9S If if 3 p f 1T1T IT T f 0. IB- O00DLAND H, ) Edto" VOL. xxxiv. whom: no. THE "UErUliLlCAN." Terms ot MubHcription. If paid in ndvanco, or within three mouth, II (0 If paid any tiin 8 within the your, ...17 If paid after tho oxpiratlou of lliu year, - 2 UU orraK on maiikkt stiikkt, ci.KAnriKi.n, rrNN'A. 0. II. UOOltLANLKll, 4 CO I'tlblis-llCl'S, TtriiiH of Advertising. Advorthomouta are Inserted iu the llopublican at the following rates : 1 Insertion. One npiaro, (10 linea,) $ 4l two t'lMTV, (JUIlUOS,) I 00 Three aiuurca, (UU linea,) 1 60 3 months J do. $ 74 1 40 2 00 f) mo'i. 3 do. tt 00 2 00 2 0 12 mo $7 00 10 00 12 00 14 00 18 00 One Siiuaro, Twoi'iunros, : Three .unrei, four ann'ros, i Half ft column,; : : : : : : 12 60 4 00 t4 00 00 8 00 in oo 12 00 i : 6 00 : i 0 00 i : 8 00 t s 14 00 One column, i 20 00 sr. oo Over three weoka and lesa thun three uioatha 26 cents per aqufire for eaou insertion. Busineai noticoa not xooding Slluei are In- jirtcd for li a your, AJvertiasmenti nut marke 1 with the nninber of ajoriions dosirod, will be continue! until forbid and ohargod according to thjso teriua. CLKAliFlKLB CO. T'lliKCTORY , " TIME OF HOLDING COUllT ' M Monday iu January, I 3d Monday !n June, Jd Monday in March. 4th Moiiduy in Sept. of each year, and continue two weeks if necessary COl'JfTV AND DIST1UCT OFFICEES. Pro;'t Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Ri-llvfoDtn. At'lo Judges Hon. J. D. Thnuij son.Curwcnsvillo. Hon. James Illnoui, Forrest, BUrifT, Edward l'erkf, Clearfield, Prrfhonotnry, I. F. Etiweiler, log. i Roe. Isaiuli (1. Bargor, Di-liiet Att'y, Israul Test, Troiuror, C. Krnttcr, Co. .'-urvey.r, 11. 1!. Wright, Cui.cii.-r'ivncn-Jiuu.l) Kuntt, Thus, bouhcrty, Amoa Head, Auditors, Charles Worrell, II. Woodward, F. F. Coutorct, Coroner, J. W. Totter, County t'up't. C. B. tandfurd, Glen Hope. Luiberahurg. Or. Hilla. Clearfield. N.Wash'gton Pennfietd. Lecoutes Mill Clcarfi.ld. LIST OF l'OST OFFICES. Tuir.n up; Beiv.uia, Olcn Hope, Win. S. Wright L'tahvills, Thoodoro Wold, Hegarty'i X I'.oadg.Pntnl. Hcfrnrty, Bell. IJower, W . McCrneken, Ta.A. M O hoc. J. W. Campbell, II L. Henderson, " Chert, . " Cuh, . " Oitend, Bloom, Forrest, Bofp, Clearfield Bridge, BralhirJ, Woodland, firmly, Luthersburg," Troutville, " Jefferson I.ino, Bun.J.K', New Washington, " I'urnsido, " l'ateliinville, " Et ttldge, a.-t, Hurd, Mctiarvcy, '," Westovor, Clsurfield, Clearfield, Covington, Frenchviilo, , " Knrthaus, Ckrwcnavilltf Curwonavillf, Jenics Hloom, Jane Forrest, W Ilium Albert. It. II. Monro, t'liaa. Moppy, John Hober.in, Jus. Oulluher, W. C. Irvin, Jack l'atchin, Jn:ob Buice, (i. Tuier, jr. Win. Mediirvcy, R. A. Farlior, M. A. Frank, r. A. Oaulin. J.F.W.Sehnurra T. W. Fleming, Centre county, S. Itndwbaeh, T. F. lioftlieh, L'd. Willinmn, Jna. MeClollun, C. Mignot, William Carr, A. II. Shaw, T. H.Forcoe, A. O.Foi, Chaa. J. l'uscy, David Tyler, II. Woodward, Kl'mi Chase, U. Horkadorn, M.O.Stirk, Jas. Thnuipiun, J. C. lirouuer, II. W. Bpcncer, A. C. Moore, T. II, Fleming. Ilenj. F. Dalo, D. K. Brubnker, Mratur, rhilip.burg, , ," West Dceatur, " O.'ccola Mill?, fetpujon, Marron, Fos, Littlo Toly, Gimri, Leeonto's Ktl'.f, llald 111115, Qofhon, Khnwsvillo, flraliniu, (Irahamton, Otelieh, Siuitli'fl Jlillt-, Madeira, Hot ton, Tyler, rennficld, Jerdan, Ansonvillo, Krih:rj, Fait Liek, Kiel, New Ki'.lpcrt, Merrij, Kylertuwn, ; Morrisdalo, Pn, Lumber City, : Grampian H'lif, n, Curwonfvillf', Illoomingville, Citun, Heckton, Wdw.Trd. Jeffriva. Jaincs Loekett, This Tost Office will do f,r Chest township. Will answer for Fcrgiu-ou township. ; o and sec tlic New Goods at " J. E. WATSON'S, Eirysville, Clearfield county. Penna nilEAP for CASH or ex.-hnn(red for Timbor J Hoards, Saw-Loirs, or Fhinslei. Bcs. 10, '113. tf. JAS. K.WATSON. It W. RMITU & CO. Mr.u i ii.vvTs. and dealers Iu Dry Gooia, tiroccries, Hardware, Queouswnre, and verrtliinj usually kovt bv the trado. Store on CiiOOi'D istroet, below Judjjo Leenard'a, oppo se tho rretliylorian Church, Clearfiold Fa. : W. 4, ISC1. JOSEHI U. M'MURRAY iJ) V E A LEU 1 A L U M B E 7i f WaaWnpton. Clcnrfifld County. Ta July 1st lCC3.