' St. JtlVikE(6l,.lt4fc;'M IS o- (J, W. & H. W. SMITH if A v i: .irsT i: i: 1:1 v i:i From iw "Kast, JL F I? KS 1 1 M'l'i'I.Y O V 55 E A ) N A I'. I E Comprising a ecneral assortment of L (Print". Delaines, M"punli'iiU(K, Alpacas, Silk, Ili-ocmlo Mohair, Challin, l.awim, Linens, Pop. iai, Lavellns, Ginghams, Checks, Plaids, Drill ing, T liking, Miuwl., I'luin A Fancy Cassiuicres, Cottonale, Brown mu.-lius, l(If:i-t.e-l muslins (at less than city wholesale prices, Table Cov. rn, Whito Hoods, Bulnnral Skirts,! .t 1J Liuen Tabl Diaper. N 0 T I O N 8 , Hosiery, Cloves, Ribbons, Trimmings, lliiliuni, Coll"". NetH, Veils, Kiubruidering llrnids, lluud Jierchicf", Ladies' Elastic Pages, Whalebones, IUnding", Childrcns', Mi-nex' and Ladies' Hoop JJkirts, (,'onker Curot Skirls, Zephyrs, Nock -ties, Ladles' (Jilt aud S i I v c r e J Rcdu, Leather Belt.. TVOOl'KN-WA UK & IIOI'SKIIOLD Cdar JUic kets. Tubj if- CliumB, Vop, Measure, UratlicJ, Il-kots in groat variety. Unwla, Duor Mat't Window Illiticii, C.ir.l; A T.nael, Patent window Il.ind i'ixliirc.i, Oil Clothe. Boots, Shoes, & Mens' Mirfci mot a I Kip r.oot.i. Kip A Calf ,' nnd l.adief' Morocco i nnd (!.: iter?. Shooa, Cbililroin", I Boots, Shoe, lial-1 Hilts, Caps, Hounds. &r.j li-ro series. , !"t Poii, T .'lac ' ; fupar, Tea. CIT'i', M Co, Spice-, Sjlt, 1'iab, Aj., nUEENSlVAllE. Foil Tea Kelts, t'ups A Snureis, (.lass hi.-hes TuriiMur, plates, l a. lors, ulasa Pieerre Jar. Hard )ca re, d)'c. Fey the. Smii'ios, Scvtho Stone., K'lkos, Sh vels, f p'udes. Hay Forks, Tabb Kuivo", K"rk. Spoons, . Hut.' I T'-a Spoons, Hatchets, Nut Crackers, Taiki, L'tJ Ca.i'.oii, Njils. STATION KRY. r-ip. hi:e Hod. .-t'r A Note Paper, Kuvclope, Pas Pens i Pencils. ISu'V k Hook", Treble Thick j .HCIU1 T .IIKIIUD M IS C II 1. L L A -N i-: U I' l'nrcy Toilet Snaps, Fishing Lines A Hindis, Trout l;i!, Trunks, Carpet ."-uck.-, Ladies' '1 r .veiling hiitohcls, Pio-Uet Hock, hat A l.air Hiii.-lics, ) Cloth Bruthc-j. AH d which will bo sold Cheap for Cash Approved c -.tiitry p: f.ii c mis, r.t market r. ."lu 'C taken i:i ex. h .-. ici. n.y U lo : V X "i al M'vtk.re!, Col f,h, li"-rrin. S.il'm n, all lit parkascii ut J.P. lillA I Zi.lt s. T'li. TOBIAS' VKNITIAN MMMLVT, lll.'D OF I Jill CP ! Wh;:ta pietly 'od iutcr J csting child f t.w lakt wee!; ! Hut uow, al-ii-it i.i no in oe. S'ku v : the nou-ei -.nion of t-o gcnticm.'ii ridur; t'.own li.a n. Died of crou d Low riranje! whru Dr. Tobia' Venetian l.in't ic.ci.t i-n ctiiair cure, if taken in time. Now, .Motl.eis, wo .llpf 'i lo 3'"- is not for tho piltry gain an 1 j i-'llt v. a in i!;e, but fur the sake i f the infant child that no lies playing at your fet. Croup is a diingimes di-ta-e ; but use Dr. T"lou' Vi intii n Litiiiuriit in time, and it is rub hi J of its ("mils. Always keep it in tho house; i u tuny not wont it to-ni,:ht, or tu-iuurrow, no Idling wiuii lu.; nrtned with li ni incut you me prepared, let it rouie, wlmn it will. Price 25 cents a'bottlc. Sold by u!l drur'.;i.ts. C'lhce, itf Corilandt Ftrcct N. Y. .May II, D'01-liu. 31 AN ILK.) iu great vri J. P. tv nt KKAZER'S. UKMr.K NOTICE. The I'.o.-rd ef Relief i f r the county of Ch arlWld, will meet at tho 1 ommifioi.irs' ofi'r e, on Wednesday snJ Thurs day, lie 20th nnd 20ih dnys of May l.v:4. The lluntd hive directed that nil new appli- "snt miirt apjiear beforo the Hoard und produce mur sworn statement uoiniiing nnmo oi suiuicr, regiment and ceiepanyj when en.isted ; the uumbcrof fhilJrcn, withafo and itx of each ; mp li'l" HSU ip IU w II I u lli.B H'-ric'i iwn...w" eniistuient, aud their present residence j and that the ib without tho means of suf p"rt for herself and children, who ure dependent upon bcr. Two witnesses of credibility, from tho tuwn.'hip i n which Fhe rctides, must also bo produced w hose certificate, st, orn tj before the board, must