Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 11, 1864, Image 4

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IM.-lh-ra, id .till I ' rm.w
1 1. I , i),r 1 1 " i r n.tln"ntii
....... i'i' out it th eli
l.ltt - It Wl I ,M' r"r "," Vl''
ilo r at inv 11' he I'.eM.
in Diim inoN in rnn.; im un
il. -ul ;
e the ' i-.wimiI,..'-W-'" -(-
ffjf O'ltr.tfifli) ir.iMta,,, j
V. V"i""
. j . . . -., 1
!",( 11 intoi ii a i n who I"n- oomn.mi- 'm, A ' u t V -C
htm-Mraln 1 hdml- commit-, l ' i-'" n,
lee il emeu it i duty to uno.-l to the hit-. Iv..' ... w' AV-I V si ; V. "V V if
t,-r civ, t it lituio fa" iiuny Into thei !, '.. , -A .V V. . VvIa
.-iiti.i fiol ujilpi'NOii.'Hi.n (Impart ct'ol- ,--1 v.; M . V'X,., f
tinn Oitirttspcnhntc.
M'miinii C. II., 1
A l ll ..Mil, iMil. J
rrniii'n in the rei tuititii! "ftvien
A.-'-iv. ilii'j:!v. in I he 3 I dm f Mn W'4,
your cctuoiitte nniird in bhi'a bdphii:,
mi ! j nc,edo ! to cx.-tn lift e.u'h witnesses
i.a v ere brought r f ii. win" i? i i i li niM
o l.i id j r.ieM'.v f. r u ivu,,!: 1 iy ; lnt
fiyUinp tLiit the scryeof impair wh;ch
plight he c i'i. J ii i in that lo'. uiiy prom
ised to ir.vlvea of t ;im? and i
field oflaror th-.t rvl.i c-cirv J:nn:h.
votr committee was orni-olU'il lo nti:iii
tion H e invcMigat.on :i t.i tt quarter, and
return to tl.e'r Jtiiv s at tin- fcal of (iov :,t. 'I he Litr.e atvl the certainty
jf i fpc.iy 8"j n:rn:iw.t, U(lai.ini li'il
jour corjimiitft; oi'ihc tiocMiiy of l:in
inijtlif.r lhbou 1 1 .i floi ii ii J woftiver-il.rtl'-
rotrrnrd t.i U.i:riburg on tho C.i
Uay'c'rMr-ch, lZi
jhf rtsu'.t of l;u inrn: I'itlon at rin'u
de'jiVli wns of '.!iC- u:cst u'n-ii'iory wml nr.
cor.rrctr l chnract-r, nLriyio2 o!a of
caM that r.-'juirt-.I xtc-iuU'.l in 'iiry, lut
which cr.e i.ropi"!v v.liin the province
VlHK-PA ?!;;MV
:M Y Ilth
Tun C'rir.M.'" l'ox fntdn. Tlioie m
iiur.o it iMitryvi-. y jiibt now (iinotij; li'in
oi'i'a!j nhoul hc proprii-ly of jos!Minin
the i!;iy Tr t'rns meoiing of tho N:ition;il
I ,V'iii Wii'i : Not wihin to li'M
I n mi )onri'iliiinn, or trmilOo your In-li-llif
n' rriiih u niv i init opinion'
ji-l l r:innoi. In-lit r'linj( Ruxioiy nml
pioi iilu nllon al llie I'oumo if our I'uiiniy
I'oiuiiiinf ionrn in irjjuri' to Im ul Ixiuntii'l
tor military 'iiroun'. I rnnnol IipIp f - I-
, nig il unliur nml ur jut to tliown w ho nro
mi in tin niiny. nnJ h, Imve hy the r
iinliivti y eollerteii toum of the iieorc'urii'
of lite for tho iii!iiiitoiihnoi of their lunii
ii!i ; nml tothimi who have heretofore
loki-il e.xjirt t:iMly r.irwanl to llio ilay
wln'ii they niilil hu rdioved frm:i the
ei iie of the lountry, to rrttirn home uid
enjoy llio frulti of their luhor, ihp pros-
pud is iniieea iiDiiuiiniinj;. How tho i
hot Inn rU, which llhlhrt lohlirr l a
ure li i onmii'ii'hili'Hi t.f a oni illi,'fr
wlictf-m tin. ol it m nl M irnnt who hohli
lii nie I y uliticnl livniiritmm I
niily how lo ahow artiilny lo niliiic
Iticn.l. I'ullent we "hl tlu w oum I mil"
We'll eouclude with n lurih to McClrlhin thn future i!oi ul tho un
lion, civil nml military. v. ('.
N'iiTI . Ttia rJi't will nntirti lliit our c,itii.
I'liixliMit nitin ly m in 1 1 ri-h n .1 Hit- ncn. n i.t
mir I'uiiiiljr Ccinmlpjiiiii'i', hi nV,i ih inmr i,f
tlio Ituunij haw. lho U r xri'PKl.v r xriti l
llm ri'nrty of imMinn fimn tho Huinit i.f
liiiuiily tin , nnil mir ('aniiiiinniiiiirri will 1 h It y
fxomTKlK all iikIi .n.oily. Vi r. jjrri tl Ht i.n'r
run crpntnt inunliy no eti-nr, in t.-: I i rt-rit nml
ruire.t -linuM li.ivc lierii lid int ihii t-i r. . W'r
Im.l tlmiiKliI of i. milling Hint mrl ot'liin (.UT ri
furrlnj tu thin nitijoi't , Imt upon rrOin .tinn, re
ti-rrcU to pivo it millro itli linn ei.;junlcjii.
him. llrri uui ai.
"IWY At Yi r tiO."
I fit . . ...
i ii following ait iclfl tirnnipetruhy ront-
tnrn.n.,1 io tun attrnf,,,,, f 0,, tnunnc.
nl III .j,Mf ia irin in thin ,1, , , ( j
lit n frm the ('lirnhi'ihiirn l;,t I
piieoflhn nhlest Aholilinn innra in thw I
S'tnle, edited VyCnl. Mct'luiw. hit i lmlr-1
Iran of tho Aholilinn Stnlo f'eiutal coin-'
It Ii thin rcn ll.iit Hip policy of otieitt KMII
of men nml ing di hi, fir other people '
eilhcr topny or repndui'i!, in nm j,,t ,0 WTW
& II. W. SMrrt
iir.i iv.
i-U just ao': Tt'
iUk them IS
iVmoeratie Convention nt Chicu'-o. Tho-e , voeiites of ihnl meusure inn PrimH their
who a I'ostponemout uri;o the (eonducl 1 nui t o to know. Its in-
' llUUOO ntul pnrlialllV U lim nonnrent to
For tlio !te,iiMii'iin.
