CV1) f I ill! s , r r."7. .vogue. irv, ' ;- - O. 3. COODLAND I, Edlto oal Proprietors. VOL XXXIV.-WIK3M: NO. 1807. PBINCIF1ES, not MEN. THE "KEPUBUCALV." Terms o! !uDM'ripuoii. if pii' l in advuneo, or within throo uiontlu If paid ny timo within the your, - . If (iiid 'tor the eipiratiun of tho year, cli:ahiifli), pa., wi-dxesday, may n, um. i TERMS : -$1 60 Per Annum, if V:M ia advaacj m:v skrus-vol. iv. xo. 13. BOUNTY SHAKES EXPOSED. errre 0 .unset sruri.T, t-i e nrii;i.u, fi r. co 1'iillisl PUS A el'.S, Ti rtvs of Advertising, AlTP-t'"uiei,(8 aroinpcrUd in the Kejahlican tt th fuiluwicg into : 1 Indortion. 2 Jo. On rjnar,, (10 lines,) $ 60 $ T5 Two equio-ou, (2P lun-n,) 1 110 1 40 Iliroe s'iuurn, (Uim;,) 1 0 2 00 3 months A nio's One Sqtnre, : : : f 2 50 I 4 00 : 5 00 : 6 00 : CO t 14 no r $ Throa nqunrer, i Four naiiuro;, '.'..If a cjIuiud,' Ci'.o co.imin, Over tl'roe weohs and los. J4 00 . 6 00 8 no 10 00 12 03 20 l!0 To the exclusion of our usual variolv of V 7J ircadinfc' '"''t'c'. ns also of several commu 2 oo ' niiTitionn, we surrender our this I week to the following report of the joint .committee of tho legislature of Pennsyl vania, appointed to investigate certain charges alleged against certain "officers in the volunteer serviccof the UnitedStates.'' Mr. St. Clair, tho new Senator from the Indiuna district, and successor to Major Harry White whoso brothers Pick and Aleknro heroin ventilated was tho first to move in this matter, and was very pro- 8 do. $ I 00 2 00 2 60 i: mo t" oa 10 00 12 oo perh made chairman of tho mm mine... IS ooWl'ich Wl" comP0!'!l1 four Abolitionists So (io and two Democrats. Why Dr. St. Clair tli.ia tliruo uiuutli.i 25 saw rrfiTier ttiiic tut. n tl, 1,... 1 :.. ..r .... tents ' :t lor na-h insertion, i 11 lo "u liuiistut notices not evading Siinos are in-! const'4'-1,'nce to tho public, lie was e-lec- orted for i2 a yc?r. i tod to fill tho unexpired term of Harry Aavcrtn5xs.uu not icrd wit5 fho numlicr ef I w n. .-, -.iTti'.nid..ii.J. b etsnu.ruIltiirwbrd I"t(: thc" n,ld S!lM " r-'"ner in Pixio, a.U inaijrnd.LOuurdins ta t!wn) terms. and h;s vote in India?; a county shows that of your cominitiee, the ear of every hon ot, hih-niiiided citien in tho communi ty was offended hy the prevailing runiois of base ur.d abominable frauds bcir.g daily pructisea upon tho unsuspecting, confi ding soldiers, who were volunteering in the terviee ofth; country. Thwo f'niudi H-ereoi'a multiform character, und were practiced by unprincipled men of all creeds und conditions ulike ; and it was not until officers in high rank in tho vol unteer service were openly charged with guilty participation in these frauds, that it was deemed tho du(y of (he i.egUlaiur. to interfere. of Jauuar) 1804 and were sent home to ed A. M. Whito as security for the f.iilh-'or a men ondoince.s vs ltLout t ' si -Lt recruit he regiment arrived in Harris- ful performanc of tho trust, A. M. White est 8l,n,i,C ihn ihJo i?aofi nr1' ?,lle flyrai'of,r,. wi;h his hro.her (Col. hv,!l also bo i . i n.t Co rnel" S J regiment and ns soon feet. Spjno Snyder w:m employed to ceivtd from Mr. I'.ernaH. as ,.or rceei, t ri.ii ii "r ,. -r;: :?:r. i - . UN" inpu.u,..., Va...,, .ur i,i, on account .. . , .lltlu np'H iiri iur ineir Mil iiruucii jiernaru s at tlio Jiin,,s nl '.lio recpouum uotnes, witu orJprs to report at llou-e. Afier li m i fuu n uu inn rfau t, ..... r I-, n i i , . , . , , . . .1 . . , . rn . , ,. J "" " "p i-rrmi'-n, ( 01. 11 lie, A. ICftl me ceceifjlea rolls tc r twent -s x inc-n j u ickiiuionv or entnA nr i m .m m u .1. .1 1 1 .. . .. ... .. j - ... v .1. , il 11 l (11 (MCI HI llllt V I U IJ lillU I'll H II LI M'l FT 1 I V llfi ' ,t'a l.dli it was hiyned 100. 11 at tho Jons of :ho locid bounty ol t.'he-ter ciiiiniv li..-. the bond was prepared sum of ten thousand and fifty djll us, and loughs. 3bfW . J .I. ' rC, Uarr,b,'urf, ;u:ik. ! .'-Po-it lrt of the uiakinS tho further sum of seven thcwtJ - - . .v., 1 . j..-. ira ui Biiuieriuge miiiiey 10 iul, tluilO i tho compauief , with Colonel, in order to id credit. Mr Weir ami tui-nlv tli.ll nu, il to by tho Cftf'tains of some ot" wus nut in nml u- r, 1 ' 1 -. .1 ... . . the compauief, with the knowledgo of the o'clock. A dillicultv now i H,.lrs. and if n ,Mm ,1..,, i.V '.?i ... . 