-tf lLi a 4 Ba ff a 3r f? IBi i 4 a 11 1 . , L V T H K K S U U R , CLKAltni LD COUNTY, PA. VILLI AM 8C11WEM, Proprietor Nay r.i, lstiu. ly. cYliENlUSllbWE."" JncTinv iv THE l'F.ACF.. I'nr Dkcatcr Township, promptly attend to all buaineaa cntruated to A ire. P. O. Address, I'hilipsburg Fa. Jlat lSUl fnaunnv. JAS. I. WATSON OMl'SON A WATSON, Doalcra in Timber, Baw-Lnpa, I5oarda and Shinglea, Maryavillc, tfi.il.l lirt.in 1 0..1 Clearfiold county, la. Aug. 18, McMurrav. Matt. Irvlll DEALERS 1JJ 1 Goods, GrocoricH Lumber, kc Jluinsidc, li It 24, 19C2. A A. WALLAL'K. JOUN G. KALI i Attorn oys nt Law, CLKMU IK 1.1), VA. Proprietors. ibou. filter from Jjbilipsburg. 1 DIALOGUE (. :i rvn I.r.uoi, K.wE.siiudi'PEn (71'1ieithick Exi.i.ne, ltqiorted Jot the Cl.LAUt ltLi ltii - 1'llll.lCAN llj JoU.N JloOTd. Leroi Kiitcr fricml Kavc8(lropjur, uikI biing tiows to buoy up my soul. Eavesdropper How dulnt thou know that it wan I who knocked at thy door ? L. hy tho stop upon tho pavement I know it wua thee, uud thut thou hud'ut exciting news. E. My loyul lord, culm thy nerves. J.. Are thing!) not encouraging ? E. Thut dutch fool, Dcitricls Kxlinc, liu.i betrayed tho secrets of tho Loyul League ! Urctit Oot ! ko aro undone ! E. l hiwo oppOBed tho admission of fliniplo, honest men into tho Longuo for tho rciHon thut thero is moro truth thun uiet ry in the adago thut " children und fool , -The dutchman must bo decoyed to Loch Lomond, and there, having u stono tied about his neck, must then bo sunk intn II,. rtl.n...l... t..iol ! Hill toll the u ntil." L tied into the fathomless pool ! E. Would st thou suggast a tneasuro 89 sevcro ? A. Exlino is simple enough to tell tho truth, and such men iu these times, de serve a traitor's futo 1 E. As nothing but wisdom drops from thy lips and flows from thy pen, I enifoiso what thou snyest without further question, for in wartimes no truly loyul lima will think for himself. L. Thou hast well said for I-orney is the "inspired scribe of the Loyal League, I burdens felt by the community to the ut utid I but reiterate hie sentiments. most extent. No one objects, much less E. Ibows down Great is Abraham do we, to tho ostensible objects that the Lincoln, and Forney is his only truo prophet! L. Ihou should st Eay l orncy is Ins chief prophet, and Leroi, Anna liokinson, Hubert Dale Uwen nnu Henry ard Hco- cher aro his minor prophets and scribes, E.i hove lllttt UUintOtltlOnallv, 1 hUYC nol uHci'Ci "'.'Jlojul sentiments 1 jj.ll is disloyal not to recognize mc us of the holy prophets and tcribes. E. l will not nguin so otlcml ; but what ahull be dor.o with tho dutchmuu ? L. llring him befoio me forthwith. E As Forney is tho mouthpiece of tho groatly adored Abraham, nud thou re peatest but the word? of the chief proph et, thy will is my law. L. ami tea his breast and pulls Ins liair I Truly the Democrats have justice on their sum; cuuiu Hie copperhead goddiss but bo destroyed. I kavesdropper nnd Lxhne enter. Exl'ux, (iood morning Leroi, I nm bleescd in it your good writing it ish very goot, and I know it bleescsde government, for my wife say she reads dem smart dings in Forney's Kronikle unt War Press, be fore you puts dem in your ledders to send to de Kafdsman'sShernel. A'. (aside to Exlino.J Hush, Dietrich ! you aro trending on tonuor toes. i:.c asule to r.avcsaroppor. no you mean dat Shon Forney's writing ish no potter dan de now you gits from do talk ing Oia women, to put in nib loner waiwc gets brinted ? hxlmo you nave necomo very uis- loya'. Ex. I disloyal ! 