ii rt.,1 idi'lflM btltVll If i 1 I ...... 'l oit- I't ! ! uti't'-r .. Ntnitlt. O.ti IVmiicpiid. oltiuiiui'llig in pel ton dm 'n (III- IH'U. Pur lcir, iluvr tlu iivMiiy . d k Mir.-o n.ii.-Mdiulv into lYt.r.l'itg. Ynl'(!.: il (- r; ill i ctwecn lii.hi.i. nd a I Pet C ii Ki.i.lj .' Uidrv HI -erf. l-t ... ,!..,'i,h:i;l( k lolla il 'f I'1 , , . - ...... 0 , 1 ,t i.ld Hi 1 1. 1 11H (111111. 'l 11 HI iV, 1Y 1. 1 1 rin New Vnh Wee'.d , i Ij'UirUr.' .rvy the ',',. (ii i, (,ifi'i' f " 'Kill' Sj olfulva'iHt, M;IV II - o'l lM k A, M 'I lit battles nf th'" Vil(lcMi"(i wore con tinned y"-lfil:iy in tho iiiopI fun, -ii 111:117 of Ihe mi !! i v ciigigrtn. tils which have di-tinguiidictl ihi campaign. 0 tinny Was dupiind ill curly 11 1 1 1 1 rt f OS follow, U.lum m.h ttci.i.i - s'.i.Mly in ...Ivn.i.ool' the. potion oiv I'l'i u, mm hi v .u 'iik 1 ; 1 , 1 , ,,, 11 C ! h . lied t tilt I'lI'Vi'MH (.1V. Tll' JCCUIld roips 1 . 1 . . . r I If Ii. . I mi tint 1 'ight, w-t f iho River I'o, nnd jug General Hancock advanced on the en- . . ...I.l.-l ' . - cut i-o I i v isi 111 of I ' w r 1 1 cnrpV ith i's f?rn khrrmnn'i Ih-naitmcnt -Official r.e.uly in a .no Willi 1 no 10a. .,'. right, ..uprising and capturing an . ,tr . -roni .Ull'lV V'l ove i.lllll (..il li. "l'wi I'm i .1 iiiii . r lir... mini .llll lhtpiitdl U0P1 InC sccrciarjr vi .. t'.mit House ; tho 1 1M1 corps 111 center Vim.".i.)'. M.iv 11 -7 o'clock a. in. ollst nf n,0 ,-jver mid facing eouiliwaid cf iv, .1.,; i:.i; Ji.--: lihi(toli from Wen. Siiriiioilvaiiia. nnd the Sixth corps on tlio or with omi nl' liU brii.'adiers. (Jour Mieruian received nt midnight slatej th il ,..'ija'cing toward Spotsylvania. Fitter- stonart. Ilwa a complete nurprino, llie w nr. f.R;ti f-"; l? H'" tntirti' ies- "'M""'"' iU r,r."r !!v,,ilul:le Loing Mler,, ami Burrom! 11 ith- finurul MT!..'t --ni (ook tlio K ko Oeok iter's, nnl Ayell'n I-hium ies i-un'Orling l strvi(.'glo. Il.o Utile (licit ragc-U l-iip mid wn within Bfvrn miles of Kcxwca ,no ,14 Hnj jiroteetinf; tliu lniil;oncro.H throunhoul tho day, ouuli party oontfii 1I111 mormiic. loinv.n muwuuci in:i ii,c li river, lorniea o: u.rro )onioons. ' (in for the liohition ol tlio cround lliu f filing cionii I. nifnoeinl Iv (hiM""li I'aT'l'li mol ptrlic of llm unl lUl mi l i-iKteried i) iii iti nd intii'iien- rcnulntitly Hi iving t( iireoiya llm i fO-, 1 rotih (ho rdltm inl columrn of tho ' in Pifdn ol lni 'ice ciciiipi wlinln column In IN iMi of Iho 4 1 It innt., nniwrrliiK lili own niientlnii, "fn mi y IllP l('l(t I II IU" IOUIC It COITCCI, UK 11 j lur.0 tintinn il ilcl't Ii n iii'i"mi 1-1ii itij; ; nnd Iho Lirjfcr thfl dehl -tin) erculrr tho lilcHiing. 1 Iito always wni 11 Urps, i.nd ne.illhy it ti 1 ii,ll'irnti;il firly in thi oouiitiy in favor f national ileht. l'ren- idcnl -I Ai ksuN met ll.e-n (uco to foee nn-l ' vainiuixhi'd them, il was hojiml, foicver mil j-interied I) iii iti nd inl n'lK'ii" It rcn InciiN, wliiln Klirnwn 1 1 o-ifn, n riming .,) ( yrnicrdiiy, nri fnl' i'( In pIkiiii! llirninclvet 'f in i Ikh'ck neroft nKii fleldH, nlmre Imlh ni ullei v nnil nnifk''tiy do Iretnctulinn I I Ot lull I 'ur H'fien fin hidit I lie di taih df Wi'ilneii d:iy ami '1 li u r ml ,iy ' nporntioim. 'I'lieio crnniK to have heen no general Imtllo cm i ilncHihiy ; hut ral ly on ThurMlny ni"i n- Mm n . pi h I H PI MM HI II H 1 MDjfl VNOTIIKlt CiHANJ) HUSH To ' 17 'I hi.tf 11 uilitil miii inii mi in mm wi In hit n.i 't: , wm 5'aturdav tho' rthels tvero fbned frcm ; loudn'ii and Mewa. I'm haili-rie., vveic held, Near dark on thai day, our centre 1 .'i-1 ....... ..!., , ,, , , . 