Camp ntak (.'ii i kcpek. Vu
April -J7th 1K''.I.
,...;! lilv nl'n rluni.T,, nf ,Mllln,St.:,n,f.,' JUiHOC UlUI pnrllallly
. i. '. . ' need any very letigUiy notice by me. The
lo IlMll. .ll'lll ill'? IliiilUIIV l.'I'tlilwJUILH llllnr . ; i .1.. ...1 . . ,.
cause ive cannot .ee why u LonvCnUon of ,lo tight the common enemy ol our iiwti-1 tic!( nj lh, destruetiva i.oliry of th Al -IVmociut,
ahouM bo K(neroed in their , utl0,.'s' ow d property told by ioliUon vm- Hehasmid ivhat I ivan
deliberation by militr movements; we! L i, ?n J""? r le1 10 lmVfi Bllid nd the
nances" caused by tho result of a military perhaps ive ..hundred dollars worth ol for distribution tl,..L.,. r, , "
C ii 11.1114; vi
find lit homo
popular even with ihe Ahdliliou
TAY AS YOU 00. '
Tho tiincs are pionperoin. Monev is'
abuiuliint, uud labor is null rriju i t-i iui
i very ehnnni'l of indiiftiy. Trade has no '
impotua hitherto unknown a iihin tho ex-
peneiice of tho present active men; and
fortune teem to smilo upon overv onn 1
M-ri i y or sr, ,,.. '
5',t ;l M
t'W v. a in SB 11.1
.hV.ijr.i Editors : 1 hnvo ulmoxt jjonu off wbose bnnd is put forth to welcome her
cl I h r.i;htarv aut!.
- tho Democratic imuy
, be land
, thing. It is iiposnihlc.
.oi. :i t'losi' pi coni- wo ild but do tii-ir duty to the (iov
evnr.fut wr.d men ur.d't lhc:r immediate
crtiTand. Your ciaie.iit'.-'o would re
tuark her, however, t h r. t the loose and
rerkle?' rn.".nnr cf do!n buinc? on part
rf the ct:;crr emecttd iviih t!ic recruit
ing pp-r.ce cf Vi 'aiti f is, evils loudly for
'.!: mot !i ar .Vr.;; intef ligation on (lie
j-art r.f tlie fcver-n'.i ul nt Viihinpion,
bnd tlie ln"r1.i,. inrtitu'.iju of reform
lo br;.n?r. o;' tl;e sr: it-c.
Miir.y Cii?e cf rru hardship and iuhu
Ti'.snitj" were brr lo the notice ol your
cammii:", which c'.iirn the aitouiion
rf thf j'-roji'T a :t !iOi itiw, .s ixhibileit in
tfc te?'iTony rf the c.ouiphnnaii'.f, which
wi:l w.earv t'ji. result: but which
we-e beyovd the reach a your committee, I Y 'inciplea fur rrobiilcnt and Vico Tiebi
Cr bilie.e f T w ant i't' t!..- power to dcut. NVe are for McCllllam as the runr
rcske eucU en iavca.r.bu ts would b,!'(R MAS l0 j,e r.,ccd upou such a pla'form
ritr. cary 10 caj'C'-u uv';si- ii ul
have been dou'.ifi-a prir-'.iced upon the
voliintee-s enl:-tcd f;.; J d-uir.e 1 in hr
rtck ia Pb;ladc'.pbia. Voar co.iU Itiee
X&att say, hr-"vevcr. in iiturcc. n
teriieant on. Lac-hcd .od t'f
caan aiyn that ought to influence the ,c.d"l J " Ch-u. Held and at tho present i ,-recaoni bolh in ,inny
tion cf-.,.ch ronveuno,,. If there is a j So"ir annrZi; V'o ' ' '
po,-.bii:.y of chan-tus tho W.Y, of .,,url:oaM, thus reducing my nieunsof M
after they have . porting my family at a rate no rapid, that
.i . i. . r . . . hV I t I lllli 111 V toi I Idt MWn t. AT . .1 rou I u-1 I
iuu .voi, vi i.uiv 'viiii ' - - 1 iiisi.iuuons, nnu nave lieen so ever khicp '
by anyruch result, then wo can ' U" .W. n-10 tbo tirst dawn of political freedom broke
fLT iiviuiiiiL vi in 1 viii'iicvb vi ui- iii: oni.i i- 1 1 .1. 11. 1 r .
why :W rostponement oucht to ; tk-ed at the ahnne of the Abolition w,.r . l".roln-,., V,0"i'" luf ,110' ttd 0I"
. . , . , 1 , , , 11 ,1 . predion in 111.1 wnen our atlierj were
o. But 'rfc cannot admit niiv tuch i cod .11 which casa uiv laniilv would bo ..... .1: :i .
:- . . . . . . . . an uiii'iiii ;ur iioeriv iiLrninKL no urn.
tur larmera hnvo had 11 succession t,r
bountiful harvests, and their produols
have command-id tnoro than rcuuincra
tine prices.
Tlio 'resent is a ;ood time to Riiard
afcraiiibt future dta.stcr. It is well for a'l
to paue at times and tako tl eir laduido,
fur prosperity is at capricious us tho
morning mist", and may vanish when we
bucklar with 'pllBl f-tpeot it. Wo do not predict early
nemici of our nation ior certain revulsion; bin as aurely as
:iat the mis-iul- f"f?ht succeeds day, rovuUion, nioro or
ling party are the mortal enemies of our , 'css terrible in its power, must follow in-
llation ; ami if we rush on as if rich har
vests were to be perpotual, and a? if
money were to be ever abundant, it needs
no prophet to foretel that disaster will
: . 1. . 1 - 1? . 1 ...
