" aa mmrn-mm I Tin: m:itm.ican It .iX..ET-:r.shi-,n.,l,ii Bonnets, I.M.. N.I., GKLAT F.XCTTI.M LNT 11 ULKM liol'l. " Ont cr I' T'" ' fl fcu 1 "'. " i '. ., f u- tWil ,( (' " i.oljtnirl within Ih, i'.ip, I III , x . . .i.i' . - . t. IIili kt'liu It I I mil Inn Mr ii, 1 ,,- . r. .... tbi Kill . r 2i-h uf i!. tnr.,,11,. .f-,r wl, n-li lung be w'l. 1' f"L" 1 b,El'9 f '"I luutii ,B b sold corn-. 4,. Towsi'i: asd Local I.ihs. T1.Ii vuluuMo WO'. Uf-'J rcon.i.,nded L t tl.o members of l.C;t.1:?!JLar.an,ll llfI,r:i;.M..oto-,ns.,i!) ef"c. rs, ni nor It had at i!)B reduced mice of tl. A Uiilt'l ntiut.pr ill iTiiinfor ni i,a ito e Lf llarlrBick A Hiuiou. U floc.c r.ir.NT, Tlio d'vcKi.!- hou-e or eujiicl ly rtev. John A. Nuin-r, at f!ra JlBlli'.rt'l, lo!ll;rr W illi i;ut f iu nm ten!, wtro rxiirtu sl;i'i ly fno tu Fri- day ll.e Cth in.'.t. 'Mm !i win I hi the time jireatly iTnlnnrcJ .i larf-n Lntii un.l tho df !i- of Mr. INI IV t, WAP. NEW .5 -GKi-AT VlCIOitY. U.alin'Liti iram V. ,i.hinpuil U) lo ? 'o'clo , . m.. on SunJi.)-, ,ute WoJay9 ligb.ing I, ml ti, k'-n jdnco Yhtir!:iy nii.l Irtrlr;; on or tx-sr tho oi hiitilo fic.'J Of CiiCrccrtrcviKi.', il'i lidiy loti on' Lolb eiJm, Loo Lavi'tg lir-ii ilriyvn buck! Il.n.6 miloa UwapIh c:r:-! Ccurt House! . i end n ("i'fi(i "J victory i.s chi;iu(.l f,r fieri. CrfLt. Tlitro !l...u:iii.'.l hilif! in I ten thcupoml wounflod rtl tij an- s.iij t !,,4ve fa!!eti into c::r hiu.clj. Our i., sl.itvd al fow C to S.CC0. ; Gi'ti. Butler is n'porird nl Clly Tuint, ' w'ui.'ii i ulcioat 13 nili 1 .low IticlnKtil '. en ;he Jamos river, pud tlmt cn hi Torcos tnrr:t'g ten aril IMeri-l'iirg (he vL:t ai.'t Klll-e :!,c cly, 1 IiH eu-lifH fu.jj ' "i.irlir.ric;.; i : lo 'H'.ivd iF t it. J!. ria Ilm :un :u;ce of . O-'t. .cl;( 1 rr sb rn iho tfhvh nt Tun net j J's'.i, and would push c-u totvunis I uitcn, ! Cj. A b ttl v.r.i r-::;.. rt,-.l. Ti.er.c fro'ii t!u' I d Ki rr tihu-cs fjT I'.a:,!; nt .Mr X'inilriii. !i.iv-ii :'.:!;, -n bak from (Irand lv:t.r Tin1 "1.'! t-it:t'p ep dilion 0'iiit r ( ivii. f-icil tcfi i.tj.i i .h iving fii'.loii Imok tol.it'.le K-.rk, ,i rk., Rf:er iivir,;: urvei l.iiit!,! in nhiri.' ;ln lo'a i u:tii at wv1'.) 1 ;.i:,:i us A 'I I ! ;ij 01. s. I" S. T.Rt ni.'ht't mul liriticifli-.-Mi.'.j of fjrliiAr lic'.ftinit on Inlay mid S:;tnr diy. T jp rVMj;: i- hy nn means di .-iv.vr. SicretBiy Sli.n'.r.n, i. a d',. it!c!t dn'.f.J ut V.ii!i:.rp'on at noon on Monday last, suy;: "TLe belief hern i tnat Orant ii- ucliievini A cnrnjde'f- v:c!oiy, 1 .O'.'O kilid, Tvnur. Oui loi-s ii stated -V, i ,1 Mi! .1. : PRIMA IY ELECriOX. ff?Ve aro f.m.h'irizid to I'tniouitco AMI".? 0II.L. of Bis.lfor l f'urii'bip. a- a cun.ii (Ihid lor ll a off.ee cl ' , unl" t'un,u.twidur, fib-yi-i to the aotirit of ti.e 1-mopiati" party of CiiScM .vuc'y A),. fT-61. Cm t , y tir a II ivt ul I I dull t P . Ork (jf I'hoit'O (i !tv pn, .1. V. KIIATZ!'!' WAR A r 2, E il i?. RIVAL OF mi iOODS AT THE Cil! CASH STOKE. I ,ini rece ivitK end operinjj lelecam Mockof f in- ri.-.l l-.- .'prin a carefully i Minnticr G & IP 8 of almost every description, , nn iiiiui atsortuiiMii of I'riiits and Ury f ic f, of the liewe.-'. and 'utut ftylos. Alsou irre.tr viiev of tiifu! n(-li"i:. iJKy-GOOI? AM MOTIONS. I) .r.i'.e'.s, hhewlr, Jl.ts nnd Cap. iioali and Shoe, r larjfe nunntity, JJa,rdware, Wacenrware, lirus and ilcdictuei, 0:1 and I niutii, Ce-7e A Oil rioilm, GROCERIES, Fit-li, S.vnn and Flour, j llacUci-ui In i and barrels. ; 'fr Veil ri'j.i'uty, all of which wiil bo sold al' '(iT!nt cni-h nr r-fadv pay prices. , c'i tr,..:td-. :,nd d.e pu'uiiu generally, are: re p. -."11.17 invited lo call. I -V. it. All kinds ol'tfA'.l.V'aad npproved, i:pVs:)AV.:: r:::::::::.-:::.M A V 11, 1' Cdry THY l-JiOUlCS Uxa in exchange tor;,,0,mr ,tor0Bu of which wll'.be .old GooJj. ; VM. F. 1KVIN. ClewtoM, May I, 1 '04. CT-' I'OH'S Ml'i'H'Ii. - N t'ce it l,.r giveii that l ett,'t I .'ta:ii;n!ai; ' ou IL en-te of Joi, ,i lr,n, lata of !jHieri:i"e tnwr. I up, Clemiiild courily, I'a., tO-c'd, havii.K been panted tu the itnn'.