lUCHAHl) MOSSOP, i.l.t At 1 V 1 1 1 Ml M is "l! IN Itiil l: Jerl i Ml ItlU I.I, vV lilt, I, I H lliujuil f " in 'I n l ii; i' Mi l .!i ii I I II III I III" Il I III M I M I: i Vt Ml I ,, f n i i.i i!n i iil ' I , ) I . tt loll id tint1', in, I li. ii. I ni l ' ii "i .1. I I, i ii' it i i I.i I' i I r. i .n ii ' ' , .11 'l W III 11 M V ,..1, III III l.l ... yinifitlb C " it in 1 1 :i ,lirnloiii I 1 1 mi: i i ii' i.i iM i m i.r J. I Mil' iv In ,1'H hum , I " I V"iidiv in.tiinp, ' I Vi ii.I v In M ii' Ii. Mi M hi In I'l f.-t-t. ,, , :i. li .ii , :im I i .t,tt n ii.' I .i Pi V II ni'i'i-xmiy jYv (m)O(Is At tlicir did f-taiul iii Cli'.'ii liclil. lnlM.KiN ami In M I - I ir i ( H IV- l , ii.ii Abe in tl Wl J'. in ! t... J... nil" I'll II. i' !:..!. I .. .! I' i mil. I I.. Il" ,;io 11' , i r 1 1 . is , I'..,! . I Ull, .. llS I .i ll. ,11'!.', III. I, l',M l.l, ,1, I I I'M I h 'I I I. ' I I I I --I '- II'.-. 'I : i'l. use III tin- 1 1'' fury, Makii g H'.i'l.L s H"ti i Coll in m Urn i i-l in;', Mt.Uuf M.. .I'ly i'' v.s U'..'i rv l.l li nil. I 'IL I.u' t in ii . l'mmy m.ili'r All 's chair, li.irliiig like J' S.'ln'iik il .w n :it r..ill'ii.)"i" I 1 1 ti iln'l) w.ik, 1 : tn U i at N' rl' ik, As us I' TuiK : piiit.iu: in I'l. ode l.-luii'l, Kitting i "ie tn. Kvi ri-tl in iet ydlniiy. Talking like uu :i.-i. Punks mil in Te.vis, Trying l'i fill a figure, in HruuLlyn, Jluwliuj; lor i iKS" Lulu i'l Abolitionists, Kicking "I'1' '''" lu coiiica Parson llrnwulii" And pt it Jri ilium nil to hell r.itin? i.K' ut Knoxvillc, In Ik kind il lix, IXllllgrr-Cliat Sllll.pter, Pounding lit tho bricks j (Jrimt lit Chattanooga, 'fry nr.; Uragrf t' tbr.w!i, . I it nny wonder ' Tin; Lm. n'j gono to smash ? Abolition Mobs and Eeimcratic News-. papers. I Tlio Abolitionist in ull purls of lbo( country, are iiitieins; tho "noliheia" to acts ot violence iiiiainat 1 omocrnlio iiewsptipei s, thereby patilying their own tmliee?, with tlioir characteristic co-vanlly in- linuU, hoping to eseiiio romoiibility of lh wo outranks. Tlioy know thnt the Democratic prum ran ucvor bo oilier than the rnetuy ol their repulsive doctrines of nm!ilt;aniation. D)isccacnation and nlho- nin, and hence by every Fpecics of nlan- dor and misrepresentation, they seek to! make tho 'Voldiers'' their cats-paw in thofO deeds of violence The assault, Iati week, upon the ollicc of tho Umpire ntj P.iyton. (Mi to, was notoriously gotten up hv tho pimniiient Abolitionists, and the "soldiers" mado dr'Jnk before tney would consent to the vilo work planned for (horn to d j. 'Hie Jliio M'tti'tiiwi, of Tues day, recor. Is still another of these outra yn. It learns from a gentleman from I aiku County thr.t thu eatabliihnii'lit of tliM Greenvillo Jh-yiwrui was entirely de htroyeil Ly art Abolilion mob, on Saturday niht, with tho knoivledj;e and connivanco of t!ie leaders of that party, iu that sect ion if the State. Tho editor of the Abolition chi M v ami l'i- riii'T (U'nrr.M-'. , S, -'t ,li . II "ii. 'null. I I.IMI, lii-ll.'f I'l"' A III .'lI'V t II' II .1 . I I. 'I II' 111 'I' I 'ill u i it ! li''1. i It,. ti. .1 in 1 1 I ' ir, I'' in '. i , I l I V!... t I. ml'"! I. l'i, ili,. 1 1 i.iiy, I'. I . I in "il. r, " I ;..,. ,i l;i . I in ili ii. I'm,;-!', " I ' " i i I An 'v. I !''! I. .1, 'In ii, un , I' lv i ii'' i, " I I',, ::i;n..M' II. 1'. W iii l,t, I'll" ll-'". i f, ti n.ii . in i .! i "! Imh.I ', l.ii'lii i-liur,.;. 'J In". i'Hiirl."i!y , T. Ilii!'. I An i'ii 1'ui.l, 1'I.Mirl'n l.l. ' Amiiti i.i, I I .i i It's . i-iri 1!, N.V:i.i'i;t"ii II V,i"l,ii.l, I', iiulii II. i 1'. I'. ('"III. 'li t, l.l'CI nti a Mill I ('..i.iiiiT, .1. W. l'i. Hi r, " Uiiunij .'mii'I. f. II. Suiiill.'i 1, l'1-.irf.nM. IM'Y liiv.'Mn' I . I n . t Inn nt nf Until hf (lint 1.119 i' .