'tier to hlnkft lln llifi l(iniiid..nrinin.ii.ll.i . t .. . r I ..... . . . . ' tlJO r.nii corps and divisions of tl I'p r,"t. it'iry, DUi :c: Af'v, Trr a or, Co. Ki'rvrvor, CiU. Auditor.', Coroner, CwuMy Su't, I'd wn rt I 1'. Kincilcr. I'ah O. L'aigt'i IfrieA Tost, Kiiitiur, 1!. U. WriRlit, fic D'.re.lnciju Kunu 11:. '3. DuiihcrtT, A tms 1! in J, f'ii.nles Wurnll, li. Woouward, 1". I'. Cuiituier, J. W. Potter, C. 2. gandlori, ClrnrE-ld, GUn l.utlierstiurg. Or. HilU. ClciirtiolJ. N.Wnsh'Kton IV'iinlit'ld. y ill I j i i iou it in i wii vri'iri c rfiinttitnn i , . K i i i i i . . ' on the part of tho urn-,,,. ",,l,r ,,. " "r I " . 1 up me reoiiH-arrangements w.tli the Uuk. A. M. bounty to six men, two hundred -w uvuii ui i, jp n9 nnmiwr in emit) f T tin roo manl Ia n. W .......... ..I ,!.. ,i ,,, . .1 .11 ... i . . , . . .... wur lepartment at Washiiiirtoii i,mvii-1 mm Tn.ii , r , ' ,,"T"-M"1 'nnMiionevMioui.i t,e ieuiy uuimri eacu, ana rvunue l lUiriy ion was made tor the veK I nis ol jeet a number of . deposited 10 his credit. -Mr. U-rnard ob-, hilars ol each tuun. he fockcted cn that of volunteer., then in tl ,V n ! fc ' ' I Y ' " . ? "1 ,he d ' tha1' a"d hUltci liat woull ' ilcUi 'ovon h,Jnd:e,J ard WLt J .Hars.- terms of Pcrvieo h d o ye ci.ire detlmJ , V l? '1,0,l:"e V"? " i-- 1'crson, towhich It i northy ol rem,,,!: heic, that thomn re-enlist for thrceye , or du in e war !ol?n , some n Z ul? f'T"? ' ," ' " hUc took s,u.e umlrnfc, as rath- PiJ by Chester ooun-y feve. hutv Pending this pro Vision of "ha" C 1)0 lu Iv to? , 1 V 'Vs or unpeach ng bis ir;rity, and demand- dred and seventydol'ars, and it is cs- p-irtment. two calls w ere m e upou he 1 tall im rn anrnl tl li' WerC "', 1 h" b'iJ ',,,U Mr' wl'ic1' lal',inl,ei1 lhilt ,10"e 01, of the (If- loyal States of tho North a J XmK Sd'n a " I T"fle,! nif'VC" u''. to ll"11' Tlie controlling idea ; Ij-iifih rogi.nent received more that, iv.'0 b' the President of the United S ale to ! J ance of the order J r W "l""' T I ?' U,ak,n8 U,,s ""augment ikat ! hundn d and twenty dollars, po far as th, till u.i the decimated ranks of tl. r. .1 ' , ....Lr. . f '' ar Depart-1 ho men were away on furlough, u,i that testimony before your commi.trc s. ,x- - ---w ........ UJI.IIU, u ii nv I 1INL L H F rillMI ft! Ii.a .ir.i. .1 A . . Il.I' r . ',. .. l-"-1"-" '-.. .. J'Ul II Jill LU - .Io.-..!. i. ) I Illy i..'-, II.. ' ...1 Jiernaru and M' twenty men froui 'ty-eight, we ! uvo :t and thirty t'J .1 Dn i thirty d.i'lais .1 these men wcie hows that nine at iid.) which would ilL-llais retained o!l died and thirtj-Lh.fcO finno'i a Ia t.n. f.Hn. ...:):. .... .1 '.1 .1 . ... .. I -. . 1. committeo did not touch ' 1(1 renewed energy and xei tion. and , ,lra At , X',7: " . II J.' ... i . ' ' 1 ul:-lel ! 501110 "C" or . '"" nuna.e,, ana iiity uoi- .i . . . . nr..1v,l,1.l'l.i...iif ... v . a, tutu, us nufiii ns nun oiucr lasR oi vicity AAar.Vs wbosol name is lecion who were rnt in Hio mil. ttary service. To make a full of all these frauds, and v 1 11) nrillV nf Mia ! htun. in.. 'a. I it . I , v' ,. ,,n':l;"'' "'i ., , y ,:a ,,,n,i (auectarmr cla.m to tho character of iho,0 veteran volunteers: aJrt i 1 Z V-u "'- j t"at Uay, Thursday, the of February, ! whom lot two LunUre. ,r ....,;''.. I an honest man, and is therefut e entitled those who would enlist as new . ! u.; " """u ' ue r? " commenceU to pay the men, ! was pas.t ; it indeed, a v" r":::ru' Itoerrdit as.nch. Tl.fl ,,,.i;,.vi fill. ... tho ranks of the old l , I 't " .,. ... .. M ard Jr. larquhar say that the men! paid, (the testimony fc CCI X1Y AM) MoTKICT CFI'ICLiS. mi,, rl.U in..,... 1 Z ! ie hold. The patriotic pride of reo: 1 wel " 7 ,lU ,.0t I .. !'.und'Td "nd ''y dol-, cast Lave not l.ecn p PrM'tJudaP-Htn. P.,m..i i.inn. I ,i-,f. . " . ' "e" i ilu of Pcmuvlvania. bo far Iron. ; ; .r 1." T " . . V.' , i . eco, aua me ottier thirty dollars to ee tt.esumot uity " - - ' - i ,- , ... ., ... . , . j . . . ii . i ' i . - - ".k.-ii't ii i j i.r- iiii iiMn lKrinonr nin ni r. ni..nii.n i it . , i t .. . i ,r.i i ; Ab-to Judcxe-lton.J. )i.Tl.ouir(,Curcnivil!e. "'..""