1 would not tio any- liuc condrary mid do kommands from do goyerment (Linggon), oder yon, do wisc roy for Philipburg, lor do whole world. L. lou wrote Idlers to a Loppcrncau newspaper. Ex. v ell, do loyal Labors wou nou prind my leddrn, und my wife say dey had more original madder in as yours, unt dat 1 whs not used fair. L. Do you not know that your foolish writing in urcd our cnusef Ex. My wifo aays del 0 is more drooth in one sentence from my ledder, den all of Leroi'a writinc. . . . c . . . .Your wile is arank uoppcrnend i 7;.c Shlander nod do woomans, I haf shworn to brotect her mid do holy Ling- gon and do prophets, 1 slivvoro dat mid overy ru in both tho loyai ana rcuei ar my fist 1 vill avenge her wronjw. j my. Too other day a call for lint for the E. Do you not know thnt all truo icy- alists hold Leroi's writings more sacred than U10 Bible ? Ex Who dispudes mid his writing? T. Jcrrv IJutt is not worth a rowtfdinon sheeting pins, else ho would havo her puniphc.l . - . ,i 1.:.. ..1 K. If wo had Ilnynnu in bu place, bo would have her whipped until Mood run down her back in streams ; luul wo Ben. Hutler he Would send her jewtdry and silk dresses to Massachusetts ; Or had wo Neal Dow ho would hnvo her pinno and wino transported to Maine. fExline knocks Eavesdropper's and Leroi's heads togeth- -1. Why arc you bo disloyal. Kr Call me nnvt une. hut do not can mo disloyal, for great ish de gjiverment (Abraham Lincoln.) ..--IMetrick, wilt thou graut mo but ono favor. Ex, I vill, vat ish it ? L. Nover again darken my door 1 Ex. I vill humblo myself in Fnckcloth and ashos beforo Linggon and his wisoroy, but mino wife I vill defend nt all hazards. If our got and government, Aba Linggon, ever shp.ks mit disrespect von her, mid my list I vill black his r-yo I E. Disloyal Copperhead, depart ! A'jr.Mr. Eavesdropper if you again beeps iudo mine vindow to sco veddor mino vife vashes de baby bofore she puts it mitin de pod, unt she does not drop n a kcddle full of hod vadr on you, I vill fling my fist on your noso. My loyal lords, farewell 1 Z,.--lIov fortunnto that the fool has de- r!;.--I wish that Satan had him I L.1 toll thoo that thou must cast him into Loch Lomond, bo that ho may de scend into China 1 A'. Vhc ho made our heads ring miNCIPLES, CLMAHFIKM), PA., WEDNESDAY, .MAY yy, did t Uinu not discover lii-i powerful stront'tli .' and fihould I pneountor Lint nn tho bunks of tho roiuuntio lnko, it might bo thut 1 would involuntarily journey to the Cefcplinl linpiio 1 I' llnst thou not oflon snil that thou would'st givo tho list l,ihir ntid tho list win to wipo liberty nnd justice from the fuco of tho earth? A'. So 1 did, but I meiiiit myself to bo tho 1m l nuin, und my gold nnd silver gods to bo tho hint dollars. L.l uudorstand thoo ; wo nro of ono mind. A'. Will tho government not hold tho dulehrn.iu to nn account ? L. If Captain I'.luir was half as good a mm as Genernl McNeil ho would uton Kx- j line s dutch foolihhnei'.s by scuding a bul j lot through his cranium ! E. If thou canst girt Provost Marshal H'air removed, and myself appointed in ! his steud, I will hava every Coppei head i man, woman and child bound hand and ! foot, ami cast into tho bottomless Loch I Lomond : Provided. Chaso will trivn ini , ' t dl,,1! irii Por Brconl.uo ulllu . ,ca" ,f J '' "V V',l'( "rl J" f,?,U t."" ''! hl it fauso. ku for t pale 1 thee when Kxliuo' mentioned the kettle of boiling wutcr. THE UNITED STAES SANITARY COMMISSION. From tho Medieul Surgical Importer. Kvery few weeks tho "United States Sanilury Commission" appears before tho puiiuc in a new roio in llio urt ol money .'getting, It seems determined to make its , Commission profess to accomplish, viz: tho prevention of diseaso iu , camp nnd hospital, and tho care ol the I sick nod wounded scldicr. e linvo sonic vcrv serious nbip..