oua i-uiiio nun uiu ursi 'lenresBion 01 the
anU haughty toe. 1 hero w ns then a party ?rPt,t business interests of the county
t' a con,-,,,, u
rrlnf. 11-liilni.j, Mr,nibi,,a., ., '
IlrocHjo M.-lmir. tballu,, .,' T'x.ti
.1111, I.iiVfllun, (JinKh,,,,,,, Che,.l.V'"',ll'.S
inr.Tiainfr. Slmw,, IMiTy V
tcttonuili-j, hronn nunlin, 111. l
lit lo-i t!,un city wl,t)Un.,l irl, T S
TaMo Wafer. M' 1 lj 1
Hosiery, Glovpn, RlliUp, Trin,. '
Collar. Nets, Veil,. KinVoldeS;
Hindinfij, ChilJruiia', .Mis.ei' Dj ' ,
rti, (iiaki-r OirnH Skirt;, Zi &
Iks' Ul!t and Silvered lhJLlU
The. 1 ii of Julv turned loose on the chanties ol tho world
. j ( 11.. wki.i iiitio i.iniiji-uu
is very lac. National Convention wrcro V?, ! 7 " 11 1 1 '"usely loyal, who scrupled not to com-1 Let the thoughtful man compare the
formerly heJd in March, uud never, a e be- r,Xl Their ,,roliol wTh. u l L "' "-der' Pent wi.h the habits and prudence cf
" . . . . ' i ' tfi wnac ( vafhj find rijI niismnii i Iia nunr s hunnc
lievc, h.te r than June-
The Convention will havo
duty to pci form: h is to
ai-;icnt ; .V Vn of principles, un 1 to nom
,1 .h.l.i nu il... r-.. : i ... I . r ' (,:'r ourHpti, iubSifChi
,,,, . i . , i . l i ..un Mm h vn.ui uiiii puLinirs ui lu UMJ r. "i "i ui iuw nti iu i' 11 l u u- i .1 .. 1. 1 . 1
but a plilinlh,u,ndeedahum,h but, tinnof uuf lin), ,yrant. so,' to,:. in-now every fpocienf debt is yarded KX,
re-asseri us ,; ... . . miini in umniiroi uiJHiiurpenplewcre V1UI Miiguuir iiMinerenco. counties, window hiiuj I':
I liow men can support tho war by their lryi t0 ,fnch jtHtlsl, liirots tlir.
iprolesMous and rymj.alhy, and yet with-, iat ,omo . uho
t we were townships and boroughs, do rot hesitate
ipposers of to contract dehta ol atariling nincnitudtt
fc lur tiurVciii, Tubs,f- Chum., y0M i,
vri.r. Bi.s?
"ill Ti.t.'i
'"', oil nothi. " '
iMatepiopirmenasroiresentalivcofthoMold iho very reuisiies for 1 la proeecution. : U), i)e!nocraPy) gcn u Ul,ir 0 to pay bounties to volunteers. True
'c. in.-inlou l'.,r Vi,l,.i,l. nn.J Vir- P;e-! I alU at a loss to know. A lai ce number ! . :.i . 1 . L . 1. , S 1 ' .. . 1 .: .1 1
r lit 1 I 1 I ai uni vttviii! in uiuu UIJIJUiY I' ' CUvOrH "lu I 'll.. mir uui IV KOVt'l
i . . , . 1 0 ' 7 . 10 uuhiroy ino honor una imparity ot our rnni in exrinuuna our resourM to mis-
v. " . "r. . 1 1 nation. Ana in tlie war with Me-yum ihi-v Main H mjitpk rml I'lntee'ir
...... I 1 Ii-!,! C I ii tw I o , . 1 .1 II, A 1 ... (ml tl L rn 1 I . I unl 1 . in,.. I l.n ,..-,.!
wn-Hoots, Shoes, 4
Administration iu its most radical
If he, or any other man, demurs tbeteto, ;ures of the war policy, uud yet etand like
or repudiate that piatfoi iu, the Conven
tioii no: t repudiate him. Defeat, under
?uch civcutnslaiicc, will be a thousand
Mens Kin Hints. Kin A Calf PW. n,
pow er ; M. s.ii-s ' m, i I.ndits' Muroc:a nr,u 'ti
.llion, end even voted againit feinli
t nan b i n it rinuniiiii tin. I L.m I ha ,-..-.,... .. -I''
w. ....... ,..v,u I, Ul p,,es ,0 ,lie br , , j ,
soldier a ivcs and widows taxed to tav i.o.ii.. r, it., i .i ,
i.. i.... .. i t ' ii's oi-ioiu i .1 j ireaoii-
"Jr1'' i uu-neie iuu firru, .. ,,) , .
ty doiia-s rli;iu he s3 retailed hoai the
Yaur ?ru:tec did nat dthire (o en una iL function cf tho nutbtn
ties of tLs 1 povrrnivciit, in pu-h-
thflr Inquit :oa too far; or into
de t:ai ?ca:s wi'.'ru t'io proj tr fphcre
cf Corgreis rr lb War Dtjartmru! ; atid
Ii3 ir.rlc'g the hi p.) liict even these
tthci'e .:u.i. i:s t j ih fa?t that t. .if en
do TJcist at P!i;:adc'i'hi.i in tht ei.batirg
J?fartxer.!. may not be altogether lost:
bjt that i: r. b3 the mccnB of ii.djcing
.hoe wh.e Jj:y it is. to nuke irjMiry,
t:".d rffirm sny cii.'.;? a'-uscs thai way
'o rt'scrvcrrd.
Ycur C3nrrit'.fe, In concision, desii-e
r.ot:ld be .rut :n l.-i n -i.. ! tn.
7. ' r -e r- j :.: rc .. i i i
j.lth eciitvr whose cond;i?t has brought ("ioiu huuuiojs uoou uuuareui
jetrcirh upoa tbc ecrvico; the j of tnillior.s of dollars by Congress, and
' -'" upiii iuo ui u i i liit-u iri-; ttia jivish expenditure orihe ri-er.V'j rKon-
d-ice no other result than ' .. ,..,..., .....
tiiui s bcttci '.iian t;iev-s linc-n rt"y c.'Arr
; phi'.furm
: Vi'nir's ir ll AboiT. W'c hateno
;ijult that nnr.r of o ir readers have fre
ijaetuiy akei tbemselves questions Bimi
!ar !3 the fjiloviirg, ' What is liie rucau
' io audputpote of the LT. S. Sanitary
C'oaiuiiicn ?" "What is th-j duty of a
giad c:lizn in coanccliou tber.'with '
" Does the Govei rmnit full to provide the
Cuntforts and necc.-sui its require i by iu
tick and woacded mldicrs ?''
, nt:33!.'ii our ina'jiiuy to answer a.l
'.'ice qucstionr. In
.ten mat n-v: u t:u- .;. t--piy!