lit forth that the applicant is the person she cp r resents heiself to be ; that the stalomment ofthe, number and ace of her family it true ; that she is in destitute ciioumstnnces and her family iu actual wout J and that all the fats sot forth in her ai plication are jut and true. Furuis containing these reiiui,iiions enn be ob ,1... l : I :..k ,1... ....! !.! .1 llAll,ntf tained at tho office of the Hoard of Relief, when application is uiado an l the i witnesses nppe.r. -.law ll. lM,l. ll Jl. p. l.KA i .vv 01. . J ' 1 " top'J Iiief ! r. Itr.WAHl). Tho store ol tio subscrl. ber. st Krcnchville, was entered on tho night ofthe 27th ultimo, and tho following, a Borg olher articles, taksn tbercrroni, to wit: 3 black frock coats ; 2 fine cassimer frock colts; 3 pairs slriped fiue cassimer pants : 3 plain block alpaca vjts ; oue s-atin vest i 2 plaiu black Flor ence i ilia vests; .1 pair fine calf doublo J rcled be ils ; 1 lot of gold Euger andcir-rings j 1 lot of gild breastpins ; 1 lot of low priced hugor rings, Ac. rHe.re-keeper", and the public generally, aro requested lo give immediate Information to the undersigned, should either of tho above srticlcs be offered to them, when all expenses and the above reward will be paid for the conviction me uneves and the recovery oi iue gi...o. uay 4, tf. I. IClDRIET. G sV.OCERIUS A full stotk of choice Grocer- f BW PIKlRPi ; LAN uuuih 1 its al toiall advance on city i ltv prices t VAK, Oil NO YAU! A F R E 8 II "a R H I V A I- OP SUMMER (JOODS AT THE CHEAP CASH MOKE. ! im Just rece Ivlng n -1 opening carefully elected slock of fashionable Spring A hummer O O MP S of almost every description, , A beautiful assortment of Print aud Dry (food 1, of the no went iiml Utoit styles. Also great variety of useful Uotioni. i DHY-GOODS AND .NOTIONS. Bonnets, Shawls, Hat ii n J Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, tjiieousw are, Urua aud Medicines, ! Oil and Paints, Carpet .1 Oil Cloths, G u o c i: U I E s , K i 5 h , Bacon aud Flour, Mackerel in J mid barreld, of the be?t (pinlity, ull of which will be told at the lowest carh or ready pay priced. My old frlendh nnd tho public generally, are roHpectl'ully invited to call. , --N. 11. All kind of till A .Vand approTod : COfXTUY I' HO VICE takeu in exchange for (joodi. I Vi SI. r. IKWIN. i ClcarHeld, Mny 4, I SB I. ; CHEAP STOVES. MIE eubucriber in order to accommodate the' BBnorully, ban jimt received a lot of COOK, AND 1'AItLOU SToVKS, ; for wood or cuul, which he will dispone of very cheap for cash or produce, JOHN D.THOMPSON. Nov. 4, lSC3-.tr. ALSO, STOVn IIIF..-For ulo at the cheap nloro of John D. Thompson, In Curwcmville, at li ; ceul per pound. pov. II, 1S03 PHILADELPHIA KlilE liAII.UOAD. great line traverses the Norlbcni and I Northwestern counties of rcnnmvuhia to tho city of Krio, on Lako trio 11 has been leuncd by tho J ruunh nin 1'iul- rund CvmuHiiv. nnd under their (.usuiuox is be- ini rnniillv oiieiied tliruni.liiiot it. cfitire lentrlli. It ii uuw iii u.-e fur l'a.scni;cr and Freight bu Kine.ss from llnrrisburg to I'mtmrinm (2J t'ork, I l!ij nii'cf) on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to L'rie, ("3 miles) ta the Western I Division. Time of Pifasrnijrr Tiaina nt I'mpnruim. Kxprcss Tr.iin leaves cas'wnrd .'f 40 P. M I Express Train arrives westward '2 15 P.M. Cms run through without r itAVT.F. both wan on these trains between Philadelphia and Lock ; Ilavi n, and between Dultiinoro aud Lock Ilavon. .iiritn Klcant Sleeping Cars accompany tho Kxprcss I Train both way? between Willianisport and Jlalti iniirn, nnd V iiliamsport and Philadelphia. I'nr information respecting Passenger bueincss I aj'ply at tho S. K. Cor. llth and Market fts. And for Freight business of tho Company's AgeiitF, S. Ii. Kingston, jr., Cur. 13th and Market . sis., Philadelphia ; J. W. ltevtiolds' Erie ; I J. M. Drill, Agent N. ('. T.. It. lialtimcre; II. II. llorToN, Gen'! Freight Ag't, l'bila.; i l.K.ivis I,. II ct, licn'l Ticket Ag't, PhiU.; I Jos. D. Purrs, Ueu'l Manager, Williamsport. Jan. 21, 1S0I. WATCH & JEWELRY 330?X)I12!CE4 rpilK undersigned revpcctfully ' informs his customers nnd the public goneriilly, that he hn; just received from tho Fast, nndoi en, ed nt his etaMMiment in till A HAM'S W) II' Clearfield, Pa., a co assortment of Clocks, Watche'. nnd JcwKLltr of different qualities, from a "ingle i:cco to a full sett, which ho will sc'.l at tho inoM reasonable prices for cash, or in jexchnnec for old gold and silver, CLOCKS of every variety on huud, at the mitt rea-onalile prucs. ALL kind? oK'locks, Watches and Jewelry eiuel'uMv repairod und 'nrrtinti-l. continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept, 1J, ISiii). H. F. NAUuLE. LLBC'ir?, Bootal D WIKL CONNELLY beg. leave lo Infonn his fiiends, and tho citizens of Clearlield ami vicinity gcnernl'y, that he has tukon the shop lately occupied by Ueorgo ewson, in naT t Row, where he intends to be ready at all times to wait upon tho.-e who ucny faror hiin with their custom. Ho will guarantee his work to bo ns well exe cuted us can he made clsewheie, nnd nt quite as renn n.ible prices. Ho is bound to win tho g ."d opinion of all h ) walk in shoo-L-uthor whether male or frma'.c and nli he inks is a fair trial. Clearfield, July S, Ini3 y NOTICE & CAL'TION. nAYINQ n!o appHcation to the Assistant Asse.-sor of the I 'Jtb Cullertion DLtiictof Pennsylvania, and a License as Auctioneer hav ing been granted to nio by the proper authority, 1 would iuiorm the ciliaens of Clearlieid county that I will attend to "culling rates " whenever desired in any pnrt of the rounlv. Charges moderate. AdJicsi JOHN L. RKAMS. Duo. Ifi, ItfiS-lf. Clearheld. Pa. 1 P. S. Any person " calling " sales without a ' license is subject to a penulty of $i'0, which will be enforced in accordance with the law, against all persons violating the statute, t -- rr" j DANIEL GOODLAN DER, ' -rl'STICI! of tho reaco SI . ..' . J Lutheraburg, ClenrP.e!J Co, Pa., will attend promptly to all business entrusted lohlsenre. March 23, 1861). ly. pd. DR. M. WOODS, TR CTICINtt Phvsician, nnd Examining fur- RACTlCINd Physician, nnd Examining I eeon for Pensiona. Uftice Southwest corucr Bccond and Cherry streets, Clearfield, Pa. January 21, 1SH3. Licensed Auctioneer. w-w-tM. m. It I. ()()!. of Pike township, do- i t V sires to iuiorm his friends and tbo publio i u .l-. t. - u - - inLtn fit ft l.icensti as nn AIJCTION'EEH. nnd will attend to tho crying I , , iol sales ill any port ol the coumy a me ..o..ek Inotiee, and at the most reasonable charges A iruss, eilhcr per-otially or by letter, either at vurwcnsvillo or Uloomviile. iipii' '., i. CR.tVS. WAI.TRR llARRtT. CHANS and iiAKijrr, Atturiicj s at Law, Mar 3, Y,3. Ci f nriKt.n, PA. To School Teachers. XI r NTI P By the school board of Cur-, I t wensville, three sihool teachers (one tnulo and two female) to take eharpo ol their schools ' for the term of four months during the coming 1 summer, and if they prove satisfactory may be eontinuel during the winter term. Schools to open about the middle of May. Make itninedia te of j B,j)iiciiin to the secretary of the board. For . -uuj teachers good wages will ne given. p. 27.3t. II. P. THOMPSON, Sec'y. c lARPETINO-lngraia, Cotton, hemp. Stair, Tluor Oil cloth.