(ioii! to thU CrriV.lxalion nnd its way of doinc . ollsiness. In tho fust l.biee. llm thin- it- self is founded on a false issue, and is a j standing insult to two Government thro' its medical department. It wis started on the plea of necessity, to nccomiilish luties that it was the acknowledged busi ness of fhc medical bureau to perform. Granted thnt thero may have been n plaus ible excuse for its existetico for a timo as an ailjunct to tho medical department, just as our militia and emergency men have on two or three occasions been called us mi urn to too nnny, why has it not gracefully retired when its services wero no longer neoded? I'ecauao it ha3 assumed to perform tho legitimate work of the medical department is no proof that it is needed. Tho department is ful ly competent to perform all the work that the Commission has taken out of its hands, and we think thut its continual appeals to the public for money now, for many of the oljccts for which they aro made are tantamount to a fraud on tho community- Ono of tho strongest arguments used by the Commission in its appeals, is tho ne cessity cf supplying tho sick and woun ded soldier with the articles that the Gov ernment does riot furnish. That this is derogatory to tho Governraont, is well known lo those who are cognizant of whut provision is made for every emergency. This will bo mado tomcwhat apparent to our readers by tho following imperfect in ventory of the contents of one of tho store houses of the Government, taken from the Sew York Evening Post, and which we com mend to their persuaL "No person can pa through tho spa- cious rooms of tho Medical Purveyor in this city, nt tho cernyr of I'.roomo btrcet and Green, without Udng strongly nuprca- 1 red with the exteiannu minuteness 01 me 'arrangements mado for supplying our ; niilitiiry hospitals with tho necessaries and comforts which the sick and woun- .... . 1 r M . -... 1 (tea 01 ouc army require. nn ..i.i. magazines of medicines enough, 0110 would think, either to kill or cure almost norpuais was mane in uu i-n.-pij' 1 ?.o. bW P-roomo street arc mountains 01 old linen for the purpose-nags on oags I filed up to the ceiling. Jiero aiu uunui. 1 fhirts bv thousands, acres of un-it. KUimlies O IOWOIS. l....... f i,-' , rrconn eilivllS: M C3 Ol i..Menil. maltresses. pillows, counter panes, and cushion-, tho cntiru l.itehon nnd table fumittiro of hospitals, tho ex tract of beef, condenced milk, the extract of collee, kiln-dried sugar, cornstarch, gc lnline. farina, tapioca, and many other things of the sumo cbus in as 1 rrgo abun danco as they are needed. Of some things wholo cargoes as they come from foreign countiics aro emptied into these maga zines. It is difficult to think or anything wanted in a hospital which is not hero, from a caso of surgical instruments to a gridiron. . , "Those who desiro lo know precisely ., n . i ... i..r.i i l.n fJnvornnipnt iirovides twin ...'.. i the supplies of hospitals can be fully in formed hero. Tho medical purveyor, Dr. Katteri.f.f., a penlicmnn, wo fear, not on the most nmiablo terms with tho Sanitary Commission, uui pro npv, i-iw.ku..., . .... outspoken, will g.vo he bcnavoiei iuii.es,. Y Pni(, Swift ..j wouI , ,, , who interest themselves in bohnlf of our , ., , . d dj , , . , .,j hi soldiers nnv explanations which they may 1 . require. They will probably discover that morn" the caro of the Government and of tbei If. in playing euchre, a lady partner medical oflicersofthe hospital department Luou'jj "liclp" y0U, must you consider her for tho comfort of tho sick and wounded, in tll0 light of a friend and sister ? ?.f ou' ,r,Ily,.L?8.-an?"nL S Sh' I r-Wherefore is it that one year in the .7. Z J u if in La w reels hero pidv of tides, it will le found, wo think, that tho jg-Why is an Irishman's joke like un requisitions havo not been duly mudo, as , irishman ? I'rcauro it is pit. we havo every reason to bclievo that when i mado they aro promptly answered. fcSTOn t 'Ouvind recruits for our r- "In tho buildings used as mag.ninos for,wic aro Bald to be on the way from Gcr thee stores there are employed one bun Jluy- not MEN. i. dred arid sixty women and girls bclom--1 u inn i.i mines 01 our soldiers, sntue of them widows and orphans. Tho rooms in which they work hum and ruttlo with scwing-mut'lnncs. The-o persons nro em ployed in making tho necessaiy hospital garments, forming tho bhroling into sheets, putting up medicines in commodi ous canes, und other similar employments. "Tho oversight of one or the-o great storehouses, the purchase of the medi clBcs'Tind othrp tatk of causing them to bo put into nro,.