-reisnetli K" l ?ron indrhtnd to raid ratal. nrc dc.nrcd lo nnko imineiiiate Jnymer.f, and thc-o Lminir dutnand aiiinst the mine will preeeut tliein duiv eullieniiciile 1 for itlleren. l.l'.Vl F. D WIN, Es. ap. 27- o I. MAIITIIA IB'XX, Kx'x. . iio 'a New Stvlej Alpscns, ' b: tie', Procbe Mohair, aleu- JAIlIKS' Mrt J Fluids, Moj .a roi. Silks. Wv)' li.. j.'lainnn, Fienoh MenuuT, Uing- lain a, Lawnn, just opening n' J. 1'. KRATZFR S. EXttL'r;irs M)l M i; Letters Tcsta minlnry on the calate nf Jeremiah Smenl, ir.i. of noetri, township, Cleartleld couctv. I'enti., deceased, having ba..n gianl.d to the ondcrsign- d, al. persor. nj;, a to fM rp rp. oticetea to make intrrv'mto pavment, and those l,av:rg c aiuia agu:.-t ,) ,amo urMl.c. lhta inly autaeniicntel t'r sctilenicnt KAXi:Y MKA1.,F.w,,,:i. . o- g7.Cl-pl. CiU'LliN S MEAL, Liocior S-"ArLE. Pry Ckali-oloths, ria-Jiele, TiekiBK, old pr.co ut Twee.V, Fatitieff, tiltwarp iiiunuu, i.iu,u, I TIRlf iuu. j-rir.tf, at ioh -- j. r. k n a tzf U's GHEAI 71 trn THE aubneriber In order to acemnmodate the citiieni of Curwensvillc, and tha ptiblio enerallr, ba iu.-t received a lot rf (JOOlv, A N I) I'A EI .( ) H STO V ES, for wood oreual, which he will dispose of tery cbeaii for cash or produce, joijn p. ino.MrsoN. Juiv. 4, lSC3..tf. ALSO CTOVI? ril'li-For sale al the .heap ftore b of Jhn D. Thouipion, in Curwensville. at 14 zjm. il. Att.Mi.p . . 1 v-il TO.- Cl. 1 IIAWtfi Dnwho, Stella, Eilk, Bay Stale, CalwiTa, Thibet, all qualities at. J. P, IinATZEF'5. . ft!lr. rhtfiFr .ban fh fit-,,...,..! .i. r. kjuzlifs. i lMIlt Aimcs M)U:.-N.li.- is hsrely given, 1 It t I.i tt rs of Adminis- tmln.n on toe fulnlo of .Iuji ll li' curly, lain of l.l.Oil.nr fit. fl f...! I - I, l I (.icBiiirm cnurnj' I en on, , i,,i.'i'i.,eo, naiingne"n prnnt-il lo the ui.deri-igticl. ill per- ""ti.e'lin'fl fit vinoni. nd J(1,0 limine cluing ,,,,,, , , ,.,, ;,m ,:, ni). .. mi- cld fur lolUruienl. JAN 11 II lli; AltT i, : , , ,,, , W'.M. V. Wit 111 HT, 1 ap. .7-nl pl. Aumin;.truluts. - - iJALT and Pinter In Ure u mi i ii for miio c!""P J. I. KKATZlilt. O IO'' -A';' I'"''' "io l.n olir minion. ,r..i,iiiV' any way willi llio following jirojio'tr, now In I the pollution uf .Ucul) liaarhart, of llriilinni (p., ! j wr, uruu mar?, null hnrnpon, one lug I lr.H Hn'l (,ne lu clmin ns tho wait! properly la- j Ibiixi to nw, ami urn iuVi(i't tn my uilir. I l!riJf..r 1 tp , mny 4 p.'l. ADAM (J EAKI1 AUT. ! S'lll.W M H 12. Left tlin prmniioii of llio I nulmTii'cr in LccMur tciwn.'liip, 'l!iitielj ! rounly, m-nr I'liiliiibiiri', C. nlrp cuiii-.tv. on i -:;J lf 'r''I '"ft. lU-ACK MA It K, ul.ut In! ii in, is i.i);n. j or n yp;irH oi l, oik', or perhaps i hnU, him! i',., t wliii.), a while airipe in lior face, ! nn l Shi; rilh 'mil -ciujo limn Juui.ma county la,U nil, nl.iii Lfl tr.ircl ns noitia towr,l li-rn ""r; Tlic pura.n n'luriiln,; naiil niuro, nr f:;,:"r"nt"n wlw t'.Sm l'liilipubiir).;, n.iy ; if pi. hew nam. CARLISLE & CO., I'EALEIIS .V FOUllOX A.X1) DOMESTIC DUY GOODS, G HOC XML'S, J. EM HER, SI!iXor.ES,l-C.,iLC. nili,irm.K(;, Centre county, IYnn'a. !".'(. ri'ccivoj ni:J nre (he U. Jliiir.'mitti r.r' the Lit' (11V..K Vll A N h ill 1ST SFAijON A ULF. : GOODS ?Q IOX.1, II A 1;T''.V AHF. am, OF 1". ta r s ! IIooiIh, XubiLi(-,Soiitngs, Diilmoni and Hoop Skirts ! HATS i CAPS ! HOOTS S1IOF.S !( iEeady Made ClotLiaj. cf Latent Etylcs i 'SCHOOL-BOOKS i STATIOXliUY ' Drugs, Oils Taints, Tutty & C liiCi-ElVur irr in a an ! Corn-Sttirc!i . t OAt.fcOtl. I, A V. MOD A. Mi u n.- low ivinii Trunks tj Carpct-liags ! i ; PUTS. TOBACCO AND SKfiARS ' ' Fish, 0 JT.il Salt, and Nails ! Flour, Fked ami Provisions ! At J (1-at-clirs !l articles UFually kept in a Cheap for Cash or noprov.d product, Etimbcr or Hhinglea. 