-, Brocatell, Hoor msis, Ac. J. P, KRA1ZI R. new nnM. CARLISLE & GO,, dealers jx for wax axd homestic dry goods, GROCERIES, I I'M II Kit, siiLXGLEs,tc.,dc. IMIIMPtmitf:, Centre county, .'ruii'. Iliivi? lcct'ivccl tuiil iiro jttHt opening the largest ussortnuut th lest, CIIEArKST, AND MO.ST 8KAJN A HI.K GOODS A'r Urumjhl tvlhia ttctiun coMnfiy, rumitlin-j f II KV ;(M)1)M .k CiH(Tltir, NOTIONS, IIAUOWAUi; and O.l'KKNSWAKK," I j n (1 i c s' V ii r s ! Hoods, Nubias, Sontags, Balmoral, and Hoop Skirls ! . hats & ca rs : p.oots & shoes Ready Made Clothing, of latest Styles c v v. ILKJU Ij-JjU Ulvo cv ol AlJllii lb I Drugs, Oils, Puints, Putty Glass Rit'c-Flvr Farina itnl Corn-Starch! to vi. -on. i,ahpsoodam) w il ia nv H.ti; r, , e 1 1 1 t'UHKS U ClU'DC I" J S (I ?S l'lTKS, TOHAfCO AND SIXiAIJS Fish, Salt, and IS7 a Us Flour, Teed and Provisions ! a first -cUs l And nil articles u;ually kept in J country store oil of which will bo sold Cheap for Cush or approved produce, Lumber or shingles. Fbilipsburg, Nov. 13, 1863-tf. I, 0XNETS Fashionable Bonnets, hats, Nits, ' Caps, Shakers, Ribbons, Fiowers, Plumes, Ciapo, Donnct Silks and Millinery Hoods gener ally, cheaper than Cie cheapest nt J. P. KRAZER'S. DJIISUfKATOiVS SOm-m.- Notice S u hereby given, That Letters of Admiuis- I , . , mis . u m me r ouv trillion on tho estate of Joseph Hegarty, late of A full i'yjt munvactured irorc eo.ntnt'y on mny be found at his office on tho joutbwost cor . Lumber City, Clearlieid countv, Penna., deceased, i hund. tier of Front and Main ilreete at all times, except hnvio-been rranted to the lindorsiened. all per- I when notice appoare in the town papers to the ' sons indebted to said estate aro required to make immediato payment, and those having claims against the same will present tbeiu duly uu lienti- Qr,i,.r8 fur f)0Uting, roofing, Ac, respectfully cattd for ECttlcuient. JANE HEijARTi, .solicited. Repairing promptly attended to. As I WM. V. WRIGHT, bo intends kecpirg noue but "the best of work I np. 27-'64 pd. Administrators. . mcI)) tne peope BMy rely on substantial work. Suirekcene.n and dealers supplied at reasonable Sv i LT and Plaster iu largo quantities f..r sale J. I. hRATtll. ii'Tinl it, n nr. l,..r.di autiuu- I ed ."riinitbuvinff orsellinr. or in any wny meddling with tho following property, now tu the rios.-es.-ion of Jacob licarhari. of Urahain tp. to nit: Two brown mares, with hnruo.-s, one log sled nnd one log chain as the said property be longs to me, aud are subject to mv order. Diadlord tp., may 4-pd. ADAM (J EAR II ART. Tit AY HAItr. Left tho premise" of tho 3 subscriber in Decatur Uiwusbip, Clearfield countv, near Philipsburg, Centre county, on tho 23d of Apiil Inst, DLACK MAKE, about Hi hands high, 5 or Ii years old, one, or perhaps both, hind feot white, a white strips in her face, nnd heavy with fosl -enmo from Indiana county last fall, when Inst traced was going towards Ulen llopo. Tho person returning said mnro, or g.ving infuraiitiun where sho is, will be liberally rewarded. B.C. ROW MAN. Philipsburg, may i-lf pJ, j Farm at Private Sale ! ONE MILE FROM CLEARFIELD ICR. A MOST DKSinADI.E ritol'llUTV mi' 11'Ii uadcrsigned will sell on reus:nablo terms I a farm containing 5 Am and Id Perrlie. in Lawrence township, une niilo from the town of Clearfield, containing .ii.iiiic.ii,iu...........s ' Til IRTY-EIGIIT ACRES CLEARER. .i-'i-i1 with a good rrame Uwelling nouse, won nnisneu, a large bank barn, and all necessary outbuild - ings. There s a line young orchard of choice, bearing fruit trees-all grafted or budded, and selected with special reference to their adaptation to thisclimato. Thero Is a never fni'ing spring X rrd!"b.': qunntiiyoi nJia.iu vrtr. u. v .... uncleared land. The farm was lately occupied uncrcarou mi P.,.,,lon e-iven immediaUly. i 'clcariolll np. I7.;tt r. JIOSSOP. . . ... - I n r. Met I.fKI':i , Practical Surveyor, ot- - J3 fcr." his professional services to the people of Clearfield county. Having purcansca me stmniiints, Drafts, Ac, of tho late Thomas Ross, dec 'd. be will be ready to atterl to business on IOC SU'irieSl IIOIINC , VM.. vv vui.nu.ivu - reideuce with Robert Ross, one mile from Cur wensville, or by letter addressed to him at Cur