlir.
.,.a , mil. inmiri'iatrTiPT
lut-n..- "' . Wi P I
AVTirpr t; lmvinr clmniP aFainsi r"'",,,' '' I
i r v r r .utbentiout,ri f " lA
t of theOotmof J.Ai ''lK
27 th Massachusetts, all of Gen. Heokman's ' One Hnndred to Kleen Hundred and Ninety-five l'" al,ov'0 nan-en" townshipp are horehy iioiitied tln OB i,r yiut of 3V' J