--'- "'"" r.-ice- y :c o.ira whon uie p0VCinment ollered a l"ir,- : t l,n ,,.,.. .I.tVi 1.1' , f, i " ' V lJ.""- colo,,1 vuite.) 1 tloii t , eacu cn inreo nun .1.... t i" i.' . .vr ,1. ,roi. 1... 11. r , 1 ... r . , .. . - c - , '"vmiiiuu iufti niti. i. 11 v rn iv rep.iu err. new ininu .n.... ... 1 mr.n mi..itiii . , .",i. uiiini-n uiuuui, i oiKiti 'j'-ii-b i.uiuiiiv.1111: uul in i'h nr iiiur mil - THiiimv np vii 1 nrnnpfl ii tmr .. ..1 viduah. The exposition ro.e racli one 1 of thesn hlood stained scoundiels as the Whites are, row exposed, would require six months' labor, and reveal outrjges to which those bear no comparison. .Ve , m vii iy, ;iiiu 1110 n si 1110 next week. .!r. tr.enonor ot tirst tillinc up the otrata al- i nf t-,i,i,i m .::.. I . . , : i I r" . . ". "" rvl :u;.,:u,l! u;"" otted to each serarate loca lit... 'i on;.,, : '.' Z 7 J "'ls ' V"J.r"i Hr? a. ,'.0P0- . 1 " 'VC'tica w:,h thisrlied our cili, lis ina, nirif , ,,,,e, , V 1 , r """V" , ' ol. jute 111 makm,.; the bargain, as to patriot ml o.S wide1 E 'i'u Z ' Lf.r'!. 1 "1 ' -d?? " P- f1! slrsnj-s, and conliibuttd mrney to pay local l.cuutlcs to such as II: X OF F'J.T OFFICE. T'AC .th J u,l Ojj'.tf, I'mt.wte.rt, Iioci 1.11, n .. n If Win. 8. Wrigit 1 t.i.'iv..l. T(od'.re eld Ucgaity'ii X Iloadj.Pnm'l. llocarlv, leil, Jt..w, r, Chest, O.tcnd, Fori'vst, Cl.'iirf. :M Bridge, V. J, J.i:lii rslur, Xr..ptvi!!(., .lofiirr.iD I.ino, l-oi Wufliiiitor,' IJurUFide, I'litchiiville, En.-it Hidye, Ilur.l, WeMovcr, li.ilooll, I' .-.'uclivillu, ' J.J' .lilH, Curwi ivil!o ''urweiii'illef Dicutur, i'hilijisl.Lrir, " Vi.i 1 1', mur. " OifiTur. Mills. Mnrrnii, bit.'..'T.,li.v. Lmnntn's Millr, Iluld Ilil!, Sli'iw-viilo, J nihil ui ' urt . Smith's .Vu'.r, J!nd -ira, Tyler. I'tiiiifuld, Ansunvillo, Sail bi.'it, Sv MDIprrt, K yioi town, Morrisdu!..', LuBihcr 'ity.3 (iraaipiiin CurncnsvilUs I'.loouiinyvilk', Ppckton, 1, J.llrii'S, Tu6t Oflioo will do fj ". 1 ;.nswcr f'jf F'crirn;...-! t, '. 1 !, Ejrir.d", Chest, . Covir.rt. n, I Ferp moD '4 Fox, Giraid, OoiV'f., Grab ."i, O'mi: !., 1, ' Husti-a, f J r.Ian, kar,!. ;uj, ' A :r 1, ; i-crn,., t : ; Tcnn, t W. ili'LVaeki-n. Th. A. MXlhce. J. W. Campbell, ll.L.IIoiidersun, ilninos liU.oui, Jninej J'orroit, William Alhc-rt. K. 11. .Moore, Chas. fli'l'liy, Joha Uchrr ia, J;i8. 0:llnher, V . C. Irvin, Jack Patohin, Jacob Jioii o, ,J. Tei er, jr. Win. Motiarvov, P. A. Furlicr, M. A. Frank, P, A. (.'atilin, J.F.W.Sihnarrs T. W. Floiuiiif;, Ccntro eountv, S. Had jbat h", T. F. Iiimlich, lid. il 1 i : Jan. MfClollan, C., William Carr, A. 1!. Pl.aiv, j T. II.Furcuo, A.(l.Fx, I CI:hk. J. l'u.-ey, Pavil Tvl.r. II. Wonihva.J, Klii t"ia.-e. 0. lli'ikadorii, ' M.O.Ftirli, J:I8. Xli..!iip .n, .1. lhinie r, II. W. Ppcncr, A. C. .Mo,..-o., 1 T. H. Fleming.1 IVnj. V. l'.ile, I). K. Iiuihakor, Jaincf bochctt, I t'nviullip. would volunteer. 1 ore cei tain that not onc-fen'h been told ; and wo venture the assertion that the Cio vein inert has not to-day ne-hj! the number of men thai the ;'m.'; nui-e pii'utfnr. And these very scoundrels, who have been thus betraying the people, rob bing the soldier, and cheating their Gov ernment, have been sw piling throughout "l0 credit of the State at tho lanu as tho purest of patriots, and as if filled with loy.dlj ! Wo hope Dr. St. Clair will resume this subject at a.i early day next session : ir liUl'SC- liotue. rmnamod some I Inn irl.. tl.n.- ..1 immenfc sums turned and reported n?ain'at Harrislmrg. ' in-iui e wiey ieu j 1 arrisoui f rind un Itoth lar to La accounted for bv Col. White. To show, beyond a doubt, that the plan , was wuii 1.1M to cover Ilia tracks ot Col. White ami tho.-.o iulif.; with him in thii notations business, it is only neceswtry to refer to the form of receipt, vUich iheia men ivere ifq'iiied to m-u, on receiving their two hundred and irventy dollarsi, in stead of two hundred und se.enty dollars, 'to which (hey v. ere c.-ilitlcJ, which u iu , iheii) words : ticulHi ly, n:r l:d 1 hear iii.n cav. D not utiow but that tho men were tj '-el 1 I...I..1. .. 1 1 r.r, .. .1 11 : i . V.., -ii ... - ' ' "u"v.' -u '"i i '"' v nonary I'ltiu rijn n r rr.mnn .iA i.n. .. ...1 1 1 . - ,1 . . . 