-1 ,!"'V.,UU nf M-xth-tlio JfiR.Ii with cr shape for uso. und sending them off on ' V-',C fttC0,id .fo"n.in ou,r. lnox9 left. tho requisition being made, mako thonoitl c1v"Iry hd been skirmishing m tho of Medical Purveyor in thi, citv i o sit ! T'.nU'u? mih tt newI liiVOrcd body euro. Not less than sev-nn ,i'ii,; ,.r ,i,.i .an seven inillinns rS lrO. h irs, expomicd for the I'll ru i rttn.L. . j I ..i.i ...... i .-- , . , -- - - , ... , .,, ...... P.i.-uu inrciigii ti,o hands uf this oil -"ICO W10 l-eciUlini.. Of llm imr " 'cer So mueli fur ii,.. , .! l3 , . " "VI.MMlVllt O I.IVJV K'l making proper provision for the hiuk and wounded soldier. Wliat can the Sanitary Comtnifiaion provide more. Again, it must not be forgotten that Con gress has mnlo amnlc lH-uvi.-.ini. i,.i- nm,. i.l. i.-,., .1, ,.! i: ..,., 1 ' . . - i , , . tl'l"cr wim proper rations an ciouung when in hospital. This is done 'y converting rations duo him, and1 which are uusuited to hij diseased cnn.ii- i '"on, into money, which uie purclia.cxd euch comforts ami In v.- nos and coniforu na i, ,;....., , which are procured on the reijuisitiou of iuu uigeou-in-ciiarge 0I a hospital. A correspondent of a New York daily paper says : "The public attention is invi'od to tlic followmg rjlkud statement of nrticlcs l'"'- month, at nnr nt ii, . .. . ' . . .... .,llttJ uiUOUVL'll hi Iftno ( .... the Department of ti hospitals m pms and serubby oak, with nn undor- drt , , S I G ,Klst'.l!f ll'n't, ' Krowll, of inm-l in miny places that ren cruirj' o'-?,nT ti,e nK,u-V ncY' tl'C forest a!.,,n,l impenctrable.- S r S L Wi ra.ion6 He pinoy-rro low limbed lind .craggy, viz.- 0 "iciisiry, :iu-i the cliincapim tho Milled and bristli- i73 , , .. est of tl'.r-ir niecies. An advance inline ..l a found bulte.-,:,,;,,-) po-mds fish, of buttle was ulmc.st impossible. Artil- V.,. ;rn C,,:i'ihU' 1 r""'" chickens, !.ry could not bo brought into action at "Y o , ' - . l'oul:ll, turkey, 4 bar- l- '""eis turnips, 3 barrels on ions, 2 barre ls apji!,.s, 3 barrels can. .is. '1 bushels cranberries, I box lemons, !',') heads cabbage, pounds cheese, S 1 "o . , ' "r('1' pounds lamb, l.oOO clutns, 10,000 oysters, 4HO oranc-', llbuncheseelciy, 120 pots jelly, i'r, pounds 1.1. iKiiei una 0 pumpkins. '",,UJ vwuiuium iiecv.-;.iy ; 1 i;e i.,.ov c i-.-uu is attained and attainable at cm rv .......... j niiJiiui ; aim more e.-peei V if iuv iiuunHT 01 patients Is ia! 'i'heie may ne pna n. -i.i;,i,;. t ,.i.,i .. 1... aujipiiea nic not accessible, and cannot be purchased. Theso ditlicul lies can be and aro obviated by tho conscientiousSur-eoti ho has tho means of purchase, and u market nt hand however distant. ill tho thinking people examine this subject in all its bearings ? Tho conclu sion will bo inevitable that the soldiers need 110 extraneous aid." Another duty th0 Commission assumes to pei form ia tho sanitary inspection of camps hospitals, etc. Why, every medi cal olhcrr of n regiment or a hospital, is a professed tan itai inn, and he has his bri gade, division, and corp superiors to eee that his work 13 properly done, and they again are under tho supervision of Modicnl Inapectors, nnd various indepen dent roving commissions of inspection up pointed by government. It is hii insult to the government and its oflhvrs that this Commission sends its agents to over seo their work. Why doe it not tend agents to see how the President performs his work, or how the work of the depart ments or Congress is performed? Why confine its supervision to the Medical De partment? Perhaps it has secret agents at work who knows? The plea of " cue fur tho soldier" has been asuceesslul can.', (nnd they may rightfully claim that they . riue or. 1110 wave 01 popular opinion w 0 snail resume mis subject next we.