1 bilipsliurg, Nv. lit, ll-ffl-if. SI'. .MfCI.CHkf.Y, Traetieal Surveyor, of , fera Ms prtifcfinnul nrvioa lo the people i.t Cleat "leid entity. Ii:n ing pur.'htisml the ln- 'iiciits. i ralw, A c, of iho iute Jhoina i,.:j, Joe M. be will be ready to atteuu to Lusiueei on the t-hortcxt notiep be can l.c consulted nt l.ii resttnce with Rjbert Itos, one mile from Cur- wenfvi'le, or by letter addressed to him af Cur- wensville. K. F. iMcCLOsKKY. p. I? 'fi ly. 'l o iSchool Tcaclir rs. w A.NTI'.H. Py the school boirrl of fur. wenfMile, three school teachers (one m.iln and two temale) lo tnko charge ot their .' .1' o: ,..,K. arm , n.ir nnnl .1 f III Pfl l. rnnitnff .... . .... ... , .. summer, nnrt it tnty pmvo ratinucio.-y may oe eonUDuerl il-iring 1110 winter term, -v-noon 10 open about the imiidle of May. Make immcdi ite applic-.tion tn the secretary of the board, l or ,;ood tea, l.era good writes w ill be given. hp 2, 3t. II. P.TIIO.Mr-uN, Sec y. Fa riii at Private Sale ! ONF. Ml IF. T'PltAf fT VARFIFf Tl TdJt UeihT riCSITtARI T rftjPCRTV. fpi'F. undireVncd n ill jell on reas, noble tcrau X farm containing liS Arn. and lc I-rrchra. In Lawrcee towasl.ip, en. ml, from tbt ,owll bf C'.cartlnld.eonfniniiig TIURTY-l'K.lIT ACHES CLtATt I.r. with a good frame dwelling boose, wplt -.,.i,.j a large bank barn and all aeeessary omhiiiml lugs. There a . line young orchard of choice, Hearing iru i uoes an graneu or budded, and a,,"'VeTh ' d"Pta"- . "'' 'l X Tw. t . VP'l ,8 s.s oV 'm-K and rjArTrEeV: I I I .... J TL. t I-.. I uncleared land The farm wa lately )oeuMtd bvJ - ii. bbaw. '(learleld.ap r, l.. , ,..vIU9iii,..uii,,i.i.aiii,i;, NEW STORK 1A7 f I'll h uiKlxrirncit, linvliif! nmoi t J lii Hrv J. In llio new ImiMiiiK c,,,,ii.io if i l'i,li.n IIimifr, on I'in ilfcl. ill' li ll. i.e. I li itrKtld iu. i n., ia ujw olltring tu II) u 1'Ulilio Tin: una est and SKLlX'TEIt STOCK 11 EST OF CO ODS K Villi oi'i'iuiiii) to Tin: I lilSLlL A I Jlti 11, All.; ALL OF WHICH WILL V.K SOLD AT miens to suit the times. Hi st'ick liai Ifsn ...lAnl...l .Ilk hn.tlA..lu. ruirnrd to Ilia wunti of iho naonle. anil nuiliricca DRV fUXDS, 1 NOTIONS, 1 j HAKDWAKi;, yUF.KNSWAUH, hats and caps, hoots and kiiof.s, stonk-wahk, wili.ow.wa::e, kfadv-madk cl0t!1in), GRoci:i;n:.s, KARTUF.NWAI'K. OILS AND PAINTS, FLOUH AND BACO.N, GLASS AND NAILS, FISH, SALT, F.TC. y nvnnv size asd tatters ; i T'lS'llicr with till otbor arti,'lc. npncfsarT tn couiploti) the iiiamirtin. iit of a 11 rat class miuutry aiure. ' ', TC-Al! kinds of l.FM P.KIt ana Country l'ru dui.'t! tuKen in exchange for gooilt, at tho bih- , out umrkct price. ! A he in ri'i'Hiviuj new supp'.ioi of gioiln ; weekly from llal'iniore, New Y(,rk, l'liilu lclpliia J an 1 1'ittibnri;, the public can see nt once that bo ' will alwaya io prepared to supply any article ' in the iiiuvkt-t. JOHN KOUSON. 1 ilen Hope, pee. 2.1, 1 P 3 . 17 Jf tr. .w 'r- T- a- Cornfield Academy. D. W. KcCTJRDY, A. B. Principal. 'J'lIE next Quarter will open nn Monday trie M. 4th of April, lSlit. Terms of tuiliou n'e fol- Common Enplifh, rnmpriainft tfcnae nnine!i t unot bi(;bcr than l'.cadin jt.Writiiig.Arith -nietie, tjeognipby, Faiglish lirauitncr and I'ittory, per quarter, - t" f'O Higher EnIKh, per qitartcr, - - 7 Ml Liintinpea, par quarter, - . 10 CO March l,lf.l. 1 X TMF. Oltril Cm itTof Cltarfhld eetitilv. T he undersigned A I lIl OF nppoin- leu ty i ii o Lourt to ni;eerruin me nens atiu report ciislri'butiett of the mot, eys arising from the sale to hip rent eMnie ot .10:111 jouii, u.o u, now m the hnnds r.f the Administrator, will attend to the ditties of hit appointment on Friday the "Oth day of May next, between the hotirf of 10 a. m, und 4 p. m, nt the o flice of II. II. Swoopc, Esq., in the borough of Clearfield, v. hen and where all J crsutiK interested n-av attend and he heard. JAM ES GALLOWAY. April 20, lSf.J. Auditor. I II TUT. OI5III A' tOl'KTof Clenrtlel l county. The undersigned, an Al UIT0K ap- pointed by tbo Court to innko tlistributimi of