I tei -v (IUI I'l.-I in Finiil.i'o I., t. .
ontrnctetl a lurg3 dcht to fill its ooota of i
f I 1 .. r . . I itr.a IVi. Iiaiiai. Mm... t.. Ii . 1. . . . . L - I
... ......I ir. t .... nit .. . , , l ., ... IIIU HlUlll.-,UIlill1. 1 II 1 1 C I , ' w' 1' ' H1'UI H.IUI I'lf II! 1UV IflCI
" ' ' . . 1 , 7 eyhave been opposed to every measure hole of theso debts could l o raid iua!
r.Tei ; I n t" I?1' tl0,1L4" "d,"lU honor and nT witLout being ecriimIy fc t I v the '
rl ? itnu ,?eJ d,r? f ""J havo favored every policy tha pooj !e. while if a!k,w,d to remain nnse(.
to pay in tiountj-the tax I believe is woullJ Ie ,, ri.ns(re'c,lr r,ationJ.led unJ-r tho mistaken notion thai thev '
lo be levied for that purpose. Thus. Now t,,,voull ..deicivo the Vf.rv cI eat. Vo belter paid in li,ht inslalments. t
I l.USl: .l.lg.U iivum-ii. .UM IUIU.V Ulflll- , ..,. usbclipVP tlou . 1 1 . 1 h f V tC. a l (-11 1 1 1 I i t t f T 1 ,r,fv
ni iruli an J Oa. iters
certs can rr-nbj
that if iri-piriiig the deepest coutcxrl
:jr o;
IJatt, Cups, Uonith
Qosir ihuT.,, I f. ... '
.elves on the mercy of their abolition gov- g,Jflr(iiariS 0f our institution a our l.bui tie-, in after years. Suppose these dts should "I'a. 51 1. ll.h. 4c, m
crnor lor pardon for oUeocea ogamst the anJ honw. liat lh(TC M(k SC)l' .c to pav in tho midst of revulsion; aach!
Commonwealth, ami violation oil bo anc- who caa rea.j U)em( ftnd CJtpose lbir wioU. ; M 1?:,7 and ISoO witnessed, oi with a de-1
my of a freeman a home, nee with pride : ed desi-ns-nnd Dr. Iloyer is iho man for ' rnnge-l currency uch as lKK-b) produ--! OIJV FWlV IDT
unl exultation the Domoc.alio toldicr s (llftt puro0se, and his t pooch the thins I ed. would they not bring terror tj every ! w U 1 4 " "
witu taxed to secure the Perpetuation of if.,, ,L n.. ii .1, !... i ,;.,. it.,. ' .i ; 1 fur. T Peits. Caw 1 cu..
. - " iui kilt i. aii. i lit r din nui rB in siiPfii I I'wu hi hi i iijul ,ii ii till' . . - i. m
?o such an l ra:i!:ons cf N.itional d:l hivo Urc ! i', urr
de picaMe creature?. I know they are'mPOS0' wpon uj by murJor;H iroann. 1 -
rim.Ain 1 i A All P l.ftotlliful f il nf f... :r. ImI it mnal Ivn ourtlainn I nnl
thrt tax being levied the money, I pre- .i.ii. ,v. mm.;iD(i in .,K,f..,i.i, 'nai,! it ,.;tt k !,. i,v .,..., t .. f
sume. will be paid in commutation fees ; ; dom anj fogtcrcj i,v men Vl,P ,n 'sources nn 1 ind.islrv for tffir.'orti.Cn, ,V.! JJLIU ((l(U C IYl
...mU. ..r.i...i;.; : . . ( - - ' . i ' .7
lstice of our eotne ; and it is unwise to au I to tha nee- i Sthcn, Snatl-a-, ? t"iC ft.nn, R,k)i a,
or many n.i-'onry ourcens, tue (tcmioj winch De ' Spades. Hav Fuiks, TM Kai p,-i. -
tofon a liotf. preent times fhould tirovido for. i i'lnted Toa Spmh. Ilu.4ati. Vj.
. , aome check to their anil. moils designs ' o wonhi earnestly ure every dwtriet u:J. ri turj, .imi.
1 he in - i o ni 1 lit .1 1 n .ovorpion f v li a i r.i...ftri-. 1 .. I,., it.rti.i: Iot li.t ipitli Iiinnh. n. .tV.l !.-.'.. it i i
, . - ... . w..... .... ..... ,'.V- . 1 I (. j, ..... ..... ...... . i. " . J . - V I'M, ..
rr.:iipl rirloi"! ul t t.rt np.dinud nt lit.. ! . .... . . J . . . . " . . t . I '
... . . enuiiionum. uexruie Iheir periiicinn nt- ai once, ji can ha ilone withicit li ir.
r.rtiia ni ini.nn a to i ...
J"'eJo:?- ' !ar'K.wor.a. l.exv the.cioihioff, and all good men despise such an I millions cf National d:,
iwirii in i n u i ri i in i bi fi i lUcmn. . .... . .
, "-i "-'" ues nic! creaturer. 1 kno
Hypocrites, in mo eveci oi tte ilralt
tie cf the beavy tax !'huS k6el'i,' lho lal ur of abolition , K-jarar.lea the purity and j;
i.ti.n .1 VOle m ,lh" ?.unly for lb? .,u'l'Os0 of V iinstitutiona. JM.'s ,
cm. iLution., lao .r- tug the awa cause at Lorce next fall. tion, in ono,ia, bMn Lcrt.t0t
There is another reason why 1
acoiusi tins proceeding, namely;
and also the increased priea of labor and lempts at centralization and .let.
produce have ia.leii with crushing weight, L'n,ler Ulis moUo. we have gro-vn
I: !
:i.:t ,i ccultl di?;c. nd toil's .v wui,...r ncrrj.iy vim;. i;a.:.kN.n .s, ai ; ui ou iuc fcoioier . lamines, wno are neCfS-
. . . .
rr;-.ap:var::njc tc wbich thev resort iies.t a nnstery to ui. iiul in t l ;ce ot a- isauiy consume! a aione. .innosi every-
ny thing we might say oureeivc:, wo prD-
defra-id tLa of bis ju t '
rpininn cf your eomtnittfe
' pose lo do bett?r, and in our next paper
thing ha doubled their former rates,
bile tho aoldier'a wages remain at
r,.'.r.ll. 'I'I... t.. I. I
I .... -il. u. t uu. II. j III I II nilU lUIil-
f.V.. :j r'i..:d .Vhi:e. dpt. David I ox :t'0 what is said ot it ty the editor ot Iho . hernieii have oecn enjoying high prices
ana Ulpt. a.-er ti.culd imtur d-.atelv be i'.'nU'ieii.iita Sledicsi r.i'r-:iL UspcrUr ; ' "r l'r JJur prouaco ; nius amas-;-
jLtusrsured be
ar.awer euc:.
co.iri o
aft ! rm k-.'i'-.l:ir
o i ' J r. . i i . . . V . 'l i
'tir fo-.a ict i a .-pc.HCt tor,j;e opor. tu:s
rer.nrt. ;
Yojr crr.-.m;tte5 deem it proper to add. .