1 .1.. . ,', ..r , ... i.M'. I limn I Ji hi i y iien. mmum v"' (iiiiposeu lovni'ii 1110 ii-u ui iiir . inu km . pcntionM iliiiz-nl'a Koo. i a hend of : in j'ronU)f wood. Tim country i "'l" Ul" 1111(1 t'""-"pa'dthe ViU.ifcot, followed -juhl an docs (lie writer in tho Jiirubin orfian, who institutes a eoiupaii boii of tho British debt, population, oy cinmeiital expenses, rcvcnucii, A c, w iih the United .SUIch Litc tho rcbllion. Hut while oonio important fact aro proiisty , in isreprcnented, oilier, still morn iinpor- ... , : , 1 i- 1 l..:v, Hi v 0111 1 b UiVl.iut:i. llr. 1 tint: lla forMs tu ti ll hidrcadeii that ' wiioiiAVK jtst u;ckivi:d Tiir.m sntLNo STocicof mmw I T-I KT-n JU lrW V'ltiin rf llm vn-i' fttiil tirrsnii!l n."r n l- I that the enemy had dUnppeurod from tho, q vq n;itior ,.,, lia,,e for the Jlill t'retk. i'tot 'oith of fiahoit. This ii Ri wretched nnd Imibarous fur fichtini; , Snollsylvaniu reprcKCiitfd as a tcvy strong po.ilitiou, j,lir)0Kin an that beyond tho old Wilder-! On Kryriay inoriiiiig it was discovered 'roinwt.icliV.icn. i nonns nn unajiaiu ,,,,,s ju vci it on 1110 vifriiiauiu pianii-- -true-1 no enemy on .1 mhuk-i wn nnniu . ,. , o hen ho advance on Hnlton ; but Ven 'nronre a few a.-atte.ied opening aerohs ,ronl nM" V""" iprxymeut of these Ke.-ai'Vo nuliun.d debts s a pysiliun 011 iho i-nlirvvtri about liiieen ' hirh our lines of battle eould by seen at oommeneed. lutes lo ifalurduy evening t i,v tliu c,.hUI) ret urns of 1M1',), . :i :. ..i'Ii. I,,,. ,.! 1 1, ; m-;ii 1 .1.,,.,, . 1. 1... .1 , n;,., .1 , .rr...n CI,':,,,, : u 11 in it's :miui i'i r.iii'ni, .. interval, I'tiv ui" in mu wnmii i u va no uecuuiii in iui mi l , ,. ,, .,,,,..;, 1, :,,,i; ,,,,,, ,,i , M'W,k., withiiaiVMtia force of veteran ,i nf 1 1. v was oneeal- it unawera his pjotion Htth an mdifnai.t .... . . - 1 - 1 . . I . I' ... . J , . , t I - P i ... I ' .1. CAM. AND KXAMINH Til KIR STUCK OF Je (L'ltarfitlii Jltpiiblitait, DRY GOODS IT CANNOT UK ECATKX ! 1 was United States ro6ls in the rear effhaeneniy, while Gen. t,j a heretofore by .i dmioo forest which 1'homai adVnnres on tho front and (Jen. :uade the Lmi tie alniost a inintiiry. Ucnul ."cliofie!.! c!o-s in on tin- tlank from Cleve- i0ry lij.'htiii' began early in the day. Our 'imd. artillery at from eight o'clock a.m. until Hi tiniVni'-p tliit iv yie.it In'tle was (,i'trr dark, was never silent. I'roni every fnafht on that, liver, yo-iei ,lnv and may jioiiion wherever the enemy a lines were, i-PtiOK iii piogrw. Oeneral Joe JoIiumui atjall exposed ihe uns belched forth up- ! , ommands th it be I forces. 0n them u tempeht of bhrickiug shot and J "Nothing vincc my l.iu dispai h has been biell. ' heard front tiv Army of tho rotomaoor: Mink's buttery, attached to tho rif'.lij :Vom Off.cral Hutler. corps, and posted on the ede of tto for-j . . ; It. M. Stan ton, j;i mentioned, evidently did terrible cxe-; Secretary of War. cution, ond about eleven o'clock in thej , day n cliaice of the '.nie:ny, iiiteii'b.'d to! futrr Irnm tiie Armv of the Potomac etri-ct its eanture. was repulsed. Mu-ket-! '. irn. l,v nhamshooters and lierco nkir-i Vi:ixkhiay .IoKXlNit,:::::::::M.AY ISth. : , , ., .' ' ....... HATS i CAPS , - . . . .. . , noLiUiiy, wuuo me naiaiiea oi ner mirty ! SvrmoT s kirmisiiini m tv .. mn-hes continued at riillerenl poinln dur-1 ; . "... I Anothrv -crrcspondent .ays :-"We are inp tho forenoon. 1 1S , ol II'ulat.on ..re, t, a great ex - CA Rrit fS i o ..rpOT IS ! 'to-day ia the ?amo iiovition aa yesterday, The enemy had evidently ni.'i5ed the at the Bestion just past, has enacted a law , tent, but dependants upon (ho aristocracy . t-Ahi i-1 A Ol L-'vl.Ol li.'s . The viiluo of Iho real and perscnal proper tv of (ircat Hritain, neeordinji lo the .1;;kt ,Va.U,aiu..-a standard work-in lS.',0 CAUCOFtS WITIf FAST COLORS t .,0o ;o,, 000; CM-IUU'S MM UU j.1 IllS , ll,l,'J15,('.J;Hl SI.IXS! UKLAIXItS! I.AWXS .' 'MUSLINS! lU'iLAlXKS! LAWNS ! i Showing a difference of 1 ,.t,21'.,5U 1,37 ' (.L(J., ,,s , CASSIMKRS ! VETINGS! i against the United States. ! CLOTHS ! CASSIMKRS! VEST1NGS! (S'ft'oa (his wealth of Knglnnd (or nt leant the ij .;s' SHAW L-i ! GKNTS' SJ1AWLS ! Ilatid portion, consliluting three-fourths of jjj.-j pqy.s1 cj OTIIIXO ! ! the whole) is owned by some three bun- '.l,n,l l,n,in,l U ,.r,n.filnl!n.r llm' HATS i CAT'S ! HOuTS A SII'iKS rAKTlCULAUATTLXTIOS jj r LSl'lXTALLY INVITED TO TUr UX EQUALLED STOCK OF HARD-WARE! WHICH CONSISTS OT Saws ! Ilaichcts! Cli Saws ! IIulclicls ! Ci.', Padlocks ! Door Sf Trunkl radlocks ! Door A Trunk Lao i: Ho forgeU to mention that all , An KS.S,IA WLS , OFNTS' SHAWLS ! Naiis ScrCWS ! Hin-roj & fiy nilth of Lncliind or ftt least Uio' i. in .'s,s;i ' VMVtii ivi'. . ... .... oaii 1 1 JiinsiMii LOOTS & SIKl vitU tlrr: CACCi tion of a contraction on the ;ight. Skirmishing took plaoo at ihlkr- enljieinU luring the nmrning and afLer- creater portion ot his troops on ):h left i,y ,v!iich all balancoj due the Common-JSiiuh is the Itritisli policy which we have an;i icii.eiiiei. ii ii.iv... . .. VV,1' wealth upon unpatented lands will he put adopted, and which U to earucntlv com mmcd to a si'ilt his center, tho divisons ' ' . 