wensrille. S.F. McCLOSKEY. sp. 27'61-ly. Dissolution of Partnership. milH Co-Partnership heretofore existing be- I ir.sn Tniiall WaI.L and ISAIAU WALL, in thenamaof TnoMA. Wall ,f Bno., in the Mer cantile business, in Pennville, has been this day Lawrence twp., having been 6"t"d to n- d rrn;.tor,ir, determined to spare ncith mutually dissolved. The Hiniks and Accounts of designed, all persons indebted to sat J estate are . "l" iml ,aher ,0 en,ur. the comfort the late Firm wMl remain in tho hands of Thorn- requested to make immediate payment, and those ; I ' Jb patronage ofthe trnveling . . a Hi,nj anninsl Hi, i j in tttll vtra (an v liMvo. t .. . , ns II all fur setilenieut, lo whom all debts must t e pai l. THOMAS WALL. (i It EAT KXCTI P.MtXT i Ol.LN HOPE NEW STOKE :janhinc anb Collcriion Offittl A.J QD-QJ &)UDcji , r T M1E nndcrKlcned. k.vtn, remorcd Mi Mora to the new cuiMing nppoMte the i niun Uouiie, on I'me itreet, Ulrn liupe, Clcorficld cv, l'a., ! now vflenng to Die public THE LARGEST AM) I SELECTED STOCK (,'OOJJS EVER REST OF I i OFFERED TO J'VISLIC AT THIS THE i PLACE ; ALL OF WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT HIKES TO SUIT THE TIME. liis stock ha? bfen ("elected with particular regard to the wnnts of the people, and euibrucci DliY (iOODS, NOTIONS, HAltDWAKE, que::nsware, II ATS AND CATS, HOOTS AND SHOES, S ION E-WAKE, WILLOW-WA1JE, KKADY-IIADK. CLOTHING, ' GROCERIES, EARTH EN WAKK, OILS AND TAINTS, FLOUR AND BACON, GLASS AND NAILS, HSU, .SALT, ETC. OF EVERY SIZE A XI) PATTERS; Together wild nil other articles nocossii-y to toiupleto tho assortment of a first class eountry store. r-AU kinds of M'MUKR and Country Pro din e taken in exchange for goods, at tho high est market price. As he is receiving now supplies of goods weekly from Pnltiuiore, New York, Philadelphia and Pittsburg, the puiilio can soe at oaco iuai uo will always be prepared to eupply any article in the market ! JOU.N KOU.U.N. (Jlcn Hope, Dec. 23, 186:!. SOil KTHI Xti SUP.STA N TIAL 1 N lumuki: CITY : JOHN M. SPENCER J KAS recently opened a Shop in Lumber City, where he is now prepared to manufacture , ALL KIXPS OF T1X. SHEET- 1R OX. t- COPPER-1 YA R E. " v ; Lumbermen can be supplied with It APTINtf gxoVES of which ho intends keepings lupply. i t , j at tne Subtjnti'l T!a Shop nnd see for ' Jorslvi. JOHN M. tlLNt.LIl, March 2, IStH-tf. Clcarficld Acadcmv. W. McCURDY, A. B. Principal. T MIK next Quarter ' ill open on Monday the Terms of tuition ai fol- 4th of April, IS61. lows: Common English, comprising those branch es not higher than Reading, Writii.g.Arith metic, Ooogrnphy, English Uraminer and History, per quarter, - - - $" Higher English, per quarter, - - 7 i" Languages, per quartor, - - - 10 00 March 10,1561. N THEOIUMIAXS' CO'HTof Clearfield countv. The undersigned AUDITOR appoin ted bv the Court lo nsiertain the liens and report distribution of the moneys arising from the sale of the real estate of John Young, dee d, now in the hands of the Administrator, will attend to the duties of bis appointment on Friday tho 20tb day of May next, between the hours of 10 a. m, and i 4 p. in., at tho office of H. 11. hwoopo, h.-q., in tbo borough of Clearfield, wncn mm wnereaii persons interested may attend and be heanl. JAMES GALLOWAY, April 20, IT.!. Auditor. , . nibimrna.Tiiie niu. '"" -v .nmM--i. 1' t f. .1.1 I X county. Iho undersigned, an Al DITOR p i i-iMs- r ti.A poinieu oy me court w inaa. ummuu. u . . moneys in the bands of tho Administrator, nrls- Ing from the sain of tho real estnU of L.K.l ait- er, deceased, will attend to the duties of his ap- pointinent on Saturday the 2Istday of May, next, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p. m., at tne 'M-LA w...uwu. .u.. ... - moy attend and be beard. . w tr tl T fW ft V Auditor. April 20, 1S6T SMALL FARM FOU SALE. The; subcriber offers to sell on the mot reasona ble terms his FARM, consisting of I El As?33 C X JLs E21 0! ' townibin. on the Ridge road e mail, a- bout 3 miles from Curwonsvilie, ana aoout a miies from ClcarficlJ. The improvements are a Frame Plank House and Stable, and abcut 5 or 8 1 acres cleared. farthor particulars, in- ' nuire of the subscriber on the premises, j March 30, tf. JOHN MORGAN. 