I3it ihn great lerKi to w.nch ti.cir le-I-ort
k hi.-eady beer, exiei.ded, aed the
rear avr roaeh of the adjournment f the
XegV.alure, have previnled ihem from
incorporating I .its it many itutauces of
wror.g wh'.i'.i the f idenre developed.
Tliey have C:v?n those inmnccs -,vl.:cb
eenied :aol e;ec;aliT to demand nj'.ice
ran Tyr toe wnoio. lour com
iv .
1 is
Bir.'ra, M
oao of
!. who, we are m- j
ivou.d neeci
ing ioi lunei", ti.e soldier a c.rcum-
it:ir.riia h..vp lien ivitti riiiiin...
the most loyal of the rSj ,;jityt uud cow wo are about to receive
jibe fiuisliing blow to our pro-pect and
that the Jacobin ' rfO'P0"'-)'' o mucli tor our patnotism
; and devotion to our country tor w hich
al the Lead cf our State Government nro !
in cisi'i-
ty ears from mere "chaotio titonn, to in
honored and respected or.'niizt.tion. t)ur
fli, at the first tliuii)i within the reac!)
ofourowti coast, o? upon the b '.mi of
our many rivers has, by deirree, ventured
upon the broad oivan ; and now unfutN
i's stary foi l to the ii'iz-t of (ip;feed mil
lions in every port in the known world,
proclaiming that America is m frco m
the starry heavens, and that liberty -re-lit;ions
and p-olitical -is enjoyed by its
lhliabitiicts. l'.ut what d we witness J may
now; a prostrate poop e a natiin ot : i n
Mro or l
I.K3K...1 n ih nH innv iroiniz our nwii.i v i i - . . . ... ......
t.,n,:n.t .!.r.i .1,.. Tm.....r p.,.! " . T . . . T . oupea win nave lo uow uown to the b ack ioivn.-ii;i,
aooiuion uaci era ic uus uioouy conllict. .'idol or abolitionism, ot be thrown into the to--p- s yo
n'rait .hi rr.t timir h.t Um nna. inn A ftr i I fi k I n t. rn on tti vam f. . I. . I r.f . ... ... ."(!.. i.o-i . j
i J " ' " I r " , .p. ,v' ii rey lurnace i.v the donnti spirits thai
ofaroer.dina tho Constitution no as to al- r V"4 t.ow u-. J lle working parties are out ; 0preM u(- However lhv imni,n
I x v in rna iniv im n an. .-.. I. .. ' ... .... tuiiii
w " "" '" three ' w in t.rfer tho tinn., !,...!
can he done witiucit liar l-i
ship upon any class of people at this lime ; i
, and every uictnte of prudence p"inti lo
the wisdom of eoipliin tho xupe-aVin- !
;datil res'iuri i j r.f th country, to relieving
jPAi.-iirii' eiiibai tasmi'tit as far n pos'i
; tde. It is the saio rule ahvaja to rav ,
jwben able to d) so; we euhoiit to the,
.people whether thry can eter hope pj he '
in a better position to pay than now ;' i
j We hope, in ieed, that the c urrei.t jeai (
I will i- . i i ri cut -h every such debt, an 1 leave.
the people prepated for every racritico 1
, tho p-e.-eri TiMoi: of our sacred Natioiialitv
tmpO"" ur.nn them, wnl.ojt being
led I'V io.' i1 obii'.ioiis. e?ry
i ili adopt the lift-'
up, Lcter A ."
Hbil l'.'riv(l(.f
1:. . Ii.. 1 ,
te Patr, Uuf 1W
. !,!, Is,-
.1 Pi
:.r l c 1. 1. l i aio
Fancy "iii'.t a..aps. l'.iitin; Liitllil
ltoili.. Trunks, Cir; it Sacki, Lil'.-.i' IM
iitchcls, Iiuik', h:.: a tiir at
Cloth ilrunhci. Ail c-l wbich wiiibi al
for CaL
l I - . . , . . . nw'4ttt tumniiii: vu A " llim I Ul!' Hi Ui 8'
low ,old;tr to vote (no matter where they . U (k j,rorosC(l Ik, eVather extensive.
ai-a ij ( i u.iU.I : t ..rt,.n aA.-t '
- y lu 7 T V' IC U 'l II I il XI U UH V 11 1 . l
The Coi.3tltut.on rcqjtrrs notice of such
f the sagacity ol the move I have nothing U Xr iJ v " '
, .. h.Vi ii .lon'i In,.'. mnh ?;b ,. .oriurs to mind at) incident ofaa.d-
V . ... " "...'u uier in our rei'impnt U i,..; 1 .
to J M !!Kir.D On chn lt inst , by 0. I'. BLmn, :
Mr. (1. '. l.iir, of Liwrfnrn tjn
to Miss Anna M.-Muhon, of l'ci.n toiva-!
I i
sn.uee, iiowerer, earnestly inv, to t:.o at-, au:enajient and election to be rul.lithed i presume litionist remarked that ih..r -a ! 1 " "e ,nm ' 1 AI0' ':!
tr.:ii cfth I.eSu!3tureandttenuli:e.y!..:hr ,., i llje irrepressibles still bold their prophecy .0110 Democrat in hi, ml , : i !"!!. 10 irS 1'-U Addlcuian. Uth
authorities GrGDve.nxent.tis well as the! " good, and lor aught 1 sec may onjoy U for ; nl0.e close examination ho i, . t , V 1 ' , , .,
cooJcltizena fif tha Commonwrflth lo t h p ' f f i'sr in eai J county. Where there aro 80me years to come. AXT h. t0 RL i . 'yh M to . In
"... : . ,.,.,.,. ai,.,i:.; .i,,.. . ,.t i:.i....i ' v i..,.. i... ; """" '"'if1 " ' '"i" nun lhai was twice 1 cniiceiii.n tvna tne uboio nut. c iv il,:,t nun oV
r.uMW a5rccPyin5 109 report, an.lj t !r '. ;, , ' i v ' u.o r, re-. as maoy ai tM0 LorJ ,,aJ ftnjon t hi , j fVc-y. Cla.s ., .cocaieanicd (lie .af....