-i; and review the methods adopted by the Commission to raise funds, its irresponsi bility, and tho disposition it makes of its money. We think that it is capable of proof that whero tho soldier gets tho ben efit ol a dollar, much moro than that amount goes toward defraying the expen ses and keeping the machinery in motion. There arc sonio remaikable developments to bo made in this connection. f-yThnt able Pepublie.in paper, the M'e.T mm i. ti'ii' r."cmi'; j os.l, ascribes our I reviu bus iu u uue, ed fact that the nigger "irn't properly 1 ceoi'iiized-" Put didn't the commander nt Fort Pillow rec ognizo tli" nigei ? Didn't General Sey mour, in Florida, recognize the nigger ? Didn't General I'.anks, in Louisiana, rec ognizo the nigger ? If tho nigger wasn't 1 recognized upon these occasions, how and I when and where on onrth are they to be j recognized? We aro really approheiuivo thnt Abol i tion Editom will go to low so recognize the niegger, that niggers won't recognize 1 11 r.r.;, :;' .1 ,,,..; bUVLU. . ..... ... 1. ... ,i. ..i.n, . fJ-ThnceL-brated Do. nSwifl.in preach to . i .... c'ing nn a..u n muni, w i- tevere upon i m- lor i . . . '. 1 or pioadine ncainst t heir eon-eienee. O D - . - After dinner, a young councellor said pnmo sovcro things against the clergy, and added that ho did not doubt, wero the .. i- . .,, , i. devil to cue, a parson mignt i.o iounn to , , , , R0rni0I, ' Iiighwy department entitles an ollicial to TERMS :-$l NEW WARJEWS. The Battles of Thrtrsdny and Fri.lay, juay j ana u, oa itio Knpid Ann. From tho New York Herald. Tin; tattle on tui rsdav, mav 5. At ono o'clock on Tl.urbdnv wo wero in lino of bnttlo with tho best corps on tho s men near Llianccllorsvillu mcMO were soon lotin-l to have augment ed, and tho tkirmish speedily swelled in- ,i, proportions of a battle. Gen. Wil- 'ui, with a ort ion of his command, was cut oil" from the main bodv. but mined them later in the day. Tlx; ti,;bting hero estid.li.died tho great siipei i'iiTty of our cavalry to Smart's fa mous partisans. Tho latter were badly iwuimcai in me nay s engagement, anil re itirod towards Fredei icksburg, to join Gen. I Huhugh Lee, of whose commai:u .Stuart's is a part. Dii taking the different positions assi,'n-' , , . . r i ! ' 1 ". ". '." 1 '3 "l K:ul "'y COI1- i snucuon oi neiM breastworks in front of its lirst line ol battle, und soon bad them capable of fcrmidtib'a resistance. Tho face of the country und the character of its growing timber was found the most unfavoioble imacinable for offensive oper- : Ti... i . i uiiuun. i mi loans were narrow generally, I tedious and bounded on citiier hide with 1 1 . . .i r I " "enso growui oi young pines, chinca i all. A few i.laces on tho immediate line n: i.:, inai aiut m an oecasional hrenk m the fori.-t on either side, wero tho only positions po.iiliiu fur planting batteries. Uver three hundred pieces lay idlo dur- ing tho whole of tho first day's light- ing. The position was admirable for defence, and was selccUd by lien. Lee insl ntly on iearniiig tiial lien. Urar.t had oi:t-mn ik!uvci i-d iiini am! gained a crossing with out u hi. tile, Many of the ravines wero u'cp anil inn ok ltje. t ut a m"' al im, nK-ille. but a i;... 11 accouiit ci precipitous Ucclivit- ' luu 1 1 " 11 "l " ""i ics. The maiu obstacle wo had to con-1 tlic command of that c iflicer, purticipatod lend against was tho thick growth of " tlll; h'ice conflict of the tcf'l. The Sac scrubby timber that prevented tho proper , ond t'rigado wn'j in reserve, to close tho haudlin 01 the troops and concealed tho enemy 's f'01 ees. dur e pretence und disposition of his and line of battle formed by tho corps was fully iivo miles in length, from northwest to southeast, with the centre thrown forward, givil g it 11 convex' form. The rebel line was ct cjuul if not greater Icrgth, us was proven by their maintaining their positions in our front, , and 011 one or two occasions temporarily turning our Hanks This much it seems necessary lo say, for a proper appreciation of what is to fob low. At one o'clock p. m. on Thundiy, Gen. V.'avrni's rones bi-.'im Li.tllr- bv n.lvniirlnrr along tho line of the turnpike in line of butl.e cr. both sides, sharp ar.d vigorous on iho J. editing w-;.s oth 1 i Ii