1 .... . ...... men ii-uiwi, uivv i:'.i;iei upon i..ptatn iox,in c.isn. until a lew minutes liefu-e we; rcciellmr. that whl o to mnkii nn, tln.Ir r,..,i.. c..,. il...;,. , i 1 ... . . - , I they commend the m,liyes th,t prompt- . barge, according to his promise made ! liornard kne'r it, because he erun'ied out c-l .in rudttal con nluttons lor local boun-: t!:em before leaving South Carolina, but. but two hundred end fifty dollars to the' ues aud the laudiblo emulation that was ; he pe-sistently refused to lurnish tl.em ! lirst man. I then said tj him on infor-l displayed by the oitians of the, diiicrcr.t : with the neeessaiv i-nfers. .,lle,Mn,. that i ,,!,... rm,ii.l f. u, r.. ........ ..... .lilies to secure their respective quotas it wrs necessary that they should go back ! the men were only to get two hundred 1 Tue above receipt is couched in such n, n, that ilia money thus contributed ' to Smith CU lrt 1 i tl in finlor tn luti,a ' om) lunnln r I : i . . ! ltlriinTr iiq Irt flnaa rha Inns. ni...;r,.t . j . . . , v ift uim inimt wn.ii-. f uiitj win nres- : r? "o" "J v"w """I tMamo an mm icfn uiinwn into & commoa mml let '. ilio-ii oritnn ilnnnrl l.t, lli., rnt.iman.);n..Lil ..nJ .tl.) U...i t. .1... I . : I : i n n 1 1 : V v n n 1 1-. a fiiil.lnl rtT It. t ..... not refrain fioni lll( ot men "I!.ar.i.ssi;no, Pa., Fchruarj 2J, ls54i We, tho tuvleriM;; ite'l. veteran voluniceri) belong. ing to Col. Itichard Whito 's r.-Timent, .'o. Cfiy. fno I'eiinM'lvaiiia volunteers, have this dy ro ecivtd of Kuohea Bernard the local bouaty of '.hastor eouiitv." large, and the nt ,ceived by the men of the Fifty-fiftu reui- ' TS . 1 . , . M fore- '"IU. .renne.y ivania volunteers, so tar as TJKl'ORT. Of the Joint Committee for tha Investi gation of Frautli uyon tc SoMier3, Presented in !h3 House rf ep; esenta tives. by Jhx Smith, (Chester, April 25, 1364. ( Jiinnrill rif Mi A rPia t tl. Ir-Vi t .ir tram I I r f r .1 W i I n llin . , t 1. t LcLMsialure liai made iroviMan to nav a 1 nf fnrliP.I um irl,n nrM.90.1 ivr . i;c ' Ha -. :..,nAiM v e.i. r ts. . I . . . T . f 1 " . . v . , . -..i. v, , IVi m . .a . - riv,, I I. , II nil3, I I Will 1111 If u , "uu"'y 10 p.urioiio citizens, both charge. Captain Fox, a few days previous going testimony we have the following record is concerned j and if Col. Whitd eteran anil recruit, who re-en:isl or vol- I to leaving for South Cnrolinn. Heehneil i (:.eis .rsinl.lil,...! l...nn.i ,i.,i . ...:i I h id not been inleieer.-..,! hv il.U i.,t,0.ii. ... .. ,1 . . .. - - n - - - -f ' " " I " .i ' i'. 1 viiu uiiiiiii, 111 in 1 1 1 . - . , . . - . itvvd4- 1-11. fl uiineri.lO recent CC.i.H ol (he I'res- thev nfter nhni. Id lin .liielmr,...,! , ill iKII.I,. 1 Tl.,.. e..l ici.:.- :.. -. nntinn nml mnr l,!i ii,rln,. rl.;. lithe mode above indicated had 1 , mo .in. ii.,,. ..,.. 1 i.: . i . . ,f .. J. . .. ,ir.(;.,.i i u.e- dent. in- actually lillt on board the ears tn return I with the regiment, by direction of thc Colonel, who was also fully ' cognizant of the facts in their rases, and would have i been taken back to South Carolina, had 'if rot been for the interference of your 'committee, who requested that tho nrn- l.v nir. Stv.ur., M..rc o and sc3 tlic New Goods at J. E. WATSON'S, Tlar-svijlc, Clearfield county. Penna 'A ISC 4. Wirtr.r.i. D is aliened by the iW, injured, that ceil.iin military o'lii-nrs in the volunteer service ot liie I have practiced e.leiiMvc frauds tii.on the men of their respective crnitiiaiids, by withholding a largo pmtion of the local bounties paid by tii-i tu tl.. l it:"s of divers iceaiuies in tins fttate, and appropriated the money thus withheld to the use of of licet s implicated : Ah-.l u-herus. It is the duly of the I.e, islatuie to seo that justice is meted out io tho piivale soldier, whoso rights have been thus abused, iu well as to extend to theolliccn implicated an opportunity o! vindicating tbcmtclvcs, if (hose charges prove nnlountlcd, iherefere le it j;':r!vc:' lf lu .V,.f,. vost-Marslial General at II irrisburg would f.uling in that attempt unier uieiii rieuire u me'iieai ooarii or ex amination. Tho rc;..dl