tho money in the sands of the Administrator, arid- : ,t FIRST CLASS HOTEL ing from the talo of the real estata ol I.. K. Carl. or j ,j Proprietors are doteratned to rre ei er, deceased, will attend to the duiio of his ap- cr expense, time nor labor to nsere tto. com-'ort I-ointment on M-iiiriiay the -Ma'darnf May.next, f ,h gueat,. The patronage cf the traveling . . ... ... petween tnn Hours ot to a. in, und 4 p. in., at tho fi;,.c nf fi Swoope, E Swoope, En , in the bor.ugh of Cicarli-dd, when and where ail persons interested timv attmd and be beard. JAMI1S CALLOWAY, April 2,1, l'ol, Aiiduor. 'MALL I'A K.M FOli SALE. The J mbcriber off-r" to sol! on the mot rea.soiia- ble terms bis FA KM, consisting of .. i-:i.. . . .i: ... T.,!- - iiuaie lit i ie lowu.-uip, on ine mug" r iao, a- bout 3 miles f-nin Curwensville, and about S miies from Clearfield. The niiprovemenls are a I mine i .lion huht nou . ..iui,,, iuu not ui mi u erri cleared. ,7.i?"For farther particulars, in- quire of the anWribor on the premisj. March 3U, tf. JOHN MORGAN. K C U T O H S ' OTI C T.-Notiee. iAA , hereby triTen that letters of adaiinistrati on ! o,, tbe eslaia of Jntnei D. Lytic, d-ceased, late of , E.wrenee tp.. having been U peraona indebn witz: . " K"-U1 PI ine granted to the tin- lebted to fail estate are ate payment, and thoae: Ihsrs ilnlt .nil,..,..... - . i ... --.-rui-. inir-nmiuiiui. i ,v0 ivTtr ) Mimnrr in iri dj- snprrhf airil Mram. ri'HK t .1rrIRn-. rocpn. (full, f.,r., ,..r0- -M l" "'"iiiuin ami ih). ,,, ,hii, f rounti. linn nn .anaa tin rir if ii,..i,. t-. ..., .,i will !! IiiJivMuhI, C ,V i, a.,,.,,,, linhu lolt ue. lhe l,uii,1,.r Ji Iit this piuctsa ii str, nn-r, (Inl-hca bctier, . ra-iir on I... I., m..l l.t!iir li llinK Imlijin, tl nn miv ftlicr i.to. "' imi'-1 lr)n ,,.(, ,l.r rnf..lb l ?r' hourn, tml UtW thmi him .v mouthn in .li r Hie M tvlfiii uin tlm fame 'amount cf liul rT iny tliat a rumntunn kiln . ...... it... f. r. tillrat. t ofa miiiiW r i,r ri,i,, i,t aisrhanica, known lr thin roiiiiiiunitv. In aiunlv nllici, nt to r.mvii-rt' llio innl tliuptliMl pmai.-al utility. Iciiuiu Uetitijusol rutclia.ini; rij,ht wila'.lr.- JOHN 1.. ICITLI:, , July J, 18C3. rlui.rti. li, l'u. ! ... AM) I A VKltN STAND FOR Ii i A'.lv Tho mli'cribcr oiIr lor m!i' 1 i m , HUM of Ml A( hi:S, about ;0 of nlii. ii aiu 'clcaroil rJ in gnoj ilnti, of cnkitniion niliui I in tlirui.l 'owndliip, near iliillnwii' irlior. , I 1 In f ii l ri'ii'inonts urn a l.ir: . -nll.tt'ilit I. H i- liulM., .va.,aint ami .iti.rinun' or liitnlinriiiuu u., n.l . . I . : . . . ( M.-iiir,i..., v. , loriiuou lornmoic, it:w . lA..n. r... 1I..1 U.A. 1 I . . . . . . . '"" , " .. , T " "'Z" m....' ; VI Hill 1'iwmirfi-. j;t ,cl.iU t 1 I Maroh. 10. 18(11 tf. March, JO, lHfll tf. New Watch and Jewelry Storo. Q H. I.AI'CHI.1, lnulrip pnrclaHei the' k.J liitcrcsi 01 tn lute partnir, 1.1 wt K"" n i n hit own book in Hie sliop formcr'y icciipicil t,y lliein on Soooiid struct , wlcro ho i. n pureJ tu keep tip Ilia reputation a a complete woikmiin , by doin all work ei.liu.-lo,! to l.ua on tl.oi l no tico, In tlie heft tnniitior, and on tlio mot rru1- ; unable term. iMyiuj the uouuly, all he M a fair tri ll, nnd a oontlnuuti ,n of the i itt.oiii age iieretoloia cxtvuded. l.oik out f ir the iij;a of 1 li I'j tilli V. I'JH. N. )! The Ca'li will t, positively ripened when Ibo work in delivered. tl. Ji. I,. ' i.learneld, .4inl7, 1.101. y i S u s (j u e h a 11 n 11 1 1 o u s 0 : iciiwiissviu.c ii. W . H. V OltH I.I.. Iruirii;lnr. T'llS lar(f nnJ cimuindiou ll'i'lKf. i !,, lilitl'ully located tn the bank of ll.e Nn ((uebaiiua, in the borough oT Curw cna viilc. The prervul proprietor will "-pure an eif.r! to render Li cuFfonicr cmfortnblc, and hopes '.u ' merit a liberal tl.