s, Willi or casional lnteivids till ik.ik, with in dilferent success to cither. Dur first dash frcm the centro of Wiirten's corps was met with a deadly volley ti nt threw their line into momentary confusion. The reb els took udvantage of this, and made a bayonet charge on Lattery D, First New York artillery, capturing two of their brass Napoleons, or 12-pounders, Tho battery seems to havo been imprudi r.tly exposed and indifferently supported sharpshooters had previously shot down tho horses and many or the men. The captain was wounded eaily in tho fight. These were the only two guns wc lot in tho battle. At dark Warren nominally hel l posi tion a half mile in advance of his breasl wni ks. Gen. Sedgwick may po.-iifly have been fetl.ug Iho enemy outlier tliun Wurien, bill was not bully engaged till afternoon. Tho fighting in his front wa.-. terrific for a considerable period, and tho losses ncccs unly In avy on both sides. At night ho seemed to havo gained a d.icidod advant age, and at ono time it seemed probable that Leo was withdrawing troops from that point and concentrating on our loft. Subsequent events contradicted this theo ry, nnd the Sixth corps was compelled to meet one of the most Vio ent aas.au ts of ' " 1 . this or nnv other war. I eavalry wc have advanced up the Penm- Gen. Hancock opened on tho rebels ', 8uIni ,or Jo1 tlie Chickahominy and havo from the lou. of our line at half-pa t four p'lfelJ' brought then to on r rresent pos. onThund.iy iiMcrnoon. and foutht furi-l ,ien- 'illl'b0 aro colored cuvnlry and are otisly until night. Ho found himself con fronted with veteran troops, who rcsistod his impetuous assaults with tho coolness of weil trained toldiers, and when forced back always retired in better order than would bo possible for fresh rocruits. From tho moment of attack until dark, tho crash of musketry was incessant and dea fening. Tho rebels were finally driven fully a mile. Gen. Hancock was severely pressed at ono timo in the evening, and two brig ades were thrown into the pap between his light and U arreu a left, iho lighting hero w as of the most ohstiuato character possible. As the sun funk below tho horizan, tho erund conilict of tho dav lulled into irreg- Liar musketry filing, d liuuiiy ceaacu (ienerul P.nnisidu s CfirbS was t.Ot Cn gngeJ through tho day ; but wua Laid in position to eujiport tho Sixth. TilEFHilWINli ON J Kl i. V, BAY I'. A light hao covered the. ground when day d.iwned on Friday mominii. As it 50 I'cr Annum. ;f paid iu aJv.t: uo. SIiKIKS - VOF..lV. - NO. 11. disappeared beforo tho pickets of liOlh armies sun, and as tho chiuo m s: :ht each oilier, hostilities begun from u ehiw and ttragling interchange bi'shots between the pickets. 1 ho hie nicreined in wan ith until six o'clock, when the eiifci.'gc.aer.t became general, und continued with litt'.o abatement throughout tho day. Tho rtb ola had intrenched their position cn tho right by felling timber uud covering it, with earth. Their line ran along tho e3gj of the wooJs, with Hilillery atationod ut interval.", A loss formidablo work was thrown up by our troops, atid the interval of tho ground war, the scene of ono of the. most hotly waged contests of tho nar. The ground was fought over iu sorae pla ces us many as four or live times, the com batants driving each other iu turu lion the opposite lines of lillepits. The oilli coi'p, on our right, was mo t heavily en gaged in tho lorouoon. ilaucnch, on tli. plank loud, nustained a terrible charts . the rebels, whodrovo him back and tepo sesu'd the ground enptured from tin the day previous. Sedgwick's left divi.i ion that of Gen. Seymour was thio.vn into cnnfu.-.ian by u eiuirgo from thut por tion uf the rebel line, which wni enid t llllV0 ,J'on reinlorced during tho night by i .,...'