1 , 1 1 -i : i I.. ' fl!;t.!.A,w ,n, I'otm-v l, mil' if to lie iu I'loifM ui coiie-.-uuii. i iik urn inn u iu IlieiiUCU. t . i i . t i i ..- .,a,,.i ,iiil,i(tnil'l1 nl, 2 Li i. ' I'll 1 1 'i I II in dtl i t icen tuaile by eitlier uic. ry i-o eiccK "oihi eoi !, t mc ,. ..., ) y .nirfkirmis-hers advanced, nnd discovered , Po river to nssist the attack. 'I he. first ..that the cn.nty had changed Irow their ' hi igade, ivonmson ? aii'i int. . i ... n .i .1 1-0- ......... ut ouc0 iav ,, unj s:lV0 of the liritii,h eronn. and that the number line'of lastTiiclil. It is believed at hej.l- ado or Cutter's Uivimou, I iini coiji-, -on. I ' . ..uBrters that they are withdt awing from ' liice. commenced the (ighltng. Orilliu's mtercl and conta. :ofhcr population-all told -exceeds one ;ur front. We will advance before dark, i division and the mum portion of the Filth j . Mi undicd and thirty millions, a.l ol whom .ItwilUiea feint to cover a movement corps, and Gibbon' d. vision of die See-; 1 1L 1 " i i i : conlrilule one way an d another, to pay "urthef-Soutll that is to take place durina ond, then advanced, driving tho enemy in charge cf the HUbslituto biiiiue have , , , , ,t ;he night, llow I irsoiuli arid in what into ineir nun i ns am iM n nu iwuu ui . n ne l tno rpioias oi Lawrence, I'ecaiur, I'll KAlT.ll THAN THE CUliAlhM'. iii'i c ivict nil' tho i remain in foioe only until ovember Tl.'.rd : He aaain fiTiiets to tell us that next. S3 that attention should bo riven ; tho " sun never sets " on the iiOsEcsiions IS UN EX AMl'LKD IX S1YL1 AND VAKIERYt -direction the army will move cannot now battle, during wim u tno roar oi musueiry i 0,.rjs pirady. Huston, Pike, Curwens ' no disclosed. The enemy has tried to was louder ami more continuous inaiiai, , ,. ,, , :i,n i,-,10t jtand in General Grant' way ; he pushed ,loiljlurg. J he mm " not .ia'-.-i. I ' ', .' , , ,,' " ', war would stop to-morrovr, no mm of can . Mm nf. of it nn.l t.ror morning will .! General Rice was killed early in tlie'Lumbcr City, nnd probably Other, ot , ,. , i ... . .ntiiching rapidly towavd the point ho ret futht, while getting his column into posi-; which we havo not heard. . iinl f.-r from I ulrienner. lie nva rv , lion. ' - "."' , corns like the infanlrv has riuno its share ' Meanwhile, Hal 1 nv's itivi-ion of the; TIIE NEW S. which would be one L-nJi I ami Jij'j iloHuis Put our national debt is v.vtly more Nnrnixs: NuTinNS ! than is -tated in the Ji-t (nu organ. If the 'I'ttl'lS ;c:u'ls ! NOTION'S! ! M UH INS! Ic:i.l-Xcts: IIvad-Nfts: NOTION'S : xoi'ioxs : Xctk-'I ies ! Ncfk-Ticb ! INaiis : screws Carpenters' & lilaclrbmitlts' Took: Carpenters' it Blacksmiths.' Toole File 8 A Rasps ! Files A; Itnvpn ! Shoe Finding ! fclioe Finding: Aliroit anjtuirg tlso io tl.it lint! A VERY LALGE A SIC Ml' EM 5 Q ue ens ware, V biiti llty BiiUir '.Iht'ikI.-u oC;t tiWi ia t)ii Kcliva, of hard lighting 'dor would place our indebtedness nt less than four thousand millions of dollars, The three divisions '.Second corpc, lelt ncrofs tho Po river, nnd i In order to give as full a natiative of. fyr every man, woman and child in tho countrymen, counlrv. " Can v.e tav the debt ? " t'Ossible, w e , ,'ion lielow. liioytiave enounter- me enemy in u.inu.aim . . War Tax Ou i . ... . r i , . 1 1 ..l-.r., nf I ,a i-i. . .! .. ! SU1 r-11 ( lei' IV 11109 1 OUT 611 1 ire PtlllCO. 1 HO ea large oanK-s oi oiew.trv c,vairy muiosi io. -l J"' -'- ru ,..-, . . ' ,.,. 1 ol.ict tit tho tern dailv .with uniform succoks. loin.' un Lo overwhelming force drove the lij.t f the J.-, accounts which we givo seemed to be the J . Siitfliols 1 SaU-lulsl Fort .Montittie 1 IVi't Motuiiiicj 1 have been covering the various roads lead ' facing in a line perpendicular to our gen- tj,0 1(j0ojy fclaughter of our coi ine to our rear from Fredei ick.