113lI:CUTORS N OT I CI i:. Notice 4 is hereby given that letters of administration on tu estaU) of James D. Lytic, deceased, lit of - on th estaU, of James D. Lytic, deceased, lite of """ . ; . r tneii amy aumeaucafu. iur winsmrm. j JNO. I.YTLE, Li'ri . v. i ioan. . a. wtit.ii c. a. rt. I c. H"T, LEONAitrt rxKVvv x, r C 1, K A U V I K I. ! v i f. Pi l;m I n ivi'vyt' n i iLLorx - ii - nr,.oT - BMitfTuVtacoiman ll Hl.( l:i i.D, IK .1: ... . . - ) . .... i .i ... "'' ' ' r.'''" I'urhatiRCoii lite fltira ctmatmitly on it a mi. "Office on Peoend St., ttrly oppoit the COUki' IIIUTSI.' COURT HOUSE. I'.ulklcy's Patent. Lumber Dried by Superheated Fleam flMIK undpridined rpectfully informs the po X r' Clenrtield and tbo adjoining eountim that be baa the agency of the ftbuve Patent, and will tell Individual, County and lownslup riglita for its u.-o. The Dumber dried by this procesa 1 itronger, finishee better, 1 easier on tools, and ieiiiires less tnno in drying than any other pro- ' cost known utnl drying 1 inch lumber pcrfoctly j in hours, aud better limn many months under tho old system using tho aume amount of fuel I I.. . .,,,. ,n kiln ..ncnn.A. 1'h n..,. tificatis of a number of resident mechanics, well known in this community, is amply sufficient to convirco tho most skeptical of Its practical utility. Persons desirous of purchasing rijjhtswilladdrasa JOHN D. CUTTLi:, : Ju1y JL00.1!1'.1'''- 17ARM AND TAVERN STAND FOR ' SAI.i:T!.a subsiiriber offors lor sale bis KAHM of t0 ACU KS, about 50 of which are 1 cleared nnd in good state of cultivation situate in (iirurd township, near liallowe' Harbor. The improveim nts are a largo, wtil ouiit i.uu- HOtSK, At-., and as a wstermau'ii or lumberman's tavern-htand, or a a location for a store, few . places on the river havo better advantages. TFor particulars iuijuiro of the subscriber ' on the premises. 11. McUOYIiRN. i March, 30, ISti 4 If New Watch and Jewelry Store. Sll. I.Ai rill lN, having purchased the interest of his late partner, is now going it I on his own hook in the shop formerly .occupied by them on Svcond street, where he is prepared to keep up his ropututiou as a complete workman by doing all work eutrustod to him on short no tice, in the best uiaunor, and ou tho most roas , onablo terms. Dufyiug the eounty, all bo ask is a fair trial, and a continuation of tho patrons age heretofore extendod. Look out for the sign of , T II 15 IS 1U ii A w. II. K. B Tho Cash will be positively expected when 'be work is delivered. S. Ii. L. , C'loartield, April 7, 1S01. y Susquehanna Mouse, tCJiW'ESSVJLLi:, Pa. , W. WOUR.tl.1, I'roprlctor. THIS large and commodious HOTEL is de lightfully located cn tho bunk of the Sus quehanna, in tho borough of Curwensrille. The present proprietor will spare ao effort to render his customers comfortable, and hopes to merit a liberal fharo of public palroungo. HIS BAR AND TABLE Will lo well suppliod with every thing the mar ket afford", lial'tmen w ill nlwnvs find his "latch string" out. Mur. 23, 'C4. tf. Aaifanaf Hotel, MAINE STREET, CURMENSVII.LE, TA., WM. A. MASON, Proprietor- rpiIIS long established and well known 110 X TEL, situated in the west end of the town, has Loenreiuoddlod, enlarced and improved, and tho proprietor rcspoctlully announces to his nu merous friends, nnd to tho travelling public, that ho is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Ample, safo nnd comfortable stabling is at tache! to the prcmisos, and trusty attendants will always be ou hand. Charges moderate. Feb. 12, 1862. -tf. DR. AV E HILLS DESIRKS to in form his pat rons thnt profession al business confines him to bis office all i the time, and ho will imp-f therefora be unable .fii n make Professional :Jj 4y-ysK- Visits to any of his ,:.rs.;- aecuswiuea piaoia contrary. July S, '63. tf. D. 0. BISH. T. 1. M CULLOLUU. BUSH k MTL'LLOUGII, j Collection Office, ci.EAPtitLP, r.t. . HSflv Git.tnAii' Ntw Biii.ui.nu. . Feb. 5. 