-arn of public pnin,niii'". H!S liAIt AND TAIILK , Will l.o tte'.l auppliml with evry tliin; the ni.u ketalloril. lUltmen 'i!l alwav fn-l lii "lt :h ' siring" out. Mar. 1, V. I. tf. 1 MA! Mil STUKKT, crTU'KNSVIM.K, TA., . WM. A. HASC2T, Proprietor. ITTm lone; e?t.iblihed and wi ll known Ki) , TKI., eiluateil in the wi-el end of the town, been .'cnjoil, lied, cnlu'-jc! ninl imprvvrd, uioi tl.o pripiictor rcpo'tt'iillv r:ir.oii,-c. t.. nu merous friend,-, and to the trivflimj; pui.lii-, ihnt I he id now prepared to accommodate ull hs -iuit ! favor dim with n cull, j j Ample, nfu and rmnforlnlile iial.'iin; i"it-. j taehed to the premifes, jnd tru'y ii'ti n.l.mtf will always bo on haul. Chure mo,l,-:itn. j 1 eb. U', lSnL'.-:r. ! ' Wool nnd Flax Spirsninir Wheels, VV"Ai:i( ATI".I, Manufactured nnd ke t on I lmiidn by the undersigned, w ho invites the pooplo of Clearfield ouii ty to e'ubra'e the op p,..r. tuuity now otTered to accure one of tiice superior I Machines. They will bo sold chenp nul ' wtutU. Call at the Old '" in Ciirwonsvillo, ; JH.M. I'. CllA.MUKliS. May?, i8"S.-y t). g. ht'SH. t. j. ti oii.iiiua. i DUSI1 A M'CULLOUcill, Collection Office, " i Cl R4EriEI.Ii, F.. Jiaijrlv CtRxnxM'x Nw !!. ii.imn j. Feb. fi. Mi. JMCSICAL 00OD8-Flute.-, Viu litis, Fif.-a, Iv'l llnrtiionirans, Precept. :n, Muic Paper, Vi oiin ; s. Uridines, f-'srinpr-s of the l,et uunlii at .1. 'l'.'KUAZKlK ' 1 Sni.il! l-'nrni frtr S'ilr TllH pul-f.-riber i.lfcr.s for n'o the f,,lh.wioj described Real Il.-tiiie utid 1'i-rsoiial Prrper ; ty, ril : FORTY ACRES f LA N'J about TI'N ncre.-iof which i cleared with a niu!l Plunk Holme nnd Log 1'arn, in Lawrence tnwitittip, ,1 miles west nl tho borou(;b of Cleaifti-ld. Alno, the Castings for a Saw .Mill. (Move urd Stove pipe, asclof harnenK, together with HoUj-boll 'and Kitcheu rurnit.ure. j Possesion will be gUon on the lat of April next, if doirod. I Terms will be made known, an d further pur tie 'ulars given, by calling upon the siihriber. .iOSF.PH SCI1ELEN0. , I.awrcriee tp., March IP, ISiVJ. JOHN L. CUTTLK. Attortirv at Law nn.l Itcal I.sfatc Arcut, CLEAItFlIlLIi, l'll.WA. 0vii,i M.,-h ,!:!. On,:.-fc (he -hi,'.. ESiTCTFl'LLY i'tn bis a n icra in sell- in; and buying lninle in CU irfieh! and al joinirg counties ; and wilh an r.perieLcri of over twenty yi aif as a Surveyor, fliittei-g Linimlf thnt he can rendir sutioluction . And O I f c r s f o r S a 1 o lOOO acres of coal and timber Land, nitwits in Penattir to n.-hip, ( lenrlield county, in lots to suit pun linaor.', located near the 'l yrmu' and ClearD-1J Itailroed. 2IKi) acre- of find rate farm end limber Ut.d in Pell tounsbip, Clearhbld county, situate on the C wulers of l urry Hun. ' Hi'iJ acres in two lots, c-ie of 1 )" and the cth- er ol af! acres, euituble for Fnrininc purponos, ait- lint in 1 1 i.eii Itin.i Inu'h.liih k'le niiiiiilv i. oc'lcral warrantee deeds for all 'the .br.t. na, i ..i. n !! . . ... 1 T11C I'NITI'I' STATl'.S HOTEL 1 HARRISSTJIia, Ta. CON Ei;LY i UL'fCIlISON,Vo.r1c-rj. T HIS IIulil, rio well known to the traveling public of Clearlitdd couniT, it now in a cor - dition to afford the most excellent accommodation either for the transient guest or the permanent boarder, The "United Stntea' has new al! the eorVl fences, of public is r -pectfully solicitcj. 1, 'S3, y. I'. K U A T 7. E n. Mr.itci Clotbi W T, and dealer in i'rv C eg, Hard-rare, Queens are, liroeoriue, i'r." i-aons, a c. Front Street .ove the Acade-v ClearStld F Ap'il ?lh 1 sp 4. Dissolution of J'artncliip. pyilD Co Partnership heretofore exiting be- ra . .P ... . . itpcd ipohas wall and JslIJtt it t , in ittpcd Jpi.has ai.i. thennmee! Thomas Wjiit, if- Uro., in the Mer- euntile business, in Pennville, hue been this daT niuumiiji nip'oivpa. i nc jiooas an,i Accounts ot the late Firm wMI remain in the bands of Thorn- ni H'all for lottlement, to wtmm all rlehis most ! be paid. THOMAS WALL. ISA I All WALL. lSr-t.-pd. Tcnnrille, April : T) 0OT5 and Phnesa r-imrdet- assorfn-nl of I f Ladies , Hentlemen . Misses . Ro-s' and Children's Pocn tihecs and Ouiters at J. I'. KlIA'lZLK'S EAT .