-burir and .cn l hue, was attacked by a heavy body of Vi -:..... ... r the rev-ion below. Tl.oy have enounter- the enemy in tl .nk.and forced to ewing, plains ol irii.u, .is r irit. Hruf-lies Brut; lies Fli'itoViijiliic AlLitiiis 1 I'lioUiiri"! j.liic Albmuti 1 T0JJACCO i SHC. A PS ! Abolition friend' ir.tr ( ..r," as applied I... thtf nresent time, a total ofabi'itone lnin- . l.-.i 1 1., , , , , II. 1. Is ,. .. f.M n t ,t .ireil Killed aivi iniee nutuired wountled. iiuo river, iimuiuf m vn mi n.in-, , ttill further ronm, its rear m line with : fairi.st ofthe many different ones furuish-to tl,c ,axes ndditional to those we a.l ii j 'j'ii v tunv ii iv t oui D4 n j i t - rim tl.A liritlgo, still It ie presi" red kill The losses ot tno luiumry anu aruiierv . during the last three days are estimated fighting. , tvtho Medical Director ofthe armv of llf-: Oiticcrs returning teen thousand. Fftecn Jrjndred"killed, gerated the cccurivnco into a position ve- 1 ou, c:im no advantage eight thousand wounded, mid the remain- i.V 'l.tngeious to army iieainpniriers, lenis I'Eftri'M EKY OF ALL KINI t l'llKI'UMEKY OF ALL KINDS! Ur ai-thiii lte in the Xotion Line mciiti lust., euibiniii,ese-a.-,Us discouraging tho govern men t, ivc rom the t ight exag-' battles neither side, and especially ours, j is inscouraging iuo government, ivc. f "' rl XT T 1 I Toor fellows, how they dislike to looiv io . J J JUJ iN C T Every attempt ,0 lhe milTor "ucro they can see them- ... i ..i . . . i i i t .i, .i, .i i i;,,., r n,l eeives as uitiers tea uiem : i.n't ivtiero own niiideedi. Thev can't bear to hear ler missing. Of these (h cond curpse , A-' which were nmuenly struck, an.J tlio ,', ,. nr.;m. . i they can see the ccnsciiutcces of thci The Fifth and lo'''' cvacuatcii at uouoie iuic,x. b - -- - - - i OF THIt LATEST STYLES. UTS TO SI'iT EVKItYI'.ODY. mentioned, it is so -for it reminds them I'KI.MAIiY liLEC I'lOX. nhnul fivp thiiisand o:.., i. i,.. ii..... i.-. l i. ... i: 'Iho ili ii, oil ttii: finlitiin'iv.n vorv w. our rich t centre, was forced to "ivo wav : jI.wii iioinii miitj ii.vuoHiiii cacn, uuu me iu.-j ... - ' -- c t --o o--- ., .Vnr 1 " i ,; General Cunuitte seven hundred. There .vere, both in nun and otheert. .ar),l tilu loss in captures and wounded, if, . r'J 'rar Wx' isau unusually large ruml ei ofniightly , Ih-neM r.atiow. t.e.ng bui. presse.i auer nut ju k;cd wag decidedly ogninbt us.-;8ri"'nS iu ine.r cars-ior ii rem.nus u.em ( OM'NTY COMMISSION Kli. wounaeclair.ongtneca.iialities. T he loss ; rei. ring across me . , -I-,, ub, on Thur8(ll..f ncC3rding to the ac-1 Ulilt l!'e "raey to.etota tliat tu-,e ; ,.Wo ilr, ni),ll0riZe,l to ti.inou.K'e ji uiiRno i-'n..,.u.) ... , i .iiuiti-, u i..vu;i ('"" , . . vnu tht uvuUl come wis it the veoide AViii' r: 1 1 1. ..r !tn,lf,.r,l trnfli Meanwhilo the dispositions for genrril , eeunts received here on Satnrday evening, that we ... l n., l if. li. tijjujaini i.iit'". i , 1 in i i'i v, i((o 5 in- i-.u, .. ,, w . ., v t w . ! . . . . . - - - c i ; ii ..I. ded ; uli'o Colonil Wil.on, of the bid Xew'sult by our whole line, which ha.l been ,10 fc,crai forces cained a decided ariven-, " ' " ' 'tr York r Minor Fi ver. I ,!uiicl Sears :'. l V. r- made in the afiernoon to take place at o ,..,, ,i,0 rne"mv. havini! outtlanked Put what are tho "war taxes tiiont; Lieittei'i.nt, Cul. Foster, D. V. Col. o'clock, vveic postponed until neaily dark. ilall c. i ight, ca'pturing'o'J guns and'aro now paying : First, wehavo ihe .V StoneOftho Pennsylvania Puekinil?, was At o'clock a withering lire upon i tlio cn- f,.om ihrt-u to 1'oiir thousand prisoners. I ft,., (ax . ,ilcn .nlltft. tnx and llllliri!,! I.J II tail : 1 Ol. VI pyt I. n ' I 1 01 V 8 I 111 " IS u icnoi t,iiui,i u.-mi.i;.