-I I.. n In "iiulit In llii" i"'iiiOr, ln. Ii Un villi nil ut Hif ni'irt n-nnitin'il'-' I1"' ... i ... i ... 1 1 .1 i.., ..r ll'..l.! Ill' II V HI I" l"HII'l ' mi ll l"i "I CI , C C T T I. K 11 ) nli 1 1, ll i v in ili' ilii" f I I'll. I. un ii ;T ln'UNy iiiul l.iitl'T ki'iM'" "inl nltotiliiiti i f llio Hlvi-r ) lntcil 1'i'tk , if till' lilht lllMlUlil.' rKtiils i.f 1 1 . r I ( -1 I'Ulli'tn, anil i llnr AIkii ii irotiiTiil iii iriiiii'til i f tili'l nil i.i iiliu li wiil I'O ml.! ut ri."U.i- 1 V'l.uii-'.i'y ! l'lTfiriu, Hi. 1 lUlllllll, I lt"l'k.", r.iu.ii.'iii, ' lliiuly, vi' ru.- i t.i y: ',"( VJ i, li'.'Tl ll.'l"', Itl.llVi.h', lli'i;:irlj' X limnl.' lli.W'r, I lii'.-l, I'llsll, (i.i.'ii'l, ('Km rlictil iti.lj;, W'uii'linii'l, I.ulliiTil'iir, '1'ruiitviili', JcIUtki'Ii l.ino, Ni'iv V !. i ii j--ti , " I'.ui iik'nlo, I ill, li'ist Kiilgi', 1 i ut .1. Mi'liiirvfy, W't'.itnviir, CIcHili.'M, I'Viini'livillo, kurlliiiiis, Ciii emvi llo Ciirwcmv illp, . lieintur, Ihirn'i'K'. ' Clii"t, ,i ii i Cluiit fn" lil, Cuviiigtun, J'lii liii.'.liiiti,', ' est lM'ntiir, " OpchiIii Mills, Kir(;iiiinn, Mnrrmi, Vox, I.iltlo Xi'liy, UinirJ, I.itoiit'a Mill.", lliilil lli!l., Ooylicn, Shawnvilli), (Iriiliam, (iraliiiiii'nti, Ouelicb, Sinith'ii Mills, " MaJi'ir.i, Huston, Tj lur, " I'cnnlivlil, .Inrilan, Aiimnville, Kai.liiuip, Suit Lick, Knux, Now Mi'lpcrt, Murrii", Kjlcrtown, " Murrimlalo, IVnn, Lumber t'ily.J " (Iriiiiiphiii ll llii, i" ili o, Curni'n.ii illo, ' Illn'iiuingvillei tnion, Hmklun, Wumln aril, Ji'tliios, 'I'll is I'l'.-t (Hlil'O ill il l for Cliost t.nni.-li:p. jWill utinver f Jr Frrgusua ion n.-,ii ip. THE "liKrUDLlCAN." Terms nl ?iii)sci -ijttiuii If pui'l in ii'lvaiKO, nrwiiliin tlirec iuni:t!i5, f 1 f0 I n'ul tiny tiiiit" wiiliin tli? yiinr, ... 1 75 If 'aid after tlic f-xinraliuii of tho your, - 2 00 T. ,.1.1, r I'.n'ii.i lul J. a li t i r filn iirn.i. iiiilri.lK"'S' I'l-ioi, 'liny c.iiiliiiiii' In ii'Miii'iH tun' nil l.iiul- of Tin-;uc, Iiniss'Kctllt'S, Stovc- ' l'iu, i'l''.. ttb'n li tai.ti -I In' nil i'ii .cu in I .is Cec il, .ii ..I llni Si. Of. They nl.) Iiuvo mi l.iiti l ritlslniruh l'lu, t iiiiiuiii'liii !i arc M"ul t'l'iiiro Lever I'luw. AIm', l'liiw On -t I n ft, iiiul many oilier Aiii.ultiiral un-(.li-ilient-, Cook Stoves, L'arlor and Coal Stiivc." ii Ki'tii'ral iipsnrtinmit, uml uf llie Let', pt tirim. ft r fain al reimnniiLio I'rL'es. i Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, I Paints, Oils ami VuriiiKH, a pener il smirtment. (IIiisk, pultv, Nails, li'iin uii.lC'a.-'tiiis o( ! variety ; iu fact almust every llihiR wiiiito.l Ly I the jiuliiio ean bo fuuml in tlieir tiatablisliuient, ami ii' Jiricea tlint caiinot bo bout. j Now is the time to purchase, I If you desire any tiling in tlioir line, of business. ' (iivo llii'"i n euli ntui dxiimitm tlieir stock, mi l ! tliev I'eol nssureil tlnit you can bo accoiiitnnilatoil. ' lieiiieiiilicr, llnir e.ablL-limeiit if on Scemit 1 Plr'et, (.'leuilielil, I'll , wlifro you can LuygMo.Ja ! to (he very best ml van Inf; I .Tif-OM silver, coiper, brasf, .ewter an 1 ol .1 F W slelmarrs ca.tingswill be taken in exeiiango inr soon . T. W. Fleuiiiig, i May 2ii. l.sii.1. MKIUIKLL. .1 IIlULliR. Centre county, S. lliiilubach , T. V. lbiulieli, i.i. V'illiatiis, Jan. McClelkn, ('. Mignot, William t'arr, A. li. Shaw, T. ll.Forcec, A. ti. Kox, Chas. J. l'u-ey, Ibivil Tyler, II. Wooilwiird, Kliiu Cinsr, C . lleckii'lorn, M.O.Stirk, Jus. Tlioiiipon, J. 0. Drotmer, I. W. Spencer, A. C. Monro, T. ", riciuins. lien.i. K. Pale, 1. K. Brubaker, Jauii'D I.'H'kctt, jr..;. '...Ml !.., V,ii. S. Win: Tli"i'ibiri Vieiil, .Siiiu'L Iliirinlv, V. M 'tra, keii, Tli. A. M (ihee. J. W. c n,l,ell, Il.L.Ili i.,lcr. "Hi, J.lllle: lilo.'lll, ,I:iiik' r irre.