'IV2. ' ml'SICAL GOODS Flutes, Violins, Fifes, Ifjl Haruionicans, Preceptors. Mmic Paper, ( olin Hows, Hridges, Strings of tho best quality at ,J. P. GRAZER'S. Small Farm for Sale. riIIE sub?:riber offers for sale the following I described Real Estate and Personal Proper ty, vii: FORTY ACRES of LAND about TEN acres of which is cleared with a small Plank House and Log Pnrn, in Lawrenco township, 3 miles west of the borough of Clearfield, Also, the Castings for a Saw-Mill, Stove and Stove pipe, a set of harness, together with Household and Kitchen Furniture. Possession will be given on the 1 st of April next, if desired. Terms will be mado known, and further partic ulars given, by calling upon the subscriber. JOSEPH SCHELKNG. Lawrence (p., March Id, 18t)J. JOHN h. CUTTLK, Attorney at Law and Real I'.Malc ARetit, CLEARFIELD, PLNN'A. fltVcenn Market tt. Ojiposilc the. Jail, j "Y ESFECTFl.'LLY oners his s rvices in sell-, X ing nnd buying lands in Clearfield and ad-( joining counties : and with an experience of over twenty years as a Surveyor, flatters himself thut he can render satisfaction. And O i fe r s for S al c ; KMX) acres of coal nnd timber Land, situatt in ' w-'-- - - J))04) of Bn(, timhtr Lsni ,Uuilt, ; townthip, Clearfield county, in lots to pnrcnc( ,)Cated near the Tyrono nd , c,c.rfield RaiIroftd. (MM( acres of first rate farm and timber land townshi p, Clearfield county, situate on the w... of Carry Ron. . ' . npij ,cres in two lots, oas ol I12i ana tne otn- f . ,HMt for Knrmin). p,n-6eS, lit- ' "at n Highland township, Ilk county. -i s.Bueucrui wairuuive uuer i... ... ..... ands. Feb. IS. '03 -y. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL HARBISBTTBG, Fa. C0 ERLY & HUTCHISON, Propriety, 1MITS Hotel, so well known to th traveling . public of Clearfield county, is now in a con dition to anoTd the most excellent accommodation either for the transient guest or boarder. th permanent The "United States" bus now all the conven- . . rillST CLASS IIO TEE. i PubUo is respectfully soliciteu. J7'. .J. ATS and Cap:, Oskford's Sprirsj Stjlssat RICHARD MOSSOP, maxime: nil FOl'l'KiN and lH)Mi:sTI0(iOOlv-, (V..rt,W, it. W .S''J? DELAINES I'.uit'iu'u ht at at nt Satnutlon Srnsnlioti 'l)ntioti it iooa V'.".' I ALl'ACAS )l IOP Juot rccfivptl til MitSfSUi''. fllVOHAMS lr.ni I at at ftt at at at Hi Senmitlou SmuktUiD f(DKttHll Seitkatinn i TIM NTS ! GLOVES CKAVATS jiri' at JIOSSOl'S' ."rniion priro SciHftUoa prior SHAWLS liONNEIS COLO UK I) ) MUSLINS I at Sonntlon price All to be !td at MOSSOrS'. LINEN at CIt ASH at K TAINS at r . pr .. p.'..,,,, , ' A IlljKi lJ I tlO M Sensation StMUBtion Hensatioo Sensation iSeraation ppitHH jiri'0 irii-.n lrlcaa , LINO h I ' LACZ i JlOSI ERY IkibRONS TRIMMINGS ol all kinds & ill ttUV QUfin'ty at tt at at at MOSSO?8' Sensation S.tnssiiou Sousittiou Souialioa price price j t ioon prloo at Alwavnon hand at MOSSOPS'. CASS1MKRES at r'etuatign S?vmaiion Setiiatiou Sennhtioti Sunnat ion Sensation prtro priro pricaa price's prico 'KATTINKTS at at at ut at -p w t.-,' I s ,. 