l!l nay as:erU.a for themselves the char-; in a county, tho resolution is published Ifehi"S and salubrious wiather here for multitude, when Nebuchadnt-'Vir sat un a,1,1.wc h"!, thr.? mrv t e a " lew ni'.n, of iho
aster cf tha wron? perpetrated. a-:d th.t in c,c lbaa one; bul in no instance have fhe lus' tvW ,1'-v, n ound U becom- his ugly tod, and bade tho h'.lites to ,""K' ,,rt " iull,e 1'"1"10, ttihtarj- and cuilian, may coti(.,f. .A.,.;V(f rulllii. , n, V10 V '.en- an,'J r""' ofourjbow nt itsahrinet And I ensure th.-re1 .' ammmmv3smi
KeetlheKrnofthecomtcunilj.evcn if C' S Ct' COtlrf J 18 " camp, furnishes a pleasing prospect of tho 'aro ,uore tn hix j , j 1 'H''.II tP.. on the I :h imt., Col.
ii cl.culd ba fo'tn.l. what it is he red may t;cn in a Democratic paper, where there Blue Kidgo in tho distacce, and the in-! will atand up for the tru-M'o 1 tr Ii K- Smih'y. aired aimnt L! yean,
pot U tta case, that Ihrv have to arrana- is an Abolition rarer in tho counts- ' teryening country budding into life under 'l,n ih uL, ' ,," '1 y' ' h-rncc ti-, on Muiidiy mwing
icy nave to arrans
d JLeir plant as to escape the punish-
Cir.t of rrimir.als.
All of Tliich. n rcpeclfuliy sui iuitted.
Tuos. Sr. Clair,
Cuar; is M'Canpi f.s,
iro. W. brn.v,
P. Frizf.r Sun j,
li. It. lUiJ..
Atl;t-Cit. Grsr L. D.iar:.,
Cieik ol" t'ommitte e.
rir. r.i'r in rnn r. 1 1- v. .v.. ... u ..... . uuuv.i,i ... h .iinui.iii.r u.i.nn... .r.-: i .
- . t. n .j.u inn nour oi iriai cotnes. Alen nrn .
.This ,s a ,pecics of official proscription ; ; !' "P1 10 l'e so .---s to incur i
i without a -sarallul 1 ", Vi. -17-.: "-. 7 ' .... - . . !. : no a"J, e""f ' e:r oiricers who lord
Mum. IlJiLrs
For tlic"R publican.
-I was much amaoJ
Uar hospital arrangement h is under-
i il J-'. without -om. cause for their I
I, ! V J hL7,Ti.t, " T. : ??'on- y hnceaf observation
rv " i navo reason to be evn
irr n f rcirnrieii uini ri, Ami'in, dHiititir m
Hiiuiiiol ni,.l Clyde, gul about If years.
" i ,
?)cto bcrtistmtnts.
Aj ruva l pi uii'ry prfih'9 uiia i'.ttli
for j-ooiln, at market r:i(ti. B';'
IMiH Markiiol, C fi.h, kmit:
' in ull s,7cfa.i.:;os ot J. P.WlJil!
Yr.NITlAN l.D7Jr.M
I til) 01" i. I'd 1' ! WUi putt? nil
cstirg cl.iid I tw last Bi:s
a- it tt i.o uii.r.'. MkU as tni nin.
tun gentlemen ri ling Jjwutcun. R'a
oh;'i'! w!n lr. lut'im
n.ei.t ii u rertj.a ifunea uj', no .ipoal to yuii. liiiK
paitiy Rain and i.icii o in iln. but
ot the ii.luD! child that hob li fii.'i'i'."
rest. l'ni , in a d!.nxiroidii;t
i Tl.ia' V.'tiitinn l.ii.itnrbtiuUBi.
lid of its t.Ttui ". Always Itn-f it iii'
stu iiel wui t it to r.ijrUcr
h-lliiiZ w hui-lni! arue'd tula an lf.
.l 1... i. .nit .i nt lii il f.. e
Ul t' J 1' I Hi i U I IU'1" .......
S-iip: bi a.l anf,""-
otnts a tinttie.
1. 1 tre."t N
M.yll, I-
. 1 i
lliai li Pit r v nnp i - . . - .-' r - .
fevV ettmiiv? n-n. unnn donrin i Twrr.n 10 llfe rt'CltlltjlliHl ilOopllHH. lOSt Ol tho ' hfilf f mmu ro.!.,. .:H i J . 1 t i if i v . v t. .... ." kfl
who ouce souut ollieaaud honors at the ; Slt'k.a i , "nt'(n beiethry jf ai) opportunity is eivon thetn-at least M ,'"rm' the ,iti"-"' "f;'" II"t'. Jai.e-vfilo
! hands of Deraocra.s. but failed to win ; j ;,,e 'fy" lrc,J, for tb.-vn they could be in we have oiid M-therefore acco-bn" to anJ vi':i"i,-t thnt ha h" '' '"ii:,. fl
'and who, during the present war, has , Uje l'J iLe UealUl of the army is bet- the'old joker's' theorv we can Kif.-li; pNim ' w'"!ro l1 '"' l'reP,rd tu wall utiou ul! I.o u.ay Mf very di.loyal lo. any one to find t Know ,t ,s to , lho ri.gimwnt lo aemocratic But I "oT, "l'.it"'"." !" . f " i' VJ
ui vu. ui.i.jcuv, no jiuvu l'itios eri nnr .j i i .. ... . ... i ....... n.,n.i ibUi,u, .iUn.
rejt ririolt it
J. P. hWi.i-
Niitrt rT-Tir
have cr.ioved
' Intlil .tni ill Irinln., a-.... .....U . .
, . ... .....v... -jimi nio j iri J llillCU lO
our comtort ucd advantage.
M. MchlKK.NAX.
nun, . nl . . i . . ... I
..i.n. uw. uc,i iuiil'it on ill It SUPICCt. Ail' ed t
I svanted was to inform vour readem tl,-,i I mav 11.7.1 :-.a vl.