-t, U i'.'.iui.i AlLert. K. ll.M'"ire, ('lias. Sl'ipiiy, Juliii I' in, ,ltis. liiillaLer, W. ('. lrvin, .lin k I'atel.iii, Jaei'b Loire, i. Tnrer, jr. Win. MciLiri-y, S. A. I'urliiT. M. A. Frank . 1'. A. Ilaiihu, ( iV.'i'n', ',. MTSJ.IN- I't Sll-lllintl. .ttri I'l IM N I.S lit Si nuilti'ii pin ( n ( ' il'.l ' l.'l iS ut Scimiti"ii j tii " AI.l'Ai'A lit Sclisnlii'll plirtp .IimI tiocivi'il ill M ':- 1'S , CilViMAMS at Si ii-.iiii'ii jriicfi chin rz at Sensation pi in s riiiNis at Si'usiii inn piicoi il.ttVI'.S ut Si'lisalii'il prices 'JlwWAIS III Sl'IIMll'OII plil'Ctl ill Mi'SSnTS' I Ml AW I.S fit ScnsaiKiii price I l'i N N KT'S at Sensation price i Ml'SUNSf ftt !s''"s'don prices All to l,o had ill MOSSOI'S'. I 1.1 N I'. N ut Sensation prices' CKAS1I nt Sensation prices) fl UI'AlN'X ut SeiiMiliun prices! I'A I'd. K (T.UlTl"s at Sensation prices; at Scrsiitii-in prices i at MOSSOI'S'. I,.(JK i't Sensation )iriccs IIOSIIiKV at Sensalion prices KU'l't'NS at Sensation prices TRIMMINGS 1 ! of all kinds it at Seuation price in any'ly ) A'iwiu mi hand at MOSSOl'S'. ; CASSIMITIKS at ens:ili'iu priees j SA TIT N K'i'S at Svnsuiioii juices, TWKKl'S at Sensation prices ,11-ANS nt Sensation prices! A'l-MN''i at Sensation prices! S"H Lil 1 '. t Senalioii n ices l( MM t tx llll IM1HI ll ) '" l'"T"""l t i f:l.lo' r,.,c'"f!',,,,'H i uiiiri'i inPi n,ie ,,i AM) 'IIIL it ii .li jnii; nr.l, lilii) riiii'.vp'l bi plnrn I I i tin, in. w I, ml. Ini); i'' imile IliK I limn ll' ii-e, on I'm rl reel , lib n II' ", I'll in Iii i to, I'a., ir now ollijnni; (o llie public i .r n. lui l.oonm," a ,.,,,.. .,., ." nil ! 'Jiniliiro, moii( wljieh Kr' "'"'iljj JfurcauH mu Sidnji... . "Ul l I up, e...i.. i j i... . l'lenkfiitl mill 4)ir,, v',,','!!,r,"V. tommon, IrcnchTost Till: L Ml UK ST AM .y.v..'T:; STOCK ;oois Lind and otho'r bX' 't nl;iST SOI; AS , f Ml KIN Us, WORK V 'r-'tt'im .n,l I..., 1 rn:ii:i) I'flUJC AT ALL OK WHICH EYI.R TO TIE THIS PL AO.'; WILL P.i: S(. ID AT GREAT Not Defeated! ut Musyji'tf ci v rm nt; Mi. h i v.i''iis, Tants, VdlH, Ufider Sim tv at ."ensaiion l lannel Shirts, Liiil1, Shoes, H.tM i ti 1 Cap' Now lor falo al MOL'SOrS'. II A K 1 W A U K 1 Mich as Sa s, nails Korku, Knives, spikes, Hinges, , i la just now opening up one ot lim i.ari . anil most carefully eelce'ted Assortincnts of ( l.l',' I 'Ii, BUiTi FALL & WINTER COODS "ft Kj; ever olTcred tr 'bo good pooplo cf t'urwensvillo Cognac, etc., etc., mid its viiicii.v, fcml wbieli lie will fell l low rates thiiU any house in Ihc couu'y. at sensatiou at MOSSlTS'. ht sensation CLOT?! 1X0 AT KEIU'CED TUICV. 'r KIv'UITS HUch as I ', l'l unn, Haisiiih, I at tieiisalion Tigs, 1'ilbei Is, Ac, ) price at Mossors. I'.ent Fyritp And all oil;, r in 12 to li retitJ j" i at 87 cutitd rr go! irnroricj at the tamo :iicn. ( . lid' " EI.TKS, say 1 I- 1 o u r, JI a m s, , Shoulders, Suar, Molasses, ollee, k o rs, at fcn.'iiliou Joot?, Shoes and Shoe rinding '' -'rckf1 I.mlies who Wish ti uiahe n coo l inve"'E 'li! oi ncKos mahkut rtiu'.lt, ei.nAnrn:i n, U. It. (iUUM.AM'Kl!, i t'O 1'llUi.s rr.NN A. iers, Terms of Advertising. Advertisements are inserted in tho UepuL'ican it-fun nt titeenville is reiioi tod to have t tho following rates : told a member of his family, on lenvinj!1, I Inrfrtion. his house that evening that ho would Jne ..,ure, ()JInM.) oUlly not I, back t,il as j A:i;CMir.. 1 S "rnid ' was to bo made un tho Jhinocmti 3 mnnlhs oihee. I he law oilico ot lion t illiam Al-1 one Funitro, : : : 2 iu leii, ...x 'TciliVn-r of C'onrc, and the otlioo j Twonfniares, : : i : : 4 00 of 1-r. John 1'. Miiti hc il, nnolhcr prom-1 Threo miiiarcs, : : : : 4 00 incut Democrat, were badly injured by Four squares, : : : : ft 00 K ... .1. 'ri. 1 mnnvi' ila Into lint i do, ' 1 'llll f a Column ,' I ! 