which was. that That a coin mil- tee of three t'ctialcrs Le appointed to acl in conjunct ion v.iiha similar committee from tho House, (if the liouso shall ap point such committee,) with power to fend for persons and papers, ard to take uch other sleps as they may deem right and propet in thoprem' order to bring light the guilty parlies, and to report to the Legislature at the earliea practicable day. VhreJ, That M cssi'B. Sr, Claiu. M'Can- thc been adopted, the necessity for such an vestigation ol your committee has been engaged in fur the past few weeks, would hii.t never o ri'.red ; and tho dishonest hhylocks, uniformed and unuiiif'oriued, wlio have dt-graeed alike the prifesMon of arms and ibo walks of private Fie, ou!d have boon deprived of the ill-gotten plunder they now possen; while tiio '.:'kss and coi.liding but unauspecttug il'ted Mates , . . . , . , , ,., ' -'"- "--i uk:j nerw severally pronriuuce'i unlit lor iei. i.unu iiiui iiiat i:i nneraiity ol our dutv, and they are now in hospitals ; two, I L-ovcrnmenl and citizens lefigii, ! for him. ! namcdv : Hammond and M'Kim at liut tin, was not done, and m tho tumuli, York, Feniu-) Ivann, and K.iiney at Camp of excitement thatsucced the rivahy of jCurtin near Ua-ri'-bnrg i-e'erib1 i'S'l M l' " 1,rCUr0 ""I U "Pl'rs lUt ,!' n" ..ieu required, there were not wanting ! rrr,Ulr t0 .tieub r locality met. who fr ucre and gain were willing ntvI Cnl Whit Jnl mt , 0 il , .t'l t.0,i,lV,,nrS rf ' ' U.War Dc-a tmentU me. could be .' , ' "T o:edi!d to any ui lie 1 ft j 1 . .1 1 u 1 uur .-ia e, 111 open nay, 11, ,hev L. i,t splc nv nuing an, i;iej euuni nut j.ui money in their pur-o. '1 ins may sound like hath words, but your committee he.iitato not to asset t that no language ho ever severe, is siilliciently terse to givo anything like a true picture of the outi.iges that have been practiced upon the men who have volunteered to defend the honor of the Hag ol tho Imor, and maintain, against parasitios and traitors, that government which has been conseciated by the blood of true patriots and true men. Put what language shall bo employed to describe a mau wearing the unilonn ol a colonel in larquhar, did attempt to eflect an ur- yur committee, Ins pilty parti jipat ion rangement by which the sum of otm hun- these dark transactions might hive es d:cJ and thirty-eight thousand dollars ; f-Ted that just exposure and pUDidiment should be put at the sole disposal of A. j s" richly mei its, unl il called to account -f. White, who was in no wi.-e responsible i l,,',ore another tribunal, from which no to pay that sum. or any part thereof, to ( ndroitnrss or finesse, w ill shield the guilty uie men ot the l iliv-hlt h tec, inert- nnd "m uie scrutiny ot mat ey X. M. White re- Iimpiished the transaction, on the rendi tion o! the Lund to Mr. llornuid. 2. That when Col. White. A. M. Whil. from the scrutiny of that eye that never elunib.'is. Your committee regret tha fact, that .just about the time thai, ihis invesligatiou 'was instituted the Fifty-fifth reeiment C - " I t'.i.wni, i inn, .ucssi o, , i a, in i IIKAP for CASH or exohanseJ for Timber , VLtfs atlj j;, tlN be tho committee on Iiari, Snw-Lojs, or Shin-L's. i , i u , , Use. if. '( JAS. li. WATtOX. lT. ' '?t ! , . i I I ho resolution wa? twice read and II. W. SMITH & CO, MERCHANTrs. ur.! den'.ns tn Dry ujods, (. roeoric, Hardware, ynoensuare, and .T?r"-t" usually lieyt by tho tnido. tUor oa ("fcCO ! Slro. t, holow Judfre l.ennrd'j, oppo it tl Prii.-Utoriaa Church, Cloartield I'a. etirred in, and Messrs. Siiirii. (Chester ) I 1!kd and Bar(;eu were appointed as the committee on the pirt of the House. Extract from the Journal of House of Keproentatives. A. W. P. EN EDICT, j Clerk of the House of Representa tives. In "nurstiinco of tho provisions of the HS;:PH II. MW1UKHAY '.'!!'") T? CITy"!, fh-?:r? o ' fresoinj resolution, your committeo met sV-. LiTri, Ell IS L I'M Ii E H m lli0 ortli Committeo Kootn in the t iTasbinjtCC, Clcaificld County, Ta July 1st 18G3.