-. Maine, was killed ; Colonel jt'ulwi.ll, of the in position ; th- roar and IO1I1 lievv. York, and M iior 1 1 iron -i on nf'iind iii apo-shot was sv.vful ami .uevie, wiui tiieir si.i n, iook i- mi- ,ic,t, 0ycd his comniumcations with Ilich-! ation of this county . Put there are other lion on a lull overlooking t lie woods but, ,ndi Jf UlU s0 pre will c,,rftiuy Loj..wa. taxes " Fverv cent additional that from which very little ol the battle ittelf comi,:ll.a to f'.il! hack. " J 1 ul'1"lon!'1 ,lu ,-nn!,l dp seen. i i. v.. m,..i .... :i 1 we arc compelled to pav upon every pound , , i , . , I)V .111, ii. i.i,. iii.i:i ,,i, mi v tr - - - - 'up, ti eaii'ii- ihito lor Hit! offro i.f riainty runiuiis'ioiipr, ntli- joct tn tlio ncliiin uf the lU'tnunratic juvty ef Clearlifi l i'iimt.T Ap. 2t fil. '.ho-lSth'Pennsylvani.i, r? wouudcl,' PKiani-lUX-.; -airsu.lv, Mil S. There wiis considerable sk ii inishing du- ling yesterday afternoon between tlu two nrmica, and lutein the afternoon (ienerd 11:11 made an attempt to gel between Octi imiiV tnx r.rtri lio'intii tax aggregating Generals Grant olir o.a vnl t y had reached Leo's rear, and about P.ti per cent, upon lhe a nested valu- 'I'l.ij r.C ilL.H' ii-Aiil,! nl llmti nMii'il. ' shrirkinsoFHhell ; , i u,,na . unt u fm-nr j.h.i.i iin.t llll0n U;0 Slcto bbtifisfintnis. t Mi: 2. is hi ruliy jtiveii that ii'lten of nJmi niilrit Uuu m tho estate f It e; t M. Smiiuy, uto ol ItraJy lit , Jcc'd, Lavini; hacn grsi.toil tu tho uu- itcr.-igncil, U pettous iiiilcljtcd to laid cstutoarc AtC. o'clock precisely the engagement nt,jn further from Grant's armv cx- of 3Ufc':lr. ,cn. eofl'ee, rice, cotton ; or quart rtqut-Mod to muken.i meJiate payment, undt iuie .tn wit Ii vindicative Vl'Or. A nortion . V. c .1 ,r 1 ..: i: . .. i . mmns ennuis nfrnum i. -...,-..,.,..,. .-v.., .ui-u. nf ( I..tifi ill I ti I on h liiliiade. Ot the Sixth rralS'xlgwick on our right and t!ie Papid ,ljiai;n i , i, i ip luimlred unrl Tweniv- inn. l.iU.wa3r..Mil..l 1 1, mi ,rl, .,t n .;;,, :"""' "- V ' ,"r . , ...... v.. . ock, but now tar was ' , . ' --' " " ifut 4xew t orK, rilteeniu iuaine, ninety- uutior ,i;snchcs that it u iiiiviihf. hetl n lr. iIia, ... l . . .. . , . , - . ., iumr Uiti'nouvs tuai n,;::"::!'? aV" ' no c" been invented, and ...... ........ .i u rorul:!vlvatm, iho l II til ni,ronsin,.M.xl!i j. . t , - .... x, :(mt fltif I orlV-fl in 1 11 1 i'tuiS V I Villi IU. 01 t . it.uiv(t iiui i,- j k jt ept a confirmation of the reports previ-;of molasses, vinegar, liquor; or yard of dIv a'utlieiHiviMcU f.-r trttlotui-nt. ousiy received, t.eo nad certainly mno'ii rmi.-liti, ralico, cloth ; or spool of thread ; nctfiiaiPii. i., ,,A . ,.,,,. . Fort Darling had ' J ' 3 lui"s "r uiny is, i ct jj'b ji:s:-e i lXEt. n in itiv.v.lU. V. i. , i i i. "i .i. c' .. s i n er ci e niosi iy i cmovcu una i no war, is just ly and nropei I y to Pe called a .tovprcd 'hut tin-ntirn (',,nf.i...' iio ,,,.iu . . t - - - - , j.iji ot x oi l i mi ling prcdicieu ai an cany otertd .nat uic eiuue uouiedeiatc aimy enly-seventh Xew- ot k, 1-orly-third is- . 01 ' "w:r incr, '''"'(Vconsiii, Second. Fift I. and Sixth Vermont. t,' ... iOVB, on cux. upon us bv our Abolition rulers refusing , " n ' (onrt House. Our cava rv ttai ted In i,,ir- . .1 . v-- ... cm. t. ....... 1 :.. c;...: lie!- ei utig uie .iggreg.uo ioises on eiin- ' . .. . . . L U'.en 1I tuit, ttld by day-light to-day ouv corps 'had . . 1 , ... e - 1 , ,.u.,.v,. ... u.o.c .oi .va.a VUr eaval- lwtian j rc,el v jir ,it.-, vinliK 11ml uir , t .......... 1 ....... . , w ......... ,',:ii.mi i.t-s . ..v tl'TKtV Alt rwrsoull lire li.r,'),T rfltilmn- tho outer defences . cal ,TC;l1'. or teel, over and auovo what , j ed sgainft purchaning or in any nuyiiii'd- tructions in the wo paid for tho same articles befoic ti e .hmg with tho followin; uosrnhed pMpony : ono l i,ni.,llil, ..! i i . i ii i i nun ior?c, on 2-liore nron nxien i w.ign. onu lyiemove land the war, is justly and propeily to be called a f 6mhh u nuW itt ,ho IOi,c,um(.f fMpi'tpd nt T1 fiil'tv ... . . war tax.' AniJ allot much is Lrouglit l'lr.lip Lu.-lier. m Joritan iwp , as tno tame lie- luiiK to iiie, and in sui.jocl lu my or.liT. po, .Muy li, 11. U. W . CALW fcl.I.. THEIR IMMENSE STOCSW GROCERIES AND PROVISION! CONSISTING OF COFFEES ! I ES ! SUGAIH! COFFEi S ! TEAS ! SUGARS ! Siinr-Cmed Hnns! Vvki Fni SitpT-Cuivd Hams! Irij Tnl ' fish: pi.ovp: Giiv.t; t a: feirSTORE EoOM IS Cfiil'Jl KtiW. OITOSHE IUE JfJ.Vsl'O! itorsE. Clcr-.rf.e!.!. Mrtv l?tli, YJA I'i O FU A LSI J.T nutii-e that prcpi kM. li'.l t l"ir '" t'uu: f ll'itise, on the XI ft of Mux, ltCl,ki . tin .MARKET LOT for two differ ' for fiv." ye ira ant for t'ti yera th dcr to bo tli l,.tre. Tt t hlphtrt f.ilrt yenrit tnu.t le iO fer cr Lt LifiLef tb 4j l.t liidi'cr fcr fivo jfiir.". tu U rpl! ill ptr ccr,t lijil.rr the lot willtt km' tn tl.o hi;hfi-l bidder fi r fivo ; earl le alien under Ihe follcwi'-p ryiii leffoonot to sell thereon aoy i::tni:3(! or li.tiif.r. ty otJ'f. uiaj. 11 2t. J. vl.H.'