1 : 8 00 ofnlllv Lmlies who ti utaUe n goo l invc' fhoilld call UIK. r.air.iuo tho assortment of where they isili find tho very litest, Lett r.nJ iro.t fiisbinniib'.n plterns of l'KKNCH MF.KINOS, DFLAIN'S, ?ILKS, ALl'ACAS, TLAII'S. Ac. Ryo, Cutii, r .rn, Tish. I'.neon, if , f sold at the lowest ptiecs f T cn'h, er cxchatigod for t'ountr j produce. .!. P. THOMSON'. Curwcnn il'.e, September, 2!t, HfiJ. etc- PUICKS TO srrr Tin: TIMES. Ilis st. .ik lias been selected with particular rein 1 to the wan la of tlio people, and ombrucei UK V GOODS, NOTIONS, IIAKDWAKK, O.ULTN.SWAKE, HATS AN I) CATS, I'.i.ioTS AND SHOES, SroNH-WAKi:, WILl.OW-WAKi:, prices j K i; A D V - M A I Y. C U T HI NO, c.kockkies, ::akthknwakk, oils and taints, flouk and 11 a con, glass, and nails, nsn, .-ALT, 1 1 llOCkmcr i-pin K real, ( niie--IKittont ami P.., niidtuitimii, aud other Ch. ' 1 ! iVOKIXG-GLASs,' 0f every de,cri,i; ,n on band; ,oi , ' l for old Itutni'., which will h. Du, "K i ry reiooi..,I.L termi on ,C , tier, lljnr, Corn-Jlu-k. IIlr ' ' itt.nt,psii; COFFINS, ofevrry kimi Mudo to o-dur, and fiiiilt,i. .,., Also, House lliitliigt 'i Tho aulsoriber m1Eur cnnstuntlyen hutid, '"i 1 Clement's Patent "Waslim. ,. inuso. Those 7 The bejt now in i nover noed bo without cleun c'oik'i i leer's Patent ' A auporior art clo. A family u,icJ uever nocd bo without butter! All tlio above nnd manv other trtieW nished to customors clieap'for Ckwij lor approved country produce Cheml 1'opUr, l.inwood andoibtr LuaW J' ' Cabinet work, taken in exuWgo forf2 O-Reinomber the thop U M jj' Clenrficld, I'a., and nearly oppoiite ta Storo." JU1J.Y cm Nov. 20, 1SC2.-V lJJ i pi ices ' prices KIT'. A1AYC "I M(1' I'.LAt'KlSti i;ori;s l'tiWITR SI KiT LEAD CAES At the At nt f.t ft ut nt scn-ati'iii scitsat ion tciisKtion tc l! sat ion Kciisal ion a eni-'il ion M'l's-. ; prices jiiices prices juices prices lrices I do. $ 75 1 50 2 00 li tuo's. $4 00 no 8 00 lo no 12 no 20 (10 lCIi SALE HV C I'AMII.A 1)1 IJ k i:iuc, , i .i . ii i:.:.... i .. n,..t ., i.. un column. : : : I ii no Ilia duuilliou 4-oir.o ui.ij, , - . , . . . , . cents per square for cash insertion. Rusiassa nttlces not exejeding S lines are in f rted f ir (2 a yenr. Ailvcrtlsim'nta net mirfce I withtHe number of nx'Ttions desired, tt-',1 be ccntinuei until forbid p and charged accordir.g to thse terms. ' that Ihev iviil bo reiiuired to bring pcrpc (rater ol this outrage to condign punish ment, or they will have lo submit to ictal iation; and they are only given till next J'ridny to tlo the w ork. A '. avlv of soldiers on Saturday night last '.isiled the olliceol the Chicago 7'imr.v,' - - - - ; - declaririp their purpose lo be to "clean; JO ailll SOC tllC iOW (lOOllS at out tho (.like." l ading to retire on an ; J ? WATSON'S, invitiitioa to Hint (fleet from Mr. Storey, i pij ,l(TT T,yn ihe leader of the pa:ty toon found h.m ' Marysville, JlearCeld county. Tcnna i.elf M'r.nvliniJ ni.on the pavement, ami a P'V,'', f"r ('fSH "r ",!S,,a lor Tiulljer 1 r . i lt'inrds. r-1iw.Lg' or r-hing i'. eoup.e of policemen arnving oppc tunely, t JAS; E ,VAT; 0N. Li-, associates dfciniped without execu-, v.og their purpose. The Times, in reler- If. W. SMITH A CO. ling to tho cccurrande, intiuialcs Very, MI '.I! I'll NT.. and dealers In Di i.r. nt,.il!v ivluit niust t ekult Ii ulii ii 1'cne- (iooils. (iroceries, llnrdwnre. Clueensniiie, nnd S do. 1 1 no 2 00 1 2 50 ! $7 00 '-'.'"' ''"' trt'utn Jttite, Ctm i t lirt'icn, i. i. i J nil ti It mini, . : .1 . El... N tilijni I ' I 'm .. , SllUj)' iJiU ll, Ctiniktin, I,,rl; lhtih, l.iijht Ihoh, lirk firciil, Liyht tiricn, 10 00 12 00 11 00 is no S5 00 - r ' IPS D. WA'I'oN. counts. Jtniirntn, .tfol.i.ill, Ortiiuj', I' ink, ' J.iniiU'iirjtUf 'allloil,'tr, .S'iV.:t. intfi-inOf I'm, I, 1 cllv,r, in dil ution of thcto outrages, not only eao but in otLcr cilics. II says: It is not improper, in tliij connection, to add, that vln;n llio T.nm khi.ll lo be pi uitcd, l v lciton cf moh vioknee. ioa-nco, it i.