Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 20, 1864, Image 1

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    0. B. GQODIANHER, j itori and Proprietors.
VOL. xxxn -.-wiiolk NO. .
Term wt MuDsrriptiiui.
If paid in advance, nrwithin three months, J I 60
If paid any time within the year, ... 75
If paid after the expiration of the year, - 2 00
opfice 0 maukkt 5Tm:r.T, ci.r.AnnEir.,'rRsVA.
0. 11. uoodlanuek, i t'o Publishers,
Terms of Advertising.
Advertisements nre inserted in the ltcpublican
fct the following rates :
1 In"rtion
One fqunro, MOlineF,) t .11)
Two square. (2fl linos )
Three sajuare, (:!0 I i i a .
I en
i I in
M ;.u
t no
'i mi
: S no
It no
2 Jo.
1 SO
2 I'll
'1 mo ..
$1 I'll
fi mi
8 (Ml
10 CO
12 lift
20 00
3 Jo.
J 1 110
2 00
2 60
I 2 tun
$7 110
10 00
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n oo
Si 00
One Square, : :
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Ovorthroo weeks an 1 lcis than thrco months 25
cents per square for oa.'h insertion.
Business notices lot exceeding Slines aro iu.
iirted for t2 a yes,
AJvortisjm.aiits n, t marked witlitae number of
nsoruoii desired, rdl be ccntinu d until forbid
ana cliargod aeeord.i.g to tlnse terms
(i V
Ih'Hnrcd in the. llmtte of Representa
tive at llarrkbury, February 2.'b,
lwl'l, on the bill to pay losses sustain
ed by citizens in the nbd raid into
Now, Mr. Speaker, if we nre to bo de
prived of this Constitution, whit fcheot-
, anchor of hone hovo we left? When this
lOoiisiiluiion irt pone, to what do wo owe
' loyalty nnd obedience? Certainly not to
, tin- power which has been brourdit into
TERMS :-$l 50 Tcr Annum, if pni J in advance.
"with Moody hands to hospitable craves " thnlr dir.n.:ii , ,. .
The man who went forth d trh " t ho ' when t ' d",fS"lv, thi" lT,ion"
Mexieanwar to Mrikofor t l l f h T ? 'a'g,) waa made, moinUu i
is eountry was called 'a vl' T'i "
I l' I . . IV . .
ny inmnn it. (;rwin. ol ( hio, ulio is now .h-m .irtpp. 7i. "".l'J"J "lu
r""'""-1" ui mo Jiuiiiiiiigtiu ion. Mr 1 .-..(
, iiaoitau oimoxionu stars,
CLEAlt ' 1 1'. LI) Co. DlllFrTvliY
Id Monday In .T&rninry, I .",,1 Moi..lav n .Tunc,
3d Mondny in Murth, 4th M nd:i'y i:, ."-" . t .
of each year, and ccuinuo tnx '.ecjoji iin-r,.,liv
Tres't Jiidfre II,, n. ."iimnol I.i.-n, Du!li-fiint.
Al'te Jmlges lloti.,1. ii. Thnu.j doii.Curirenat iilu.
Hi n. .Inniee "'!uoui. rrott.
cuctu., I. i. waul 1'er.. ,
rrotlioiji.ti.n-, li. 1'. Kirn 'ittr,
9rg- I' i I.siali O. !',m;.r,
District Alt'y, I.-ruel Tc t,
Treni-'iirer, C. Kratzt-r,
Co. Surveyor. 11. Ii. Wrij-ht,
CouiuiirtiotiersJieoh Kniii,
Thou, llounher'y
. uun Head,
Auditor", ( l,:irlis World!,
11. Woodward,
J . t. toutiTit, Lecunto
C orontr, .1. M . I'otler, "
Ccuuty iu.'t. C. U. fiimlfurd, Cleurlivld.
Cleiufiel I.
Oli-n Hope.
Or. llil'.d.
Clciirficl 1.
l.ccunUs Ai
CM-ii iii-o hy virtue of this Constitution
reit-iinly not to Abraham Lincoln, or any
of lii-i lnp who go round the country,
annoyiiiL' and ojipressin( tho citizctm.
No, i-'r, we owe allegiance to nothing but
the ( 'unstitution of tho United States, and
when we cease to owo alle;i,inco to that,
we do not need to owo ullei.inuo to any-thin;:.
litre 1 am i-ondnded that a few days a
po fonm of the gentlcnif-n ou tho oilier
fide were vorv anxious to have printed,
alop with tho Farewell Address of An
drew ilwckson. eouie other emanation, I !
believe from hirn. Now, let us t-ee what!
Andrew Jackson said of I ho Abolition par-.
(J :
''Jlif Abolition nartv is a
w mi. j;s pretenneu iove uir in .-
dom means tiothin;; more than civil war
jand n dissolution of tho Union. Honest
, mi n of all parties should unito to expo.Mi
i t f ifi - in tent inn nn.l m wtl. thpir nro"tcc "
Andrew Jackson was a pretty gmd
I vrtj lic t. Our Abolition friend on tho
other fide aro weleonio lo a!! t do comfort
which they can get from this larguaj'e of
the man for whom they no v profess so
mm h re f tence.