.:i I)MI'IsfKATO:t,?l W)UCU ; ia hereby eivoa thtii ttt"i of tin on tho estate ol ISA 0 HL00M,1' oft ville knrou"h, Cletnf eld icnn'y. It ceateU -..... .... i .1, ben Rrantf J n lae aaavri.ion. mi" debte 1 to faid Ms!e are ri .uenMurf ned';u' (iirn:nt, nnd h't h'! 1:i;.n..t ti.e "tu n-j vti'l presehl them il,'' ticaud fir ft'ttUraen:, mj 11 CI, Ot. pd. LtAaWeOX HPi;si:i!OUn jODS Tlnwa.-e.Q ' OUf-wnre, V. denware, loto t.'loelij, N'.iilf, lilnFS. Oils, Painta. 1 Pntier, at all pri. e ut J. F. OATZES iir, beyer.d J'ino street Church, near Spnitsylvania village, liis the impression .here that unless his presence is demanded ku .ch, near Richmond, General Lee has fallen .,,.','. i'.,, l V .1 a. , I tl la IIS 11 i etb New oik, atitl .Secon.t ew Jertey, f t, numbel. 0f wounde.1 already nimofni.r f;nv..rnn.nl 1 LCGISTEIfS NOTICl-Xotice is hereby in rc.'eive, movcu against tueen- , ,,, rp., ., ,,, ,i, ..i,r. ; lie-pits some three hundred yards . f,.rr.,v .,.- t. M..P!.rnn 1 t t i (,i f fun n A iir.' I Ntn a!' I Jin rrtn f n tc im .r .en si.ace. where the lines were T- .' 1 1 .7 ' ' ' ' . , n. t , " 'ur' ,,t'1"'1 ioiviiMiir. nas lopatce., creditor)., ami all others in any way .'"Y " drjwted on Sunday last, nt Tinker, below int.-refteii. m win oe prejcDiea to tao dcji lt;t., from atlnngton. statins that he . . ... ' Oriihaim' I ourt of Clearfield eoantv. to bo held across an open si I to a (lemlly tire ot It. civen tint the foll(iirin aoeount! havo been Man Dk.iw.neu.-A man, believe. to bo ' -'"u-'1"?J anJ I" h "? ro,"in c'.wf . i ri'lITU Hi HUB UUIIU IUI HID llllir,,!,.,. v. Mv.tn, .... .....j, .,1..,-, ' H JiT ;rap. and ...,,i, ,i.,r., I I. .'il n.i.i'.ii a , rtirtj. il, t ,),- .. .. ... buck to the .North Anna river for a new I' ' F CP f. I t . t t .T t.i , i! It.vlli, .,,,1 i iii Hnu 6t,lu,no iwi ui wouiiu- era oi a ran, out leu into iuo waler. ilia On Mondav the armv of fii turwi nine ctmCmt .r,.-r.. The assault c . ' ',. ,... ,,..,....1.1.11 ' l,0,,y was 800,1 ffterwards recovered, an rri . 1 J f - .ft. n 'ttatie atx. r , . ,'.t. a t.e.vu-jj:ruw,nou.- ..,:..,.. n.ini.H ;n tl.n t,rn..,.t l.i.i ixariiiatis. no was on more, and i.uempi- ,.,, ,.n,lrl :. th. hnrollh .,f flearaold. tv. r, wdn:nl int-jinny a sua v.a mry riaci.e.i . or, ,icti vetiirninL' lo the field nxt .lav. ' ed lo Uuin from the rock on to iho hind cointnineitiL- on tho 3d Monday of JUNK 130. rv.r-i 11 r,.r ,.i, ,.. ;n 11. i,.n.i . 1 it: - ' - if e 1 v- ('I'., . . W( 'I, lit.,,,. ,111 iirn.i , '.'it- . . ,. . .... . , hud completed its sixth dav's fighting. 1 was nt tne same time madj by the tiUli ver (joniijn jn tl,o face ; C. Girard, in lhe lu'lUOfc't "U'd. vc, eliciting fac's in accord Tplothis lime the enemy had retired lif- 'and a portion of the Set ond orpa to the liH(,k j jiH;,.,, jn'the arm ; '.lames ' anco with the above. te. ti rai.es, icavi.;gtly t,uk., Ml leUeen ; rigl.t ana centre in u e 10 iow irg oruer ; Li i,t!y in lUo ftrm . Martin McCtllistcr, 1 yur Kiiny and L.chmond. Uur losses aro Ward' brigade, cf Knney s division, in nrm Woken Swept B,l0u!(Jt,r . u, fnidt.) have hecn terntile o (u amount-1 rear on the right; Crawford s diviMon w i,in,.e urm Zi.)Qr le-'-fncw re- ..iig in all to twenty-sevan thousand -1 Pennsylvania Keferves. :n two lines in C).ujt 1 ' ' 0 j ..1an1e.1v . uiree uiouuBa:! kUle.l, eighteen ironl on me rigni ; ; uuooii s uivuion next Ca Gauphc y 's wound, lio.says, is ,t "....c(. inu si.xiuousai) i miss- on me 1 1 .1, iuo 1 o t ' . severe, but ho thinks not a dangerous one. ing. A correspondent slat that Iho tup-.ter : Gnftin s divition on the lelt. I ho ai- T,)ey wel0 all Wounded between the Sih pl.es weio oemg rar idly used up, and that Mult was undertaken with varying enlhu- urH'pilili .....io cuviiiy gives our lorces as much uani aiui tat'en. uur men were neariy e.x-( nrnn,r, 1 u r;n fin.l M.n n .1 , , :.roul,ln In (I,a f 1 1...... . 