-. the purpose cf Ihc IVmoe ra' y f Chicago lliat no oihcr papi r shall be printed in the city, and wo havo not the Flightebt doubi that that this purpose will bv! executed. And it is not impop er, in th'u connci tion, to fin ihcr add that w e ft-iir it will be a sorry day for the peace of this, city when the Timn shall bo sen-, ously interfered with by mob violence. We R!y this not in tho way of threat, but fciuiply lo stale the fact will be :n obviou to others as it h to us if olheri choose to put themselves in the ih.uinel of current , information. EUeivhero Abolition mobs Feem to have had unobstructed saturna lia. They w ill not have this in Chicago. Kinc. (Ieorc.e and Kim; Aiih.wiam. To .Lcv how closely our Government has copied the nets of tho r.rituh King to our Kcvulutionary fathers, we ijuote the charges they made Bgainst King Gtorge as fuEu.vs: ', "Ho put a lax on tea used in the colon-1 !?. He caused n atamp act lo be passed. He mudo the military tibove the civil pow er, llo sent men into baoishment and exile without authority ol law. He exci- ted the ncyioes to insuuection. I Lo dis regarded the constitutions and laws of the colonics," Has net Abraham Lincoln done ull this, ami oven more and worse? No truthful j man will deny it. These acls drove our patriotic ancestors into rebellion, nnd the whole civiiucd world LtlJ them justified therein. l;ut ire submit to theoo tyran nical acls in tho hope th-il tho people will remedy and reform them by peaceful means through the ballot box. As long nt that liopo exists, nnd aslo:ig as the ballot I i x is free, fo long will this ty ranny be tolerated. Tut if the great right of f-utl'rngo fchall be seriously infringed if a dispoi-iiioii bo short n to take away from tb peojlo that great palladium to their hbcities, Hittuisf'ion will Utomo ac: ime and tli.Rtnco. L i ir.a n y.K.r tLJ. r dveinf; Fiik, Woulon and Mixed Guo.u IS hauls, Scarfs, IToi-ses, ltibbona. (, Lontiet', Hat.-, Feathers, Kid Clotes, Children's Clothing, and nil kindi of Wearing Apparel, rfc, if e. fii-arA SAVING OF I'KH CLNT.-a . fur liceiite you can color as mtny goods as would otherwise cost live times that amount. Various nades can bo produced from the rauio Vyp. The process is simple, nnd any one can US' the Uye with perfeil juecess. Ilircctions in 1'ulisb, Trench aniGeroiii;, inside of each pnckiiRi. l-'or further iiiformntu.!) ia Dyeinr, and civil. 2 lest a l- .i.;. .......11.. 1 .. 1... ,l, K,..r ..n n rerfeet knowloiliro 0: ',' tai ci'.'jis urn SECOND Street, below Judgo Leminrd'e, oppo site llio 1'ri sl'Vtciian Church, Clearlield I'a. Dee. -I, ISM. JOSEPH li. M'.Ml'KUAY .1 yj 1) i:a l e n 1 s l v m n 1: u New Washington, Clenrficld County, Til July ls.tJ8G3.-tf IL i h o c 0 i'-itii r x lu 3 i z ii L-l Til KKSUURG, cocntv, v. WILLIAM scinVL'M, Vrrutor. May 13, lM'.X ly. CVHI'NIt'S iiout:. Jl SIICL CT THE l'liACK. Tor Pkcatcr Township, will promptly attend to all business eiitruited to his eaie. 1'. O. Address, riiilipaburg I'a. Aug. 1 S61 S. W. THOMPSON. JAS. E. W ATsON. mll.MrSON .1 WATSON. I'calers in Titnhcr, l Puw-Irfipa, Hoards and Shingles, Marysviile, ICIcaihcld V, V.,) Clcurticld countji. 1'u, Aug. IU, ISM. nptod to dyo over other?, (w-.tu uiur.y valuable ree'res), purchase llowo A Stevens' Treatise u Dvcitigund CoUiiug. Piut ly mail on receipt of t rice 10 cents. Mimifaturnl by 1 HOW K STKVKN3, ICO, Rroadn.iy, Lesion. Tor aalo by Drupista and IHalcrj j;?iH'r.'