.. i I- . . i i - . . Loncstreot s corps. In fact, tho oondition ofntl'iiirs nt this timo seemed anything but hopeful, and though tho lino was fi nally re established, yot when, later iu tha evening, tho rebels pierced the right con centre under Warren, and pushetl our lines so fur back thnt frr a while itseem fd as if the right witg would bo detach ed, the feeling of apprehension was al most universal. The condition of affair? rrrtuinly look ed gloomy on that Friday evcniii". His tory demands that the "truth should bn told. At the battle of tho WihliMiuvGen. Grant, did not do so much outligt as 01:'. matni-uvre and outgeneral the enemy, lij a masterly movement on Friday niht i changed the whole aspect of affairs. Wi. drawing the Sixth corps from the ligh;. by way of the F.ly's Ford road, ho aont L to tho extreme left, thus at tho same timo consolidating his own lines ono inoro and threatening tho rebel capital itself. Tho opeartions of tho Ninth corpa, which on tha day before had been held in reserve, weio directed respectively to tha j assistance oi warren ami uaneocic, mo uuiMiTBu. oie- ci)"jii weio sent along tho plank road in the direction of Chunc cllorsville, w ith orders to report to Gener V . V.T!, ..'J)". uJ.r ? ..TriVn. I'.u p ieii ecu i :ti I'.-n iiim iiaucuciv. mu divisions of Putko nnd Wilcox wero mov- cd out upon a country road running south erly between the tump ke and plank road. Tho rebels weroeoon encountered, and when Gen. Lurnside and EtafTrodo to the front they v.eic greeted w ith a particular ly warm salute. It failed to injure any one, howe ver. Parke, with a division, held the right of the road, and was on theflank of Warren, whoso por.it inn was further Ktrenjd hencd 1 y the massing of tho Fifth mio. Nin th coipsmtillery 111 pontions con- vcnicm to repel any iiuempi 01 me reoois j to break tlnengh. To tho loft of Pinko, closirg ti. the fpnee between him and Stevenson, Was ', ileox's division. The rebel : bnrrfl'.ooten ntalioned them selves iu the lice lops immediately over the front of the ir line. Cupt. Hutchinson, of Wilcox's i taff, was wounded pninfully, though not dangerously in the thigh while conveying an order. Col. I.rgendro, of the 51st New York, was .-hot from u tree, the bull pas:-ing through the peak of his cap and cutting the bridge of the nose. Tho Fourth division of colored troops, un der 1 erriro, was upon the extreme right, picketing tlio liver and holding tlio line between Hancock i.t.d tho river. When s-.iib.scr(utnt!y tho provisional brigade of Col.Maishuil was moved to the cert re, one of Fci rero's brigades took their placo. I Up to tho timo 1 left the field the color ed troops had not taken part in the bat- tic. Many of (ho i-.-giments ot the Ninth corps was under tiro tor the lust lime. All behaved iii a most creditable ifiunnor, some of them standing to tho work like veteran regiments. Operation.-, South r,f rJchraonl Official (iinii tc-i frcn Cen Eatler. Washington, May 1(1. To Ni. Genera? I'iv. l foilvard a dispatch, this moment received from General liutler. It tells thy strry. Kdwaiu M. Staxtox, Sec't. of War. Head Qcaktei s ner Pchui dv llcs-Dntii IiAM iNc, May 'i'.To EUk'-h M. tUtnltn, Sec't. ofWiir: Our oreriitions nmy bn . .- . r . l .. e:ti. i in , mmmra u in i ui. i.i-j - now holding pot il'oni fiB our ndvauco to wards P'chmon 1. Gon. Kuntz with 3,00e cavalry from .Suffolk, on the aamo day with our movement up tho James river, forded the Pdack Water nnd burnt tho railroad bridgo at Stony Creek, below Petersburg, cutting in two Beauregard's forcea at that point. We have landed here und en trench?! oureolves; havo destroyed many miles of railroad, and havo got a podtioti which, with supplies we can hold against tho whole of Leo's army. I have ordered up tho supplies. Peauregard, with a large portion of his command wns left south of the cutting or the railroad by Gn. Kunlz. Thnt portion which reached Petersburg under J I ill 1 havo whippo I to dey, kill ing nnd wounding many end taken msny prisoner!, after a sever and well roptet td fight. Lieut. Gen. OraMt w ill not hr troubled with any further reiulyrcemont to Lee from l'caurrgar l's force. I'evj. K. I'ctlkr, Mnj. Grn. Commanding. I'OKTRU.-J MONROE. May 10 Fig'il'i.l oiimruoed v-"ue i '.