-iitir.rii-d k.m. rii ci..i ! B . ' , . . . u . - aera, Jiets rork, Tried Hecf. a !a-;a siip'k rim.M:irii!A n rmr. lair.Kn u rpilH (i.ni line Iraroi" 1 lli .N'Milu-rn ami uf IVnmvlvalua t' IVorlhwi'Hi'rn rmiiititi IIik ril) i, Kno, i n l.nkf I rln. , na n ii a. i n ilia .invf..im. .'in, an, I lin,lir Inrlr im.iiri ! I,. . ItilC rn i . I : ,,-i , t,r. iiuhiMit in. ninia I.m.l-I,. Ii h now in id,, r ri rni;, r ai ,l lriiL-hl l.n "n,M '"'"i ll'irn) urij tu .',;. r,',,,, , -J , f",,, k, IMJ liiiVn) on tl.e I ait. i n I'lwuun, an, I Irom Mn-liiflil lu Uio, (T uAUr) p lii V, ci-t-rr li v i nion. "".'' y" Jmim ,K :,..;.onim. Kxproni Train liarn car wmJ a 40 P.M. tpre. 1 ,in an yt oftwur ,1 i' li P. H. f"n llii'''K itiioit cm a m; k bth j Mitli.'MJ faint liolwou 1'hila.Mplii,, n.l Lock Hnw n, hiiiI lichterti LuUiuu.ro an,) Haven. I.ii'uant M0fniijr t air -'in.:iu.y Hi i:pn-t Tr.un Ul'i -m ' l.rtyit.n Wi'liam.iu.rt ,u. I I-...I:,. ui.ri, ami Williii .11 p"rt an J ri,i:u,li.!pi,i. r'nr ii.loiiiinliiiii r.'.-pc'iin l'.if cni;ir liuii:t,u a. ! nl tlia S. K. Cor. 1 llli an i Market mi. At' l lor Froilit lii'inc j uf ilm l'om;,nj'i Aj;"i i-. IS. aiii-l m, jj., l r. Uiu a:ii Miukct ri.i!wt-:jl..K ; I 1' Ii .. ......1 .. .1. W. lt. vnoI.U' Hric; J. M. Iirill, A-i.'i t .N. C V.. P.. Hal lm-r,. ; It. li. UoriToN, lie:.'! Kiel,;!it As't, Phi!:,.; I.kwm ).. Iloi i r, IJ. i.'l Ti-ket At'i, PhiU. : Ja. ll. 1'utT?, Jn'l ,Mn;r, l iili.n: . - ,.i L .'nn. II, Hdi. WATCH Cc JEWEIEY : ' ' - J riAilK utideraigne.l respectfully J inf ir mi h ia ciHtomers and tlu : put it: S-.ticrally, tl ut Le l.ar jus! ived from thy Kct, and o en. edatlu e'tiiblinhraei.t in (J HMIAiTS JiOW ( I'learlii ld, J'., a tine assortment of Ctrcaa. 1 WiTein.s, ai.d J i: m.iir of d.ilcifnt quiiiiiifi, j iium a nnie piece to a lull ne'.t, whu h be mil. Sl!" t the moat renxininl.lo priofn for cafb, or in ' exclmni;.. lr old gold naj .ilvt-r, CLOCKS of every variety on hitn.l, at the inii ro:i,- maiile p;icen. ALL ki'i l.n of Ciockj, V'atil.ef u:.d Jewelry earefn'iy repoirud and ii'iiri-pi.f.-i!. J A e-outir.uatie,; of 1 atxoiiaire j ai.iiriied. I n.i. n.u 1.1:. .i;i 1 N I V. f. C'.'NNlM-V V.;--i it-ar tu i;f irin lr:,'ii-i'-, ri'..l t!ii citw.'n .f .r'j1' 1 , wt.oru he iifmls t, ho p a lv tit u'.I titr.es tn wu'U nj oti th-v?e w ho u ii v fr.r hiia :.h l.:c;r I'U'il'd. I! ft.:! aaratit' hi- notk tc t ks v -M ex rufoil a fr tn nn i'.la,itth. ro, r.i.U :it qui:? us rno.-onuhlt .ri'-5. I!e hrT.nd r. via f: 0(iniMi o;"n vhr wpit i:lin- i'ltc.-T vht'tliT tualo or fi'Uiale- und n h he :?V is h tkir trin!. OMKTIIINM M'USTAN! i.ri'i.r.i: env : I Al. john ii mm, U AS recer.:!v opi oid a Shop in I.uuiber City, where Le in now piepnred to nui'Jt. 1.1 1- ALL KIXDS OF TLX. SHEET llluX. il- COVTEll-WAlill. A fl muj--j nf nioitii'Oii"oi u.'i.-t ev.'io..ij e. A,"l,i. lai'ti'iernicn crtn l.c supplied wli!. RVn'TN'u FTUVF.S of which be iiiM-n!s kei !i g a snpj.ly. Order f-.T apautiiif:. ro8ng, ic, respeeiiuVy soli'-ited. Kepnirlns prrmptiy a'.;e:,dei 10. Aj he intends keeping none l ot the l,ci of wo-k- tucn, the peot-ie m-iv rely on stii;vf:i,!.a: w -.il.. Storekeepo.' and dealer fftiipliod at r-;jonable laios. Call at tie i"nMf.'iif Tin .c',-p r.,.i s- jour.-elves. March ?., !?0t-lf. JOHN M. .-1'LNi El; 1 .U -a' .w. J 'V ft, f li w HF-A TEST UATTLE ON HFi 'I;!1 15"'"' Killed nrr! Wouri,leJ, r.n.l .3(),ooo tnken Prisoners ! "with CA5ir rQUir.v;r--AND 70,000 Ccatrabandj freed in-a the BONDS OF SLAVERY 1 ! IVEIiY ti ar, t:.ut Las r-:ul J pan hi-dory o( thin li'd I: .1 nr.v li.li e of the 1 f.' n.ut rn.tltv coaic to iiiecoiiciiiKioii t.iat ll.e i oni.j. r.i'c ti ,vs-c-rrent vcnuldbe broken down. 1: wu? onii a us Con of tiuiK. Put now wr have be al,,'-.c itiorl ; oe? o;l .t;rriop r.ew to cIiot '-- up -, ar.l .he ; nly J raw-back to n.r jij nnd io-i." utior. .