Now, sir. let us fee nbrlber somebrtlv
i '
fa-Hin.'anU was thieatened to have er.- kuowle t , , " my ow"r(1'rti
tailed upon him tho blackeni,,,, 1 S, , r ?, U :U 1,1 W " county in M.0
infamy. Kuch , . (ho lanC1uv, adonted!,. l.Vi ' ?.l ?. " 8C011 a enmpai;;,, Ihg
... . v......-. J ttlU ritilMfllT. imp w i-L-tf . i-tnt..
.1 . I'llllI IT Ihll
one; anil
. 1 : . I. , t
llllllll:il rn HI- I.. ....I.. . . - l.l n IIR.I1 llicj
Hudson, a member ol'i.... .... .. n..,.!., . , b. . V
time from M,cl.u.U,, took tho I, , . , . ' V 8-'0rUea
est ground against thewar policy of tbo 1 . , 'Jcs ev'',r' u,al of llie
Administration then in omvo and ir ' i T ' W"'"""'"""! by that party
nobody threatened to c ;!l him'to '', nl i "e caiaI,,4in exhibited the south
for it when the war wni ,.r m. . . I V " l"""011 ol ti'o c.unlrv blotted out -
opposed the war wero not told tlt lt alter i , Ulos S0l':h of on's nnd Dix
the Mexicans should Le var.ouuhod ho f '"J "3 bing a sort
soldiers, when they rctu, ned home, would ! I 'i "liye?ay "as tolerated,
look after thoso who had been n, .! " 'f't' ""..b-d those -border ruJIlans."
the war. They were not told thai when ! onZo'r ' frC f
tho war was over, wljen theenemy in front I 1 ' ol
mouio oo waipped, tlie soldiers would re-1 ,'" -'""i uon witu this iubjecl, desire
turn to take cure of t ho tear. They we re ia 10 ,e;"' " niu?ni!iceiit jdeco of poetry
not told that tliey hkotild bo deprived of w,"t'1' I'Ul'li-died in lVJ, in the paper
the benefits rc.ulling from that war. No ull"'!l is i:rc'',t mouth-piece of the Kc
mr; when tho war was over, when peace m'enn pr.rty. A "onllemcn of that pir
was declared, I suppose that nieii of all ,y l'""1 n,' (llli lo-tlav, remat !oi to
parties wont together to t'alifurni.j and ' 11,0 in '-''''-eneo to that "paper, that he
reaped tho advantages of that sti tiggle. ioll " il when he was at homo, that he
'Ihey were not asked whether 1 1, i,.i could not live without it. 'l,,. ,.
VUL. IV. XO. 10.
power, lou and the laws of the land, and il,
poney i.i mo party now in
must change, your policy
inu last two years has given all tho evi- proclamation.
nmeo mat any sono man might rentiire, 21. Martial
f... t , ---- - - ... mm nit creation
1 ho hlstorv of nl :i unw crlmlnJ .i ... ,. """"
tho last two ver .il ' " ' :r"""- r nn "CUHVO
1 ,1.1
Hint you cannot save ite country by the tho United States, not limitod'lVtLo
in ICV tvlnell vnn I, n I..,.,., . I I r . lu I""
' J ; "V. ruw,u,"K. Kjniero oi uio operations o tho armies in
you very well know ,t. our parly, while, the field, but extended all over the ova
in power, ha-committed acts which can- States, where the civil tribunal and in
not l,o justified, and which cannot bo the untioncd legal cscculio of the
blotted out. Lot me recount, fir.P' brief- power vv.v.iu.on oi ttioir
ly as 1 cm, seme of the charges which we I 25. A new and extensive epa; Ime'l
prefer against the party row controlling or tho Government, ennsistinc of ? Tn
hoC.overnment-and charges which we von-Martial Cleneml, and special or fiubo-.
believe, will constitute a purt of the in- rlinate Frovost Marshals, and militarV
been "-oyal ' men. No odh threatened to
appoint a committee of live to inquire
whether they had said ain thin.; a .:.4jnst
disloyal or- u" -,V!!r- w, they wero told,
I i n ci e is i ii c ;icm open betore you go.
i A American citizens, you have timply
exercisid the right which belongs to you
and we have no disposition lo call vou to
necnuni. iur. 11 uilson. w 10 retirnntr-.l
Massachusetts nt Wushincton. verv i,lnin.
g in reply
bilov. iag lan-
ToindH, '.( OJi-H, '..itM'flrn,,
, Boearia, filcn Hope, Win. S. Wrii;h
- I tahville, Theodore Weld
" IlcpartyV X It"ii Js.Sinn'l. llegnrt v
. Bell, Uower, W. .McCraeken
" -'!iest, Tli. A. M iihce
" Cndi, J.W.Campbell,
" (,.,, J, Il.b.Henderson,
Bloom, ', in st, James Uloom,
Voggt ( ienitiel.l .!. .Urate I'orre.-t,
BrdluiJ, Wooillund. " William Albert.
- Brady. I.iitherslviir,-, It. II. Moore,
." 'J'roinvilh', I Sloppy,
" Jefforioii I. no, J, .,u I'ebir in,
, Bumtid , New V.tiu : n. (iallalier,
" i:urn.-id', W. O.Itvin,
" I'm tc-hi ii v il!, ,T;ick I'litehin,
" Kast Itidgo, J.i?ob Bo ice,, Hurd, i. To'i r, jr.