.Jy. SeiiUBiber 2:;d, lbo3. NEW FIRM. HAUTSWICK & HUSTON DEUGCtISTS. MAKKKT & red CLKAJU'IKLD tore cf EK'HAKD M'.'SSOP. MOSSOI Always beeps on baud a lull n.'soi Imenl of all kind i of gnoels reepuitcd for llie accommodatiuH ol the public. .ov. i:, i mmi: i!:.M(iRi:sT-s MIUUOK OF 1'ASIUONS, t' C'A'i lil 111 ad w ,ij ,N.1 . Th fpeoi.'il obieft an 1 iiim in the piil'liiuli' n f.f this ir l pa fnt Judi.'i'tus, Li liable, an I I'mi'li.-iil I nf irni:iti"ii m ail in.itleis pMt'iin inj; to Indus' and rhibln-u's dre-. lnf"rinn'ien of the i;r.'.ii".-l p -'ili!e imp'.r. tiiiee to M iilitif r. 1'refi in.ilt -r., nnd every who wih to know llie fret ailing lirid'o in Xeit V"'li nnd Paris, 'lo 11 cnl l i i.'inx lad e", and indti-li i"'i"' rii", we shall end.'.-ivot t lunn.-li manv use ful and prm'tieal F ' i - i ( ' s in rc I .it i nt to tli" proper r itutMii.iti"n "I eol'.r-. rhon;.ni iiiaterial. . Iii'-bi'lin? cutiin; lind loakins dr,"-'", and t'h'.L drm's i lollies, which of nece.sity mnsl oecupy a umeh birger portion of a wnnmn's time, when no reliable authority it nt hand to be consuHeil ruKOStions w hich raiinot fail lo prn-e a .nurc' of much prHlifi.'iition, economy, persni il rcliiio men, and horns consumption. Do rol fail In bear in mind that w f i r n i rt , in value, dutin ihe year, mere linn $( in full ;i?e patterns alone ; while in plntes, rnprav ihks, reliable information on fir-limns, more than c.oi bo K-eured in any er all th other fjhnii maza rines put tnpelher, mid yet th early : ub.-erip-tion being only $1, with the extra fifty tents worth ol full uu patterns rent us a premium, makes the yenrly subscription to est raal'.v only ffty cents, Independent of the Carte dc Visile, I'o not tail to subscribe fr tho Mirr"r, if you wluh to lecure il proni'tly ci it is sent in ml vance to rulscribcr;. Dec. ;0, "63. (F EYEUY ME AM) I'A TTEliX; Tnfcther with all other nrli'les tioces.-ary to romp.leto the nsssorliitoiit of a firet thus liouusiy tlore. I ;:t A1I kinds of I.E. Ml'. UP. Cuunlry Tro in c.ithiiiiso for goodi, ut llio high est market price. As be i reviving new .i i ie of iroudr weekly from Haltini'ire, New Voik, Philadelphia and Pitlsbui, the public cui. see nt that he will always be prepared to supply any article ill the Market. JOHN llOKSOS. Hf..",. Valuable Timber SAW-JIILI, PHOPEKl fpHIS fine property is tiiaata inGitnj Jl a ip, Cleurlield enuiity, Ti., u, : about l.'OO acres of Land, tml and parts of Iruets Kos. 5:i('ij tin) e0j. lunds are vet henviiy Tl.MliLHE') X Uty of riii'E, OAK ind li KM LOCH " A STEAM SAW -MILL i In eompleto ruiiiiiii ord. r, captbitf. 1 I Three .Milliuu I't et nf Iloarti,,f with all tho tiaeesrary roads, lailtoiiu ' puttiug stock to tho mill ; una Urjij j '.House, six tenant houses, j(,re hWtt. I House, threo barns, a blackimitLin. I i tiece.'sury oiitluiloinga are upen iW J ;Thoro aro about 70 acres cleared iui J good fence, and a Plunk Hoaj toirui ! lor gelling lumber to market. i This vulua; le prop-erty is jituatenw ' Creek, about 41 miles frjiu the rirer, u ( ul.uiy kuowu as tho ' i ! Frenchville Steam Mill Prjc ! j and is now offered at DltrVATE SiL; . . j reasonable terms. All kinds of iaiK, ' ' can be safely and economically ( Itntj ; iroui me point iiiiiic:ut'i, .ztr Ap.lieati"ii e inb? na.t toC unilers'giicd reriding nt CIcmM, a I county; I'a., cither j crii.r.alljorlj!