- the iinuiiiieiit ilencor i! the t"' -i. r.r. im f, .i c North to "ct ojt oar n.bstanc.'t" hi,.. wear i ul ottrsliora 1 Lut of one thins ,he p o p ;8 of C.enr nolo eont.ry ninv be an'iire-J. and :t.:it i", tL.t iFliAXK .--ill'ltT for elior; rni:ej ..',,.-(-: i.s .veiliu UnntH 6, elinrii av c:,e-,j v.? :.- oth-r man in the county ; end if you .j,,!, t l- li-ve it, jus: ;r.-e imu a call ot courl-w t-ck, oral ai.y otbn time, nud se f,:: yourriic, Ii wiuiid lie- re mind the public tl.iu hit l)-i;, ;. v w r n Mmket street, in ."-haw's Itow where yen will dud iiir lilt: ae ." u.-l us usual if not n little ,irif--uf H tl un he would like tn be. All V in,! o ork on tvn J- and m t" c- l, r on eiiorl nuiec, and as well u,ade, and i.s good ta an eon be -vki-fT"d" up here or ei.-c bare. X. U-1'ot. t tirrge. :ne shop mi 31 ti-ict -, (, in ."-ban's Row, direeOy oj'-.-i' V,-. II. I:. woo-e4 office, '. .'li-iNI. (lea.-tield, June II, 1 o?. NOTICE A C.H.'TIOV II AV;.'i3 R,sr npriiipation to the A' O'anl A-ss..r of the I'Mh t ol). -tmn I'nt-i i i l enii- liama, and a L:fii-e as Aas'ioiteer bat it; g been grun'ed to me by tbi proper autbtmty, I would tulorm the c.!i7 l-ii-of Cb a0e;d county that I will attend to "culling lules " whenever dejiravl in any part of the count:. Charge ntodera'o. Address JJtl.V L REAM.--. Dec. 16, I r'.t tf. Cleatirld. I a. P. S. Ary perron " ra'.l.Lg " sait-e t. ith-int a license i? ruijevl to a pcniu'y tf $'n, wti:h wl,' h enforced in aecurdanpe with th Jit, egairtt all pernors viola'-icg the fta'uia, DANIEL GOODLANLER. t'STItlicf the Tace Lufhersbnrg. Claari.ld Co. ?.. promptly tu ali fcn'n"ia ectmsted wiil attesd to h-.ii e'4V. Maroh Ji, U'60. 1. pd. LR. M. WOODS, '.ACTJCIXG Physician, aid Enmiioicj Sn? peon for Pension. Ofe Scutbwoat c-est 10C ocud and Cherry atr-jcti, Ciirteld, Pa. 1 .Innuary SI, 1S6JI. 1. Licensed Auctioneer. aTM. ii. IttniiM r to l. . sires to ititorm Ln friends and tiie twb'e w - ----" ui i .zw iip i-tu-p. ae- , pnoe-Tiny mat ne ca taaen out a La?ise at at Al'CKoXELR, and will atttnd to tie crying, rf salts in any part of tha c-)iia"y et the thorteai noli lr" and at the mot reason nit charce. A d- eit! er personai! or tr letmr. either et Curwersville or PIootitiIIo. Apri' e, r 1 U 4 FII1ST RATE COOK E1CV E foraalerbeM V ea' table for wo-id. Inquire at mis ii i l?fS-u. I. J. ra.3. " mm : cny a d b ai;j:et. e.S4rrrry at 1 , A Ill'illl.Y C 'Ni'iA I ' - A 1 1 - Vwla!!!e l'in-4icJ. A VI WW TOMC ni at v n 1, ri i.ikm; thu aitmcthp, ! tXot Malic Dninkuriis Sir. IIOUriAXFt'S Gerniiui Uittcr, ruF.r.MiKD rv DR. U. M. JACKSON, l'iiu ii'i.i rin . ra Wi'l rfTf-ctuillj cr.il Mc-it frLvnl-J Ctllii: A LL DI si: ASKS AM;IN; l'j;0M A DISOP.DEiii.1) Livru. kli'It: i; I jHOoFLAXIV.S G l-'li. MAN LITTIirs Will cure fvory cao of Chr. Lic or S!i ui Miliiv, Huttfc cf it K:J. C'y.s, ard ii:re.i5eii r.?i: e Iroaj JJ..-trd-re.1 S-ttB'!i. ionsr.nvi; thf. fcilioutno symf- t-Ti resol'.itj from Dirardeie f lie Jjig(.s-.iT OrjaLi ConrU- piiii-in.in. ar 1 Vi"u. Vv llnefs tr li'ooi t o t h a liead. Acidity tf the Sfiuach. i jus-i tteariKorrt, nt fi Food, Full."., or '.V ?;,-tt In the .'toT-'.-b. Swr llrw uti ,Si:.V:njor Fiatteriw; at Ihc !'.: :! e M. n acb, noi tnin f Ciell-a :. llan'ed est liifj'i,!t 'ren;iiine-.- Fiutt"r:n Uf r, Cii-.kinfj or r T i'.ir.g c-a 4'io: V iicu -n n 1 1l j i!;ir,s l'.TErM of " it irr. , 3.a or Yi'. tffor tit s'ilil. Is-ver asd Hii pU tati il.-jd li,-fo li-Ti.-r of Fcrr:n.li.'U. VeP-.wr.e .f ln rl I'jiuimh-i t,i". rck. Ciii, i.'.r ", :., J-uu-lrc 1'ic.-:.-ti of If- ilo'&iT, iig :Ls F'-.li, tMi'ttt i m i i i. i a n c f ilT-ll and prt-at 1 e p r e:.r. ct f ! r i l . rAr.TKr:..it N0T:cr..-r,T u.: 4- e tf. ' s'.re at d w ,!! Late Laor l.'Hrra. wr r.nMi! the foiliiwir.;; Tiifipt : uet t.f.t boti: Hvttial'e 'ennan -.in.4 n i r-.ir w.'n T'; Vao tr ir..f.H f;-u,tu'y iiA...:.,i. i.t:i: ibe ic ul: lii n jrfT.srs: ,i. ll V,m:!;rn.-n. it t cd.