-tf 1L& m -i h (u v ti h u: it tj t & Jl , CLCAUklCLD COL' MY, PA. WILLIAM HCinVEU, rrcpriaor. MaT 1 j, !. ;: T Howe. JUS'i A New ' Yashin T'r.n. itlrnrfiebl Count v. rn I Senate chamber on the eleventh d.y of .March, ii04, and immediately proceeded with the examination of such witnesses as front tiiuc to time ero brought before them, up to the nineteenth day of April. lbG4, when their labors clctedjnot be causo the subject was exhausted, or all the cround had been traveled over, which the testimony revealed, but because of tho lateness of tho session, and tho want of sufficient timo to make a more full and complete investigation. Your committee were fully impressed with the importance of the fact that ow- ing io Hie nature of the case, and the ne j cessity of applying a speedy if not an ef- s. w. TuoiiFsoy. Jas. E. u-Aisox. i ,, , 1 n2edy lor to cure a growing evil mib X l'SON i WATCN', lealvrs In liiaber, , ltwt Clllls for reform, if we would arrest I . ,.w-J.i ea, llonrds and S'-iniloj, Masvi.I , ! an outrace upon the rights of the eiti Cloau"iU I.jidge F, 0.,) ClearSold county. I ... zen soldier, by ridding tbo service of olli- . "c- f'1',"' ce.s wuo nave uisgrace.l the uniform of Jis. I-cMrray. 5'alU Irvhi. DUALF u3 in Goodn, Gi'oeorics Laruber, c, 'Hums: Jo, Ta Jie. 2!, ISM. .U4AM A. WALLACH. JOBS C. IULI :e of tuk Peack For Dkcatcr Tonnshin. ill prftuptly sttord to all business entrvtted to his can . P. 0. Address, Fhilipklurj Fa. An. J':t 1S61 l''l.... n .,..l.,,n iil r iri.:. and l ai-Hhar lui.ed to induce Mr. Bei n- ...... 0!,i,.,,,( is,.,.i, fv,, .!;,,, nrl ,r.u :,I;l:rr! !,'!:i;l'!,rn!i,,,U,':fr they were depnv,d of the opportuni- I ; " """i l'"1 ill' "lliai, UlU V n exiiniinimr I ,.. m on l.f I -n, .-no -iinul in detail, and thereby eliciting all the facts locality in Pennsylvania ect, set iiimsHl! to work to rnako arrangements for that purpose, with a view to make money out ol the transac tion. In order that there should be no failure in his purpose, be selected, as his ( coadjutors in the business, his own broth er, Alexander M. White, who is a resident of Ilaltimoro, Md., a man by the nanmof A. I. Farquhar, a resident of York, I'a., and (.apt. David rox. of company A, Fifty-fifth regiment Pennsylvania volun- next day, renewed the attack, bv i r.-inn- ing that the money should be paid to the : men in ierson ; but when the agent coin-' nienced tho process of paving the men, itj was at once di.-covered that' tun sum of i thirty dollars should bo retained in each ' case for the benefit of Col. White, MrJ Faniiihar, and the other olVieers of tho I Fifty-fifih regimer.t. which amount was1 actually i Mainnil from the beginning to j tho end of thc transaction, thus revealing, ' in tho most untnintakablo manner, thej original ilrs;en of Col White, A. M. While ' lrom the mouths ol living wunec;c, to establish tho entire transaciion touching tho frauds I hat have been but partially detected. l!ut your couimitiee arc full warranted in saying that enough lias been disclosed to fix upon the Colore! of the Fifty -fifth regiment Pennsylvania voljv. leers, arid Captain David Fox, cf eorcipan; A, of said regiment, tho charge of wi'ul. and b.nvliig!y dcfrtrpig and d-fravdipg their wifi, by tho most shameless and barefaced ' i or words, pay them just such suais os suit- Through the agency of Fari'jhur, Col. ed their purpose. Your committee can Whito und hid brother, Alexander M. not avoid tho ronc!nions ih uvr t'.nt,. ;i a iiiuiiii in . . , ..i . . . .-. ..wi the volunteer service who could deliber-; eI . ' . comniunieation witn , tneso .lamning facts, that a daik conpira- u iu,. iiouneii i i-i imni, in i ut sier couniy, cy nan neeu (ii-;u t rately tormeil between Pa., who was disbui-hin agent of I ho com- Col. White, A. M. White and Farquhar to missionets of Chester county. Pa., and de-fraud tho men of tb l'iftv lii'th re..i. lirHtn I n I ml mwl .In.nnlln. and Farpdiar, when they proposed that 'that bad men could resort in. I,, orlor , the ruoncy should be placed to the credit ! , ,ke money at the expense of both truth , ', i ' , l;.,l10-111''u tU,;-a, 1 V. '"land honor. Tho testimony of John Wilk- ai.niiiu iiea. ,u, me men oi iiiei iny-umi enson, a citizen of Hemlock, Cambrh. iliijii ui. i.