(a I J.U LlE'iJi i Sept. 0, ISO.t. WM.illJiu; JOHN L. CllfT . i Vttiii nev nt Law mi l Heal law. X I " Cl.I-.ALKILLIi, PESSl j (lien Hep-, Dec. : I " yy i - c " E2 ' J T. I r.ORP. WW. A. WALLACE. riSNCT. r I N M L Y Sanhinn f ollcdion (Met LtnNARR FINNKY ci Zo- C L E A i; Y I i; L li, CLEAnill.LD V.OVXTY, T.4.. Pi s cxrn yisi:,i.'ir.s An PR rts piscoi .MtP i iu:i(iriN itixi.ivi;i, KEEP constantly cn hand : large G"-n':V-4 mi.f' and pm-fU )ttmpiii rrwitud nnd and well stltrtcd stork of- , I'.irlian-c en (lie lilies ruiistaiitly J) .' I '(IS and V HEMIC A LC PAIXTS OILS AXJ) VAIiXISIl I'EIUTMLRY & TulLET ART1CLL3. , I NOTICE i: CAUTION CLANKS, BOOKS AND STATIONARY. TOn.VCCO & SEG ARS. WATCH & JEWELRY r 1 1 undersigned respectfully L iniorins his customers and the public koi' er ally i that he has just : received from the Last, and o en. ed at his esl.iblisluneiit in il!A HAM'S UO II' i Clearfield, Pa., a line assortment of Clocks, WATcnrs, nnd J of diC.ercnt qualities, i I i:-?'i:CTFLLL' efli'rs bii ir. ! J V i"K an '1 ' uying lands in Clnrfcl jjoihing eoiitilies ; nod h ith an nE . twenty yeai a a Surveyor, titbit ia J ' he can render sati.-l'acti hi. Aud Offers for Sali: I I (MM) acre." of end and timber latin.' I Decatur township, Clearfield cosjii, .. ' suit iirrhnseri, located near tut yi Clearlield llailrou l. ' i 2(KM) acres of first rate firm rail : , in Hell township. Clrarlkli countj. ts ; waters uf Curry's l'.un. ? Hi t acres in twn ! ti, me ol Il!! i ! erof ;nl aeres, suiitilde for Liirmic.-pJ i uale in liighlatd towrsliji, Kik we I 'i-X.l'cneral narruLttc JtoJ.- furi..': audi. lV'i.f' t New Watch and Jewflji'i SII. I.AI'CTII.IN, In;njt.w. t interest ol Lis late j nitter, is n ! i on his own ho.k in the shop fcnwr?'; j by them on Seoi-n 1 f treet, luT( k(.c to keep up Lis repu'nti'in w t eoatfliii' by lining all wmk ei.uu.-tfl lubin ! tice. in llie be.-t lnat.iier, inl on tt.i unable terms. Defying tins cojc7 l , is a lair trial, and a cuiitiniufioii ae heretofore extended. Look oat f'' i T II E lllti WAT'-l j X. t The Ci,-h will he ' when tho work is delivered. . I Clearfield, March I, ml J ;T11K UN1TKU STATES ' HARRISBUQ, ft 5 CU EKi.v i 11 urcuisox,."- t T from a f ingle pieco to a full sett, which ho will , lj0Jir,it.r. Ml IS Hotel, so wei; known H public of Clearfu H county, f dition to ndi rd the most eisellnt : cither fur the transient ucti has mi lianil, pei cod St., nearly rppotito Ihe corr.T Hut'sK. JIatt. lrvin. ATT ES Jas. M( !Mui rnv. L'KALEEiS IN' Dry Goods, (iroceries Lumber, &c, 13utusido, Ta Par. :i, is II 2. And '1TAVINO made application to the Assistant I J.L Assessor of the I'.'th Colleclion District cf Pennsylvania, nnd a Li'-enie as Auctioneer hav- . !l L'CUCnil assortment of VAKI- "K llt'u Rfan'od to me by the proper authority, i iv i i.',vv ADTTCt V 'I wo"lil infurm th'' nti.ens of Clearfield roomy i L."5 aim lAJitl iUllLJi dt I will attend to "calling tales " whenever IV. IV. SHAW, PHYSICIAN A SlKOllON, HAS permanently localed nt Shawnville, Pn. where ho respectfully tolicits a share of publio patronage. May 27, lSli3.-y V respectfully invito a tall, foelirg fnfi dent thai wo can supply tho T.anti 01 el! teroia to tlieir aaliil'uction. HAUTSWICK & IIL'STO-V, Clenrfiold April 27th 18;l. tf DANIEL CiOODLANDEU, rSTICl'. of tho penco Lulhersburg, Clenrficld Co. Ta., ill attend promptly to all business intrusted to ins euro. Jlarch 23, lStiO. ly. pd. M. WOODS, - I juAUiei.M. J, and Kxiuniuing Sur ft. peon lor retisions. Ollieo Southwest comer Decouil and CLeny atrcots, Clearfudil, Pn. January 21, 1SA3. ly. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE Second Street, above Arch, PHILADELPHIA. desired in any pari of Ihe rounty. Charges: moderate. Addre.a JOHN b. It K A MS, 09 Dee. Id, isr,3 tf. Clearfield. Pa. I . S. Any person " callmg shIos without a ' license is subjoct to a penally of $rn, which will ' bo enforced in necordanco with tho law, against all persons violating tho statute CHEAP STOVES. A. V. III. A IK, rronrlctor. (Late of the "Surf Houso," Atlanf City Sept. 23, 1663-1 y. DR. J. W. POTTER. WoolWoo). i rrk nVti VOI'M of WOOL wanted j i)JmJJJ fur which the highest market r ... lit 1.. .i.i I... J. P. KRATZER. Clearfiold, May 13, 1SC3. rilin subscriber in order lo accommodate the X clticna of Curwetisville, nnd iho publio generally, has luit iceived a lot of ! COOK, AND PAllLOIl STOVKS, for wood or cual, which he will dispose of very j cheap for cash or produce. 