" MctJaiv'y, in. Mciiiirvcy,
" Wt?tover, S. A. l'm ber,
Clserfiold, Clcnineid. M A, l'rank,
Covington, Fr'.'iii hvil'e, V. A. (Jaiiha,
" Karthaus. .1 K.W.S( hnarrs
Curwonvi llo '"nriv.'nsi i'.le, T. U'. Fleming,
lecatur, riiilipilmrg. Centre county,
" Wet lVfnnir, K. Hiidbarh,
" Osceola Mi!1-, T. F. Il.mlich,
Ferguson, Marnm, ;d. Williams
Fox, Little .Ihs. Met'lollun,
Clrard, l.i-eonte'a Mi'I.-, C. Mignnt,
Iluld Hills, William Cnrr,
Ooihen, Sliawsville, A. 11. Shaw,
Graham, (Iraliain'on, T. H.Foreee,
Guelich, Pmith'a Mills, A. U. Fox.
" Madeira, Chas. ,T. l'tivy,
; Ilujton, Tyler, la.vid Tylor,"
' " Fennficld, II. Woodward,
Jordan, Anonvillo, Kiira Chase,
Karihaus, Halt Lick, (1. lleckadorn,
Knox, New Millport, M.O.Rtirk,
Morris, Kylertown, Jas. Thompion,
" MorrisJale, J. C. Uronner,
Tonn, Lumber City.? IL W. Fpenocr,
" Orampiiin II I!?, A. C. Moore,
Fike, Curwensville, T. Fleming.
" Floomingvillo, 1'cnj. 1'. Dale,
Fnion, lUcktun, 1. 1. Ilrubaker,
Woodward, Jeffries, Janice Lockett,
Thi Post Oflieo will do f ,r Chest towu.'hii'.
Will answer fir Frrgufm u h nsbij.
Co nntt poc t lie Xcw (ioods at
JTarysvi'lc, clearfcltl county. Pccna
"IHBAP for CAslI or exchanged for Timber
W iioarils, i-aw-Log". r ."-lnngles,
IftO. IB, ( .1
ly stutrd tins iiLt. Speakin
to Mr. Douglas, he used the f
"unno :
'And has it come to this, that all ch bate
is to Le suppressed in this Hail -that free
dom of speech i3 to be denied to the I'rp
rcsentalivcs ot'a free people '! A doctrine
more despotio was never advanced. Ac
cording to this docti inc. if tho 1'rusiue'nt',
led on by vain ambition, or by a Ijcasona
blc dcsiio to raise himself to a ihrono on
tho ruins of our lice Government, has the
e did not proiihecv our present stale of
nflaiis, I read language which wa? uttered
by one fif our great statesmen years ago :
"If these infernal fanatics ami Aboli
tionists ever get the power in their hands,
theV Will Override the fonslidiliAM Fclllin
Supreme Court at defiance, change an 1 iei;edne--s to trampln upo.i the prerog.i
mal laws to suit themselves, lav violent !lvos ot' 'ongreis, and an un
hands upon thoso who difi'er with them J"1 ".':ir. a foreign power, wc are to
hi opinion, oruuro question their - " "'".c, I'ec.iusj nj-tiiitics liavo
jiuiy. ana linally bankrupt the country " l'iJ mmonccu. , e aro to itan 1
and dclugo itwith Llood." in meek submission, and s o cur ri -Ll
.Now, sir, who could have drawn a morn ".lv;, l"!' 1 properly and
'."gni.i oi principle u intiounced by the
Adininistr.itirn, n of the l.'e
) ublie.m party tearei-lv dare to open their
lips uprn it, until they find what the New
loik 7V, ".ic has to say about it. When
ever it speaks, the whole Republican par
ty speaks. Sir, I propose now- to read
some lines which were l nblished in tl.n
New York 7n,t.i,: in IM'.l. in r.r....
to ll,o StarSpangled li.mncr. Thev are a
Mtitig ofl-set to the poetry which my
friend fiom Chester recited the ether ev
ening ;
"All hail tho flaunting lie !
1 be stars frrow pule and dim,
The ."tripe aro bo i ly scars
A L'o tho vaunting hymn.
I: shields a pirate' deck,
1: liml.-- a man in clmins,
Ir juli!- the captives' rock,
And wipes tkeb"oodj iiun ."
1 hat, sir, it Ihelanguaf
ley, the odiior of the N.
illustraie tho fact that
were entertained not
iiK'Mior. that
lietment on which
history will
unui:ii j ciuiiiniuees in an mo cities ana counticj
throughout the soveral States, with ilnti0
Sir, we charge that Iho following are ' l-v.or-! nnd salaries of otlico all created,
instituted nnn prescriDed, not by law, but
; inaug-rtiiuous
tho fruits of that "lovaltv" whirb tl ii li
publican party claims to represent, and
the result of not -uite threo ycors' admin
istration of the Government by them:
1. We charge them with having dissol
ved the Union of the States.
'-. o charge them with having
united a bloody, desolating and
civil war.
11. With having sacrificed ou their un
holy altar of Abolitionism more than three
hundred thousand men, and neat them
prematurely lo their graves.
I. Sullering, mourning, death utul des
olation carried into families iu eveiy neigh
borhood Ihioughout the land.