- i. in- iiiuu'ui i n: cr ; ir, oui- ntcly enler into a conspiracy with a brother who is a civilian, sevcial otlicers of his regiment, and a stool-jiigeoii cutd der, to sell the men of his command a stipulated price, and nay those men less than he received, whilst he, by falsehood and misrepresentation, led his nien to be lieve that he was guarding their intetests, and could coolly sit by to witness the suc cess of his scheme, and quietly pocket the proceeds of his perfidy when the fraud was consumated ? Yet just such transac tions have been brought to li searchint! process ol truthful invcstnra' tiou. There is depth in villainy to which county, fixes npon Captain Fox, compnn; n, rmy-iinu regiment, tlio charge ot hav ing received the sun.' of seventy dollars, in at least fifteen cans which atnounlid t the sum ofeigbtetn hundred and Lftv dolla rs, l.e having pi id to the men biif two hundred dollars each, whilst iiort - ; n I I. n.l I I 1 1 I - II ..1 twno I. ,1 I W '..I-,, w I ni. n ........ n 1 .. .. ' . I ... I - C . I ... . . . . .- .1 ' . - - . w v v I':,: - ',ul,7''""' i !'".. e7 .iis ncvuu on. large pr., ,,on ot mo money dollars, ina:murh as they were credited own tostim.-ny, to procure n Ivy number hone.tly to them from the county j , n,,f!rr t.ountJt Hnd lhat WM the(nn, of ccrmu o fill the auoU of Ches r 'o'Wies'er. in .which they had been ricdit-l fixed ft all the men of the fifty.fif.h reg cou.ify, and to pay a local lounty for ed by Col. White, w-thout the least assent . inu.nti The .vi. n 9 states tho number will, each nian amounting o such sums as l,o trom any of them; indeed, without their I w10m Captain Fox made tho agreement might agree upon, not to exceed a limit- knowledco of what disposition had been 0 get ( hunJu-d dollars enchwusCf ed amount per man. From tho cvideneo made ol them by their colonel. tup-! teen or twenty. Your committee have of hepreseiilalivo M (. lellan, of Chester i pose that the nrrancement first proposed I asnmed. as thelitis iI.a i,i:.i m county, we learn all the particulars of , by these men to Mr. Bernard bad been as-, her. namely fifteen men in ..,:,i edit bv the 1 tlus ,nlel v'ew'. which wo will give in his fc: ., ,,:! own words, as follows : "My connection with this business, was at the request of I ...... i .,. I i l .1. . r 1 reiiicu vo, iiii'i i nc e in ire uiiinuni ui money had bacn placed to Ihn credit of A. M. White, would not Col. Whito have had it somo men descend at the first idunre that iV.ur lou. .y v"mm s?lone,s. .l0 ss1:' i n "is power to pay tue men just such sums . ..,: i , i. . .;.i. r . nernani in procunc" recruits to i;niir. uuuiuiuii 111111.1.1 111 rn u' iiiui n nil m- , r . fright. To each lie., Ill have snm of theso 91)0l.R. f 0Ur C0Ut : n::i.,.., "uz:j.. 7. " sir, UCOCl lJUf'i, IJUfO enst 8 uur uiuuiiut v KlU till W'.li'i'- wl v llM, ItilllUKLLlt It'lUVi i i . . i . InnfK. in ull their .1,, f,.rmf. 'l,. 1 Objected tO that, out predj udice, or paitiality fill the It was proposed by Farqtihar that ho could eel over thrco hundred men of Col. White's reizimeut. to thnt, inasmuch as they !. I UUi. ,UID .eiei.uiw, utri'Hllso lb .T.'.s fUUlLIUI IU WJV UVIU ...,!.- .1 , 1 . ! I.., i. r il... T :.. .i. ""e'liti me-j. i.eium ue 1'ieuiieu Vllllb ii.ii'ii ui vnn i.ei:ri;iiuiu 111 tiio ,,i I I. I , -.t r- l I I r premises will be speedily followed bv the j u' ' . ' " 'n'crv.ov, w, n ..oionei proper department of the national gov- . ' d' r ouf ,a tter of introduction ern uent wi.h such measures of justice as f' ' . f .i tcrvieff I was not yet salisflei that we ,. ... .,., ...... would get the credit. 1 had an 1 CHI I UUlll 111 i nee- ui r u n.iu I uie'ue 111 but c A- . , , , i.l li-, ... as suited his purpose, and whero would they have had a remedy ? The men, it is fair to presume, li a . I confidence ir. their Colonel, and would have been satisfied to receive $130 or $200, in full, for local bounty ; or such other sum as the Colonel to our nnd his confederates, A. M. White and A Farquhar niiiiht agree upon : so that the margin should bo laree enough iDry - WALLACE ft HALL. 7 Attorneys at Law, CLEAUr IEI,I, PA. the seivrco. and brought M, nn the protesion of armB, that has in ail a pei of the world been esteemed as honora