1 ... 1 r .11 1 . . 1. n: r 1 ... , . .! UI company Iv, Isl l.illes, we tind tiie On the tame dny, in this l.la're, Buyd Ueloin, Hon 1 nil iiaviiveiwiie.-' 'H.ui, " """'1"""1 "'V following amoiii? the list of wounded ; T. of Hernurd and Anna Sl.epo, aged 1 ytar,2 .-up to tn, 3 tune, Uicie is mud . m msitmncf tt,e ennnv. . n v '.... , ... ., .... 1 ' 6 ' I V fur, it, -r, i.r . . 1 r . . 1 j. inompson, .1. 11 iaucr, a j. .ueniou I'elCre lllOm. 1 Jrvi. .f.l,n. C. ..... 1 il lltinor.il I ...r,,, l.n!A n, l.,A,.Attti,n j r,, ' for confirmation and allowance , 1. 'J'he f x-i accHunt of Henry D. Rosa, executor of the lust will of John M. Weitzel, Oec'd, lute ' of Hell twnnbip, t'lcaifteld coiaty, l'enna. ' 2. Ibe fioal aocnuiitofS. 1'. Wilron, adaiiuistra i tor of all and singulur, the good and chattel., 1 rii-hti nid credits which were of J. 0. (iriiham. I)li:i On the 12th inot., Mary A., infant1 jeteafed, late of Bradlord (p., Clcarfiildco,, Pa. daugliter of llenjntnin and Mary Krownlee, of 3. Jho partial account of Jno. I). TUoinpnon and (Irahiiai township, ned 4 yenrf, 11 niontbsand 1 " Josiali W'. Tboitipson, eiecutorsof the last will 17 days. " Sutler little children to come unto ' enj irftnuictit of Ignatitu Tbompjon, doe'd, uie, lor 1,1 suca i ine ainguuui 01 llfiiven. I ftt0 cf Lawrrreo tp., CIcariield c juuiy. Fenna severe, but lie unnks not a dangerous one. Qn Paturtlny laM. in this idnce, J. Melville, on of 4. The account of l'rnncia Pearco and Jueob John and Leonora Adaius, aged 7 tuouilij and . dll J E3 Fi Kj.-ant stale, howevur, that tho army has the left aro described, finding himself so lyii.y vii .-uppi cs. lie was engaged on lar in advuice 01 tiie 11111111 army , . Puesday in replenishing from th'o aupply 'pressed and un-upporttj, retired ve, and E. S. P.lnom. t . months and 1G day. r"f Another 1 Id and nuirli respected citizen of f'lT ll.A 1 I'lll. pALmmnl Tt t 1 A f'ltri, t.nil.ltV I. , . W n ,1 1,1 ,,,,. 1 Mill, ll.a ilnn.l .. Ml UID ll.'lll ill 11,11 III, l.'illl'!,llj l,,ll.U .. .. , . ,,,u,.k,t.. , ,!"Kt following: Isaiah Plooni, A. F. llloom, On Inst Friday Ur. IJcrry of Ferguson township' v 1... t t .. w tr r'.. icii vu-niu in mo faiuo oiseafe tuui leriniuaicj a, i , n.-iinauii, u, ii.vuuv, i. , u. .'hi- . .. . ,.p ,,. , ,. , . i Pearee, execiitonof tho last will and testament of Absulom Pcorce, jr., dee'd, lute ol Urudford tp., ( lonrficld evtinty, I'enna. 'tin. nccni.t of Snmiiid Si'lirinr. aihlllliitrtitnr cf all and singular, tho goods and chattel, J righla ami credit! which were or John t oung, (Ucened. lata of liurnjido. towuahip, Clcar&uld county, Pa. ISAIAU'i. BAlU.hll, ltegifiter's Office, may IS le Register ns, was Kilie'l at MioUm Ivnni (wc. We had not advanced lnvond t ho r. .. . .. ... : House en Monday. General Vriht line occupied bv us the Previous nicht. .PT. ' v10 . " . . hint in command of the corns. Our riaht inc at lea.-t. linsi.r" breed from ?'V-,!r?':!laM Y ' .vl. 1 ' V0.98 : Gunprul vena kill,l hv .iila . 'if ,mt,.,. A.. ,...., .,,;! i.u ,i o.,.i " i,a" nanaKer, v. li. lay lor, John ; afharpshooter. while standlaa with we re-t on our arms this niorninu.'haw-: W:..Le,.,tta,,.: J?h.n Crnns A- i,rant- " my cot- Court succeeds .Tho from f?Oin Oncers of his staff on tho outer ' tng sutlered since, the fame hour t ester- " " ",D ul ouui- mo XVOUNDI .U M)k.l)IEIs.All SOI works. Our wounded are arriving in large' day, a loss which to estimate is now quite Pur V' lom. Uoul. Col. Dare, of DIEltS who have been .iii.chB.ged by rea-: -muxbers at Fredericksburg. They are impossible. the oth was a.so mortally wounded on the ton of WOUNDS received in an.T JJATTbK, and j ? M. McKIERXAX, Dentint, refpeetfully in- X forms the citizens of Ulen ilopo, Jauesvillo trains, prepaiatory tea further advance, hi position, eaar.'if mwVr that the d.ns . ',, ',, lcK!,on; J- a. curry, v. u.con-, r.tiiinr (ii nniu 1 N.vl.-uriok r.r i!,i.;...i ..I. I I, I .1 .... .1 .1 .... ', ",:H'J iHK-nmj, nun iAin ii- , ....j .11 .... f ...l 1... 1.;. .. ,v n , ui i.ju A 1U ar- ,'r7'.ti",7 '.