5. More ihan threo millions of men la
ken from Iho industrial pursuits of life
North and South for the deadly oonflict.
iney nave created a national debt.
vmd picture of tho present time than Unit
"Alio but one endowed with the eii't "f I ' '
tilni,f,r. rj i,l, lltlU
. v. , , u,, iu tltld. Ul MC MCI'O
thoroughly the workings of this Govern
ment, and tho designs of lhoe who ivould
tesiroy u: lUat pronhecv w-as made by
no ii'ssa person than Inniel Welxtrr, iho,
great light of Iho Whiir party the crcat
expounder and advocate of tho Constitu-
ivesot one
citizens wantonly sacrilieed, because a
una luiMoritv o! no lit n-nl r,i,ii;.;i.,
bcuceedcU in pressing it.rougti Oon-
grc.-.3, without. (lelciie, an endoisement of
Lxi'cutive usurpation. I say, sir, -viU
countenance no such doctrine ; 1 will sub
mit to no such dogma. Under tho pecu
liar circumstances of the case 1 will speak,
ana speak as freely this d.iy as I nouid
tion-tho man who. on account of his hon-! V"'0 0Vloli? 't- -'! thoujgr,
eslv was sacrificcl by the Abolition pa. ty. ! l"v W"" . ''"nf,S lUr' ",,unl;H
in i.viti. wucn the clou. I of disunion was . ' - i"imu
lowering over I ho land, hestepned forward Vi vlt7 """lsL 1,13 ''ration ol war,
and announced upon the floor of iho A- , .11UUH0" f the number who
merican Senate the tru princinles of the! la'' 1 V" voU' 1 n'1'l,ro ,,itn t,1:lt 1
"onstiiulion and Iho Union. Heit was, . lAC morM cour,,? to speak my own
who stood by General Jackson in the j -l .
creat nullification controversy who was
indeed the colossus of the Constitution ' 'Imt wo are told by conl'.emen on tliis
nndlhe Union upon the floor of tho A- "'"-oi'. that it is treason lo oppose the Gov-
mcrienn Senate, as tho elder Adams was ' cl'ntllcnl in time of war. Sir, I h ive no
Uio colossus of the I'eclaralion of Ind.v pympailiy with that dastar.'.ly sentiment.
. . . ..... ' l... , i i :. ...
pennence upon me tloor ol the I onercss ! " 11,11 11 como 10 iiiis, mat a weak
f II
Vork 'j
heso scnlmients
only by h!m. 1 may
in in our own liti!,.
town, when we were suspending alhg a-
cruis the street. I eallcl the attentioi of
my Abolition friends to it a man r. ho
had recently became a renegade. .Said he,
"Yes, it is a pretty national ila ! It is a
glorious thin-.' von have "ol h:m..Yn iimm '
In looking at it, 1 have olton thought lint
the Mais mean tho lid-'ioes ilotcn
ami toostup. s nuati the stripes upon I
their backs. Jt is a pretty thin- for a na-l Sil
tionat emblem !' That is what an Abnli
t:oi,i-t thought on tho su bjVct of the I'm
at that timo. Iiut Ihcsc verses continue';
'Tccr down Iho I iiirtin,' li,:
Half must too f'urry Hag.'
jiio,t no sunny my ,
Wi;h halo's polluteil rag ! '
Li'-troy it ye who can ; !
l'cop sii k it in the wave, : I
It hems a follow man j
To groan with follow slave.'. I
incltididg circulating bills of credit, of over
tnroe inousana millions of dollars, and
have nothing U-iii v to sho.v for it.
i. loro thnn six thousand millions of
dollars woi th o! propeity already destroy
ed by means of the war. ami yet tho pros
pect of restoring the Union far .Inker
than w hen the war commenced.
S. Tho annua! expense of the govern
ment already increased from about eighty
millions to about two billions; ami tho
burden is still more raphlly increasing.
.'. . punning. orM.o-.s burden of
t.-.. v.:on to Mipnoit the iVk-n!
r. '
by the mero edicts or tho President and
Abolition State Governors.
2C. Leading and influential organs ol
tho Republican party proponny the s.i: -pension
of electivo franchise, the post
ponement of the elections, nnd a prohibi
tion of rublie Meetings among the peo-
2. 'llie military maiio supremo over
the civil power, even in tho loyal States,
entirely removed from the operations iu
the field.
2". The President interposing tho Fed
eral puwci to aid in revolutionizing .Stnto
governments, and even assuming t ap
point Governors to administer State Gov
crnmenU for tho people of the State.
2'J. The admission of Senators and Hep
reientatives in Congress to represent th'
State of Virginia, elected by a, new nnd
revolutionary government created by n
small fragment of that State.
'1'.'. Tho interposition of tho miliary
power and authority of tho Federal Gov
ernment lo influence and absolutely, in
some Sir.'. -r, control the people tit 'thu
.'(. Actual di.nicailenuoiit of Iho Slalo
of Virginia by tho ndmifsion of a niero
fraginer.t of ihat State into Iho Uuion as
a new State, thus creMing, in defiance, ol
the I'onstilution, an i'is iatab!o barrier
llO t.';o 1 vaturat io.l i,f tin. I' ;i
lueti .