ble in the highest degre that to delay their report till the next session of the Legislature, would te to effer immunity to criaies on the part of those who have been guilty of gross conduct that calls for l prompt punishment at the hands of the 'Government of tho United States. i For weeks preriouf to the sppoinlm nt the r to yejri it Besufort, South Csr the appenranco ot tioing jesfee to tin. man. The moral tui.itudo of aii Fox, in this buiress, is not to be measur ed by tte number of men he chcr.ted, ber causa his guilt in a moral poini of view, would bo as great if practised upon on victim of hit deception as if it hadexltt.. ded to a great cumber. Tho above remarks relaiivo to the con duct of Capt. David Fox, of company A , Fifty-fifth regiment Pennsylvrnia volun teers, are equally aplicablo to thecondur.f nf Cnnt VollrA .,v....n.. Vf to satisfy thy patriotic desires cf t ,eSe Pennsylvania cavalry, who is rn'imrlica. warthies to do the verv best for thn inlw.! .t ... . . . - i ti'u in i. ii id 1 1 r 1 1' ui- moil Qiiii ri'i'i nine introuuc- csts of themoti of the Fiflv-fifth toL-imrnt. i m.5 t..i 1 i :' ti presbion of the hope that the most prompt I , -"o ' ".V 1 . . ,HV . 1 , ril,I?"le ? B,,m. 1 ?' 't. ewes of t'.iose two men arcsinilarin char . .1 .rn ii. loci kiiivu or in uiq suet'i. eii mean n ii.u.11 iiio n-aeii im uiu ii nr j re payment may bo adopted to purgo the service of such officers as have disgraced themselves by participation in the frauds upon the honest, unsuspecting volunteers of our Slato, whose just dues have been filched from them by those rrh.iiO duty it was to guard their interacts with jealous care and scrupulous fidelity. Till FITTY-FirTH REG1SJVT. The fifiy-Gfth regiment of Pennsyl vania volunteer infantry, commanded by Col. liichard White, was the first brought to the notice of your committee. mis regiment had been dome duty lor lion to Col. White, cither jenu b wiiieu nr in in si reel, eii, uiio i msieau ci maKinc ine ri lilu sum nr tun ' . ;u . i . .. . , . ,h,,i I, , ....... 1 .!... i.ii - u. . . , at" ' " "J '.' ., t.., i ' . I . vii.cij ii u n;ifei arici testimony accompanying the report. - ",c --'- .ie.r. i. awni ii-uiiyijidiiiiiu.n, "uiciis ten uio u mtid ; Your cniiirnittee cat not close . , i , i, c. . f , . " . . . . inui en ii i ii. 1 1 1 . c iJi'iiii e iu n i i ieir a , Al.i.lT,h ( IS , 1, A vaiiMi ii nil fA i.-ip m n U 1 1 . , 1 u .nt .... I. ...... ...! .... 1 r...... .1 II , , . . .. - :""t',i ; ........ji.v.iii iiuimicu nun luiiy u.iiiars. wrucn wthoul adverting to tiia cass cr a .Lieut inquiries. Mr. Farquhar sent a telegraph went into tho pockets of Colonel While, ' iutl, who was the recruiting- agent r.f the. and received an answer which saii-hed me on that item alouo, while Mr. Farguh. r Ooveinment at Indiana, J.i.iiaus countv, that they would be credited. Mr. I ar-jgot seven thousand five hundred dollars, 'Pennsylvania. This man, ii.ste.d of di -qiibar told mo either (hen and (here, or according to his own rtceint, datr-d Maich ' chafing bis duty to tho Goverpment a' previous to that, that thwe men could bo : 5, ISC I, lhat the dividend would have been 'en !,cnet man raght to do. re.ort-d ;.j had for two hundred and severity-five dol- J swelled t0 double, or Irebel. thcu oms, the most nt, manly' expedients to chea'. larsperman. This 1 think was on the had the origin d design not been frustia- and defraud out of their juit duct tnc.v last Thursil .y Ja February. On Monday, tad ty the obieclion, to (duce tho funds , who wer- entitled to the Ooverntn-nt i re b appointment, Mr. J'-ernard, Mr. Far-; under the .oie control of A. M. While, miom. enlisted ns vetci ans and r.-ci ui's n tpjhar, Col. White, A. M. Whito and my- Colonel Whito had assured his rrtn. so Indiana, and de-rrving of (he proper pur self went Into one of their rooms, cither had caplain Fox, that they shoula haro tbmsnt for dnplicitv ar.d knave-v i ar. H tha Col's, or A. M. White's, to make ar-1 the hight bounty that was paid to vetr- it is tba hope ..f your C3nimitt"0 that h. rangements to pay two hundred aod Sf:y : nnj and rj-i'ii;' ; aid Ibe men tfiicnd iiMi all tlu4c ho ba-c Ifn Uec'ej i .