A '"r- ! in7;i,eyi;,7iaxTr. whi ." 1 ie haa been much iteration in our in" i 0 1 Ul KW AH iTT..".-.. iTpTT-
are not duo until 1870. I regimental auu ouicer? tunca last fall, I lio d.Kr,iK tti ,uiim, IviUUni or perm.m having folon imulT
for tht iTuutv ffflMrEfli1'
l'i,:i,iiii.iciHtHTs- MlKv, n '""'!"'.
dav. the li.nh and 2titli uij-ii' ,i
Xho itoatd t ii v
rants nuii't nimr
before tb IWr'Jjlr.
it h.'i7 i et). lu Jt Otttriof Ailminittra-
l.cj r. i.tiie of JOHN V
Clefcrj.l b.roua, ClrarLfl l county, deceased, j '""I'ot t
hv!i? it.n ruU,i l0 t undei.ijtDed, all could not
J-rv:i.i i:ijjb;e,l to fJ;i cUtj are rdiuotcd to what was
'.ito lasuiont, anj tho.e Laiir.r M7.ct tha in, Wiit r:Cicnt tbtm duly
aut;tt o.iiod ior tt'..T.nt.
may it. IVM. I. UI(JL::k, Adm'r.
or ins vaiupyirs: cou
1 demning, in unmeasured terms, tho uc-
i i. r. f I .-... ..1.1. ,mn...tvn..u f t .
j il ju uui wuui j i.oiiiiiiiraiunr.a iui itl 1
? i i . . r .... ...
inganeavy uoumyiax joriT'H, winio ; y ' "ii '"' r cego tn the army, as well as
RifiiKit f l"Bir LK,I1U3 uut uniii it"tu, io vi,i .-m..a iuh iuu, m,o awriwe the
ut ...mii ma .cnuvi iuu;s.iiiu,rji . 0--"-w',iV BUilcriIlaT.
brook tho idea of condemninc 'rvice about iho titno "l lysses" wr.s on dollar for tl.
frichtenedat ean mentioned.' This t.b.e-el.,.hs, to',,a,s, ono bonne,! n'Uof I Tn , cti
Intern loV'K
. " . . -., ii ino resi oi our i '.iiio.'r it 1 1 ... ..... m .-uuikiiuo ui ma 1 itt ron'iv'. .
iiiimra nun iuc i iuu lorps friends in the countv nndtVnmiU r.,,,, ! or ""ove-, or tor suoti mformnlion n will
t ,m r -i IfHin ....J I '
Stop Tliicf !
ri ' u i. .
. m i j ne store ot ii mtiscri-
v. ' rrenrh.i i... t, .ntrfl .... tk
ebrbi ofib9 J7ti, uliimn, ml the followinS. a
Itot S oiher artu-liv, ulrn Iherefrom . to ait:
i imti Irooa cU; 2 tint camum frock coiti:
i li,..
known to be wrong in Atoli
tionionists, wouM nt kast restrain him
from averting falsehood r.gainat Demo
cratic officials. Iiul how are tho flumes?
The total amount of lax that can be re
alized from beated lands for lS'C4,
present rate is $41,437 21.
Tho amount of iuterest duo 1ft
July IS i4, is
Am't bonds due 1st Jin'
Atu't Interest due hi Jan y
.. .m . .... .. ..- i. .v.i.i. ii. i .ll.T-i h.,.Lnn :....i..i .1- . i i
ll . . . i-. i.n.-u ing minus oi ini- una'T.-inei aooui
i herewith aend you one ,' the 2.ith of Anril. ism. i .ttnn hr..rr...n
it mi r tin.. nriibui;,., ..... :......!.. . . . , . . ...
,....,.. ... i..-.-ini,ii- jim ill i "to. hi iiiu.-.iiij, arvirHi iiiuiikois, pillow cast's,
tboir swcrti rtalcuitnt dotrnlii'
ro(.'iuicr,t and ccmpanT; ""...JK
number of rhildroii, withlf ..ji,
the town: Up in which thy rei ' ,,
enliMinPiit, and thuir rrMtct m
i. trill, .ml ibi uifnioi"tr .
u-iiiu oi. J.111.H.1U miii oiu invision. o. t ...., ..i i i . . . .
i si r . . . . .. iiij,rouin i . we cou i semi
t thai I-.w.D-manuep isjusiiy ir. p.oycr't ineeeti through the whole
"." "'u.uJr ,uu. "uiera as a hrave aim ,-ountv. therebv doin nil
(5'-. "Ml ivn"l lO
us primal ive
luid to tbeir eocriotion.
M. 0. P'fU'.K.
l.of certificate, swora to
resei-l. herself is li-itl"' 5 .' .. ( ,
,.f neriiuin.
Mw .Milii,rt, may ll.'Ol Im pd.
'nnirtlier ana uzr -i jk
rruroSALS I : in ileintute r irei.rat '"llulli.
LTOTir,r..-AU persons interetlod i;l uki i w"!!-1 v"l"! ; T. . r..
imlico that rrepcalsivill bo receive.! hi the , "' " : J,np .ht-w roqiii'i11'
n... ... .u. ., . ..r t ..... . -i . loiu.t c'.iitui.iiae in "i ..m ,
1. ........ r.t .i... ,' '".'"''."":'.!" '" -'"" ""v- ,au'' ",r iva.-inj:,, , ... 6r the
.till commands tho Itrieade. It is useless .h., n.o,.t- It " ." . I". ' T- tl;" "f ;uan,vr'1 . Jf ' ir " u'Uor1M .'". !-. : ! 1 i'i .7 r. , ,nndc.d tblfi
. . . t v .w.. . ... i-.-, ..I I,,-, nitt'io vuim. ioi niA lur ut vcrtrs unci ior ton vcatA iuc n i r-hPHt 1. .i 'i r ,v" " i.-w c i lift"'
5U.1 13 50 , l0., -vour rc'lUer- P' Character am ...trusted with thearduous duties of a most ! dor to bo the teste,.. Tho bifhtvt bidder for cn ! JI"? 1 ' mL - - .