VK Miilionsof dol'ars expended to k-c i. I '"- ''i. "tP'"H:on r-f the cbitrnrv
clothe, support and educate thi r.e,Mo 1 1'r,Wl'.-' cf t!lt-' Frewdnt to prohibit tho cir
slaves and to purchase- their freedom; and : '':l,ln," of "WW, Ae., through Iho
a piopositioo for an expendilu-e f ir the mnl eau-e they were opposed to the
purcliascff t- bank-' 1' .J,1"?,1 'vifi, of the Administration,
rupl thu Federal 1 ,rrrii im i,i fur fifty or i V '" c'l,':'s'l",,; tho judical Iribu
an hundn 1 v.-.ii K lo como. j nah when nt variance with (ho views of
II. Fraud upon tho treasuiv and . ''.'""V ;n' ,lo-"I"d and disregarded.
n nt h i- '. c,
.! i. ;', !
nnn .'Voiii a!
Such a man could not novo fnlso lo the
noblo I'romise of his early career.
"Nn : this rm k ihall fly
From its firm hare as soon n. T."
or icKc.i l.xecutivo may usurp power,
and involve thu nation in an unjust war,
and an umerupulous majority may prcs
tlirouuli the Ilou-e. without debate, a bill
'Furl, furl tho boasted lie !
Till Freedom lives Benin,
To rule onco moro in trulli
Among tiMtrainiooled mou.
i.oll u; the M:irry sheen,
Conceal its bloody stains ;
For in iu (old are seen
i ho su,i,p of ra. tli ctr i j il... I
-, .-.i , i j 1 1 j it i.i ii ' i j . i 'i' r, I ,
...I . I .. ' " " ' " '" 1 1
w no io-,iay piv.le-s such teverenco fur th.n
jioiKuis old n.ig-tho jiaitynlm lo-d,
( ia:iu id po s.'fs all tho loyalty, ad (he
u.otisto. an the love lor t ho I '
on as.
Of th
aro t-ndei
J AS. L. WAT50X.
If. W. SMITH i CO.
MERCHANTS, and dealers In Dij
Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Qtieenswure, and
rerythin usually keyt by the trade. Storo on
SECOND Street, below Judge I.eiinrl, oppo
lt the Presbyterian Church, Clearfield l'a.
Deo. 4, 1801.
Joseph u. mwiuiw"
A NJ) 1) KA L E Ji I X J. UM li K li
, New. Washington, Clearfield County, Fa
1st 18G.Vlf
(r. tii i , .. . . ...
.ir. ensior wns one nl thoso patriot sanctioninr: that lniuiiitnus procedure, end
who are assailed with so much ferocity nt then all mouths must bo closed on tho
Iho peeoenl day by Iho party in power 1 subject '.' Is it treason to point nut the
one of those patriots with reenrd lo tvlmm faults of a corrupt Administration 1' I f n
this Administration would Rav. "Off with !"-' have nothing of liberty 1-l't but the!
their heads" ono of that class of men name. We are already under a denn! i. io
who, in (lie present dny, nre hinted into Such doctrines may answer for corrupt
the prnvaev oflheir own household and sycophants, who Low to tho I'.teculive f-r
Irngged oft to bastiles nnd ilnnireons for place, but they arc unworthy ol ficciin-n.
the purpose of justifying tho vindictive 1 U'l'leat against all tin h corrupt and cor
feeling of Ihese hounds wlin nre- orer nn. rupting sentiments. Treason to sneak a-
on the (rack for political victims. Ibid gainst the meafurcs of the Administration.
Mr. Webster lived till the ni Asenl d n. 1,. tiecnuso wo are r.t war."
wouhMiave been in a baslile long ngo ; Tor' Vou will find that iu tho appendix to
I have no doubt ho would have flilyocriled tno Cu,jrMlunul U'i hc for IS I'i, pages '.'12,
liohlly these princinlps nf tl, rn. ;i., ' "'--
lion, and so obnoxious to our friendi nr.-
rn lliArttlmDl.l " i or nfnoikl i ,r A. o-, ......... .1. - 1 4 -
"n-. .i. uuiiiiKo.oioii 111 i'o- 1 ev uar mil siv ?n r,,l',. n. ... a ,1
Fut. Mr. Sneaker LI Wl. ,1 Jcr today. Jiut. sir. if any man utters inch ' ,., i"L .C("n 1 oI 1 ,.ctn
hero thai we are rvroqnl,;n,i;.l.,lt.. lancuiico to-day. what is ih. eh.-.r-. l.iv.'i '..-., 1.1 i . r. .... , '. . 1 .. 1:16
BID AI1AA fll,.l ..l. I CV- . !lrl1IUt llllll V W.t....nnA ...l.l.-l( . . ......v..
. iw.. iiiki iiioi 11 IV. rsir. Rllell iapnr.AA.l r ..,,.
,,y i
a:l the pa-,
ciou u no
oiii!2 lo make nnfi-!,n,l 1,.,.
,i . . - ' v
.t- ii. ai in cy are mo only iod
ine country, the only party tt
rc.-pect La- tho Union. "
tJiie i.i i,,i! 'r
1 L a L 1 1 1 e I e
v.mi.i n ho to
Mars and b.a;s,
S O - .,,,.1 ll.I, r. f ... . I ..,
" al1 ''"' pai i oi the liem-
ocracy ol i'enn-ylvani.i, I r, pel the t-harcv
say the evidence is indubitable, and
ii y and swiud-
i.u g in eovernment contracts to an extent
unheard ol m nny other ngc or country ;
and to ca..t loose from all mora! or le-d
ii'.s I r.i in I tl,,. toic.i .p-.r.. -.r....- .. i 0V1
moo Cameron, after his dismissal Icon. I ("'"PrnL
ollice. iiot onlv l l.o i I,; .i.i,. i " lne
ored. nnd t lie' ion nfil,,, l ,'?.. .i ' I the Huse
. - i .., o
,,o ,..,.,..., r i .. . ,
I .,,i-....i, ov oi nanus ujiotl uio treasury j ,
.n-ui.niy su-prnil..-.'! py an I1CL Ol ..Ollgre-S.