'J. ,. ,.p,v (, V KM LNO- SHIRTINGS piioo at Mossors: : CLOTHING euch 'us Coins, Pant's, ! Vests, Under Shirts, V at ematiyB price Flannol Shirts, , Boots, Shoes, ilium nnd Caim. I Now for eale at SI03S0rS', l HARD WARE ! such as Sitws.nails I i V n r b a K riivH. ( at tantuiion prio at Mosscrs. at sensation price at sensation piioM w -, ' I Spikes, IllllgOS, j 1 LIQUORS, gach n Wine, llrnndy, iO i n, W h iskey, ICoitnao, etc., etc., FRUl I S, such tut Prunes, Raisins, Figs, Filberts, 4c. at M03S0PS'. GROCERIES, eay ) Hour, 11 a m , Shoulders, Surar, Molussos, Cofl'ee, Tea, C r h c k e rs, Spices, Cunille, at sensation price Coal Oil, etc., etc Alvraj i! at MOSSOrs1. BLACKING ROPES rOWDER SHOT LEAD at sonsation puce prices price piice-a price at at at tit sensation sensation tc-nsatiort sensation CAPS at seni-ation tiriccs At the store of RICHARD MQSSOl. MOSSOP Al.vays keeps an tianJ a lull assoitmrnt of all kinds of poodi u quired for the accommodation of the puM'c. Nov. 12, 1882. Cheap Fiiriiituve! IRES to inform bis old friends snd cus mers that, having enlarged his shep and increased his facilities for manufacturing, be Is now prepared to make to order furniture as may be desired, in good style and at oh.-ap rates fer Cash. He mostly bus on hand at his "Furni ture Rooms," a varied assortment of Uetdy-uiad Furniture, among which are Bureaus and Side-Boards, Wardrobes and llook-Csses ; Centre, Sofa, Parlor Breakfast aud Dining Extension Ttblts. ommon, French-Post, cottage, Jenny Lind and other Bedsteads. SOFAS of all KINDS, WORK-STANDS HAT-RACKS, WASH-STANDS, &o. Hocking and Arm Cha:r3, Spring Seat, Cane-Bottom and Parlor Chair and Common and other Chairs. LOQKIXG-QLA SSES Of every desciiption on band; and Pw glaese for old frames, which will be put In on ve ry reasonable terms on short notice. He alsokoeps on bajcor furniibss to or dcr, Hair, Corn-Husk, llairand. Cotton top Mattrtsses. i COFFIN'S, Of every kind. , Made to order, and fuuralt attended with a He-arse, whenever desired. , Also, IIoiinc Painting don tocrdsr. , The subscriber also manufactures, and bai constantly eu hsnd, Clement's Tatent Wasnlng Kachlto. ; Tho lt now in use. Those using this maihlns I never need be without cloan clothes 1 He ao ha j Flyer's Patent Churn, I A superior art'elo. A family using this Cham never need bo without belter ! All tho above nnd many other articles re fur nishod to customers ehea;; lor Cast orexuhnnjej ; for approved country produce. Chirry, Maple, Pn.lar, l.inwood and other Lumber suitable for Cabinet work, taken in exchaoge lor furniture. r--Remember the shop is on Market street, (Clearfield, Pa., and nearly opposite the "Old Jew Stors." JOHN UUHCIi. Nov. 26, ISflS. y Valuable Timber Land and SAW-MILL PK.0TE2IY nrwid ao 11110 iiri'iiprij is inunig iu viirarit d . - " si . i ii I- fl:..kJ a . t,t,,rncd countyi p, ,ni contains 1 Tout IJO'S arrts of I.aud, traot No. I3fl. and parU of tracts Nos. 5 a-d 43C7. Tbe-s lMld, ,re ,et iieny Tl.MBERO, with a onto- tit, of PINE, OAK Mid HEMLOCK, . STEAM SAW-MILL U rVnti order! c.pabi, of .utt.ng Ti,ree .iUoIl Vwi of ifeir,, annum. ...k .n ,. .Li. Z l I put ting stock to the mill one large Mansioa Home, six tununt houses, store house, uodooi Home, throe bums, a blacksmllhshop, and ail 1 necessary outbuildings are upon the property. I There are about Hi acre cleared Und, nndsr I good fence, and a Plank Road toward th rirsr ; for gotting lumber to market. This valuable property is situate upon Pandy . Creek, about 4 J miles from the river, asd is .op j ularly known as the Frenchville Steam-Mill Property, and Is now cJowd at PRIVATE SALE upon reasonaoie terms, ah ainue vi win luwoer from the point indicated. jTr Application can be mad lo either of th undersigned residing at CUargtld, CleurfleiiJ eounty, Pa., either personally or by iettef. JS. T. LE0NARP, Sept. 9, 188.1. 5L A. i ' .Wll.ll . PROVISIONS-Flour, Chtew talv DrUsV'' Apples. Dried Vraeb. tel,d.'ranlarr ( . I ; 1 i ISAIAU WALL. 151. fl II . j.r. KH-UZLR-S. rtnurillr, Apiil 2", ap, 10 6t. pd. A C. I AIL, J. P. hRA ItLJt c. ' irom lb wen at the store of J. f, irn A 7 k 0