,.........- in. miii- 1)ITI1 H VMl-"
1 -"---- . .-..-..ii
th man . careful atudy --raor---i on l'lQ el-instiia and aa com- und murnera. who have been for
FkillfulClencral. And Wadtworth thouch 1 r,ator ftr ir" 1" "". '
.'i.,ll ,,.inn.,rl I. II. I . - . fc'"- lO
l,WI W J1"") M...-UI.-.- ".ui in ms poiiuc.n cam- purity, and
y lo: 35,700 Ot),I'a,P-- ,n -Npw rnakea, nevertheleiis, i On ourcc
I'vlcOj 3.GCJ OtJ," f?od A-njr, (JC-ie-al. Col. Uoy Stone; tho fulure 1
Tt. ... ... . nti .lor., n An . . , . . . 1 . 1 . r . 1. . Al.i .. ....
moiii'jjiimini iuu, ano una,,, , ,. ; ---i. v, ...v luioiii, pouiicai eampaicr.. wheh mtii
correct, and would com- ""CHtaiia no awiinpuiauoa hiniKell beloro end in tho overthrow of the innovmpt.
nni tmnii i rnr.iiiii bin,ii- ....uw.., v... ... . i.iam nUi, i.iui- iinii uoirnAri- ir m
rtnorii. .r. i'-o aoovc lijtires to ascertain in mnehi---"-" mo uutsmii
ftt biJiler for fivo years, to be aee-ptrd. If im
tO per rent higher tha lot will be knocked down T
io un; Disoi si uiuncr ior lire years flu leas? pi I ory at thf :ai roi'-- r
no luken under tho lclluwirg rcttrictions : 1 ne i tee,l, in I.swrencf !'; i'
3 pairs ir:pcj Cue castimer pantji ; 3 i.luu
atp'ea rsu ; one mh rest ; 2 ; lai bUck
ikef; 3 Mir n.!f a, i
mid I ra,.,.ia, i I l,t of low priced tueU-tiw ,h nbov 1 . bo c0
la 6 ' nmnii i.v lint mn
i-...!Y . ... ... 1 7.:.., .""!-- ,.V .mi. pi,..i, i.ii i. ' ... . ""u ve oeen ior over
rfr-T., .....r me puima seneraliy, ar-,-,, "oc iizuret 10 ascenain now much i i'i'K'". uireo years mismanagm" the shin of state
rsi:.i -i pin iiuitodinw iuurui.uuaii the, money is likely to "lay idle in the Treaa-' m-Je -'--''-- havoc with the euomy U through the storm of violent m,!'
na 1-.I.--HX. .hu.:'.l ohrr ..'l. . I.v. , .. . . .. fi nt I t'.l.ii r.n tlinlrt.f T..1- I, 1. ....... I. .. . . . ,cl" pRSS.OIlf,
i--.. i it -....-.,.-. ricra a: i-iucRKa i "- e " "'j i svuicu nas assai ca it. utit the rolls lik f a
UaS.r 10 tneia,rl.-n all exrensea and the; waa tei ously wounded, from which ho s lo" in the l-onli of V) V a ?? I
abor. r.-ra.d will be p-id forth ec-viaioa of V-The Inends of r remoPt have waued not yet wholv recovered ,tS nB " 'T2 r ,'ia,ocoai'- And to
..V,r.ndiUre.overyof,he.,o,.d.. their call, aigned by aome thirtv !..,din J C'oT di n7l. !PC?
-o.T,.. t.iutifiiiKr. iMiuMiciin Aht.lii . "',1 ir"":?;. i ' ' "."J:." r.r. '-"' mo siorm. arta clearinir l is burebvtrivenib.f letter, or. H,ni:.,..;nn
i ... iii'm u i erriii , rtc.'tiLii uur i tri ixiriuai enramanuur i'i. thA vrrnb ifii. i a:i r. r . . " ' "
Or.JCUOLl), rv or the Union, for their National Con-1 whom I fchall not rcak lent it be taken as on on7l .?ii t , .1 "inner. Jy , , " '"f "tato oi j!A AC BLOOM, late of Ciiraens- WeJ.Br.. t-.,kin3 lilan-n. I Vcntion at Cleveland. O.. on lU l.i h7 m! "f,
. J W -w . . ji "v v - avi luauvr. k c himh gmmoa 10 me unaerflirned. nil perscm lu-
U nun I i lrvifA Kim 1 v .l-l.i-Ji.ti . ...
jLery in ii.. v . - .hi.
lesice not to sell thereon any into. lew ing liquor
or liquor. Uy order.
wyll2t. J. O.HALL, Cleik.
. . ... ... - " ' . . . f IU SI.
Pailr a" t'j'lr'.t ' rf' txA-overccr JcUnaton, of Pennsylvania, ! know him to love him
ami OQO or l0 OlhCrS Irom this Ktatn il 'nr l,.i mir enmn.nii M,a Iffinl.. KV j.. . . ! m.ill.t. rnvm.-l .-I V I.
awoug tho tumocr ; ; but not a .iogle man ; ral change. Thomas Liddle has taken the ' ceived. and should th. friend, of ibi. patriot'. Rlin'1 ,,,m9 wi" Pro,enl ,hcm du,- uthen- .aopt h,. ,ugSe.tion, and raise a .um ,uf-. ivir h t pa tt r t com a j
acient to reinunerato o, we nhould be elad t 1 ' P LLAII BLOOM, AV.
ipamphloi farm, , u d.iired. But it would not I I
oif' twodaj. wa6.." to many. If all would X A large lot Of 6Ced P0-
iU.i SALE. ,-..v- .i. n..u.u c-uiocrauo party; i si Lieutenancy made vacant by Captain
A 0t .Vew 3 wi.h f.1'4- ion A!- 4 1 7 lKt dozcn J""- Yet aom. Itaw'. promotion, and llobert A. Mitchcl
A lecoVd bani dZ&ntl&ti i f r U'ee,n to insult ha, received hia commission as 2. Lieut
a-w-w-ti fvi ..: it ba.-...0, by tbe,ir roa ,0" l'r le.rl,a? lbl mo.emect' in r.lace of Meredith L. Jonea, resigncl.-
- 4s i. LRAW 3 thio result of deflection' cf tho tjcr- Of thc.s officen we cannoi rw.V inn eon.
CUa.-2eld,xu:b, tEati.' frcji t9 D:o:cri;i3 riffy. t lentiy, th?y are frsra the Lord ficted la-
contributo the huudre Jth part of a day's labor tatoos Mr sale by
,j.4t;, ds .Her. TBar n-Jt.
.... A 1. . I O 1 Ji.' ' '
One buckoye Keap-r aid
ing. o:,0 .w-u.
Dorn wnij'iii ..i: CO a,v"
one limber, led one "f' tf
hrt.,1 ol TOIinj .-.ii'l '. .-I. w
i.n ... fnnnin. niill. tbra I' . . t.
Krai'n cr. llcs and ,Vf
ln- -e.rf. two MddlS, .
and bench, one P c'.
..uv K..lei many otael ui.,,-ii
v...-, 0.i. eniii"' -
t0 mentinn. i,'
a. ra.,ni mi i ;, .THA Ii". t
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