1-'. The e.jnstittitional currency of the
country virtual.y suppressed, rags, shin-plas'.'i-,-,
pa U'boai Is and po-tage'siaaip.
subMitutcd, ;,nd an uncertain, vaiiable
btandard of valuo created vdiich must in
evitably eventuate in widespread disaster
and ruin to the "real iudustrial intoresi.
of the people.
1!. The abolition of negro slavery in the
Iii-lricl, of Columbia, wholly unnecessary,
and to say tho least of it, a palpable breach
of good faith, simply to appease tho rapa
c.ty of Northern fanaticism, at tho ex
pense of driving nfl hundredsof thousand,
of Union men in tho slave States into tho
Southern army.
II. Unceasing nogm slavery ablation,
ti e confiscation and emancipation meas
ures at the la to sea-ion of t'oni'recs. and
and the decisions of tho
iruu'.nais in tho L oiio.l
highest judicial
M;ites n il. rtnli?
j set aside and disrog. irded by Cong'eas, but
ii I reversed 1 y Ike Alt v :iey
ri--a.',' of ;i bill fji.avl through
'a! I'epriscntativrs witii i,i.f
to t tho riesident aad
provost marshals and police
sitit-i for dama-'os or othrc
iviiresi f r iw.uiiiir.d invasions of the,
r.-glits of t ili -.. in, an 1 mi'mg-s nnd op
piessions such a-. Iirve been r.o. lv u-d
of in any age or nation.
al men in
ho have any
re toi I I y
lclnen i.poii to,, mh,., ..;...
. many p, oph, ;u l'eiin- J.
;y love the i, l-i ihj, the
tier loan they r ii0
'.ml I
ICll II1A Ctnru ,,,,,1 .. 1 r ,
Tl,.l I-. 111 . , ,. , I . . .-i:.oert, lUl'l 1 In.
it extends over llie la-t four or fives years,
to show that this Abolition party has ha-
anu sinjies, and I In
carts tliey do so to-dav
! proclamation of omanemntinn l,o il.r.
! 'i'-iier.df in the field and by tho President J
. of the United States, confirming tho pre- j
d ctiiuis of tho Southern dlsunionists as to
the. supremacy and rapacity of Northern !
, Abolitionists, and by 1 1100 'means crush- j
1 iigthe I'niou men of tho loyal Stales and)
j ther-by producing unanimity in IhcSjulh I
in Uio causo of 1 Lie rebellion. j
1). The prosecution of tin w .-, not in j
that redeeaiimr spirit and f-.i.r.;i;..(r-.. 1
!. 1 110 111 'a:tl . Ify 111 11 Al'eiiCr. of mIMn
ry power wilh matters of con.-cience an."
religion, dictating forms and modes ol woi
ship, an 1 banishing an i imprisoning cler
gymen for refusing to conform lo the dic
tates of military commandon as to tli -forms
r,f church wotship.
llC, 'the. substitution of abolitijiiisiu,
bigotry and fanaticism for telon.
.17. Tho convcrrion of a war ctinr.iio need
with the view of maintaining tho Consti
union as it is and restoring tho Union in
it was, into a war to carry out the f.inaticil
dogmas of abolitionism to tho utter sub
version of the Constitution and tho total
abandonment or the. c' ligations of tho f-d
end compact,
e-'. The solemn declarations of tl.o fj.,.,.
eimv 01 tins tal0 in h.s annua! nie
um mi!, s capacity lorlf-g-av
yet un-i tiled.
i'K TI13 discovery that Iho oil! ;o of a'i
executive i rorlatnation is not simply f
con. maud obedienco t thu law 1.1,1 1 ,
law, nn l also
i umfid 1
ni.iue iaw, tin I nlso to ovci '.hioiv hot
disposition reouired by tha nature of ibe i ' T! .'i.1"'" nn'J -
Federal compact-but with menaces of ' censorship nf the Adraini.-I
subjugation and extermination, besides I ovcr r
IiU I II i; US H C R (J,
; ,. Cl.l'AHni.LU CCUNTV, TA.
WILLIAM SCJl iYEM, Proprietor.
' May 19, issa ly.
cvrenuis howe."
Justice of the Peace.
For I scire Town. bin.
will promptly attend to all bnainesa entruded to 1
but eare. V. V. Address, Fbiupaburg Fa.
Aug. tut ism
lis thev
were taught to do by iheir leader in l,si,i
the Hag, and 1 tell
to Lo preserved, it
ed by the ood men of all
parties, coming together nnd tir iiirc for
the sot-fi nf it... i- 0
. . v ..u , 1 1 - . . - - .,.,.v v, in,; i. 1 n, j, 101 1 11 ree vca c-
newannnArc 1, i . . 1 .. . , . 1 mon V b e could br i n 1 1 l.onr iv,,l.l .. ;1 . . 1. . . Jiu.