('J I'O'.y.t 1' Utltf UKtASttfWiat S U I'I- , " j i,J'1' v.v, v,-n,,,- .wuiilj., bmu wjr u in Ul'llbll n 1IIIIV i'llt. m LHUM VIII.UI1 anu ai aoiu . 1 . , I 1 .I'T '.. phy,,e'.n. Ho attended Dr. Pugli through his ata vlc,'""' lhal uo i"" luei l J"d lines-, and wn. pre.ont at hi. funeral in aPpa- "1,er9 ? iB rrepired to w. ( upon all w ho way ..,.... 1 1... i.i. . 1.... .i.-.u ...... 1 desire hia irofoMontil aervicea. j-(,alli to iciiiir L'liuit iiuai... , 1111 uui.111 wue an ?u4uerj a.B ., . .., . ,,, . ., .. . J r . ' . ... nnr nflltn ootintv will n, rr,.n..,llv .lti,n.l wan unetnecteil Centenl 7Ve. , - v Cd to. F. M. McKIF.KNAM. ntary on th " town.iip, Clm;J' , Urcea.ad. Laving been granw , ed.all peracnt indAted t) ... iiuei-tcd to tuakt Iraroiiat rJ . having elaiiniagninitthtwj f duly .uth.nticau-d for V - "nEoVi-BAl n. ...Ol-l'ti. w- 1 -- may llt'RI-.tm-pd. P. IvIlATZER, ItCHANT, and dealer in Dry Ooo.lt, 1 ... ' t r min i 1: 1 . . - il .. .1. . . I . I r iu ri a tarsx.) V... Ul I-. 1 !.. ' li I Bl UUYi WI1U D It VB DOl rOCCl, DM Iflfl lHf HU L .ill. CUn ' , r. 0 "u"'"r iui"y rn iy ng in , - y "7e"ruay en-, w - . . p , rocolTe A Dow - -t lUCIo.hing, llardirare, Qiieonrw.ro, Oroecrie,, inn aiTroftiM ohm iir-irni ina rtnt'onxxtn is. a L'uccuici u. iu tt ii iv-ii bii iicrtiii un snr u ,11 m. - . - r . . t . t . "-r ww wai'V.a B.UV l tt V UHH Vg i k C O -.vw.avtii. cavalry patrol ordered out could not do Iy. the enemy did not employ much artil- ?HP? r .vf"6 rupPoscJ .l0 duty, as it was d.(Iicu!t to pits, between ly. we had the advantage of position for D "ckinney Bolts) wounded in groin. lo bo ,n r-fon or hylottor, at TH E MILITARY AND ! Provision., lo. the rows of woun.i t NAVAL AUKNCY, No. I'iT AValnut St., rillh- flur.Ll'lUA. juhr.l'll K. DKVITT CO, led without trampling artillery from the fire of which lhe fool Postscript. The latest advices by last jtirPKIZE MONEY. A ur.ori them. General Warren'aFSfth e.nrna muBt havo greatly BUllurta, but in posi- night's mail is contained in a dinnntch 'Es patiblk to iiatk can be teen at the oflice.. full list of all mi- Fronl Htroct abova the Academy Clearfield Pa. April 20th 1861, -r7n1lC 1 IIMIXWrB-tWit.',,,- 4k- I. Jin is of JUi11 . t liuu t'n t"" " ..n.M t'Wi' Clearfield borough. Clearffe ' a' aalheuticated for Mitf "J "fcllV -I A OCXS, tnd Ti' .Idren t w - - -j p Lb k Ca.hm.,l"P. KBjfe 'TlOTATOES! had a desperate battle on tho Xy river oil tions for troop ttiey Held mat areaded , Irom becretary Stanton dated Monday 10, : " "nu ' "X,. "i"" "8a'n"t ! Povern- , JL A largo lot Cl seed 0-, Sunday. It lasted tho entire day. The advantage which tno lormauon oi tne raying mat dispatches had boon received f ""uw . tutoc. for aie by enemy, U is said, wa driven back three country enables them to maintain. I be- from Grant at 8 o'clock that morning,-! y AmES. Vrtst ood,Ncw B, ,M A. - I way ll-itt. J. T. KRATZER. milra. Ti ten. ...... i i.. linva we sha cot Richmond in time. Xot Xo advance had bsen tna.lo. Tho roads ipi.m..m..u. i..,A . ffMi : Our loss iu killed and wounded was very even General Grant can quite overcome were in bad condition, Loo had taken ., Sllkt, Vool Delaines', French'Merino',, aing-" i V fY p. L.".'! 7LofniMO--rn fXi Jarge, and include, many prominent oil the difficult! of this route The on 1 V . r l of Bpottsylva-, ban., L.wna, ji opening at ' ?rJI. H doS?5 . I thV .cKrt.14 82.? C-' 7ffipS cer. retiring tefoie our troopt.eelcct their own uia, io thtj workj ho greeted last summer, ( J. P. KItATZER 3. jank." may 4, i?6i.tf. tuicg it . r. 1 fi ltcn AHDSoin Mb O I Ull .u or pcrsom tri J broken into tho bonne of let uolirrf the 25th of April, 14fi4.od itlMtk , webs of muilit.f, acvera! blanket, tulile-clothj, two contd. onobnrJrt.111 soap and ot bor trtlflet, the Mt,It' paid fur the appreht n.-ion Hi"' . thief or thieve., or f,.r iacb 1"," lead to their cot.viction. New Millport, mar ll,'6l!.!' Z tif .IXKCUTOIl'S rVOTIl'-,, ? by given that ietteri W"-. - estate or ..ofcpa irwin, i'-- ...t ' rhip, Clenrfi.ld ccunty, P-. " grunted lo the un Jcr-Unf,!, ( v to said etto tro derircd w . pavnieiit, nnd these b.Tifl'" " i .nine will piciect tit rtu tfil ' k Ini t 'otl