1. Itll'Jll'tUA. Nur. i, 188.1 -If. CJTOVIi riPr..-"or sale - the rhonp ftore O 'l'ifilm D' rhon-.rn sell al Ihe most reusonablo prices for canh, or in eichange lor old gold and silver. CLOCKS of every variety on hand, atthc melt reasonable, prices. ALL kiiulo of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired nnd Warranted. A continuance of patronage is solicited, Sept. I?, iseo. H. F. NAUOLK. For Snle or I.cnr. rillli; Pnb;cribor, residing in Ferguson lown 1 ship, ( leiirftebi county, now otters his ex cellent. l'AUM for Knlfl or rent nn Viirv reiiKiiiiit- b'e terms. Tho Farm is tiliiHled on Ihe publio Ihe proprietor re.-pectfii'ly """."j. road lending from Lumber city to New IV ashing- memo friends. anJ I'J t'l(! . , ton, about four miles from tho former place, and he is now prepared to na'oniaiJ' contains. !i"0 acres ll of which is cleared fuvor him with a ca'.l. ,, .l : - i 1 : ..i ...i.. ... i c 1 . . 1 .r.rtjiliie ,s Ample The "United States ieuces of fr A FIE.ST CLASSSf ....1 it,, n... .m it,.),.:;!'" er exnense. lime icr labor b "'' of the guests. The patrona j public la respectfully suLcitf National Htc MAINE STKTET, Cl'RlVES.51!- WM. A. MASON, Pnfr rpiIIS long cita'.lishcd and f' I fprt .?. ,t in iu tilJt M, Bllllllll'. , j. bus becnremoddled, enlarced w' ; and in good condition, and is well calculated fori safe u in . . ll e Iher eruin or crass. The ImnroTements are i,.i ,.. ii, uremises, tot f luayVb.H TWO DWKLLINO-II OUS KB, an excellent Kin !,. he cn haad. HAHN, two OliCHARDS, and the usual oulbuil- 1 dinga thereon. Possession given on tho Bret of April next. Title indisputable. JOHN CAMI'f'L'LL. Sept. oO, Isf,3.-tf. riiysirlaii anil Hiii-gcnii, has permanently locaU d at Frcnthville, Covington lownehip, off .rs his professional tervicc to the surrounding coitiiuunity. May 8, Ib61. J. I'. U K ATI' E 11, Ml.ltf HAr, and dealer in Hoards and Shingles; elraiu and lYoiluoe. FI10M Street above the Acidt'uiy Cle;I.tld I'a.. l'io. I. iJrl. THOMAS J. M CHI.LOl'C.11, Attorney at I vy. OITiee adioininir the Lank, formerly occupied hy J H. MeSnally, Esq., Market strst, lloarfifll, 1 Pa Will attoaii troicptly ta Collection;, Fait i of Lands, Ac. Teo. '7, '62. cents per pound. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. in Cui wenbville, nt b Key. II, ljM JCUN U. BALI 1 boots' sShocs! FAAXIKL CONNELLY begs J Wool .in.! Flax Spinning rAHiuxTi:n,u;, hands ny '"' uuuv,,.ifli peoplo of Clearfield counl' " ei .unity now ,,M ,,u.,J. Call at th ''''''c' May d,lSC3.-y TTTTii J Air m. Mtriv- 'cfV y . Law, Clears Mat.tin, liC-H- I EVER FLEOAL, Justic cftht Peasa, L J thcraburg, Clearfiold caunty I'a., Iirill aUBd promptly to all tusines.3 nntrutui to til Care, i.utlnr.lur,;, Afnl i, til. WALLACE ii ISALL. Attorneys at taw, CLEAKF IELP, TA. TIBST-BATE COOK r-ICVD forwlechjaf siiitabla fir wood. Ini'iire at Ihisrflice. I'e? lMj-tr. leave lo inform his friends, and the citiicna of Clearlield and vicinity generally, that he has taken the shop lately occupied by George Ncwson, in cihaw'e Row, where he intonds to be ready at all times to wail upon lhoi.0 who noy f.iror hi in with tbeir custom. He will gunrantoe his work to bo as well exo culed. as can be mado rlitwhere, and at quite as reasonable prices. He is bound to w iu the govd cpicion of all who walk in hot-ljathfr whether i mjle or female aod all he asks is a fiir trial. Ocarteld, July 1 303 jr ,