. ..,.., Kuueu;irauiipv ,-. . .. ' -y"a mu jm. iy m power hava l.een try ii" to
did marvel, in the innnnnnni. r,i n, ;. cstablisli his loyalty, and he Woubl be m. i,iw.n,;. c, , ." .. .. "
, . ,, ; - t., i, lun , - - - --- """o oui ui 11 uieni i y i no no ucv
hearts, that morn nfunnnnnn i rr.vcd of any comncnsati in for the r,s,. ' i,; .1, i.. . i""i y
...1 w. , -.I. nui -.,.,, . . -,' ",v ito.v near nre
iu v menu trorn Uliesfer always, nhc- to success ? Aro thev anv nearer the
ma nave noi iffn juslitied bv us. wlrle , . "l 11:14 lv 1,10 r'"r" ram in r ranKlin, or 1 hey do not love
uiey nave recen ea enrouragement from 1 uuu"' 01 mims counties snouia utter you, if this Union i
mo ninsuipo adopted t,v gentlemen on l,UUJl "ls Mn 10 uieso wi.ui woul l ho niti-t be preserv
th other side. They did not directly pbv 'hereeult? Your council oftivo would : parties, comint.
that these thing oueht to bo done-lhal . S1' "e ai not
m-1 ma. 1 cciiuioi see it, ami 1 do not suppose
prop- genueman can.
lint, nr, if you will not come Lack upon
u, if
I l f. Kaw-Loe:
(Lieoxfield JJrnlg
torn out.
Inw-nbidinir. (I hare never Leforo hen'rd ' Now, sir, it Las como lo my knot, ledge 'restoration of tho Union llnn they were
hurt llllcr in this House ft sentence which to-day and I mav bs ivp',1 meniinn ii , three vears niro? If ii,n,. 1
incited nnv M,;n, ...- ' ' ,,.rl IrVi." t" . . . "Vl.u t' ."? . '
, " -. i-i-,- mriii nui'uit'iirp , "'b Kllv ui iuu rf uvix, uio Only
tn (ho Inw,) disolftimeJ justifyinff nnv art ; bianco in Atiam county where nnv i.r
hlnu : "J"" wiien he wondered, in , "n.v was pointed out was in a case where
the intirieenee or his heart, why more of, it was clone by a "loyal" Abolitionist, lie 1 the broad platform of tho Onsti-'niii
such things did not occur, it appeared to pointed out the property of a Democrat ' vn,. ill n,f. :,u '
me that be would have desired to see a' with "horn he was at loggerheads because can save tho country the Ptrtv thai 1
. le more of ,t. Why ? Simply because he wa. a Democrat. He .id to the rebel, the Union as it h. uYlway s ffie.I aii-l rev-
il.V iLt- i . ' . 0 . nPma'1 "nMl "assomocxceiieni horses, and cred il, doiug cverythino in its power to
oft , ' ln5 cfonchmrnts, you can goyuennt you choose.'' Iho re- strengthen and defend it if vou will not
, on., niuii upon ineir rights , . meio ami iouk me norses. lie join hands witli that party then it will
did not care- whether the owner was a' devolve upon that party to do what itean
"coppeincad or not, though this Aboli-' without vour assistance Oars will be the
tionist did not tay that the owner was a glorious task. V.'e intend to cling, as we
copperhead, but told him that he was an always have don, to the fl ig of our coun
Abohtionist. That was the only case in try. We do not intend to join with vou
Adams counly where any property was in supporting a mutilate 1 banner, which
pointed out to the rebels during tho en- yo'i havrj dimem'ercd of half in stars.
tire raid. I have no particular informa-' N 1. sir. wo intnnl in
. . -.u.wmti ItllU
Mmni LiocaiKo 11,.., ju n... i
., " ur) iu uiai Kincn as
r.i 'ey h',, 8 1,Prf(,pt ri!'' do.
V "Pn the other side appear
ov. J is. b. watso.n. o forget in this ron " i"V PrrCnr
S WATSON. Lealer. in Timber, ; 1'ion Z f th
Boards and ShinKl..s, Marvurille ' ,ev , i Jr "t1 rnch br
idge P. 0.,) CiearCeld eounty, l'a. I VI Z " fr':ct ln:it n 1Q4C and
wnen this conntrw ... ..
with a foreign Poweri,,; " . .rV"';ng
1 ovcr the press and tho tcleirraph II
.... t r .. '.. ... lo i.rn-r..-. il. f.. .
oHiuiuuu laciiii.uing ttio escape of fu-it- . 1 , " "' viuimunicaiion him
ivo slaves and encouraging bcryile injur-1 c"cl of truth among iho people,
rection, ) And finally, lo crown all these acts 0;
li. Iho attempted emancipation of be-, ''"''potio powur, wo Jnvo tho iVcsideiu'
tween thrco and four millions sJjvcs of , rcxj-icet to ono tenth of any Stnto (..
loyalL nion men, as well as thoso of tho ciiangd their lorm or government to sj,'
rebels, by thesimplo edict of the Prcident. 1 l,!rir wiil. ftuJ pleasure, thus completely
17. Tho attempt to turn lon-c hordes of li'Rfratichir,iug the great majority of th
n.'?,ro slaves upon the free State-;, to com-' """T1" of tha Slu'.j.
pete with the white laborer, and lo v. ran-1
glo for social and political e pi.ility : it!i '
the wbito race. ;
IS. Thousands of good and loyal cili
.cih arrested without legal warrant, dra"
g"d from their homes, taken beyond life
limits of their Stales, and confined in po-
1 1. . . .
iiuLau iiasuic.", wiuioui uie oj'portunity ol
Tlin-o arc fo:di of t!,o a.-ts of l!,0 .(
eiinigo Lav,
1 " ' in "ir er, w n;c i u ,.
uireaieiie-l Wittl .lostr;ir!:on the liberlir
ol this lieo countiy. I!, it, ir, I do u.
d"S iir or the preservation of tho i.Vpub
lie. 1 place my iru-t in thcl body cf th.
country w hich is stigmatised Iirre 11; "i'is
loval." Sir il ij o .o-i.t m-I. !..(. !.