-iti ii. ! in 1 ;-i- (tc, :.t.ro t,y 4' 1- e rtyiw. l.i.in,,r 1 n f ii ti e rri4, a -Q w r-f -r r. ''.. -,u ..i Lave all to? .r.'r rf i! -oi". ' 't' t in c i,r. nr n v ! -h a ty i tr :n- t ; L.uer. a: a win-h !r- J.i:c- ibaii nn ia."t.-:.-r ; jra- tijr.s v 11. C',.-: ; .-j. lOOl-I.ANi' s G J . flM A ? EITIEDs vr;i 1, civr. You A GOOD A p i'KTITE; st kong !;:.Ai.Tiiy :;r?.vir. Litis K AND F.NhliiiEnO rLIN"JS. ' V'i'l enulo von t L F F V F. L , Ar.'i v-'.. TrTi 4v rSLt 1 F.-L1.0 1 I.VI.K, LlLUol Tb..; i.!!-i:ns fm rr-.-let T.'-w mi Htfi cot Cci.titu:i,t:, fr tL hi icvor '-aae, e:.",er :n M'.'e or Fc-n-.k'. will t,r5 ia H -f f Oeryar. l'.i:o,-., a reuia.lv it a! w.'.! rr.-:.,rf il-.eta u :r:r c.Fotii l.eitl'h. J?a L..s l,c ll.e nji ue f,f ; . a:,4 a iiir ::.n u W ft.iJJ , pr. e i ; 1. r Nl-i 1 'r are j . a rt.';. 1 ce tl.e r.:...- t eve i. r.: o. ;v-. ;,-&ra "In -i;--f r':...;r . u ;.r f iZi-cn tal O-l vi : . e ! . T 'IT". s lib 1 kilos li . tucd.re! v:.:ii( ,", l.n..'. . L .ici ' j Alihe-r1- oft! , f r ft. "-.reil r: or i aiei.t "."di-tors ;r r-i -TE1, TT of their ingredients viii tf-lN I t --a. uffieien! ice'w why a man tuay to: te-r r- '.- : trli.ai I ta.ieni tj-si 'i fcat rrelei "Ji err i':t.-:j TirnaTation. in tl a fc..-4 1, rr.av :t.ut c.,r,:..:r:r '. . 'c: :!: ::-. 1 do thi ;h trori- rejfii.v rcf.rj :a i--4,- :ani' CerTO.s-n h :ter.-. .-c-S t jr. t'.. St .'echjon, of tin nty, b -au-e 1 ; j-;iSi-i aai: : 'hcni fcr mar. v yer, cr ir :.e :.-.r, s i n 1 !: t locy were v u f.7 nufcjroi',, n.,nr I an-, in.l-i i J i a t Jricnd T.- i.rl is ens.'r-, VI.';.. f..- tb i'.no- ;.!cf ::.o ,r,n-J,.-f t-r jzrz.fi t:si. i,r, i f .r c-"-ir". .""-rr.fr.t T T-t t,T-.. wi.t a f ' :.-! c -t :tT;ri d"t. :t jtiiii- ..1 p l. a iltf ; ;-rri t. l-crmr.ii .' of hT.im -.r, -pi; f .wj tj -. id-.-nt r--l. A . nr i rf----- it- -ti -f cf 1- a . i I y e.-.d c. -.:.!' -t 'r lr 'hi. ri.P n.ci -A .e..r ':.. 1. I i4 n; ft": tor lt before, acu t ad a'.iat ! ur-puiTi i "..fr" I tce-i-tt-ra tls.::1: ood axi ur U4tti .ir.g nif ttUiC u ff ::irm. J. eit.-;- 1 -'!!, 1 .lure jr.. I'icaes of Eidt y ana LiU3tr. Yi-rr .g d .Viie t.r lruJ-v, ;.eej ra.i-r-". and Tced;y restored t . l.ca' ii. iiic4.le tLuoji'L i,-e si.r! j f-ti-j mus, waiting away, aiia s-r.rc.y ai.y tt f a tit -r bi-ni. are ctic 1 :. a ve-y L'.7j : ra? botiie in su h cm .-, w.:: lai r"a a.o tv-i-i-j-iBec'- 'u-ti,ts brt 'rr tu?.-:- -o.ld t j v. tr4 w:-bii.g ta in- rjcm, i'4 v.i-er ri rr: u v ; tb'i clui no Di.-d wjrb rer -s 1 it,':. Lit '-Mry Ten, taOTt't1 t-j-i j --if. w p. Is'd '-h ibeir I rams, shoai-1 Jwi.-j tr--- t li lie f 'lo-P'i,:; , I 'Ik-t, oj: ii. -n u ifce-i ,n fed mii.-b bertsdit fru te v f : ais u,i ! body it i i ::ii:is1 ti : Z : . .-".nr. ! I' t ti.-t a Ln-tursn:: tla: t. tud Icjt-j t- . ' ilTLNTIOX, SOLIiILUs, And the frki-ds nf S-?Vj:cr5. V e ra.1 .;, arf -j;;-: r1 m"1'. 1 i rr': cz.t ? frletid! in U e a-try 1- !. f-: :a-; i v. f trarSUC 1 .H'TS'- wi;. P--. 2,.j.i--;V,ji.V a J. Tl S . eit i laautr i i ctmuc-tips trd p-:t-a-i acnt f ::ar-r !::e ie jx J-- -i. l: ;- v -t rii y it.- it . rtwTiT lz it wiJ tC Xi.eed ! t-e t-2c-:r - irn ae r i-e..-: vai .fries rt. tt-T l-;e f-if -,-..-t !J- E- ? cas if Ttat lira -ru i;-reaiy rtri It K . isitterr.. Ve bes ; r r teriiaCi.: ia a.-rf i.!.. .t c.--.i aa. ,tf -;r aU- .:-i, tar e-i" -. , v-i n. erw ise w oma be !:st ' : ;x.t Ia ";r-li.,o r i-e iify Tzr-Jr-z; tiAtk'a" lattort frotr scf jT'- tt; a-cy zzl t-.aw. wbtj Lave beca r-1 ed t; tn r-y t ta . lies !!::!- aiiit -js iiria I tse-r : tt t- LV i. F.E C F CTTN i LLTLIT? ' :ttt tie i.t.:cr cf -f. . .'aCZ-v-' cr- it wTtrs ta cf r- I v. r.-f tftr RuVCt " rtnu, tT l,a!f -!ta 'j-SI F -s!3 yror ra--rt areg. s: t : -itj 1s a.---, tie. do not tt act c.5 ij an t i". -Lii-r ,i prep a-rrrx4 ixat jest La t-il ;s j-j ri sera to st, aad iS Ivwi. ssxtj liciii t? txtre rr:a.'ii: uf.c- asd iltiUaci'T-r V . . i ..aai i t. a '"i-aar-rs 1r- C J! -s ri-T 1 Cc ,' B M0t?60r. ap. 15 v pd. El'ra. jt-T'i- '', i ' s-a-tas j. A TAtH , ataays oo haad at .1 p KF AT Z t ti '