, . , . . . j vt - -. j-,.,., ..iiieai is c.lpali
a trial, and even without being permitted ' c!' elevation it v lf to a siilHr ic,, 1, .
- 1 . " V'V'IV nui . lb 11
wnat,i.ifte in me wnoie hon .-i or these r-n
to knosr tho name of the .iccuser ni 1
! :r 1
cuuifco, ii uny, nag pcen prelericd against
Au. 19. isr,:i.
aaiiii AI lllllin ft I B I Inm 1 T .. i.- ...
tp i t rnn i -'i'iiiut:riii in 1 oa . j 1 non n ,aoi i. ..!.... . . r .
is... . . . warhad leu dec aie.l .' .-' 1 1... t . ........ . .., . .i., ..n iuR 01 our,
vrj vioodt. Urocfncs JjUinbcr, Ac. when our brotlmr. l..j 1" V. ,""'n-ru1, 1 .burPos'" i"'1' mo instances in ihose ; whirli every Stale still finds its ri.ib'cm
BuinsitL'. P.i Mexic.-,G,i ...1.. 'r , ". V n fn,opJ l,n'"u,c lvor ot numcrouj and not very on which every he.irt nnv 11 its love. I
-ZiZ&lW. .loath, where 1 b u'ael ainV , ?. " V. ! "'S" lruV ' . . ! h ' "ever did harbor, the ,
p iriTT'lTT-!?' 1 thousands nf brum ..,;,:. "",1 ,'"".""" n.gui wnen somebody was ' tsar that our countiy wi o. d.-s(r0vr I
FhK'?' - " d thai time S XSSKr : ' i '"o8.n5 iTco" W lhl in V l'T f t!' l
W,7lr.,'',m,?-lUSTi'"l Ogress, those who ar o-Lvth 1 believe that '.he sol er, re-
V- ' would welcome our I rave troops u.rg it purely vectiooa!, thus .bin-' ihi5 Union e m never bu .'.li ve U - 'u
fl'jestions It ,sthH parly which, in a!
C?ir ' llfllOTl 1 1 1 " lini l,A,in l,1.. 1,
i . iiOyal and;..l:c r itions, who are and us from deduction I 0'
ready nnd willing to ,.vii-ee all they hold sir, that if the hip ef Stato weath4 if'
most denr to maintain the Coiistii-jtion as storm (and I . h- ,vii!)' fl0
it is. and to tho restoration or the Consti-1 reason of tho will .,; jn ,
tlltlOll 111 It WU. lli.nnnnend nn 1 mnn 1. 1 1 ... : i ., .', ' . .
. , . . , . a .inn ""'i" ui guiue me hilui wilh ni ir
'""'j"1! '' "y iipoiuiiai pariy wiiosi
rnouo is, -inion without
union bl n .... .. . ..
"i Ti 7 " i . car. ii, ui rough, the Jia.vil.nco
-u. the freedom nnd sovereignty of tho God, tho s'.iip ol Statu wcalhcri IheUor
' j" -.'"'y encroached upon, and their I know that idic will hereafter ride e,i
iuihi subversion holdly threitcneJ.
21. 'J he freedom of Kt.e.iMi nn.l u, r-
unru oi mo pri. t0 0f thn essential 1
walks ot cud I;
o bKiii than the parly who have shaped th.
or no cout'eof the Government for the la t!n.
upon tho billows. She will Lo ready n
gain, ns she was of old, to makaa world
wide voyage to di!l'ue Atiieriuu jr., "I .
etices ibto distant lands and by tho mo.-jl
powcrwhich tho will exert, given r iin -pulse
to the foir.ard nnveioents n."
CrtV. inestimol.'n I r fr,..
men and fonnidabla to tyrants only, ;i..tii
pled down and crushed to earth.
lh writ of hJ.r.K mnn and tho human race tvcivwbere,
ht of trial l.'V ijrv. two essential tale-1 N'n c'r .l,-,ll .r r. i .. . to freed,,,,;. n.l nh,ch have cast destiny r Shall wo fail to fulfil our cr.i
mankind so many cf-ntunes of to. , blood- mission ? Shall wo make onr history .
shed and trcaaiire. suspended or alolisbcl wondrous tale of human rrcatnesa brouu',':
by the mere on.cioft .0 lies.dent. to sn untimely end, b,. ,usC n ehoo , i .
... I Lftudiots mid d.vrcci or aibitnry follow the example of Ihos,. , f -.i r,
;"iv,r iubit.tut,.., Iv the C,i.titutou imiui,;,.; a.lM juL.( ,,',